#Harvest moon celia
humblbee · 4 months
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nothing but respect for MY queen (marrying her in my current harvest moon ds run)
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macaritaville · 1 year
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More alt outfit ideas- this time for Celia!!
She was a lot harder than Lumina to think of fits for because I feel like her OG design is already VERY good- but I knew I wanted her in overalls and crocs 😌
Large pix under cut!
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phoskitty · 2 years
I recently came back to my comfort happy place: cute girls and harvest moon ds
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princefleabitten · 1 year
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Story of Seasons AWL Bachelors and Bachelorettes from my sketchbook
Gordys redesign is from @ritelli-draws
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norree · 1 year
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Happy SoS: AWL release day! Here's a little Celia waiting to welcome you back to the valley. ❤
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ahammz · 1 year
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Celia, Harvest Moon
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awkwardshyfangirl · 6 months
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yumyum-cult · 2 years
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new game announcement has me so hyped, prayer circle for secret bachelorette flora
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astralepus · 2 years
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Cecelia/Celia from AWL!
I'm practicing drawing looser and quicker on digital, plus I'm very impatiently waiting for SoS A Wonderful Life to be released outside of Japan T_T
I used @shima-draws 's color pallete, Muted Nostalgia + a yellow I stole from 'In the Clouds' (also by Shima!)
Thanks @songswordsfeathersbirds for suggesting her!
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44-joshi · 2 years
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humblbee · 6 months
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More baby
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phagocytics · 2 years
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Spring 3rd
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gullsdd · 2 years
Ok, just curious:
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princefleabitten · 1 year
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1st Year Ceci VS 2nd Year Ceci⚔️
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uniqflame · 7 months
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emeraldhazeart · 2 years
For the Fruit Salad ask Game: 🍊, 🍈!
Thank you for the ask 🤗 Link to the full fruit salad
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
I want to write for all of the Forget-Me-Not/Forgotten Valley characters, but I feel like I'd need to play AWL/DS again to really get into the right mindset for them. With the remake coming so soon, I'm hopeful that it'll give me the boost I need. But no promises 😅
I'd especially love to write for Celia/Cecilia. She's one of my favourite characters anyway, but I feel like she gets overlooked a little in fics in favour of the more interesting girls like Muffy or Nami. Her backstory isn't quite as obviously dramatic as theirs, so I understand, but I think there's a lot of unexplored depth to her that we haven't seen yet. It could be really fun to explore who she is underneath, whilst still staying true to who she is.
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🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
I've already talked about Celia, so let's gush about my other favourite Bokumono character: Harris!
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Where do I even start with this man?
I'm not even sure if it's canon, or just the way I write him at this point, but I definitely think of him as quite a shy, reserved person. I headcanon him as very softly spoken.
I headcanon that he didn't choose to become a police officer; his father pushed him into the role. But he's always lived in his father's shadow, so he's never actually thought about what he wants for himself.
Tbh, I think his role in HM64 fits him better. I keep forgetting he's a policeman, not a postman in HM FOMT!
Because his sprites in HM:FoMT seem quite slim, I've always pictured him as more of a tall, skinny man than the chubby figure he's portrayed as in official artwork.
I think he gets his gentle, quiet personality from his mother. Where she is, I'm not sure, but the fact that's he's so empathetic to Gotz over the loss of his family, makes me think Harris probably knows grief too.
He strikes me as the kind of guy that would like English cricket over other sports like football or baseball.
While the idea of moving to the city is nice, he's a country boy at heart, and he feels most at home in the town he grew up in. Harris would be miserable if he had to live in the city longterm.
In fact, that's why things didn't work out with him and Aja. She was desperate to move to the city, but even though he loved her dearly, he couldn't bring himself to follow her.
He's actually quite shy, and doesn't have many close friends, despite being a very friendly person. Gotz is really his only true friend in town, before the Farmer moves in. But he grows so close to the Farmer that he eventually comes to them about his love life, trusting them with his deepest secret.
And, I'm gonna stop there, or we'll be here all week 😅
Thank you for sending the ask ❤️
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