#Hart MSC
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kreuzfahrttester · 1 year ago
MSC erhöht die Gehälter der Crew, zusätzlich Bonussystem
MSC Crewgehälter … MSC Cruises hat eine umfassende Gehaltserhöhung für seine Crew bekannt gegeben, die von 2,5 % bis 6 % variiert und alle Positionen betrifft. Dieser Schritt zielt darauf ab, den Lohn der Besatzung näher an den Branchenstandard anzupassen und ihre harte Arbeit gerecht zu entlohnen. meldet das Crew Center. Die Gehaltserhöhung gilt für alle Abteilungen, von Deck über Maschine bis…
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jessamica92 · 3 years ago
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Maila has been working on her Inventing skill before the new baby arrives. She made Alistar a couple of toys :D He loves them!
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mk-shine · 4 years ago
no place anywhere
that ni Overflowing.
i  n
  HARingnoon >>>>walking hart
w 、、、🚶‍♀️💘…
Thick base
2years ago
now Riding a vehicle,
Take a bath
that msc of nyanreef🌱
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barbarafuhrer · 4 years ago
Feb 06, 2021: HR Bewerbungsgespräche
Ich kann nicht mehr. Wir hatten heute 2 Bewerbungsgespräche für den Elektrisch-Lehrer. Ich muss sie in umgekehrter Reihenfolge beschreiben, damit ihr so wie ich ein Erfolgsgefühl haben könnt. Sie hätten unterschiedlich nicht sein können.
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 Also Bewerber Nr. 1 kommt nach Marere und sitzt am grossen Tisch in der Mitte unseres Gebäudes und wartet, bis er interviewt wird. Ich rufe ihm ein freundliches Habari gani (wie geht’s?) entgegen und hole meine Unterlagen im Büro. Er hat nur ein Augenbrauenheben für mich übrig. Ok, macht nichts, wir werden ihm eine Chance geben wie jedem anderen. Ein Elektriker muss ja nicht unbedingt so wahnsinnig kommunikativ sein.
Wir interviewen ihn also zu dritt. Zu mir sagt er: du kennst mich schon… ok, ich wundere mich woher aber er klärt dann auf: vor 5 Jahren war ich mal im Saidia College in Kilifi mit anderen Muzungus. Wir haben uns das College angeschaut und in der Zwischenzeit ist es ja eine Art Partnercollege von uns geworden. Wir helfen einander aus und wir haben schon viele Tipps von ihnen erhalten. Ah ja – ich kann mich schwach erinnern daran und auch daran, dass ich damals schon fand, dass er ein komischer Kauz sei. Das erwähne ich aber nicht, wäre ja auch allzu fies. Ich habe irgendwie keine grosse Lust ihn zu interviewen und so übernimmt Simon den Lead. Er stellt uns vor, erzählt, was es mit dem Marere College so auf sich hat. Dann kommt von Fondo eine kleine Befragung zu Alter, Zivilstand, Anzahl Kinder etc. Die Antworten sind kaum verständlich, er schaut dauernd auf den Boden und legt sein Gesicht in Sorgenfalten. Er war einer von 2 Lehrern und mit Corona wurden die Klassen zusammengelegt und er wurde „entlassen“ obwohl der andere Lehrer eine weniger gute Ausbildung hatte. Wir fragen nach seiner Passion: ist es das Lehren oder als Elektriker arbeiten? Nach kürzester Zeit rückt er damit heraus, dass er eigentlich gar nicht gerne lehrt sondern er habe einfach in der Nähe vom Saidia College gewohnt und deshalb sei er jeweils rüber gegangen zum Lehren. Ok, wir drei schauen uns schon etwas verwundert an.
Wie er denn die Umgebung hier so finde fragen wir ihn: ja es sei nicht wirklich das, was er sich für sein Leben wünschen würde meint er. Er sei mit dem Bike gekommen von Kilifi aber er sei eigentlich schon lieber in der Stadt, obwohl er aus Kauma kommt.
Ok, schon wieder ein Punkt bzw. ein weiteres Eigentor. Die Antwort auf die Frage, was ihn denn zum Lehren bewegen könnte ist: Geld! Ok, wir drei schlucken jetzt gleichzeitig. Simon schlägt vor, dass wir uns zu einem Gespräch zurückziehen… Wir machen das und gehen ins Büro. Mittlerweile hat der sichtlich nervöse Bewerber bestimmt schon 1 ½ Liter Wasser getrunken.
 Im Büro müssen wir zuerst mal die Türe schliessen und loslachen. Wow – wie kann man so schlecht vorbereitet kommen (kein CV, keine Ahnung, wo Marere ist etc.) und dann solche Antworten geben. Es ist ganz klar, dass er nicht in Frage kommt. Ich sage zu Simon: in Zukunft sagen wir einfach: hat noch jemand eine Frage? Dann bedanken wir uns für den Besuch und sagen: wir melden uns wieder. Das sieht jetzt schon ein bisschen blöd aus, dass wir da so Gericht führen und er muss draussen warten. Und Fondo sagt: ja und das ist ja verrückt: er ist mit dem Fahrrad nach Marere gekommen von Kilifi – über die Route wo Mbuche wohnt! Ich sage: nein, das hast du falsch verstanden. Er sagte Bike, damit war sicher das Motorbike gemeint. Fondo bleibt dabei: das Piki Piki gehört unserem Mschefa, der Besorgungen für uns erledigt.
 Wir gehen also wieder raus und fragen noch ein paar belanglose Sachen. Dann frage ich nach, ob er wirklich mit dem Fahrrad gekommen sei und: er bejaht!!! Er hat 3 Stunden gebraucht und die Strassen sind ja eine Vollkatastrophe! Ok, mir ist schon aufgefallen, dass er ein rechter Kasten ist und gut trainierte Oberarme hat aber ich hätte nicht auf Fahrradfahrer getippt. Jetzt stellt euch das Mal vor: wahrscheinlich hat er sich überhaupt nicht erkundigt, wo Marere ist und hat sich dann auch ganz schön ausgekotzt. Kein Wunder hat er so viel getrunken!!! Ich wollte ihm Ksh 400 ans Benzin geben aber ich sage, dass er das Geld jetzt erhält um sich einen Lunch zu kaufen, denn er hat bestimmt Hunger.
 Jetzt aber zum ersten Gespräch, das wir am Morgen hatten. Da sitzt also ein durchwegs positiv erscheinender Typ. Sauber angezogen, mit einem riesigen Smile. Sofort bemüht etwas Smalltalk zu machen und einfach eine tolle Erscheinung. Eine Bekannte habe ihn hergeschickt (das ist die Frau, die allenfalls als Köchin beginnt bei uns) und er wisse nicht ganz genau um was es gehe. Ich ergreife das Wort und entschuldige meinen Mann, der gearde einer Einladung des Deputy Präsidenten William Ruto gefolgt ist und daher nicht dabei sein kann. Ich erkläre das College, dass wir der Community damit helfen möchten und dass wir am Anfang stehen und Menschen mit Pioniergeist suchen. Und dass es nichts mit Politik zu tun habe.
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Seine Augen blitzen auf und er meint, das gefalle ihm. Er zählt seinen Lebenslauf auf und der haut uns alle aus den Schuhen. Er ist ganz in der Nähe in Dzitsoni aufgewachsen in einer sehr armen Familie. Nach der Primarschule hatten die Eltern leider kein Geld um ihm die Sekundarschule zu finanzieren und so ist er ins lokale College gegangen und hat Elektriker gelernt, weil er das sinnvoll fand. Er musste täglich bei den Typen vorbei, die arbeitslos und sinnlos da hockten und ihn auslachten, weil er nur an ein Vocational College ging und nicht mehr vorweisen konnte. Er habe aber immer gedacht: eines Tages lache ich über euch! Er hat dann mit Arbeiten im Elektriker-Umfeld Geld verdient um sich die Sekundarschule selber zu verdienen. Zudem hat er die Schafe und Kühe des Schulleiters gehütet. Er ist also jeden Tag extrem früh aufgestanden, hat die Schafe und Kühe auf die Weide gebracht und dann die Schule absolviert. Nach der Schule hat er die Tiere wieder retour geholt und dazwischen hat er immer gearbeitet, damit er wieder den nächsten Term finanzieren konnte. Am Schluss durfte er nicht mehr zur Schule kommen und auch nicht an die Prüfung, weil er das Geld nicht zusammen hatte. So hat ihm ein Lehrer das Geld gebort und er konnte sich am letzten Einschreibetag noch für die Prüfung anmelden. Er hat am Schluss mit einem C- abgeschlossen und mit einem Wert von 330, was ausgezeichnet ist!
Wir sind schon zu tiefst beeindruckt. Jemand, der eine so hohe Eigenmotivation hat: das ist genau das, was wir suchen. Er könnte sogar Motivationsgespräche führen.
Aber sein Lebenslauf ist noch lange nicht zu Ende. Er ist dann nach Mombasa in ein College und hat ein Zertifikat in Purchasing / Supplies Manangement & Stock Keeping gemacht.
Er war dann ein Zimmerreiniger in einem Hotel in Watamu und wurde dann Koch (learning bei doing). Darauf hat ihn ein Luxusresort in Malindi in der Buchhaltung angestellt. Dann hat er ein Training in F&B stocking gemacht und wurde darauf fix angestellt. Als der Tourismus einbrach konnte er sich einen Job bei einer grossen Schiffsgesellschaft MSC ergattern und hat dort in der Galley (Küche) gearbeitet. Das hat ihm erlaubt viele Länder zu bereisen mit dem Schiff. Er war in Mauritius, Seychellen, Namibia, Südafrika und Europa. Dort war dann leider wegen Corona Ende der Karriere. Sie waren 3 Monate auf dem Schiff festgehalten und konnten dann via London evakuiert werden. Seit Juni ist er wieder retour in seinem Heimatort, wo er eine Frau und drei Kinder hat. Und der Mann ist erst 40 Jahre alt…
Wir sind beeindrucktt von seinem Lebenslauf und wie er immer wieder aus jeder Situation das Beste gemacht hat. Er war jeweils 9 Monate auf dem Schiff, was auch nicht besonders einfach ist. Jetzt ist er wieder Elektriker und weil er an die Jugend glaubt nimmt er immer wieder 2-3 junge Männer mit und lehrt ihnen den Beruf vor Ort.
Wir sind begeistert und legen ihm auch dar, dass wir kein grosses Salär zählen können, dass wir aber daran glauben, dass wir immer grösser werden und irgendwann auch Studenten von überall aus Kenia haben werden.
Ihm gefällt die Idee, dass wir Pioniere sind und er sagt: egal, wieviel er verdienen wird: er will ein Teil von dieser Erfolgsgeschichte werden. Er will seine Spuren hinterlassen und er will, dass es später einmal heisst. Robert war dabei, als die Grundlage für eine Zukunft der Jugend in Kauma gelegt wurde.
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 Wow was will man da noch sagen: ich habe mehr als einmal im Interview meine Tränen verdrückt. Tränen der Freude, Tränen des Staunens. Auch wenn ich manchmal motze, dass ich so viel Arbeit habe mit dem College: solche Situationen entschädigen für die harte Arbeit und sind schlichtweg unbezahlbar. Ich mache sofort ein paar Fotos von ihm, denn ich bin überzeugt: er ist genau der richtige Mann für uns und wir werden mit ihm zusammen arbeiten!!!
Was für eine Geschichte - einem solchen Menschen möchte man wirklich auch was Gutes tun einfach um zu zeigen, dass das Gute auch immer wieder retour kommt. Ich dachte mir sogar, dass vielleicht jemand der diesen Blog liest so begeistert ist wie ich und vielleicht sogar eine Idee hat, wie man ihn kompensieren könnte, wie man ihm eine Freude machen könnte…
Ich bin sicher, ihr habt da Ideen – ich freue mich auf jeden Fall auf das neue Team-Mitglied! Solche Menschen braucht die Welt! Ich bin immer noch ganz geflasht.
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rs13-elephants-racing · 4 years ago
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ADAC Minibike Cup 2020 ... ein hartes Wochenende liegt hinter mir, habe viel gelernt und werde nächste Woche in Oschersleben wieder angreifen... @creaface (hier: MSC Wittgenborn e.V. Vogelsbergring) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD9PQrrqwbm/?igshid=7pnsthmg614v
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weirdpaul · 7 years ago
Every Band I’ve Ever Seen Live!
Abdominal Snowmen
Action Camp
The Afghan Whigs
Alabaster Box
Alan Astor
Algebra Suicide
Align Alike
Allegheny Rhythm Rangers
Alpha Control Group
Alzo Boszormenyi
America Hearts
Amoeba Knievel
Anita Fix
Annie and the Bombers
An Offhand Way
The Anti-Psychotics
The Antiques
The Antiquities
The Aquabats
Assassinate Caesar!
Atom and His Package
Atomic Mosquitos
Auk Theater
Automatic Matty P
Baby Bird
Baby Shakes
Bad Fathers
Bang Bang Lulu
Bald Mountain Band
The Bassturd
Bastard Bearded Irishmen
The Bastards of Fate
Bat Zuppel
The Beagle Brothers
Beard Science
Beat Happening
The Bedspins
Ben Blanchard
The Benquick
Big Mouth Strikes Again
Billy Castle
Billy Catfish
The Billy Nayer Show
Birthday Suits
The Blandinas
Blast Off 3.0
The Bloated Sluts
Bloodless Cooties
Bloody Incisors
The Bloody Seamen
Blue Chair
Blue Oyster Cult
Blue Skies Collapse
Bob Log III
Bobby Conn
James Bogacz
Bomb Banks
Boom River
Bootsy Collins
Bottomless Pit
Bradford Reed and the Amazing Pencilina
Brain Handle
Brass Chariot
Brass Panda
Braz Cubas
Brewer's Row
Broke Boland & the Dirty Pickles
Brown Angel
Buddy Nutt
The Bumps
The Burndowns
Burning Cacti
Burnout War Cry
Butter Kings
Butthole Lipstick
The Buzzcocks
C-Money and Karl Kash
Cactus Wheelhouse
Camp PP
Candy Machine Guns
Canned Hamm
Captain Catfeesh
Casino Bulldogs
Casy Stelitano
Catnip Coma
The Causey Way
Caustic Christ
The Ceiling Stares
Centipede E'est
Channel Scorpion News
Charlie Anteater
Charlie Slick
The Cheats
Chestnut Station
Chet Vincent
Child Bite
Children of October
Choke City
Chris Leo
Chrome Moses
Chux Beta
City Dwelling Nature Seekers
The City Steps
The Claymores
The Clearing
Clownvis Presley
Cobalt Black
The Cocktails
The Code
Colin and the Shots
Colombian Express
Combustible Three
Concrete Elite
CooCoo Rockin' Time
The Copyrights
Corpus Christi
Crank Radio
Creta Bourzia
Crisis in America
The Crow Flies
Crucial Unit
Crunk Witch
Cryptorchid Chipmunk
Curses and Kisses
Daily Grind
Daniel Johnston
Dark Lingo
Darren Keen
Dave Bernabo
David Liebe Hart
Dead City Dealers
Dean Cercone
Death of Samantha
Decaffeinated Grapefruit
Decision Way All-Stars
The Degenerettes
Deral Fenderson
Derek Deprator Band
The Devil Dogs
The Devil is Electric
The Devil's Jukebox
Devin Russian
Die Kruezen
Dirtbag Diary
The Dirty Charms
Dirty Fences
Dirty Sunshine
Dirty Weekend
Divine Seven
Do Crimes
Don Caballero
Don Capicola
Dollar Shots
Dookie Houser Emcee
The Douglass Brothers
Down By Law
The Dozal Brothers
Drink Tax
The Dripp Brothers
Drug Dealer
Duke of Uke
The Dumplings
Dwarf Fortress
Ear to Ear
Earls of Industry
Edie Sedgewick
Ed's Redeeming Qualities
8 Cylinder
Eighty Eight Magnum
'85 Flood
El Boxeo
El Grosso
Electric Grandmother
The Elemental
Elephant Bones
Elf Power
Eli “Paperboy” Reed
Elliott Sussman
Ember Schrag
The Emergency
Emerson Jay
Emily Jo Fabiszewski
Endless Mike and the Beagle Club
Eoley Mullulay
Erectus Monotone
Eric and the Electric MP3 Player
Erika Carey & the Calamities
The Eruptions
Eskimo '88
Eugene Chadbourne/Jimmy Carl Black
Euphonic Brew
Everyone Everywhere
Evolution Control Committee
Ezra Lbs
Face Down in Shit
Fangs of the Panda
Fat White Family
Fate of Icarus
Jerry Fels and the Jerry Fels
The Fife and Forth
The Fingers
Fire & Sex
The Fireworks
First Into Space
First Jason
First Person Singular
The Fizzies
Flaming Lips
The Fletch-heads
Flotation Device
Flotilla Way
Folk Implosion
The Forbidden Five
Forgotten Nobody
Four Dead Flowers
The Four Roses
Four Seasons Boys
Frank Barone
French Toast
Fry Jones
The Garden
The Garment District
Gary Musisko
Gary Twoman
Gentleman Auction House
George Willard
German Shepherd
Ghost Road
Gil Mantera's Party Dream
Girl Talk
Girl Trouble
Glad Girls
Go Pills
Go Pillx
The Goblins
The Goonies
The Goops
The Gothees
Grand Buffet
Grand Piano
Granola Explosion
Grant Valdes
The Graveyard Rockers
Great Ants
Greg Cislon
Groundwater Mafia
The Grow Ops
Guided By Voices
Guru Guru
Half Japanese
Happy Flowers
Har Mar Superstar
Hard Money
Harry and the Potters
Heaven & Hell
Heavy Cream
The Hecklers
The Heiz
Hell Yeah the Hellcats
The Helper T-Cells
The Heretics
The Hidden Twin
The Hi-Frequencies
The Hillbilly Varmints
The Hips
The Hodag
The Homostupids
The Hope Harveys
Hot Dog Forest
Hot Mess
Houdini's Psychic Theater
House of Assassins
Household Stories
Howard Jones
The Human Brains
Hungry Bill
Hurra Torpedo
I am the Lost Sea
I Speak Tree
Ian Semasko
Ice Capades
Icon Gallery
In the Wake of Giants
The Independents
Instead of Sleeping
International Espionage
The Invisible Nothings
Irene Moon
J. Marinelli
Jack in Irons
Jack Medicine
Jack Sabbith
Jad Fair
Jake and the Jakeman
Jam Messengers
Jana Bates
Jane's Addiction
The Jasons
The Jealous Zealots
Jefferson Golfcart
Jericho Theory
The Jim Dandies
Jody Perigo & Laura Totten
Joe Jack Talcum
Joe Landes
Joey Molinaro
Johnny and the Razorblades
Johnny Locomotive & the Engineers
The Johnsons
Jonathan Hape
Jonathan Richman
Jonny Cohen
JPS Brown
Judas Priest
The Juicy Girls
Juno Vega
Jupiter's Girlfriend
Kafka Romance Dissolver
Karl Hendricks
Kevin Finn
Kick Old Man
Kick the Can
Kill Or Be Killed
Kind of Like Spitting
King Karcass
King Kong
King Missile
kingdom Of Not
Kitty Pryde and the Shadowcats
Kracfive AllStars
The Kyle Sowashes
The Lady and the Monsters
Landing Strip
Laura Kahl
Le Cachot
The Left Turns
Leonard Cohen Ensemble One
Leo's Operation
Les Georges Leningrad
The Lesser Apes
Let Them Eat Cake
Libre Duo
Life in Bed
The Limbs
Living Praise Choir
Liz and the Bandits
The Lobster Quadrille
Loose Interpretation
The Lopez
Lord Grunge
Lorenzo's Oil
Los Swamp Monsters
Lost Weekend
Lou Barlow
The Love Drunks
Lover 29
Lung Mountain
Lydia Lunch
Mac Sabbath
Magic Wolf
Magnolia Electric Co.
The Main Events
The Make-up
Mama Spell
Man Found Dead
Margo Van Hoy
Mark Mallman
Marshmallow Pop Orchestra
Marvin Dioxide
Master Mechanic
Maurice Rickard
McCarthy Commission
MC Cliff B
MC Habitat
Mecca Normal
Medium Ugly
Meeting of Important People
The Melvins
Bill Merante
The Meridians
Middle Children
Midge Cricket
Midnight Creeps
Midnite Snake
Mike Dillon Band
Mike Maimone
Mike Tamburo
Mikey C
The Minders
Mindless Chaos
Miniature Giant
Miniature Table Concerts
Miss Massive Snowflake
Missile Toe
Missing Pilots
Modern Life
Modern Vending
Modey Lemon
Moldies and Monsters
The Molecules
Molesuit Choir
A Moment of Clarity
Mommy's Little Monster
Moonlight Motel
Moons of Saturn
The Motorpsychos
Mr. Funky
Mr. T Experience
The Muckrakers
Mud City Manglers
Murder of Bridges
Murphy's Law
Mustache Required
Mutant Mountain Boys
My Boyfriend the Pilot
My Captain, My Sea
My Dad is Dead
My Niece Denise
My Prodi
My Sexiest Mistake
My Superhero
The Name of This Band is Not Talking Heads
Byron Nash and Plan B
Nathaniel Seer
The National Rifle
Nautical Almanac
The Need
Negative Reaction
Neil Hamburger
The New Alcindors
Nicholas Megalis
Night and the City
Night Shall Eat These Boys and Girls
Night Terror
The Noble Brats
Northern Bushmen
The Northern Spy
Nox Boys
O Lendario Chucrobillyman
O.C. Feef
Oakley Hall
Octopus, Inc.
Odin Heed and the Headwinch
The Ohsees
On Vinyl
Only Flesh
Orvill Rex
Owl Style
The Pacifist Femmes
Pam Hanlin
Pancreatic Aardvarks
Parvulus Infectus
Patrick Elkins
Paul Green Rock Academy
Paul Kotheimer
Paul Labrise and the Trees
Paul Lynde 451
Paul Tabachnek
Pete Bush and the Hoi Polloi
Pete Donnelly
The Phantom Maggots
Phat Free
Phat Man Dee
The Phone Calls
Phred Rainey
Picasso Trigger
Pierogi Pizza
Pig Iron
Pinche Gringo
Pitchin' Woo
The Pleasureheads
The Polyatomic
Poopy Necroponde's Burgee Boys
The Pork Torta
Porno Tongue
Presque Vu
Pretty Girls Make Graves
Professor Purple
Puma Barrier
R. Stevie Moore
The Radio Beats
Radio 4
Rainy Day Regatta
The Ramones
Ray Zen
Reason and Eos
Red Vs. Black
The Red Western
Refried Boogie
Reo Speedwagon
The Residents
The Resistables
Rex Morgan M.D. Trio
The Rhodora
Rick Bach
River Is To Train
RJ Myato
Xylen Roberts
Robin Vote
Rocket From the Tombs
The Roger 6
The Rogers Sisters
Rollins Band
Rot Shit
Roulette Waves
Round Black Ghosts
Royal City
The Ruins
The Sablowskis
Sad Tropics
Salt Chuck Mary
Sam Goodwill
Samuel Locke Ward & The Boo Hoos
Santa Inferno
Satanic Bat
Savage Lines
Says She
The SB
Science is Dead
Scott Demian
Scott Fry
The Scratch n Sniffs
Seas We Fear To Sail
Season Finale
Secret Paper Moon
The Seeing Eyeballs
The Semi-Supervillains
Senator Flux
The Sewing Machine War
Sheer Mag
Shitappa Oyabun
Shonen Knife
The Show is the Rainbow
Sick Ridiculous and the Sick Ridiculous
Silbia Han
The Silver Eagle Band
Sissy Baby Boys
The Skirt Tasters
Slant 6
Slate Dump
Sleeping in Class
The Slow Reel
Smokey Bellows
The Smugglers
Sneaky Mike
Soft Sickle
Son of Bitch
Song of Zarathustra
Songs About Robots Sorry I'm Dead
Soul Excursion
Sounding Rockets
South Ken
South Sea Sneak
Sovron Court
Special Ed
The Speeds
Sports Metaphors
Spynda, Pace and Kress
Star fk Radium
The Stars
Stars of the Dogon
Steady Matt
Stephen Foster and the Awesomes
Steve Boyle
Steve Malkmus
Steve Whitten
Sticky Pink Chew
Stone Temple Pilots
Jim Storch
Stuck in Standby
Styles For Modern Living
Sugar Daddy
The Suicide Dolls
Summer Erickson
Summer Lungs
Super Fun Time Awesome Party Band
The Surface Dwellers
Sweet Icing
Sweet Nothing
Take No Damage
Tecumseh EQs
Ted Leo + Pharmacists
The Telethons
Terror, Inc.
The Test Patterns
Thee 50's High Teens
Thee Speaking Canaries
They Might Be Jerks
Thin Sketch
Things That Aren't There Anymore
Third Class
.38 Special
This Present Expression
Three Day Stubble
The Thunder Chickens
Thee Starry Eyes
Tianna and the Cliffhangers
The Tinklers
Tonks and the Aurors
Treeline Freeline
The Tree Three
Tron Ate My Baby
True Love Always
Tub Ring
TV John
Uke and Tuba
Ukulady Liz
Ultimate VAG
Uni Sami
Universal Congress Of
Unlikely Japan
The Upholsterers
Vale and Year
Vampire Nation
Vampire Weekend at Bernies
Vehicle Flips
The Velcats
Velvet Monkeys
Viewers Like You
Village of Dead Roads
The Viragos
The Visitations
The Vivians
Von Ludendork
Vox Robotica
Wallace's Fallen Obelisk Kidz
The Wasps Nest and Valerie Kuehne
The Waxwings
WE are the Asteroid
We are the Dead
We Came From Space
The Weasels
Weird Al Yankovic
Wesley Willis
Western Pennsylvania
The Whipped Cream Explosion
The White Stripes
Will Simmons & Turdburglar
William Wesley and the Tiny Sockets
Wimp Factor 14
The Winterbrief
The Wire Riots
The Working Poor
Wyld Stalyns
The Wynkataug Monks
The X Brothers
Asher Yatzar
The Youngstown Tramps
Your Favorite Assassin
Yung Ka
Za Dharsh
The Zambonis
The Zou
Zubat and the Bees' Knees
The Zvills
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ao3feed-hartwin · 8 years ago
Unwin, et al. (2017)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2t01YaT
by EggMuffin
Eggsy has finally managed to get his MSc in computational physics. His life doesn't get any less weird, though.
Sequel to Unwin et al. (2016).
Words: 2019, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The Scientific Method
Fandoms: Kingsman (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Gary "Eggsy" Unwin, Roxy Morton | Lancelot, Merlin (Kingsman), Harry Hart | Galahad
Relationships: Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary "Eggsy" Unwin, Merlin & Gary "Eggsy" Unwin, Roxy Morton | Lancelot & Gary "Eggsy" Unwin
Additional Tags: academia au, Crack, computational physics AU, bad depictions of the academia, Rated T for language
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2t01YaT
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myallywynn · 4 years ago
Suicides, assaults and pleas for help as crew change crisis worsens
It is alarming when news of suicide attempts, violence and desperation becomes commonplace.
This is, unfortunately, the state of affairs today with seafarers who are tired, on the brink of mental breakdowns (some have already gone over) and very desperate – this desperation is manifesting through various incidents.
Some of these have been listed below:
On July 4, Al Jazeera reported, “Six migrants on board a rescue ship in the Mediterranean Sea tried to kill themselves and others have gotten into fights and threatened fellow passengers and crew members in growing desperation over their inability to find a country willing to take them in.”
July 9 brought three reports from different sources about three separate incidents:
The Star reported, “The frozen body of an Indonesian man has been found aboard a detained Chinese fishing vessel, authorities said Thursday (July 9), adding that they suspected foul play in the crew member’s death. Indonesian police said they intercepted two boats in the Malacca Strait this week after receiving a tip off that a crew member had died aboard one of the vessels.”
“The 20-year-old may have been tortured and his body had been kept inside a freezer of the Lu Huang Yuan Yu 117 since late June,” said Riau province police spokesman Harry Golden Hart. “The victim had physical injures, but we’re conducting an autopsy to determine the cause of death,” he told AFP.
Dozens of crew members hailing from China, Indonesia and the Philippines were being questioned in connection with the man’s death. Anti-trafficking experts say the fishing industry is riddled with forced labour and exploited workers can face non-payment, overwork, violence and death.
Japan Times stated, “Karika Neethling wanted to get home as the coronavirus pandemic convulsed the cruise industry in March. Her anxiety grew more desperate when she learned she was pregnant.
But for nearly three months, the 27-year-old South African was caught in a web of border restrictions and corporate bureaucracy, shuttled on ships between ports in the Bahamas and Italy as her employer, MSC Cruises SA, worked to get its crews home. I don’t think we were ever priorities,” said Neethling, who worked as a shop employee aboard the luxury liner the MSC Preziosa. “I was depressed and in despair thinking I might have this baby on the ship.”
Again, on July 9, a report by Thomson Reuters told the story of a captain who disembarked after 167 days at sea. It said, “Jens Boysen disembarked one of the world’s largest container ships on Thursday after 167 days at sea when he has acted not only as captain but also as doctor, dentist, mental coach and entertainment director for his stressed-out crew.”
Boysen, captain of the Emma Maersk, said two crew members developed toothache but were not allowed to leave the ship.”I got medical advice, and then I pulled the teeth out,” Boysen said, standing on the dock in Hamburg after bidding his crew farewell. “It felt almost like a war situation,” he added.”
Splash 24/7 stated on July 14, “Twelve crewmembers onboard the 1985-built 5,500 DWT oil tanker Viet Tin 01 are desperately looking for help as the vessel has been stranded in Malaysian waters since mid-March and they are running out of food and supplies.
The seafarers onboard the vessel wrote “Help us. No food. No salary” on the hull of the vessel in an effort to seek help and they have also sent out a distress call through a mobile app used by seafarers globally.”
In addition to this, there is an increase in frustration with fights ensuing among the crew onboard ships due to delayed wages, fatigue and the uncertainty of relief. Those that are stuck at home are stressed out about not being able to join a ship and earn their livelihoods to support their families.
The frequency of these reports and the continued crisis with respect to crew change and repatriation points to the little power that industry bodies, unions and regulators have in moving governments first to designate seafarers as key workers and now, to ensure safe crew exchanges and repatriation.
75% of necessary crew changes haven’t taken place since the Covid-19 situation gripped the globe in March.
The majority of passport offices and consulates are closed, and therefore the necessary documentation, certification and permissions remain held up.
However, a glimmer of hope shone on the 10th of July when the governments of 12 countries issued a joint statement pledging their commitment to help solve the current seafarer ‘crisis’ at an International Maritime Virtual Summit on Crew Changes hosted by the UK, also urging other nations to follow suit.
“The inability of ship operators worldwide to conduct ship’s crew changes (during the pandemic) is the single most pressing maritime operational challenge to the safe and efficient movement of global trade,” the statement read.
The signatory governments, therefore, called on all IMO member states to:
recognise seafarers as ‘key workers’, accepting their international seafarer documents as legal proof of such if necessary;
implement as far as possible the maritime industry’s agreed protocols for safe crew changes;
amend quarantine restrictions as needed to exempt seafarers;
explore together with the aviation industry suitable flight options for safe crew travel.
Efforts such as these are the need of the hour because If the situation continues as such and remains unchecked, it can turn into a humanitarian crisis affecting people from all over the world and with cascading effects on global trade.
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hudsonespie · 5 years ago
Port Communities Around The Globe Decry Cruise Industry Pollution On World Oceans Day
Activists living in port communities around the world who have been fighting the cruise industry for their right to clean air and healthy oceans will hold a first-of-its-kind virtual “Rally to Clean Up Cruising”, Monday, June 8, during World Oceans Day.
Speakers from Nassau, Bahamas; Juneau and Hoonah, Alaska; Venice, Italy; Rockland, Maine; Bergen, Norway; Gold Coast, Australia; and Southampton, UK will join the Clean Up Carnival coalition to decry the cruise industry’s pollution-as-usual practices of putting profits over people. The groups are calling for the cruise industry to switch to cleaner fuels, end ocean dumping, and adopt strong climate targets before passengers embark on future cruises after the COVID-19 pandemic ends.
The virtual rally, which takes place on Zoom (11 a.m. Alaska / 3 p.m. New York / 8 p.m. London / 9 p.m. Venice – and 5 a.m. Sydney on June 9th) provides a unique opportunity for the public to hear directly from port communities around the world about the collective toll the cruise industry takes on our air — and thus our public health — our oceans, and the climate.
Representation Image Credit: Twitter – @OceanCouncil
“Tourists love Glacier Bay National Park, and the U.S grants cruise companies over 200 permits annually. Glacier Bay is the Tlingit people’s ancestral homeland for over 14,000 years, but to accommodate the massive cruise industry, we are banned from entering our homeland — an injustice that hurts us still today. As the numbers of cruise ships increase, we have become faceless and voiceless,” said Kashudoha Wanda Loescher Culp of the Tlingit people of Hoonah, Alaska.
“Imagine a country whose GNP is dwarfed by the profits of industry that has perfected its pollution and exploitation of our waters, our tourism economy, and our cultural identity. The ‘private island’ model of cruise tourism is a modern-day blitzkrieg unfolding in the Bahamas, and it is covered up by glossy photos of happy cruisers romping through previously pristine environments re-engineered into grotesque theme parks,” said Sam Duncombe of Nassau, Bahamas.
“Juneau was once part of a vibrant Alaska tourism industry of independent travelers and group tours. Visitors slept in our towns, ate in our restaurants, and interacted with locals. Then the cancer of the modern cruise industry began. It slowly destroyed the independent tourism industry, overwhelming our communities, crippling our friendly welcomes, infecting our towns, dumping waste in our water, and polluting our air,” said Karla Hart of Juneau, Alaska.
“I have heard many stories of what life is like for workers on cruise ships. For many, it is a floating hell. One crew member told me he had not been outside in fresh air in a month. These wages and working conditions are possible because cruise ship companies intentionally register their ships in countries with weak labor laws, allowing them to exploit workers,” said Klaus Gjukastein of Bergen, Norway.
“The port and cruise industry are thought to contribute up to 23% of Southampton’s air pollution. I have grown used to seeing patients with respiratory disease not fully explained by traditional risk factors, and I am deeply frustrated with the paucity of data on shipping emissions and the lack of awareness about the importance of air quality and health. My patients should not pay the price for someone else’s leisure,” said Dr. Christelle Blunden of Southampton, UK.
“Cruise ships pose a massive existential threat to Venice’s future. Aside from the pollution and energy intensity associated with these ships, which exacerbate climate change, last June we witnessed the horrifying drama of the MSC Opera crashing into the city. As the industry grows and the number and size of ships increases, so does the environmental, economic and social damage that they cause,” said Jane da Mosto of Venice, Italy.
“Since 1986, the cruise industry has tried to weasel their way into our community. And since 1986, we have successfully blocked them. To all those port communities fighting to keep cruise ships out, I encourage you: never quit. You have more power than you know. If you organize, if you strategize, if you empower your community by arming them with facts, if you tell your story about the place you love — you will win,” said Steven Gration of Gold Coast, Australia.
During the virtual rally, activists will deliver a petition signed by 47,000 people to Carnival Corporation, Norwegian Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean and MSC with a list of demands for the cruise industry. Cruise executives from the companies were invited to attend the virtual rally and accept the petition., but no companies accepted the invitation.
The virtual rally is organized by the Clean Up Carnival coalition, an international alliance of organizations focused on cleaning up the cruise industry, and Stand.earth, an environmental organization that campaigns to end the use of heavy fuel oil, end ocean dumping, and secure strong climate commitments from the cruise sector.
The Clean Up Carnival coalition also published a full-page “open letter to cruise giants” ad in the Sunday edition of the Miami Herald and an op-ed on World Oceans Day will appear in the Monday edition of the paper.
“COVID-19 thrust the cruise industry into the global spotlight, exposing the horrors below the shiny surface of this sector’s business practices. The failure of cruise companies to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic echoes a decades-long history of putting profits over people and our planet. It’s time for the cruise industry to start listening to the concerns of port communities, who are most impacted by their unscrupulous business practices. A return to pollution-as-usual is not an option,” said Kendra Ulrich, Shipping Campaigns Director for Stand.earth.
“The cruise industry’s culture of putting profits over people is what led to its public health crisis during the coronavirus pandemic. Cruise lines are largely failing when it comes to air and water pollution reduction. Excess pollution from these ships can cause serious health problems, destroy habitats, and exacerbate climate change. The cruise industry must set a course for a better future, by improving environmental, community, and public health practices in port communities and in our oceans,” said Marcie Keever, Oceans & Vessels Program Director at Friends of the Earth US.
“If cruise giants are serious about staying in business, on a liveable planet, they need to get their ships off fossil fuels and step up to communities’ demands. This includes protecting the health of customers, crewmembers, and the planet by rapidly switching to the cleanest fuels currently available, ending the dumping of waste in our oceans, and adopting climate targets aligned with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C pathway,” said Madeline Rose, Climate Campaign Director, Pacific Environment
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jessamica92 · 3 years ago
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Maila finally found time to go deep diving again! She was finally able to open one of the chests that she found! Perfect timing to because Cale is wanting to go back to China!
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rollei-diaprojektor · 5 years ago
Diashow auf Chip: Rollei MSC TWIN Testshow
Diashow auf Chip: Rollei MSC TWIN Testshow
ORIGINAL Rollei Test-Diashow. Mit dem blauen Chip (keine Speicherung- nur Wiedergabe!) und dem 40er CS Magazin mit den original Rollei Dias, werden alle Funktionen der MSC Twin Modelle simuliert. Diese Show zeigt nahezu alle Funktionen welche die P Modelle der 3xx & 535er Serie bieten. Blinken, Hart- Soft-edge, Vor- Zurück- Blitz und reverse… u.s.w.
Passend NUR für die P Modelle der MSC twin…
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hittveu · 6 years ago
Spektakulär: Rallye-Boliden von allen Kontinenten in der Vulkaneifel • Vormerken: Nennbeginn zum Eifel Rallye Festival am 01.03.2019 • Beeindruckend: Wintertreffen von ‚Slowly Sideways‘
Das wird wieder ein Fest für die Fans: Das Eifel Rallye Festival (18. bis 20. Juli 2019) steht diesmal unter dem Motto Rallye Around The World. Historische Rallye-Boliden von allen Kontinenten werden beim größten rollenden Rallye-Museum durch die Vulkaneifel am Start sein. „Unser Festival wird immer internationaler, dem wollen wir mit dem diesjährigen Motto Rechnung tragen“, so Otmar Anschütz (Daun), Vorsitzender des veranstaltenden MSC Daun und Organisationsleiter der Großveranstaltung. „Die Stadt Daun und die gesamte Vulkaneifel freuen sich schon auf die internationalen Gäste, einige Fahrzeuge werden Wochen brauchen, bis sie in ihren Containern mit dem Schiff und über Land hier ankommen.“ In der Region ist das Festival fest verankert, zur neunten Ausgabe werden am Veranstaltungswochenende wieder bis zu 40.000 Fans erwartet. Die 182 teilnehmenden Teams kamen im vergangenen Jahr aus 18 Nationen, über 100 Journalisten aus 19 Nationen von Tageszeitungen, Fachzeitschriften, Online-Medien, Hörfunk oder Fernsehen berichteten über das ‚Elefantentreffen des historischen Rallyesports‘.
Die Demonstrationsfahrt historischer Rallye-Fahrzeugen hat sich inzwischen auch zu einem Klassentreffen der internationalen Rallye-Szene entwickelt. Viele Rallye-Stars, Teamchefs, Mechaniker und Fans haben sich das Festival fest in ihrem Terminkalender verewigt. „Ein Journalist hat unser Festival als ‚ein einzigartiges Gemisch aus Sport, Show, Rallye-Romantik und touristischem Gipfelsturm auf die Vulkaneifel‘ beschrieben. Dem ist nicht viel hinzuzufügen,“ sagt Mitorganisator Reinhard Klein (Köln). Als Kopf von ‚Slowly Sideways‘, der europaweiten Vereinigung von Besitzern historischer Rallye-Fahrzeuge, ist er für die Zusammenstellung des Starterfeldes verantwortlich. „Für uns ist es sehr schön zu sehen, wie die Teilnehmer sich immer mehr unserer Intention von Originalität oder perfekten Nachbauten annähern. Das Eifel Rallye Festival leistet so einen sehr wichtigen Beitrag zur Sicherung der originalgetreuen Historie des Rallye-Sports.“
Slowly Sideways: Das Herz des historischen Rallyesports schlägt in der Vulkaneifel Sie sind von Beginn an das sportliche Grundgerüst des Eifel Rallye Festivals: Die Teams von ‚Slowly Sideways‘ bringen die originalen oder originalgetreu nachgebauten automobilen Zeugnisse der Rallye-Geschichte in die Eifel. Auf den abgesperrten Prüfungen können sie den Fans ihre Boliden zudem in Aktion zeigen, ein optischer und auch akustischer Hochgenuss. Wenn die Nachbereitungen der vergangenen Saison abgeschlossen und die Vorbereitungen für die neuen Einsätze noch nicht so richtig am Laufen sind, bleibt Zeit für ein Wintertreffen. Diesmal lud Wolf-Dieter Ihle die ‚Slowlys‘ nach Stuttgart ein. Über 60 Teilnehmer nutzten die Gelegenheit, seine außergewöhnliche Sammlung von Rallye-Schätzen anzuschauen, darüber hinaus gab es am Wochenende neben den Planungen für die Saison 2019 viel Gelegenheit zu intensiven ‚Benzingesprächen‘. Ein Teilnehmer beschrieb seinen Eindruck von Ihles Sammlung treffend mit: ‚Heute war ich in den heiligen Hallen des Rallye-Sports‘.
„Wir sind noch nicht so lange in dieser Halle, vorher standen die Fahrzeuge an verschiedenen Orten. Auch für mich ist es das erste Mal, dass ich all diese Schätze so großartig präsentiert an einem Ort sehe“, freute sich Ihle. „Für mein Team war es viel Arbeit, die Autos so herzurichten. Aber es hat sich mehr als gelohnt. Ich habe glücklicherweise die Möglichkeit, diese tollen Zeitzeugen besitzen zu können. Diesen Anblick möchte ich mit vielen Fans teilen, und bin deshalb mit den Autos abwechselnd bei verschiedenen Veranstaltungen vor Ort. Manchmal ergibt sich dabei auch die Gelegenheit, dass ich an der Seite eines prominenten Fahrers mitfahren kann.“ Akribisch bereitet Ihle die Geschichte seiner Original-Fahrzeuge auf. „Es ist sehr spannend die Leute ausfindig zu machen, die damals an der Entstehung und Betreuung der Fahrzeuge beteiligt waren. So erhalten wir viele Infos für die Restauration, jedes Auto hat seine ganz eigene Geschichte.“
Harald Demuth: Erste WM-Punkte für Audi Ein besonderes Wiedersehen gab es für Harald Demuth, der bislang bei jeder Ausgabe des Eifel Rallye Festivals am Start war. In der Halle von Ihle entdeckte Demuth jenen Audi 80 Gruppe 2, mit dem er gemeinsam mit Co-Pilot Arwed Fischer im März 1979 beim WM-Lauf in Portugal auf Platz sechs fuhr. Damit sicherten sie für Audi die ersten WM-Punkte in deren Rallye-Geschichte überhaupt. Dieser 80er ist zudem einer von nur vier jemals gebauten Werkswagen. „An das Auto habe ich schöne Erinnerungen,“ sagte Demuth schmunzelnd, „es zu bewegen war harte Arbeit. Die 165 standhaften PS wirkten über ein Viergang-Getriebe auf die Vorderachse, und das alles ohne Servolenkung.“
Begehrtes Ziel: Bester Nachbau des Festivals Das ist das, wovon alle Teilnehmer von ‚Slowly Sideways‘ träumen: Wenn ihr Nachbau auf dem Eifel Rallye Festival als ‚Best Replikation‘ des Jahres ausgezeichnet wird. Den Berlinern Wolfgang Schröder und Detlef May wurde diese Auszeichnung 2017 mit ihrem BMW 2002 zuteil. Der originalgetreue Nachbau des Fahrzeuges von Achim Warmbold / Hans-Joachim Dörfler von der Olympia Rallye 1972 überzeugte die Jury. „2010 haben wir begonnen, den seit 1973 verschollenen 02er nachzubauen. Da es fast nur schwarz/weiß-Fotos gab, war es eines der größten Probleme, die originalgetreuen Farben der Aufkleber zu ermitteln“, berichtet May. Die Detailverliebtheit beim Nachbau führte dazu, dass auch der kurz vor dem Start in Kiel umgeklebte Aufkleber auf der Motorhaube auf der Replika jetzt ebenfalls schief aufgeklebt ist. „Die Fotos beweisen ja, dass er genau so platziert war,“ so May. „Bis auf das Benzin und die Öle sind alle Teile am Auto über 40 Jahre alt.“ Neben der Auszeichnung auf dem Festival sind für May und sein Team zwei Anerkennungen sehr wichtig: „Wir konnten Warmbolds Co Hans-Joachim Dörfler ausfindig machen und er kam zu uns nach Berlin. Als er in ‚seinem‘ Auto saß, sagte er, das wäre genauso, wie er es damals verlassen habe. Das größte Lob aber kam von Reinhard Klein. Er sagte uns, ‚ihr habt die Philosophie von ‚Slowly Sideways‘ verstanden‘.“
Festival-Nennungen ab dem 01.03.2019 möglich Der Ablauf des Festival-Wochenendes verspricht Sport, Spannung, Show und einen tiefen Einblick in die Rallye-Geschichte. Nach dem Shakedown folgt am Donnerstag der Welcome-Abend mit Open-Air-Kino in der Rallye-Meile mitten in Daun. Hier findet Freitag früh auch die öffentliche Abnahme der Fahrzeuge mit anschließender Autogrammstunde der Top-Stars statt. Schon traditionell sorgt am Freitagnachmittag die Super Stage auf Schotter mit Driftkurve, Sprungkuppe und Wasserdurchfahrt für spektakuläre Szenen, anschließend verwandelt die Nachtprüfung „proWIN Hilgerath“ die kleine Gemeinde Sarmersbach erneut in ein riesiges Festival-Gelände. Der Samstag führt über die anspruchsvollen Asphalt-Prüfungen in der Vulkaneifel, bevor am Abend das Wochenende mit einer großen Rallye-Party ausklingt. Und dazwischen lockt immer wieder die Rallye-Meile inmitten von Daun. Hier werden die Fahrzeuge zwischen ihren Einsätzen auf den Wertungsprüfungen präsentiert und können aus nächster Nähe begutachtet werden, während die Piloten für Benzingespräche und die Stars der Szene für Autogramme zur Verfügung stehen. Ihre Anmeldungen zu dem internationalen Festival des historischen Rallye-Sports können die Teams ab dem 1. März abgeben.
Das Eifel Rallye Festival in den sozialen Medien: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EifelRallyeFestivalOfficial Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/EifelRallye Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eifelrallyefestivalofficial YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV52bpXboaWN4OGt3vgHvSA
Quelle: Eifel Rallye Festival
ADAC Eifel Rallye Festival 2019 –Rallye Around The World Spektakulär: Rallye-Boliden von allen Kontinenten in der Vulkaneifel • Vormerken: Nennbeginn zum Eifel Rallye Festival am 01.03.2019…
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maritimemanual · 6 years ago
Best Maritime Security Companies In the World
Seas are full of dangers be it natural or manmade. Ships carry a lot of valuable cargo and personnel. One frequently hears news about Somalian sea pirates hijacking commercial ships. It is essential to provide the highest level of security to protect the cargo, sailors, ship, and travelers. And this comes in the form of specialized maritime security companies also called MSCs.
Thefts and piracy are real threats which need to be countered at all costs. Since a large percentage of the world’s trade is conducted through the ocean – be it oil or steel – shipping companies cannot afford the risk of their ships been attacked by pirates or thieves.
For this reason, maritime security officers are present onboard every ship today. Marine security officers deal with maintaining peace and security on board a vessel and protect the passengers and the cargo of the boat from activities like piracy.
These officers are appointed to their respective ships by the company that they work for. The companies that offer onboard security services are called as Maritime Security Companies. They ensure the security of the staff, the passengers and the assets of the ship.
Nowadays, Maritime Security Companies not only provide on and offshore security but also other services like training and consultancy. There are many such companies in the world. Every ship that sets out on a voyage wants to ensure its security, and thus Maritime Security Companies play a major role in the shipping industry.
This article discusses some of the many major Maritime Security Companies (MSCs) of the world.
Following are 11 such companies offering maritime security services explained in brief.
1. Seagull Maritime Security
The Seagull Maritime Security Company is one of the major maritime security company of its kind. It was established in 2008. The company is based in Malta. It provides several maritime security services like anti-piracy services and ensuring the security of voyages from beginning to end. It also has a wide range of other maritime security services that they provide.
The company mainly provides services to commercial merchant ships as well as other vessels that pass through the high-risk areas generally in the regions of the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. They secure goods on these ships as well as seafarers.
The company recruits the people who have previously served in the Navy as commandos or in elite special operation units. They need to be trained and qualified in order to provide security and fight off threats at sea. Most importantly, they need to be able to deal with maritime piracy.
This company has offices in many parts of the world. The company has been successful in providing security to hundreds of sea voyages and have battled several pirate attacks all over the world.
2. Neptune Maritime Security
The Neptune Maritime Security Company is a maritime security company that offers services to commercial vessels, super yachts, cruise ships, ports, and terminals as well as oil and gas industries. It is one of the biggest companies in the world that offers maritime security services. Neptune has highly experienced security experts and aims to keep people, assets as well as organizations safe. It has more than 350 qualified and experienced personnel. The company also has bases in countries such as the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates which provide services to clients for all 24 hours of the day.
It is a unique company as it provides customized maritime protection against maritime piracy. It also offers its services depending on the extent of a security threat.
The company has carried out more than 4000 successful transits. It has also been rated 94 out of 100 for client satisfaction.
It mainly operates in high-risk areas such as those in the Indian Ocean and the West African Gulf of Guinea.
Maritime and Underwater Security Consultant
MUSC stands for Maritime and Underwater Security Consultant. The company has been providing maritime security to its clients for over 37 years. It was founded in 1973 and is based in London, United Kingdom. MUSC is one of the largest maritime security firms in the world. It provides a wide range of security services like anti-piracy security, port security, ship security, and other services to shipping companies. The company also provides protection for equipment like pipelines. It also ensures proper disposal of explosive materials that the ships might be carrying.
The government of the United Kingdom has licensed this company. It has been authorized to provide armed security services such as security teams on board, vessel hardening, route planning, counter-piracy auditing, and even vessel monitoring.
The company also offers training to provide these security services. It also acts as a consultant regarding the same matter. The company firmly stands against illegal activities like threats of weapons, human trafficking, drug smuggling, illegal immigration and many more. It also provides services related to safeguarding the marine environment.
4. Hudson Analytix
Hudson Analytix is a leading maritime security company. The company is based in Piraeus, Greece. The security program that it offers is a four way, and it provides services to shipping companies, ports, commercial vessels as well as onboard security services. Not only does the company provide security services but also services such as planning or training programs, assessments, security consulting services, etc. It also ensures complete security support to its clients.
This is one of the world’s biggest maritime security companies and offers its services in many countries. They offer services in as many as 300 ports all over the world and have till date provided their services to more than 1800 vessels. It is an internationally Recognised Security Organisation or RSO.
The company provides the services to vessels like general cargo, bulk carriers, offshore vessels, oil or chemical tankers, RO-RO containers and FPSOs.
The cyber risk management department of the company also provides the tools, support and necessary equipment that is needed to understand how to manage cyber risk and ensure security in that field as well.
5. Hart Maritime
Hart Maritime is a part of the Hart Integrated Group. It is often considered as one of the most established maritime security companies of the world. Hart integrated group was established in 1999. It offers many maritime protection services including onshore as well as offshore protection.
They mainly deal with security during shipping and also provide services to companies onshore to protect their assets and ensure the safety of their employees from threats such as pirate attacks. They try their best to maintain peace and security by making sure that security and risk mitigation is effective. To do the same, Hart Maritime Securities sometimes even work with the Navy and coast guard services. They ensure the security of every project that they take up at every single stage of it.
The company also provides training for the service that it offers to government authorities as well as shipping conglomerates. They mainly offer services in regions like the Indian Ocean, Gulf of Guinea and South East Asia.
6. Solace Global
Solace Global is one of the world’s biggest Maritime security companies that aims to “protect people, assets, and reputation through state-of-the-art technology.” This firm is accredited by the ISO and has extensive experience in this field. The company offers various kinds of security services and carries out operations like anti-piracy operations. It has done so for more than 5000 vessels all over the world and operates in 191 countries across the planet.
They provide services to commercial shipping companies, oil majors, cruise liners and even superyacht owners.
Some of the services offered by the company include vessel protection, ship security audits, a maritime security consultancy, a naval intelligence, vessel tracking, and crew training. These are only some of the many services that the company provides.
The company claims to provide both on and on armed security operations and solutions. It offers total desktop risk assessments, risk consultancy, onsite security audits as well as vessel tracking to its clients.
According to the company, it spends more than 1.5 million men are carrying out their job in a year and provides services for all 24 hours of the day.
7. Maritime Asset Security Training (MAST)
MAST stands for Maritime Asset Security Training. It is one of the world’s biggest maritime security firms. Its main aim is “to make the world a safer place to live and work.” Phillip Cable and Philip Batty founded the company.
The company is known to provide cost-effective security services all over the world. It was also one of the very first security companies that legally house private armed guards on vessels such as yachts or ships of the merchant navy. It also offers consultancy and supports new perspectives on risk management and provides information related to security services and risk management as well.
MAST has conducted more than 6000 transits without any failures in security.
The company mainly offers services in high-risk areas such as the Red Sea the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Guinea, the Sulu Sea, etc. The company has offices in many countries such as South Africa, Djibouti, Oman, and Malta.
8. Securewest International
Securewest International is a security service providing company that provides maritime security services to civilian ships and vessels as well as naval and military vessels. It was established in 1987. The company provides services such as vessel tracking, architectural security, ship accompaniment, etc. It provides all the services for commercial vessels cruises, military departments as well as offshore companies. The ISO has also certified it.
The main areas that it operates in are the Gulf of Aden, the Indian Ocean, The Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Guinea, etc.
Securewest International is one of the world’s biggest maritime security companies.
The company has highly experienced maritime security personnel working for it, and it always ensures their security to the clients. It is also known to provide security services to advanced escort vessels and is highly recognized in the world.
Securewest is famous in the world for its counter-piracy measures and preparatory services for ISPS. It is also part of the SCEG which stands for Security and Complex Environment Group.
It also provides training courses which are approved by agencies such as the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
9. Anti-Piracy Maritime Security Services
Anti-Piracy Maritime Security Services is an association of the VST that is Veterans of Special Troops. It is known to provide services to big organizations and assets. It provides security to large vessels as well as yachts. Other services provided by the group are port facilities, support in energy sectors, support in the oil and gas industry, etc.
The group operates in areas like the Indian Ocean, The Red Sea the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the West coast of Africa and the Mozambique channel.
It provides security services to bulk carriers, fishing ships, cruise ships, petroleum tankers, yachts, super yachts, etc.
The group employees highly trained and professional personnel like former Marines or special troops. It also provides training services to port operators and vessel owners to ensure the security of assets and staff from threats like piracy.
Espada Logistics and Security Group
The ESPADA is one of the biggest Maritime security providing companies in the whole world. It is a prominent security provider and carries out expert security measures, logistic processes as well as emergency evacuation as a part of their maritime operation both on land and at sea.
The company is known for its highly qualified military and civilian expertise in providing maritime security and conducting anti-piracy operations all around the world. It is a unique company as it not only carries out anti-piracy operations but also runs a counter-terrorism and asset protection programme. They also help commercial ships to transit through areas which are considered as high-risk regions. It operates in the region such as the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden.
The company has carried out more than 500 successful transit in treacherous and dangerous sea routes all over the world.
11. STS Maritime Security
The STS Maritime Security company or the Special Tactical Services Security Company is a business that has extensive experience and expertise in providing security as well as weapons, tactical training, munitions, and ballistic security to vessels all over the world. It especially provides these services to the United States Defence Services and also other militaries all over the world.
The security teams that the company provides are highly trained, professional and licensed. The company also manages governmental permits, logistical support, administrative interface and security operations for clients all over the world.
It provides security teams which are privately owned to protect assets and the crew of the ship from some threats such as piracy.
STS has offices all over the world and operates on various sea routes. It is known to provide security services to the US Flagged RORO fleets in HRW. The company also protects bulk carriers traveling to East Africa. It offers services to several other countries too.
The post Best Maritime Security Companies In the World appeared first on Maritime Manual.
from WordPress https://www.maritimemanual.com/best-maritime-security-companies/
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presse1fcm · 6 years ago
Für Kanther geht Traum in Erfüllung
Junior Anton Kanther siegte mit dem FC Magdeburg beim Wernersgrüner Cup und fuhr mit den Profis in Trainingslager. Von Hans-Joachim Malli › Magdeburg l Anton Kanther blieb neben Michel Niemeyer und Keeper Mario Seidel beim FCM zwar ohne Torerfolg, war am Freitagabend dennoch der große Gewinner des Turniersiegers beim Wernesgrüner-Cup. Der Club sicherte sich durch ein 1:0 über Landesligist MSC 1899 Preussen den Sieg bei der zweiten Auflage des Hallenfußballturniers.
Türpitz trifft zum Sieg
Das Siegtor am späten Freitagabend vor rund 1800 Zuschauern in der Getec-Arena erzielte Philip Türpitz. Damit gewannen die Blau-Weißen zum neunten Mal das regionale Hallenturnier, das bis 2017 als „Kroschke-Cup” in der traditionsreichen Gieselerhalle ausgetragen wurde, ehe der Umzug in die größere Getec-Arena erfolgte. Beim Turniersieger FCM kam mit dem 18-jährigen Anton Kanther auch ein A-Junior zum Einsatz, der wie sein Teamkollege Pascal Schmedemann tags darauf in aller Frühe mit den Profis ins Trainingslager nach Novo Sancti Petri aufbrach. „Das ist natürlich eine große Ehre für mich. Aber irgendwie habe ich mir das auch durch harte Arbeit und gute Leistung verdient“, meinte der Defensivspezialist, der im vergangenen Sommer vom 1. FC Union Berlin an die Elbe gekommen und inzwischen zu einem Führungspieler der U  19 des Clubs in der A-Junioren-Bundesliga geworden ist.
Kanther will Profi werden
Wie Schmedemann trainiert der gebürtige Berliner unter der Woche bei den Profis mit, hat aber noch keinen Anschlussvertrag. „Das ist mein nächstes Ziel“, sagt der 18-Jährige, der schon im Sommer nach seinem Wechsel erklärte: „Mein Wunsch ist es, Profi zu werden.“ Dem ordnet der auf der Sechserposition spielende Junior alles unter, beendete seine Schulausbildung und ist derzeit als Praktikant im Projekt „Häuser unserer Zukunft“ in Gerwisch mit der Betreuung elternloser Kinder beschäftigt. Am Freitagabend trug Kanther das Trikot mit der Rückennummer sieben, in Gegensatz zu den Profis aber als einziger noch ohne Namen-Beflockung. A-Junioren-Trainer Thomas Hoßmang informierte übrigens Kanther und Schmedemann schon vor Weihnachten, dass sie mit ins Trainingslager nach Andalusien fahren würden. „Ich hätte auch gern vier Mann mitgeschickt, bekam aber nur zwei Plätze“, bekannte der 52-Jährige.
Ehrung für Barlebens Piele
Mit Denny Piele vom Vorjahresfinalisten FSV Barleben stahl übrigens ein Amateur am Freitagabend allen die Show. Nicht zuletzt aufgrund seines frechen Hebers im Neunmeterschießen um Platz drei gegen den SV Fortuna wurde der FSV-Stürmer zum besten Spieler des Turniers gewählt. Den „Billardstoß“ vom Neunmeterpunkt ließen sich anschließend die FCM-Profis Nils Butzen und Richard Weil von Piele erklären. Als bester Torwart wurde Bördes Robert Leonhardt geehrt, der im spektakulärsten Turnierspiel beim 3:6 gegen den späteren Turniersieger FCM aber chancenlos war. Da traf FCM-Routinier Nico Hammann doppelt, wurde am Ende mit sechs Toren als bester Turniertorschütze ausgezeichnet. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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cheskalagran · 6 years ago
BYE 2018
This year has got to be the year jampacked with EVERYTHING. I might have the same motivation to write now but i gotta try for my future self. (bcos yaknow everything that I dont write eventually gets forgotten and i have no way of remembering, it just turns into a blank patch in my mind lyk 2017 lol) whatever happend to 2017??? i was scrolling through this blog and i didnt find any 2017 posts lol what??? was i in a trans or??? idk i have no memory of new year 2017. well i dont want that to happen to 2018 because theres just so much that happened so here it goes.
JANUARY- I started the year in qc.
Jan 2- I saw Mamsh for the first time in uptc. We bought my very first film roll. n Agfa Vista 200 in Satchmi.
Jan 7- i put my first film roll in. took a few shots. oh and im back in marinduque
Jan14 to the end of the month- im just in duque doing normal stuff i guess idk. More MSC days. I was really stressed about being irreg. lol
feb 2 i went to Manila for the opening of Arts Month. IT WAS SO GREAT I NEVER FELT SO ALIVE IT WAS WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED, to live each waking day to be exposed to art. agh fun tyms. i spent 5 days in Bayview and everyday i went to luneta park for workshops and other shennanigans. While this was all happening i was also shooting for our Trends and Network (?) (subject) video. Reg was my partner in this video we were supposed to put a vissual on a poem our prof gave us.
feb 3
first time to eat yellow watermelon.
went to a baybayin writing workshop and learned how to write baybayin yay
saw autotelic, better days, sud and ben and ben that night
FEB 4- still there
feb 5- attended poetry night and saw mike coroza. saw mamsh again today and we went to national museum. It was the last day of arts month.
feb 6- i went home to duque
Feb 7- i edited my footage
~idk what date but hahaha the video i edited got 75 loooool but our prof gave us another chance to edit the shit.
feb 14- mundo- iv of spades was released. idk how this is relevant to me lol but yeah it was released on this day.
feb 17- UP fair that i wasnt able to go to. Finals week is near im so stressedt
feb 20- im editing the video again. we made a storyline instead of just putting vissuals on the poem.
feb 21- the stress was getting to me. i havent been sleeping bcos of finals and editing so i cut my hair short. the shortest it has been, they said i looked like hannah baker
~idk what date but i finally passed the video and we got 85 thank god for that curve lol~
feb 24- Im back in Manila. first time to ever play with the orchestra in a place which is not marinduque. Played in Makati along with Sta Isabel peeps.
feb 26-
Went to bgc--- to the overrated Venice grand canal place to be exact.
Saw Alex Aiono live.
Bought a new Murakami book (Wind Up Bird Chronicle) that i havent still finished until now
feb 27 to march- marinduque ++ more MSC things
March 29
practiced a viola piece for auditions sa ust but hey its 2019 and i didnt end up auditioning
Moriones festival (holy week)
Watched Baconaua a film by Joseph Laban shot in Mdq. the plot was also mdq related!!! and also socially relevant at present. its kinda about drugs--- well it is about drugs.
april 7- went to ust for enrolment
apr 8- went home na ata i dont even know
went to manila for yfc’s 25th anniv!!!!! AAAA ICON 2018~ FULL BLAST
yfc reunion yey
APR 15- DAY 3
MAY 3-
MAY 8- 18TH
MAY 10- SURPRISE BDAY CELEB BY THE BEACH T^T gots a new laptop yey. got another murakami book from fiel. got a cool shirt from dem. got my fav necklace (which means so much to me since it has so much connection to who i am--- its a Sta. Claire/ St. Francis pendant from Rome.) Lola passed down a family heirloom to me--- her watch. <3
MAY 11- woke up after last night’s celeb for Graduatioooon.
May 11 to 19- stayed at home and watched movies and shi
May 20-
watched Musika sa Isla’s concert. first time that i sat out since i was so busy huhu.
Went out with Reg and went kayaking
May 21 and onwards more of doing nothing and watching movies and shii
May 29- went out with sum frends i havent seen for so loooong: isa, franz, angge, ira
Jun 2- went out with the fam and tita pina to the beaaachhh
Jun 15- My first provincial Shout!!! YBB LAGUNA!!!
Jun 18- went to shannon falls!!!! hiked and swam with the fam ++ dream favor fam
Jun 19- end of Prov Shout huhu went to amoingon with the YBB laguna team. swam some more in the beach.cried A LOT. said goodbye to fwends huhu
Jun 20- left duque for good
Jun 22- went to ust to settle thingz, dorm hopping
Jun 23- went to ust again
Jun -Jul scrabble, movies, wine, milktea, mc do and a couple of city thingz. Prepared for YCOM acad. long distance organizing with yasu huhu.
Jul 25- went home to duque for YCOM Acad!!! My first and last event as a the provincial YCOM head. cant believe we actually got to put this together huhu sml
Jul 26-28- finally had face to face organizing with the pcg. practiced songs and hosting.
Jul 29- YCOM ACAD NAAA. a lot of hard work paid off in this event. a lot if crying again. said goodbye to friends again.
Jul 30- left for Manila first thing in the morning
Aug 1- First day dorm life
Aug 2- Start of freshmen week. Freshmen pol sci orientation
Aug 3- ROARientation
Aug 4- got very drunk with batch mates uuuhhh which was wrong cos its just the first day and i probably made out with someone???uhhh
Aug 6- Tomasino na ako event. Saw Ben and ben and fourplay mnl
Aug 10-
went to cinemalaya with reg,kly and paul. was supposed to watch liway but ended up watching school service. bumabagyo rn hahahaha.
first time to ride the lrt loool
Aug 11-13- spent 3 days alone in qc aHAHAHA they were in cebu
~Lol kinda  dated a blockmate or whateva at this time uuhh~
Aug 17- parents visited manila, we went to intramuros
Aug 20- kuyas bday
Aug 21-saw reg and we watched another cinemalaya entry: Madilim Ang Gabi. sobrang slow paceeeedddd but ya it was about ejk. #SupportLocal
Aug 22 and onwards- A LOT OF READINGS
Aug 28- bar hopping with 7wonders
Sep 5- saw Sud again in ust. org week ata??
~kinda stopped dating that blockmate na~ ahahah
Sep 21- saw shelly, aira, and fiel at Happy T. met someone but never talked again after that nyt. slept at fiel’s
Sep 28- YFC GA
ang bandang shirley
lions and acrobats
mellow fellow
rusty machine
oh flamingo
i forgot the others huhu
OCT 4-5- PRELIMS ((no sleeping starts))
Oct 10-pre lims. got rly unexpected close friendships. slept at dean’s.
Oct 20- Island with shelly, ira, dean and sum binilde friends. met sum ppl. slept at mark’s
~kinda started talking to someone i actually like~
OCT 29- went to the beach with reg trisha cavite peeps and kuya francis. saw kent kuya jm and jayson at kuya karl’s
OCT 31- inuman with friends i havent seen for so loooooong, drew, ira, pam, josh, angge
UNDAS- made my term paper about islam huhuhuhuhuhu d y i n g
NOV 3- went to the beach with yfc people huhuhu yasu mat ninyah and others. quest ang gracenote were there at villa aplaya also ahahaha
NOV 4- haaayyy left duque again :<
NOV 14- first meeting of that ~someone~ im talking to. went to rou bourbon. agh i actually like this guy can u believe it
NOV 16- saw ~that guy~ again. went over to his place and met his dog
Nov 23- saw ~ that guy~ again// study date
Nov 29- adventures with dean and mia at 3am. smoked a lot this month brOo i was ded more studying
Dec 2- mom visited me huhu lord tnx
Dec 3- Agape
Dec 8 onwards- FINALS WEEK a lot of smoking//very very very ded at this point
Dec 15- i was high with kuya and claud
Dec 17- drank with kuya and claud
Dec 19- i was high
Dec 20- mom and micha and pau arrived
Dec 21- PASKUHAN with micha <3 ~the guy~ i was talking to ditched me lol. the dating thing was “paused” looooooool things started going downhill again but paskuhan was so fun!!!!! huhhuhuh definitely made me feel things. saaw ransom collective and spongecola <3 mia and chad r now together. micha slept in my dorm
Dec 23 and 24 and 25- christmas shenanigans in ateneo.
Dec 24- cinco ako sa nstp. i died seeing this
Dec 28- BANDERSNATCH!!!!!!!
Dec 29- went to bulacan for Kuya Oyo’s wedding cute couple
Dec 30-31- STAYCATION with the fam
DEC 31- went home and welcomed the new year. smy prof hasnt still replied for the cinco he gave me.
yaaaaalllllll 2018 was rough. a lot has happend. and im difinitely not the same person anymore. whats worse is that im kinda disappointed of what i turned out to be. :/ things are just sad. i havent been able to pick myself up until now. idk if im just in the right place or in the right time or with the right people but all u i know is that things could be in a much better place. i just hope that 2019 would put things in a better place. i cried a ton shit of tears this year. cut a few scars.left a lot of people. so much new things. it was my wildest year so far. Living independently alone, surviving college and the city life--- it was very different from what Im used to. but hey i survived and im proud of myself for that.2018 u were painful---so painful.  U made me try so hard and fail so hard at every aspect. I tried to maintain ties with friends even though it wasnt rly my thing. It was so hard for me to maintain connection agh but at least i still tried. Acads wise, I tried so hard to study for that one major prelim exam and i failed--- for the very first time, i failed a major exam. I tried to love--- yup--- thats totally not me--- i tried to date people. but lol things rly just dont work out sometimes. it be lyk that sometimes. ako pa yung dinitch HAHAHAHAH lol
the first half of the year was so fulfilling a lot of fun times. Never have i ever felt lyk i knew myself so much. everything i did was everything i wanted to do. For the first time i felt lyk i was turning out to be who i wanted to be but surprise everything turned around at the second half of the year.
it  made me feel lost it made me feel alone. its 2019 and that feeling hasnt changed. still a ton shit of anxiety. god Every holiday season i try my best to get in the holiday spirit but hah this year no matter how hard i try i wasnt just feeling it.  everything feels so static i dont wanna be like this anymore. The second half of 2018 made me feel like im the wrong place am i in the wrong place i dont know.
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tixio-de-blog · 6 years ago
Binäre Optionen verboten: CFD-Trading als möglicher Ersatz
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Binäre Optionen verboten: CFD-Trading als möglicher Ersatz
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