#Harry has entirely too many possible tags
copperbadge · 2 years
Hey, Sam, I just received the omnibus from Lulu and, uh, got something a little different than I expected--not the Shivadh books! Harry Potter fic, in fact, but also not yours! I am the unexpected recipient of the entire All the Young Dudes series by MsKingBean89, whoever that is! All dressed up in your dust jacket/binding. I'm letting Lulu know, but I wanted to warn you just in case this wasn't a one-off problem. The fact that it was Sirius/Remus fic but *not yours* made it extra weird.
This is amazing. It took me like an hour to even get my thoughts in order about this.
Before I do anything else, just gonna tag @lobsterbang in this; that's MsKingBean89's tumblr and while I understand she's not on here very often if she does see this hopefully it will amuse her as much as it does me. :D
So, one, if anyone else has encountered this or similar issues, PLEASE report it to Lulu and get your book replaced, these hardbacks are too expensive for this kind of nonsense. On that note, @joycesully I hope they send you a new copy and let you keep the book you've got, because that's hilarious. If they give you flak, please let me know.
Two, did the dust jacket like...fit the book? Because the number of coincidences that would have to happen for you to receive All The Young Dudes in place of the Shivadh Omnibus are numerous. But they BEGIN with "Are they roughly the same size because the omnibus is a giant doorstop." If it's formatted with page numbering, how many pages is the print copy of ATYD, around 600 or so? Is it printed to the size of the Omnibus but with a bunch of blank pages or anything like that? (More on why I ask this in a moment.) Is the dust jacket offset weirdly in any way, like is the spine title not centered on the spine?
Three, I have had this issue with Lulu before. Most notably, the time I ordered a bunch of copies of Charitable Getting and instead got 25 copies of Chicks Dig Guys That Cook, a cookbook by a guy who cooks (and presumably either gets laid a lot or lies about getting laid a lot). But also I once custom-made a hardback copy of Nameless by request, and the book came with a) the Nameless dust jacket, b) the text of Nameless inside it, c) AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT TITLE printed on the spine. How? Who knows.
Four: So there are a couple of ways this could have happened. I'm not sure of the legality of uploading a fanfic to Lulu for printing, but I do know that Lulu doesn't give a shit and won't check, so whether it's legal it is possible to upload a fanfic to Lulu and have them send you a nice hardbound copy of it. Almost certainly nothing will happen as long as you're not selling copies publicly. This is clearly how Lulu got the presumably typeset and formatted file for ATYD. Now, the easiest way this could have happened, since they're not alphabetically close, is if I had uploaded a copy of ATYD and the files got crossed when they printed your copy of The Shivadh Omnibus. I didn't do this; I don't keep paper copies of fanfics and while I've heard ATYD is great, I haven't read it.
The funniest part of all of this, sidebar, is that ATYD is not just a Remus/Sirius fanfic, it's one of the top R/S fanfics ever, possibly one of the most famous fanfics in recent history. It's frequently recommended alongside Stealing Harry as a must-read classic (it's undoubtedly recommended more than Stealing Harry, but they often pop up together). So you didn't just get a random HP fanfic that isn't mine, you got the direct spiritual successor to Stealing Harry.
Anyway, I didn't upload it, but it's possible that someone else was like "Well, as long as I'm going to buy the ominbus, why don't I print myself my favorite fanfic as a book?" The most likely explanation is that someone did this and their order went in around the time yours did, and somehow you got their copy shoved into your dust jacket, while they presumably got two copies of the Omnibus instead of one Omnibus and one ATYD. That's why I'm curious about the dust jacket, because they would have to be similar in size for this mistake to take place. (If one of you out there ordered ATYD and got two Omnibi instead, I'd love to hear from you, feel free to get in touch, I promise not to narc to anyone.)
If that's not the case, it's a series of truly baffling coincidences; someone must have uploaded ATYD, and either the manuscript file got crossed with the Shivadh Omnibus file randomly and that fic got printed inside the covers of my book, or a copy of ATYD was printed around the same time a copy of the Shivadh Omnibus was by coincidence, and their jackets randomly got swapped. The odds of an extremely famous fanfic getting digitally swapped with a non-fanfic by the author of a similarly situated but entirely unaffiliated fanfic are pretty low if there wasn't a third person in the mix somewhere, ordering both at the same time.
I just. For you to order a non-fanfic book by a well-known HP fanfic author, and receive someone else's extremely well-known HP fanfic instead, is fucking bananas. I don't know what to do with that. I feel like I should apply for a job at whatever press Lulu uses to print their books because some of the nonsense they pull behind the scenes is fascinating.
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zeebee3 · 3 months
AO3 tag game
Thank you for tagging me @so-scarlett-maroon!
How many works do you have on AO3? 43
What's your total AO3 word count? 926,285
What fandoms do you write for? Harry Potter (at least nowadays)
Top five fics by kudos:
(All are Dramione and rated explicit)
You Do It For Me- WIP, currently 44 chapters and 200+k. 8th year, Draco learns that Hermione has never had an orgasm, so offers to help her. It's a story of who-fell-first/who-fell-harder, lazy river romance and friend group hangs. Lots of games, banter, and yet somehow still basically pure smut.
Would You Rather - The first smutty one (ahem four)-shot I ever wrote! 4 chapters, 14.5k, complete. Draco antagonizes Hermione into playing 'would you rather' while working on a joint assignment in the library. He doesn't think women wank and Hermione decides to prove him wrong.
A Good Landing- 2 chapters, 14.5k, complete. The five times Hermione accidentally sat on Draco's lap, and the one time she meant to. Post-Hogwarts, friend group hijinks, and Hermione has a secret piercing.
It Was A Sunny Day- One-shot, 7.4k, complete. Auror Hermione needs help retrieving a memory from a mission she went on. Auror Draco is sent to use legilimency to retrieve it. This is entirely an excuse for me to write legilimency smut, feat accidental stimulation, dry humping/cockwarming, and a successful assignment.
Baby, Anytime You're Ready, I'm Yours - 11 chapters, 27k, complete. Post-Hogwarts intermixing Slytherin-Gryffindor friend group goes on a weekend holiday. Draco is in love but Hermione thinks they're just best friends. Rom-com vibes, found family vibes, and one of my favorite scenes I've ever written 🤭
Do you respond to comments? I really, really try my best! It's hard to stay on top of them sometimes but I've made so many friends via my comment section and it's such a fun place to interact with the fandom! But it's a time commitment and sometimes I get super behind 😭
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Disturbingly Capable. It has an open-ending and that's usually pretty angsty, plus it's a Death Eater Draco/Order Member Hermione fic so that's always a little angsty. Ooh either that or A Gentle Haunting, which is a retelling of Ginny's possession by Riddle's diary.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest endings? Most of my fics have happy endings so it's hard to decide which is happiest. But possibly one of the ones that ended in proposals? Those were super sappy/happy (Just The Lightest Touch (Hinny), An Indecent Proposal (Panville)). OH or Kindling. That one ends with Draco ending his five years agonized pining, so he's pretty freaking happy.
Do you get hate on fics? Not that I've seen (and I sure don't look for it). I get comments softly demanding things sometimes but none that are aggressively rude or hurtful. I've been super lucky to have the nicest, most supportive readers 🥹🫶
Do you write smut? It's arguably the only thing I write 🙃
Craziest crossover? I've never written a crossover, though I'm currently writing a Formula One crossover so I guess that one!
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yeah, a few times that I've been informed of (and thank you to the detectives out there who spot them!). So far, they've always been Drarryified which is, frankly, hilarious to me since Harry and Hermione are NOT a one-for-one replacement, nor is Drarry Draco anything like Dramione Draco imo. But I digress.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! You Do It For Me is being translated into Chinese here, which is very cool.
Have you ever co-written a fic? No, but I've co-planned a fic and one day we shall write it!!!!
All time favorite ships? Dramione is creeping up as my top favorite, but Drarry is a close second. Dreomione is also a delight. I'm a sucker for rare pairs, too, and will pretty much read any pairing once.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you will? Look. I can't let myself doubt it. It has to be finished. AND IT WILL BE. (I'm looking at you, Balance & Oppose 🥹🫶). I do have a veritable fuckton of unfinished wips in my drafts though, none of which have ever been posted, so I'm sure one of them in there will never actually be finished. But again...I'll never say never.
What are my writing strengths? What I find easiest to write are smut scenes, relationship dynamics, dialogue, and carrying the flow. Are those what I'm strongest in? idk man.
What are your writing weakness? Having any fcking idea where a story is going before I start, and therefore inevitably leaving loose threads along the way.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I don't mind reading it as long as the context around it makes sense, but if it's a full convo that I need to check the end notes for, it's less enticing.
First Fandom that you wrote in? Mistborn
Favorite fic(s) you've written? Balance & Oppose is the fic I put the most effort into and for that, it always has a top spot in my heart. You Do It For Me is my favorite of fics I'm actively writing. And my favorite completed fic is probably There's Nobody Like You (BlaisexRon) or Say Please (tattoo artist Draco).
If you made it to the end, I admire your tenacity! 👏🏻
I'm tagging @smolbangs, @goldenbuckyyy, @willowingscribe, @sultrynuns, @youhavemyswordandmybow (if tag games aren't you're thing, no worries!)
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veliseraptor · 11 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @feralkwe - thank you! I feel like I've done this before but if I have it's been a minute so
1. How many works do you have on AO3? across pseuds I have 1,010 works. with my "current" one I'm at 607. that is more or less my entire oeuvre, though there's a fair number of short fics on tumblr I haven't gotten around to crossposting though I'd ostensibly like to at some point. eventually. maybe.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 4,873,723. aYIKES. but hey closing in on 5 million! wonder when I'll hit that. I bet I would if I posted my unfinished wips for the mcu tbh
3. What fandoms do you write for? ever or currently? the list of fandoms I have written at least one fic for (not counting ones where the one fic was a crossover) is [deep breath] the mcu, the untamed/mdzs, supernatural, the silmarillion, a song of ice and fire, black jewels trilogy, wheel of time, doctrine of labyrinths, death note, the caliban leandros series, avatar the last airbender, kinnporsche, doctor who, buffy the vampire slayer/angel, gentleman bastard sequence, marvel comics, harry potter, temeraire, good omens, code geass, realm of the elderlings, greek mythology, dragon age, sandman, dexter, lymond chronicles, the firekeeper saga, lucifer (the tv series), crimson peak, kushiel's legacy, the x men movies, chronicles of narnia, twilight, and a couple other small book fandoms.
i used to be a lot more multifandom than i am now in terms of what i wrote for, and have been writing fic for which is how this happened.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Not my favorite fics, for the most part. They are:
Life in Reverse (MCU)
With Absolute Splendor (The Untamed)
some good mistakes (The Untamed)
half a league onward (MCU)
The Villain Wrangler (MCU)
5. Do you respond to comments? I do not. I feel bad about it, but (a) I don't know what to say, (b) I feel unbearably self-conscious/self-important trying and (c) I already have too much I'm trying to do in my limited time/too many obligations I have placed upon myself to add another one that will just stress me out. Again, I have all kinds of guilt about this, though, which probably kind of defeats the (c) purpose of not doing it.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Almost certainly Mercy, though it's possible I could dig up others; that's the literal murder-suicide one, though, and I'm pretty sure I've only written one of those. I've written a lot where one character dies but another survives and has to live with the grief, which is arguably worse? but I still think Mercy wins. once there was a way to get back home might give it a run for its money, though.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I've actually written a fair amount of fic with happy endings! just mostly they have to suffer to get there. but trying to think of fic with a straight happy ending...I feel like I wrote some fairly fluffy fic in Black Jewels Trilogy fandom that I don't want to link to because I don't think it's very good. Maybe Life in Reverse, honestly? That's a fic where I tied up most things and resolved them in a pretty happy way.
Oh, or actually With Absolute Splendor might qualify.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I have in the past! Not a lot, but it happens every so often. Usually I just delete it, tbh; it doesn't feel worth leaving it there and I'm certainly not going to respond to it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Sure do, primarily for pairings that are dysfunctional in one way or another, and for the most part I want the sex to say something about the inner life/psychology of the characters I'm writing. truly plotless smut does happen but I find it weirdly difficult. I have to do so much pre-justification work for my smut, at least in my head if not on page.
a lot of what I write at least has a little bit of kink or D/s flavor to it even if it's not explicitly written as such (and a lot of it is at least a little explicitly written as such). I also like to write about power dynamics (in sex) and sex that's sublimating some other emotion or desire, if that latter makes sense.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I used to, but not anymore, and I probably won't; I don't know why, but I'm just generally not a crossover fan these days. But I did write a Lord of the Rings/Cthulhu Mythos Morgoth/Cthulhu fic back in the day. No, I'm not going to link it, you can find it if you really want.
The Scarlet Pimpernel/Black Jewels Trilogy might be objectively weirder but it was because of an RP and therefore feels more reasonable to me.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I had forgotten about it until just now, but yes, actually. Including one that actually got reposted on AO3, which takes a particular kind of guts that's not the same as reposting on Wattpad or the like, imo. (I've also had fic scraped off AO3 and reposted on other sites.) The person took it down when I called them out on it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I have been fortunate enough to have a number of fics translated into a few languages! I was curious which ones so I went and looked, and it looks like I've had fic translated into Russian, Chinese, and Japanese.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I've started co-writing a fic but never finished one.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Might have to give this one to xuexiao, though there's a lot of room in my heart for many ships! that's just one that hit an incredible number of my favorite things squarely on the head several times, leaving me concussed and helpless. It's so much, you guys.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? There's a number of my MCU wips that I look at and am like "yeah what I have of this is good actually, too bad I'll almost certainly never finish it", among which is Dead Superheroes Walking, the fic about everyone who died in Infinity War being trapped inside the Soul Stone and having to work together to fix the ensnappening from the inside. I have about 3/4 of it written if not more and the remaining quarter will probably remain unfinished. It was Wanda POV and a lot about Wanda and Loki bonding.
another one is the one where Hela decides instead of fighting Odin to strategically back down and plan to overthrow him later, and therefore is around while Loki and Thor are growing up. I really liked what I had of this one, and really enjoyed writing Hela's POV, but again. don't think I'm going to end up finishing it.
I have a whole folder called "MCU Salvage" that's basically my MCU wips that I parsed out because I was like "these are pretty good actually, maybe someday I'll have the motivation to return to them", which is probably delusional but, well. one never knows.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm pretty good at dialogue - I love to write characters having conversations, probably to a fault - and, when it comes to fanfiction, characterization.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Worldbuilding for sure is one. I hate it, I don't think I'm very good at it. also description - I feel like I lean heavily on dialogue in fic and tend to go light on descriptive language. this is probably partly because I'm not a very imagery-focused reader, so I don't think a lot about creating a "visual" with my writing, but also because I just don't like doing it as much as I like writing about internal thought processes and interpersonal verbal exchanges.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I almost certainly would not do it, as someone who is monolingual and has zero confidence in my ability to do it right in a way that wouldn't read absolutely awfully. The one exception to this is in Lymond fic, and that's because the canon did it first, so it is fully justifiable for me to have this guy spout off in five languages in one fic. Otherwise...not since I tried writing a fake Phantom of the Opera fic mocking bad Phantom of the Opera fics.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I always say Wheel of Time because that's the first fandom of my heart but technically I wrote a crack Harry Potter fic before I wrote for Wheel of Time. But in my heart it was Wheel of Time. That was certainly my first fandom in any meaningful sense of the word.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? This question is my nemesis. My favorite fic I've ever written changes at least once a month. I have a series for this on AO3 that I'm going to link to as a lazy answer to this question even though that's sort of 50 of my favorite fics, so sue me, I've written a lot of things over the years and I actually do like a fair number of them, even if you have to make me say so.
tagging uhhhh @highladyluck, @curiosity-killed, @ameliarating, @gloriousmonsters, i'm not sure how many people i'm supposed to tag for this but if you want to do it, go ahead?
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perverse-idyll · 2 months
Thanks for tagging me, @danpuff-ao3! <3 And it's so good to see you talking about your fics again. I love your thoughtfulness about your work and the whole writing process. (And I love your work itself, of course.)
"Self-rec time! What are your favorite five fics that you've written and why? After replying to this ask, feel free to pass on to five other writers to spread the love. 💗"
This comes at an odd time for me because I feel very disconnected from my fic and deeply unimpressed by it. Every time I open the current chapter I'm working on, I think, "What an absolute slog." So maybe focusing on what I love (or remember loving) will rekindle the missing spark! Plus it's been umpteen weeks since I last posted here, and it would be good to show signs of life. (I'm not giving up on writing or my OTP. RL just kind of saps the will to live sometimes. Experience tells me this too shall pass.)
Tagging anyone who wishes to celebrate their faves because I'll be poking at this while at work, and it may take me hours*. *days, as it turns out.
I actually don't have that many fics, which is embarrassing, considering how long I've been in fandom. The same handful just keep cropping up. So I'm going to be really aggravating and mostly talk about WIPs:
The Afterlight - the Snape/Harry WIP I'm currently working/ intermittently fixated on. It's got a serial killer subplot that still hasn't kicked in after 52K words and a Denial of Feelings dysfunctional romance heavily influenced by the fact that both men died in canon and forever after have to live with that knowledge. (Here we have the author's perpetual Denial of (Snape-ish) Death on full display 😉). The fic features disillusioned!Harry, an offshoot of the angry!Harry who often turns up in my work, alongside a Snape whose feelings, whatever else they may be, are typically obsessive to the point of self-sacrifice. They fight a lot and fuck a lot and at one point Snape takes a curse for Harry. Hurt/comfort as courtship! Probably my schmaltziest ending ever, and quite likely a narrative mess, but it's got its hooks into me so I really want it to turn out halfway decent.
Year of the Thestral - the only non-WIP here, a Severus/Minerva fic I had on the back-burner for years and finally finished. It uses a dubcon relationship as a lens to examine the damage done to - and price exacted upon - all and sundry during Snape's year as headmaster. The conceit involves Minerva at the end of her life reminiscing to a biographer, finally facing the memories and meaning of Snape's actions, the layers of betrayal and inevitability of sacrifice, and the furious despair that lay behind Severus' treatment of her. It offers the possibility of forgiveness and even retrospective love, and is woven throughout with femslash feelings. For me, it's a meditation on the punishing aspects of Snape's agreement to play the monster, as well as a character study of McGonagall, undertaken as a tribute.
The Blood of Stars - possibly my favorite of my current WIPs, put on hiatus in 2014. It starts with Snape basically being kicked out of the afterlife by Dumbledore and Lily and discovering, as he searches Hogwarts' post-battle wreckage, that he can't speak to Harry. Literally, no words. Partly in retaliation, he commits an act of heartache and cruelty that affects Harry's marriage. But he also reappears at desperate moments in Harry's life to provide help. There's much to-do over an underground prison, a mutual fascination despite their problems communicating (although one might suggest that Snape's inability to tell Harry what he thinks actually improves the situation), two dramatic death scenes, and more afterlife shenanigans. It also has what may be my favorite ending for any fic I've written thus far, and I'm determined to finish it if only for those scenes alone. Oh, and it's my version of horribly romantic. Also, hubris: the entire middle section is written in first-person Harry POV, which I know will take out a chunk of my potential audience, but I wanted to try something I'd never done before. Anyway, it's next in line once I finish The Afterlight (yes, I know, how many years will that take? But hope springs eternal).
Impossible Without It - another Snarry WIP put on hiatus in 2014! Ah, I was so full of ideas then and struggling not to let the bastards get me down. Well, I haven't given up on this one, either. It's another angry!Harry fic (I do write optimistic!Harry, but really, none of my Harrys are well-adjusted). In fact, it's a memory-holed Harry who can't recall killing Voldemort and an amnesiac Snape who works in a Muggle gay bar. The story is told partly through their sexual addiction to each other, fueled by secrets and lies and out-of-control hunger, desire for vengeance and of course the question of what really happened the day Voldemort died and Harry lost that moment in time while Snape forgot crucial parts of who he is (like the fact he's a wizard). They don't treat each other well, but they become so bound up in their obsession they can't let go. Eventually Harry discovers a way to restore Snape's memories, and Snape makes him regret it. Believe it or not, this one has a happy ending! Well, depending on whether you think a rather fucked-up relationship can be described as 'happy.'
The Threefold Death, or: The Lost World (long version), Snarry, WIP. I was originally going to choose When the Rose & the Fire Are One, but I've singled it out often enough that at this point I'm not sure what's left to say. I had Threefold Death hidden in a collection for a while because I couldn't stand to look at it, but that didn't help so I've removed it from its cage. I'm still haunted by a lot of the scenes, and I love fooling around with fairy tale imagery. I also like playing with ambiguity: how much of Snape's love for Harry is his own and how much is the Forest using Snape to draw Harry into its clutches. Ditto Albus Severus, the third in their circle/cycle of debts and devotion, who can't stop setting off tragic consequences despite the best of intentions. (Well, maybe not the best.) The POV in this one starts with Harry and switches to Al, partly because I'm a sucker for outsider POV and partly because I want to examine Al as a mixture of Harry and Snape, neither as loving as his father nor as ruthless as his mentor and therefore the weakest link in this Game of Three. But it is ultimately his love for them both that closes the circle, and he's the one who ends up losing the most. (Sorry, Al! Even if it's partly your own fault.) And this is another ending with lines and images I'm rather proud of. Also a ton of bittersweetness. Ever since I hauled it out of storage, I've been having all sorts of daydreams about character moments, so this fic is definitely simmering again.
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rockingrobin69 · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me, @mintawasalreadytaken and @orange-peony! I’m back to working on my housemates SEVERE PINING fic, brimming with so much excitement I literally cannot bear it, so, here’s a snip! Featuring: shenanigans, baking, and a tiny, mysterious dog-shaped item.
One night Harry came back late, terrible week, got stuck at the office in a useless meeting till his eyes nearly popped out. Took the bus home with his face scrunched, the beginning of a headache simmering behind his eyebrows, miserable and tired and utterly depressed to think that tomorrow would be the same, and the day after, and the day after it.
Walked in the kitchen and had to rub his eyes. Rubbed them again for good measure. The image didn’t change; all the bowls he owned stacked one on top of the other on every available surface, counter caked with flour, fingerprints in butter on all the cupboards, and in the dead centre, Malfoy, wearing an apron and his slanted, weird smile.
“Harry!” like this was the most normal thing in the universe. “You’re back! We thought you might never return. I set out to make my grandmother’s fabled biscuits, but, alas, as you can tell, the endeavour’s not been entirely successful. Yet.”
Too many questions and not enough air. The nearly-headache swirled in blacks and golds behind his eyelids. “Malfoy,” trying to breathe it out, “what… who’s we?”
“You said we were worried. Who’s here? Is it Ginny?” because he’s going to bloody—
“Oh! No, Ginevra is out of town, has a match tomorrow. I meant me and Crumpet.” He picked up something small and silvery and waved it about, weird smile trickling slowly into something else, unsure. “I named him Crumpet. Hope you don’t mind.”
Harry stared and stared and still got nothing. “Is that… what is that?”
“I think they’re for serviettes,” Malfoy presented the offending object on a flour-covered palm; a tiny, dog-shaped… thing. “Possibly cutlery. There’s a set of six in the bottom drawer, I was looking for a sieve. Is that okay?”
Must have seen something in Harry’s face, because he came closer.
Harry choked on nothing. “Didn’t even know we had them. Must’ve been my parents’. Or Sirius’s, maybe. I have a lot of crap all around that I never really get to… erm.”
Malfoy’s hand did a funny little dance, like it wanted to touch him, then remembered it was covered in butter and goo. Ended up scratching his nose, leaving a fine smudge behind.
“I shouldn’t be sneaking around, using your things. I can get my own, should get my own utensils.”
“Don’t be daft,” Harry rolled his eyes, tried to get this silly fizzing in his belly to stop. “You can use anything that’s in here. I wouldn’t even know we had them if you didn’t… so that’s Crumpet, then? Did you name them all?”
Malfoy’s bottom lip was between his teeth, one pierced eyebrow hiked up. “No, not yet. We had some serious business to attend to first, Crumpet and I. The third batch is actually meant to be ready soon, so why don’t you grab a shower and come back for some—hopefully, biscuits? Worst case, Asda’s own?”
He laughed, couldn’t help it. “Third batch?”
“Ah,” did Malfoy just wink? “Such the detective, Mr. Potter. The first batch we won’t even mention, the consistency was the single most disgusting thing I’ve seen, horrifying to think I made it with my own two hands. Apparently Nana forgot to mention some pretty crucial details when relaying the recipe—that, or the ever simpler answer, my mother is a cunt.”
“Oh.” Malfoy’s expression sharpened around the edges, devilish and handsome, and he ran a floury hand through his hair.
“Then came the second batch. Did you know, Harry, that baking requires absolute precision? And if, say, one was to go, ‘ah, fuck it’, then baking soda can become quite the vindictive bitch?”
Harry tapped the corners of his grin. “And the flour explosion? What happened there?”
“That,” Malfoy tutted, “is the result of some poor training on my part, I’m afraid. You see, Crumpet wasn’t quite ready for all the tricks—”
“You’re not seriously going to blame a three-inch placeholder for this, are you?”
“Aha!” finger pointing up in victory. “I knew you’d know what these are! Placeholders, then. How fancy. We shall have to throw a feast to display them.”
Laughing, laughing, what else could he do, rubbing the wispy remains of a headache from his forehead. “You’re an idiot. And you’re going to clean this, Malfoy, or so help me.”
“Of course, of course,” in a tone that suggested he had absolutely no intention to, not a chance. “They are good, though. The biscuits. In theory. Mother would always make them when she knew I’d—used them as bribes, probably, to be honest. But I thought, might be nice, seeing as your week is so disgustingly busy. It’s the only one of her recipes I remember. And poorly, at that.”
Harry’s eyes were still tingling, but he could see the look on Malfoy’s face. Recognised the feeling, he thought. This weird drop in your belly when you realise how very lost something is to you. Finding something you loved, irretrievable.
“Hey. They better be good. I mean it, Malfoy. Crumpet and I will be very disappointed in anything less.”
Malfoy rolled his eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re now in cahoots with my three-inch placeholder pet.”
“Pretty sure Crumpet’s still my three-inch placeholder pet, ta very much.”
He gave a little bow, then came closer. “My apologies for the disrespect, Mr. Potter. Master? Sir Potter. Please accept this as token of my most genuine regret.” When he unclenched his hand, there was only a second or two to realise what was happening and try to escape. Harry didn’t.
Ended up with his face full of flour, pinched from the counter. “Malfoy!” indignant and shaky on laughter, “you fucking bastard, come back here—”
Chased him around the kitchen, like children, like idiots, tackled him behind the table to smear his face full of—caster sugar, flour, whatever he could find, and Malfoy was squirming in his hands, roaring with laughter, fighting tooth and nail to push Harry back, and when that didn’t work, to lick him away (“UGH!”), laughing, laughing, laughing.
They only let up when the timer went off. Both disgusting, breathless, and Harry was still panting when Malfoy pushed him out to the corridor, yelled at him to take a shower. Rushed back down to find the kitchen still a mess, and two cups of tea, and a trayful of cooling biscuits.
Malfoy snuck a tub of them in his work bag the next day. They really were quite good.
If you got all the way here, kudos to you, and you are now IT! Share a snip with us, will you? And tag me!!
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thompsborn · 4 months
Don't want to end up oversharing, but I've been following homeward bound from chapter 3 and so much has changed in my life for the better ever since then. I weirdly feel like I've been maturing alongside the fic. I'll be getting my bachelor's degree in two months and I started reading during my first year. You have no idea how special this piece of work is for me and I'm very thankful you've decided to share it with us. I absolutely trust your process cuz each chapter you release is just perfection, whenever you're ready to release more I'll be there to read it. Now getting on with the actual question (sorry for writing so much ijbol), what do you think Harley and Peter think their dream home would be? What style, is it an apartment or a house and all that stuff.
oh my god i ?? i am lowkey crying omg
homeward bound is so special to my heart, i could write pages upon pages about my emotional attachment to this fic, but that would take a whole lot of time and i wanna try and answer your question, but just !! like i know logically people really care about hb too, like i’ve read so many comments and gotten asks and i know it but getting new asks or comments still sends me reeling because it’s so mind boggling and i’m just like?? damn!! thank u sm i’m glad that my post nwm coping mechanism turned general life coping mechanism has been with you like this <3
also! congratulations on getting your bachelors!! hell yeah!!!
okay, okay, okay, so to answer your question, i think it varies on the era of their lives, so like
peter growing up probably always thought it would be nice to have a house one day because he knows his parents had a house that he could very vaguely remember living in, but he was pretty open to home being anything. harley, on the other hand, grew up in tennessee and probably always assumed he’d live in a house because he’s always lived in a house. it probably wouldn’t have been until after meeting tony and thinking about maybe going to new york one day that he even considered the idea of living in an apartment, but even then, he couldn’t imagine it being permanent
by the start of homeward bound things are different. harley is living in the city for the first time, living in a dorm and sharing close quarters with harry, and he’s mourning tony and his life before the snap, still struggling to a world that’s so different from the one he remembers, so for him the concept of a dream home feel irrelevant. like, he’s focusing more on just making it to his classes and his shifts at late night and the unexpected social life that he sort of develops with the friends he was not planning to make, so picturing his future doesn’t extend further than getting through his first year at ESU and signing up for classes, yk?
peter, at this point, has entirely lost his sense of home and assumes he’s never going to get it back (which is why he has not once referred to his apartment as home, outloud or in his head) so he has no dream home because he doesn’t think he’ll ever have a home
i’ll keep this as light in spoilers as possible, but i’ll tag it homeward bound spoilers and give a warning here that this is future hb stuff butit doesn’t actually give away the plot if that makes sense?
the series is called homeward bound for a reason, basically—it’s following the theme of home. the mcu trilogy is titled with home becoming inaccessible (homecoming, far from home, no way home) so i want this series to explore an idea of finding it again
as the series progresses, ideas of home and what it is and what it looks like are going to change and adapt, but in terms of your question specifically, harley and peter are going to wind up with the same idea of a dream home: a small cozy house, not in the suburbs but not in the heart of the city either, within a reasonable driving distance from their friends.
(bonus: harry loves the idea of a penthouse, but in reality would like a house like his moms, or a nice apartment if the location is worth it. gwen grew up in apartments and likes the idea of a house but wouldn’t care if she never moved into one.)
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laminy · 11 months
Thank you for the tag @merriell-allesandro-shelton!!
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
How many works do you have on ao3?
Apparently 74! I'm not sure how that's possible but okay! Not what I was expecting. That's like twice as many as I thought.
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
The works that I have posted on AO3 are for Bohemian Rhapsody Actor RPF, BoRhap/Queen, Ted Lasso, 13 Reasons Why, Teen Wolf, 6 Underground, Midsomer Murders, and Shazam. Pre-AO3, I wrote in a lot of other ones. Hypothetically, I write for Gran Turismo, but I've never finished any of those fics lol.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. I'm breathing in the chemicals (Teen Wolf) 2. and you know you don't have to go (Ted Lasso) 3. Fear and Self-Loathing in Beacon Hill (Teen Wolf) 4. you're the sunflower (Ted Lasso) 5. into the blue and sunny morn' (BoRhap Actor RPF)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, absolutely! I appreciate when people comment and I like the interaction.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I try not to have angsty endings! All my angst is sprinkled throughout the story (maybe more than sprinkled lol) and then they get a happy ending.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Since most of my fics have happy endings, I don't know what the happiest of the happy endings would be. Probably a fic in the ITBASM-universe, because I tried to make them all very happy (they deserved it).
Do you get hate on fics?
I did get a couple hateful anons on here in my day but they didn't stick around. Thankfully I've avoided much of that (knock on wood).
Do you write smut?
I do, I do. All M/M, though for my original NaNo story I'm apparently going to be attempting M/F and idk how that's gonna go lol.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've written two 6 Underground x Midsomer Murders crossovers because Ben and Gwil.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of! I hope not.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I'm also not sure I'm aware of any.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not! I'll be honest that I really don't know how it works and I'm kind of a solitary creature in that regard. so, I don't know that it would be my vibe.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Everrrrrr? Oh my gosh I don't know if I could pick. According to my AO3 bookmarks, apparently it's Joe/Nicky from The Old Guard but I don't think so (and for the most part I avoid that fandom these days). I don't know, ever???? I still can't decide. I'm too finicky. I will say that a ship that I will always love and I go forever without reading and then I'll be in that mood again is Eggsy/Harry from Kingsman. Like, they're the old stalwart.
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Probably those Gran Turismo fics I mentioned above.
What are your writing strengths?
I would say dialogue but I don't know if anyone would agree. I find it the most fun, so I enjoy it.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't know how to describe what people look like, because 99.9 of stuff I write is fanfic and readers already know what those characters look like, so that whenever I attempt anything original, I don't know how to naturally include some idea of "this person has brown eyes and is very tall." I see it done so badly sometimes and I just try to avoid that.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done it before sparingly. Different languages, I know fics I've done have included French, Spanish, Dutch, German, and Arabic. For most of them, I use Google Translate. for the Arabic, I watched YouTube and tried non-Google Translate sources. for the French, some of it I knew myself and wrote it as I know it (I am not fluent in French). I would never write an entire fic in another language but I think including other languages is fun and rounds out the characters.
First fandom you wrote for?
Probably shockingly, it was Friends. A friend and I wrote it together in the fifth grade. Handwrote it, actually. We had a notebook that we passed back and forth.
Favorite fic you've written?
Overall, every ITBASM fic because it's like, my universe, my world, my characters, and it covered so much time (and space, ha). I don't know that I could pick an individual fic.
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The Other Evans Girl [Part Twenty Four]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character, Sirius Black x Daisy Evans, James Potter x Lily Evans
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Jasper Thicknesse, Barty Crouch Jr, Mulciber, Walden McNair
Word Count: 2092
Rating: Mature
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many, but it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sisters as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: Hogwarts, Friends, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Marauder’s Era, Teenage Angst, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Crying, Loss of Virginity, First Wizarding War, Love, Kissing, Teenagers, James Potter is a bit of a dick, Hogsmeade, 1970s, Fighting, Loss of Parents, Grief, Babies, Injuries, Gore, Harm, Christmas,  The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress // NYE Lily’s Dress // NYE Daisy’s Dress // Lily’s Ring // Daisy’s Ring
Notes: Okay so I’ve been working on updating this and I’ve finally gone through all the chapters already written before I start writing more. It’s changed a lot so I’ve decided it’s just better to completely re-upload it.  
If you want tagging let me know
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With Lily now at the help ironing out the details regarding recruiting others didn’t take too long. She was the perfect mix of logic and empathy that made the others see the cause which meant that by the end of the week they had gotten Alice, Marlene, and Frank on board and were eyeing up the possibility of convincing some more Gryffindors to join them at a later point. And, eager to get started they all decided there was no better time than Halloween to have their first meeting given that they shouldn’t be disturbed as everyone would be dining in the great hall. The only problem would be getting away. There was no chance that they could not attend or try to leave the feast at any point because as soon as McGonagall spotted so many of her students were absent she’d for sure come looking for them. So, what they needed was a distraction and whilst Lily had been a great help getting people on board and researching defensive tactics and hexes she wasn’t a prank mastermind. This called for the Marauders.
As Halloween rolled in and excitement started to build throughout the student body for the feast Daisy felt nervous. She didn’t know if it was the nerves of being caught or excitement of finally feeling as though she was doing something useful but whatever it was lingered inside her, not disappearing as Sirius nodded at her from where he was sitting way up the table, reassuring her they were set even though they’d decided to split into two groups. She nodded back to him and then turned away, trying to ignore the sickly feeling inside her as Lily slipped into her seat beside her looking just as nervous. In fact they seemed to be the only subdued students in the room, the entire hall abuzz with excitement as they prepared for the feast. In terms of eating Daisy never found Halloween much different, she thought the elves always did a great job, but the atmosphere was different as after eating they were all allowed to stay, to mingle with their friends and other students instead of being shepherded back to their common rooms or into quiet public spaces.
As the last couple of people sat down McGonagall stood up, causing the entire crowd to shush, and then gestured to Dumbledore who rose from his seat and thanked her with a kind smile before he said, ‘students. Thank you all for taking the time to join us on what promises to be another fulfilling Halloween night. It has been said before that I am a man of few words, alas, that is true especially when there is food and fun to be had. Tuck in.’
And with a flurry of his hands, food appeared in droves on the long tables and chatter arose once more as the students started their meal. Though as she loaded her plate up with a hot dog and some pumpkin pie Daisy couldn’t help but allow her gaze to shift down to James who was sitting next to Sirius who busy chatting to Remus across the table. From beside her she felt Lily’s gaze follow to where her sister was now watching the messy haired boy check his watch, the plate in her hand all but forgotten. Now that there was two of them ogling him he seemed to feel the weight of their gaze and looked up which made Lily turn away quickly, though not fast enough that both James and Daisy couldn’t see the tinge of pink on her cheeks. When she looked back at him he had a gigantic grin on his face which made her roll her eyes. Then as discreetly as she could she tapped her wrist, hoping he’d get her meaning, which fortunately he did, mouthing, ‘ten minutes,’ at her before turning back to whatever the boys were talking about. Daisy felt those nerves return. Whatever they had planned was happening soon and in an effort not to dwell on the anticipation Daisy decided to make the most of her chance to eat something and she scarfed down her entire plate so quickly she could feel a lump in her chest.
‘You’re going to make yourself sick,’ Lily said as Daisy crammed in another mouthful of pie. Lily, ever the prim and proper sister, was delicately lapping at her pea soup seemingly unbothered by the time limit. ‘Need-eat-quick,’ Daisy said her mouth full. Lily scrunched up her face in disgust. ‘You’re such a pig,’ she said before dropping her voice to a whisper, ‘besides how do you expect to practice hexes and spells that might throw you about with half a pie in your gob.’ ‘Fair point,’ Daisy said, instantly chewing slower. As she finished her second piece of pie and dropped her fork onto her plate there was an echoing thud.
And then another one.
And another.
As a curious look swept across the faculty the source of the noise then became apparent. There was another thud as a small pumpkin landed on the table in front of Dumbledore. It was raining pumpkins. Whilst students started ducking for cover the staff went into a flurry of panic, trying to stop the onslaught of raining pumpkins to no avail. Children started rising from the tables, trying to get away from what was now becoming a heavy downpour of all sizes of squash, and giggles and screams could be heard as the stone floor turned orange, blanketed underneath a layer of pumpkin rain.
‘Everybody remain calm,’ McGonagall shrieked as she gestured for everyone to go into the entryway. Other staff hurried the children along too all except Dumbledore who merely chuckled to himself as he made his way gracefully out of the hall, even if he did have to navigate around many a squash. As the dregs of students left the room, leaving the staff to battle the continuing assault of falling pumpkins, they discovered that there wasn’t much room in the entry way, their classmates already spilling up onto stairs towards the courtyards, dungeons and dormitories. In all the commotion Daisy moved to the edge of the room, Lily and Marlene close behind her, surveying the carnage to see if there was chance to slip away. The boys were nowhere to be seen as were Frank and Alice, though Lily had leaned in to whisper they’d gone out a door in the great hall, Frank kindly helping the first year’s to safety having made them invisible to the teachers. All they had to do was head towards astronomy tower and seeing that all eyes were not in their direction, watching the teachers try and fail to get a handle on the chaos or on students who had been hit in the downpour, Daisy clasped her hand around Lily’s wrist to pull her away. Yet as she did McGonagall appeared, her beady eyes trained across the crowd no doubt looking for the Marauders and yet only finding Daisy’s. Daisy paused, trying to look as innocent as she could as her teacher’s gaze lingered on her only breaking as Peeves appeared overhead, flying above them with a gleeful shriek.
‘Little round pumpkins falling from the skies, You better run and cover your eyes, For when they fall all over the place, They’ll go splat all over your face!’
He giggled as he zoomed above them, throwing pumpkins of his own that he’d conjured, and realising that this was their best opportunity to dart Daisy yanked Lily who grabbed Marlene and followed her through an ajar door to the dungeons. Daisy ran down the steps as quickly as possible, her friends close behind, only slowing as she got to the bottom and found Alice and Frank waiting nervously.
‘You made it then,’ Alice giggled as the girls came into view. ‘Just about,’ Lily said with a sigh of relief. ‘I thought for sure McGonagall had caught us for the prank but I think she thinks it’s Peeves now,’ Daisy said. ‘Oh Minnie definitely thinks it’s Peeves now,’ Sirius said appearing from the other end of the corridor with Remus, James and Peter in tow. ‘Well at least we hope so,’ James said, ‘we gave him a big bag of sweets to take the blame.’ ‘So,’ Lily said cutting through James’ laughter with a curt tone, ‘Remus and I have got some things we think might be useful but have you got us a place to practice?’ ‘Alright Evans keep your hair on,’ James said getting out the Marauder’s map and opening it in front of him, causing everyone to crowd around as it started to reveal it’s magic. Their names were in the middle of the map, largely drowned out by the masses of people congregated just above them, though as the prank had started to wane, no doubt becoming easier to handle for the teachers, those names started to filter back into the great hall. James didn’t pay attention to them, instead he pointed to a spot and explained, ‘Sirius and I were going over all the places and we think we’ve found the perfect place.’ ‘You want to go to the attic?’ Alice said sceptically looking at the elegant script just below his finger that read attic. ‘I didn’t even know there was one,’ Frank said. ‘We’ve been up there once or twice,’ Sirius said, ‘it’s away from literally everything. It’s on a quiet corridor and no one knows it’s there except Filch and Dumbledore it seems.’ ‘And if Filch comes?’ Lily butted in, ‘it’s only got one entrance. Which means only one exit.’ ‘We thought you could get up a nice silencing charm going. And we can watch the map to keep tabs on where Filch is,’ James said as if it were obvious. ‘Well it is a great map,’ Lily said, ‘even if it does break about fifty school rules.’ ‘You like it?’ James stuttered with a humble smile. ‘It takes talent, I can’t argue with that,’ Lily said. As no one offered any complaints James nodded and lead them in the direction the needed to go, Lily following behind quickly, her eyes roving over the map over his shoulder. Sirius and Daisy exchanged a smile.
Once up in the attic Remus and Lily started to put a muffling charm around the room whilst everyone else cleared a space. Fortunately once they’d pushed most of the stuff towards the back wall they found they had quite a good amount of room, even so much to allow them to lay a few old mattresses down as crash mats. Though once everything was set up they sort of loitered waiting for someone to initiate the first move.
‘So what now?’ Frank said, his eyes scanning the group as he threw an arm around Alice’s shoulders. ‘Well I guess we could start with some hexes,’ Lily said grabbing her book full of notes. ‘Why don’t we start by telling each other why we’re here?’ Remus said. ‘We know why we’re here,’ Sirius said rolling his eyes. ‘To learn spells, right?’ Frank said, ‘outside of those that they teach in school.’ ‘Well, yeah,’ James said. ‘But it’s more than that,’ Daisy said. ‘It’s war,’ Sirius said. ‘Padfoot!’ Remus chastised as seven scared faces looked at him. ‘What? I’m only being honest. We can pretend that we’re here just to learn defensive spells and yeah that might be why you’re all here but I’m here to learn how to defend myself. And how to fight. Because that’s what the Slytherins are doing. That’s what He is getting people to do. Fight. Kill…and I for one am not going to stand for it,’ Sirius said firmly. ‘Us either,’ James said putting his arms around his best mate and Remus. Peter loitered awkwardly beside Remus. ‘And me,’ Marlene said, ‘Sirius is right-’ ‘Woah never thought you’d say that again,’ Sirius chuckled earning him a scowl. ‘Sirius is right. Those death eaters,’ she said with a shudder, ‘they’re in more places than you think. They’re trying to convert people even within our school so we need as many people as possible.’ ‘Well count us in,’ Frank and Alice said, ‘are we starting?’ ‘Let’s do it,’ Daisy said, ‘Lil?’ Lily nodded and looked down at her notes, ‘okay…so first I wanted to go over something called the Imperius curse.’
@maeisafangirl @mysteriouslydelicateface @caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year
Your tags on this post are so interesting to me: www.tumblr*com/persephoneflouwers/716582542127628288/httpstwittercompissingrrystatus1654629281895
Because there’s such a contrast between the way Louis was portrayed in 2015 and 2016 for example vs. today, with partyboy Louis (the Louis who’d get papped with girls and had articles written about how many women he’d taken to his hotel room) being replaced by this almost blank canvas. Perhaps even a blank canvas for people to project their own feelings of desire onto. Yes the media have mentioned his ‘girlfriend’ in interviews and such (before the break-up was announced) but in general his image is mostly of someone who is sexually-unavailable. He’s not marketed as someone desirable and that’s likely a conscious decision, his focus is on the music and that’s totally fine. I also think partly it helps him retain some kind of ambiguity around his sexuality which, understandable! Do what you need to do!
I don’t fully agree with you on this. I don’t think there’s any space with the sexual projections on Louis. For instance, I’ve never seen a y/n x Louis in my life EVER. Even the simple fact Party Boy downright ended up with a kid seems very categorical to me. They didn’t give you the multiple one night stands, the multiple dating rumours, the multiple public partners. He’s the guy who settled down with a girl at 18, broke up, lost the track for a couple of months and coincidentally in that time had a child with a social parasite girlie (what are the chances of this happening in reality omfg) and then went back to the usual gf. He’s not a blank canvas on this topic.
It should tell a lot the fact his own fans perceive him more as a big brother/bestie whom they like to call daddy when he shows a bit of his powerful boss aura. It’s probably an age issue too now. There’s a lot of difference between Louis, who is approaching 32 and the average fan (usually barely 20). And now that I think about it, this could explain why they tried to introduce the latest stunt. She was young, same age as a normal Louis fan, probably into the same stuff too. I’ve never thought it could be a way to reconnect with his fanbase and I’ll have to sit on this and think, but it’s just a possibility at this point lol
The thing is it didn’t work they way they hoped it would because they have been feeding people another Louis for ages. Yes, he was the menace with the best sex innuendos, they took that away. Yes, he was possibly the biggest flirt, they took that out of the brand. And that’s what you have now an insanely hot young man who has potentially every skill to be the daddiest mf in the biz who never talks about sex or shows any interest in it. The contrast with Harry is soooo striking. Like you don’t have a single song in Harry’s entire discography where there isn’t a sex related whatever. Music videos, interviews, just in general the things he says or does (pleasing everyone?)
It’s the polar opposites agenda.
Once you see it, you won’t get rid of it 💀
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Hi I'm sorry hope I'm not bothering but what are those Aus u were talking about they seem really interesting hope I'm not bothering u can ignore ofc
OH YOU AINT BOTHERING ME AT ALL, i did ask in the tags for someone to come ask me cuz i need to talk about it BUT HERE WE GO
so! the poyw invitation au! now you may think its an "oh a (y/n) from our world goes to that universe and ends up in the storyline somehow~" NOPE ahahaha!!!!!! its a full descendants poyw au! either taking from the og storyline or the rewrite AU, (y/n)/rose gets sent home one day(after she married Harry). Either, her key stops working, or shes now home again with no way back to the descendants world, right back where she started(though she does keep the items shes gained, like her rings, necklace, n maybe a sword idk). Still, around-lets say....idk at most 10 years later, after doing a DNA thing for funsies, she finds she suddenly has a family from England, and her newly discovered cousin Oliver has reached out~!! like Evie, she goes to meet him and he talks about the Devilles and that big ol wedding, (y/n)/rose mentions knowing a Deville once but his name was spelled Devil but pronounced De'vil (ahaha yes funny funny). Oliver is just like...okay cool(and slightly sus he don't know why tho) and invites her to the wedding for an Alexander family reunion
(y/n)/rose agrees, cuz something tugs at her ear to tell her to go(sounding a lot like that one goddess who pulled way too many strings to make Harry/rose possible) and eventually ends up at the new carfax abbey, soon seeing *drumroll* Walter~ who looks exactly like her fucking boy Harry Hook, and boy does he look-actually surprised to see her.
some high-jinks ensue with (y/n)/rose snooping around trying to figure out why this dude looks exactly like Harry/Thomas Doherty and ends up finding a hall that has Walter's family portraits on them. two of them include two very familiar faces, Cj and Harriet hook.
(y/n)/rose figures shit out quickly and makes a quick comment on one of their old friends during the cocktail party thing and Walter corrects her about something (pulling a lil abu trick like Jasmin did) and winces as (y/n)/rose gasps about catching him right in a lie! cuz holy shit Walter's Harry fucking Hook!!!!
after a long explanation,(with crying from Harry cuz he's dramatic/extra) its revealed Harry got sent to (y/n)/rose's world with her, but ended up way back in time due to a mix up, thanks to a technicality due to when Harry should've actually been born if the whole neverland/Auradon necromancy thing didn't happen, so he's way back in time before anything Disney has even been imagined, and makes a deal with some witches for immortality, becoming a vamp.
Harry now thinks (y/n)/rose will be scared of him, he's a monster now, one without a soul, but (y/n)/rose is that bitch and has killed for Harry too many times to count now and is just "dude, i killed ur dad for you, and his entire crew-plus some random ass fucks who threatened you. you really think some blood drinking gonna scare me off?" Harry just laughs as (y/n)/rose takes his face and kisses him stupid, the two soul mates finally reunited after so long.
anyways, at this point-it separates from canon and just has the two having a time as if they were never apart-Walter/Harry tells the families/the brides some of the truth and that (y/n)/rose happily accepted his proposal(even tho the two were already married n (y/n)/rose still wears her rings) Viktoria is...Viktoria, Lucy is Lucy, and (y/n)/rose is still that bitch; her and Harry soon starting to try to figure out how to get back to their world, getting even closer than before in the process(if that was even possible)
dead ass-this last bit is-fully stolen/borrowed from @sessediz's version of the invitation, but after (y/n)/rose n Harry/Walter take their vows(again) and (y/n)/rose takes his blood, Viktoria attempts a coup but uh-girly wasn't expecting the fucking balls (y/n)/rose has(being one to even make Gaston shake in the knees at the sight of her, girlies fucking THAT BITCH) and (y/n)/rose, either with her new vamp stretch or her skills(rewrite /rose is immune to magic, which in turn would make her immune to the blood pact thing so-she stays human but completes her end of the deal) takes Viktoria down with-too much ease(i think i made (y/n)/rose a bit of a mary sue but i do what it want plus, for real, Viktoria prob doesn't know how to actually fight, if it came down to skill, Viktoria would be a goner-did you see how her and lucy fought? those two have never actually fought someone in their life)
after being asked why Viktoria attempted such a coup like this, she tried to justify herself with how (y/n)/rose made Walter soft, how weak he's become over the years. Harry just laughs, his eyes gleaming red with the remaining madness curse that never truly left. "I'm a villain kid darlin'" his accent comes back out at this point, dark and rough like the child of hook he really is "this is all jus' childs play, got boring after a while-ye know?"
anyways-of course Viktoria is taken out due to her treacherous act, and while (y/n)/rose n Harry still figure out how the fuck to get home, they take care of business (like firing the racist ass butler and taking up different prey than the servant class cuz like the fuck?) and (y/n)/rose is implemented into the house, either as a vampire or a human that was unaffected by the pact(magic immunity has its perks) so-how this would end, would either be them going home, or them staying in (y/n)/rose's world as the Deville's
also-yes (y/n)/rose bullies Harry over his new last name SO FUCKING MUCH
anyways there would be so much more to this au than i said here and if i did ever write it-it would be a lot better than what i explained and make more sense but-ye
OH and totally the reason why (y/n)/rose is suddenly an Alexander is so because of Persephone pulling strings, she just cannot let her otp be separated for longer 
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dracomort · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @duplicitywrites and @cindle-writes!
Tagging @laeveteinn and @kazuza-art
1. Post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular),
2. your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year,
3. your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year,
4. your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year,
5. and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
5 works
So, um, I don't actually have five fics written in 2022 up on my AO3 at the moment. I did finish a fic in the last 2 weeks of 2021 though so I'll just chuck it in.
Bluebeard (34,850 words) | Complete
Secrets, old and new, threaten to shake the very foundations of Draco's fragile new life in the 1940s.
This was the sequel to the Travelling Cabinet which I told every commenter I wasn't going to write and then went ahead and wrote anyway. Very much in reference to the Bluebeard fairytale, only instead of dead wives it's dead... everyone else 🤣
Definitely was a bit of a challenge—in relationship conflict, morality and emotional complexity. I rewrote the last 10k... many times. It also kinda has a plot 😲
Blood (8,216 words) | Complete
Outside, the world burns. But Draco isn’t watching.
Dipped my toes into heavier angst with this fic as all my previous works are predominately light-hearted, even if they have serious elements. I intended it to be Dracomort but it ended up gen to preslash at most because anything else didn't feel right.
Alley Cat (31,707 words) | WIP
In which Draco attends Hogwarts with Tom Riddle and inadvertently saves the world.
This is my current WIP, a Draco & Tom same age AU. Fun fact: this actually started as a fem!Tom fic lol, but it felt like too many twists away from canon to serve any particular point, so I figured it had to either be Abraxas/Fem!Tom or Draco/Tom generation mash.
A Generous Minute (6,975 words) | Complete
Abraxas Malfoy is in love with himself. Tom Riddle is planning a murder. Possibly ten.
Or: when one walking red flag meets another
My one fic without Draco (so far). Named for Abraxas's impressive bedroom performance, of course. Had a lot of fun writing Brax here in all of his oblivious, unredeemed narcissism. Probably would've killed him off if that wouldn't have consequently led to erasing Draco's future existence.
Edible Horcruxes (2,913 words) | Complete
Poor decisions from meddlesome grandfathers leave Lord Voldemort acting as nanny for Draco Malfoy, a cherubic baby with a taste for dark artefacts.
Technically published in 2021 but who's counting? Another gen baby-focused fic entirely written because I wanted to write baby Draco chewing on the Locket Horcrux.
Hmmm honestly, I can't promise to actually release any of my WIPs. However, these are the most recent projects I've been working on:
Secret Garden AU | Tom Riddle & Draco Malfoy
Tom as Mary and Draco as Colin (except they aren't cousins).
Vampire AU | Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Harry is a seventeen-year-old vampire pretending to be seven-hundred. Draco is a would-be victim who thinks his blood is too expensive to be spilt.
The Travelling Cabinet III | Tom Riddle/Draco Malfoy
Tom and Draco go on a camping trip in Albania. Septimus and Cedrella tag along. Not especially plot heavy. Inspired by a commenter on Bluebeard.
Pinocchio | Voldemort/Draco Malfoy, Tom Riddle/Draco Malfoy
Set in the early 2000s in a Britain that has been conquered by Voldemort. Features Horcrux!Tom, Death Eater!Draco and a Voldemort who has gone missing without a trace.
I WISH I could write this fic but it just does not want to be written lol. POV issues, for the most part, as well as it being heavier on plot than I typically write. I might get stuck into it in the new year before my grad job starts but I'll probably be writing Alley Cat or the TTC sequel then.
3 Improvements
Writing emotions - when I wrote the last chapter of Bluebeard I realised that I was tackling several emotions that I'd never written before. When left to my own devices I tend to write detached or callous POVs, which is helpful in certain cases (Tom's POV in The Travelling Cabinet or Draco's in Blood) but not in this one.
Completing work - I've been putting a concentrated effort into finishing my work, something I've struggled with in the past. Am easily distracted by shiny new plot bunnies 🐰
Writing consistently - needs no elaboration.
2 Resolutions
Cure my white room syndrome - I tend to be a very economical writer and while I don't see myself ever changing that much, I should like to put more effort into scenery description going forward
Write Drarry - given the amount of this ship that I've read over the past few years, you'd think I'd manage to write for it but that has not been the case lol
1 Favourite Line
"Even if he understood on an intellectual level that the war was over, it continued in a dark, secret place buried deep within him." (Bluebeard, Chapter 3)
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flownwrong · 2 years
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten (haha no) Tags
more tag games! I was tagged by @prince-of-elsinore forever ago and just got around to it. thanks elsi!
1. gerri kellman, succession
stone cold bitch, smartest person in the room, crazy hot lady, probably the single most entertaining character for me to watch in the whole show. what can i say, she's just neat.
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2. tim gutterson, justified
he don't miss MY HEART! deadpan, competent, and secretly a disaster. what more to want in a character. i love this boi, not one boring second on the screen.
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3. harry du bois, disco elysium
no gifs for this one, but there's something wonderful about a character who's both been wrecked by life and poor choices to the point he completely lost sight of meaning or purpose AND is put in a clean slate position when he can experience the world and very intense events around him with childlike wonder. the way i played him was an (un)healthy combo of falling into old patterns and choosing to turn to light and open himself to it whenever he can, and he turned out to be an extremely cathartic vessel in this story and in my own processing.
4. charlie kelly, it's always sunny in philadelphia
my favourite rat boy. i appreciated how despite being the pinnacle of insanity he is also one who delivered most of the poignant, truly emotional points in the whole show for me. probably my favourite actor/part combo too. gj both charlies
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5. casca, berserk
if we take the pre-eclipse arcs, she is actually one of my favourite women to be written by a man. a surprisingly deep figure that swerves away from cliches every time she approaches them, making choices when nobody expects her to choose for herself. "nobody lies their way into a body with this many scars," indeed.
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6. jocelyn carter, person of interest
the counterweight of mundane in an otherwise very not mundane setting, a display of being a human with boundaries and restricted possibilities among people who move and operate on an entirely different plane, an overall bulldozer of human perseverance in the face of something incomprehensible. she's an all around good egg.
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7. misato katsuragi, neon genesis evangelion
[claps misato on the back] this girl can fit so much trauma in her. her unique place in the story of cracking facades all around resonated most with me, layers and layers revealed and stripped off her persona to the point where there's a very real, struggling and lost core left that has to step up and take responsibility or perish. even as everything falls apart around her, she commits to moving further and further, and i loved watching it.
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8. david ward, i am in eskew
not much of a character at all, but a magnificent device to explore the feelings of total alienation, detachment and otherness both through his place in reality and his place in unreality. he doesn't fit in either but he makes important choices in the face of the latter, patching up holes in himself even if he can't ever get whole again. a kind of alice in wonderland but horror experience.
9. francis crozier, the terror
very high on my list of extremely flawed characters you come to love not because they get rid of the flaws but because they learn to shed them in the face of harrowing experiences to uplift and help others. does not help at all that he's portrayed by king jarred harris who embodies this development perfectly. a++
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10. sidney freedman, m*a*s*h
i forced myself to not cheat by picking hawkeye, but then it was no competition because sidney is by far the rarest kind of character i get to see. like how often do you get a psychiatrist/therapist on screen that doesn't cringe you out and oddly resonates with how you wish to see healing and help represented, all that despite being from a 50 year old show and using methods of its time? there's so little stigma or distance to be found around sidney, and so much acceptance and belief in people he tries to help. i want to carry this with me in my work if my becoming a therapist plan pans out.
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i am Not Sure anyone in my circle escaped this, but in case someone did, i would love to see @blueniverse42's, @thegoodthebadandtheart's, @andreydaddanos's and @harpernovakaine lists!
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earmo-imni · 1 year
Marijn's OC Masterlist
I have finally. FINALLY. Put together an OC masterpost like I said I wanted to do ages ago. (I actually did start one then, but I changed my mind about how I wanted to do it so. I redid it all.) Uh, disclaimer, I do have a number of Harry Potter OCs; however I no longer give JKR any money and simply play with my imaginary dolls in the privacy of my own mind and blog. If you have a problem with that (which, fair) please either block the tags hp series and hp ocs or simply unfollow/block me, whatever floats your boat. I'm going to keep playing with my dolls.
Other fandoms include Lord of the Rings, Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood and Manga), Fairy Tail, and Castlevania (Netflix series).
⭐️ indicates a character I am especially attached to
❤️ indicates a character I am currently hyperfixating on
This is still a work in progress! Many of these will link to separate posts with more details eventually, because I have lots and lots of characters and lots and lots of feelings about them. It's just...going to take a while.
Additional posts because this was getting too unwieldy:
Aro-Polyam Found Family DND Party
DND, TTRPG, and LARP Characters
Lord of the Rings
Mavwin Fëanoriel ⭐️
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Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Demigirl
Orientation: Grey-romantic asexual
Age: Around 8000 years
My most developed and third-ever OC, Mavwin is the third child and only daughter of Fëanor. In her youth she was a princess and an artist who loved her father fiercely. In the First Age she became a warrior and a leader, as well as a war criminal, having sworn the Oath of Fëanor and committed the Kinslayings alongside her brothers. Unlike her brothers, however, she survived the First Age with the help of her foster sons Elrond and Elros, and became a war hero in the wars against Sauron in the Second Age. By the time of The Lord of the Rings, she is a depressed and traumatized warrior slowly dying of grief. She ends up getting a very happy ending, winning Legolas' heart and finally getting to sail home to Valinor and finding healing after the Oath is mysteriously broken.
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Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: Trans Man
Orientation: Gay Demiromantic Demisexual
Age: Around 2000 years
A Silvan warrior from Mirkwood and one of Legolas's friends who accompanies him to Rivendell. Genuinely just created so Legolas had someone to talk to in Mavwin's story. ADHD af, carves wood as a hobby, loves his spouse Lalar.
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Pronouns: They/Them
Gender: Nonbinary
Orientation: Gay Demiromantic Demisexual
Age: 3500-ish
A Silvan warrior from Mirkwood and one of Legolas's friends who accompanies him to Rivendell. Also created solely so Legolas had someone to talk to. Has a really nice laugh and loves their husband Carwegon.
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Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Age: Around 3000, maybe a little less
My second ever OC, I’m only including her because my list feels incomplete otherwise. I made her when I was fourteen, wrote several thousand words for her, then stopped writing fanfic altogether for nearly a decade. Her only highlights are being Legolas’s fiance, having the dubious honor of getting stabbed with a Morgul blade twice in her lifetime, and having the equally dubious honor of speaking extremely bad “Elvish.”
She’s been pretty much entirely eclipsed by Mavwin at this point and is unlikely to ever get so much as a downgrade to side character status, much less a revamp to her actual story.
Edit: Literally as I was working on this post, I came up with a possible revamp and tie-in to Mavwin's story, so...this space might change in the future. We'll see.
Harry Potter
Aisling "Ash" Doherty ⭐️
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Pronouns: Ze/Hir
Gender: Butch
Orientation: (Aroace) Lesbian
Age: 30s (same age as Sarah)
House: Hufflepuff
Ah, Aisling. For many months called only “Severus Snape’s Queer Irish Best Friend,” Ash has since become much more than that, and yet that is still who ze is at hir core.
Aisling (pronounced ash-ling) is the child of Fenrir Greyback and an unsuspecting young Northern Irish woman who fell victim to him. Raised by her loving mother and abusive stepfather, ze hails from Derry, Northern Ireland, going to hir first year at Hogwarts just weeks after the first riots of the Troubles erupted in hir own neighborhood. Aisling quickly became friends with Lily Evans and Severus Snape, in particular bonding with Severus over their terrible childhoods and James Potter being an asshole. Highlights of Ash’s story: accompanied Severus to the Shrieking Shack in their fifth year only to get bit by Remus and turned into a werewolf; moved to London after graduating and found a home in the punk and queer communities there, finding work as a bartender despite hir lycanthropy with their support; undying but not blind loyalty to Severus; extremely complicated relationship with the surviving Marauders. Ends up being Harry’s cool aunt* and living with Severus in a London flat.
Sarah Taylor
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Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Cis Woman
Orientation: Bisexual, but the kind that doesn't realize it, because everyone thinks people of all genders are hot, right?
Age: 30s (same age as Aisling)
House: Gryffindor
Sarah was my very first OC (technically I think I had one prior to her but I don’t remember that one anyway sooooooo). However, she got a massive and much-needed revamp in recent years. (Originally she was one of the most hetero- and amatonormative things you’d ever see in your entire life and it was mildly horrifying to look back on.)
So! Sarah’s mother had the dubious honor of being the only person Fenrir Greyback ever really loved. Not long after Sarah was conceived, however, her mother finally discovered Greyback’s true nature and ran, hiding out in the English countryside. There Sarah was raised alongside Remus Lupin, with the two quickly becoming close friends. After Remus was attacked by Greyback, Sarah’s mother and the Lupins worked together to move around the country in hopes of keeping the two children safe. Sarah, meanwhile, decided to dedicate her life to protecting Remus. Highlights of Sarah’s story: became an illegal Animagus (a wolf) in her third year so she could spend full moons with Remus; started dating Remus in their fifth year and married him soon after graduating; also joined the Ministry after graduation in an attempt to change society and the treatment of werewolves from the inside; after James and Lily die she and Remus search for Harry and move to Little Whinging to keep an eye on him, posing as a government career-woman and a house-husband with a part-time job at the local library. Ends the series living with Sirius and Remus in a nice cottage out in the countryside with a lot of well-warded land for the werewolves (Ash, Remus) and Animagi (Sarah, Sirius) in the family to roam during full moons.
Lukas Greyback
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Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: Trans Man
Orientation: Gay
Age: 30s (two years older than Aisling and Sarah)
House: Slytherin
Okay, so for those who are Homestucks, you know Blood Players? Yeah, that’s this guy.
Lukas Greyback is the oldest child of Fenrir Greyback. Born into Fenrir’s pack, Lukas was Fenrir’s chosen heir—probably the only reason Fenrir was so accepting of Lukas being trans, as he’d been disappointed that his heir was apparently female. Fenrir did his best to indoctrinate his son with his views and train him to fight against the Wizarding World, even going so far as to protect him from getting bit and sending him to Hogwarts so that he would know how to defend himself magically. That was also Fenrir’s biggest mistake, however, as Lukas found people there who befriended him despite his parentage and unusual upbringing. His half-siblings and even some of their friends showed him the truth: although the Wizarding World could be cruel and discriminatory, there were still people who fought against the cruelty.
Armed with the Power of Friendship this knowledge, Lukas returned to Fenrir after graduating and confronted him once he’d been turned into a werewolf, declaring that he would rather make allies among the wizards and fight for werewolf rights politically instead of in a violent revolution. Enraged, Fenrir attacked him, blinding him in one eye and driving him out of the pack.
Undaunted, Lukas proceeded to work to form his own rival pack of those werewolves who suffered under Fenrir’s capricious rule, or desired reconciliation and acceptance from the Wizarding World. To that end, Lukas cultivated a calm, charismatic persona, achieving a near-religious following amongst those who joined him. His siblings still act as his closest allies in the Wizarding World, helping him to work from within in order to bring about the peace they all desire.
Brittany Albright
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Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: "Girl" (Really she's agender but she doesn't have the words for it, and she's non-dysphoric anyway)
Orientation: Lesbian probably
Age: 30s (three years younger than Aisling and Sarah)
House: Ravenclaw
Brittany is the baby of the Greyback half-siblings, and tends to prefer the background, so I don’t really have a great grasp on her just yet. Here’s what I do know, however.
Brittany was born to a very, very young Muggle woman, a girl, really (because Greyback is a terrible person, as we all know), and was thus raised initially as her mother’s younger sister. Given the circumstances of Brittany's conception, however, her existence raised a lot of stress for her birth family, and life wasn't easy for her. Being neurodivergent and magical in a neurotypical, Muggle household didn’t help. She was eventually, around the age of six, given up for adoption as a result of all the tension, and a very kind, very neurodivergent Muggle professor ended up adopting her and gave her a much better childhood until they were pleasantly surprised by her Hogwarts letter.
Personality-wise, Brittany tends to be very quiet and shy and masks really hard, all the time. If you're able to gain her trust and make her feel comfortable, however, she basically becomes Entrapta from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. She's fond of researching both Muggle technology and Wizarding magic in hopes of improving the state of technology in the Wizarding World.
Other Fandoms
Rune Arthana
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Fandom: Fairy Tail
Pronouns: Fae/Faer
Gender: Nonbinary
Orientation: ?????
Age: 17
Fae is just a little guy, you know?
Rune is a shy, mysterious member of Fairy Tail. Found and brought to the guild by Gildarts after faer father died from Magic Deficiency Disease, Rune uses “Spirit Magic,” magic that calls upon the spirits of the world around faer and apparently learned from the ruins Rune explored with faer parents, and is always accompanied by a large, magical, sentient hound.
The truth is that Rune’s dad mistranslated some ancient manuscripts that Zeref left lying around somewhere, and that “Spirit Magic” is actually Living Magic. Rune’s actually creating spirits from the things around faer. Fae is not very happy when fae encounters Zeref on Tenrou and finds this out.
Morgan the Doll
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Fandom: Seven Deadly Sins (Nanatsu no Taizai)
Pronouns: He/They
Gender: Nonbinary Transmasc
Orientation: Aroace
Age: 2500-ish
Aka the container for all my gender dysphoria.
Somehow, in this universe, early on in Meliodas and Elizabeth’s curses, Merlin found notes from the original Gowther describing how to create a sentient magical doll, same as Gowther the Sin. In the interest of helping her friends, she created Morgan, a pretty female doll who could accompany Meliodas and use her emotion-based magic to help keep him stable during the long and tormenting years.
Morgan didn’t quite turn out as expected, however, because it turns out when you create a sentient being, that being tends to have their own ideas. While they did their best to serve and help Meliodas, and indeed became a close friend and confidant to both Meliodas and many incarnations of Elizabeth, they struggled with things like their sense of purpose, self-worth, identity, and gender over the millennia. (Gender, at least, was resolved fairly early on, actually, when Meliodas urged Morgan to do what they wanted instead of what he wanted, and Morgan promptly gave themself top surgery—something much more easily accomplished as a doll. Not that they didn’t give Meliodas a heart attack when he walked in on them. On the upside they’ve got really cool stitches on their scars!)
Madalena the Dhampir
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Fandom: Castlevania (Netflix TV Show)
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Girl?
Orientation: Probably a lesbian
Age: 17-19?
A young dhampir literally raised by wolves, Madalena gets adopted by Dracula after Carmilla finds her on her way to Dracula’s castle and decides to drag her along as a “gift.” Dracula being a good dad when not drowning in grief and rage, he manages to drag himself out of his funk enough to care for Madalena and begin teaching her reading, writing, and fighting.
When Carmilla and the protagonists attack the castle, Dracula sends her to hide. She comes out a few days later to find only Alucard, who, after an initial scuffle over his part in Dracula’s death, adopts Madalena as his sister and continues the education his father began.
Rebecca “Beck” David ❤️
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(Huge thank you to @cthonicascendant for making this for me!)
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist (Manga and Brotherhood)
True Name: Tema shim Lakhel
Pronouns: They/Them
Gender: Nonbinary
Orientation: ?????
Age: 17
My newest OC, Beck is a deeply religious Ishvalan teen traveling with the Elric brothers for much of the story. Having been the only member of their family to survive the Ishvalan genocide, they have a lot of complicated feelings about alchemy, the Amestrian military, and Amestris and Amestrians in general, but they also believe that traveling with Ed and Al could be an opportunity to change Amestrians’ attitudes towards Ishvalans.
Eventually, however, they discover their mentor from the temple, who we know as Scar, is still alive and also really fucked up, which kind of throws a wrench in all their good intentions. And also there’s all the rest of the plot.
Featuring: a lot of trauma, anger, and tears; protective mentor Scar; lots of warm fuzzy feelings, religious discussions, and shared trauma between mentor!Scar and student!Tema; Whoops They Inherited My Religious Feelings; Oh God There’s Worldbuilding; Oh God There’s Conlang (Sort Of), and Rehabilitative Justice For The Win
Credits for Picrews and Portrait Makers
Fantasy icon maker ファンタジー画像 by meimrr
Bright’s Picrew Hell by brightgoat
Fantasy Character Maker by MagicalPouchOfMagic
[WIP] Elvish Character Creator RE by findekane on Meiker.io
Elven Portrait by Azalea’s Dolls (using the Y8 Browser)
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kiruuuuu · 2 years
Kiru's Advent Calendar, Day 4 💧
This ship is my newest obsession and I refuse to elaborate. Just know that I've got one very long fic about them all planned out in my head and trying to find the courage and time to write it 😔 Also, this is based on Wamai's concept art, you'll know the one. (Wamai/Lion, Rating T, Lion is up to his neck in the largest Egyptian river, ~1.3k words)
This display is preposterous.
Bored, Lion leans against the nearest column and attempts to ignore all the excited, shrill chatter assaulting his ears over, well, something hardly worth celebrating. It followed a bet – good-natured, of course, Valkyrie is a bumbling fool who welcomes anything with open arms, be it a friend or chronic disease – and entirely too many people got roped into it and now most of Rainbow is present. As if they had nothing better to do.
It looks like a surprisingly even split, with half of them chanting the American woman’s name and the other half rooting for the newcomer. In moments like these, Lion enjoys watching the audience more than the spectacle: there’s so much politics going on that he simply couldn’t refuse to join the fray. Are they trying to be inclusive by choosing Wamai’s side, a transparent attempt at winning Kali over? Sticking to their guns in performing undying loyalty to the organisation? Is it personal, are they acting out of spite, or merely chose the perceived underdog?
Or, like the Russians, are they just making use of every opportunity to yell loudly?
“This is silly”, says Lion, disdain dripping from every syllable. His gaze wanders back to Wamai who’s barely breaking a sweat whereas sweat is pouring down Valkyrie’s face from the exertion – Nighthaven’s second-in-command bragged about his stamina until Blackbeard took it personally and urged Valkyrie to shut him up (a sentiment Lion shared), which unfortunately resulted in this stupid competition (a result Lion regrets). He’s idly wondering what will happen first: a treadmill breaking or a misstep. He’d love to watch Wamai go flying.
“His body did invite scientific research”, Montagne replies, diplomatic as ever. The man is indestructible, good-humoured and much too tolerant. He even looks invested in the outcome of this pissing contest.
Lion merely scoffs. It sounds more like a freak of nature type of thing to him, where maybe Wamai was born with four lungs (and yes, he knows that’s not how it works). Big deal, he can hold his breath a long time, that’ll surely help in the field when they’re trying to neutralise terrorists. Running fast for a long time has always been the main criterium for joining Rainbow, sure.
One thing he has to admit, however. Wamai makes it look easy. The way he brings his feet down, moves his arms perfectly in sync with the toned thighs, there is some natural… not beauty, no, he wouldn’t go that far, maybe allure. That’s not the correct word either and Lion shakes it out of his head immediately. He does appreciate legs, and Wamai’s do look quite… well taken care of, but that is irrelevant. He’s weird, obnoxious, a braggart, and most of all the enemy. Lion has gathered snippets here and rumours of rumours there, with one conclusion: Harry only invited Kali in so she wouldn’t destroy Rainbow. Or something like that.
In any case, Wamai’s physique may well be the most impressive Lion has ever seen, but he remains an obstacle. Of sorts. And, well, maybe it’s not the most impressive one, he might just have well-formed calves and pronounced pecs and the way his thigh muscles bulge -
Just then, Valkyrie stops, putting her feet next to the worryingly fast belt while shaking her head in both defeat and approval, causing half the room to erupt in cheers. Most people clap for Wamai, visibly impressed, and the fucker just keeps going with the most irritating shit-eating grin Lion has ever seen.
“We need to go talk to him”, he decides and though Montagne’s expression doesn’t scream neverending support nor total agreement, his friend tags along regardless. Possibly to keep an eye on him, who knows.
Lion has always wanted to do the reveal where someone closes their locker door and suddenly someone else is standing right next to them, except that he doesn’t even get close to the reaction he was hoping for. Instead, Wamai greets him with a polite smile. “Hi”, he says.
“Is this the sort of thing you choose to do for money?”, Lion accuses him without missing a beat, arms crossed and leaning against the wall of lockers. He waited until everyone else had left, just to be safe. Well, Montagne had waited with him, complaining about missing lunch and getting crankier by the minute, but now he’s all smiles again.
“That was impressive”, the very same chimes in, unasked, and offers Wamai his hand. “Never seen anything like it.”
Another smile, this one somehow more genuine as he accepts the handshake. “Thanks. Running is just something I can do well.” He turns to Lion, brows raised. “As for your question: yes, actually.”
Lion, prepared for a blatant and transparent refusal, instead furrows his brows. “What do you mean?”
“Well, what did you mean?”
He ignores Montagne’s quiet snort which he masks badly as a cough and tries to muster up all the outrage he can once more. “Spying on an organisation founded for the benefit of mankind. That’s why you’re here, isn’t it? I haven’t figured out why yet, but you’re trying to harm Rainbow in some way.”
“Spying is the last thing I would do for money. It’s boring and I wouldn’t be very good at it.” Wamai grabs his collar and pulls off his shirt in one swoop, revealing glistening skin and even more muscles. “You’ve been trying to antagonise me.”
“I’m attempting to find out the truth”, Lion bristles at the blunt accusation.
“Will you be satisfied with the answers I can give you?” The question catches him off guard, as do so many things coming out of Wamai’s mouth. Conducting a normal conversation is nigh impossible with the man, no wonder Harry described him as ‘difficult to get close to’. Not that Lion is vying for that position, he just wants to know what their game plan is, and now that Wamai says it, he probably won’t believe anything Wamai claims to be true. He has a point. “Thought so. Then why ask?”
“Um”, Lion offers intelligently. There’s a drop of sweat running down Wamai’s torso, pausing slightly on each little bump of his abs -
“Up here, mzungu.”
His eyes snap back to Wamai’s face. Montagne makes another unintelligible noise and alright, at this point he’ll have to talk to him about it. He can’t keep undermining Lion’s authority, there’s a time and a place for being cordial and chummy, and there’s also one for interrogating a possible danger to the very thing they’ve sworn to protect. And he will be laughed at in only one of these scenarios.
“Maybe we should let you shower in peace.” Montagne really is hell-bent on foiling all of Lion’s plans. “Come on, Olivier.”
“Besides, Kali is the one with the master plan.” Wamai shrugs and, without a care in the world, sheds both shorts and underwear. “You should refer to her, not me.”
Once Lion is able to unclench his jaw again (it takes some effort, and no, he will not elaborate), he snaps back: “So we’ve wasted our time with a henchman.”
Wamai shows his teeth and steps right into Lion’s personal space and dear god -
“Actually”, he mutters, looking deep into Lion’s eyes, his own hypnotising, soft, “I think I’ve found the last thing in the world I would do for money.”
And Lion only realises he forgot how to breathe once Wamai has left the room entirely, and of course it was out of pure irritation over his words, how dare he assume -
“I can’t believe you’re going to sleep with him”, states Montagne, voice even.
Lion glares. “Are you out of your mind? Not in a million years!” Furious, he rushes out of the locker room, but not fast enough to miss Montagne’s quiet no, you’re going to.
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miyamorana · 6 months
March Fic Recs
Here are the fics that I’ve really liked this past month. All of these are complete. Enjoy!
Fandoms: Animorphs/Julie and the Phantoms Crossover (1), Avatar the Last Airbender/Boku no Hero Academia Crossover (1), Boku no Hero Academia (5), Harry Potter (2), Julie and the Phantoms (1), The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (1), Sk8 the Infinity (1)
Find February Recs here or browse my fanfic recs tag.
Fandom: Animorphs/Julie and the Phantoms Crossover Title: The Lamented Author: breakaway71 Pairing: Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill/Marco Rating: Mature Word Count: 17,306 Summary: Before he ate a bad hot dog, Reggie spent the last four years of his life fighting a secret war against a race of body-stealing alien slugs.
He never quite got around to telling his two best friends.
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender/Boku no Hero Academia Crossover Title: In His Element(s) Author: WriterGreenReads Pairing: None Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 115,066 Summary: "“So… one more time.” Shouta pinched the bridge of his nose, regretting both waking up this morning and possibly existence in general. “You’re the spiritual avatar of an entirely different world, and in the process of keeping the peace with said spirits, originating from your… dimension, you’ve come to our world to stop the actively malicious versions of your spirits, because our world told your world that something was wrong.” The child shrugged and grinned, looking much too cheery for someone currently in handcuffs. “Pretty much!” he chirped. “Your world spirit is really polite, too. Ours was super grumpy about all the spirits escaping, but then yours said it was ok, so long as I teach her more about them on the way back!”"
Aang chases some renegade spirits across worldly borders and possibly makes some new friends along the way.
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Title: That time I got reincarnated as a doomed side character Author: Gentrychild Pairing: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 85,806 Summary: Izuku wakes up in the recent light novel he read called “ My Hero Academia.” Unfortunately, he’s in the body of Midoriya Izuku, a minor character killed off early in the manga to motivate the main character Katsuki Bakugo on his Hero’s Journey. Izuku decides he’s going to do whatever it takes to stay alive in this stupidly deadly Isekai.
Unfortunately, Izuku isn't aware that in the last novel of the series where the minor character who died is revealed as the main villain’s son.
All for One has relived his son’s death multiple times, unable to change the outcomes.
But something has changed this time.
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Title: like stained glass Author: SpiritusRex Pairing: None Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 7,338 Summary: “It hurts,” Izuku whispers to no one, voice thin and choked. Letting the words out makes it all feel real, and the tears he’d been holding back finally break the dam and roll down his cheeks. Wrapping his own arms around himself as he trembles in the storm of his despair is as close as he’ll be able to get to comfort right now. “It hurts, it hurts.”
He doesn’t want to have to do this alone. He’s so tired of having to push through pain alone. It’s something he’s been doing all his life, but can’t he, just once, have someone to hold him up when he stumbles?
Just once. That’s all he’s asking for.
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Title: How Many CLIF Bars Will It Take? Author: Minette_SH Pairing: None Rating: Not Rated Word Count: 5,750 Summary: Izuku: I didn't kill these people! Aizawa: But you know who they are, how they die, when they die. Izuku: ... Listen, I know this looks bad... Aizawa, sliding CLIF bar across table to Izuku: I'm listening.
OR: Izuku has a Quirk which makes him see how people die two weeks before it happens. He's trained himself to draw the victim's portrait while he's having the dream and sends them to the police in the morning. Aizawa is working the case and doesn't suspect the moody teen barista is behind all the ominous portraits until he comes knocking on his door one early morning.
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Title: The Peculiarities of Fate Author: Nahiel Pairing: Aizawa Shouta/Midoriya Izuku Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 21,923 Series: Part 1 of The Peculiarities of Fate (Words: 26,068 - Works: 3) Summary: It wasn't going to last, which was a shame, because it was awfully cute. It was a black cat with red eyes and a tiny capture scarf curled around its little neck. There was literally no one else it could be other than Aizawa-sensei, and there was no possibility that he'd be willing to even attempt to keep a bond with Izuku.
Even after everything their class had been through together, Izuku was pretty sure that he was only one bad day from being expelled. Having his teacher's soulmark? That would probably send him right over the edge.
~ or ~
Everyone has a fated soulmate, but soulbonds are fragile things, and Fate doesn't like leaving people unmatched. If one soulmate doesn't work out, another will present itself, though most people aren't unlucky enough to have to experience this.
Izuku goes through several matches, and several soulmarks, before Fate finally finds the right one for him. The newest person to bear his mark, his teacher, Aizawa Shouta, has also known the pain of broken bonds. Can they make a relationship work in spite of their age gap and the secrets that Izuku keeps?
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Title: five to midnight Author: the_crownless_queen Pairing: None Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 3,655 Summary: Throat dry, Nana managed to croak out a, “I’m here!” before a coughing fit took her.
It made her eyes water too, and she almost missed out on her rescuers’ next words.
“Try not to move too much,” they said, and Nana tried to angle her head toward the steadily growing sliver of light, up above.
There was a figure there, cut out against the light. It was… smaller than she’d half-expected, with a head a fluffy hair around what appeared to be bunny ears.
She couldn’t tell, but she thought the stranger might be smiling.
Fandom: Harry Potter Title: the earth from a distance Author: spqr Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Rating: Explicit Word Count: 15,601 Summary: “Well,” Harry said gamely, once they’d managed to find the Leaky Cauldron – still under construction but mercifully open for business – and he’d turned up a few knuts from his pockets, enough to get them a room for the night, “it could be worse.”
“Really,” Malfoy drawled. “We’re stuck in the 16th century, with no idea how we got here or how we might go about getting back – pray tell, Potter, how could this situation possibly be worse?”
Fandom: Harry Potter Title: setting sun don't weep Author: basketofnovas (slashmarks) Pairing: None Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 4,074 Summary: Harry is fighting through the malaise of living through his life's purpose when Narcissa Malfoy requests an unusual - and distressing - favor. Inspired by, but noncompliant with, Cursed Child.
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms Title: with every single beat of my heart Author: bananakarenina and breakaway71 Pairing: Julie Molina/Reggie Peters Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 4,089 Summary: After twenty-seven years as ghosts, they've been given a second chance. Reggie is determined not to take it for granted. But when Julie starts avoiding him, all he can think is that he must have done something wrong. He needs to find a way to fix it before it ruins everything.
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Title: Breaking A Broken Shackle Author: Moonalight Pairing: Link/Shad Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 5,246 Summary: Something as simple as a 'peaceful day' doesn't come naturally to Link anymore. But whenever it happens? Faron Woods is a beacon of serenity, calling him home as though his soul was bonded to its ancient root-systems.
Of course, he didn't expect to find the sweet, ginger-haired scholar poking around in a forest grove.
Of course, he didn't expect to get caught in his wolfen form.
Of course...Shad just has to treat him so kindly, trusting a 'beast' to not tear his throat out.
Of course.
Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity Title: summer heat Author: museaway Pairing: Hasegawa Langa/Kyan Reki Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 2,391 Summary: Langa experiences a curious problem while he and Reki are at the beach.
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hogwartsgamereview · 2 years
The Hogwarts we've always dreamed of
"The Hogwarts we've always dreamed of" - Hogwarts Legacy Early Reviews https://jwonggg.com/tag/hogwarts-legacy/ Hogwarts Legacy is a few days away (or hours if you pre-ordered the deluxe edition) and it's still not entirely clear what kind of game awaits us, so many fans of the Harry Potter universe have been waiting with bated breath for the first reviews of the game. Breathe out, it's okay. The game has an average score of 83 on Metacritic and 86 on Opencritic. Interestingly, even in reviews of 7 and below, reviewers still recommend Hogwarts Legacy not only to fans of the wizarding world, but also to all players, without exception, who like open-world action role-playing games. Hogwarts Legacy is one of those games where almost every element deserves warm words. If anyone tried to pick up on something, then only certain RPG conventions and other elements that have become surprisingly predictable in 6 years of development. However, the story campaign, side activities, combat system and the game world itself (especially him) easily compensate for this. By the way, almost all reviewers noted the incredible detail of the local Hogwarts and its surroundings, which quite eloquently testify to the love and respect of the developers for the wizarding world with which they worked. Of course, I would have liked Quidditch, but the reviews often sounded the opinion that the creators of the game had too big ambitions anyway, so Quidditch is still a small enough and perfectly acceptable sacrifice for the rest of the game to work as it should. It's been 11 years since the release of the last movie and the last Harry Potter game, 15 since the release of the last book (if you don't count "The Cursed Child"), and finally, on February 10, fans will be able to return to this magical world. Some even faster, thanks to early access to the deluxe version of the game. Hogwarts Legacy is the first and most ambitious game based on JK Rowling's books in a long time. Developers from Avalanche Software promised players a huge, detailed open world, an intriguing plot, a sea of content and adherence to the magical atmosphere of Potteriana. So many people are already wanting to dive into this project that Hogwarts Legacy is already the top seller on Steam before it even comes out.
But is it too early to pre-order this game? Yes, the press reviews are great, and among the available information there are several rather controversial points that can greatly affect the project. We've analyzed the trailers and all the information we know so far to find out. To receive a letter from an owl, buy your own magic wand, live and study at Hogwarts - isn't this the dream of thousands of fans? The dream has come true: in Hogwarts Legacy, players will be able to become students of the well-known school of witchcraft and wizardry, choose the faculty they like, go to classes, learn spells, potions and much more. Everyone will feel like a student of a magic school. The game will have many locations that can be explored, but the main place of events will be Hogwarts, surprisingly. The new version of the famous school will definitely surpass its ancestors from the past Harry Potter games, both in terms of size and appearance. The school was created by following the smallest details in the books and trying to add all the possible locations that were described or at least mentioned in them. It will be possible to visit even those locations that have never been shown in movies or games, in particular, the rooms of the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw faculties. In other words, fans will definitely be stuck with the game for a long time.
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