#Harry and Maizie return
Edinburgh To Boston - Chapter 10 - Getting To Know You
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Good evening all,
I’m back with Chapter 10.  I tried something different here and I hope you all like it. There are some words I used that I got from Google Translate, I hope they are correct. The story also includes references to middle eastern culture. I also hope these are correct.  I did my due diligence and researched the culture as best as I could. If there are errors, I do apologize.
We are nearing the end of this story.  I am wondering if after I finish it should I continue with a Part II?  Would you all be interested in continuing to read about these two or should I move on to something else? Your opinion matters to me.
Any thoughts or comments you have about the story, please let me know. Constructive, respectful criticism is welcome.
 I need to thank @curlsgetdemgurls for putting up with me, encouraging me, and being the best beta around.
So without further ado, I give you:
Edinburgh to Boston
Chapter 10
Getting To Know You
Something struck Jamie squarely in the center of his back. He had a suspicion of what hit him and who did it. Turning around he found Claire standing several feet behind him with the most angelic look on her face and her hands behind her back.
“What are ye doin’ there a nighean?” he asked, eyeing her suspiciously. She had the appearance of pure innocence.
“Oh, Jamie! I saw it happen. Those little buggers. It was a drive-by snowballing. They ran off that way.” she pointed with her chin toward the street. 
Against his better judgment, he turned to gaze in the direction that the supposed miscreants had fled.
Another snowball struck Jamie just below his hairline. The snow had yet to freeze and remained soft and powdery. The cold missile exploded sending a shower of fine-grained flakes across his neck tightly gripping his warm skin with icy fingers.
“Ifrinn! Now, Claire! I…” Jamie grumbled, wiping off his forehead, fingers cold. 
Hurling her third projectile, it impacted successfully at his mid-center. 
“OOF! I’ll get ye for this, ye wee minx. See if I dinna,” he said, his eyes narrowing. He meant to get his revenge.
“Catch me if you can!” Claire squealed as she turned to run as fast as the snow-covered walk permitted.
She was no match for Jamie’s long stride and powerful leg muscles.
“Got ye, ye wee besom. Now, tell me what I should do with ye?”  He caught up his Sassenach wrapped his arms around her, gripped her in a tight embrace, lifting her up.
“Anything you want to,” she smirked. 
Claire dropped her head down and gently kissed him on the tip of the nose. Her eyes shining bright with mischief.
“I can think of any number of things I’d like to do to ye, but none of them can be done in a public place.”
She lowered her head kissing him tenderly on his wide sweet mouth. Her lips parted, tongue sweeping across his, seeking entry. Granted. Their kiss deepened. The world, the cold, the snow all melted away.
“For the love of Mike! Get a room will ya?! This is a public park.” A voice barked out from some distance away.
The lovers broke apart, each looking at the other giggling.
“We have one!” they called back in unison to the anonymous voice.
“Then go there and use it, for Pete’s sake.” There was no malice to the voice rather it sounded amused and happy for the couple.
“Aye, I think we will. Thank ye for the advice.”
The lovers continued their slow-paced walk.  Hands linked, fingers intertwined, they stole shy glances at each other. She found his crooked smile charming. He thought her smile sweetly radiant, warming him to the backbone. The walkway was narrow causing them to frequently brush against each other or they wanted to believe. 
They talked about everything and nothing, truly getting to know each other. Even though they had worked together for the past year, they knew precious little about each other.
“Have I ever told ye about my family, Sassenach?”
“No, not really,” Claire shook her head. 
Jamie, a born storyteller, told her about his family and childhood at Lallybroch. 
“My Mam, she seemed to favor me for some reason.” He added quickly, “No’ that she dinna love Willie and Jenny, but she would always look at me, smile and tell me that I was special that I was born to do something important. She said she kent it the day I was born. She would look at me and say, “Jamie lad, I want ye tae study hard, harder than ye want tae or think ye need tae. Someday ye will do something that will affect a lot of people. Ye need tae be ready.'’ I always thought all Mams said such things to their bairns. I dinna ken what I was supposed to do, but I studied hard just as she asked.”
“Now my brother Willie, I idolized him.  He could do no wrong as far as I was concerned,” Jamie said with a wistful look on his face, his eyes glistening. “Lord, I was a true pest! I followed him everywhere he went, never chased me away. I mimicked everything he did or tried to. He was to be the next Laird, no’ me,” he said with some guilt in his voice. “He woulda been the better choice for it.”
“Why so?”
“He loved the land, the farm. No’ that I don’t, mind ye, but he woulda stayed at Lallybroch. No’ like me. I kent I had something else to do.”
He went on to tell her about playing with Ian his best friend and his sister Jenny. Bossy one she is and a true meddler. Jenny took over the household when Mam died. He told her tales of going fishing in a burn, sword fights with sticks, climbing trees, and a broken arm from falling out of a tree.
“Did I tell ye about the time Ian and I set the barn on fire? Accidental like, ye ken?” He looked rather sheepish in the telling. “Weel, it happened just after I turned fifteen.”
“Did ye get it,” I asked anxiously as I grabbed Ian by the arm pulling him into the barn.
“Aye, I did.” Ian looked around making sure that they were alone. He looked nervous. 
“We’re alone here ye numpty. Where is it?”
He pulled out a fairly crumpled handkerchief from his jeans pocket. The unwrapped bundle revealed a cigarette, somewhat bent, but intact. A half empty book of matches was withdrawn from his other pocket.
Standing there the two boys looked at the cigarette with great reverence. It was the symbol of their burgeoning manhood. They thought of emulating cool Hollywood icons, Steve McQueen, James Dean, Paul Newman, or Marlon Brando with a cigarette hanging from their lips.
“What if we get caught, Jamie? Our Das will kill us.” Second thoughts raced through Ian’s mind wanting to forget the whole idea.
“Nah, we’re safe here. They’re in the fields and willna be back for a few hours,” he grinned.  “Ye watched yer faither smokin’ one. So, how do we do it?”
Sighing, he acquiesced to the plan. “He does something like this.” Ian placed the cigarette in his mouth, letting it dangle trying to look ‘cool’. Instead, he looked like a bird with a worm drooping from its beak.  He struck the match and the smell of sulfur floated about the barn. The flame ignited the end turning the tip red and glowing. He took a tentative inhale causing the paper to blacken. The fragrant scent of burning tobacco lifted and borne upon the air current. He choked, coughed, and his eyes began to water. His wame twisted and turned with the collywobbles.
“‘Tis good,” he exclaimed lying, not wanting to look unmanly.
“Ye try.”
Jamie dubiously scrutinized his friend/brother. “Ye dinna look so good.” He took the cigarette afraid to look the coward, took a deep inhale, held his breath, eyes bulging wide, and expelled the blue-grey smoke in one giant cough. He continued to cough, sputter, gag, and felt the bile rise to his throat.
“I dinna ken why anyone would wanna tae do this! It tastes nasty, burns my throat and makes me wanna puke.”
At that moment, the laddies heard the return of their fathers from the fields.
They looked at each other with abject horror on their faces, knowing they would soon be caught.
“Damn it, Jamie. I thought ye said they would be gone for a while.” Ian grabbed the cigarette threw it down trying to stomp on it but did not see where it had dropped.
“He told me they would be gone for about an hour or two! They must have finished early.”
They ran to the barn door just in time to see their fathers cresting the hill.
“Did ye put it out?”
“I dinna ken. I think so. It got buried in the hay.”
“Jamie, lad where are ye? Have ye finished yer chores?” Brian Fraser called out in his deep rumbling voice.
“Och, Brian, ye ken they’re probably off on some mischief.” Auld John chuckled. “Ye ken what they’re...what’s that smell? Like something’s burning.” He raised his long straight nose in the air and began to sniff.  His eyes drifted toward the barn. “FIRE!!!!”
All the heads swiveled toward the barn. It was on fire. 
“Christ,” Jamie exclaimed looking at the back of the barn where they had just been. “Ian get water, I’ll get the horses out. NOW.”
Ian nodded his head and ran hell-for-leather to find the hose to drag it into the barn.
The horses were stamping, snorting, large heads tossing in agitation, eyes wide rolling wildly in their sockets while trying to break free from their stalls.
Donas, the massive ill-tempered black, gnashed his teeth. 
“Sin, na biodh eagal ort a-nis. Tha mi an seo.”     
Jamie took his shirt off threw it over the head of the black leading him out of the stall. He ran back leading the other two horses to safety.
Ian had returned with the hose dousing the fire putting it out.
Their fathers had arrived breathless from running to find everything under control.
“Care tae explain this?!”
Squaring his shoulders, standing to his full height and taking a deep breath (while commending his soul to God), Jamie told the truth taking the full blame. “I talked Ian into taking one of his Da’s cigarettes. The blame for everything should rest on me. I’m sorry Da.”
“Ye canna take the whole blame. I had a part in this also. ‘Tis my fault as much as his. I’m sorry too Da.”
Jamie stood with his hands clasped in front of him awaiting judgment and punishment to be pronounced. Likewise, Ian stood straight, hands at his side, ready to hear his sentence like a convict before a judge.
“Bairn, get ye tae the rail. Brian’s hands went to unbuckle his belt.
“Both of ye.” Auld John said in a tone that would brook no argument.
 “No. Sir.”
“Defiant too, I see. Whatever has gotten into that thick skull of yers, son? Are ye testing me?” Brian asked his face red with fury.
“No, sir. I am no’ testing ye. I just think that I should be punished as a man, no’ as a boy. I have admitted my wrongdoing, seen the error of it, and willing tae take my punishment as a man would, sir.”
 “Oh, ye think ye are a man now? Would a man be as careless and start such a fire, hmm? I think no’. Over tae the fence and let’s get on with it.”
“No, Da. Ye need tae punish me as a man, no’ as a boy.”
The two fathers walked away from the boys to confer with each other.
“Man!” Brian snorted sarcastically. “I’ll gie ye a chance tae prove yer a man. As a man, ye should choose yer own punishment. But, I warn ye, if it is not serious enough ye will be over that fence faster than a thought going between a lad and a lass.”
This was an unexpected turn of events.
Jamie and Ian also went to consult with each other and came back with a plan.
Jamie cleared his throat then began, “We have caused considerable damage tae the barn, so we thought we could repair whatever was destroyed in the fire on our free-time after school and weekends. We’ll clean out the old storage shed tae make room for the horses tae stay until the barn is repaired and we’ll take care of the horses, feeding, watering, grooming them, and mucking out the shed. In addition to our regular chores.”
“Ye ken that means ye have to give up yer after-school activities and sports.”
“Aye, Da we ken. We want tae prove we are responsible for our actions and make amends. We’ll explain to coach why we canna participate.”
The two young men stood patiently awaiting the acceptance or rejection of their proposed punishment.
Their fathers looked at each other and smiled. 
“Get ye gone, lad. Tell your sister that four men are hungry for their supper.”
Jamie turned to look at his Sassenach after telling her this tale.
"Strange, the things you remember. The people, the places, the moments in time burned into your heart forever, while others fade into the mist. I've always known I would live a life different from other men. When I was a lad, I saw no path to take in front of me. I simply took a step and then another. Moving ever forward, ever onward. Rushing towards someplace, I kent not where. Then one day, I turned around and looked back. I realized that each step I'd taken was a choice. To go left, to go right, to go forward, or maybe no’ go at all. Every day, every man has to make a choice between right and wrong, between love and hate, and even between life and death. And the sum of those choices becomes your life. The day I realized that I became a man.”
There was a faraway look on his sweet face, seeing memories of a time long gone.
“My Da was a strict man, but fair. That day I saw him bend and it made me mindful of what it meant to be a man. A man is one who cares for his family, his community, his friends, his land. He takes responsibility for his actions every day of his life. From that day, I kent I wanted to be just like him. I took things more serious like after that day.”
Jamie paused in telling his story drawing Claire to him gathering the strength to continue from her nearness.
“It...It was after my parents and Willie deaths that I decided to become a doctor.  I thought I should do something to help other people, ye ken. Since my heart was broken, I thought I would become a heart surgeon so I could fix other people’s broken hearts and give them a second chance. Does this make sense tae ye, Claire?”
“Perfect sense.”
His hands went to her waist, pulling her even closer to him anchoring himself to her. He rested his chin on the top of her wooly cap. “Do ye think me becoming a doctor and helping people is what my Mam meant about doing something important that would affect a lot of people?”
“I don’t know if she knew you would become a doctor, Jamie but you help so many people because you are. That is something important. The one thing that I do know is she would be so proud of you.” 
“Thank ye, Sassenach, for listening.” He clasped her close to him feeling her love permeate out into him warming him to the bone.
He kissed her tenderly on the lips then gave her a little push back looking into her warm amber eyes. 
“Enough about me. What about ye, my Sassenach, what was it like growin’ up for ye?”
Claire reciprocated in kind.  Telling him of her Travels with Lamb.  She laughed saying she always thought that maybe it should be the title of a book. Besides Lamb, there was Firouz, a manservant in her uncle’s employ. Far from being just a steward, Firouz became a beloved second uncle.
Her uncle undertook her education with Claire studying by lamplight each night. On her own, she learned enough of the local language and customs which allowed her to play with the village children. She also learned how to do many things not normally suited for a young lady of gentle birth, digging latrines, hauling water, building campfires, cataloging artifacts, and generally helping her uncle with his excavations.
The trio traveled the world together. India, Egypt, Peru, Mexico were by far the most frequented archeological sites. There once was a summer spent in Paris, while Lamb helped organize an exhibition at the Louvre.
“When I first went with my uncle I was five years old. Poor Firouz, he more or less became my nanny. I spent all my time with him whilst my uncle worked in the field.”
“Come little one! We must hurry to the market before the Aljaddat buy everything.  If we do not get there soon, whatever is left will not even be fit for the dogs.”  
The child’s legs were no match for the long graceful strides of the man. So, she simply gave up and sat down in the dirt road in her pretty pink dress, white pinafore, white ankle socks with lace trim, and black mary jane shoes. The dust and sand blew around her, covering her in a fine layer of dirt. Her face was gritty, and her curly hair a magnet for grim. The road traffic, braying donkeys and bleating goats, people on foot, children running amongst the animals and pedestrians, passed around her without so much as a glance. No one paid attention to the strange forlorn little girl sitting on the ground.
The man continued to talk believing that the child remained at his side. He stopped when she did not answer him and froze. He looked around and she was gone. Where did she go? Firouz, fearing the worst, began to run quickly retracing his steps only to find her sitting waif-like in the road. He ran to her picked her up cradling her to him. He ran his hands over her, checking her for any obvious sign of injury. Thank Allah, she was sound.
“What were you doing, child? Why were you sitting there?”
“I couldn’t walk that fast.” She looked up at his face speaking in a tiny tremulous voice, “I thought you left me too.” Claire buried her face into the crook of his neck, sobbing.
‘You are a foolish man, Firouz’, he berated himself. ‘She is so small, how could she keep up with you? And after everything that has happened to her? You must be more careful.’ He felt guilty for almost losing the Professor’s niece. But he was a bachelor in the service of a bachelor. What did he know of children, especially a little girl? 
“Do not cry Aziz, I will never leave you.” He wiped her face with the sleeve of his tunic. “Let us go to the market, I will carry you.”
“My name is Claire, not Az...Azz”
“Aziz, little one. To me you are Aziz.”
“What does that mean, Aziz?”
“It means beloved.” He wiped the tears from her cheeks and smiled.
“Come, let us go, before there is nothing left, only food not even fit for the dogs.”
Claire, snuggled against him and gave a little giggle.
Five Years Later -
“Come onnnn, Uncle Firouz, what is taking you so loooong?” Claire now age ten, ran ahead of her Uncle. She was indistinguishable from the other street urchins, dressed in loose white gallabya decorated with colorful embroidery and a floppy hat on her head. The sun had kissed her once porcelain skin turning it a warm golden brown. Her hair glowed with strands of gold, copper, and auburn scattering amid her dark brown curls. The child was thriving and happy, Firouz thought and was pleased. Although, there were moments when he could still see terrible sadness in those remarkable topaz eyes.
Claire ran back to her Uncle grabbed his hand pulling him toward the market. “Uncle Firouz if we don’t hurry then the Aljaddat will buy the best and ...”
“We will get what is not fit even for the dogs,” he said with a laugh. “You do pay attention, Aziz.”
Claire’s shining eyes looked up at him with affection, “Yes, Uncle I do.” 
Claire ran amongst the stalls picking, choosing, and bargaining just as her Uncle had taught her. It amused him to watch her haggle, hands on her hips, pretending that the quality of the merchandise was poor and negotiating for a better price. She was an amazing child this child of his heart.
 After purchasing what they needed, they walked to a cafe where her guardian would sit and take coffee with a friend.
“You have done well Aziz and earned a treat.” He reached into a pocket gave her some coins. “Go and buy yourself something. But do not be long, we must get back to the camp.” He touched her cheek tenderly, “Now shoo.”
To Claire, the bazaar was a magical place. The sights, the sounds, the smells that wafted around her enticed her to come nearer much as a moth dangerously circled close to a flame. All the tents, shops, and stalls were decorated with colorful pennants and banners, blue, red, yellow, green, offsetting the drab desert colors of neverending orange-yellow sand and dreary beige landscapes. Flags swayed gently in the breeze beckoning her forward like a finger curling in temptation. Many of the shopkeepers knew her by name and called to her hawking their wares.
She didn’t know what to do with her few coins. Should she buy herself a treat of some candy or a sweet bun? Perhaps she should save it as Lamb’s birthday was near and she wanted to get him a little present.
She wandered the maze of the marketplace, looking at this and that but finding nothing she wanted. Suddenly a gust of wind rose up around her carrying a spicy, herbal smell on the air that she had never noticed before. The aroma pulled at her with an almost mystical proportion weaving around her transporting her to it. She followed the fragrance to a tent where a woman was busy grinding something. She shyly crept forward watching the woman work.
“Do you wish to watch, child?”
Claire nodded. “What are you doing?”
“I’m making medicines.”
“Because some people come to me for help when they are sick.”
“But there are doctors and hospitals for that.”
“Some people prefer the old ways, the more natural ways, and sometimes people cannot afford to go to doctors or hospitals. So, they come to me.”
Inching closer, she peered into the bowl. She wrinkled her nose at the unfamiliar odor.
“These are coriander seeds.”
“What’s it for?”
“It can be used for many things. Like relieving pain and stiffness in joints, headaches, stomach aches, like when you eat too many sweets!” The woman tickled Claire’s belly and laughed broadly showing a number of missing teeth.
“Would you like to try?”
Her head nodded vigorously.
Pulling up a stool for Claire to kneel on, she began to show her how to grind and crush with a mortar and pestle. They laughed at some of the seeds escaping over the rim of the bowl.
The sound of grinding and scraping filled the little enclosure. The healer showed her novice different herbs and spices explaining what each was used for and how to make tisanes and ointments with each. 
A great shadow darkened the entrance, “What are you doing with my niece, witch?” said a deep male voice brusquely.
“I am not a witch!!” the woman spurted out angrily. “It is always the same. Women who have knowledge of healing are condemned as witches.” 
Claire looked from her Uncle to her new friend in complete confusion. “Uncle, she was only showing…”
“Enough, Aziz, we must be going. It is getting late.” Firouz spoke more sharply than he had intended. 
“Yes, young one, it is late. You must go back with your Uncle.”
“Will I see you again?”
The woman looked at Firouz who scowled fiercely at her. “No, child, I will be gone by the morning.” Carefully, so as not to be seen, she slipped a small pouch into Claire’s hand and whispered, “Something to remember me by. Do not show it to anyone. It will help you when you heal.”
Claire gave a little nod, slipped it into a pocket murmuring thank you.
“We are leaving Aziz. Come.” Firouz took her small hand in his large one guiding her out of the shelter.
“Why were you so upset, Uncle? She was just teaching me her ways of healing. It was interesting.”
“Aziz, women like her are often looked upon as witches. The villagers might think of you in the same way if they see you with her. It could only bring trouble for you if they do. I only want to protect you, my precious girl,” he said with a sad smile.
 That night Claire spoke with her Uncle Lamb about what had happened.  He thought it all stuff and nonsense as he did not share the villagers’ superstitions. 
“Claire, the most important thing you need to learn, even though we do not share their beliefs, it is to respect them.”
“Even if their beliefs are wrong, Uncle?”
“Even if they are wrong. You must remember, my heart, that these people have never been more than a day’s ride away from where they were born. They live in small villages, and among the oases.  They don’t know anything else other than the superstitions and beliefs that have been passed down over the centuries. It is hard to blame them as they don’t know any better or different.
“But shouldn’t we tell them it’s wrong?”
Lamb considered for a moment what to say, “My precious girl, you have a kind heart, this I know and you would like to help people, but changing long-held beliefs takes a very, very long time to take place. It can happen, but not as quickly as you or I would like. Have faith that someday it will come about.”
“That was the lady’s name...Iman. She told me it means to be faithful.”
He pulled his niece onto his lap, cuddling her close to his heart. “I love you my Claire, you are my heart’s own child.” He kissed the top of her curly head.
Lamb sat in quiet contemplation before speaking again.
“Firouz, I think we should encourage Claire’s interest in healing.  What do you say?” 
“As you wish, Professor.”
“There is one proviso, my dear girl, and that is if Firouz or I think you should not go to visit one of these healers, you will obey our instructions.” Lamb raised an inquiring eyebrow to her.
“I’ll listen to you and Uncle Firouz. I promise. Thank you, Uncles.” Claire snuggled into Lamb’s chest, feeling safe and loved.
“As we traveled to different countries, I spent time with the local healer, herbalists, shaman, or curanderos learning how they healed the sick and what herbs they used. I think that Iman set me on my path to becoming a healer, a doctor that afternoon.”
“I have one question for ye Sassenach, what was in the pouch?”
“Ah, well there was dried mint and thyme leaves, coriander seeds, and a small uncut, unpolished sapphire. Sapphires help to channel healing energy from one person to another.  Very essential for any healer to have, wouldn’t you say. I kept the pouch in memory of Iman, my first medical teacher. The herbs are all dust now, but the sapphire is still there.”
“Yer a verra fine doctor, Sassenach. Iman would be proud.”
Claire kept her arms wrapped around her Scot, holding him close, resting her head on his chest.
“Thank you, Jamie, for always being there for me.” Standing on her toes she reached up and tenderly kiss him.  She relaxed into his embrace feeling loved and cared for.
They stood holding each other within the sanctuary of their cocoon enjoying the warm feelings from sharing parts of their life story with each other. 
Their heads rose listening to the stramash slowly headed their way.  A voice carried on the swell of the air currents. It sounded like a woman scolding someone, scolding, a child. The voice sounded familiar. It carried a certain lilt to it. Scottish. 
“Rabbie, ye wee gomeral! Dinna stick yer brother’s head in the snow, aye. He canna breathe in there.”  
The figures drew closer, a man and a woman, an elderly couple. Accompanying them were two children, two boys and rambunctious ones at that. Always one with a good eye for detail, Jamie was certain he had met the couple before. The man had a jaunty set to his cap, a commanding height, and the spectacles were placed on the tip of his nose. The woman also was tall, but not as tall as the man, grey hair, and had a certain fullness of figure, grandmother-like. 
“Sassenach, ‘tis Harry and Maizie from the plane. I dinna think we would ever see them again,” he said a wide smile playing across his sweet mouth.
Jamie raised his arm waving it furiously loudly calling out, “mo charaid.”
Oh, Jamie! I saw it happen. Those little buggers. It was a drive-by snowballing. They ran off that way.  --  I adapted this from the movie Mrs. Doubtfire and the drive-by fruiting. RIP Robin Williams
Sin, na biodh eagal ort a-nis. Tha mi an seo  -- Hush, don’t be afraid. I am here now.
Aljaddat   --  Grandmothers
Aziz  --  Beloved
Gallabya  --   is a traditional Egyptian garment native to the Nile Valley.
Iman  --  to be faithful
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pyronado-moved · 5 years
ghost hunter ocs are DONE and i LOVE THEM
they’re in a band called Au Revoir from Yuma, Arizona. The band is p popular actually. Uhh :)
Davis O’Neal is the lead singer and he’s a messy mess. He’s afro-mexian, 22, and has always wanted to be in a band so he’s so happy he’s living his dream. Davis is ur average sorta punk rocker but at the same time he’s so soft and sweet. He is love his bf Tristan and would do anything to protect him. He met Parker under a table in a bar, and then met both Camilla and Tristan the next day as they sat at that table. He heard Tristan singing and boom in love. Also he does believe in ghosts but isn’t afraid, hunting them was his idea.
Tristan Harris is the bassist/backup vocalist. He’s caucasian and at age 21 he’s already made a name for himself in the music community even before joining Au Revoir. He comes off as sorta chill and casual from a distance but then you get close and he’s a major scaredy cat. Camilla is his childhood bestie and does everything w/ her, including joining a random band with that one super cute guy from the bar. He’s terrified of ghosts but doesn’t want Davis running off and being an idiot so he goes along with the crazy hunting plan.
Camilla Para is the drummer and it is literally impossible to hate her i refuse to let you do it. She’s 21, mexican, and the only person in the group who knows how to do marketing. She sorta doubles as the band’s manager just bc she is a Smarty Pants. Tristan has been her best friend forever and she’d do anything for him. She joined Au Revoir bc it sounded like a fun idea and a way to get her name out there, then she realized ‘ah damn the boys are gay’ and just went with it. She’s better than you most likely but would never say it bc she’s so sweet. She didn’t believe in ghosts until she joined Davis on his weird adventure and then ‘wait fuck they’re real???’
Parker Briggs is the guitarist and also a demon! sorta. he was human and then he died and ended up becoming a demon bc despite being a good boy, his sister Maizy sorta ended up dragging his spirit down. He found a way to sorta disguise himself and then when he met Davis he realized it might be nice to live a little and join the band. So he did! He was worried abt the ghost hunting thing and he was right to be bc his sister sucks and she’s trying to screw up his chances at living a normal life >:c
Maizy Briggs is also a demon but she’s mean and bad. She was a bad person when she was alive so when she died w/ her brother due to her stupidity she ended up making him into a demon with her. He ran off and when she finally found him (bc his face was on a damn band poster) she decided to find a way to screw it up, and Davis gave her the perfect opportunity. She uses her powers to make places seem haunted to try and scare her brother into returning to her bc she may or may not be trying to kill his friends! oops!
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kathrynalicemc · 5 years
A Short and Very Vague Summary Of MCs Life™️
Kathryn Marvina Alice is born December 30, 1972 to wizard parent Maizie Bane and muggle parent John Alice. She has an older brother Jacob born May 21, 1967. Her childhood was pretty normal and happy. Her mother Maizie worked as an astronomer and her father was a surgeon at a muggle hospital. Having a muggle parent meant that she got the best of both worlds. Magical and muggle. As a result, she got enamored with muggle tv and movies. Specifically Star Trek.
Jacob and Kathryn would play in the rivers and cobblestone streets of their birthplace of Castle Combe, UK. She idolized him and likewise he felt very protective over his sister. In 1978, when Kathryn was 6, Jacob left for Hogwarts and she missed him dearly. However, only 2 years later, her younger sister Aimee was born and she took over the protective sibling role.
In 1983, a year before Kathryn turned 11, Jacob disappeared after being expelled from Hogwarts for searching for the cursed vaults. It was rumored that he joined the Dark Lord. Kathryn took her brothers disappearance hard. She refused to think of the rumors as true and vowed she would bring her brother home.
In 1984, Kathryn went to Hogwarts and was sorted into Ravenclaw, just like her brother before her. She aspired to learn as much as she could about magic and likewise the cursed vaults. She became instant best friends with an equally nerdy girl called Rowan Khanna. Additionally, she also befriended Ben Copper and Penny Haywood. However, she also made some enemies. Merula Snyde was her main rival. She didn’t care much if Merula taunted her but she drew the line of Merula came after her friend. That was the only way she would attack first. Year 1 was sort of lonely for her. She only had 3 friends while everyone else constantly gossiped and spread rumors about her and Jacob. She missed Jacob and her family dearly. However, she did make progress in finding the cursed vaults.
[The events of the game HPHM happen, I just don’t write about it. Spoilers and laziness]
Third year arrived in 1986 and Kathryn joined the Ravenclaw Quidditch team as a seeker. She would play every year until she graduated from Hogwarts. She also met Bill Weasley in year 3 and had a crush on him for a few years.
In 1988, Kathryn started year 5 as a house prefect. That year she also took her OWLS and she scored [n/a]. She also started dating Barnaby Lee this year and her crush on Bill ended. *to be continued*
During her school career, she also befriended Barnaby Lee, Charlie Weasley, Tulip Karasu, Andre Egwu, Talbott Winger, Diego Caplan, Jae Kim, Badeea Ali, Liz Tuttle, Murphy McNully, Skye Parkins, and Orion Amari.
After graduating Hogwarts in 1991, Kathryn became an Auror for the Ministry of Magic. She also continued to date Barnaby. Also that year, Aimee went to Hogwarts and got sorted into Gryffindor along with Harry Potter.
In 1993, Kathryn and Barnaby got married on Halloween night.
In the 1994-1995 school year, Kathryn and Barnaby would often go watch the triwizard tournament events at Hogwarts. Then, after the final event in the maze, after Harry gave the news of Voldemort’s return, Kathryn joined other aurors and went to search the graveyard in question but they had already left. After this, Kathryn and Barnaby knew that another war was coming and therefore decided to not have kids yet until it was all over.
In 1995, Kathryn joined the Order of the Phoenix and helped deliver Harry Potter to Grimmaud Place after his “expulsion”.
In 1997, Kathryn was working late at the Ministry and almost left to go to Bill and Fleurs wedding but was stopped by the attack by Voldemort and fall of the Ministry. She had to fight to escape alive alongside Kingsley Shacklebolt. Barnaby was at the wedding and got interrogated but the wedding guests were kept alive and released. For the rest of the war, she lived in hiding with Barnaby, occasionally resurfacing to help fight with the Order as needed. The couple often went to stay with Bill and Fleur at the Shell Cottage safehouse. They were in the cottage when the Golden Trio arrived on the beach but they soon left to get out of the way.
In 1998, the couple responded to the call to arms and walked into the Great Hall at Hogwarts with the rest of the Order. When the slytherin wanted to give Harry to Voldemort, Kathryn stood in front of Harry with everyone else. Kathryn also helps the professors with the creation of the shield charm over Hogwarts.
When the defenses fell, she was stationed on the catwalks on the top of Hogwarts with Arthur, Kingsley, Remus and Tonks. Eventually she found herself within Hogwarts. She stuns the wizard that was attacking Fred. Then, out of nowhere there was an explosion in the corridor. Kathryn was thrown against a wall and got a piece of glass embedded into her side. She just pulled it out and fashioned a makeshift bandage and kept fighting. At no point in the battle or her Auror career does she kill anyone. She only uses non-fatal spells.
Turning a corner, she came face to face with Merula, who she hasn’t seen since graduating. For a split second she wonders if Merula is a death eater. Merula lifts her wand and stuns a death eater behind Kathryn, saving her. They smile at each other and part ways, continuing to fight.
Later, Kathryn was in the courtyard fighting giants and spiders. She spots the Golden Trio crossing and heading for the boathouse. She also witnesses Aberforths patronus charm that repels the dementors. During the Battle at some point, she saves Neville from a death eater.
During the armistice, Kathryn goes to the Great Hall to help and to reunite with Barnaby. She also brings in some bodies, including Tonks. Barnaby comforts her and she comforts the Weasley family and her other school friends. Kathryn refuses any medical attention because others were in more critical condition than her. Her healer cousin Azazil Bane protests but she doesn’t take his advice.
She notices that Harry Potter is missing and goes outside where she can see flashes of spells in the forbidden forest. Then she watches a big group of people walk out of the forest and towards the school. Kathryn notices they have Hagrid captive and, as they get closer, she realizes with a flash of fear that Hagrid is holding Harry Who is motionless. She runs back inside and notifies everyone and they all start pouring out of the hall to meet the death eaters.
When the battle breaks out again, Kathryn joins Kingsley, Slughorn, and Mcgonagall in a duel with Voldemort momentarily before he blows everyone backwards and runs after Harry. She then continues to fight. She is standing in the doorway of the Great Hall to the courtyard when Harry and Voldemort land and duel. Kathryn watches as Voldemort is defeated and then runs into the Hall, exclaiming that the Dark Lord is dead. The crowd erupts into cheers but they are drowned out and Kathryn passes out from blood loss.
She wakes up a few hours later to her cousin and healer Azazil tending to her. Barnaby and her friends are at her bedside when she wakes. Overall, she ends up with a large gash in her side, a few fractured ribs, and various cuts across her body and face from spells or debris from the explosion. Azazil also tells Kathryn that she’s pregnant. Kathryn and Barnaby talk and decide that they will name the baby after Tonks, no matter the sex.
After the war, Kathryn continues to work as an Auror with her brother Jacob. Barnaby works in the Ministry and helps fight for centaur and werewolf rights. Aimee Alice goes back to Hogwarts to redo and finish her last year.
On January 10, 1999, Dora Lee is born. The family lives peacefully for many years onwards. Then, on June 21, 2005, Wyatt Lee is born. Soon after, on October 31, 2007, Naomi Lee is born.
Dora Lee starts Hogwarts in 2010 and is sorted into Ravenclaw. Wyatt Lee starts Hogwarts in 2016 and is sorted into Hufflepuff. Dora graduates in 2017 and stays on to be the DADA professor.
On September 1, 2019, Naomi starts Hogwarts and is sorted into Slytherin. Kathryn is 47 years old.
*to be continued*
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Good evening all. I am re-posting the last two chapters of E-to-B so you can either catch up if you didn’t get a chance to read it or it is new to you. I will post Chapter 18 tomorrow night. The newest chapter will be posted most likely this Thursday. At the very latest Friday. Thank you for your patience in waiting for each chapter.
This is a very, very long chapter. in fact it comes in at over 9300 words. I had considered breaking it up, but in the end, I felt it would lose some of the continuity if I did.
Also, when you think about this chapter this is a “making up” chapter. So at the end of the chapter, there is an NSFW scene. Please take this as an advisement if this is not your thing.
For the sake of the story, J&C are in business class on the plane. BUT, in order to make certain things happen, we must pretend that that darned console is not there.
Again the title of the chapter relates to a Motown song. The song to me represents coming together.  There is a link at the end and I wound hope that you will listen to it. To me, it just says Jamie and Claire. I thought it very apropos considering what they went through in Boston and having almost lost each other. That is the reason for the choice of title and song. I hope it makes sense to you like it does to me. There are still some unresolved feelings, but we will get to that a little later.
As always I am deeply indebted to @scubalass​ who keeps me honest with the story, finds my mistakes, and keeps me on the straight and narrow. Thank you, thank you, thank you.🧡🧡🧡🧡
I am always open to questions about this chapter or any other chapter. Any thoughts comments or suggestions are always welcome.
Thanks for reading my ramble. So without further delay, I give you the newest chapter of Edinburgh to Boston. Here goes nothing. I hope you enjoy.
Edinburgh to Boston
Chapter 17
With You, I Am Born Again
The slumbering beast droned awake. The engines hummed as the jet slowly taxied into position for takeoff. Having received clearance from the tower, th  e Captain released the deceptive power held in check. Roaring to life, the air shook around its massive body. Gathering speed, the lumbering giant began its climb toward its skyward goal. Thundering it thrust forward shearing the air mass surrounding it. The flaps moved into place and the brakes groaned as the landing gear retracted with a loud thud. Continuing its ascent, the silver leviathan increased its speed causing air molecules to strike the fuselage mercilessly. It finally reached cruising altitude leveling off.  And it became blessedly quiet. Claire Beauchamp raised her head up from its hiding place within the crook of Jamie Fraser’s neck. She looked like a snail peeking out of its shell after a rainstorm. “‘Tis alright lass. We’re in the air. ‘Tis safe tae come out now,” he coaxed her. “Easy for you to say, Fraser. You’ve never been in a plane crash.” Childhood memories of the plane crash that took the lives of her parents still haunt her. Claire survived the accident because her mother sacrificed herself using her body to shield her precious daughter from injury.
“Aye, yer right, Sassenach. And I hope I never find out what that’s like.” Smiling at her, he placed a gentle kiss to the tip of her nose.
Claire leaned her head against his shoulder and sighed. “Another seven hours and we’ll be in Scotland. I can’t wait to go home and leave the memories of this miserable trip behind us.”
“Ye ken it was no’ a total disaster Sassenach,” he suggested trying to lighten her mood. “We made the acquaintance of Harry and Maizie and we had fun in the park, did we no?” He looked at her with a sidelong glance, “Then we umm,” he cleared his throat. The beginnings of a spectacularly vibrant red blush colored his cheeks, “then we became better acquainted, several times. I hope I was no’ a disappointment tae ye Claire,” he said shyly.
“A disappointment? Were you a disappointment? Fraser, I have never been so thoroughly shagged in my life. A disappointment, forsooth!”
The redness on Jamie’s cheek deepened. A self-satisfied smile splayed across his face.
“Ye ken we still have three days left before we have tae return tae work. Do ye have any idea of what ye would like tae do?”
She tilted her head back as she stared upward contemplating his question.
“For one thing, a nice long soaking bath,” she exhaled with pleasure. “Wearing my softest pyjamas, curling up in bed and sleeping. Oh! And order take away so I don’t have to go grocery shopping and cook. It just sounds like heaven.” She smiled contentedly as she stretched languorously.
“Ye ken Sassenach I hoped that we could spend the time together.” Sagging into his seat he radiated a sense of disappointment at the prospect of not spending the time together.
Running her fingers over his cheek, “I didn’t say I wanted to do those things alone, did I? Is your bathtub big enough for two?”
“Yes. No. Yes!”
Is a bathtub big enough for two what it would take tae get Beauchamp into his home? He wondered? I may be looking at a bathroom renovation if it doesna fit the two of us. Ah weel a small price to pay, he thought.
“‘Tis big enough for me so a wee lassie like you should have nay trouble fitting in it.” Thinking about the last time they shared a bath together made the tips of his ears turn pink. What is about Beauchamp that could reduce him to an awkward blushing schoolboy?
“I guess we will have to find out together, won’t we Fraser?” Claire licked her lips as if she was going to sample a tasty morsel. “I also seem to remember you promised to do things to me that would make me scream once we arrive home. You are a man of your word, are you not?” Claire responded in a seductive voice.
It was his turn to make her squirm. “Claire, I am a man of my word. I intend to make ye scream with the wanting. I will have ye riding waves of pleasure till ye can bear it nay more,” his smile both reckless and savage made no mistake as to what his intentions were.
Her eyes opened wide, and her jaw dropped. She tried to swallow but her mouth had gone dry, arid like the deserts of her youth. She knew he meant it. It almost sounded more like a threat than a promise. A threat she couldn’t wait for him to make good on.
“Ye should get some rest, Claire. Ye’ll need it,” his whispered with a provocative voice weighty with a primitive want and need.
His eyes closed as a small smile curved on his lips.
Claire reclined her seat, but could not sleep. She was restless wriggling around trying to find a comfortable position to nap in.
“Ye canna sleep, Sassenach? Yer wiggling like a wee lad with a toad in his pocket.”
“No, I can’t sleep. Just couldn’t get comfortable.”
“What is it? Is there anything on yer mind?” Jamie didn’t trust that she still wasn’t keeping secrets from him.
She looked at him shyly, “Now that you mention it, I do have one more confession to make.”
He sat up straight, bracing himself for the worst. “And that is…what?”
“I really can bake you know. I just never made a cake with a saw in it.”
Laughing, she completely reclined her seat and moments later her body relaxed into sleep.
Jamie watched her fall asleep, just as easy as you please, “Christ, Claire, ye will be the death of me yet,” he muttered shaking his head. With one hand, Jamie took a blanket twirling it open with the dexterity of a matador swirling his Capote de Brega covering his Sassenach.
The cabin was dark for some time and all around him, the sounds of passengers settling in for the night time passage had little effect on Jamie. The pull of sleep would not come. His mind jumped through the events over the past several days. With her startling revelation of abuse and rape at the hands’ of her ex-husband, he feared she might compare him to Frank. Not that he would ever hurt her. God, no. But there was something about Beauchamp that drove him to extremes of emotion. He wanted to protect her like a wee kitten that he could keep safe in his shirt and cradle tenderly. And then. And then there were times he wanted to take her, spread her thighs wide and plow into her like a crazed rutting bull. That’s what worried him. What if he could not be gentle? Would he frighten her? He did not want to be compared to him. Over and over again, he told himself his fears were baseless, senseless. After all, they had been intimate several times without the slightest hint or suggestion that she was afraid of him. He would need to find a way to reassure her. And perhaps, himself.  Coming to a decision, he closed his eyes and fell into a restless sleep.
Several hours later, Jamie woke only to find Claire awake as well. She was reading a book on her tablet, one of those bodice-rippers that she was so fond of.  
Claire turned her head toward Jamie’s movement. “Can’t sleep?” she inquired.
“Nah. Uncomfortable. I see ye canna either.”
“No, I usually don’t sleep well, if at all, on planes,” she shrugged as this was an accepted fact of life.
They sat quietly for a while until Jamie broke the silence.  “Would ye like tae hear a story, Sassenach?”
“That would be wonderful.”
“Weel, did I ever tell ye the story of Mary McNab?”
“No, I don’t believe you have.”
“Then, I shall,” he smiled brightly. “Mary McNab lived with her husband and son in a small croft on the Lallybroch lands.  Her husband Ronald worked with my Da on the farm. Now Ronald was a very good worker.  He had one flaw. He turned mean when he drank. Whenever he got paid or came into some extra money, he would make his way to a local pub. After staggering home, he would take out his frustration and anger on his wife and his poor wee laddie. If his son made too much noise while playing or his supper was not to his liking, they suffered for it.
One hot summer day Jenny and some of her friends made plans to go swimming at the loch. As they approached it, Jenny spotted wee Rabbie McNab with his fishing pole sitting shirtless on a log, hook dangling in the water. On hearing the laughter of the approaching girls, he jumped up tae get his shirt that hung over a tree branch but dinna get himself covered before the girls saw him. The lad was covered in bruises in various colors, purple, yellow, and brown.
Jenny reached him and spun him around to face her while he struggled into his shirt.
“Rabbie, who did this tae ye?” Jenny demanded her face white with shock and anger.
“No one. I…I fell down the stairs,” the scared lad told her. He knew what would happen if he told.
“I dinna think sae. I ask ye again, Rabbie McNab, who did this tae ye?” Jenny had heard rumors about his father’s drunkenness and the abuse he heaped on his family.
The boy went silent. His head hanging down low.
“Sae that’s how ‘tis? Come on then,” Jenny grabbed him by the hand pulling and dragging the boy along with her.
“Miss, where are we goin’?”
“Tae see my Da. He’ll get tae the bottom of this.”
“No, Miss, no! Ye canna! Please!” The bairn clearly panicked at this possibility.
“Why no’, Rabbie?”
“Because if my Da finds out…” His free hand went tae his mouth as he realized what he had said.
“Mmphm. Rabbie dinna be afraid my Da willna let nay harm come tae ye.”
Da and I were mending the sheep’s pen, again. It seemed that Huey, the fifth in his line, managed to create a hole large enough allowing him and his harem to escape.
Holding Rabbie’s hand so he would not run off, Jenny explained to her Da what prompted her concern for the wee lad showing him the bruises on Rabbie’s back.
Rabbie finally and tearfully told the truth.
You could see how angry my Da became as he listened tae the story. His eyebrows drew in and his lips formed a tight line.
“Alright, Master Rabbie get ye inside. Tell Mrs. Crook tae feed ye up, aye? I need tae speak with my daughter and son.”  
Rabbie hesitated.
“Get ye gone, lad. Miss Jenny will come tae keep ye company directly.”
The boy took halting steps toward the door, fear and worry emanated from his small form.
“Oh, and Rabbie, dinna be afraid for yerself or yer Mam, aye? Nay harm shall come tae either of ye.”
The boy nodded his head. A glimmer of hope and trust brightened the sad hazel eyes.
I looked at my Da wondering what he would do. How do you interfere in another man’s family? But, then this was no ordinary problem. Wife beating. Child beating. This was different.
“What are ye going tae do Da?”
Da paced back and forth, running his hands through his thick black hair contemplating the question. “I dinna ken laddie, but by Christ, I will do something. I canna sit by and let the pur lad and his mam be beaten every time the man is gone with drink. Let’s go talk with Mistress McNab,”
So I went with my Da tae the McNab croft. Mrs. McNab, of course, denied everything saying her bruises were the result of accidental injuries. She claimed to be a clumsy person, always tripping and falling. She said her laddie took after her, bumping into things, falling, tripping.
Da took her by the hand leading her to a chair to sit. “Mary, ye ken that I know. I have seen Ron at the pub o’er taken with drink. I’ve seen him get into fights.” Brian’s hazel eyes went soft with compassion. “I will see ye and yer lad safe. I can give you the protection of my home and my family’s good name. But, Mary ye must tell me true. Is he hurting ye and yer son?”
Mary McNab searched the depths of Brian Fraser’s warm hazel eyes finding the kindness in his soul. She opened up in a great flood of emotions telling us everything.
Listening intently,  Da drummed his fingers on the table considering what she had tae say. He came tae a decision as Mrs. McNab finished her story.
“Mary pack what ye think ye and yer son will need. Ye will come tae stay at Lallybroch until we straighten this out. I will call my lawyer tae see what can be done legally tae protect ye. Then you can decide what you wish tae do. Jamie, go help Mrs. McNab.”
So Mary McNab came home with us. Da called Ned Gowan our lawyer and Mary decided it was in her and her son’s best interest tae get a divorce, which she did. Da hired her tae help Mrs. Crook with the running of the house.
“Jamie, what about her husband? Didn’t he create a fuss? I can’t believe that he agreed to a divorce so easily.”
“He dinna. Ron marched up tae our house and began tae bang on the door calling out my Da. He told my Da that he had no right tae interfere with another man’s family. And as head of his household, he would do as he saw fit.”
“So, my Da asked him where he lived.”
“Have ye gone daft man? Ye ken fine well I live here at Lallybroch.”
“So ye admit ye live on Lallybroch land, do ye? Which is my land, of which I am the Laird? So as the Laird ‘tis my duty tae see tae the welfare of all who live on it. I am responsible for the welfare of every soul here including yer family. So, I say tae ye now Ronald McNab get yer things and get ye gone from my property. Yer services are no longer required.”
With that my Da turned around and went into the house, leaving Ronnie standing there agog.
“Your father used his authority as the Laird to keep her safe and make her husband leave the property, then. I thought you told me that the title of Laird was only honorary.”
“That’s right ‘tis. But in the Highlands memories are long and traditions die slowly ye ken?”
“I’m glad everything worked out for Mary and her son, but why did you tell me this story?”
He took her very small hand in his large warm one, holding it tenderly.
“My Dad asked me if I knew why he brought me along with him. I foolishly told him because he needed another man along with him, to protect his right.” Jamie smiled remembering his youthful faux pas. “My Da looked at me with a benevolent smile and I could see him thinking. I think that day my Da realized that I was becoming a man and no’ just the wee red-heided bairn that chased after him.”
“Aye, Jamie lad I did need a man with me,” Brian Fraser remarked solemnly giving his beloved son his due. “And since ye are near becoming a man grown there are some lessons ye need tae learn that will govern yer behavior yer whole life.”
“Sassenach, ye should have seen me! I puffed myself up like a proud peacock ready tae receive the sage words of wisdom that my Da would impart tae me. I think my Da almost damn near collapsed trying no’ tae laugh at me.” Jamie shook his head recalling his younger self.
Looking at Jamie, Claire could see the love and respect he had for his father. Something she had always wished she had known with her father.
“Da said he took me along with him tae see Mrs. McNab because someday I would hold the title of Laird. As such it was necessary for me to become a fear an urram. Part of being a duine urramach was the need tae have respect for the land and the beasts in my care. And men of honor have a call tae duty toward the people in his care and those he would meet in life. Most of all, a true man had tae respect women and hold them in high esteem. For women are our strength, our hearts, and the hope for the future. Above all else, a true man respects and cares for those he loves. As they are the reason men rise in the dark of the morning and return home with the setting of the sun laboring so that they can be safe and secure. My Da had a wistful look on his face, staring at something only he could see. He looked at me then told me something I dinna understand at the time, but I do now.”
“Mo mac,” Brian Fraser said, “one day ye will find a lady who will be yer anchor in life. Ye will tether yerself tae her for she will be yer safe harbor. She will stand by yer side through the good and the lean. Yer bairns will be sheltered in her body then brought forth in great pain which she will willingly suffer. Her heart and body will comfort ye when ye are sore with fatigue and worry. She will take ye tae her and ye will find peace. She will be yer home. When ye find her ye must treasure her, Jamie, for she is a rare jewel. Dinna abuse her ever.”
Jamie grew quiet recalling the day the Fraser men discussed what would become the guiding principles in his life.
“I asked my Da if this was how it was between him and my Mam.”
“Da gazed out over the land he loved, the land my Mam loved. When he turned tae look at me, his eyes gleamed full of emotion, love, and joy for his land, his bairns, and his wife.”
“Aye Jaime ‘tis. ‘Tis.”
His hand moved to cup her face. “Ye mo chridhe are the love of my heart and my soul. I tell ye this as I dinna want ye ever tae be scairt of me. I would never hurt ye, or…” he choked on the words, “force ye. I couldna bear it if ye were afraid of me,” he said with a hitch in his voice.“
Jamie turned in his seat allowing him to drop his forehead to Claire’s touching, breathing in their shared space.
“I never thought you would, Jamie.” Her hand reached to cup his cheek.
They shared the silence and stillness of their own thoughts as the jet whisked them homeward.
Traffic back into Edinburgh was light at that hour of the morning. The Uber silently pulled up to the curb in front of Jamie’s flat. Gallantly, Jamie opened the door for Claire offering her his hand for her to step out of the car. Fishing around in his pocket he found his keys. Handing them to Claire, he told her to go inside and get comfortable. He would be along with the luggage shortly. The driver opened the boot and placed the luggage on the pavement.
“Oi mate, what does yer wife have in the bag, eh? Rocks?”
“My wife, he thinks she’s my wife. Do we look like a couple already?” The thought pleased him that they did and a wide grin spread across his face. “One day she will be my wife. One day she will wear my ring.”
Jamie cleared his throat, “She likes to be prepared.”
“Fer what? An apocalypse? Christ man feels like she packed the entire flat in here!”
Jamie just shrugged giving the man a generous tip for his help.
“She is a bonny lass, though. Weel, luck tae ye man,” and sped off to his next call.
He managed to get all the baggage into the foyer and kicked the door closed.
There she was walking around his sitting room picking things up and putting them down. Seeing her there made his heart speed up. She looked so natural there like she belonged there, with him.
Claire turned around after hearing the door slam shut. She flushed worried that he might think she was snooping about. Which she was.
“Jamie, I hope you don’t mind my looking around. You have a lovely home.”
“Thank ye. ‘Tis no much, but ‘tis comfortable.”
His flat reflected him, masculine and functional. Although the room was devoid of a feminine touch it was tastefully decorated. The room was spacious with a large butter-soft gray leather settee, a bold geometric white and black patterned carpet over the hardwood floor, several comfortable armchairs, and a bookcase filled with assorted books dominated the room. An antique wooden trunk place in front of the sette served as a coffee table. On a far wall, a fireplace with a large flat-screen television above it made quite the statement. Most likely for Jamie to watch his beloved rugby games. Another wall displayed various photographs and portraits of his family as well as small paintings of what looked like pastoral scenes. Here and there there were small splashes of color to break up the greys, blacks, and whites of the room. A tartan gracefully draped over the settee.
“Yer welcome to look about, Sassenach. ‘Tis no much tae see. Just a bachelor’s home. I’ll be putting the luggage in the bedroom.” He looked at her to see if she reacted to his statement. Claire only nodded then asked if she could help.
“Nah, I’ll manage. Why don’t ye make us some tea? Are ye hungry? I could make us something to eat if ye like.”
“Hmm, I could stand to eat a bit. I’ll start on making the food while you take care of the bags.”
“Ye can cook!? I dinna think ye had the opportunity to learn.”
“Oh, I can. I just don’t cook much since it’s only just for me.”
Jamie took their bags into his bedroom. A king-size bed big enough to accommodate his large frame stood as the centerpiece of the room. The palette of the room was neutral colors soft beige, cream, and taupe. The room spoke of a man for whom the room became a respite from the stress of his professional life. The en-suite could only be described as luxurious. One wall is covered in multicolor gray stone tiles, the others were painted white, a black marble countertop with a clear glass bowl basin sink completed the esthetic. He looked at the tub and felt delighted that it would accommodate the two of them. Should he get some scented candles, he wondered? What about some bubbly stuff that smells good? Is that what lasses liked? He thought of asking his sister but damn the wee besom. She would be all into his business and he would have no peace. He would need to figure it out himself. Moving back to the bedroom, Jamie opened his chest of drawers. Would she want to leave some of her things here, he wondered? Ought he to make room for her? He worried that he was pushing things too fast.  Better safe than sorry he reasoned. He picked up a pile of old workout clothes from a drawer and stuffed them into the back of a closet. He should have gotten rid of those clothes a long time ago. Having Claire in his life will mean changes, good changes. One that he wanted to make permanent.
He lifted his head and smelled an enticing aroma. She can cook. In the kitchen, he found her busy at work. She listened to some jazzy music as she cooked and was shaking that glorious arse of hers in time to the beat. He didn’t know which he was more hungry for the food or her.
“Something smells good Sassenach. What are ye making?”
Claire turned to face him beaming with happiness and pride. She had a towel draped over one shoulder and her hand one hip.
“Well, Fraser you didn’t have much in the way of food in the refrigerator so we’ll have to make do with this. It’s just a small snack, really. Just about two bites each.” The table was set and the food plated with the panache of a food stylist. There were crispy baguette slices toasted to perfection and fragrant with olive oil. She placed dollops of goat cheese on the bread and covered it with beautifully grilled peach slices. A chiffonade of sauteed basil garnishes the top. And to pull the flavors together a drizzle of honey making it sparkle. Mugs of earthy coffee sent tendrils of fragrant steam into the surrounding dining area whetting their appetite.
Jamie stood there with his mouth open in disbelief.
“Sassenach, you did this? By yerself?” His mouth hung open in surprise. He only had expected tea and buttered toast, but this was an amazing treat. It looked good enough to have been plated for a fine restaurant.
Claire squinted her eyes at him, her foot tapping showing her annoyance at the implication.  
“I told you I can cook and quite well for that matter. I just don’t. Now, why don’t you sit down and put some food into that gaping hole of your mouth before you begin to catch flies with it.”
He quickly sat rather than catch the wrong end of her pique. “I dinna mean tae offend ye, Sassenach. I just dinna think ye had much time tae learn with all the traveling ye did with yer Uncle ‘tis all.” Jamie decided the safest thing to do would be to just eat and not say anything else that could get him into trouble.
Claire somewhat mollified by his explanation simply nodded. “Uncle Lamb made sure I became exposed to what he called ‘womanly arts’. So I learned to cook, keep house, manage budgets amongst other things women should know,” she said with a devilish grin on her face. “It has come in handy.”
“I must thank ye, mo leannan. ‘Twas delicious. And I would like tae repay ye by being in charge of dinner. Would ye mind going shopping with me to fill up my empty refrigerator?”
They meandered along the High Street keeping well away from places where friends could easily spot them. Neither wanted to be found by colleagues or acquaintances just yet. At least not until tomorrow. Holding hands, fingers linked together, they peered into store windows, carried on conversations about things of no great consequence. With the afternoon chill descending on them Jamie and Claire stopped for tea at his favorite tea room. The tearoom evoked the feeling of being in a grannie’s sitting room. It was a bit cluttered with an assortment of antique nick-nacks  on display, lace tablecloths covering the tables, and a small bouquet of flowers on the table. In truth, it was cozy and utterly charming. The tea warm and fragrant was served in delicate rose-patterned china cups and a variety of sweets and pastries graced the table. They found a table by the window where they could observe the passers-by. Heads bent in whispered conversation, soft giggles uttered, they sipped and nibbled as hands connected unable to bear lack of contact.
The afternoon sky began to lower threatening a change in the weather. Jamie brought Claire’s hand to his lips leaving a tender kiss on her palm. “We need to leave Sassenach before we get caught in the snow.
Claire hummed in agreement. “Yes, you’re right. Let’s go buy something for dinner and go home.”
He was startled by her answer. Was she considering his place as her home already? He rather hoped that she would.
They went to the nearest market to stock up for a while.  Claire regaled Jamie about the different cuisines she tried while traveling with Lamb.
“Did you know that guinea pig is considered a delicacy in parts of South America? I never tried it myself but Lamb did. He had to or risk offending the Headman of the village.”
He marveled at the things she told him. Her life experiences were so different from his own.
“Ye mean the wee animals that live in cages and run on a wheel?” He grimaced at the thought.
“That’s a hamster. Guinea pigs shouldn’t use a wheel. Bad for the back, you know.”
He made what Claire referred to as a Scottish noise in the back of his throat. “I dinna ken ye knew sae much about the wee beasties.”
“As a child, I was like a sponge sucking up knowledge from my experiences with Lamb. It was an unorthodox lifestyle for a child but I wouldn’t have changed it for the world.”
He watched her as she stood amongst the display of produce, her index finger tapping her lower lip as she concentrated on what to choose. She examined everything for freshness, ripeness, color, texture before choosing. He was enchanted by her. She truly was a Sassenach, an Outlander. Claire did not belong to England nor Scotland nor America nor anywhere in particular. Having had such a unique upbringing, she was a woman belonging to the world. She belonged to nothing and yet to everything. It was this otherness about her that intrigued him, made him desperately want her to belong only to him.
Making short work of gathering their staples and perishables, they made it back to Jamie’s flat before the storm broke. The wind whipped up around them blowing Claire’s hair into wild disarray. Laughing they stumbled through the door almost collapsing on each other. The door slammed shut from the force of the wind.
They placed their bundles on the kitchen island unpacking their delectables. Jamie gave Claire a sidelong look. Clearing his throat and keeping his eyes averted he said in a nonchalant voice, “Sassenach I, er, um, I made some room for ye this morning in the bathroom for yer personal things. I, ah, also made room for ye in the chest of drawers and in the closet should ye wish tae put your things in there. Maybe ye might want tae leave some of yer things here. But only if ye wish tae.” The tips of his ears turned pink, he worried that this might be too fast, too soon to suggest such a thing.
Claire looked up at him her bottom lip quivering.  “You did that for me? I…” She placed both her hands on his cheeks bringing him closer to her. She leaned in kissing him soundly on the lips. Turning away quickly from him before the tears could escape the dam, she ran toward the bedroom to see what he had done for her.
Jamie smiled contentedly as he watched her scurry away. While she was occupied with unpacking her things, Jamie made a phone call he hoped would also please her. He continued to put away their purchases and set the table for their dinner. Hopefully, Aldo would not disappoint.
Claire busied herself with putting away some of her things. Jamie making room for her spoke volumes to her. He was trying to make her comfortable in his home. He wanted her there. As she placed her hairbrush, shampoo, and other toiletries in the en-suite she developed a warm feeling of belonging that she had never before experienced, not even in her own home with Frank. She wondered if this is what home felt like.
Having completed arranging her things, Claire came out to find the dining area glowing with the soft light from dinner candles, the table set, and dinner served. Jamie escorted her to the table, giving her a slight bow, “My lady,” seating her then taking his place opposite her.
“How did you, when did you…”
“I did promise you dinner. I dinna say I would make it myself,” as he waved his injured hand about. “I have a friend Aldo who owns an Italian restaurant close by. He sometimes sends dinner if I have a long day.”
“This is excellent, Jamie. How do you know Aldo?”
“He is a footie mate and a damn good goalie too.”
After finishing dinner and wine, Claire offered to clean up. “You went through all this trouble it’s the least I can do,” she smirked.
“Nay, Sassenach. ‘‘Twas my treat. Why dinna you get comfortable? It’s been a long couple of days.”
Standing she stretched until she heard little popping sounds between her vertebrae, “Perhaps you’re right. I think a shower is in order. Will you be coming soon?”
“Aye, I will. Just as soon as I put the dishes in the dishwasher and the leftovers away.”
Claire undressed taking her robe with her into the bathroom. She decided to ask Jaime for his tee-shirt again to wear to sleep. Having something of his next to her skin was a balm to her soul. She shampooed her hair then washed with her favorite body wash. Looking in the mirror she thought her hair resembled a wet poodle. With a towel wrapped around her head, she walked into the bedroom to find Jamie shirtless and shoeless only his jeans remained.
He smiled broadly at her, “A quick shower, then tae bed.” The heat of the water felt comforting. But he had no time to linger as his thoughts gravitated toward his lass. He wanted to, well he knew what he wanted to do, but would she? They were both jet-lagged, but just maybe.” He dried off and wrapped a low hanging towel about his hips. Opening the bathroom door, he stood there watching her as she tried to brush out several recalcitrant knots out of her curly hair. He could hear her mutterings and swearing. “Bloody-minded hair.” A particular mutinous snag gave rise to a blasphemous “Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!”
“Here Sassenach, let me,” Jamie coaxed the brush from her hand. “When I was a young lad, I would brush my Mam’s hair for her when she felt troubled. She said it helped her tae relax.”
He sectioned her hair gently then began brushing it, working the tangles out. He worked slowly, carefully working each snarl out all while whispering softly in Gaidhlig.
There was something supremely peaceful in Jamie’s touch. Claire slipped into an almost hypnotic state. She relaxed under his skilled hand and the susurrous of the brush skimming through her hair. Her eyes closed enjoying his surgeon-like expertise. Methodical, proficient, and meticulous. Just like he approached everything. No wonder his mother liked him to brush her hair.
He was totally focused on the task at hand making the unruly mass of curls into soft waves and tender ringlets. One would have thought that her hair would feel coarse and rough. But no, her hair was soft and lush. He brought a lock of her hair to his nose. It smelled of herbs and flowers soft and fragrant. It smelled of her. Jamie paid great attention to the colors of her tresses. Predominantly it was brunette with wisps of caramel, cinnamon, and auburn scattered throughout. Jamie let the strands slip over his fingers like silken threads to once again cascade over her shoulders. “Mo nighean donn,” he whispered.
Claire turned her head to him. “You have called me that before but I never asked what it means.”
He smiled, “It means my brown-haired lass.”
“I have always thought brown to be a rather dull color.”
Jamie placed an errant curl behind her ear, “No, no’ dull at all. It’s like the water in a burn, where it ruffles over the stones. Dark in the wavy spots with bits of silver and auburn where the sun catches it.”
He put the brush down on the bedside table, turned to face her. He lifted her chin up and gazed into her eyes. Her eyes were pools of liquid honey warm and sweet.
Claire fell into the depth of his eyes, so impossibly blue that it seemed that part of the sky fell into them.
“Dance with me, Claire.”
She looked at him in surprise and question.
“You mean here, now, like this?” Her eyes took in their mutual state of undress.
“Besides, there is no music and truthfully I can’t dance.
“‘Tis nay bother. Music ye shall have. I’ll tell ye a secret, I canna dance too. I’m tae big and clumsy. Dinna be afraid ‘tis no’ but a bit of swaying. I think we can manage that without damaging each other.” Jamie extended his hand for her to take with a smile so brilliant it rivaled the summer sun.
She knew she should have resisted and said no.  But Claire found herself powerless, mesmerized by him. She reached out her hands clasping theirs together. He pulled her toward him. Their bodies touching.
“First, ye need to take this off.” He began tugging at the ties of her robe. “I need tae feel ye next tae me.”
Her hands entwined with his as they worked to release the tie allowing the satiny fabric to slip off her body. Standing there naked she felt just a bit foolish.
“Now your turn.”
Giving the towel a quick tug, it fell away landing on the floor. He kicked the towel and robe out of the way, widening their area to move.
They were bare to each other. His arousal full and complete.
Once again he drew her into him, his large hands settling on her hips, while Claire’s hands rested around his neck.
“Alexa,” Jamie called out, “Play With You I’m Born Again on repeat.”
The room filled with sultry vocals and seductive notes from the piano.
Jamie pulled her deeper into his embrace feeling the fullness of her breasts against him, her nipples hardening from contact with his chest. His rigid cock pressed firmly upon her belly.
Their bodies moved in sync to the music swaying together like flowers in the wind. His sound hand floated over her back holding her close, reducing whatever little space still separated them.
Tucking her head neatly under his chin, Claire’s eyes drifted shut, sighing in contentment. He was warm and had a masculine smell rather spicy she thought. Pepper, ginger, lemon, and coriander. Overlaying that was his own unique scent which could not be masked. She nuzzled into his chest breathing him in making small wuffling sounds.
“Are ye smelling me, Sassenach?”
She looked up at him with a dreamy look on her face, “Why yes. Yes, I am,” and returned to resting her head against him.
Jamie gave a soft chuckle and placed his head atop hers.
He crooned softly into her hair,
Come bring me yer softness
Comfort me through all this madness
Woman, don’t ye know with ye I’m born again?
Looking up into the face of her love, Claire sang softly back,
Come give me your sweetness
Now there’s you, there is no weakness
Lying safe within your arms, I’m born again.
They joined together in a duet singing softly of their love for each other,
I was half not whole, in step with none
Reaching through the world, in need of one.
Come show me your kindness
In your arms I know I’ll find this.
Lying safe within your arms, I’m born again.
Jamie bent down kissing Claire tenderly on her lips,
Woman don’t ye know with ye I’m born again
A single tear ran down her face,
Lying safe within your arms I’m born again.
Jamie bade Alexa stop the music. They came to a standstill, eyes locked on each other.
“I am naught but a poor simple man. I dinna have the words of a poet. Nor can I write ye a love song. This I tell ye true mo ghràdh, I love ye. I love ye more than I have ever loved nay will ever love someone. Ye have captured my heart.” He began to tremble in her arms and stumbled over his words. “I dinna ken what a soul is other than what the priests told us in kirk. But, I kent mine was only half until I found you. When I met ye, I felt mine call out to yers for I kent we share but one soul and one heart my Sassenach. Neither of us is complete without the other.”
Claire looked up into his face seeing the truth of his words.
“I feel the same way, Jamie. I do love you so.”
A tidal wave of lust coursed through him. His pupils were blown wide open turning the placid blue eyes dark and dangerous. He dropped his face toward hers, their lips just a whisper away. Jamie kissed her with a fierceness, no perhaps it was with desperation trying to convey his feelings with actions instead of his paltry words.
Claire felt the heat rising up in her belly spreading through her like the warmth from a dram of good whisky. She parted her lips in invitation. His tongue ran over her lips then invading her mouth tasting its deep recesses as they joined in mutual caresses.
Jamie broke the kiss. His breathing became heavy with want. “I need ye lass. I canna say it plainer than that.”
Claire’s eyes of toffee gazed up at him begging him to touch her everywhere. “Then take me, now.”
“I dinna ken if I can be gentle.”
“Then don’t.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck, fingers playing with the curls at the nape of his neck.
“Come lass let me love ye. ‘Tis been too long since I last held ye in my arms.”  He lifted her up and carried her to the bed, gently placing her down. Her hair spread over the pillow like a great nimbus cloud of light and dark. She opened herself to him with her arms raised up in supplication. She never looked lovelier than she did when flushed with desire.  “Ye are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
“As you say so.”
“Do ye doubt me?”
“No, what I mean is I am beautiful because you say it is so.”
“Aye, ‘tis so.”
He came to her like a starving man hungrily seizing her mouth. It would be her body and soul that would sustain him, nourish him, make him whole again. He had feared he had lost her in Boston because of his own negligence. And yet she forgave him, still wanted him. He needed to claim her as his.
“Mine,” he growled into her mouth. “Mine now and forever.”
“Yours, only you,” she sighed.
His kisses were hard, brutal leaving her lips swollen from the attention. She kissed him back with equal fervor pulling at his bottom lip biting down on it. Her own need to join with him raged through her like wildfire. She had almost lost him through her foolish fears, her foolish secrets.
Jamie began to rain kisses down the column of her neck. Kissing, nipping at the tender skin marking her as his.
“Jamie!” she cried as she raked her nails down his back raising red welts over the old scar tissue. He felt the sting of the scratches but couldn’t have cared less.
He moved down her body placing fevered kisses as he moved. Reaching her breasts, he took a delicate nipple in his mouth tongue circling it raising it to a hardened nub. He suckled it while kneading the other. Turning his attention to its fellow, it received the same treatment.
Claire arched her back and held his head in place to her breast. “Harder,” she ordered. With a ferocity, he did not know he possessed he sucked harder and bit down on her nipple. She cried out in pleasure and pain.
“Christ, I hurt ye. I’m sorry, Claire,” he worried.
“No, you didn’t hurt me. Don’t stop, please.”
“Yer sure, Claire?”
Yes, I’m sure, damn it. Please, Jamie. Don’t stop.”
He gently kissed each breast in apology before taking his leave. Journeying down her he nipped at the delicate skin placing soothing kisses at each bruise. Reaching her hip he placed tender kisses to each one.
“Please what, Claire?”
She huffed in frustration, “I need you, now.”
“Ye have me lass, I’m right here am I no’? Adoring ye, loving ye,” as he placed kiss after kiss along her stately legs. When he reached her feet, he massaged each foot working the tension out.
“Do ye like this a nighean?”
“Yes,” she purred deep and throaty as she arched her back in contented pleasure.
Jamie chuckled with delight, “I see. And what would ye do if I did this?”
He slid off of the bed pulling her by her ankles until her arse rested at the edge. Hitching her legs over his shoulders, he placed his face firmly between her thighs.
“Christ, mo leannan, yer so wet.
Claire moaned her head tossing from side to side writhing in anticipation.
Delicately he ran his tongue over her apex tasting her, “Yer so sweet.” He found her nub the source of all her pleasure lightly flicking his tongue over it.
Claire moaned and whimpered, thrusting her hips toward him.
“More, mo chridhe?”
“Yes, yes Jamie. I want more,” she gasped out as she ground herself against his face.
Greedily his mouth took possession of her bud, sucking, licking in long broad stripes and gentle circles driving her to the edge of madness. Carefully he began to drag his teeth over the sensitive tissue and began to hum. Relentlessly his tongue dipped and swirled tasting her heat and her honey.
The sensations electrified her senses. Her body jerking, thrashing clutching at the linens.
“Ah, Jamie, please, please,” she gasped. Her hand grabbed at his head, fingers tangled in his curls holding him captive to her need.
He knew she was nearing her climax. Slipping one finger into her sweet heat sliding in and
“Tell me, Claire, how ye feel,” he growled wickedly.
Her eyes were sealed shut and she mumbled unintelligible words as she continued to writhe on the bed.
“Open yer eyes lass look at me. Watch as I make ye come. Know who yer master is.”
His eyes were trained on her, intently watching. Adding a second finger he curved them both finding the sensitive area inside her. His tongue resumed its onslaught as he pushed her over the precipice.
Claire’s eyes opened wide, seeing but not seeing and screamed, “JAIME!” Her world narrowed until she became pure sensation, pure pleasure.
“Aye, ‘tis right lass. Scream my name so all will ken who ye belong tae. LOUDER,” he commanded.
She keened, back arched, head falling back against the bed, “Jamie, only you Jamie.” And convulsed into her orgasm.
He picked her up cradling her against his broad chest bringing back to the bed resting her head upon the pillows. He murmured soft words in Gàidhlig into the glory of her hair. “Rest a neighan. For I will need tae take ye soon. I am filled with savage lust that I canna control. I need tae feel ye around me for I mean to use ye hard. Forgive me, my Sassenach.”  He spooned into her back and pressed his nose into the crook of her neck. His manhood hardened with wanting resting on her thigh.
Claire smiled turning to face him as she cupped his face between her hands. Her voice hoarse and no more than a whisper, “I want to feel you too. I need to claim you as my own and hear you call my name in desire. And at the end, I want to hear you cry out as you find your pleasure knowing that it was I who took you there. She kissed him at his pulse point on the neck, then boldly bit and sucked the skin leaving a mark. “You are mine Jamie Fraser, now and forever. I have marked you for all to see.” Her eyes burned bright with an untamed yearning for this man. She dragged her lips across his face and down his neck leaving searing kisses along the path. Coming to his well-defined chest she bit hard again leaving the stamp of her lust on him.
“Do you want me to stop?”
“God no.”
Her tongue swept over his areola and his delicate pink nipple causing it to harden at her bidding. Again she sank her teeth into his flesh causing him to gasp from her assault on him.
“Am I too rough on you,” she whispered sensually in his ear while she rubbed her breasts across his chest making her buds become firm ready for him to suck.
“Yer a she-devil come to torture me,” he moaned raising his hand trying to grasp at her breasts.
Claire threw her head back laughing. “Aye, I am. A succubus surely and I will lead us to the fiery pits of hell where we will be consumed by our lust for each other.”
She continued to scatter kisses and bites as she moved down his magnificent body. She sucked the skin over his hip, then dragged her nails through his fiery thatch the last barrier before his cock.
Jamie jolted at the sensation. “Sassenach, please. I canna bear it nay longer.”
“Please, wot?” Claire asked innocently.
“Claire, ye ken what I want and need. Please, Claire.”
“Are you talking about this? She leaned over and took him in her mouth. She unfurled her tongue over his length. She took in his whole length working her tongue over the silkiness of his cock. Using her brazen wee hand she slid it up and down his length twisting and turning all while she worked the head with her mouth and tongue diving him to near completion.
“Lass, I’ll no last if ye keeping doing that.”
Claire ceasing her assault on his flesh giving him a sultry smile, “We can’t have that now can we.”
She sat back on her heels taking in the landscape of his body. He was beautifully formed with slanted eyes, long straight nose, high broad cheekbones, and full, sensuous lips.  The terrain of his body was formed by mountains of hard muscle and bone lying above the flat plains of his abdominal muscles. The man was a work of art, one of God’s finest creations.
Claire was broken out of her reverie as she became cognizant that Jamie was speaking to her. Actually, he was threatening her.
“By all that is holy, Sassenach, ye shall pay for this, severely.”
She laughed, “I believe that I have already, my lad. You had your way with me now it’s my turn.”
She lifted her leg to straddle him, brushing her wet sex over his engorged erection. “Or perhaps this is more to your liking, hmm? Which mouth do you want my lad?”
Shuddering from the sensation, he tried to will himself into control.
“Claire…” He warned.
She leaned over, drawing herself at length atop him grinding her hips against his. “Yes, Jamie?” She asked innocently.
“Ye are a verra verra wicked woman. And ye deserve tae be punished.”
Slowly his hand found its way down her back grabbing her magnificent arse fondling it pressing her close to him.
“Oh, and just how do you plan to do that?”
His hands clutched her hips moving them in lewd movements creating friction between them.
Raising up his hand Jamie gave Claire a slight slap on her buttock causing more of a sting than pain.
She wiggled her luscious bum in delight and giggled. “Is that my punishment, Fraser? I rather liked it,” she smirked.
“Then perhaps ye will like this.” Jamie seized Claire’s hands holding them above her head and flipped them over. Quirking his eyebrow, he pressed his arousal against her. “Ye like this Sassenach?”  
She opened her legs wider then flexed her hips hard against him.
“Do. It. Now,” she demanded. Her voice rough and harsh.
Jamie lined himself up at her wet entrance and slowly pushed in perhaps no more than a quarter-inch and quickly withdrew. Claire gasped at the sudden loss of him.
“Exactly what game are you playing at Fraser?” She huffed in frustration. Wiggling under him Claire tried to re-establish physical contact, needing the feel of him. But he kept his distance from her.
“Ye kent I told ye that ye needed tae be punished, did I no’? The best way is tae deprive ye of what ye want. But if ye yield tae me, ye can have it. What say ye?” He replied smugly. He inched closer, letting her feel him again at her entrance.
“You’re on some fucking power trip, Jamie,” she huffed. Her efforts to join with him were fruitless as he kept her pinned to the mattress with his body.
“Aye, I am. Ye remember I told ye I would make ye scream, did I no’? And I did. Now ye tortured me to near insanity and wouldna come to me. That was no’ nice of ye, Claire. So now Dr. Beauchamp ye get a wee taste of yer own medicine. Ye dinna like it do ye?”
“Resign yerself tae me then, beg me, and ye shall have what ye want.” Thrusting his hips forward he was mere centimeters from home. He placed soft kisses on the corners of her lips, lightly running his tongue along the seam of her mouth.
Claire struggled a few times more, just for form’s sake.
She used her whisky orbs to do her pleading. “Jamie, please, I…I…need you. I want you now. I need to feel you inside of me.”
“That’s a good lass. But, remember, mo ghràdh I never said I dinna like yer teasing, ye ken.” And he drove home sheathing himself to the hilt in one swift thrust.
“YOU son of a…AHHH!”
His hips moved within her drawing comfort from her softness getting lost in her silken folds.
She felt herself stretch as he filled her and reveled in the power of him.
He put her hands on his chest, “Feel my heartbeat, Claire, it only beats for ye.”
His mouth sealed over hers, taking possession of her breath, her sighs, swallowing them making them part of his being.
Absorbed in the feel of him, Claire wrapped her legs around him pulling him deeper, deeper than either one thought was possible.
A burning tension built linking their hearts, souls, and bodies together. “Jamie,” she mumbled. “My lad, my sweet, sweet lad. How I need you. Oh god, Jamie.” Her body began to tremble and shake. “I…”
Jamie whispered softly in her ear, “Let it go, Claire surrender yourself tae me. Give me all of yourself as I give you everything I am. I can hold nothing back from ye lass.”
“Jaime. Oh god, Jamie.” Claire wrapped her arms around him succumbing to her all-consuming climax.
Jamie continued his relentless rhythm now that he had served her and began to seek his own pleasure.
Two, then three, then four thrusts, his hips moved wildly his cadence began to falter.
“Claire, sweet Jesus, Claire.” Shuddering, he bit down on her shoulder as his seed filled her.
Jamie collapsed on her then fell to the side avoiding crushing her. Pulling her to him he tucked her under his chin.  Claire felt the thrum of his voice in his chest speaking Gàidhlig words of love to her. She did not understand the words but knew their meaning.  Her arms surrounded his waist still not yet ready to release their connection.
“I love you, Jamie,” she whispered as she succumbed to the world of dreams.
“Tha gaol agam ort, mo ghràdh.”
Lying safe within our arms, we are born again.
Capote de brega  — a cape used by a matador during a bull fight.
A fear an urram - A man of honor.
Duine urramach - An honorable man
With You, I Am Born Again - sung by Billy Preston and Syreeta Wright
Songwriters - Carol Connors/David Shire/David L. Shire
Released - December 1979
Motown Records
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqTq8gckf8E
55 notes · View notes
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Good afternoon all, Here is the long-awaited next chapter of Edinburgh to Boston. It is a very, very long chapter. in fact it comes in at over 9300 words. I had considered breaking it up, but in the end, I felt it would lose some of the continuity if I did.
 Also, when you think about this chapter this is a “making up” chapter. So at the end of the chapter, there is an NSFW scene. Please take this as an advisement if this is not your thing. 
For the sake of the story, J&C are in business class on the plane. BUT, in order to make certain things happen, we must pretend that that darned console is not there. 
Again the title of the chapter relates to a Motown song. The song to me represents coming together.  There is a link at the end and I wound hope that you will listen to it. To me, it just says Jamie and Claire. I thought it very apropos considering what they went through in Boston and having almost lost each other. That is the reason for the choice of title and song. I hope it makes sense to you like it does to me. There are still some unresolved feelings, but we will get to that a little later.
As always I am deeply indebted to @scubalass​ who keeps me honest with the story, finds my mistakes, and keeps me on the straight and narrow. Thank you, thank you, thank you.🧡🧡🧡🧡
I am always open to questions about this chapter or any other chapter. Any thoughts comments or suggestions are always welcome.
Thanks for reading my ramble. So without further delay, I give you the newest chapter of Edinburgh to Boston. Here goes nothing. I hope you enjoy.
Edinburgh to Boston
Chapter 17
With You, I Am Born Again
The slumbering beast droned awake. The engines hummed as the jet slowly taxied into position for takeoff. Having received clearance from the tower, th  e Captain released the deceptive power held in check. Roaring to life, the air shook around its massive body. Gathering speed, the lumbering giant began its climb toward its skyward goal. Thundering it thrust forward shearing the air mass surrounding it. The flaps moved into place and the brakes groaned as the landing gear retracted with a loud thud. Continuing its ascent, the silver leviathan increased its speed causing air molecules to strike the fuselage mercilessly. It finally reached cruising altitude leveling off.  And it became blessedly quiet. Claire Beauchamp raised her head up from its hiding place within the crook of Jamie Fraser’s neck. She looked like a snail peeking out of its shell after a rainstorm. “‘Tis alright lass. We’re in the air. ‘Tis safe tae come out now,” he coaxed her. “Easy for you to say, Fraser. You’ve never been in a plane crash.” Childhood memories of the plane crash that took the lives of her parents still haunt her. Claire survived the accident because her mother sacrificed herself using her body to shield her precious daughter from injury.
“Aye, yer right, Sassenach. And I hope I never find out what that’s like.” Smiling at her, he placed a gentle kiss to the tip of her nose.
Claire leaned her head against his shoulder and sighed. “Another seven hours and we’ll be in Scotland. I can’t wait to go home and leave the memories of this miserable trip behind us.”
“Ye ken it was no’ a total disaster Sassenach,” he suggested trying to lighten her mood. “We made the acquaintance of Harry and Maizie and we had fun in the park, did we no?” He looked at her with a sidelong glance, “Then we umm,” he cleared his throat. The beginnings of a spectacularly vibrant red blush colored his cheeks, “then we became better acquainted, several times. I hope I was no’ a disappointment tae ye Claire,” he said shyly.
“A disappointment? Were you a disappointment? Fraser, I have never been so thoroughly shagged in my life. A disappointment, forsooth!”
The redness on Jamie’s cheek deepened. A self-satisfied smile splayed across his face. 
“Ye ken we still have three days left before we have tae return tae work. Do ye have any idea of what ye would like tae do?” 
She tilted her head back as she stared upward contemplating his question. 
“For one thing, a nice long soaking bath,” she exhaled with pleasure. “Wearing my softest pyjamas, curling up in bed and sleeping. Oh! And order take away so I don’t have to go grocery shopping and cook. It just sounds like heaven.” She smiled contentedly as she stretched languorously.
“Ye ken Sassenach I hoped that we could spend the time together.” Sagging into his seat he radiated a sense of disappointment at the prospect of not spending the time together.
Running her fingers over his cheek, “I didn’t say I wanted to do those things alone, did I? Is your bathtub big enough for two?”
“Yes. No. Yes!”
 Is a bathtub big enough for two what it would take tae get Beauchamp into his home? He wondered? I may be looking at a bathroom renovation if it doesna fit the two of us. Ah weel a small price to pay, he thought.
“‘Tis big enough for me so a wee lassie like you should have nay trouble fitting in it.” Thinking about the last time they shared a bath together made the tips of his ears turn pink. What is about Beauchamp that could reduce him to an awkward blushing schoolboy? 
“I guess we will have to find out together, won’t we Fraser?” Claire licked her lips as if she was going to sample a tasty morsel. “I also seem to remember you promised to do things to me that would make me scream once we arrive home. You are a man of your word, are you not?” Claire responded in a seductive voice. 
It was his turn to make her squirm. “Claire, I am a man of my word. I intend to make ye scream with the wanting. I will have ye riding waves of pleasure till ye can bear it nay more,” his smile both reckless and savage made no mistake as to what his intentions were.
Her eyes opened wide, and her jaw dropped. She tried to swallow but her mouth had gone dry, arid like the deserts of her youth. She knew he meant it. It almost sounded more like a threat than a promise. A threat she couldn’t wait for him to make good on. 
“Ye should get some rest, Claire. Ye’ll need it,” his whispered with a provocative voice weighty with a primitive want and need.
His eyes closed as a small smile curved on his lips. 
Claire reclined her seat, but could not sleep. She was restless wriggling around trying to find a comfortable position to nap in.
“Ye canna sleep, Sassenach? Yer wiggling like a wee lad with a toad in his pocket.”
“No, I can’t sleep. Just couldn’t get comfortable.”
“What is it? Is there anything on yer mind?” Jamie didn’t trust that she still wasn’t keeping secrets from him.
She looked at him shyly, “Now that you mention it, I do have one more confession to make.”
He sat up straight, bracing himself for the worst. “And that is...what?”
“I really can bake you know. I just never made a cake with a saw in it.”
Laughing, she completely reclined her seat and moments later her body relaxed into sleep. 
Jamie watched her fall asleep, just as easy as you please, “Christ, Claire, ye will be the death of me yet,” he muttered shaking his head. With one hand, Jamie took a blanket twirling it open with the dexterity of a matador swirling his Capote de Brega covering his Sassenach.
The cabin was dark for some time and all around him, the sounds of passengers settling in for the night time passage had little effect on Jamie. The pull of sleep would not come. His mind jumped through the events over the past several days. With her startling revelation of abuse and rape at the hands’ of her ex-husband, he feared she might compare him to Frank. Not that he would ever hurt her. God, no. But there was something about Beauchamp that drove him to extremes of emotion. He wanted to protect her like a wee kitten that he could keep safe in his shirt and cradle tenderly. And then. And then there were times he wanted to take her, spread her thighs wide and plow into her like a crazed rutting bull. That’s what worried him. What if he could not be gentle? Would he frighten her? He did not want to be compared to him. Over and over again, he told himself his fears were baseless, senseless. After all, they had been intimate several times without the slightest hint or suggestion that she was afraid of him. He would need to find a way to reassure her. And perhaps, himself.  Coming to a decision, he closed his eyes and fell into a restless sleep.
Several hours later, Jamie woke only to find Claire awake as well. She was reading a book on her tablet, one of those bodice-rippers that she was so fond of.  
Claire turned her head toward Jamie’s movement. “Can’t sleep?” she inquired.
“Nah. Uncomfortable. I see ye canna either.”
“No, I usually don’t sleep well, if at all, on planes,” she shrugged as this was an accepted fact of life.
They sat quietly for a while until Jamie broke the silence.  “Would ye like tae hear a story, Sassenach?”
“That would be wonderful.”
“Weel, did I ever tell ye the story of Mary McNab?”
“No, I don’t believe you have.”
“Then, I shall,” he smiled brightly. “Mary McNab lived with her husband and son in a small croft on the Lallybroch lands.  Her husband Ronald worked with my Da on the farm. Now Ronald was a very good worker.  He had one flaw. He turned mean when he drank. Whenever he got paid or came into some extra money, he would make his way to a local pub. After staggering home, he would take out his frustration and anger on his wife and his poor wee laddie. If his son made too much noise while playing or his supper was not to his liking, they suffered for it.
One hot summer day Jenny and some of her friends made plans to go swimming at the loch. As they approached it, Jenny spotted wee Rabbie McNab with his fishing pole sitting shirtless on a log, hook dangling in the water. On hearing the laughter of the approaching girls, he jumped up tae get his shirt that hung over a tree branch but dinna get himself covered before the girls saw him. The lad was covered in bruises in various colors, purple, yellow, and brown.
Jenny reached him and spun him around to face her while he struggled into his shirt. 
“Rabbie, who did this tae ye?” Jenny demanded her face white with shock and anger.
“No one. I...I fell down the stairs,” the scared lad told her. He knew what would happen if he told. 
“I dinna think sae. I ask ye again, Rabbie McNab, who did this tae ye?” Jenny had heard rumors about his father’s drunkenness and the abuse he heaped on his family.
The boy went silent. His head hanging down low.
“Sae that’s how ‘tis? Come on then,” Jenny grabbed him by the hand pulling and dragging the boy along with her. 
“Miss, where are we goin’?” 
“Tae see my Da. He’ll get tae the bottom of this.” 
“No, Miss, no! Ye canna! Please!” The bairn clearly panicked at this possibility.
“Why no’, Rabbie?”
“Because if my Da finds out…” His free hand went tae his mouth as he realized what he had said. 
“Mmphm. Rabbie dinna be afraid my Da willna let nay harm come tae ye.”
Da and I were mending the sheep’s pen, again. It seemed that Huey, the fifth in his line, managed to create a hole large enough allowing him and his harem to escape. 
Holding Rabbie’s hand so he would not run off, Jenny explained to her Da what prompted her concern for the wee lad showing him the bruises on Rabbie’s back. 
Rabbie finally and tearfully told the truth. 
You could see how angry my Da became as he listened tae the story. His eyebrows drew in and his lips formed a tight line. 
“Alright, Master Rabbie get ye inside. Tell Mrs. Crook tae feed ye up, aye? I need tae speak with my daughter and son.”  
Rabbie hesitated. 
“Get ye gone, lad. Miss Jenny will come tae keep ye company directly.”
The boy took halting steps toward the door, fear and worry emanated from his small form.
“Oh, and Rabbie, dinna be afraid for yerself or yer Mam, aye? Nay harm shall come tae either of ye.” 
The boy nodded his head. A glimmer of hope and trust brightened the sad hazel eyes.
I looked at my Da wondering what he would do. How do you interfere in another man’s family? But, then this was no ordinary problem. Wife beating. Child beating. This was different.
“What are ye going tae do Da?”
Da paced back and forth, running his hands through his thick black hair contemplating the question. “I dinna ken laddie, but by Christ, I will do something. I canna sit by and let the pur lad and his mam be beaten every time the man is gone with drink. Let’s go talk with Mistress McNab,”
So I went with my Da tae the McNab croft. Mrs. McNab, of course, denied everything saying her bruises were the result of accidental injuries. She claimed to be a clumsy person, always tripping and falling. She said her laddie took after her, bumping into things, falling, tripping.
Da took her by the hand leading her to a chair to sit. “Mary, ye ken that I know. I have seen Ron at the pub o’er taken with drink. I’ve seen him get into fights.” Brian’s hazel eyes went soft with compassion. “I will see ye and yer lad safe. I can give you the protection of my home and my family’s good name. But, Mary ye must tell me true. Is he hurting ye and yer son?”
Mary McNab searched the depths of Brian Fraser’s warm hazel eyes finding the kindness in his soul. She opened up in a great flood of emotions telling us everything.
Listening intently,  Da drummed his fingers on the table considering what she had tae say. He came tae a decision as Mrs. McNab finished her story.
“Mary pack what ye think ye and yer son will need. Ye will come tae stay at Lallybroch until we straighten this out. I will call my lawyer tae see what can be done legally tae protect ye. Then you can decide what you wish tae do. Jamie, go help Mrs. McNab.”
So Mary McNab came home with us. Da called Ned Gowan our lawyer and Mary decided it was in her and her son’s best interest tae get a divorce, which she did. Da hired her tae help Mrs. Crook with the running of the house.
“Jamie, what about her husband? Didn’t he create a fuss? I can’t believe that he agreed to a divorce so easily.”
“He dinna. Ron marched up tae our house and began tae bang on the door calling out my Da. He told my Da that he had no right tae interfere with another man’s family. And as head of his household, he would do as he saw fit.”
“So, my Da asked him where he lived.”
“Have ye gone daft man? Ye ken fine well I live here at Lallybroch.” 
“So ye admit ye live on Lallybroch land, do ye? Which is my land, of which I am the Laird? So as the Laird ‘tis my duty tae see tae the welfare of all who live on it. I am responsible for the welfare of every soul here including yer family. So, I say tae ye now Ronald McNab get yer things and get ye gone from my property. Yer services are no longer required.”
With that my Da turned around and went into the house, leaving Ronnie standing there agog.
“Your father used his authority as the Laird to keep her safe and make her husband leave the property, then. I thought you told me that the title of Laird was only honorary.”
“That’s right ‘tis. But in the Highlands memories are long and traditions die slowly ye ken?”
“I’m glad everything worked out for Mary and her son, but why did you tell me this story?”
He took her very small hand in his large warm one, holding it tenderly.
“My Dad asked me if I knew why he brought me along with him. I foolishly told him because he needed another man along with him, to protect his right.” Jamie smiled remembering his youthful faux pas. “My Da looked at me with a benevolent smile and I could see him thinking. I think that day my Da realized that I was becoming a man and no’ just the wee red-heided bairn that chased after him.”
“Aye, Jamie lad I did need a man with me,” Brian Fraser remarked solemnly giving his beloved son his due. “And since ye are near becoming a man grown there are some lessons ye need tae learn that will govern yer behavior yer whole life.”
“Sassenach, ye should have seen me! I puffed myself up like a proud peacock ready tae receive the sage words of wisdom that my Da would impart tae me. I think my Da almost damn near collapsed trying no’ tae laugh at me.” Jamie shook his head recalling his younger self.
Looking at Jamie, Claire could see the love and respect he had for his father. Something she had always wished she had known with her father. 
“Da said he took me along with him tae see Mrs. McNab because someday I would hold the title of Laird. As such it was necessary for me to become a fear an urram. Part of being a duine urramach was the need tae have respect for the land and the beasts in my care. And men of honor have a call tae duty toward the people in his care and those he would meet in life. Most of all, a true man had tae respect women and hold them in high esteem. For women are our strength, our hearts, and the hope for the future. Above all else, a true man respects and cares for those he loves. As they are the reason men rise in the dark of the morning and return home with the setting of the sun laboring so that they can be safe and secure. My Da had a wistful look on his face, staring at something only he could see. He looked at me then told me something I dinna understand at the time, but I do now.”
“Mo mac,” Brian Fraser said, “one day ye will find a lady who will be yer anchor in life. Ye will tether yerself tae her for she will be yer safe harbor. She will stand by yer side through the good and the lean. Yer bairns will be sheltered in her body then brought forth in great pain which she will willingly suffer. Her heart and body will comfort ye when ye are sore with fatigue and worry. She will take ye tae her and ye will find peace. She will be yer home. When ye find her ye must treasure her, Jamie, for she is a rare jewel. Dinna abuse her ever.” 
Jamie grew quiet recalling the day the Fraser men discussed what would become the guiding principles in his life.
“I asked my Da if this was how it was between him and my Mam.”
“Da gazed out over the land he loved, the land my Mam loved. When he turned tae look at me, his eyes gleamed full of emotion, love, and joy for his land, his bairns, and his wife.” 
“Aye Jaime ‘tis. ‘Tis.”
His hand moved to cup her face. “Ye mo chridhe are the love of my heart and my soul. I tell ye this as I dinna want ye ever tae be scairt of me. I would never hurt ye, or…” he choked on the words, “force ye. I couldna bear it if ye were afraid of me,” he said with a hitch in his voice.`` 
Jamie turned in his seat allowing him to drop his forehead to Claire’s touching, breathing in their shared space.
“I never thought you would, Jamie.” Her hand reached to cup his cheek.
They shared the silence and stillness of their own thoughts as the jet whisked them homeward.
Traffic back into Edinburgh was light at that hour of the morning. The Uber silently pulled up to the curb in front of Jamie’s flat. Gallantly, Jamie opened the door for Claire offering her his hand for her to step out of the car. Fishing around in his pocket he found his keys. Handing them to Claire, he told her to go inside and get comfortable. He would be along with the luggage shortly. The driver opened the boot and placed the luggage on the pavement.
“Oi mate, what does yer wife have in the bag, eh? Rocks?”
“My wife, he thinks she’s my wife. Do we look like a couple already?” The thought pleased him that they did and a wide grin spread across his face. “One day she will be my wife. One day she will wear my ring.”
Jamie cleared his throat, “She likes to be prepared.”
“Fer what? An apocalypse? Christ man feels like she packed the entire flat in here!”
Jamie just shrugged giving the man a generous tip for his help.
“She is a bonny lass, though. Weel, luck tae ye man,” and sped off to his next call.
He managed to get all the baggage into the foyer and kicked the door closed. 
There she was walking around his sitting room picking things up and putting them down. Seeing her there made his heart speed up. She looked so natural there like she belonged there, with him.
Claire turned around after hearing the door slam shut. She flushed worried that he might think she was snooping about. Which she was.
“Jamie, I hope you don’t mind my looking around. You have a lovely home.”
“Thank ye. ‘Tis no much, but ‘tis comfortable.” 
His flat reflected him, masculine and functional. Although the room was devoid of a feminine touch it was tastefully decorated. The room was spacious with a large butter-soft gray leather settee, a bold geometric white and black patterned carpet over the hardwood floor, several comfortable armchairs, and a bookcase filled with assorted books dominated the room. An antique wooden trunk place in front of the sette served as a coffee table. On a far wall, a fireplace with a large flat-screen television above it made quite the statement. Most likely for Jamie to watch his beloved rugby games. Another wall displayed various photographs and portraits of his family as well as small paintings of what looked like pastoral scenes. Here and there there were small splashes of color to break up the greys, blacks, and whites of the room. A tartan gracefully draped over the settee.
“Yer welcome to look about, Sassenach. ‘Tis no much tae see. Just a bachelor’s home. I’ll be putting the luggage in the bedroom.” He looked at her to see if she reacted to his statement. Claire only nodded then asked if she could help.
“Nah, I’ll manage. Why don’t ye make us some tea? Are ye hungry? I could make us something to eat if ye like.”
“Hmm, I could stand to eat a bit. I’ll start on making the food while you take care of the bags.”
“Ye can cook!? I dinna think ye had the opportunity to learn.”
“Oh, I can. I just don’t cook much since it’s only just for me.”
Jamie took their bags into his bedroom. A king-size bed big enough to accommodate his large frame stood as the centerpiece of the room. The palette of the room was neutral colors soft beige, cream, and taupe. The room spoke of a man for whom the room became a respite from the stress of his professional life. The en-suite could only be described as luxurious. One wall is covered in multicolor gray stone tiles, the others were painted white, a black marble countertop with a clear glass bowl basin sink completed the esthetic. He looked at the tub and felt delighted that it would accommodate the two of them. Should he get some scented candles, he wondered? What about some bubbly stuff that smells good? Is that what lasses liked? He thought of asking his sister but damn the wee besom. She would be all into his business and he would have no peace. He would need to figure it out himself. Moving back to the bedroom, Jamie opened his chest of drawers. Would she want to leave some of her things here, he wondered? Ought he to make room for her? He worried that he was pushing things too fast.  Better safe than sorry he reasoned. He picked up a pile of old workout clothes from a drawer and stuffed them into the back of a closet. He should have gotten rid of those clothes a long time ago. Having Claire in his life will mean changes, good changes. One that he wanted to make permanent.
He lifted his head and smelled an enticing aroma. She can cook. In the kitchen, he found her busy at work. She listened to some jazzy music as she cooked and was shaking that glorious arse of hers in time to the beat. He didn’t know which he was more hungry for the food or her.
“Something smells good Sassenach. What are ye making?”
Claire turned to face him beaming with happiness and pride. She had a towel draped over one shoulder and her hand one hip. 
“Well, Fraser you didn’t have much in the way of food in the refrigerator so we’ll have to make do with this. It’s just a small snack, really. Just about two bites each.” The table was set and the food plated with the panache of a food stylist. There were crispy baguette slices toasted to perfection and fragrant with olive oil. She placed dollops of goat cheese on the bread and covered it with beautifully grilled peach slices. A chiffonade of sauteed basil garnishes the top. And to pull the flavors together a drizzle of honey making it sparkle. Mugs of earthy coffee sent tendrils of fragrant steam into the surrounding dining area whetting their appetite.
Jamie stood there with his mouth open in disbelief. 
“Sassenach, you did this? By yerself?” His mouth hung open in surprise. He only had expected tea and buttered toast, but this was an amazing treat. It looked good enough to have been plated for a fine restaurant.
Claire squinted her eyes at him, her foot tapping showing her annoyance at the implication.   
“I told you I can cook and quite well for that matter. I just don’t. Now, why don’t you sit down and put some food into that gaping hole of your mouth before you begin to catch flies with it.”
He quickly sat rather than catch the wrong end of her pique. “I dinna mean tae offend ye, Sassenach. I just dinna think ye had much time tae learn with all the traveling ye did with yer Uncle ‘tis all.” Jamie decided the safest thing to do would be to just eat and not say anything else that could get him into trouble.
Claire somewhat mollified by his explanation simply nodded. “Uncle Lamb made sure I became exposed to what he called ‘womanly arts’. So I learned to cook, keep house, manage budgets amongst other things women should know,” she said with a devilish grin on her face. “It has come in handy.”
“I must thank ye, mo leannan. ‘Twas delicious. And I would like tae repay ye by being in charge of dinner. Would ye mind going shopping with me to fill up my empty refrigerator?”
They meandered along the High Street keeping well away from places where friends could easily spot them. Neither wanted to be found by colleagues or acquaintances just yet. At least not until tomorrow. Holding hands, fingers linked together, they peered into store windows, carried on conversations about things of no great consequence. With the afternoon chill descending on them Jamie and Claire stopped for tea at his favorite tea room. The tearoom evoked the feeling of being in a grannie’s sitting room. It was a bit cluttered with an assortment of antique nick-nacks  on display, lace tablecloths covering the tables, and a small bouquet of flowers on the table. In truth, it was cozy and utterly charming. The tea warm and fragrant was served in delicate rose-patterned china cups and a variety of sweets and pastries graced the table. They found a table by the window where they could observe the passers-by. Heads bent in whispered conversation, soft giggles uttered, they sipped and nibbled as hands connected unable to bear lack of contact. 
The afternoon sky began to lower threatening a change in the weather. Jamie brought Claire’s hand to his lips leaving a tender kiss on her palm. “We need to leave Sassenach before we get caught in the snow.
Claire hummed in agreement. “Yes, you’re right. Let’s go buy something for dinner and go home.”
He was startled by her answer. Was she considering his place as her home already? He rather hoped that she would.
They went to the nearest market to stock up for a while.  Claire regaled Jamie about the different cuisines she tried while traveling with Lamb. 
“Did you know that guinea pig is considered a delicacy in parts of South America? I never tried it myself but Lamb did. He had to or risk offending the Headman of the village.”
He marveled at the things she told him. Her life experiences were so different from his own. 
“Ye mean the wee animals that live in cages and run on a wheel?” He grimaced at the thought.
“That’s a hamster. Guinea pigs shouldn’t use a wheel. Bad for the back, you know.”
He made what Claire referred to as a Scottish noise in the back of his throat. “I dinna ken ye knew sae much about the wee beasties.”
“As a child, I was like a sponge sucking up knowledge from my experiences with Lamb. It was an unorthodox lifestyle for a child but I wouldn’t have changed it for the world.”
He watched her as she stood amongst the display of produce, her index finger tapping her lower lip as she concentrated on what to choose. She examined everything for freshness, ripeness, color, texture before choosing. He was enchanted by her. She truly was a Sassenach, an Outlander. Claire did not belong to England nor Scotland nor America nor anywhere in particular. Having had such a unique upbringing, she was a woman belonging to the world. She belonged to nothing and yet to everything. It was this otherness about her that intrigued him, made him desperately want her to belong only to him. 
Making short work of gathering their staples and perishables, they made it back to Jamie’s flat before the storm broke. The wind whipped up around them blowing Claire’s hair into wild disarray. Laughing they stumbled through the door almost collapsing on each other. The door slammed shut from the force of the wind.
They placed their bundles on the kitchen island unpacking their delectables. Jamie gave Claire a sidelong look. Clearing his throat and keeping his eyes averted he said in a nonchalant voice, “Sassenach I, er, um, I made some room for ye this morning in the bathroom for yer personal things. I, ah, also made room for ye in the chest of drawers and in the closet should ye wish tae put your things in there. Maybe ye might want tae leave some of yer things here. But only if ye wish tae.” The tips of his ears turned pink, he worried that this might be too fast, too soon to suggest such a thing.
Claire looked up at him her bottom lip quivering.  “You did that for me? I…” She placed both her hands on his cheeks bringing him closer to her. She leaned in kissing him soundly on the lips. Turning away quickly from him before the tears could escape the dam, she ran toward the bedroom to see what he had done for her. 
Jamie smiled contentedly as he watched her scurry away. While she was occupied with unpacking her things, Jamie made a phone call he hoped would also please her. He continued to put away their purchases and set the table for their dinner. Hopefully, Aldo would not disappoint.
Claire busied herself with putting away some of her things. Jamie making room for her spoke volumes to her. He was trying to make her comfortable in his home. He wanted her there. As she placed her hairbrush, shampoo, and other toiletries in the en-suite she developed a warm feeling of belonging that she had never before experienced, not even in her own home with Frank. She wondered if this is what home felt like.
Having completed arranging her things, Claire came out to find the dining area glowing with the soft light from dinner candles, the table set, and dinner served. Jamie escorted her to the table, giving her a slight bow, “My lady,” seating her then taking his place opposite her.
“How did you, when did you…”
“I did promise you dinner. I dinna say I would make it myself,” as he waved his injured hand about. “I have a friend Aldo who owns an Italian restaurant close by. He sometimes sends dinner if I have a long day.” 
“This is excellent, Jamie. How do you know Aldo?”
“He is a footie mate and a damn good goalie too.”
After finishing dinner and wine, Claire offered to clean up. “You went through all this trouble it’s the least I can do,” she smirked. 
“Nay, Sassenach. ‘‘Twas my treat. Why dinna you get comfortable? It’s been a long couple of days.”
Standing she stretched until she heard little popping sounds between her vertebrae, “Perhaps you’re right. I think a shower is in order. Will you be coming soon?”
“Aye, I will. Just as soon as I put the dishes in the dishwasher and the leftovers away.”
Claire undressed taking her robe with her into the bathroom. She decided to ask Jaime for his tee-shirt again to wear to sleep. Having something of his next to her skin was a balm to her soul. She shampooed her hair then washed with her favorite body wash. Looking in the mirror she thought her hair resembled a wet poodle. With a towel wrapped around her head, she walked into the bedroom to find Jamie shirtless and shoeless only his jeans remained.
He smiled broadly at her, “A quick shower, then tae bed.” The heat of the water felt comforting. But he had no time to linger as his thoughts gravitated toward his lass. He wanted to, well he knew what he wanted to do, but would she? They were both jet-lagged, but just maybe.” He dried off and wrapped a low hanging towel about his hips. Opening the bathroom door, he stood there watching her as she tried to brush out several recalcitrant knots out of her curly hair. He could hear her mutterings and swearing. “Bloody-minded hair.” A particular mutinous snag gave rise to a blasphemous “Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!”
“Here Sassenach, let me,” Jamie coaxed the brush from her hand. “When I was a young lad, I would brush my Mam’s hair for her when she felt troubled. She said it helped her tae relax.”
He sectioned her hair gently then began brushing it, working the tangles out. He worked slowly, carefully working each snarl out all while whispering softly in Gaidhlig. 
There was something supremely peaceful in Jamie’s touch. Claire slipped into an almost hypnotic state. She relaxed under his skilled hand and the susurrous of the brush skimming through her hair. Her eyes closed enjoying his surgeon-like expertise. Methodical, proficient, and meticulous. Just like he approached everything. No wonder his mother liked him to brush her hair.
He was totally focused on the task at hand making the unruly mass of curls into soft waves and tender ringlets. One would have thought that her hair would feel coarse and rough. But no, her hair was soft and lush. He brought a lock of her hair to his nose. It smelled of herbs and flowers soft and fragrant. It smelled of her. Jamie paid great attention to the colors of her tresses. Predominantly it was brunette with wisps of caramel, cinnamon, and auburn scattered throughout. Jamie let the strands slip over his fingers like silken threads to once again cascade over her shoulders. “Mo nighean donn,” he whispered. 
Claire turned her head to him. “You have called me that before but I never asked what it means.”
He smiled, “It means my brown-haired lass.”
“I have always thought brown to be a rather dull color.”
Jamie placed an errant curl behind her ear, “No, no’ dull at all. It’s like the water in a burn, where it ruffles over the stones. Dark in the wavy spots with bits of silver and auburn where the sun catches it.”
He put the brush down on the bedside table, turned to face her. He lifted her chin up and gazed into her eyes. Her eyes were pools of liquid honey warm and sweet.
Claire fell into the depth of his eyes, so impossibly blue that it seemed that part of the sky fell into them.
“Dance with me, Claire.”
She looked at him in surprise and question. 
“You mean here, now, like this?” Her eyes took in their mutual state of undress. 
“Besides, there is no music and truthfully I can’t dance.
“‘Tis nay bother. Music ye shall have. I’ll tell ye a secret, I canna dance too. I’m tae big and clumsy. Dinna be afraid ‘tis no’ but a bit of swaying. I think we can manage that without damaging each other.” Jamie extended his hand for her to take with a smile so brilliant it rivaled the summer sun.
She knew she should have resisted and said no.  But Claire found herself powerless, mesmerized by him. She reached out her hands clasping theirs together. He pulled her toward him. Their bodies touching. 
“First, ye need to take this off.” He began tugging at the ties of her robe. “I need tae feel ye next tae me.” 
Her hands entwined with his as they worked to release the tie allowing the satiny fabric to slip off her body. Standing there naked she felt just a bit foolish. 
“Now your turn.”
Giving the towel a quick tug, it fell away landing on the floor. He kicked the towel and robe out of the way, widening their area to move.
They were bare to each other. His arousal full and complete.
Once again he drew her into him, his large hands settling on her hips, while Claire’s hands rested around his neck.
“Alexa,” Jamie called out, “Play With You I’m Born Again on repeat.”
The room filled with sultry vocals and seductive notes from the piano.
Jamie pulled her deeper into his embrace feeling the fullness of her breasts against him, her nipples hardening from contact with his chest. His rigid cock pressed firmly upon her belly.
Their bodies moved in sync to the music swaying together like flowers in the wind. His sound hand floated over her back holding her close, reducing whatever little space still separated them.
Tucking her head neatly under his chin, Claire’s eyes drifted shut, sighing in contentment. He was warm and had a masculine smell rather spicy she thought. Pepper, ginger, lemon, and coriander. Overlaying that was his own unique scent which could not be masked. She nuzzled into his chest breathing him in making small wuffling sounds. 
“Are ye smelling me, Sassenach?”
She looked up at him with a dreamy look on her face, “Why yes. Yes, I am,” and returned to resting her head against him.
Jamie gave a soft chuckle and placed his head atop hers.
He crooned softly into her hair,
Come bring me yer softness
Comfort me through all this madness 
Woman, don’t ye know with ye I’m born again?
Looking up into the face of her love, Claire sang softly back,
Come give me your sweetness 
Now there’s you, there is no weakness
Lying safe within your arms, I’m born again. 
They joined together in a duet singing softly of their love for each other,
I was half not whole, in step with none
Reaching through the world, in need of one.
Come show me your kindness 
In your arms I know I’ll find this.
Lying safe within your arms, I’m born again.
Jamie bent down kissing Claire tenderly on her lips,
Woman don’t ye know with ye I’m born again
A single tear ran down her face,
Lying safe within your arms I’m born again.
Jamie bade Alexa stop the music. They came to a standstill, eyes locked on each other.
“I am naught but a poor simple man. I dinna have the words of a poet. Nor can I write ye a love song. This I tell ye true mo ghràdh, I love ye. I love ye more than I have ever loved nay will ever love someone. Ye have captured my heart.” He began to tremble in her arms and stumbled over his words. “I dinna ken what a soul is other than what the priests told us in kirk. But, I kent mine was only half until I found you. When I met ye, I felt mine call out to yers for I kent we share but one soul and one heart my Sassenach. Neither of us is complete without the other.”
Claire looked up into his face seeing the truth of his words.
“I feel the same way, Jamie. I do love you so.”
A tidal wave of lust coursed through him. His pupils were blown wide open turning the placid blue eyes dark and dangerous. He dropped his face toward hers, their lips just a whisper away. Jamie kissed her with a fierceness, no perhaps it was with desperation trying to convey his feelings with actions instead of his paltry words. 
Claire felt the heat rising up in her belly spreading through her like the warmth from a dram of good whisky. She parted her lips in invitation. His tongue ran over her lips then invading her mouth tasting its deep recesses as they joined in mutual caresses. 
Jamie broke the kiss. His breathing became heavy with want. “I need ye lass. I canna say it plainer than that.”
Claire’s eyes of toffee gazed up at him begging him to touch her everywhere. “Then take me, now.”
“I dinna ken if I can be gentle.”
“Then don’t.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck, fingers playing with the curls at the nape of his neck.
“Come lass let me love ye. ‘Tis been too long since I last held ye in my arms.”  He lifted her up and carried her to the bed, gently placing her down. Her hair spread over the pillow like a great nimbus cloud of light and dark. She opened herself to him with her arms raised up in supplication. She never looked lovelier than she did when flushed with desire.  “Ye are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” 
“As you say so.”
“Do ye doubt me?”
“No, what I mean is I am beautiful because you say it is so.”
“Aye, ‘tis so.”
He came to her like a starving man hungrily seizing her mouth. It would be her body and soul that would sustain him, nourish him, make him whole again. He had feared he had lost her in Boston because of his own negligence. And yet she forgave him, still wanted him. He needed to claim her as his.
“Mine,” he growled into her mouth. “Mine now and forever.”
“Yours, only you,” she sighed. 
His kisses were hard, brutal leaving her lips swollen from the attention. She kissed him back with equal fervor pulling at his bottom lip biting down on it. Her own need to join with him raged through her like wildfire. She had almost lost him through her foolish fears, her foolish secrets.
Jamie began to rain kisses down the column of her neck. Kissing, nipping at the tender skin marking her as his. 
“Jamie!” she cried as she raked her nails down his back raising red welts over the old scar tissue. He felt the sting of the scratches but couldn’t have cared less.
He moved down her body placing fevered kisses as he moved. Reaching her breasts, he took a delicate nipple in his mouth tongue circling it raising it to a hardened nub. He suckled it while kneading the other. Turning his attention to its fellow, it received the same treatment. 
 Claire arched her back and held his head in place to her breast. “Harder,” she ordered. With a ferocity, he did not know he possessed he sucked harder and bit down on her nipple. She cried out in pleasure and pain.
“Christ, I hurt ye. I’m sorry, Claire,” he worried.
“No, you didn’t hurt me. Don’t stop, please.”
“Yer sure, Claire?”
Yes, I’m sure, damn it. Please, Jamie. Don’t stop.”
He gently kissed each breast in apology before taking his leave. Journeying down her he nipped at the delicate skin placing soothing kisses at each bruise. Reaching her hip he placed tender kisses to each one. 
“Please what, Claire?”
She huffed in frustration, “I need you, now.”
“Ye have me lass, I’m right here am I no’? Adoring ye, loving ye,” as he placed kiss after kiss along her stately legs. When he reached her feet, he massaged each foot working the tension out.
“Do ye like this a nighean?”
“Yes,” she purred deep and throaty as she arched her back in contented pleasure.
Jamie chuckled with delight, “I see. And what would ye do if I did this?”
He slid off of the bed pulling her by her ankles until her arse rested at the edge. Hitching her legs over his shoulders, he placed his face firmly between her thighs. 
“Christ, mo leannan, yer so wet. 
Claire moaned her head tossing from side to side writhing in anticipation. 
Delicately he ran his tongue over her apex tasting her, “Yer so sweet.” He found her nub the source of all her pleasure lightly flicking his tongue over it. 
Claire moaned and whimpered, thrusting her hips toward him.
“More, mo chridhe?” 
“Yes, yes Jamie. I want more,” she gasped out as she ground herself against his face.
Greedily his mouth took possession of her bud, sucking, licking in long broad stripes and gentle circles driving her to the edge of madness. Carefully he began to drag his teeth over the sensitive tissue and began to hum. Relentlessly his tongue dipped and swirled tasting her heat and her honey.
The sensations electrified her senses. Her body jerking, thrashing clutching at the linens. 
“Ah, Jamie, please, please,” she gasped. Her hand grabbed at his head, fingers tangled in his curls holding him captive to her need.
He knew she was nearing her climax. Slipping one finger into her sweet heat sliding in and 
“Tell me, Claire, how ye feel,” he growled wickedly. 
Her eyes were sealed shut and she mumbled unintelligible words as she continued to writhe on the bed. 
“Open yer eyes lass look at me. Watch as I make ye come. Know who yer master is.” 
His eyes were trained on her, intently watching. Adding a second finger he curved them both finding the sensitive area inside her. His tongue resumed its onslaught as he pushed her over the precipice.
Claire’s eyes opened wide, seeing but not seeing and screamed, “JAIME!” Her world narrowed until she became pure sensation, pure pleasure.
“Aye, ‘tis right lass. Scream my name so all will ken who ye belong tae. LOUDER,” he commanded.
She keened, back arched, head falling back against the bed, “Jamie, only you Jamie.” And convulsed into her orgasm.
He picked her up cradling her against his broad chest bringing back to the bed resting her head upon the pillows. He murmured soft words in Gàidhlig into the glory of her hair. “Rest a neighan. For I will need tae take ye soon. I am filled with savage lust that I canna control. I need tae feel ye around me for I mean to use ye hard. Forgive me, my Sassenach.”  He spooned into her back and pressed his nose into the crook of her neck. His manhood hardened with wanting resting on her thigh. 
 Claire smiled turning to face him as she cupped his face between her hands. Her voice hoarse and no more than a whisper, “I want to feel you too. I need to claim you as my own and hear you call my name in desire. And at the end, I want to hear you cry out as you find your pleasure knowing that it was I who took you there. She kissed him at his pulse point on the neck, then boldly bit and sucked the skin leaving a mark. “You are mine Jamie Fraser, now and forever. I have marked you for all to see.” Her eyes burned bright with an untamed yearning for this man. She dragged her lips across his face and down his neck leaving searing kisses along the path. Coming to his well-defined chest she bit hard again leaving the stamp of her lust on him. 
“Do you want me to stop?”
“God no.”
Her tongue swept over his areola and his delicate pink nipple causing it to harden at her bidding. Again she sank her teeth into his flesh causing him to gasp from her assault on him.
“Am I too rough on you,” she whispered sensually in his ear while she rubbed her breasts across his chest making her buds become firm ready for him to suck. 
“Yer a she-devil come to torture me,” he moaned raising his hand trying to grasp at her breasts. 
Claire threw her head back laughing. “Aye, I am. A succubus surely and I will lead us to the fiery pits of hell where we will be consumed by our lust for each other.”
She continued to scatter kisses and bites as she moved down his magnificent body. She sucked the skin over his hip, then dragged her nails through his fiery thatch the last barrier before his cock. 
Jamie jolted at the sensation. “Sassenach, please. I canna bear it nay longer.”
“Please, wot?” Claire asked innocently. 
“Claire, ye ken what I want and need. Please, Claire.” 
“Are you talking about this? She leaned over and took him in her mouth. She unfurled her tongue over his length. She took in his whole length working her tongue over the silkiness of his cock. Using her brazen wee hand she slid it up and down his length twisting and turning all while she worked the head with her mouth and tongue diving him to near completion. 
“Lass, I’ll no last if ye keeping doing that.”
Claire ceasing her assault on his flesh giving him a sultry smile, “We can’t have that now can we.”
She sat back on her heels taking in the landscape of his body. He was beautifully formed with slanted eyes, long straight nose, high broad cheekbones, and full, sensuous lips.  The terrain of his body was formed by mountains of hard muscle and bone lying above the flat plains of his abdominal muscles. The man was a work of art, one of God’s finest creations.
Claire was broken out of her reverie as she became cognizant that Jamie was speaking to her. Actually, he was threatening her. 
“By all that is holy, Sassenach, ye shall pay for this, severely.” 
She laughed, “I believe that I have already, my lad. You had your way with me now it’s my turn.”
She lifted her leg to straddle him, brushing her wet sex over his engorged erection. “Or perhaps this is more to your liking, hmm? Which mouth do you want my lad?”
Shuddering from the sensation, he tried to will himself into control. 
“Claire…” He warned.
She leaned over, drawing herself at length atop him grinding her hips against his. “Yes, Jamie?” She asked innocently.
“Ye are a verra verra wicked woman. And ye deserve tae be punished.”
Slowly his hand found its way down her back grabbing her magnificent arse fondling it pressing her close to him. 
“Oh, and just how do you plan to do that?”
His hands clutched her hips moving them in lewd movements creating friction between them. 
Raising up his hand Jamie gave Claire a slight slap on her buttock causing more of a sting than pain. 
She wiggled her luscious bum in delight and giggled. “Is that my punishment, Fraser? I rather liked it,” she smirked.
“Then perhaps ye will like this.” Jamie seized Claire’s hands holding them above her head and flipped them over. Quirking his eyebrow, he pressed his arousal against her. “Ye like this Sassenach?”  
She opened her legs wider then flexed her hips hard against him. 
“Do. It. Now,” she demanded. Her voice rough and harsh. 
Jamie lined himself up at her wet entrance and slowly pushed in perhaps no more than a quarter-inch and quickly withdrew. Claire gasped at the sudden loss of him. 
“Exactly what game are you playing at Fraser?” She huffed in frustration. Wiggling under him Claire tried to re-establish physical contact, needing the feel of him. But he kept his distance from her. 
“Ye kent I told ye that ye needed tae be punished, did I no’? The best way is tae deprive ye of what ye want. But if ye yield tae me, ye can have it. What say ye?” He replied smugly. He inched closer, letting her feel him again at her entrance. 
“You’re on some fucking power trip, Jamie,” she huffed. Her efforts to join with him were fruitless as he kept her pinned to the mattress with his body. 
“Aye, I am. Ye remember I told ye I would make ye scream, did I no’? And I did. Now ye tortured me to near insanity and wouldna come to me. That was no’ nice of ye, Claire. So now Dr. Beauchamp ye get a wee taste of yer own medicine. Ye dinna like it do ye?”
“Resign yerself tae me then, beg me, and ye shall have what ye want.” Thrusting his hips forward he was mere centimeters from home. He placed soft kisses on the corners of her lips, lightly running his tongue along the seam of her mouth.
Claire struggled a few times more, just for form’s sake. 
She used her whisky orbs to do her pleading. “Jamie, please, I...I...need you. I want you now. I need to feel you inside of me.”
“That’s a good lass. But, remember, mo ghràdh I never said I dinna like yer teasing, ye ken.” And he drove home sheathing himself to the hilt in one swift thrust.
“YOU son of a…AHHH!”
His hips moved within her drawing comfort from her softness getting lost in her silken folds.
She felt herself stretch as he filled her and reveled in the power of him. 
He put her hands on his chest, “Feel my heartbeat, Claire, it only beats for ye.”
His mouth sealed over hers, taking possession of her breath, her sighs, swallowing them making them part of his being.
Absorbed in the feel of him, Claire wrapped her legs around him pulling him deeper, deeper than either one thought was possible.
A burning tension built linking their hearts, souls, and bodies together. “Jamie,” she mumbled. “My lad, my sweet, sweet lad. How I need you. Oh god, Jamie.” Her body began to tremble and shake. “I…”
Jamie whispered softly in her ear, “Let it go, Claire surrender yourself tae me. Give me all of yourself as I give you everything I am. I can hold nothing back from ye lass.”
“Jaime. Oh god, Jamie.” Claire wrapped her arms around him succumbing to her all-consuming climax.
Jamie continued his relentless rhythm now that he had served her and began to seek his own pleasure. 
Two, then three, then four thrusts, his hips moved wildly his cadence began to falter.
“Claire, sweet Jesus, Claire.” Shuddering, he bit down on her shoulder as his seed filled her.
Jamie collapsed on her then fell to the side avoiding crushing her. Pulling her to him he tucked her under his chin.  Claire felt the thrum of his voice in his chest speaking Gàidhlig words of love to her. She did not understand the words but knew their meaning.  Her arms surrounded his waist still not yet ready to release their connection. 
“I love you, Jamie,” she whispered as she succumbed to the world of dreams.
“Tha gaol agam ort, mo ghràdh.”
Lying safe within our arms, we are born again.
Capote de brega  — a cape used by a matador during a bull fight.
A fear an urram - A man of honor.
Duine urramach - An honorable man
With You, I Am Born Again - sung by Billy Preston and Syreeta Wright
Songwriters - Carol Connors/David Shire/David L. Shire
Released - December 1979
Motown Records
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqTq8gckf8E
127 notes · View notes
Edinburgh To Boston - Chapter 11 - Redux
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Good evening all, Here is the next chapter of Edinburgh To Boston. I hope you all enjoy it. We met some old friends and a person oft-spoken of but never seen.
Chapter 12 is nearly done.  It is in the revision stage then off to my lovely beta @curlsgetdemgurls whom without her, this would not exist. Many, many thanks Emma for everything.
As always, I look forward to your thoughts, comments, and respectful criticism.
Without further delay, I give you...
Edinburgh To Boston
Chapter 11
“Rabbie, ye wee gomeral! Dinna stick yer brother’s head in the snow, aye. He canna breathe in there.” 
Rabbie MacLennan was busy shoving his brother Davey’s head deeper into a snowbank. At his grandmother’s reprimand, he let go and ran off cackling to himself.
There must be something wrong with that boy, she thought. She hoped she wouldn’t see him on one of those Most Wanted Shows when he grew up.
Davey freed himself from his frozen entombment and found himself covered head to toe in snow looking rather like a scrawny snowman. Shaking himself like a dog, he removed much of the fine flakes sticking to his hat, hair, face, and clothes. 
“Wait for me,” the lad called racing after his brother to see what other devilry they could stir up.
Maizie gave a long-suffering look toward her husband that said: Do something.
Harry, in the language of the long-married, returned the look, asking: Like what?
She glared back at him, I dinna ken. They’re your grandsons, do something. 
Jamie and Claire observed the mayhem headed their way. They turned and looked at each other smiling.
“Lass, it’s Harry and Maizie. I dinna think we would ever see them again.”
Jamie raised his arm waving it furiously loudly calling out, “mo charaid.”
“Come along a nighean,” he said laughing and pulled her along. He moved toward the elderly couple with a decided determination.
Harry looked up recognizing their acquaintances from the plane, took off his cap and began waving it in his own brand of frenetic gesticulations calling out, “Hallo.”  
“Ye see who it ‘tis, my love? ‘Tis the lad from the plane with his lass,” he said with a broad smile plastered across his face.
Smiling she began to wave as well. “So ‘tis. They look happy, do they no’?”
“Aye, they do.”
The men reached each other and began the time-honored male ritual greeting composed of handshakes, hugging, and back pounding.
Observing this male disposition, it occurred to Claire that this habit of pummeling each other in a form of welcome might be the reason that men were impervious to superficial pain.
The ladies, however, greeted each other more genteelly, clasping each other’s hands, kissing a cheek, and exchanging pleasantries. 
Of course, it was just like men to wander off in pursuit of their own conversations while leaving the women to mind the store. This entailed clearing the snow off a bench for them to sit and keep a watchful eye on the two rapscallions. Bloody men.
“How goes it, lad? Ye look happy and I might add so does the lass.” Harry cast a glance back toward Claire.
If it were possible, Jamie’s cold-reddened cheeks would have turned scarlet.
“We, ah, talked, and found the truth between us. She, um, weel, she loves me as I do her. So, we are together,” he smiled so brightly it would have rivaled the sun. “I still dinna ken how ye were so certain about such things.”
“Laddie, it is as plain as the nose on yer face.  A blind man could see that ye love each other and belong together. ‘Twas not hard at all.  All ye two needed was a push in the right direction.”
Harry turned his eyes to gaze intently upon Jamie. His expression hardening like a stern schoolmaster about to chastise an errant student.
“Remember lad, she is a braw lassie, strong, capable, independent. Dinna underestimate her. But, she can be very fragile, delicate, and her heart, once given, can be easily broken. Take care of her, love her rightly and if ye do sae she will be yers forever.”
“Aye, sir I will. Ye can trust me.”
A snowball whizzed by Harry’s hat, missing it by a fraction of an inch. He looked up and saw his grandson Rabbie hanging upside down, monkey-like from a tree. His younger brother stood below with a stockpile of frozen missiles.
“Oi, ye wee scoundrels, what are ye about then?”  Harry stormed toward the tree where the lads were. Jamie keeping pace brought up the rear as reinforcement.
Davey hopped up and down trying to get his brother’s attention wanting him to pull him up into the tree and away from his Grandda’s grasp. 
“Jump Davey, jump.” 
Rabbie extended his hand as far as he could and with one final long stretch, he just managed to grasp his brother’s hand. With a mighty pull, he brought Davey up and out of reach of his grandsire.  The lads sat swinging their legs back and forth from their high perch enjoying the view of their frustrated and angry grandfather below.
“Do ye want them down?”
Harry snorted, “I do.”
“Now listen here, lads.  Either ye come down or I come up. And ye willna like it if I do.”
“Yer auld. Ye canna climb up trees,” said Rabbie with a smirk on his face.
“Aye, I can. I climb trees, mountains, and rock walls.”
“Are ye Spideyman then?” asked wee Davey with a hopeful look on his face.
“Nay, but I ken him.”
“Ye do???!!!” The little boy’s eyes widened becoming positively goggle-eyed. 
“Aye, he came to the hospital where I work to visit with the sick bairns. He told me all his secrets for climbing. If ye come down, I’ll tell ye.”
Davey looked awestruck.  Rabbie looked at Jamie with skepticism.
“I dinna believe ye,” he said eyes narrowed to slits and glared.
“I have pictures of Spider-Man and me. He taught me some of his spidey moves.  I have a video too if ye want to see it.”
Davey was beside himself with excitement. Rabbie, however, more of a doubting Thomas required proof. The two laddies were busy trying to scramble down the tree. Rabbie older and bigger pushed his way forward wanting to be first. 
Davey had another idea.  He hung down from the branch by his fingertips, “Catch me, Grandda,” and let go dropping five feet straight down. 
Harry ran forward hoping he would be in time to catch the rascal and not drop him. Jamie got there before Harry, opened his arms and caught the boy in the nick of time, saving him from serious injury. 
“Lad, do ye no’ ken that ye weigh as much as a good draft horse when ye fall from that height? Ye nearly broke my back.”
The wean laughed, “Can I see the pictures now, please?”
He set the child down, pulled out his phone and scrolled through the pictures. The lads were enamored by them and began acting out the poses they saw.
Jamie Fraser had convinced a friend to dress up as Spider-Man and come to entertain the children. He posed, signed autographs, took pictures, and gave out little gifts. At the end of the wee party, a spectacular Spider-Man cake was rolled out and happily and messily consumed by all.
Each year Dr. Fraser planned a different event for the children.  Wherever he worked or trained he would manage to beg or borrow, cajole or arm-twist enough money to plan a wee party for the weans. All done in memory of his brother Willie. The children broke his heart.  For some, the hospital was their home, for others they would never leave it.  Some of the lucky ones would get well enough to live their lives but not without experiencing more than any child should have to.
Claire and Maizie sat on the bench talking of this and that while keeping a watchful eye on their men.
“Are ye happy then, lass?”
Claire looked up first to Jamie then to Maizie. 
“Yes, very happy.  Happier than I have been in a long time. Probably happier than I have ever been in my whole life.”
“Aye, I thought so. I can see it in the way ye look at him. And in the way he looks at ye,” she chuckled softly.
“Yer man, he is a Highlander, is he no’?”
“Yes, why do you ask?”
“Weel, they are proud men, strong of body and spirit, honorable to be sure, disciplined, loyal, courageous, patient and honest. Can ye handle a man like that lass? He can and will be a handful at times.” She looked at Claire searching her face for the truth. “Oh, and did I mention stubborn? Once they have made up their minds, there is no turning them back.”
“How do you know all this?”
“My man is a Highlander too. It has been a bonnie life with him, never dull,” she chuckled. “I wouldna change him or the life I had with him for anything. He has been a challenge at times, but I set him straight,” Maizie said with a wink.
“Oh, and one more thing lass, if ye dinna kent it yet. They have hearty appetites in bed!”
Claire opened her mouth to say something, thought better of it and shut it. She felt the heat of her embarrassment rising up her face.
“I see ye ken what I say is true,” she laughed heartily. 
“Well I...ah, well, mmm, damn.” Claire flushed a lovely shade of pink.
“Enjoy his love for ye lass. ‘Tis a blessing. I still do,” she said with a lascivious smile.
She looked up at the sky, seeing that the sun had begun to lower, checked the time on her watch. 
“‘Tis late. I need to get my lads home, dry and fed.”
“Harry! Harry! Get the lads, ‘tis time we were going home.”
The boys and the men’s heads snapped up at the words going home.  
“A leannan,” he said in his most silky voice, “the lads are having such a good time. Might we be able to stay a little longer?”  All four members of the male contingent shook their heads in unanimous agreement to this request.
“Ye can have ten more minutes, then we must leave. ‘Twill be getting dark soon,” Maizie said with a shiver.
Claire had been watching Jaime play with the boys, roughhousing, laughing, throwing snowballs at each other, helping to build a snowman, and generally acting like one of the boys. Her hands went reflexively to her belly. He was meant to be a father, she thought. She worried if she couldn’t give that gift to him would he hate her? Worse yet, would he leave her?
“Dinna fash, lass. Yer time will come too,” she observed Claire’s hands protectively on her abdomen.
 “I wasn’t able to before with, with my ex-husband.”
“If he’s yer ex, then perhaps it was for the best. Looking at yer lad there, I think things will be different this time.”
“I hope you’re right,” she said with a hopeful look on her face.
Looking toward the men hard at work making the most of the last few minutes of playtime, Maizie called out, “Come along lads, ‘tis time for our suppers.” 
The male heads rose up at the mention of food.
They bid farewell to each other, repeating the ceremonial handshakes, hugs, and backslaps. The boys were counseled to listen to their Mam, Da, Grannie, and Grandda, eat their vegetables as Jamie would be seeing Spider-man again when he got back to Scotland. Rabbie and Davey nodded their heads solemnly and promised to be on their best behavior and (Blah!) to eat their veggies too. 
The women embraced, Claire, thanking Maizie for all her advice. She kissed her cheek softly and bid her goodbye.
“Come along Spider-Man, let’s get you back to the hotel and out of those wet clothes, shall we hmm?”
“Will ye help me out of my wet clothes then, mo ghràdh? I’m so cold and wet that I think my cock will snap off.”
“That my dear would be a catastrophe,” Claire said with a smirk.
Jamie began to speak, instead, he wrinkled his nose, squeezed his eyes together, and let out a volley of sneezes. He began to sniffle. 
“Hmm, things seem more serious than I thought. Let’s get you back to the hotel and warm you up.”
“Aye, sounds like a good idea.  Will ye warm me then, Claire?” There was a twinkle in his eyes as Jamie waggled his eyebrows at her.
“Men!” she snickered.
They lay nestled together in the twilight of sleep, neither fully awake nor fully asleep. Warm. Complete. Filled with love. His arms enclosed her.  One hand cupping her breast while the other drew around her waist bringing her closer. A finger idly traced the slope of her breast coming to rest on a nipple. Stroking it lightly, it came alive under his touch hardening, rounding, wanting. Her arse settled fully in his groin wanting to eliminate any space between them.
“Does it ever stop, the wanting you? Even when I've just left ye. I want you so much my chest feels tight and my fingers ache with wanting to touch ye again.” 
She wiggled closer feeling the effects of her movements against him. 
“I want you too, always,” she mumbled sleepily.
His lips pressed soft tender kisses to her neck and felt her quiver.
He turned her onto her back raining a succession of heated kisses along her chin, chest, down the hollow between her breasts.
“Mo nighean donn, I hunger for ye.”
He blazed passionate kisses down her body paying homage to her.
Reaching her navel, a distant grumbling sounded from within the depths of her abdomen.
Jamie startled, “Sassenach, yer making wee noises, but no’ the ones I was hoping for.”
“Hmmm, seems I’m famished.”
“For food?”
“Mmhm. It’s been a long time since breakfast and we did have a busy afternoon.”
 “Aye, we did.” He rested his head on her belly. “Would ye like me to order room service or would ye like to go to the restaurant?” He hoped she’d pick room service.
“Well, I bought a new dress to wear for the last dinner at the conference. It would be a shame to not get to wear it.”
“Alright then, lass, the restaurant it is, but first I must have my dessert.”
Jamie sat on the end of the bed showered, shaved, and dressed in his charcoal grey suit, white shirt, and blue tie.  He hummed a rhythmless tune while his foot tapped in a futile attempt to keep time. Taking out his phone, he idly scrolled through the news, and his social media accounts watching the videos of dogs and cats engaged in ridiculous antics.
His eyes drifted back toward the closed bathroom door wondering what was taking Claire so long. To save time they had showered together. He had soaped her up, sliding his hands over her slippery body becoming captivated with each curve, and rounded area of her body.  Ah Dhia, that sweet fat arse of hers. He would never tire of fondling it. And what she did to him. Lathering him, she stroked him with her soft wee hand turning his legs to jello. Christ, the lass knew just how to… His pants were becoming uncomfortable. He stood up adjusted himself and walked to the bathroom door.
“Claire, are ye alright, lass?”
“I just need another few minutes, Jamie.”
She’s been in there for at least a half-hour. What takes women so long to get dressed?
He walked to the large window and watched the lights of Boston twinkle like fireflies on a warm summer’s night.
He heard the sound of the bathroom door open and Claire stepped out.
She was a vision in red. The dress was floor-length, long-sleeved with a high neckline. It hugged every curve of her body in a sensual way. Her hair was up with tiny tendrils draping around her face and neck. Her makeup lightly done except for the red lipstick accentuating the bow of her lips.
“Do you like it?”
He mouth opened and he gaped at her. His eyes sweeping over the sweet long lines of her body. 
Her walk was sultry. Her hips swayed. She exuded sexuality. Jamie placed his hands on the swell of her hips. He swallowed, “Yer beautiful, mo nighean donn.” She was mesmerizing. He could not wait to have her on his arm walking through the hotel and into the restaurant, the envy of every man there.
 She lightly pressed her mouth on him leaving a trace of her scarlet kiss on his lips. Seductively she traced her thumb across his mouth erasing the crimson mark. 
“Claire, I... ”
She gave him a knowing smile, “Let’s go then.”
She turned to reach for her clutch and then he saw it. The dress was backless. The gown laid her bare from the nape of her neck to just above her gluteal cleft exposing the dimples of Venus on her back. It hugged her buttocks emphasizing the roundness, the fullness of her.
“Sassenach! Yer no’ going downstairs like that are ye? Christ woman, I can see clear down yer arse.”
“No, you can’t. I had the sales girl take a video of me moving in all different directions in it and you can’t see anything. I checked. Want to see?” She said smugly.
He didn’t want to see and he didn’t want any other man to see either. The woman would be the death of him.
Deciding to use another tactic, he inquired, “Won’t ye be cold then?  Would ye want my jacket, lass?”
“Oh, you’re right, I forgot my wrap.” Walking over to the garment bag she took out a matching stole and wrapped it around herself.
“Better?” she asked batting her eyelashes at him.
“No! It only covers half of ye. Claire, ye canna go out like this,” he sputtered.
“Hmm, I see it’s doubled.” She gave it a little shake to open it completely. She swirled the silken fabric around her back like a matador twirling his red cape in front of a snorting raging bull.
“Is it better now?”
The edge grazed the top of her natal cleft.  Any movement she would make exposed her.
“Aye, ‘tis better,” he conceded, “but no’ by much.”  
Seeing that Claire would not give up on going to the restaurant wearing that, that dress Jamie conceded defeat. 
“My Lady, may I have the honor of escorting ye to dinner?” He extended his arm offering it to her to take.
“I would be honored, my Laird.” She reached out placing her dainty hand in the crook of his elbow feeling him draw her close to him.
He hoped they would make it through dinner without incident.
Brian Fraser looked at his youngest son, drooping and moping about over some lass who would not give the lad the time of day. To make matters worse, Jamie had seen the girl kissing another boy in a remote part of the school library. “Laddie, if the lass is no’ interested in ye, then mayhap she is not the one for ye.  Pining away for her will no’ help.  Remember, be careful about what ye wish for, because ye may just get it. When ye find the right woman to love, ye will just ken it.”
Jamie Fraser got just what he had hoped for.  Male heads turned as they walked into the restaurant.  He was the envy of every man there and he didn’t like it. In truth, what he didn’t like was the way men looked at Claire. Some looked at her with a straightforward appreciation of her beauty while others leered at her with outright lust on their faces. It roused his jealousy and need to protect her. His eyes, a search beacon, swept across the sea of men on guard for any potential threat to her or her virtue. Being in love with Claire Beauchamp would not be easy. 
Jamie so deep in his need to be on guard that he missed the way Claire looked at him. She was fully aware of how the women looked at him. He was beautiful. That fiery mane with soft curls at the nape, ocean blue eyes that you could drown in, broad back, lean muscular body, and his hands. Ahh, his hands. Hands that held her and played her body like a fine instrument. Stroking it, coaxing it making it crescendo. He is perfect in every way.  And yet, he doesn’t know it.
The maî·tre d'hô·tel seated them in a secluded area of the restaurant thanks to the generous bribe, er um, tip Jamie gave the man.
Finally, he felt he could relax. They were seated in at a cozy table for two away from the general traffic of the hotel. 
The restaurant L’Orchidée was beautifully appointed. White and violet linens dressed the table while a napkin folded into the shape of a flower sat upon a gold charger awaiting their dinner choice. Candlelight created an intimate mood. Crystal goblets and wine glasses sparkled as they waited to be filled.
The Sommelier appeared suggesting wines to pair with their dinner. Jamie fluently speaking French ordered for them.
“Are ye happy, mo ghràdh? I mean that we are together? Do I make ye happy?” He reached over picked up her hand and began to rub his thumb across her knuckles.
“Happier than I have ever been in my whole life. Do I make you happy?” she asked shyly.
 He interlaced their fingers together, “Sae happy.” He hesitated for the briefest of moments then continued, “My heart has been yours since first we met. In truth, you hold my soul in your hands. I am yours, my Sassenach, body, and soul forever.”
The waiter came to serving their dinner. A lovely glazed salmon with a tomato romesco seasoned with garlic, almonds and spices, heirloom carrots and wild rice for Jamie. Claire chose roast chicken rich with a sauce of garlic, herbs, and butter, potato mille-feuille, summer squash with wild mushrooms.  The Sommelier appeared pouring their wine selections and bid them bon appétit.
They ate and drank, savoring their meal as much as each other’s company. They talked, laughed, touched, cast shy glances at each other, acting like lovers do.
Jamie’s other vice, besides whisky and Claire, was chocolate. A dessert of a triple chocolate mousse cake accompanied by a froth of whipped cream flavored with Frangelico and a scattering of crushed hazelnuts completed their meal. He insisted on feeding her. He cut off a piece of cake swirled it in the flavored cream offering it to her. She opened her mouth accepting the sweet morsel. Her mouth became coated with the intense taste of dark chocolate and fatty hazelnut whipped cream. An unctuous drop lingered on her lips. His finger swept across her mouth removing the offending particle.  Her pink tongue peeked out and licked the tidbit from his finger.
He brought her hand to his mouth pressed a tender kiss to the palm of her hand. His breath warm and moist on her skin making her quiver and her heart flutter. 
“Mo chridhe,” he whispered huskily. “I need ye, Claire. I need ye sae bad.” He licked his lips looking at her with darkened wanting eyes.
Jamie was intent on his love and did not see the man approach.
“Hello, Claire,” said a male voice with a cultured English accent.
Claire felt ice run up and down her spine. She knew that voice all too well.
She set her lips in a taut grim line. “Hello, Frank.”
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Edinburgh to Boston - Chapter 5 - The Hotel
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Good Evening all, Here is Chapter 5.  We finally make it to Boston. Yay! Do you think things go smoothly now? NAW not for these two!
I hope you enjoy reading this. Any comments, thoughts or questions are always welcomed.
My deepest thanks again to @curlsgetdemgurls and @jmoonrise for being my betas.
I give you:
Edinburgh to Boston
Chapter 5
The Hotel
The jet was pelted with ice crystals and blinding snow. The ice made pinging and clunking sounds as it struck the fuselage of the jet. Claire looked out the window trying to see any recognizable landmark as they approached Boston. It was impossible to see anything through the window at this point because of the snow and ice. High winds were buffeting the jet around as if it was a toy in the hands of a malevolent child tossing it around whilst making screeching, whistling, and booming sounds akin to a plane crashing.
Claire thought that if she ever had a child, she would never allow the child to play with a plane after this experience.
Her nerves were on edge. Claire began to chew her bottom lip, a nervous habit she did whenever she was worried. The jet made a sudden lurch and precipitously dropped. One hand grasped onto the armrest tightly making her knuckles turn white whilst the other hand sought out James.
James was doing his best to keep an outward appearance of calm. Claire knew this was strictly for her benefit. However, Claire could see that faint line forming in the space right between his eyebrows. That wrinkle showed up whenever James concentrated or when a situation became too intense.  She had become familiar this line from their work together in the operating room. It forms every time they reached a critical point during heart surgery.
James realized  Claire was watching him, and had noticed his telltale sign of concern written all over  his face. He carefully schooled his features effectively hiding his worry.
"Dinna fash, Beauchamp, it will be alright." he said with a genuine smile as he grasped her hand tightly.
"I'm glad you think so," Claire snarked with a hint of doubt in her voice.
Shudder, shake, vibrate. It felt like the jet was coming apart at the seams.
"James!" Claire exclaimed; her eyes wide with fright.
James saw how frightened Claire was. He continued holding her hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand in small comforting circles. He continued engaging her with story after story trying to focus her attention on something other than the chaos that was happening around them.
"James?" Claire asked looking up into his face earnestly.
"What is it Beauchamp?"
"James," Claire whispered. "In case the plane does, well you know, I ah, I... I just wanted you to know that, that, I love you."  The last three words were barely audible. Her golden whisky eyes sparkled with love for him. Claire put her head on his shoulder and said no more.
James heard her soft admission of love. To him, it was loud. It was louder than the racket an entire herd of trumpeting stampeding elephants could make trampling over the earth destroying everything in their wake.
She loves me, she loves me! Weel, better late than never, he reckoned.  At least he finally knew after all this time.
"I love ye too, Claire." A broad smile graced his beautiful face.  He placed his head on top of hers contented.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain. We are in descent to Logan. I have been told that the ground crew is working diligently to keep to the runway clear of ice, snow, and slush. Stay in your seats, keep your seat belts on and be ready for a bumpy ride. We will be landing shortly."
With her admission of love, the fear Claire felt disappeared leaving behind a feeling of tranquility. The feeling expanded when he confessed his own love for her. She knew everything would be alright, and if not, at least they were together like her parents were.
The landing gear engaged. The jet touched down with a bounce and a wobble. As predicted, the landing was very bumpy even on the longer runway necessary for this type of landing. At times, it almost felt like they were going to crash into the airport itself. Finally, the jet rolled to a halt. The passengers released a  collective sigh of relief as the nightmare was finally over.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at Logan Airport in Boston. We hope you enjoyed your flight. I need a stiff drink and a change of underwear. I am sure you all do too. Let’s all get cleaned up and I'll meet you in the bar. That is all."
The passengers all cheered for their Captain and agreed that a drink was definitely in order.
"Come on, Claire. Let's get out of here before we canna. We need to find a taxi, or we will be stuck in the airport all the night. We can have a drink when we get settled at the hotel," James said lifting his eyebrows at her. Claire nodded in agreement.
As they stood, each craned their necks looking for Harry and Maizie, concern for the elderly couple etched on their faces. Harry, now with his hat askew and Maizie with her hair jutting out much like a porcupine were otherwise none the worse for wear. Both James and Claire, in turn, surreptitiously waved good-bye to the older couple relieved that they appeared to be alright.
James and Claire collected their belongings as quickly as possible and deplaned without a moment's hesitation.
A genial gentleman dressed in chauffeur attire was waiting at the arrival gate for them. He was carrying a portfolio of some type to which he was frequently referring.
He stepped forward asking in a polished Bostonian accent, "Dr. Beauchamp, Dr. Fraser?"
"Aye, we are Doctors Beauchamp and Fraser. Might I ask who ye are?"
"I am Padrick Donoghue, your chauffeur from the Georges X hotel. I was concerned that your flight might have been diverted due to the storm.  I am relieved that was not the case.  May I assist you with your luggage doctors? If you will follow me your car awaits."
James and Claire looked at each other.  This was not normal. Not at all. Georges X is a five-star  hotel known for its, ahem, discretion.  And very expensive.  Not the usual accommodations for physicians on a conference. Who made these reservations and was it really for them? But tonight, well tonight any port in a storm would do.
A luxury Lexus SUV was awaiting James and Claire.
Padrick entertained them with stories of Boston and what they could do with any spare time.
"Padrick, I am very familiar with the area.  I went to Harvard Medical School and did my residency here. Unfortunately, Dr. Fraser and I need to return to Scotland as soon as the conference is over. It is lovely to remember all the places I enjoyed going to whilst living here."
"Well, it's a home coming for you then Dr. Beauchamp."
"You could say so."
Claire’s mind drifted away from Padrick's idle chatter.  All she could think about was a hot bath and sleep. It had been a long, strange day.
The drive to the hotel was a short distance from the airport and upon arrival Claire and James entered the grand lobby.  The lobby was tastefully done in contemporary furnishings of black, grey, camel, and white.  A welcoming fire was blazing in the lobby fireplace. A beautiful ornate glass elevator, the centerpiece of the lobby, would whisk guests away to their rooms.
"I'll check us in Beauchamp. Why don't ye make yerself comfortable while I take care of it?"
Claire walked over to examine the violet phalaenopsis orchids that decorated the lobby, when she suddenly heard James' voice raised in agitation. He was leaning over the desk, coming eye-to-eye with the clerk.  This was not good. Claire came over to see what was wrong. What she found was her normally good-natured partner turning a brilliant shade of red. He was speaking through clenched teeth with his eyes narrowed menacingly.
"Fraser, what's happened?" Claire queried.
James grabbed Claire by the upper arm and pulled her away from the desk.
"Beauchamp, there has been a mix-up. We are listed as doctors Beauchamp and Fraser, a husband and wife surgical team. There is only one room for us to share. And because of the storm, there isna another room available here or anywhere."
He was quite distressed at this. Truthfully, so was Claire. The prospect of sharing a room with James, while not an unpleasant idea, was not in her plans.  Right now all Claire wanted to do was get some sleep.
“Beauchamp, there is only one bed.  There are nay cots available.  There is nay couch in the room. This is different situation altogether and ye ken it. This is no’ going to work,” he replied angrily.
“Fraser, it will be alright.  We have shared the on-call room many nights while we were working. We can share a room tonight. Tomorrow we can see about making other arrangements.”
“Are ye daft woman?! What if one of your colleagues or friends from Boston sees ye here going into a room with a man that is no’ yer husband? What will they think?” James’ eyes narrowed to blue slits. He slowly turned his head, surveying the lobby for any possibility of a threat, real or imagined, to Claire’s virtue. Satisfied that no one was going to jump out and spray paint a scarlet letter A on Claire’s bosom, James returned his gaze to Claire.
James began to ruffle his fingers through his hair making it stand up on end, “Christ, Beauchamp, think of yer reputation woman! I’ll not have people thinking ye a wanton. I’ll nae risk it!” James was visibly distressed and hellbent on protecting Claire’s reputation and honor. He continued mumbling in Gàidhlig about tainting her reputation as a woman.
Claire gaped at him in shock.
“James,” she said very quietly through her teeth, “first of all, how would anyone know you are not my husband, hmm? Secondly, this is not the 18th century, for god’s sake; it’s the 21st century! No one will think anything of it. Besides, look,” she pointed to the desk where there was a sign that said, The Essence of Discretion. Perhaps the hotel was a trysting place for the rich and famous.
“I wouldn’t worry.”
“Aye, weel I dinna like it anyway. I’ll sleep down here, if ye dinna mind.”
“James,” Claire’s yellow tiger’s eyes narrowed glinting dangerously, “I am tired. In fact, I am exhausted. We had a horrible flight. We almost died. I want to take a bath, perhaps have a drink, and go to sleep, in that order. And I am not leaving you down here. Get your bag and get a move on. NOW.”
Claire turned on her heel, grabbed her suitcase, took the card key from the clerk, and marched toward the elevator.
“MOVE IT, Fraser,” she said without so much as a glance over her shoulder to see if he was following her.
James knew she was not to be trifled with. He had seen her in this type of mood before when a cardiac surgery fellow made a mistake whilst taking care of one of her patients.  Claire had swallowed the fellow whole, spit out his bones, and used them to pick her teeth. Claire could be formidable when necessary. She was a true force of nature like a hurricane or an earthquake. James loved her like that. This was not a meek and obedient woman. Claire was a true match for him; if she would let him get a word in edgewise.
He quickly grabbed his bag and followed behind her. He had another bit of bad news still to deliver.
While standing in the elevator, James cleared his throat and place his hands protectively over his bollocks.
“UMM, Beauchamp?”
“Yes, Fraser, what is it?” Claire asked tiredly.
“I have another thing to tell ye.”
“Theycancelledtheconference.” James told her all in one breath. “The speakers couldna make it in from Texas because of the storm.”  He stood there waiting for the fallout.
Claire looked at him her lips twitching somewhere between exasperation and hysterics. Her eyes glazed over and she began to laugh hysterically.
“Could this trip get any worse?”
James was relieved that Claire was not going to have a melt down on the elevator.
“Weel, Beauchamp, let’s look at this way.  We could do with a bit a vacation, do ye no think? The clerk said that everything is all paid for. So maybe we should just try to enjoy it. Maybe ye could show me around Boston, hmm? My own personal tour guide” he said trying to wink at Claire. Instead, he looked like a large red sleepy owl blinking its eyes.
“We’ll see Fraser, we’ll see.”
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Edinburgh To Boston Chapter 2 -The Conversations
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Hello, as promised here is Chapter 2 of Edinburgh to Boston. We get to meet our older couple and see how they play their part in this romance.
I hope you enjoy reading this. Any comments, thoughts would be appreciated.
My deepest thanks again to @curlsgetdemgurls and @jmoonrise for being my betas.
I give you:
Edinburgh to Boston
Chapter 2
The Conversations
Harry and Maizie’s Story
Harry and Maizie MacLennan were on their way to Boston to visit with their son Ronald and daughter-in-law Margaret after the birth of their third son David.  Margaret would need help with the new wean as the MacLennan's other two lads were little rascals. Robert was now six and Edward recently turned four.  Robert or Rabbie as the family called him, had no compunction with expressing his opinions on anything and everything. During Harry and Maizie’s last visit Rabbie, then aged 5 decided to discuss the facts of life with his Grannie.
"Yes, a bhalaich?"
"Do ye ken yer auld?"
"I dinna ken yer meaning lad. What's wrong with being auld?"
"I saw ye kissin' Grandda.  Auld people dinna do that.  They're too auld. I see Mam and Da kissin' like you and Grandda.  Their auld too. They shouldna be doing things like that."
Masie lifted the boy up, placing him on her lap, cuddling him to her chest.
"Listen to me Rabbie. I love yer Grandda with all my heart just as yer Mam and Da love each other.  When ye love someone that's one of the ways tae show it.  I love ye too so I give ye a kiss now and then, too aye?" Maizie proceeded to kiss Rabbie on the top of his silky blond hair inhaling his little boy scent. Rabbie smelled of peanut butter and jelly, soap, and with a hint of ground in dirt.
"So, when ye love a girl, ye haveta kiss her? I didna like kissin', especially girls." Rabbie wrinkles his nose and grimaces.
"Laddie," said his Grandda walking in on the conversation, "Someday ye will change yer mind. Someday ye will be chasing after some fair maid looking to kiss her."
Looking aghast, Rabbie jumped off his Grannie's lap making a Scottish sound of disgust and ran out of the room arms and legs churning at near marathon speed.
Harry bent over giving Maizie a proper kiss and sighed, "Ye ken that lad will be a handful when he's grown. He'll be chasin' after the lassies. Fathers' will needta lock their lassies up when he's around. He'll be a right Romeo that lad."
"Aye, he will," chuckled Maizie, "much like his Da and his Grandda afore him. At least until he finds his one true love that is."
Maizie reached up and lovingly stroked Harry's cheek. "Just like we did when we found each other."
Clearly, Harry and Maizie were still deeply in love after 48 years of wedded bliss.  Maise firmly believes that there is a match for everyone. With this firmly entrenched belief in place, Maise made it her mission in life to help others find their true love when it was staring them in the face and they were too busy with their heads up their arse to ken it. Maizie's eyes gleamed with excitement and anticipation. James and Claire were her next victims, er… love match. Harry was her willing accomplice in her endeavors to bring would be lovers together. Sometimes people just needed a little nudge toward each other to see what others so obviously saw.
Divide and conquer that was the plan.  She would take the woman and leave Harry to deal with the man.
The Conversations
"On yer way to Boston, too, I see. My husband Harry and I are on our way to see our new grandson David. I'm Maizie by the way."
Claire thought that was apparent since they were boarding the same plane, but she thought she should be polite "Yes, I am, ah... pleased to meet you, I'm Claire," she gave Maizie a pleasant smile while continuing to walk up the passageway quickly.
Masie, not to be brushed off that easily hurried to keep up with Claire. "I see yer handsome husband is accompanying ye. He's a braw lad is he no?" Maizie grinned at Claire.
"Oh, he's not my husband.  We work together.  We’re going on a business trip together. A business conference."
Maizie’s suspicions were confirmed. They were not married.
"Oh, ‘tis a shame, him being such a handsome young man. I was sure he was yer husband after the way he was looking at ye as if he would devour ye." Maizie winked suggestively at Claire. "Did ye no notice lass?"
That stopped Claire in her tracks. "He did? I didn't notice. Are you sure?" Claire turned around to look for James, hoping to get a look at his face to see if he indeed wanted to devour her. James was nowhere in sight.
Claire returned to walking up the passageway, "No, I think you're mistaken. I'm definitely not his type, not at all." Claire made a small sighing sound almost of disappointment.
"I have been married nigh on 48 years to my husband. It was a love match truly and I ken another when I see it. Take a good look at him lass and ye'll see it in his eyes. ‘Tis how my Harry looks at me." Maizie took Claire's hand in hers giving it a gentle squeeze, "Take my advice lass. Take a good look at him. He's yers."
She then gave Claire's shoulder a little nudge, "Besides having a husband ‘tis a good thing; he keeps my feet warm at night if ye ken my meaning." Maizie looked at Claire gave her a wicked grin and walked off to find her seat swinging her hips.
Claire stood at her seat watching as Maizie walked up the aisle looking for her seat.  She was flabbergasted.  How could this woman see James' attraction to her when she could not?  What did she miss? She decided she had the whole flight to think about it.
Harry needed to cause a distraction to keep the man from reaching the woman quickly. Harry spun his suitcase on its wheels causing him to lose control of it and nearly knock James over. James swiftly reached out grabbed the handle immediately dealing with the errant suitcase.
"Thank ye laddie, I dinna ken what happened with yon grip. Seems it had taken on a mind of its own." Harry chortled genially as James handed the suitcase back to him.  "Harry MacLennan," he said offering his hand to James.
"Aye, weel ‘tis no matter. Glad I could be of assistance to ye Mr. MacLennan, James Fraser." James smiled at the gentleman shaking his hand. He turned and started to walk away from Harry up the ramp.
Harry not to lose his opportunity, kept pace with James.
"I do apologize for keeping ye from yer lovely wife. I see she has gone on ahead."
"She's no my wife, just a work colleague." There was a remote sound of sadness in his voice.
"No yer wife! Why laddie, if she isna yer wife, she should be the way she looked at ye and came into yer arms. She looked quite comfortable there if ye dinna mind my saying so. I ken the look of love being married near on 48 years now. Married my Maizie when she was naught but a wee slip of a lass.  Stole her away from her Da I did." Harry laughed heartily as he remembered.
"Besides," Harry said covertly watching James to gauge his reactions, "The lass seemed fair taken with yer bum if ye ask me. Like a woman who knew what she wants." Harry looked up to James with his green eyes glinting with mischief.  "If ye will take my meaning man." Harry chuckled sinfully.
James flushed scarlet, "Ye saw that then, and ye think...ye think she liked what she saw?" He asked incredulously.
"Looked like she was deciding what tae do with ye when she got ye alone."
The flush deepened.
"Humor an auld man, aye? Take that lass, gie her a good look, ye ken, deep inta her eyes.  See her soul, who she is. Ye'll be surprised at what ye see.  She's yers, lad. Dinna let her go. G'day tae ye." Harry doffed his hat and sauntered off in search of his wife and his seat.
James stood there watching Harry walk away, wondering what in God's name he should do now.
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Edinburgh to Boston - Chapter 3 The Flight - Part 1
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Hello all,
As promised here is Chapter 3.  Just so that you know part of my real life leaked into this chapter.  I have been studying for my Advanced Cardiac Life Support recertification this week.  I have been practicing with the simulations and going through the algorithms all week including shocking the characters.  So Claire is acting out for me in the story. I have ACLS on the brain.
I hope you enjoy the Chapter.
I give you:
Edinburgh to Boston
Chapter 3 - The Flight - Part 1
James found Claire standing by their seats struggling to put her carry on into the overhead compartment.
"Here, Beauchamp, let me help ye with that." James took the suitcase and easily slid both their cases into the compartment.
"Thank you, Fraser. That was most kind of you. I don't know how I would have managed." Claire looked up at James coquettishly through her eyelashes and flashed a charming smile.
"Ah...yer welcome. Anytime at all." Christ, is she flirting with me?
May as well be a gentleman. "Beauchamp, umm, which seat would ye like, the window or the aisle? It doesna matter to me which seat I have."
"Oh no, James you must take the aisle seat. You would have more leg room it wouldn't do to be uncomfortable during such a long flight." Claire placed her hand over his squeezing gently.
She felt it in an instant, the heat of the man as well as something else altogether.  It was an intense feeling, coursing through her hand, snaking up her arm, centering in her chest diffusing outward warming her body. It was like a radiant glowing sun growing, expanding, discharging heat and energy. Then there was something else. Something she could not put a name to but it pulsated, throbbed feeling primitive, primordial, something more...something dangerous, perhaps, possessive.  She never felt anything like it before. The sensations threatened to consume her, devour her. Isn't that what the woman said, he wanted to devour me? Could the old lady have been right? Could there be something between us?
Claire quickly removed her hand from James as if she had been burned. No, Claire decided. No, she decided she had let the old lady get into her head and she had to stop those thoughts now before things got out of hand.
She is flirting with me! Tiny beads of sweat formed on James forehead and upper lip. He ran his finger along the collar of his blue dress shirt trying to let a little air in.
"A bit warm in here is no’ Beauchamp?" James asked as he took his suit jacket off feeling the cool air of the cabin brush across the sweat-dampened shirt molding to his back. His hands were damp too. Surreptitiously he rubbed them against his suit leg hoping that she wouldn't notice what he was doing. He dropped gracelessly into his seat placing his jacket over his lap, his head slumping back against the headrest.
Claire turned to look and her eyes went wide with shock. James had turned a rather unhealthy pasty color much like the color of day-old parritch. Sweat formed on his face and he looked a right mess.
"James, are you ill?" Claire asked a worried expression splayed across her face. "Do you feel faint?" "Are you having a heart attack? Do you feel chest pain?" She was becoming nervous and concerned. "Here let me see if you have a fever."
Her cool hand came to rest on his brow causing him to shiver at her touch. The man was a furnace, not with fever, but with his own body heat. She swiftly took his wrist checking his pulse, fast but regular. Breathing deep but again regular.
"Here let me help take off your tie."  Nimble fingers made quick work of removing James' tie and opening his collar. She began to fan James furiously with the magazine in the pocket of the seat. If she fanned any harder, she would have caused a tornado.
The woman will no’ stop touching me! "I'm fine, Beauchamp."
Her hand is sae soft, sae cool. I wonder what her bonny wee hand would feel like on my…
It was in that moment that James understood that settling his jacket across his lap was a very fortunate thing, as his traitorous anatomy would have put him in a very embarrassing and compromising position.
James closed his eyes, exhaled a deep, low, anguished groan. In an effort to gain control over himself, he began to mentally pray. Lord, I need ye guidance for the challenge I am to face. Grant me ye wisdom, strength, and direction.
Claire took James’ groaning to mean he was worsening. He didn’t look any better either. It seemed that he was growing paler by the second.
“James?” There was no response. “James!” Claire gave him a little shake. He still did not respond.  His pulse was strong and regular.
Fearing that the worst might happen, she signaled the flight attendant who popped up next to her like the jack-in-a-box.
Adopting her surgeon's persona, "I am Dr. Claire Beauchamp and this is Dr. James Fraser. Dr. Fraser is not well. I need your assistance." Claire proceeded to tell the attendant what she would need and gave her an imperious look sending the young woman scampering off.
With all her strength, Claire grabbed the blue button-down dress shirt and yanked it open sending the buttons flying in all directions like tiny projectile missiles. James' chest was exposed; it was toned, well muscled with copper-colored hair lightly furring his chest. I want to touch him.  
By this time the flight attendant returned carrying the AED.
The sound of tearing fabric prompted James swift return to consciousness; he looked at Claire, saw what she was doing and grabbed both her wrists.
"Beauchamp," James said very calmly, "What in hell are ye about? Have ye gone mad?"
Claire startled as if she was watching Lazarus rise from the dead.  Her eyes glistened with tears creeping toward the edges.
Her mouth quivered, moving wordlessly at first, "You...You're alright then?" Her face contorted with relief.  Claire’s hands cupped his cheeks tenderly and stared at his face searching for an answer to her question.  "I thought...I thought I would lose you," she said in a shaky voice. "I thought you were going to die. I had the AED here just in case." One hot fat tear escaped her eye striking James on the chest.
"Hush lass, dinna weep, it's alright, it's alright," he soothed."I was just taken queer for a moment, but I’m alright now. But does that mean if I am taken so again, ye'll try tae undress me once more?" he said while quirking an eyebrow at her and giving her a little chuckle.
Claire took hold of herself, appreciating James’ effort to try to make light of the whole matter allowing her time to regain her composure. She blotted at her eyes and sniffed.
"Don't get any ideas in your head from this Fraser. It just means that I am relieved you're not dead. I wouldn't want to have to go back to the chief and try to explain this. And by the way, be very grateful I didn't try to shock you," Claire huffed glaring at him as if this were all his fault.
“Aye, Claire, I am truly grateful ye did not. It would have hurt like hell,” he smirked.
Both she and James profusely thanked the flight attendant for her assistance and watched her walk off grumbling.  
James stood took down his suitcase, rootled about, found a new shirt and marched to the lavatory with all the dignity he possessed. He passed by where Harry and Maizie were sitting. Harry raised his hand signaling James to stop.
"A moment lad after ye've made yerself presentable, aye?"
James really did not want to talk to Harry again. He thought that Harry was trying to fill his head with ridiculous ideas. He decided he would just walk by.
No such luck.  Harry was waiting for him outside the door. Harry gave James a firm push back inside the lavatory, stepped in and locked the door. There was barely enough room for both large men to stand. James standing at 6' 4" and Harry at 6'; the room was positively claustrophobic.
"Ye ken horses lad?"
What does that have to do with anything? "Aye, I do. And what of it?"
"The lass loves ye, that I ken; it's just that she's scairt, like a young filly that's been misused ye ken.  Someone has hurt her, and hurt her bad. Ye ken what ye need to do with a scairt hurt filly? Be gentle with her."
"Mr. MacLennan, may I ask ye what ye do for a living, sir? Are ye a matchmaker? If so, I dinna require yer services."
"Why I'm a kilt maker,” replied Harry proudly. “And to answer yer other question, no, I am no’ a matchmaker.  Just a man who believes in the power of love. May I ask the same of ye sir, what is yer occupation?"
"I'm a heart surgeon."
"Weel lad, ye may ken how to repair other people's broken hearts. But ye have a long way to go to fix yer own and that lass. Mind what I say to ye." Harry gave James a look imploring him to heed what he said and left.
A kilt maker was giving James love advice. He thought he must be going soft in the heid.
As Harry pushed James into the lavatory, Maizie took off from her seat rushing up to speak with Claire.  She found Claire picking up the buttons from James’ shirt that had been scattered literally everywhere.  The buttons not only contained the threads in the holes but pieces of the shirt itself was still attached.
Maizie spoke to Claire tenderly, “Lass, are ye alright? And yer lad, is he alright then?”
Claire looked up taking in the genuine concern written across Maizie’s face. “Yes, we’re alright. I guess you saw what happened.”
Maizie chuckled, “Ye caused such a stramash that I think the whole plane kens what happened.”
Claire was mortified. Her face glowed a lovely shade of rose reaching to the tops of her ears. She covered her face and uttered a small sob.
Maizie, in her best grandmotherly gestures, pulled Claire to her bosom and gently cradled her head against her shoulder. “There, there lass, ye meant well.  Ye were only protecting yer man.”
“He’s not mine,” Claire said whimpering against Maizie’s shoulder.
“Aye, lass he is. Ye just dinna ken it and neither does he. What kind of work do ye and yon man do?”
Claire looked at Maizie, tears running down her cheeks, “We’re heart surgeons.”
“I kent ye for a smart lass. I’m going to give you a bit of advice, be yerself, lass, no’ his doctor. Hmmm? All he wants is ye. He loves ye, I am certain of it.”
“But what if he doesn’t like what he finds? I’m afraid I could lose him as my friend.” Claire did not know why she was confiding in this woman who she had known for all of 10 minutes. There was something about the force of her personality that compelled trust.
“Claire, give the lad a chance. He is a special one. Lads like him dinna come along every day.” Maizie gave her a knowing look, “I ken his type well. Trust him.”
Maizie lifted Claire’s chin up.  She inspected Claire’s face, removed a clean but crumpled tissue from her sleeve and wiped away Claire’s tears. Maizie held the tissue to Clare’s nose, “Now blow.” Claire did as she was told.
“Besides, ye are building memories with the lad. Even if ye dinna think them to be good just now.  Ye will laugh at them in later years. On this ye can be sure.” Maizie smiled and winked at Claire.
Claire leaned toward Maizie, gave her a kiss on the cheek, “Thank you Maizie, for everything.”
“‘Twas nothing Claire.  Here,” Maizie handed Claire the buttons she was holding.
“I needta get back to my seat or Harry will worry I ran off with another man.” Maizie gave her a wink and turned hurriedly walking back toward her seat.
Claire sat down, wondering how she would apologize to James.
Maizie made it back to her seat before Harry came out of the lavatory. Harry took his seat next to Maizie and nodded his head.
“Ye spoke with the lass?”
“I did and ye were right.  She was hurt by someone. Who, I dinna ken. I think she was hurt bad though. She is afraid to lose him.  I told her to just be herself. Did ye speak with him?”
“Aye told him I thought she had been hurt before and was scairt. I told him that he needs to be gentle with her.”
“I think we gave them the best advice we could have. It’s all up to them now,” said Harry with a shrug.
“Aye, ‘tis,” Maizie agreed.  All we can do now is hope for the best.” Harry and Maizie’s hands intertwined. Harry raised her hand to his lips and kissed her wedding ring. “Tha gaol agam ort, mo chridhe.” Maizie looked Harry with such love and devotion and said, “And I you.” She kissed him sweetly on the lips.
James returned to his seat making himself comfortable after a harrowing start to his trip.
He found Claire sitting there serenely, although it looked as if she had been crying before.
“Fraser, I want to apologize for all the trouble I caused you.  Of course I will pay for the shirt I tore.” Claire blushed at the mention of the shirt.
“Dinna fash, Beauchamp. It’s nay bother. I ken ye were trying to help.  I’m glad of it.  Always kent ye would be there for me. Even if ye kill me in the process.”
Claire gave him a wry smile and gently jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow.  “Thank you for understanding.”
He laughed, smiled graciously at her, and patted her hand ending the matter.
The jet made its final turn on to the runway. With a roar of the engines the jet began to gain speed, gaining momentum leaving the terminal buildings behind in a blur. The jet thrust forward, cutting through the air freeing itself of its earthly bonds and suddenly it was airborne.
Finally. They were on their way. James relaxed into his seat sinking down as deeply as he could and he drifted off into what would become a fitful sleep.
Claire, too, yawned and stretched. Sank down into the cushioned seat, curling into herself as best as she could.  Soon she was carried off by Hypnos into the land of sleep.
There was music and dancing. Claire was in the arms of a tall red-headed man dancing around the room with the other couples. The music was fast; she was spinning and twirling about.  The man took hold of her by the waist, lifting her up spinning them around. Her head tossed back in a joyful laugh. He stopped and lowered her down, sliding her body over his. Her messy curls damp from exertion clung in ringlets to her face and neck. “I love you,” she whispered bringing her lips down to meet his. His lips were soft, warm, and tasted of whisky. The kiss warmed her to her core, setting her body on fire for him, only him.  She knew she never wanted to be anywhere else, with anyone else for the remainder of her life. James.
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kathrynalicemc · 5 years
Life Summary of Aimee Alice
Aimee is born on February 14, 1980 to Maizie and John Alice. She has an older brother Jacob, birb 1967, and an older sister Kathryn, born 1972. As a toddler, she was very close to her siblings until 1983 when her brother Jacob was expelled from Hogwarts and goes missing. Being so young she was confused as to why Jacob left and didn’t come back. She was sad and missed her brother. The next year, Kathryn went to Hogwarts and Aimee was alone at home with her parents. As she grew up, she started to forget about any memories she had with Jacob since she was only 3 when he left. She had photos and stories from her parents and sister but she felt left out. Especially since her older sister was at Hogwarts searching for Jacob and she wasn’t old enough to go and help. This caused her to want to prove her worth and be just as special. She is vey fierce and bold. Aimee would always try to climb the highest, jump the farthest, and run the fastest.
In 1991, Aimee got sorted into Gryffindor. The same year and house as Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley. She always thought Harry was kind of overrated but she does respect him later on. In school she has a secret crush on Cedric Diggory, who is 3 years older, until he dies in Aimee 4th year. In year 5 she joined Dumbledore's army. She eventually plays Quidditch for Gryffindor (as a backup?). Aimee is in the courtyard in year 6 when Dumbledore falls from the astronomy tower. When snape and the Carrows take over Hogwarts in year 7, she is one of the few who stand up and resist them. This means she gets tortured a lot but she puts up with it and sticks up for what’s right. She stays and fights in the Battle of Hogwarts. After the war, she returns to redo and finish her 7th year.
*to be continued*
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