#Harringrove college
lazybakerart · 1 month
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90s billiam for @ihni!! surprise!!
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cuepickle · 10 days
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“Bet you haven’t seen this much ass in your life, Indiana”
Harringrove!College AU. Billy’s talking about all the girls at the rush, but all Steve can think about is all that ass right beside him.
(Also Steve is probably the first person to use a wine glass at a frat rush but he’s just rich & out of touch bougie like that)
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dragonflylady77 · 9 months
This is my contribution to the Harringrove Relay Race! ✨
Read it on Ao3
I took the 500 words minimum word limit and blew it out of the water, so... enjoy.
I wanna do everything with you
the coffee shop au x college au x enemies to lovers x there was only one bed fic you never knew you needed... (also, with basketball!)
“Out of the way, pretty boy.”
Steve grits his teeth and presses himself closer to the coffee machine so Hargrove has room to walk past him. Why the guy decided to bring in another box of coffee grounds during rush hour when there are three full bags in the cupboard already, Steve has no idea. 
The Californian import is probably doing it to mess around with Steve as usual. Steve sighs as he gets back to making the next drink on his list. As much as he has enjoyed working at The Dolphin Café over the summer, he can’t wait for fall to arrive and classes to start. He won’t have to see Hargrove again after that.
He isn’t sure why Hargrove has it in for him like that, he’s barely talked to the guy since he started. Not on purpose, but they usually have different shifts and the way Hargrove stares at him sometimes when they’re working together makes Steve uneasy. Makes him feel things he’d rather not think about.
Billy Hargrove is hot and he knows it and he seems to loooooove the attention from everyone, regardless of gender. Golden curls, a killer smile, a sculpted chest he keeps exposing by not buttoning up his shirt, no matter how many times their manager reminds him he should and jeans so tight they look painted on. Yeah, the guy is the full package.
Too bad the full package is also arrogant as fuck and determined to get on Steve’s last nerve every shift. So Steve takes deep breaths and smiles even when he wants to scream, and he focuses on filling orders and the end of summer. 
He is counting the days until he can see Robin again, once she’s back from her trip to Germany. He’s really missed his best friend all summer and he knows there is no way his dad would have agreed to their deal without her. 
Steve will always be grateful to Robin for helping him craft a proposition Richard Harrington agreed on. They’d even got a lawyer involved and his father had signed off on it, promising he’d pay Steve an allowance while he’s in college if he managed to get accepted and hold a job all summer beforehand. 
Steve knows how lucky he is to have gotten in, even if it’s on a basketball scholarship. The look on his father’s face had been worth all the extra work he’d put in. The knowledge Richard Harrington has lost this particular battle against his only son, whom he deems a complete idiot, is the cherry on top.
Now Steve just needs to survive the last couple of weeks at the coffee shop, with Hargrove breathing down his neck at every opportunity. Then he’ll be free, and in college, and he can hang out with Robin again.
“Tell me more about this guy,” Robin asks the second she gets in his car, her bags filling the backseat and the trunk of the Beamer. 
Steve instantly regrets offering her a ride to her dorm. It’s a long drive back to Chicago and his last shift is still fresh in his mind. Well, what happened when he’d clocked out for the last time anyway. Steve said goodbye to the manager who reminded him he could still come back for weekend shifts. Steve once again declined his offer and told him he was done with the Dolphin Café, as staff anyway. Hargrove was behind the counter and stared at him for the duration of that entire conversation, his eyes full of what looked like hurt. Steve glanced away and walked out without a word.
“You know as much as I do already, why must we spend more time on the subject?” Steve knows he’s whining but fuck, it’s not enough that he spent all summer working with the guy, now his best friend wants to talk about him as well? Steve is so fucking glad he never told her about the dreams. No one, EVER, needs to find out about those. 
“Because, dingus,” Robin starts, cutting him that look of hers that means she knows something Steve doesn’t. It’s a look he’s really familiar with by now. 
He sighs. “What? Spit it out, Rob. It’s a long drive and I’d rather talk about something else.”
Robin snorts and Steve glares.
“The dingus doth protest too much, methinks,” she says and Steve groans.
"Stop it."
“Oh come on, Steve. From everything you’ve told me about this guy, it’s clear to me you have a crush on him and I th—”
“What? What the fuck, Robin?” Steve swerves a bit from the surprise but manages to keep the car in the appropriate lane. “Leaving aside the fact that I am, you know, straight, how exactly did you get to that conclusion?”
“Really? Did you not hear yourself over the past three months? Hargrove this, and Hargrove that, you haven't stopped talking about him.”
“Because he’s been a pain in my ass since the day he started at work! He’s constantly in my face, calling me names and making a nuisance of himself.” Steve is getting worked up, because why can’t Robin see the problem? He takes a few calming breaths, and focuses on the road.
“He’s pulling your pigtails, dingus.”
“What? No! He hates me, and I didn’t even do anything.”
Robin shakes her head and Steve doesn’t need to sneak a glance her way to know she’s rolling her eyes. 
“No.” There is no way. Is there? 
“Fine. Enjoy staying in Egypt, I heard it’s nice this time of year.”
Steve is glad that Robin drops it then and moves on to talking about the classes she is gonna be taking when college starts.
Billy is stacking the latest batch of lemon blueberry muffins on the display stand when he hears a familiar voice. He glances up to scan the sparse Sunday afternoon crowd and spots Harrington walking towards one of the booths in the back.
He’s chatting animatedly with a girl Billy hasn’t seen before. She’s got light brown hair and big eyes and talks with her hands a lot. Harrington must have said something stupid because the girl punches him in the shoulder and he laughs it off, while rubbing the spot she hit. Their behavior gives off a sibling vibe, which does nothing to quell the longing in Billy’s chest.
They sit on opposite sides and the girl looks up at the menu on the big boards behind the counter. Harrington sneaks a few glances around and Billy looks away before they make eye contact. 
It’s a surprise to see Harrington again after he announced his departure a week ago. Billy is still getting over the feeling of betrayal upon finding out his secret crush was leaving, as he was walking out the door. 
He thought he’d have more time to try to turn the stupid rivalry into some kind of friendship. But he always seems to rub Harrington the wrong way, no matter what he says. From the day Billy started at The Dolphin Café at the end of July, he’d tried to make friends but Harrington wanted no bar of it. 
Billy finishes placing the last muffin on the stand and puts the dome cover on top in time for Harrington’s friend to come up to the counter to order.
“Hello, welcome to the Dolphin Café. What can I get you?” he smiles as he asks and the girl smiles back, her eyes dropping to his name tag for a second.
“Hey Billy. I’m Robin. The best friend. Can I get two of those delicious looking muffins please, a cappuccino and a mocha with four sugars and extra whipped cream.”
“Ah, yes, the Harrington special. Coming right up.”
The girl snorts and Billy chances a glance in Harrington’s way. He is reclining in his booth, glaring at them, and looks away the second Billy’s eyes meet his.
“Is that an actual item on the menu or a name you made up just for him?” she asks, leaning her elbows on the counter.
Billy feels his face warm up and he turns towards the coffee machine, praying Robin can’t tell he’s blushing. He busies himself making the drinks she ordered, mulling over his answer before things get too weird.
“Um…” He shrugs, sprinkling cinnamon on her cappuccino. “I mean, I did ask Hop to add it to the menu as a legacy item since Steve left, but he declined.”
“Aw, my poor dingus is not special enough to make the menu. He’ll be heartbroken.” The smirk on her face and the tone in her voice belie her words and it’s Billy’s turn to snort.
“Pretty sure he hated this place so…” Billy places the drinks on a tray, with the muffins Robin ordered. “You go sit down, I’ll bring them over.”
“Thanks, Billy.”
Billy follows Robin back to the booth and carefully unloads the contents of the tray on the table. He manages to not look at Harrington while he does but he can feel him watching his every move. It’s unsettling and rekindles the fire in Billy’s chest. 
“Thanks.” The frosty clipped tone does things that it shouldn’t to Billy’s insides and he focuses on Robin instead.
“Enjoy. Sing out if you need anything else.”
“Thank Billy,” she says again with a grin.
With a nod, Billy leaves, stopping to clear a table and wipe it clean on his way back to the counter. He needs a smoke but it’s a while yet until his break. A loud group walks in and he is happy to be kept busy. He still notices when Harrington and Robin leave and wonders if that was the last time he’s ever gonna see him.
A week later, Billy walks into the gym for the first basketball practice. His advisor was surprised he’d picked a sport as an elective, he’s an English Lit major after all. Makes Billy want to cackle really. Seems people either think he’s a meathead and want him for his body, or they’re shocked to learn there’s more to books and case studies in his life.
He steps around the corner in the changing room and a familiar voice stops him in his tracks. Keeping his eyes on the locker numbers, he locates his and heads over, dumping his gym bag on the bench in front of his assigned locker. 
“Hargrove?” Harrington’s voice reaches him, surprise and dismay thick in his tone. “What the fuck?”
Billy glances at him and nods once in acknowledgment before focusing on getting changed. He can hear Harrington muttering about him to the guy he’s standing with a few feet away but he manages to tune them out. Force of habit, really. Growing up with Neil Hargrove has taught him not to react and he has become really good at it.
The coach walks in and sends them into the gym to do some laps as a warm up. After some drills to see where they’re at, he splits them into two teams. Billy plays skins, and to his great delight, Harrington ends up on the opposing team. 
They’re both point guards which means Billy can get up close to try and stop Harrington when he gets the ball. He is thrilled to discover that Harrington is as competitive as he is on the court, even if he seems to have trouble staying upright when Billy crashes into him to steal the ball.
Billy offers Harrington a hand, half surprised when the other guy takes it, and he leans down close, the pendant around his neck nearly touching Harrington’s chin.
“You were moving your feet. Plant them next time, draw a charge!” He lets go of Harrington’s hand, his fingers tingling from the contact and steps over him to go back to his side of the court as they reset the play. He feels Harrington’s eyes on his back as he walks away but forces himself to look straight ahead, trying to get his breathing under control.
Fuck, that was exhilarating. Billy knows he needs to be careful how close he gets to Harrington because basketball shorts don’t hide much and he doesn’t need the embarrassment or the rumors that would follow him like the plague.
Once training is over, he showers in a corner as fast as he can and gets out of there, glancing at Harrington on his way out. He nearly walks into the door jamb when he clocks the hair on the guy’s chest and manages to dress in record time, despite the semi he’s now sporting.
Tight jeans conceal anything, thank fuck for small mercies. He shoves his gym clothes in his bag and hightails it out of there like hellhounds are on his tracks.
Once in his car, he allows himself to breathe, closing his eyes and letting himself remember the literal fur covering Harrington’s fucking chest. He’d give pretty much anything to run his fingers through that.
Billy groans, pressing his palm on his crotch to relieve some of the pressure and turns the engine on. He’s got a shift at the Dolphin in ten minutes and he can’t afford to be late. Jerking off to the memories of Harrington naked in the shower will have to wait.
“One Harrington special!” Robin announces as she puts down Steve’s drink on the table, before flopping on the chair across from him.
“Shhhh, Robin, we’re in a library!” Steve whispers and Robin rolls her eyes.
“No one cares, dingus.”
Steve takes a sip of his coffee, watching Robin get her laptop out of her bag. He frowns. “What did you call my drink just now?”
“Oh, um, the Harrington special. That’s what Billy called it the other day when we were at the coffee shop.”
“I’m sorry. Billy?” Steve stares at her and she shrugs. “Robin, why are you on a first name basis with that guy?”
“Cos he’s nice? And funny? And, like, really really clever?”
“What. The. Fuck?” Steve has no words. He can’t comprehend the betrayal twisting in his gut right now. 
Robin sighs. “He’s in my Romantic Poetry class and also my Literature of the Commonwealth class. He’s also in my Creative Writing Workshop class and we may or may not be working on a project together. Don’t be mad.”
“Robin. I… you… what?”
“See, that’s why I didn’t want to tell you. I know you’d be weird about it.”
“Only because you seem to have swapped me for my fucking nemesis.”
“Oh my god, you’re so fucking dramatic. You’ve been hating the guy for months for no reason.”
“Robin! I told you what he did. How he was with me. All summer when I worked at the Dolphin! If anything, he’s the one who hates me.”
Robin gives him that look that says he’s being a giant whiny baby (her words) and Steve sits back in his chair, sipping his coffee. He doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. Robin won’t listen or take him seriously anyway.
“Steve, let me ask you this,” Robin starts, and he can tell she’s trying to be patient with him. “Why would a guy who hates you name a drink after you?”
“You heard me.”
“I don’t know, okay. I don’t know how his brain works, or why he called me pretty boy and sweetheart for three months straight. Makes no sense to me.”
Okay now she’s giving him the ‘oh can you so fucking dense’ look and Steve decides enough is enough. 
“You know what, whatever. I’m gonna go.” He closes his laptop and starts gathering his notes. His statistics assignment can wait. He already got an extension anyway. “Need to pack for my trip. We’re leaving at the crack of dawn tomorrow and I need to go to bed early or I’ll miss the bus.”
“Ah yes, the basketball trip. Billy mentioned it at our study session last night.”
“Last night? That’s why you blew me off for movie night?” Steve is getting more pissed off by the minute. He closes his backpack and grabs his coffee, though he’s not sure he wants to drink it anymore.
“Did you miss the part where I said we are working on a group project for a class?” Robin asks, leaning forward on her elbows, one eyebrow raised. He hates that she can do the eyebrow thing and he can’t.
“He better keep his hands to himself or I will punch him.”
“Yeah well, you can relax with your macho bullshit, cos he knows about me not liking boys.”
“You told him?”
“It came up,” Robin replies, mysterious as ever.
“Fine. Whatever. You know what? Keep your little secret rendez-vous and your brainiacs study sessions that I will never understand. I’ll see you when I get back, unless Hargrove kills me while we’re away.”
He leaves the library in a huff, Robin’s cackle following him out the door.
The next morning, Steve gets to the bus with two minutes to spare. He shoves his bag in the luggage compartment before stepping onto the bus, running a hand through his hair to try and tame it. Of course he slept through his stupid alarm and now he owes Robin, again, because she called him to check he was awake.
He spots Hargrove at the back of the bus, with Tommy Hagan and Jason Carver, so he sits at the front and keeps his head turned towards the window.
They get to the school where they’re playing that afternoon and Coach gets them to run drills and warm-ups for a couple of hours. Steve manages to stay away from Hargrove as much as possible, though Hargrove seems to have dialed down the hostilities and only shoves him once.
Soon enough it’s time for the game and they get stuck into it, the instructions yelled by Coach taking precedence over everything else.
It’s a hard fought battle, the opposition is really good, but their team prevails at the last moment, thanks to Hargrove. 
Finally, it’s over, Steve is exhausted but happy. He ends up next to Hargrove for the team huddle and for once he doesn’t mind being this close. They’re all riding the high of beating a good team and it’s a heady feeling.
After they’ve all showered and filed back onto the bus, they make their way to the motel. Once they park there, Coach announces that due to budget issues, they’ve had to reduce the number of rooms they could book and they’re all gonna have to bunk with each other.
A collective groan travels down the length of the bus at the revelation. Steve barely pays attention. He doesn’t care who he gets told to bunk with as long as it’s not Hargrove, and he’s pretty sure the other guy feels the same and will ask to stay with Tommy or Carver.
“Right, lads, me and Ms Ross decided that the easiest and most fair way was to lump you alphabetically.”
When Steve hears that, he knows he’s fucked. Because he knows the names of every guy on the team and he’ll either be bunking with Tommy, who he hasn’t talked to since ninth grade, or Hargrove.
Sure enough, a moment later, Coach says Hargrove’s name then his, and a room number. They get off the bus in pairs and grab their bags, with a reminder that they’re expected to be back on the bus at 8am the next morning. 
In the lobby, most of the guys on the team arrange to meet at the diner across the road once they’ve dumped their bags in their rooms. Ignoring the noise, Steve gets the key from the front desk and heads down to room 7. 
He gets into the room and stops in his tracks when he sees the bed. As in, singular. 
One bed.
It’s a big bed, but it’s only one bed. 
With a sigh, Steve drops his bag at his feet and he’s about to turn around to go back to the desk to demand a different room when he hears footsteps behind him. Clearly his day can get worse.
“Hey, Harrington,” Hargrove says as he enters the room, “what are you doing standing here in the dark?” He flicks the lights on and drops his bag on the desk to the side.
Steve watches as he takes in the large bed taking most of the space. “Oh.”
“Yeah. Oh.” 
“It’s okay.” Hargrove shrugs then unzips his bag and starts looking through it for something.
Steve turns his head to look at him. “It’s okay? Nothing about this is okay.”
“Oh my god, dude. Don’t freak out because we need to share a bed. Jesus. We can put some pillows down the middle of the mattress if you’re that stressed about it.”
“I’m not stressed about it!” Steve is quick to say, earning himself a look of disbelief from Hargrove.
“Whatever. You going to the diner with the rest of the team?” Hargrove asks as he heads to the ensuite, holding some clothes and his toiletry bag.
“No, I… I’m not hungry.”
“Suit yourself.” The door shuts with a soft click and Steve closes his eyes. He needs to talk to Robin but he knows she is out on a date with some girl she met at work.
Once Hargrove has left the room to get dinner, Steve eats a protein bar he found in his bag then gets ready for bed.
He slips between the covers, ready to leave this day behind. He makes a point to not pile pillows between the two sides of the bed. No need to give Hargrove more ammunition. 
Billy sighs and checks his watch again. He’s been staring at the ceiling for two hours and is no closer to falling asleep than he was when he got back to the room. Less, even. Because he was sleepy after dinner and not in a mood to get drunk with his teammates, on beer purchased for them by Carver’s boyfriend, the only one old enough to legally buy alcohol.
Billy was surprised to see no pillows separating the two sides of the bed when he walked in. Even more surprised to find Steve fast asleep. 
He gives up and sits up, hazarding a glance at Steve. He’s lying on his side, the light coming from the crack in the curtains giving a golden shine to his hair. He looks peaceful and soft and Billy would love nothing more than to cuddle up to him and feel his arms around his back.
He runs through his conversation with Robin for the four hundredth time since it happened three days ago. He was surprised to see her in three of his classes but glad they got paired up for the Creative Writing assignment. From the interaction he had with her at the Dolphin last week, she seemed quick and witty and that hunch had proved right. She’d also clocked him as queer faster than anyone beside Heather ever had and her coming out to him had reassured him immensely. 
He isn’t a hundred percent on board with her assessment of Steve’s feelings towards him though. That seems a bit hard to swallow considering the past three months, but she is Steve’s best friend, so Billy figures she might know what she’s talking about.
He’s about to turn the side lamp on and grab his book since he can’t fucking sleep when Steve lets out a whimper. Frozen on the spot, Billy listens, in case Steve is having some kind of nightmare he’ll need to wake him up from (Robin mentioned something about that).
But then the guy starts moaning, a low raspy sound, that causes Billy’s ears to heat up as his sweatpants get a bit tight in the crotch. Billy hears the rustling of the bedding, and Steve doing some kind of squirming that has Billy immediately on edge.
It only gets worse when Steve starts muttering. It’s not really words at first, and Billy rolls over so he’s closer, and can hear properly. He regrets it a minute later.
“P-please… Don’t stop, please,” Steve mutters and Billy bites his fist to stop from making a sound.
This is not happening… 
Billy can’t believe he has to lie there silently while Steve is having a fucking sex dream. He moves away and sits on the edge of the bed, his back to Steve, hands balled into fists at his sides, willing his dick to go down because this is beyond pathetic. Yes, he has a crush on the guy, but getting off to his sex dream feels one step too far.
Yet, Steve keeps making goddamn sex noises, and apparently willing whoever he’s dreaming about to keep doing whatever they’re doing to him in his mind and Billy is two seconds away from having a cold shower at three in the morning when suddenly he hears his name.
“Billy… Billy, please…” 
Oh fuck.
His fingers dig into his thighs with the effort it takes to not touch his dick and get some relief. He can’t breathe, there is no air in the room, only Steve’s moans and whimpers and his desperate pleas.
And Billy knows it doesn’t mean anything, okay? He knows that Steve can’t stand the sight of him, no matter what Robin said the other night. And there’s nothing he can do about it. Maybe he’s just bad at flirting with a guy he actually cares about. Maybe there’s just something about him that Steve just can’t stand and it’s not his fault. But that doesn’t stop his brain from sending images of what he could be doing to Steve with his fingers and his mouth and, fuck, he really needs to stop thinking about that or he’s gonna blow his load in his pants like a fucking twelve year old.
He doesn’t remember ever being so hard as he is in that moment, when Steve’s breath quickens and he keeps saying Billy’s name over and over and over.
Billy needs to do something, either pretend to sleep or lock himself in the bathroom, because there is no way Steve will react favorably once he’s awake. He’ll either pretend it didn’t happen or be angry at Billy for no reason, as usual.
Unable to listen any longer, he races to the bathroom, slamming the door shut and flicking the lock before he turns the shower on to cover any noise he’s about to make. Leaning against the counter with one hand, he reaches inside his pants and wraps his fingers around his cock, hissing at the contact.
He is barely aware of the movements of his hand, his mind still in the room, in that bed, imagining a hand that’s not his touching him instead. He knows he won’t last long because he’s too keyed up from listening to Steve. He squeezes the head of his cock, and groans at the feeling, his knuckles turning white on the counter.
Billy closes his eyes, pretending Steve is there with him. He can almost feel Steve’s lips on his neck, Steve’s body against his as he jerks him off… The visual is so clear, so much what he craves, and he’s so close now, he can almost taste his orgasm.
Steve’s voice reaches him through the door and wraps around him and he comes with a grunt he can’t silence, making a mess in his underwear. Panting and trying to catch his breath before his legs give out, he washes his hands and wishes he’d have taken the time to get undressed and step into the shower.
Steve is knocking on the door now. “Are you done? Dude, I need to use the bathroom.”
“Gimme a minute!” Billy’s voice sounds wrecked even to his own ears and with the shower going. He shuts the water off and unlocks the door, steeling himself to face Steve before he opens the door.
Steve’s hair is a mess and Billy forces his eyes to a spot to the side of Steve’s shoulder as he pushes past him and into the room.
“Billy?” Steve’s voice stops him in his tracks and he turns around slowly, taking in Steve who’s standing in the doorway, illuminated from behind by the light in the bathroom. Billy doesn’t remember Steve using his actual name before tonight, he’s always called him Hargrove.
“Yeah?” Billy asks softly. He’s still feeling wired from the whole thing and doesn’t have it in him to maintain the usual bravado in front of Steve. He is not sure what to think when Steve steps closer until he’s standing a foot away. Billy makes sure to keep his eyes up, his gaze following the trail of beauty spots on Steve’s shoulder and up his neck.
He is not so out of it that he doesn’t notice Steve’s eyes tracking down then back up, snagging somewhere on Billy’s naked chest then his mouth before Steve locks eyes with him. The warm spot in Billy’s gut starts boiling.
“Um, Robin said… um Robin has this theory, and… and I think she might be right.”
Billy sighs. He just wants to clean up and get into bed but Steve has never looked at him that way before so his curiosity gets the better of him. “What theory?”
“About me and how I’m not actually, you know… straight.”
“Okay…” Bill isn’t sure what to say. He’s not exactly surprised, in light of the dream Steve was having not that long ago.
“She said something else too.”
Steve moves forward and he’s so close now that Billy can feel the heat from his body. He doesn’t know where to look or what to think. He takes a deep breath to calm down, and realizes his mistake when all he can smell is Steve and it’s overwhelming. 
“You don’t hate me, do you?” Steve asks, his tone sounding more assured now. “You know, Robin reckons you have a crush on me.”
Billy chokes back a moan and bites his lip. Steve’s eyes immediately zero in on that and Billy shudders.
“What are you doing, pretty boy?” Billy whispers, his heart in his throat.
“What feels right,” Steve whispers back, his face so close he’s all Billy can see. “Stop me if you don’t wa—”
Billy breaches the gap and slants his lips onto Steve’s, groaning when Steve tangles both of his in Billy’s curls to pull him closer. Steve’s lips are softer than Billy imagined and he grabs Steve by the waist, using Steve’s needy moan to slide his tongue in Steve’s mouth.
The kiss goes on, hands grabbing and pulling, as they stumble backwards towards the bathroom, bodies pressed close from shoulder to toe. 
“Fuck meeee…” Billy whispers when they break to breathe, blinking to adjust to the light. He feels like he’s seen God and can’t get enough of Steve’s tongue in his mouth.
“Maybe later,” Steve replies with a grin, and Billy digs his fingers into Steve’s hips at the thought.
“You know,” Steve starts, moving away to turn the shower on, his eyes never leaving Billy’s even when he takes his shirt off and drops it on the floor, “I think that’s the first time I’ve heard you say my name.”
“Yeah?” Billy stares as Steve walks back to where he’s standing by the countertop, his eyes straying to Steve’s waistband hanging low on his hips before moving back up.
“Yeah…” Steve stops in front of him. “I wonder how loud I can make you say it…”
Billy gasps then loses the ability to make words when Steve drops his pants. Then Steve hooks his fingers in the waistband of Billy’s sweatpants, a question in the tilt of his head. Billy nods in agreement, and Steve slides his hands around then down, over the curve of his ass, fingers splayed, before he pulls Billy’s pants and underwear down.
“Wanna shower with me?” Steve asks and that shakes Billy out of his trance.
He steps out of his clothes and slides his hands around Steve’s waist, pulling him up, and laughs happily when Steve curses even as he wraps his arms and legs around him.
“Baby, I wanna do everything with you.”
He steps under the warm spray with his precious cargo, pressing him into the wall and finding his mouth again.
Please look forward to the lovely/wonderful/amazing work from the next contributor, @harringrovest.
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gracegrove · 1 year
In honor of my work-study job at the school library, have a tiny morsel. Also dedicated to my pal, @intothedysphoria
Steve walked into the university library, backpack casually draped on one shoulder.
He exhaled an already exhausted breath, puffing drooping bangs back into place.
"Mold..." Steve mumbled walking aimlessly down an aisle of books. "M".
He couldn't believe of all the topics to have to write a 10-page biology paper on, it would be about mold.
Walking up and down the stacks he frowned, the books weren't in alphabetical order. He crossed over to another section and kept looking. Still in the wrong section.
He walked up to the circulation desk to ask for help, "Excuse me, Miss?" he asked a blonde bun full of bouncing curls.
The librarian turned around, a young man about Steve's age, smirking widely. "Miss?"
Steve blushed, "Sorry, it's just your hair is so... I thought, I -" The blonde watched him fumble out an excuse with amusement. Blue eyes sliding up the length of Steve's frame, down one shoulder and eventually up the other as he chewed a piece of gum.
"Uh...." Steve paused, "Shouldn't you not have that in here?"
The blonde casually inflated a giant bubble, letting it burst with a startling POP! He smiled wolfishly, leaning across the counter, "The rules are for you to follow. Not me. Now, can I help you?"
Steve watched the boy's mouth slide back and forth, the gum piece poking out like a distracting lure on a line. "I uh... was looking for books."
"Don't say..." the blonde mused sarcastically with another popped bubble. "What kinda books?"
"Mold." Steve stated, boldly meeting the blonde's eyes. God, were they striking.
The blonde began typing on the large Apple computer, keys clacking. "Kind?"
"Any..." Steve shrugged, he didn't want to admit that he had fallen asleep through that part of the lecture.
The blonde typed some more before leaving the computer and coming around to the other side of the counter. "This way."
Together, they picked out a handful of books and returned to the desk, the blonde beginning the check-out process.
"Got your Student ID?"
Steve swung his backpack up onto the counter and began digging around. After emptying nearly all it's contents, he finally found it and handed it over.
"Steven..." the blonde concluded, "Cute."
"It's Steve," Steve corrected him.
"Well, Steve," the blonde stated, "I'm Billy, and I'll kill you if these are late. So be back in three weeks..."
He winked, stamping the check-out card and writing the due date on it. Steve picked the books off the counter and went to reach for the card, but Billy pulled his hand back.
"Make sure to read the renewal policy carefully," he warned, before reaching forward to hook a finger in Steve's shirt pocket and slip the card inside it. He gave Steve's chest pocket a small pat, smiled, and walked away.
Steve peeked inside his shirt pocket. On the check-out card along with the book's due date, was an address and a phone number.
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heuhuewaves · 1 year
billy hargrove x steve harrington
summary: billy wants to prove how much better he can make steve feel
content warnings: drug use, smut, blowjobs, modern au, college au, roommate au
word count: 2.2k
this was posted originally on my ao3. you can find me there right here. alsoooo this fic is inspired by dive by victoria monet
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Steve learned from early on that Billy was gonna be a rough roommate to deal with. He knew him from high school. During that time, they had a weird rivalry. One where they wanted to ruin each other’s lives, but couldn’t ever be apart from one another.
Steve had a mental list on what made Billy a difficult person to live with.
1. He slept in most of the day 2. Kept his room a mess constantly 3. Drank juice from the carton. Gross. 4. Smoked his weed everywhere around the apartment instead of outside. Which made Steve smell like it too. At least he had the decency to go on the balcony if he wanted to get high 5. Hogged the Xbox like he bought it himself 6. Occasionally gave Steve a hard-on when he would get back from the gym, very sweaty.
The last one, Steve was still confused about. He didn’t know if Billy making him horny was a good or a bad thing. He was leaning towards the latter though. It didn’t feel right to him that he would rub one out to the thought of his roommate from time to time while also fucking Nancy.
Nancy and Steve had tried to make it work multiple times. Tried the whole lovey-dovey Hallmark movie shit. But each attempt just ended up with one of them getting hurt by the other. Nancy wanted to focus on school and internships for her criminal justice degree and Steve felt like he wasn’t mature enough to handle a relationship. So they had just decided to stay friends who would still have sex with each other. No strings attached of course. Which would lead to the 7th reason on why Billy was difficult to live with.
He hated Nancy’s guts.
Like a lot.
Never gave an explanation for it either. Even when the 3 of them were in high school. Every time Billy would see the other two with each other he’d get insanely jealous. This obviously never wore off once they all started going to college. Every time Steve would bring the girl over, she and Billy would most likely end up in a screaming match. Which Harrington could never be peacemaker in because the both of them were too stubborn to back down from each other. When this happened he would usually leave and go to his car to smoke. Try to get his mind off the fact that situationship would never get along with his roommate.
Also that he found said roommate very hot.
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Billy not being out of the apartment at 9pm was very uncommon. Usually he’d be at a party getting trashed with Tommy or Eddie. Steve usually wouldn’t mind if he hadn’t planned on finishing Love Island. Now Billy was gonna be up all night talking shit to people Call of Duty.
Steve was on the couch watching the blonde play the first person shooter. He couldn’t keep his eyes off Billy. His hair was tied up into a sort of messy bun. Per usual, he had no shirt on and Nike shorts that he cropped so that most of his thighs were exposed.
The round ended and Billy took an opportunity to take a hit from his dab pen.
“Surprised you’re not out with she-devil tonight.” Billy stated as he queued up for the next match. Steve knew he was referring to Nancy but ignored it to keep the peace.
“She’s at some party with her stuck up wannabe lawyer friends. Definitely not interested.” Steve rolled his eyes as he got up from the couch and went to the small kitchen to find something to eat. After digging through the freezer he finally decided on pizza rolls. He grabbed a plate, threw a half bag’s worth of the small snack, and put them into the microwave.
There was a brief moment of silence between the two boys. All that could be heard was the humming microwave and the menu music from Call of Duty. This seemed to happen every time Steve and Billy were alone. They’d have a brief conversation and then the majority of time they spent with each other was silent. It was obvious that both of them had shit they wanted to say. Mainly Harrington. Coming to terms that he probably liked dick and Billy, left him feeling awkward around the blonde. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to take the risk.
But Billy Hargrove is all about risk.
“If you’re only gonna fuck her, why do you keep Nancy around?” Billy asked as he kept his attention on the video game. Once again, the room went silent. The only answer that was provided was the beeping of the microwave indicating that the pizza rolls were ready.
If Steve had to be honest, he didn’t have an explanation. It was just the norm for him and Nancy.
“I mean, I don’t know dude.” Steve was trying to find some form of answer. “That’s just the way things are between us. She doesn’t seem to mind.”
That wasn’t exactly the answer Billy wanted. But he wasn’t sure what he would’ve wanted to hear. It was frustrating because he knew Steve could do so much better. Billy’s been wanting to show Harrington what he’s been missing out on for the longest time. There was just a big obstacle in the way. Was Steve even gay? Or even bi for that matter. There was a decent chance that he was. In Billy’s eyes anyway.
The only evidence of Steve being gay was one time where the two boys got into somewhat of an altercation. Over what? Neither of the boys could probably remember. But one thing led to another and Billy ended up on top of his roommate. Straddling him as he had Steve’s arms pinned to the ground. He could’ve sworn that something hard was growing under his ass too. Nothing ever came from that moment though. The next day both of the boys had subconsciously decided to forget the whole ordeal.
Why not test out the waters though? Billy thought.
“So if you’re not dating her, then does that mean you’d get your dick sucked by someone else?” Billy’s question left Steve puzzled.
“What does that have to do with anything?” Steve responded.
“You could literally be fucking anybody you want but you still keep yourself to her?” Billy didn’t usually refer to Nancy by name often. He didn’t think that highly of her. A result of jealousy you could say.
Steve wanted to be mad at his roommate so badly. But Billy wasn’t wrong. Steve wasn't attached to Nancy or vice versa.
“I’d beat your ass so bad right now if you weren’t right.” Steve threatened as he finally grabbed the plate of pizza rolls from the microwave and walked over to rejoin Billy in the living room. This time there was little room in between them on the ouch where they sat. Billy immediately took notice of this.
At this point Billy knew he had to make a move. There was nobody to stop either of them. He wanted to drive Steve crazy. Crazy to the point where he wouldn’t even remember Nancy’s name.
The Call of Duty round had come to an end and Billy exited out of the game. The time was now.
“So, in theory, if you had to describe the perfect person you’d want to suck your dick, what would they be like?” Hargrove stared directly at his roommate, pulling out and hitting his dab pen in the process.
“What kind of fuckin’ question is that?” An interested smirk formed on Steve’s face as he gestured for Billy to pass him his pen. He took a hit and blew the smoke from his mouth. Harrington pondered for a bit, gathering all the traits in his mind that would make someone attractive to him. “I’d say Blonde.”
“But you’re banging Nancy?” Billy interrupted.
“She's an exception.” Steve laughed before continuing. “Always been attracted to stoners. Plump lips, muscles, fat asses…” Steve trailed on not realizing the description that was coming out of his mouth. It didn’t take long for Billy to realize that he was definitely being marked out.
“Are you describing me?” Steve went silent. This could go one of two ways. Either Billy was gonna be horny enough to wanna suck Steve off or Billy was gonna laugh at him and tell the entire campus. “Because if you are, I’m totally not mad about it… or anything.”
First scenario. Fantastic.
“If I was? Are you gonna do anything about it?” Steve teased. The erection in his sweats was becoming way too noticeable for his roommate not to look. This became evident when Billy’s eyes trailed down the brunette’s thrifted muscle shirt and onto the tent that was forming on his lower body.
“Didn’t even know you swung that way.”
“Same here.”
Now there was no turning back. Only one way out of this. Plus having sex with your roommate isn’t bad. People do it all the time. Right?
Billy put the gaming controller on the coffee table and worked his free hand up Steve’s thigh, without protest. Neither of the boys broke eye contact. The blonde’s hand soon reached the waist of Harrington’s sweats.
“You know you can take them off right?” Steve said awkwardly. Billy gave a laugh in response. It was so obvious that Steve had never done anything like this with a guy before. With the brunette’s permission Billy took off Steve’s sweatpants and underwear with one swift motion. His dick sprung out of its enclosure. Pre cum had already begun to leak out of its tip. Billy had barely done anything yet and already had his roommates dick leaking.
Billy grinned at the sight of his work. “I only rubbed your thigh and you’re already leaking for me? Oh you want me so bad.”
“Do something about it then.” Steve was growing impatient. This was something he wanted for so long. Billy’s teasing was only delaying the inevitable. All he earned was a laugh in response. “Dude just put your mouth on- Holy fuck.”
There it was. Billy was giving Steve head. The sudden nature of Hargrove’s mouth landing on his roommate's dick was purposeful. He wanted to go in while Steve was least expecting it. He knew how embarrassed Steve got when he was caught off guard. Of course this would be something Billy gets off on. Horny bastard.
Steve’s dick was a lot to take in. It wasn’t abnormally large or anything but definitely a little larger than average.
Billy started off slow. A moderate pace to get Steve used to the warmth of his mouth and the swirling of his tongue around the base of his dick. Whenever he did use his tongue, it gained a tiny convulsion from Steve. He loved it.
“Fu- fucking Christ. Just like that. Keep using that tongue.” Steve threw his head back in arousal. His speech was beginning to break up. He figured that Billy had definitely done this before. He knew exactly which places to lick and suck. The blonde took his mouth off of Harrington’s length and slapped it on his tongue. Little bits of spit fell out of Billy’s mouth from the impact. It wasn’t long before the dick reentered the warmth of the blonde’s mouth. It was almost overstimulating, how good Billy was at this. Steve knew he wasn’t gonna last much longer. There was no way he would be able to. “Please don’t stop Billy. Please.” Steve moaned.
Billy sped up the pace of his sucking. His head bobbed up and down on Steve’s length at an increased rate. Nancy couldn’t even suck dick this good. This was way better than Nancy, than Tina, than any of the cheerleaders from high school. He had never experienced such euphoria before. He could feel himself getting closer. Closer to the climax that Steve had wanted to let out so badly.
It felt like he was getting so close until Billy took his mouth off of his dick. Steve’s length was covered in saliva and pre cum. It slightly glistened under the light of the living room.
Billy looked up at Billy, catching his breath. “Are you gonna take some fuckin’ control at some point?” A shit-eating grin followed his sentence. He knew that questioning Steve's dominance would drive him crazy. you pick up a lot of tips when you can hear him Nancy going at it through the walls.
Control? Oh Steve was gonna show him control.
The brunette grabbed onto the bun of Billy’s hair and forced his head back down on his cock, forcing it up and down. Steve thrusted his hips into Billy’s mouth. The pace was even faster than before.
“I’m not gonna last long dude. I’m about to cum. Cum all down your throat.” Steve declared as he continued his thrusts. He earned a few gags and gargles from the blonde. It wasn’t longer after that before Steve released himself down Billy’s mouth. He let go of Billy’s hair and let him remove himself from his dick.
Hargrove was out of breath. “Not bad for your first time. Not as good as me though. Of course.”
“I guess we're just gonna have to see.” Steve responded, getting up from the couch.
Billy laughed. “Now you’re offering to suck me off? How romantic.” the sarcasm rolled off his tongue.
Steve pulled both his underwear and sweatpants up so that they were both worn like they were supposed to. “It’s only fair. Isn’t it?”
“Guess it is. Don't worry though, I'm a great teacher. So I've been told.”
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fizzigigsimmer · 9 months
Every time I remember that one video, I can't help but imagine theater student Steve explaining to Robin his idea for a new show.
Steve: It's called Barrel Aged Cock. It's a story about my dick as told by my dick.
Robin: What the hell Steve?!
Billy: No. I think he's on to something. Respect the process.
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femmethpipe · 10 months
Sooo over the teenager fics. I want my Steve and Billy to be a lil wrinkled and scarred while they spend years running right back to each other, literally dependent on one another to function.
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years
maybe i’m thinking about fratboy!Billy working at his frat’s car wash as part of his pledge in nothing but flip flops and short shorts and maybe i’m thinking about Steve immediately throwing a bag of flour all over his beamer just so he can take it to that very same car wash
and he gets very very hard as Billy rubs his soapy wet tits all over the window, his face flushed pink once Billy’s done and smirking at him through the window, knowing how desperate and pathetic Steve is for him and loving it
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chrisbitchtree · 1 year
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thewildchilde · 1 year
Harringrove agreeing to an open relationship when Billy goes off to college since they both have very high sex drives. He comes home for the holidays and everyone is wondering how Steve, who hasn't really slept around/hasn't found anyone who really catches his interest like Billy does, can handle knowing that Billy probably slept around a heap at college and Steve just shrugs and says "I'm just wondering if I can guess how many people he's fucked, like one of those 'guess how many jellybeans in the jar' games."
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imsodishy · 1 year
someone please write this harringrove au!
Steve would sign away his trust fund! He would even sell the Jag (BMW)! If he could spend his misspent youth with (Billy) in drag!
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grey-sides · 2 years
Hi, hello, happy Sunday evening. Perhaps...Steve as a mechanic. After too many years of dead end retails jobs, he decides to start doing something with his hands. He gets a job working at a high end dealership and happens to run into none other than Billy Hargrove, bringing in his new Camaro for some warranty work.
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annachronisme · 2 years
Harringroveson Breakfast Club!UA
Hear me out here aright 
I watched Breakfast club a week or so ago and obviously I had an idea a Harringroveson Breakfast Club inspired UA 
Inspired because it’s not a ONE DAY kinda idea but several days idea and with only Billy, Steve and Eddie - at least how I see it- and it’s the same as The Breakfast Club detention all day on Sunday/Saturday with our three boys there.
 First dentention day they don’t talk like at all just glance at each other etc but as the days goes they start to speak vaguely to each other blablabla -Steve talks to Eddie about DnD and the kids, Billy and Eddie talk about metal and on and on thats sort of things- or this scene idea where one day they escpape dentention and to avoid the teacher Eddie pick up the lock leaving the other shocked and a bit turned on because damn. A scene where one of them come to talk to the other (eddie probably) in the hallway. Some scene with The Party and the other two. They get drunk together, high together, at some point they get together at Steve house outside of dentention for some reason. 
I don’t want to end it on a hopeful ending or just them parting way without any development in their relationship like in the movie but with true result.
you know just an idea like that. I’m thinking of writing it but I don’t think I will have the motivation to so I’m leaving the idea out there feel free to take it just please mp me or something
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oopsiedaisiesbaby · 1 year
Thank you for the tag @lovebillyhargrove ❤️ Idk if I’m doing this right but the original post had my me thinking…
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Sauve, douchey (but he’s actually soft boi), frat boy Billy…
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with awkward, nerdy, music major Steve.
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dragonflylady77 · 6 months
Not-So Blind Date
Hiiiiiiiii!! This fic was so much fun to write. I hope you enjoy it!
This is my contribution to the @harringrove-relay-race
Roommates AU, Idiots in love | Rating: Teen | 5.1k
On Ao3
Billy's been in love with Steve since about twelve seconds after they met the day Billy moved into the dorms... Once they both graduated, they found jobs and an apartment. Sharing a space with Steve is both the best and the most frustrating thing in Billy’s life.  Because Billy is completely and hopelessly in love with Steve. Because Steve has no idea. Because Steve is straight.
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Billy closes the front door behind him with a relieved sigh. He dumps his keys in the bowl on the sideboard and toes off his shoes.
Today sucked. As if sleeping through his alarm and spilling his coffee on his clean shirt wasn’t enough, he missed the bus and was late for work. Then it just kept getting worse, work was endlessly piling up on his desk, his favorite lunch spot was closed, he dropped sauce on his pants. That was followed by an afternoon of playing phone tag with a couple of suppliers and to top it all off, it started raining on his walk home from the bus stop.
He strips down to his boxers, dumps his clothes in a wet pile on the bathroom floor and turns the shower on before getting a towel from the hallway cupboard. 
He stops when he hears Steve’s voice. It’s unexpected because Billy is pretty sure Steve had a day shift today. He sounds angry but Billy can’t hear another voice so he must be on the phone.
“No, thank you, I’ve heard quite enough… Oh, yes, I’m sure… Whatever, dickhead… Uh huh… Yeah, have a nice life.”
Footsteps get closer and the door to Steve’s room opens before Billy has a chance to disappear into the bathroom.
Steve looks like he’s been crying, his eyes red, his cheeks blotchy, and he’s still wearing his teal scrubs.
“Oh, Billy. Hi. Didn’t realize you were home,” Steve says, startled.
“You okay, pretty boy? Do I need to break someone’s legs?” Billy feels a bit awkward standing there in his boxers, holding a towel to his chest. Exposed. He notices Steve’s gaze taking in his state of undress and it warms something in his chest. A spark of hope he quickly extinguishes.
He’s been in love with Steve since about twelve seconds after they met the day Billy moved into the dorms. Alphabet buddies, roommates and then best friends. Moving from the dorms to an apartment after they both got their degrees and found jobs seemed like a natural progression, splitting the rent and everything else. Sharing a space with Steve is both the best and the most frustrating thing in Billy’s life. 
Because Billy is completely and hopelessly in love with Steve.
Because Steve has no idea.
Because Steve is straight.
Billy brings his focus back on Steve and the current crisis.
“What happened to you?” Steve asks, his hand gesturing vaguely towards Billy’s hair, his curls dripping down his chest.
“Started pissing down on my way home from the fucking bus. Then a car drove through a puddle a bit too close to the sidewalk and I got drenched.”
“Sounds like we both had shitty days.”
“You have no idea.” Billy just wants to have a hot shower and forget today happened.
“Wanna order in and watch Justified?”
“Sounds good, Stevie.” With a grin and a nod, Billy heads to the bathroom. The hopeful part of him likes to imagine Steve is staring at his ass but he doesn’t turn around to check. The bathroom is full of steam when he steps in the shower and he lets the hot water wash away his bad mood.
Steve is sat on the couch, Billy on a cushion on the floor in front of him, the empty pizza boxes discarded on the coffee table, three sad looking pieces of garlic bread left in one of them. Steve is combing curl serum into Billy’s still damp curls with his fingers. He doesn’t remember exactly how long since he started doing this for Billy, it was sometime in their second year in college, but it’s become a calming activity for both of them on bad days.
Justified is playing on the TV, Steve doesn’t know how many times they’ve watched it over the years but it’s their go-to comfort show. No matter what happens at work, Steve knows that Billy will be there when he gets home to cheer him up with take-out, beer and their favorite Deputy US Marshal.
“Hey, Stevie?” Billy asks from his spot on the floor.
“Yeah?” Steve grabs the towel he left on the armrest to wipe his hands then he pats Billy’s shoulder twice to indicate he’s done. Billy moves up to sit on the couch, sprawling next to Steve, his toes wedging under Steve’s thigh.
“Ava or Winona?” 
“Um… Gosh, I don’t know.” It’s been a while since they played the pick one game. Usually the choices are equally ghastly and the game ends in fits of laughter.
“Come on, just pick one.”
“I’m thinking!” Steve looks at the screen. They’re somewhere in season two, Winona and Raylan are tentatively dating and Boyd is boarding at Ava’s house. He thinks about both women and their motivations. “Ava.”
Billy lets out a low whistle. “Well, pretty boy, color me surprised.”
“Why? She takes no shit, rolls with the punches and adapts, and she’s very resourceful. Reminds me a bit of you actually.”
“Aww, Stevie.”
“It’s true.” Steve shrugs. “You got away from Neil and built a good life for yourself. Now we just need to find you a man.” 
And maybe, just maybe, that man could be me.  
The thought hits Steve and he freezes. He blames seeing Billy in his underwear earlier for the stray thought. He’s been doing so good ignoring them but it’s getting trickier, especially on nights like tonight when they’re both very tactile and domestic.
He got tired of telling Robin that Billy is his roommate and not his boyfriend, but it seems the more he answered her never-ending questions, the more she was comforted in the idea. It forced Steve to take stock of all the stray thoughts about Billy he’s been ignoring for, well, years, and untangle them all to realize something major about his identity. And his feelings. Something he has yet to share with Billy.
He’s not sure why he still hasn’t told Billy he’s bisexual. Every shift he’s had with Robin in the past few months, and every time they’ve seen each other outside the hospital, she’s asked him if he’d done it yet. He knows he should tell him, Billy is his best friend after all. But Steve isn’t sure he’s ready to rock the boat. Just because Billy is gay, doesn’t mean he’d be into Steve. And Steve would rather live with Billy as things are, than go through life without him, nursing a broken heart.
“Oh god, not you too,” Billy laughs as he kicks Steve’s thigh. “Heather is constantly on my ass about dating again and I am not interested.”
It’s a nice ass , Steve thinks, feeling his face heat up and hoping Billy doesn’t notice.
It’s been a couple of weeks since Billy came home soaked to the bone and overheard the end of Steve’s phone call. Steve hasn’t mentioned anything but he’s been home more so Billy wonders if that means Steve is single again.
He was clearly dating someone before, even though Billy never got to meet whoever that was, which, weird. Steve tends to bring the women he dates to Friday night drinks with their group of friends, once they’ve made it past the three months mark.
They’ve taken to cooking dinner together when Steve is not working the night shift, and it’s really nice. Billy enjoys the close contact and the banter as they chop and dice and sauté. He misses it when Steve has a night shift, and always makes sure Steve has a plate of leftovers waiting for him in the fridge when he gets home.
Heather has been trying to talk him into going on a blind date with some guy her girlfriend knows. Billy told her he would if she let him meet said girlfriend, because they’ve been going out for months and Billy still knows nothing about the mystery woman. So far Heather hasn’t given up any information so Billy remains blissfully dateless.
He’s not interested anyway. He knows he should try and move on from his crush on Steve, but it’s hard to do when they live together, and he is not prepared to not have Steve in his life.
“You started without me.”
Billy turns around from the sink where he’s washing the vegetables for tonight’s stir fry. Steve is standing in the doorway, wearing Billy’s old UCLA hoodie and carrying a shopping bag. He looks tired. Billy smiles.
“Hey, Stevie, I wasn’t sure when you were coming home and you didn’t text. Sorry.” He nods towards the chopping board on the counter. “You can chop the chicken if you want.”
“Need to get changed first. I’ll be right back.”
They settle into their routine, working together to cook their meal, knowing what needs doing without having to talk about it. Once they’re sitting down on the couch with their food, and a drink, Billy puts Justified on.
“How was your day?” Steve asks and Billy shrugs.
“Tommy was his usual obnoxious self, Heather still won’t tell me anything about her girlfriend and the taco truck I like was back on our street. You?”
“Slept in, had lunch with Robin, we’re both on nights for the rest of the week, so that’s nice, makes it easier.”
“You were home late,” Billy remarks. He missed Steve, okay? Sue him.
“Sorry, should have texted you to let you know. We had lunch at that Japanese restaurant Robin never shuts up about, then she dragged me to the mall to find a present for her girlfriend for their six month anniversary and I had to talk her out of getting a kitten.”
“Oh my god!”
“Uh huh, then she tried to convince me a pet rabbit was the best idea ever.”
“Wow. Glad you were there to stop her. What did she get in the end?”
“Oh well, she walked into Victoria’s Secrets and I told her I was leaving.”
Billy laughs. “I thought you liked that shop. You were always there when you were dating that girl last year.”
Steve blushes. “That was different. I didn’t feel right discussing undergarments about my friend’s secret girlfriend!”
Not for the first time, Billy wonders about the odds of their friends both having a secret girlfriend, and if, maybe, Heather and Robin are dating each other. He told Steve about his theory and they paid attention during Friday night drinks but the two women didn’t even sit next to each other or interact all that much. Either they weren’t dating or they were really good at acting.
“Fair enough.” Billy puts his empty bowl on the floor and stretches. His t-shirt rides up, exposing a sliver of his belly and Steve’s eyes follow the motion. Billy tells himself it doesn’t mean anything, Steve is just reacting to the movement. 
“Anyway, she decided to go back another time, and we found a coffee shop because I needed some caffeine after being at the mall for so long. And that’s when she ambushed me.”
“What do you mean, pretty boy? How did she ambush you?” Billy is confused. He turns around to face Steve, pulling his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them.
“She asked about Sam and when I said we broke up a couple of weeks ago, she tried to convince me to agree to go on a date with someone she reckons is perfect for me.” Steve sighs.
Billy’s fingers dig into his calves. So he was right, and Steve is single. And now he knows the name of the girl Steve was dating. Not for the first time, he wonders if that’s who Steve was on the phone with that night it rained so much. Steve called whoever a dickhead, an insult typically thrown at males, so maybe not.
“What did you say?” The idea of Steve going on a date with someone who isn’t him makes him want to puke.
“Told her it was too soon.”
All Billy hears is that Steve didn’t say no. And really, he has no reason to say no to Robin. Suddenly Billy can’t be in the same room.
“Sorry, gonna head to bed, long day tomorrow.”
“Oh, okay.” Steve looks at him part surprised, part sad, making Billy’s heart squeeze in his chest.
He needs to get out of here.
Steve can’t shake the feeling that Billy is avoiding him. For the past three weeks, Steve’s dinner has been waiting for him when he gets home from a day shift. Every time there is a note from Billy stuck to the fridge, saying he is out with Heather or in his room with a headache or other vaguely believable reasons. And Billy always seems to be on his way out whenever Steve gets up before a night shift. 
It’s starting to piss him off. He has no idea what sparked the change. And he hasn’t seen Billy in person long enough to ask him. Last night, Billy was blasting Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've) by the Buzzcocks, making Steve wonder if Billy had been seeing someone and it ended badly. The music was so loud that Billy didn’t even hear Steve knock on his door.
Maybe tonight will be the night they can sort it out. Steve is running late for Friday night drinks with their group of friends because he had to process a patient right before clocking out.
When he gets to The Upside Down, everyone is already there and Billy is in a corner with Heather, talking animatedly. They stop when they notice Steve has arrived. 
Once again, Steve wonders what the fuck is going on with Billy, and why he won't talk to him about it.
“Hey, dingus!” Robin hands him a beer as he sits down next to her. “Was starting to think you weren’t coming.”
“Got delayed at work and had to stop at home first,” Steve says, taking a sip, eyes on Billy who is looking at his drink. “What did I miss?”
“Heather and Billy bitching about Tommy, mostly,” Robin replies with a shrug.
“We have news,” Nancy says, from where she’s sitting with Jonathan across the table, gathering everyone’s attention. “I, um, I got the job at the New York Times so we’ll be moving in the next month or two.”
The whole table erupts in happy shouts of congratulations. Steve feels a short pang of nostalgia at the thought that the dynamics of their group of friends will change, losing two of its core members. And now he’s worried about losing Billy on top of that.
“You okay, Stevie?” Robin asks, nudging him gently with her elbow and Steve sighs.
“Yeah… just… tired.” He keeps glancing at Billy, who is avoiding eye contact.
“Uh huh. Come help me get the next round,” she says, standing and looking at him expectantly.
Steve gets up and follows Robin to the bar, dreading the conversation he knows he’s coming.
Robin doesn’t waste any time once they get away from the table. “You told him yet?”
“Told who what?” Steve retorts, aware that his reply won’t fly with Robin. He wants to turn around to see if Billy is looking but resists the urge.
“Don’t do that. Don’t pretend you don’t know exactly what I mean,” she says, grabbing his wrist to get his attention. “You need to tell him how you feel.”
“Why?” Steve doesn’t see why he can’t keep secretly crushing on his best friend and roommate, instead of upsetting the status quo and risking everything. But then, the way Billy has been avoiding him makes him dread the day he’ll come home from a shift at the hospital and Billy will be gone, leaving behind a note, if he’s lucky.
“Because that man has been gone on you for freaking years and you’ve been too blind to see it. And because he, at the very least, needs to know you’re not as straight as he believes you to be.” Robin squeezes his hand. “And if you won’t, then you need to find a way to move on and let him go.”
“Rob…” Steve’s heart squeezes painfully at the thought and something heavy settles in his gut.
“You can’t keep going like this, sweetie. You deserve to be happy. You both do.”
Steve closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Robin is right. He can’t live like this. He needs to do something . “Fine.” 
“Fine what?”
“Set me up on that stupid date with that guy you think is so perfect for me.”
Robin stares at him for a long time before she speaks. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”
Steve shrugs. “Sounds better than losing my best friend when he inevitably turns me down.”
Billy needs to get out before he punches a hole in the wall.
He was having a drink before he got started on dinner prep when Steve woke up after his night shift and sprung the news on him that he was going out. On a fucking date . It took all of Billy’s control to not hurl his beer bottle at the wall.
Now Steve is getting ready and Billy locked himself in his room, pacing and trying not to scream. If Steve brings the girl home at the end of their date, Billy might have to throw himself out of the window.
He grabs his phone and texts Heather.
hank, you busy
need to get out of here
steve going on a fucking date
why is this happening to me
the universe hates me
come on 
i need you
please hank
i’ll jump out the window
Billy regrets having quit smoking because he’d kill for a cigarette, if only for something to do with his hands that’s not serial texting Heather or punching his pillow because he can’t make holes in the wall and risk losing the security deposit.
OMFG Blondie, calm your tits!
don’t tell me to calm down what if he brings his date home
i can’t do this i’ll pack a bag and move out while steve’s on his date
Jesus Fucking Christ, William.
First of all, you live on the first floor, so you’re unlikely to do much damage to yourself if you jump out the window.
you underestimate how much i can do out of spite
I would laugh at you so much before I called the ambulance.
you’re supposed to be my friend and you’re making fun of my pain
Ugh. Seriously, Billy, I’m out on a date with my girlfriend right now.
everyone is on a fucking date fine let me die alone
I swear to God, you are such a drama queen.
We’re at Enzo’s, come over, I’ll buy you a drink and you can crash my date, I guess.
oh so now i’m good enough to meet your girlfriend
steve just left i heard the door
Wear something nice.
Because Enzo’s is a nice place and they won’t let you in if you’re wearing your sweatpants and your ratty Scorpions t-shirt.
Clean button down and your nice jacket, if you please.
ugh fine
gonna have a quick shower first
If you must. Want me to get you an Uber? 20 mins?
yes please
thank you hank
love you
Love you too, Blondie.
Billy takes a quick shower and speeds through his hair care routine before putting on the clothes Heather requested. He’s ready and outside a couple of minutes before the car Heather ordered for him arrives.
He tries not to think about Steve and his date and attempts to distract himself by doom scrolling on Instagram. Steve posted a photo of a candle on a white table cloth in his stories. On the verge of tears, Billy closes the app and puts his phone in his pocket. 
Heather is waiting for him outside the restaurant and hugs him as soon as he steps out of the Uber.
“You clean up good, Blondie.”
“Fuck off,” Billy says, but there’s no anger in it. He feels drained and heartbroken. Steve is wining and dining some chick and Billy wants to cry. He’s glad Max is away, cycling the length of New Zealand with Lucas, because there’s no way he could take her ‘I told you so’ right now.
“Come on. I’ll introduce you to my girlfriend.” Heather leads them through the doors and past the maître d’. Billy looks ahead and something clicks when he spots Robin in a booth at the back of the room. Someone is sitting across from her but he can’t see who yet because they have their back to the room.
“I knew it.” 
“What?” Heather asks, glancing back at him for a second without stopping.
“You and Robin.”
Heather stops then and turns to face him. “What do you mean, you knew? You never said.”
“Both of you saying you have a mystery girlfriend you don’t wanna talk about? That no one can meet or know anything about?” Billy shrugs and manages a small smile. “I’m happy for you, but I don’t get why you felt you had to hide it.”
“Sorry. It was nice to keep it to just the two of us at first and then we weren’t sure how to tell everyone. Then it kinda became a game to see how long it would take you guys to notice and say something.”
Billy nods towards the booth where Robin is sitting. “Looks like I’m not the only one crashing your date night.”
“Oh,” Heather says, with a smile that Billy recognizes, it’s the one meaning she’s up to no good. “That’s your date.”
Steve is getting really frustrated with Robin. They’ve been sitting at Enzo’s for over twenty minutes and she still hasn’t told him anything about this mystery person she set him up with. She said her girlfriend is waiting outside to bring them in and encouraged Steve to enjoy his rum and coke and the complimentary breadsticks.
“Oh,” he hears a familiar voice say behind him, “that’s your date.”
He turns around and freezes on the spot, his hand gripping the table for support. Heather. Robin’s girlfriend is Heather . He remembers having many discussions about it with Billy but they could never decide whether the two were actually together or not.
There’s movement behind Heather and someone steps out beside her. Steve’s heart skips a beat. It’s Billy. He’s wearing that dark red button-down shirt that looks so good on him and his nice jacket. Steve feels his heart rate speed up.
Billy looks as confused as he does so Steve turns back to Robin. “Robin... What…what’s going on?”
“Well, Stevie, I told you that my girlfriend knew someone who’s perfect for you,” Robin says with a satisfied grin and Steve wants to shake her until she explains. He puts his hands on his thighs and squeezes them into fists. 
This is not happening.
“What the fuck do you mean, Harrington is my date? He’s the one who’s on a date, Hank, not me.”
Hearing Billy refer to him by his last name hurts, like a knife through the heart. He hasn’t done that since the first months they lived in the dorms back in college, before they became friends. Steve never expected their friendship to end in a fancy restaurant in front of an audience but apparently this is happening now and there is nothing he can do about it.
Heather shoves Billy forward and Robin gets out of the bench seat so Billy can sit there instead. He does so only after Heather glares at him and Steve takes a closer look at him. Billy still won’t make eye contact with him and Steve can tell he’s clenching his jaw, like he does when he’s angry or frustrated. Before either of them can say anything, Heather puts both hands on the table and looks at each of them in turn.
“Both of you, shut it and listen,” she starts, Robin standing by her side, looking resolute.
“Hank—” Billy starts, shutting up when Heather lifts one eyebrow and gives him a withering look. 
“No. This has gone on for far too long. I know it’s bad form to out someone but needs must. Billy, honey, Bambi here is not as straight as you think. I am not sure why he hasn’t told you yet, but I know that Robin has been on his case about it for ages. And you,” she turns to Steve and he sits up straighter. 
The woman is scary, Steve isn’t afraid to admit it. He stays silent and waits to see what she’s going to dish out.
“If you can’t see that my boy here has been gone on you pretty much since he met you, I don’t know what to tell you.” 
Robin puts her hand on Steve’s and gives him a light squeeze. “I told you the other night you couldn’t keep going like this. You and Billy need to talk. Take the time you need, enjoy your dinner and we’ll see you tomorrow.”
Heather pats Billy’s shoulder then she takes Robin’s hand, and they leave the two of them alone. Steve is reeling from the exchange, his mind stuck on what Heather said to him.
“Billy…” he starts, the words dying in his throat when he sees the haunted look on Billy’s face.
“Is it true?” Billy whispers, fiddling with the ring on his finger. His cheeks are pink and his shoulders curled up like all his confidence drained away. 
It makes Steve’s chest hurt to see him like this. He reaches across the table but his hands stop just short of Billy’s. “Yeah, I’m… I’m bisexual. I, um, I was going out with this guy called Sam a couple of months ago but I broke up with him.”
Billy’s voice is just above a whisper, his eyes shiny with unshed tears and Steve wants to punch himself for putting them there.
“He wanted to, um, to go all the way, and when I said I wasn't ready for that yet, he decided to get it from someone else. I found out and dumped him.”
“Billy…” Steve waits for Billy to look at him and this time he slides his fingers over Billy’s. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I guess… I guess I was scared.”
“Scared? Steve, I’m gay, what did you think I was gonna say if you told me?”
Steve breaks eye contact and looks down at their hands on the table. His reason for not telling Billy seems flimsy as fuck now. “I was scared I would tell you you’re the reason I realized I was into guys and you wouldn’t feel the same way about me. And you’re too important to me and I didn’t want to risk what we had.”
Billy laughs then, but it’s a wet, sad kind of laugh. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Billy turns his hands over and links their fingers together. “Pretty boy, I’ve been in love with you since the day I met you.”
“You… you never said anything.” Steve feels his cheeks heat up.
“Steve, you always said you were straight. I didn’t see the point. It was hard enough when I knew you were actually in a relationship with someone but when you mentioned Robin setting you up on a date the other day, I couldn’t pretend to be okay with it anymore.”
“I’m sorry, Billy. I’m so sorry.” He can’t believe he almost missed out on this. Almost lost Billy. “I realized you were avoiding me but I couldn’t work out why. Every time I came home from work, I worried you would be gone for good. And it broke my heart.”
Billy must see something on his face because he leaves his side of the table to sit next to Steve, his arm going over Steve’s shoulders and pulling him close.
“Baby… I’m sorry. It hurt too much to be around you.”
Steve wraps his arms around Billy’s waist and buries his face in Billy’s neck, inhaling the scent he knows so well, taking comfort in it. After a moment, he pulls back just enough so he can look Billy in the eye. “I love you. I’m sorry it took me so long.”
Billy doesn’t say anything in reply, instead he moves his hands to cup Steve’s face and presses their lips together. 
Steve melts into the kiss. He never wants it to end. He wants to climb inside Billy’s chest and live there forever. He finds that reality is so much better than any dreams he had.
A discreet cough behind them puts a stop to the kiss and they pull apart slowly. A waitress is standing by their table, holding a tablet to take their order. Steve looks at Billy, who nods with a smile.
“I’ll just… um, pay for the drinks, and we’ll be on our way, sorry for the trouble,” Steve stammers, feeling his cheeks heat up, trying to process the fact that he just made out with Billy in the middle of a fancy restaurant. Oooooops.
“That’s fine, sir, the tab for the drinks was settled earlier,” the woman says with a smile.
“Oh, okay.”
Billy squeezes Steve’s shoulder. “Let’s go home, pretty boy.”
Steve smiles before untangling himself from Billy and getting out of the seat. He feels Billy following as he gets his wallet out of his pocket and pulls a twenty dollar note from it. He hands the waitress the tip and thanks her before taking Billy’s hand in his and leading the way towards the exit.
They make out against the wall while they wait for the Uber that takes them home, and pick up where they left off as soon as they walk through their front door. They kick off their shoes and take off their clothes in record time then tumble in a tangle of limbs onto Billy’s bed.
Steve is naked with the man he loves and they’re kissing and laughing and dry humping like teenagers and he doesn’t remember ever feeling this happy and content with anyone.
Later, when they’re both sated after a couple of orgasms each, they pad to the kitchen in their boxers. Billy makes them chocolate mug cakes that they eat with ice cream under a blanket on the couch. Phones turned off to keep the bubble they’re in intact, they put on Justified.
“Hmmm…” Bill says, looking at the screen with a smirk.
“What?” Steve asks, half expecting what comes next.
“I guess I should have asked Ava or Boyd, really.”
Steve groans as Billy cackles, the blanket falling off them.
“Dick,” Steve says, punching him playfully in the shoulder. “Okay, Raylan or Boyd?”
Billy pretends to think about it, Steve can tell. Then he looks at Steve, all serious. 
Please look forward to the wonderful work from the next contributor: @lorifragolina
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brawlite · 21 days
kings of the castle
2k, billy hargrove/steve harrington, rated t
🍻 canon divergence, billy returns to hawkins post-college to tidy up his father's affairs 🍻 a quiet little reunion at the top of the abandoned hawkins lab 🍻 a little taste of the truth for billy hargrove 🍻 reconnection & reconciliation 🍻 and a little taste of the real billy hargrove for steve harrington
description: Back in Hawkins for his father's funeral, Billy finds himself an unexpected companion while drinking on the top of an abandoned building in the middle of the woods.
excerpt: “You wanna join the party, King Steve?” he asks. “Still got a few beers left. I’ll even share.”
The cover of night does nothing to mask the incredulous look on Steve’s face.
“You can’t drink here,” Steve says, like some kind of narc.
Billy looks around. Pulls a face. “Oh shit, did I miss a sign?” He takes a hefty slug of his beer. “This place is abandoned, Harrington. Don’t be so uptight.”
check it out here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58756732
[note: written in 2023 for the kings of nowhere harringrove zine]
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