#Harley Hudson
superherobriefings · 1 year
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The Firefly, Enemy Of Crime
Creator(s): Bob Wood, Harry Shorten
Alias(es): Harley Hudson
1st Issue w/Uniform: Top-Notch Comics #12
Year/Month of Publication: 1941/02
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wrestlingmgc · 1 month
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Harley Hudson.
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rpfd · 2 years
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Here’s 4 more for today.
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dailydccomics · 26 days
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Ivy is so valid Gotham City Sirens (2024) #4
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but-a-humble-goon · 1 month
Next issue
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lecheroustaint · 2 months
👻Incoming Snap👻
open to: f suggested connections: father/grandfather, uncle (step incl.). Tab*o and all around gr*ss connections welcome and encouraged
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HARLEY: Woke up from my afternoon nap with a wet spot on my thigh HARLEY: You wouldn't have any idea of what happened, would you? HARLEY: 🤨🤔
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crazyw3irdo · 2 years
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faded-if · 1 year
👀👀 already very excited for you if! And I will never get tired of a bodyguard/security romance hahaha- all of the ROs seem pretty interesting too!
Thank you! Harry/Harley, Jaime, and Hudson, are at the lower end of angsty for the cast, something to soothe you all when it comes to the others, I’m glad that you like them! I do love some good bodyguard romances!
Thank you for sending this ask!
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1955 Chrysler Falcon Concept
In 1951, Chrysler made a strategic decision to hire Virgil Exner, which ultimately saved the company from financial ruin in the mid-1950s. Exner's innovative designs, known as the 'Forward Look,' not only revolutionized Chrysler's product line but also influenced the entire American automotive industry's shift towards modernity. While General Motors (GM) was successful during this period, Harley Earl, GM's design chief, acknowledged the need to catch up with Chrysler's designs. Ford, on the other hand, made costly mistakes, such as introducing the Edsel and discontinuing the two-seater Thunderbird, which resulted in the company playing catch-up. The other automakers, including Hudson, Nash, Studebaker, and Packard, failed to impress consumers with their designs, leading to their eventual downfall. The only exception was the Avanti, which was a well-designed car but ultimately failed in the market. In conclusion, Chrysler's strategic hiring of Virgil Exner and his innovative designs played a significant role in the company's success during the mid-1950s, while other automakers struggled to keep up with the changing times.
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superherobriefings · 1 year
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The Firefly
Creator(s): Bob Wood, Harry Shorten
Alias(es): Harley Hudson
1st Issue w/Uniform: Top-Notch Comics #13
Year/Month of Publication: 1941/03
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britany1997 · 1 year
Let’s Motor
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I genuinely wasn’t expecting the response to Rev Your Engines that I got, I was feeling very insecure about my writing when I posted it and I’m crying that y’all loved it so much😭 (read part one here)
I’ve also decided on subsequent fics to indicate when I won’t be writing any more parts, so this will be the final part to this series:) hope y’all love it!
Pre-read by my motorcycle expert adopted brother @pixielostboy 🥰
Poly! Lost boys x GN motor expert reader
You rolled out from under your 1953 Buick wildcat, smearing your hand across your face as you attempted to wipe it clean of oil.
When you’d finished your shift for the night, your boss was kind enough to let you use the shop’s tools to fix up your own ride.
The tune ups were going well, but you still took your Harley to work instead, hopeful you’d run into the strange group of rockers from a few days ago.
You checked your watch and sighed. Lately you’d tended to drag your feet, just in case the biker boys did drop by, but after days of waiting, you’d finally decided they weren’t coming.
That is until you heard the familiar mumbling of four motors pulling up behind you. You chuckled to yourself as you pulled a bandana from your back pocket to wipe your brow and turned around.
Your face fell as you realized the sight in front of you was not the four weirdos you were hoping to meet again, but another group of leather clad bikers.
You sighed and turned back to pack up your things.
“Expectin’ someone?”
You whipped your head around to lock eyes with a smirking Paul, leaning against a broken down truck one of your coworkers had been fixing up.
“Hello again,” you raised an eyebrow as you wiped down your tools, “where ya been?”
“Been busy sugar,” he explained, “didn’t mean we didn’t wanna come.”
Your lips turned up against your will as you shrugged in reply, “maybe I wanted to see you guys too.”
Paul’s face lit up at your words.
“Why didn’t I hear your bike pull up?” you asked.
“Got one of those silent mufflers, bike don’t make a sound,” he told you.
Your brow furrowed in confusion. Silent mufflers? “What?”
“Kidding babe, just didn’t wanna move the bikes from the boardwalk, I uh walked over.”
You scoffed, “isn’t it like a five mile walk?”
Paul rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “yeah I uh, I walk fast.”
You snorted, “whatever Paulie, you want a ride back on my bike?”
“Yes please,” he sing-songed as he practically skipped over to your side.
You mounted your Harley before Paul slid in behind you. “Hold on tight yeah?” you told him.
“Don’t gotta tell me twice sugar,” he said as his arms slid around your middle. He squeezed your sides gently causing you to flinch.
“Maybe not that tight,” you laughed.
Paul moved his hands to rest on your hips as you nudged up your kickstand with your heel before reving your engine and taking off down the road.
The short drive to the boardwalk gave Paul’s hands many opportunities to wander from your hips, but luckily for him you didn’t mind too much.
You parked your bike to the side of Max’s video as both you and Paul slid off and walked toward the three other boys loitering near the pier.
“Well, well, well,” David smirked as he took a drag, “just couldn’t stay away could ya?”
You scoffed in mock offense, “excuse me, but this one,” you jerked your thumb towards Paul, “tracked me down at work for you idiots.”
David threw his cigarette to the ground and stomped it out, “maybe we needed you to fix up one of our bikes again.”
You snorted, “they look fine to me.”
Dwayne rolled his eyes, “sorry about him, we really did just want to see you.”
You blushed as your gaze fell to the gorgeous brunette man’s shoes, “I kinda wanted to see you guys again too.”
“Wanna race?” Marko blurted out, bouncing on his heels in excitement.
Your head snapped up, “race? Race where?” you asked.
“Hudson’s bluff,” David spoke up, “you know it?”
“Yeah I know it,” you paused for a second, “what does the winner get?”
“A kiss from you,” Paul said smirking, as he leaned an elbow on your shoulder.
You rolled your shoulder, causing his elbow to slide right off you, “and what do I get if I win?” you asked.
“Four kisses,” Paul winked.
You rolled your eyes, “if I win I want…” you trailed off as you thought to yourself.
A lightbulb went off in your head, “I want that,” you decided as you pointed at David’s long black trenchcoat.
David’s jaw dropped, not usually one to be caught off guard, “…you want my coat?”
He regained his senses, “absolutely not, no.”
You pouted in mock sympathy, “scared you’re gonna lose Davey?”
He scoffed, “never.”
You shrugged, “then you’ve got nothing to worry about right?”
David bit his lip and weighed his options. There were four of them and only one of you. How could one little human beat four vicious vampires? You didn’t stand a chance.
David smirked and stuck out his hand, “deal.”
You smiled as you shook his hand, “alright then.”
It didn’t take the five of you long to clamor onto your bikes and line up parallel to each other.
“You’re going down,” Marko whispered from the left of you as Dwayne counted down.
You smirked, “we’ll see.”
As soon as Dwayne bellowed “go,” you were off.
You whipped through the beach, kicking up sand as you rode and making a mental note to clean your wheels later. Paul and David had an early lead, with you and Marko not far behind.
Dwayne trailed behind the four of you, but you suspected it wasn’t for lack of ability but more to teach David a lesson. Either way, you appreciated it.
As you turned off into the forest you pulled past Paul, flicking a wave in his direction as you left him in the dust. You smiled as you heard a soft gasp behind you from the shocked blond boy.
You leaned forward, your brow furrowing as you accelerated until you were neck and neck with David.
“Give up? You could still keep your coat,” you taunted him, keeping your eyes trained on the road.
“Not on your life.” he spit through gritted teeth.
“Suit yourself,” you replied as you pushed forward on the throttle, weaving in front of David and pulling up at the edge of the cliff.
David pulled to a stop in disbelief, “you…how did you…” he sputtered as he tried to make sense of what had just happened.
You smiled, “increased the size of my rear sprocket by two teeth awhile back, helps the bike accelerate quicker,” you explained.
“Why didn’t you say anything babe?” Paul inquired as he parked next to the two of you.
You shrugged, “you never asked,”
“Pretty smart if you ask me,” Marko admitted as he joined as well, “I woulda done that too.”
“Looks like you’ve got a jacket to hand over huh David?” Dwayne teased as he came around to David’s side, playing with the hem of the coat.
David’s face flushed red as he realized. He moved to take the coat off when you stopped him, placing a hand on his.
“No need,” you assured him, “the look on your face is a good enough prize for me.”
David grumbled as the other boys dissolved into fits of laughter.
“You’re a good time babe,” Paul nudged you with his elbow, “we live just down there if you’d like to come in for a drink,” he offered smoothly as the others exchanged knowing glances.
“Sure,” you smiled, “I could go for a drink.”
@pixielostboy @bloodywickedvamp @6lostgirl6 @anna1306 @misslavenderlady @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame @paulxbathbomd @peachpixiesstuff @ria-coolgirl @flower-crowned-lady @lostboys1987girl @ghoulgeousimmaculate @feardot-com @softchonk @gothamslostboy @arenpath @bitchyexpertprincess @memphiscity69 @kurt-nightcrawler @solobagginses @mickkmaiden333 @arbesa-mind @warrior-616 @consuming-karma @dwaynedelight @vampirefilmlover @its-freaking-bats @dwaynesluscioushair @hallotonia
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homiesondaweb · 1 year
This is my theory piece on astv Hobie's Backstory.
Despite the whole Punk lifestyle, living on a repurposed canal boat, minor rock star status, and having active warrants out for both his civilian and Spidey persona thing he's got going on. Hobie had a pretty normal childhood for a bit. 
His Pa managed the local radio stations and his Ma was a lead writer for the newspaper. Hobie found himself the baby out of 5 siblings and their 4 bedroom flat was just a bit too small for the 7 people family but it was great. 
The neighborhood was always lively with community get-togethers, music rattled the bricks and the air was always savory with smell of jerk. Hobie used to eat himself sick with coconut candy and orange cake every weekend. He liked going to 'school' which meant being crammed into Ms. Ngozi and Ms. Freedman's flat with the other neighborhood kids then being taught from books Ms. Freedman had smuggled in when she partnered with Ms. Ngozi. Reading, writing, history, debate, arithmetic, ethics, journalism, all kinds of science but Ngozi loved when Hobie would take a machine apart and remake it. 
His eldest siblings by about 12 years, twin brothers Hudson and Hector ran the 'Shop'. If you needed something fixed within their 6 block neighborhood you took it there. Cars, big appliances, medical equipment, radios, tvs, his brothers could fix it all. They'd fix it good, cheap or free and in a timely manner. (And they greatly encouraged their Little Bart brother to tinker) 
Next was is other older brother, Henry. He was only 9 years older than him. A photographer and worked under their mother getting dynamic shots for any article she posted. He introduced Hobie to a lot of artists and taught him how to observe the world around him. How to sneak in and out of it.
Then there was his only sister, Harley. She was closest in age to him, only 5 years older. She was a badass on the guitar and even slicker at the mouth. She debated anyone under a table and had a right hook to back it up. You never would have pegged her to be the one to run the community garden. Not with her self-done piercings, bleach painted jackets, head fully of bantu knots and black lipstick. But she did, she taught Hobie everything to know about growing orchids and tomatoes.
Life was good. Despite the rising police violence, cost of living, and the fumes of Oscorp rising. 11 year old Hobie didn't know it to be anything else. 
Then, he turns 12. Ma and Henry don't come home.
He's 12 and the Ngozi-Freedman homeschool is raided. He never sees them again but Harley fills her stage trunk with their books and records.
He's 12. Someone reported the shop and President Osborne new "certificate enforcement" squad torches the building. Hudson gets away but the Symbiotes bail out Hector to them and he only has one arm. 
He's 12. The government has taken over the radio station, firing Pa. The house becomes cramped with the equipment Pa had smuggled out. Hudson shows back up and he's as ghost as Hector.
He's 12 and half his friends are just faces on murals and the other half is sick from the water. The garden is sabotaged and the city fines Harley (how the fuck do you fine a 17 year old?) 
And there's a protest. Pa has taken over the radios in the city and rallies the people, he repeats Ma articles over and over informing the people about the propaganda, the contamination, the disappeared people, the injustice. He repeats them and repeated them as the twins litter the city with flyers using Henry's photos of the truth. 
And there's a protest. 
There's hundred of protests of all sizes, all over.
There's a riot. 
There's riots.
There's fire and panic and Symbiotes spill into the neighborhood like oil and-
Hobie turns 13, it's just him and Harley. 
Hobie turns 14, it's just him and Harley's guitar.
Hobie is 15, he's just some punk kid bit by a radioactive spider while trying to find shelter from a Symbiote raid. He uses this to his advantage. 
He turns 16 and instead of blowing out birthday candles he's smashing Harley's guitar through a fascist dictator head with his fellow super powered punks. (He can't think of a better wish)
He's 17 and Miguel makes a mistake in showing up to his dimension with an offer to join his 'society'. 
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dailydccomics · 1 month
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something to be said about the stubbornness of cats Gotham City Sirens (2024) #3 by Leah Williams and Matteo Lolli
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alldancersaretalented · 2 months
Dancers attending P21 Intensive
Olivia Elise Victoria Nikolovva
AM Dance
Aurora Monroe
Ale Mancillas Dance Studio
Balbina Cueva
Allegro Performing Arts Academy
Arina Bryzgunova Bella Verbera-Hernandez
Aspirations Dance Company
Lola Nelms
Avanti Dance Company
Hayden Goren Eva Graziano Mia Menji Kaylee Randeniya Rosie Zahoul Sans Blair Tennant
Capitol Dance Company
Malia ?
Center Stage Performing Arts
Tommie Milazzo
Club Dance Studio
Brooklyn Besch Emma Kleve Claire Pistor
Dance Alliance of Camarillo
Shiloh Lark Farrah ?
Dance Dimensions Performic Arts Center
Victoria Safahi Serena Wilcox
Lyla Haider
Dance Collective DC
Janelle Liu
Dance Edge Studios
Antonia Zanin
Dance Magic Performic Company
Savannah Lee
Dance Makers of Atlanta
Nola Paulina
Ella Bustillos Hudson Hensley Ella Nani Knight Ella Koehnen Soleil Lynch Aria McCrea Cheyenne Ringerman Sydney Swinehart
Dance Republic
Graisyn Clare
Dansé Escuela de Danza
Alexa Ahumada Marielisa Portillo Isabella Trabucco
DC Dance Factory
Pay Lynch
Dolce Dance Studio
Brixtyn Cappo
École de dance Louise
Léonie Macorig
Edge Studios
Sienna ? Aria Giusti
Encore ELite
Leona Zariel
Epic Motion Dance Studio
Maria Sofia Rodríguez Mia Sofia Covarrubias Tinoco
Essence of Dance
Ava Killam Makena Killam Briar ?
Eternal Dance Company
Maddie Kronenberg
Evoke Dance Movement
Emmy Claire
Evolution Dance
Scarlett O'Neil
Evolve Dance Center
Maria Belen Salido
Evolve Dance Centre
Izabella Modarresi
Excel Performing Arts
Emma Sheff
Fusion Dance Omaha
Gigi Murray
Glass House Dance
Eden Cui
Groove Studios WA
Kaiden Koths Abby Mae
Hart Academy of Dance
Lydon Thach
Havilah Dance Company
Caitlyn Marie Malea Jade Moore
Inferno Dance Co
Maizie Smith
Instyle Dance Company
Jacilynn Mar
Janet Dunstans Dance Academy
Adeline Glenn
K2 Studios
Neriah Karmann Lennon Reign Jessica Sutton
Larkin Dance Studio
Matinly Conrad Palmer Petier
Legacy Dance Productions
Sophie Boonstra Paisley Clarke
Legacy Studio of Performing Arts
Brynne Smith
McKinley School of Dance
Teodora Narancic
Murrieta Dance Project
Khloe Cabrera Gracie Gilroy
N10 Dance Studio
Claire Avonne Kingston Madison Ng
No Limits Dance Academy
Ayanna Voulgaris
Nor Cal Dance Arts
Aria Davi Aubrey Paz Olyvia Reza
North Calgary Dance Centre
Ellie Blakley Georgia Blakley
Libby Haye
Onstage Dance Center - Los Alamitos
Adalyn Nicole
Pave San Diego
Eleanor Bullock Aryanna La Fontaine Cooper
Pave School of the Arts
Sofia Cuevas Stella Fisk Livi Matson
Perception Dance
Mabel James
Project 21
Ellie Anbarden Olivia Armstrong Lilly Barajas Sienna Carlston Kami Couch Katie Couch Kenzie Couch Airi Dela Cruz Stella Eberts Gracyn French Regan Gerena Richie Granese Mady Kim Brooklyn Ladia Leilani Lawlor Chloe Mirabel Savanna Musman Madelyn Nasu Avery Reyes Berkeley Scifres Bristyn Scifres Sara Von Rotz Leighton Werner
Project 520 Dance Studio
Adelynn ? Karli Heim Sasha Muratalieva
Queen City Dance
Annabel Speck
Seattle Storm Dance Troupe
Claire Clark
Shooting Stars Dance Studio
Karsyn Hernandez Malani Maliya
Stars Dance Studio
Hannah Burak Catherine Clayton Fabiana Pierleoni Elie Rabin
Starstruck Performing Arts Center KS
Kinley Winn
Steps Dance Center
Emmie Pitt
Studio Fusion
Harley Gross Juliet Anne Wydo
The Collaborative
Addison Cullather
The Company Space
Piper Perusse Stella Marcordes Vivian Marcordes
Isabella Tamayo
The Dance Collective DC
Eva Rogachevsky Quincy Thomas
The Dance Collective MD
Lyla Urban
The Dance Company of Los Gatos
Scarlett Blu Chloe Rose
The Vision Dance Alliance
Emily Polis
Utah Ballet Festival
Ruby Taylor
West Coast Dance Complex
Mila Barnett
Xtreme Dance Studio
Jocelyn Longroy
YYC Dance Project
Kinsley Oykhman
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