#Harlequin leitmotif
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Album: AlterniaBound Composer: David Ko and Toby Fox Leitmotifs: Showtime, Pumpkin Cravings, Harlequin, Sunsetter, Desperado, Megalovania, Vagabounce, Beatdown Characters: Tavros Nitram, Tinkerbull
You may know this from:
[S] Liz: STRIFE! (From MSPFA "Nightfall")
[S] Izzy: STRIFE! (From MSPFA "Scapecast")
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blindrapture · 3 months
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The Rake, drawn by RealaChao Seen in the June 28th log
The Rake was a creepypasta. It didn't originate in the Fear Mythos, or the Slender Man Mythos, or anywhere like that; it was just a creepypasta. We in the Fear Mythos didn't really get "permission" to use it. I, myself, didn't super care about the Rake? I had a hard time seeing him as a Fear. When I wrote the Rake into Rapture on the first log, it was acting as a creepypasta, same as why there's SCP references and secretcity in there. And my general dismissal of the Rake is partly why there's four of them, though that's also meant to be The Four Horsemen, there are four Rakes because Revelation had four horsemen.
Once we get towards the end of Act 1, however, I had decided, quite confidently, that the Fears would be in this story. And I wanted every Fear to appear in Rapture with a twist, I wanted these to be unique portrayals of all the Fears; the Harlequin is a prime example of that, as she is a distinct portrayal of the Wooden Girl, rather than just copying the original story like I did with creepypastas. But I already had the Rake in here, and I already had the slender man too, so how the heck was I gonna add twists on them?
Well. You gotta wait for that.
But anyway, Reala actually drew this Rake many many years ago. I don't know because I don't remember ever seeing it back then. I only eventually saw it when Reala sent me her complete archive of rapture art, unfinished scraps and all. I found this in there and was like "WHAT THE FUCK, THIS IS GREAT, WHY DIDN'T WE EVER USE THIS."
We're using it now. :) Enjoy it, a "new" piece of Rapture art. :DDD feels so good to say that
Early in the Fear Mythos, a guy named Bound by the Moon made us some music for a handful of the Fears, calling them leitmotifs. He did one for the Rake. Here's a "cover" of that I did, "by the Sunsetters."
It's partly just a fun little challenge for myself, transposing these old mp3s into sheet music completely by ear. The rhythms of this one took me a bit of time. But I do these because those old leitmotifs do mean a lot to me. Bound by the Moon did some cool stuff, and we were crazy flattered to have music for our monsters. And, uh, also the Rake. It's a cool piece. Frantic and visceral. Quite appropriate!
This is kinda the only real opportunity I'll have to post this one.
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ashtraythief · 2 years
haven’t read outlander! is it good? talk about your favorite books now though, i’d love to hear them :)
I don't know, people have very different opinions on outlander. I think Outlander is good for what it is: a detailed, dense elevation of the harlequin genre with engaging supporting characters and a good use of tropes. It's not technically a harlequin novel, but the love story kinda fits and the protagonist puts most fictional romance heros to shame (he's brooding and funny!). I like the first three books, the fourth one is okay and she really should have gone with the good open ending she had there, afterwards it really went off the rails and I quit because it became too insane. There's only so much time travel hijinks I could take. The author's persona also was kinda off putting. Her opinion on fanfic is not positive lol. The show is different, and the plot changes drastically after season one, but good from what I've seen.
My favorite books…
So many, nonnie, and I could write essays about them which will bore people to death, but I will say that Michael Ende is my favorite writer and the Neverending Story my favorite book and I need everyone who has seen the movie to understand that that is an absolutely failed film adaptation. The makers of the movie did not understand the core message of self-determination, responsibility and finding yourself of the book and ruined the leitmotif for a cheep scene at the end of the movie, nevermind all the things they missed in between. The movie itself as a fantasy movie for kids probably is okay, but it has as much to do with the essence of the book as strawberry pop tarts with actual strawberries. And the reason I talk about the movie is because not a lot of people outside of Germany have read thet book whereas the movie unfortunately spread widely 😅
I can also only recommend Momo which is still, despite being fifty years old, an extremely topical story about the value of time, losing focus on friends and family to become cogs in the soul sucking, exploitative, meaninglessly consumerist machine of capitalism without really understanding why, working for nebulous, unattainable goals for a shadowy elite that will literally steal and corrupt your life force to feed themselves. I know it sounds dark, but it is a lovely story about friendship and kindness and it has a great grumpy turtle with a heart of gold.
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toriel-2 · 2 years
homestuck harlequin leitmotif
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jgsburb413 · 1 year
Becoming insatiable about how various Homestuck Leitmotifs are utilized in the actual comic itself like what do you MEAN you can trace the throughline from the the comic's harlequin imagery all the way to Gamzee's planting nightmares into deam June's head through the Harlequin motif.
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heir-of-puns · 8 years
I totally forgot that I did, in fact, do a leitmotif tribute back when I was doing Aspectrum. So I built a new Harlequin arrangement around Terminal (the song for Rage) and spiced it up a bunch. At like 1:30 AM because I can’t sleep for shit. Hopefully I fall asleep pretty soon after I post this. Anyway here’s a(nother) tribute to Harlequin, by Mark Hadley.
(New stuff) Arrangement of:
Space Prankster - David Ko
Hardlyquin - Mark Hadley
Harlequin - Mark Hadley
Sound Judgement - Malcolm Brown
A shit ton of laughing SFX and a bike horn SFX via SoundBible
(Terminal) Arrangement of:
Harlequin (Rock Version) - Michael Guy Bowman and Joseph Aylsworth
Harlequin - Mark Hadley
The Carnival - Erik Scheele
Harleboss - Malcolm Brown
Songs belong to their artists and/or What Pumpkin. Harlequin by Mark Hadley.
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thegoldendemon-blog · 7 years
   There are a great many things that can pique Khada Jhin’s curiosity however only a precious few stand to hold it for very long.
   Be as it may, Vastaya fall into the latter category. 
   His experience with them as a boy was... limited. Certainly there may have been one or two isolated bands of Vastaya nestled somewhere in Zhyun, but they were nevertheless relegated to being fables and tall tales compared to the likes of yokai and kami, rarer than the average spirit yet suspected to be just as maligned.
   He didn’t see one in the flesh until the mantle of the Golden Demon already loomed over him like a vise. A harlequin, flexible as a viper with a smile to match-- though the then Khada Jhin questioned them and even grew fascinated, they vanished soon after, detailing their journey back northward while Jhin’s troupe continued their tour eastward. Frustrated, he let the fascination be trampled underneath his inspiration for discoveries not at all as quaint as a passing eye for the fantastic.
   It would be far from the last time he’d ever get distracted.
   Nevertheless Jhin’s interest remained to a degree-- quiet but not mute--  that soon returned in full when he himself made a foray into the heavily forested northern regions, well after his tenure with the troupe and much after Tuula. Paintings from the time still adorn the walls of his house, capturing scenes of dancing Vastayans huddled around open flames and a single portrait of an elder so gracious as to let Khada Jhin come close.
   There is something about the bombast of their music and the alien chanting that keeps him drawn in. It’s certainly not kinship-- even the friendliest tribes took pains to verify that he was only an artist instead of some kind of spy or saboteur, much to his continued chagrin-- but there is, at least, a mutual understanding that magic is not to be snuffed and that even the bloodiest battlefield should have a strong leitmotif. 
   Khada Jhin wonders what it might be like to join in on the dancing. He also wonders what a pelt of the feathered ones might do for a wonderful cloak. 
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: Penetration testing takes on new meaning when cyber meets Harlequin
https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/harlequin-800x473.jpg Enlarge / You had me at “cyber.” This week, my wife and favorite librarian Paula brought home a new acquisition specially for me: An Innocent to Tame the Italian, a recent book from the Harlequin Presents imprint. Author Tara Pammi’s previous books—which include Sicilian’s Bride for a Price and Sheikh’s Baby of Revenge—share a somewhat politically incorrect leitmotif of foreign sexual intrigue. If you’re wondering: no, romance novels are generally not my speed. But the back-of-the-book tease for this work declared otherwise: For brooding tech billionaire Massimo Brunetti, a cyberattack on his company is unacceptable. After tracking down the savvy Manhattan hacker, he’s stunned to find gorgeous genius Natalie […] https://is.gd/31kCu9
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Album: Homestuck Vol. 1 Composer: Mark J. Hadley Leitmotifs: Harlequin Characters: Dad Egbert, June Egbert, Harlequinsprite
You may know it from:
[S] John: Enter.
[S] ==>
[S] YOU THERE. BOY. (Flash Broken)
[S] ==> (Dave's Phat Beat Machine) (Flash Broken)
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Album: Homestuck Vol. 5 Composer: Toby Fox Leitmotif: Harlequin Characters: N/A
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Harlequin (Rock Version)
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Album: Homestuck Vol. 2 Composer: Michael Guy Bowman Leitmotifs: Harlequin Characters: Shale Imp
You may know this from:
[S] ==> (Flash Broken)
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Album: Homestuck Vol. 5 Composer: Alex Rosetti Leitmotifs: Showtime, Harlequin Characters: June Egbert
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Joker's Wild
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Album: Midnight Crew: Drawing Dead Composer: Mark J. Hadley Leitmotifs: Harlequin Characters: Midnight Crew, Itchy
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Album: Homestuck Vol. 3 Composer: Malcom Brown Leitmotifs: Harlequin Characters: June Egbert, Shale Ogre, Nannasprite
You may know this from:
[S] Jade: Descend.
[S] Rose: Ascend.
[S] Dave: Be the other guy. (From MSPFA "Homestuck")
[S] John: Let's bounce. (From MSPFA "Homestuck")
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Album: Homestuck Vol. 1 Composer: Mark J. Hadley Leitmotifs: Harlequin Characters: Harlequinsprite, Nannasprite
You may know this from:
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Album: Homestuck Vol. 4 Composer: Mark J. Hadley Leitmotifs: Harlequin, Hardlyquin Characters: June Egbert, Betty Crocker
You may know this from:
[S] John: Mental breakdown.
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