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forestberriezzz · 3 months ago
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lostflickr · 8 days ago
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bucsin, harghita, romania by woxxilm
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Harghita County antal.zsombi
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tartsdmegazaprot · 2 years ago
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egi 🍀🍀🍀🍀
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gretasworld · 2 years ago
Danesti, Harghita County ,Eastern Transylvania
Greta's village
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acumtv · 20 days ago
  SCANDAL DE CORUPȚIE ÎN HARGHITA: UN VICEPREȘEDINTE DE CONSILIU JUDEȚEAN ȘI UN FOST ȘEF ANAF, ARESTAȚI PENTRU TRAFIC DE INFLUENȚĂ ȘI ACCES ILEGAL LA DATE CONFIDENȚIALE Procurorii Direcției Naționale Anticorupție (DNA) – Serviciul Teritorial Târgu Mureș au dispus reținerea pentru 24 de ore a lui Barti Tihamer, președinte regional al unei formațiuni politice și vicepreședinte al Consiliului…
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dorothycallista · 1 year ago
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tamurakafkaposts · 4 months ago
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Red Lake - Gyilkos-tó - Lacul  is a natural dam lake in Harghita County, Romania. & Bicaz Canyon - Békás-szoros - Cheile Bicazului
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yunrai · 8 months ago
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Harghita County, Romania.
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forestberriezzz · 4 months ago
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Nov. 18th 2024
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the--chaos · 6 months ago
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Toplița, Harghita, România
August 2024
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Harghita County antal.zsombi
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carnalhaus · 2 years ago
PLEASE talk more about Val's parents, I'm so fascinated with his story
sure ! here’s some old sketches of them
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and another one when they were about 56 and 58
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val’s parents are from romania. his mom, erzsébet csonka, was székely hungarian living in a very small village in present day harghita, and his dad, nelu dalca, was a romanian living nearby. they were both born in the 1940s.
(a little note about them to give you an idea of val’s language patterns: erzsé mainly spoke hungarian but understood romanian perfectly fine, nelu was less fluent in hungarian and mainly spoke romanian. with the way they communicated at home, erzsé would usually speak in hungarian and nelu would respond in romanian, and so forth. val picked up on both languages. they both knew a decent amount of english but weren’t very fond of speaking it at home, val ended up learning a little more because he needed to communicate with neighbors for his parents. as a result, while val is fluent in all 3 languages, he doesn’t particularly excel in any of them and frequently makes mistakes while speaking as he had no formal language education. additionally, val often watched other european films in languages he nor his parents understood.)
back to them, they fell in love as teenagers due to their strange ideals and personalities, and eloped. their marriage was very frowned upon as their families and villages were very conservative. they fled all over eastern europe for a few years, which keep in mind, during this time the political climate was crazy, borders were changing, and the cold war was going on. it’s thought that the two of them suffered mental instability the most during this time, turbulent living situations and unfamiliar surroundings taking a toll on them. finally, they decided to flee to america and change their last names, now dalca, to valentinescu, which as far as i’m aware, isn’t a legit romanian name.
they moved way out west to kansas in greeley county and made do with a small farm, where eventually val was born. to give you a feeling for how isolated this place was, this county barely capped above 1,000 residents at the time they were living here. in about 2000, when val was 14, the population in one township was 1,255, but the total population at the time was 1,534, leaving only 279 people spread out around val’s area of the countryside. if it didn’t make sense how all this could happen without anyone knowing then, it should make sense now. if i haven’t told you guys about the “kansas dollhouse” incident, i can elaborate more in another post.
more on val’s home life with his parents, clothes were often handmade by erzsé. over the years in europe they’d collected a lot of belongings, mainly books, magazines, records, vhs tapes. val would ask his mom to make clothes for him from lots of different regions in hungary and romania, not counting the hand me downs he already had, because he’d see them in the books they had. his gender was a topic of discussion between his parents, as they could never fully agree (he was born intersex and this was something they’d never heard of), but eventually was raised pretty seamlessly as both a boy and a girl. he was even called different names, val (yes, based on their fake last name) by his mother and ilie by his dad. in the future, val would change this to a more “traditionally american” pseudonym, jeffrey valentine, but would still go by either name here and there.
one thing that people get misconceptions about is that generally, val’s parents were never overly cruel to him. the blood drinking was seen as a necessary evil to all of them, akin to taking medicine, along with the isolation as he got older. as time passed of course they all went loopy and things got a lot more tense and aggressive, but growing up, it was just normal tough love farmhand parents.
if you have any more inquiries about val, lmk :3
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gretasworld · 2 years ago
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They said they didnot gender swap Grant. They said Greta is a new character added to the show.
We say it is agreeable even with many obvious hints.
Grant Danasty was a crooked thief and wall climber of Targovishte, Wallachia. Grant is a white man. Grant took part with other heroes to bring down Dracula, was saved by Trevor from being held under Dracula's evils, had a one sided crush on Sypha, missed Trepha's wedding out of anger and finally built Wallachia. ( In the Game )
Greta is from Danesti which is located in Harghita County of Szekely land in eastern Transylvania which is far far from Wallachia's Targovishte. Greta is a village woman unlike Grant and an ethnic minority of Romania ( NOT AMERICA's ) judging her looks and location. She didnot participate in killing Dracula, she was a damsel in distress when her village was attacked, got rescued by Alucard and ended up liking him. Her weapons are different and she is not a hero unlike three others or Grant. She got nothing to do with Sypha except showing courtesy as well as Trevor who start to live in her village. ( In the shit show )
Her outfit colors and name sort of matches with Grant but other differences in other details say she and Grant maynot afterall be the same. Grant was skipped in the show fully, they said. Maybe. 😶
And maybe because confusion exists on Greta being Grant, fans didnot celebrate Greta and Alucard as much, we mean GretaCard as a couple. Why would they with so many shit going on ?
We personally liked her design among very few things in the shit show. It was certainly prettier than Sypha🙄
Greta needed better dialogues and longer time in limelight to be highlighted more. But then again, it's a fuckflix production so nothing good can be expected.
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wrathful-and-sullen · 1 month ago
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First of all, here's the blog information and the rules. Please take a look!
Full Name: Karl Heisenberg
Aliases: n/a
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Species: Human
Origin: Unknown
Goals: Survival
Notable Abilities: Ferrokinesis, Superhuman Strength, Lethal Electrostatic Discharge
Notable Weapons: War Hammer, Missing
Occupation/Affiliation: None
Presumed dead by the Hound Wolf Squad, Karl Heisenberg survived his confrontation with Ethan Winters and became lost in a fugue state. He wandered the countryside without any clue as to his true identity or his powers. Several months later, he woke up in a pine forest in Harghita County, east of Mureș County where the village was located.
He has no idea how he got there or how much time he’s lost. He only knows that it’s spring now.
Karl travels alone in the woods, plotting his next move while trying to live off the land. He trusts no one, his mind is still confused, and he knows that his newfound freedom will surely be taken away if the BSAA finds out that he’s still out there…
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chris-eglington · 3 months ago
This was a drone video I filmed during my trip to Transylvania earlier this year. The footage was taken in various areas including the Harghita county. Drone videography is still relatively new to me however, I enjoy the creative process as well as the challenge.
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