#Harald Finehair x OC
author-morgan · 1 year
🌹if you're still doing the WIP game! 🥰
From a long fic idea with Harald that I've tossed around. It would be a rewrite of Season 5B-6 and feature my OC, Ragnhild:
Harald Finehair leans closer, his lips twitching into a half-smile under graying whiskers as he lifts the ale-filled cup—if it is madness to try and take Kattegat from Ivar the Boneless, then he will play the madman, for a time anyways. At least until he claims the crown of Norway. “Madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin,” he muses, gaze settling upon the woman at his side. She is an enigma to him, as all women are, but there is a familiar heat in her ice-blue eyes, a spark of madness. People do not call her The Mighty because of her gentle nature and equanimous temperament. “When the gods flipped the coin upon your birth” —Harald lifts his hand, the back of his fingers ghosting over a pale scar on her chin— “which side do you think it landed on, Ragnhild?”
send me a 🌹 and i’ll post one random sentence (paragraph) of a random WIP i’m currently writing
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queenfinehair · 11 months
Are we still on board for Modern!Harald the cowboy teaching you the reins?
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Help me because it's so there but I suck at beginnings. Send me a prompt.
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Okay so this is a list of my short stories, with links leading to each post. Some stories have been discontinued, some are complete. And some are ongoing. I list the name of the story, who is paired in the story, what the character/person is from, and lastly if it's complete, ongoing, or discontinued. If there are multiple parts, they should all be linked.
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1.) The Phoenix & The King (1-?)
• King Harald Finehair X Jade Clegane OC
• Vikings & Game of Thrones crossover
2.) Lean On Me (1-2) - (2-2)
• John Marston X Reader
• Red Dead Redemption 2
3.) You Are Mine, And I Am Yours. (1-1)
• Toecutter X Reader
• Mad Max (1979)
4.) My Sweet (1-?)
• Dani Filth X Yandere!Reader
• Cradle of Filth
5.) My Sweet Domesticated Demon (1-1)
• Hellboy X Reader
• Hellboy (2004)
6.) One man's trash, is another man's treasure. (1-4) - (2-4) - (3-4) - (4-4)
• Bo Sinclair X Reader
• House of Wax (2005)
7.) Sudden Appearances (1-1)
• Dr. Nelson Wright X Reader
• Flatliners (1990)
8.) Giving into Desire (1-1)
• Jeff Hardy X Reader
9.) Swimming Lessons (1-1)
• John Marston X Reader
• Red Dead Redemption 2
10.) This wasn't supposed to happen, but I'm glad it did. (1-5) - (2-5) - (3-5) - (4-5) - (5-5)
• Peter Steele X Reader
• Type O Negative
11.) Life & Death (1-1)
• Death!Jeff Hardy X Life!Reader
• WWE (Supernatural entities edition)
12.) Lustful Desires (1-1)
• Incubus!Jeff Hardy X Human!Reader
• WWE (Supernatural entities edition)
13.) Leprechaun King (1-1)
• Leprechaun!Sheamus X Human!Reader
• WWE (Supernatural entities edition)
14.) Those Werewolf Eyes (1-1)
• Werewolf!Jon Moxley X Human!Reader
• WWE (Supernatural entities edition)
15.) Bear Cuddles (1-1)
• Human!Roman Reigns X Werebear!Reader
• WWE (Supernatural entities edition)
16.) Lokabrenna (1-?)
• Osferth X Reader
• The Last Kingdom & Vikings crossover
17.) Hellhound (1-3)
• Tyler Galpin X (Y/n) Wolfgang Von Frankenstein
• Wednesday (series) & Misfits (Sorta)
18.) Hail To The End Of The World~ (1-?)
• Gunnar Jensen X Reader
• The Expendables (movies) & The Walking Dead (Series)
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1.) NO TITLE (1-1)
• David X Reader
• The Lost Boys
2.) NO TITLE (1-1)
• David X Reader
• The Lost Boys
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maidmerrymint · 2 years
I think you'd like this story: "Utterly Barbaric || Harald Finehair" by Krazy_Kupid on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/241779768?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=TheXxWickedXxWitch&wp_originator=6%2Fx%2Bremp475QG%2F0Iuul3R2EkE4zcm2ufDJWiaC3dn4rUQjIdRTc8Aw0YnjXFTFM1PpDa9Wn4306q7Q6Pwg4%2BRrfHyUJEfXX4VsQN%2ByTdphssH5ez5dfJsljbgoKZJKRK
Harald Finehair x Oc
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~Come Away to The Water~
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|| Chapter One - Dead of Winter ||  
Inspiration: Come Away to the Water by Maroon 5 ft. Rozzi Crane
Storyboard Credit: Myself. Pictures not mine, but editing and collage is.
Pairings: Harald Finehair x OFC ((face claim - Sophie Turner))
Rating: Mature/18+
General warnings: Death, Violence, Gore, Graphic content, Abuse, Kidnapping, Sexual content.
Chapter warnings: Depictions of death, gory-ish details? Angst.
A/N: EDIT: SO, it’s been forever since I touched this story...Or well, posted anything for that fact lol but I finally found some inspo on where I wanna go with this story, so I’ve edited/added to the first chapter! I hope you guys enjoy! SHOUTOUT to @jacksonroseroth​ for your help, darlin’! New fic idea say waaaaa?! Anywho, thank you for taking a moment of your time to stop and read; it means a lot ^-^ Obviously this is a work of fiction, so I apologize if things aren’t 100% HISTORICALLY accurate. I’ve spent a lot of time researching the past few days trying to certain aspects as close as possible. So bare with me! 
Feedback is always welcomed and much appreciated! I hope you guys enjoy! Also I want to add that the beginning italic is a flashback scene...Dialogue, bold and italic is to distinguish the language barrier between Rowan and Harald.
Word Count:  5099
“Come away little lamb come away to the water Give yourself so we might live anew Come away little lamb come away to the slaughter”
~ “Do try nah to stray so far from the path this time, Rowan…” Her mother sighed deeply as she fastened the heavy black fur cloak around her daughters shoulders; settling a small sack of provisions in her hands. “It worries me’h.”
“Dinna worry yer’self, Ma.” Rowan smiled warmly, pressing a kiss to her mother’s cheek gently as she drew up the hood to cover her flame kissed hair. “I’ll be fine.”
The older woman cracked a small grin as she cupped her daughters cheek, patting it affectionately. “Y’er to much like y’er Da.” She shook her head lightly as she watched her daughter slip the bow over her head, settling it with the string across her chest before snatching up the quiver of arrows. “Jus’ be back ‘fore dark...There’s a storm comin’!”
“Aye, Ma.” Rowan chuckled softly with a roll over her Emerald eyes before placing a kiss atop each of her three younger siblings heads. “Behave yourselves, ya wee savages.” She teased lightly, earning a pair of giggles out of the two youngest. A set of identical twins of just barely five years.
“Are ye goin’ to bring us back a Stag, Rowey?!” Alana questioned excitedly.
“Aye, are ye, are ye?” Ainslie echoed as she bounced in her seat, equally as excited as her sister.
“I’ll most certainly try.” Rowan winked as she reached for the front door, pausing when she felt a slight tug on her cloak. Turning to find her youngest brother peering up at her sheepishly.
“C-Can I? P-Please?” He stuttered nervously, looking down at his feet as Rowan shook her head no.
“Nay. Not today, Findley.” She gave her youngest brothers shoulder a reassuring squeeze and ruffled his dark auburn hair, before leaning back to snatch a couple of bannocks off the table. “Perhaps after the storm passes...I’ll teach ye how to catch rabbits.”
“Aye.” She grinned softly, earning a shy smile out of the young boy in return. “I promise.”
With a final goodbye to her mother and siblings, Rowan pushed open the creaky wooden door of the small stone and wood built bothy, that their large family of Six shared; stepping out into the frigid early morning air. Her leather and fur clad foot catching the back of her own twins leg, as she passed by. Tossing him the second bannock she held, causing him to pause mid-swing on the chunk of wood he had been about to split as he caught it. Beaming a smile as he thanked her around a mouthful of food.
“Spend some time with Finn today, eh?” Rowan called over her shoulder as she started towards the path that lead out of the Village and down towards the river. Turning back to shoot her brother a glare at the annoyed groan he gave her in return.
“Don’ make me tell Ma what ye’ve been gettin’ up to with Flora now, Kai! She threatened.
“Ye wouldn’t?!”
Rowan simply shrugged, throwing her brother a mischievous grin before trotting off down the path towards the water. Ignoring her brothers voice as he called after her. Begrudgingly agreeing that he would spend some time with Finn later.
The day continued on as normal as any other. Rowan took her time trekking through the woods, setting and checking snares along her usual path. A smile creeping onto her lips as she spied a set of tracks -- those of a stag -- just off the main trailhead.
It had been well over a month since she had brought home a Stag, or any other large game for that matter, and the thought of having fresh meat on the table again, made her mouth water. But more importantly the thought of seeing the smiles it would bring to her family’s faces made the aspect of the hunt seem all the more worthwhile as she reset her final snare. Taking a final glance around to get her bearings, before venturing off the beaten path and deeper into the forest.
Rowan tracked the animal well into the late afternoon before it was finally snowing too hard for her to safely venture any farther. The Stag having remained, teasingly, just out of her reach the entire time. Taunting her almost, as they trailed deeper and deeper into the woods until it was too late to turn back. Forcing her to seek shelter for the night in an abandoned den she stumbled across on the hunt.
The wind blew too fiercely for her to start a fire, which forced her to settle for pulling the thick fur cloak she wore around herself tightly, in an attempt to stay warm. Burrowing down into the fallen leaves and debris that surrounded her as an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach...But she wasn’t quite able to place a finger on it.
This hadn’t been the first time she was caught out in a storm over night like this and never before had it been -- nor would it likely ever be -- an issue. Her father having taken extra care to teach her, as well as her twin brother, everything they needed to know about surviving in the wild, from a young age; Until his untimely death just a few short years ago. She knew how to take care of herself regardless of the situation...She would be fine.
But that still did little to quell the worry that settled in the back of her mind as Rowan sighed, clutching her cloak tighter around herself as she closed her eyes. Attempting to push the worry from her thoughts the best she could as she tried to make herself comfortable. She knew for certain that her mother and the wee ones would be worried sick that she had not returned yet, but that come first light, Kai would be out to meet her halfway on the trail just like he always did.
But for the time being, she was at the mercy of the Gods.
The weather had cleared come dawn, allowing Rowan to venture out from the safety of the den she called home for the night. Brushing away the moss and dries leaves from her clothes as she emerged with a stretch, pausing to grab a bannock and a piece of dried fish from the small sack of provisions she carried. Thankful that her mother had insisted upon her taking it with her as she nibbled away at it; beginning the trekk back towards her Village.  
The ground was covered in a fresh layer of ankle deep snow, making the journey twice as long and twice as treacherous as it concealed many things beneath its shimmering surface -- like ice and root snarls -- that could pose a threat to a serious injury, if one was not sure of their footing. It made her that much more thankful she had spent so much of her youth exploring these woods with Kai and their father...It was her home away from home, and she knew it like the back of her hand. Which in turn helped her to make decent time on her return to the main path. It also made her more aware of things that most anyone else would often overlook naturally. Like how nature had suddenly fallen into an eerie silence as she stepped back onto the main path, noting how the snow was still fresh; untouched.  
The uneasy feeling from the night before suddenly returned to settle in the pit of her stomach, tying it up in knots as she looked up at the sky. It was well past mid-morning and there were no signs that Kai had yet been there, which struck her as unusual. He was always waiting, no matter the hour.  
A jolt of anxiety shot through her like lightning as she took off down the path, willing her feet to carry her faster as she broke through the treeline and out into the open. The silence around her deafening, aside from the sound of the River as she raced along its edge, wading the crossing swiftly, trying her best to ignore the icy sting of the water as it soaked her boots, only adding to her struggle as she stumbled up the snow slick hill that lead to her home...That surge of anxiety quickly morphing into fear as she watched thick plumes of black smoke billowing into the grey Winter sky.
Rowan’s heart nearly stopped as she crested over the top of the hill, a scream ripping from her lungs at the sight of the damage that lay before her. What was left of her people stood gathered round in a wash of tears, disbelief and despair. Their homes and outbuildings still blazed, while others only smoldered now; Reduced to rubble, or turned to ash. Their Livestock hung from trees and fences, slaughtered. All their stores of produce and provisions set aside for winter, gone.
Bodies lie butchered, scattered along the ground, tainting the once pure white snow a sickening shade of dark crimson. Her boots imprinting a trail of red in the snow behind her, as she ran towards her family’s home that still smoldered. Rowan ignoring the sting of burning flesh as she dug frantically at what remained of the building. Tears streaming down her face as she cried out for Mother and siblings.
“They’re gone, Rowan.” A neighbor approached quickly, grabbing her by the shoulders gently as he urged her away from the still crumbling building to safety. Rowan pulling away, stumbling a few feet where she fell to her knees at the sight of Kai’s body; lifeless on the ground. His dark hair and fair skin matted with drying blood...An axe protruding from the center of his chest.
“I-I’m s-s-or-ry…” A broken sob left her lips as she covered his blue eyes -- still widened with fear -- with her hand and slipped them closed.
“Ma--…The twins?”
The woman who approached her before, now shook her head. The look on her face a solemn one as she knelt beside the broken young woman before her, taking her forearms gently and pulling her up to her feet as she embraced her.
“The Danes took ‘em...Ye and Findley are all that’s left.”
“Findley?” The name fell as a hoarse whisper from her lips, as green eyes tried desperately to blink back tears as she pulled away to look up.
“Aye, he lives...But jus’ barely.” The woman grinned softly as she replied, though the gesture was less than hopeful. The woman raising a finger to silence Rowan as she knew what was about to come next.
“Ye can not see him jus’ yet, Lass.” She stated gently, with a soft pat against Rowan’s arms. “Let us go an’ take care of those burns first...”  
Turning as the woman lead her away to one of the healers, Rowan gave a final glance at the carnage that lay all around her. Wondering what they had done to deserve such a senseless act of violence...Innocent families, women, children?
They had heard Tales of the vicious Northmen -- Danes as many called them -- that ruled over the Seas. Pillaging and plundering places of riches and nobility…But Rowan’s people were no more than simple farmers; hunters and fishermen. What would the Norsemen want with them?
Never once had her own people consider, that one day, they might set foot in the Highlands...Something that left them unprepared, and defenseless to the ruthless attack.
Leaving the place she called her homeland...Broken and in ruin.
Rowan’s chest heaved erratically as she sat bolt upright in her bed, clutching the furs to her chest as she swiped a hand across her forehead, finding it slick with sweat as she pushed back the fiery red locks that were matted to her skin. A sigh escaping her lips quietly. It had been quite some time since she’d had a nightmare about that fateful day...The day her family was so cruelly taken from her. It had been nearly five years now, but the wounds were still fresh in her mind like it had happened only yesterday.
Frowning to herself, Rowan pushed the furs from her body and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, shivering as her bare feet touched the cold dirt covered floor as she wrapped herself in one of the furs tightly as she walked to the window; pushing the shutter open. The sun had barely even begun to rise over the mountains, showering the glen in a twilight glow as it cast  shadows through the trees. Everything around them lay quiet and completely still, as if basking in the arrival of a new day.
Pulling her gaze away from the rapid approach of dawn just outside their small home, Rowan turned and walked towards the fire on the opposite side of the room. Adjusting the fur into one hand as she added more kindling and wood to the glowing embers that resided in the hearth; kneeling and blowing gently until the fire blazed back to life.
Once she was satisfied with the heat emitted from the fire, Rowan stood and returned to the foot of her bed, opening the small wooden trunk that lie there as she began piecing together an outfit for the day. Dressing in her warmest pair of trousers and a light blue tunic made from a heavier wool material for added warmth. Securing it with a thin leather belt before tugging on her boots.
She discarded her night shirt into the wash pile before returning the fur to its place on her bed as she made it for the day. A small smile tugging at her lips as a pitiful low pitched whine caught her attention, turning to find the large gray wolf she called her companion, now sitting beside the fire. Having climbed down from her little brother’s bed;  head tipped curiously as it watched her.
“Don’t be impatient, ya greedy breast. I dinna forget abou’ ye.” She quipped as she rummaged around for some bits of dried meat and bannocks to take out with her. Tossing the wolf a small chunk of meat she kept aside specifically for him, before throwing together a small pot of wheat porridge for Findley and setting it up over the fire to cook.
“Go on now.” She waved her hand to where her young brother still slept soundly. “Go an’ wake the boy.” The wolf gave a snort as it rose to all fours, giving a long stretch before the beast trotted across the room and leapt gracefully onto the bed. The large animal laying directly on top of Findlay as he commenced to licking the boys face repeatedly with it’s large tongue.
“Ugh, get off me ya brute!” Findley yelped out as he squirmed beneath the large animal, trying to push him off to no avail. Rowan chuckled softly, watching her brother struggle for a moment longer before she gave a sharp whistle to call him off. The wolf jumping down from the bed and coming over to sit beside her, accepting a small piece of bannock she offered before popping the last bite into her mouth with a grin. Her little brother glowered at her from the edge of his bed where he now sat upright.
“Good mornin’ to ye too, Fin.” She snickered with an amused grin.
“Mornin’...” Findley grumbled back crankily as he climbed out of bed and moved to warm himself beside the fire. Lifting the lid on the small pot briefly to inspect what was inside of it.
“Should be done soon.” Rowan stated as she moved to grab her heavy black fur cloak and pull it on, before gathering her game bag, bow and quiver. “I need to check the traps, so it’s up to ye to get the animals fed an’ taken care of. Can ye handle that?”
Findley gave a curt nod as he grabbed a bannock off the table and began devouring it. “Aye, I can handle it.” He spoke around a mouth full of food, Rowan rolling her eyes in response as she shook her head.
“Don’t talk with ye’r mouthful, ya heathen.” She chided with a playful grin before continuing. “If ye need help with anythin’, go an’ fetch young Turick to help ye. Got it?”
“Aye…” Findley sighed in annoyance with an eye roll, which in turn earned him a glare from his older sister. “I’m a cripple, Row, tha’ does not mean I’m useless.” He muttered self consciously as his right hand ventured absentmindedly to the stump of his left shoulder. A deep frown creasing his features.
“I never called ye useless, Fin.” Rowan stepped forward, reaching out to grasp his chin lightly and turn his attention back towards her. “I jus’ don’t want ye hurtin’ yer’self more than necessary...Besides, if ye hurt y’er good arm, who’s going to milk the cows?”
Findley swatted her hand away with a playful glare as he cracked half a smile. “I got it handled.” He reassured in a sarcastic tone, shooting her a real glare as she reached out and ruffled his red hair affectionately.
“I’ll be back this afternoon. Do try an’ stay out of trouble, eh?” Rowan called over her shoulder as she pushed the front door open and stepped out into the brisk morning air; wolf in tow as he trotted along beside her happily, as they mosied down the path.
The day came to pass quite quickly for Rowan and her furry companion, Faolan. The pair making quick work of checking and resetting snares, before venturing a little deeper into the woods in search of some smaller game, before returning to the village to go about finishing up evening chores; the workload increasing as signs of Spring steadily approached. Soon they would be tilling fields to plant their crops, tending to the animals that would soon produce offspring, making repairs to homes, building new boats for trading travels...The list was truly endless, and Rowan looked forward to the distractions that the work promised.
Winters had become exceptionally difficult since suffering the loss of nearly her entire family. Everyday a struggle against the guilt that she kept bottled up inside. Rowan somehow feeling responsible for what had happened to her family; to Fin. Constantly replaying that day over and over in her head. Always wondering if things could have turned out differently, had she stayed home that day with her family. Maybe she could have protected them...Or maybe she would’ve shared in their fate. But then what would have become of poor Findley?
Rowan sighed as they paused to rest beside a small stream. Faolan letting out a soft whine as he rested his head against her thigh; sensing her distress. A small smile tugging at her lips as she gave him an affectionate scratch behind the ears, his warm, intelligent brown eyes drifting shut for a moment as gave a contented sigh. Rowan silently thankful that the gods had granted such a wonderful guardian to watch over her and Findley. The wolf coming into their lives not long after the deaths of their kin. Just a pup himself when Rowan had stumbled upon him in the forest...Still clinging to his own mother and siblings who had long since perished from starvation and cold.
The village had been less than thrilled to say the least, when Rowan brought the small bundle of fur home. Several of the elder woman trying to advise her that the beast could would never be tamed nor broken; But they couldn’t have been more wrong. For Faolan had been the key that aided them in their journey to healing...And they his. The wolf having more than earned his keep around the village since becoming part of their broken pack. 
“Suppose we should be gettin’ back, eh?” Rowan sighed softly as she gave the wolf a final pat on the head before standing. Gathering her game bag and slinging it over her shoulder as she turned her back to the steam. “Come, mo charaid…’Fore Fin starts worryin’.” Faolan let out a sharp series of yips in answer as he bounded from his spot, darting between the trees playfully for a moment before laying down a ways up the trail as he waited. Rowan letting out a small laugh at the wolfs antics as she quickened her pace, taking the hint as they hurried off. Head for their usual detour as they made the trek for home. ~
Dusk was approaching by the time the group finally reached the shores of a seeming desolate beach. The ships, as well as their men, battered from an unexpected storm that had caught them off guard a day prior. “We’ll camp here for now...Start salvaging what we can to make repairs come dawn, before continuing on to York.” Harald instructed once the boats had been pulled safely to shore; A fire started for the men to get warm as they assembled camp. Harald quick to assemble a plan for his men, in order to get moving again as soon as possible. Not pleased with the unexpected detour they had been forced to make on their journey to York.
“You three.” Harald turned to address a group of younger Viking men, who stood opposite him beside the fire. “Gather what wood you can; And you two,” He gestured towards a pair of more experienced men, usually assigned to watch. “Survey the area...I do not want any more unexpected surprises.” The men nodded, accepting their assigned duties before dismissing themselves. Harald letting out a sigh as he turned for one of the tents that had already been assembled...Taking a seat and grabbing a cup of mead, trying to quell his frustrations as he watched his men continue to set up camp. While Harald drank his frustrations away, the two experienced men set off up the beach, climbing the dunes on the beach and venturing into the forest beyond.
“Fine time to set up camp…” The first man grumbled as they trudged the Scottish land. The second man grunted in response as they settled on a spot and began building a small fire. The warmth from the flames doing little to warm the chill that had settled in their bones. “The cold here is different...I don’t like it.”
“They say we’re the heathens.” The first man chuckled. “Pass us the ale…” The second man obliged his friends request. Reaching over to grab the ale horn from beside his axe, taking a swig himself before passing it over and returning his hands to warm by the fire. As the men chatted away, Rowan made her way to the beach, stopping and dropping to the ground when she spotted the men encamped on the beach. Swearing in Gaelic, she gripped the scruff at Faolan’s neck to make sure he didn’t growl and give their position away. She took her bag off and strapped it around the beast’s.
“Go home, Faolan. I’ll be right behind ye.” Rowan whispered. The wolf let out a small whine before he turned away, making his way back to the village while Rowan stayed, counting the men so she could give an accurate report to the village elders. When her eyes met Harald’s, Rowan ducked and crawled along the brush until she was far enough into the foliage before she stood and hurried along behind Faolan.
“What was that?” The first man asked, looking up at the sound of twigs snapping. He reached down, fingers wrapping around the axe at his side as he scanned the surrounding area, looking for movement. Both men saw the flash of gray fur pass quickly by, followed by a flame of red hair; Visible even in the darkness. The second man motioned for the first to split off towards the left, while he tracked the intruders on the right. Trailing silently after them into the darkness of the woods, but eventually losing sight as the darkness became too much; Slowing their progress significantly.
“Go.” The second man ordered quietly, gesturing back towards the beach. “Tell King Harald what we’ve found, and assemble more men for a search. I will try and the trail.” The first man nodded and turned back towards camp. Leaving his companion to assemble a torch and continue the search.  
Meanwhile, Rowan continued to move swiftly through the darkness. Picking her way carefully over fallen debris and tangled tree roots as she strayed away from the main trail; attempting to lose the enemies who likely now pursued her, as she fled towards her village. Hoping she would have enough time to warn her people of a potential attack before it was too late. Anger and fear building inside of her chest as she pushed herself harder, bound and determined to not let her people suffer through another attack like they had all those years ago.
The sound of twigs snapping several feet away from behind her, made Rowan turn, a knot forming in her stomach as she spotted the faint glow of a torch coming over the small rise she had just climbed. Ducking behind a tree, she shielded herself from sight momentarily as she closed her eyes...Rowan’s heart sinking as she came to the realization that she would be unable to return to her village safely, without risking the exposure of their location to a potential attack. She knew what she had to do, but that didn’t make the choice any easier as she let out a soft, shaky sigh. Opening her green eyes as slipped the bow over her head carefully, and nocked an arrow. Sending up a silent prayer for the gods to protect her family — her people — before drawing back the sting of her bow, and stepping into the open. A steady breath leaving her lips as she released the arrow towards its target, the startled yelp that followed signaling that she had struck her target.
Rowan using the distraction as her opportunity to change directions, doubling back, as she began leading her enemy away from her village, and deeper into the woods. Another arrow nocked and ready to fire as she neared the next ridge; ducking behind another tree as she waited for the torch to appear again...Her heart rate quickening when she turned to find that the light had been extinguished. A wave of panic washed over her as she struggled to pick up on the faint footsteps that rustled from somewhere in the darkness. Unable to determine what direction they were coming from, Rowan was left to make a split decision, as she darted from behind the tree, hoping she could make a break for the treeline. 
The flash of red hair was all they needed, as Harald gave the signal for their own archer to take a shot; the man loosing the arrow as the rest of the men relit their torches. Harald watching as the form stumbled in the darkness, but only for a moment before darting off once more.  A smirk creeping onto his lips as they took up their pursuit once more, driving their prey back towards the edge of the forest, where more of his men lie in wait to capture whoever it was that they had been chasing all over the woods...But the small victory soon faded from his thoughts as bone chilling howl pierced the silence, followed by a series of snarls and growls that brought the group to a stand still.
Rowan stumbled as she ran through the treeline and out into the open, coming to stop as she was greeted by a rather unwelcoming sight, as a group of men closed in on her. Rowan quick to draw back the string of her bow in defense, ignoring the searing pain in her shoulder the action caused, from having been struck by an arrow herself. The edges of her lips quirking into a faint smirk as she heard the howl that broke the silence and caused several of the men to glance towards the treeline; Searching. Rowan seizing the opportunity to loose her arrow into the man nearest to her, watching as he crumpled to the ground as the arrow struck him between the eyes, her next arrow nocked before the man had even full collided with the earth. Another man lunged towards her, catching the second arrow as a series of shouts broke out amongst the group of men in front of her...Their words foreign to her as they spoke.
“Come on. Come get me, ye heathens…” She said with a smirk, fingering the feather fletching of her arrow. Rowan readied her bow again, waiting for the next victim to step forward and make their move. She knew that she stood very little chance against these men, but that didn’t mean that she would go down without a fight. Another series of shouts erupted from the woods, causing Rowan to turn and glance over her shoulder as the shouts quickly dissolved into one horrified scream that was followed by vicious snarling and the sounds of teeth ripping into flesh. Another man used her distraction to strike her with the hilt of his sword; sending Rowan to the ground as her vision blurred around the edges. A foot kicking her bow out of her reach as it approached from behind. Rowan struggling to focus on the man’s face as she glanced up, recognizing him as the man from the beach.
“Bind her and take her back to the beach.” Harald ordered as surveyed the two dead men that lie on the ground in front of him, before turning his attention to look down at the fiery haired woman who struggled against the two vikings who hauled her to her feet before their King. Allowing him a brief moment to examine her more closely as he grasped her jaw tightly, forcing her to look at him; Rowan’s eyes struggling to maintain focus as the edges over her vision started to turn black...The last thing she saw being a flash of gray fur, followed by nothing.
So that’s the first chapter! I hope ya’ll liked it...I also wanna add ((don’t quote me on it as I used google traslate)) that Mo charaid means ‘My friend’ Gaelic. And Faolan means Little Wolf.
Let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist for future updates!
MASTER TAGLIST:  @jacksonroth​ @greennightspider @captstefanbrandt​ @microsmacrosandneedles​ @irishhiggins​ @naaladareia​ @liiv0urlifee @readsalot73 @readsalot73​ @londoncharlotte88 @theworld-is-ahead @zazasblogxx @ly–canthrope @harjumus @jade770 @that-goodgirl @xxwarhawk @stacie-marie-bloom @journeyrose @theskinofmyemotions @synnersaint @12grimauldp @sympathyfortheblinderdevil​ @ilooklikeididyesterday​ @inforapound​
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Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Vikings (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Ivar (Vikings)/Original Female Character(s), Sigurd (Vikings)/Original Female Character(s), Harald Finehair/Original Female Character(s), Hvitserk (Vikings)/Original Female Character(s), Ivar (Vikings)/Original Female Character/Harald Finehair (Vikings), Aethelwulf/Judith (Vikings), Hvitserk (Vikings)/Original Female Character/ Ivar (Vikings), Blaeja/Sigurd (Vikings), Heluna (Blaeja)/Sigurd (Vkings) Characters: Original Female Character(s), Ivar (Vikings), Harald Finehair, Halfdan the Black, Sigurd (Vikings), Hvitserk (Vikings), Aethelwulf (Vikings), Aethelred (Vikings), Judith (Vikings), Ragnar Lothbrok, King Ecbert (Vikings), Alfred (Vikings), Bjorn (Vikings) Additional Tags: Sigurd lives, Possibly Unrequited Love, Slow Burn, Slow To Update, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jealousy, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Flashbacks, maybe smut?, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies attract, some canon divergence, Roman Catholicism, Angst Summary:
Aethelswith, the Princess of Wessex, will face difficult choices as the pagans and the Great Heathen Army enter England. Answering the tough questions of her own biases and contradicting thoughts of their leaders, will she be able to save any part of Wessex?
- This is a rewrite of my old series "Cure for A King"
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Vikings  (TV) Masterlist
my requests for vikings are currently partially OPEN! please only request imagines, and not oneshots. for those waiting for a continuation of ‘searching home’ or ‘unexpected’ i am so sorry... finishing those two is going to take me a while :/
hmu/msg me to be added to a taglist!
main masterlist | request guidelines
# - angst
+ - fluff
* - smut
~ - dark/gory
? - crack 
§ - time travel involved
No romantic relationships, character x character
Queendom (Lagertha x Aslaug | songfic |  They’ve both loved and they’ve both lost. Perhaps it was time that their hearts warmed again. | #+)
The Lothbroks, aka, the European version of the Kardashians (When Barbie Murray time travels, she finds out that pink isn’t available in Viking times. Luckily, her new besties all understand that boobs are the best and slay (literally?!) with her. | +?§)
I may be a bimbo, but I’m not stupid (Ivar kills Sigurd in a fit of rage, but Barbie isn't so quick to forgive cruelness. | ?§#)
1st gen Vikings
Strange Woman  (Rollo x timetraveler!reader | request |  The woman that appeared out of nowhere could be oh so dangerous, but even a stupid man would know that she was fascinating. | +?§)
Friend of Thor (Rollo x timetraveler!asgardian!reader | request |  The reader, a fellow Asgardian and friend of Thor and the new King of Asgard, Brunnhilde, falls through worlds as the new guardian of the Bifrost tampers with the magic. | +?§)
And the Gods wished they were me (Judith x viking!gn!reader | request | Judith knows she should not mourn Athelstan. Nor should she even look at Norse heathens. She does both anyway, because Judith was named after a woman that had only rage and death, and she cannot escape her fate. | +)
Another day / part 2 (Ubbe x reader | prompt: we live to fight another day. | #)
Oldest (Ubbe x timetraveler!reader; platonic!Ivar x reader | summary:  It seems that few things change about being the oldest sibling, no matter which place – or time | +§)
Yggdrasil (Ubbe x reader; platonic!Ivar x reader; dad!Harald x reader | summary:  How can you tell your father what happened to you when he’d done it to so many others. | #~)
Hvitserksdottir - Hvitserk x reader | prompt: “I think we need to talk about the fact that I’m in love with you and also that I’m pregnant.” | #+
Floki’s Cabin - Hvitserk x reader | prompt: “Just trust me. Please. | #
Searching Home / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 - Hvitserk x reader; Ivar x reader |  When you stumble upon the ancient Spanish city of Algeciras, it takes you some time to realize that you’ve traveled through time. While that is terrible luck, a merchant couple takes you in. But your peace only lasts so long. | #+~§
Neither - genderfluid!reader x Hvitserk | Hvitserk finds out about genderfluidity and accepts he might not be completely straight | requested | +§
Law of conservation -  modern!AU | You’ve been working as a tutor at your high school for about a year now. When your parents throw a barbecue party for your new neighbors, their mother Aslaug asks you to tutor her son Hvitserk, who is already a notorious flirt at his school. | Ivar being a nerd | +
Sandcastles -  timetraveler!reader builds sandcastles, Ivar doesn’t get it and Hvitserk loves the idea of it | +§
When in Bali... -  You were supposed to go to Bali with your partner for your one-year anniversary. Instead, you’re there alone, heartbroken. Will reuniting with a friend you know from a summer vacation in elementary school be able to fix it? | +
Unholy Matrimony - A Sham in Four Acts / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 (Ivar x reader) Prompt: I’ve learnt to love you. - complete | #+*
Insatiable Little Heathens  - drabble, for all of y’all who wanted more of Unholy Matrimony | +
Resolve - Ivar’s legs hurt but he’s so fucking thickheaded | +
My kind of witch - You wake up in an unfamiliar bed. The man with blazing blue eyes fascinates you as soon as you see him and as you realize the struggles he faces every day, your admiration for him grows into something more. (request | ivar x timetraveler!reader | +§)
Red - Ivar finally meets his match. | ~*
Serve - Ivar keeps teasing you. You finally have enough and give him a taste of his own medicine ;) | request | buff!reader x sub!ivar | *
Searching home / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 -  Hvitserk x reader; Ivar x reader |  When you stumble upon the ancient Spanish city of Algeciras, it takes you some time to realize that you’ve traveled through time. While that is terrible luck, a merchant couple takes you in. But your peace only lasts so long. | #+~§
Totally artistic -  When inspiration hits, you can’t stop it | request | +
Sandcastles - timetraveler!reader builds sandcastles, Ivar doesn’t get it and Hvitserk loves the idea of it | +§
Brother -  You left your home and your brother behind for a reason. Now, a man is causing trouble at the borders of Kattegat, and as Ivar's queen, you take justice into your own hands. | +
Unexpected / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 -  Ivar finally decides to fuck the slave he’s been eyeing for so long, but when his angry side slips out, things take a turn for the wholly unexpected. | *
Tarot -  Your day at the fair has been pretty slow – until a client like no other shows up. | +
How the Vikings would react to an accidental time traveler and a quiz to see if you’d survive: https://uquiz.com/dVXpgW
Ragnarssons (+Gyda): First Kiss
Social Media - which Social Media I think the vikings would use most in modern times
How the Vikings would react to guns and snapchat filters - ask reply, crack
How the Vikings would react to modern dancing - ask reply with some very short drabbles
How the Vikings would react to modern music, and what they’d like - ask reply
How the Vikings would react to modern concepts of astronomy and space - ask reply, i roast half of ‘em and call Bjorn Mr. Worldwide
How the Vikings react to modern haircare - ask reply
Vikings and Astrology - ask reply
How Vikings would react to THEM timetraveling - ask reply
Vikings + getting sick - ask reply
Vikings + Halloween - ask reply
Vikings + realizing you’re pregnant - ask reply
Vikings characters + how they'd react to finding Accidental Time Traveler crying somewhere and not knowing why - ask reply
Vikings + you on your period - ask reply (+ more hcs about Ivar)
Vikings + Legos - ask reply
Vikings + reader being much less stressed in their time - ask reply, short drabbles
Vikings + single mother - ask reply
Vikings + Gender Neutral Thor - ask reply
Vikings + modern food - ask reply
Vikings + touch avoidant cuddler - ask reply
Vikings + Kids - ask reply
Vikings + their history - ask reply
Ragnarssons + being possesive - ask reply
Vikings + Maleficent/Fae!reader - ask reply
Vikings + curls and afros - ask reply
Vikings + sleeping habits - ask reply
Vikings + contortionist/super flexible reader - ask reply
Vikings as modern!uni students - ask reply
Vikings + affectionate drunk!reader - ask reply
timetraveling!Vikings + modern tv/movies - ask reply
Vikings + gen z slang - ask reply
Vikings + curly haired kids - ask reply
timetraveling!Vikings + Christmas - ask reply
Quizzes by yours truly:
Would you survive in Viking times?
Which human emotion are you except it’s Vikings.
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fictionalkingdom · 4 years
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mo-mo-and-porkchop · 5 years
Vikings fan fiction
Chapter 4 (Chapter 3 here)
*I do not own any part of the Canon Vikings characters. It is simply my interpretation. I make no profit off of this.
**I do own the original characters and everything associated with them.
Tagging for updates: @kenzieam , @wilddrabble , @oddsnendsfanfics , @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly , @captstefanbrandt
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"You can not be serious father?!" Arlen exclaimed hurt and angry. Their sister would be taken away by a heathen of all people. "He is nothing more than a pagan brute!" he growled.
"Arlen!" Ehrlana scolded.
"He can not be trusted sister," he spat firmly in reply.
Harald's anger rose with Arlen's accusations, even if he was mostly right. He was a brute. Ruthless in times of war. He even lied when necessary to further his ambitions of becoming King. But this time, however, things were different.
The Celtic Princess stirred emotions deep within that he long thought dead. His breath caught with her presence. His heart raced. His mind voided itself of everything except her. The woman, unbeknown to her, had him under her spell. He wanted Ehrlana. Yearned for her; almost as much as he had desired Elisef.
He set his utensils down and readied himself to argue his defense when they were both cut short by the King.
"Watch your tongue!" he roared before Harald could intercede.
"Father, he will surely kill her the first chance he gets," Arlen pleaded much more quietly.
"King Harald is our guest and I will not have such disrespect at my table! You and I will discuss your punishment later, but for now I suggest you leave before you lose what dignity you have left," he finished definitively.
The King resumed his meal as the growing tension seemed to fill the room. Awkwardly they sat in silence as Arlen stared his father down. The king ignored him and continued eating; his word final. His eldest son pushed himself angrily from the table and left. If he wouldn't listen then he would take care of the matter personally. He would protect his sister from the heathens with or without his father's help.
"I apologize for my son," the King began once Arlen was gone.
Although he agreed with him, it was not his place to decide Ehrlana's future; a future directly tied to the fate of their people. An alliance with Harald and the great heathen army would be beneficial for all. If his son had only controlled himself long enough he would have found the same truth.
"He is very....passionate at times," he explained as nicely as possible.
"It seems to me he is full of hatred for my kind," Harald retorted with disdain.
"He is upset over the recent attacks. One Northman is the same as another to Arlen unfortunately," he further explained, slight sorrow in his voice. "I, on the other hand, understand the benefit of our alliance." He glanced over at his daughter and gently held her hand. "Even if it means losing my daughter."
He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before letting go for the last time.
"Arlen may be misguided, but he is a formidable warrior," Liam chimed in, his attenetion still on his food. He casually ate and drank as if his brother hadn't just caused a scene.
"I will handle Arlen," the King firmly, yet calmly professed.
"I would not underestimate his anger or his passion father," he warned finally looking to him.
"If he can can not control his anger or his passion, then I will handle him," Harald said finally breaking his silence. Nothing was to going stand in his way of making her his wife. Especially her ignorant brother.
Ehrlana's heart froze and her chest tightened with the threat. She could feel the truth of his words in her veins as they slowly turned to ice. Her nerves tingled and for a moment she feared Arlen was right.
"I do not doubt that," Liam replied. "My sister's safety is all that matters to me. As with Arlen. We are very protective of her," he continued.
When Harald's eyes found hers, he immediately relaxed his demeanor. He wanted her as his wife, not his enemy. His heart clenched seeing the fear in her eyes.
"Then you have no need to worry. She will be in the safest place in all of Norway," Harald offered trying to back pedal a bit.
"For your sake I hope so," her brother countered, glancing at his sister before going back to their meal.
"You can still change your mind," her brother, Kieran reminded her. He glanced over his shoulder at Harald and his men as they carried the remains of their camp onto their ships. "The winters are much worse than here," he tried convincing her as he brought his attention back to her.
"You have been speaking with Arlen too much," she replied with a small laugh. "Liam will be with me until I am married. I will be fine. Do not worry," she reassured him as she hugged him goodbye. "Please try and convince Arlen of the same and take care of Siobhan," she said before giving him one last squeeze.
"You have my word, Queen," he replied with a smirk and a playful bow.
She pushed him playfully; her brother laughing in return. "I will miss you," she said with a sad sigh once their laughter died down.
"And I you," he agreed just as sorrowfully.
"We will see her again," Liam cut in, seeing Kieran's anguish. He'd done well hiding it from their sister, but he never could fool him. His brother was about to break down.
"You watch that King," he replied lowly, locking eyes with Liam. "We have to know he can be trusted with her."
"I will make sure she is safe before I return. You have my word brother," he said squeezing his shoulder reassuringly. The two brothers locked eyes and it was clear Kieran wasn't completely convinced Ehrlana should go. "My word," he reiterated with a firm squeeze, silently forcing his brother to get control of his rising anger.
Ehrlana watched her brothers and father at the shore as the boat pulled away. Liam beside her, his arm wrapped caringly around her shoulders. She was leaving her home behind. Sadness gripped at her heart as it slowly grew smaller. As much as she dreamt of this moment, she would miss it.
"Are you ready for this little sister?"
She sighed and leaned into him, hugging him gently. "I don't know," she replied with a small shake of her head. "But I am ready to find out."
Liam was the first to turn away from the sight. Ehrlana couldn't bring herself to do the same and watched until the shores of Ireland were out of sight. She pulled her shawl tighter around her shoulders before finally turning away herself.
Moonlight danced along the ripples left behind as small waves crashed gently against the ship's underbelly. A gentle breeze strong enough to carry their sail blew across the seas. Harald's men were casually scattered across the longboat; some working, some sleeping. Others sang softly to themselves as they sharpened their swords. They were nearly done their trip and it had been peaceful.
"I have heard your men say the Gods are happy," Ehrlana said as she made her way next to Harald at the ship's prow. "But they are surprised by this. I suspect it is because my family is Christian," she continued a bit dejected with a shrug. "I hope my brother Arlen will not be proven right about my safety once in Vestfold," she added hugging herself slightly against the wind.
Harald's heart sank with her words and the hidden worry in her voice; though he understood her concern. His younger self would have done exactly that. "You are their Queen," he said wrapping his cape around her shoulders. "No one would dare harm you."
"I am not their Queen. Not yet. We are still to be wed," she reminded him, glancing back at him. The extra warmth was welcomed and she pulled it closed around her.
"You became my Queen when you were given as my bride," Harald sighed, leaning against the edge of the ship, facing her.
"But I am not their Queen," she reiterated.
Harald's eyes found hers and saw her worry. A slightly frustrated, quiet sigh left him. At least she wanted them to accept her. That was more than he could say for most other Christians he'd met. His heart tugged with care - a small sign he had been right about one thing.
She was different.
"If that is what you truly want, then you will be," he reassured her. "They will see you as I do. They will have no choice but to accept you."
She softly smiled, slightly sad. "And how is it that you see me?"
Momentary panic coursed through his veins when he realized what he'd said. Instead of falling apart from embarassment he reached for her hand and pulled her closer, settling his arms around her waist and intertwining his hands at the small of her back.
"I see you as my Queen," he said smoothly.
Her worry and sadness slowly began to fade. He was trying; which meant her belief that Arlen may have been right faded to a distant memory as she stood in his arms.
Ehrlana smiled gently at him before snuggling against him. "I hope you are right. I quite like the thought of being your Queen," she said softly with a sigh.
A smile spread across his face; pride swelling within his chest. Perhaps the Gods had not cursed him after all.
Liam watched closely as his sister cuddled into the King. He held his own reservations over their marriage, but he couldn't deny that she looked happy in his arms. He could only hope it would last.
They all deboarded at Vestfold's shores; Ehrlana and her brother escorted to the main hall to prepare for the wedding.
"Halfdan!" Harald yelled as his brother came walking down the pier.
The two men embraced in a joyous reunion.
"I hear you have brought a Queen home with you, but I see no woman here," he said glancing around teasingly.
Harald chuckled quietly. "Her name is Ehrlana. And she is not here because she is off preparing for our wedding," he countered with a smirk.
Halfdan returned the small smile before falling serious. "Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" he asked tentatively.
Halfdan knew his brother's weakness when it came to women; always choosing the wrong ones. But he'd always been there to catch him when he fell. He feared this time however that even he wouldn't be able to help if things went sour.
"A king needs a queen," he chuckled lightly, squeezing his brother's shoulder reassuringly.
"But she is Christian," he added as they headed away from the shores. "An outsider. How do we know she can be trusted?"
Harald fought the urge to let his smile fade as well. He knew this would come up with Halfdan, but the marriage was going to happen. It was good for both parties to ally with each other and his brother could either accept it or not.
"Wait until you meet her. Then, if you feel the same, we will make sure she will never think of betraying us," he offered in in compromise to keep him from spoiling the upcoming festivities.
Halfdan contemplated his brother's compromise a moment before grunting slightly in agreement. He doubted she would change his mind and he would soon prove himself right - allowing him to once again make sure Harald was protected from the fairer sex.
"I am nervous," Ehrlana admitted to Liam as various thralls dressed and readied her for marriage.
"I will not let any harm come your way, but if you have decided against this marriage then --"
"About tonight," she cut in.
Her brother chuckled. "Sleeping with your husband is what makes you nervous?" he asked rhetorically.
"Not all of us can be whores," she teased him, but her nerves were real and they made her voice quiver slightly.
"Listen," he started understandingly. "There is nothing to worry about. Sex is not as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be. It is fun, I will not lie..."
"Liam, please. I already know of your exploits."
"It is fun, but it is not a life changing experience. You will be fine Lana."
She appreciated the effort to comfort her. Liam always knew how to calm her fears, but this was different. Harald would be the first man she ever lay with. The first to ever see her nude body. To see her truly vulnerable. And her soon to be husband's reputation for prowess hadn't missed her.
"Just, be honest with him," he added with an empathetic sigh, pulling her in for a reassuring hug. "If he has any decency at all, he will understand. And besides," he said leaning back to look at her. "I will be here at least until morning. Come and find me should he not."
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alicedopey · 5 years
A Birthday Visit
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Genre: Smut
Pairings: Harald x OC , Halfdan x OC
Words number: 2770
Warnings: Well it’s smut people lol.
A/N: This is the second surprise I wrote for my love @naaladareia . It was supposed to be for her birthday but I am awfully late. I hope you’ll enjoy it and it will bring you some smile during those troubled times.
Gaby went back home, feeling giddy and a little bit tipsy. That was some birthday night ! Her colleagues had surprised her with a nice night out in a restaurant. Italian, her favorite. Of course, even if she had asked them to be discreet, they did not listen and told the waiter it was her birthday. When dessert came, lights had been suddenly turned off and the waiter had arrived with a big cake, his face lit but the numerous candles. Her colleagues had sung “Happy Birthday” along with other costumers and her face had become as red as a tomato. The song had ended and Gaby had leaned forward to blow out the candles, not forgetting to make a wish before – just like her colleague had reminded her of.
Peopled had applauded as she was blowing out her candles and lights were turned back on. The night went smoothly after that and her coworkers even offered her a gift: a nice weekend for two at a spa.  When she went back home, she felt spoiled and happy.
Slamming her front door close, she stumbled into her dark living-room. She knew she would probably regret drinking a little bit more than usual tomorrow morning but right now, the only thing she wanted was a good bath to relax before going to bed.
Gaby walked to the bathroom and drew herself a bath. Then, she added some jasmine bath salts and dove into it. She had dreamed about this moment since she had woken up this morning. The hot water was soothing her aching neck and back, erasing the long day of work from her mind. Only her usual glass of wine was missing but....she had enough for the night, she thought as she giggled like a school girl.
She made a mental note to take some painkillers before going to bed or her head would feel like bursting tomorrow morning. She sighed happily, letting her head fall backwards against the tub and her eyes close.
When she opened them again, the water was almost too cold. She might have dozed off without realizing it. She straightened up and winced in pain. Damn this lumbago ! She stood up and reached out for a deep burgundy fluffy towel to warm her body with. She stepped out of the tub and frowned when she noticed she had forgotten to take her night dress with her.
Gaby opened the door and walked cautiously, trying not to stub her toe against anything in the dark. When she reached her destination, she turned on the light and froze.
Two. Two men were standing inside her bedroom. But not any random men. No. Halfdan the Black and Harald Finehair were standing side by side, watching her with a playful gleam in their eyes.
Gaby blinked, thinking about having hallucinations but the two characters from the Viking show were really here, in the flesh. Tattoos. Armors. Weapons. The whole shebang.
She gripped her towel nervously. “How....what...what are you doing here?”
“You asked for us.” Harald answered in a hoarse voice that made her shiver.
“I did ?” She did ?
Halfdan smiled. “In your birthday wish.”
“My birthday....” Oh. She remembered now. Her colleague had reminded her to make a wish just seconds before blowing out her candles. So, she did make a wish. The kind of wish Gaby was likely to make in her inebriated state. A wild night of hot and steamy sex with the two murder brothers.
“You remember now ?” Her cheeks took a nice shade of pink as the two brothers exchanged a playful glare.
“I believe she does, brother”. Harald chuckled and took a few steps towards her. Her core tightened. They really were here to do that kind of thing ! That was crazy....crazy, but so tempting.
The older brother circled her body and Gaby could feel his hot stare on her. Her breath hitched as he approached her from behind and nuzzled her neck. “You smell divine, like one of the flowers in our fields.”
His beard tickled her skin and her heartbeat quickened when he put his lips on it, peppering the area with kisses. Gaby tilted her head to give him some better access. Groaning, Harald got the message and his kisses became longer and more sensual. She let out a contented sigh and the grip she had on her towel finally relaxed. Tentatively, she leaned on him and rose her arm to put it on the back of his head, encouraging his ministrations. Gaby lost herself in the sensations as the King sucked and nibbled on her skin. If this was a dream, she would better enjoy it while she could.
She suddenly felt Halfdan's breath on her collarbone and their eyes met. Always the quiet one, he had waited for his brother to start....like a signal he could go too.
His calloused fingers grazed her flesh and pulled on the towel who fell above her feet. Out of reflex, she tried to cross her arms to hide her body from their gaze but Harald gently held each one on her sides.
“No need to be shy with us.” Harald whispered against her neck, his hot breath sending shivers through her skin. “We are here to enjoy a wild night after all.”
Halfdan closed the distance between them with his lips finally touching hers in a heated and brutal kiss. Gaby did not have time to kiss back as his lips went down her body, leaving wet trail on their path until he came face to face with her sex. She could feel his hot breath on her skin. Her breath had become erratic and she was desperately waiting for him to make a move as gasps escaped her lips while Harald was still worshiping her neck.
He leaned closer to tickle her lower lips with the tip of his tongue. Gaby let out a desperate whine of frustration and tried to push her hips forward, her arms being still prisoners of Harald's hands.
“Eager, aren't we ?” Harald said hoarsely. He let got of her arms and gripped her hips to push them backwards against his hardened length....far away from Halfdan's lips.
She looked down at the younger brother, pleading him with her eyes to put an end to her misery. Halfdan smiled wickedly and kissed her outer folds. His tongue came out of his tongue again to tantalize her core. She gasped audibly and put a hand on his head to shove him deeper.
He was licking her insides like a kitten lapping his milk. He was literally drinking from her.
Harald's hands left her hips and traveled to her nipples. He pinched, tugged and rolled them between his fingers. Her breath quickened. She was going to come, she could feel it – but she did not want to let go so fast....afraid that it would end too soon.
She tried to retrieve her body from their touches but the brothers would have none of it. Harald was grinding against her ass forcefully while Halfdan's tongue was keeping its magic inside of her. Gaby felt her lower body tighten, her pleasure was intensifying. Halfdan's nose bumped against her clitoris and she came undone in a loud cry. Her knees gave out, she was thankful for Harald's grip  on her skin or she would have fallen.
Halfdan licked her until the tremors of her body subsided. Then he slowly stoop up. His eyes were dark with lust, his lips and goatee glistening with her juices. It was one of the most arousing thing she had ever seen. She released herself from Harald's hands and advanced towards his brother to kiss him.
Her taste was on his lips and it did not bother her, quite the contrary. Her tongue licked his bottom lip and he let her in. She took the lead, hungrily discovering his mouth. The more she got, the more she wanted. She clang to his body, her hands firmly put on his jaw so that he could not escape. He did not seem to want to anyway.
Grunting, Halfdan squeezed her ass cheeks between his hands and pushed her core into his, sending a shock of electricity in her whole body. She had just come and she wanted to go again. Desire was burning her body. She wanted to touch, lick, kiss every inch of his body.
“Maybe I could join the fun ?” A gruff voice said behind her. Harald was feeling neglected. She gave Halfdan one last lingering kiss before turning around and making her way to the older brother. She went to kiss him but Harald put a finger on her lips, stopping her.
“Get on the bed.”
Gaby gulped and her tightened again at his words. The pressure between her legs was back and she was impatient to let the pleasure that those two Vikings could give, consume her.
She obeyed Harald. Her back touched the soft cotton of her sheets as she watched the two brothers getting rid of their armor and clothes. She licked her lips, admiring the numerous tattoos on their skins and the scars covering their warrior bodies. They were both breathtaking and impressive. She glanced at their erected members, more than ready to make her lose her mind. Harald Finehair and Halfdan the Black were really standing in front her and she was about to have sex with them !
The two brothers exchanges another glance. Harald walked languidly towards the bed and lay carefully over her. She softly touched his bearded cheek and put her lips on his. Hi kisses were different from his brother's, there was something romantic but wild in them. He was devouring her with his mouth and took the lead, angling her jaw in the way he wanted to.
His other hand went down between their bodies to play with her folds. He slowly inserted a finger inside her....then two, three. His skilled digits were curling inside of her, just the way his tongue was doing in her mouth. The lack of air made her feel dizzy and she turned her head on the side to flee the assault of his lips.
She finally noticed Halfdan was sitting right next to her head, silently watching the show with hooded eyes. Hers fell on his erection, begging for attention.
Smiling innocently, she leaned a hand towards him and stroked his member which pulsed under her touch.
Gaby let out an audible gasp when Harald's fingers were replaced by his thick cock. Her body jolted upwards and she squeezed Halfdan's sex who groaned let his head fall backwards in pleasure against the head of her bed.
Harald bit her neck – clearly to make her focus on him. She gripped his backside with her free hand and titled her hips upwards to meet this thrusts. The Viking seemed to appreciate it because he bit her neck again and groaned wildly. He grabbed one of her thighs and maneuvered her leg so that it was circling his hip. Gaby understood what he wanted and did the same with her other leg, encircling him. His pace became frantic. A pleasant pressure was getting stronger in her lower body. Loud moans were coming out of her mouth.
“Got !” Halfdan chuckled at her outburst. She squeezed his cock in response and he groaned. She turned her eyes towards him and winked maliciously before taking his dick between her lips.
“Fuck !” He said between his teeth. Gaby smiled inwardly as she slid his sex in and out of her mouth greedily. She was enjoying him as much as she could enjoy a candy.
She felt Harald's puffs of air on her skin. He was close...and so was she. Gaby's body spasmed as the first waves of pleasure ran through her.
“Look at me.” The King ordered and she complied, letting go of his brother's cock who huffed in frustration.
Harald's blue eyes were dark with lust, boring into hers as if he was trying to read into her soul. Gaby suddenly felt embarrassed under his stare and wanted to hide away from it but her need to come was stronger so she looked back. She felt one of his fingers making circles around her most sensitive spot. Her nails scratched his back, her body was shaking more and more.
Gaby's orgasm came crashing upon her like a storm and a sob escaped her mouth. Her thighs convulsed around her lover's hips. Harald gave one hard final thrust before letting go, coating her insides with his seed.
His upper body fell on hers and she stroked his sweaty back lovingly. The King kissed her tenderly one last time before lying down next to her, trying to catch his breath. Her own heart was beating rapidly, her cheeks were flushed and hot, her body was still shaking softly when Halfdan made her lie on her side and took place behind her. He had not come yet so of course, he wanted his share. His cock was hard as steel against her back and even if she was exhausted, a strong was already invading her loins.
Halfan spread her legs with one hand and entered her in one swift motion. She whined under the assault. Harald was watching her with a smirk on his face. The smirk got wider when Halfdan emitted a long groan.
“Feels exquisite, doesn't she ?” Halfdan grunted in approval and thrust harder, faster....
Gaby's bedroom was filled with the sounds of her moans. His flesh was slapping against hers in a crude way which made her think of a porn movie. She could not care less. It was her porn movie and it was the best.
Halfdan's hand went up her body to pinch her nipple and rolled the small bud between his fingers. Gaby raised one arm and her nails softly scraped the shaved side of his skull. He hummed appreciatively against her neck, his mustache tickling her skin. Her walls clenched around him and he gave a deeper and more forceful thrust in response, hitting her cervix in the most pleasurable way.
“I'm going to come.” Gaby let out in a breath.
Another clenching, another thrust. “Then do come, my sweet darling”. He whispered in her ear.
That was her undoing. For the third time that night, Gaby came, body trembling and toes curling. Her lover gripped her hips and snarled against her neck as he reached his peak, filling her insides with his sticky cum.
When his cock had softened, he gently pulled out of her and she felt both of their juices leaking down her thighs. Halfdan spooned her while Harald came closer and she put an arm around his middle. He almost tenderly kissed her forehead. Her eyes were suddenly heavy with sleep. She let out a contented sigh, feeling safe and secure between the two Vikings. She closed her eyes, falling asleep with a silly smile on her face.
Rays of sunshine woke her up. She blinked and sat up, groaning when her whole body complained. She felt sore and stiff everywhere as if she had run a marathon. She thanked herself, remembering she had the day off.
She frowned, realizing she had gone to bed naked. She tried to scan her memory but the only thing she could remember was being in her bath. She could only suppose she had got out of the bathroom and sleepily walked into her bedroom until she could fall heavily on her bed. Alcohol was definitely not good for her. She shook her head and rose up from her bed.
She picked up her towel from the floor and made her way to the bathroom. Slowly, she approached the wash basin. Maybe some water on her face would wake her up. Her eyes looked up and they widened when she saw herself on the mirror. Her neck was full of love bites and she had some hickeys all over her upper body.
An alarm rang in her head just as a dull soreness made itself known between her legs. She flushed. The memories were flowing back in her head. Everything was coming back to her as a distant dream – except this had been very much real. A wild night she wished for and a wild night she got.
She smiled, softly touching her neck....what a birthday wish  ! She could not wait for next year...
Tagging (please tell me if you want to be added or removed): @therealcalicali @naaladareia @tephi101 @ivarslittlebadgirl @ivarswickedqueen @akamaiden @mblaqgi @thevikingsheaux @peaceisadirtyword @captstefanbrandt
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author-morgan · 11 months
im so so curious about this plan of yours to rewrite seasons 5 and 6 with Harald and an OC. would you mind sharing another snippet? 🥺
oh, yes. so, i've been throwing around this idea for about 2 years now and have written blurbs here and there (really don't have much time due to Ph.D. life to sit down and start to fully flesh this out yet), but essentially i dislike what Hirst did to Harald in those last two seasons. so i want to give Harald a proper chance at love with a good wife (and queen).
my OC is Ragnhild the Mighty, based on one of his wives in the sagas who 'he loved above all others.' she's got a reputation (how else would she earn the epithet, Mighty) and is just as ambitious as he is when it comes to getting a crown and kingdom so it makes them quite a pair and force to reckon with.
the general synopsis is Harald and Ragnhild first meet in York (5b) and agree to raid and war against Alfred and co., but it becomes clear that the gods led them to one another for a reason, and not eager to part ways, she returns to Norway with him and Björn to fight Ivar. then it roughly adheres to the general events of the show (election, Rus invasion, etc.), but ofc has some unexpected spins here and there (and lest we forget, she is the mother of Eric Bloodaxe too).
but here's another snippet of them on the eve of the battle of meretun: 
“Indeed,” Harald breathes, his thoughts straying to his brother, to his princess. Both are dead in the cold iron earth now because of his doing. “But we are all blood and bone and spirit. Imperfect” —he lays his hand over hers— “and perfect as we are.” Ragnhild looks at him and wonders if he feels the same invisible flame—the same spark of strange magic—when their flesh touches. She shifts then without a word, swinging herself over his outstretched legs, perching on his lap. Her hands capture both sides of his face, thumbs following the fading blue-black ink of his tattoos and over the scar cutting across one of his cheeks. Her brother’s words echo loudly in her mind: he can make you a queen. Harald’s breath catches as he beholds her—the perfect woman—and a new softness appears in his livid eyes. “Ragnhild?” Her name is a soft, disbelieving whisper. Placing her palm over the restless pounding of his heart, Ragnhild leans toward him, stopping just when her nose brushes his, breaths mingling. “It is a cold night,” she echoes, the words dancing across his cheek and bearded jaw.
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ivarsqueen · 6 years
Omg!!!! They are so cute💖
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rasiel-hasu · 5 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Vikings (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Ivar (Vikings)/Original Female Character(s), Harald Finehair/Original Character(s) Characters: Ivar (Vikings), Harald Finehair, Halfdan the Black, Astrid (Vikings), Hvitserk (Vikings), Ubbe (Vikings), Bjorn (Vikings), Torvi (Vikings) Summary:
Ylva is the daughter of Halfdan Finehair. She was raised a secret from the rest of the world no one knows he has a daughter and Ylva is fine with that. When her uncle Harald comes back from England she knows things are changing. When Ivar shows up to Rogaland, she knows for a fact that nothing is ever going to be the same again. Ivar is intriged by the young woman who no one who a thing about.
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Together - Part 1
Summary: Harald doesn’t mind sharing.
Pairing: Harald/OC, Harald/OC/Halfdan, Halfdan/OC
Warnings: Smut, language, NSFW
Note: I feel like I’ve hyped this up wayyyy too much! Let me know if you want to be tagged.
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“Did you talk to her yet?” Halfdan asked, shoulder bumping his older brother as their eyes both settled on Yasmin, Harald’s new wife. Hailing from Rus, her hair was a dark brunette, sun kissed in caramel highlights and dark green eyes in the shape of an almond. Her mother was a Princess of Rus, her father a Viking warlord, Olef Olefsson. Olef had turned from battle towards trading and with strong merchant connections up and down the Eastern Europe rivers, he had earnt his riches.
“Not yet,” Harald drank from his cup eyes following her as she did her wifely and Queen duties of pleasantly greeting the townspeople. She would smile warmly at them, lightly touch their arm or shoulder, ask after their health, thanked them for attending and wished them to enjoy the rest of their evening. It was the same speech to everyone she met, but she did mean it. Vestfold was smaller and not as rich in gold or culture that she was used to. The people there were mainly fishermen who lived their lives at sea chasing whales for meat and blubber, or Viking men who dreamt of nothing but raiding, trading and wealth. They were simple but pleasant people and she was glad they had welcomed her so. She was Queen so they had to be nice, but so far she felt everybody was being genuine in their niceties to her.
Yasmin, in a pale blue dress heavily decorated with beads and jewels, glided across the Great Hall floor, seemingly bouncing from person to person like a bee flying from flower to flower.
“What’s she like?” Halfdan turned his head and asked quietly, making it look like he was nonchalantly looking around the Hall.
“She is ... eager.”
“Eager is good.”
Harald made a sound of agreement, eyes fixed on her as he watched over the top of his cup.
She eventually made her way to King Harald who held out his hand to her. She placed her hand in his and he bought it to his lips placing a kiss on her knuckles. His facial hair tickled her slightly and she smiled warmly. Yasmin was relieved to have such a husband - he was good natured to her and always complimented her on her grace and beauty. He was a fair ruler, according to the people of Vestfold, and from what she had seen herself.
“So glad you could join us, Queen Yasmin,” Halfdan over exaggerated his bow and Yasmin looked at him for a few moments.
She was wary at first of her husband’s brother - she’d heard horrible stories of his brutality and quickness to anger. In the week she stayed in Vestfold before her wedding, he never left Harald’s side and at first Yasmin wasn’t sure who was who! Halfdan never left his brother’s side, and was very quiet. But, still waters run deep as was evident in his dark chestnut eyes. When Yasmin spoke she could feel his eyes on her - burning through her. Her second impression was that Halfdan might be born a halfwit. He seemed more interested in food and his axe than politics and culture. She discovered he was quite smart, but hid it well. Well, he mainly hid behind his brother. Yasmin soon discovered that Halfdan wasn’t a complicated man and by default wanted an easy life. He stood by his brother out of love for his kin, but that didn’t mean it was any less inconvenient or annoying that where Harald was, so was Halfdan. He could also be an annoying little shit when he wanted to be. Like now, mocking her for being late.
Harald waved off his brother’s comment. “It would not matter if I had to wait a hundred years to again see this beautiful vision in front of me. By Freya you look exquisite tonight, my Queen.”
Yasmin couldn’t help but let out a small giggle - it wasn’t proper for a Queen to giggle like a love sick young woman, but she couldn’t help it.
The young man, having just turned 13 was swearing his oath to King Harald. He didn’t speak very loud but he spoke with good diction. When he finished his oath he let out an audible sigh of relief. Harald smiled, putting his sigil arm band on the boys small arm and spoke his thanks. Harald kept eye contact with the young boy as he spoke, mimicking the boys pace and spoke slowly with good diction, but his voice louder. When Harald had finished the crowd cheered and the boy beamed.
The young boy stepped to his right and appeared in front of Queen Yasmin. She smiled warmly at him and congratulated him on becoming a man and his allegiance to her husband. She affectionately touched his new arm band and called him by his name.
“You know my name?” He asked slightly alarmed and proud.
“I do.” She patted his shoulder lightly signalling him to move on as Harald waved forward the next person to swear their allegiance; a Shieldmaiden. The King glanced to his side at the brief interaction between the boy and his Queen that left a huge smile plastered on the boys face. She was so good with children, adults too, she made each person in their whole kingdom feel special. He couldn’t wait to see her with his children - his heirs, a boy or two sitting with them on the steps to the throne and a girl in her arms. She was so gentle and caring he had no doubt that she would be an excellent mother.
The Shieldmaiden spoke her allegiance and Harald took another arm band and slid it up her smooth arm, reciting his thanks. The crowd cheered and the woman leaned closer, speaking something softly, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Yasmin’s eyes narrowed. She could only imagine what sexual propositions she was promising her husband. Harald nodded his head and cleared his throat, quickly glancing to his left, to Yasmin. He replied something, and the woman gave a curt nod of her head.
“My Queen,” The woman gave a polite nod to Yasmin, who returned with a false smile. As the Shieldmaiden turned to walk away, Yasmin quickly crossed her legs, one leg flicking out and tripping up the woman. She stumbled to her knees. A quiet descended amongst the Great Hall.
Halfdan, who had been standing off to the side, took a small step forward from his position. He protected his brother naturally and by association protected Yasmin. Harald loved her more than anything and if she were to be harmed Harald would be beside himself.
The shieldmaiden whipped her head up in instinct and then stilled herself, remembering where she was and who she was looking up to.
“Watch your step, Luda.” Yasmin spoke evenly and with double meaning.
Halfdan looked to Yasmin. He’d always pegged her for a good Queen, but she seemed to lack any fire. She didn’t know how to fight, but it seemed she didn’t need to wield a sword when she used words like those.
The shieldmaiden stood and nodded, not making eye contact. “Apologies, my Lady.” The correct reply would have been ‘my Queen’ given the formality of the situation.
Yasmin waved her hand, dismissively. Yasmin sat straighter in her throne, uncrossing her legs and Harald waved forward the next person, another young boy who now looked even more nervous than before.
After the ceremony, a feast was held outside due to the good weather, an idea of Yasmin’s that Harald congratulated her on. Later that night Queen Yasmin finally took off her crown. She had been wearing it all day and it was heavy. She groaned in appreciation at the weight that had been lifted and rolled her neck and shoulders, jumping slightly when a pair of lips pressed against the exposed flesh of her neck.
Harald had too removed his crown and unbraided his hair. She lifted a hand to his head, fingertips gently massaging his scalp as his lips continued to kiss along her neck as his warm arm snaked around her waist.
“I need you,” he breathed against her ear, rocking his hips forward and she could feel his hardness through his breeches and her dress.
“We need to get ready,” she laughed lightly, reminding him they had another royal engagement.
“I want my seed to fill you, take a hold of you and see you swell with my heir,” he mumbled in her ear, hand splaying across her flat stomach. She turned around in his embrace.
“There will be time for that, my King. Just not right now.”
“They will wait,” he shrugged, pressing his lips to hers and hands splaying on her ass pulling her forward to his groin. His kisses ignited passion within Yasmin and she pulled the laces on her dress, slipping it from her skin. Harald’s mouth went to her breasts, sucking at her soft flesh, tongue swirling around the pink rose bud of her nipple. He kept a strong arm around her, walking her backwards towards their large bed. She sat on the edge, unlacing his breeches as he took off his tunic. She wasted no time in tugging them past his hips and taking the base of his cock in her hand, mouth lightly sucking the head, like he taught her to.
He had taught her everything she knew and she was thankful that sex was pleasurable and not just a way to make children. She wanted children, ever since a young age she had a strong maternal instinct and couldn’t wait to hold a sleeping baby in her arms. She was slightly older than she had hoped when she had been married - previously promised to a Tsar their engagement had been three summers long due to him away on a long raid and battle. He had been killed in battle and the pursuit of another good match had to be made. She had concerns that due to her being slightly older if the Gods would still bless her body with the strength to conceive and bear a child.
The need between her legs grew as she took the King’s cock deeper into her mouth eliciting a groan from the man himself. His hand gently fisted her hair and coaxed her deeper. He looked down at her, blue eyes meeting her dark green ones, his mouth falling agape at the sight of her lips taking him. He pulled her mouth away and coaxed her back on the bed, nose nuzzling her neck as one hand went up her smooth thigh and his finger, laden with gold rings, stroked at her slit. His middle finger delved into her wetness, mouth assaulting her bare breasts as she rocked her hips towards his hand. Another finger was quickly added, angled just so to rub against the special spot inside her that her writhing against him.
He withdrew his hand moving back a little to see her flushed face, hair fanned out behind her. He moved his own hair over one shoulder out the way. He rubbed his erection against her slit gathering her wetness on his silky flesh.
“Do you want your King’s cock inside you, my beautiful Queen?” He questioned huskily, watching her eyes widen at his words and desperation masked her face.
“Yes!” She quickly answered. “Get inside me now!”
He chuckled. She was the perfect embodiment of a Queen normally - poised, and spoke with great diction and purpose but when she was beneath him on their bed she spoke brash and brazen like a man.
He did as she requested, pushing forth into her tight cunt, a loud moan leaving her mouth as her hands ran up and down his back, fingernails scratching him lightly. As he bore his hips down into hers she lifted her up so they met and grinded against each other. He continued to kiss lazily at her neck, a sheen of sweat covered them both their moans getting louder - of which he did not care. She was loud and if he did not covet her respectful appearance so much he would fuck her in the middle of the town so that everyone could see - as well as hear - what he did to her.
Her orgasm sprung forth quickly, her walls pulsating around him, she gave him no warning and he spilled inside her looking down at her face in wonderment at the feel of her coaxing forth his seed to spill into her womb. The feeling was like none he’d experience before, his whole body went numb with pleasure and then suddenly he felt like he could move again as his own pleasure racked through his body. He groaned louder than before, thrusting his hips forward until there was nothing more to give. Yasmin ran her hands over his chest and shoulders, marvelling at the sight of him above her, sweating and red faced. He collapsed on top of her, she wrapped her shaky legs around his waist.
“Stay, so that the seed might hold,” she whispered, lovingly stroking his back as their breathing laboured.
A cough interrupted them, and Harald pulled out quickly with a pop and a soft squelch from her. Yasmin gave a little scream, trying to hide her nakedness beneath her husband.
“Halfdan!” Harald admonished, “By Odin’s balls what are you doing?” He asked angrily.
“You are late.” Halfdan replied casually.
“Get out!” Yasmin screeched, voice cracking. He turned to her like he just realised she was there. His eyes darkened and his eyes took in her nakedness.
“Do you know how to knock?” Harald asked now sitting on the edge of the bed with Yasmin behind him. It didn’t really do much to hide her naked body as Halfdan could still see her breasts.
“I did. Twice. You said ‘come in’,” he smirked.
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ivars-snowflake · 6 years
The little Witch of Kattegat, Part IX
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Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine
Pairing: Ivar & OC Ase
Wordcount: 1710 cca
Warnings: Violence
Feedback is always welcome and highly appreciated! :)
tags: @red608, @onjacks-blog @romanchronicles, @oddsnendsfanfics, @kenzieam, @didiintheblog
The sight was marvelous. Her whole body trembled in fear just a mere moment ago, when she watched him lying on the ground, but as he growled now, blood covering his face, all she could do was to believe his words. He made her believe. He is Ivar the Boneless, they cannot kill him. Though he forbade her to be anywhere near the battle, she ignored his words, he had no power over her, not the power that would give him the right to command her. She creeped up the stairs to the tower, knowing it would make him angry, but worried to much too care. She watched his face, covered in blood, his voice was sending shivers down her spine. She watched everyone freeze at the sight, and it brought a smile upon her face. The sight was wondrous, he looked so beautifully insane, and she needed him so bloody much. She bit her lip strong enough to taste blood, staring at Ivar with greedy eyes.
It was another battle won, the town of York remained theirs, and another strike was given to the enemy. She found Ivar after the battle, sitting on the stairs of the altar in the Christian church. His face was still bloody, and his eyes still mad. The bodies of the dead were splattered across the room, but she didn’t mind. The things Ivar had awoken in her scared, yet intrigued her so much. This time, she would not allow him to push her away.
She was torn on the inside, ever since the two have gotten together, more so since her own madness started to feel drawn by his – torn between Ivar, and her right mind. And she kept choosing Ivar. She loved him so much, it terrified her. It terrified her what she would do for him. Moments like today, when blood would flow like a river, they made her blood run hot, she would feel the lust sting. People were dying, and all she could think of was Ivar’s body below hers. She felt it when king Aelle died, but it wasn’t this strong, she was able to resist. But this, now, there was no resisting it.
He was alone, and she approached him and straddled his lap, her lips pursuing his. She licked the blood of them, and the kiss tasted like iron, like wrath. Of all the kisses they shared, this one was different. She was kissing the devil, as her skilled fingers played around with his pants. The skirt of her dress went up, and right there, in the middle of all the death and silence, her screams tore the air apart.
Her vision was blurry, and the morning sun didn’t make it any better, when she came bursting out of the church and away from Ivar. Angry, furious in fact, hurt and oblivious, the last thing she wanted was to break down crying in front of him.
They were fighting a lot lately. Ivar lost a lot lately, and his way of coping with it somehow included pushing Ase away, and losing one person more. It was a collision of their wishes – Ase’s wish to be by his side and chase his demons away, and Ivar’s wish for Ase to be safe, as far away from him as it was necessary. He saw the effect he had on her, he feared the things she would do for him, and he feared he would eventually ruin her. He feared that she would die, and he wouldn’t be able to stop it from happening. He saw her become restless, fearless, relentless. She, on the other hand, tried her hardest to stay by his side, no matter his angry outbursts and desperate attempts to make her go away. Though her love had known no boundaries, her patience had.
She was walking angrily, silently cursing and gesticulating while she kept yelling at him inside her mind.
-Whoa, easy there!
A voice startled her, and she felt a firm grip on her wrist, saving her the fall, and sparing her from yet another bruise.
-What did he do to you?
She blinked a few times, making the tears go away, before she fixed her gaze on the man, pulling her hand from his grip.
-People fight, king Harald. Now, if you’ll excuse me…
She liked him, but wasn’t really in a mood for a chat about lover’s quarrels with him. Turning on her heel, with hasty steps she tried to rush away, but he stopped her.
-I’ll be leaving in soon, little one, and there’s something I need to talk to you about while I’m still here.
Confused, but curious, she stopped and gave him a questioning look. Her eyebrows furrowed in a way he found so familiar, making her look exactly like a woman he once knew and loved.
-Somewhere more private, yes? Ase nodded, and followed Harald.
With everyone still celebrating the victory, the yard behind the church was empty and unusually quiet. Not knowing what to expect of this encounter, Ase kept her gaze fixed on Harald, while he tried to find the right words to start their conversation. He appeared nervous, Ase never saw him nervous. She watched him closely, the way he would rub his palms together to calm down, or how his eyes would wander around, only to avoid meeting hers. She found it funny, the fact that the great King Harald, who aspires to become the king of all Norway, would act almost as ridiculous as she does when she’s nervous. It felt like hours passed before he cleared his throat and finally started talking.
-So, Ase…when I first saw you in the Great Hall, there was something about you that seemed oddly familiar. Your hair, the way you walk, almost as if you were floating, the smile. I asked Hvitserk and Sigurd about you, and they told me a few things, but they never told me your name. I found that out from Ivar, along with the story of how you came to Kattegat, of your mother, the rumors…it just, confirmed my doubts.
She listened carefully, not sure where this conversation would eventually lead, but king Harald knew something about her that she did not, and she was ready to hear what it was. Ever since she discovered a few of her mother’s secrets, she would often wonder about her origins, about her abilities, about her family. Maybe, this was the moment to find things out.
-I met your mother on one of my raids, on the north, we were camping near the village called Rooreksgil. Her hair was as red as yours, and her spirit was as wild as yours back then. I was sad to hear she passed away. When she left, and took you with her, my heart broke and I was angry, I never thought I’d find you again, least of all in Kattegat. Yet here you are.
He cupped her face with his hands, and Ase would swear she saw a tear glistening somewhere in those eyes, whose shade of blue was so similar to hers. They were so similar to hers…
-You knew her…you are… Her thoughts were in a mess, and it was hard to form sentences while words were all mixed up, for she expected some insight into her past, her mother’s background, her story. What she got, was something entirely different.
-Yes, I’ve known her. I loved her. I thought she loved me to, but she used me to escape her home. Maybe she would have learned to love me, if her past hadn’t followed her and made her run. Sometimes, one can’t escape who one is. And the witches of Rooreksgil, they wanted what they thought was theirs. When your mother gave birth to you, she was in constant fear of you being taken by her family. They gave her up, because she always refused to practice any sort of magic, but they wouldn’t give you up. They came to claim you one day, when you turned three. Of course, I would never let them take you, but your mother, she was convinced that I can’t protect you. So one day, she was gone. And so were you.
It took a while for Ase to come to her senses. She was unaware of the tears, that were now running down her cheeks while she listened to his story and her soul ached, but her body was unresponsive. Her mind went numb, before she suddenly got angry, then happy, feelings mixing up inside of her to the point where she did not know what it is that she’s feeling. She was sitting in front of her father, the man she never thought she’d meet. And he was no monster, as her mother convinced her he would be. That woman, was anything she ever said even true?
-Did you…did you try to find her? Us?
-Oh, yes. I was trying so desperately I even asked for the help of her family. But your mother, though she was never into practicing magic, was a master of protection and veiling spells. In the first three years of your life, all she ever did was learn new spells to protect and hide you. But she got so paranoid…I guess I should have seen it coming, but I did not.
 A heavy sigh left Ase’s lungs, her hand covering her mouth, to silence the sobbing. The more she knew about her mother, the greater her list of resentments was becoming. It’s why she held on to Ivar with such force and protectiveness, his love was the only certain thing in her life. It was something she needed to keep, no matter the price.
-Now that I found you, I wouldn’t want to leave you here alone again.
She smiled warmly at him, cheeks still stained by tears, and shook her head, as she let her hand to rest on his. She was so happy, not only has her father found her, he also wanted her around, he was everything but the things her mother said he would be. Another tear escaped her, thinking how different her life could have been, if only her mother didn’t make the decision she did. And now it was Ase who needed to make her decision.
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Killing Me Softly Ch 2: What Have I Done to Deserve This
Harald Finehair/ Original Female Character, Ivar the Boneless/ Original Female Character
Words: 2,644 
Trigger Warning for mentions of rape
Previous Chapter: Someone Must Get Hurt and It Won’t be Me
Archive of Our Own: 15stepping 
The heavy wooden doors opened, showing the defilement of the holy church. Dried blood spatter showered the stone floor while the glass windows were in shards. These heathens were like a swarm of locusts that destroyed everything in their path.
The two men loudly entered the room, showing off Aethelswith like some pretty trinket.
“Look what we found wandering the halls” the brunette announced joyfully to the room like it was of a joke. “A little princess!”
Soon all eyes were her, with a mixture of stares ranging from mild curiosity to hatred, to lust, and even boredom.  Notably, the brunette grip tightened around her arm, as he was afraid of her running away from him into another's arms. Growing rather annoyed by his touch, she turned to the man holding her,  
“You may release me now, you’ve fulfilled the deal” she replied coldly to the brunette, tearing her arm from his grip. “ I can walk the rest of the way without your assistance.”
Giving him a last cold stare with icy courtesy showing him the hatred of him and his kind in her voice
“Enjoy the earings,” she said smiling enjoying the rather dumbstruck look on his face.
Ignoring the stares and crude words of the heathens, she made long strides towards the Sons of Ragnar. Only three of the five were longing about at the altar. “With any luck the other two are dead,” she thought to herself.
A giant of a man with a long blonde ponytail was noticeably older than the other two. With little doubt in her mind, she thought it was Ragnar’s eldest son Bjorn Ironside. Next to him, was a brunette man with long hair that openly showed sympathy for her situation. Finally, sitting on the altar table with his legs bound was Ivar.
Only giving a glimpse towards Ivar, she could see that he had drastically changed. It was not his looks, even though his hair had changed, but rather his countenance. He seemed darker, filled with wrath, and crueler giving no sympathy towards her situation. Now that he held the power instead of her family, why would she expect anything but cruelty from him? She thought to herself, “What did you ever see in him? He’s a Liar, a heathen. It was never going to work out. He was supposed to fall in love with you, not the other way around. Then again, it’s not like you truly trusted him anyway.”
“Princess Aethelswith, it’s been a while hasn’t it?” He purred cruelly, most likely enjoying seeing her come so low.  He was beautiful in catastrophic kind of way.  Like an inferno of flame, burning everything in his path and filling the world with a destroying light.  
“I have come to speak to the leader of your army. If it is not you, then I have nothing to say to you,” she responded coolly.  Some of the other men snickered in the background but with a swift look from Ivar, it became deathly quiet.
“That would be me, Princess. I am Bjorn Rangarson.” he paused taking a look over to the men that had presented her. “Did they harm you?” he asked with some concern in his voice.
“No, they actually showed a surprising amount of restraint” She replied
“Then, why are you here if you were not forcibly taken from your hiding place?” Bjorn questioned as if he didn’t believe she would willingly face them.
“ I have come to give myself over as a hostage to the leaders of your army in the hopes of stopping the carnage here.”
She knelt before him in a sign of submission, of acceptance in her situation though it dealt a blow to her pride. It was best to make them think that she was a scared, weak Christian trying to save herself from torture, rape, and death.
In one swift movement, she tore off the white veil covering her hair. A golden circlet was woven through her thick, curly brown locks that reached to mid back. Unweaving the golden trinket she offered it to him in a sign of peace. Through the men seemed dumbstruck by the act. Her hair had never been seen by male other than her family and those of the court. The church always said a woman's hair was a great temptation to men. Perhaps, she thought to herself, it would tempt these men as well.
As the room silenced around her, she finally understood. It might have been her crowning beauty, besides her full lips and pale skin. Sure, she didn’t have beautiful blonde hair nor a tall forehead, but her grandfather said to use her beauty as a weapon. “Use your beauty as an advantage over the power of men. It is one of your most dangerous weapons. Coupled with your intelligence, I’m sure you can bend any man to your will,” her grandfather had said to her after her betrothal to Magnus ended and the men of the court started surrounding her like wolves circling a wounded doe.
She played the naive innocent, unaware of men’s attention, knowing that if she returned any of them they would expect more than just a friendly word. That’s why she thought the best place in this earthly world was Streoneshalh. She was free to be herself, and not have to worry about the attention of men. Well, that was until the Heathens came made it a living Hell.
Kneeling before Bjorn Ironside she began her speech hoping to appease him,
“I only ask for mercy. Mercy for myself and the women your men have taken as prisoners.  I know that this war is against my grandfather and that you will not stop until you get revenge for your father, but surely I will be of more use to you alive than dead.”
“ How so, if not to make an example of you to your family?” Ivar sneered gaining a dark look from his brothers. She fought the urge to look at him.  To show him the hatred that she now held for him in her heart. He promised that he would never hurt her or anyone she cared about.  “They were lies. Everything he’s ever said to you is a lie. For every bone he’s broken, he probably breaks a promise.”
“ I’m sure that ransom will make you all very wealthy.” she paused gauging their reactions showing only mild interest. She quickly thought of something that might whet their appetites more. She needed time to find a way to help the people they had taken.
“ If it is not wealth that you desire, surely with the fair treatment of myself and Princess Heluna, could gain you land. In addition to this, your men could gain wealth as well.  I will personally use my own funds to ransom the women they took. ”
This had garnered some interest from the men around her. She could see the gleam of curiosity from the Bjorn and his brothers.
“My grandfather is king of Wessex, Mercia, and East Anglia, it is well within his power to grant you that land. Was that not King Ragnar’s ambition, to have farming land here? As for Northumbria, it is in a weakened state from your overwhelming victory. Surely the barter of Princess Heluna, the youngest child of the Queen Ealhswith, will also grant you either land or wealth as long she is treated fairly and with the respect of a free woman of royalty.” She proposed waiting for their reply.
It was a strange kind of agony waiting for Bjorn’s reply. What was he thinking? Was he just as cruel as any other heathen? Was he calling her bluff” She wondered. She didn’t know much about him other than his prowess as a warrior and that he was only the half brother of Ivar, but he did not give off the vibe of cruelty.
“Whether or not land or wealth is given to us, we will make sure you and Princess Heluna are not harmed. Our vengeance is not with you or Princess Heluna. Should your father come to ransom you we will not stand in his way, but I have met him, he is not the type to avoid a fight.”  
He was right of course, her father had a temper, but it was never raised towards her. He would rather kill every heathen that he set eyes upon than negotiate a end to unnecessary bloodshed that the heathens would bring.  But she needed to seal the deal between them, hopefully, Bjorn kept his word better than his brother.
“Do you swear on your god Odin? I have been made promises before and have found that they are rarely kept if they are not sworn on by one’s beliefs. Even less so from people of opposing beliefs.” she ushered out not breaking eye contact with Bjorn. Before could utter any words the man that brought her to the sons of Ragnar stepped through the crowd.
“I’m afraid Bjorn you have no right to take the Princess since I found her first she is my prisoner” the brunette man from before strode forward advancing like a lion on the prowl. What could he possibly want from me? Please let in be the gold.” she thought to herself as she removed her body from the kneeling position. There was no way in God’s good earth that she would be seen submitting to some upstart heathen who thought he was bartering for a farm animal.
“Princess Aethelswith is a vital prisoner King Harald. That needs to be, in the meantime, unharmed and given your and your brother's reputation with Christians I can hardly expect you to restrain yourself” Ivar spoke with thinly veiled anger, that sounded to her more like a child not getting the toy he wanted.
“I meant no disrespect nor question of your or your brothers leadership, but if you take my prisoner then you will have to take of these men’s women, of course, I have no problem as long you treat each of allies the same as myself.”
Taking in the looks of the various men around she saw none of them wanted to part with the people and riches they perceived they had the right to own.  Would the sons of Ragnar give her over to some cocky king despite saying that no harm would come to her, that their vengeance was not towards her?  Rallying his fellow soldiers, this King Harald began
“Isn’t the victory of battle what we relish? Shouldn't we crush King Egbert's army on the field of battle with Odin beside in VIctory? ” this King Harald spoke launching their army into a frenzy, “They are but weak Christians! We are the masters here not them.”
His charisma infected the others. With the hall erupting in like calls to “kill the Christians”, “to fight with Odin”, and “revegne for Ragnar”. Bjorn looked at her with real pity in his eyes, and she knew what he going to do.  For a moment her masked fell, and the fear showed on her face and the sons of Ragnar saw it.
“She is yours King Harald”, Bjorn said getting up from his chair fully showing his massive height and intimidating figure, “but she is still an important hostage. The wealth would hardly be yours if she is damaged in any way”.
“Of course, I mean no harm towards her” King Harald spoke confidently, not intimidated by Bjorn close proximity towards him.  She quickly got in between the two men. “I can’t save myself, but I can try and save Heleuna,” she thought as she pressed her gold circlet to Bjorn.
“Please keep these trinket as a sign of good will between us. If that cannot happen please let it buy good treatment for Princess Heleuna. She knows little of your language or customs and is now in the hands of the men who blood eagled her father.” she said pleading with him, couldn’t her pretty face do some good for once?
“I will make sure she isn’t harmed. Sigurd’s not the type to hurt women” He reassured her gently pushes her towards new captor. Taking a deep breath, she calmed her nerves and put on her stony facade.
She really looked at her captor now. His eyes like a frozen arctic wasteland, his tattoos like venomous snakes Slithering across his face, black leather armor like charred bones woven together with the lives he had taken. “He must be some sort of demon just like the rest of them” she cursed her luck
That idiotic smug face looked at her with the satisfaction of getting his ‘prisoner’ back. If she was a different person, a warrior, she would have punched that idiotic smirk off his handsome face, but she learned long ago to repress her true emotions.
“Hey God, it's me, Aethelswith. Are angry with me? Have I done something to upset you? It this some sort of test?” her mind questioned angrily. Had God abandoned her and his people? What was his plan for her or had he decided to wipe his hand of his sinful people?  She needed to focus on anything that would subdue her anger and stop her from showing her fear of this new uncertainty as she took tiny steps towards him.
With Ivar, she knew somewhat with what she would be dealing with. He was an intelligent yet cocky individual with an eagerness to prove himself. This ‘King Harald” was a new player on the board. A wild card that she had not thought would enter the playing field.  Shouldn’t the Sons of Ragnar have more sway over their army? Or was the Great Heathen Army only simply connected by the memory of Rangar and the glory of fighting for vengeance?
She started winding her hair back together behind the veil to keep her from tearing off her nails or blindly punching the next person who touched her or said some comment.
“Why are you putting your hair away?” he said while trying to reach out to her hair.  He was too close. Bile threaten to come up from her throat, she knew what he really wanted to do to her and it didn’t involve her with the veil on.
“If you like it so much, I sure you can cut some off when you ransom me to my father,” she said back to him, fed up with faking that everything was fine. In the back of her mind, she knew it would be better to play nice and to get her captor on her side, but she had enough of it. How was this fair? How was this right? Was this part of God’s plan for her.
His arm shot out and gripped her wrist dragging her from the crowded church. Her heart sank, she wanted to run, go back and hide, find her father and he would tell her everything would be fine. It was going to happen, just like it happened to every other woman here. He wasn’t going to listen to sons of Ragnars and he wasn’t going to listen to her cries of mercy.
Taking a look back at the alter that once held the mysteries of faith, she stared at the youngest son of Rangar. His heartbreakingly beautiful eyes stared back at her not hiding his rage. Her blue eyes bore into his saying “this is all your fault. I should of let them kill you. The whole world would’ve been better off”.
Several of King Harald men joined the two of them as they left the church hall, leaving the dead bodies and the rejoicing Heathens behind. As her gaze return to large hand clamped to her wrist asking one final question “What Have I Done to Deserve This?”.
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