#Happy birthday Laa!
igwanasuchus · 2 years
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
YOO happy birthday!!!! or as we say in spanish feliz cum(pleaños). hope you have a good day and wish u the best !!
Thank you so much! I spent the day with a friend and their family and it's been really good all things considered X really weird thinking I'm 26 now but once I get myself a job I'm sure I'll start settling into it quite nicely x
Have a good day, or as we say here where I am from "Have a boss day laa" xxx
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bigswigrollers · 22 days
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thank you la la LAA!
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celtfather · 3 months
Happy Birthday from Ireland, Laughter Yoga #289
Is there an Irish birthday song? There is now. It’s by Marc Gunn with the song “Happy Birthday From Ireland”.
Cedric of the Bedlam Bards hypnotizes with wit and charm. Then he shares how laughter is the best medicine, especially with something called Laughter Yoga.
This is Pub Songs & Stories #289
0:21 - Marc Gunn with Rimbo “My Love Is Like A Red Red Rose” from Soul of Harper and The Secret World of Celtic Rock
I am Marc Gunn. I’m a Sci F’ Irish musician and podcaster living in Atlanta, Georgia. If you’re new to the show, please subscribe. You can do that PubSong.com or Just send me an email to follow@celtfather
Listen: Soul of a Harper
Poll: What’s your favorite song on Soul of a Harper?
Merch: Buy Soul of a Harper on Patreon
Plastic Free July. Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics?
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends.  But at the end of September, we’re invading Scotland’s Whisky distilleries in between hiking throughout the country. It’s gonna be epic.
You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
Every week, the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast asks fans of the show to vote for your favorite songs in the podcast. Those votes are compiled at the end of the year to create the Celtic Top 20, your pick of the best music of the year.
I don’t just make the podcast, I’m a fan of it too. So here is another favorite from recent episodes.
6:54 - Melanie Gruben "Water Charges Song" from Like a Tide Upon the Land
From Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #659: No Place Like Home
Written around the same time as The Leprechaun
Musically inspired by Bing Crosby
19:48 - Marc Gunn “Happy Birthday From Ireland” from Soul of Harper
Happy Birthday from Ireland
lyrics and music by Marc Gunn
On St. Patrick's Day, I was born. American by birth, my heritage unknown. Twas two years ago on a musical journey My heart flew to Ireland on the wings of a note.
* O Ireland, how I long for your valleys and mountains! How I long to see your hills and streams. From my home 'cross the ocean, I hear your voice singing, "Happy Birthday from Ireland, my child of the green! La la laa, la di la laa, la laa di la la Happy Birthday from Ireland, my child of the green!"
My Da played the tunes on squeezebox and fiddle. And the songs they were tuned to the harp in my soul. St Paddy, ye never told me that I was Irish. 'Till I heard your voice singing, bringing me home.
Now two years have passed and Ireland sings with me. In every song that flows from my voice and from harp. But I see your eyes smiling and your arms wide open. From the way your children open their hearths and their hearts
The show is brought to you by my supporters on Patreon. If you enjoy this podcast or my music, please join the Club. You get something new every week. It could be bonus podcasts, downloadable songs, printed sheet music, blogs, or stories from the road. Plus, you’ll get access to videos like my Coffee with The Celtfather video concerts. You get it all ad-free when you listen and on Patreon. Email follow@celtfather !
If you can’t support me financially, just sign up on Patreon for free. Special thanks to our Superhero Patrons: Janice G, Cecilia F, Not Higgins, C.J.T. M, Sarah C, William M, Carol Bl, Eric R, James R, Troy R
Cedric is the fiddler and one of the singers of Bedlam Bards, a comedic Celtic group from Austin, Texas that was one of my biggest influences when learning how to put on a show. This weekend, I sat down with Cedric to get an in depth interview about how he escaped Lubbock to join the SCA, form a Celtic band, and  hypnotize his audiences with charm and wit.
54:44 - Bedlam Bards “Crayfish” from Take Out the Trash
James Hazelrig is not only a funny fiddler, he's also a certified hypnotist in Austin, Texas with a lot of funny advice on laughing. I chatted with him at the Sherwood Forest Faire where I start the show with him using some of his hypnosis training and marketing prowess to promote his shows. Then we go into a wonderful discussion of his life as a hypnotist and Laughing Yoga. This is a funny and informative episode you will enjoy.
Find more about James Hazelrig, aka Cedric the Fiddler, at hypnosisaustin.com.
1:30:49 - Bedlam Bards “Johnny Jump Up” from Furious Fancies
1:34:04 - CREDITS
Thanks for listening to Pub Songs & Stories. This episode was edited by Mitchell Petersen.
You can follow and listen to the show on my Patreon or wherever you find podcasts. Sign up to my mailing list to learn more about songs featured in this podcast and discover where I’m performing.
Remember. Refuse, Reduce, reuse, recycle, and think about how you can make a positive impact on your environment.
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laalaaisqueen · 5 months
Name: Tinky Winky (Smith)
Age: 21 (young adult)
Nickname: Tinky (He only lets his friends call him by his nickname, anyone else you have to use his full name)
Birthday: Aug. 23
Species: Wess Tubby
Gender: Trans Male
Family: Noo-Noo (His creator) Tiddly (Tiddly is Noo-Noo’s brother so that kinda makes Tiddly, Tinky’s uncle) Nin (Younger sister) Ping (Also younger sister)
Physical Description: Purple fur with black markings, pale skin, red eyes, long tail.
Personality: He’s usually polite and wants everyone around him to be happy and safe, but be warned if you ever make yourself a threat against his friends; he will fuck you up, he gains his knowledge from books so he is a bookworm, and unfortunately naive and easy to manipulate. 
Fandom: Teletubbies/Slendytubbies
Sexuality: Homosexual
Voice: Feminine 
Back Story: Tinky Winky was created by Noo-Noo for the experiment and while the test subjects usually get dropped to their dome at age 4, Noo-Noo kept him around longer than that until Lucky came to yell at him so boy ended up arriving at the dome at age 8. He right away became attached to Dipsy and Laa-Laa, right away squeezing them in hugs. (Not as attached he was going to be with Po obviously). Unfortunately most of Tinky’s normal was being manipulated by Noo-Noo, more subtle at the dome obviously. Got muddy playing with his friends? A disapproving stare will make Tinky avoid getting muddy again.
Tinky Winky’s usual response to anyone’s disappointment of him is trying to fix it.
Ongoing Story: Cure AU, all I will say is that Tinky is going to see reasons to hate Noo-Noo, but he never is going to. He’s always going to care about Noo-Noo even though he doesn’t see Tinky as a person. 
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Fashion, his bag, his friends
Dislikes: Disappointment, getting dirty, mess in general, fights, strangers, harm coming to his friends
Extra: Tinky has good muscle due to how heavy his bag is, no one else can even carry it. Except Po, she’s the only person he trusts to carry his bag. But he does allow Laa-Laa and Dipsy to exercise their arm strength by TRYING to pick up the bag.
Does your character collect anything? Knives, he thinks they look pretty :)
Kind of clothing? Feminine clothing usually, he doesn’t really like wearing stuff like jeans or suits.
Alignment? Let’s go with Lawful Good
Blood type? A
Hobbies? Reading, piano
Patience level? He usually has a very good patience level
Favourite place? He sometimes likes to read under trees.
Have they ever wanted to commit suicide? Tinky Winky in the cure AU like: Maybe if I overdose on these cure pills, Noo-Noo will never be able to manipulate me ever again
Are they ticklish? Yes
Would they dare kill someone? Not willingly. Or if he felt like it was the only option.
Body modifications? (Piercings, implants, tattoos etc.) I’m not ready to talk about the tattoo on Tinky’s leg.
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expressandadmirable · 7 years
Wait For It
Death doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes And we keep living anyway We rise and we fall and we break and we make our mistakes And if there’s a reason I’m still alive When everyone who loves me has died I’m willing to wait for it I’m willing to wait for it
To Aviva’s surprise, no-one protested when she broached the topic of a detour to Corneria during their flight toward Onrac. In fact, Cid immediately brightened at the idea of stopping for some real Cornerian street food. The stalls in Crescent Lake were good, and the strange magical food maker on the Highwind was adequate, but they both knew the food in their home city was the best in the world.
They agreed on a single afternoon’s visit before continuing on their journey, allowing enough time to run their errands but not enough to distract from the task at hand. Upon landing as unobtrusively as an airship could land on the outskirts of the city, Wilhelm immediately departed for the Academy libraries, while Maergrahn wandered at a more leisurely pace in search of a guidebook and souvenir stand. Sol opted to remain aboard the Highwind, ostensibly to stand guard but truly to take advantage of the peace and quiet. Grummer, armed with a list of recommendations from Aviva, peeled off on a quest to buy the largest hookah he could find; watching his back until he disappeared onto a side street, Aviva and Cid began their epicurean quest.
After an animated debate over the best tavern, stall or food cart in the city, Aviva acquiesced to Cid’s desire for bao and followed her through the press of the central market toward a brightly-coloured shop with a large open window set into the front. A round-faced Human stood in the window, calling jovially to passersby; though she eyed the pair as they approached, her suspicious expression quickly crinkled into a smile when they reached the counter. “What can I getcha?”
Cid ordered for them both, rattling off her request with the ease of a regular, and Aviva realised she had probably been so before destiny stole her away. The shop owner, however, did not recognise the towering Lefein as the friendly little Gnome from up the street and seemed greatly impressed by her knowledge of the menu. Cid flushed, though whether it was due to pride or a pang of nostalgia, Aviva could not tell.
“Okay, you win,” Aviva mumbled through a mouthful of bao as they meandered around the edges of the market. “This was the right choice.”
“Told you!” Cid wobbled her head, confident in her decision yet pleased nonetheless by the Tiefling’s vote of approval. “I used to come here all the time with my papa. He tried to make it at home sometimes, and it was good, but it was never as good.”
“Your papa’s back at the shop by now, yeah? Are you going to go see him?”
Cid stopped abruptly, her face darkening, and it took Aviva a step to realise she was no longer at the Lefein’s side. She turned as her friend shook her head. “No. Not yet. I…” Her eyes flicked down to her still-new form, then back to the Tiefling. “I don’t think I’m ready to have that conversation.”
Aviva nodded, quietly regretting her choice of topic. “Okay.”
“I think I’ll go by the shop, though?” Cid mused aloud. “Have a look? Make sure everything’s okay?”
“Change the sign in the window?” Aviva offered with a small smile. “‘Gone to save the world’?”
“I won’t have to change the sign if he’s there!” Cid laughed, her face losing some of its worry. She shifted her gaze to the wide flight of stone steps at the far end of the market, leading up and away toward a broad cobblestoned square. “I think I’ll head there now. Check in on him.” She brightened further as a thought occurred. “Maybe I’ll write him a letter and slip it under the door.”
“I think that’d be nice.” The Tiefling tilted her head. “Do you want company?”
Cid shook her head. “This is something I need to do by myself.” She softened. “Thank you though.”
“I can meet up with you after, though? At your mama’s shop?”
“That’s where I’ll be.”
Lapsing into a brief silence as she finished her bao, Cid gestured to the stone steps, her expression distant. “If the breeze blows the right way, you can smell all the food in the market from our shop. Sometimes I would leave my window open at night so the smell of baking bread would wake me up in the morning.” Her eyes shone as she spoke. “If papa saw the window, he’d go out and buy bread for our breakfast. Every time, he would tell mama to blame me for putting the idea in his head.” Another silence. Then: “Maybe I’ll buy him some bread, too.”
Giving the Lefein an affectionate pat on the shoulder as she passed, Aviva tracked the mass of white-blonde hair as it faded into the chaos of the market. The same market she had visited her entire life, utterly unchanged in her absence. She debated paying a visit to her old haunts, catching up with friends and comrades, but abandoned the idea as soon as it came to her. Cid was right. Those conversations were too complicated for one afternoon. If there was a next time, she would have them then.
She lit a cigarette and started walking, somewhat absently, turning away from vendors hawking their goods and entering her own personal labyrinth of alleys and back streets, the press of shadowed walls as intimate as a lover’s embrace. The city of her childhood stood exactly as it always had, raucous and vibrant, a living thing. Did it know? Did it have even an inkling of the darkness encroaching on the world? Did it know what she and her friends had been through to save it? To save everything? It did not matter. It was their destiny to fight, perhaps to die, in the service of the world. She wondered who would remember them.
All at once, the alley opened onto a familiar boulevard and the leather shop stood before her, shuttered and quiet. It, too, had not changed, though it stood in stark contrast to the rest of the shops along the street, all of them bright and open for business. It had never been an impressive structure, lacking the attractive half-timbered design of its neighbours, its only distinctive feature the faded purple door at its centre. But it was home.
Her heart hurt as she stared at the building that once housed her entire world. One day, as a child, she had come home from school to find vulgar words and the crude depiction of a bull scrawled across the lovingly painted door. She could no longer recall which cruelties the vandals had chosen to leave, only the badly-hidden defeat on her mother’s face as she resigned herself to repainting the door -- again. Now, its colour dulled with time, that door held only a simple sign announcing to customers that the shop was closed until further notice and apologising for the inconvenience. She almost rolled her eyes. Only her mother would apologise for closing her own shop.
Slipping through the alley to their tiny back courtyard, she left a stone from the banks of Crescent Lake on the Goddess’ altar before letting herself inside. The workshop air was thick with the scent of leather and dye, her mother’s constant perfume. She continued into the shop and rounded the stairs to the flat above, taking a deep, steadying breath before ascending.
The inside of the flat was as dim as the shop below, but her eyes had never minded the dark. The kitchen and living area were as tidy as she had left them months ago, cleaning late into the night to soothe her anxious mind as she teetered on the precipice of destiny. She ran a hand along the smooth wood of the kitchen table, feeling a pang of absurd disappointment; some small part of her had hoped to see signs of life, some evidence her mother had returned, safe and sound despite everything. It was a foolish hope, she knew. The house was empty.
Fishing a ratty canvas bag from the linen closet, she set about gathering items from throughout the flat. A spare belt, extra trousers and tunics (why not take advantage of living in a cabin with drawers?), new violin strings, a blanket she had missed, a stoppered glass vial filled with ash. She surveyed the instruments in her room, finally selecting the left-handed guitar and throwing a capo, glass slide, spare strings and a number of picks into the bag. Having another avenue for music ought to keep her busy for awhile.
The flat was not large, consisting of an open kitchen and living room, a small storage room mostly filled with leather supplies, her room, and her mother’s room. She had stopped thinking of it as her parents’ room fairly quickly after her father’s passing, but she wondered if her mother ever had. Tapping arhythmic patterns on the doorknob to quell the sudden surge of anxiety, it took her several full minutes to open the door.
She had not looked in on her mother’s room before she left Corneria months ago, but she was not surprised to find it immaculate. Much like the shop below, her mother had somehow known she would be gone for some time and had left nothing out of place. The stack of thick gold bracelets was missing from the dresser, which she found oddly comforting; it meant her mother was wearing her favourite jewellery, wherever she was. She considered lying down on the bed, crawling under the covers as she had done so many times when she was little, but she did not. The bed had only been safe because it contained her mother’s arms. Instead, she picked up the item she wanted from the bedside table and made a hasty exit, closing the door firmly and definitively behind her.
The roof. That was where she wanted to go. To see the city as she knew it best, to sit in her favourite spot and let music drift over the slate and thatch and terra cotta like smoke from a hearth. Slinging the guitar across her back and the bag over one shoulder, she opened the shutters of her bedroom window and clambered out, up, and over.
The roof was the only place the lack of change seemed natural; aside from the chimneys and the rainwater tank at the far end, there was nothing to see but flat stone, sun-warmed and inviting even in winter. Settling cross-legged near the front lip of the building, she pulled the guitar into her lap and retrieved the slide from the bag. The guitar was badly in need of tuning, and the strings would soon need to be replaced, but she did not mind. It was an opportunity too precious to waste.
* * *
“Lux? Umm… Aviva?”
The Tiefling palmed the strings of her guitar, her ears pricking up at the sound of her name. The sun was low over the bay; evidently, she had lost track of the hour quite awhile ago. At least it had given her plenty of time to think. She stood, fighting off the feeling of pins and needles in her legs and at the base of her tail, and poked her head over the edge of the roof to see Cid looking at the shop in confusion. “Hey honeybee!” she called, grinning at the face tilting in her direction. “Come on up! The back door’s open, and if you go through--”
And then Cid was beside her on the roof, iridescent angelic wings folding and vanishing against her back.
Aviva blinked. “Or, yeah, you could do that. Showoff.” She smiled as Cid giggled. Letting it fade, she considered her first question; then, softly: “Did you see your dad?”
“No,” Cid sighed. “Shop was closed. But the sign was different, so he must have been back recently. I wrote a letter and left it under the door, then went for a walk in the Garden District. Nothing’s in bloom, but it’s still pretty green. It was nice.” She looked out over the rooftops. “It’s beautiful up here.”
“Best view in the city,” Aviva declared with a broad wave of her hand. “I’ve probably spent more time up here than anywhere else in the world.” She let her arm fall back to her side. “It’s weird to be back, though.”
Cid cocked her head. “How so?”
“I don’t know.” Aviva shrugged. “I guess I expected something to be… I don’t know,” she repeated. “Different.”
“Yeah,” Cid agreed quietly. “Everything around here is the same. It’s us who have changed.”
For a long moment, neither spoke. Then Aviva cleared her throat. “I’m not sure I ever just… thanked you. For coming with me in Deepgift. Or maybe I did, but it doesn’t feel like enough.” She chewed her lip. “I know it didn’t… I didn’t… Well, it could have gone better.” She offered a lopsided grin as Cid snorted, then removed the slide from her finger and reached for her friend’s hand. “But I don’t think I could have held out without you beside me. I don’t know if I could have said no, and ‘no’ was the only right answer I could give. You helped me do that.”
Cid squeezed her hand, her fingers long and graceful, her grip warm. “I know you still feel guilty. But it was my choice to go. You’d have done the same.”
Returning the squeeze, Aviva smiled. “That’s what Elerian said, too.”
“Well, maybe you should start listening!”
A huffed laugh. “I’m learning.”
“I know.” Cid paused, mulling over her words. “And, honestly? Really, truly honestly? Jaxa sort of… did me a favour, if you want to look at it that way. This me feels like the me I’m supposed to be. I feel good like this. I feel… right.” She shrugged. “Would have been nice to find a mellower way to bring that about, but.” It was Aviva’s turn to snort. Cid fell silent for a beat, gazing out over the city. “I don’t blame anyone for being sad. We feel what we feel. It’s just a lot to shoulder when I’m also trying to figure things out for myself. I’m the same, but I’m different. It’s a lot to think about.”
Moving to sit, Aviva tugged on Cid’s arm to join her. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Following the Tiefling’s lead, Cid plopped down beside her, stretching her legs out and leaning back on her palms. “I don’t know. I’m still sorting through a lot.” She squinted into the distance as she thought. “It was nice to be unknown in Crescent Lake. People stared because I’m a big tall Lefein, but not because they knew who I was. I didn’t have to answer any questions, didn’t have to explain what happened. I could just be… alive.”
Aviva winced, but said nothing.
“Being back here is different,” Cid continued, a confused frown playing across her features. “Like you said, it’s all the same, but I’m different. Everything is right where I remember, but I see it differently -- I mean literally, it all looks so much smaller now, so much further away. I knew the lady in the bao shop, but she didn’t recognise me, and now I’m not sure mama and papa will recognise me. I’m not sure how to feel about that.”
“We feel what we feel,” Aviva murmured. “For what it’s worth, I bet your parents will recognise you. Family has a way of adapting to change, even big change, and a daughter creating a new body certainly ranks up there -- and, to be fair, the concept of building a new body isn’t entirely outside your mama’s wheelhouse. What’s important is that they’ll love you no matter what you look like, or how easily you fit into their chairs.”
Despite herself, Cid chuckled. “At least their house in Scanderimus has you-sized rooms. The flat above the shop here is just a you-sized attic my parents converted into a them-sized home. I’ll have to sleep in the workshop or something.” A sudden cloud passed over her face as she realised the painful symbolism of her statement.
“They’ll figure it out,” Aviva said with a confident nod. “They’ll find a way to make it work. It may not be a quick or easy adjustment, but they’ll make it. They’re your family and they love you. Just like we do.”
“Yeah,” Cid breathed, the corners of her lips twitching just slightly. “I know.”
“Can I show you something?” Lifting the guitar from her lap and setting it aside, Aviva reached into the canvas bag. “My family has had it my whole life, and it’s the main reason I wanted to stop in Corneria. Just for this.” She produced a thick, flat object and held it out to Cid, who accepted it delicately and turned it over to look.
Behind a thin pane of glass, two Tieflings smiled, hand-sketched and lovingly painted. The man, tall and broad and sporting a short braid in his plum-coloured hair, had an arm wrapped around the woman’s shoulders, his face angled toward her with an air of playful adoration. She, petite and incredibly pregnant, had been captured mid-laugh, pressing a hand to her belly for support as she nestled herself against his side. Her hair was dark, braided over one shoulder, but the hue of her skin and the curve of her horns mirrored the Tiefling on the roof so precisely that her identity was impossible to mistake.
Cid exhaled slowly, holding the wooden frame with reverence. “Your whole family.”
“Yeah. My papa’s best friend Pippa drew this as a gift to them -- the week before I was born, though she didn’t know that part at the time. I was born a couple weeks early, and she used to joke that if she’d waited just a few days, she could have included me in the picture properly.”
“Your papa was very handsome.”
“I’ve never met a man who could surpass him.” Aviva’s smile was soft and fond. “My mama was twenty-two when she had me, and the age I am now is the age she was when she lost him. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately.”
Resting her hand on Aviva’s knee, Cid nodded sympathetically. “That’s a heavy thing to sit with. I know how much you miss him. And her.”
“It made me realise something, though. There were people who thought she wouldn’t make it, that she’d just waste away without him. But she had me. We got through it because we had each other… just like you, and Halei, and Grummer, Wil, Maergrahn and I will get through this because we have each other. Because we’re family. A weird, found, slightly dysfunctional, but ultimately loving family.” She flushed. “It sounds kinda cheesy when I say it out loud.”
“That’s okay,” Cid grinned, her own weight seeming to lift just a little. “I like it anyway.”
Suddenly, something hard bumped into Aviva’s low back. She yelped in surprise, twisting with arm raised and ready to fire, but she stopped before she could gather the magic. “Well, look who it is!”
A large ginger cat stared back at her, utterly unfazed by the prospect of being roasted by magical flame. He stepped forward as Aviva lowered her hand, pressing his head into her palm. “My starman.”
“You know this cat?” Cid asked, stunned. “This is the cat who used to come into the shop and knock all my things over and nap in the sun!” She laughed in delighted shock. As if knowing he was the subject of their conversation, the ginger cat turned his attention to Cid, rubbing against her outstretched hand. “Is his name Starman?”
Aviva shook her head. “Nah. That’s just what I called him sometimes. He’d come sit up here with me and we’d stargaze together, so he became my starman.” She stroked his back as Cid scratched under his chin. “But it’s a pretty good name. Good to see you again, buddy.” He purred in response.
For a few minutes, they lavished attention on the ginger cat, until Aviva finally sighed. “We should be getting back, it’s near dark. I kind of wish we’d decided to spend the night here, though. We could go dancing.”
“Dancing?” Cid raised a brow. “What kind of dancing?”
“No kind, just dancing. For fun. There’s a club not far from here that a friend took me to once. I went a few times by myself after that; dancing alone is surprisingly fun if the music is loud enough.” Aviva smirked. “You did say you wanted to try new things.”
“Maybe next time.” Cid stood, brushing off the backs of her legs. “How do we get down?”
“You mean you can’t just fly us down?” Aviva asked, feigning her best innocence.
Cid gave the Tiefling her best withering look. “I can only do that once a day, cheeky.”
“Alright, alright.” Aviva strapped the guitar to her back and led the way from the roof back to her bedroom, guiding Cid through the window and latching it behind them. When they exited the back door of the shop, the ginger cat was waiting for them on the cobblestones, yawning widely before twining around Cid’s legs. They each offered him some parting scratches in turn, then made their way through the alley and out into the street.
A thin sliver of moon rose to greet them as they ambled toward the edge of the city, the Lefein and the Tiefling, the angel and the devil. Throwing an arm over Cid’s shoulders, Aviva serenaded her with a ballad she’d heard in Crescent Lake, adding in just enough drama to make her friend squeal with laughter. They must have seemed a pair of professional drunkards, supporting each other so early in the evening, but Aviva did not mind. Sometimes a bit of silliness was called for.
“Don’t look now,” Aviva muttered as the houses began to alternate with small plots of farmland, “but I think we’re being followed.”
Cid tensed, ready to reach for the gun at her hip, but when she peeked over her shoulder, her expression softened. “Starman!”
The ginger cat chirped, trotting forward when they paused and pressing his body against Aviva’s shin. She crouched to run her hand over his back, peeking up at Cid with a coy smile. “Captain… He appears to have followed us home. Can we keep him?”
Frowning in thought, Cid folded her arms. “I don’t know… What if someone doesn’t like cats?”
“Every good ship needs a cat,” Aviva countered; as if to emphasise the point, the ginger cat flopped on the ground, showing his belly as he stretched his front paws expectantly toward Cid. “And besides, if Maergrahn has a duck, I don’t think anyone can say boo.”
“That’s a valid point,” Cid conceded. “Do you think he’ll try to eat the duck?”
“This lazy little shit?” Aviva scoffed. “The only reason he learned to hunt is because I couldn’t feed him every day. He was made to be a housecat.”
“Well…” Cid mused, making a show of indecision, then broke into a grin. “I think we have room for one more. Welcome aboard, Starman.”
The ginger cat yawned.
Life doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes And we keep living anyway We rise and we fall and we break and we make our mistakes And if there's a reason I'm still alive When so many have died Then I'm willing to wait for it I'm willing to wait for it
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Love doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes And we keep loving anyway We laugh and we cry and we break and we make our mistakes And if there's a reason I'm by her side When so many have tried Then I'm willing to wait for it I'm willing to wait for it
(Femslash February is over, which means it’s Morgan March! It also happens to be the birthday of one of my dearest friends, Morgan’s player @stufflaalikes, so this story is a birthday gift to her. Featuring some heart-wrenchingly beautiful Lux family art by Sol’s player @b-e-m-l-t.)
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eviltwin76 · 7 years
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#laa post
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Ok, I wanted to talk about my dreams when I was sleeping. So I was sleeping, and then my parents came in to show me a surprise, so I woke up, ate, dressed, and I was holding my barney talking doll. So when my parents were driving, then they arrived me to a place I have never seen in real life. (Only on Television) A Big, Amazing, Colourful, World of.. THE BARNEY AND FRIENDS STUDIO!!! I was so excited to see it for the first time in real life! I was so hyped, that I get to meet Barney and his friends! We did pictures, play games, and had a lots of fun. And then it was time to go, after I said bye to Barney, I showed him my talking Barney doll. He was so pleased to see i have a toy version of him. So and then, we went home. Until is was my birthday, Barney the Dinosaur came in to my birthday! I was so super dee duper happy! We ate cake and played games, and most of all, I gave Barney a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich! (His favourite) So then, it was time for Barney to go, but after when he was going, he decided to sing me the "I love you you love me" song. It was so calming. 😌 And then Barney went out from my house, saying goodbye, my birthday party was over. And we relaxed and stayed home. That's my first dream. And let's move on to my next dream. The same thing happend to my Barney dream, but it was different. My parents took me to... THE TELETUBBIES STUDIO!! I WAS VERY VERY EXCITED!! So, I got to meet the Teletubbies and we took pictures and stuff. I discovered the place from Teletubbyland, it was like I'm in heaven. 😍 the Teletubbies was behind me, walking with me, and they were holding hands. I felt like I was special. So the Teletubbies showed me their beds, their favourite things, and they even let me play with them! Tinky Winky let me play his handbag, Dipsy let me play with his hat, Laa-Laa let me play with her ball, and Po let me to play her scooter. It was so Tubbytastic! I had so much fun! 😁 I even went to the top of Teletubbyland! And went down from the slide! It was so much fun. But we had to go, so after we were going, I decided to give the Teletubbies a big hug, They were so fluffy and fuzzy! It's like a pillow! So we went to home and we stayed there. That's all I have for today. Hope you guys understand and I will see you next time!
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 16 + 17.12.20 lb
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riddhima having completely opposite reaction to me, on discovering ki iss shakal ke do do bande ghoom rahein hain dharti pe.
hubs praising wifey’s intellect (he has a real low bar huh) in attached note and saying ki yeh birthday kamaaaaaaaal ka hoga.
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meanwhile kabir has come back to investigate the trap door. bhai you keep saying “policewaala hoon, policewaala hoon” but i don’t see you actually going to work. “policewaala hoon” is this show’s “main AAAAADIIIINAAAAAGIN hoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!” to which literally all of us just respond, haan toh???? nahi matlab, sach mein.......... TOH??? hum kya hi karein iss bohut hi obvious yet useless information ke saath?
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A+ hide and seek game going on here.
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lmaooooooo iski shakal dekho, on being interrogated. he’s suchhhhhhhhhhhhh a shady fuck.
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oh boy she said the word that shouldn’t ever be said to tellywood MLs..... “warna”....... it only leads to one thing:
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yup. this fuckery.
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“tumhe har baat kyun jaanni hoti hai??? nahi bataana.” lmao well, when you put it like that......
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some ainvayi ka blah blah meant to deter her but only makes her more determined. coz hubs knows wifey veryyyyyyyyyy well by now.
also he just said that the raaz is “khoobsoorat”. so this has a positive result ultimately i think?
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andddd he dropped a new aag metaphor: “aag dekhne mein khoobsoorat hai lekin usmein haath daalna akalmandi ka kaam nahi hai.” (remember when he told her as vansh wrt the whole ragini thing ki “aag mein haath daalogi toh aag ko kuch nahi hota, lekin tumhare haath jal jaayenge.”)
also lmao kab karti hai riddhima akalmandi ka kaam????? yes MO is literally just “is it questionable and are people telling me RIDDHIMA NOOOOOO? THEN RIDDHIMA YESSSSSSSSS.”
so of course she’s like fuck you i wanna know at alllll costs.
“yeh raaz tumhe ek aisi duniya mein le jayega riddhima jahaan se laut ke aana tumhare liye impossible hai.” ....... so exactly like being stuck in this house/family????? pfttttt, warn her with something she HASN’T been dealing with everyday for the past 6 months.
some more dumb mysterious metaphors and he finally leaves. 
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meanwhile idhar someone badeeeeeee safaai se maarofied the photo. ok you were spying on her from outside and knew that there was a compartment behind the mirror. BUT HOW DID YOU CRACK THE PASSWORD ON FIRST TRY??????????? IDHAR MERE KO APNA HI GMAIL TUMBLR INSTA PASSWORD 3 BAAR ENTER KARNE HOTE HAIN BEFORE IT LETS ME IN.
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“happy birthday, Dollar Biwi!” mmmmhmmm got you all wet under the shower in black, Happy Birthday to all of us, indeed!!!!!
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“i hope tum hamesha aise hi girti raho aur main pakadta rahoon!” snort. vihaan babu, permanantly yahaan ghar basaane ka plan banaa liya hai kya???? not even pretending anymore that he’s not in this mess for saath janam.
lmao she’s like fuck you i just wanna know the secret.
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smarmy fuck is like hmmmmmm, birthday ke din bataaa hi doon kya? fucking tease.
he’s like ok fine, in the evening, at the party you’ll get a gift that’ll be your answer.
she’s like if you break your promise and don’t give me the answer?
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“toh koi aur de dega.” this fuckerrrrrrrrrrr. he playing 3d chess, he fully knows what’s happening outside with the picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she’s like pls no one else knows this secret, i have hidden it verrrrrrrrrrrry safely; and he’s like, if there’s one thing i learnt from vansh, it’s that the walls of VR mansion are neverrrrrrr safe. kabhi bhi kuchhhhhhhh bhi ho sakta hai.
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Chehra Appreciation Break.
she runs out and........... the photo is goneeeeeeeee.
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riddhima constantly wanting to beat up/murder vihaan is such a Mood lmao.
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anyway he beat her with the powers of Logic. and Handsomeness. mostly Logic tho.
so if he didn’t do it................. she concludes ki obviously it was kabir.
ok but what if it was ANGRE, who’s milofied with boss to give bhaabiji an excellent birthday surprise???? he too knows howwwwwww much sis loves to do jasoosi and play these games. MAN JUST GIMME MY V/ANGRE BROTP BACKKKKKKKKKK.
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anyway, birthday surprise has now turned into a headache and hubs like oh nooooooo, this is not what i wanted???? i wanted her to be happpppy and enjoy herselffffff.
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girl back at bappa’s sharan. coz where else to go, really?
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oh shit dadi’s here ranting and raving about knowing the truth. ohhhhhhhhh boy.
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dadi has decided to make herself the birthday candle that riddhima has to blow out.
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man, the matriarch of the house is throwing kerosene all over herself and everyone’s just standing around watching, instead of intervening in any useful way. everyone just want that raisinghania $$$$$$$ huh?
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oh. dream tha. this bloody show and its never-ending dream sequences.
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waise bhi iss set pe roz 4-5 cake aate hi honge, toh unko bas stack kar liya, ho gaya kaam. production mein se extra budget nahi nikaalna pada iske liye.
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V has specialllllllllllll gift for Dollar Biwi. yeh hua na gifttttttt. yisssssss gimme that USD, sonnnnnnn. exchange rate 73 touch kar gaya hai and the way it’s going........ it’s gonna reach even higher soon.
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aslkjdaslkjdlaskjdlkaslksajd riddhima and kabir’s reactions. they’re honestly so fucking done with this asshole.
ishani like since when you have such a sense of humour, bhai????? arre tha hamesha se hi, tum logon ne mauka hi kab diya hai bande ko joke maarne ka? har waqt kuch na kuch kalesh chalta rehta hai iss ghar mein jo bechaare ko sametna hota hai.
kabir adding to anxiety with this birthday will be so special blah blah blah.
and now the cake R cut just exploded with red liquid that ishani injected into it. birthday ke din hi tum sabhi manhooson ko bachchi pe bhadaas nikaalni hai???? ek din toh baksh do bechaari ko.
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sab ka cake khaana khilaana blah blah.
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hubs takes a moment to actually wish her sincerely with mushy eyes and soft voice. sweet.
ouff one moreeeeee surprise. aaj shaam birthday party. organized by kabir. greaaaaaat. 
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riddhima’s face = mine when i too am forced into social events that i have less than zero interest in attending.
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lmaooooooooooooo kabir called him “vansh bhai” and the slowwwwww turn V did to look at him like ‘bitch what you say??????’
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snark snark snark.
kabir rolling out some tray and......... the episode ends. god this is so fucking boring so much buildup to a bloody partyyyyyyyyyyy.  just get it the fuck over with my god!!!!!!!
K’s presented her with a buncha envelopes to choose the theme of the party or some such shit and riddhima’s like the fucker had put the photo in one of these for sureeeeeee.
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Chehra(s) Appreciation Break
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anyway she picked one envelope and there’s a letter from K saying i have the secret you were hiding, it’ll be out in the party, blah blah.
interesting thing is that this letter is written in hindi. the letter from vansh was hindi transliterated in english. hmmmmmm. i mean, lol, this has no larger bearing on the plot, just an observation i’m making and wondering about the show’s choices.
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lmao he did this lil eyebrow thing that just neeeeeeded to be giffed. i love this face so much!
hubs is sensing something is realllllllllll wrong and taking charge of the conversation and declares party ka theme colour is gold, and that riddhima is gonna look hot in black and gold. uh....... ok?
everyone disperses and V is warning K ki if you fuck this party up in anyyyyyyyyy way that makes the birthday girl upset..............
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vishal is making sooooooooo many amazing gif-worthy faces today. about time i make a set on him.
riddhima turning K’s room uthal-puthal to find the photo and obviously failsssss.
and he’s here with a bouquet of balloons and OMG BURSTING THEM ONE BY ONE LIKE THIS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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lotsaaaaaaaa threatening blah blah and riddhima is trying to reason with him and............ god i’m so bored.
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“tum na riddhima bohut hi ajeeb type ki ladki ho. jis kaam ke liye mana kiya jaata hai tum EXACTLY wohi karti ho!!!!” hahahahahaha both her boytoys should meet up over a drink about this very special characteristic of her’s. they’ll find they have more in common than they think.
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lmao literally noone else can make a party horn and the birthday song seem this hilariously threatening. i love him so muchhhhh.
behen is now crying in front of vansh’s photu. you know, to spice things up a lil.
saw some random photo frame sitting there, and just opened it and happened to find a bank transfer reciept from vansh to vihaan. for 5 crore. and on the 8th of december, 2017. ok but my question is what about the frame said ki open this and find exactly what you’re looking for behind the picture???????
storming off to find V and............
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lo ji aaj ke girrne ka karyakram shuru.
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lmao the contrast in reactions.
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“kismat tumhe har pal, har kadam mere aur kareeb laa rahi hai, riddhima.”
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he’s being very cute in this scene. he genuinely does want her to have a good birthday, it seems.
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unffffffffff. aise na mujhe tum dekho................
lmao she’s like you are the singlemost biggest fucking reason of all my stress, birthday or otherwise. wtf vansh give you 5 crore for????/ he’s like patience lil birdy, the answers are your birthday present. it’ll come in good time.
she’s yelling at him for being so chill when kabir is about to expose them and he’s just putting it all on her saying you’re the one going down for it anyway. and maybe if you’d told me about that mysterious letter earlier, i coulda helped you. SO BLOOOOODY ANNOYING HE IS.
anyway he’s like don’t worry i’ll handle it. but you have to give me apni zindagi ki ek khoobsoorat shaam. which............... gross. didn’t have to frame it like THAT.
she went to slap him but ofc he intercepted. ugh he’s so massive how the fuck is someone to even subdue him????? god i hate men.
anyway she told him he’s disgustaaaaaang and won’t take his help and he’s like yeah but it’s not just about you, there are manyyyyyy lives at stake here.
the signal for the yes to the offer is a........ “flying dance” during the party. which sounds as fucking ridiculous as.......... everything else in this fucking show, i suppose.
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what a fucking simp for his wife. i love it.
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askdjlksjdlkasjdlksajldkjlkdjlkj there’s a watermark on the mumbai stock footage. this show gives nooooooo fucks about quality at all.
party time. and the lights have gone out.
someone messing with the electronic equipment in the worsttttttttttt fucking way, by putting kerosene on the floor and setting a fuse alight??????? like????? just cut all the wires instead of causing a fullll fucking house fire like this?????????
lmao ishani is like lights ko gaye itna time ho gaya, yeh zaroor riddhima ki kismat ka koi ishaara hai. sis you need to chill with the savage. ek din toh chhod do usko.
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ok they’re really hot today. really fucking hot.
lmao she’s smiling but chabaa chabaa ke saying ki i’ll never say yes to your shady idea.
kabir walks up to her, gives her flowers, AND ACTUALLY THREATENED HER RIGHT IN FRONT OF V’S FACE. THE WAY V’S FACE CHANGED IN SECONDS YOU GUYS................
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coldly impassive.....
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.......... to silently giving reassuring look ki he’ll handle this.
that fuse is stillllllllllllll burning. at the fucking speed of paint drying on a rainy day.
speech timeeeeeeeee by kabir. and he has a video too. lorddddd.
V still cheekily offering his services, and she’s like bitch i did my own intezaam already. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. kerosene aur fuse waala stupidass plan iska hi tha. should have guessed from the level of sheeeeeer dumbness that it was her and no one else.
lmao he’s like ok but this was too good an opportunity for me, so i counter-attacked YOUR counter-attack. that wasn’t kerosene. i switched it out for blue paani. OH GOD RIDDHIMA DUMBASS DID YOU NOT EVEN SMELL THE FLUID TO CHECK WHAT IT WAS??????????????
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“kahaani kuch bhi ho, important yeh hai ki uska climax kya hota hai. aur iss kahaani ka climax tumhare saamne hai, riddhima.”
bitch yehi toh dikkat hai, ki abhi tak koiiiiiiiiii climaxes nahi milen hain issko. na vansh se, na vihaan se. what’s the use of all this thopda and ambidexterous haath if there’s no climaxes resulting from them? waste fellow. get working on delivering those climaxes PRONTO, sir.
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inactiive-shit · 5 years
Life As A Sanders
Part Eight: Taking A Break From A Break
LAAS Masterlist
Read on AO3
Warnings: none
Pairing: Familial DLAMP
Summary: Roman and his brothers get ready for a vacation.
Words: 2,309
Ages: 13 & 17
Here we go, y’all! Just some fluffy fluff to make up for...next chapter...
Hah. Well. Anyway.
Roman had been living with the Sanders family for about a year now. He was seventeen and his birthday had passed spectacularly, in a manner reminiscent of when his parents had still been alive. It was the funnest birthday and quite possible the funnest day Roman had had the privilege of experiencing in years. Roman absolutely loved his Dad and his brothers, and he would give them the world to make them happy.
It seemed that Dad, however, was the one who was intent on giving them world-not just to Virgil and Logan, but to Roman, too. That was why, after a period of saving and careful planning, Dad had sprung a vacation on their heads. They were going to New York! Dad had promised them one broadway play, at least one concert in Central Park, one visit to the Hayden Planetarium, and of course a trip to Central Park Zoo to pet all the animals.
The screams following this declaration probably made the neighbors think someone was getting murdered, but they were all too excited to care.
Now, however, Roman was exhausted. They’d spent the last two weeks getting everything ready for their departure, and it turned out to be a lot more than Roman initially thought. There were friends to tell and schoolwork to complete and household chores to be done and eating their perishable food, just in case it went bad while they were gone. Now, though, it was the night before they were meant to leave, and they only had one last thing to do before they could go to sleep: clean-up and lock-up the bakery.
They were driving up, so they had a very early day ahead of them. Roman was also going to be driving part of the way so that maybe they wouldn’t have to stop to sleep. He absolutely refused to even chance missing Cats, and especially not the Broadway production. So, all the sleep possible was exactly what the doctor ordered.
The three kids were cleaning different areas of Sweet Stuff to “optimize their efforts,” as Logan put it. If that were true, though, Roman didn’t know why he could hear whispering coming from the kitchen. Roman briefly considered that they were getting robbed, and the scene played out in his head for a few horrifying seconds before he threw the brakes. They were not getting robbed and his brothers were fine. The whispers were probably just Logan talking to himself. He did that, sometimes, when he was doing particularly hard math, or reading a particularly engaging book or article. It was just Logan.
He should check. Better safe than sorry.
Roman crept toward the kitchen and pushed the door open a crack. There, in front of the oven, was Virgil. Logan was leaning over the counter, wiping it down again. Again, because Roman had already seen Logan clean that counter.
“Uh, guys? What are you doing?” Virgil spun around and hissed at Roman while Logan let out a tiny shriek and jumped. The rag he had been cleaning the counter with was, inexplicably, gone. Roman snorted.
“Why don’t you make some noise, Roman? You always walk so quiet,” Virgil muttered, shaking his head.
“I have to be light on my feet, Virgil. I’m a dancer. You know that.” Roman did a fancy maneuver that had almost gotten him hospitalized when he was learning it, and then laughed outright the expression of horror on Logan’s face.
“The human body should not be able to bend or move like that,” Logan announced. He sounded almost sick, and it almost made Roman feel bad. Almost, but not quite. He did it again. Logan dry heaved and Virgil screamed a little bit. Roman couldn’t help but laugh.
“Seriously, though. What are you two up to in here?” Roman leaned in. “Is the oven on?”
“Mm-hmm.” Virgil nodded. “We’re, uh, making-making-” He gestured helplessly at the oven door.
“We’re making cookies,” Logan filled in. Virgil nodded gratefully. “More specifically, we’re making chocolate chunk cookies and we’re going to put icing on top. They are too sweet for me, but Dad likes them that way. And he has been a little stressed recently, most likely about our trip to New York. I believe these will help relieve some of that stress.”
“Really?” Roman tried not to deflate. They were making Dad destressing cookies and hadn’t even told him?
“Yes. Dad likes sweet things so much, and he has not been consuming the same amount as he usually does.” Logan motioned toward the oven, and then motioned for Roman to come closer.
Virgil met his eyes for a second, and he smiled a little. “We were gonna get you when they were done. You can’t, uh, can’t bake for shit, but-”
“Language,” Roman and Logan said at the same time.
“Make me,” Virgil said, and then kept talking like they hadn’t interrupted. “You’re really good at the, uhm, the-ya know, the pretty stuff on top.” Virgil wiggled his fingers in the air as though to show something.
“Icing?” Logan suggested.
“Yeah. You’re the best at the icing, but we didn’t want you touching the cookies before they were done baking. You’d burn ‘em.” Logan is nodding behind him, and Roman supposes that’s fair. Some people just can’t bake.
Roman let the hurt drain out, unfounded as it was, and then turned his brightest smile on his brothers.
“When will they be done?”
“Twenty minutes or so. I cleaned all of my areas,” Virgil supplied. “L was bored and decided to wipe down the counters again.”
“I think that’s going to be kind of hard,” Roman said.
“Why is that?” Logan asked.
“Where’s the rag, pocket-protector? You can’t clean the counter without something to clean with.” Logan hissed and immediately looked embarrassed. It was a habit he’d picked up from Virgil, and he hated it. Virgil, however, though it was hilarious. He burst into mirthful laughter with Roman. Roman patted Logan’s shoulder and then peered into the oven. The cookies looked fine.
Virgil dragged Roman away from the oven by his arm. “Hey!” he exclaimed indignantly.
“Nope.” Virgil popped the ‘p’. “You are not to be anywhere near still-baking cookies. Just your presence seems to make them burn.”
“Yeah,” Roman said, “cause I’m too hot for them to handle.”
Virgil groaned.
“You do realize that what both of you just said was entirely nonsensical and not in any way grounded in facts, right? Neither one of those things is physically possible. And if your body ever got hot enough to burn the cookies, then we would have a much bigger issue to deal with.”
“I love ya, L, but why do you take everything I say so literally?” Virgil shoved Roman toward Logan and then peered into the oven again.
“I do not know what you are talking about, Virgil,” Logan said in a tone that indicated he knew exactly what Virgil was talking about. Virgil debated the benefits of biting his brother.
“Lo, did you hear about the new space movie coming out?” Roman asked, stopping the spat before it got started. Logan lit up and began explaining what he knew about the movie in depth - Roman did not even know the name of the movie, he just knew that Logan would love it. He was rarely wrong about his brothers.
Suddenly, Virgil came over and wiped a bit of icing on Logan’s cheek. Logan cut off mid-sentence and stared at Virgil. Virgil smirked.
“What is it, specs? Is something wrong?” Virgil asked. Roman looked at Virgil’s face, mischievous enough to have Roman on his toes, and then to Logan’s face, which was frozen. Then something vaguely resembling the widnow’s error noise came out of his mouth.
Roman thought that Logan would simply wipe the icing off his face and give Virgil a disapproving look.  Very occasionally, Roman was wrong about his brothers. This was one of those times.
Logan reached behind him, hand coming into contact with a bag of flour. Which he exploded on Virgil, hitting Roman with the shrapnel. Roman stared, frozen, as his two younger brothers began a food fight with whatever was in easy range. And when rainbow sprinkles rained down on Roman, he seemed to reboot, and then he was in the middle of it, too. There was flour and icing and sugar and sprinkles everywhere. Logan slipped in the flour coating the floor, and fell into Roman, who used the moment to smear some chocolate syrup into Logan’s slicked back hair. He shrieked in outrage and then Virgil was behind Roman, squeezing chocolate onto Roman’s entire outfit. Then it was Roman’s turn to be outraged. Until he noticed that Virgil seemed to have gotten off far easier than he or Logan had.
“Logan, would you like to form an alliance?” he asked. Logan smirked dangerously at Virgil.
“I would love to, Ro.”
The look on Virgil’s face was priceless.
Within minutes, all three of them were sitting on the floor, laughing at the mess surrounding them. Virgil’s hair was white from the amount of powdered sugar and flour in it, Logan’s glasses were smeared with something that looked like strawberry syrup, and Roman had never been so sticky in his life.
“The cookies are done, I think,” Virgil said. Logan washed his glasses off and then checked.
“You are right. Somehow.” He turned an eye on Virgil. “Are you a psychic?”
“I don’t know, L. Am I?” Roman snorted at the look on Logan’s face for the second time that night.
“Alright, you two ice those, uh, the-the-”
“Yup. Ice the cookies. I will clean this up,” Virgil said.
“Are you sure that you would rather clean than help ice the cookies?” Logan asked. Virgil shook his head.
“I’m garbage at icing and you know it.”
“But I don’t know how!” Roman cried, ever-dramatic. “You are a wonderful artist. So why can’t you use icing?”
“It doesn’t behave like paint or charcoals or pens or markers or, or, the uhm, the graphite things. It just isn’t an art supply,” Virgil defended himself, pulling his sticky white jacket off. “Okay, I’ve gotta clean this.”
“Got to,” Logan quietly corrected as Roman said,
“You’re getting awful serious over there, Virge.” Roman watched as Virgil folded up the jacket and placed it on the counter.
“Yeah,” agreed Virgil. “I’m going into cleaning mode.” And then he started cleaning.
“Do. . .do we even have any icing left?” Roman asked Logan, though his eyes remained on Virgil, who was moving around the room quicker than he had any right to go.
“Yes. It is in those cabinets.” Logan motioned up to highest doors in the room.
“Of course it is,” Roman muttered, crawling onto the flour-slick counter. When he opened the doors, however, he saw all the same things they’d just destroyed sitting in pristine condition. “Uh, Logan? Why is all this up here? I know Dad can’t reach it.”
“What?” Logan mumbled, looking up from the cookies. His eyes widened. “I don’t know why that’s there. V?”
“I made sure it was there,” he said, still working on cleaning.
“When? Why?” Roman asked.
“Because Logan and I were in a similar situation a few years ago. And Dad told us we were asking for truffle, and also that the bakery was expensive. I didn’t want Dad to be mad that we, uh, we-shit-
“Language,” they chimed.
“That we trashed the place.” Virgil shrugged and kept mopping the floor.
“How’d you even afford all that?” Roman asked, awed.
“I got Missy and Emile to help me out. Plus, we really didn’t use that much.” Virgil paused to look at his brothers. “We have to put it all away when we’re done, though, and then hide the evidence this ever happened. I don’t want Dad to know.”
“Very astute, V,” Logan said, still shocked. “Wait, that means you planned this!” Logan motioned animatedly to his head.
“I most certainly did not plan for that to happen to your, uh, your, the strands of stuff.”
“Hair?” Logan suggested.
“Yeah.” Virgil grinned. Roman could see the murder playing out in Logan’s eyes. “But I have to say that I very much approve.” Virgil smiled at Logan, who shook his head in despair.
Virgil went back to cleaning, Roman got all the ingredients down to help Logan put away, and then the pair of them iced almost all the cookies. They left a few plain for Logan, because they all kind of wanted cookies, and while Virgil and Logan were not as good as Dad, they were a close second.
“Let’s go home,” Logan mumbled tiredly when they were done. Virgil, looking dead on his feet, agreed.
“Yeah. We gotta give Dad the cookies. And then, if we’re lucky, sleep.”
“What do you mean, if we’re lucky?” Roman asked. “I could sleep through a nuclear explosion right now.”
“Sometimes you can just tell when you won’t be able to sleep at night. You know?”
“No, I don’t think I do,” Roman said quietly. At Virgil’s panicked look, he amended, “I’m sure it’s fine Virgil. Just do your best to sleep tonight. If you can’t, there’s a whole car ride in front of you tomorrow.” Roman walked his little brothers home, smiling.
And if they walked into the house covered in flour and chocolate, and if Dad burst out laughing at the sight, and then crying when they gave him the cookies and said he was “very fondue you three”, and if Virgil didn’t sleep at all that night, it was fine. It was totally fine, and there were some things that could be dealt with after their vacation, and there were some things that they didn’t need to talk about. Patton knew his kiddos loved him, and he loved them just as much.
Maybe a sprinkle more.
Taglist: @trashcanego @supersoftsupersleep
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dilebe06 · 5 years
Drama che devo vedere
3 days
38 task force
49 days
Across The Ocean To See You
Answer for heaven
Arsenal Military Academy
Arang and the magistrate
Are you human too?
A gentleman dignity
Age Of Legends
Angel’s last mission: love
Ancient Detective
A girl and the three sweethears
Adolescence Medley
A love Story: You Are The Greatest happiness of my life
About is love
Alice in Borderland
A Girl Like Me
Bad Family
Bad thief, good thief
Biblia Koshodou
Bad Buddy
Bloody Monday 2
Bokura No yuki
Brother Beat
Bridal Mask
Bitter man
Bride of Century
Bloody Romance
Boss and me
Black Dog
Best Mistake
Back to 1989
Beyond Evil
Bossam: Steal The fate
Boku No Satsui Ga Koi Wo Shita
Blue Birthday
Be Loves In House: I Do
Be Yourself
Bad and Crazy
Bangkok Breaking
Beging Again
Because of Love
Count Your Lucky Star
Class of lies
Cruel Romance
Crime Squad
Can you hear my heart?
Crash Landing on You
Chief kim
Candle in the tomb
Cheese In The Trap
Criminal Minds
Choosing Spouse
Cosmetology high
Cambrian Period
Cross Fire
Crime Puzzle
Cheat me, if you can
Delightful girl, choon hyang
Don Quixote
Deam High
D Day
Don’t disturb My Study
Doctor Stranger
Detective Chinatown
Delayed Justice
Destiny’s Love
Doctor Prisoner
Dokgo Rewind
Deja Vu
Dream Detective
Danger Less Detective
Drawing Sword 3
Death Notify:the  Darker
Dreaming Back To The Qing Dinasty
Dalì And The Cocky Prince
Do dream
Distortion Girl
Devil’s diary
Doctor John
Dear my name
Evasive inquari Agency
Empress ki
Extraordinary You
Eagles and Youngster
Emergency Couple
First Romance
Fated To love you
Falling for innocent
Fight for my way
Fly The Jumper
Forever Love
Fairyland Lovers
Falling Into You
Find Me in Your Memory
fall in love
Father Is Strange
For Married Doctress
Flower Of Evil
fantasy Westward Journey
Fake Motion: Takkyu No Osho
F4 Thailand
Futatsu No Spica
Final Life
Falling Into Your Smile
Feel good To die
Graceful family
Ghost Doctor
Go Ahead
Good casting
Gu Family Book
Gakeppuchi Hotel
Gap Dong
General’s Lady
Go! Goal! Fighting
Gokkou No Kaidan
Gank Your Heart
Gossip Box
Hammer Session
Harvest Villa
History of the Salaryman
Hito Ni Yasashiko
Hello Dear Ancestor
Hot Blooded Youth
Her private Life
Hot Girl
Hua Jai Sila
hard Nut!
Hello Debate Opponent
Hi School - love On
High And Crush
Holy Land
He Is Psychometric
High and Low: episode 0
Higambana Keishicho Sasa Nake ka
Here’s My plan
Heart by heart
I do, i do
Ikebukuro West Gate park
Irish Uppercut
I Cannot Hug You
I Hear Your Voice
In A Class Of Her Own
Introverted Boss
I’m Tee, me Too
Inference Notes
In house marriage honey
In Youth
it’s ok to not be ok
I am the head teacher
Inspector Koo
i need romance
i am the years you are the stars
Juui Dolittle
just an encore
Just between lovers
Joy of Life
jealousy Incarnate
Juvenile Justice
Kazoku No Uta
King 2 Hearts
Kekkon aite Wa Chusen De
Kiss Goblin
King Of Dramas
Kill me, heal Me
Kill It
Ko- One
Kill For Love
keita yamaneko
keita Hatsukoi
Kindapping Game
Liar Game
Lucky Seven
lawless lawyer
love with flaws
Love Lasts forever
Life Of Mars
Love me if you dare
Legend Of Fei
Laa Tah Chon
Love Unexpected
Love And The Emperor
Lovely Writer
Love Scenery
Love Crossed
Let me be your knight
Lovers of the red sky
love at night
Lie to love
Makete, Katsu
Master of Study
Mikeneko Holmes no Suiri
Mr. Brain
My girl
My Girlfriend is a gumiho
Melo Is My Nature
May I Blackmail you?
moon lovers
My Holo Love
My Sassy girl
Mad Dog
My Temporary
Moonshine And Valentine
Mr. Temper Abd Nam Jung Gi
Majurat See Nam Pueng
Mr Fox and miss Rose
my dear lady
My secret hotel
My Little princess
master devil do not kiss me
My absolute boyfriend
My Housband Oh Jak Doo
Miss Devil
Money Flawer
Moon embrancig the sun
My love from the star
Missing You
Miman keisatsu
My lover’s Secret
Miss Hammurabi
Marriage, not Dating
Mystic Pop up bar
My Mister
My Nighbour can’t Sleep
Master Of Study
Miss Gu Who Is Silent
My Heroic Husband
My Poseidon
Manner Of Death
My Unfamiliar Family
Medical Examiner Dr. Qin
Magical Space- Time
Marriage Contract
Missing Noir M
Mysterius Love
My Engineer
Meet By Window
Miss Crow With Mr. Lizard
Meet me @1006
Naniwa Shonen
Nihonjin No Shiranai nihongo
Nine:9 Time Time travel
Nirvana in Fire
Nobunaga Concerto
Naked Fireman
Nakuna, Hara- chan
Nighborhood Hero
Noble, My Love
New Face
Nueng Dao Fah Diew
Nobody Know
Once More Heartbeat
Ouran High School Host Club
Oh My Sweet Liar
Ph My Geum Bi
Oh My Boss
Omotesando Koukou Gasshoubu
Ojiichan wa 25 sai
Oniichan, gacha
Personal Taste
Prosecutor Princess
Protect The Boss
Prison Playbook
Professional Single
Parallel Love
Perfect Couple
Perfect World
Pride And prejudice
Please Feel At Ease Mr Ling
Pied Piper
Please, Come back Mister
Police University
Pop Out Boy!
Pretty Ugly
Prodigy healer
Qing Qing Zi jin
Queen: love or War
Reply 1988 / 1994 / 1998
Rooftop Prince
Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryo
Runaway - Aisuru kimino tameni
Refresh man
Rakshasa Street
Regenge Note
Rebel: ThiefWo Stole The people Prelude
Reunited Worlds
Racket Boys
Risho hanzai gakusha
Remember: War Of the Sun
Scent of Woman
School 2013
Shut Up: Flower Boy band
Stars Falling Form The Sky
Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Sweet Combat
Switch Girl!!!
Search: WWW
Six Flaying Dragons
Suspicius Partner
Switch: change the world
She was pretty
Sly and Single again
Something Abount 1 percent
Standing in the time
Start Up
Sabpaak Jai Naai Jomying
Secret Royal Agent: Joseon
Sweet First Love
Sisyphus: The Myth
She is One
Sekai Wa 3 De Dekite Iru
Shuttle love Millennium
Solomon’s Perjuty
Simple Man
Special Affair team TEN
Stealth walker
Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou
Tantei Gakuen
The Great Show
The Penthouse
The Tale of Nokdu
The Fiery Priest
Touch Your Heart
The World Owes Me A First love
The Scholar Who Walks the Night
The Stoy Of Ming Lan
The King’s Avatar
Take Care Of The Young Lady
Tong: memories
Time beetween dog and wolf
The Secret life of my secretary
The Lies Within
The Sound of your heart
Tokyo Bandwagon
The legend Of Monster
The master’s Sun
The best Hit
The king of Dramas
team bulldong: off duty invastigation
The Wonder Woman
The Privileged
The Best of you in my mind
The romance of tiger and Rose
The Golden Eyes
The K2
Tenchuu yamino Shiokinin
The beauty inside
The Night Of the Comet
the Song Of Glory
The Sweet Girl
Time teaches Me To love
The Universe’s Star
Tomorrow With You
Two Cops
The game: Towards Zero
Two Weeks
Thirty But Seventeen
the love By hypnotic
terius Behind Me
The Sand Princess
The Goddess Of revange
The Sword And Brocade
The Spies Who Love Me
The Emperor: Owner Of The Mask
Twelve Legends
Taxi Driver
The victim’s Game
The World Beetween Us
The Disguiser
The Gifted
The Sleuth Of Ming Dynasty
The Dance Of The Storm
The Imperial Coroner
Time Flies And You Are Here
The Suspicius Housekeeper
The Day Of Becoming You
The Devil Judge
The Road: The Tragedy Of One
The City Of Chaos
The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim
The Blooms At Ruyi Pavilion
The Bond
The Veil
The Smile Has Left Your Eyes
Under the power
Unexpected heroes
U- prince Series: The Single Lawyer
Unforgettable Love
Until We Meet Again
Warrior baek Dong Soo
When The Camellia Blooms
Welcome to Waikiki
When i see you again
While you were sleeping
Welcome 2 life
When a snail fall in love
Wacko At Law
When We Were Young
We best Love: N.1 For You
We Best Love: Fighting Mr. 2nd
Why Ru?
Well Dominated Love
You’re all Surrounder
Yong-jiu grocery store
You Are My Hero
Youth Of May
Yong Pal
Yumi’s Cell
18 notes · View notes
godtierwallflower · 5 years
Tumblr media
Today’s my birthday, laa
Today’s my birthday, laaa
Today’s my birthday, laaaaaa mi-mi-mi-mi-mi
Happy birthday to me, laaa
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slusheeduck · 6 years
Las Mañanitas
               Bzzzzt. Bzzzzzt. Bzzzzzt.
               Marco groaned as he woke up to his phone buzzing incessantly. What time even was it? It had to be too early for even Brigida to call him over a surprise interview or anything. Keeping his eyes closed, he reached for the phone, yawning as he peeked his eye open just enough to answer it.
               “Hola, Marco Ver—”
               One deep breath was all the warning he got.
               Marco jolted up, nearly dropping his phone as the singer practically shouted the lyrics at the top of his lungs. He stared at his phone as the song continued—horrendously loud and off-key—wondering who would do something so awful…at least, until he recognized the voice.
               “YYYY EN LA PIIILA DEL BA—”
               “I’m not done yet, hang on. DEL BAUTIIISMOOO CANTAROOOON—”
               Marco blinked as Miguel continued the worst ever “Las Mañanitas” he’d ever heard, then shook his head with a laugh as he sat back against his pillow and listened (phone now held a good six inches from his ear.)
               “MIRA QUEEEE YAAA A-MA-NE-CI-ÓÓÓÓÓ!!!! Feliz cumpleaños, Marco!”
               Marco shook his head. “I…gracias. I have never been woken up like that.”
               “Put every other mariachi to shame, right?”
               “More like brought shame on every mariachi. Even the fake ones like me.”
               “Well, I’m not gonna sing it nicely. That’s not what friends do.”
               Marco smiled, then tried to hold back a yawn as he rubbed his eyes. “Why are you even awake? It’s barely six on a Saturday.”
               “Well, I had to be up anyway to help with a leather shipment that just came in, and I figured I’d be the first to get you on your birthday. I actually…” There was a rustle in the earpiece, and Marco could just hear Miguel shouting back, “Sí, Papá, I’ll be there in just a minute! I had to wish Marco happy birthday!” Another rustle, and Miguel’s voice was back. “My papá says happy birthday, too.”
               “Tell him thanks.”
               A muffled “He says thanks!” followed, then Miguel said, “Okay, but I do actually have to go. But keep your eyes open, because I sent something your way and I think it should be there today? It’s the first time I’ve mailed something on a deadline, so I’m not sure. But I think you’ll really like it!”
               “I’ll be on the lookout,” Marco said with a laugh. “And I’ll send you a text as soon as I get it.”
               “Perfecto! Hasta pronto, Marco! If I was there, I’d smash your face into the cake!”
               “I’m sure you would. Hasta pronto, Miguel. And thanks again, I mean it.” Marco hung up, then flopped back down on his bed with a little laugh. The rest of his day would be the same as any other birthday—an outpouring of fan mail, a lukewarm “Feliz cumpleaños” from his parents, spending the day carefully curating birthday photos and messages.
               But starting the day off like this, with his friend screeching in his ear and promising a gift he might actually like? That’d never happened before.
                And so that automatically made this his best birthday yet.            
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I'm not growing up with gadjet, we used to share a phone among us utk contact kawan, main game, sosial media. i only hear music at radio in the car
and most of the time, i didn't get the phone, so i choose reading novel and daydreaming to entertain myself
Some of people say they're proud with me and my siblings because manage to be successful
I will cry whenever i hear that
It's not easy srsly i say
I stayed at school from 7am to 530pm during primary school
I studied in the class every weekend sampai tertidur dekat kelas
I know orang lain pun struggle jugak
I know orang lain ada yang lg susah
But right now, it's about me 🙂
Even if i see others who lagi susah, I'll try my best to help. either it's money or love or friend or time
Because i don't want them to be like me
my dad works everyday. it's hard to apply for cuti even weekend or public holiday. so we rarely going anywhere for holiday. that's why it's hard for me to jalan2 dkt sini especially not without my love one
But everyone keep saying pergi laa jalan2 rugi tak jalan2. what's the point if jalan2 sorang. apa yang menarik dkt negara ni tanpa org2 yg kau sayang. I'm struggling
I watched my mom and dad keje siang malam to gain money for us
I'm used to have duit belanja rm5 a week during primary and secondary school. kadang2 takde belanja pun. I'm okay
I know how hard they work for us
but still I'll keep the savings to treat my siblings everytime balik rumah
Because I don't want them to be like me
I want to give them what I didn't get when I was a child. I know how happy my sister when I buy pizza or kfc. It seems small right? we can even buy that for our meal everyday but it is a luxury thing for us.
we never celebrate birthday with cake but my mom will cook a special meal for us
Bila dah besar je I'll plan a small celebration for any special day
I'm not blaming my parents
I know they do their best to raise us
I grow up as a great person anyway
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devoti · 2 years
cayang hru and happy birthday!!! nah sunflower special untuk you🌻✨
adoiiiiiiii bff thankiew laa 🥺🥺 n' thanks for the flower ill treasure it forever <33
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prismmarketingco · 2 years
One of the hottest tickets in dancehall, Laa Lee, has premiered the official visual for his viral collaboration Bong Bing featuring British sensation Cristale. The video released Thursday evening has already amassed over 102,000 views and currently trends at the No.18 spot on the Youtube Charts in Jamaica. Reacting to the news Laa in a statement, said, "I'm so happy. I'm just here having fun, being me. I want to represent fun, energy, my community, and dance in dancehall music. I want to make people smile; it's therapeutic and healing. We have all struggled, and sometimes we just need to have fun and dance! I'm expecting this song to continue to do that - the song is going to be BIG." Earlier this week, the single was added to BBC Radio's premium playlist, a significant milestone for the Frankie Music managed deejay as it marks his first international mainstream hit. Meanwhile, with the official start of the Easter weekend, Laa Lee is fully booked and ready to unleash on partygoers. The festivities will kick off today, April 15, with a performance at Marco Polo, then onto Aidonia's Birthday celebration Saturday (April 16). St. Mary Kite Festival will be the main event on Sunday (April 17), capped by IGLOO on Easter Monday (April 18). Last week the Jamaica Reggae Industry Association (JaRIA) revealed that the "Bird" hitmaker had secured a nomination for "Song of the Year" with the infectious dance number "Dirt" at this year's Honour Awards hosted by the Association. (at Kingston, Jamaica) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcX5bfQsIqq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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