#Happy UshiSemi Day!!
tokikurp · 6 years
Kitchen Waltz
Summary- Their plans didn’t work out, but they at least get to dance.
Pairings- Ushijima Wakatoshi x Semi Eita (UshiSemi)
AU- Canon
Word count- 688
HAPPY USHISEMI DAY °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
This was inspired by SHINee’s Moon River Waltz ❤️
“I love you.”
“I love you too. Happy anniversary, ‘Toshi.” He smiled and then kissed Ushijima’s cheek.
“I’m looking forward to loving you for another year.”
“And so am I.” Semi responded as he turned around and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s neck. “I can’t wait to see what this year will bring us.”
Read the rest over on AO3, Kitchen Waltz 
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myrpstarters · 2 years
hey! so this is one of my rp starters, my account is full of them! if you’d like to rp with me, check my pinned post :)
((haikyuu post timeskip)) ushisemi rp - they broke up. a little after high school. no hard feelings or anything like that, they were just going their separate ways, and that was fine. unbeknownst to either, they both still loved each other very much. which brings us to 5 years later. 23 years old, living in two different worlds- semi, off touring the world with his music and wakatoshi, on his volleyball team living his dream. they’re both happy. but did they ever stop thinking about each other? well, they’re the only ones who can answer that for sure, but the fact that semi still wears his engraved necklace wakatoshi gave him and ushijima still wears semi’s threadbare bracelets should be an indication. semi’s fresh off a tour through north america, when he hears the schweiden adlers will be playing in miyagi. he and ushijima left off as friends so, why not go? he throws on wakatoshi’s jersey from high school as a joke- yes, he still has it.. it’s comfortable! and he buys a ticket to sit right where he can see the action. on the day of the game, he gets there early to see the teams warm up, spotting his ex boyfriend and briefly making eye contact. he doubts he even recognizes him. (continue as ushijima! can be fluff/angst/smut)
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fantasyswordlight · 4 years
Hihi~ I would like to request for a cute UshiSemi fic. There isn’t enough content that I always feel hungry XD. Maybe some angsty feeling with a HE or some fluff! Anything as long as you’re comfortable! Thank you so much for writing! Gambateh! 💕
 I’m not completely sure I understood what the HE is but here’s what I have////
Ushijima Wakatoshi was known for being clueless. 
He was the most oblivious person in the world.
And Tendou Satori had enough of him 
“Its EITA!” he cried almost alerting the entire cafe of their conversation, “He can’t possibly hate you and anyone with the very basic smart should be able to tell that.” 
Ushijima politely shook his head and replied with an infuriating, “Nothing is impossible”. Tendou sighed, “Why don’t you just go for it?” he said, “Eita’s you’re friend. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“In general or pertaining to my current predicament?”
Satori fervently wished he’d have chosen Seijoh as his high school. 
It was early morning. So the cafe was relatively empty. In fact, other than Wakatoshi and Satori and the poor, sleep-deprived guy at the counter, there were only two other souls to witness Satori’s complete meltdown.
“Are you kidding me?”
Wakatoshi frowned, “I’m not a kid.”
Satori face-palmed, “Ok,” he said, trying his level best to hide his internal turmoil, “Why do you not want to confess?” Wakatoshi sighed, “I don’t want things to get awkward,” he finally admitted after a minute of looking very forlorn. Satori nodded, “Understandable,” he held up his hand before Wakatoshi could speak, “But, you and Eita have been friends since you set foot in Shiratorizawa,” he smiled, “A little confession won’t destroy that friendship.”
Wakatoshi shrugged, “Maybe.”
And that was that. When Wakatoshi said ‘maybe’ it meant he was done with the conversation. And Satori was going to respect that.
Semi Eita wasn’t in class.
Satori looked around wondering if his silver haired classmate was just running late. But that was even more surprising because Eita was usually very prim and proper. Heck, he even folded his socks. The redhead leaned over his desk to tap Wakatoshi’s shoulder, “Did you hear from Eita?” he asked, whispering slightly. Ushijima looked up from his phone and Satori immediately caught sight of the texts on his screen.
Eita had left him on delivered.
Again surprising because Semi Eita was the last person to do that. Eita himself hated to be kept hanging so he tried to reply to texts as soon as possible.
The worried look in Wakatoshi’s eyes said that he was thinking the same thing.
Eita also wasn’t the kind to skip class for the sake of it. Hell, Satori doubted Eita ever skipped classes without any valid reason.
Logical Conclusion(in the perspective of overprotective friends): There was something very wrong.
Satori didn’t look like that much but he was a worry-wart. Anyone of his “baby eagles” got in trouble, Satori would be there to protect them. So, it wasn’t unnatural of him to fidget and act restless the entire day. But what seemed surprising was that Ushijima didn’t seem to bother about something being wrong persay.
“Did you get an answer?” Satori asked as he noticed Wakatoshi staring at his phone during History Class. Some boring documentary was on play and their teacher was fast asleep. So most students were either catching up on their much needed beauty sleep or just randomly lazing around. 
Wakatoshi shook his head distractedly. 
Satori frowned, “What’s wrong with you?” he asked, lightly smacking the back of his head. 
The taller boy seemed to jump back to reality, an exhausted sigh gracing his lips. Satori pursed his lips as he held up his phone.
eita_semi03: hey
eita_semi03: that was fun
eita_semi03: god I hurt all over
eita_semi03: ur too rough Miyazaki-kun
eita_semi03: we should take it easier
eita_semi03: damn i’m still dizzy
eita_semi03: miyazaki-kun?
eita_semi03: oh shit
Satori’s eyes went wide, “And you didn’t bother to tell me before?” he said, through gritted teeth. Wakatoshi shrugged, “He’s seeing someone,” he said, sounding like a kicked puppy, “He accidentally texted me last night.” Satori couldn’t bring himself to believe that. He’d seen Eita’s phone. Every single contact had distinct emojis so that he wouldn’t accidentally send the wrong thing to the wrong person. So it was unreasonable that Eita’d make this mistake. And who was this Miyazaki person?
Satori looked around to ensure that his teacher was snoozing soundly before snatching out his own phone and dialing Eita’s number. It went straight to voicemail. The heck....
Satori glanced at the clock. It was still thirty entire minutes till lunch and Satori’s leg wouldn’t stop bouncing. He could feel the nervousness radiate off Wakatoshi too.
It didn’t take longer than a fraction of a second after the bell rang for both of them to be sprinting out of the classroom, across the campus towards the dorms. 
Ringing the doorbell vigorously, Satori violently tapped his foot against the floor. 
No answer. 
After a while, the redhead sighed. It was lucky that the silver haired setter had given Wakatoshi a key just in case the two had to visit without warning. So, Satori stepped aside, letting the taller boy fumble with the lock.
The sight that awaited them was not one they expected.
Eita was curled up on his bed, undressed with merely a blanket covering up his dignity. His face was flushed bright red and beside him.......was a guy.....in the same state. 
Satori didn’t need to turn away to know about the look on Wakatoshi’s usually stoic face. 
And somehow his feet wouldn’t move as the taller quietly turned around and walked out, without a word.
“Fuck this!”
Satori sighed as Eita buried his face into his hands, “Damn it!” He looked messed up and sounded close to tears. The redhead reached out to place a hand on the boy’s shoulder, “Relax,” he said, “You should be resting.” Eita looked up, eyes glistening, “Wakatoshi probably hates me now!” he cried, “And you’re talking about rest?”
Satori sighed, “You can talk to him once your fever goes down,” he said. The brown haired male who stood beside their bed with his arms crossed interrupted their conversation, “Should I leave now?” he asked. Eita glared at him. 
Miyazaki Wakatoshi. Semi Eita’s maternal cousin.
Satori patted Eita’s head gently, “I’m sure Wakatoshi will understand that you and your cousin were stupid enough to run around the entire day, eat from some unknown restuarant, fight in a sand pit, give yourself food poisoning and then text the wrong Wakatoshi to complain to,” he said. Eita groaned, “Are you trying to comfort me or telling me how bad I messed up?” he asked, glaring at Satori too. The readhead smiled, “Both!”
Eita stood up, swaying slightly, “I’m going to find him,” he announced. The middle blocker sighed yet again, “I said wait. He’s not gonna run away you know!” he protested. Eita shook his head, “I’m not having the love of my life run away because he thought I was dating my cousin!” he exclaimed. Both Miyazaki and Satori snorted at that comment. 
Eita seemed to want to spontaneously combust. 
And without another word, he stormed off, banging the door behind him.
Miyazaki sighed, “This is not gonna end good.”
Satori smiled as he clicked his tongue, “Knowing those two,” he said, “Even disastrously so, everything’s gonna be just fine.” 
That evening when Satori walked in on Wakatoshi and Eita making out, his scandalous squeals could only hide so much of the pride and happiness that filled him.
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semisemieita · 4 years
I saw another anon request UshiSemi and fuck do I ship it. So have another one? UshiSemi for “ so are we going to kiss or not? ” or “ you owe me a kiss. ” OR “ blow a kiss my way for good luck. ” have some variety so pls take your favourite pick or however you want to do this ♡♡
this took forever for me to fill, so sorry. i guess i’ll go with “so are we going to kiss or not?”
Ushijima’s heart thumped in his chest, fluttering with some sort of anticipation he couldn’t quite place. He looked down at his phone, tucked into his palm, and reread (for the millionth time, at least) Semi’s message. 
meet me by the tree at 6pm
Nothing more, nothing less yet Ushijima knew. He was notoriously bad at feelings and even he could recognize that but something told him to be nervous. See, he and Semi have had numerous close encounters before; almost-kisses getting cut off, mostly. Glances that lasted too long, unspoken words that lingered in the space between them.
And today was graduation. It had happened this morning and Ushijima didn’t know how to feel. He wasn’t a student of Shiratorizawa anymore, wasn’t Semi’s teammate. 
The “tree” was behind the third year dorms; a big willow tree, branches extending into a giant cave, perfect for just sitting under and existing. Also perfect for confessions and kissing under but Ushijima pushed that thought out of his head. 
He slipped through the back-door exit and immediately saw Semi, standing under the tree. The willow branches blocked some of him out of Ushijima’s view but, through the haze of the yellow leaves, he just looked even more ethereal. 
“Wakatoshi,” Semi greeted as Ushijima ducked under the branches. 
“Eita,” Ushijima responded, still feeling that twinge of anxiety eating at him. He wasn’t used to this feeling, being on his toes. 
“Can you believe it’s over?” Semi asked, leaning back on the big trunk. He didn’t have to clarify for Ushijima to understand-- high school, volleyball. Them. 
“No,” Ushijima breathed out. “Not really.” 
“Feels like it was all a blur. All those games and classes. Nationals back in first and second year...you. Seems like it didn’t happen.”
“But it did.”
Semi looked shocked, beautiful eyes widening, for a second before laughing, running a hand through the hair on the nape of his neck. Ushijima didn’t know what was funny but he did know that he loved the sound of Semi’s laugh. It sounded like good things that made Ushijima’s heart go wild. 
“Yeah. It did.”
“Why did you ask me to come here, Eita?”
“I, uh,” now Semi looked bashful then, red blush nipping at his cheeks as his eyes cast towards the ground. “I wanted to tell you something before it was too late. Well, hell, I guess it is already too late but I wanted to tell you anyway. You know, just to--”
“Eita,” Ushijima cut off his rambling. “It’s okay. You can just tell me.” 
“I...I really like you, Wakatoshi. I have for a while now. I know it’s really not the ideal time but the thought of not telling you, letting you walk away without knowing, it was killing me.”
Oh. Ushijima felt rather lost on what to do. On what to feel other than happiness. 
“I see,” Ushijima replied, slowly, as if he was still trying to process everything. “I think...I think I like you too.”
Semi grinned, gnawing at the bottom of his lip, smiling even though it wasn’t funny.
“What kind of bad timing do we have, huh, Toshi?” There was nothing they could do about the timing of it all, they’d be going to separate universities in just a couple of days, and yet...
“I think it’ll be okay, though,” Ushijima told him and Semi’s grin grew. 
“Yeah?” Then, “So are we gonna kiss or what?“
Ushijima didn’t reply to that, just stepped forward and kissed Semi in one swopping motion, grabbing him by the waist. Semi reached up to cup Ushijima’s jaw, rubbing the edge of his thumb over it, fondly, as they kissed. 
Semi kissed him with such a passion, Ushijima felt it deep in his gut. 
Maybe they didn’t have it all figured out but, god, neither of them would trade this moment for the world. 
i feel like this was ooc but i had fun writing it and i hope you like it anon!
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love-andpeace · 7 years
Yasssss! Another of my fave otp’s! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
• when or if I started shipping it: When we were introduced to the entire Shiratorizawa team, I thought immediately that Tendou would be awesome with Ushi! And when we saw the extra UshiTen content in the manga after Shiratorizawa lost, I was hookeddddd. 
• my thoughts: 😍👏🏼👀👀👅💦 
• What makes me happy about them: Tendou calls himself Ushijima’s true friend and I honestly think that’s so beautiful that they have that kind of friendship and wish it was something more. 😭
• What makes me sad about them: That there’s not enough content with the two of them! My thirsty self needs more!! 
• things done in art/fic that annoys me: The only thing I can think of is when Ushi is too OOC in fanfic, but other than that the majority of UshiTen content I’ve seen is 👌🏼!!! 
• things I look for in art/fic: I adore otaku Tendou and Ushi being the quiet, supportive lover like “I don’t get this at all but it makes Tendou happy so I’ll just nod in agreement.”
If that even makes any sense. LOL 
• Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I love TenSemi and TenShira. But TenGoshi is cute too!
And for Ushi, I also like UshiSemi and UshiShira! 
• My happily ever after for them: Ushijima being on the national team and Tendou screaming for him in the stands. “THAT’S MY MIRACLE BOYYYYY!” 
• what is their favorite non-sexual activity? I like to think they have lots of lazy days reading manga and watching anime, Wakatoshi’s fingers playing in Tendou’s hair.
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tokikurp · 5 years
Asking the Book Expert
Summary- So the third years learn that Semi likes to read.
Pairings- Ushijima Wakatoshi x Semi Eita (UshiSemi)
AU- Soulmate
Word count- 3k
Wow hi hello I'm alive
Happy UshiSemi Day ♡
“I hope I’m not interrupting at a good part,” Ushijima spoke up.
“Hmm?” Semi hummed, looking up to see who had spoken to him. When his eyes fell on his soulmate standing in the aisle, he stared at him for a moment. “...Weren’t you supposed to arrive in an hour?”
“Yes. But,” The actor replied. He bent down to Semi and placed a kiss on his forehead. “I caught an earlier train.”
Semi leaned into the soft gesture and chuckled, “Then good. I’ve missed your dumb handsome face.”
“And I’ve missed yours,” Ushijima responded, standing back up and looking around the stacks of books around him. “Did a new book catch your attention?”
“Yup,” Semi answered as he turned the page. “I’m about to stop, just as I finish these last few pages.”
Read the rest on AO3, Asking the Book Expert
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tokikurp · 6 years
Lovely Day
Summary- Bookstore date and cooking dinner together are Ushijima and Semi's plans for the day of love
Pairings- Ushijima Wakatoshi x Semi Eita (UshiSemi)
AU- Canon
Word count- 2k
Happy Valentines Day ❤️❤️❤️
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“Good morning, my beautiful swan.” Ushijima greeted as he leaned down and pressed his lips against Semi’s.
“Morning handsome.” Semi kissed his husband back. “I’m tired.”
“I know. I felt you tossing and turning last night.” Semi groaned as he rubbed his eyes, he hated those nights so much. “You should have woken me up. You know I don’t like when you’re up by yourself.”
“And I can’t keep waking you up when I can’t fall asleep. Especially not during the season or before a big game.”
Well he wasn’t wrong there and Ushijima knew it. So he just hummed and kissed Semi’s temple.
“Can we stay like this for a bit longer please?” Semi didn’t really feel like getting up and working out today. As much as he probably should, he just felt too exhausted.
“Of course.” Ushijima responded with a kiss. “Close your eyes and try to get more sleep. We’ll stay here as long as you want.”
Read the rest on AO3, Lovely Day
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tokikurp · 6 years
checking in on you and saying hhhhhhhh your ushisemi drabbles / fanfics keep me so alive and happy
Awwwww ❤️  
I’m happy to hear that (*°▽°*) Gives me motivation to continue writing 😊 I’m also working on planning some new projects that have to do with UshiSemi! 
Oh and be on the lookout on Valentines day ;3c
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tokikurp · 6 years
Soul Matching
Summary- “Welcome to Soul Matching! We are excited that you have uploaded your soulmate mark. We will search until we find your fated beloved. Just a fair warning, it could take weeks, months or even years to find your match. But don’t worry, your matching day will arrive before you know and it that will be the start of your happily ever after!”
-Soul Matching Team
“Let’s hope I’m the one that takes years.”
"Oh Eita-chan, you never know."
Pairings- Ushijima Wakatoshi x Semi Eita (UshiSemi)
Background/Mentioned Pairings- Sawamura Daichi x Sugawara Kosuhi & Iwaizumi Hajime x Oikawa Tooru
AU- Soulmate
Word count- 5k
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“Really Koushi?!”
“It just came up while Tooru was showing me some of the wedding venues.” Koushi responded with a guilty expression on his face. “I know how much you don’t like the topic, but maybe you should at least maybe try.”
“And who knows, you probably won’t be matched for a really long time! I mean, look at Hajime and I! I uploaded my mark the day I turned sixteen and it took two years for us to be matched.” Oikawa stated as he leaned against the bookcase.
“Well let’s hope that’s the case.” Semi mumbled, setting down the stack of books in his hands. “Okay fine, I’ll upload my mark and hope it takes years. Not even sure if I’m ready to meet them yet.”
Semi download the app as his two headaches silently cheered. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to meet his soulmate, he really did. It was just, he was worried about being matched to the wrong person. He’d heard people say the soulmate app, Soul Matching, had accidentally matched people with the wrong person. Getting their hopes up that they had been matched and only to find out, ‘Whoops! Wrong person! Sorry about that.’.
And it’d be worse if they had gotten close to the person.
Semi didn’t want that.
Read the rest over on AO3, Soul Matching
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tokikurp · 7 years
Animal Plushies
Summary- Before Semi could return home for the evening, he still needed to buy Ushijima something for Valentines. Something that wasn’t chocolate since he knew the wing spiker wasn’t much into sweets; and making dinner didn’t count either. Even if Ushijima himself counted it (especially if Semi made hayashi rice).
Pairing- Semi Eita x Ushijima Wakatoshi (UshiSemi)
AU- None
Word count- 1K
Don't ask me about the title because I don't even know ¯\_(ᐛ)_/¯
February 14th | Valentines Day | Late afternoon
Semi pushed open the doors to the library after a long day of doing research for his upcoming paper. Looking at his phone, where the clock was just now turning to 5pm. He groaned as he rubbed his tired eyes, he’d been in the library since lunch and now it was time for dinner. After a long day of doing research and starting the draft of his paper, he was more than ready for dinner and to sleep into the next century.
Except, sleep would have to wait because it was Valentine's Day and also his turn to make dinner tonight. He already had a few ideas of what he could make for dinner (like hayashi rice, curry or yakisoba, maybe even picking up some sushi). Maybe he could try and convince Ushijima to go out for dinner, but would that happen?
Probably not, but he was still going to try anyway.
But before Semi could return home for the evening, he still needed to buy Ushijima something for Valentines. Something that wasn’t chocolate since he knew the wing spiker wasn’t much into sweets; and making dinner didn’t count either. Even if Ushijima himself counted it (especially if Semi made hayashi rice).
‘Maybe I’ll find something on my way home.’ Semi thought as he started to head home, taking his time tonight to look at what the stores had on display. And hopefully he could find something for a good price, because being a college student on a budget sucked.
The streets were busy with last minute buyers rushing from store to store to find the perfect gift. Semi stopped and looked up at the sign of a bakery, a line out the door and wrapping around the building. People buying chocolate for their significant other, some looking nervous and checking their watches and phones at the time. They were obviously nervous about not making it in time to surprise their spouses.
“Should have gotten it earlier or I don’t know, make it yourself.” Semi mumbled to himself, continuing his way down the street. Again, thankfully Ushijima wasn’t into sweets and then again, if he’d give his boyfriend something sweet he would have made it himself, for it would feel more special that way.
And his Grandma had a REALLY good chocolate recipe.
Semi continued his way down the busy street and passed two more hectic bakeries when a display caught his attention. He stopped and looked at the display of plush animals holding hearts. They looked cute and the messages on the hearts were as well.
You make me jump for joy!
Hoo loves you? I do!
You make my heart sing!
“Hm. Cute.” Maybe he could get Ushijima one of these animals. Semi headed inside and found the store was busy, but nothing like outside. He spotted the animals and looked at each one, trying to find the perfect one for his beloved. He stopped when he caught sight of an ox and couldn’t help but chuckle. He did notice they had tons of animals, but wasn’t expecting to see an ox. He was going to settle for the cow, but maybe not anymore.
“Can I help you with something tonight, sir?” An employee came up and asked Semi.
“Uh yeah, I’m interested in the ox plush up there.” Semi responded, pointing up at the ox plush.
“Excellent choice!” The woman smiled, pulling out a notepad and wrote down the request. “Would you like a custom message on the heart?”
“It doesn’t come with it’s own message?”
“It does, but you can put your own custom message if you’d like.” She explained with a smile. “A lot of people do enjoy the animal puns, but a lot of them would just prefer a simple message that’s straight to the point.”
“I know at least two people who would appreciate those puns.” Semi comment, Tendou and Yamagata coming right to his mind. “Does a custom message cost extra?”
“It doesn’t.”
Thank goodness.
“Okay sounds good. Umm, ‘I love you’ will do. He’s a simple guy.” Semi responded as the women wrote the phrase down.
As he passed to go pay for the plush, Semi notice the cow and chuckled. It was cute, but the ox won him over (oh and look, there was an eagle as well). As he paid, the woman, the one who had written down his order, worked on message. To his surprise, the plush wasn’t as expensive as Semi had thought. He was expecting it to be 3200 yen or more, but it was actually just about 1000 yen.
“Surprised?” The store manager chuckled after seeing Semi’s reaction to the amount. “We have a sale going on for Valentine's Day and the plushies are originally 4800 yen, but we knocked them down to 1000 for this special day. So students like you could get your special someone something that isn’t chocolate.” The man smiled.
“And you’re a lifesaver.” Semi responded as the woman came up.
“All done!” She announced, placing the box on the counter and closing the top. “Happy Valentines Day!”
“Thank you! Happy Valentines to you too!” Semi thanked them with a wave and rushed to head home.
After what seemed like an hour of walking home, Semi finally returned to their shared apartment he calls home with Ushijima. As he was walking up the stairs, Semi made his decision on dinner and was already making a list in his head on what he needed to grab. But first, he wanted to give Ushijima his gift before heading to the store. He walked in and set the box down, before removing his shoes.
“I’m home!” Semi called out, placing his shoes next to Ushijima’s.
“Welcome back, Eita!” Ushijima greeted back. “I’m in the kitchen!”
Semi walked into the kitchen and was surprised when he saw Ushijima standing by the stove, making dinner. Raising an eyebrow, Semi put the box down before walking over to the wing spiker, wrapping his arms around him.
“I thought tonight was my turn to cook.” Semi smirked, well so much for making hayashi rice. Ushijima chuckled as he looked at Semi, placing a kiss on the top of his head.
“It is, but I wanted to make you dinner since you were at the library all afternoon. I imagined you’d be tired so I decided to make cook tonight.” Ushijima responded as Semi hummed in response, smelling dinner as it was being cooked.
“You’re right, I am tired, but I still would have made you dinner anyway. I was planning on making your favorite tonight.” Semi responded, pouting up at the wing spiker (who just kissed that pouty face away).
“You can make that tomorrow, but for tonight, we’re having katsudon.”
“Smells good, can’t wait to eat.” Semi smiled while placing a kiss on Ushijima’s cheek. “Oh, I stopped at a shop on the way home and got you your Valentine's Day gift. And it’s not chocolate, there was no way in hell I was going to stand in those lines.”
“Bakeries crazy?”
“I noticed the ones near us were busy. But you didn’t have to get me anything, Eita. I have everything I want. And that includes you.” Ushijima said, flipping over the meat to cook on the other side.
“I know, but I still wanted to get you something. Plus I found a great deal!” Semi announced, tearing away from the wing spiker and going back to the box he had set down. Ushijima turned around to see what Semi bought him. Opening the box up, the setter pulled out the ox and held it up.
“Happy Valentines Day, Wakatoshi.” Semi grinned. Ushijima blinked, looking at the ox and the message on it that read, ‘I love you!'.
“Well, looks like we found the same shop because,” Ushijima started as he opened a cabinet and pulled out the same box Semi had on the floor. “I got you one too.”
The boyfriends stared at each other for a moment, before Semi laughed. “Oh my god, did you really?”
“I did.” Ushijima said as he opened the box and pulled out a fox, making Semi laugh again. His message read, 'The only setter I’ll ever need in my life!' and of course, volleyball was included somehow.  
“I mean hey, 1000 yen is a great deal.” Semi chuckled as the two exchanged their plushies. “We’ll need to find a good place to display them.”
“Maybe this’ll be the reason we finally order that bookshelf we’ve been meaning to order.” The wing spiker pointed out.
“Hmmm yeah probably. But I think,” The setter started, taking the ox from Ushijima and walking over to their coffee table, setting them down together. “I think the coffee table will be a good spot for now.”
Ushijima walked over and wrapped his arms around Semi, looking down at the two plushies together on the table. “I have to agree.”
Ushijima grabbed Semi’s chin and turned the setter’s head torwards him, placing a kiss on Semi’s lips. “Happy Valentine’ Days, Eita. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Semi smiled, kissing Ushijima back.
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tokikurp · 7 years
Your Love is More than Enough for Me
HAPPY USHISEMI DAY ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
Summary- Ever since Semi had gotten together with Ushijima, he had been a throne in his mother's eyes. She always would try to get Semi to break up their relationship, but never succeeded. Until her interrogations got too much and Semi reached his breaking point. He realized, he could never give Ushijima the life he'd deserve. So he decided to do the only logical thing his brain could think of at that time.  
Break everything off and give back the promise ring, that should've been a symbol for their forever love.
Pairing- Ushijima Wakatoshi x Semi Eita (UshiSemi)
Word count- 5459 (15 pages)
I’m actually on time, unlike last year where I missed it by a day _(:3/ BUT I PLANNED AHEAD! 
A massive thank you to Lina ( @sound-of-inspiration ) for being the one who actually came up with this idea. This is inspired by Super Junior’s song Evanesce. Thank you again Lina (°◡°♡)
Ushijima and Semi lived completely different lifestyles from their birth on. Growing up, Ushijima lived in high class, while Semi lived in middle class. Two very different classes that always saw each other, but never met.
Five course meals were always on the menus at the five-star restaurants Ushijima would dine at. Helping cook dinner were some of the greatest times for Semi (especially when he got to lick the spoon when making dessert).
The Semi family often visited Osaka, the birthplace of his beloved Grandmother. The Ushijima family traveled abroad multiple times a year for “family” vacations, but most often business trips.
Ushijima only attended the top (and most expensive) elementary school in Japan. He also had some of the best tutors in their fields to mentor him. Semi attended the same public elementary school his Father had when he’d been his age. Whenever he needed help with his homework, Dad was right there to help him with it.
Well...tried at least. Math had never been his strong point.
On some nights, Semi’s parents would read him a bedtime story. Other nights, his Grandmother would do it when his parents were working late. Every single night, Ushijima’s nanny would read him a bedtime story. He couldn’t recall a moment where his parents had read to him.
They grew up in two completely different worlds, one lived a life of luxury and the other lived a comfortable one. Their group of friends weren’t any different, all being from the same class. Sleepovers were just about the same, except one group watched a movie in a massive theater room. And the other group watched a movie on the floor in the living room (but bonus points to them for having blanket forts).
For years, they never knew that the other existed because of their social rankings. It seemed like they would never meet.
Until a certain school brought them together in the spring of their first year of high school.
That’s when everything changed.
Ushijima had already attended Shiratorizawa’s Junior High and continued with the respective high school to finish his schooling days. The wing spiker had already made a name for himself for being such a powerful player, making plenty of universities highly interested in him.
Semi had previously attended Nagamushi Junior High, where he'd played as a setter. He became a famous setter in the prefecture and caught the attention of the head coach over at Shiratorizawa.
They met on the first day of training during spring break. It was at the meet-up spot for all the new first year volleyball players to meet one another, before they were to be brought to the gym. Ushijima, like always, had been the first to arrive.
Actually, he’d been an hour early.
Semi was the second to show up, arriving just forty-five minutes later. After the two players greeted each other, they had a brief chat to get to know each other (and kill a little time). Semi obviously knew about how crazy strong Ushijima was and looked forward to set for him. Ushijima had heard a little about Semi, but still asked questions to get to know this new setter. Just as the rest of the first years arrived, the wing spiker and setter were already looking forward to working together.
Their three years at Shiratorizawa would be something they would never forget.
The late night training together to perfect their dynamic.
Having study sessions with the four other players in their grade.
Attempting to keep up with Ushijima on their runs.
Going to nationals and playing up against some of the best teams in Japan.
Having to change their whole dynamic when a second year replaced Semi in the starting line.
Not training as much together.
Learning a new position.
Losing against Karasuno and for the first time, not going to nationals.
It was all thanks to Karasuno beating them (who would have thought that) for Ushijima and Semi to realize something. Something they’d never seen before, because they were so busy with training and school. But when they retired from the volleyball club and now had plenty of more times on their hands, they realized that...they had fallen in love with each other.
Because due to all this new time on their hands, it began to dawn on them. Slowly, not at first. In the beginning, they both wondered what this new feeling was, when they were together. It was a warm feeling, of feeling calm when the other was near and they craved each other’s company. They also began to notice things about the other they never noticed before.
Like how Ushijima noticed that Semi snorted when he laughed and tried to hide it. Ushijima noticed it one night when the third years were all hanging out in Reon’s room. Yamagata was telling a story about something his younger siblings had done. It was a hilarious story. That was when Ushijima heard the snort. He stopped laughing and looked over at the former setter, who had covered his mouth. Tendou was cracking up and pointing out Semi’s snort (which resulted in the blonde yelling at the redhead to shut up). Ushijima had never noticed before and to be honest, he thought it was adorable.
For Semi, it was Ushijima’s eyebrows. Yes, that did sound strange, but it he couldn’t really explain it. The two of them had a study session one evening, quizzing each other and catching up on homework. While they caught up on history homework, Semi finished before Ushijima did. He looked up and noticed how Ushijima’s eyebrows were pushed together, while the former captain was thinking. When he got the answer, it’s like the light clicked in his head and his face lightened up, including his eyebrows. Semi thought that was cute and quietly chuckled to himself.
They confessed right before winter break and it was like a weight had been lifted off their chests. Also, overjoyed because the both of them had finally confessed and their feelings had been accepted. Semi let out this happy sigh of relief as he’d leaned against Ushijima’s chest. The wing spiker smiled and wrapped one of his arms around the blonde.
When their friends found out, Tendou yelled, “ABOUT TIME!”
Turns out, their crush on one another had been so painfully obvious that it had drove their friends insane. And Tendou made sure they knew just how obvious, like how Semi would stare at Ushijima’s butt. Or how Ushijima would give Semi extreme compliments. But Reon stepped in because Tendou’s reasonings weren’t that great.
“You two just looked so much more happier when you were around each other. Like Eita, you’ve been able to make Wakatoshi smile, where some of us had failed countless of times. And Wakatoshi, you always lifted up Eita’s mood when he needed it. There are so many things, that you’ve done for each other without even noticing.” Reon better explained.
“Oh and don’t think we didn’t know about those late night training sessions with just the two of you.” Yamagata pointed out with a smirk.
The couple was happy to know their friends shared their joy about the relationship.
“Semi, I’m going to cut straight to the point. You and Wakatoshi need to break up.”
Except Ushijima’s Mother and Father.
“Ushijima-san, we’ve talked about this before.” Semi groaned in frustration. “I’m not going to break up with, Wakatoshi.”
This always happened when Semi came over to have dinner with his boyfriend. Ushijima’s parents, mainly his Mother, urging Semi to break up with their son. Why?
Well turned out, Ushijima had a fiancée already picked out for him to marry, once she’d finish college (which was just a year away). This arranged marriage had been approved of since the girl’s birth, she was two years younger than the wing spiker. All Semi knew about her was that she attended school in Tokyo, was the basketball manager for one of the powerhouse schools and was studying to be a lawyer. ...Or was it business?
Semi didn’t remember her name, maybe because Ushijima didn’t tell him. But the marriage wasn’t going to happen because Ushijima wasn’t interested in marrying someone he didn’t know nor love. That was just a crazy idea! What was the whole point of marriage if you didn’t even like the person you’d be married to.
But there were days Semi really wondered if that was the truth. That was all thanks to Ushijima’s Mother, who brought up a lot of Semi’s insecurities and even created new ones. To show how serious Ushijima was about this arranged marriage not happening, he presented Semi a promise ring on their third anniversary.
He slipped the ring on to Semi’s hand and kissed it, promising to always love him. That Semi was the only one for him and he’d never love anyone else.
That had been over a year ago and Ushijima had kept his promise.
“And I will not accept that answer! Semi, I’m sure you are a wonderful person, but you are not the person for my son.”
“If you think I’m a wonderful person, then get to know me! I have been with Wakatoshi for over four years now and you barely know anything about!” Semi fired back.
“Because it’s a waste of time! Wakatoshi’s fiancée has one more year of schooling and once she graduates, they’re getting married.” She exclaimed!
“And he has told you, plenty of times, he is not going to marry her! He’s not interested in marrying someone he doesn’t know!” He was so tired of this argument, he just wanted to have dinner with Ushijima. She sighed and rubbed her temples.
“Semi, we’re both tired of this.”
“Oh! Great to know you’re tired too! How about you stop bringing it up?” He hissed.
“Because I’ve been trying to tell you the nice way. But I’m going to have to be harsh and lay out the truth to you.” She sighed. “I’ve wanted to avoid this, but you’ve left me no choice.”
Semi raised an eyebrow at her, what was she about to do?
“You are in the way of Wakatoshi having the wealthy life he deserves. You cannot give Wakatoshi the life he deserves, the way Satsuki will after she graduates. She’s going into a profession that will be good to her, she’ll become one of the best lawyers in Tokyo. Everyone knows it. She’s going to make a lot of money, just a bit under what Wakatoshi is currently making. And he isn’t even the CEO yet!” She stated. “And then there’s you, the struggling artist. You went to art school for four years, one of the worst things to major in! And here you are, months out of college and you don’t even have a job in that professional field. Answer this for me, how much are you making with your commissions?”
“...Not a lot. I-I actually haven’t gotten any new commissioners lately.” Semi answered, rubbing the back of his neck. She was getting to him and she could see it. Semi wasn’t looking at her, avoiding her gaze.
“And where are you working? At that cafe you’ve been working at since you went to college?”
“I make enough there to support myself!”
“Wakatoshi tells me you’re still living with your parents.”
“And that’s normal!” It was normal, but she rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“How many jobs have you applied since graduating?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t been counting.”
“I’ve seen your portfolio and I can see why people aren’t hiring you. Your art is the most horrendous I’ve ever seen. And that’s coming from someone who’s seen that redhead friend of Wakatoshi’s art. That’s far better than yours!”
Ouch, that had taken a big hit on Semi. He knew he wasn’t the greatest artist, but he practiced every single day. He always had a sketchbook with him and was always working in it. But everyone that talked to him always complimented his art and how amazing it was.
...Were they lying? Was he really that bad?
Semi turned away from her.
“How can you support someone when you barely make enough to support yourself? Wakatoshi is expected to be of high standard and for him to be seen with someone like you, a starving artist who works in a cafe? People would feel so bad for him because he’s with someone, who isn’t striving to be successful. Success is everything and you cannot support my son with your already dead art career.”
...She was right. He wasn’t getting anywhere in his art career, while his boyfriend had already been successful in just the few months after they’d graduated from college. Even their friends had been more successful, Tendou was an upcoming mangaka, Reon and Jin were studying to be doctors and Yamagata had gotten a position on the national team. Then there were Shirabu, Kawanishi and Goshiki, who were all still in university, but he knew they’d be successful.
Then there was him, not going anywhere.
“I hope you realize why I want you to break up with, Wakatoshi. You can’t give him what he deserves.” She said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Just end it and the pain will be over. He can be happy and so can you.”
Why hadn’t he realized this sooner?
Semi didn’t talk during dinner, the conversation with Ushijima’s Mother made him really think about her words. And made him realize that she was right.
He was in the way of Ushijima having the life he deserved.
He looked over at his boyfriend, who was taking a sip of water and going for the soup next. They hadn’t said much at dinner tonight, which was unusual. Ushijima didn’t normally talk that much during dinner, but Semi made up for that. But tonight, the blond wasn’t in a talkative mood. He had been thinking.
Thinking a lot.
He looked down at the promise ring on his hand, he never took it off. The ring was mainly silver with small diamonds all around it, but a bigger diamond in the middle. But what made this ring significant was,that there was a swan incorporated into it, and at the bottom of the swan were the November birthstones, topaz and citrine. His birthstones.
Ushijima always called Semi his beautiful swan and it only fit that his promise ring had to do something something with a swan. How he was going to miss looking at this beautiful ring every day.
He removed the ring and looked right at Ushijima, who noticed Semi looking at him.
“Yes, Eita?” Ushijima asked, putting down the spoon he was about to bring up to his mouth. Semi didn’t say a word, but just looked down instead. “Eita, is everything alright?”
Again, Semi didn’t respond. Instead, he lifted his hand and placed the ring down near Ushijima. With a raised eyebrow, Ushijima picked up the ring and examined it. Was something wrong with the ring? Did it need a cleaning?
“I something wrong with your ring? Is it missing a diamond-”
“I’m sorry, I can’t do this anymore.”
Ushijima looked at the blond with a puzzled look, what in the world did he mean by that? He couldn’t do what anymore?
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I can’t do this anymore. I’m not...happy.” Semi lied, how much it hurt to say those words.
“What do you mean you aren’t happy?” Ushijima asked, putting the ring down and reaching to hold Semi’s hands. But he pulled away. “Eita, tell me why you aren’t happy and let’s work through it.”
“NO!” Semi blurted out, standing up in the chair and backing up. “I-I just can’t explain why I’m unhappy!”
“Then try to explain it! Is it something I’ve done? Am I working too much? Please, tell me if I’ve done anything to upset you recently!” The former wing spiker begged. He wasn’t going to lose the man he loved over something they could fix.
“It’s...you’ve done nothing! It’s just...me!” His chest hurt, he didn’t want to do this. But he couldn’t let Ushijima not have the wealthy life he deserved. Not when a starving artist like him was standing in the way of him having it.
“I love you! Every single bit of you, everything about you-”
“JUST STOP!” Semi screamed, cutting Ushijima off. They stood in silence for awhile, Ushijima’s eyes widened as Semi’s watered. “I’m done. I can’t take this anymore. I’m sorry.”
“Just stop! Please, this is already hard enough. Just let me go and live your life.” Semi trembled, shaking his head.
“But I can’t go on without you in my life.” Ushijima responded carefully, softly. “Let’s go away this weekend and work on our relationship. Just the two of us, away from the city, away from all this technology-”
“No...nothing can change my mind. I’m sorry, Ushijima.” Semi responded, turning away from the breaking man.
“Please no.” Ushijima begged, his voice cracking. This couldn’t be happening. What had he done wrong?
Five years. That was how long it had been since Semi vanished from Ushijima’s life. Right after he left, Ushijima contacted everyone he knew that would possibly know where Semi was. He went to the cafe where he worked, Semi quit just that morning. He asked if they knew why and they shook their heads. None of them knew why. Ushijima contacted Semi’s cousin to see if he’d heard from him. He said no, but said he was worried about him as well. Semi hadn’t contacted him in the past few days and that wasn’t like him. Even their friends hadn’t heard from him and that wasn’t like him at all. Especially for Tendou!
When asking Semi’s parents, they didn’t say a word. They knew where he was and weren’t going to tell Ushijima. Even his Grandmother didn’t say where Semi had vanished to, but he could tell in her eyes she wanted to tell him. Grandma Semi loved Ushijima and hoped to see her grandson marry the business man one day. With a heavy sigh, he accepted that his family wouldn’t tell him, but thanked them for the years he got to know them.
And when they saw Semi next time, to tell him how much he missed him. And if he wanted to work things out, Ushijima would welcome back with open arms.
It had been five years too long and Ushijima missed his beautiful swan oh so much. His life wasn’t the same without him.
He missed going on dates with Semi.
Watching him sketch, ink or color.
Watching him gather inspiration for his next project.
Randomly dancing in the middle of the kitchen to a cheesy love song.
Seeing his tongue stick out when he was concentrated on something.
Listening to his rants about whatever had irritated him that day.
Walking Ushijima’s dog, Ace.
Taking walks in the park (just the two of them).
Holding his hands.
Cuddling him.
Kissing him.
His smile
His laugh (and his snorts).
Saying ‘I love you’.
All of that had vanished the day Semi had walked out of his life and it had never been the same. Ushijima threw himself into his work, trying so hard to get over him. He made sure he was doing something from the moment he entered his office at 7am, until he left at 10pm that night. It worked for a while, until one day when a maid was cleaning and found Semi’s promise ring. She brought it up to Ushijima and asked,
“What are you going to do with this, Ushijima-san? Isn’t this Semi-san’s promise ring?”
That’s when everything came back. His heart felt so empty without Semi.
With every chance Ushijima had, he searched for Semi. He was ready to do whatever he had to do to get him back; he’d do whatever it’d take to repair their relationship. But whenever he found a new possible lead, he always ended up at a dead end. Even with every dead end he came to, Ushijima never gave up and kept searching. It didn’t matter if it took another five years or even more, he wouldn’t stop searching.
“Wakatoshi, there’s a gallery opening tonight. My wife fell ill with the flu and I’d rather take care of her than leave her at home when she’s so sick. Would you like to attend tonight? I know you appreciate art just as much as she does.” One of the senior advisors asked one afternoon. Ushijima looked up from his lunch at his senior, who held out a ticket.
“Thank you. I’ll make sure to enjoy the gallery.” Ushijima thanked, looking at the information on the ticket. “I’m sorry to hear your wife has the flu.”
“Ah yeah, she’s bummed that she’s sick. But she’ll be happy to hear her ticket went to someone, who loves art! Have fun for the both of us, okay?”
“I’ll make sure to.”
Ushijima arrived at the gallery in downtown Sendai, early as usual. There were already a few other people there, all chatting about the new artists that were being featured. From what the people were saying, the gallery was introducing five new artists tonight. All winners from a contest the gallery held for the past six months. Although he didn’t know how many people entered, it sounded like a lot to him. So to see these five winner’s work was something Ushijima was looking forward to.
After all, he had just moved into a new and bigger apartment not too long ago. He’d been needing some new artwork to cover a lot of the empty wall space.
Soon afterwards, the gallery opened and people began to fill in. The five artists each had their own little space to display their pieces at and outside their space were silver stars. Stars to show the visitors that they’re part of the five winners. Ushijima took his time look at the first person’s artwork, he remembered being told to take his time to look at the piece. Could he image this being hung in his home?
The first person left Ushijima very impressed, he especially loved their painting of a lotus flower blooming. First piece he bought in awhile, maybe he’d put it in his home office.
“Ah Wakatoshi! Long time no see!” A familiar voice called out to him from behind as Ushijima went towards the next person. He turned around to see the owner of the gallery.
“Miyajima-san, it has been awhile.” Ushijima greeted back, bowing to the owner. “How have you been?”
“I’ve been doing well, thank you for asking. How have you been? I don’t see you come into the gallery that often anymore.” Miyajima responded, patting Ushijima’s shoulder.
“I apologize. I’ve been busy with work lately and I haven’t had a chance to come in. I also recently moved into a new apartment, so I’ve been busy with that as well. But I’m here to buy some new artwork since my new apartment has more space than the previous one.” Ushijima apologized as the owner chuckled and nodded.
“Ah understandable, we all get busy. So! Have you found anything yet?”
“I have. I actually just bought Yachi Hitoka’s lotus painting. It’s very beautiful and I couldn’t pass it up.”
“Good choice! One of my favorites during the contest if I do say so myself.” He laughed. “Say Wakatoshi, I have a question.”
“Have you still been looking for that man you dated back a few years ago?” Miyajima asked. Ushijima raised an eyebrow, but nodded. “What was his name again?”
“Semi Eita. Have you seen him recently?” Could this be another possible lead? Miyajima didn’t respond for a moment, but chuckled with a smile crossing his face.
“I knew I recognized that name from somewhere.” Ushijima’s eyes widened. “He’s one of our five winners. He’s in space number four.”
Ushijima spun around immediately and looked for space number four. His eyes landed on the silver star that had number four written on it. It didn’t look like many people had made their way over to his space, people were starting to make their way over to space two and three. This was his chance.
His chance after five years, to see the man he still loved to this day.
“He has some very impressive work, I must say. I think his hot seller will be his painting of a swan- Wakatoshi?” Miyajima started to say, but then realized that Ushijima wasn’t with him anymore. Instead, he was already making his way towards space number four.
“Love is fascinating, isn’t it?” The gallery owner chuckled again, watching the businessman getting closer and closer. “I hope you can win him back.”
Space number four was the same size as space number one was, but there wasn’t a lot of white space. It was all covered in canvases that Semi had created. Ushijima stopped and stared at the work on the wall. How much he had improved in these five years, he was amazed.
One picture especially caught his attention, making him go further into the space. There was someone that looked to be running away from a pound, where another person stood. The person running had a snake wrapped around their leg, while the person at the pound had a swan behind them. Just by the expression on the person running away, they looked upset about something. While the snake had a sinister expression, what did this snake do? Looking at the man at the pound, his features had morphed into a mask of sadness and confusion. The swan behind him looked sad as well, but one of the wings was lying over the man’s leg.
...Why did this seem so familiar?
Ushijima turned around to see whatever Semi had in his gallery, but instead, his attention turned to the person that had taken over this small space. Semi, standing near him and adjusting one of the pieces.
“Eita?” Ushijima asked softly. Semi stopped adjusting the canvas and turned around, his mouth opening to say something. But the moment he saw Ushijima, his eyes widened.
“W-Wakatoshi?” Semi asked slowly, turning around completely and now fully facing him. He still looked just a beautiful as he remembered him. Ushijima smiled softly at him and nodded.
“Hello, it’s been awhile.” Ushijima greeted. Semi rushed over and hugged him, Ushijima returned the hug. How wonderful it felt to have Semi back in his arms. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too.” Semi whispered. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’m so happy, I’ve finally found you. I’ve been searching for you since day one.” Ushijima whispered, feeling Semi tighten his grip.
“...I’m sorry about that. I truly am sorry.”
“I forgive you, but what did I do?” Ushijima asked, looking at him. Semi looked down and shook his head. “Please tell me what happened, I’m begging you. I don’t want to lose you again.”
Semi didn’t respond for a moment, when he could feel his eyes tearing up. Ushijima frowned, cupping both his cheeks in his hands.
“I couldn’t give you everything you deserve, it felt unfair that you were supporting the both of us when we should have both been supporting each other. I wasn’t getting anywhere in my art career and was barely making enough to support myself. I had-your mom opened my eyes and finally told me that...I was going to be the reason why you weren’t going to have the wealthy lifestyle you-”
“There is not a single drop of truth in this. Nothing of this is of matter to me.” Ushijima exclaimed. “Eita, I would rather have you with me than all the money in the world. You are my world! What she said was nothing but pure lies! I love you and ONLY you! I don’t care if you have a billion yen or one yen to your name, you’re the only person I want to be with and no one else. I fell in love with you, not your status or what job you have. I fell in love with Semi Eita.”
“Even if I was a starving artist that barely got commissions and worked in a cafe?” Semi asked in a tiny voice.
“But...what about your fiancée? The one you were supposed to marry-”
“She was on the same page as me. She did not want to marry me either, because she was in love with someone else. She’s married now and she and husband are expecting twins in a couple of weeks.” Ushijima cut off. “Satsuki had already found love like us. Can we start where we left off?”
“I...I don’t know if I can give you what you-”
“You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted. You’ve given me your heart and all the love I could ever ask for. That’s what’s more important to me than anything else.” Ushijima cut him off, saying that while looking right into Semi’s eyes.
Semi stood there for a moment before tears started to fall from his face and a smile crossed his face. Ushijima smiled back as he used his thumbs to wipe the falling tears away.
“I’d like that. I want to start where we left off, ‘Toshi.” Semi smiled brightly. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you so much too, my beautiful swan.” Ushijima responded. “Ah, I just remembered something. I have something for you.”
“What?” Semi asked with a raised eyebrow as he watched Ushijima dig into his pocket. He crossed his arms as the businessman pulled out a small box and opened it.
Semi gasped, “You still have my promise ring?”
“Of course. I said I’ve been searching for you these past five years.” Ushijima chuckled as he took the ring out. “Would you like it back?”
Semi nodded and held out his left hand to him. Ushijima slipped the promise ring back onto the left ring finger. A perfect fit, just like the first time. Semi smiled looking at it and then back to Ushijima.
“I’ve missed seeing this so much.”
“And I’ve missed seeing you wear it.” Ushijima smiled, placing a kiss on Semi’s forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Semi responded with a kiss to Ushijima’s cheek.
“And congratulations winning the contest. You’ve improved so much!” Ushijima congratulated.
“Thank you, ‘Toshi. It was a tough competition.” Semi chuckled.
“Excuse me.” A voice called out, bringing the two love birds back to reality. There stood a businessman Ushijima knew. He worked in Tokyo and was a very powerful man. Wealthy too (wealthier than the Ushijima family). “I’m interested in a few of your pieces.”
“Uh yes! Of course, everything is up for grabs.” Semi responded, walking over to the man.
“Wonderful to hear. I’m interested in these three pieces.” The man said, pointing to three paintings, a painting of a starry night in Paris, two swans swimming together and the picture that Ushijima first saw.
“Yes of course. They haven’t been sold yet-”
“I’m willing to pay this for all three.” The man interrupted, holding out what looked to be his phone with a number on the screen. A long number from what Ushijima could tell.
“...Eh?” Semi blinked at the very big number in front of him. “H-How much?!”
“Is that too low? I’ll add another fifteen to it.” The man said, adding the numbers up and showing Semi then again.
“N-No that was high enough! Oh my god, I think I’m lightheaded.” Semi responded, shocked by the number.
“Very well. I’ll write the check immediately.” The man nodded as Ushijima came up and placed a hand on Semi’s arm.
“Congratulations, you just sold three of your pieces to a very powerful businessman.” Ushijima said as Semi nodded.
“Yeah...I did. Oh my god, I didn’t think I’d sell any of them, let alone three at once.”
“I told you, your paintings are going to sell and make a lot of money.” Ushijima chuckled, placing another kiss on Semi’s cheek. “How about after the gallery closes for the evening, I take you on a date to our favorite sushi spot?”
“Are you asking me out on a date?” Semi asked, a smirk crossing his face.
“Of course I am.” Ushijima responded with a smirk. “And then we can return to my new and bigger apartment and catch up on these past five years.”
“Do you still have Ace?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Then I gladly accept.” Semi responded. “I’m looking forward to it.”
“I am too.” Ushijima smiled, feeling more than happy right now.
After all, he had his beautiful swan back with him and that was all he’d ever wanted.
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tokikurp · 7 years
UshiSemi 20 because I love to make myself suffer :D
I was on vacation mode even after the 4th passed lmao.
20. “For once, stop pretending you’re okay! Just talk to me!”
Ushijima rarely showed emotion and when he did it was everything but sadness. In the time they’ve known each other, Semi rarely saw his boyfriend sad or cry. He knows how Ushijima acts when he’s happy (he gets super smiley) or even he’s angry (it’s very obvious when he’s mad). Semi has wondered what his boyfriend is like when he’s upset, did he frown or cry?
Semi wondered that sometimes. 
It’s Friday night and Semi’s turn to pick up dinner. Because they’re university students getting ready to graduate in a matter of a month, they’re on a budget. But they kept their Friday night for their treat day because why not? He returned to their small apartment and took his shoes off, setting the bag of food down so he could. He stood up and felt something didn’t feel right about the air.
“Wakatoshi?” Semi called out as he walked into the kitchen and saw Ushijima standing in front of the big windows in the living room, phone up to his ear. Semi set the bag on the table and started to unbag it while waiting for Ushijima to get off.
“I…I see. Yes I’ll be there as soon as I can. Yes I will see you soon. Thank you for informing me.” Ushijima responded as he hung up and let out a shaky breath. Leaning against the window and covering his eyes with his hand. Semi raised an eyebrow, what in the world?
“Uh ‘Toshi?” Semi called out, making the wing spiker turn around. “Is everything okay?”
“Eita, when did you get home?” 
“Just now. Who was that on the phone?” Semi asked, but Ushijima shook his head.
“Not right now. I don’t…I don’t want to talk about it.” Ushijima responded as he looked into the bag and picked up whatever was left in there. Semi just gave a nod, not wanting to press the subject too much. 
He would talk about it to Semi later on, but first dinner.
Semi came out of the bathroom and drying his hair when he noticed Ushijima sat on the edge of their bed looking down at something. The wing spiker’s back was facing towards the setter’s so he couldn’t get a look at what his boyfriend was looking at. Quickly trying to dry his hair off, Semi came up from behind and hugged his boyfriend, laying his head against Ushijima’s head.
“Everything okay?” 
No respond. Semi looked down to see a picture of Ushijima’s Mother and Grandmother, why was he looking at a picture of them? The couple had just recently saw them, the two women made a trip over to Tokyo to visit them after they couldn’t make it home for the holidays because of projects that were due around that time. 
“Yeah? Everything okay?”
“How long have you been out of the bathroom?” 
‘He’s dodging the question.’ “A minute or two? ‘Toshi is everything okay?”
“Everything…is fine.” Semi noted the hesitation. “I’m going to go shower-”
“Bullshit. Something is wrong and you aren’t telling me.” Semi called his boyfriend out while sitting back on the bed and crossing his arms.
“Everything is fine, Eita. I’m going to go shower.”
“Wakatoshi I can tell something isn’t right. You’ve been…acting weird all night since I got back from picking dinner up. Who were you talking to on the phone with? Where will you be going soon?” 
“I’m,” Ushijima’s voice cracked? Semi’s eyes widen as he watched the wing spiker lift his hand up and covered his eyes again. Was he…crying? “I’m fine Eita. I really am. Everything is fine. I’m fine. My family is fine. You’re fine. That’s all that…matters.”
Yeah no, Semi could tell his boyfriend was lying. He walked up to the now upset boyfriend and placed a hand on his shoulder, pushing him down back onto the bed. Semi placed his hands on Ushijima’s shoulders and lighting squeezed them, the setter noticed the wing spiker’s hands are getting wet.
He’s crying.
“For once, stop pretending you’re okay, ‘Toshi. Just talk to me. Please? You alway listen to me when I’m upset and I want to listen to when you’re upset. Please, what’s wrong?” Semi begged as he tried to move Ushijima’s hand away from his eyes, the dark olive eyes that belong to the man he loves.
“Grandmother died last night.” Ushijima answered, removing his hand from his eyes, his teared filled eyes. 
“Oh Wakatoshi.” Semi’s heart broke in that moment. 
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tokikurp · 7 years
Ahhhh you killed me with that last prompt but it was soooo good too! How about UshiSemi and 46 if you don't mind??
_(:3/ It hurt writing that, it really did! BUT I’M HAPPY YOU ENJOYED! THAT’S WHAT I LIKE HEARING \( ᐛ )/
46- “Can I kiss you right now?” 
📬 Send me a prompt, there’s 200 to choose from ❗
[Text sent by Ushijima Wakatoshi]: Eita and I are about to leave for the hospital for his surgery. I will send an update before he goes in.
Ushijima held back a yawn as he pressed the send button to family and friends, he had just woken up half an hour ago and already he could tell it was going to be a long day. Because it was going to be a long day for him, he’s a patient man. 
But with Semi having surgery today, he knew is going to grow impatient.
Just over two months (yes months) ago, Semi thought he sprained his knee after landing wrong during practice. He wasn’t in a lot of pain and there was no swelling so Daichi, the head coach and Ushijima all agreed it was best that Semi just rest it for awhile.
It never got better.
So after a month it not getting better, they went to go see an orthopedic to see what was wrong with Semi’s name; by now the setter had missed four games and he was not happy about that. The doctor did a physical exam and asked what happened.
“I landed wrong while I was serving.” Semi explained as the doctor nodded.
“Did anything happen when you landed? Or did you hear anything like a pop?” The doctor asked.
“Um yeah. The moment I landed, I started to see spots? I think Daichi said my blood pressure might have dropped? And I think I did hear a pop when I landed.” Semi responded as he looked to Ushijima, who confirmed with a nod.
“I see, well what I want to do is send you for an x-ray and a MRI scan to see if maybe your knee is bruised. What could have happened is that it popped out of place, but went back into place and it’s just bruised. But I also want to make sure it’s nothing serious like your ACL.” He explained as the two nodded.
So Semi went for the x-ray and the MRI scan a week later. He was late to training because his x-ray was in the morning, but he was excused because of that. (Plus he hasn’t been able to do much since Daichi doesn’t want to risk his knee possibly getting worst, Ushijima agreed). But his MRI was that evening so the captain was able to come with him for the MRI.
“That machine was so damn loud, I could hear it over the music they were playing.” Semi complained as the two walked home, the setter having a slight limp because of the brace he wore.
“I never thought a MRI machine would be loud. I thought they were quiet.” Ushijima responded.
“Yeah I thought so too.”
The results came in two weeks later and they were called in by the orthopedic to come chat about them. On the way there, Semi gripped Ushijima’s hand tight, feeling nervous about what the results could be. Ushijima had to take away the laptop because Semi was doing so much research on what it could possibly be.
“Alright so I have to bring some bad news to you, Ushijima-san.” The orthopedic doctor started as he opened the file. “Your MRI scanned showed that your ACL is torn. Now it didn’t show how torn, but I could tell it was in fact torn.”
 The surgery was scheduled for two weeks later and they were busy getting things ready. First informing the national team and getting time off for both Semi and Ushijima (Oikawa having no problem taking on the role of captain for at least two weeks). Second, telling family and friends who were all shocked to hear that Semi would be suddenly having surgery. His grandmother even offering to come stay with them while Semi recovered (They declined it was knee surgery and they didn’t want her to have to be responsible for picking Semi up if he had fallen). 
They also prep their home, moving their bedroom from the second story to the first story so Semi wouldn’t have to go up the stairs after surgery. He was going to be on crutches and have a brace on that would make it difficult to go up the stairs. So it only made sense moving their bedroom downstairs until he could make it up the stairs, even if it was one step at a time.
“Arf!” Looking down from his phone, Ushijima was met their his and Semi’s dog, Ace. The captain chuckled as he bent down and scratched behind their shiba inu’s ear.
“Look after the house while Eita and I are at the hospital, Ace. I’m counting on you.”
“Arf!” The dog responded while wagging his tail.
“Come on, I’ll feed your breakfast.” Even though it was four something in the morning, Ace was all excited about food. 
“Wakatoshi! Are you ready?” Semi called out as Ushijima set Ace’s bowl down.
“Yes Eita. Are you ready?”
“Yes! Come help me get off this last step.” For the past two months, Semi has had trouble with the stairs, getting Ushijima to help him get off the last step or take the last step. 
The captain made his way over to the stairs and offered his hand out to his husband, who took it and slowly stepped down. Hissing just a tad as he put pressure on his knee.
“Got everything?” Semi asked as Ushijima nodded.
“Yes. I’ve sent the text to everyone and Ace has been fed.”
“Alright good. Let’s go, the sooner we can get there, the sooner I can have my knee back.”
Because it was still so early, they had no trouble getting to the hospital. By five-fifteen, they were checked in and in a room. Ushijima sitting by Semi’s side and holding his hand, gently rubbing it as the setter’s vitals were taken. His nurse was none other then Yaku, who chatted with them while writing everything down on the chart. 
“Ah shit that burns.” Semi hissed as the nurse pushed the IV needle in.
“Whoops sorry about that but I think I got the vein.” Yaku apologized as he felt one more time for the vein. “Yup got it.”
“Damn Yaku.” 
“Eh it happens. Often do you get poked in that arm?” The nurse asked while throwing away the container the needle came in.
“I would hope so. Alright so the doctor will be in shortly to chat with you before you’re taken back. So hang tight and I’ll be back to check on you.” Yaku responded with a chuckle before heading to check on the other patients. 
“Hey, hey, hey good morning!” Came Bokuto’s voice as him and Kuroo snuck into Semi’s room.
“What the hell are you two doing here?” Semi asked as Kuroo came in, handing a cup of coffee over to Ushijima.
“We came to see our favorite setter before he goes in for surgery.” Kuroo answered as he leaned against the wall. “Yaku snuck us in so we could say hello and a good luck to you.”
“Yeah, how you feeling?” Bokuto asked.
“Tired.” Both Ushijima and Semi replied at the same time.
“Couldn’t sleep last night because the surgery was on our minds.”
“Yeah I can image. Surgery is a scary thing.” Kuroo responded while taking a sip of his coffee.
“Yeah. How long will you be out of training?” Bokuto asked.
“The rest of the season, I believe he’ll be out for six months.” Ushijima responded.
“Yikes. That’s just about going into next season too, huh?” The middle blocker asked as the captain nodded.
“Depending on how he does with therapy, I would say about June maybe?”
“Summer comeback.” Bokuto nodded as Kuroo pushed himself off the wall.
“Alright well we just wanted to come say good luck and we’ll be thinking about you today. Get better tough guy.” He said while patting Semi’s leg.
“Yeah good luck today!”
“Thanks guys for coming.” Semi waved as the two left the room. “Well that was nice of them to come see me before surgery.”
“I agree.” 
Next thing they knew, it was time to part ways. They pressed their foreheads against each other and Ushijima kissed Semi’s lips.
“I’ll be right there when you wake up, alright? Don’t worry about anything, you’re in good hands.” The captain responded as Semi nodded.
“I’ll be expecting you to be there when I wake up.” Semi whispered back as his husband nodded.
“Of course. I love you, Eita.”
“I love you too, ‘Toshi.” 
“Have a nice nap.”
“I will.” Semi giggled.
For three hours, Ushijima waited and waited for the surgery to be over with. He had gone to get breakfast and half an hour had only passed after he finished. He read the newspaper and the advertisements, which after reading those he started to get responses from the text message he had sent that morning.
[From Shirabu]: Has he gone back yet?
[From Jin]: How are you holding up?
[From Reon]: Any word yet?
[From Yamagata]: How’s Eita doing?
[From Oikawa]: Ushiwaka-chan! Do you have any updates on Semi-chan?? (。•́︿•̀。)
Ushijima responded to them all, informing them that yes Semi has already gone back, but he didn’t know how he was doing. He started to get nervous around the two hour mark, no one had come out to update him on what was going on. He called Semi’s parents to inform them how their son was doing, who both were worried about their son. Grandma Semi was also informed the moment Ushijima hung up since his parents actually had the day off for once! 
“Ushijima-san?” A voice called out to him. Having decided to rest his eyes, Ushijima must have fallen asleep because he now was looking at the surgeon.
“Yes? How is Eita doing?” The captain asked as the surgeon sat on the coffee table (which Ushijima thought was another seat to be honest). 
“Your husband is doing fine. He’s out of surgery, it was a success. He had a complete tear which is why it took longer then expected. He should be waking up soon if you would like to wait in the room you two were brought into.”
“Yes that would be great. Thank you doctor.” Ushijiam bowed to the surgeon. He walked to the room they were just in that morning and sat down, pulling his phone out to send the update.
[Text sent by Ushijima Wakatoshi]: Eita is out of surgery and I’m currently waiting for him to be brought back to the room.
It was just a ten minute wait when Semi was brought back. Ushijima stood up and bent over the bed, stroking his husband’s face.
“Welcome back, Eita. How are you feeling?” Ushijima asked as Semi looked at him, oh how exhausted he looked! “Tired?”
Semi only nodded as he leaned against Ushijima’s touch. The captain couldn’t help but smile at his tired husband. He looked so out of it as he leaned toward his husband’s touch.
“Mmm…’Toshi.” Semi spoke after half an hour.
“Can I kiss you right now? You promised me a kiss before I went in.” Semi asked. Ushijima blinked, what kissed? How much anesthesia did they give him?
“But of course. A promise is a promise.” Though they didn’t promise a kiss, Ushijima wasn’t going to decline another kiss from his husband. The captained kissed his husband’s lips, who smiled afterwards.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Eita. When we get home, I’ll carry you to bed and you can sleep longer alright?
“Okay.” Semi responded as he leaned his forehead against Ushijima’s. “I like that idea.”
“Me too.” 
“Well I’m sure you would like that to happen now, huh?” Yaku asked as he walked into the room with a folder and wheelchair. “He’s ready to be discharged and head home. This folder will explain what to look for incase of an infection and also expect a call from the physical therapist in about two to three weeks.” 
Yaku explained as he pulled the IV out of Semi’s arm and applied pressure while Ushijima nodded.
“Do I need to sign any papers?”
Papers signed and Semi dressed back into his own clothes, Yaku pushed the dazed blond toward the exit while Ushijima went ahead to get the car. The captain picked his husband up and gently set him into the car before thanking Yaku for his work.
“No problem. Call me if you’ve got any questions.” 
“I will. Thank you again, Yaku.”
“I’ll come by and check on him after I get off my shift.” Yaku responded Ushijima nodded, getting into the car and driving the two of them back home.
“ARF!” Ace barked as he greeted his humans home.
“Hello Ace. Thank you for keeping the house safe while we were out.” Ushijima thanked as the dog wagged his tail. “Come on, let’s go nap.”
“ARF!” The dog agreed.
Sleep is good.
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tokikurp · 7 years
*slams hands on the table* I vote for UshiSemi 🙌
I wasn’t given a number…SO DO THEM ALL ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Send me a ship and number for headcanons!
1. How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
Semi has a hard time falling asleep and will take awhile to fall asleep. But when he does fall asleep, he falls asleep right in Ushijima’s side. Ushijima will also wrap his arms around Semi as he falls asleep. 
Nothing changes with Ushijima and he wakes up bright and early to go out for a jog. However, he does his best not to wake Semi up and comes back around the time Semi is waking up. 
After Ushijima come back, they get ready for the day. They cook breakfast together :D
2. How’s their team work? Do they share well?
Pretty good! When they went to university, they lived together in a small apartment and learned how to share a lot of things.
3. Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
Semi wanted to privet about it, but Tendou discovered that SemiSemi and Wakatoshi were dating because he was being nosy and saw Ushijima’s name ins Semi’s phone was ‘Toshi 😘 ’ And well…it was history after that!
4. First impression of each other? Was it love at first sight?
Ushijima- Good setter, interesting hair.
Semi- Wow he’s dense
It was not love at first sight, it was volleyball is life.
5. Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes?
Semi calls Ushijima, Toshi! But other than, nothing else. 
6. Any tasks that are always left to one person?
Pretty equal
7. What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could?
When Semi is being stubborn and Ushijima’s denseness is sometime a little annoying.
But would they change it? No because it makes them who they are. Semi sees Ushijima’s denseness is cute and seeing Semi being stubborn can be cute.
8. What do the like best about their partner?
Ushijima- He’s seen as this timid but he’s very gentle. Semi loves how gentle he is around everyone and everything. He wants to make sure 
Semi- His determination, every since high school he was determined to improve on his skills and really anything.
9. Do they discuss big issues? Religion? Marriage? Children? Death?
Yes when they come up. Like Semi heard it on the news and he wants to know what Ushijima’s opinion is then they’ll have a long discussion about it. Another reason for the discussion is an event like a wedding happens, this’ll get this thinking and one of them will bring it up.
10. Who drives? Cooks? Does the handiwork? Cleans? Pays the bills? Handles the public?
Even though they would eventually move to Tokyo, Ushijima would usually drive when they visit Miyagi.
But they cook together! Something they’ve done since university and it’s something they both find relaxing and enjoy the bonding moment. 
Neither of them really do handiwork. But they both clean!
They split their bills so one person pays these and the other pays the other half. 
11. Do they celebrate holidays? Anniversaries?
Yes they do! The celebrate the big holidays, but they look forward to their anniversary the most! They buy each other a small gifts and go out for a nice dinner!
12. Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
YES OF COURSE! Ushijima was the one who proposed and he did so when they went to visit family in Miyagi. He proposed in a park that meant a lot of them (Because it was also near STZ).
Their honeymoon was a relaxing, but fun one! They’d probably go to Hawaii.
13. What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up? 
Stay home and lay on the couch, watching TV or reading.
14. Anything they both dread?
Semi- The battle to go to sleep
Ushijima- Having to pull weeds
15. How adventurous are they?
Eh, depends on if they’re in the mood.
16. Do they keep secrets? Lie? Cheat?
None of those. If they try and keep a secert, it won’t last long because they’ll have this guilty feeling. 
Semi will lie about how much sleep he got the previous night, but Ushijima knows better and tells him to go back to sleep for an extra hour. 
They don’t even think about cheating.
17. What would make them break up? Would it be permanent?
Oh I hate questions like these. Um….probably because they were both being far too stubborn to talk through their problems. But I don’t think it would be permanet. 
They’d both be given their space to breath and they’d talk to someone. Like Semi goes to Reon while Ushijima would go to Tendou.
18. What are their dates like? How long do/did they date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other?
Their dates are very chilled. They like to go out into town and try out the different street food (They share because that’s only more calories for Ushijima to burn). Before they got married, they dated for five years.
No, no break.
19. What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How do they make up?
Probably other stuff, but they’re like small things, like what they want for dinner. But they decide something in the middle or go out to their favorite ramen place. 
20. What does their home look like? Their room?
I’ve actually never thought about that. Hm.
Their room is simple, the colors are natural tones and they have plants! 
21. Do they share any interests or hobbies?
22. Does their work ever interfere with the relationship?
Kind of sort of? But they work together so they get to see each other no matter what!
23. How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. And yes!
Sleepy!Semi likes to hug Ushijima from behind and Ushijima hugs Semi while they sleep.
Kisses everyday! 
Semi does most of the teasing and flirting. But Ushijima flirts with Semi to catch him off guard because blushing Semi is adorable!
Comforting is a yes.
24. Any doubts about the relationship?
25. How much time do they spend together? Do they share their feelings, or hold things in?
Everyday, but they like to go out with their friends sometimes! (Or the different positions will go out for dinner like setters will go out one night and the wing spikers will go out the next week)
Ushijima will share his feelings and Semi will hold them in (And then they’ll come out somehow!)
26. How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families?
Tendou was shocked that SemiSemi and Wakatoshi were dating! But he was happy because if that made them happy, he was happy! The rest of the team were very supportive of them.
As for their families, Semi’s Grandmother LOVES Ushijima and always asking how he’s doing and if he’s eaten enough. Semi’s parents are okay with their son’s boyfriend. Ushijima’s family also love Semi, his mother saying that Semi keeps her son on his toe!
27. Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up?
They have three kids! Two girls and a boy (Twins and then a little girl who are three years apart!) And yes of course they grow old together. 
28. What are their vacations like?
When they do go on vacation, they like to explore places. Some of the must go places, but they like to explore and find hidden treasures!
29. How do the handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?
They both worry about each other. If one is sick, the other will take care of them until they’re better. Or help them out when they’re injured.
30. Could they manage a long distance relationship?
I think they could. It would be hard at first, but they would work things out and try to make it work.
31. Do they have finish each other’s sentences? Pick up any phrases or habits from each other? Know when the other is hiding something?
But Ushijima will know when Semi is lying about how much sleep he got because it’s obvious with those bags!
32. Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or are they just mischievous?
It’s more mischievous, like Semi will prank Ushijima every so often.
33. What kind of presents do they get each other? Do they only do it on special occasions?
They’re usually small and nothing over the top. Like Semi getting Ushijima a new flower pot or Ushijima getting Semi a new blanket. But on special occasions, they’ll splurge. Semi would get something that could be useful to Ushijima and Ushijima would probably get Semi something he’s had his eye on for awhile.
34. Do they have any pets?
I’m going to say yes! A Shiba Inu named Ace.
35. Do they bring out the best in each other, or the worst? Do they have a fatal flaw?
They bring the best I think.
36. What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness?
Strength- Communication
Weakness- Their personalities would probably clash (I couldn’t think of anything for this OTL)
37. How much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? Any lines they refuse to cross?
Depends? Like if Ushijima is sick, Semi is sacrifice the little sleep he already gets to make sure Ushijima is okay and get anything he needs. And Ushijima would sacrifice going on his run if Semi had a bad night of sleep. 
38. What are they like in the bedroom? Any kinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they won’t do?
Pretty vanilla. They do try things, put that’s only when they feel adventurous.
39. Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first?  When did they realize they were in love?
Ugh I’ve thought about this but I can’t remember! 
Semi was the one who kissed first and Ushijima realized that he was in love with him.
40. Any special memories? Do they have a special place they like to go to?
Semi’s favorite is when they traveled to overseas to visit Ushijima’s Father for the first time. Semi was nervous about how Ushijima’s Father would react, but it turned out to be a pleasant trip.   
Miyagi is their special place because after graduating high school, they left to go to university in Tokyo and now live there because of their jobs (Both being members of the national team). So it’s nice when they go to visit family because they get away from the big city.
41. Are they party-goers? What are they like when they’re drunk? Does it happen often?
Nope! They’re not really the party-goers and they will drink, but not that often.
42. Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?
I think it would just depend on what it is. *Shrug*
43. Do they talk often? What about?
Everyday? About everything? (I don’t get this question)
44. Are the comfortable with each other? Anything they have to have their privacy for?
Um yes? I’m sure if they weren’t comfortable with each other that they wouldn’t be together?
But with the privacy, it’s privacy and yes they let each other have it.
45. Any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets?
To be happy and never fall out of love would be their goal. 
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tokikurp · 8 years
Tangled Up
Summary: Ushijima didn’t notice the owner, who was reading, but the owner did. He looked up from his book and looked at the pair that passed him and his dog before returning his attention to his book. The other dalmatian, quite curious, leaned forward to see where the two had gone.
Based off a tweet I saw a month ago while I was scrolling through the UshiSemi tag on Twitter, I came across this tweet! And because I was feeling the urge to write something of my HQ OTP (one of them anyway), I decided to write this because not only is it a cute idea; but it’s also a scene from 101 Dalmatians which I LOVE and grew up watching! 
“Hm...after five already? How strange, I could have sworn it was just after three. Oh well.” Standing up from his spot at the piano, Ushijima stretched and looked down at his excited dalmatian, Tsutomu, who was wagging his tail a mile per minute. “Alright Tsutomu, let’s go to the park.”
Tsutomu barked in response, jumping all around as he waited for his owner to put his coat and hat on.
“Alright, alright. Here, hold still.” The excited dalmatian stood still as his leash was hooked onto his collar. The moment it was, the excited dog rushed to the door and nudged it open with his nose.
This was their routine everyday, everyday at five Ushijima, a pianist, would stop his work for the day and take his dog out to the nearby park. To get fresh air and to run around for a little bit after being inside all day.
Tsutomu had always been an eager dog and today he was twice as eager to get out of the house. While walking to find a spot, the dog kept looking around as if he was looking for something. Or someone. Walking past a pathway to the nearby lake, Tsutomu stopped when he saw another dog; dalmatian and it’s owner sitting on the nearby bench. Wagging his tail, the dog looked toward his owner, who was watching the birds pass over them.
‘Of course he doesn’t even notice.’
Tsutomu blinked at his owner, funny man he was. But neither the less, Tsutomu straightened himself up and began to walk near the lake. Ushijima felt the tug of the leash, causing him to look toward the area, that his dog wanted to go in. A nice lake in the distance, good choice. He followed his dog, who was acting very strange. Instead of Ushijima having to keep up with his dog; which was no problem, he was actually walking.
‘How strange.’ He thought as they passed another dog owner and his dog. Ushijima didn’t notice the owner, who was reading, but the owner did. He looked up from his book and looked at the pair that passed him and his dog before returning his attention to his book. The other dalmatian, quite curious, leaned forward to see where the two had gone.
Tsutomu and Ushijima sat in front of the lake, staring at the body of water as they relaxed. Tsutomu felt a pair of eyes staring at him and turned around, just seeing the other dog was looking at them. But the other dalmatian turned away.
‘We’ve been noticed! Good! Now I just have to get him moving again. But how?’
Ushijima wasn’t paying any attention at all as his dog moved away from him. Thinking of a new tune, that came to his mind as he watched a family of ducks swimming by. He hoped Tsutomu wouldn’t notice them or they’d be going for a swim..or taking a bath early. Until he felt his dog jump on his back and take his hat. Turning around, he saw Tsutomu wagging his tail obviously showing, that he wanted to play with his owner.
“Tsutomu, give my hat back.” Ushijima asked as he held his hand out to the dog. Tsutomu shook his head and barked before Ushijima lunged after him to get his hat back. “Tsutomu come back here!”
Tsutomu moved out of the way and closer to the dog owner and other dalmatian, wagging his tail more as he waited for his owner to come after him, but also keeping an eye on the other dog owner. Speaking of the dog owner, he looked up at what was happening along with his dog. With a raised eyebrow, the owner shook his head and returned to his book. The other dalmatian stared, before looking away and letting out a yawn.
‘Oh come on, you slow rock! Hurry up and get me!’ Tsutomu oh so casually walked over to the bench, where the owner and dalmatian were and placed Ushijima’s hat on there.
“Tsutomu.” Ushijima sighed as he stared at his dog, but noticed someone was sitting on the bench. The dog owner looked at the hat, that was placed next to him, before looking up and seeing Ushijima. The pianist noticed he had light blond hair with darker tips, which made Ushijima think that it was a rather interesting hairstyle.
‘Yes they’ve noticed each other! Now if only they would- what?!’ Tsutomu was excited, that they had finally noticed one another, but just turning his head away for a second and the dog owner and other dalmatian were gone! Before Tsutomu could even take a step…
“Come here!” Ushijima had his arms around him. “Alright Tsutomu, I think that’s enough part for one day. We’re going home.” Ushijima informed as he put the leash back on. Tsutomu watched as the dog owner and other dalmatian were walking away.
‘We aren’t going home just yet!’ Tsutomu started to walk toward the blond dog owner the moment Ushijima had hooked the leash onto his collar. Taking big steps to get closer to them and thankfully, they hadn’t gone off too far, so Tsutomu was able to catch up to them and wrap his lease around the blond dog owner’s legs. Because of that, the dog owner and Ushijima were pulled closely together.
“Ah, I apologize.” The two tried their best to get out of their restrains and also keep their balance.
“What’s the big idea here!”
���I apologize for him, I have no idea what has gotten into him!” Ushijima apologized as they tried even more to get out of their restrains, but the leash had been wrapped around their legs more than once and could only be released if Tsutomu would spin the other way around. They were so focused on getting out that they started to lean toward the pound. The other dalmatian however, didn’t move much as he watched his owner about to plunge into the water.
The dog rolled his eyes as he tried to stop them from falling in by biting onto the back of his owner’s jacket, but that didn’t help at all as the two fell into the water. Along with Tsutomu.
“Oh lovely! Just what I needed, another bath.” The dog owner groaned as he moved his bangs out of the way and looked to his dog, which stared at him. “Thanks boy.” Kenjirou barked in response as Ushijima got up and began to help the owner up.
“I’m very sorry, please let me help you up.” Ushijima apologized as he helped the owner up. “I have no idea what came over him. Tsutomu!”
‘Mission accomplished!’ Tsutomu walked out of the pound and sat next to the dalmatian named Kenjirou, who gave him a rather funny look.
“Are you alright? I really have no idea what got into him.”
“I’m alright, I’m alright.” The owner groaned. “Ugh, I just need to get home and shower...again! Thanks for the bath, but I think a proper one will be a lot better!”
The owner sneezed as he pulled out his handkerchief, but groaned when he realized it was soaked. “Oh fucking great!”
“Please take mine.” Ushijima offered as he pulled his soaked handkerchief out and offered it to the stranger. The stared at each other’s wet handkerchief, before the stranger began to laugh, which lead to a confused look from Ushijima.
“Oh right, they’re both wet.” The stranger laughed. “That was a stupid move on our part.”
“It appears so.” Ushijima noted as he chuckled. Why did they even pull them out? Of course they’d be wet! Hearing the stranger laugh and Ushijima chuckling, that made Tsutomu very happy to hear as he looked to Kenjirou, who only shook his head.
“I do again apologize uh um…” Ushijima apologized once more as the two finally got out of the pond.
“Oh it’s uh Semi Eita. And you?”
“Ushijima Wakatoshi.” The two heard barking and turned toward their dogs, Tsutomu looking like he was wanting to play with Kenjirou, who looked very confused.
“Tsutomu, calm down boy. Come here.”
“Kenjirou, don’t look so confused. He’s acting like a normal dog, unlike you. Well...but you listen.” Semi chuckled as he looked at the excited dog, that sat next to Ushijima.
“Yes, this one doesn’t understand the word ‘Stop’.” Tsutomu barked in agreement.
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tokikurp · 8 years
Even Then
Summary: Five years. That's how long it's been since Ushijima and Semi last saw each other. Five years later, their feelings still remain the same as it did the day of graduation.
I apologize in advance, this was rushed because I failed to realize it was UshiSemi Day (1/3) until about three hours before January 4th  (╥﹏╥) I blame the holidays. But better late than never right ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ?
Happy late UshiSemi Day (((o(*°▽°*)o)))
It’s been five years since Ushijima and the other third years graduated from Shiratorizawa. He hasn’t heard much from all of them. He kept in touch with Tendou, actually scratch that, him and Tendou dormed together at university. Even after graduating, they still kept in contact and frequently met for lunch, sometimes dinner. The redhead was very busy, he went after his dream of being a mangaka and managed to achieve it. The former middle blocker kept a busy schedule with his manga as it started to get it’s name out. But that didn’t mean Tendou cut out all socializing, oh no! Ushijima and him met up for lunch when they were both free and Tendou even attended some of the professional volleyball player’s games, when he had time.
As for the others, he hadn’t heard much of. While meeting Tendou for lunch, the wing spiker asked about their former teammates and asked if he’s heard from them. Tendou stopped and thought about that before kind of nodding.
“Sort of, but I hear they’re all doing great! Hey you know what we should do, Wakatoshi? We should get everyone together again for a little reunion! Just me, you, Reon, Hayato and SemiSemi! It’s been too far long since we all saw each other!” Tendou suggested.
“Hmm, well you are right. It’s been five years since we all last saw each other. Though I’m sure timing will be our main problem. Do you know where everyone lives?” Ushijima asked as the redhead nodded.
“Yeah, I think so. I’m pretty sure Reon and Hayato live in Miyagi.”
“And Eita?”
“Hmm, actually  I’m not quite sure. I don’t remember if he said Miyagi or Tokyo. Well anyway! I have his number so I can call him and ask! Man, this is going to be awesome! Oh maybe a weekend here in Tokyo! I can take the weekend off, I’m already ahead on the next few chapters! Let me call the others now!” Tendou exclaimed all excited as he pulled out his phone.
The wing spiker watched as Tendou began to call everyone, asking how they’ve been and getting straight to the point. While listening to Tendou go on and on about the weekend trip to Reon, Ushijima looked out at the busy streets of Tokyo. He looked forward to seeing the others and how they’ve been doing. What they’re doing now, if they’re in relationships, if they were happy.
He was especially interested in one of them. He looked to the sky, wondering how he had been.
Everyone was able to take a weekend off to come to Tokyo. Ushijima booked their hotel rooms as a gift so they wouldn’t have to worry about getting different hotels. Tendou was beyond excited and couldn’t wait to see everyone, he even made a little memory board from when they were at Shiratorizawa. The pictures were very embarrassing and Tendou couldn't wait to reshare those memories.
Their weekend started on Friday, but Ushijima had training and Tendou had a meeting with his editor. They couldn’t be there to pick up the other three, but they had directions to the hotel and a time when dinner would start.
Ushijima was the last to arrive to the hotel, he had an unexpected meeting with the coach about the next big game and wanted to make sure their lineup was in order. When that was over, he texted Tendou and said he was on his way. The former middle blocker replied saying everyone was waiting for him in the private dinning hall and also sent a picture showing, that they even had a balcony all to themselves.
After checking in, he showered and changed quickly, before he headed out to meet the others. As he came closer and closer, he could obviously hear Tendou’s loud laughing, but other familiar laughs too. It was nice to hear those familiar laughs as he entered the room.
“AY WAKATOSHI! YOU MADE IT!” Tendou exclaimed while throwing his hands in the air. In the room, Ushijima saw Reon and Yamagata sitting across from the former middle blocker. Not much has changed about them. Reon no longer had an undercut, while Yamagata still had his.
“Yo Wakatoshi! Long time no see!” Yamagata greeted as him and Reon got up to greet their former captain.
“Reon. Hayato. It’s good to see you both.” Ushijima greeted as they sat down. “How have you two been?”
“We’ve been doing well.” The former libero chuckled as he looked over to the former wing spiker. “You’ve been doing well too we’ve heard, Mr. Professional Volleyball Player.”
“Ah yes. It has been keeping me busy. What do you two do now?”
“I’m a pediatrician and Hayato is an engineer and both of our jobs have been keeping us busy.” Reon answered.
“Oh, oh, oh! Tell him the news!” Tendou exclaimed with a slight squeal. Ushijima blinked as Reon shook his head and Yamagata rolled his eyes.
“Fine, fine, fine! Reon and I are engaged.” The former libero answered as he held his hand up, showing off his engagement ring, a simple silver band with a diamond in the middle.
“Really now?” Ushijima’s eyes widened at the news. He had no idea his former teammates were even dating.
“Yes, I proposed on our anniversary.” Reon said as the engaged couple smiled at one another. “We haven’t picked a date yet, but we’ll send you an invitation.”
“I’d be honored to attend your special day. Congratulations.” The wing spiker answered as he looked around the room. Someone was missing. Where was Semi? “Has Eita arrived yet?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, SemiSemi’s already here! He stepped outside on the balcony about ten minutes ago to take a phone call. Guess it has to do something with work.” Tendou looked up as he answered the curious wing spiker, before pulling the engaged couple back into an embarrassing story.
“Oh god, I remember that!” Yamagata laughed as Ushijima got up and went outside to greet Semi.
“Yes, I left the case report on my desk. It’s in a green folder with the case number on it.” Ushijima heard as he walked onto the balcony, seeing Semi on the phone with his back toward the wing spiker. “It should be next to a group picture. Ugh, it’s the picture of when I was back in high school...Yes, that one. Yes, the picture of when I was on the volleyball team, did you find the folder?”
Semi kept a picture of their volleyball group on his desk? Ushijima had a copy somewhere in his apartment. He needs to put it on his desk when he’s doing things for the national team at home. He watched as Semi hung up and let a sigh out, before turning around only to see he wasn’t alone anymore.
“Eita.” Semi hadn’t changed much either, but his hair was longer; just hanging off his shoulders a tad bit, and the color was an ombre style; black tips that flowed up to his ash blond hair. That was a style he wasn’t expecting to see the former setter have, but it looked good on him. He watched as Semi leaned against the balcony railing smiling.
“About time you showed up. How have you been?” Semi asked as the wing spiker walked over and stood next to him.
“I apologize. The coach held me back to talk about our lineup for the next game, but I’ve been well. How about you? I didn’t expect you to grow your hair out.” Ushijima answered as Semi chuckled, wrapping some hair around his finger and twirling it.
“That’s what those three said.” He chuckled before letting out a sigh. “I’ve been busy, that’s how I’ve been.”
“I see, we’re all busy nowadays.” Ushijima agreed. “Do you not live in Miyagi or Tokyo?”
“No, I live in Kyoto now.”
Kyoto? Now that was something he wasn’t expecting. He expected either Miyagi or Tokyo, but Kyoto?
“I like it there, though...I do miss home. But my main job and side job keep me busy.”
“Side job? You have two jobs?”
“Hm? Yeah, I do, but it’s not like I’m struggling money wise. I just do it for fun.” Semi chuckled as he crossed his arms and looked up to his former captain. “Would you believe it if I said my main job was being a psychologist, but I’m a cosmetologist during weekends?”
“Really now? I’ll be quite honest, I thought you’d be a full time cosmetologist.”
“Tck. It’s because Satori wouldn’t shut up about that in high school.” Semi couldn’t help but chuckle. “Those were days. Not having a care in the world about anything.”
“Yes, I agree.”
It was silent between the two of them, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable or awkward kind of silence. It was nice to see each other after so long, seeing how they’re both successful in their own worlds.
“You know,” Semi spoke after a while. “There wasn’t a day you didn’t come to my mind. I always thought about what you were doing and how your training was going. When I’m home and doing reports for work, I always watch your games. We knew you’d become a professional player.”
Ushijima looked down, seeing Semi looking down toward the ground but had a small smile on his face. “Really now? I didn’t expect to get the call, my final year playing in university didn’t go so well. But the coach looked passed that and now here I am.”
“Well you’re playing and blowing everyone away.” Semi looked up this time. “Reminds me of when we were in high school.”
“Does it now? Do you miss playing volleyball?”
“I do at times.”
“I see. We enjoyed our time at Shiratorizawa.”
“Even if coach was a demon.” Semi chuckled. Ushijima had to admit, there were times where they thought Washijo was a demon.
Again, they were silent, but Ushijima looked at the former setter before speaking up. “I never forgot about you. I always wondered what you were doing and if you’re happy.”
“...I guess I’m happy. I’m happy right now, being here with you, Satori, Hayato and Reon. It’s been too long since we’ve all been together.” ‘Since we were last alone like this.’
“Yes, but I never forgot what happened on graduation night.”
“...You mean the kiss I gave you?” Semi asked, slightly embarrassed at the memory. It was a quick kiss, something Semi had wanted to give to Ushijima before he left for university. A ‘I have no idea if I’ll ever see you again so here’s a kiss because I’ve always liked you’ kiss.
“Oh...well uh about that-” Semi was cut off when he felt the other’s lips on his. It was short and quick, Ushijima drew back and took Semi’s hands into his.
“I was never able to return it.”
“...huh?” Semi blinked. Did he mean what he thought he meant? “W-what do you mean?”
“The five years we didn’t see each other and the kiss made me realize something about you.” Ushijima started as he rubbed his thumbs over Semi’s hand gently. “That I couldn’t stop thinking about you and wished I knew sooner.”
“I...I wish I told you sooner than just running off like that.” The former setter admitted as he lightly squeezed Ushijima’s hands, they felt rough but they felt strong. “I think those five years made us both realize something.”
“Yes, it appears so.” The wing spiker smiled softly  at him, a rare smile that Semi loved to see.
“So, should we, give it a chance? Us being in a relationship?” The ash blond asked as he looked back up to the wing spiker.
“Only if you want too. I won’t force you into anything you’re uncomfortable with.”
“It’s just...we’d be three hours away from each other and we’re both busy. Can we really make it work?” Semi asked as Ushijima put a hand on the other’s cheek.
“It’ll be difficult in the beginning, but I think we can work through it, if it would be okay with you.” Ushijima replied as Semi couldn’t help but chuckle.
“You haven’t changed about making sure one of us was comfortable. But...yeah we can give this a shot.” The ash blond replied as Ushijima nodded and leaned his forehead against’s Semi’s.
“Even now, you’re as beautiful as I remember you to be.” The wing spiker spoke softly, making Semi blush.
“OH FOR GOD’S SAKE! WILL YOU TWO KISS ALREADY!” A new voice came. The two looked and saw Yamagata, Tendou and Reon in the doorway of the balcony.
“Says the one who hasn’t been kissed since university.” Semi smirked at Tendou as he walked back over to the others, Ushijima right behind him, who still held onto his hand. This time, the wing spiker had no plans on letting him go.
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