#Happy Shooping...
waylaidbyenemies · 6 months
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shooponthemoon · 5 months
well it's after 12 so I guess I'm officially 30
fingers crossed things get better over the next year, for myself and the world at large...
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jualtanamantelang · 2 years
WA 0813-5812-3335 (informasi pemasaran)
rosemery,tanaman rosemary,bunga rosemary,pohon rosemary,cara menanam rosemary.
tanaman berdaun mungil dan berbunga cantik ini kaya manfaat. Selain berguna untuk kesehatan, juga mampu menunjang kecantikan. Simak, yuk, ulasannya berikut. Tinggi Kalsium Rosemary diketahui memiliki kandungan kalsium tinggi. Tanaman ini sangat bagus untuk mencegah penyakit tulang seperti osteoporosis. Di samping itu, juga baik untuk menjaga kesehatan gigi. Rajin mengonsumsi rosemary bahkan bisa mengatasi rematik.
Antioksidan Tanaman yang bentuknya seperti jarum ini kaya zat antioksidan, zat yang mampu membuat radikal bebas menjauh. Rosemary mempunyai kandungan asam carsonic dan carnosol. Kedua zat ini bisa menghambat pertumbuhan segala jenis sel kanker, seperti kanker payudara, kanker rahim, kanker hati, dan yang lainnya.
Menjaga Kinerja Otak Selain mampu menangkal radikal bebas, tanaman herbal ini bisa memperbaiki kinerja otak sehingga berkhasiat mencegah kepikunan, membantu kita mudah berkonsentrasi, dan memperkuat daya ingat. Hal ini diperkuat oleh penelitian dari Internal Journal of Neuroscience yang membuktikan adanya kandungan zat carnosic dalam daun rosemary, zat untuk melawan kerusakan sel-sel otak.
Memperlancar Pencernaan Rosemary bisa mengatasi permasalahan lambung dan usus. Tanaman herbal ini bahkan diklaim mampu mengatasi penyakit pencernaan, seperti kram usus dan sembelit. Kandungan rosmarinic acid berpotensi sebagai terapi atau pengobatan gangguan saluran pencernaan.
Penyubur Rambut Perawatan rutin menggunakan ekstrak rosemary bisa mengatasi keluhan rambut rontok. Menggunakan ekstrak secara teratur selama enam hingga tujuh bulan akan membantu merangsang pertumbuhan rambut. Ekstrak ini juga berfungsi sebagai tonik atau penguat rambut.
Sebagai Anti Aging Kaya akan kandungan anti oksidan membuat tanaman herbal ini bisa menghambat proses penuaan kulit. Rosemary mampu memperlancar peredaran darah sehingga membuat warna kulit merona. Bahkan, rosemary bisa merangsang regenerasi kulit dan membuat kulit terlihat lebih kencang. Rosemary juga berfungsi sebagai anti inflamasi untuk mencegah jerawat meradang.
Bisa langsung hubungi no admin nya yaa…
📲 0813-5812-3335 https://wa.me/6281358123335-
Dan bisa langsung ke lokasi kami di : Jl. Phospat no 31, Pandean 2 , Purwantoro, Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia https://g.page/griya-mint-malang?gm
Atau Bisa Klik Di Shopee https://shopee.co.id/product/375800954/3990560007?smtt=0.375820531-1631863477.9
Terimakasih dan happy shooping
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surely-sapphic · 2 years
Nobody tagged me or anything like that, but I thought that I'd share my Wrapped
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alotofpockets · 9 months
Home | Natasha Romanoff
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Prompts: "I've had a bad day, and honestly all I want right now are some cuddles." & "You've always felt like home."
A/n: Could be read as a part 2 to 'Seeking comfort' but also works on it's own :)
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 1k
Living with Natasha had been nothing short of perfect. You had been living together for a couple of months now, and the experience had been amazing so far. Your shared place had felt like home from the moment you and Natasha had stepped foot in it. Over the months you grew to love the little habits that started to form. 
One of your new favorite things has become coming home to Natasha. The way she ran to the door when she heard the familiar noise of your keys jingling before unlocking the front, always welcoming you home with lots of kisses, was something you would never get enough from. She was always so happy to have you back home, and in return you were very happy to be back in her arms.
Another thing that you loved was Natasha coming home to you. You always tried to make it special, and on your days off you did that by putting some extra effort into dinner. Since the two of you had moved in together, you had picked up cooking, and you tried making new recipes as often as you could. You loved surprising your lover with a home-cooked meal, and a nicely set table, turning dinner into little impromptu dates.
Above all else, you loved creating a home with Natasha. The walls and shelves that were blank upon moving, were now filled with pictures, and trinkets of your life together. Just as you had seen that first day you entered Natasha’s bedroom at the Compound. Natasha loved capturing every moment with her polaroid camera, and you loved looking back on the memories the two of you had created.
You were working on a new recipe for tonight when you heard the infamous, “Honey, I'm home.” Natasha loved being cheesy, and you loved all the domesticity that came with it. The Black Widow was a big softy, she was your big softy, and you wouldn’t change that for the world.  “In the kitchen.” You reply. It wasn't long until you heard her footsteps heading your way, and her arms wrapped around your waist from behind. Soft kisses were placed on your shoulder. “Hi detka.” You lean into her body, while you continue stirring the pan. The pasta was boiling, and the sauce you were stirring was almost done. 
“Hi baby, how was work?” Natasha grunts from behind you and nuzzles her head further into your back. "I've had a bad day, and honestly all I want right now are some cuddles." You put the heat down under your pans before you turn around in her arms. “Oh, darling, I’m sorry you had a bad day.” You wrap your arms around her, and hold her close. “Do you want to talk about it?” She shook her head. “That’s okay. Let’s get you those cuddles, shall we?” 
“But what about dinner? I know you worked hard on it.” She says worriedly. “We can just have it on the couch tonight. Why don’t you take a seat? I’ll be right there.” She kisses your cheek, “You’re the best. I love you.” - “I love you too, darling.” You grab two bowls and set them down on the counter. The pasta dish needed a couple more minutes, so you decided to clean up the table you had set already in the meantime.
Once the dish is ready you shoop the pasta and then the sauce into the two bowls. On a tray you bring in both your dishes and the wine you had poured into two glasses. “It smells really good, baby, I can’t wait to try it.” Natasha appreciated your gesture to skip on the fancy set table and enjoy the food on the couch, however she did feel guilty about ruining your plans of a fancy at home dinner date. “I’m sorry about the change of plans.” She says as you hand her one of the bowls. You shake your head, “Don’t worry about it, darling. I don’t mind where we have dinner, I just want to have it with you.” You sit down beside her and put on one of her favorite movies. She instantly leaned into your side. That was another thing you had noticed, Natasha had become a lot more clingy. She always found your hand to hold, or your side to lean into. You were not complaining though, as you loved being close to her.
When your bowls were empty, you discarded them on the table to clean up later, and changed your position on the couch so that Natasha could cuddle into you properly. “Come here, baby.” You said with your arms wide open. She laid her head down on your chest, and you immediately wrapped your arms around her. The movie continued to play on the TV, and you moved one of your hands to absentmindedly play with her hair, knowing how much Natasha loved it when you did that. “Your cuddles always make me feel so much better.” You place a kiss on her forehead, “Oh yeah? Why is that?” Natasha lovingly places a kiss on your neck, “Because you’ve always felt like home.” Gosh, she really is the most adorable person to have ever existed. “You’ve always felt like home to me too. I am so happy that we have found each other, and that I get to live life with you by my side.” 
Natasha didn’t make it to the end of the movie, you heard her breathing change about half way through it. You knew she had a rough day, so you pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head, letting her sleep on your chest while you finished the movie. During the movie you often thought back on how Natasha would softly speak her favorite lines of the movie out loud, the memories always bringing a smile to your face. 
Your girlfriend was still fast asleep when the movie ended. The remote was still within your reach, so you went to Spotify and turned on one of your playlists there. Soft music filled the room, and it wasn’t long before your own eyes fell closed.
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yourmomsawh0r3 · 2 months
late night snack
pairing: pre apocalypse joel miller x female wife reader
summary: after putting the children to bed, you and joel have the late night munchies. heading to mcdonald’s joel realizes that every day goes by he loves his wife more and more.
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The house was finally quiet. Sarah and Ellie were sound asleep, their soft breathing filling the house with a sense of peace. Joel Miller glanced at his wife, Y/N, who was lounging on the couch in her silk pajama set. She looked up and caught his eye, a playful smile spreading across her face.
"How about a late-night run to McDonald's?" she suggested, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Joel chuckled, already grabbing his keys. "Let's go."
They slipped out the front door, careful not to wake the girls. The night was cool, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves. They climbed into Joel's truck, and as they drove through the quiet streets, Y/N flipped through the radio stations until she found her favorite 90’s channel.
"Shoop" by Salt-N-Pepa came on, and Y/N's face lit up. She cranked up the volume and started rapping along, her enthusiasm contagious.
"Here I go, here I go, here I go again. Girls, what's my weakness? Men! Okay then, chillin', chillin', mindin' my business. Yo, Salt, I looked around, and I couldn't believe this."
Joel glanced over, chuckling to himself as Y/N gestured and rapped every word with perfect accuracy. Her energy was infectious, and he couldn't help but smile.
As they pulled up to the drive-thru window, Joel reached over and turned the volume down. Y/N frowned at him, her playful demeanor replaced with mock annoyance.
"What do you want?" he asked, trying to keep a straight face.
"A Big Mac and fries," she replied, still pouting.
Joel placed their order, and soon they were back on the road, the aroma of fresh McDonald's fries filling the truck. Y/N dug into the fries, offering Joel a few as they drove home.
Just as they were nearing their street, "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-a-Lot started playing. Y/N's eyes lit up, and she turned the radio up, rapping along with the song.
"I like big butts, and I cannot lie. You other brothers can't deny that when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face, you get sprung."
Joel shook his head, laughing softly. "I love you," he said, leaning over to kiss her at a red light.
They pulled up to the house, and Y/N, with the McDonald's bag in hand, walked across the front lawn in her silk pajama set. Joel followed close behind, admiring the way she moved with such carefree confidence.
Inside, they plopped down on the couch, Joel putting on "Your Honor" on Netflix. They unwrapped their food, Y/N eagerly biting into her Big Mac. Joel watched her, amused, as she got Big Mac sauce and onions all over her face.
He chuckled, grabbing a napkin and gently wiping her face. "You’ve got a little something right there," he teased.
She laughed, her eyes sparkling with happiness. Joel thought to himself how lucky he was to have her in his life. God, I love her, he thought, his heart swelling with affection.
They settled in, enjoying their McDonald's and each other's company, the world outside forgotten as they shared this simple, perfect moment together.
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some-greatreward · 29 days
happy 20th to my beloved favourite libbies album self-titled💙 take this mini shoop-shoop/katie compilation
video sources under the cut
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waylaidbyenemies · 6 months
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I think he’d like to show you something magical…
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ultrone · 1 year
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𝗢𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗘𝗗𝗚𝗘 ┊ 𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖼
synopsis (request). click here.
cw. mentions of alcohol, smoking.
wc. 4k at most.
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You sprinted across the soccer field, your heart pounding loudly. The ball was at your feet, and you could feel the weight of the game resting on your shoulders. Tai had anticipated your run and passed the ball to you at the perfect moment, giving you a great chance to succeed. You used all your energy to move past the players trying to stop you, getting closer to the goal with each step, and the goalpost seemed to grow larger as you approached.
You swung your leg with all your might and kicked the ball. Time seemed to slow down as you watched it soar through the air, perfectly aimed toward the net. The goalkeeper dived, desperately trying to block your shot, but it was too late. The ball hit the back of the net, and the crowd started cheering loudly.
The loud cheers from the crowd filled your ears, echoing across the field. The faces of your schoolmates, friends, and family merged into a joyful blur, all united in celebrating your win.
Amidst the sea of jubilant faces, you saw your teammates rushing towards you. Their beaming smiles mirrored your own. They embraced you tightly, jumping up and down in pure happiness. Lottie, your best friend and teammate, was the first one to reach you. She enveloped you in a tight hug, lifting you off the ground, her eyes sparkling with pride and excitement.
"We're going to nationals!" Van exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. The entire team erupted into a collective celebration, their voices blending into a symphony of joyous shouts and cheers, continuing to jump up and down.
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💽 𝙽𝙾𝚆 𝙿𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙸𝙽𝙶 Shoop by Salt-N-Pepa
The music echoed off the walls of the locker room, and all of your teammates joined in singing along and dancing, filled with happiness knowing that you had made it to nationals.
Lottie twirled around the room, dancing her way towards the bathroom. She glanced at Jackie, who was busy applying makeup to Allie's face, and spoke up, "Coach wants to see you in his office."
Jackie nodded and gave a gentle squeeze to Allie's arm before leaving without saying a word. Van stepped in, seamlessly taking Jackie's place and continuing to apply makeup to Allie's face.
As Allie began to voice her frustration to Van about being the only freshmen player missing prom to attend nationals, you emerged from one of the stalls, tidying your shirt as you did. The moment Lottie caught sight of you, a wide grin illuminated her face.
"There you are," she exclaimed, her voice brimming with delight.
"Here I am," you playfully responded, raising your eyebrows in jest.
"You did amazing today, Y/n," Lottie said, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "I'm really proud of you," she added, a gentle smile gracing her face as she affectionately rubbed your arm.
"Thanks, Lott," you replied, feeling a warm blush rise to your cheeks at her touch. "You weren't too bad yourself," you teased, causing Lottie to roll her eyes.
"Well, I'm glad I could live up to your impossibly high standards," Lottie retorted with a hint of sarcasm, her lips curling into a smile. "But hey, I wanted to ask, do you wanna come over?" she asked, her hand sliding from your arm to entwine her fingers with yours, playfully twirling them.
“Right now?” You questioned.
"Yeah, my parents aren't home again," she explained.
"Weren't they supposed to come back from their trip last night?" you asked confused. "I thought they were here at the game."
"They were supposed to, but they changed their return tickets once more," she replied, pursing her lips to conceal her disappointment. "You know how they are," she added, attempting to make light of the situation.
You nodded in understanding, giving her a soft smile. "I'll only go on one condition," you said as your smile gradually turned into a smirk.
"And what would that be?" Lottie asked, returning your smile with equal enthusiasm.
"If we order pizza and you let me choose today's movie," you bargained.
"But you picked the movie last time," she complained, tilting her head in mock protest.
You simply shrugged, feigning innocence.
"Ugh, fine," she conceded, a defeated smile playing on her lips, knowing she had no other choice but to agree. "I'll go get my things, I'll wait for you outside." With that, she pulled you closer, planting a small peck on your cheek before darting off towards the locker rooms to gather her belongings.
As soon as Lottie's footsteps faded away, Taissa's voice filled the air.
"Oh, Y/n, I'm so proud of you," she mimicked Lottie with an exaggerated tone, her hands reaching for Van's face. Van, who had finished doing Allie's makeup earlier, burst into laughter as Taissa peppered her face with playful kisses.
You walked over to the sink, grabbing one of the dirty towels, and playfully smacked Tai's back with it. "Shut up, both of you," you said with a flushed face, trying to hide your embarrassment. "I hate you," you added, unable to suppress your smile.
“She's so in love with you, it's getting embarrassing," Tai remarked, playfully snatching the towel from your hand and poking your stomach.
"Yeah, and you probably have feelings for her too," Van chimed in, a teasing tone lacing her words.
"No, I don't," you replied, rolling your eyes, trying to dismiss the notion. "We're just best friends," you assured them, your voice carrying a hint of defensiveness.
"Yeah right," Tai responded with a knowing smile. "Hey, look at us, Y/n! Van and I are best friends too," she declared mischievously, twirling Van around playfully, and pretending to make her fall back like a princess, capturing her in a passionate kiss.
"Alright, enough teasing," you said, playfully nudging them with a smile on your face. With that, you left the bathroom and headed towards your locker to gather your belongings, ready to join Lottie outside.
Once you had collected all your belongings and bid farewell to your friends, you stepped outside the gym and spotted Lottie patiently waiting for you in her car. With a smile, you hopped in, and she started the engine, driving the two of you towards her house.
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The two of you were lying next to each other on Lottie's queen-sized bed. The large box of pizza sat on the floor, nearly empty, as neither of you could take another bite without feeling overwhelmed. The second movie of the night was halfway through, but both of you were more engrossed in your phones than in whatever was happening on the screen.
Lottie's gaze shifted towards you, noticing the constant kicking of your feet and occasional giggles.
"What are you looking at?" she asked curiously, attempting to catch a glimpse of your phone.
"Nothing," you replied, emphasizing the last syllable and turning your screen away from her. "I'm just texting Nat, that's all," you explained, causing her to furrow her eyebrows.
"Since when do you and Nat text each other?" she inquired.
"Um... I don't know. She helped me out with a project about Italy around two weeks ago, and we've been talking a lot since then. Turns out she's more fun than I thought," you chuckled.
"I see," Lottie responded, her tone tinged with a hint of coldness, before returning her attention to her own screen.
A silence lingered between you for about five minutes before Lottie spoke up again.
"Isn't she into girls?" she asked.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's bi," you replied confidently, looking at her. "Why do you ask?" you asked curiously, before returning your gaze to your phone to reply to another text from Nat.
"Do you like her?" Lottie asked, her voice tinged with slight impatience, though you didn't notice.
"What?" You turned your head towards her, shocked and confused, signaling for her to repeat the question.
"Do you have a crush on her?" She reiterated with more detail.
"What? No!" You quickly responded, letting out a surprised chuckle. "I mean, no. Of course not," you continued. "She's very nice, and we're getting along really well, but honestly I don’t think I could ever look at her that way," you assured. "Why would you think that?" You asked, genuinely curious about her sudden question.
"No reason, just wondering," she replied with a soft smile, attempting to hide her slight uneasiness. "It's just that you're very giggly, kicking your feet and all. I had to ask," she explained humorously.
You laughed loudly. "Well, I don't have feelings for her like that," you reassured, returning your gaze to the chat on your phone.
Lottie nodded, her smile fading a bit as she turned her attention to her own phone.
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The room grew quiet, with only the movie dialogue playing softly in the background. She wasn't convinced at all, she knew there was something happening between you two, but she wouldn't argue. At least not right now.
After a few minutes, Lottie spoke up again, her voice filled with uncertainty. "You know, if you did like her, it would be okay. I mean, she's cool, and if you're happy, then that's all that matters."
“Lottie, I don’t like her,” you reiterated. "Is everything alright? You're acting a bit weird," you asked concerned.
"Yeah... yeah," she replied, the second time a bit louder and more confident than the first. "Just forget about it," she said with a sigh and a chuckle. "Anyway, Jackie just told me that Jeff agreed to throw a party at his house tomorrow to celebrate us making it to nationals."
“Yes!” you exclaimed excitedly. “Do you mind if I spend the night? And then we leave together for the party.”
“Just using me for my car, huh?” Lottie teased sarcastically.
"And for your amazing closet," you replied, skipping towards her closet and dramatically opening it, running your fingers over the fabrics. "I wonder what I'll wear tomorrow," you added with a smirk. Lottie playfully threw a pillow at you, and you tossed it back, then quickly jumped over her and gave her a hug, both of you laughing.
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It was 10:00 pm, and you and Lottie were on your way to the party. The car window was rolled down, and your arm rested halfway out as you leaned your chin on it, gazing at the stars. Your lips moved to the lyrics of the song playing, lost in the moment. Lottie couldn't help but steal glances at you, captivated by the sight of your hair flowing in the wind and your eyes reflecting the starry night sky. A tight feeling clenching her chest.
The entire day had been spent together, lazily passing the time. Since it was Saturday and there was no school, you had stayed at Lottie's house, just talking and watching movies. Despite the lack of any specific activity, the day had been enjoyable. Whenever the two of you were together, no matter what you did, it was never boring.
You tried not to think about it, you really did, but the thought of yesterday’s interaction wouldn’t leave your mind. Why was Lottie asking me all those questions about Nat? And why was she so weird about it? What if she’s… No, no, she’s obviously not into me, I mean, does she even like girls? She’s never mentioned it before, I don’t think so. She never talks about boys though, but th-
"We're here," Lottie's voice interrupted your thoughts. "Are you okay? You seemed deep in thought," she asked, her worry evident as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, offering a comforting smile.
"Y-yeah, sorry," you stammered, blinking rapidly. "Let's go," you said, quickly stepping out of the car.
The two of you walked towards the familiar entrance, accompanied by the blaring music that filled your ears. This wasn't your first time here; Jeff, Jackie’s boyfriend and the football team captain, frequently threw parties as his parents were often away traveling.
The moment you stepped inside, the mingling scents of alcohol and tobacco hit your nostrils. You scanned the room and spotted Shauna, Jackie, and Tai deep in conversation by the pool table, each holding a red cup. Both you and Lottie headed towards them to say hi.
"Wait," you said to Lottie, pausing for a moment. "I'm gonna go grab a drink from the kitchen real quick. Do you want anything?" you asked her.
"Nah, I'm good. I think I'll smoke a bit first," she replied.
"Okay. I'll be there in a bit," you said before turning your steps towards the kitchen.
It was a short walk, a small hallway connected the living room with the pool table to the kitchen, and the door frame was large enough that even from the back corner of the kitchen, you had a clear view of the entire hallway and a significant portion of the living room.
As expected, the kitchen was a mess, with water scattered across the floor, red cups strewn about, and empty beer bottles littered the kitchen bar. You rummaged through the disarray and, luckily, spotted a half-filled bottle of Smirnoff vodka. You poured the vodka into a cup, and then added soda into it as well. While stirring the drink with your index finger, you turned around and leaned against the kitchen bar.
After finishing the mixing process, you licked your finger and took a big sip, feeling the burn of the alcohol as it slid down your throat, balanced by the sweetness of the soda. As you slowly lowered the cup, your gaze instantly found Lottie in the crowd.
For the first time that night, you couldn't help but pay close attention to her appearance, despite trying your best not to. She wore a soft pink checkered skirt that accentuated her long, stunning legs, paired with a darker pink fuzzy cropped sweater and stylish black boots. Her wavy brown hair cascaded loosely, resting gracefully on her shoulders. A radiant smile adorned her face as she engaged in conversation with the girls, her weight shifted onto her right leg, while her right hand casually rested on the pool table. In her left hand, she held a beer she likely found somewhere, holding a cigarette between her fingers.
Suddenly, a voice broke you from the trance you were in.
"Quit drooling, Y/n," Nat teased, standing next to you, a mischievous grin on her face.
You rolled your eyes, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment. "See? This is why I didn't want to tell you about it. Now you won't let it go," you muttered, turning to face her.
Nat smirked, clearly enjoying your discomfort. "No, I won't. Should've known better before telling me," she replied playfully.
"Ah, fuck off," you joked, playfully shoving her shoulder.
Leaning her face to one side and crossing her arms, Nat asked, "So, when are you telling her how you feel?"
You looked at her as if she had said something absurd. "Um... never???" you responded, emphasizing the obviousness of your answer.
"Are you kidding?" Nat exclaimed, clearly baffled by your response.
"Why would I be kidding?" you retorted. "She's my best friend, Nat. I don't want to risk it. Plus, I don't even know if she's into girls," you explained.
"Dude, literally everyone knows she's into you. You're the only one stupid enough not to notice," Nat declared, shaking her head in disbelief.
"No, she's not into me," you insisted, trying to deny Nat's claims.
Nat shook her head, an exasperated expression on her face. "She waits for you after practice every day to drive you home, she's always staring at you and blushing when you look back at her. She's touchy, always playing with your fingers and doing gay shit like that. And she talks about you all the damn time, to the point where it's annoying," she asserted. "She even goes easy on you during practice, for fuck's sake."
"Okay, okay, I get it," you interrupted, realizing that Nat had a point. "But that could just be her being a good best friend, right?" you tried to argue back.
Nat sighed, clearly frustrated. "You have to be kidding me, Y/n," she said. "You know that I'm right. You're just too much of a pussy to admit it."
"No, I'm not," you defended yourself, feeling fear and uncertainty welling up inside you.
"Yes, you are," Nat repeated, deliberately trying to provoke you.
You were scared. What Nat had pointed out was undeniably true — Lottie's actions had been blurring the line between friendship and something more. You were desperate to confess your feelings, but the fear of rejection held you back. In frustration, you huffed and downed the rest of your drink, unable to find any more arguments to counter Nat's claims.
“You smirred your lipstick a bit,” she said.
“Where? Here?” you said as you cleaned the wrong side with your thumb.
"No, no, lemme just..." Nat trailed off, moving her thumb toward your lip and carefully wiping away the smudged lipstick on your lower lip. Her brows furrowed in concentration.
Just as the moment between you and Nat seemed to linger, a throat cleared nearby, abruptly interrupting the innocent exchange. Startled, you turned around to find Lottie standing there, a fresh new drink in her hand and her cigarette almost finished.
"Y/n, can we talk?" she requested, her tone leaving no room for refusal. Her voice held a firmness, almost demanding, as she spoke, and her gaze was empty — almost tinged with jealousy — as she looked at Nat.
"Yeah, sure," you replied with a smile, though a sense of nervousness crept in. Turning to Nat, you bid her farewell with a smile and a nod. Then, you followed Lottie as she began walking, ascending the stairs. You trailed behind her like a lost puppy about to be scolded, noticing her slightly unsteady steps along the way. It was evident she was already tipsy, and you could feel a tingling sensation starting to spread through your own body.
Lost in your thoughts, you snapped back to reality as Lottie abruptly stopped walking. You found yourselves standing on a balcony that overlooked the backyard of the house. You looked down and saw people scattered around, engrossed in their own conversations.
Resting her elbows on the balcony bar, Lottie stared ahead, taking a deep drag from her cigarette before exhaling. The air between you grew heavy with silence, laced with a tinge of awkward tension—an unspoken desire to express so much but struggling to find the right words or the moment to begin.
You walked up beside Lottie, mirroring her posture by resting your elbows on the bar. Together, you observed the people below, waiting for Lottie to gather her thoughts and initiate the conversation.
Flicking the last ashes off her cigarette, she dropped it to the ground below and casually stepped on it. With deliberate movements, she shifted her body to fully face you, keeping only one arm resting on the bar. Her eyes locked onto your face, and you met her gaze, anticipating her next words.
"I've been wanting to tell you something," she began, her voice tinged with sincerity and vulnerability. "Honestly, I didn't plan on it, never thought it would happen, but it's getting to a point where I feel like I'll burst if I don't say it," she confessed, her words carrying a weight of honesty.
You furrowed your brows in silence, a hint of concern in your voice. "Lott, you know you can tell me anything. What's wrong?" you asked, though deep down, you had a sense of what she might be hinting at. Your heart began to race, awaiting her response.
Lottie hesitated for a moment, her fingers nervously fidgeting with the hem of her sweater. Her usually confident demeanor faltered slightly, and her voice wavered as she gathered her thoughts. She took a deep breath before finally speaking. "Well, I... I've been feeling something for you, Y/n," she began, staring deeply into your eyes.
She continued, her words carefully chosen as she tried to articulate her emotions. "I've been trying to deny it, but I can't ignore the way my heart races when I'm with you, or how your smile lights up my day. Every time we're together, it's like everything else fades away, and it's just you and me."
"I think…" Lottie paused, correcting herself, "Uh... I mean, I know. I'm in love with you, Y/n," her voice trembled slightly as she finished her confession. Her eyes searching yours for a response, her vulnerability hanging in the air.
Your heart pounded in your chest as her words sank in. Lottie liked you back. You couldn't believe it, really. You stood there in stunned silence, trying to make sure the alcohol wasn't playing tricks on your ears.
Gathering your thoughts, you locked eyes with Lottie, searching for any sign or indication that this was some kind of joke, but there was none. The sincerity in her eyes was undeniable. You didn't need her to repeat herself; you knew what she had said.
"I'm in love with you too, Lottie," you confessed, your voice filled with certainty.
"Wait... what?" she asked, her expression dumbfounded. "I-I thought you had a thing for Nat," she said, confusion evident in her voice.
"How many times do I have to tell you? Nat is just my friend," you reassured her.
"But she was touching your lips, and I thought..."
"She was helping me clean my smudged lipstick. I smudged it because I chugged down my entire cup of vodka, which I did because she was trying to convince me to accept that we're in love and that I should confess my feelings to you, but I refused," you explained, filling in the missing pieces.
Lottie's voice was filled with hope as she asked, "Wait, so you really like me back?"
Her hopeful question hung in the air, and without wasting another second, you thought that actions would speak louder than words. You swiftly pulled her towards you by the collar of her sweater, and then slid your hands up, locking your fingers in the nape of her neck, holding her firmly but tenderly, and you tightly pursed your lips together as if it were second nature to you. Your mouth was suddenly filled with the flavour of beer and tobacco, and you couldn't help but moan at the taste. She initially tensed in surprise but she soon relaxed and returned the kiss with the same intensity, tenderly moving her hands to your waist and drawing you in. As your tongue touched her lower lip to plead for access, her sweet scent filled your nostrils. You slid one of your hands to her cheek and softly caressed it with your thumb. As soon as she opened her mouth, your tongues started dancing together, fitting like perfectly matched jigsaw pieces.
Struggling for air, the both of you separated, your lips were bruised, and your breaths were rapid. You slowly opened your eyes and then gazed lovingly at one another.
"Does that answer your question?" you asked while catching your breath.
"Mmmm, I think I need another kiss," She bargained, a smirk slowly forming on her face, "Just to make sure you aren't lying, y'know?” She added.
"Yeah, right," you replied, returning her smirk. "Well, your wish is my command," you said, leaning in once again, ready to fulfill her request for another kiss.
“Fucking finally!” A drunken voice yelled from the backyard, followed by the sound of a cup being thrown in the air, hitting the bar with a loud thud. Startled, you turned around to find a drunken Taissa, accompanied by Nat and Van, giving you and Lottie a boisterous round of applause in celebration of your apparent confession.
As the both of you laughed in embarrasement, you playfully raised your middle finger at them, then pulled Lottie closer with your other hand. Your lips met once again in a deep, passionate kiss, eliciting a loud cheer from the girls below you.
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stickminglitchy64 · 4 months
Infiltrating the Airship 11th Anniversary
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Happy 11th anniversary to Infiltrating the Airship and Toppat guys and Charles or smth idfk (ft. shoop da whoop!!!!)
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sagephilosophie · 5 months
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ꜱᴜɢᴀʀ ᴅᴀᴅᴅʏ! ꜱʜɪᴏ ʏᴏᴛꜱᴜʀᴜɢɪ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛʟʏ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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ꑭ Ƭags :
NSFW, Sugar daddy theme, heavy touching, shifts between rough/vanilla, attempted power play, hair pulling, blow job, riding, car sex, slight emotional sex (if you squint), breeding, Shio is filthy rich (Yakuza money), hidden feelings, happy ending.
ꑭ Word Count : 901
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He couldn't take his hands off you. The giant hand stroking your thigh during the ride back to his place was proof of that.
You knew he was getting more and more impatient from the way he kept staring at you lustfully when shopping, the way he twirls his glass of champagne everytime you try on an exposed dress, the way he looked down when swiping his black card on the payment machine, either he was looking at the shooping bags or something else, but especially the way he sat incredibly close to you roaming your body at any giving chance.
"Umm, Shio ?", you questioned innocently, knowing well what he wanted from you, but you obviously assumed you were going to pay him back at the luxury of his king sized bed, even though the Limousine wasn't that bad of an option either.
"You liked those outfits i got you ?"
You nodded your head signaling a yes.
"And the gifts you received this morning ?"
"Are you satisfied with my treatment ?"
"How satisfied ?"
"I don't think i made myself clear, how satisfied ?"
His hints now made great sense, he wanted his money worth sooner than later.
You pulled yourself towards his lips and answered, "this satisfied...", then locked your lips with his.
Oddly enough, Shio didn't visibly react nor made any more moves, leaving the work for you to show your gratitude as you gave in to the undeniable tension and left your hands to travel up his neck and short gelled hair, bringing him even closer to your intimate space.
The only movement he did thus far was seizing hold of your hair, as his other hand was loosening his necktie erratically and half unbuttoning his dress shirt.
You knew the deal when his harsh grip tugged on your hair and moved you down from your seat to meet his crotch level.
The bulge in his white dress pants was as clear as the sun from the position you were in, kneeling down between his legs and staring up at him.
You didn't waste any time to unbuckle his belt and pull down his pants and boxers, facing down his hard and throbbing length, gently, beginning to stroke it up and down, Shio breathed in and closed his eyes at the sensation, it wasn't until you brought your lips to peck his tip that he full on threw his head back in pleasure.
Now the position you were in was dangerous, you could try to do anything to him and he will get turned on, just like a free coupon to own the entire country.
"What is it ?"
"Do you feel good ?"
"Yeah... keep going."
"But... How good ?"
You weren't gonna get away with your little revenge game and you knew that, he despised it when others even thought about overpowering him or dare to mimick him.
On the spur of the moment, you were instantly met with the outcome of his wrath and ruthlessly pulled down to deep throat him.
"Put that mouth to better use than disrespecting me."
Time was moving too slow you weren't even sure for how long you've been in your spot blowing him, all you were aware of was your tears running down, your scalp and jaw aching, and Shio's groans of satisfaction filling the space.
The outburst of his cum didn't mean the end of the session, but rather the real beginning.
You barely got to breathe when he grabbed your jaw to check if you swallowed or spit, you'd be damned if his Limousine got dirty.
Wasting no time, you stood up and got on top of his lap, sure that the driver was gonna hear stuff he didn't need, if he hadn't already catched up earlier, to but couldn't give less of a fuck when Shio's manhood was underneath you erect as fuck.
He was considerate enough to help raise your dress while you removed your undies and threw it somewhere in the moving car.
Sinking down felt like heaven, and the more you took of him, the closer you got to it. The moment you had to adjust felt like a century when you need him, now.
About immediatly you began moving up and down lightly, simultaneously whimpering at the slight discomfort, but that uncanny feeling was sucked in by pleasure in no time, impulsively picking up the pace.
The patient face Shio was wearing for a moment fell down, and held your waist firmly to meet your thrusts, earning a loud moan from you. You were on cloud nine, leaving him take back full control over you, you didn't mind as long as you can still put your arm around his neck and put your head on his shoulder, it was comforting at a certain level.
His pushes got messier, and his groans raspier, you knew what that meant at this point so you took the risk and stole an open-mouthed kiss that signaled your own orgasm. With one last thrust you came on his cock and his instantly followed yours.
You broke off the kiss as soon as the dopamine effects wore off, and stared deep into his eyes, for the first time seeing love instead of lust, it didn't take long for him to pull you back in for another tender kiss.
Maybe there is a chance this could bloom into something beautiful.
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erotic-grope-fest · 7 months
Erotic Grope Fest 2024 Fest Works Masterpost
Huge thanks to everyone who followed, hyped up, and most especially, participated in the fest! This year's EGF might be over, but the spirit of the erotic gropefest is always with us. And so are all of these fantastic fanworks!
The Tale of a Magic-Sucking Hoover and a Rat-Drinking Monster by emeryhall
The stars above reflect our love by AroaceGenderfluidSheep
The Nose Knows What It Wants by skeedelvee
Keep the Skate On by you_remind_me_of_the_babe
The Art of Letting Go by artsyunderstudy
Shoop (Like a lollipop should be licked) by YouAreNeverTooOld
Splendid Morons by NobleCorgi
All of the King's Horses by shushu_yaoi_lj
When You Hold Me Tight by cutekilla
The Naked Truth by nightimedreamer
Kill 'Em With Kindness by monbons
Cupid's Shield by Aristocratic_Otter
Direct Engagement of Restriction by facewithoutheart
Is it the romanticore venom in your blood (or are you just happy to see me)? by ManicPixieDreamDemon
A Gift for Baz by @excalisbury
Simon and Baz by @ic3-que3n
Illustration from the fic "The Art of Letting Go" by @artsyunderstudy
Illustration from the fic "Splendid Morons" by @alexalexinii
Baz's Birthday Present | EGF 2024 by arthur_kko
Baz by @palimpsessed
Moodboard for the fic "The Nose Knows What it Wants" by @skeedelvee
Simon and Baz by @black-polart
Simon and Baz by @iamamythologicalcreature
Illustration from the fic "Direct Engagement of Restriction" by @alexalexinii
See you next year!
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Unexpected 37
Sequel to Unsolicited
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Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, pegging, Lloyd being the worst, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You lazily eat the penne, noodle by noodle, from the plate balanced on your stomach. The evening air cools as Suzanne sits close by, her pasta mostly untouched as she sips non-alcoholic wine from a glass.
Lloyd has been elusive since his return, though you've heard some telltale banging. He continues to haunt you like some Poe horror.
"I couldn't do it," Suzanne trills, "I can barely stand more than an hour with the jackass and I get paid to."
"Mmm, yeah, wasn't exactly my first choice, but accidents happen. Actually, you know him, no such thing as an accident, more a lack of accountability."
"Oh, ew," she scrunches her nose, "he didn't strike me as the baby type." 
"Me either which is why… well, nevermind."
You spear another noodle and carefully angle it past your lips, trying not to dribble any sauce. It's been a while since you had someone you could just talk to. Dottie is a great support but she's still Lloyd's mother.
"What?" She prompts as she leans her chin in her hand.
"Oh, you know, I'm the mother. Means I'm gonna be doing all the work. And why? Because he thought it would be fun… he gets to have the shiny bright moments and I'll be changing diapers and cleaning up puke."
"Typical," she snarls. "Never likes to get his hands dirty."
She takes another sip of wine and she slowly puts the glass down. Her lips slant as a thought sparks in her eyes. She points at you and clicks her tongue.
"What happened with the mustache?"
"What do you mean?"
"He shaved. Months ago. Was that you?"
You cackle as you recall that. It was rather amusing to witness the shame and panic of his drunken mistake. You rest your fork against the rim of the plate.
"Did it himself. Got blitzed off his face and just, shoop, gone," you make a motion above your lip, "idiot."
“Ha, wow. Damn. I was hoping you had a bit of vengeance on the prick. I mean… you still could. Wait til he falls asleep…” she smirks, “you know once, were were on a flight and I probably could’ve done it.”
“I’m already expecting one baby, I don’t need another,” you scoff. “Here, can you get this?”
You lift the plate and hold it out to her. She’s quick to take it and puts it beside her own. You plant your hands on the sides of the chair and grunt, pushing yourself up with excruciating effort. You manage to sit forward, breathless.
“Jeez, you need help?” She hovers near you.
“Probably,” you struggle to turn your legs over the edge.
“Is it really that miserable?” She asks.
“What? Being with him?”
“I mean, that too, but being pregnant,” she offers her arm.
“Eh, it’s just the cherry on top of an already stacked shit sandwich.”
“I see why he’s with you,” she snorts, “you are both very creative. Disgustingly so.”
You roll your eyes and grab onto her arm. Before you can stand, you hear your name. Not ‘peaches’, not ‘baby face’, not ‘sweet cheeks’, your name. Lloyd stomps out, waggling his finger.
“Suzanne, step away from my wife.”
 Suzanne twists to face Lloyd, “Christ, I’m helping her.”
“No, you’re not,” he storms down, shoulder back, nostrils flaring, “she’s not supposed to be walking around.” He comes up to you and puts his palm up to stop you, “I’ll take care of her.”
“Lloyd, I can make it inside.”
“The doctor said–”
“God, I know what the doctor said,” you hiss.
“So listen. Neither of us wanna end up back in the hospital, now do we?”
You sigh. You and Suzanne share a look. You recognise the dull twinkle in her eye. You’re kindred spirits. Cursed with the nuisance of this man, only she gets to walk away.
“So, Suzanne,” Lloyd plants a hand on your shoulder as he faces his colleague, “you on your way out?”
“Um, I guess, but–”
“That’s great, I don’t need to show you out, do I?”
She smiles dryly and tilts her head, “not at all. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” Lloyd sputters.
“Oh yeah, we’re doing lunch, right, babe?” She looks at you expectantly.
Your brows lift and you take a second to register what she’s doing. You nod. “Uh, yep, yeah, that’ll be great.”
“Peaches, you should be relaxing. You’re all tense,” Lloyd squeezes your shoulder, “I can feel it–”
“So that probably means she needs a nice back rub, huh,” Suzanne suggests with a devilish glint in her eye.
Lloyd clucks, “yeah, I guess it does so… leave.”
Suzanne chuckles. She raises her palms and backs away. “Fine, I’ll fuck off. For now.”
Lloyd sneers at her as she slowly turns and she struts off proudly, fishing in her pocket until her car chirps and unlocks. You watch her get in and deflate, just a little. It’s just you and him. Again.
You shrug Lloyd’s hand away and rub your stomach, keeping one hand on the lounger. As Suzanne backs down the driveway, you issue a glum sigh. Without her to distract you, you feel ever pang and pinch in your muscles.
“Alright, where to?” Lloyd faces you.
“Sofa, bath… bed?” He winks, “I think I could help ease the tension.” 
“Just… inside,” you mutter, “please.”
He pauses. You avoid his gaze as you look out across the yard. It’s only then the heavy epiphany settles over you. This place is a prison. It’s the last place you’ll live for the rest of your life. With him and soon his child. You’ll never be without a warden to keep you in line.
“Alright,” he bends and scoops you up, slowly, with effort. You feel horrible as he turns cautiously, steps stunted and stiff. 
“Lloyd, you’re going to hurt yourself doing this,” you hook your arm around his shoulders and try to ease the weight.
“I’m fine,” he grunts as he gets to the door.
You reach for the door to open it. He turns and sidles in awkwardly. It’s a tight shuffle but he makes it inside. He carries you back to the living room and sits you on the couch. He stands, cheeks tinged and forehead sweaty.
“Tea?” He offers.
“No,” you recline with a groan, “why are you being nice?”
“I’m your husband.”
“You were yelling at me an hour ago.”
“Because I’m worried.”
“About me or the baby?”
He sniffs and grips his hips, “both.”
“Eh, sure,” you dismiss him flatly, “I just wanna lay her. Alone.”
“Well that’s not going to happen,” Lloyd states.
“Of course,” you grumble.
“I am going to rub your back and you’re going to relax. You need to, peaches, for yourself as much as the kid.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you mutter. “Really, don’t bother–”
He pushes you up, grasping your shoulders as he angles onto the couch behind you. He sits between you and the arm, hooking his leg around you as he settles in. He rolls his thumbs into you, forcing a moan from your lips as you muscles contract in response.
“Feels good?” He asks.
“Erm,” you refuse to indulge him.
“Come on, baby face.”
You’re quiet as you hang your head forward. You’ll enjoy it but you don’t have to admit it. You hug your stomach as he slides his hands down your back, pressing his knuckles into each knot.
“Do you always have to ruin everything?” You ask at last.
“Chase away everyone. What am I not allowed to have friends?”
“If you don’t want me… like this,” you gesture helplessly, “you have to give me something, anything, that doesn’t make me absolutely miserable.”
He exhales and his hands keep moving. You let your head drift to the side as you laze into his touch.
“You don’t know Suzanne. She’s… well, she’s a lot like me.”
“Funny, cause she said the same about me.”
“Oh, really,” he scoffs.
“Yeah, think you’ve rubbed off on me.”
“Hell yeah I have,” he snickers, “rub off to you and over you, on you…”
“Would you– do you ever just stop?”
He hums and puffs out through his nose, “alright, peaches, you’re right. You can’t be all alone all the time. Just…keep those walls up. You got good instincts.”
“Mmm, yeah, just bad luck.”
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 8 months
Glue (Part 3)
Summary: John B and JJ get Reader back but need to have a talk with her about some things they heard her say to Luke.
TW/CW: Routledge!Reader x JJ Maybank, more mentions of gun stuff, more angst.
Requested?: No
Word Count: 1,621
A/N: Part 1 Here || Part 2 Here || I'm honestly glad I only did this in three parts. Imo somewhere around 1,000 words is perfect for an imagine. I hope the ending isn't disappointing... Requests are Open! Much love to all!
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(Y/N)’s POV 
The zip ties around my wrists are starting to hurt. I glare at his back, drilling into his spine, “Why don’t you just shoot me already? I’m dispensable.” 
Luke shakes his head, “I’m not gonna fall for that darlin’.” 
“You’re a real piece of work, you know? Your son is the smartest, kindest, most loyal person I know, and you treated him like he was worthless. Hell, you even made him believe it. I spent countless nights bandaging him up because of your shitty little tantrums. I saw him at his lowest and I still don’t deserve him. I don’t deserve his loyalty and kindness that he obviously didn’t get from his piece of shit father.” 
Finally, Luke snaps. He makes his way to me and puts his gun under my chin, “You shut your mouth. That kid ain’t worth the dust under my boots.” 
“I fucking dare you to say that again. If it keeps you away from him, I’ll gladly take a bullet because he deserves all the happiness and love in the world not the threat of his worthless, shitty, man child father looming over his head.” 
He cocks the gun back. I grin, “Fucking do it. Put me out of my fucking misery. I spend every day watching as my friends and brother drift away. I spend every day wishing I was worth something, wishing I deserved the pity they show me. I know that’s all it is. They pity me. If I didn’t have them, I’d have no one and they feel sorry for me.” Suddenly, a loud bang sounds toward the front of the boat. Luke jerks his head toward the noise and then runs off. It’s quiet for a moment before there’s a tap at the window above me. I look up to see JJ lift the cracked window all the way open. He drops into the room, and I jump up, burying my face in his chest.  
He kisses the top of my head and whispers, “I got you.” He pushes me away from him enough to pull out his pocketknife and cut off my ties. He helps me climb out of the window to my waiting brother and then hoists himself up to follow. No one says another word as we race to the Twinkie. 
In the backseat, JJ starts looking me over. I wince as he grabs my shoulders. His eyes widen, “What? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- “ 
“It’s okay,” I mumble, “Can you pop my shoulder back into place?” 
JJ’s jaw clenches as he does what I asked before returning to looking me over. Having enough, I bury into his chest. He wraps his arms tight around me and kisses the top of my head again. Soon, John B is putting the Twinkie in park and getting out to check on me as well. He opens the side door but finds me refusing to leave JJ’s side. “Come on Little Bird, we gotta get you some bandaids,” John B say in attempts to coax me away from my safety net. 
JJ lifts me up and hops out of the van to carry me into the Sheriff’s Office. Inside, Sarah, Kie, Pope, and Cleo jump up to greet us. JJ carries me to a chair and sets me down. He grabs a first aid kit from nearby before returning to clean and bandage me up. Shoop exits his office, “I told you two we’d handle it.” 
“Well, if you hurry you might catch him before he wakes up and gets free of the chain,” John B declares.  
Shoop clenches his jaw and motions to several officers, giving orders, before coming to squat in front of me. I feel JJ tense up beside me and place my hand on his arm. Shoop takes a deep breath, “You alright, kid?” 
I look to JJ, “I am now.” Shoop nods and leaves us. 
John B joins us, “We need to talk (Y/N), when you feel up for it.” 
Sometime later when everyone’s gone to bed, I find myself sitting on the dock lost in thought. I hear footsteps behind me but don’t bother to look back. JJ takes a seat on my right, dropping his legs over the side of the wooden structure to swing them back and forth above the water. A glance over my shoulder alerts me to John B’s presence. He opted to lean against the banister to my left, staring out at the night sky.  
It’s silent for a few moments before JJ takes a deep breath, “Listen, we uh… we heard what you said to Luke.” 
Involuntarily, I cringe. That wasn’t meant for their ears. I meant every word I said but I only said it because I thought it’d never leave the room. I shrug, “It’s nothing.” 
“It isn’t nothing (Y/N). You’re my little sister. Why didn’t you come to me?” John B responds, sounding hurt. 
“I- I don’t know... I didn’t want to feel like a burden.” 
“You’re never a burden to us (Y/N),” JJ says before glancing up at John B. “I think I speak for us both when I say that we’d do anything to make sure you’re safe and happy.” 
I shrug again, not knowing what to say and feeling my nerves attempting to force me into my shell. John B squats down beside me and brushes hair out of my eyes, “You deserve the world. Anything you want, I’ll do my damndest to make sure you get it and I’m sure JJ would too. You’re the glue that holds us all together and I could never express how sorry I am that we made you feel less than that.” He kisses the top of my head, “If you ever feel like this again, please come to me come to me. If you don’t want to talk to me, talk to JJ. Just please let someone know so we can make it right.” I nod and taking a deep breathe he looks to JJ, “Maybe it’s about time, man.” He looks back at me and offers a small smile, “I love you Little Bird. Don’t ever forget that.”  
I return his smile and nod, mumbling an “I love you,” in return. 
He stands and pats my head gently, “I’m gonna go get some sleep. Don’t stay up too late.” I nod and watch him leave. 
It’s silent for a few heartbeats before JJ clears his throat, “Did you really- Did you really mean everything you said? About me?” 
I look over to him and he’s fidgeting with the rings on his fingers, “Of course I did J. Little does John B know that you’re the glue that holds the glue together.” 
He chuckles a small bit and takes my hand in his, fiddling with my fingers now, “So you’re not mad at me?” 
My brows scrunch together, “Why would I be mad at you?” 
“Because you got taken on my watch by my father...” he trails off. 
“You listen to me, and you listen well. I will never ever blame you for anything that that man does. You are not him and you never will be. Actually, you’re the exact opposite and I’d give anything to make sure you know that and don’t blame yourself.” He looks me in the eyes now, almost searching for something. I tilt my head at him, “What?” 
“Will you pinky promise that we’ll stay best friends and I won’t lose you if I say what’s on my mind?” he ask, offering his pinky. 
I take it in mine, “Of course, JJ. No matter what we always have each other.” 
He takes a huge deep breath, “I love you (Y/N). I don’t mean as a friend. I mean I’m in love with you. I know I don’t deserve you and it’s probably going to be awkward now, but I can’t stand knowing you think so little of yourself when I think so highly of you. You’re insanely smart. You’re hilarious. You’re always there for everyone when we need you. You’re always there for me when I need you. I just can’t-” I interrupt him by kissing him. At first, he seems hesitant but quickly he relaxes. As cliche as it sounds, his lips fit perfectly in mine. I can’t believe I fought so hard to keep from doing this all this time. When we finally pull away for air, he grins “From now on, that’s how I want you to stop my rambling.” 
I laugh softly and fully take his hand in mine, “I love you too, JJ. Like I said, I meant every word I said to Luke. You are without a doubt my favorite person on planet earth, and I want to make sure you know that.” 
His grin gets even bigger, “So, does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend?” 
I nod, “of course,” before kissing him again. 
We sat there on that dock enjoying each other’s presence and our newfound mutual feelings for hours. We talked about all kinds of stuff and shared kisses under the moonlight. 
As the sun peaks over the horizon, I look down to find (Y/N) curled into my side and fast asleep. I smile to myself and admire the way her hair brushes her face and how peaceful she looks. I never thought I’d see the day where I got to call her my girl. Happiness swells in my chest as I carefully scoop her into my arms and head for the house. She’s still sound asleep when I lay her on her bed and crawl in next to her, pulling her close and drifting off myself with a smile permanently plastered on my face. 
More JJ Maybank Imagines
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seirei-bh · 3 months
I just played the ep 5 of New Gen on my secondary account with Amanda and wow, It surprised me how different ep 5 is depending on whether you do it on Jason route or on route with someone from Devenementiel.
*This review and opinion contains slight spoilers*
In case anyone is curious: the general tone of the ep when you play with Amanda (and I assume with the other crushes in your company) is all more fun and relaxed and you get a win on your project since the first moment, while when you play on Jason route there is a constant feeling of tension, you did it bad with the project the first time and that's why you feel desesperate until the point to trust on Jason. The results of activities ib both proyects are also a bit different (because Jason has contacts everywhere and can get even more stuff) and the final feeling when all your cowokers congratulates you for the final proyect is very diffenrent too because in one of them is joyful and in the enemy route is unconfortable for the sense of betrayal.
I want to clarify ofc that I'm not saying one is better than the other, I mean those routes options about making the project alone (+ with your enemy/crush later) or with your fav cowoker/crush have very different things during the ep and that makes replaying the ep not repetitive or boring at all, which makes me very happy and it keeps me interested in the story about other different posibilities in future eps depending of your choices. I also love that in every Devenementiel route the final date is in a different place. Mcl University Life was my favorite mcl season but one complaint I had back then is that in some eps, when replaying the ep with another route, almost all the events were too similar.
And talking about differences, Amanda is really a totally different person depending if you're on her route or not XD She's rather cold if she's only your coworker, while she's the sweetest person ever if she's your crush. Besides that vibes "friends to lovers" of her route is so adorable! asaijkashashn!! <33 Me living my perfect The Bridgertons dreams with my enemies to lover kanthony as Lily and Jason and my friends to lovers polin as Bianca and Amanda, yaaaas!
Also it was so perfect to me Amanda said she was princess Sisi at her birthday party while I answered that my Sucrette dressed as a knight at her birthday. Yaaas let my woman be your knight, my princess! 💜💜💜 hahah, I'll live in a palace with this woman in the future, mark my words.
And the final date shooping the accesories was very cute. Amanda blushing!! And my Sucrette blushing too! They're so shy, caring and cheerful together. Their smiles, the little touchs, the complicity… And the music in the special scene was so soft, with piano and violin notes… I love it <3 OOHH Beemoov I'd love sm if you gimme a scene about them dancing at a fancy party in a future chapter ToT
btw, this ep with Amanda cost me 1450 PAs. I used 3 jokers and I found uncle Archi. Jason's route was 1769 PAs (I only used one jokers here though, but the price is always a bit more expensive on Jason's route anyway)
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