#Happy BDay Lord John Grey
narastories · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Lord John!
Title: gotta listen when the devil's calling Rating: Explicit Relationships: Jamie Fraser/Lord John Grey, Jamie Fraser/Jonathan "Black Jack" Randall, Lord John Grey/Jonathan "Black Jack" Randall, Jamie Fraser/Lord John Grey/Jonathan "Black Jack" Randall Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Established Relationship, Explicit Sexual Content, Threesome - M/M/M, Light BDSM, Dom/sub, Flogging, Vibrators, Dirty Talk, Safe Sane and Consensual, Porn with a little bit of Plot, John POV, Roadtrip, Dom BJR, sub Jamie, Bottom John, Attempt at Humor, Freeform Summary:
John wasn't looking forward to his birthday. Aberdeen was cold and bloody far away. This year they also got a surprise travel companion last minute and John is convinced, it couldn't get any worse. But perhaps, it's not so bad after all.
 “Why do ye have him saved as the Devil?”
 John shot Jamie a look that hopefully conveyed that out of all people Jamie should really know the reason for his choice of the contact name. Jamie shook his head, but he was still grinning.
 “I thought ye enjoyed last time?” he asked, blinking at him slowly in a way that meant he was trying to wink.
 “Last time” included his boyfriend’s casual dom coming all over his face and while John did indeed enjoy the encounter, the man was still an arsehole.
Thanks for everyone who enjoyed the last installment of this trio and encouraged me to write more <3
Written for Lord John’s Birthday Bash hosted by the @lordjohngreyreadingnook​ Apparently, I think Lord John’s birthday should mean hot gay sex and I still have a little devil perching on my shoulder. Whoops.
Also fills the Threesome square on my @outlanderbingo​ card. Updated card below the cut.
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Thank you to everyone who helped make Lord John’s 291st birthday a heck of a lot of fun! 
And also thank you to everyone who tolerated my frenzied reblogging of this gorgeous dude’s gorgeous face yesterday!
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iihappydaysii · 4 years
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happy birthday lord john grey - june 14, 1729
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swanimagines · 3 years
What characters are you currently crushing on? (Or platonically if there aren't any) basically, who would make you happy for a one shot for your birthday?
AW???? I literally gasped and almost choked wtf???
(Also just a heads up if it isn’t too much to ask as I don’t know if you’re one of my moots/friends or someone who just wants to make my bday a little bit better, but if you usually write in first person, could you write in second or third person this one time? I hate first person in reader inserts and fiction in general to the extend that I'm too frustrated to read a piece written in first person and wouldn’t want you to write your oneshot in vain.)
I’m not crushing on anyone on this moment, romantically or platonically, as TMR Newt ended so abruptly OKAY SCRATCH THAT KAZ BREKKER HAS MY HEART NOW
I feel like Rupert Travis from Detroit: Become Human is slowly coming back but like DBH fandom is pretty much dying and almost nobody writes for him anyway so I don’t dare to ask him because I don’t know who you are and what characters do you know and the chances that you’d know my dearest birb boi are super small :D) but some of my all time faves I found years ago who still hold a place in my heart:
Heath Ledger’s Joker (The Dark Knight Trilogy)
Jerome Valeska (Gotham)
James Kidd/Mary Read (Assassin’s Creed 4)
Rupert Travis (Detroit: Become Human)
If those won’t match by you, here’s all my crushes along the years in general (I’ll still be your happy girl if you write something with them)
Diaval (Maleficent)
James Kidd/Mary Read (Assassin’s Creed 4)
Wrench (Watch Dogs 2)
Cal Kestis (Star Wars)
Tennessee Kid Cooper (Sly Cooper)
John Murphy (The 100)
Rupert Travis (Detroit: Become Human)
Jerome Valeska (Gotham)
Sid (Gotham)
Ledger!Joker (The Dark Knight Trilogy)
Benny Watts (The Queen’s Gambit)
Kaz Brekker (Shadow and Bone)
Ralph (Detroit: Become Human)
Kurt Wagner (X-Men: Apocalypse)
Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings)
Zack Addy (Bones)
Cole (Dragon Age)
Newt (The Maze Runner)
But in case you still didn’t find anyone from those lists, you can pick one of these or a group, I’ll still be happy if you’ll write a fic with one of these!
Disney: Kida (from Atlantis), Nick Wilde (from Zootopia), Jasmine (from the new Aladdin) and Diaval (from Maleficent).
Watch Dogs: WD2 gang (Marcus, Sitara, Josh, Horatio, T-Bone and Wrench)!! Also Aiden is cool.
Stranger Things: Steve, Nancy, Robin, and (platonically) the kids.
Star Wars: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Anakin Skywalker, Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, someone give Bodhi a hug, Rey Skywalker, Finn and Poe Dameron + the droids need hugs ♥
Titans: the main gang + Dawn and Donna
Gotham: Jerome Valeska
The Umbrella Academy: Hargreeves siblings + Lila Pitts
OUAT: Child Henry Mills, but I like a lot of characters in this show and can’t really say anyone from the main cast who I absolutely dislike??
The Maze Runner: The Gladers + Brenda.
MCU: I like pretty much everyone, but for example, I like Peter Parker, MJ, Carol Danvers and Rocket.
X-Men: (Young) Kurt Wagner, Peter Maximoff, (either version of) Storm and (young) Jean Grey.
The Witcher: Geralt, Jaskier, Yennefer and I want to give Ciri a big hug :(
Peaky Blinders: Still picking as to S1, but at the moment pretty much everyone.
Lucifer: Pretty much everyone from the main cast but if you need me to specify some anyway, then Lucifer Morningstar, Chloe Decker, Mazikeen Smith, Ella Lopez and Linda Martin.
Julie and the Phantoms: The boys + Julie Molina
(And always remember that you aren’t obliged to do anything and I’ll be super happy even from a little note which reads Happy Birthday or something!!)
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narastories · 4 years
Happy 291st Birthday, Lord John Grey! - A Natal Chart Reading for our dearest English Lord
This is very different from what I usually share here. By now you are all aware that we are celebrating the 291st birthday of Lord John Grey of Outlander.
For this occasion I took it upon myself to do a natal chart reading for him.
This is astrology applied to a fictional character, you have been warned. Continue at your own discretion.
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I am not an astrologer
This is made in the spirit of appreciation of this character and his story. The purpose of this is pure fun on my part and hopefully to entertain some of you as well. Plus, maybe to provide some character-study-style insight or inspiration.
The character of Lord John Grey belongs to Diana Gabaldon - duh 
John’s birth date is canon. The time has been arbitrarily chosen by me. Yes, it is important, because there are a lot of moving parts to a natal chart. I have literally cycled through the day by the hour, compared charts and decided on the one that I’ve found most fitting to his character. Which, is by the way best practice, when you do not know your or someone else’s exact birth time, but are somewhat familiar with their character. And considering that even if our dearest Lord John were an actual historical figure, I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t have his exact birth time from 1729, so I don’t feel bad about my process.
The examples I may give here are both from the books and the show, but nothing too specific that would be considered spoiler.
Lastly, this is all my interpretation both about the astrological meanings and of his character. Feel free to disagree with me. Politely, if you please.
So, in good Outlander time-travelling fashion let’s transport ourselves back to the day Lord John Grey was born and look up to the sky to see what it has to tell us.
Sun in Gemini
Lord John is a Gemini, which makes him clever and witty. He takes pride in his intellect and uses it to reach his goals. He is extremely adaptable, and instantly finds his footing in the most various settings, whether that’s London’s high society, a remote village in Scotland, or a two week fishing trip in the wilderness of the Colonies.
As someone born under the sign of the Twins there is a natural duality to his personality, that we can observe many times. He is capable of great tenderness, yet he can also be extremely fierce. Brutal is perhaps not the right word, but as much as he is a gentleman, we do see him engaged in physical fight, where he is by no means unskilled. You can’t say it’s always self-defense either.
He often has an internal conflict between heart and mind, between duty and emotion.
Geminis make good actors, and Lord John is exceptional in that too. He has to be as a gay man in the 18th century, which creates another duality between the life he’s supposed to live as a solider and as a Lord, a respected member of high-society and all the things he craves but has to hide.
As a Gemini he is a great communicator. Good with people, small talk comes easy for him, but engaging in a deep intellectual conversation is what really fires him up (Shakespear, anyone? :P) He is pleasant to be around and has a good sense of humour. His skills are diverse and he makes friends easily as he moves from one adventure to the other.
Geminis are prone to restlessness, which Lord John demonstrates beautifully by fidgeting with every little knick-knack that accidentally lands between his well-manicured hands. (Why does he stash them away in his pockets? I’m afraid astrology has no answer for his accidental kleptomania.)
His Sun is in the Ninth House of mental and physical explorations. Long journeys of the mind and the body are prominent in his life and essential to his personality. He speaks multiple languages and uses them to express himself on a very personal and natural level - aka swearing in the language most appropriate to the level of shit he’s gotten himself into this time.
Libra Rising
His rising sign is Libra, which sheds light on how he presents himself and what he wants to be known for. People with Libra Ascendant have natural grace and a good style. Lord John has all of that and finds himself often in the spotlight for it. He doesn’t have to struggle to be successful, but more than anything he wants to be known as a kind and loving person, and I would argue he succeeds in that.
His rising sign is important, because his natal chart is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. He has a romantic nature, and has the ability to connect with anyone, anywhere at any given time.
Libra rising people are said to be very attractive and compatible with almost anyone and as we say around here Lord John Grey would have chemistry with a lamppost.
This doesn’t just extend to romantic partners, although he is the happiest when in a romantic relationship. He puts others at ease and is genuinely likeable.
He feels obligated to balance the situations he finds himself in, therefore he is a natural diplomat always striving to harmonize and negotiate. It also makes him a good listener.
He has a great sense of fairness and injustice angers him. He is social, has a generally positive outlook on life and is inspired by nature and art.
Moon in Aquarius
The moon sign represents the hidden side of someone’s personality, their emotions, their needs. It is also jokingly referred to as the “drunk you”, so let’s see who Lord John is after a few glasses of good Scottish whiskey.
At first glance there is nothing scandalous here, Aquarius is the most favorable sign for the Moon to be in. This gives him sensitivity and good perception. He tries to understand others’ perspective, and is rather idealistic.
However, people with the Moon in Aquarius are prone to sudden outbursts. How many times does he put his foot in his mouth and gets punched or called out to a duel for it? Yeah…
He can also push other’s over the edge emotionally, exactly because he is so perceptive, which actually does happen when he is drunk. This is not out of malice, but either out of pure authenticity or just because he knows it will get the other person out of a place of stagnation.
He hides a rebellious, progressive and unconventional soul under that well-tailored waistcoat of his and it does come out sometimes.
Ideally he needs to have a healthy outlet for this, a partner who appreciates his sometimes idiosyncratic nature and occasional eccentricities. In turn he won't flinch in the midst of the most challenging situations, because he’s not afraid of chaos.
He wants to find solutions that work for everyone and can neglect his own needs in the process.
If that wasn’t enough air for you, he also has a-
Grand Fucking Trine in the air signs
Which is a pretty big deal. (Moon in Aquarius - Pluto in Libra - Neptune and Mars in Gemini)
These influences all help and strengthen each other. He has a brilliant mind, his Intellect is exceptional, he has a deep concern for law and duty, and an unusually sharp sixth sense of unearthing shocking revelations.
He has a magnetic personality, great ability to express himself, and therefore leaves a lasting impression on others. He is able to inspire and lead others and his need for harmony and cooperation makes him a great negotiator.
Lots and lots of air influence, which also means that in the battle of the mind and the heart unfortunately the mind wins and he lets his heart break instead.
Let’s get back to Venus and love for a sec.
With this much air in the chart for him everything starts in the mind. He experiences desire in the mind first. He must have a great intellectual connection with someone, before their relationship could blossom into a romance (Venus in Gemini). His entry point to sex is also through words (Mars in Gemini). Think about all the witty foreplay and low-key dirty talk in the LJG books. And also, khm chess games...
Where does that occasional intensity and dominance come from, you ask?
Well, he does have Uranus in Scorpio (semisquare Venus in Gemini, semisquare his Sun in Gemini) which would explain why he is not always displaying the lighthearted, fun, fleeting ways of a Venus-in-Gemini lover. He does have a lot of sexual partners. But then we’ve already established that he would have chemistry with a lamppost.
His chart is heavy on the 9th and 10th houses of long distance travel, career and public standing, and these are probably the most important aspects of his life. He is a comparatively lucky person, with a lively social life, charming personality and strong morality (Jupiter in Cancer).
His great trauma lies in what squares Neptune and Mars in the 9th house. There is an opposition between his sexuality and dreams, and what ideas he is allowed to express publicly. He is sensitive to what others think (Mercury in Cancer), picks up signals very well and is therefore acutely aware of what he can and cannot say.
Here lies the greatest disappointment and loss in his life (Saturn in Pisces). He chooses to make personal sacrifices for the benefit of others.
His Chiron is in the 7th house of partnership and marriage, which I also find interesting. This minor planet get’s called the Wounded Healer. It makes me think about what Claire and Jamie says about wounds and Lord John. And it also makes me think about his marriage.
Well, if that doesn’t make for an interesting personality, I don’t know what does. I hope this has been at least half as fun to read as it was to write. Let me know what you think.
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narastories · 4 years
Book!John edit
I’ve made this a little while ago for one of my moodboards. This is my best attempt at a Blond!John or Book!John edit.
I have to say, I’m 110% happy with our favourite British lord in the show. But I’ve first knew him as blond, so I had my fun with various photo editors.
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He pulls it off, doesn’t he?
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narastories · 4 years
I’ve finally scraped the courage together to start on a slightly longer project, inspired by the Pirate!AU square on my @outlanderbingo2020 card.
Just in time for the birthday celebrations ;) 
Chapters: 1/? Rating: Explicit Relationships: Jamie Fraser/Lord John Grey, Claire Beauchamp/Jamie Fraser, Claire Beauchamp/Lord John Grey, Claire Beauchamp/Jamie Fraser/Lord John Grey Tags: Alternate Universe - Pirates, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
Lord John Grey, an officer in His Majesty's Navy is presented with the simple task of escorting a ship to Boston. It all seems rather boring if you ask him. That is until they are attacked by pirates.
This is for my Pirate!AU square on my Outlander Bingo 2020 card.
Endgame is John/Jamie/Claire, tags to be updated with new chapters.
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narastories · 4 years
For His Lordship’s Birthday this blog shall be flooded with content about him today.
We’re not half-assing this.
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narastories · 4 years
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Happy 280th Birthday Tom Byrd!
our favourite sweet cupcake of a valet <3
so, I guess this is another PSA:
a few of us decided, that Tom Byrd deserves a birthday. He doesn’t have one in canon, but that won’t keep us from celebrating him on the 24th of June.
Today this blog shall be flooded with content dedicated to this awesome guy, who you might know as Lord John Grey’s valet from the Lord John book series.
and yes we might have accidentally and unofficially cast Timoteé Chalamet for the role, so you’ll probably see a lot of his sweet face on this blog today.
I don’t see how that could be reason for complaint, so... enjoy!
I’ll be picking up on @mistresspandorawritesthings ‘s tag and reblogging everything as a maniac under #happy bday wee Byrd :D
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narastories · 4 years
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Happy 280th Birthday Tom!
After having such a great fun with doing this for Lord John, I decided to do a reading for our wee Byrd as well.
A Natal Chart Reading for Tom Byrd
I am still not an astrologer
This is made in the spirit of appreciation of this character and his story. The purpose of this is pure fun on my part and hopefully to entertain some of you as well. Plus, to maybe provide some character-study-style insight or inspiration.
Tom Byrd’s character belong to Diana Gabaldon - duh -
Tom has no official canon birth date as far as we know it. A few of us decided on a whim to celebrate him on this day, and oh boy is it perfect from an astrological standpoint. Of course, it is. But that’s it, it’s just adoring fan-silliness from our part.
Again, I take full responsibility for the time of day chosen. I have cycled through the day by the hour, compared charts and decided on the one that I’ve found most fitting and just went with that.
Tom Byrd’s character has appeared only in the Lord John books so far, so every example I’m giving here will be from there. Nothing too spoilery.
This is astrology applied to a fictional character, you have been warned. Continue at your own discretion.
Let’s transport ourselves into the world of Outlander, and imagine the day that world was gifted with the presence of this cute and complicated character. What do the stars tell us about him?
Double Cancer 
No one ever said that Cancerians would be easy to understand. People born under the Crab are capable of holding many contradictions in their personality, and this is twice as true in the case of Tom Byrd who has both the Sun and the Moon in Cancer. When the two most powerful planets of a chart are in the same sign it tends to make the characteristics of that sign very prominent.
He is extremely cautious, but won’t hesitate taking the initiative when he needs to. Others tend to underestimate him at first, because he will stick to the rules. That is until he breaks them. He does not welcome change, but still adapts quickly to changing circumstances.
Tom appreciates safety, like the security that comes from stable employment, but still has a secret love for adventure. Luckily he can satisfy both of those cravings as the valet of Lord John Grey, because we all know that his lordship has the talent of getting into the most bizarre situations and is more than happy to keep Tom around to accompany him. (#zombies #succubus)
Just like a little crab crawling sideways he might have an indirect approach to things, but eventually he will always get where he wants to go.
He is sensitive and kind, but since his feelings are so dominant his mood can change fast. This is usually concealed by a carefully constructed exterior built from propriety and good manners. He uses this to hide deep feelings and extreme sensitivity underneath. He might be calm and collected on the surface most of the time, but there is a constantly shifting tide of emotions in his heart. He has the tendency to worry too much, to brood silently when he’s hurting or sulk when he disapproves, but no one listens to him.
Those who know him a little better will know that this grumpy little valet has a heart of gold. He is extremely caring and has a natural talent for making others comfortable and cared for.
At the same time Tom is cautious about revealing too much, which makes him naturally discrete. Besides his skill at giving a close shave this was one of the characteristics that made Lord John keep him as a valet just after just a short while of knowing him. Tom is also exceptionally perceptive and hard to deceive. He will notice the tiniest of details. This, and his high sensitivity to people’s emotions makes him good at figuring out others’ motivations. His intuition also makes him great at sensing public trends, and this combined with his creativity contributes to him becoming a good valet. He has a good memory and likes to collect information and store away small details later to be used.
His most admirable trait is probably his loyalty. When he is caring for someone, nothing can deter him. Crabs are known to retreat to safety at the first sign of danger. Don’t be fooled by Tom’s occasional outburst heroism, bravery is not his default setting. (#roaches) And because of that it means so much more when he does choose to stay and fight.
Cancerians tend to be quite the people-collectors. They don’t easily let people they know out of their sight. So fyi: there is no way Tom Byrd would willingly abandon Lord John Grey or let him out of his life completely. I think he would have loved if Jack decided to stay with them, but you know… his brother had his own loyalties.
Underneath all these layers Tom hides a fragile heart. He secretly needs and craves support and encouragement. He tries to hide it, but he has a lot of insecurities and can be a bit shy.
He is passionate about fixing other people’s problems. It comes from a strong urge to care for others even if it can be a bit overbearing sometimes.
Having the Moon in Cancer as well makes him even more protective and persistent. He perceives the world through his emotions, rather than rational arguments. This can cause a conflict with people who try to argue their feelings away - khm John khm - because that is very hard to understand for Tom. Other aspects of his chart play into this as well (Mars in Taurus) Sometimes he won’t be willing to see someone else’s point, especially if he knows that person feels differently than the argument they intellectually make.
No matter how in tune with his feelings he is, he doesn’t usually show them openly and as hypersensitive he is to other people’s emotions, he can sometimes be blinded by his own.
He is best in a deep, committed and loving relationship with someone who will appreciate his delicate heart and will dispel his feelings of unworthiness.
Capricorn Rising
Tom Byrd has a serious outward demeanor. No matter how young, inexperienced or out of his depth he may be in a certain situation, he is more than capable of employing the ‘fake it ‘till you make it’ tactic.  
With strangers he is often quiet and reserved. He also possesses great willpower and determination. It is important to him that he achieves things through his own hard work and that he feels like his life is meaningful. (Mars in Taurus) He has all the necessary discipline, ambition and patience to do just so. Becoming a lord’s valet is something he takes pride in, no matter the initial circumstances.
He has an active mind, quick intelligence, and the ability to concentrate. He likes to map things out ahead of time, because he doesn’t like to be caught unprepared. Fussing over details is his way of staying in control. He’s also a bit of a perfectionist.
He is a worrier. He loves deeply, and goes out of his way to be kind to others, but on the other hand he will hold onto hurt, and will hold a grudge.
His chart is ruled by Saturn which is in Cancer in the 7th house of partnership. This might suggest that he is emotionally too dependent on others. However, he is great at seeing a task through completion. Can be sly if he wants to. (see how he inserted himself into John’s life? see??) The obstacles he needs to overcome are his insecurity and lack of confidence.
Other interesting tidbits
The evils of propriety
Tom is mindful of decency and societal norms. (Capricorn Rising) That doesn’t mean he is not ready to throw them out the window, this is just another one of his contradictions. With him belonging to one of the Uranus in Capricorn generations he has the confidence to break through old established ideas. This aspect of his chart does oppose the likewise generational Neptune in Cancer, which suggests that this conflict is something he has a lot to do with in his life. Old-fashioned values vs. change for the better. Being compassionate towards others and maintaining harmony vs. fighting for your values and/or goals.
Sweet little cupcake
Tom is irresistibly likeable and naturally attracts warm feelings from others. (Venus in Leo) Do I need to say more? He is adorable and I have fallen under his spell. Points to Venus - there is my excuse lol
Twin influences
Tom has Mercury in Gemini, which gives an interesting quicksilver quality to his personality. He is surprisingly hard to pin down (get your mind out of the gutter ;P ). He is curious, versatile and quick witted. A great example of this is when in Private Matter John is trying to be very discreet about inquiring about his brother, and is surprised to find that against this effort, Tom immediately sees through him that he considers the possibility of his brother being guilty.
He also has Jupiter in Gemini, which again points to his adventurous nature and the knack for getting into advantageous situations. Do I need to say more?
My favourite small tidbit in his chart is a complex trine which suggests that he is good at looking beneath the surface for answers, good at investigating and unearthing things, and that he finds great allies in this. He is quite a little detective, our Tom. Seems like a small thing, but the placement of it suggests that this aids him in a great way. Which we know is true ;)
I hope you enjoyed this little ramble. It was fun to write, and it just made me fall twice as madly in love with our wee Byrd. Not that I need the encouragement on any day lol
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iihappydaysii · 4 years
title: the ever-present strain of longing
rated: e (tags on ao3)
pairing: john/jamie
word count: 2.5k
notes: beta by @mistresspandorawritesthings, for Lord John’s b-day celebration, botb fight scene rewrite
summary: When Lord John goes to Jamie for advice about his former lover, Percy, tensions finally come to a head.
“This man,” Jamie forced out the words. “He is not only your stepbrother, but… your…” Why was it hard to say? Because he did not know what to call it or because he did not want to call it anything at all. “Your catamite?”
Jamie did not have a better word for it.
“He was my lover, yes,” Grey’s voice was feather-soft, fond despite it all.
John Grey’d had a lover? Jamie had just assumed he had not. Now, he could see that was naive, but Grey did still come to visit Jamie often. Every time, there remained that sense of feeling about the man whenever he was near—the ever-present strain of longing. Yet, whenever Grey left Helwater for London, he’d been returning to the bed of his lover. Jamie choked on the knot in his throat again.
read on ao3
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narastories · 4 years
Fandom: Lord John Series - Diana Gabaldon Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Tom Byrd/Lord John Grey Tags: Pre-Slash, Shaving, Scene Rewrite, Tom POV, One Shot Summary:
This is the rewrite of Tom Byrd's and Lord John Grey's first meeting in 'Lord John and the Private Matter' from Tom's POV. Contains dialogue directly from the book.
““Who are you?” Lord John Grey asked in a surprised, but not unfriendly way. He was looking at him above the rim of his teacup with sleepy blue eyes. “Tom Byrd, me lord,” he replied bowing smartly.The man drew his elegant brows together, thinking. He was a very handsome man even unshaven with dishevelled hair.“
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narastories · 4 years
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Tom Byrd aesthetic 
+ beautiful art!
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Friday Night at Sugar Shack
My first attempt at gender swapped!Brianna (aka Brian). Dedicated to @iihappydaysii​ who first brought this OTP into the world!
Fills my @badthingshappenbingo​ square: Bleeding Through the Bandages Fills my @outlanderbingo2020​ square: Coffee Shop AU Both bingo cards appear below the cut to save you scrolling.
In celebration of Lord John Grey’s 291st birthday, I present to you...
Title: Friday Night at Sugar Shack
Fandom: Outlander Pairing: Lord John Grey/Brian Randall (aka Gender Swapped!Brianna) Rated E for exceptional explicit erotica (please see AO3 for complete tags) Summary:  Brian Randall's Friday night plans to ogle the cute guitar player are derailed when a gorgeous man dressed as a redcoat literally falls into his lap. The guy really is British and seems to think he's from 1765.
“Oh, bloody fucking hell,” the man said in a British accent far too sincere to be affected. He uncovered his face— dear God, he’s gorgeous —and his eyes went wide with undisguised shock. The man sat up too fast and groaned again. His expression changed from shock to something like actual fear when he looked outside.
Brian made his way through the wreckage at a crawl, one arm held in front of him in what he hoped was a non-threatening gesture. “Seriously, man, are you alright?”
The man’s attention snapped to Brian, and he blinked at him, bemused. “Pardon my bluntness, but...who are you?”
Brian snorted. “Paul Revere. Have you got a name?”
Read Friday Night at Sugar Shack on AO3
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Two and Twenty
Have a sweet little Tom Byrd/Lord John smut in honor of our wee Byrd’s (fanon) 280th birthday!
Title: Two and Twenty Rated E: explicit sexual content Pairing: Lord John Grey/Tom Byrd Synopsis:  Here, as equals, so far away from the trappings of station and society, reading sonnets and drinking French wine, there was no reason whatsoever that Tom Byrd shouldn't, kiss Lord John Grey.
Fills my @outlanderbingo2020​ square Coming Untouched (card below the cut)
“Hmm,” John said, opening his eyes and straightening up. “I know what I like to think happened.” He leaned forward, bringing the two of them closer together. “I like to think that they stole away together. That they spent the evening drinking wine and discussing inconsequential things until, in a mad surge of drunken impetuousness, they confessed their love for each other. And then the next day, after a night of making ardent love in whatever little private haven they could manage, Shakespeare composed the eighteenth sonnet.” John finished speaking and paused, holding Tom’s gaze, his hand hovering no more than an inch from Tom’s leg but not touching.
A shiver wriggled all the way down Tom’s spine, making all the hairs on his arms stand on end. Little butterflies of desire fluttered in his belly and Tom drained his wine glass in an attempt to settle them. It didn’t work.
Read Two and Twenty on AO3
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