#Hanji x Levi
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rivai-hana · 4 months ago
Still i want this type of ending in aot 😭
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I wish if isayama changed some endings
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ackerteasstuff · 8 months ago
this is what ppl mean when they say "His eyes softened" >>>
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I mean I might melt if I'm hange, levi staring at me that way ,
letting himself show his vulnerable side to hange is so precious to me
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absencecfpresence · 14 days ago
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saw this and was immediately reminded of them
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ariadneamare · 7 months ago
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oliverr-gardenn · 1 year ago
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i got obsessed with aot again after YEARS and this meme was all i could think about for a good while
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shimmer-wolf-arts · 4 months ago
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Don't you know? Levi and Hange are just actors
Neither one of them got seriously injured. Hange didn't die. They're living happily ever after with Levi.
It's fine!
Yes have a LeviHan thing
With a sunset. Hoenstly, this is one of my favorite backgrounds that I've ever rendered- I can't even with how it turned out-
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sunflowersunite · 3 months ago
A study on Hange's fascination for the world around her, the friendships that make the barracks home, and Levihan sharing clothes 🍁
For @quillsandblades ! For the Swordslinger ⚔️🧡. It's messy but it's yours.
He stays with her until the sun dips low and disappears. He helps her climb in bed, relaxes her clenched fists and snuffs out the candle.
It isn't love, not yet. But it will be.
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seredelgi · 1 year ago
It might be a triviality what I'm about to say but I think that Erwin's death was a pivotal point for Levi.
I think that's the first time he was truly hit with what it means to be as strong as he is. Being humanity's strongest soldier'll likely mean that you'll see many dear people fall, even the ones that rescued you, even the ones that had been a certainty up until then.
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sneak-pieck · 3 months ago
Part 4: And Sometimes Maybe Too Much Is Simply Too Much
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Hange Zoe
Word Count : 944
Part 4 Of "Sometimes Life Turns Out Alright"
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As days passed,Hange made sure to keep all ‘’symptoms’’ that affected them further, hidden from their sweet husband. After all, each time their body would begin to tremble, or their left eye would grow pained again, Hange got small glimpses of Levi’s worried gaze. And by god did they hate worrying him, because the man deserved nothing more but a happy life. Yet pushing away what was happening to them did not mean that it was not actively happening,no, but keeping it a secret seemed to somewhat make it worse.
Hange often found themselves discombobulated, holding onto the wall as they made their way down the stairs in a dizzy dance,usually in the morning, praying that they would not collapse- or they’d awaken in a cold sweat,eye feeling as if someone had taken a sharp spike to it,using it to dig. Yet they did not say a word about it to their beloved. It couldn’t get much worse, could it?
So the poor person thought,until one horrid morning. Levi had already left, taking it upon himself to drive Olympia to school and then perhaps do some shopping before heading to work. Hange was all alone, walking around the kitchen as they waited for their coffee machine to finish their beverage- they would do that whenever Levi didn’t have the time to brew them a cup before leaving. His coffee was, after all, the best they’d ever tasted. And as if the universe loved silly twisted tricks, the moment the person’s cup was finally full and the machine let out its usual loud beep to announce them,Hange began feeling rather…out of breath.
‘’God damn it, I didn't hear anything about a heat wave-’’ they’d scoff, pushing up and away from the fridge which they leant on,taking small steady steps towards the counter. Each step taking them closer to the sweet cup of coffee that practically called their name. Yet with each step Hange struggled more and more to breathe, their vision growing blurry the moment they did get to the said counter. Reaching for their mug with shaky hands, they’d knock it out of its place, the liquid contents spilling all over the floor, rushing towards Hange's bare feet. And it burned,yet they couldn’t focus on that- how were they to realize their feet were being attacked by boiling hot coffee when their whole body seemed to burn from within?
Stumbling back and turning around, Hange began feeling for the wall nearest to them, sensing how this was only going to get worse once their eyeball along with seemingly even their eye socket began pounding oh so harshly. Muttering small words of reassurance in the hope of perhaps uplifting themselves enough to make it to the bathroom safely,they’d whimper and whine the moment the coldness of their shower tiles seemed to be completely useless against their burning skin.
They’d realize they made it,so once that began settling in,Hange began removing their clothes erratically and tossing them wherever,as long as they were away from them. Quickly reaching up towards the shower nub,twisting it rapidly so that the water they were to start would come in ice cold, the person could only weep as they came to the realization that that was doing…absolutely nothing.
‘’Please- Please, this is supposed to be freezing cold..good god, please, i cannot breathe-’’The person begged, hot tears suddenly rolling down their cheeks as broken sobs filled the empty bathroom. Laying there,trying not to pass out, trying to focus on the idea of the water trickling down their body becoming ice cold, the person felt like there was no hope to be had anymore. Their brown hair sticking to their face and neck felt like fire was embracing them, and the water rolling down their skin felt like nothing short of lava. They were almost certain that their body was no more, simply beginning to crumble and fade into nothingness. The only thing that seemed to somewhat offer them ailment was…an odd breeze. The very breeze they were certain was simply spreading their ashes about the world.
They’d lay there,unmoving, for about twenty minutes… yet who was to count at this point? Hange themselves barely remembered their own name and facial features,so who could tell just how long had it been since they’d been placed in hell?
‘’Hange?’’ The voice of an angel sounded throughout their mind, calling their nearly forgotten name oh so sweetly. It seemed to be getting closer. Sounding confused..sounding worried. They wished with all their might to speak, to help this angel reach them faster, for their essence wasn’t to last much longer…yet they simply could not. Mouth feeling both dry and overflowing with saliva, body trembling so bad, perhaps from the pain of burning from the inside out? Perhaps.
The angel would keep growing closer, and suddenly Hange could tell it was right there with them, standing somewhere by their remnants. Oh what a joyous happening…
Before Hange stood Levi,who’d just returned from the grocery store,who upon noticing the mess in the kitchen rushed to find his beloved partner. And there they were,before him,laying in the shower trembling, as pale as a ghost with lips bluer than a bruise one would get after a nasty fall.
‘’Hange what on earth happened?!’’ The man exclaimed the moment he snapped out of the initial shock brough by seeing his spouse that way,quickly reaching to turn off the water and pick them up off of the cold tile floor.
‘’I- I’m burning,Levi, can’t you feel it?’’
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prvt-tucker · 1 month ago
Lyds! Thanks for playing this game. Here’s my 🌹 and the word I’d like you to use is plunge.
(Are you still writing for Levihan? No problem if not!) ❤️
lol I scoured my WIPs and apparently this isn’t a word I use much if at all so uh,,,the best I can give you is a Levihan WIP but it doesn’t have that word in it
I do still write for them my beloveds it’s just I had to put my fics on hiatus/the fandom in time out because they were being kind of shitty in my ao3 comments
So pls enjoy a not released preview of the next chapter of the No Name AU!
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nightfall-kachiniko · 2 years ago
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“Then he actually does it 💀💀
(Levi just like that/ DAYUMN well KNOW he hates those recruits)
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rivai-hana · 3 months ago
Younger version😘😊 and elder version 🗿🗿🗿
Younger version 😊😚😍
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elder version 🗿🗿🔥🔥
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ackerteasstuff · 8 months ago
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I love when they ate in every studio illustration
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levihandynasty-archived · 4 months ago
Okay, something has been brought to my attention.
Tell me, at first glance, how do you read my username?
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ariadneamare · 7 months ago
hanji: let's have phone sex over walkie talkies
hanji: imagine saying "bend over" and i respond with "bend what? over"
miche: i hate this place
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hans-yusran · 9 months ago
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volume 35 with hange
L-io, foureyes, you've been planting trees since the morning!
H-But maybe if we plant enough we can make my dream come true!
L-What do you mean by our dream?
H-from inside;*ah fuck* Actually... never mind ehehe
L- what are you doing again...?
H-Actually, it's not something I would hide from you, you already know this thing, that dream of living in the forest...
L-ah four-eyes, just as you look at everything with four-eyes, your perspective is four-fold...
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