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literarylondonhq · 1 month ago
Calling Hammersmith and Fulham Artists...
As we know, being an artist can often be a lonely life. So it was great to be invited to the #Irish Cultural Centre for a networking event for all #artists based in #Hammersmith and #Fulham. There was a free glass of wine and lots of good will! We’re going to start a West London Artists page on here, listing talents and events, etc. Contact Nick for details if you’re a West London artist.
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catgirlbrianmay · 11 months ago
I say this non-sarcastically: it warms my heart to watch queen live at the hammermith Odeon and hear 28 year old Brian may play the opening guitar parts of bohemian rhapsody out of tune. Nice to be reminded that despite that songs role in cultural consciousness, it really is that goddamn hard to play and we have some ridiculous standards for artists
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the-hindu-times · 1 year ago
Iliza Shlesinger
Hammermith Apollo 6/12/23
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I can't imagine anyone likes going to the Hammersmith Apollo; a full body search (whether you're going to see The Muppet Christmas Carol or a solo stand up) and water confiscation, in the hight of illness season, which turned into a water ban, when none was available inside on this particular night.
The name up in lights on the outside of the veune building read "ILIZA LIVE IN LONDON". As if just a first name was enough, like Beyonce, Kylie or Rihanna. In their cases, you know what they do and they are famous enough to go under just their first name. In this case, maybe it did work out for the best that only her fans knew because if it had "comedy night" displayed, you would may have had people coming along, taking a punt but not understanding anything, if not apart of that one social bubble this show was aimed at.
Of course, everyone here tonight knew the sign was for American comedian and actress, Iliza Shlesinger. And, whether or not it's because her second name may be difficult for some to pronounce on first glance, she could well be the most famous Iliza in their lives, as the £41 unsold seats at the rear of the circle had to be compensated by her charging £88.75 for a selfie to a number of fans who snapped up the opportunity and were patiently waiting at the front of the stage after the show.
Like the most successful comedians, Iliza has stuck within the same genre, so fans know that she will pick up where she left off in the previous tour/Netflix show - people are coming to see the act.
With a two day break since her last gig (in Amsterdam), Iliza appeared on other comedians' podcasts and posted Instagram partnerships with beauty companies to help promote her brand further in the UK; working on whatever she could whilst on the tour. As a final push for merch sales, she wore her tour tshirt onstage, as she stumbled over lines, mixed up words and restarted sentences. With no stage set design at all, like in her previous special, it soon became clear that the stand up performance itself came second to everything else in her day. Whether she looked at it as a promo trip or holiday, with an hour's gig as something to do in the evening, most comedians would have wanted to have stayed sharp and iron out the lines by jumping on at a comedy club on their nights off - Top Secret would have been perfect for her, as it's the exact younger crowd her material is for. I'm sure she doesn't really believe that her generalisations are about the majority of people; she knows they're just about the majority of her audience, which is why broader observational comedians like Michael McIntyre, Romesh Raganathern and Josh Widdicombe can sell out multiple nights, whist her appeal falls short of the venue's capacity.
On the surface, it may seem like she's stuck in the Stone Age, or still believing that all girls want to be Barbie who are wanting to impress a Ken... but judging by tonight's audiance, those ethics are still in existence. Being preached at, in the form of comedy, that you don't have to comply with this, is quite worrying and enlightening; that this ideology, created within this group, is not something relateable from the outside, and hasn't broken out into other genres of people, races or religions. They will, of course have their own definitions of expectations and maybe have their own comedians to act as their saviour from their own inventions too. But if Iliza does fix them, what would her next comedy show be about?
Since segregation has returned to London, and the "diversity quota" meaning that people from different cultures can only live and work together if they fit into the same box, tonight's show felt more like a social commentary of this backwards step, where everyone is being forced to be identical - and this may be true in the selection of major cities she's touring, and why London was the only UK date.
Oh, and Iliza's also noticeably pregnant, just to rub her success in Luisa Omielan's face, a bit more.
Nic Bennett
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flashbrosales · 3 years ago
Status Quo-Bassist Alan Lancaster performing live at Hammermith Apollo London UK – 28 March 2014. Photo credit: Iain Reid/IconicPix Posted by Beanotown Photography on 2014-03-29 11:30:11 Tagged:
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epikairocom · 7 years ago
Με Φώτη Κουβέλη ο ανασχηματισμός της κυβέρνησης
Οι αλλαγές στο κυβερνητικό σχήμα ανακοινώθηκαν το απόγευμα της Τετάρτης, μια κίνηση που έρχεται μετά τις παραιτήσεις της Ράνιας Αντωνοπούλου και του Δημήτρη Παπαδημητρίου για το επίδομα ενοικίου.
Όπως ανακοίνωσε ο κυβερνητικός εκπρόσωπος, ο υπουργός Οικονομίας και Ανάπτυξης αναλαμβάνει ο Γιάννης Δραγασάκης, ο οποίος παραμένει και αντιπρόεδρος της κυβέρνησης.
Υπουργός Μεταναστευτικής πολιτικής στη θέση του Γιάννη Μουζάλα, «τον οποίο ο πρωθυπουργός ευχαριστεί θερμά για την προσφορά του στο κυβερνητικό έργο», ο Δημήτρης Βίτσας.
Τη θέση του αναπληρωτή υπουργού Εθνικής Άμυνας αναλαμβάνει ο Φώτης Κουβέλης.
Επίσης, υφυπουργός Παιδείας Έρευνας και Θρησκευμάτων ορίζεται η βουλευτής του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ Μερόπη Τζούφη.
Υφυπουργός Εργασίας, Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης και Κοινωνικής Αλληλεγγύης ο μέχρι σήμερα ειδικός γραμματέας του Σώματος Επιθεώρησης Εργασίας, Αθανάσιος Ηλιόπουλος.
Υφυπουργός Πολιτισμού και Αθλητισμού ο Κωνσταντίνος Στρατής.
Όπως είπε ο κ. Τζανακόπουλος, «οι αρμοδιότητες των νέων αναπληρωτών υπουργών και υφυπουργών θα καθοριστούν τις επόμενες ημέρες ενώ καμία άλλη αλλαγή δεν επέρχεται στο Κυβερνητικό σχήμα». «Ευχόμαστε καλή επιτυχία σε όλους και όλες τους», είπε.
Το βιογραφικό του Νάσου Ηλιόπουλου
Ο Νάσος Ηλιόπουλος ήταν από τις 11/11/2016 ως σήμερα Ειδικός Γραμματέας του Σώματος Επιθεώρησης Εργασίας.
Γεννήθηκε και μεγάλωσε στη Αθήνα, είναι απόφοιτος του τμήματος Πληροφορικής του Οικονομικού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών και κάτοχος μεταπτυχιακού τίτλου σπουδών του τμήματος Ιστορίας και Πολιτικής Επιστήμης του Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου. Είναι επίσης υποψήφιος διδάκτορας του τμήματος Ιστορίας και Πολιτικής Επιστήμης του Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου.
Επίσης έχει διατελέσει γραμματέας του Κεντρικού Συμβουλίου της Νεολαίας Συνασπισμού και είναι μέλος της Κεντρικής Επιτροπής και της Πολιτικής Γραμματείας του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ.
Έχει εργαστεί στην ιδιωτική εκπαίδευση και έχει συνεργαστεί ερευνητικά με το Ινστιτούτο Ρόζα Λούξεμπουργκ.
Το βιογραφικό της Μερόπης Τζούφη
Όπως μεταδίδει το Αθηναϊκό Πρακτορείο Ειδήσεων, η Μερόπη Τζούφη, γεννήθηκε στα Γιάννενα (καταγωγή από το Κεντρικό Ζαγόρι) και αποφοίτησε το 1976 από το Γυμνάσιο Τρικάλων. Από το 1985 κατοικεί μόνιμα στα Γιάννενα. Είναι παντρεμένη με τον Ευάγγελο Μακάριο, οικονομολόγο και έχουν δυο κόρες.
Η Μερόπη Τζούφη αποφοίτησε το 1982 από την Ιατρική Σχολή του Εθνικού Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθήνων (ΕΚΠΑ), ενώ στο πλαίσιο των φοιτητικών ανταλλαγών είχε μεταβεί για κλινική άσκηση στην Ιατρική Σχολή του Πανεπιστημίου Ann Arbor, Michigan, ΗΠΑ.
Εργάστηκε ως Αγροτικός Ιατρός στο Κέντρο Υγείας Κόνιτσας (1983-1985) και στη συνέχεια ειδικεύθηκε στην Παιδιατρική, στο Πανεπιστημιακό Νοσοκομείο Ιωαννίνων (1985-1989), στο οποίο εργάσθηκε κατόπιν ως Επιμελήτρια του ΕΣΥ (1990-2002). Στη συνέχεια, μετέβη για μετεκπαίδευση στην Αγγλία, στο αντικείμενο της Παιδιατρικής Νευρολογίας (Τμήμα Παιδιατρικής Νευρολογίας – Παιδιατρικής Κλινικής Νευροφυσιολογίας, The Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, UK, Τμήμα της Αναπτυξιακής Ιατρικής, Ινστιτούτο Υγείας του Παιδιού, Πανεπιστήμιο του Λονδίνου).
Εξελέγη Λέκτορας Παιδιατρικής (2002) στο Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων, στον Τομέα Υγείας του Παιδιού, της Ιατρικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων και στη συνέχεια ως Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια (2006-2012).
Σήμερα, μετά τη συμπληρωματική μετεκπαίδευσή της στο εξωτερικό (Τμήμα Παιδιατρικής και Περιγεννητικής Νευρολογίας, Hammermith Hospital, Imperial College & University College of London, Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο) εργάζεται (από το 2012) ως Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια Παιδιατρικής – Παιδιατρικής ��ευρολογίας στο Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων και είναι υπεύθυνη της Παιδονευρολογικής Μονάδας, του Ειδικού Εξωτερικού Ιατρείου, καθώς και του Εργαστηρίου Νευροφυσιολογίας για παιδιά, στο Πανεπιστημιακό Νοσοκομείο Ιωαννίνων.
Είναι μέλος του Δ.Σ. της Ελληνικής Παιδιατρικής Εταιρίας, ενώ διετέλεσε και μέλος του Δ.Σ. της Ελληνικής Παιδονευρολογικής Εταιρίας (για 3 διετίες, έως το 2013). Επίσης είναι Επιστημονική Σύμβουλος του Δ.Σ. της ΕΛΕΠΑΠ Ιωαννίνων, για τη βελτίωση της φροντίδας, την επέκταση της λειτουργίας της και της συνεχούς αναβάθμισης των παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών για παιδιά και εφήβους με ειδικές ανάγκες ή αναπηρίες (εγκεφαλική παράλυση, νοητική υστέρηση, νευρομυϊκά και νευροεκφυλιστικά νοσήματα, αυτισμό, ΔΕΠΥ, κ.α.).
Τέλος, είναι γνώστης της Αγγλικής και Γαλλικής γλώσσας.
Η Μερόπη Τζούφη κατά τη διάρκεια των φοιτητικών της χρόνων ήταν μέλος της ΚΝΕ (1976-1983) και αργότερα του ΚΚΕ (1983-1985). Στη συνέχεια υπήρξε ιδρυτικό μέλος του «Συνασπισμού της Αριστεράς και της Προόδου», ενώ το 2013 υπήρξε εκλεγμένη σύνεδρος στο Ιδρυτικό Συνέδριο του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. Επιπλέον, υπήρξε εκλεγμένο μέλος της Νομαρχιακής Επιτροπής (Ν.Ε.) Ηπείρου του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ (2013-2014), καθώς και υποψήφια Δημοτική Σύμβουλος Ιωαννίνων στις Ελληνικές Αυτοδιοικητικές Εκλογές του 2014, με το συνδυασμό Γιάννενα – Πολίτες για την Ανατροπή, με επικεφαλής τον Λάζαρο Νάτση.
Στο παρελθόν διετέλεσε μέλος του Δ.Σ. Συλλόγου Αγροτικών Ιατρών του Νομού Ιωαννίνων (1984-1985), του Δ.Σ. του Ιατρικού Συλλόγου Ιωαννίνων (1999-2001), του Δ.Σ. της Ένωσης Ιατρών Νοσοκομείων Ηπείρου (1999-2003), του Δ.Σ. του Συλλόγου Δ.Ε.Π. του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων (2008-2014).
Στις βουλευτικές εκλογές του Ιανουαρίου 2015 εξελέγη Βουλευτής Ιωαννίνων με τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, ενώ επανεξελέγη στις Βουλευτικές Εκλογές του Σεπτεμβρίου 2015. Στην τρέχουσα περίοδο της Βουλής των Ελλήνων (ΙΖ” Περίοδος) συμμετέχει στην Διαρκή Επιτροπή Μορφωτικών Υποθέσεων (μέλος), Διαρκή Επιτροπή Κοινωνικών Υποθέσεων (γραμματέας), Ειδική Μόνιμη Επιτροπή Ισότητας, Νεολαίας & Δικαιωμάτων του Ανθρώπου (μέλος), Υποεπιτροπή για τα θέματα των Ατόμων με Αναπηρία (μέλος), Διακομματική Κοινοβουλευτική Επιτροπή για τη διεκδίκηση των γερμανικών οφειλών.
from epikairo.com http://ift.tt/2GQ3D5q
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literarylondonhq · 5 months ago
Hamlet with Eddie Izzard
🍷🍷🍷  3 out of 5 cups of sac! Full disclosure – I have adapted and directed two Shakespeare classics, including one called ‘Hamlet – Horatio’s Tale’ and I’d read some fairly poor reviews about this production. And as I wasn’t invited to the Riverside Studios Press Night (not important enough, loves, obs! 😀) I wasn’t able to access the extra depth that is often available then. And to be honest,…
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the-hindu-times · 2 years ago
Razorlight - Hammaermith Apollo - 12/5/23
***a review about not writing a review***
Nic Bennett
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I probably shouldn't have started replying to an email this late at night:
Razorlight were on top form and the high energy performance was brilliantly attended by a happy and enthusiastic near-capacity-crowd, considering the train strikes. Of course, the venue itself can affect the experience of a gig. As a room, for sound and atmosphere, the Hammersmith Apollo is generally better than Brixton Academy so, the forced change of location wasn't a bad thing in that regard.
Before the show, my girlfriend and I had dinner at the vegan restuarant in the church at the side of the Apollo, where Björn and Carl from Razorlight were also dining so, the idea that they care about animals and the planet put us in high spirits ready for the show. We all left the restuarant at the same time to get inside the gig for opener, ELLiS*D, who I'd been chatting to briefly leading up to this show; to let him know we were coming down after seeing him play drums with Johnny Borrell in Jealous Nostril at the brilliant St Alban's pub, The Horn.
Going to a live event most nights of the week, we know what all the different venues can be like and we were mostly prepared for the airport-style security that always seem to undo all the good work for the planet that restaurants like that do so well at; by having us surrender bottles of water to be wasted and thrown into landfill. It's also not good, from a business side, for the bar takings inside as I, for one, don't like to have (buy) alcohol unless I have water with me to also drink (the tap water there is undrinkable, and if you buy a small bottle of water, you have to take the cap off and hold it the whole time). To be fair, O2 venues have a worse bag policy but the Eventim Apollo security (who's bright yellow uniforms and loud walkie talkies [which are just as present, and even more distracting, when they're constantly walking around the stalls at a seated comedy show or a quieter, acoustic performance there] all seem very uncessary; completely ruining the show for the audience) treat everyone as if they are a terrorist or drug carrier; putting anyone in a bad mood before it's even started.
It's assumed and accepted that this is for our ([mostly] the paying public's) own safety due to the size of the venue and the type of character the band's music will attract.
To put that into perspective, The Royal Albert Hall holds 1,931 more people than the Hammermith Apollo and hosts similar bands to Razorlight, yet concet goers there are greeted in a warm way and are allowed to bring in bags of any size with their own water (+ lids intact!), with nobody using it as a missile (which is apparently the reason why you can't even be sold bottled water with lids in the Apollo). There's less chance of passing out from dehydration and they can still keep the bottle of water with them for the journey home, when shops are closed. Everyone leaves happy and the staff say goodbye to you with a smile there.
After the support acts, we bump into a few different friends from other bands, who, like us, have wristbands to stay behind for the aftershow bar. We agree to catch up with them then for a water and a beer/gin, after Razorlight's performance, whilst we'll be simultaneously waiting for the price of Uber to go down after the quick exit of fans leaving the venue.  
We are about to launch our brand new website with the help of my girlfriend's brother, who designs posters and merchandise for huge films, such as the Marvel franchise so, it's going to be bigger and better than ever before! It's getting a new name to, as we say goodbye to The Lost Review. Our new online magazine, The Hindu Times, will be  named after the Oasis song (due to our large amount of features on guitar bands that came along after the Britpop movement) and my girlfriend's religion.
I mention this because at the aftershow, everything was fine and chilled, but the security insisted on walking through, interrupting conversations to check everything was in order. People began to feel uneasy as more and more security began to appear. We had only just bought our drinks before security approached the only person in the room of Indian descent (my girlfriend); telling her she had to leave. My girlfriend is a wonderful and caring person, whose full time job is working at children's hospice. The balance of giving children the best end of life care she can in the day, whilst enjoying the arts (from from more than one culture) in the evening is as an important diet as a vegan one is to us. She also writes all the reviews for the theatre shows we go to, with true passion.
I asked the security guard why we had to leave and he replied by saying that she had to go but I (the white guy [like majority of the room]) could stay, with no explanation. I explain that we live together and will be leaving together. I know how things can escalate with security guards so, I didn't want to question why + we were only going to stay for 5 or 10 minutes anyway, just to catch up with a few people and wait for an Uber so, I tell him we'll quickly finish our drinks and leave.
I mention our descriptions in this email because I'm unsure if it has any relevance. And from my description, that explains why I don't/wouldn't understand if it has any relevance or not.
The security guard immediately called for backup and put his hand on my arm with a firm grip where we were sitting. More security came, and they agreed to let us stay for 5 minutes, so we could have some of our drinks and not have to wait outside on the street for too long, before 5 security guards came to escort us down the stairs and out of the building, with one threatening violence.
The experience of the gig unfortunately overshadowed the performance of the band's classic line up still at the top of their game so, I've held off writing a review for now, as I'm not sure how I feel about it all and what to make of it.
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Razorlight will play 'Smoked & Uncut' in Bridge, between Canterbury and Folkestone, on Sat 12th Aug.
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literarylondonhq · 3 years ago
Pretty Literary Pub of the Day.
The Black Lion, Hammersmith. A favourite writing boozer of mine, Dylan Thomas sofa-surfed a few doors down for a short time in WW2. And the lovely management let me use a space in the pub for a Dylan Thomas Day get together a few years ago. It was online as well as being live. I said to the manager there could be a good turnout and a good bar take. There was. Nearly 200 people turned up. All but…
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literarylondonhq · 3 years ago
Heart of Hammermith - Parr One!
Heart of Hammermith – Parr One!
Two years after Nick approached the Lyric in Hammersmith with the idea, they are producing their first community play. After the success of Maverick Theatres People’s Company in Birmingham, how will this shape up? Podcast Part Two will follow the show tonight! 😳 please comment if you’d like to! Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Heart of Hammermith – Part One!…
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