#Hammer Of Thor
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medievalatkinson · 1 year ago
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alex thinks super bass is romantic
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eobe · 8 days ago
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Commander Thorn at the GAR Goth Night in the 79s clone bar ⚡️🖤🪽✨ Mr. Viking Goth by Name is bathing in his gloriousness ultraviolet spotlight to show off everyone, who couldn’t believe it, that his heterochromia (headcanon for more lore about his name heritage) is an actual lightning bolt ⚡️✨
Have a closer look 😏 The uv light actually highlights it additionally:
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Thorn constantly shoves the straps of his mesh top back, that fall over his shoulder, driving his vode and some heated minds 👀 a bit insane with that, but not really noticing it 🙈 I don't know why my brain comes up with things like that, but yeah, I hope you enjoy ☺️
Because of that fumbling he loses the Commander bet (a more fun chaos idea from the inspiring chat with @ladylucksrogue 🫶). The Commander with the worst thematic garment has to pay a round! 😎 The bet came up to make sure that the Commanders (who are always on duty, the majority of them sober and grumpy) don't show up in their regular civvies or even in armor!
More headcanon for fun and because I can: Poor Commander Thorn is an adorable slightly clumsy poser, a badass heavy gunner, favorite victim to Marshall Commander Fox' moods because mostly staying unnervingly positive and in his freetime he indulges a bit very Viking metal handcrafting (listening to Wardruna and Amon Amarth 🎶 ) and made himself cool bracers with his wing brand, a 'Hammer' pendant to honor his weapon and the belt to make a neat own gothic style ✨ Everything to show a bit off not have to pay the round!
As he thought he looks cooler when additionally cutting the mesh top straps, he went to far with his luck and so the Commanders were fast united that it's to Thorn to pay the round. He's not really mad 😊 Busy with collecting glances hihihi 🫠
@ghostymarni 🫶 Vod, still applauding for you hosting a GAR Goth Night, look what you did 🥰
@foxwithadarkside said that all we have needed to make a jump in our art skill was the excuse to draw hot clones in black leather – uhm, ahehe 😅 guilty? 😽 Thank you that my version of Thorn made his way – you know where 👀✨
@lonewolflupe ✨🐺 🦉✨ thank you for screaming, laughing, enjoying, hyping and ever ongoing support in our chat, love 😂 I won't miss it anymore! 🥰
@sunshinesdaydream, @moonlightwarriorqueen, @clonethirstingisreal and @last-of-cheese You sweetheart folks, thank you for playing guess with me and my WIP! 🥰🫶 Here's the full force result 😎
Chaos vode and GAR Goth Night friends 🖤✨ @wings-and-beskargam @eclec-tech @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @fiveminutetrash @feral-ferrule @nika6q @skellymom @vimse @gargothnightzine
Taglist, at the moment I‘m mostly GOTHed: @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @spaceyjessa @morerandombullshit @freesia-writes
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fruggin-bitch · 1 year ago
Idk if it’s just me but it lowkey pisses me off when people use they/them for Alex Fierro
Like she specifically states that she doesn’t use they/them. In the book. Upfront and simple. Magnus asks and she gives him a clear and detailed answer. Alex uses she/her and he/him. She/her when she identifies as female and he/him when he identifies as male. This is said multiple times.
When referring to her in a post or fic or whatever, y’all have two very clear choices that are laid out for you on a silver platter BY ALEX IN THE BOOKS
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txtmaiden · 2 months ago
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Ok but in book 3 when mallory gets her hair chopped off it kinda reminds me of the Tangled movie😭😭😭
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i reread hammer of thor and i decided to list out some stuff i feel has been overlooked by the fandom
and stuff that hasn't been overlooked (at all) but i HAVE to mention it anyway. because reasons
also it's not THAT long of a post but it's pretty long so i put a cut there
nobody ever mentions the 'thinking cup' like whyyy
alex fierro the cheetah and weasel :)
"the gender thing wasn't what surprised me. what surprised me was the way my impression of alex had slingshot and the emotions that had stirred up"
magnus mentioning that he had been stuck in one gender his whole life and that it didn't bother him except the way it was worded made it seem like he was unsure about it jsfjfisfidgkgd
i don't think it's overlooked but the scene in which magnus is watching alex eat and halfborn goes "there's no shame in being attracted magnus" and he CHOKES
(not overlooked at all but) HEARTH'S POSESSIVENESS OVER BLITZ <333
(DEFINITELY not overlooked but) "buddy" *proceeds to take hearth's hands in his own*, "what is wrong with my elf" 😭😭
inge being fucking abused by alderman?? she was beaten??? and the iron on the door locks is harmful and extremely painful to hulder??? THAT ASSHOLE ALDERMAN
(in context to inge explaining that alderman kept a patch of wilderness in his backyard bc hulder need wilderness to live and so that he can 'hire' more help) "she said hire. i heard catch" BITCH-
the fucking wergild. i have a lot of thoughts about that and all of them involve alderman dying
also hearth's mom doesn't really seem like much of a good person either? she didn't stop alderman from being abusive towards hearth or the house staff AND she literally just cared about her reputation. maybe she wasn't as bad as her husband but she was still pretty bad (parallels there between hearth and alex)
also parallels between hearth trying to stop alderman from taking andvari's ring and trying to "pull his dad out from a hole deeper than andvari's" and magnus trying to save randolph from falling into the hole in the ground that led to helheim-
hearth and samirah's dynamic?? they've already had a fight and patched up AND were stuck together during the utgard lanes chapters. soooo a lot
also hearth and alex's brief interactions lol
"just, you know, a little respect" "for the girl with the sharp wire? no problem" "there was nothing confusing abt the smile she gave me. it warmed up the office by about five degrees" I LOVE THEM A TOTALLY NORMAL AMOUNT
amir fadlan. AMIR FADLAN EVERYBODY <333
samirah being a girlboss. samirah handling all the stress. samirah trying to show her true self to amir. samirah braving everything put in her way with courage. just samirah <3 <3 (everybody in the whole universe should be in awe of her btw)
the scene in which they're sitting on stanley (the eight-legged horse) and magnus is nervous to hold on to alex but she just takes his hands and puts them around her waist <3
for some reason i had assumed alex had cut magnus's hair for the first time in the woods but no. it was blitz? hm
magnus's casual mention about utgard loki being attractive ajsfjfsi
taylor swift being dwarf music and prince being giant music?? (and that giant named tiny being obsessed with elvis)
an alex speech pattern which isn't much of a pattern but it repeated twice in the book: once she said (in response to hearth signing something she didn't understand. this was around the time when she and samirah revealed that alex would be taking samirah's place) "yes alex. thank you alex for being so brave and heroic." and then the other time (in the end when magnus is visiting her in her room and picks up one of her pottery projects) "no you can't touch it magnus. thanks for asking magnus" idk i just think it's cool
the trophy wife thing. sif deserves better tbh
"a girl who was rocking that wedding dress"
alex straightening magnus's tie or smth and magnus's inner monologue going "she still smells like wood smoke. why does she still smell like a campfire?"
samirah's wedding outfit?? (sounds gorgeous tbh. except for the hood which) also i have a related question. is the hood in place of hijab thing disrespectful? /gen
sif and alex dynamic <3
sif's gifts to hearth (pouch of rowan runes) and alex (golden garrote)
alex and most other shapeshifters make random animal noises and shapeshift to random animals when they're nervous
halfborn's "death and glory," mallory's "kill everyone," and tj's "charge" aksfkfiovdm. and the way magnus just becomes so much stronger when he sees his friends-
the scene at the end of the marriage battle thing when alex is all concerned because she thinks magnus doesn't believe that she was just pretending to be under loki's control and sHE'S TRYING TO CONVINCE HIM AND HE SQUEEZES HER HAND JDFJSFKFK THIS SCENE IS NOT TALKED ABOUT ENOUGH
alex canonically calling magnus "sunshiny" and RESPECTING AND ADMIRING HIM AND HIS HEALING POWERS. they make me weak
samirah and magnus's dynamic is not given enough love. they are figuratively SIBLINGS and that level of closeness is not recognized by the fandom enough
(also not really about the book but. the UK cover of 'hammer of thor' depicts samirah with half of her hair falling out of her hijab. which. who tf designed these covers?? like somebody needs to give them a good throttling)
there's probably more that i don't remember but okay here have this for now :)
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valhallavalgrace · 6 months ago
Favorite and least favorite activities, if you’re willing to share?
Also, did you learn anything about what’s going on with the new guy down the hall? Sure, you were supposed to stay out of it, but you’ve got to at least be a little curious, right?
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LEO: *quiet guilty thoughts because he can't ask about if Loki is like Loki in the movies* *pretending to know anything about Norse mythology*
MAGNUS: *overthinking about Uncle Randolf and the Loki symbols* *forgetting that Norse demigods aren't the only demigods bc they still haven't talked about his Greek cousin*
prev ask
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andshewas-mp4 · 2 years ago
i feel like more people should talk about this. magnus pretty much always had feelings for alex, romantic or not they were always some sort of positive emotion.
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pizza-cake-house · 2 months ago
"Should I get you a shovel so you can dig that hole a little deeper?"
-Samirah al-Abbas, Magnus Chase and the Hammer of Thor
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ultrafangirlishness · 1 year ago
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Finished this literally MONTHS ago... Idk why I procrastinate on posting things now lol. Anyways this is a redraw of Alex Fierro I initially started over four years ago.
Side-by-sides are below the cut! It's nice to see that I have in fact improved over the years :)
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Initial sketch - 5/18/19; final digital - 6/11/20
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Initial sketch - 7/10/23; final digital - 8/27/23
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kn1gh-1 · 12 days ago
MCGA is so funny
You read from Magnus's pov and he's all like "yeah Blitz and Hearth are such good friends" when CLEARLY they're dating
In his defence
He didn't know Alex liked him until she kissed him. Even tho he had seen himself from her perspective.
This boy is such an Empath except for relationships
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localqueerappreciator · 2 years ago
Okay I'm reading Magnus Chase again and I haven't read it in years. Now that I have Muslim friends I see the flaws of Samirah. But also.. They all stan her? So, obviously this is individual thing but can someone tell me if Samirah is not terribly written or if I should be disappointed in Rick? I need someone to tell me what to do and what to think because my brain is not working on this
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gifts-of-heimdall-runes · 10 months ago
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"Blessings of Thunor"
Adapted from an original pinned by Radomir Rokita [Pinterest].
Created by ChromaLab app.
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empty-cup-fam · 2 years ago
A series of Magnus Chase locations in Boston
because what else is a Magnus Chase nerd going to do during a layover ??
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alex-fierro-supremacy · 8 months ago
Me: *Reads the hammer of Thor*
Everything that’s pink and green: +10,000 aura
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mikewheelerfan2022 · 7 months ago
So, I’ve been re-reading the Magnus Chase series. I haven’t read them since 2021, so I had forgotten almost everything. I read the first book, and just finished the second one. Or so I thought. Because when I started it, I felt like a lot of context was missing. Alex didn’t get a proper introduction. All these events were referenced that didn’t happen in the first book. But I assumed they had just happened in between both books. Until about page 400. Right at the end. That’s when Thor holding his hammer is referenced. “Wait, why does Thor have his hammer back? And for a book called The Hammer of Thor, there certainly wasn’t a lot of searching for his hammer…” I felt a growing sense of dread. That’s when I checked the cover. Turns out I was reading The Ship of the Dead 🤦🏼‍♀️
I grabbed the second book on the pile and never thought to check the title! And somehow, throughout 400 pages, I didn’t fucking notice!!! Oh my fucking god. I feel so stupid right now. I’m going to take a quick break before actually reading Hammer of Thor for my sanity.
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a-feller · 1 year ago
Y hasn't uncle rick admitted it yet. Blitzstone is canon at this point. (halfway through book 2)
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