#Hajime-san he followed us home can we keep him?
tthel · 24 days
Can we talk about Hajime's leadership for a minute?
(Buckle up, long post)
Every time I watch Taikyouku Denki, I am so impressed with how Hajime handles Koi, Rui, and Iku's... adventure, especially Koi.
Hajime doesn't land on Koi and party like a ton of bricks as soon as they get back. He waits, until everyone is settled and Koi's injuries are tended to, and then deals with it.
And it's not the scared-mad response either. Hajime is very calm and detailed without beating it into the ground.
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Then tells Koi specifically what he did wrong.
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This is not new. Koi has grown up in this world, and at his age should be aware of the dangers. You did a whoops. And your friends got caught up in it.
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(Everybody's situational awareness is out the window)
But this is the part I love:
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Teens especially need explicit encouragement. Even if they "know" it, it means so much to have it spelled out.
Then he moves on to Kakeru (and can we just appreciate the setup here?
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Kakeru, a very much unknown factor, is in the corner, away from everyone else. Kai, the second-strongest person in the town is being a barrier, and Hajime is guarding the door. Kai gets a whiff of something being off, everyone is outside, the doors are locked and Hajime and Kai are dealing with the threat. Anyway.)
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One last test before allowing, y'know, one of the most powerful beings in existence to wander around his city. At least they don't have to worry about subterfuge.
tl;dr - Hajime is amazing and this scene highlights why very well
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bettermiya · 1 year
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Pairings: Kita Shinsuke x Reader. Bokuto Kotaro x Reader x Akaashi Keiji. Miya Atsumu x Reader. Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader.
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Implications of Stalking, Mentions of Domestic Violence.
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Kita – “If he ever bothers ya’ again, I’ll do more ta’ him,” Shinsuke answered easily as you wrapped gauze around his bloody knuckles. His calloused fingers ran through your soft hair, tugging gently so you would look up at him. "My obaa-chan was disappointed because I didn't get another hit in. Besides, he shouldn't be so persistent when yer clearly mine."
You never thought of this little traditional house as home. You were a city person who fell in love with a rice farmer, but it should have been obvious. After you mentioned your dirty past with Hiroto, Shinsuke and his obaa-chan did their best to protect you. Locks. Alarms. It wasn't enough. Your ex-boyfriend tried to physically confront you and, as a result, ended up with a broken face and an arrest. Those hands from hours of rice reaping were more powerful than you realized. The fact that farms had security cameras was also something you should’ve considered. You pretended Shinsuke being popular around your little community didn't have anything to do with how easy this had been.
What matters is you’re safe.
“I love you.” You choked out before finally kissing him, breathing in the sharp tang of surprise as strong arms wrapped around you. You run your tongue over his lower lip and are about to do more, but you stop yourself and bury your face in his shoulder.
You're just embarrassed now.
"If this is what I get for doing the bare minimum, darlin', what will ya' do when it's somethin' special?"
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Atsumu – Samu was the better fighter, Atsumu reluctantly admitted, but they both carried the same amount of tenacity. To rip him away from your terrifying stalker, Bokuto and Meian dugged their fingernails deep into his biceps and heaved him off. They dragged their setter back into the gym by force. You followed as best you could; your horrified eyes met a laid-back, intimidating gaze. You pondered how important if he looked like he was about to kill.
Fortunately, the management team already began discussing how they could keep this controversy quiet. Despite knowing that Atsumu fought for you, you're scared because he could be a more terrifying version of Hiroto if he wanted to be. You're not scared enough to stop yourself from expressing those feelings, though. He deserved that much for grappling your worst mistake into the concrete.
The harsh laugh surprised you. “My ma’ was a single parent. ‘Cause our pa preferred to rule with his fists, she raised Samu and I by ‘erself,” he explained, taking your hand to press an easy kiss to your knuckles. “‘m sorry I scared ya.’”
“I won’t stop ya’ from goin’ ‘cause I know better than ta’ be a man like that, but I’d want ya’ to stay. Please.”
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Bokuto & Akaashi – Kotaro and you clutched each other for dear life, while watching Keiji use his words to systematically tear your ex-boyfriend apart. “AKAAAASHI, CAN WE GO NOW? HE’S ALREADY COWERING. LOOK AT HIM,” the spiker whined loudly, swinging you around in his arms like a particularly loved toy. You desperately tried to whisper that you were being crushed by his massive biceps. Normally, you wouldn't care, but you'd lived long enough to be free of the past, and you wanted to share your new life with them. Even if this would be a magnificent death, you’e not prepared. What a contrast to the you of before who would’ve willingly perished by a pro volleyball player.
“Ack—” This roused Keiji enough from his verbal tirade against Hiroto.
“Bokuto-san, remember to be gentle. You’re hurting them.”
“I’m sorry!” He showered your face with kisses, soft, small touches that reminded you that for all his strength, Kotaro was the gentlest soul. The quick kick to Hiroto's side, on the other hand, demonstrated how terrifying your other boyfriend could be when provoked to protect the both of you.
His face was as impassive as ever as he walked back. “Would you like to go for crepes after, beloved?” Keiji asked, smoothing down his fashionable black trench-coat. “You’ve been wanting to try out the new shop.”
 “Yes, Keiji. We can go for crepes.”
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Iwaizumi – Even though Hajime was as straight-laced as they come, a bar fight had caused that split upper lip. You're fortunate that Oikawa had been there because his silver tongue could get away with murder.
"What happened?"
"Your ex came around."
The moment you froze, he dragged you onto his lap; his head fell onto your shoulder. You could feel a soft huff of breath escape his throat. He had never been good with words, but he didn't need to be. Silence overtook you both as you brushed your fingers through his dark hair before you broke through to say,  “Don’t get hurt on my behalf, Hajime.”
He glanced up, staring at you blandly as if you were the idiot for trying to protect him. You glared back since you refused to let this be a negotiation. His sigh led you to believe that he would give in, but his subsequent words made you shiver to the core, "You don't have to be concerned about me. I won’t let up if there’s a next time."
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yaomomvs · 3 years
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seijoh x manager!reader
in which aoba johsai vbc just wants you to take their hand, just as the many times they have reached for yours when they needed it
pls i’m sorry i just wrote this for comfort, in having a terrible week and so, i just really need my seijoh boys to comfort me even if it’s just in my head and just so you know, and as i’ve been trying to convince myself, things always get better
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tuesday, [15:56 pm]
“nice kill yahaba senpai!” kindaichi congratulates his upperclassman.
his voice makes you react, it scared you. still holding your pen and the notebook you always carry around even on normal practice days, your hand threatens you in the most scary way possible.
fuck no, just... breathe.
you are quick to leave aside the notes, and so, you look around to the boys, who just after the coach’s whistle sounds they are quick to approach your spot.
you take the water bottles as quickly as you can.
“oh y/n-san, i know we are irresistible but you can’t just slack off admiring us!” makki teases you laughing.
“if our dear manager is admiring someone is obviously me” oikawa says, before taking a sip of his bottle, slightly making you blush even more.
“i don’t think she likes idiots who still watch youtube conspiracy videos at 3am”
“weren’t you the one with a secret obsession for romance manga, iwaizumi?” it’s mattsun time to expose his friend. iwai mi doesn’t hesitate and he runs directly to matsukawa, while kunimi brings out his phone to start recording the chaos in the gym.
you don’t listen.
your head hurts, and then, you once again feel this weird thing in you stomach. you have been feeling like this for the past week, and you try to ignore it . but sometimes, you just want the world to stop.
you can’-
“y/n senpai?” watari calls your name, and you notice his furrowed brows looking at you, worried. you blink and correct your posture. you had just zooned out. “is everything ok?”
“ah yes watari kun!” you force your self to sound relaxed because you feel the sudden gaze of the entire team “i was just thinking in a smart way to insult oikawa, but i’m worried he won’t understand tho”
“hey! you said i was your favorite”
you fake laugh once again assuring everyone that you were just fine. the day goes on, and somehow is becomes more difficult to just stay down not worrying about anything.
and they notice.
you don’t walk home with the guys today. instead you run to the bus not before excusing yourself with an ‘urgent family thing’
“just please don’t let makki eat so much ramen today!” you giggle as you run to the bus “i’m not in the mood to dealing with diarrea!”
“that was a secret between us darling!” the pink haired guy screams cheeks blushing.
and maybe you were just too distracted, but before you face them away some of them notice how quick your smile fades.
“you know guys” yahaba is quick to say “call me crazy but, why did she lie?”
wednesday, [10:22 am]
when was the last time you actually enjoyed school? not practice, but school itself. seeing numbers everyday in the board that you don’t understand is frustrating. your throat hurts, there’s has been a not there since the begging of the day.
swallow it, y/n, dammit
you decided to take this class, don’t blame the world, blame yourself. isn’t it supposed to be simple? why isn’t it being simple? is that... 
"Square root of 57 is equal to Xo, miss" 
it is not like it’s a race, you want to say. why was the teacher obsessed with speed?, it’s unfair. your time is not the same as that of others. 
you drop the pencil and you recline in your chair, why couldn’t you do operations and analysis as fast as they could? you take a look around and the eyes of others look frightening. you see ambition, you see security, you see admiration.
the bell rings and you just want to run, and well in a way you end up doing it. leaving your homeroom, you tell your friends that for today you want to be alone, the halls of aoba johsai are big, for your fortune or misfortune. you go to the vending machine and when your drink falls, the minimum noise makes you startle, lately it’s like that, small noises or actions affect you way too much.
and iwaizumi notices it.
you don’t make a single move, it’s just the cold drink resting on your hands. and before iwaizumi could stop mattsun, he was already putting his hand on your shoulder.
the orange juice spills and once again fear takes hold of you.
you see them both, you’re not stupid and you know hajime stares at you weirdly, and now mattsun, you hide your fear it a bit worse than yesterday, but you do anyways.
"someday, Matsukawa-san, YOU’RE GOING TO KILL ME! and what will you do without me?" you try to say cheerful, wanting to take away the suspicion, for a moment it works.
"flunk history, that leads me to..." 
"no, sweeheart, i won’t give you my homework" 
you walk and both guys follow you, one faster than another, very naive of the situation. "I begin to believe you hate me," says Mattsun, as the three sit on a bench near the school cafeteria casually encountering kunimi who quickly joins you, patting the folds of your skirt as you sit down, you rest on the table and admire his needy expression and as the tantrum of mattsun grows.
minutes go by, your chest pain grows, but somehow you know how to let it go.
 with your hands supporting your face, lunch passes between you and kunimi, you try to talk, you really try. 
but still, your eyes just glow, and kunimi notices how it’s not the glow you always have.
thursday [12:03]
your head is spinning, you can feel the cold sweat. will this be the time? why do you feel so small? why can’t you say it?
it’s familiar, you recognize this feeling, an ocean, you’re floating, you know you can swim, but, you’re in the middle of nowhere, you look down. Out of nowhere the intimidating depth of the ocean is beneath you. And then, you sink. You feel like you’re drowning, you feel like you’re fighting the tide, but you just can’t do it.
i just need...
no, it’s not time yet, it’s still training. the boys... you’re the one who should take care of them, you’re the one who has to be be fine. they had no time to lose, they had a goal and for the moment that was the most important thing.
On that bench, your gaze is absent, you know it is so.
and through the window that overlooks your classroom, oikawa notices it too
“y/n...” he mumbled.
of course he’d noticed. at first it was not so clear, but now he remembers.
when kindaichi pinned your dark circles to him, while admiring you by fitting volleyballs in a way not of your own.
makki watches oikawa from your side, you don’t even know the pink-haired guy is there, unaware that he’s sitting next to you. but he notices. he’s been noticing for days that your eyes are threatening to close in the middle of class.
hanamaki catches your attention and instantly that mask you’ve been wearing for weeks appears again.
"hanamaki, i’m fine"
it doesn’t convince them. they both look out the window and nod.
oikawa notices, and god, he wished he had no reason to.
friday [14:00 pm]
please just... breathe.
you’re fed up. the feeling of guilt and discomfort is still there, can’t you be calm? people don’t need to know, but why do you want to shout it?
the dressing room is alone, the girls from the soccer team are out and it’s your only chance.
the team needs you, hold on a little.
your footsteps are heard in the hallway once again, a symphony you’re tired of listening to.
your chest hurts, your heart is aching, but you just need a little more. hands are shaking, the cold in your body, you need to stop.
you have to make them stop.
but when you walk into the gym, even with your eyes down, all you feel is warm. and it’s because, the boys were standing, aligned begging for you.
no, they beg for your sake.
and everything stops.
one hand from him on your neck, and one hand around your shoulders.
because oikawa, without warning, now has you in his arms.
and then, only then, you break.
tears don’t take long to come out, along with desperate sobs. your legs fail and out of nowhere, you and oikawa are on your knees.
with an alarmed look, the whole club runs towards both, surrounding you as sensibly as possible.
"i’m sorry, i’m sorry I’M SORRY" is heard from you, between hiccups.
“love, listen...” iwaizumi approaches you,somehow he managed to catch up with you, somehow he managed to hold your hand.
"i promise i didn’t want to, but i can’t, i can’t anymore, why can’t i? i try and i try and i keep trying but it’s never enough! IM TIRED OF SEEING SOMETHING AND NOT BEING ABLE TO PROCESS IT LIKE THE OTHERS. I’M TIREDD OF NEVER FULFILLING WHAT I SHOULD”
yahaba’s heart aches, and just as most of the team, is shocked.
your hands, oh your adorable hands, those hands that bandage his in the middle of an important game, he sees them shaking horribly between iwaizumi’s.
watari is quick to place your hair gently behind your ear, a kunimi covers you with his jacket.
“I LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND I DONT RECOGNIZE MYSELF” you lower your voice, its cracked now “oikawa I don’t recognize myself, I want to be me again" you whisper, and a knot appears in the captain’s throat, and he puts a hand on your cheek "please... just let me be me again" your throat burns, your eyes get redder.
the gym goes silent, your words still echoing in everyone’s head.
“why didn’t you-“
“i just couldn’t” you blame yourself cutting oikawa off “look at us! we are waisting time on me when we should be- i’m the one who has to- im you support not-“
“hey hey, love...” iwaizumi whispers his voice is filled with sweetness, letting you sit correctly and softly rubbing his thumb in your hands “how many times have you been there for us? y/n your hand is always there”
“that’s true” kyotani says, finally saying something, emotions overwhelmed him a lot, but he genuinely wanted to help you.
“there’s something about you, there’s light” kindaichi follows up.
“no matter where, or how bad we are, somehow you always are helping us stand up” mattsun also tries to carefully approach you, he wants nothing more for you to feel safe.
and oikawa’s arms were still around you. he never stopped.
“we have reached your hand so many times, so now it’s time for you to please take ours” oikawa holds you face, and you see the sincerity and kindness behind his brown eyes, it feels like home.
mattsun does a sign asking the coach for a day off, both of them smile tenderly at you and give the green flag. iwa and makki are next to hold you carefully helping you stand up. they help you stop shaking but it’s mad dog the one who wipes your tears away with a tissue watari handled him. still not knowing if he did it the right way. you still feel kunimi’s scent. you still see kindaichi holding your school bag making sure nothing is missing. yahaba is the one bringing you water. and oikawa still refuses to let you go.
all of them feel like home.
“thank you”
and that’s how you know everything is going to feel fine.
because this club was yours and you were theirs.
this was home.
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mae-gi-writes · 3 years
Once Again (PT.4) | Iwaizumi Hajime (Haikyu!)
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Iwaizumi’s broken marriage results in his five-year-old son trying to match him up with his primary school teacher, whom he thinks will make a wonderful replacement for a mother.
Genre: fluff, angst, f! Reader x dad! Iwaizumi
"Miss Y/N, is daddy okay?" Hoisuke peers up at you from the backseat as you pull up to your apartment unit. You glance at him through the rearview mirror and smile, "don't worry, he's fine. He's just going to be slightly late."
Iwaizumi had called you earlier that day, sounding breathless and stressed out as he iterated how slow traffic was moving. On impulse, you'd proposed to bring Hoisuke over to your house to make things more comfortable and after a slight bout of hesitation, he'd agreed to pick his son up in the comfort of your home.
"This is the first time I come to your place, miss Y/N," Hoisuke's eyes are darting back and forth across the tiny kitchenette to your right to the small tv screen plugged to the wall on the left. Granted, your flat is merely anything special and far from ready for unexpected guests. But the sharp curiosity gleaming in your student's eyes holds no judgement and for that you apprrciate him all the more.
"You hungry?" You ask while settling him down at your tiny dinner table compact enough to fit snuggly up to your kitchen counter.
Hoisuke purses his lips in thought and you swear he's learnt this facial expression from observing his father, "hm yeah. A little bit," before throwing you a sheepish grin.
So you whip up something simple; omelette rice with your special Korean chilli sauce as a sudden downpour splatters through the cityscape, the rain dancing to its own rhythm as it splatters over your windowpane. The TV plays in the background, a random cartoon that gets interrupted with Hoisuke's giggles and that ignites an affectionate smile on your lips as you chide himto eat. And you're not really sure why your chest feels tight and filled to the brim with comfort, but you realise you don't actually mind having the small human around that much.
Teachers aren't supposed to have favourites. But you admit to yourself that teachers are only human. And if you are to choose, Hoisuke would be one of yours.
"Miss Y/N, do you have a boyfriend?" Hoisuke's voice pierces through your thoughts and as you blink down at him, you shake your head, "no, I'm single as a pringle."
"You are not married then."
"No I'm not."
"Great!" Hoisuke jumps up on his seat, eyes twinkling with mischief, "then do you want to marry daddy?"
"What?" You laugh out, "it doesn't work that way Hoisuke."
"But I like you miss Y/N," he replies with the seriousness of a child wanting his way, "You'd be a great mum. Can you be my mum?"
"Oh gosh kiddo," your hand reachea out to ruffle his hair, heart twisting at how easily he leans into your touch, "I'd love to be your mum, but--"
"Then marry my dad," Hoisuke's mumble is muffled against your side. He unconsciously snuggles up to you and you caress the top of his head down to his nape, "daddy likes you too. He really likes you. You make him happy. He laughs a lot when you're around, and he doesn't get sad like he usually does when Mama is here."
"But that would be unfair to your mum wouldn't it?" You say softly, "you can't have two mums. She'll be upset."
There's a slight pause where you can see the cogs turning in his brain, "yeah," he says eventually, "but I don't really like going to Mama's anyway--"
The sound of your doorbell jolts you both to attention. You give Hoisuke's head one more ruffle before getting up to unlock the door.
Only to come face to face with none other than Hoisuke's mother.
You blink. Once. Twice. Unconsciously taking a step back.
She's pretty. Prettier up close, with those feline cat eyes and that full mouth that renders any man crazy. Standing a few inches higher than you, there is no doubt as to why Iwaizumi had fallen for her charms in the first place. She looks like the kind of woman that would still be elegant even dressed in a mechanician's uniform.
"H-Hello," your eyes dart from hers to a blank spot on the wall opposite, "can I help?"
"Where's Hoisuke?" Her voice is smooth, yet hard enough to make you wince.
"I--" your mind races. Isn't Iwaizumi supposed to pick him up? And how the hell does she know where you live?
She seems to read your face as she says, "I saw you with my son leaving the school. You're his...teacher, aren't you? I was waiting to pick him up."
"I thought Iwaizumi-san--"
"I don't need a reason to see my son," she arches her brows at you in a way that makes you want to crawl under a carpet and hide.
"Mama?" Hoisuke's voice floats from behind you, a tentative waver of nervousness as you hear him pad up to the door.
"Does Iwaizumi-san know you're picking him up?" You hope your tone is diplomatic, but the way her body tenses proves you otherwise, "You can tell him Hoisuke's with his mother," she nods at her child, "now come on Hoisuke. Let's go home."
Maybe feeling the tension in the air, Hoisuke merely shrinks back, "but it's Daddy that picks me up."
"Yes well, Daddy's not here now is he?" She gestures aggressively towards him, "now come on."
"Maybe we should wait until Iwaizumi-san gets here," you try to smooth things over, "he's on his way--"
"Don't tell me what to do with my child," Mizune snaps and without warning, grabbing hold of Hoisuke's arm before pulling him out of the flat. He resists.
"Mama no, let's wait for Daddy--"
"Daddy isn't coming. Now stop being so difficult," she doesn't relent against the way her son twists and kicks at the ground while you stand there, mind blind with panic because you've never actually had to deal with such a situation before.
"Mama please!" Hoisuke cries out with a sob.
You want to move. You urge yourself to. But your feet won't budge. It's like you're rooted in place.
Hoisuke has started crying at this point and in an attempt to smoothen things out, you try again by saying, "I'm sure we can all calm down and talk this out. As a teacher, I cannot--"
"That's right," Mizune's feline pupils narrow down on you, making you flinch at the rage simmering through those dark orbs, "you're his teacher. And as a teacher, you should know how to keep your boundaries. You're not his mother and you never will be. So fucking stay out of my family's life."
The words burn as they etch themselves into memory and you can only watch, hand clutched to the door as Mizune drags her crying son away. His cries are loud enough that they bounce throughout the corridor and keeps resonating even when he's long gone, as you try to comb through the last fifteen minutes where everything has turned upside down.
Fucking stay out of my family's life.
Your brain reels. Your heart feels heavy. You don't know what to do, what to say.
And Mizune's words are as sharp as a knife.
Don't tell me what to do with my child.
A sob slowly catches the back of your throat, eyes slowly brimming with an onset of tears.
You're not his mother.
The truth hurts. You know that Hoisuke is not your child, know that all this time it's merely Iwaizumi and his son, and then you watching on the sidelines. But hearing the cold rejection thrust in your face hurts more than you'll admit.
You aren't quite sure how long you stand there gazing into the empty corridor as if if you will it hard enough, Hoisuke will come running back to you. It is only when a familiar alto reaches your ears that you snap back to attention:
Jerking at the sound and looking up to see none other than Iwaizumi, drenched and breathless, standing a few feet away from you, your breath hitches in warning.
He closes the distance between you, frowning upon noticing the tears at the corner or your eyes, "what's wrong? Where is Hoisuke--"
"I'm..." your eyes drop to the ground, "I'm sorry," your whimper is barely above a whisper and you feel him move closee, his hand gently grasping your arm.
"Y/N?" His voice is gentle, though ragged and breathy, "what happened?"
It's probably the gentlest he's ever been with you. Turning away to cup your mouth with your hand, your teeth clamp down onto your lower lip in hopes of keeping the emotion from spilling over.
"Mizune came," you murmur out, "she took Hoisuke home."
There's a sharp intake of breath on his part. A pause, "how did--"
"She followed us."
Iwaizumi lets out a sigh as he moves towards you and you stagger back to hide your tears, but it proves useless when his hand grasps your arm to pull your hand away.
Deep brown mocha meet yours. Your throat tightens.
"Sorry," you breathe out a forced chuckle but it's clear from Iwaizumi's face that he's spotted your tears, and that he just knows that there is something bothering you.
But he doesn't ask. Doesn't question your intent or your feelings.
Instead, he pulls you close, close enough you're stumbling into him, before his hand wounds around the back of your head and presses you against his shoulder.
It shocks you, the sudden intimacy of his touch. His citrus smell once again invades your space and you can't find it in yourself to keep on holding on before you break down.
Maybe it's because you had felt-- at this point in time -- that you were someone significant in Hoisuke and Iwaizumi's life that you're not crying into Iwaizumi's shoulder as if everything is going downhill in your life. But you're comforted by the casual way he holds you with his head turned away so that you can bury yourself in the crook of his collarbone.
"Sorry," you manage to mumble out after you've managed to calm down. He's moved you back into your flat and has sat you down onto your kitchen chair, having rummaged through your utensils to bring you a cup of water that you sip on gratefully, if only to act as a distraction from the way he's gazing at you.
Iwaizumi shakes his head silently, looks away and clears his throat, "I'm gonna call her. You good?"
You nod and after searching your face for a few more seconds, he slides out of his seat and walks away with the device already presses to his ear. Bowing your head and gulping down the rest of the water, you manage to block out his angry alto resonating through the compact space as you focus on regaining control of yourself. You rarely fall to pieces like that, rarely give in to the downward pull of your emotions because the nature of your job obliges you to.
You jump involuntarily and look up to see the said man sporting a frown, "is Hoisuke okay?" You ask.
"He's fine," a sigh escapes his lips as he slides back into the chair as if there's a weight pressing down onto his shoulders, "I'll pick him up tomorrow after school."
You nod. Good, the last thing you need is for Hoisuke to be disrupted by problems that don't concern him.
When he speaks next though, his alto is hoarse and thick, "I'm sorry Y/N. You don't deserve to get in the middle of all this."
"It's okay."
His eyes pierce yours with burning hot intensity, causing your gaze to drop to your fists laying across the table, knuckles so tight they're turning white.
A bout of silence ensues, lest for the pounding in your heart while your thoughts take on a tumultous turn for the worse. What if Mizune is angry? What if she stops Hoisuke from coming to school altogether? What if she makes her child move just for the sake of keeping him away from his teacher who can't seem to keep her nose out of anyone's business? What if--
Warmth floods your hands so suddenly that it interrupts your train of thought. Head jerking up in surprise to see Iwaizumi's hands clasp yours, your blood suddenly pulses through your limbs upon feeling his thumb gently stroke over your knuckles.
Iwaizumi is not a man of words. That much you know, but this evening has been full of surprises for you both. So you force yourself to relax, almost enjoying the gentlest of his touches fluttering across your skin.
"How," your words are choked, "how angry is she?"
"That doesn't matter."
"But what if--"
"None of this is your fault, Y/N," he replies firmly, followed by a gentle squeeze, "whatever you have cooking in that head of yours, stop."
Nodding and sighing in defeat, you lapse into a more comfortable silence as the time dwindles on. It's different to have someone else occupying your flat, considering that you've gotten so used to living along after your horrible breakup. A good kind of different.
When you bid him goodbye that evening -- granted you shall wake up with dark circles and puffy eyes the next day -- he suprises you with another casual, one-armed hug which signifies so much more for the usually reserved man, Hoisuke's bag hanging loosely from the other. He holds you close, his grip strong and secure and making you wish you can melt in a puddle of warmth at his feet, while his cheek pillows atop your temple against the side of your head. You lean in, cozy and warm, while his heart beats underneath your ear like a gentle drum easing you of today's worries and you wish you have the willpower to keep yourself away, in vain.
He pulls away slightly, mutters a soft "night" before a ghost of a kiss imprints itself on your temple.
Your breath hitches but the moment is gone all too son. He's already swivelling around and making his way down the corridor, leaving you to stare after him with a wild, raging heart.
You know, without a doubt, that you're already a little too skin-deep.
Iwaizumi is furious. Filled to the brim with a rage that's threatening to bubble over his insides.
He'd gone round to fetch Hoisuke in the morning as promised, just managing to keep himself from knocking his ex-wife's double mahogany doors down only to be greeted by that stupid bastard who'd stolen his wife away.
Todoka had always roamed within the same circle of friends as Iwaizumi and Mixune, having met under the same dormitory roof and sharing common sports interests. So imagine how big of a slap it was to hear that he'd been the one stealing kisses and sharing soft subtle touches with his wife behind his back.
"I could've driven him if only you'd let me," Mizune had told him as they waited for Hoisuke to finish brushing his teeth. is ex-wife's familiar soprano made him tense. Her face was a cold mask of indifference that covered up her silent anger. She'd folded her arms, chin jutted out and lips pursed, "he's my son too, you know."
"Was he still your son when you went and fucked Todoka?"
She'd sighed. As if dealing with the tantrum of a child, "Why are you bringing this up again?"
"Because you never put him first. Not when he threw his tantrums, not when he cried for you. Not even when he was sick," Iwaizumi spat out, the words tasting bitter upon his tongue.
"I had issues Hajime, you know that--"
"Like what? Like we weren't good enough for you? Like I wasn't pulling myself apart while you were out for nights on end?" Iwaizumi would've continued with an onslaught of pent-up statements if his son hadn't spoken out:
"Hey bud," Iwaizumi's anger had deflated like a hot air balloon, "you ready to go?"
And so he packed his son up in the car, his ex-wife watching his every move, and just after he'd closed his vehicle door did Mizune mention something about you.
"Do you like her?"
He'd bristled, "none of your business."
"Hoisuke is my son," Mizune's eyes had hardened into steel, "I don't need anyone else filling up his head with stupid ideas, nor do I want him to get hurt--"
"Like you did?" The words were fire burning upon his tongue. His shoulders were squared as he faced her fully, "stop beating around the bush, Mizune. We both know you hate the fact that Hoisuke loves spending time with Y/N."
"That's not it, I--"
"Y/N has spent more time with Hoisuke in a week than you did in a month. She's wiped his tears more timesthat you've seen him cry," he swivels towards his car then, "are we done?"
"You're acting like a child."
"I'm not the one picking a fight because of some petty jealousy," Iwaizumi had snapped.
"I'm not jealous!" Mizune burst out, her patience finally wearing thin, "I'm trying to look out for him, for you! She's not right for you--"
"Don't. Talk about her like that,” Anger had flared at how dismissively she spoke of you, visible as his knuckles tightened and a vein throbbed in his forehead, "and if you know what's good for you, you'll stay the fuck out of my life."
He'd driven off without looking back, knowing full well he'd shocked her into silence and if he were to be honest with himself, that outburst had eased some of the knots in his stomach. Dealing with Hoisuke's anxiety after witnessing yet another argument though, that was something else.
"Daddy, I don't understand why you and Mama fight so much," Hoisuke finally finds his voice when they stop inside the school gtounds. His small chubby hand, fitting into Iwaizumi's large one, cling to him with more force than necessary as they make their way to his respective class.
"Your mama and I...have different opinions on things," Iwaizumi tries to explain, suddenly guilty that his son has to pick up all the broken pieces. Impulsively, he ruffles Hoisuke's locks, "don't worry."
And that's when his son stops in mid-walk, looks him dead in the eye, and tells him, "Mama doesn't like miss Y/N, does she?"
It's a different kind of slap, but he shouldn't have understimated the little five year old. Children know much more than they let on snd here's the proof of it.
Iwaizumi allows both his hands to clasp Hoisuke's shoulders and bends down until they are face to face, "hey," dark mocha meets lighter caramel tinged with a fear of a child desperate for a family that all his friends can take for granted, "that doesn't matter. Do you like miss Y/N?"
Hoisuke nods, eyes wet.
Iwaizumi's heart swells and he swears he doesn't ever want to see that expression on his son's face, not if he can help it.
"Then it doesn’t matter what your Mom tells you," he squeezes the child's shoulder for good measure, "no one can boss you around and tell you that you're not allowed to like who you like," he brushes a few hairs off Hoisuke's forehead, "not me, not even your mom. Got that?"
“Will we be able to invite miss Y/N again?” Hoisuke asks with a trembling bottom lip. 
“If you want to.” 
“Do you want to, daddy?” 
That question takes him by surprise, the familiar guilt lurching through his stomach as he tries to comb through an excuse to hide his growing feelings. 
Except, why does he have to hide in the first place? 
It takes a moment, before Iwaizumi nods, “yeah,” he murmurs gently with the softest of smiles, “I want to.” 
Hoisuke nods once more, which is shortly followed by lurching into Iwaizumi's arms as a sob echoes from his throat. His father holds him close, glad that the earlier tension from Hoisuke's has dissipated into relief for now.
What he doesn’t know though, is that you stand just a few feet away, body tucked into the corner of the wall and holding up your racing heart against your chest. 
The more you spend more time with the Iwaizumis, the more your heart gets invested in the coaxing warmth that makes up their family. You try to dismiss what you've overheard back in the school corridor but it's an itch you can't quite erase now that you've been exposed to Iwaizumi's feelings, which does nothing to stop the way your heart skips a beat whenever his gaze lingers upon yours for too long.
And you've taken notice. Or you think you do. Of how he sounds more gentle whenever he talks to you, how whenever you play hands they drift towards each other for a few extra seconds that causes your skin to tingle with warmth. How it is so goddamn easy to fall into this familiar routine of playing families with Hoisuke around like a human sunshine.
But there's still one thing nagging you. Which is why you corner him once you have tucked Hoisuke into bed on Saturday night, seeking him out on the small terrace tucked beside his kitchen that overlooks the glowing city lights.
"Can I ask you something?"
His gaze flits to yours. He nods.
Swallowing back the sudden knot of anxiety in your throat, your question comes out more like a soft proposition rather than a demand fot answers.
"I know it's none of my business, but-- I overheard you and Hoisuke a few days ago in the school corridor," your words are rushed and quick as you fold your arms over your chest, "did you and Mizune have a fight...about me?"
Iwaizumi shifts in your peripheral to face you, but your eyes adamantly find purchase onto the cement ledge splattered with dirt. For a split second, you wonder whether it wouldn't have been better to keep your mouth shut.
"What did you hear?" He asks quietly.
With a slow breath, you tell him what you've heard, underlining that this whole encounter was an accident.
"And from the way she acted when she saw me...well, it's not hard to put two and two together," you finish off in a mumble, then quickly adding, "look I--I don't want to come in-between you and your family. I just don't want Hoisuke to get hurt."
Surprise flits through his features. He regards you for a long moment, long enough that you feel like squirming underneath his gaze.
Then, taking you by surprise, he chuckles softly and shifts his elbows onto the edge of the terrace, "No wonder he likes you."
You blink at him. It suddenly feels a little too warm.
"None of this is your fault, Y/N," you wonder since when have the formalities dropped from Miss Y/N to just Y/N and decide that you like the way your name rolls off his tongue, "Mizune gets jealous over stupid shit and if she can't see someone else making her son happy then that's not our problem."
Your teeth unconsciously find purchase onto your lower lip, which he notices. That doesn't stop him from reaching over to press his thumb against your lower lip, "don't."
You freeze at the touch. His thumb is warm against your mouth, calloused and sending a series of tingles down your spine.
He must realize the intimacy of his touch, for he drops his hand away and mutters, "he's...livelier. when you're around. Happier, even. I've never seen him like that with his Mama."
"What about you?"
You feel like slapping yourself. The audacity coming out of your mouth surprises you and you swear your cheeks burst into flames.
Iwaizumi looks at you almost at the same time your pupils focus on his, causing your breath to hitch.
Why the hell can't you just keep your mouth shut?
Iwaizumi's voice is merely a murmur when he speaks next, deep and laced with a roughness.
"What about me?"
Your brain seems to turn to mush, "do you like having me around?" You hope you don't sound too pathetic.
Your heart almost stops at his next set of words.
"I do."
And there's that smile, barely there but enough that your own lips stretch to mirror his action. Until you realize you are smiling at him like a fool and quickly look away like you've just been burnt.
Something shifts in the air between you, spurred on by the way your eyes keep searching each other's with a growing tension that makes your skin rattle. Iwaizumi's frown is present, yet not unpleasant and you're not quite sure who moves, just that he's suddenly a little closer. Close enough you get a whiff of the citrus smell you've come to recognize as his own.
"Miss Y/N?"
Hoisuke's voice suddenly snaps you out of your daze. Quickly whipping around to see the said boy rubbing his eyes, a hand unconscioudly scratching his tummy, your entire countenance softens as he blinks up at you sleepily.
"I can't sleep," he mumbles out with sleep still in his eyes, "can you come back to bed with me?"
"Yeah sure," you're already on your way over to him, scooping the child up in your arms. He takes this chance to bury his face into the crook of your neck, sighing contently.
You turn back to his father, a dark silhouette against the bright landscape, "I'll be right back."
But Hoisuke surprises you by saying, "you too, Daddy."
Iwaizumi stills, "what?"
"Come to bed too, Daddy."
For one single moment, it's like time stops. You can't see Iwaizumi's face but a moment later he straightens and walks over, nodding at you when he's close enough. You don't realize your heart is besting like a hummingbird until you hear it throbbing through your chest as you try squeezing into Hoisuke's bed, you in the corner and his father barely hanging onto the edge, Hoisuke squished in-between.
It's like an instinct for the boy to latch onto your shirt. He turns to burrow himself into the curve you've made with your body, facing Iwaizumi who is half-sitting, half-lying down in an angle that surely isn't comfortable.
So you decide to point it out to him, patting the bed for good measure in hopes that he doesn't notice the warm flush of your neck.
"It's okay," your whisper tickles Hoisuke's hair, "it's only until he falls asleep."
He hesitates, before you see his head nod and he slides his body a little closer, chest curving into Hoisuke's back and close enough for you to get bathed in his warmth.
He smells good. He looks good. God. Why does he look so damn good?
Stop! You squeeze your eyes shut aa if that might help your racing thoughts, and you are so caught up in your own head that you almost miss the gentle brush of Iwaizumi's fingers against your shoulder.
You tense up right before realizing that his action is intentional. Your shoulders slowly relax, a shaky exhale escaping your lips as he takes the chance to linger over your arm a little longer, before falling away onto the mattress.
You fall asleep that night listening to not just Hoisuke's, but Iwaizumi's heartbeat. 
Taglist: @multi-fandom-fanfic, @168-cm-png, @bakugouswh0r3, @yatoatyourservice, @ayocee, @marvel-ing-at-it-all, @astrolcve, @lilith412426, @elianetsantana, @schleepyflocci, @oohlalie , @kaashikoi , @tendo-sxtori , @iwaroses , @its-the-aerieljeane , @lalalemon101 , @lanaxians-2 , @dora-the-grownup , @sharin-gone , @nekomavsnohebi , @crayonwriting , @imafan , @random-fandom-girl-24 , @bucinhajime , @izumikunmy , @iwaoioioi​ , @evesmores​ , @meri-soni-meri-tamanna​ , @paintedstarres​ , @okadaxo , @michaki , @archiepudding​ , @ysatrap​ , @cringe-freak​ , @thatprettybunny​ 
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waka-nii · 3 years
the horny bitch in me decided it was time for some hajime-nii // 2,7k words
cw: nsfw - fem!reader, incest, dubcon, manipulation, oral (male receiving), prostitution.
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"Why am I doing this?" You muttered to yourself, hearing the sound of the shower in the room of the fanciest hotel you've ever been to. You're sitting on the king size bed, waiting for the man in the bathroom to join you. Who was it again? "Just an old associate" your brother told you when asking for this favor. You were to "seduce him, lure him to room 204 and have sex with him" easy, right? Your dear brother would take care of the rest. Apparently, they needed some shade on him and his wife was a wealthy woman who prided herself on the beautiful marriage they had, so what better than blackmailing him with footage of his affair with a much younger and prettier woman? Kokonoi Hajime always has his eyes on the money, and this was a big jackpot at the low price of whoring his sister to a perverted old man.
"You'll do this for me, right? You know how Sanzu does things. I don't want this bastard dead until I squeeze all his money out." he told you, cupping your face lovingly. "You're the only one I can trust with this. You'll get your part, I promise."
Now you wish Sanzu had gotten word of this first. How are you going to do this? This man does not attract you in the slightest. He's old, saggy and you're not sure if his teeth are even real. At least you managed to convince him to take a shower first.
"Are you ready, princess?" you cringe at the nickname.
"Of course, sir. I've been waiting." Please God make this quick "You can use my body as you please"
"Come here, let me see you" The man says, motioning for you to come closer. You do as he says, laying on top of his almost bare body. You can feel how hard he is already, grabbing your ass as soon as he can reach. He looks at you and points to his lower parts. You take the hint and bring yourself lower to take off his underwear. Your face just inches from his member, you close your eyes and hope you can get through this. Giving this old man head was never in your plans, but you'd do anything to help Hajime-nii. Ah, Hajime-nii. His face pops up in your mind, his soft lips, his beautiful slanted eyes that always look at you with such tenderness. Prompted by his image, your mouth starts working eagerly on the man's cock. Not wanting to open your eyes and ruin the fantasy, you keep sucking breathlessly. You don't know if you're trying to make the man finish as soon as possible or the image of Hajime-nii in your head is making you start to enjoy this. Just as you start to think about it, the man aggresively grabs your head, pushing you down on his cock and cumming down your throat. Thank God that's over.
"Good girl, you did great." He says, smiling at you. Ugh, you never thought you'd be disgusted hearing those words. They sounded so good out of Hajime-nii's mouth, yet here you were, grossed out by the sound of them.
"Take off your clothes, sweetheart" Please stop with the nicknames. "Get on top of me" You do as he says, taking off the tight dress you wore, of course, courtesy of your dear older brother. Sighing, you lower yourself on him. You wait for a second, expecting him to do something, but he just looks at you expectantly.
"Fuck yourself on my cock, doll." Fuck, no. Not even a finger? Now you've done it. You see, you didn't tell anyone you were still a virgin. Not the man, not Hajime-nii. You were afraid you'd disappoint your brother, so you kept it to yourself. Taking some old dude shouldn't hurt too much, right?
"What are you waiting for?" You gulp and take a deep breath before finally positioning yourself and taking him all at once. You thought rushing it would make it more bearable, but now you're regretting it, tears forming in your eyes from the pain. The man groans and says something about you being untouched. To be honest, you're too focused on the pain to even hear what he says. Taking another deep breath, you start moving, grinding yourself on the man's member. The next few minutes are a blur. The pain, the suffering and the embarrassment of the situation make it hard to concentrate on anything.
"Damn, that was good. Guess I'll have to pay extra for being your first." The man says, winking at you. His voice brings you back to reality and you realize you're laying on the bed, make up ruined by the tears and completely exposed to the man that just took your virginity. He's already getting dressed again, nonchalantly tying his tie and grabbing his things, leaving a stack of bills on the nightstand before walking through the door without saying a word. Your hand immediately reaches for your phone, shaky hands scrolling through your contacts.
Hajime-nii 💞
Koko picks up at the second tone. His voice always manages to calm you down.
"What's up?" he says "Is it done?" You make an effort of holding back your tears.
"Yeah. Can you pick me up?" You say.
"Got it. I'll be there in 20. Order yourself some nice champagne, you deserve it." With that, he hangs up. You put down your phone and make your way to the bathroom. Normally you'd be so excited, filling the hot tub and getting in while you call room service and order the most expensive item on the menu, but now all you could do was look at your tired face in the mirror. You wash your face and take some deep breaths. Your brother can't see you like this. You decide you should take a short shower before he arrives, so you turn on the water and get in.
The water hits your skin with a force you didn't think was possible. Every part of your body hurts, and you can't stop the tears anymore. You let yourself cry under the hot water for a good five minutes before washing your body. You scrub with force, trying to get the memories off your skin but no matter how many times you soap and rinse, you can't get the feeling off. You feel dirty, and you can't do anything to clean that. Just as your thoughts start to consume you, you hear a knock on the door.
"Y/n? You there?" Hajime's voice coming from the other side is a much needed relief. You open the door, still wrapped in the hotel's white towel.
"You're still like that? Come on, put something on, we have to go." You nod as you disappear to the bathroom to put on your dress.
"Ready?" Koko says, sitting on the same bed you lost your innocence on.
"Yeah, let's go." You say while bolting out the door, saying goodbye forever to that damn room.
The ride home was silent. Koko drove as you quietly looked out the window. He must've sensed something was wrong, because he drove directly to his house, not stopping to drop you at yours. You silently thank him for this but decide not to comment on it, and neither does he. When you arrive, he opens the door and lets you in.
"Go to sleep, you must be tired." You nod and head to the guest room. Well, it wasn't really a guest room since you were the only one who stayed there. It was full of your things, it felt just like home. Maybe even more. You lay on your bed, not bothering to get in the sheets. In the dark of the night and the comfort of your room, you let the tears that were forming in your eyes out at last. How did you let things get like this? This was your fault, wasn't it? This is the only thing you were good at. You followed orders just to make everyone happy and waited for the much desired praise. Pathetic. Your thoughts quickly spiraled to a dark place and you started to feel out of breath. You sobbed, hiding your face in the pillow and gripping the sheets with force.
"Y/n..." you hear your name coming from the door. When you lift your head, Hajime is already sitting by your side. "What's wrong? Talk to me."
"Hajime-nii..." You can't even look at him in the eyes. Koko cups your face in his hands, making you look at him.
"You should've told me you didn't want to do it." He says, anguish evident in his eyes.
"I wanted to. I wanted to be useful to you. I wanted to be something good in your life." You say through the tears.
"Baby, you're the best thing in my life. You're my perfect little sister and it will always be like that." Hajime hugs you, resting your head on his chest. With his gaze no longer on you, he notices a red stain on the sheets. His heart stops for a second, realizing what had you so upset.
"Hey, baby, look at me." He takes your face in his hands once again. "Was this your first time?" You nod.
"Y/n, you should've told me. I would've never let that fucking bastard take your virginity." His heartbeat gets increasingly faster. "Why didn't you say anything!?" He raises his tone and you wince in reflex.
"I'm sorry..." You say lowering your head.
"Shh, hey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay? I'm here now." His voice softens once again. "Does it hurt?" You nod and lay your head on his shoulder.
"Tell me where it hurts." Hajime kisses your temple. "Tell nii-san where he hurt you." He takes your hand in his and looks at you. You guide his hand to your chest and lay it on your breasts, the thin fabric of the old t-shirt he gave you being the only thing keeping his skin from touching yours.
"Did he hurt you here? Grabbed you too hard?" You nod, feeling his hypnotizing gaze on you. Koko lays you down softly on the silk sheets he got for you. He hovers over you and lifts your shirt slowly, allowing you time to stop him if you wish, but you let him continue. Bringing his lips to your waist, he kisses your stomach as he continues to push your shirt over your breasts. He leaves a trail of kisses going up your bust and takes your nipple into his mouth, softly running his tongue through your bud. Leaving some more kisses in the area, he looks up at you.
"Better?" You nod. "Does it hurt anywhere else?" You nod once again. "Show me." You take your brother's hand in yours and guide it to your lower area. Where a few hours ago you only felt a sharp pain now there is a heat growing with every touch.
"My baby... I shouldn't have let someone else take your virginity. I should've been your first." Rubbing your heat through your panties, Hajime kisses your lips softly. "You're too pure for this world. I'm not letting that happen again, okay? I promise." You nod, trying to focus on his words, but his touch is getting more and more satisfying. Your brother knows what he's doing to you. He knows how good he's making you feel, and he's not going to let anyone else see you like this ever again. Hajime removes your underwear and brings his hand to your mouth. You lick his fingers, getting impatient. He brings his hand to your cunt once again and spreads your folds. The sensation of his fingers massaging your clit feels so good you're almost forgetting your earlier experience. His movements are slow and sensual, treating you like the most delicate being. Your moans and whines are like music to his ears. His sweet little sister falling apart from his touch, there was nothing compared to that. He presses soft kisses to your temple as he inserts a finger in your cunt, making your moans get louder and louder.
"Shh, it's okay baby." He breathes against your ear. "Nii-san's gonna erase every trace of that man on your body." Those words combined with his touch make you fall over the edge, feeling the knot on your lower stomach come undone on his fingers.
"That's it, baby, you're doing so good." His words are so similar to the man's earlier yet they have a completely different effect on you. "You wanna make nii-san feel good too?"
"Y-yeah... I wanna make nii-san feel good." You say looking up at him, mesmerized by how good he looked right now. His long hair was sticking to his forehead, where small beads of sweat were forming. You can't recall when exactly he took off his shirt, exposing his svelte chest. He looked ethereal right now. You couldn't wrap your head around the fact that you're in the same situation as this evening, yet it feels so perfect now. Koko places himself between your legs, looking at you with a smile on his face.
"It won't hurt this time, I promise." he says as he lines up his cock with your entrance. "Tell me if you want to stop, okay?" You nod and he pushes himself slowly into you. You let out a squeak at the feeling and he chuckles at your reaction.
"You feel so good around nii-san's cock." Hajime says as he sinks the rest of his length into you. "God, how did we not do this earlier?" He moans in your ear, the sound of his voice making you clench around him.
"Is it alright if I move now?" You hear the impatience in his voice. Nodding, you lift your hand to his cheek. He smiles at the gesture and kisses your palm as he carefully thrusts his hips into you. You can't do anything but moan and quiver below him, too dazed to form a thought in your head.
"You're doing so good baby- Fuck... fuck, you feel so good." Koko rests his forehead against yours before kissing your lips. He swallows all your sounds, exploring your mouth with his tongue. He moans against your lips, moving his hips faster.
"Nii-san... Gonna cum..." You breathe out, feeling that familiar heat once again.
"That's good, baby. Come on, cum for me. Cum for nii-san." His thrusts get harder and deeper, making you cum for a second time tonight. Your cunt tightens around him as you climax, making him reach his own.
"Ah, fuck..." Hajime pulls out of you and with some strokes of his hand releases all over your stomach. He catches his breath for a second, admiring the masterpiece before his eyes. His sweet baby sister was now marked by him, and he'd never let anyone else touch you now that he's had a taste of you.
"Are you okay?" He asks. You nod, too tired to move your limbs. "I'm gonna get something to wipe that off, yeah? Koko walks to the closet and grabs a towel, then wets it a bit in the sink of your en-suite bathroom. He cleans his cum off your body. He thinks it looks so good on you, but right now you're looking so drained from the crazy day you had. Well, he can always do that again. Maybe take some pictures for his own enjoyment, too.
"Hajime-nii, this... This isn't normal." You say. What you just did definitely wasn't normal, yet it felt so good. "It's wrong."
"Wrong?" He lays down beside you. "Tell me something, baby, did it feel good?"
"Yeah, it felt good..." you say as you let him take you into his arms.
"Then there's nothing wrong with it. Nothing could possibly be wrong if it makes my sweet little sister feel good." His words make you blush. "Look at me baby" he holds your chin directing your gaze at his. "I took your first time, okay? I was your first. Not that man, not anyone else. It was me. Understand?" You nod.
"You took my first time, nii-san." He smiles at you, patting your head.
"That's my girl. Now go to sleep, you're really tired." Hajime lays your head on the pillow.
"Don't leave" You say.
"I'm not going anywhere, babygirl. Now sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up." Your brother lays by your side, putting his arm around you to run his hand trough your hair. "Sweet dreams."
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Found him
Oikawa Tooru x gn!reader
Summary: part 2 of this
Warnings: little bit of angst but it gets better I promise
Word count: 2047
a/n: you asked for it so here it is, I hope I didn’t fuck it up :)
He hated rainy days, they made him wanna stay in bed and do nothing but sleep. The sound of his alarm going off for the third time that morning reminded him it was time to get up though. He hurried out of bed and tried getting ready as fast as he could, brushing his teeth while peeing at the same time wasn’t and easy task but he managed. Having breakfast wasn’t an option, neither was taking a shower, he was already running late to his first meeting as a professional. Some crackers and cologne will have to do, he thought before running out of his house and towards the bus stop.
You had woken up early that same morning, enjoying the peaceful sound of silence and the warmth of your hot beverage. After taking a long shower you got ready for work and searched for your car keys, which you were sure you had placed on top of the kitchen table the night before. You spent almost 15 minutes looking for the damn keys until you found them on the living room floor next to the sofa. Just when you were getting up your eyes caught a glimpse of a very familiar face smiling at you from behind a glass. It was yours and Oikawa’s graduation picture, that was taken way back when you were two reckless teens. After that day (and the horrible scene that still played in your mind every now and then) you hadn’t heard from him, except you knew he had moved to Argentina to play for the San Juan volleyball team. You weren’t mad at him and you were pretty sure he wasn’t mad at you either, there was no reason to be. Both of you were busy with college and volleyball, not to mention figuring out how the adult life worked, so you simply fell out of touch. As for what had happened between him and Iwaizumi you had no idea. You hoped they had realize how crazy they were for each other and started dating already, but you knew they didn’t really believe in long distance relationships so you doubted that had happened. Still, you were sure that if you ever bumped into them you’d be able to say hi without hurting like you used to. And with that thought roaming your mind you got in your car and drove to work.
The sound of the elevator doors closing and opening made him nervous, or maybe it was the tick in his left eye and the smell of a strong cologne coming from the man behind him. How could anyone wear such an amount of hideous vomiting scent, he thought. Before he could start complaining out loud the elevator reached his floor and he slowly walked to the conference room. He knew he was late, he had actually planed on it as soon as he was told who had been assigned as his interviewer. Was he being childish? Probably. Was there a reason for him to be acting that way? Probably not, but still he took his time while making his way to the last glass door in the hall.
You were sitting at the table with a bunch of other coworkers and your boss, waiting for your clients to arrive. You let out an annoyed sigh as you read through the pages that had been given to you with your client’s requests. Apparently you were about to meet a professional athlete with a tight schedule and many fans waiting for the new information to drop. For an instance your mind thought of a certain brown haired boy but instantly shook it away, he wasn’t even in the same continent as you were. Or so you thought. Suddenly the glass doors flew open and you heard the unmistakable voice of said boy, that was now a man.
He was almost a hundred percent sure he was lost. Had he taken the right elevator? Yeah, there was no other one. Maybe he was in the wrong building? No way he had double checked the address. Why did all the rooms look the same? How come none of them had a number or tag on each door? Man his boss was gonna kill him, he had warned him these people didn’t like waiting. He had decided to go back on his steps and star again from the elevator when he bumped into someone who looked like they worked there. Thank god.
“ Hello Mr Oikawa, I’m the head director of the magazine’s sports section” the sound of your boss’s voice echoed in your head but you couldn’t process anything he was saying. “ We’re so glad to have you here, I was told by your manager that you don’t have enough free time for a proper interview and obviously time isn’t something we have abundance of. So, here’s what we’re gonna do…” he proceeded to explain to the volleyball player how we had managed to arrange a joined interview with a fellow athlete.
“It sounds okay, I can’t say I’m excited though I don’t really mind sharing the spotlight. Plus I’ve read your magazine in many occasions and I can tell your writers have experienced in the volleyball field” his eyes were set in you and he gave you a small smile. You tried to smile back but you still couldn’t believe he was standing in front of you. Just this morning you had thought of him after such a long time of hearing nothing from him and there he was. As if that hadn’t been socking enough, the glass doors opened again and your second client entered the room. Brown spiked hair and a sweaty face caught everyones attention.
“Hello, I’m sorry I’m late the bus took forever to get through the morning traffic and I have to say these glass doors rooms look all the same” the man started while trying to catch his breath. As soon as he looked up from the floor his eyes scanned the room and stopped at the athlete. They looked at each other for a while without uttering a word, even when your boss started talking they still held each other’s gaze.
Oh to think that same morning you had thought you’d be fine with seeing them again. How naive.
After your boss finished explaining how and when the interview was gonna take place, he decided to introduce both men.
“And this is who you’ll be interviewed with, I’m pretty sure you already know who he is. Oikawa Toruu, professional volleyball player” he said “ And Oikawa this is Iwaizumi Hajime, Japan’s volleyball team’s coach he’s new to this so please be nice”
“Oikawa” said the shorter man while giving a nod with his head.
“Iwaizumi” the other greeted “ Its nice to see you again”
You could tell by the atmosphere in the room that those two had never confessed to the other. The tension could be cut with a butter knife.
“Oh! You already know each other that’s great. Now meet your interviewer, they’re one of our most talented writers in the sports section and they happen to know a lot about volleyball” and so everyone’s eyes were on you. You could tell Hajime wasn’t sure if he knew you or not, even if you had gone to the same high school you weren’t sure he remembered you. “You can follow them into the room next door and start discussing the details for the interview. I promise you you’re gonna be amazed by their skills”
“Trust me we know how great they are.” It was Tooru’s voice. You still didn’t know what to say so you exited the room and told the two grown men behind you to follow. “ Now are you going to interview us or are we back to hating each other” he joked as soon as you closed the glass door and you couldn’t believe that after all those years it still felt the same. You laughed along with Iwaizumi, who apparently did recognize you.
“This is crazy” he said “How long has it been? And you’re a journalist? I can’t believe I didn’t know about this”
“Yeah well, we all took different paths so it’s not that surprising I guess” you tried to play it off as if the whole situation didn’t have an effect on you.
“Oh no, not at all. I have to confess I knew you worked here” Tooru said “ But I certainly didn’t know you were gonna be here too, Iwa-chan” your heart stopped at the mention of that old nickname. You could see the blush covering Iwaizumi’s cheeks and it made you smile. It was so painfully obvious that even after all that time they still were head over heels for each other. But, like the last time you didn’t say a word, it was none of your business and you were only there to do your work.
The interview went smoothly, the three of you laughed and had a good time remembering old high school stories. Oikawa would give you a panicked look every time his love life was mentioned, but you managed to keep the sport as the main focus of the interview.
Once it was finished, you went for a coffee together and talked about your lives and careers. Iwaizumi was the first to leave, excusing himself saying something along the lines of training and team. You stayed a little longer with Tooru, chatting and asking him questions about Argentina and the friends he’d made.
“It was a great experience but there’s nothing like home you know. I really missed this.” his words would’ve warmed your heart only if they had been meant for you, even though they were directed to you it was clear he was talking about his childhood best friend and crush.
“You know I really thought you were going to confess to him back then” the words left your mouth without even realizing it. The boy next to you tended his shoulders and then let out a sigh.
“I couldn’t do it, I knew he didn’t feel the same way and I didn’t want to ruin the friendship” you knew exactly how that felt but that was different, there was no way his friend wasn’t in love with him. Whereas in your case you did know your crush didn’t like you back, hell he had even said it to your face. Still, both situations sucked and you knew better than anyone that keeping your feelings bottled up for too long wasn’t ideal. “I also knew you liked me” those words took you by surprise.
“Excuse me”
“Oh don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. Iwaizumi told me, just when I was about to confess to him he said you should ask them out.” Oh, that’s why he though his feelings weren’t reciprocated. “I’m pretty sure I owe you and apology for not realizing sooner, you were always there for me but still I couldn’t see it and kept talking about my crush on someone else. So yeah, I’m sorry for that.” He was being sincere and you could tell he was a bit ashamed too.
“It’s okay, I’m okay.” you grabbed his hand and looked him in the eye “That doesn’t change the fact that you two are idiots and still need me to solve your problems. Now I promised myself I would never get involved in this, but I’m not gonna let my friends spend the rest of their lives alone. So, get your ass out of this café and go after your man before I punch you in the face”
“Okay okay I’m doing this, he can’t reject me I’m basically perfect” he hyped himself up before getting up and walking up to the door. Before closing it he popped his head inside again and looked at you. “Oh and Y/N” you gave him a small smile “Thank you, you’re the best friend I could’ve asked for” and with that he turned around and left not only the café but your heart too, finally freeing that space he was never meant to fill and placing himself on the right top shelf, the center of it now empty and ready to welcome a new beginning.
First part
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amarimaryllis · 4 years
I Like You So Much, You’ll Know It (Iwazumi x Reader)
Pairing: Iwaizumi/Reader  Prompt/Summary: You’re so in love with Iwaizumi Hajime that only the most oblivious person wouldn’t see your feelings for him. (Spoiler: he is the most oblivious person) Tags: Fluff Note: Use of she/her pronouns, Inspired by Ysabelle’s “I Like You So Much, You’ll Know It” Warnings: Mild Swearing
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Almost everyone in Aoba Johsai who knew of your existence knew about the fact that you had the biggest crush on the volleyball team’s ace. Sometimes they didn’t even know your name, they just referred to you as “the girl who’s so into Iwaizumi-san”. You were that whipped, and you were that obvious. 
At first, you tried to hide your feelings. You made sure that no one would think you even liked Iwaizumi because you didn’t want the said boy to find out. So when almost the entire school found out about your crush on the ace, you were ready to dig your own grave. Fortunately—and quite, unfortunately—for you, Iwaizumi Hajime is dense. His perception of other people’s romantic feelings for him was as dense as the arm muscles he used to spike volleyballs. In short, he was extremely dense. Hell, you guys were in the same circle of friends, but for some reason, he still didn’t realize just how irrevocably whipped you are for him.
At least not until one day when the rest of your so-called friends decided to ditch both of you. 
It was a Monday, meaning your entire circle of friends would be walking home together because the boys didn’t have volleyball practice. However, it seemed like everyone but you and Iwaizumi had plans after class. Hanamaki and Matsukawa were going to some sort of arcade, Oikawa was going to pick up Takeru, and your two other best friends, Asano and Yamamoto were going to check out the new cafe that opened, and said cafe was conveniently on the direction opposite to your way home.
Which leaves you with Iwaizumi.
You were excited, but you two barely talked, and you didn’t know why it was like that. You guys were fine during the first year, comfortably talking from time to time, hell you were probably Iwaizumi’s number one cheerleader then, but in your second year, things got a little rocky for some reason, and it just got awkward all of a sudden. However, it was probably your fault for shying away from him due to your crush on the ace. Iwaizumi would make the effort to start small conversations with you, and he always seemed confident, but you on the other hand, wouldn’t even dare try to strike up small talk with the strong, reliable ace because you did not want to embarrass yourself in front of him. 
The tension in the air was palpable in the first few seconds that passed after your amazing friends decided to leave you both at the school’s gate. However, Iwaizumi is the first to break the silence.
“Guess I’m the only one walking you home today.” Iwaizumi has a sheepish grin on his face as he rubs the back of his neck. “I hope you don’t mind.”
You just wanted to pounce on him then and there and pepper his face with tiny kisses because, one, you did not mind at all, and two, he looked so cute at that moment that your heart felt like it was gonna combust.
“I don’t mind at all.” You can feel a blush creeping into your cheeks. “But your house is closer though, so technically it’s me who’s walking you home.”
Iwaizumi raises a brow before he ruffles your hair. “As if I’d ever let you walk home alone.”
The blush that was creeping into your cheeks was no longer creeping, it was sprinting through the surface of your skin so quickly that you were sure that the warmth that your face emitted was enough to get you through winter without a heater.
Iwaizumi seems to have realized the fact that his hand was still on your head, and he also seems to have realized what he just said. He immediately retracts his hand away, clearing his throat before he speaks, “Sorry.”
“I don’t mind.” You look at your shoes, the black surface suddenly looking like the most interesting thing on the planet. “But we should go already, it looks like it’s about to rain.”
Iwaizumi turns his gaze to the sky and sees the signs of a storm brewing. “You’re right, let’s go.”
The walk is as awkward as your conversation at the gates of the school. No words were shared, and a heavy layer of tension seemed to rest in the air. However, it didn’t seem like Iwaizumi felt the heaviness in the atmosphere at all. Either that or he’s doing a great job at looking calm and composed.
A few more seconds of silence pass and you can feel the tendrils of recklessness starting to tug at your body, urging you to do and say something stupid. You were pretty fed up with Iwaizumi being so dense that you almost didn’t care about the rejection. You just wanted him to know how much he means to you. Sure, a rejected confession would make things awkward, but both of you were already pretty damn awkward even without the confession. Surely nothing can be worse than this, right?
The words exit your mouth faster than your brain can evaluate them. “Hey Iwaizumi-san, do you not… like me?”
From the corner of your eye, you can see the corner of Iwaizumi’s lips tilt down into a frown, his eyebrows furrowing as he contemplates on what to say. “I do, though. Did Oikawa not tell you?”
“What?” It’s your turn to look confused. “What do you mean?”
“Huh?” Iwaizumi stops walking and turns to look at you. “Isn’t that why you don’t talk to me that often?”
“I’m not following.” You tilt your head in confusion, unable to decipher the words coming out from the ace’s mouth. 
Iwaizumi is gaping at you, a million thoughts seemingly running through his head as he blinks repeatedly. “Did Oikawa not tell you last year that I like you?”
You blink once. Twice. It takes three blinks before you can reply, and the best you can say is, “What?”
Your heart is beating quickly. The words are sinking in, but at the same time, they aren’t. The hopeful part of you says that Iwaizumi liked you, while the part that doesn’t want to get hurt from expectations refuses to believe the words coming out of the ace’s mouth.
Before Iwaizumi can reply, it starts raining.
“Shit, it’s raining.” Iwaizumi clicks his tongue before he shrugs his uniform jacket off and drapes it over your head. “Come on, there’s a convenience store just around the corner.”
Iwaizumi grabs your wrist, and you can only follow him because you were still too stunned to form any coherent thoughts. If you tried to reply now, you feel like the only thing that would come out of your mouth is ‘I love you’, and the world was not yet ready for that.
When you reach the convenience store, there are tiny droplets dripping from Iwaizumi’s hair, making you feel guilty because his jacket shielded you from the droplets of rain that decided to skydive at the worst time.
You’re both seated on one of the benches in the convenience store, thankfully, the one behind the register knew your circle of friends well, and she didn’t mind the fact that you were getting the floor wet.
You hand Iwaizumi his jacket, and he takes it, but instead of wearing it, he wraps it around your shoulders. “It’s cold, you might get sick.”
You frown. “I’m not the one who’s dripping wet from the rain. If anyone here has a chance of getting sick, it’s you. Take your damned jacket before you get sick.”
“Continue scolding me like that and I might just think you like me back.” You see the blush on Iwaizumi’s cheeks before he looks away from you.
“Stop that.” You grip at his jacket to wrap it tighter around your form. You were honestly just confused. Did this dense idiot really not know? And did this dense idiot actually feel the same? 
“Stop what?” Iwaizumi turns to look at you again, worry etched into every inch of his face. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Stop saying you like me when you don’t.” Your brain has reached the conclusion that maybe Iwaizumi finally realized that you did like him and was now leading you on. Deep in your heart, you knew that Iwaizumi was such a kind person that doing such a thing would never cross his mind, but you were still in denial because how the hell is someone like him, into someone like you? “It’s true that I like you but you don’t have to play with my feelings like that.”
“What?” Iwaizumi’s mouth is gaping open. “Are you saying that you… Do you like me?”
You blink at him in disbelief. A few beats pass and suddenly you’re laughing like a madwoman. You were ready to doubt him again, but the pure shock on his face was too genuine to be questioned. “You are dense! Oh my—“
Your sentence is cut off by your laughter, unable to hold it in. You couldn’t believe it.
Iwaizumi is still confused, but he looks a little embarrassed. There’s a blush on his cheeks, but there’s something in his eyes as he looks at you. A tiny glint of happiness shining in his eyes as he adores the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh.
When you calm down from your laughing, you decide to give Iwaizumi an explanation. “Yes, I do like you, you dense idiot. Probably since our second year? I’m pretty sure you’re the only one in the entire school who isn’t aware.”
There’s a blush on Iwaizumi’s cheeks as he searches your face for any sign of deception, but he finds none. The embarrassed look on his face is immediately replaced with a confident smirk as he brings his face closer to yours.
Instinctively you scoot back, but Iwaizumi’s reflexes are quick so one of his hands is immediately behind your neck to keep you where you are. “Bold of you to call me a dense idiot when I’ve been in love with you for three years and you never even noticed.”
It’s your turn to be embarrassed, your cheeks warming as you attempt to look down to avoid Iwaizumi’s intense gaze. 
“Oh no, you’re gonna look at me while I confess.” Iwaizumi teases as he removes his hand from your neck to tilt your chin upward. “I really like you, Y/N. Your smile, your eyes, the way you laugh… Just everything about you. You’re just so… Amazing.”
You can’t reply, too touched and overwhelmed to form any words.
“It sounds stupid, but I’m pretty sure I’ve imagined a hundred different futures with you the moment you cheered for me in that one Dateko game where I kept getting blocked.” Iwaizumi whispers, gazing into your soul in hopes that the other feelings he couldn’t put into words would be conveyed through his eyes. “You probably don’t remember, but that day, I realized that I’m gonna do whatever it takes to make you happy.”
“I got pretty bummed out when you got distant in our second year, I thought you disliked me so I kept our conversations short just so I don’t inconvenience you.” Iwaizumi grows as he recalls the moment you guys got awkward before it’s replaced with a smile as he speaks. “What a surprise that you like me too, huh?” 
Iwaizumi chuckles lightly before he gently brushes a stray strand of hair from your forehead, and the feeling of the tip of his calloused fingers grazing your skin was enough to send your heart into a frenzy. “Can I…”
“Can you what?” You whisper, not wanting to ruin the moment by making your voice too loud.
“Can I kiss you?” Iwaizumi looks into your eyes, waiting for permission. Waiting for a sign, a word.
You don’t reply, instead, you grab him by his tie and tenderly press your lips against his. Your heart feels like it’s about to escape the confines of your chest as you move your lips against Iwaizumi’s. Years of chasing after Iwaizumi finally concluded, and damn did it conclude pretty damn well.
You’re the first to pull away. Leaning away as you looked to the side to hide the blush on your face.
There’s a stupid grin on Iwaizumi’s face, his wide eyes accompanied by a bright smile as he breathes deeply. “Shit, I’m in love.”
Your face practically bursts into flames at how happy Iwaizumi looked at that moment, but you compose yourself and muster a quick reply. “I mean, this situation would be pretty awkward if you aren’t.”
Iwaizumi raises a brow as he smirks teasingly—boy did that simple action do things to your heart—before he grabs your wrist, making you faceplant right into his sturdy chest. He proceeds to cup your cheeks with his hands, pressing his forehead on yours. “I’m not gonna ask you to be my girlfriend yet.”
You can feel your heart drop a bit as you look into Iwaizumi’s eyes.
“I’m gonna give you the first date that you deserve then I’ll ask you.” Iwaizumi grins as the worry on your face is replaced by a small pout. “I hope you say yes.”
“Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.” You answer a little too quickly, which makes Iwaizumi chuckle before squishing your cheeks.
“I haven’t even taken you out on a date yet.” Iwaizumi reasons out, continuing to absentmindedly squish your cheeks with his large hands.
“If you’re not asking me then I’m asking you.” You grin teasingly. “I’ve been pretty whipped for a long time now and I’m not about to let this opportunity slip.”
Your heart leaps into somersaults at the sound of Iwaizumi’s laughter. 
“Fine, you win.” Iwaizumi pinches your cheek. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
You nod enthusiastically.
Iwaizumi smiles before he places a hand on the back of your neck and pulls you in for another kiss. His other hand pulls you by your waist to bring you closer to him, and when you’re close enough, the hand on your neck moves your waist as well. Iwaizumi continues to kiss you, gently, sweetly, too afraid to hurt you in any way even if it was unintentional.
That day, you tell yourself, was probably the best day of your life. The rain added to the beauty of that moment because it gave you an excuse to snuggle into Iwaizumi’s side as he pressed small kisses on the side of your head from time to time.
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A/N: I hope you guys liked it! This one was a piece I made a while back, so if it’s familiar then it’s probably from my old account before I deactivated it. I made a new account cause I realized I was more stressed when I wasn’t writing. Thank you for reading!
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kisskeiji · 4 years
1. On your own.
Lost & Found.
WARNINGS: language, mentions of cheating and violence (bokuto still wants to get physical lol), mentions of alcohol (?)
Needless to say, as soon as you arrived at your sister's apartment she bombarded you with questions you didn’t know nor wanted to answer, she understood and let you cry your heart out, even after all that your heart was still heavy inside your chest. When you woke up the following morning you could only describe yourself as a mess; you slept with the same clothes from the night before, your shoes were still on and you didn’t bother to take your makeup off resulting in a trail of mascara stains all over your cheeks. The sheets on your sister's bed were cold and not waking up with Hajime by your side made the knot in your throat come back along with the uneasiness of not being home or feeling safe at all.
You hated it. You hated how vulnerable you were. You hated the weight that was crushing your chest. You hated not being able to express what you felt. You hated how tired you were. You hated yourself for being so weak and for not knowing how to be without him.
And most of all, you hated yourself for not hating him.
You loathed what he did to you and your relationship, but as much as you tried to convince yourself you hated him, you couldn’t. Sure, he broke your heart, but he also owned it. You loved him so much it hurt, but there was no way you two could get past this and act as if any of this never happened, this wasn’t something a long talk and a hug could solve. The thought of it not being a one time thing took over your mind.
What if he cheated when he was studying overseas? How many other girls he slept with the last four years.
‘I’m an idiot’
“Morning.” Your sister entering the room took you out of your train of thoughts “I made breakfast.”
“I'm not hungry.”
“You need to eat.” She said brushing your hair with her hand “Take a shower first.” She got up and walked to her closet to get you some clothes.
“I don’t want to.”
“Don’t care, we are getting your stuff and then we are going home to have lunch with mom. I am not asking, she wants to see you.”
“You called her?” You asked in disbelief. ‘Snitch.’
“I knew you weren’t planning to because you don’t want to worry her, but she can give you better advice than your twenty-six year old sister who has no relationship experience.” She said before throwing a pair of jeans in your direction. You could only groan before getting up and walking to her bathroom. You knew better than arguing with her and deep inside you were thankful, you missed your mom, but going back to your apartment frightened you.
Once you were in the car you dialed Akaashi´s number, ignoring all of Iwaizumi’s texts and calls, he was the last person you wanted to talk to and you wanted to make sure he wasn’t home. Before you could go back to spiraling in your thoughts, Akaashi picked up the phone.
“Y/N?” You heard Akaashi say on the other side of the line.
“Hey, ‘Kaashi.”
“How are you feeling?” It was a dumb question, they both knew and he loudly smacked himself for asking. You chuckled.
“Like shit.” You answered.
“I figured.” You both laughed. “Hey, is that Y/N?” You heard Bokuto “Let me put you on speaker.”
“Hi, Bokuto.”
“Good morning, pretty lady, are you feeling better?” He asked and you heard a loud thud. “Akaashi, what was that for? Y/N-chan, Akaashi just hit me with one of his books!” Bokuto whined and you laughed at him and the way he pronounced Akaashi´s name.
“I’m fine, Bokuto-san, thanks for asking. Can I ask you both a favor?”
“You want me to beat Iwaizumi’s ass? Say less.”
“Bokuto-san.” The younger of the two called in a stern tone.
Once again you laughed at their antics. “Not quite, Bokuto-san. But can you make sure he is not home? I don’t know if he went to work today.”
“You are coming for your stuff?” Akaashi asked.
“Yeah, but I really don’t want to see him right now, and my sister wants to kill him.” You said and looked at your sister who mouthed a ‘damn right’ without looking away from the road.
“That’s the spirit!” The gray haired man said followed by another thud and a whine.
“Count on it, Y/N.”
“Thank you, I’ll see you in a bit.”
“I’ll wait outside for you!” You heard Bokuto before exchanging goodbyes and hanging up.
You reached the apartment complex and spotted Bokuto outside like he promised.
“I called Tanaka and he said he is at the gym, so we are clear.” He said once he reached the car and opened the door for you.
“Good, let’s make it quick and put everything in my trunk.” Your sister said and opened the car trunk to grab some boxes to pack your belongings. The three of you walked inside the complex and took the elevator to meet Akaashi who was waiting at your door.
With a long sigh, you unlocked the door and walked in unsure of what to expect. The air was heavier and again, you felt uneasy to be there and reminisce about what happened the night before.
“I’ll get my clothes and some stuff I have in my room. Can you guys pack my books? Everything on the first three shelfs is mine, and my plants, please be careful with them.” You said and they both got to work while you and your sister headed to your room. Trying to make things even faster, you walked to your closet and grabbed your suitcase from the back of the closet and started throwing all your clothes onto the bed.
“This is not yours.” Your sister announced throwing one of Hajime’s shirts you usually wore to sleep on the floor. You stared at it for a second and started to take out all of the shirts that were mixed in with your clothes. You never noticed how many of his shirts were in your drawers, you always wore his shirts to sleep.
‘No more unlimited pajamas.’ You thought and laughed to yourself.
“Hey, can you get my stuff from the bathroom? I’m almost done here.” You said placing a few blouses in a laundry basket since your suitcases were already full.
“Sure thing, I’m dipping his toothbrush in the toilet too.” She said and zipped close the duffle bag she packed your shoes in.
“Please don’t.”
“Can’t hear you.” You heard a splash. “Look what we have here, this cologne looks expensive.”
“Stop touching his stuff.”
“No sympathy for him, stop trying to protect him.” She said peeking from the bathroom door.
“I’m not protecting him, I’m just being mature.” You walked to the bathroom, taking the bottle of cologne away from her and placing it back down. “And I paid for this.”
“Hey girls, we are all set over here.” You heard Bokuto from outside of the room.
“You have anything else you need us to get in the car?” Akaashi asked. You looked around searching for something you could be possibly leaving behind. The pictures on the wall captured your attention for a second.
“Don’t think so, everything else he can keep.” You sighed “Besides, the car is already full.”
“Let’s get out of here then, mom is waiting for us and we have a four hour ride ahead of us.” Your sister said and took the duffel bag and one of your indoor plants and made her way out.
“Well, that’s it.” Bokuto said and closed the trunk of your sister’s car.
“Please, tell us if you need anything, we are one call away.” Akaashi reassured placing his hands on your shoulders.
“Thanks ‘Kaashi, I will.” You hugged both of your friends and hopped in the car “I’ll text you once I get home.”
They waved goodbye and waited for the car to be completely out of sight to walk back inside the building.
That afternoon after lunch and a long talk with your mom, you decided to stay at your parents house for the meantime and as long as you needed to find another place near your university. You decided not to tell your father, he was just as hot headed as your sister and you were sure he would kill him if he found out.
In the end your sister was right, your mother always knew what to say and this time was no exception, of course she was going to give Iwaizumi’s mom a call (but you don’t know that) but right now she was worried about how awfully calm you were, of course you were always emotionally intelligent, but was it really healthy for you to keep it all inside?
“Listen dear, I know how you must be feeling right now, there’s no need to conceal it, I also know you want to be the bigger person, but you can´t keep it to yourself forever, it’s not good for you.” She’d said as she poured some freshly brewed tea in your cup.
“I know mom, thank you.” You said and she cupped your cheek with her hand.
“It wasn’t your fault, dear.” She Reassured. “It’s getting late, get ready to sleep, I’ll get your room ready.”
It wasn’t your fault. She was right, but why does it feel the other way around?
You stared at the mirror once again and still couldn’t recognize your reflection. ‘What did you do to me, Hajime?’ You thought as you dried your face.
‘Fuck, I had a shift tonight.’ You totally forgot, after all you haven’t checked your phone since earlier that morning. Ignoring all of your friends and Hajime’s texts asking if you were alright and where you were; you texted your boss, he asked if you were fine too since Iwaizumi went to the bar and was apparently really worried, you could only sigh and tell him you would explain everything tomorrow.
You were exhausted. Your eyelids were heavy with sleep and what seemed to be the beginning of a bad migraine. ‘I’ll just sleep it off.’ You thought to yourself, staring at the ceiling thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. You were still going to see Iwaizumi at college at some point, how are you going to tell your friends? You still had to call your landlord to get the money of the months of rent you paid in advance back.
“I wish this was all a dream.” You muttered burying your face on your pillow. Your phone ringing stopped your train of thoughts, the caller ID displayed Iwaizumi’s name for the hundredth time that day. You still had no energy or will to talk to him. ‘What does he want anyway?’ You let the call go straight to voicemail.
“Y/N” He sighs “I’ve been trying to reach you all day, I know it’s late, I know you hate me”
‘I don’t.’
“But please, I need to know you are okay and that you are safe, I know you must be with your sister but I can’t reach her either. Please, you don’t have to tell me, you can tell Matsukawa or Makki, one of your friends, I don’t care, we are all worried about you. I know you came earlier for your stuff, and that you are not coming back, but please, you have to listen to me.” you could tell how anxious he was “I’m not asking for forgiveness, because I know I don’t deserve it. But I… you deserve an explanation and an apology. I love you, please, call me.”
Without even noticing, tears streamed down your face. ‘Maybe I should talk to him’
You weren’t one to be remorseful, and closure was necessary. Maybe. But not today or tomorrow, you still needed time. You texted your friends and told everyone you were okay and that you were spending a few days at your parents place in Miyagi. After turning your phone off you finally managed to sleep.
The days after your arrival to Miyagi were no different, you ran some errands with your mom, went out with your dad and sister and enjoyed your time there, you almost forgot you had to get your life back together. You went back to Tokyo after a week, the first thing you did was talk with your boss and apologize for your absence and explained everything. He was kind enough to switch you to the day shift and promised not to tell Iwaizumi about it if he showed again.
The day shift was alright, the bar was less crowded but still busy. Some people had lunch or shared a drink with their co-workers. Breathing was easier and you felt more at ease working earlier.
“Good evening, what can I get you?” You greeted with a smile as you cleaned the counter.
“Hi, Y/N, right?” She asked.
“That’s me. Do we know each other?” You asked, she seemed familiar but you couldn’t recall where or when you’ve seen her before.
“Something like that, I’m Ito Asui, I’m one of Iwaizumi’s classmates.” She explained.
“Oh.” It’s all you managed to say “You want anything to drink.?” You asked, trying to ease the tension between the two of you.
“Not really, I just needed to talk to you about… the other night.” Asui couldn’t bring herself to look at you in the eye.
“It was you?”
She sighed “Yeah. And I feel awful. I didn’t know he had a girlfriend.”
“How long?” you asked, trying to hold your tears busying yourself with the register.
“A month, maybe, listen he never mentioned he had a girlfriend or anything. We teamed up for our final project with some friends and we flirted for a while and we started going out when we weren’t working on the project.” She started crying, it was obvious that the guilt was eating her alive, you felt bad for her “If I only knew he was taken, this could’ve never happened, it is my fault and I want to apologize.”
“No.” You lowered your head.
“It’s not your fault Asui, stop blaming yourself. You didn’t know. I’m sorry you got involved in this mess and for how you must be feeling right now.” you irradiated anger with every word. All the sympathy you felt for Iwaizumi was now gone and the thought of even facing him too.
“Thank you for this, really.” you raised your chin and looked at her in the eye, hers were glossy with tears and guilt, but she managed to show you a weak smile.
“What are you going to do now?” She asked as you poured a glass of water for her.
“I don’t know. Not going back to him, that’s for sure.” You tried to laugh. “I’m probably going to leave.”
“Leave? You are transferring?”
“Yeah.” You sighed unsure of your answer.
“Where to? I heard your parents live in the countryside.” She sipped her water.
“Not sure yet, I have some offers to go abroad.” You cleaned the counter once again as some customers walked in, you greeted them and got ready to fix their drinks.
“That 's amazing! I think it would be best for you to take some time away from here. If you stay you are going to stumble upon him at school.” she said as she played with the rim of her cup and you poured ice inside the shaker.
“Yeah, you are right. I’m talking to my professors and seeing my options, probably choosing somewhere in Europe, I’ve always wanted to travel.” You smiled.
Eventually Asui left, there was nothing else to talk about but you agreed to keep in touch, after all she was the first person outside your family that knew about your plans. It was sad, actually, you weren’t excited to leave since you were doing it to run away from him. It was your senior year, you wanted to spend it with your friends and stay in Tokyo, you were happy here, but you also needed to get away, you couldn’t bare with seeing Iwaizumi everyday, not only at school, you had a lot of friends in common and you didn’t wanted to make everything awkward for them.
‘I’m going to build myself back on my own.’ And if you had to leave to do so, then you were more than ready.
Days went by and summer break was over, it was time to go. Akaashi and Bokuto dropped you off at the airport and waited for you to board the plane.
“Passport?” Akaashi asked making sure you were all set.
“Here.” You lifted your right hand and showed your passport.
“In my bag.” You smiled at him.
“Well, you are good to go.” He smiled back.
“Wait, you forgot something.” Bokuto took a step closer and looked at you.
“What? Oh my god did I left my glasses at home?” You asked confused as you patted across your body looking for them. 
“No, silly, my hug!” He laughed at your confused expression and embraced you. 
After that bone crushing hug Bokuto made you promise to text him everyday even if it was late, and Akaashi nearly cried but he won’t admit it. You waved goodbye one last time before boarding.
Hopefully you could find yourself again in London. ‘This is your new beginning’ you repeated to yourself as you took your seat on the plane.
“Good bye.” You whispered.
Later that night, Iwaizumi found himself in front of your sister´s apartment, ringing the bell he stepped back and waited for her to open — or a fist on the nose — after a few seconds the door opened revealing your sister still on her work clothes, leaning on the door frame.
“What do you want?” she asked harshly.
“Is she here? She never really called me and it’s been almost two months, I just want to talk to her but she blocked my number.” He looked at the floor and your sister sighed.
“She is not here.”
“Do you know where she is? she moved to the dorms?” he tripped over his words trying to get an answer.
“She is gone, Iwaizumi.”
“What do you mean? Look I know she hates me but this is not funny.” He was growing anxious.
“Shut up, she doesn’t hate you, you know that’s just not her, and I’m not joking. She left.” Your sister explained one more time.
“Where?” He ran his hand through his hair.
“Not telling. Good night, Iwaizumi.” With that she closed the door leaving Hajime dumbfounded.
‘She left?’ He thought, realization hitting him even harder, he lost you forever, and he is probably never going to see you again.
He was on his own now.
(a/n: hi everyone! first of all THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! <3 i honestly thought i was going to flop with this fic, but all of your comments and feedback encourage me to keep writing, you are all so sweet :( thank you again ilysm. i also want to thank my beta readers once again fore dealing with my illiterate and annoying self. next chapter is going to be a bit longer if everything goes as planned, sorry for making you all hate iwa :( 
also, if anyone is interested to be added to a taglist please tell me! you can comment or send me a message if my ask box is not showing :( i’m still figuring things out here since i was a wattpad type of girl but i’ll try my best <3)
taglist: @aonenthusiast
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peach-pops · 4 years
Roommate HC
Request:  hi i love ur account! do u think u could write a HC with kuroo, oikawa, and bokuto on how they would be as roommates! thank you!
Author’s Note: This request had me dying thank u so much! I made this to be platonic but if u guys want a part 2 to make them like each other/you want to see other roommate hc with other characters, let me know!
Warning: mentions of sex, adult language, reader thirsting over iwaizumi cause same 
Pairing: Kuroo || Oikawa || Bokuto 
Part two
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You can only be roommates if you’re hella close with Kuroo because if you’re living in a closed space together, shit is bound to happen. He’s basically you’re best friend so nothing is off-limits. 
Exhibit A: Shower rants
“ And I told her to mind her own damn business before I kicked her ass!” You said loudly as you sat on the counter of the sink while Kuroo was showering
“ You liar I know you didn’t say all that. Also, can you hand me my toothbrush?”
“ Mm, okay, I didn’t say it but I was thinking it!” You grabbed Kuroo’s toothbrush and opened the curtain to hand it to him,” it’s the thought that counts but then she told me that I was being a bitch! In front of the whole class!” 
Kuroo opened the shower curtain to poke his head out,” She called you a bitch in front of the class? What a fucking bitch.” 
I feel like Kuroo sleeps in a bit and waits until the last second to wake up so you’re basically his alarm clock 
Your favorite way to wake him up is to just bash his head with a pillow until he grabs it from you and hits you back with it ten times harder
“ I think you gave me a concussion.”
“ I- It’s a pillow, you big baby.” 
Getting ready in the morning is always pretty chill since Kuroo practically rolls out of the bed, looks at his hair, and decides yep, this is stylish 
If he has extra time in the morning, he’ll sit on your bed and watch you do your makeup/hair as you tell him your schedule for the day just cause he can 
Can we please remember that Kuroo is a big nerd so that means a lot of all-nighters at the dinner table. If you know he has a big test coming up, you order takeout from his favorite restaurant and you have to physically sit across from him so he actually takes a break to eat dinner
Sometimes he falls asleep at the table while studying so you always grab his phone to set a 15-minute alarm because while he needs to sleep, he also needs the time to study too 
On chill days, Kenma usually comes over and the two play video games until the middle of the night. While they’re always super loud, that’s a lie it’s just Kuroo, but whenever they get too loud you come out of your room and you just glare Kuroo down 
“ What’s wrong with your face?”
“ My face? This face will be the last thing you ever see if you don’t shut the fuck up. Kenma sweetie, ✨you’re doing great✨!”
OH okay this is just a bonus
so your upstairs neighbors are like bunnies if ya know what I mean. Like they go at it 25/8 and you and Kuroo can’t stand it because how are yall supposed to concentrate 
One night while you and Kuroo are watching a movie, you can literally hear your neighbors having crazy-ass sex and Kuroo gets so petty. He grabs a broom from the kitchen and starts hitting it against the ceiling like
 ‘ Shut! The! Hell! Up!” 
“ STOP! What if they get mad?” 
“ Who cares? I haven’t had sex in months. If I can’t get laid than no one can get laid!”
“ I don’t even want to think about you and *gags* sex in the same sentence.” 
So all in all, Kuroo is probably the easiest roommate to have and you two just work so well together
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Oikawa isn’t as bad as a roommate as people might think. He’s surprisingly clean and not only does he clean up after himself but he always cleans up after you. He will sass you on how messy you are though
“ Y/N-Chan, I can’t even see the floor to your bedroom, you’re disgusting! I can’t even look at you the same way!” 
“ If it’s bothering you then get the hell out of my room!” 
“ Your room is a biohazard, how can you live like this?” 
There’s only one bathroom in your apartment so it’s always a battle to get ready in the morning. His side of the sink has way more stuff than you and you even try out some of his products if they happen to find their way to your side
You can’t even hide it from Oikawa because once you leave the restroom, he notices right away 
“ Are you wearing that SPF moisturizer I bought from that new skincare store the other day?”
“ Wha- how did you know?”
“ I can smell it you rat, stop using my skincare products!” 
He says that but the next day when you wake up to use the restroom, you see that he bought you your own moisturizer and there’s a sticky note on it ‘ because you desperately need some’ 
Oikawa also always manages to lose his glasses in the morning so when he’s late, he always wakes you up to help him find his glasses which are somewhere around the apartment 
“ Bitch, how hard is it to keep it next to your nightstand before you go to bed?” 
“ I forget” 🥺👉🏼👈🏼Oikawa pouts as he squints back at you cause he’s a blind bitch 
If Oikawa is your roommate, that definitely means Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, and Hanamaki are always over. One time in the middle of the night, you went to go get a glass of water and you screamed so loud when you saw a dark figure sleeping on your couch 
Your heart literally dropped to the floor but when you squinted your eyes, you could make out that it was Hanamaki just crashing on your couch 
Thank god, you actually thought there was a stranger-
What you didn’t know was that Matsukawa was sleeping on the floor of the living room and you tripped over his huge, built ass body 
“ Y/N? Is that you? Are you okay?”
“ I’m fine-”
“ Ow! Y/N, that’s my hand!”
“ Shit! Sorry- wait, Hajime? Is that you? What the hell-Who else is sleeping here?”
“ Meeeee!”
“Toru?!?! What are you doing out here?” You asked as you turned on the lights to find all four boys camped out in the living room. TF is this? Summercamp???
“ Duh, it’s a sleepover! Wanna join? You can lay next to me Y/N-Chan!”
“ Fuck no you weirdo. Except for you Hajime😚 my room is always open for you!” 🤩🥰🤪🤰🏻 
Oh speaking of frick fracking, you and Oikawa have a solid rule that if you’re planning on having sex, please let the other roommate know so there’s not a repeat of that one incident you’re not allowed to speak of 
Toru: Can you be out of the house from 8:30-9:30? I’m bringing someone over👉🏼👌🏼
Y/N: You bastard I was going to bring someone over!
Toru: Oh yeah? Who u trying to fuck?👀👀👀
Y/N: Hajime 🤤🤤🤤🤤
Besides all of that mess, Oikawa is such a fun roommate. If yall could live together forever, you definitely would because the banter never stops between the two of you, yall are like an old married couple uwu 
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JESUS you two take a while to mesh 
You two are best friends so when he suggested to move in together, you were all for it 
But it just took some getting used to 
Bokuto wakes up sooooo early to go run and this means blasting music in the shower at 5am & him blending the shit out a smoothie in the kitchen 
One time, this dude barged into your room around 5:20 in the morning and had THE AUDACITY to ask if you wanted to go run with him 
“ I feel bad leaving you here in the apartment alone, what if you miss me?”
“ If you ever wake me up this early to go run out of all things, I will shave your head do not test me owl.” 
He never asks you again don’t worry but he does walk in your room to whisper, rather loudly, that he’s leaving to go run just to give you a heads up
On some mornings when he knows you’re going to have a long day at school, he’ll make you breakfast and it’s actually super sweet cause you two will eat together in the kitchen and talk about what the plan for the day is 
If he’s ever too lazy to make breakfast, he’ll grab your favorite pastries during his run and bring it home cause he’s just that type of person 
Bokuto is a bit messy and you find yourself cleaning up after him a lot but he makes up for it by being an absolute sweetheart 
He assembled all the furniture in the apartment because he likes building stuff and he claims it’s manly. Don’t Mind my language but ✨U couldn’t give a shit ✨about building furniture so you were 100% okay with it
Akaashi came over to help put the couch together and that was arguably the most entertaining thing you had ever seen
“ Bokuto-San, I’m pretty sure these pieces don’t fit.”
“ Akaashi! Are you doubting my ability to read and follow instructions?!?!”
“ I think he’s right, those don’t fit at all.”
*cue emo bokuto ughhhhhhh this bitch*
Whenever Bokuto gets emo at home, you drop everything to help him get out of his funk. Not because what you’re doing isn’t important but if you don’t help, this dude will show up next to your bed full on close to crying
“ Ko, it’s two in the morning, why are you awake?”
“ Are you angry at me that I broke that plate earlier?”
“ Wha- no I’m not mad over a cheap plate. Just go to bed PLEASE!” 
No matter how busy yalls schedule gets, you two always make time to have a movie night at least once a week because he claims it’s good for roommate moral 
It’s just an excuse for him to snack through the pantry but whatever
He’s also the worst at grocery shopping. Like he notices all the snacks and desserts you like so he’ll buy so much of those things but will fail to get actual protein and vegetables 
I know it seems like I’m shitting on Bokuto and I’m not, I feel like Bokuto would also be such a fun roommate. There are some nights where you two will dance around together in your pajamas and camp out on the couch together and those are the moments where you’re thankful he’s your roommate
But he snores so loud I’M SORRY I HAD TO SAY IT 
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hajimeiwaswife · 3 years
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Word count: 1,4K
Warnings: post time skip!Iwaizumi
Summary: Iwaizumi finds some strange items in his birthday.
'What an intriguing flower' Iwaizumi thought, looking at the sunflower-like plant in front of him. Entering his office at the training department of the Volleyball National Team of Japan, he found it on his desk, waiting for him with a little note under it.
"In the beginning of it all, everything was dark. Not a pinch of light could be appreciated among the darkness surrounding the atmosphere. Sorginak and creatures of the night used the lack of light to attack the people who lived in the area." read Iwaizumi, confused with the terminology and the story, "The townspeople, tired of the danger it supposed, took a stone each and went to Mari's cave in order to seek a solution. In exchange of the stones, Mari gave the people the Sun, protecting them from the evil creatures during the daytime. But it wasn't enough, as they continued to damage the towns at night."
Iwaizumi sought the rest of the story, curious as to what happened next. How did the townspeople survive the creatures at night? Who was Mari? What was a sorgina? He needed answers, but he also had to work, so he left the flower and the note in his desk again and left his office.
"Iwaizumi-san!" shouted an excited Shoyo, running to him in an eternal happiness and bouncing.
"Good morning!" continued Bokuto, following the ginger enthusiastic boy.
Like that, the rest of the team greeted him, he was loved and respected as their trainer, something he really appreciated, as he had worked hard to get where he was. In his 27 years of life his main motivation had been surpassing the annoying man he had for best friend, Oikawa Tōru; he was sure that team could make his dreams come true.
"Happy birthday, Hajime," suddenly said Shugo Meian, greeting the trainer and surprising both the players and Iwaizumi himself.
"Is it your birthday, Iwaizumi-san?" asked Shoyo, eyes wide with curiosity.
"Yes, indeed."
"We should celebrate! Bokuto, bring the wine!" exclaimed Atsumu, forcing the white and black haired guy to follow his orders. Sakusa, who was observing everything from his usual corner, formed a scowl under his mask.
"Miya, we can't drink during practice." reasoned Ushijima, serious, and nodded at Iwaizumi, "Happy birthday."
"Thank you." returned the gesture Iwaizumi.
The morning continued like that; Atsumu tried to convince five different people to drink with him in 'Old Iwaizumi's honour', Shoyo and Kageyama challenged each other to see who was the best at guessing Iwaizumi's presents ―receiving a scold from Aran, who had to suffer their bickering since first hour in the morning―. Hajime was used to having to take care of men in their twenties as if they were his own children, but he had to admit it was draining to have to look after Bokuto so he didn't end up electrocuted, incited by Atsumu, needless to say.
During lunch break, Hajime returned to his office to get his meal, which was in a Tupper inside his working bag. He took it out and headed to the door so he could go to the canteen to heat it up. That was until he saw another flower, like the one in he had seen in the morning, attached to the wooden door. Surprised, he grabbed it and found another note.
"The townspeople decided to gather and go to Mari's cave again. With a stone each, they returned to the Goddess' dwelling and asked to be saved from the creatures that attacked when the sun faded in the horizon. Mari, who was benevolent, gifted the people the Moon, so they could be protected at night." 'Ah, that makes sense' thought Iwaizumi to himself, "It worked for some time, but the creatures got used to the light casted by the satellite and started causing trouble again. The disturbing laugh of the Sorginak didn't let the townspeople sleep, and again, they gathered."
Hajime turned the page, waiting to find the rest of the story, but there was nothing left for him to read. He sighed, he didn't know who was leaving those strange flowers and those notes in his office, but now he demanded answers and he wanted them in that exact moment. But how? The was no one there to continue the story, not a single soul. Frustrated, he went to the canteen as he had planned initially.
The rest of the day proceeded without events, just a couple of phone calls from his family and friends, the team's shenanigans and his pursue of the end of the story.
With a tired sigh, Iwaizumi returned to his office for the last time that day, he needed to pick up his belongings in order to go home a drink a beer as he had wished ever since he got up of bed. Just in case, he searched for a flower and a note, finding them on the top of his bag. The difference was that the only thing he saw was the plant, but no note. 'This must be a joke', thought Hajime to himself, seeking the note as a mad man.
"The townspeople grabbed a stone each again and returned, for the third time, to Mari's cave. They asked for help and the Goddess answered 'This is the last time I'll be helping you, my dearests'." Hajime turned immediately to find you at the door, smiling slightly as you talked.
He had seen you and talked to you before, you were the translator and interpreter of the National Team and of the MSBY. He had to admit he found you attractive and very interesting, but his busy schedule made it impossible for him to actually being able to think about inviting you to go for lunch with him someday.
"In that moment, Mari created a bright flower, one that could be mistaken for the sun itself. 'This flower will grant you the safety you seek at nights. The Eguzkilore will protect you'. Ever since, you can find an Eguzkilore at the door of every Basque house, seeking protection and light." you finished, walking to him nervously. "Happy birthday, Iwaizumi-san."
"Thank you," was the only think the athletic trainer could say after a minute of silence. He was still processing what had just happened.
"Um, the flowers are for you," you fidgeted, nipping at your lower lip, "I gave you three for you front door at your house, another for this door and the third for, eh," you coughed, feeling his intense gaze on you as you talked "for your car. I hope you like it."
Silence reigned in the room again, the only sound that could be heard was Shoyo's and Bokuto's shouting from across the gym. Hajime looked between you and the three flowers in awe, wondering what to say so he didn't mess up and make you think he wasn't grateful for such a thoughtful ―and unusual― present.
"Do you, uh, wait no, not that," he started, trying to form a coherent sentence, "How do you know this story? Where does it come from?" he asked quickly.
"Oh, that," you nodded, taking a deep breath, "Well, I read about it a couple years ago, I found it cute and endearing how the Basque culture explained the, uh, you know, the existence of the sun and the moon. And I thought that maybe ―not that you have to―, but maybe you could... like it? I guess." you awkwardly stated, looking at everything but him, warmth overtaking your features.
Hajime nodded again, smiling slightly at your nervousness, he thought it was cute. He also thought it was thoughtful from your part to get him a present for his birthday, and decided in that moment, in mere seconds, his next move.
"Maybe you can tell me more about his Basque stories?" he asked, nonchalant, "We could go for a drink and, yeah, talk about them?"
You thought about it for a second, your crush was asking you on an informal date after you acted in, what you thought, was the creepiest you had ever acted. But he seemed to like it? Men were strange. You were glad, though, the meaning of the Eguzkilore was very beautiful and you wanted to share it with him.
"Yeas, why not? There are a couple more I could tell you."
"Settled, then. C'mon, I have my car parked near the entrance."
Like that, the both of you exited the gym in a comfortable silence, Iwaizumi keeping one of the Eguzkilores in his hands so he could place it in his car. You were thrilling, it actually stood out in a very original way. You looked up at him and he smiled at you in a breath-taking way, causing your hands to tremble in excitement: you were going to get some drinks with Iwaizumi Hajime!
"I have a question, though, what's a so-, sor, sorgina?"
Eguzkilore is composed by "Eguzki" = "Sun"; "Lore" = "Flower". It comes from the Basque, the most ancient culture and language in Europe.
Sorgina: it could be the equivalent to what we know as "witches". They are described as Mari's assistants, they are usually good, but sometimes are described as "disturbing". They were part of the Akelarres.
Mari: the main goddess of the Basques. To contact with her you have to leave a stone at her cave.
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coldflame96 · 3 years
To Move Forward
Summary: Kyo and Akito come to an understanding. Post-manga and pre-Another. 
Rating: T
Can also be found on AO3 and FF.net
“Are you sure it’s a good idea to go down there right now?” he asked his wife for the umpteenth time. 
“Hmm?” she cocked her head adorably. “We go down there every summer.”
“Well, yeah, but we’re supposed to reach record high temperatures down there this week.” He gave a fleeting look towards her stomach area. “I don’t want you to exert yourself too much.”
She kissed his cheek. “I’m fine, Kyo-kun, really. And I promised Akito-san I would go and visit.” She frowned sadly. “She’s having a really rough time with the pregnancy and she’s due in only a month or two.”
He wanted to argue that Akito’s issues weren’t Tohru’s problem, but he knew it was a losing battle. His wife was always trying to help everyone and had so much love to give. It was one of the many things he loved about her. 
“Fine,” he sighed. “But if you’re going to the main estate, we should leave Hajime with the rat. That place is oppressive and I don’t want him to deal with it.” And I don’t want him near Akito either.
Tohru paused for the briefest moment, chewing her lip thoughtfully. She probably had wanted Hajime and Akito to meet, and maybe they would one day, but not now. Not if he could help it. He wanted to preserve his son’s innocence for as long as he could. 
“Alright,” she agreed quietly. And then she smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes and clapped her hands. “I’m sure Yuki-kun won’t mind. Mutsuki-kun loves Hajime-kun.”
He could tell she was disappointed, but he curbed the instinct to cave in. She was friends with Akito and trusted her and he respected that, but she was always a much better person than he was. 
“It’s so hot!” Tohru gasped, her movements heavy with the heat. 
He nudged her gently on the head with his fist. “That’s why I told you to bring your sun hat, dummy.” She’d left it behind at Dad’s place because she’d insisted she didn’t need it. “It’s not that far a walk, Kyo-kun!”
“Dad,” Hajime whined from his other side, breaking him out of his thoughts. “Are we there yet?”
He ruffled his hair. “Yeah, we’re almost there.” And then he pointed ahead. “Look, there’s Mutsuki’s house right there.”
Normally the walk from the train stop to Yuki’s wasn’t too horrible, but in this heat, it was practically unbearable. Living up in the mountains really spoiled them. 
He approached the door with lead footsteps and knocked quietly. 
The door slid open a little too fast to be natural, the child behind it gasping with wide eyes.
“Jime-chan!” Mutsuki yelled, launching himself at Hajime. Jime-chan? What kind of nickname was that? Hajime seemed to share the same sentiment as he wrinkled his nose, but was kind enough not to actually say anything. A trait he clearly inherited from his mother.
“Mutsuki,” a woman who sounded like Kuragi scolded from the hallway. “Don’t leave them all standing out in the heat.”
“Sorry, Mom!” 
The small child grabbed Hajime’s hand and Tohru’s at the same time, dragging them both inside while Kyo followed. 
Kuragi appeared, face impassive as usual, but she did smile softly. “Sorry you had to come down in this weather.”
Tohru waved her hands. “Oh, no, it’s no problem at all!” Then she looked around curiously. “Yuki-kun’s not here?”
“Him and my stupid brother went to the store. Can I get you anything?”
“No, that’s okay! You’re already doing more than enough watching Hajime-kun for us.”
Kuragi’s eyes were sharp and she smiled wryly. “It’s not a big deal. He’s a good kid and he keeps Mutsuki occupied.” They both watched as Mutsuki grabbed Hajime to drag him towards his room.  And then she looked to him and nodded. “You guys are raising him well.”
He nodded back. “Thanks.” He never knew what to say around Kuragi, she was typically pretty quiet, especially compared to her brother, but she was nice enough, he supposed, and Tohru liked her. But then again, Tohru liked everyone, even creeps like Shigure, so that wasn’t saying much. 
“Hey, senpai,” she was addressing him now. That was another thing that was weird about her. She always called him ‘senpai’ like they were still in school and not fully grown adults with children. She got a teasing glint in her eyes. “Yuki should be home soon if you wanted to wait and say hi.”
He snorted, not rising to the bait. “No thanks, I’m sure I’ll have to deal with him later when we pick up Hajime.”
“Oh, really?” she cocked her head a bit too innocently. “But he’ll be so disappointed he missed you. Kakeru too.”
He twitched and Tohru spoke up, bowing. “Thank you so much for your help, Machi-san. We really should be going to the estate, but I’d love to catch up with everyone later!”
Kuragi smiled, more open this time. Tohru did have that effect on people. “Yes, I would like that. I’m sure Yuki would, too. We’ll make sure Hajime gets back to you in one piece.”
“Thank you so much!” Tohru bowed again, and if this continued, they’d be here all day. 
He put his hand over her face gently, dragging her away. “C’mon, Tohru, we gotta get going.” It was already past noon. 
“Right! Thank you again, Machi-san!” she said, while she was being dragged away, “Tell Yuki-kun thank you too!”
Kuragi gave a small wave and then they were out the door. 
Even after all these years, going into the main Sohma estate made him...uneasy. The few times he’d interacted with Akito here as a kid never meant anything good. It was where he made that bet...he looked to Tohru, who greeted all the maids politely and smiled to himself. Without that dumb bet, he never would’ve met her. 
He thought nothing about Akito would’ve shocked him more than when she came out in that kimono all those years ago, pledging to turn over a whole new leaf, but he was wrong. The sight of her pregnant and sweating, lounging around in her sleepwear and looking absolutely miserable, was more of a shock. 
Her eyes widened and she looked so innocent he had to look away completely. 
“Tohru,” she breathed, “You made it.”
Tohru smiled softly. “Akito-san!” And she went to hug her, taking care to be gentle. “It’s so good to see you!”
Akito grunted in response and Tohru frowned. “Are you alright?”
Akito paused and then mumbled, “No.” Her voice trembled. “Tohru? Please help me. I’m scared. I’m so, so scared.”
He was never good at handling crying people, not even when that crying person was Akito. “Tohru?” he called out gently, catching his wife’s attention. He gestured to the door. “I’ll be outside.”
Akito stiffened and then stared at him, dark eyes lingering which made him shift uncomfortably. He wouldn’t be surprised if she had only just noticed him. It was so...stifling in here all of a sudden. Hot, even. It was when he closed the door behind him as he stood out in the hallway, he allowed himself to breathe again. He slumped down on the floor, energy sapped away. 
He was glad he’d stuck to his guns about bringing Hajime here. The last thing he needed was for his small son to see how weak his dad was. It was stupid, the way just hearing Akito’s voice made something start clawing at his throat, made him freeze in place...like a coward. 
“Were you banished to the hallway?” A familiar, irritating voice asked, and he looked up to see Shigure staring down at him curiously, a hint of a smile playing at his lips. Of course he would be here. 
“Leave me alone,” he sighed, “I don’t have the energy to deal with you.”
Shigure being Shigure, he instead took that as an invitation to sit next to him, much to his annoyance. “I’m assuming Tohru-kun is in there then?” He nodded. And then Shigure asked, “How did she look?”
He gave him a weary look. “What do you care? You’re spoken for already.”
“I was referring to Akito.”
He furrowed his brow. “Shouldn’t you know? She’s your wife.” And he still had a hard time wrapping his head around that. After everything Akito put them through, what was Shigure thinking? Then again, it was probably better he didn’t know.
Shigure gave a carefree shrug, but if Kyo didn’t know any better, he would say he looked...bitter. “She’s been cooped up in there for days and refuses to let me see her.”
He scoffed. “What? And you just listened? It’s not like she’s God anymore.” 
He got a dark look in his eyes. “Old habits die hard, I suppose.”
This guy’s flippancy really pissed him off sometimes. He tried to imagine what he would do if Tohru refused to see him for days. Especially if she was pregnant with his child...break down the door, probably. 
He recalled the wide, trembling eyes he’d gotten a glimpse of before he left the room. “She looked...terrified,” he finally answered.
He heard a light thump against the wall and saw Shigure resting his head, a defeated look. “Yes, I was afraid of that.” He smiled ruefully. “Despite how far she’s come, she’s still afraid to be seen as weak in front of me.”
And yet you’re her husband and you’re just letting her cry alone. Scumbag. He glowered at him. 
Shigure chuckled nervously. “Hey now, what’s with that ‘you’re a horrible person’ look?”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” he growled. “Your wife is in there, crying and scared, and with your child, and you’re out here shooting the breeze with me while my wife does your job?”
Shigure stared at him coldly, mocking, all friendly pretense gone. “I didn’t realize you cared so deeply about my wife.”
“I don’t!” he snapped. “I just hate that I have to be here because of you when I could be spending time with my own family.”
“If I recall correctly, it was Tohru-kun’s idea to come, was it not? No one forced you to be here.”
“Yeah, well I’m not a prick like you so of course I wasn’t gonna leave her alone!”
“That’s all well and good but you and I are not the same. I’m not a nice person, and comfort is not my strong suit. Never has been.” His eyes were hard. “Akito knows that.”
He was almost starting to feel bad for Akito and that was not a feeling he was equipped to deal with. 
“Whatever. You piss me off. I don’t get you at all.” He wanted to storm off but he didn’t wanna leave Tohru alone and he didn’t have much energy to really do anything except lean against the wall.
Thankfully, Shigure took the hint this time and didn’t say anything else, so they both just sat in a tense silence. “Terrified, huh?” Shigure mumbled so quietly Kyo was sure he wasn’t supposed to hear it. “That makes two of us.”
He didn’t say anything, he couldn’t say anything. Even if he tried, he would get brushed off. But he did silently feel a bit of solidarity at that rare instance of vulnerability. He remembered how terrified he was before Hajime was born, that visceral fear that he would fuck him up like his own biological father did, that maybe the curse would come back somehow, and that feeling never quite went away. 
He only vaguely registered the door being opened behind him and then a gasp. “Oh! Shigure-san!”
“Hello, Tohru-kun!” Like a switch, the man next to him laid on the charm. “You’re looking as radiant as ever. I would even say you’re glowing.” Shigure smirked in his direction and that moment of sympathy was gone.
Tohru blushed. “Oh, really?” She scratched her cheek shyly. “You think so? I don’t think I look any different than usual.” She really was glowing...and gorgeous of course, but Kyo was biased. 
He stepped in between the two. “You ready to go?” he asked his wife softly. 
“Yes!” she confirmed. “I just have to use the restroom real quick!” And then she pecked his cheek before running around the corner. 
She left the door open and out of the corner of his eye, Kyo saw Akito slumped over a table, hair and clothes half askew. 
She looked so small. Pitiful, even. It wasn’t an image that went with what he always knew about her. That she was someone to be feared. .
“Shigure?” she called out weakly. 
“Yes, my flower?” he responded, tone playful but strained. 
She didn’t look up. “Get Hatori.”
If Kyo didn’t know any better, he would say Shigure looked almost disappointed by that. 
“As you wish,” he responded, and to Kyo’s surprise, he actually obeyed. There was more going on there than he cared to know about...He made to follow the direction that Tohru went. 
“Kyo?” Akito called him and just like when he was a kid and he was still wrapped up in the curse, he froze. 
Akito lifted her head, looking paler than usual, almost ashen, as she attempted to get up slowly, the weight of her stomach hindering her, and if Kyo had to guess, the heat probably wasn’t helping. 
He should just walk away. He didn’t owe her anything and he had no reason to talk to her. He should walk away. 
She padded her way to him slowly and it was like his feet were stuck inside the floor. 
“My little monster.” The cruel tone rang through his ears and his eyes widened. 
“Don’t come closer!” he burst out. He expected her to keep coming anyway like she would’ve before, but to his surprise, she stopped, still halfway across the room. Her expression was unreadable. And from his experience, that was always a bad thing. But she was barely holding herself up and she certainly didn’t appear hostile, so he allowed himself to relax, if only a little bit. 
He took a deep breath. “Did you need something?”
She averted her eyes. “No.”
He nodded and prepared to walk away again when he heard behind him. “I appreciate you bringing Tohru here.”
He gave her a cool look. “She came here of her own choice. I don’t control her.”
She had steadied herself enough to look in his eyes, gaze steady. “But you came too. I’m sure that wasn’t easy.” He wasn’t sure what to say to that, this was the last thing he wanted to be doing right now, so she took that as her cue to continue. “I know it doesn't mean much at this point, but I wanted to-”
“Save it,” he cut her off, already knowing where this was heading. “I never expected an apology, and I don’t need it either. It doesn’t change anything.” He clenched his fist. “I just...want to move forward.”
She looked surprised. “I see. I never expected this from you of all people.”
“Don’t get the wrong idea,” he responded as neutrally as he could. “I’m only here because of Tohru. That doesn’t make us friends.”
He saw those eyes darken in anger for just a flash and flinched away, waiting for a blow that never came. But Akito just wilted in defeat, her eyes turning sad. 
“I understand.” 
Tohru sure was taking a long time. Maybe he should check on her. He nodded to Akito, but she called him back. 
He looked at her expectantly, but she smiled, a shy, broken thing. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Your honesty. You were never much of a people-pleaser, always saying exactly what was on your mind no matter how much trouble it got you in.”
He felt himself bristle, “Look, you-”
“I never said it was a bad thing.” she cut him off coolly, her eyes steely, but not angry. He felt himself deflate. She was...complimenting him? It was weird and backhanded, but it was a compliment, wasn’t it?
“I’m finished!” Tohru came back, breaking the tension. She grabbed his hand. “We can get going now.” And then noticing the thick air, she frowned. “Was I...interrupting something?”
Akito smiled at her warmly, which was something Kyo didn’t think she was capable of until now. “I was just thanking Kyo for taking the time to come visit.” And then her eyes shifted to him, sharp and calculating. “Right, Kyo?” 
Well, it wasn’t a lie. “Yeah.” And then he turned to her. “What took you so long?”
“Sorry,” she said sheepishly, “This mansion is so huge I got a bit lost.” 
Figured. “You should’ve asked one of the maids to help you.”
“Oh, but I didn’t wanna trouble them! I found it eventually.”
“Tohru?” Akito called softly. They both turned to her and Kyo had to be dreaming because it looked like she was...blushing. Akito. Blushing. “Thank you...for coming. I hope you can meet Shiki one day.”
She grinned. “Oh yes, I’d love to! I’m sure he’ll be adorable!” It was just then that Shigure returned with Hatori in tow. Kyo wondered if he took so long on purpose. 
Tohru bowed. “Thank you for having us, Akito-san! Good luck with little Shiki-kun!”
Kyo didn’t bow or say anything, but he did dip his head in acknowledgement. Akito gave them both a grateful look.
Today was a weird day. 
She was quieter than usual on the train ride back to Yuki’s. She’d been quiet ever since they left the estate now that he thought about it. He wondered if something happened between her and Akito. Did they fight? He felt a surge of protectiveness. He wouldn’t hit a woman, and especially not a pregnant woman, but Akito better not have done anything to his wife or she’d be sorry.
She jolted like she’d been spacing out. “Yes?”
“Did you and Akito get in a fight or something? You’ve been really quiet.”
Her eyes widened. “No, of course not!” 
Well, if it wasn’t Akito then…”Did Shigure say something weird to you?” One of these days he was gonna send that guy flying for real. 
“It wasn’t Shigure-san,” she mumbled.
Then did that mean…”Was it something I did?” She stiffened and he felt the dread in his stomach. Was she mad at him?  Was it because he left the room? He hoped she didn’t think he was trying to abandon her..
“You and Akito-san…” she started, “What were you talking about before I got there?” Tohru normally didn’t ask questions like that, so he felt he owed her to be honest. 
“Exactly what she said. She was just glad we came to visit.”
“That’s all?”
“That’s all. Why?”
“It’s just...you seemed really tense. I was worried that maybe…”  She didn’t need to finish that sentence. For someone so openly trusting, the fact that she was willing to doubt one of her friends for his sake was...touching. He always found a new reason to fall in love with this woman. He put an arm around her, kissing her hair. 
“I was tense,” he admitted, holding her close, “But she didn’t say anything bad.” Tohru leaned her head against his shoulder in response. “Actually, she complimented me, I think.”
She blinked in surprise. “Oh. Really?”
He nodded. “I guess she really has changed.”
The grip on his arm tightened. “I’m glad.”
He wanted to share that sentiment. He was glad Akito had changed for the better, especially since she was bringing a child into the world. For once, it had felt like they were on equal ground, no longer a God talking to a lowly monster. But even still...when she looked at him, he couldn’t quite forget how she’d used to look at him before, with pity and hate. He’d told her today they weren’t friends and that was true, but he’d also said he wanted to move forward. How could he do that if he only ever saw her as who she used to be and not who she was now?
“Maybe in the winter,” he found himself saying, “Hajime could meet his new cousin.”
He heard a light gasp from next to him. “That...would be okay?” She almost looked skeptical like she was waiting for him to say ‘sike!’
“Yeah, I think so. It’s his family, right?”
The look of pride on her face was too much for him to deal with. “Right.”
It was early evening by the time they made it back to Yuki’s and the heat hadn’t let up at all,  but Tohru hardly seemed bothered at all by it this time around. Hell, she was practically skipping to Yuki’s house. He suspected that what he told her on the train had something to do with it…
In a repeat of this morning, they were knocking on Yuki’s door again, only this time it was answered by... 
“Oh hey, it’s Kyon!” an overly cheerful voice greeted. Manabe. Of course it’d be him. 
“I told you not to call me that,” he grunted in annoyance. 
“Good evening, Kakeru-kun!” Tohru greeted cheerfully. “Can we come in?”
He shrugged, “Sure.” And then he shouted across the house. “Hey, Yun-yun! Your mom’s here!”
Tohru blinked in confusion and Kyo resisted the urge to hit something. What did Yuki see in this guy?!
And like he was the devil himself, Yuki appeared with a dangerous glint in his eye and a sinister smile. “Kakeru, I will literally send you flying into the sun.”
Manabe started laughing but then his eyes went wide as saucers. “Oh shit,” he muttered, “Kou no, that’s not a toy!” And then he ran around the corner, out of sight.
“Yuki-kun, it’s so good to see you!” Tohru said sweetly. “I’m so sorry we missed you earlier.” 
He gave her a warm look, stepping aside so they could go further in. “You can thank that idiot over there for that,” he gestured towards Manabe, who was wrestling with a toddler, “He forgot the grocery list so it ended up taking twice as long. It’s good to see you, Tohru.” And then his gaze cooled towards him and gave him an amicable nod. “Kyo.”
He nodded back. “Where’s Hajime? I wanna make sure you didn’t corrupt him.”
Yuki got that sinister look back. “Oh? Is this how you typically repay favors, stupid cat? And to think I took my entire day to watch your son for you.”
“What, was a 6 year old so difficult you needed four adults for him?” He fired back.  “How pathetic.”
“You say that and yet you’re the one who apparently couldn’t handle him. Hence why he’s here.”
Tohru looked like she wasn’t sure whether to be concerned or amused and then a flash of sandy orange bolted behind his legs. 
“Hajime-kun!” Tohru cooed. “Did you have fun?”
Hajime pouted. “No.” Then he pointed at the two kids chasing after him. “Michi keeps trying to make me play dress up!”
Oh right, Manabe’s daughter. The girl in question frowned adorably. “Oh, c’mon, Jime-chan! You’ll be so cute!”
“I don’t wanna be cute! And stop calling me ‘Jime-chan’!”
“Yeah, Michi-nee!” Mutsuki strutted in, wearing a dress and looking way too proud of himself. “Jime-chan’s a scaredy-cat so just forget about him!”
Hajime’s face flushed in embarrassment and Tohru started giggling. He pinched the bridge of his nose, huffing in amusement. His poor son would have no dignity left by the end of the night. 
“Don’t call me a scaredy-cat!” Hajime bristled. 
“Well, then put on the dress then,” Michi mocked, “Scaredy-cat.”
“Fine, I will!” And then he stomped over to the other two, snatching the dress from the smug looking girl. Well, that was easy bait. He could see Yuki staring at him and just knew he was about to make a smart ass remark. 
“Don’t,” he said. 
“Don’t what?” he asked innocently with that damnable smirk. Bastard. 
Kuragi appeared at that moment. “Komaki went to get us dinner. Did you want to stay while the kids are having fun?”
“Oh, we wouldn’t want to intrude,” Tohru tried to backtrack. 
“You’re never intruding, Tohru,” Yuki smiled at her, a genuine one. “You’re always welcome here.”
He saw Tohru about to protest again because that’s just how she was, always worrying about being a nuisance, and gently covered her mouth. “We’ll stick around for a bit. Thanks.” 
There was a dull thud from the next room over where the kids went and Yuki’s smile dropped. “I’ll go check on them.”
When he was gone, Kuragi turned to them. “Did you want some tea, Tohru-san?”
Kyo pulled out a seat from the table for her as she said, “Oh, that sounds wonderful. Thank you!”
Kuragi nodded. “How about you, Kyon-senpai?”
He glowered at the nickname and muttered, “Just water for me.”
Her lips twitched in amusement and he rolled his eyes, pulling the chair out next to Tohru.  
These people all drove him crazy. 
But...he supposed...as his wife turned to him to smile warmly, and as his son played with his friends like the normal child he himself never got to be...and how in a few months, his family would be just a little bit bigger...he supposed they weren’t all bad. 
"Hey, stupid cat!" Yuki came back in, eye twitching and holding a ripped piece of fabric. "You owe my daughter a new dress." 
Scratch that. 
The damn rat was still the worst.
22 notes · View notes
yacoka · 4 years
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the journey back
ii. echoes of the past
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character(s) — tsukishima kei, matsukawa issei, hanamaki takahiro, iwaizumi hajime
pairing — tsukishima kei x reader
genre — royalty!au, reincarnation!au, soulmate!au
warning(s) — none
beta(s) — @/doughnuts-5ever
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The first month of university flies past in a blur, and it is only when Issei drags you out of your room - which you haven’t left in a while except for school, meals, and showers - to meet your high school seniors that you snap out of the haze that’s been clouding your mind.
“Iwaizumi’s leaving for California in a couple weeks, figured we’d meet him and cause a little chaos while we still can.” Issei flashes you a mischief filled grin, and you can’t help but mirror it, memories of your high school days playing your mind. Iwaizumi had taken the brunt of you, Issei’s and Makki’s shenanigans, and he even had a scar on his left elbow to prove it.
“Where are we meeting them?”
“At Iwaizumi’s house, then maybe a nearby bar.” You watch as Issei’s shoulders shake slightly, his face tilted away from you.
“No,” you groan. “Tell me you told him we were going to meet.”
At this, Issei lets out his laughter, and the sound warms you, wrapping around your cold body like a thick jacket. His chuckles are infectious, and your giggles join his, filling the street you were strolling down with your joy.
It isn’t long until you find yourself turning a corner and facing a street that’s almost like a second home to you. Three houses down from the corner, past the tree that looks like an old woman hunched over in the dark, and there was Iwaizumi’s house. The setting sun casts a gentle glow, and the swirling leaves on the ground have your smile growing wider, happiness lifting your chin a little higher, your steps a little lighter. It’s been a while since you’ve felt this way, and you cherish every moment of it.
From your peripheral, you spy a familiar head of pink creeping up the alleyway on Issei’s side, and you bite your tongue in an effort not to ruin Makki’s fun, but Issei knows your tells better than you do, the little scrunch of your lips has him whirling around immediately.
Makki freezes, his hands a fingertip away from Issei’s nose. Issei goes cross-eyed and you burst into another round of laughter, bending over at the two idiots. Your idiots.
(You fail to notice the soft smiles they send your way, and the triumphant grins they exchange with one another.)
“Makki!” You grin brightly at him, moving around Issei to hug him. “I missed you!”
He wraps his arms around you, squishing your face into his chest. “Princess! It’s been too long since you’ve graced this lowly peasant with your beautiful face!”
Pulling away from him, a small pout rests upon your lips. “Stop calling me that, I thought we agreed to leave that nickname behind in high school.”
Makki pulls a face. “Uh, no? I don’t remember making such a ridiculous promise.”
You scowl, faking a kick at him. He yelps and darts away and you give chase, yelling at him all the while. It doesn’t take long for you to reach Iwaizumi’s house like this, and Makki bangs on the door.
“Iwaizumi! Open up before I get murdered by her royal highness!”
You reach him just as the door opens, and a hard shove has him falling through the open doorway and landing at Iwaizumi’s feet. Makki groans in pain, and you seat yourself on his back, grinning brightly up at Iwaizumi’s annoyed face.
“Hey Iwa-chan!”
He merely pinches the bridge of his nose, eyes narrowing. “I just wanted one last night of peace.”
“Well, you know you’ll never get that around us.” Issei snorts from the doorway.
“I know, that’s why I’m running away to San Francisco.”
“Rude!” Issei, Makki and you echo in unison. Iwaizumi slumps, and you swear you can almost hear his mental cries for strength.
There’s a few moments of chaos as Iwaizumi tries to lift you off Makki and Issei yanking Makki by his feet and someone’s shoes flying, but you somehow make it out of Iwaizumi’s house relatively unscathed. Said owner is currently tucked under Issei’s arm in a headlock, with Makki skipping happily beside. You trail behind them, watching your boys struggle to walk properly. If only Oikawa was here, your group would have been complete.
Issei turns around, eyes bright with joy. He grins brightly at you, one arm still around Iwaizumi’s neck, the other reaching out to you.
“Coming, Princess?”
You grin at him, sliding your hand into his, like you have since you were toddlers, and squeeze it tightly.
“Stop calling me that!”
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Your first assignment receives a passing grade, and the sigh that you let out is painfully audible, drawing your seat partner’s attention.
“You did well?” He asks, the first bit of conversation he’s initiated out of the customary thank yous and excuse mes he usually offers.
You blink at him with wide eyes, shock filling every vein and artery that runs through you. He was making conversation? He was talking to you? There was no way this was actually happening, not when the last three months had been filled with him turning down everyone’s offer to hang out after school or eat together during meal times. The mysterious blonde who kept to himself was now talking to you.
“So?” The irritation in his voice jerks you back from the rush of thoughts, and your cheeks heat up.
“Ye-yeah, I guess so.” Your voice is small, and you just want to shrink into a tiny ball and disappear at the unimpressed look he sends you.
(“Tsukki,” he can almost imagine Yamaguchi admonish, a hand swinging out to lightly smack him. “You said you'd be nice!”)
He glares at the ground, and there’s a moment of hesitation before he speaks up once more, this time more gently.
“Yeah, me too.” It’s awkward, the air between you two filled with uncertainty. All you want to do is run away from it and go back home, back to familiarity where Issei was probably cleaning out the fridge once more. But there’s a voice that whispers that he’s trying, and he’s just as lost as you are. So you reach a trembling hand out, a silent offer to exchange papers.
His tensed shoulders sag, and wordlessly, you swap papers. You hadn’t planned on saying anything until you saw the big red mark on his paper.
“You got an A? Dude, that’s amazing!”
“It’s nothing,” he waves a hand dismissively, though you notice the light coating of pink across his pale cheeks.
“It’s not nothing, you did well, you should be proud of yourself.” You frown at your own paper in his grasp. “I would do anything to be able to do this well.”
“I can tutor you- that is, if you want?”
Your head whips up so fast it gives you whiplash. Tsukishima has his head turned away from you, though that does little to hide the blush that deepens with every second passing. It’s almost endearing, this bashfulness of his. It’s certainly more emotion than you’ve seen in the past few months as his seat partner.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
The relieved smile that breaks out from him is enough to quell the pit of uncertainty bubbling in your stomach, and you settle back into your seat and wait for the teacher to start the class.
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“Hey!” You raise a hand and wave at Tsukishima. “Over here.”
He jerks his head in recognition and makes his way over, weaving between the tables and chairs that separate you two. It takes him three near accidents and a slight trip over an outstretched leg, but he reaches your table and sets his bag down.
“Hey.” He nods, slipping his headphones down to his neck.
You smile at him awkwardly, though it wasn’t nearly as bad as it used to be. Several study sessions had passed, and the tension eases with each one as you learn to navigate around each other. That didn’t mean you knew how to react to his remarks all the time - some of them were especially aggravating and had you shrinking away from him.
“Are you going to order anything, or are you going to keep staring at me?”
You start, blinking at him in surprise. “I wasn’t staring at you, I was just- uhh, stoning.”
He snorts, a slight smirk slipping onto his face. “Sure, if that’s what you want to go with. Now go order. I want an iced mocha and a strawberry shortcake.”
It’s your turn to smirk as you register his order, and it’s years of growing up with assholes for friends that have the following words slipping out. “The salty bean pole likes sweet stuff? How uncharacteristic of him!”
Tsukishima’s smirk falls into a scowl, and he tosses a napkin at your grinning face. “Shut up and get me my food.”
“Alright, strawberry shortcake, I’m going.” Giggles erupt from you, even as you stand in line for the food.
It was a rather adorable fact - you never thought someone like him would enjoy such sweet things. Storing this knowledge for future use, you rattle off both your orders and when the cashier asks for your name, you shoot them a wink and whisper something else instead.
The red scrawl of ‘shortcake’ on the iced mocha has Tsukishima’s glare intensifying, a dark blush staining his cheeks as he splutters. It’s worth the absolute hell he puts you through later on during the study session.
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“There is no way that happened!” You laugh, one hand covering your mouth to stifle the noise as the other smacks Tsukishima’s arm lightly. He no longer flinches away from your touch, nor bristles angrily when you come close to him.
“It did, unfortunately.” Tsukishima grumbles, glaring down at the papers spread across the table between you. “He turned up to the training camp and stayed all the way through as a ball boy.”
“You have to admit, it takes some guts to pull that off,” you chuckle, wiping the beginnings of tears away.
“Or a lot of stupidity and thick skin.” He mutters under his breath, pushing his glasses up slightly. But for all the complaining he does about his highschool friends, you still spot the smile hidden in the upturned corner of his lips, his eyes slightly brighter.
The conversation dies down into a comfortable silence that’s occasionally broken by the scratch of a pen on paper, or the shuffle of clothes as someone shifts around. You’re so focused on scribbling down the answers that you don’t notice the humming until it grows loud enough to catch your attention.
“I thought you said this song was a terrible song,” you remark, continuing to write even as you listen to his humming. It stops abruptly, and you glance up at him. “What? Don’t stop, I don’t mind it.”
“How do you know that song?” His voice is accusing, and the stare he shoots you is reminiscent of the guarded ones he used to give everyone before you became friends. Your brows furrow and the realization sinks in.
“How do you know that song?”
His mouth opens and closes, a bewildered expression forming.
“I don’t know. It’s just a song that’s always been in my head I guess.”
There’s a tangible tension in the air, thick and filled with a strange familiarity that feels out of place. You catch his gaze, and you can almost hear the tune of a half-formed song in your mind. It lingers with an achingly familiar scent of something sweet, something soft, something that settles a restlessness you hadn’t known existed.
“What a strange coincidence,” you say softly, unwillingly to snap the tension. But it does anyway, and Tsukishima leans away from you, an awkward laugh falling from him.
“It must be an old song we might have heard when we were younger,” he waves dismissively, shoving more papers to you. “Here, you got a couple of the questions wrong.”
You frown, but take the papers from him and return to your work, though you could still feel his burning gaze on you, brown eyes filled with an unnerving emotion you couldn’t quite place.
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prioritysope · 3 years
Reader: Female (Original Character)
Character: Oikawa Tooru
Rating: Explicit
Chapter: 18/26
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Gaby was in the classroom of her last class. In the Chemistry class they had put together a group project and the only thing missing was to put her part of it on the cardboard to leave it in the classroom to present it on Monday. Nothing worse than spending 'overtime' at school on a Friday. She right now she would be with Oikawa getting ready for some party or just watching Netflix till morning.
"Finally!" you squealed happy when finished. She carefully rolled up the cardstock and put a buckle on it so that it stays in place for her. She went to the back of the room to put the card where the rest of her group is. She then she returned to her seat to take her briefcase and her cell phone.
Since Iwaizumi was no longer in her life in general, she felt better than ever. No more drama, just total peace. She although she within herself she feels that everything could be otherwise and not deceiving Hajime. Yet her mother's words of hers when she told her everything, it repeated over and over again in her head.
"You know what you did was wrong, even if he was unfaithful to you first. However, if everything happened this way, it is for some reason. I do not judge you and neither Tooru. You both know that you have my blessing for everything. As long as you both do things right. And Tooru, I hope you make my daughter happy, I've seen her suffer a lot since her father abandoned us and the Hajime thing, that it would hurt to see her suffer more."
She walked down the stairs calmly while looking at something on her phone. From there she could see the gym lights on and the sound of balls. She decided to go to say goodbye to Tooru. The closer she got, the louder the footsteps and the screams. She could hear Oikawa scolding Matsukawa and Hanamaki for God only knows what.
"Stop looking at my phone, you damn idiots." She heard Tooru say as she approached the doors. Iwaizumi was helping Kyotani with his services, on the other hand Kunimi and Kindaichi were passing the ball through the net and Oikawa was following Matsukawa and Hanamaki, which made her laugh out loud that made everyone stop doing what they were doing to see to a Gaby laughing like her life depended on it.
"Baby!" Tooru yelled as soon as he saw Gaby and ran over to her, hugging her around her waist, spinning her around. Then he released her gently, still not releasing her waist in case she was dizzy. "I thought you were already in the apartment."
Gaby took Oikawa by the face, staying a couple of seconds admiring the beautiful brown eyes before finally joining her lips with his in a slow and fast kiss.
"I was finishing a job, but I was just leaving because I wanted to say goodbye to you." She replied with a shrug. She gave one last kiss to the lips of her boyfriend and hugged him. "Keep practicing, text me when you get home, hm."
Oikawa simply nodded to run back to the gym. On the other hand, she looked at the gym and caught Iwaizumi looking at her, and she just gave him a weird smile to leave.
As Gaby was about to exit through the main gate, she heard her name being called out, so she turned to see who it came from and saw a group of two three girls. She frowned, totally confused, since she had never seen those girls at school. She capable was so antisocial that she didn't even know half of the third years apart from Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Matsukawa and Hanamaki.
"Gaby-san, hi." One of them said. She was about the same height as Gaby, with straight black hair, but short. "You don't know us, but I am Nishimura Akira. We are in our third year as well."
"And you two?" Gaby said pointing to the other two girls, quite curious.
"My name is Kimura Sakura and she is Yamada Sumi."
Gaby just leaned in, bowing to them. She was still confused by the fact that they spoke to her, but she doesn't want to be disrespectful towards them either. Her eyes shone thanks to the sun that was beginning to hide. A sigh escaped her lips.
"And can I help you with something?" She asked them kindly, now interested in what they wanted.
"I'll get to the point. We have seen everything that happened with your relationship with Iwaizumi-san through Scarlett's social media, and I am very sorry for that. It is unfair that the two people you trusted the most so betrayed you like this. So after all, I have seen you alone or with Oikawa-san and we would like you to be our friend." Akira finished speaking, giving Gaby a beaming smile. She could tell the sincerity in her words. "And I'll understand if you don't trust, because I know from experience that trust doesn't regenerate overnight, and it's kind of screwed up."
Gaby thought about the girl's words. She looked for any sign that Akira was joking, but she couldn't find anything. Each girl's eyes showed sincerity. She hated the fact that her trust issues affected her social life in general. Since Scarlett had been her only friend since middle school and being sociable again somehow terrified her. However, she knew that she couldn't lock herself in her bubble forever and that at some point she should burst it and be happy.
With a smile from ear to ear, she frantically nodded towards the girls.
"Let's be friends, I really need to get out of my bubble and I know that Tooru wanted this too." She responded, letting out a soft giggle, which rubbed off on the other girls. "We should have a sleepover at my apartment. And just in case, I don't live with Tooru yet so you don't have to worry about it. Girls night out."
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
[Multi Fandom] Headcanon when the team/brothers see you limping
Fandoms Included: Haikyuu, Obey me!, Daiya No ace
Includes: Platonic!Karasuno, Platonic!Aoba Josai, Platonic?Demon bros, Platonic! Third and second years Seidou baseball,Daichi,Poly!Matsukawa and Makki, Beelzeebub, Miyuki
Genre: Fluff?, crack???
Warnings: Sexual jokes and the like
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||Karasuno (Daichi)
-Daichi and you had a long weekend. ;)))
-Gotta get that good DICQUE ❤️
-You weren’t the team’s manager like Yachi or Kiyoko but you were almost like a manager due to how much time you spend with them
-Anywaysss During lunch suga and asahi already saw you having a hard time standing up so they thought you were injured
-Being kind people they actually asked if you wanted to go to the nurse’s office
-You told them you were fine 🙂
-You were obviously NOT fine
-NOT fine
-Suga asked daichi about it when they were in the club room too
-He may not have seen the captain’s red face but he did hear his small “I-I dont know...maybe they stubbed their toe?”
-Needless to say Suga already had an idea
-As soon as you enter the gym while they were on break hinata noticed your limping
-“Y/N-san! Are you okay? Did you get hurt?”
-“Y/N-san!-“ nishinoya was supposed to say something but he decided to stare at daichi for a second
-“Nice one daichi-san!” Tanaka gives the captain a thumbs up and noya followed
-“I...ughmm...stubbed my toe?” You tried to make some lame excuse for it too 😔
-“Even your excuses are the same, daichi”
-You can just see suga behind him and he’s already pissed because You are suga’s baby? One of his favourites too and now look at you
-Limping, making excuses and looking all nervous
-Pulling daichi out for a “Talk”
- you knew you were next and if you weren’t as old as you were right there you probably would have peed yourself
-With Noya and Tanaka congratulating you while baby crows were congratulating you but theydidntknowwhytheyweresayingcongratulationstoyouaswellbecausetheyareshelteredchildrenandanyonewhostainstheirinnocencewillseesugamama’swrath
-You guys did NOT ever try to fuck so much that you’re limping ever again or you wouldnt hear the end of it from suga
||Aoba Johsai (Poly! Mattsun and Makki)
-Let’s get this straight...Matsukawa and Makki, right?
-Sandwiches. Oh you’re still able to walk? How kind of them
-Im just saying...Issei’s horsecock? Makki KNOWS how to use that dick?
-Almost not being able to walk the next day
-Originally You were supposed to just teach them something from class that they didn’t get over at Issei’s but it was too...perfectly planned?
-Makki and You? His parents wasn’t home?
-Makki already had clothes in his bag?
-The situation was too perfect for it to just be a
-You should have known better the moment both of them weren’t even paying any attention at all
-“Damn both of you! Issei! Makki! You horny bastards! You’re both carrying me to school today! I dont want any excuses! You have to pay for this!”
-Yes, they woke up to that 😌
-Oikawa notices the moment you go to school with both of your boyfriends helping you walk
-You were scolding both of them and telling them how irresponsible they were to do that on a school night!
-“Yahoo~ Y/N-chan, it seems like you had fun~” “Shut up, shittykawa” that was you who said that :)
-“Good Morning, Hajime-kun” you say that :)
-“Hey! Why do you greet Iwa-chan and not me?”
-He was only trying to tease you at least be nice, y/n
-“Hey Hajime can you give us a hand?” Makki asks
-“Oh no, Makki. Hajime-Kun didnt cause this. Pay for your sins, you horny bastards!”
-At practice the first years are just confused why you’re on Mattsun’s back right now and...why is Makki holding your things with some type of juice?
-Second years know what’s up though 😌 They’ve seen you limp after a good dicking by the two before
-No one says a word
-Then again Oikawa
-“Woah Y/N! You’re so lucky you could still move your legs hehehehe” “Oi! Shittykawa! Get back to practice instead of pestering Y/N!”
||Demon brothers at House of Lamentation (Belzeebub)
-Oh honey...😔😔😔
-You were the Midnight Snack
-Avatar of Gluttony?
-He knows, no, he invented the oral game
-My guy had you crying his name so much that luci had to tell both of you to calm the fuck down from the screaming 😡😡😡
-Even Asmo, the avatar of lust, had to give that one to beelzee
-The next day you hear their teasing and complains 😖
-“Y/N has such a lovely singing voice I couldn’t sleep as much. That’s not nice, Y/N. I need my Beauty Sleep”
-“Oi! Beel! Y/N! Keep it down! Will you? My volume was maxed yesterday and I still couldn’t hear what I was watching yesterday!”
- “I agree. Y/N please keep your voice down at night. Some of us are trying to sleep”
-“Hey! Y/N *blushes* Keep it down, okay?!”
“there was a sound last night???”
-Even Diavolo heard about it when Luci and him were
-“My My hahaha Y/N has quite a voice, dont they?”
-Beel is just over here eating his breakfast 😦
-You were embarrassed af and look at this dude! Just downing his fourth bowl 😡
||Seidou Third and second Years (Miyuki)
-You? Dating Miyuki? Well that was...certainly...Weird? For them at least.
-Miyuki was known to play around a lot so when they met you they thought you’d kind of be...yknow? Just a quick thing
-Most girls that would honestly go out with him were fragile and sweet and affectionate
-Imagine how they reacted when you hit that cocky bastard with a rolled up magazine
-They were glad you stood your ground afterall a guy like miyuki would only wake up by people who were tough and those who were firm
-Isashiki, kuramochi and ryou basically bullied him for it now add you being firm on him
-So here’s the real story...You happened to trip on something and it really made you limp a bit. Then you also had sex 🌸
-You go to practice the next day helping the managers and yuukie notices how ever slightly...you were limping
-Being concerned and ready to tell miyuki that you were injured he asked you straightforwardly
-“Y/N, You’re limping. Are you injured?”
-“Huh? N-No, Yuukie-san! I just-“
-“Perhaps we should tell kazuya so he can join you to the nurse’s office later?” He was actually concerned, bro 🥺
-“Please dont...It’s that bastard’s fault Im limping”
-“Woah! Nice one, miyuki!”
-“Miyuki, N-nice”
-*Thumbs up*
-“OI! MIYUKI! How dare you! You should take...”
-For unknown reasons people just started telling your boyfriend congratulations or nice! Or something of that kind
-Luckily you tried to explain that you just tripped on something.
-Keyword: Tried.
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Taglist: @janellion @my-mass-hysteria
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denkimystery · 4 years
Denki Mystery: Six Idol Statues of Taboo - Chapter 2
One year and 10 months later…
“It's been a sweltering hot day. One day about a month had passed since the disappearance of my father, a researcher, when a letter arrived. The name of the sender was one I didn't remember, but what caught my attention was the name of the place where he lived. Akatsuka*. It was the name of the area my father was researching, where he was last been. I set out for Akatsuka to visit the letter's owner.”
ー In front of Akashika* Station, noon.
Takashi: Ah, hello. It's nice to meet you. It was me who wrote the letter. Are you Hajime Shisaka-san?
A young man called Hajime Shisaka: Before you came, a guy with a paper bag on talked to me…
Hajime: He said to me, "My brother, Ichimatsu.” I told him “I think you’ve got the wrong guy?”. Is that bag man around here often?
Takashi: Ah…
Hajime: What’s the matter?
Takashi: S-Sorry. It feels like we've met somewhere before.
Hajime: Well~ My face is kinda common.
Takashi: … About the letter I wrote, my father told me to contact you and ask for help if I had any problems.
Hajime: Is that so. Um. It’s Momose-kun, right? Your name, it’s a little unique, no?
Takashi: My first name is "Takashi". The man wearing the paper bag called me “my brother, Todomatsu”.
Hajime starts rummaging through his bag. He pulls out a notebook and a pen.
Hajime: Let’s see. Todomatsu**. Did you have any more conversations with the guy who looks like you?
Takashi: Notebook… You’re impressive.
Hajime: Not really, it’s not all that impressive. Is there any evidence left that this entity was real?
Takashi: ... Entity? Ah, that’s right. I think he’s a living being since he was snacking on some salami. Yup.
Hajime: Snacking on salami? So he's real?
Hajime: Also here look, although it's a name, sometimes “Taka” can be read as "Todo". Here.
[[Hajime hands Takashi his notebook. On it, Takashi can see some writing.]]
Takashi: Ah…! I understand now, and “Ichi” too! “Ichi” can be read from the character for “Hajime”...
Hajime: When I write it on paper, it's surprisingly simple. It doesn't seem to be a matter of nonsensical bullshit.
Takashi: I was right to consult with you! In the meantime, let's talk about it more at my home. It's right nearby.
[Takashi starts heading towards his place.]]
Hajime: Thank you. I don't mean to impose. You know…
[Hajime follows suite, wondering out loud.]
Hajime: I thought it would be interesting if your name was “Momofumi Momose”. Or “Todoshi” for example.****
Takashi: Huh!? "Todoshi"!? Hahaha! You’re joking… right?
Hajime: Sometimes.
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
Mod note: All singular brackets come from how the sprites change in the actual event story. All double brackets [[]] means I’ve added something to help make the dialogue flow better. It is not from the original text.
*The Denki Matsu AU plays with the writing and reading of various names. The Akatsuka (pure katakana: アカツカ, AKA the pronunciation) used for the village is “赤ツ鹿” (pronounced アカツカ “akatsuka” 赤 is "Aka" is "ツ" and "鹿" can be read as either shika or ka, for the village it's read as "ka", hence "Akatsuka") while the Akashika used for the station is “赤鹿” (pronounced あかしか “akashika”, it uses the same spelling as Akatsuka village but removes the tsu and "Ka" is read as "Shika"). In comparison the Akatsuka we know of from the anime is “赤塚”.
**Hajime calls Takashi using his kanji “百々史” but pronounces it using todomatsu “トドマツ”.
***The kanji for Ta 百 can be read as To and 々is a punctuation mark used to repeat the syllable before it so do. Hajime uses katakana to point this out. This is the same as Takashi’s original name Todomatsu トド松. The same goes for Hajime. The Kanji for Hajime, 一, can be read as Ichi. However, since both Takashi and Hajime have only heard Toshio say their names but not actually see how it is written Hajime doesn’t know that his Ichi should be written in kanji 一 and not in katakana イチ. It also explains why Hajime and Takashi used matsu as the katakana reading, マツ and not their actual matsu which is in kanji 松.
****Hajime is making a joke on Takashi’s full name Momose Takashi (桃瀬百々史), Ta 百, can also be read as Mo, and 々repeats the syllable hence mo, and shi 史 can also be read as fumi. Combine it all and you get Momofumi. Todoshi is much simpler, using the Todo from 百々 and keeping the original reading of shi 史 and you get Todoshi. If you use the hiragana spelling for Todoshi, you get とどし which means stellar sea lion, which is why takashi laughs.
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kisskeiji · 4 years
Lost & Found
WARNINGS: language, cheating, violence (?) 
 When it comes to love, we all expect a fairy tale, a happy ending where the prince and the princess stay together forever and ever. Where love remains untouched even when time passes by. In real life, that fairy tale means a future together, the need for domesticity and endless support from and for your loved one, at least, that's what she thought, and she was fine with daydreaming about a life together with the man she spent the last four years with.
Y/N was hardworking, in fact, sometimes, she was too much of a hard worker, pushing herself to the limit to fulfill all her goals. As a mass communication major, she studied hard every day and tried to keep up with everyone’s expectations, including her own. As a bartender, she worked every night at some popular bar to pay for rent, school and basic needs. Even when she came home at ungodly hours and passed out from exhaustion she was always up in time to get ready to head to class. As a daughter, she tried to make her parents proud by doing her best at school, catching up with them weekly and sharing all she could. As a sister and friend, she was doting and always available, up to anything, the type to make you laugh and stay with you at your lowest. And even with her hectic lifestyle where she barely had time for herself; she was a girlfriend.
Y/N was devoted.
She had more love inside her than she could ever handle. She loved with everything she had, and if she loved and cared for her friends and family, all her adoration and devotion was focused on her boyfriend, Iwaizumi Hajime. She loved the man dearly, he was the reason why she worked so hard, the reason why she kept going even when her own body screamed for help, and she tried so hard to make him happy and proud. So proud that he could see a future with her by his side. She wanted nothing more, even if it meant leaving a lot of opportunities behind just to be by his side.
You see, after being in a long-distance relationship for a little over a year, they both thought they could go through anything and still be there for each other. They both promised to never be apart for that long again, they couldn’t take it.
Everyone rooted for them, they saw their love bloom, grow and go through one of the roughest patches in every relationship. For everyone, including them, their love was invincible. Stronger than any bond. The type of love that lasts forever. But lately the love they both professed to each other was often overlooked, more like, all her sacrifices and efforts were not enough proof of how much she loved him.
She noticed. Of course, she did. When she started to stay more hours studying for her upcoming finals, when she took longer shifts at the bar and spent more time out rather than home. She noticed how his eyes lingered on her when she got up to get ready for school and how much he longed for her touch. She also noticed when he stopped.
‘He thinks I don’t love him’ She thought to herself. And she tried, she really did. By cooking his breakfast and lunch everyday before leaving, by leaving sticky notes where he could see them, by kissing him goodnight and texting him all through the day to check up on him. And still it was not enough.
Acts of service could never replace the value of intimacy and physical touch, and she knew that.
‘Just a little longer’ she tried to convince herself everyday when she walked home from work. ‘It will all be worth it.’
And that comes down to this very moment, when she opened the door of their  shared apartment with fatigue numbing her limbs and making her feel dizzy. She left her bag right beside her shoes and walked in. Something was off, that was all she could think of when she made her way to the living room.
A moan.
Her breath hitched for a second and with fear she looked up, finding Iwaizumi kissing another girl on the kitchen counter both missing many clothing items.
The world stopped. She couldn’t think of anything else more than the scene that unraveled in front of her. Was she dreaming? Because it was not funny, it felt more like a nightmare. The numbness of her limbs travelled all the way until it reached every part of her body. Tears gathering in her eyes but never falling. She just walked backwards trying to run away but at the same time unable to stop looking at him as heartbreaking the scene was, her eyes were on him filled with hurt and disgust.
Taking a deep breath, she turned around on her heels and tried to walk away, to her disgrace, her presence was sensed by the girl who was now in Hajime´s arms. Terrified she pulled away and told him to turn around and fear invaded his body. He turned around and saw her pick up her bag and leave the apartment without a word.
“Y/N!” He called.
“Who was that?” the girl asked petrified.
“My girlfriend.” He replied looking for his phone dialing her number.
“You had a girlfriend?” She asked. She didn’t know. When he didn’t answer her question, she hopped off the counter and tried to gather her clothes to get dressed.
He pulled his pants up and throwing his shirt on he ran after her. When he got to the hallway, he saw her on the elevator, pushing the closing button repeatedly for it to close faster.
“Y/N!” He screamed. She looked at him with nothing but pain in her eyes. His heart dropped “Babe. Babe please listen to me; I can explain but please come back.” He tried to talk to her making his way as fast as possible, but the doors closed right before he could reach her.
 Once she was out of his sight her shoulders dropped and released all the air she was holding in.
‘What the fuck is going on?’
Even when no one was watching the state of shock took all over her body, she just stared at her distorted reflection with blank eyes. A loud ‘ding’ followed by the doors opening brought her back to reality and she took a step out walking towards the end of the hall. Knowing he will be looking for her outside her only option was to hide somewhere else, luckily two of her friends lived a few floors above. With three knocks at the door she sighed once again and prayed for Akaashi and Bokuto to be home.  A minute later, Bokuto’s tall figure opened the door and greeted her with excitement.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” He asked with a smile.
“Hey, Bokuto, uhm… Can I come in?” she asked trying to hide the urge to cry with a forced smile.
“Sure.” He moved out of the way and let her in “Are you okay though?” He asked once he noticed her unusual mood, before she could answer he called for his roommate “Hey, Akaashi, Y/N is here.”
“Y/N?” Akaashi’s head peaked from the kitchen as he watched her sit on the couch.
“Hi Akaashi, sorry for bothering you guys so late.” She forced another smile at him and waited for the inevitable question.
“Something happened? Where’s Iwaizumi-san?” Akaashi walked towards her.
“Outside.” She answered trying to find a way to explain what just happened. How are you supposed to tell people you just saw your boyfriend fucking another girl on your kitchen counter?
“Outside? What is he doing outside?” This time Bokuto took a few steps closer and crouched in front of her with concern on his eyes.
“He is looking for me, but I don’t want to see him right now.” She explained without looking at the two boys who stood in front of her. Before they could ask anything else, she spoke “I came home, and he was with another girl.”
“What?” Akaashi asked startled, regretting it almost instantly.
She sighed.
“He cheated on me.” Was the only thing she could say before she trembled and started crying, instinctively Bokuto embraced her in his arms and she broke down completely.
“What did I do wrong?” She asked in a whisper.
“You did nothing wrong Y/N, you gave your everything to him, it’s not your fault, it’s on him for taking you for granted.” Bokuto tried to console her, both of them letting her cry for a while knowing she needed to let it all out. 
“I’m gonna kill him.” The gray haired said once she pulled away.
“Bokuto.” Akaashi tried to stop him but he was already at the door.
“Bokuto, please don’t, he is going to know I am here, and you can get in trouble.” She said standing up.
“But he deserves it, Y/N, he made you cry and-”
“And it’s not worth it. Please don’t do anything stupid.” She said and he looked back at her unable to express his anger. It was so unfair for you to feel that way and he wanted nothing else than breaking Hajime’s nose.
“Fine. But if I see him near you, I will beat the shit out of him. We are not going to let him hurt you again.” He said as he walked back to the kitchen.
“Thanks. Can I use your bathroom for a bit?” She asked, looking at Akaashi.
“Sure, I’m making you some tea so you can calm down.” He said following Bokuto. She nodded and entered the bathroom.
She didn’t know what she was looking at. Was it the same person or her reflection was tricking her? She did not recognize herself at all. She felt stupid. For thinking their relationship would last forever, for loving so hard, for sacrificing everything for him and getting a heartbreak in return.
‘What am I supposed to do now? Do I know how to live without him?’ All those questions started to flood her mind all at once, there was no way she was coming back to him. She knew better than everyone that she was strong, but this was different, a different kind of pain, her heart felt heavy and she could barely breathe.
She joined her friends in the kitchen after a few minutes and a call to her sister, they both shared knowing glances as she entered the room, Akaashi finished brewing the tea and poured the beverage for her.
“Do you want to stay the night?” Akaashi asked as he handed the mug.
“Oh no, don’t worry, I just called my sister. I'm staying at her place tonight.” She explained taking a sip from her drink.
“Is she picking you up?” Bokuto asked.
“I’m taking a taxi; she doesn’t live that far from here.”
And so, she did, after she finished the tea Akaashi made and called a taxi. Bokuto made sure Iwaizumi was out of the way so she could leave accompanied by Akaashi who walked her to the car. She thanked him and gave him a hug before she left.
Walking back to his apartment, Akaashi saw Iwaizumi walking frantically inside the building while he talked to someone on the phone.
“Hey, Kaede, right? I don’t know if you remember me, I’m Y/N’s boyfriend.” 
Akaashi’s blood boiled when he heard him but decided to avoid an unnecessary argument that could possibly upset Y/N even more.
“Do you know where she could be by any chance? Oh, wait a second.” He said when he saw Akaashi walking back to the elevator. “Hey, Akaashi!” He called.
The former setter paid no mind to him, trying his best to not turn a round and give him a piece of mind on how he is probably the last person he wants to talk to and how he doesn’t deserve to talk to Y/N ever again until Iwaizumi got a hold of his shoulder and made him turn around.
“Can I help you?” He asked with clear annoyance in his tone.
‘He knows’ Iwaizumi thought. “Where is she?” He asked.
“I think that’s none of your business right now, Iwaizumi-san. She already had enough for the night, and being honest I don’t have a reason to associate with you anymore, so please, don’t come to me or Bokuto, we are not going to help you clean your mess.” Akaashi said, blue eyes piercing deeper than his harsh words, with nothing left to say he made his way to the elevator again.
“You don’t know what you are talking about, Akaashi, please where is she? I need to know if she is okay.”
“Good night, Iwaizumi-san.” With that the elevator doors closed and Hajime found himself alone once again. Feeling the anger building up inside him he cursed himself for being such an asshole. He knew damn well she did nothing wrong, and that angered him even more, he knew he was doing the wrong thing, he couldn’t even find the reason why it all started.
But it was too late and he knew that she won’t go back to him even if he begged, she asked for one thing, the bare minimum, what you expect from a partner; loyalty. And he failed to deliver that. He was fucked and he knew it, but he still had hope that she would at least listen to him. 
(a/n: hey! so uhm, this is my first time posting a hq fic and im really excited about it, i hope all of you enjoy it as much as i enjoy writing it, please excuse my grammar/vocabulary mistakes if you find any. feedback is appreciated. <3 thanks for reading once again)
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