#Hair Conditioner
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moment-japan · 3 months ago
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imjustagirlblogs · 6 months ago
my spa day<3
-hair wash: hair oil(before wash),scalp treatment,shampoo,conditioner,hair oil(after wash)
-skincare: face cleansing,face scrub,face masks,skin hydration,serum
-other: body scrub
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not-sure-what-im-feeling · 1 year ago
Just so you guys know conditioner tastes kinda sour but the after taste is pretty good
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frojyablog · 5 months ago
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Spooky shampoos and pumpkin hair conditioner
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utoshi-san · 5 months ago
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Обновки к Хеллоуину 🎃
Осенняя коллекция меня абсолютно не впечатлила, но хотелось взять что-то новенькое, потому что я давно не была в магазине, а уехать без покупок я не могла 🙄
Может быть я просто зажралась и мне уже не нравятся все подряд ароматы, а может просто раньше было лучше, а сейчас всё максимально посредственное и не на столько классное, чтобы тратить на это деньги 😒
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Зато я в восторге от своего нового набора от Kracie. Лимитированный, внезапно зимний дизайн упаковки такой милый 😍 А какой аромат! Пахнет сочным лимоном и чем-то приятным, парфюмным. И шампунь и кондиционер оба идеально подошли и поэтому я довольна как слон!
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koreanaswego · 1 year ago
Korean Word of the Day
Hair conditioner
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hair-afro-plus-connecticut · 6 months ago
Sábado DE BOMBAS 💣
A ver, todas queremos un cabello efecto espejo, que brille tanto como un anillo de 💎, pero eso sólo se puede lograr cuando tienes un buen nivel de hidratación.
Esta súper bomba te ayuda con ambas cosas. Necesitarás 👇🏻
2️⃣ ACEITE DE ARGÁN $28.99
Prepararla es muy sencillo. Sólo debes colocar una o dos cucharadas, dependiendo de la cantidad y largo de tu cabello), de cada paso en nuestro The pink mixer, mezclar bien y listo.
Te recomiendo darte un shampoo previamente y aplicarla siempre de medios a puntas masajeando, mechón por mechón. Puedes colocarte nuestro gorro térmico por 15 min o ir al secador. 🥳
Cuéntame, ¿cuál es el problema de tu cabello que quieres resolver? Te leo. 👀👇🏻
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celebrating-natural-hair · 8 months ago
Celebrating Natural Hair: A Journey Through History and Personal Pride
Natural hair has always been more than just a fashion statement; for Black Africans, it holds deep cultural significance and resilience, shaping identities and narratives throughout history. From ancient civilizations to modern-day struggles against discrimination, the journey of Black hair tells a tale of pride, strength, and cultural heritage.
The Historical Significance of Black African Hair
In ancient Africa, hair was not merely a matter of aesthetics but a symbol of social status, spirituality, and identity within communities. Elaborate hairstyles conveyed messages about one's age, marital status, and tribal affiliation. Hair grooming rituals were sacred, often involving intricate braiding techniques passed down through generations (Gates, 2014).
However, the colonization and transatlantic slave trade disrupted these cultural practices. Enslaved Africans were stripped of their identities, including their traditional hairstyles. European standards of beauty were imposed, leading to the suppression and stigmatization of natural African hair textures.
Natural Hair in the Context of Slavery
During slavery, African hair was subjected to dehumanizing practices. Enslaved individuals were often forced to shave their heads, eliminating their cultural markers and reducing them to mere commodities. Hair texture became a tool of oppression, reinforcing racist ideologies that equated African features with inferiority (Byrd & Tharps, 2001).
Despite these challenges, Black individuals preserved their cultural heritage through covert means. Some used natural ingredients like shea butter and oils to maintain their hair's health and resilience, symbolizing resistance against cultural erasure.
Embracing Natural Hair Today
Today, the natural hair movement represents a powerful reclamation of identity and pride. It celebrates the beauty and versatility of Black hair textures, challenging societal norms and empowering individuals to embrace their natural selves.
My own journey with natural hair has been transformative. It's more than just hair; it's a symbol of defiance against centuries of oppression and a celebration of diversity. I adore my mane because it defies gravity, stands as a testament to resilience, and unites people across continents in its universal beauty.
London's Veil Natural Hair Care Products
In caring for my hair, I choose London's Veil natural hair care products. Their commitment to quality and nourishment resonates with my desire to maintain healthy, beautiful hair. Their conditioning treatments are infused with the richness of natural ingredients, providing the care and moisture that my hair deserves.
As we continue to celebrate natural hair, let us remember its profound significance in history and its enduring importance today. It's not just about looks—it's about reclaiming our heritage, empowering ourselves, and inspiring future generations to embrace their natural beauty.
Let's cherish our hair, nurture it with love and care, and continue to celebrate its unique journey and significance in our lives.
Works Cited
Gates, H. L., Jr. (2014). Finding Your Roots: The Official Companion to the PBS Series. UNC Press Books.
Byrd, A., & Tharps, L. L. (2001). Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America. Macmillan.
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hazeltailofficial · 1 year ago
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Maui Moisture Heal & Hydrate + Shea Butter Conditioner 3.3 fl oz
hazeltail on youtube / hazeltailofficial on tiktok / hazeltailofficial on ig / @hazeltailofficial
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the-survivalist · 2 years ago
How to make an Aloe Vera Hair Conditioner in the Wilderness
Do you want to know the old traditions of treating and curing a person using natural herbals, fruits, etc ? I will give 10 natural treatments from the olden days that are effective before. It also has recipes and instructions. Try it because it's free. CLICK HERE
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amostdelectablescribbler · 1 year ago
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extrabeauty2 · 1 year ago
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wisewordsofpolly · 2 years ago
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utoshi-san · 1 year ago
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Как обычно насобирала пост с косметикой, чтобы показать, что у меня есть новенького.
Голубые патчи заказывала на Тему, они были довольно не плохие для бюждетных. Второй набор масок в индивидуальных упаковках трёх разных видов и разного назначения мне очень понравились (особенно розовые).
Взяла свои любимые японские шампунь и кондиционер, а то всё закончилось. Я уже пробовала именно этот вид и мне они подходят 🩷
Ну и набор новых зубных щеток с Хелло китти и интересная зубная паста. Кстати, щетками не стала пользоваться, они слишком твердые для меня 😭
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alexrogers · 11 days ago
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Este antes y después de una de nuestras clientas demuestra que SÍ es posible. 🥳
Desliza y observa cómo sus hebras fueron mejorando con los años hasta obtener la cabellera que siempre soñó. 🥰
Sí, reparar el cabello TOMA AÑOS.
No podrás ver un cambio así de la noche a la mañana. Debes ser constante y disciplinada con el uso de los productos adecuados y, en menos de lo que crees, tú serás la próxima mostrando tu cambio. 🤩
Cuéntanos, ¿cómo podemos ayudarte con tu melena?
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