#Haikyuu!! Tessa Brown
melody-ofstars · 3 years
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Fandom:- Haikyuu!!
Pairings:- Pairing 1: Kageyama Tobio x fem!reader; Pairing 2: Oikawa Toru x fem!reader; Pairing 3: Kuroo Tetsuro x fem!reader
Prompt:- Reacting to you wearing their jersey number.
A/n:- Writing this because this is such a cute idea, and also because I couldn't find it anywhere, I thought it was going to be a very common prompt but apparently it's not... Anyway hope you like it and if you want this with more characters just comment down below and I will make a part two! Also please like it if you like it and reblog if you want and uh Follow me for more such content!! and even if you don't do any of those, just enjoy it! Happy Reading!
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Pairing 1
Kageyama never understood the hype about a guy's girlfriend wearing their jersey while they played, or that was until he saw you... His girlfriend, standing in the stalls cheering for him loudly wearing his jersey.
Kageyama rarely showed his emotions towards anything, he always kept them in control but when he saw you, cheering in the crowd for him as loud as you can and wearing his jersey, it made his heart do a flip.
It was as if his stomach had exploded with butterflies and he couldn't help but feel giddy.
He was flustered and touched by the gesture, you were wearing his jersey, not somebody else's, his.
He felt a smile creep up his face, and it was a genuine one, not the creepy one. He felt proud, and you in his jersey, for him meant that you supported him, that you were his and that he was yours.
He felt that the gesture was intimate and a way of stating that you were there, cheering for his team but most importantly for him. That he was your favorite and most important player and not anybody else, him.
No, it wasn't just his number 9, but it was his jersey, one of the two that he had gotten.
You looked beautiful in it, with your hair up in a ponytail and a few strands falling out of it, your face flushed, and that excited glint in your eyes as you watched him play.
His cheeks heated up as he thought more and more about it, he was desperately trying to hide the blush from his teammates because if they saw it, he would never hear the end of it.
"Go Kageyama!!!" He heard you yell and his eyes softened, he was happy that you were cheering for him with this much enthusiasm and it made him want to score every point and not lose any.
It was now that he understood that why people liked this so much, it was an intimate yet subtle sign of the relationship you both shared, a subtle indication that Kageyama Tobio was your boyfriend and you Y/f/n was his girlfriend.
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shihozaki · 3 years
Can I request a romantic haikyuu matchup? My pronouns are she/her, I'm bi (kinda male leaning) a Pisces, ISFP. I’m 5’0, generally petite. I wear glasses, have medium length dark brown hair and eyes, I always have winged liner. My style is like a pastel goth. I'm quiet, reserved and introverted around those I don’t like but witty, sarcastic, stubborn and kind of a smug little shit around those I’m comfortable with. I am smart but at the same time a dumbass. (1/2 I’m sorry)
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Thank you for your request! Sorry tiS took so long, I’ve been pretty busy lately. I hope you like it!
(She messed up and wrote Haikyuu when she actually wanted BNHA)
I pair you up with Denki Kaminari!
- Your quirk is “art”! Whatever you draw has the potential to be real. It’s a bit hard to explain, but basically, creativity is your limit. For example, if you wanted to defeat a big robot (like the quirk exam to enter U.A), you could draw a small door on the robot’s body that will open up to the “inside” of the robot, which will let you unplug whatever is inside. Or if you’re running late, you simply draw on wheels on your shoes, which will then become roller shoes! (But you cannot create life)
- You met Kaminari through middle school. He has always been flirty and extroverted, and thanks to that you opened up to him quickly
- You guys entered U.A together, and even though you joked around saying that you couldn’t believe Kaminari actually got in, you were actually very proud of him
- After getting into U.A and after the USJ accident, you grew closer and closer to Kaminari, making you rethink your feelings about him
- Kaminari, however, had already thought about his feelings a long time ago. He decided to pursue your love (his words not mine😐😐🤚cringey mf) ever since middle school
- When you were in the hospital healing from the USJ attack, Kaminari was always there for you. He eventually confessed at the hospital too
- You guys started going out as soon as you got out of the hospital, going on dates and playing video games to spend time
- You guys trust each other very much. While he trusts you because of your ability to share your thoughts openly and with passion, you trust him because he will listen and allow plenty of space
- You guys study for your tests together, although he always ends up scoring lower then you- he pouts about it (and yes, his pouty faces are adorable)
- Overall, you guys have a very playful relationship while one is a flirty mess while the other just can’t wait to tease him about it
Scenario: Confession!
The annoying beeping sounds woke you up. ‘Is that the alarm?’ Your eyes slowly opened up, and as you sat up at the unfamiliar bed, you realized this wasn’t your room at all. Everything was pretty much white, and the beeping sound was coming from a screen beside the IV pole. The IV pole? You followed the IV line down to your hand- which was held on tightly by another. “Denki..?” You whispered. The boy was holding your hand tightly while sleeping, his head leaned onto the bed while he was sitting on a chair. ‘The last thing I remember is the villain attack from the USJ…’ Kaminari stirred up, his eyes widening when it met with yours. “(Y/N)?! Are you okay? I was worried sick about you!” He said, worry and excitement filling his face. You smiled. “I’m fine, it’s only been…” “3 days since you passed out? Yeah.” Kaminari replied. Has it been that long? “3 days?” You muttered. Did Kaminaristay here for 3 days? “Before you ask, Yes I stayed here for 3 days! Your resting face was cute though. That was a plus.” He said with a playful smile. You giggled. So he still had the flirty persona even after this. You decided to play along. “The girls must have missed you then, huh?” You poked his nose, giving a smug grin. “They sure did, although… I only had one girl on my mind for 3 days.” He muttered, looking away for some reason. You laughed. “Aw, that lucky girl. I feel bad for her- she’ll have to endure your flirting all the time.” Kaminari was always all talk, no action. Silence was met by Kaminari, making you wonder if you said something wrong. “Denki?” You whispered. He suddenly turned, his face blushing. “I like you!” He blurted. You froze up, denying what he had just said. “What?” Kaminari nodded his head, as if he was trying to confirm what he had said. “I like you. Okay? Jesus- I’m not just flirting, I like you. Since middle school.” It was now your turn to blush. Not knowing what to say, you repeated the same word. “What?” Kaminari smirked. “I may not be the smartest but wow- I can’t believe you still didn’t know!” You shook your head. “Stop joking around. It’s not funny.” Was he playing with you? Did he know about your little crush? Was he trying to make fun of you? Your thoughts were racing through your head- but it was interrupted by a sudden force on your lips. Denki’s lips met with yours, making you forget your worries and thoughts. It was genuine- the kiss. Your heart started picking up speed as Kaminari pulled away, whispering, “Wanna get out of here?” “Denki, I’m literally in a hospital.”
Song: Haze by Tessa Violet!
I went a bit overboard with the scenario/ think of it as an apology for being so late! I hope you enjoyed it, let me know what you think :) I hope to see you again soon!
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beahina · 7 years
Dudeeeeeeeeeeeee do all the even numbers, for that ask game! XD your welcome, i love you!
oH boy ok here:2(Do you have freckles?): nope, but my brother has the prettiest freckles!!4(last song you listened to): the bunny hop because it was playing on the jazz station in the car lol6(relationship status): technically single but it's v confusing lol8(did you wake up cranky?): surprisingly no, even though i slept at 2am and woke up at 9am lmaooo10(zodiac sign): I'm the year of the horse! unless you were talking about the constellation signs (which is also "zodiac" why are they both zodiac??) i'm an Aquarius!12(take a vitamin daily?): usually but i forget 90% of the time14(what books are you reading?): actually i'm only reading one right now and it's Alice through the Looking Glass (i just finished reading Alice in Wonderland)16(favorite anime?): hAIKYUU 18(do you collect anything?): i collect pins and stuff like tickets, stickers, photographs, that i put on my wall! also tons of crap i don't need ALSO STUFFED ANIMALS YEAH20(do you dance in the car?): yes lol it's pretty dorky22(do you watch the olympics?): when they are taking place yes!!! i love the olympics :0 i got to go to the usa training center multiple times for field trips lol, my favorite is the winter olympics because of my old young lived dream of becoming a olympic snowboard competitor haha24(are you wearing makeup right now?): yes but it might have gotten wiped off when i blew my nose and i cry when my allergies r really bad rip26(favorite tumblr blog?): ok no i can't choose sorry i love everyone i follow!!!28(what makes me happy?): ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ im not really in that position to answer this right now lmaoo 30(do you study better with or without music?): with music!! 32(if you were a crayon color, what color would you be?): either a bright yellow (dodie yellow???) or a dark warm brown34(would you swim in the lake or ocean?): HELL YEAHS i mean, i might die so there's a plus (joking, joking) but yeah i live near like 20 different rivers, lakes, bays, and sounds lol36(what color tshirt are you wearing?): earlier i was wearing a white one but now i'm wearing a greyish black sweater38(do you save money or spend it?): spend it lmao no hesitation40(do you have any obsessions right now): i've been obsessing over what dress to wear for the graduation dance. i'm tempted to go in a suit because i already own one and i'll be perceived more masculinely and it's more comfortable but like dRESSES GUYS i want to wear a dress really badly!! (like it's weird i don't like forced femininity but i think i can wear dresses because boys can wear dresses so fucking watch me)42(are you easily influenced by other people?): yeah but in a bad way i'm only influenced by when hey say something bad etc ._.44(do you like going on airplanes?): yes yes yes???46(peanuts or sunflower seeds?): sunflower seeds, in very picky on when where and what to eat peanuts with lol 48(are you a picky eater?): only when it comes to mushrooms onions and seafood. i love stuff like Brussel sprouts and asparagus and tomatoes broccoli etc 50(do you fear thunder / lightning?): no actually i love them!! here was an oncoming storm a few weeks ago and i was waiting by my window for it to start and when it did it was so exciting!!!52(do you like your music loud?): it really depends, i don't like sensory overload 54(put your music on shuffle, what is the first song that came up?): Elenor Rigby by The Beatles56(what are you craving right now?): nothing for once, i'm not that hungry (i just had a slurpee and candy ok fite me)58(coffee or tea?) tea!!60(do you have any homework right now? if so, what is it about?): lmaooo yes i do! i gotta find visuals (print off pictures basically) for a social studies project and memorize some of my presentation script for same class, and my chromatic scale on my tenor saxophone for band which is a week overdue but i'm lazy 62(do you make your bed in the morning?): no it's so hard to make i haven't made it in over like 4 months no joke64(favorite social media?): literally tumblr because that's the only social media i have 66(do you get homesick?): i used to a lot when i moved but now it's really starting to feel like home! but of course i'm always nostalgic for when i was younger.68(what shampoo and conditioner are you using right now?): idfk 70(are bob of your parents still in your life?): yes i live w them lol72(do you miss your ex?): don't have one74(what eye color do you find the sexiest?): brown because it can come in so many colors! my eyes are caramel while my friends are obsidian black and it's pretty that they can all look different!!76(what was the last thing you ate?): cherry slurpee and mini recees peanut butter cups78(would you give a homeless person cpr? why or why not?): i mean probably because i'm cpr certified and i'd like to save their life80(stalked someone on a social network?): not actually stalked but yes i've looked far far down a person's account 82(do you wear rings? if you do, take a picture of them.): i will!! I'll attach it in the next post.84(what are three things you did today?) get flowers for a friend, go to the mall, be exhausted and want to die as usual86(list all of your beauty products right now): face foam wash soap thing, face cleanser, face cream88(list all your video games on your phone, console, etc): lmao let me sit you down:on my phone i have neko atsume, color switch, smashy road, the trail, pokémon go (i haven't played it in months), and deemo (12/10 reccomend v pretty music and sad storyline lol)wiiu: mario bros, luigi bros, mario cart 8 (i rock ass at that), just dance idk what year or version, wii party, probably some other stuff, nintendo switch: 1-2 switch, breath of the wild, some just dance game again lolxbox1: minecraft, destiny, overwatch, ps4: star wars battle front, destinycomputer: sims 4, minecraft my 3ds: pokémon x, pokémon omega ruby, pokémon sun, animal crossing new leaf, mario bros, scribblenauts or whatever lolgame boy: some kid games like dora and stuff, hello kitty party game, fire emblem, pokémon grass (yES I HAVE A GAME BOY and actively use it) it's a lot but it's mostly my brothers and dads lol90(favorite soda drink?): ROOTBEER92(do you wear jeans or sweats more?): jeans are my life i used to be really mad if i couldn't wear jeans when i was younger!! still don't like sweatpants that much lol94(name something that relaxes you): sitting by my open window during night listening to music quietly96(favorite youtuber?): dodie clark!! then tessa violet!!! and a bunch of other people!jfc that was a lot but really fun lol
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awkwardmintykitty · 7 years
Tag Game rules: Tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better
Tagged by: @astriferoxs
Name: Tessa
Nicknames: Tess, Tetris, Minty.
Gender: Female
Star sign: Libra
Height: 5'3
Sexual orientation: Bi/Demi
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff ;)
Favorite Color: Browns, Greens, and Blues.
Favorite Animal: Cat (big and small), dragons, raccoons.
Average hours of sleep: 6-7 weekdays, varies on weekends (either 10+ hours or at 8am-ish)
Cat or Dog Person: I love animals but. I love cats. So much more. Oops.
Favorite fictional characters: Lance (voltron), Suga (haikyuu)… can’t recall more at the moment.
Number of blankets I sleep with: Depends. Typically 1 or 2 but if my comforter is in the wash it gets to like 5.
Favorite Singer/Band: (based off amount they appear in my mass playlist) Avril Lavigne, Beyonce, Halsey, Hayley Kiyoko, Jon Bellion, Lauren Aquilina, Mayday Parade, Regina Spektor, Sia, Sleeping With Sirens, Hamilton Misc. (Based on current interest) Years & Years, Ruelle, Gen Steffani. (Mostly my music taste is just random songs from random people. If you’d like, I can share my playlists)
When was the blog created: the August before my freshmen year. Soo… about 3 years ago? 3 and a half??
Current number of followers: (neglecting stupid ass pornbots) 42
What convinced you to make a tumblr? Yikes I think I had originally got into tumblr for the wrong reasons. Yikes yikes. Anyway. I’ve definitely grown and don’t really wanna get into that whole thing. Yikes.
Tag 20 people: I’m actually not going to tag anybody atm. Hmu if u wanna do it tho.
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