#Hahahah i use to do these things to my ex husband..
sapphiredraco · 2 years
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By Queensimia. 💙
I found this on Pinterest, and take no credit in any shape or form for the art. Please do not throw hands with me.
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fahimehyousef-blog · 2 months
RE- write
Im here again after searching for so many blog sites to call a writing spot for me.
Im here to write again on some stuff, maybe its good for me, im not sure.
After a while, things has started to change off between me and myself and my life.
However I remember i have let myself go a bit, bit by bit. Its a tiny change but i did it bit by bit. The results ?I became bit superficial. I havent shared anything about myself at all in ages.
I remarried, and my husband now is kind of a different person than i am, maybe writing here makes him uncomfortable, maybe not. I bet he will begin to think that im not being discreet, or im exposing him, and not being exclusive. Well i am being exclusive. He just dont know me too well.
I have transformed from a very careless woman to a watch my back woman, and I think its due to me being in a traditional environment. But me moving out from the husband's hometown, to a different state, makes me myself again. I have created a better environment for myself to think again, to grow and also to raise my children the way i want. However my husband works on a freelance basis and sometimes he is not home most of the time. He promised to settle down next year, with us.
My ex remarried and has vanished to his new wife, hopefully to a better life and less mingling with the kids because I love being with my children, alone with them without a big influence by other people. Heck, l love being by myself. I get suffocated if i were to be somewhere, under some other other people's rule and to be under other terms that i dont like. Funny thing is at the beginning i may like it but in the long run, I will eventually suffocate myself in the process. Being a people pleaser has been my trait and i guess it shows in my face,
I think my parents parenting skills, i have become a people pleaser, i do not exactly say that i was abused but the outcome or their parenting has made me want to validate myself all the time, make me want to put others first, even though i know sometimes i should put myself first. Now im in the process of reparenting myself. whats that? hahahah its a process where i will heal myself due to trauma i faced when i was brought up. I was always on my parents side but now it is evident that they dont really care how i struggle, how i raise my children by myself and what ( god forbid) help i will require?
I noticed the cold distance my mother puts up with me, when i mentioned my brother, and she clearly set the rule on him and how she protects him. i have began to let it go.
Until the fight of my daughter with my mother, made everything fall into perspective. My daughter protested to my daughter on a fine day and she gaslighted her.
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toast-is-ticklish · 2 years
Lee! Wukong Lers! Macaque, MK, and Mei
This is based on the giggle glow AU for Wukong which I originally saw in Sparkling Laughter by KinbariTeaHeathen (it's super cute and you should read it) but may have originated somewhere else I am not entirely sure
Basically, Wukong glows when he laughs.
Also I have decided that Sun Wukong cant handle baby talk because he has literally been an OP scary monkey that terrified heaven with his laser eyes since birth so who the hell would baby talk him? Obviously only his emo ex husband.
During dinner, the group always chatted around the fire.
The kids would bring up random conversation starters or whatever and everyone would tell stories, and laugh, and it was nice.
And Wukong being you know, immortal, and a lover of attention always had many tales to tell.
But this was a subject of conversation he refused to participate in.
"Well, Monkey King? You've been awfully quiet." Mei said, looking very mischievous.
Yeah, no thanks.
"Luckily for you dorky mortals," he said, jabbing his chopsticks in their general direction, "I have no weaknesses." He made sure to add an air of finality to his tone. No questions necessary.
Macaque apparently had to pipe in at that. "Oh my gohod, Wukong!" He said in between laughs,
"That's what you're going for? Hahahah!"
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" Monkey King puffed his chest out and crossed his arms.
"It means," Macaque said, giving Wukong a look that said you are very very dumb, "That's like, in the top ten dumbest things I've heard you said in the past five hundred years," he snorted, "So congrats on being a record breaker, I guehehess!"
What would've have been an extremely witty and amazing retort from Wukong was very rudely interrupted by his successor.
"Ooh! Ooh! Do you know any of Monkey Kings weaknesses, Macaque?!" MK looked over with sparkles in his eyes and why were the kids getting so excited about this?
"Any? I would say almost all." He said, looking Wukong directly in the eyes now with a devious, stupid, little smirk.
The kids pleaded in unison, giving their best puppy eyes, "Please, please, please, tell us!"
"Hey, hey, hey! Why do you guys even wanna know so bad?!" Monkey King gasped dramatically, "Are you planning my murder?!" He was definitely not trying to desperately divert the topic of conversation.
"I wouldn't turn down a chance to embarrass Wukong."
Goddamnit. He was totally ignored.
Monkey King must've looked about as mortified as he felt because Macaque apparently felt the need to reassure him.
"Its not like I'm gonna tell them anything bad. You dont have to look like I'm about to kill a puppy or something,"
"I'm just gonna bully you a little." He added with a toothy grin.
"I am going to throw you out of a tree and straight into the afterlife if you say anything."
Macaque snorted. "Ohokay."
"Anyway!" He clapped, grabbing everyone's attention.
"Tonight, I will tell you three of your oh so powerful  Monkey Kings weaknesses. How 'bout that?"
Everyone in the group nodded enthusiastically except Wukong, and christ was Tang pulling out that book of his?
"Number One." 
Monkey King couldnt help but bristle at how much Macaque was preening under the attention. Sometimes he couldnt tell if that guy was more of a monkey or some kinda cocky bird.
"Since Wukong is made of stone, he's not exactly buoyant. He sinks, really fast, and it is absolutely hilarious." He snickered, "And he gets really pouty about it."
"I do not pout! And I don't sink either."
"So what do you do then?"
"Hmmm. I would say...gracefully aqueous. I am a king after all."
The group almost died laughing at that.
Normally Wukong would feel annoyed at being mocked like that, but it was just so lighthearted that he couldnt help but feel a smile of his own pulling at the corners of his mouth. They weren't laughing at him anyways. They were laughing with him.
And that was nice.
"Alright your majesty. Whatever helps you sleep at night." Macaque snarked.
"Ooh. Here's a fun one. When we were kids, whenever he laughed Wukong would just, naturally start glowing. Like a little flashlight. And the harder he laughed, the brighter it was. He was nearly blinding everyone every five seconds."
Wukong was now elaborately planning Macaques murder in his head. Why that?! That wasnt even a weakness! Either way he couldnt help but cover up his face, knowing he was probably blushing, which definitely made it worse.
That got some reactions from the group.
"That. Is. Adorable!" Mei exclaimed, "but I think you might have killed him."
"Dont worry Mr. Monkey King! Thats nothing to be embarrassed about!" Sandy said, giving the monkey a clap on the back.
"But why doesn't he glow anymore?" MK looked over at Macaque, puzzled.
"I grew out of it!" Wukong said too quickly, peeking over his fingers. "I cant even do that anymore!", he chuckled nervously.
"Yeah your everything is telling me the opposite right now," Macaque rested his hand against his cheek in thought, "My best bet is that he was embarrassed by it and learned how to hide it. But I bet if you really got him going, and he knew that you knew, he would go straight from Monkey King to lightning bug."
"Lightning bug?" The monkey king sputtered, cheeks flaring, "Y-you! I'm!...Ugh." he gave up, settling on hiding behind his hands again.
"Uhhhhhh, Macaque? I think you broke my mentor." MK said, poking Wukongs head repeatedly to no response.
"Ehhhhh. He's just bein' a dork he'll be fine."
Suddenly, a straight up devious and borderline evil smile spread across Macaques face.
"I have the perfect number three."
Everyone's attention snapped back to Macaque.
"Monkey King," he paused dramatically, "is ridiculously ticklish. Almost everywhere. And he gets very, very, flustered about it as he is probably making a lovely demonstration of right now."
He gestured to Wukong, whose hands had lowered enough to see his raging blush. His eyes were snapped wide open in shock and his tail was flicking nervously behind him. You could basically hear computer crashing noises just looking at him.
So, if you wanna see him glow tickling is probably your best bet."
Everyone's eyes shot over to Wukong with varying levels of mischief. As Wukong tried and failed to not fidget under the attention of everyone he began to ramble frantically.
"Hey, wait! I dont know if that's such a good idea, I mean first of all I'm not even t-ticklish so it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard and I would TOTALLY accidentally hit one of you in the face if I was which I'm NOT but-"
MK and Mei suddenly pounced on top of him, rolling around in an attempt to pin the monkey down although they weren't as physically strong.
"Sandy!" MK yelled, "Come help!"
"Ehhhm. I dont know if that's such a good idea, friends." Sandy said, looking hesitant.
"What? I didnt know you were one to turn down a great team bonding activity, blue guy!" Macaque suddenly appeared in front of him.
"I dont wanna cross any boundaries..."
Macaque lowered his voice so just Sandy could hear, "I'm gonna be honest big guy, he totally likes being tickled. He has since we were kids. And to be honest, I think he kinda needs something like this now."
Sandy opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by another call from his friends.
"Sandy!" Mei said through gritted teeth, "Put the monkey in arm jail!"
So he just turned to give Macaque a nod and a smile before running off towards his friends.
"Arm Jail?" Monkey King looked bewildered.
He was even more bewildered when he was scooped up into the arms of Sandy, who pinned him in a sort of upright sitting position against the gentle giants chest, restraining the monkeys arms.
"Hey! Cant we talk about this big guy?!" Wukong complained while noticeably not struggling.
"Talkings over, Monkey King!" MK smirked, "Now, prepare to be defeated!" The kid even added a cartoonish 'Mwahahah!' At the end for good measure.
And so finally, wiggling fingers descended on Sun Wukong, MK attacking one side of his torso and Mei going for the other.
He desperately tried to hold in his laughter, as he squirmed in Sandy's hold.
Being immortal, he didnt need to breathe, so all he had to do was focus and eventually the kids would lose interest and leave him alone.
He very deliberately ignored the part of himself that didnt want them to leave him alone, who wanted to have fun and be vulnerable.
He had to be strong, he had to stop craving touch like this, he had to stop being weak and path-
Monkey King was so lost in his own thoughts he didnt even notice Macaque appearing in front of him.
Until the darker furred monkey leant in close to his ears as he started to tickle them.
He whispered into Wukongs ear,"You have nothing to be ashamed of, Peaches."
He pulled his head back and looked at Wukong, who was biting his lip and scrunching up his nose in effort to not make a sound, shoulders hiked up in an attempt to block out the tickles.
"Now, are you going to give in and play with your kids? Or do I need to take drastic measures?" He said, smirking.
Monkey king merely shook his head.
Macaque shrugged. "Your funeral."
And his smirk was replaced with a sickeningly sweet smile.
Oh gods.
"Awwww. Is the wittle monkey too ticklish for his own good?"
This had to be some kind of psychological warfare, it was downright immoral. Monkey King could feel his blush growing in intensity, why did baby talk affect him so much?
"Poor little guy. Tickle, tickle, tickle!"
Wukongs concentration was slipping as he grew more and more flustered, stomach doing somersaults at the teasing.
He couldnt stop himself whining which was something he'd have to process later, but then he completely screwed himself by letting a little giggle out. He flickered, just for a moment and so softly you wouldn't even notice if you weren't looking for it.
"Was that a little giggle I just heard? And you flickered! How adorable. Coochy coochy coo!"
His focused slipped even more. Coochy coochy coo echoed in his head as he felt the butterflies on his stomach increase tenfold.
Wukongs chest started shaking with restrained laughter as he hid his face in his shoulder.
"Awww, don't hide that blush from me! Show them your glow, giggles!"
And the dam broke. As Monkey King burst into childish laughter with a snort, he started glowing like a goddamn beacon, casting everything in a warm light.
You could hear a couple wows of disbelief from everyone at camp. It was like everything was enveloped in this golden sunset glow.
"Yeah, sure peaches." Macaque snorted,  "Anyways I got him out of his weird funk so have fun kids!" He said, sauntering away.
Mei burst out in disbelief, "You're embarrassed by that?!"
"Ihihihhiits lahahahame!" Wukong bemoaned through giggles, flopping his head back dramatically.
"Its not!" Mei and MK said in unison.
While Mei stuck to the torso, MK went down to his mentors knees and skittered behind them.
Monkey king squealed and burst into squeakier laughter, his light growing a little bit brighter.
He kicked out his legs and folded over a little.
"NohHohoh! Behehetrahahayahal! AHAHAH WHYHAHAHAHA!" And now Mei was scritching at his armpits and Monkey King was thrown into belly laughter.
His light became significantly brighter, so much that the kids had to squint a little. It even started to flicker a little.
"Woooowww. Macaque was right! You are like a lightning bug!" MK said, looking very excited.
"DOHOHNT SAYHAYAHHA THAHAHAT! FAHAHAH!" He managed through laughter, shaking his head in mirth as his blush spread a little more.
"Are you embarrassed by your giggle glow, Monkey King?" Mei asked teasingly, lightening up the scribbling on his armpits to a fluttering which somehow wasnt any less torturous.
"Ahahaahah! Nooooo! Dohohont cahahall ihit thahaht!" He said, once again trying to hide his face in his shoulder. Not super productive considering his blush had spread up to his ears and neck by now.
"Ooh! Mei! I have an idea!" MK said, yanking her over. He whispered in her ear, "I wanna see if his tail is ticklish too. Can you hold it down?"
Mei only grinned devilishly and gave a nod.
"Hey, wait, kihids whahat are you dohohoing?! Mei why are youhou grahahabbing ahat my tail?! MK? MK! waitwaitwaitwait-"
And Monkey King went into hysterics. He squealed before falling into loud, full, belly laughter. Even snorting which was frankly, adorable.
Wukong didnt even know what he was trying to say.
He squirmed and kicked violently before just going limp with laughter, tears of mirth springing in his eyes.
He literally couldnt think. He was in ticklish heaven hell.
"MK I think he's actually dying."
"I knew it would be a good spot! I'm a big brain boy!" MK said proudly before continuing, "But yeah I'm getting a little concerned.
Also his light was borderline blinding at this point, it was starting to hurt everybody's eyes a little.
MK slowed the tickling down to a stop.
After letting him catch a breather, Mei scootched over to Wukong and said, "Hey Monkey King."
"Admit that your giggle glow is cool. Or else." She teased, raising wiggling fingers at him.
"But-but its-"
"Its what?" Gods she was evil. Smirking at him with her fingers posed to start drilling into his hips at any second.
"Waitwaitwait! Ihits...ihits cool!" He managed, pointedly avoiding eye contact.
"What's cool?" Ohhhh he was so going to get her back for this.
"You know what!"
"Do I?" She said, adjusting her hands slightly.
Wukong wished he could sink into the floor right about now. "Ah! Dont! Mhyhy... g-giggle-" he struggled mumbling with a little bit of a pout, "giggle glow. Its cool."
"Yaaaaay! He did it!" MK cheered, as Monkey King was released and everyone headed back towards the ship.
"You okay, friend?" Sandy asked, seeing Monkey king laying on the ground instead of getting up with everybody else.
"Yep. Just taking a breather big guy."
Macaque would go out later to find Wukong fast asleep on the ground with a big dumb smile and blush on his face, tail wagging in his sleep.
"Whahat a dork. Could you get anymore obvious?" Macaque would say to himself as he picked up the monkey and brought him back to the ship.
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Going to M’s today for a bbq. While they haven’t said it is for Memorial Day weekend, it feels like it to me. Trying to not remember what this weekend is, for selfish reasons.
My parents haven’t said anything about Monday. It’s a big holiday for us. My mom puts out all my grandpa’s medals and portraits. Other things relating to his time in the army, he was a chaplain.
I’m sad because Memorial Day has always been a very big day for my family and we always get together for it and talk about my grandpa. I’m also said because deep down, i don’t know if he would have supported me right now either. He was always taking people into his home: homeless, drug addicts, pregnant women with no place to stay, etc. But I always felt like that with my parents too. Their home was always open to anyone, until it was me and my fiancé.
At some point I have to write my actual letter to send to my parents. The one I wrote for me that my therapist suggested is already like, 8 pages long and I’m not finished. Of all the things i wish I could say to them. But I won’t be that vulnerable. Probably just letting them know that I’ve known I was queer since I was about 11, that I think my attraction to boys was more about fitting in with my friends, I debated mentioning that I’ve never been sexually attracted to cis-men but I think that may be too over the line. I’m debating mentioning that all the times I dated cis-men, things ended because there was no sexual chemistry and no one wants to date someone that won’t even kiss you (I mean, unless your my ex husband who didn’t require consent to be sexual and that’s why we lasted so long. Every sexual encounter we had was coerced or forced) …but maybe that is too much to tell them too. I just feel like they won’t accept the simple that… I like women and literally always have.
One time, my parents found my “porn” stash in my room. Was literally just printed pictures of like, Christian Aguilera and Britney Spears and some other women in bathing suits hahahah. One day it was just gone from my room. They never asked me about it. Never talked to me about it. Brushed under the rug like they’re trying to do with M.
But the sooner I get this letter out to my parents, the sooner I can let go of the rest of whatever it is I’m carrying. And I do wanna be petty/celebratory and come out in a social media post because it feels right. I don’t want to hide anymore. I want to genuinely be proud of who I am and set down the weight of feeling broken for who I love.
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airanke · 5 years
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Okay, here she is, Rane Arrosa! My KNY OC HAHAHAHA ramblings under the cut
She shares her body with a demon who calls herself the Black Queen (which is what Rane means).
Rane was raised by this demon, because Rane reminded the Black Queen of her daughter.
The Black Queen’s husband was a demon slayer in life, and she taught his breathing technique (breath of heaven) to Rane, though Rane doesn’t like to utilize it when she doesn’t have to. The Black Queen uses it in tandem with her demon blood art.
Speaking of her demon blood art, it’s called Thousand Hands, and is based off the Thousand Hand dance (which is also why the black hands have the golden claws on the ends of them, reference to the costume style for the ladies).
When the Black Queen is in control, Rane’s body gains all demonic attributes (ex. regeneration, though not strong enough to cancel out the forming of scars; beheading her would be the only way to kill her, access to the blood demon art).
Rane herself can also access the blood demon art, but only if Queen let’s her.
Queen calls Rane “dew drop” (reference to her last name, which means “sprinkled with dew from heaven”).
The breathing technique is called Breath of Heaven ALSO as a reference to Arrosa, and the forms / “element” that comes with it is definitely light / holiness OR air / wind; I haven’t decided yet, it’s still a work in progress (it’s also better than my initial idea that had to do with the sUN AND I READ THE MANGA AND ABANDONED THAT IDEA SO FAST BECAUSE NO SHE’S NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE THAT KIND OF BREATHING TECHNIQUE).
When Queen is in control, Rane suffers from memory blocks. Queen always takes control when Rane is threatened bodily harm from demons, and Rane only remembers blacking out, then waking up and being in pain from any injuries she sustained (even though they would have been healed by the time she was “allowed” to be back in control, the aches of them happening were still there).
Rane has been alive for about 200+ years but seems blissfully unaware of the fact, and always thinks she’s between 18-20 years of age (at least, in one iteration. The other iteration is that she’s just been alive for 18, and was raised from childhood to adulthood by Queen).
Rane thinks all of her money comes from her grandparents, but Queen definitely steals it.
One can tell when Queen is in control because she is more proud of the scars that Rane’s body has acquired than Rane is, and therefore she always loosens Rane’s kimono / whatever clothing Rane is wearing so that the scars are visible. The other dead give away is her eyes.
Queen absolutely loves and enjoys combat, and her favorite thing to do is rip other demons to shreds, just because she can. (In her words, “Don’t all demons enjoy senseless carnage?!”)
I don’t know for sure if Queen actually killed her husband / child yet, though based on what a lot of other demons suffered after they accepted Muzan’s blood on the premise that they would be cured of their illnesses, she most likely did. Her husband wouldn’t have been able to defend himself out of love for his wife.
Queen doesn’t exactly hate Muzan, but she SURE ENJOYS PUSHING ALL OF HIS BUTTONS BOY HOWDY (like she REALLY likes pushing all of Muzan’s buttons. She sometimes prods Rane and gets RANE to push his button’s too. It’s great).
Rane has a hell of a time hiding the fact that she knows Muzan from the demon slayers, and also somewhere down the line forms a bond with Zenitsu (in the version of this story where Rane is a demon slayer straight up, she and Zenitsu have much more of a bond HUEHUE).
Rane’s name means, in essence, “black queen sprinkled with dew from heaven”.
OKAY I THINK THAT’S EVERYTHING FOR NOW, maybe eventually I’ll post everything I’ve written so far HAHAHAH
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dangermousie · 5 years
This is looooooong - part 1
Granny has a point but I feel sad that Minglan genuinely feels good fortune may be out of her reach. Sure, some of this is “proper” modesty but some of it is years of being ground down. I hope being a mistress of her own giant household and having a supportive and openly affectionate husband fixes that.
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The wedding ceremony is so pretty!
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The joy on her face! No crying like a proper bride :)
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Ahahahaha Tingye having his own way and stepmom having to swallow it. In public.
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Minglan bonding with Rongjie. I especially loved that Minglan offered to be called mom but when Rongjie said she already has a mom, she gracefully backed down and was not angry. She was once that child - no mother, another legal wife in charge - so she gets it. Oh, and the fact that Tingye first got his daughter’s approval for his marriage despite how much he wanted Minglan and despite that in their world nobody asks an ex-mistress’ child about legitimate marriage? My heart. If Sheng Daddy showed a tenth of that concern, Minglan would have had a vastly different childhood.
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Hahahaha he knows his Minglan well.
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This is the sweetest. And the funniest. Also, Rongjie snoring in the background is ahahahahahah.
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They act like they have been married for a decade. And I love that she thought of her dignity. 
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She is totally boggled he is leaving on their wedding night, and so am I...
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And then! He went to get her takeout! On their wedding night! Because she’s hungry and food in the marquess house sucks! And he is so proud people will think he is henpecked - now that is a man secure in his masculinity.
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Hahahah indeed. 
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He takes such good care of her. Nobody ever pampered or spoiled her and she is going to thrive so, without losing her spine. 
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I love that he is trying to get her to shed her proper facade she’s worn like a mask for years - with him he wants her to be her authentic self.
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AWWW. And I love that he won’t give up his kids even for her and that she respects him the more for it. 
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He is so not used to being praised. 
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Ahahaha she clearly thinks one thing...
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Anf then he got out his ledgers. I nearly died. But it shows he doesn’t just want her for breeding and fun but an n equal administrative partner and he trusts her utterly, and this is the way to her heart much more sure than any poetry. 
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Every time I think he cannot get any better, I am proven wrong.
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Ahahahahahahahahah that is both funny and sexy.
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Go get it, girl! He clearly knows what he is doing. And I love love love love that he took her to bed only after feeding her, disclosing his vulnerabilities (such as children issues) to her, introducing her to his financials and swearing an oath to treat her well.
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beautyindisguise00 · 4 years
How old will you be in 3 birthdays? Do you think you’ll be married by then?
Thursday night October 15, 2020 @8:23pm
How many hours has it been since you woke up? about 14. 
Who was the last female you hung out with? my coworker nici. my room didnt have that many kids and didnt need two teachers so i was able to work with her today which was nice for a change
How many keys are on your key chain? What do they go to? house key, apartment building key, apartment door, mailbox, car keys so 5
What were you doing the last time 7pm rolled around? cooking dinner which was fried noodles with poached eggs
Have you ever taken a pregnancy test? nope. my idiot self thought i had to one time. haha
Does your ex still think about you? i dont think so
What is something that always makes you feel pretty? when my hair is done, make up is done well, and a good outfit
What’s your favorite instrument? i guess i dont have one haha
Do you want to get married? very much. one day!
Is Catcher in the Rye in your library by any chance? no, it is not
Does the thought of moving out from home scare you? it depends on how far from here. i dont mind if it’s not more than 6 hours away 
Do you find smoking unattractive? not for me, no thanks
How old will you be in 3 birthdays? Do you think you’ll be married by then? i’ll be 27. according to my younger self’s plans, i thought i’d be married by 26 and kids at 28. at this point, i just hope i’d be engaged by 27. just waiting for the boyfriend to finish school and for the both of us to save up. haha
When is the next time you’re going on vacation? not for a loooong time cause of this crazy pandemic 
If you were offered to smoke some weed right now, would you accept? nah, i’ll pass
If you have siblings, which one of you is going to be married first? hopefully my older brother 
Do you smoke weed? i do not
Honestly, who is the last person to tell you that they love you? my boyfriend well technically my work kids. haha. i think Colton told me today. haha
How old will you be on your next birthday? What are you doing for it? 25. no big plans. maybe a spa day with the girls
Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? hahaha yes and it usually escalates to other fun things. hahahah
Are you currently renting out your own apartment? no but i am renting an apartment
Do you currently have a job? yes. daycare teacheer
Are you pregnant? nooooo
Have you taken anyone’s virginity? not yet
Have you had sex in the past three weeks? ^^
What would you consider to be the worst television channel out there? eh, there’s a few bad tv shows but i dont know. 
Are you currently sitting on your bed or some other place and where? im on the couch in the living room
Did anything tend to make you extremely happy today and, if so, what was it? just having a decent human conversation with my coworker nici. haha because sometimes my other coworkers dont talk to me or else they rant or complain
Have you ever had anyone drop off animals at your house and what kind? a friend dropped of a big fat brown bunny at my house one time. and we’ve dog sat for a family friend a few times 
Are you planning on going to the movies with anyone at all this weekend? no, covid
What month is it and would you consider this to be your favorite month? october and no. 2 more months til my favorite month
Have you ever made your boy/girlfriend choose between you and someone else? not like anything serious
Do you remember when some of the Walmarts had a McDonald’s in them? what?
When was the last time you took a shower and was that too long ago? like 2 nights ago? i have to take one tonight
When was the last time you were somewhere that offered free Wi-Fi? walmart? i think
Do you ever have to write down a phone number to remember it? no, i just put it in my phone. 
What color are your curtains and are you satisfied with this color? i have white blinds. the apartment came with them like that. i dont mind it
When was the last time you were stung by a bee and what kind was it? i think i was like 13? just a regular bee. i remember it fly between my foot and my sandal while i was walking and i stepped my foot down and it stung me!
Do you know anyone personally who had their house burn down before? my boyfriend’s brother and their family’s house caught on fire from an electrical fire
Do you think the media can further manipulate our teenagers anymore? oh goodness yes. especially in todays time where its normal for every singe teenager to have a phone
Have you ever had someone sympathetically lie to make you feel better? i’m sure
When was the last time you had a piece of cake and what was the occasion? i buy mini cheesecake bites for a small after dinner dessert
Has anyone ever complimented you on your singing and did you believe them? yes and no. haha while the rest of my family was blessed with musical talents, i was not
What’s your favorite kind of potato chip and are they cheap to buy? i like sunchips, funyuns, and any sour cream and onion flavored chips
Are you afraid to save your surveys because you think people will read them? nah, but this is the only place i post them  How satisfied with life are you at this exact moment in time and why is this? i’m trying to understand my life circumstance right now and trying to be content with where i’m at. i’d say i’m like a 7 on a 1-10 scale
Are you thinking about anything that’s upsetting right now? not really, just wondering why my boyfriend hasnt called me yet when its 9pm right now and my bedtime is in an hour cause of work
Who was the last male you hung out with? my boyfriend via facetime but otherwise my brothers at the pumpkin farm
Are you self conscious? sometimes
What are you not looking forward to? getting my period. i think it’s coming up soon
What did you realize yesterday? uhmm, not sure
Who was the last person to drive you somewhere? my sister when she and my mom came to visit me this past weekend
Do you want someone you can’t have? a career, a lot of money, hahaha
When was the last time you cried? a few days ago watching “while you were sleeping” with my boyfriend as we finished the last episode.
When was the last time you totally broke down? last 2 weeks ago when my boyfriend and i got into a small dispute 
If you could have one thing right now what would it be? a job as a wedding planner or even the assistant
Has a friendship ended recently that you wish had not? not recent, but a few people i’ve grown apart or lost connection with 
Recently kissed anyone with the name starting with a L? my boyfriend’s name starts with an L and the last time i kissed him was like three weeks ago when we were saying goodbye when i was in town for his grandpa’s funeral
What will you be doing in the next 2 hours? going to bed
This time last year were you happier then or now? now. haha. this time last year, i was stressing over what to do with my living situation and work situation 
Are you angry with someone right now? nope
Do you get stressed easily? sometimes
Do you have any problems? not any big ones
Do you have any plans for the weekend? nothing big. just get some work done and then a virtual meeting with my siblings
Be honest; name of the last person to text you? my coworker/coteacher Abby
Have you told anybody you loved them today? yes. i text my boyfriend a good morning text almost every day. i think i also told my work kid Colton i loved him too. haha he’s so sweet
Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color? no, i colored it 2 months ago
Do you want to see somebody right now? yes
Have you been under the influence in the past 24 hours? no
Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed? my couch
What color hair did you have when you entered high school the first time? my natural hair
Did the last person you kiss have piercings? nope
Is there a certain eye color you are drawn to on the opposite sex? not really
Will you be seeing your ex any time soon? nope
Have you talked about marriage with another person? my boyfriend, my sister and when i went to my boyfriend’s grandpa’s funeral, i saw a lot of his family so they asked
Do you remember who you liked this time 3 years ago? yeah and its still the same
Do you know anyone who has been to rehab? nope
Do you think you’ll make a good parent? i sure hope so. i think i’d do a decent job with discipling and teaching when theyre young but teenage years kinda scare me. 
Do you think you’ll make a good husband/wife? i think so. im sure the first few years will be tough but i’ll get the hang of it! haha
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suckitsurveys · 7 years
Have you ever made a sex tape? I’ve been filmed having sex before oops.
Do you look like a boring person? I don’t think so. My hair is usually a bright color. 
When’s the last time someone made you feel like you mattered? Mark tends to do that everyday, even though he just told me to shut up after I coughed :P
What’s on your headboard right now? Our pillows?
Are your teeth clean? Nope, they are covered in popcorn. 
Have you ever seriously questioned your sanity? There have been times where I have. 
Do cheesy movies ever inspire you? Sure?
Do you need a vacation? Always.
How do you feel about your weight right now? I’m not happy with it right now. I have all of July and August and half of September to lose 20 lbs and I’m feeling like it won’t happen. 
Have your parents ever told you that you are a disappointment? Nope. They’ve said I’ve disappointed them, but never called me a disappointment. 
Do graveyards thrill or terrify you? Neither?
Would you ever snort pixie sticks? No.
Do you like tea? Mhmm.
When’s the last time you took a shower? Last night. Do your sheets come off your bed easily? Nope.
Does music rule your life? No.
Oreos or chips ahoy? Definitely Oreos.
Would you say your life is on the right track right now? It kind of is except I hate my job now hahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would you ever be a groupie? Only if Mark started a band. 
Do you have a better body or a better face? Face.
What’s the next thing you have to do that you’re dreading? Going to work every day for the next 6 months. 
Do you ever wear polos? Nope.
Have you ever popped your collar? Nope.
Do/Did you skip class? Oops.
Do you find butch lesbians attractive? I find everyone attractive.
Have you ever drank cough syrup to get high? Nope.
Does your head hurt right now? It’s congested and uncomfortable but it doesn’t hurt. 
How often do you clip your nails? When they need to be.  Is your phone always on low battery? Nope.
What song is your current favorite? Eh.
Who’s the last girl to hug you? My niece. 
Do you genuinely like her? Dude. I LOVE that baby. 
Do you miss any of your exes? Nope.
Did you ever take pottery class in High School? I took ceramics my senior year. 
Have your parents ever suggested that you see a therapist? My mother did. Not for any specific reason, but just because she went and benefited from it so much. 
Do you masturbate on a regular basis? Sure. 
Have you ever felt yourself fainting? No.
Would you ever dye all your hair bright pink? I have done that. I prefer blues though. 
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “Monday”? For some reason I read that as “Maeby” so now all I can think about is Arrested Development.  
How do you feel physically right now? I’m siiiiiiiiiiiiick and my ears are super clogged so I can hardly hear. 
How do you feel emotionally? Pissed. 
How about mentally? Blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Spiritually? I mean.  Have you ever been friends with someone with bipolar disorder? Yes. What’s your favorite brand of hairspray? I don’t use hairspray.
Who’s the last boy to make you cry? My brother in law.
Did he know that he made you cry? No. 
Do you think anyone actually cares about you? I know they do.
Are you a salt person? As in, do I like salt? Yes. 
Have you ever been too scared to leave your couch? No.
When’s the last time you felt like a total asshole? Saturday. I made some joke about people being cheap and only giving people a $10 gift card for their wedding and I opened up a card from my friend and there was a $10 Target gift card in there and I can’t remember if she was there when I made the joke or not. I definitely wasn’t serious about it but I still felt like a dick. 
Is it hard for you to apologize even when you know you’re wrong? Depends on who I’m apologizing to.
Do you consider yourself a mature person? I once cried in a Taco Bell parking lot because they only took cash.
Do you have long eyelashes? Not even close.
Has anyone ever threatened you? Yeah.
Have you ever been close with your mother? Yes. 
Would you ever own a rat? Nah.
Could you fall asleep right now? If I took NyQuil, which I am about to do. 
Has your mouth ever been washed out with soap? Nope. 
Would you/Do you ever spank your kids? Definitely, definitely not.
Do you look pretty today? I look sick af, but my hair looks cute. 
Does your family make you feel supported? Yes. 
Is it hard for you to admit when you’re hurt? Nah. 
Are you good at walking in heels? I’m not good at walking in general. 
Would you genuinely be okay with having a woman as president? YES. 
Who’s the last person to post on your Facebook wall? My neighbor, Stephanie. 
Do you like this person? Yes. She and I have a buuuuuuunch of stuff in common and we’ve become fast friends because of it. SO grateful she and her husband moved above us. 
If you could fuck one cartoon character, which one would it be? Trent Lane. 
Did that question really freak you out? Nah dude, Cartoons can be HOT. 
Do you feel you’re capable of being loved? Yeah. It definitely took me a while and it’s something I still struggle with a teeny bit time to time, but I’m definitely in a good place love wise.
When’s the last time you ate something? I just had some ice cream.
Do you feel like crying? Yes. My job is a giant stress fest now that my fucking brother in law works with me, and there’s the looming 2 weeks where Mark and I will be in prison--I mean taking care of my grandmother while my dad and my sister and her family go gallivanting in Wisconsin on a family vacation with out half of their family. I am going to be a fucking WRECK for the next two weeks and that’s gunna be fun for everyone involved. When’s the last time you felt completely and totally alone? Probably January-June 2011.  What do you do when you can’t sleep? Browse my phone.  Do you like Pez? I do. 
Have you ever collected Pez dispensers? I used to have a few of them. 
Have you ever used jump roping as a work out? No.
Would you ever name your kid sushi? I’d name my cat sushi, but not a human child. 
How much money would you spend to see Eminem live? I’d rather not.
Do you think afros are sexy? Depends on the head.
How about dreads? ^ 
Have you ever been part of a band? Not even close.
What’s the nicest thing your parents have ever done for you? Supporting me financially and emotionally since the day I was born. 
Do you find curse words offensive? Generally I don’t even notice them.
Have you ever had the urge to jump off a cliff? Yo.
What’s the worst feeling in the world? Losing a parent. 
Have you ever tried harder to appreciate the little things in life? Yeah. 
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auntiem4cabs · 6 years
Pop Tarts
Hi! I’m your host Bev Sykes of the blog “Funny the World”. . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. (Past hosts include: Our first – Judd Corizan, Mr. L, Kwizgiver and Bud) Cheers to all of us thieves!
This is stolen from Freaky PopTart
1. What’s the coldest temp you’ve experienced? I should cheat off Stacey’s, she has a better memory than I. But…it was cold!! 2. What’s for dinner tonight? My PLAN was chop suey. But I made dog food in the  crock last night, and …well, its still in there, so TOMORROW is chop suey. Today? idk. I’ll check your blogs and see what you are having.
    3. Would you consider moving to Australia? No
    4. What was your favorite subject in high school? American History. Im not sure it was my favorite subject, but the teacher was my favorite!
    5. How many hours a day is your tv on? Probably like 4 in the evening. I don’t work, so sometimes I fall into that Judge Judy, Hot Bench thing, but then I have to cook dinner and its just easier not to set my arse on the couch. BTW… she is retiring this year, they say. AND she makes 45 MILLION dollars a year! Oops, back to the questions mair!! 
    6. Have you ever received an award? Why yes, yes I have!! Hahhaha in 2004, while sitting in the car at 12am while my then husband ran into Kaiser for a prescription, there was a blip on the radio… “who will be the 2004 (or was it 05) country music singer of the year? Text your answer to …. whatever. SO, of course I picked up his phone and texted KENNY CHESNEY!  4 months later while life continued on, and that text was never even thought of again, my husband calls me at work.  “HEY! KTLA is going to be calling you. You won the CMA award package, be extra excited when they tell you!! IT WAS SO FUN!! I got thousands of dollars in useless prizes. hahaha. Its is what the CMA ppl get . Cowboy boots, belt buckles, tshirt for those who wear extra small, Shower head, Candy …but the DJ, Peter Tilton ate my box of candy! A pearl necklace, and a Carter ( that’s not right) watch, and idk, so much crap I mailed most of it back home to Ohio. Pretty cool though. I have pics, but if I posted them my ex would sue me! So, just imagine!!!
    7. Whats your mousepad look like? Its a Kenny  Chesney mouse pad ( oh  I forgot…that too). 
      8. How many browser tabs do you have open right now? 5
    9. If you are a parent, have you or did you ever put Vicks VapoRub on your children under the age of 2? Well, I am not a parent, but I played one in real life! Yes, I have! You know back in the day, we were allowed to treat our kids and not be put in  social media jail. I had a little one who nothing  would help this congestion and cold. So one night   he was wheezing and crying, so I filled the sink with warm water, and melted down some vicks, I washed him all over  and he got a warm rinse, and then …DONT TELL ANYONE, I put rubbing alcohol on a cloth and rubbed his back. Next day… no congestion, no fever and he slept until past 10am. 
    10. As an adult, do you like the scent of Vicks VapoRub? Im not a fan of the scent, but it works, and as you know as an adult, you go with what works as opposed to what you like and don’t like. 
    11. If you had to pick one insect to infest your house for 1 day and after that day they would just suddenly vanish, which insect infestation would you pick? This is just  EW. Bev, what were you thinking!!  hahahah
    12. What color is your underwear that you are wearing right at this moment? Blue and green boxer shorts. Im just  now thinking about getting dressed!! 
              PopTarts Pop Tarts Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing.
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suckitsurveys · 5 years
Whens the last time you ate bread? I’m eating a bagel right now. Whats the last movie you watched on your own? To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before: PS I Still Love You What about the last movie you watched with another person? Toy Story 4 with my niece. What about the last movie you saw at the cinema? Was it good? I think that was Detective Pikachu, hahahah. Do you attend school, college, or uni? No.
What do you study, wherever you study? Nope What industry do you want to be a part of when you’re older? Event planning. Are you a Hugh Grant or Colin Firth kinda girl? Neither. How many girls can you trust? 5. My sister, my nieces, Sarah, Ellen. What about guys? 3. My dad, my husband, Randal. How do you earn your keep? I hate that expression.  If you could speak three different languages fluently, what would they be? Spanish, French, Yiddish How many texts have you ever sent on your current phone? A lot? Who do you usually text the most? Ellen and Sarah. Baths or showers? Both. Cheese or tomato? I like both, depending on how they are used. Shaved legs or shaved arms? Legs. Did you know they’re currently shaving their arms some people on this years xfactor? What? How many coats do you own? I have a winter coat, a windbreaker, and a jean jacket. And a handful of hoodies. What about shoes? I would say ~20 pairs.  One word to describe your most recent ex? Irrelevant.  Fried, poached, boiled or scrambled eggs? I like all of those options but I prefer omelets. Have you ever been surprised with breakfast in bed? Yeah. Where,in your current country, would you like to live, other than where you do now? Boston or Hawaii Where wouldn’t you want to live? In the desert.  Has your life begun? Sure. Do you like snow? I like looking at it. From inside. Next to a fire. Have you always got good grades? Yeah. Do you like sheer clothing? Sure. List four things about your facial appearance: - I have green eyes - My nose is pierced - I wear glasses - My skin is awful
List four things about your general appearance: - I’m about 5′2′’ - I’m fat - I have blue hair - I’m white af List four things you like about yourself: - My hair - My sense of humor - My legs - My organization/planning abilities List four things you dislike about yourself: - My health - My stomach - My teeth - My newly developed allergies that make my nose stuffed 24/7
List four of your favourite TV programmes: - BoJack Horseman - 30 Rock - Parks and Rec - Glow List four of your favourite foods/drinks: - Crab legs - Sushi - Root Beer - Matcha lattes This quiz is pretty different to others, right? Not really. I do a LOT of surveys, so. What phone network are you on? Sprint Is it good? Sure. Cats or dogs? Cats. Llamas or sheep? Sheep. Have you ever seen anyone famous in the street? Yes. Are you hungry right now? Nope, I just ate.  Do any of your friend really irritate you at times? Yes. What do you think of couples who have entire albums just for them, with pictures of them just randomly at home, doing nothing that really requires a photo? I don’t care. Can you cook? Sure. Can you iron? Yes Can you work the microwave? Yes. Can you work the washing machine? Yes. Do you like your photo being taken? I don’t mind that much. Do you like taking photos of yourself? Yes. Have you ever got into a club, whilst being underage? Yes. How many magazines do you buy a month? I don’t buy magazines. How many of them are car-related? If I did, they certainly wouldn’t be car related. That doesn’t interest me at all. What about fashion? I like flipping through them sometimes of they are near me, but I don’t seek them out.  Any celeb gossip ones? Same^ What pets do you have? I have three kitties. Its getting pretty cold now, isn’t it? Do you have the heating on? It’s not suuuuuuper cold out. It’s spring here but not very warm yet. Do you watch Hollyoaks? I’ve never even heard of that. Do you like Silus? - Who’s your favourite? - Who’s your least favourite? - Do you watch Gossip Girl? Nope. I never got into that. Who’s your favourite girl? - What about guy? - Last gig you went to? Vampire Weekend in October in SLC with Ellen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next gig your going to? Lol all fun is canceled until further notice. Favourite colour? Purples and blues. Are you regularly tired? Always. Are you excited to live on your own? I do, with my husband. When do you plan on moving out? ^^^^ Do you have a onesie? No.
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