ladyatlas · 2 months
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ladyatlas · 4 months
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OOC. making those for my about page might be my favourite part of this carrd layout.
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ladyatlas · 4 months
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LADYATLAS.   independent   &   selective   &   mutuals   only.   MARGARET   ‚PEGGY‘   CARTER   of   the   marvel   universe.   based   on   agent   carter   &   marvel's   what   if   &   personal   headcanons.   canon   divergent.   inspiration   taken   from   comics   and   other   media.   reports   written   by   achilles.   28.   she / her.   german.   GTM+1. 
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ladyatlas · 6 months
“I’m afraid you might be right.” Another soft sigh. Eternal bureaucracy sounded like another circle of hell – and she feared she put herself into this one. She just had to get involved, didn’t she? Just stepping back and leaving whoever was in charge of things at SHIELD beside Fury to it, just didn’t work for her, did it?
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“ – I wouldn’t say no to some moral support.”
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"Hm, technologies and times change but bureaucracy is eternal, I'm afraid. Also, this is the States. I think it practically runs on bureaucracy. Do you need help with anything?"
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ladyatlas · 6 months
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“I don’t blame you at all, Pepper – it IS a good exercise, but I am really not too sure about these classes. – Skipping to go shopping sounds rather promising. I could use some more clothes that are appropriate to wear in public and NOT SHIELD issued uniforms...”
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"Yeah, it can get a little MUCH, huh? I'm sorry, I thought it would just be good exercise. Wanna skip today? There's a couple good stores nearby that I'd like to show you."
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ladyatlas · 6 months
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“Well, since you didn’t consider that, perhaps I would want a biscuit with my cup of tea…” A sigh followed her words; the smile only barely hidden in her eyes. NO, she did not think so little of him – butt she found entertainment in this. And if she was honest with herself, she had to admit, she would rather have fancied a biscuit, too.
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"I CAN'T BELIEVE you think so little of me, you know that? No. They were just...tasty. I'll go to the store later and replace 'em?"
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ladyatlas · 7 months
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“I can’t imagine everyone gets such a – warm welcome.” | @yoakkemae LIKED.
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ladyatlas · 7 months
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“ – I might not look like it, Doctor, and you might not expect it from a woman in this decade, but I can handle my share of IMPOSSIBLE things.” | @startold [FIFTEEN] LIKED.
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ladyatlas · 7 months
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“ – I don’t know about these Pilates classes… Feels like they are more an excuse to GOSSIP.” | @peperrood LIKED.
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ladyatlas · 7 months
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“ – I assume you’re going to tell me the biscuit tin has just been MAGICALLY emptied?” | @schildheld LIKED.
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ladyatlas · 7 months
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“You would think that, with all this new technology, it would end up being less – PAPERWORK in the end. And yet, here we are again. Files everywhere.” | @chloevlinder LIKED.
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ladyatlas · 7 months
Out of Context Sentence Starters
A variety of starters collected from conversations and TV shows
“You break my mugs, and you break my heart.”
“So this guy looked at his son and went ‘this can get worse’.”
“I’d love to go out and be depressed with you.”
“I think she’s a David Attenborough in disguise.”
“My gender is spherical.”
“Who are the other ones? Jeremy Kyle and Daenerys?”
“My minion is a lesbian.”
“This is why I always liked slip on shoes. No laces to tie.”
“Snooker fans know there’s no fire!”
“The horses are like ‘screw that guy’.”
“And there was a big situation looking for King Tut’s penis.”
“I’m missing my garlic masterclass because I’m buying dice.”
“Stop saying knicker section!”
“The target is dead. Hold tight while I look for his ghost.”
“That’s like speed dating angel edition.”
“There’s a Viking with a water pistol!”
“I’m like God, or Richard Osman.”
“It’s disrespectful to the rock.”
“Phone your friends! Gonna get really bleak tonight!”
“Arson and cultists sound like an amazing way to start the day.”
“I turn into a werewolf, but in a good way.”
“People are stupid! Remember that people are stupid!”
“I’m a strong woman. I don’t need butter in my life.”
“He’s not a very respected doctor if he has NO photos of himself on the internet.”
“Power is not very nice.”
“As you can see, there’s a skeleton in there, without a head.”
“How did I happen?”
“How long did the shit Dalek take?”
“We’re not working naked.”
“Basically I have a 10-step plan that is probably going to be abandoned immediately.”
“Horny pigeon’s back.”
“If I’m in charge, I’m not picking a safety shot.”
“Where you put your pom poms is completely up to you.”
“Who needs enemies when you have friends like this?”
“As the great philosopher Queen Neffertiti said…that’s quite enough of that old nonsense.”
“Now get off your horse and drink your milk.”
“I’ve seen those eyes on TV before.”
“You are the connoisseur of weird.”
“There’s nothing like going to Oxford while looking like you’ve smeared something on your face.”
“I’ve lost the plot to live.”
“The vaginas made it on number one?”
“I’ll give it another 30 minutes for summer to arrive!”
“I think it’s too late to be judging people- Is that YOUR pint?!”
“My view of the queen has become very disturbed due to this.”
“Because science panders to the facts, ___!”
“Ban-unting is not gonna catch on, my friend.”
“This video has so much cheese, you can’t watch it if you’re lactose intolerant.”
“’We cant let the fun dwindle on’?! Well, we’ve got a quote for your gravestone!”
“Which is worse? Death or Norfolk?”
“___, can you put God on?”
“You cold fingered freak!”
“Leave her alone, she just wants to electrocute people.”
“A cross between Turkish Delight and soil.”
“My eyebrows are going to be falling off the side of my face.”
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ladyatlas · 7 months
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brand-new STARTER CALL!
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ladyatlas · 7 months
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brand-new STARTER CALL!
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ladyatlas · 7 months
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OOC. Starter fresh here. Deleting all drafts. Probably make some new graphics tomorrow!
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ladyatlas · 8 months
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HAYLEY ATWELL as PEGGY CARTER Agent Carter S01E01 "Now Is Not The End"
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ladyatlas · 8 months
@chloevlinder:   “I don’t think experience is necessary as much as knowledge and understanding of an animal’s needs. And of course the available resources that we would have. As well as temperaments…they may want to do a home check to make sure it’s SUITABLE, but it could even depend on which rescue or shelter we get the cat from for what requirements they have,” Chloe replied, thoughts swarming as usual. Chloe liked an element of predictability, and she knew that Peggy felt the same. It was nice that they could count on each other. Even though it had probably only been about a couple of years since they had met, it had felt like a lifetime for how intimately they knew each other.              She glanced at her girlfriend at the way she parroted the words, her own eyes sparkling even if her expression gave a slight warning. “Yes,” she replied as she continued pottering around the kitchen. “I saw some videos online. I think it’s quite a clever idea, and at least it makes sure there is a safe way for the cat to get some exercise.”
             She considered Peggy’s question, humming as she thought. “I don’t think you have, actually. I don’t think pets ever came up, DID THEY?”
“Things these days are quite different – nobody would have even thought about checking someone’s home to make sure it was suitable for a pet. You either bought one, or you were offered a puppy or kitten from someone’s litter, because they couldn’t keep them all.” She pulled a face, when she noticed how OLD she was sounding; it wasn’t necessarily because she had a problem with her own age (just a number – and what was she supposed to answer these days anywhere?), but because she sounded OLD-FASHIONED. And she rather fancied herself a modern woman. She tried to fit into the new century, after all; fit into this decade that was moving faster by the minute. Everything seemed to move so fast these days.
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Her eyes wandered back to Chloe, a smile reappearing on her lips, even if there was a hint of surprise to it. “I was SURE I had mentioned them. My mother was quite fond of the dogs, you see – and we had a cat running around the grounds. It wasn’t officially our cat – but then again, I don’t think there was any paperwork you had to fill out to own a pet. Another thing I suppose I should look into before we continue thinking about getting a cat, huh?”
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