#Haha I need to shut up
culpeppercheckers721 · 5 months
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Ok more wholesome meme to compensate for the last one
And I’ve now been blessed with the mental image of Hewlett opening up to her about how the heavens were his true calling, and then Anna just going like “… bro :)” all softly as she puts her hand on his shoulder. HAH
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if you met an alternate reality version of yourself that was better than you in every single way would that be fucked up or what lol
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justgleekout · 6 months
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Sunday morning sleeping in <3
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theythemmer · 2 months
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am i really a clique artist if i haven’t draw THE pic of tyler
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insinirate · 2 years
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playground fights
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thegreatgremlingang · 22 days
*Rage post may delete later*
just went and saw a meta about Jiang Cheng being underappreciated for getting Wei Wuxian out of the Xuanwu cave and stuff and I was scrolling through the comments being like "awwwww" "yeah that's right" 'damn straight" "yeeeheeahhhh" and then I just saw this FUCKING COMMENT being like "eeerrrmmmm that still doesn't excuse what he did to wwx he's such a nasty ass human being omg" and idk why but it just flipped some sort of mental rage switch in me and HRRRRRNGH like the little smile was WIPED OFF MY FACE and my intestines crackled from the sudden rise in blood pressure and like jc antis can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE chill and leave us the fuck alone
I don't want to die young from health complications
my entire dash was full of jc metas and ofc discourse and this fucking comment just pushed me over the edge
jc antis PLEASE PLEASE leave the stans ALONE and go drink some orange juice or something please do something productive you've got better things to do that shitting on jc and the people that choose to like him
even if he's straight up evil (he isn't) that's not your fucking problem isn't it people can stan literal villains in other fandoms and nobody cares so why do you guys have to be such control freaks
I don't see the xue yang antis and Jin Guanyao antis behave in this rabid ass sort of way just CALM DOWN and stop trying to make us argue with you on whether Jiang Cheng beats Jin Ling on a daily basis or if he puts emo teenagers in wood chippers or something
what even is the purpose of all the shit you get up to? Is it going to make Jiang Cheng hear you through the fourth wall? Is he going to drop to his knees and apologize to Wei Wuxian? NO! Is it going to make us stans see the "errors of our ways" and go hate on Jiang Cheng with you? NO! Is it going to summon Wei Wuxian so he can host a fan meetup and give you a hug and his autograph and his eternal friendship? NO!!! Is it going to drive Wei Wuxian to put Jiang Cheng in a wood chipper? NO!!! Is it going to make Jiang Cheng become real so y'all can put him in a wood chipper? N O !!!!!!!!!!!
Listen. Just like how we can never convince you to stan Jiang Cheng, you can never convince us to do whatever is your endgame. So I suggest you go to your own little corner of the fandom, stop bothering us, let us be "delulu" in peace, and get a fucking life.
Now I feel much better! Thanks for coming to my Ted talk and don't forget to tune in next time! bye bye!
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hysterotic · 1 month
i hate when i read a baji fanfic with an interesting plot & find out his character is severely dumbed down.. like if your gonna make him stupid the least you could do is make it funny but it’s really not 😭
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burntpizzarolls · 2 months
This picture speaks to my soul.
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starxslvs · 4 months
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mouriros · 3 months
Sometimes i think abt kyoya and tamaki (ohshc) too hard and i start genuinely crying i cannot process the love i have for them. Unreqreuited love or onesided love or a full on ship or full platonic their dynamic is So amazing. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU READ KYOYA AS GAY BECAUSE WHAT DO YOU MEAAAAN
what do you mean the episode showing his past is accompanied by the image of him painting within a frame and once he Accepts Tamaki he paints over the frame in a Literal Explosion Of Colors (in a rainbow pattern but thats So on the nose that im not even gonna go there)
what do you mean haruhi asks him 'how come someone like You(no offence( agreed to something like This(the host club) ((no offence×2))' and he doesnt even have to reply verbally because a shoujo-style white background glowing wisftul gaze towards Tamaki is enough of an answer. To him just Seeing Tamaka Happy and At Peace is enough to make him want to deal w all of this shit
And i havent even finished the manga but ive heard he goes to france and LITERALLY FINDS HIS MOTHER???? HELLO???? Kyoya being in love witb tamaki makes ohshc so much more beautiful it makes his entire character make sense in a whole new way. That emo ass twink Moon ass Cunt found someone whose Simple Smile is enough to break down every wall hes built. Kyoya quite literally is willing to move mountains Just so that tamaki could have a little more fun. SHUT UPPP I HATE THESE TIWIGJWNDNQSJQJEJWUQ AGAGAGAHRVWHSUQHWBWJRIWI
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enginator2000 · 1 year
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fleetfinite posting hours, look at my goobers
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squidcandy · 1 year
can we bring this au back. can we pleaseee bring this au back.
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berryblu-soda · 7 months
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@frauggietheperson !!!!! Guess who remembered she could crochet :D!!!!!
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ash-and-starlight · 11 months
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hold on ok i belted out a brief laughingstock Scene for possible future use that i Had to write down bc if i didn't, i'd never remember it. and why not share?
“Barnaby? Barnaby, old chap, are you with me?” 
Barnaby blinks, registering the green fingers snapping in front of his nose. He huffs a laugh and pushes Howdy’s hand away. “Yeah, yeah, I’m listenin’. You were saying?”
Howdy gives him an exasperated look, a fond look. “Thinking about running off to a farm again, were you?”
“Nah, just the clouds. They’re a lot less work.”
“Well I’d rather you didn’t. Who would I talk to during the long hours if you went and floated off?” Howdy winks before turning to his shelves, already yammering away about something or other.
Something or other that Barnaby is once again not listening to, because what was that? Barnaby quickly presses his cool paw-pads to his burning cheeks, feeling the bristling fur there. 
Has Howdy ever winked at him? Now that he’s noticed it, Barnaby can’t recall. If it’s new, then why? Why a wink of all things? What did that mean? And that look Howdy gave him… 
Barnaby adjusts his abruptly too-tight tie. It’s unusually warm in the store, isn’t it? Howdy must have forgotten to turn on the AC. 
Gosh, what is Howdy even saying? He’s still talking, but Barnaby hasn’t absorbed a word. He can’t even tell if Howdy is still speaking english. It’s all garbled.
There’s something wrong with Barnaby. He must be coming down with something… or he’s just overthinking it. Overworking the ol’ noggin. A good long nap should set him right. 
“Listen,” Barnaby interrupts, patting the counter, “I uh, I don’t know where my head’s at. I better go find it - I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Oh… alright, then,” Howdy says, a tinge of disappointment in his voice. 
Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking. Barnaby slaps that thought out of the park. He doesn’t want Howdy to be disappointed, that’s absurd. That’s something a bad friend would think. Barnaby may be many things, but a bad friend isn’t one of them.
“I’ll whip up a joke that’ll knock your socks off next time I see ya,” Barnaby promises. He smiles around the discomfort and the entirely new feeling squirming around each other in his chest. 
“Now you’ve gone and brought up my expectations,” Howdy says. He leans on the counter and grins. “Are you sure you can back up such a claim, Mr. Beagle?”
Another hot flush races under Barnaby’s fur, and to his growing mortification, his tail starts wagging at breakneck speed. He lets out an uncharacteristically nervous laugh and backs away from the counter. To both of their horror, his back hits a shelf, making it rattle and tip.
“Oh, sh-” Barnaby lunges to right it before it can topple. He whips around and laughs again. Howdy’s wide-eyed stare burns. “Sorry ‘bout that! Talk about a bulldog in a bugshop, geez.”
“When you find your head, make sure to screw it on nice and tight,” Howdy says, a strange look on his face to match his tone. “And check your temperature while you’re at it - it’s not like you to be off-balance.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m off-balance,” Barnaby says. He inches towards the door, willing his stupid tail to calm down. “I just have ears instead of rearview mirrors.”
“Uh-huh…” Howdy slides to the side, trying to peer around him. 
Barnaby fumbles for the door. The scrape and bang of his search for the handle echoes in the quiet store. One of Howdy’s eyebrows creeps higher the longer Barnaby stands there, making a complete fool of himself. 
Finally, the door clicks, and Barnaby nearly tumbles over backwards in his haste to get out. He stumbles down the steps and briskly walks away, adjusting his hat and tie. As soon as he’s out of sight, he slaps his paws to his face and sags against the bodega.
“Idiot,” he hisses to himself. He presses his back flat against the wall and slams the side of his fist against it. Normally, Barnaby would use a situation like this to his advantage. But Howdy wasn’t laughing, and Barnaby wasn’t being funny. “Bulldog in a - gah, idiot!”
Great. Now Howdy thinks he’s not only a clumsy oaf, but that he’s losing his touch too.
Barnaby growls in frustration, pushing off the wall and stomping away from the plaza on all fours. What does he care what Howdy thinks of him? Others’ opinions of Barnaby have never been anywhere near his list of top priorities - barring Wally’s, of course. If they were, he'd never tell another joke again.
Yes, Howdy is a good friend of Barnaby’s. A close friend, even. But since when has he had such a - such an effect? Barnaby shakes his head, growling again. 
There was no effect. Barnaby is just going insane. Or he’s getting sick, like Howdy implied. That would explain the sudden hot flash, the loss of typically impeccable coordination, and, oh yeah! Barnaby’s brain leaking out of his ears.  
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suprababka · 13 days
NO!! It wasn’t asked because you haven’t written a lot— you have!!! I’m just super looking forward to a lot of the prompts (I’m a sucker for the hurt comfort that specifically comes from safeword use so I’m v excited for that)
Haha, I'm happy to hear it, thank you!😁💓 I was just half-joking (or was I?)😉 (sorry, I couldn't not have reference to this meme) I feel you though. I'm SO EXCITED to do and write many things, but alas, my university and work consume too much time and strength :((((( (I'm sucker for hurt/comfort as well😚) So yeah, I guess we all have to be patient😊
*this is me being sad because I really want to complete requests and start publishing headcanons, but unfortunately, not everything goes like we want to:
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