aimseybubbline · 9 months
Twitter broke Helloo sillies
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kivishipps · 5 months
hi fellow lok selfshipper :3
- same guy as @brown-eyed-lover :3
Hullo!! :DD How are you? ^^
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jaimeski · 2 years
hello Jaime I must do what I do. Could I get a Technoblade and Michael_Beloved :]?
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orangetintedglasses · 2 years
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[ subject 𝐕𝐀𝐒𝐇 is back online ]
[ Rewrite Successful Day 2: Start ]
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warrenhiii · 2 months
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Hullooooo, I don't recall sharing this one so I'm gonna post it :D
It's also pretty old so ehh
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brnest · 4 months
New chapter out!
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It was unusual for Toji be at home instead of... literally anywhere else. But his silver tongued benefactor was surprisingly mum after the duo's last fight. No witty jests. No dumb ass assignments. Homelife was actually peaceful. If Toji had to choose between Satoru Gojos incessant blathering about penis jokes over 24/7 surveillance... he'd knew which one he'd choose.
So after showering off his morning workout, he plopped on his living room couch, coke in hand, listening to the rain fall outside.
"Fushiguroooo! You're not busy are you?"
He thought anyway.
To say toji's blood boiled hearing Satoru's voice blaring over his intercom speaker, shattering the tranquility of his abode would be a goddamn understatement. Clearly, this asshole can read minds, either that or he saw Toji enjoying himself for too damn long and decided it was time to act.
Wordlessly, he got up and muted the intercom fastened to his wall, hoping his benefactor would get the hint. But before he could make it back to the couch, his phone rang, "Toji, i can literally see your chiseled ass on camera, stupid."
He could hang up, he can still enjoy himself if he hangs up now…
"Fushiguro if you hang up, I'm blowing up your phone with BBC." Gojo quipped, "And no, I'm m not talking about british broadcasting either."
Toji cursed. No way 6 eyes would allow him the luxury of peace until he dealt with whatever whimsical need his pretty boy head desired.
"What the fuck do you want?!" Toji growled.
There's a pregnant pause. "put your dick away, I'll be there in 5" he says and hangs up.
Read the rest of His Heart Beats:
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kleoshe · 4 months
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going crazy because I’ve never seen this photo up until today and WHAT WE COULD HAVE HAD
John and Sherlock in 11s TARDIS HULLOOOOO
Honestly it would have broken the Sherlock canon but still…. A girl can dream…
(Photo credits to the random tiktok slide show I found)
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crushcircuit · 1 year
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@carpetcat2 hullooooo do you remember when i said i was gonna draw parasite knight. well. tee hee! tee hee!!!
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m-acint-osh · 2 months
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lil intro hullooooo
- DNI: proship, zionist, racist, lgbtq+phobic, etc (just be normal and we’ll be fine)
- art tag is #artwork
- random bullshit rambling tag is #mac.txt
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jaimeski · 1 year
I think c!hannah still has blood on her red banquet gown she couldn't bare to get it out. Puffy and Eret do too.
she didn’t even notice the blood on her red dress when she was fleeing when she saw the stains it was dried up to the point she can’t wash it off fully she would keep that dress in the deepest part of her closet as a reminder until it was blown up with her house
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dorkydiaz · 24 days
hiii 👋🏽
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lunar-writes-things · 2 years
15) Can Pandas Be Purple?
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After Mumbo left, Y/n stepped outside and checked their mail. 
Most of it was requests to either collab or for advice. 
Today, They had gotten a gold envelope with a baby zombie riding a chicken as the logo. 
Y/n had seen this Logo before, Grian had gotten it once or twice
Giddiness bubbled up in their chest as they looked at the shiny letter and they ripped it open. 
Dear Mx. Y/n'sHarmony,
Congratulations! You have been accepted as a player for the Next MCC on August 21, 2021, as a purple panda! 
You have been recruited due to the fact that Fruitberries will not be able to make it. Your teammates will be Scott Smajor, Grian, and Smallishbeans! 
Along with this letter, inside your mailbox, there should be a tiny box with two portal keys for your convenience for the travel you will have to endure during travel. 
Thank you for signing up! We hope to see you on the practice server and on the day of! 
 Yours truly, NoxCrew and Scott Smajor. 
"Oh my void!" Y/n exclaimed and hopped around in sheer joy before gasping and turning to run towards Grian's section of the gigabase and yelling his name out so he can turn around and Y/n could tackle him into the ground while cradling his head to make sure he wasn't hurt. "Hi." 
"Hi!" He grinned and leaned his head up to place his forehead against Y/n's "What's got you so excited?" 
"I got into MCC!" They exclaimed and Y/n watched as Grian's face contorted from confusion into happiness back into confusion 
"That's great!" Grian said with a large smile "But how? I thought all the teams were full." 
"Fruitberries dropped out," Y/n said and gave him the letter so he could read it 
"So you're going to be on my team?" Grian asked softly, wings fluttering "Wait- is fruit okay? Do you know what happened?" 
"I wish I did," Y/n shook their head "If anything you can always text him through the inter-dimensional comms we have. Although, I feel bad that he won't be able to make it. I'll do my best in place of him!" 
"I'll ask if he's okay later, for now, if you want I can text Scott and Joel and we can practice later for the event? Since it's a week away?" Grian asked softly and grabbed Y/n's hand
"Could we?" Y/n's eyes lit up as she gripped his hands back and pulled them to their chest with pure excitement in their eyes "I would love to go right now!" 
"Yes," Grian grinned  "Yes we can. Go finish up your laundry and when you're done we can head over." 
"Yes sir!" Y/n grinned and rushed back to their home to finish up their chores and change 
Y/n walked through the portal with Pearl and Grian. Y/n and the avian wore matching purple outfits and huge grins on their face while Pearl wore a cyan outfit with a cocky smile on her face. Scott and Joel came to greet them and they all chatted for a bit before agreeing they should split off and start talking to their chats and starting their streams.
"Hullooooo," Y/n murmured to the stars around their head, all twinkling with excitement and gleaming with pure joy and positivity "How are we today?" 
High-pitched chiming made Y/n smile as they continued to walk and jump around in excitement. As the stars around her head began to crown Y/n had counted and noticed there was a ton more than usual, that's when a star shining brighter than the sun itself made an appearance. 
"Scar! Oh my Goodness! Thank you so much for the raid! It's deeply appreciated." Y/n laughed "I hope you guys had a great time! Welcome Scarians to my pov of MCC! I hope you guys enjoy the chaos.
"Anyway! Today we are teamed up with Grian, Scott Smajor, And Joel Smallishbeans! I'm so excited to be here chatters! it's a great honor!" Y/n felt their back strain as they attempted to flutter with invisible wings "Moving on! I'm sure you've seen my weaknesses while streaming practice games but I'll do my best!" 
The stars around them cheered Y/n on and crowded their face as they finally sat down and read out the brighter shining stars and listened to the words they whispered into their ears. As they sat, Scott found them and motioned for them to talk to him and so they did, waving away the twinkling stars as they cheered for Scott's arrival
"Are you ready Y/n?" Scott asked and bounced around them, his purple coat flowing behind him and cyan hair bouncing with him as a bright smile shines on his face 
"Hell yeah!" Y/n grinned and stood up with such enthusiasm that they got lightheaded
The games went as well as they could! 
First was Grid runners, a great (and new!) game to establish the team's communication skills and speed. Purple pandas ended up 5th overall. 
Then was Sky battle. This definitely was a step up from grid runners as they had been in third place, grian being the mv of the team and Y/n standing back to let the others take the lead as they barely knew PVP. 
The rest of the games went like this; getting high rankings and great spots with the exception of tgttos with them getting their lowest placement that MCC, 7th place. 
Soon they got to dodgebolt in first place. 
"DODGE Y/N!" Grian shouted and Y/n just barely dropped to their knees when an arrow almost lodged itself into their skull 
Y/n scrambled to get up while their team had the arrows and soon nocking an arrow and aimed at Dream, who was currently their biggest threat and let go
They watched the arrow and as if time seemed to slow down, it shot dream through the heart and pushed him into the Scorching Magma below
Whose idea was it to build the dodgebolt on top of a volcano with a shrinking platform? 
"Y/N!" Scott called out and Y/n had just taken a step to the left when an arrow whizzed past them "Be careful!" 
"Sorry!" Y/n smiled sheepishly and grabbed both of the arrows and shot one of the remaining two players before they shot back and got Y/n 
"SHIT-" Y/n wailed as they popped up within the stands 
"WHAT?!" Grian asked and looked at Y/n like they were crazy "THAT GOES IN THE SWEAR JAR!" 
"NO!" She called down to him "DUCK JOEL!" 
Joel dropped to the ground as an arrow flew past and Scott fired the last arrow and shot down the remaining member of the pink Parrots. 
"YES!" Y/n cheered along with the rest of the group before being poofed back onto the reset stage and giving Scott hug "That was a Great shot, Scott!" 
"Alright! Now to win these next two rounds!" Joel and Grian cheered 
They in fact did not win the next two rounds. 
They lost Dodgebolt
"Welp, that's upsetting!" Y/n laughed to the stars around their head who whispered encouraging words in their ears "But I had a great time overall! It was a great time chat! Admittedly, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! It was such a close comp!" 
You did great Angel! Can't wait to see you in future championships! Scar's star shone brightly as he whispered in Y/n's ear and Y/n cradled his star 
two other stars came up to her and whispered praises and encouraging words to her. Each shining with a familiar item on their person, Mumbo with his mustache and Impulse with his new gigantic bowtie. Soon Grian and Pearl ended up joining Y/n and they talked to friends before all three agreed to head home to hermitcraft after ending their streams. 
"We're home!" Pearl called as the three stepped out of the interdimensional portal that connected all the realms that their friends lived on
When they stepped out, everyone was there and greeted the with smiles and presents for getting so far in the games. Pearl was praised for her determination and was cheered on for her proudest moments. Grian was glowing with the amount of attention he was getting from ren and others. 
Y/n sat back and watched the group with a soft smile.
"Are you okay?" Someone at by them 
"Yeah," Y/n turned to them, a scarred face rarely anyone sees anymore entering their view "I'm going great X. It's beautiful. The community you helped cultivate from the beginning is beautiful. Thank you for letting me join again." 
"How could I not?" He asked, a smile playing at his lips "Mumbo was practically begging me too and After what you went through with that crazy ex-boyfriend of yours? You needed a safe place and I'm so happy to be able to give that to you." 
"Thank you X," Y/n smiled "Do you think I'll ever find love again?" 
"You already have." X grinned slyly and winked before he put on his helmet again "Just look around you and at the people closest to you."
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dollopheadedmerlin · 4 months
Whenever I see u on my dadh my bai. Just goes oh! old friend!
Hello old friend!
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implalazz · 5 months
Hm this I think, I was also thinking Idol by Wienners or One Headed Dog by Private Function but idk I went with this. I think when I think of you I think like a nice summer day & going to the comic store down the street or something
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kamesama · 6 months
Hullooooos Kamebbys 🌻 I hope you're taking care of yourself and eating good noms (I brought you panccs 🥞🥞🥞 just in case)
For one-word prompts, may I request a Mahito + Scientist 👀✨(yus its the mind palace agenda bhdsbhds I hope that's okay --have yet to finish JJK S2, I miss my problematic son v much)
Good luck with your exams, I believe in you!! 🍀🍀🍀
i appreciate the panccs, always. i finally got some time on my hands ( not really ) bcs i'm sick so that means i can write ( it doesn't ). also, bbys, i'm sorry, i love you but this man is deranged and i can only write him as such.
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— scientist: mahito. ( one word prompt )
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his grandest schemes, eagerly and thoroughly made on a whim, sought to result in an insatiable satisfaction of his messy, deranged wits. the havoc. the chaos. oh, how he adored it — the sight of a face slowly painted over with a sticky layer of stupefaction; sanity evaporating from the eyes like vapour; lips quivering with wordless laments as hope slipped through the equally trembling fingers. and he adored it red; mutilated; gruesome. it dragged the edges of his lips into most delighted of smiles. after all, the world was his to experiment on, for he was the scientist.
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thank you for reading!
— kamesama.
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