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buttercupart · 7 months ago
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im waking up i feel it in my bones
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downthedraincomic · 2 years ago
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Part 1 - Pg 41
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In a desperate attempt to make amends and get his life back to normal, a short-tempered 21-year-old inkling named Brandon throws himself in the arms of two investigators to solve an Inkopolis mystery…
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elifinchsart · 10 days ago
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when the gods cry or whatever
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123lasure · 6 months ago
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jeevanjali · 6 months ago
Vatsasura Vadh: जानिए श्री कृष्ण जी ने बछड़े के रूप में आए वत्सासुर का वध कैसे कियाVatsasura Vadh: वत्सासुर, भगवान श्री कृष्ण जी को मारने के लिए बछड़े का रूप धारण कर लेता है, लेकिन ग्वाले उसे पहचान नहीं पाते। तो आइए जानते हैं कि कैसे कृष्ण जी वत्सासुर का वध कर लेते हैं।
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
More Unique Expressions of Love
Bèndàn 笨蛋 - [Chinese] “Dumb egg”; it's said like an insult, but everyone knows that it's in jest.
Bogaram - [Hungarian] “My bug”
Buah hatiku - [Indonesian] “Fruit of my heart”
Du bringst mein Herz zum hüpfen - [German] You make my heart hop.
Fragolina - [Italian] “Little strawberry”; if someone is dear to you, you might call them your little strawberry.
Hundra hjärtan skulle vara för få för att bära all min kärlek till dig - [Swedish] A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.
ʾIn kuntu ʾaʿrifu maʿnā al-ḥub, faḏalika bifaḍlik إن كُنتُ أَعرِفُ مَعنى الحُب، فَذَلِكَ بِفَضلِك - [Arabic] If I know what love is, it is because of you.
Isq aur musq chupaaye Nahiin chupaTe इश्क़ और मुश्क़ छुपाये नहीं छुपते। - [Hindi] Love and fragrance cannot be hidden.
Jigar tala جیگر طلا - [Farsi] “Golden liver”; use this when addressing someone you can’t live without.
Kruszynko - [Polish] “Breadcrumb”
Ma puce - [French] “My flea”
Mausbär - [German] “Mouse bear”
Me traes de un ala - [Latin American Spanish] “You bring me from one wing”; I’m hung up on how much I love you.
Media naranja - [Spanish] “Half of an orange”; refers to your “other half”.
Min guldklump - [Danish] “My gold nugget”
Moosh bokhoradet - [Persian] People can be so cute that they're smaller than a mouse. So small that you can lovingly say “may a mouse eat you”.
Nyingdu-la - [Tibetan] “Most honoured poison of my heart”
PoTHii padhi padhi jag muvaa, pandiT huaa Na koye, dhaaii aakhar prem kaa, padhe So pandiT hoye पोथी पढ़ि पढ़ि जग मुवा, पंडित हुआ न कोय, ढाई आखर प्रेम का, पढ़े सो पंडित होय। - [Hindi] Bookish knowledge is worthless; fall in love and you’ll know everything.
Solnyshko Солнышко - [Russian] “My sun”; one of the most common words used to express affection in the Russian language.
Sötnos - [Swedish] “Sweet nose”
Tá mo chroí istigh ionat - [Gaelic] “My heart is in you”; you are dear to my heart.
Taku kairangi - [Maori] “My finest greenstone”; similar to calling your loved one “my treasure” in other languages, you might call your partner “my finest greenstone” in Maori. It shows the value you find in your significant other.
Tamago gata no kao - [Japanese] Men call the woman they love an “egg with eyes”. While this may not sound appealing, it's a great compliment. In Japan, having an oval, egg-shaped face is seen as very attractive.
Tuqburni تقبرني - [Arabic] “You bury me”; commonly used to express love and that someone would rather die than lose you.
Ywn ghzal عيون غزال - [Arabic] “Eyes of a gazelle”; when eyes are said to be so hypnotic.
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⚜ More: Word Lists ⚜ Part 1
PoTHii padhi padhi jag muvaa, pandiT huaa Na koye, dhaaii aakhar prem kaa, padhe So pandiT hoye
"Dhai akshar prem ka" - more well-known, colloquially and formally used.
Characters would probably use "akshar" instead of "aakhar".
Thank you to @dusklamp for the added information!
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penaimaji · 7 months ago
Menjodohkan Teman
Perkara jodoh-menjodohkan, sejujurnya aku pribadi tidak begitu berani menjadi perantara perjodohan secara langsung. Walaupun aku dan suami juga awalnya dikenalkan dengan teman, tapi entah kenapa, kalau aku sendiri mau jodohin orang, rasa waspadaku terlalu tinggi perkara ini. Di sisi lain, aku juga ingin membantu beberapa temanku yang belum Allah kehendaki bertemu jodohnya
Ada beberapa temanku sering bercanda, "Eh, San.. kalau ada kenalanmu dong, siapa tau ada yang cocok". Pernah sempat mau menjodohkan dengan temanku, tapi ternyata yang laki-laki (teman suamiku) redflag di tata kelola keuangan. Salah satu contohnya, suka berhutang (riba) untuk gaya hidup. Mohon maaf, berdasarkan prinsip aku dan suamiku, hal begitu wajib diskip
Pernah juga, saat mau menjodohkan dengan temanku, aku tanya ke suamiku. Si laki-laki ini kepribadiannya baik, pekerja keras, ga pelit, ibadah rajin, sholat di masjid, ganteng. Tapiiii ternyata boti :')) hehhhh itu gimana ceritanya sihhh! Siapaaaa yang nggak shic shac shock wkwkwk
Kemudian, aku juga sempat mau menjodohkan sahabatku saat mengajar di pesantren. Rencananya mau aku kenalkan dengan temanku, yang belum ku kenal begitu dekat. Saat itu entah kenapa aku sedikit ragu, sampai ku ulur waktunya, untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih banyak tentang si laki-laki ini. Padahal kalau di screening sih ya cocok. Orangnya zopannn gaes
Sampe akhirnya beberapa bulan, mulai sedikit terlihat karakternya seperti apa. Sampe akupun terlibat, dan tau bagaimana bermuamalah dengan dia, tau bagaimana dia bermuamalah dengan orang lain. Lalu, jdeeerrrr.. tipikal manipulatif dan NPD. Ngeri banget gaktuh!! Langsung skip skip.. ga kebayang sobiku punya pasangan NPD, udah gitu manipulatif. Huaa jadi kaya kecewa banget, apalagi sahabatku ini udah ngarep :') suamiku ikut kzl juga. Ngeriiiiii mending jangan. "Berurusan sama NPD itu capek. Udah capek, ga dapet hasil apa-apa, kan?", kata suamiku.
Mau sekeliatan shalih/shalihah seseorang, sudah ngaji atau spek hafidz/hafidzah, ustadz/ustadzah. Kalau sudah ada ciri mencolok NPD, pleaseee jangannnn!! Pengalaman suamiku dapet bos NPD dan manipulatif, kacau, dia juga sampe ikut terganggu mentalnya. Ga bisa berkutik. Cuma bisa berdoa, tawakkal bahwa Allah yang menghadirkan segala sesuatu untuk kita; Allah juga yang bisa mengangkat rasa tidak nyaman/kezaliman yang dilakukan manusia
Please normalisasi usia 30+ belum menikah, itu gapapa. Normalisasi belum nikah karena emang harus pilih-pilih. Mungkin sekarang aku akan TAMBAH MANGKEL, kalau ada yg nyinyirin orang belum menikah. Pilih-pilih gapapa banget, daripada harus tersiksa dengan pasangan yang menjadi ujian besar buat kita
Redflag enggaknya seseorang memang relatif, tapi kalau kita tau dia sudah redflag dan tetap lanjut, itu artinya kita telah siap memilih ujian yang akan kita hadapi di bahtera pernikahan
Pesan ustadzku dulu, "Menikah itu ibarat kita memilih ujian. Tidak ada manusia yang sempurna. Maka dari itu buatlah analisa, pilih seseorang yang kamu tau saat bersama dia nanti, kamu akan siap menghadapi ujian darinya"
Ya Allah.. mudahkanlah teman-temanku mendapatkan jodoh yang baik perangainya, shaalih ibadahnya, bapakable dan keinginan-keinginan lain yang sesuai dengan hati. Yassarallahu umuurana. Allahumma baarik~
Jakarta, 13 Agustus 2024 | Pena Imaji
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mvanqsh · 11 months ago
little thing because i was rewatching the torture tango because im drawing some of it
curt wipes his mouth after escaping from the chair, from when his tooth was ripped out
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(sorry for the godforsaken quality)
and also his tie accidentally comes undone, of course this is just a mild wardrobe malfunction as he gets up from falling over but this is legit just,, that man cannot tie anything. whether it’s a bowtie, normal tie or maybe even some ropes- he can probably barely tie shoelaces aswell
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he also looks deathly close to crying, either just lighting or amazing acting onstage, but curt thought he was about to die here and started reminiscing (like how your life flashes before your eyes) and yk,, maybe singing about how he killed his best friend,, or whatever (also look at tati in that last screenshot HUAA)
anyways what if he was mad after tatiana saved him because he could’ve died and been with owen? hmm hhhhs
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tempelbeast · 10 months ago
God the Ba Matoran, De Matoran give me nothing to work with. Anyways, Here are some secondary element Matoran. The names are made from Maori words like lightning, or iron, or gun etc. or are the word itself. I did this to make the names fit with the other Matoran names.
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Pehaan, Taumah and Taika the Ba Matoran archaeological team.
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Villagers of Bo Koro Huaa, Kaiw and Taiiao, with Huna Jaga’s.
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Villagers of Ce Koro Iinen, Mohio and Mahaara and her Swamp Bat.
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Villagers of De Koro Waahan, Paoroo and Komu, featuring Beaked climbers.
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Villagers of Fe Koro Terino, Maroa and Nynrah Ghosts Heepu.
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Su Matoran construction workers Kirika, Anana and Kitere.
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Villagers of Vo Koro Hiiko, Uirra and Whatiri.
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The Fa Matoran Aukum with his Ussal Ceaba, Autio and Haurua.
Any thoughts?
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buttercupart · 7 months ago
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vessel & vesper
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ecstaticallysadd · 4 days ago
کیسا رہا آپ کا دن
abhi abhi 1 ghante pehle fresh fresh kalesh huaa gharpe 😋😋😋
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ishuess · 1 year ago
We meet again♾️
13th Feb, 6:00 AM at the Pandya Abode
*doorbell rings*
Natasha: Hardik can you check the door!
Hardik: itni subah subah kon hai?!
*consistent bell ringing*
Hardik: ARRE AA RAHA HOON. Itni jaldi hai toh darwaza tod hi dee!
Hardik opens the door to see a man with a big bouquet of flowers.
Hardik: nahi chahiye *tries to slam door*
Man behind bouquet: Arre bhaiya main hoon
Natasha comes to the living room
Natasha: Kon hai yaar..
Man behind bouquet: Main hoon..Shubman
Hardik: Abbey tu kab aaya..Kahan se aaya?
Shubman: Andar nahi bulaoge bhaiya
Natasha: Come in, come in...I will bring water.
Shubman comes in. All this while Hardik keeps staring at him.
Hardik: Kab se?
Shubman: Kya kab se?
Hardik: Phool bechne ka dhandha kabse shuru kiya?
Shubman: Woh..Ishan ke liye. Ishan kahan hai?
Hardik: So raha hai *with a straight face*
Natasha: Sit, sit Shubman. Drink water...Hardik you're mannerless *whacks him lightly*
Shubman settles himself on couch.
Natasha: Itne subah subah shubman?
Shubman: Haan woh Rajkot to Baroda thoda door hai toh vaapis jaane mein late naa ho isliye.
Hardik: *continues staring at him*
Natasha: *elbows Hardik* stop staring
Hardik: Training nahi hai?
Shubman: optional thi
Hardik: Hmm
Krunal: Arre Shubman! Subah subah idhar
Shubman: Han bhaiya woh bas
Hardik: *interrupts* Ishu se milne aaya hai
Pankhuri: That's sweet. Chai ya coffee?
Shubman: Nahi nahi thik hai bhabhi
Shubman is looking around the house as if trying to find something.
Hardik: Kaisa hai?
Shubman: main..main theek hoon.
Hardik: tu nahi mera ghar..aise dekh raha hai jaise pehli baar dekh rha hai
Shubman: Aap gussa ho mujhse kya?
Hardik: Are u understanding ki team kitni fragile hai abhi aur tu training bunk krke yahan aaya hai. Out of ur mind or what?
Shubman: Ek mahina ho gaya bhaiyaa...ek pal aur wait nahi kar sakta tha.
Hardik: *Hugs Shubman* Yeh tum Romeo log naa
Natasha: Should I wake Ishan?
Shubman: Can I do it?
Natasha: Yea suree..
Krunal: Aa chal tereko tere pyaar se milaun
Hardik: Main nikalta hoon gym ke liye
Krunal takes him to Ishan's temporary abode in their house.
Krunal: Jaa andar jaa..So raha hoga.
Shubman enters the room. His eyes fill with tears as he finally sees his lover sleeping in peace. His face devoid of any pain and stress. Shubman chooses to settle beside Ishan in bed and relish the moment. He traces his finger along Ishan's face and moves his hands through Ishan's hair. Shubman plants a tender kiss on Ishan's forehead.
Shubman(eyes filled with tears): I missed you love..
Shubman plants another kiss just beside Ishan's lips fondly to which Ishan responds with a soft smile unaware of Shubman's presence thinking it's all a dream.
Ishan( in a sleepy voice): Mhmm...I love you Shubii.
Ishan wraps his arm around Shubman in sleep which finally makes Shubman shed a few tears. Shubman tightens his grip around Ishan. As Ishan nudges his face into Shubman's chest to cuddle. Shubman's cologne hits his nose. Ishan freezes yet doesn't open his eyes for he didn't want this beautiful dream to slip away.
Shubman(in a gentle tone): Ishh..
Ishan: Hmm
Shubman: Ishh..uth jaa
Ishan: *shakes his head*
Shubman: Uth..dekh main tujhse milne aaya hoon. Sapna nahi hai
Ishan: *shakes his head*
Shubman kisses Ishan on forehead
Shubman: Dekha main real hoon...aankh toh khol baby.
Ishan: *opens one eye*
Shubman: Ab main aa gaya hoon tere paas
Ishan realises it's not a dream and jumps up from Shubman's arm.
Shubman: Kya huaa?
Ishan: Yeh sapna nahi hai
Shubman: main sach mein..
Ishan: *interrupts Shubman with a kiss*
Shubman: *cups Ishan's face and deepens the kiss*
As Shubman kisses Ishan, he feels tears streaming down Ishan's eyes while few tears escape his eyes too. Ishan felt more complete than he ever felt as they join forehead to share breath. A gentle smile adorned both their faces.
Ishan: I missed you.
Shubman: Main toh yahan hoon na *points at Ishan's heart* miss kaise karsakta hai tu?
Ishan: Paagal *laughs softly*
Shubman: Tere pyaar mein *hugs Ishan* I didn't miss you though
Ishan: Kya?
Shubman: *moves away and cups Ishan's face*.. I missed us.. *kisses Ishan's tears*
Ishan: aaj training nahi hai?
Shubman: poora mahaul kharab kar diya
Ishan: I am serious Shubman.
Shubman: koi training tere se important nahi hai... Ek mahina ho gaya mile huwe.
Ishan: Har second ek saal jaisa tha *pecks Shubman*
Ishan and Shubman settle in bed with their arms wrapped around each other sharing every little news of their life. Absorbing every bit of each other and wrapped in their love, they didn't realise they had an audience at door
Agasthya: Chachu!!Mumma calling
Ishan: Aggu tu kab aaya..
Shubman: Aggu kitna bada ho gaya..idhar aa junior
Ishan: *picks up Agasthya and settles him in his lap*
Shubman: *ruffles Agasthya's hair* Cutie kaisa hai tu?
Agasthya: strong hoon
Shubman and Ishan: *laugh*
Shubman: Meri yaad nahi aati?
Agasthya: Aati hai na par chachu se zyada nahi..Woh toh..
Ishan: *interrupts Agasthya* baatein toh hoti rahegi..breakfast is ready.
Shubman: *takes Agasthya on his lap* Tu bol...Aggu kya bol raha tha?
Agasthya: Chachu toh almost roz aapko miss karte karte rote hain..Aap unhe chorr ke mat jaana ab
Shubman: *hugs Agasthya and looks at Ishan who has his eyes lowered* Kabhi nahi jaaunga..apne saath le jaaunga.
Agasthya: Nahi...Phir main khelunga kiske saath?
Shubman: U have ur friends Aggu.. Main kiske saath khelunga *winks at Ishan*
Ishan: SHUBMANN!! *slaps him lightly*
Shubman: Cricket kiske saath khelunga.
Natasha: Oyee lovebirds.. breakfast is ready.. come on Aggu.
As they are their breakfast together, Shubman's eyes couldn't leave Ishan's face. The table echoed with their shared laughter and banter as the bouquet lies untouched in the living room.
(The fandom is filled with angst due to the current situation and as ur hero my job is to bring smile to your face. Hope you loved this chapter of their life and make sure to drop ur lovely comments.)
May God bless our precious couple Ishman and Ishan makes a banging comeback soon 🧿🧿🧿🔱🔱🔱🙏🙏🙏✨✨✨
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tinyidle · 1 year ago
Can you do a Mishu smut with Shuhua as top and Miyeon is a sensitive bottom and Shuhua overstimulates her and makes her cry
let's see how quick i can write this while barely proofreading
I'm Not Sorry, Baby - CMY x YSH
WARNING: smut, some fluff at the end, kind of rough-ish sex, overstimulation, dry humping, dacriphyllia, subspace, kissing, hickies, nipple/breast play, nipple sucking, scissoring, dom!shuhua, top shuhua, sub!miyeon, sensitive!bottom miyeon, fiction ofc
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shuhua pressed her lips onto miyeon's on her bed.
the older came to visit and hang out with the younger, but one thing led to another, and now the two are having a heated make out session.
miyeon's hands roamed all around shuhua's sides, trying to find a place to rest her eager hands while the taiwanese woman held her cheeks in her hands as they shared kiss upon messy kiss on miyeon's now plump lips. finally her hands rested on shuhua's hips as the younger moved her lips from miyeon's own lips to the olders cheeks, jawline, and then send flowerly pecks to her neck before resting her mouth there.
"shu- huaa," the older woman gasped as she felt shuhua's mouth make quick suction onto her neck, moving her hands from her hips to her buttk grasping it for a desperate sense of reality.
"mmh," shuhua hummed before letting go of miyeon's neck, licking over the area before giving it a gentle smooch and moving to another area to suck. by this time, she had her knees on either side of miyeon's hips, pressing her clothed crotched onto the other's in an attempt to get some friction. because of the material of their clothing, they could feel everything yet nothing at all.
shuhua unlatched herself from miyeon's now lightly blotched neck, smiling at the newly pink flowers of love she planted on her own personal canvas. sure, her lips were now throbbing and bruised from all the sucking, but found it to be worth the pain. "you look so pretty like this, unnie," she whispered while unbuttoning her top, letting it slip off along with her bralette. she then helps miyeon take off her top and bra before smiling down at how flushed the woman seemed to be from underneath her.
before miyeon could even ask her lover to do anything, shuhua rested her huge hands on her breasts, gently kneading them as she restarted her grinding on the older. miyeon was now breathing heavily as shuhua went from massaging her mound to using her thumbs to rub pleasure-bursting circles on miyeon's nipples. "you're s-so good to me," miyeon praised the younger before arching her back and calling out in pleasure as shuhua leaned down to use her mouth to please the older.
"mhmm," shuhua moaned before taking one nipple into her mouth and flicking her tongue over it while still rubbing the other with her thumb. after a few minutes, she would switch between breasts while also continuing her grinding on the now completely red-in-the-face miyeon. when shuhua finally unlatched from her lover's nipples, she saw as miyeon looked close to the edge. leaning down to rub her own breasts to miyeon's highly-sensitive ones, she went close to miyeon's ear, kissing near it before whispering, "cum for me."
"ohhh~!" miyeon threw her head back and let out a sharp moan as she let her body just do whatever it wanted. she felt her juices flow down her thighs as she felt shuhua continue to rub against her clit. shuhua herself was falling apart as she used her older lover's orgasm to get off before releasing in her own confinements.
the two were breathing heavily, chest-to-chest, face sweaty and full of pleasure. when they would usually call it quits, shuhua got off of miyeon-- only to pull off both she and her girlfriend's bottoms off.
miyeon was confused, especailly post-orgasm. "shuhua, what are you-- FUCK!"
the younger went back to being on top of the older, hoisting her leg a bit to press her now bare clit to miyeon's equally bare core. as much as she tried to protest and unsuccessfully push away, miyeon let her lover use her to how she wanted. "im sorry, baby," shuhua feigned an expression regret, clearly stated on her face as it was covered in undenial pleasure. "but i know you love it."
while shuhua was pushing herself onto the older, eyes squeezed tight and moans in the form of pants, she decided to open them for a bit to see the state of the woman. miyeon's face was drenched with tears, her head contiously nodding with the phrase 'don't stop' and the word 'yes' being repeatedly chanted from her lips.
smirking, she pushed herself harder onto miyeon's clit, all until miyeon cried out. "fuck, im cumming! shuhua im cumming!" as miyeon let her body go into second release it needed, shuhua moaned loud as she grinded onto miyeon one more time before orgasming all over her lover.
they were both sweating hard, panting and on the verge of passing out.
after a few minutes of catching their breath, shuhua lifted up her hand to wipe the older's tears away. she then lifted the crying girl's chin up and gave her a gentle kiss. "unnie, i am actually sorry i made you cry," shuhua apologized.
"it's okay, shushu," miyeon assured her, brushing her long hair from her face before leaning in to kiss shuhua's still throbbing, slighlty heated lips. shuhua winced, but, after miyeon quitely apologized, shuhua only smiled and let her lover kiss her over and over again until they finally decided to clean up.
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newloverofbeauty · 5 months ago
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Franz Gertsch (1930-2022), Huaa..!, (1969) Dispersion on unprimed half-linen. 170 x 261
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hoefortoes1 · 11 months ago
Ghalib poetry
Dil-e-naadaan tujhe huaa kya hai ? Aakhir is dard kee dawa kya hai
O innocent heart, what happened to you What is the cure for this pain, after all?
Hamko unse wafa ki hai ummeed Jo naheen jaante wafa kya hai
I hope for faith from one Who doesn’t know what it means to be faithful
Ham hain mushtaaq aur woh bezaar Ya ilaahee ! Yeh maajra kya hai ?
I am anxious and eager, he is cold and displeased Oh God, what is this mystery?
(you know you're fucked when you start relating to old urdu poetry)
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celesteablack · 4 months ago
Tujhe nahi tha bharosa toh tu bol deta Muh pe aake meri aankhе dono khol deta Par na tujhse yeh bhi huaa na
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