mindrottinglystupid · 6 months
Hyperthymesia Research
Hello Hello Everyone!!
I am currently in the process of writing a book (if one can call it that) in which the main character has Hyperthmeisa, a condition where a person has an astounding memory of one's life. Of course, this condition varies from person to person, but that is the overview. If anyone has any research already done on this topic and could share resources, that would be amazing!! I will post the first chapter of the book on AO3 whenever I feel that I have a good enough understanding of hyperthymesia's effect on people's lives.
I am also doing research about mental hospitals in the Petoskey, Michigan area (specific, I know) for this book as well, so if anyone has information on or around that topic as well, it would be greatly appreciated!
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shit-talker · 6 months
I think a really fun idea to explore with Tim would be the idea of him having Hyperthymesia.
Hyperthymesia is an ability that allows people to recall almost every event of their life in great detail. It's extremely rare and honestly doesn't have that much research done on it, but recent studies have suggested that people with this ability are limited to autobiographical memories, people with HSAM sometime tend to show symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and may demonstrate obsessive tendencies.
I think it would be an interesting way to explain why Tim was able to recall his first meeting with Dick Grayson and connect the dots to seeing Robin. Tim does display a lot of obsessive behaviours, and while he doesn't really physically display compulsion (like someone with OCD would typically display) there certainly is a strong case to be made for him potentially having it.
But also, can you imagine how fucking horrible it would be for Tim to remember each and every traumatic thing that ever happens to him as a hero and those memories just never fading. Yes, it would make him a better detective and allow him to be arguably smarter than your average joe, but at what cost?
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reinbowzz · 2 months
i think it's so funny how the BAU team uses Reid's memory
in the episode where everything with Foyet finishes (Hayley and Jack's location gets compromised, Foyet pretends to be a Marshal's agent) Foyet and Hotch are on a call and the team is listening in, afterwards the team (minus Hotch) are trying to figure out what Foyet said that told Hotch where to go, and this is what plays out.
Morgan: Foyet has to be in control he had Hayley come to him
Reid: yeah but where would he take her?
JJ: he'd want Hotch to find him, to see where he was, to see what he did
Emily: which means he-
Rossie: he said something on that call that tells Hotch where to go
*Emily gives Rossie the stink eye for interrupting her*
*everyone pauses*
*Morgen turns to Reid*
Morgan: Reid what did he say? Exactly.
Reid quotes Foyet word for word while picking at his fingernails and staring at nothing: ☝️🤓
like it just the funniest thing to me they use him like a personal Siri😭😭😭 (my friends do the same thing with me, they also use me as a reminder for random things 💀💀)
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praesidiumemosie · 2 months
Related to that AU I was talking about, here! an Ask Fic :) It's called HSAMS cuz they're humans lol
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ask-hsams · 24 days
Heyo, would just like to say that I might be cooking up something regarding the AU! However, I'd appreciate if I could get some feedback about HSAMS, particularly what was most interesting/what you wished was explored more
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 5 months
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Yeah it took me until like the 3rd time I saw one of these to realize it's Goblin backwards. What is it? Why it's a goblin, around that 3-4 ft (0.9-1.2 m) tall range. Happy, mirthful, great sense of humor, it has mage hand and can even magically make you laugh, because that's a god. Straight up divine possession. Don't try to hurt it, it'll just heal from the pain and charm you into singing its praises. and if you do kill it it'll just instantly go into the next goblin so there's no point. You see, when Maglubiyet killed most goblinoid gods, the god of Trickery and Mischief simply broke itself into pieces and ran. The goblins wiped their name from history and memory so they could never be found. Now in every goblinoid warband there is a jester, who gets to do whatever they want. If they're stopped, or the uptight hobgoblins don't allow a jester, BOOM! It's an endless wave of trickster mode goblins! So what you're fucking is a nameless mischief god who escaped death to annoy the usurping war god in the funniest way possible. Because wherever that usurpe's domain is being honored, this god who defied him MUST be given free reign or the entire army will be dismantled.
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those70scomics · 2 months
Hi hi hi!
So, since you watched the show as it was airing I wanted to ask if Hyde and Jackie were always intended to become a ship and if they were, how do you know? Also, how do you know the original intention was for them to get engaged at the end of season 7, before it was renewed? (Outside from the obvious) I'm so curious
Hi! 😊
I'll start with how I know what I know. The T7S message board at Fan Forum was created very shortly after T7S began airing. When I became co-moderator of the board (less than ten years ago? Around ten?), I read every single post. Including those that were lost in what was called "the purge" by using the Internet Wayback Machine when Fan Forum was called Forum 4 Fans. These are the earliest posts one can find about the show.
This effort took me weeks. I read tens upon tens of thousands of posts and T7S / T7S fandom history. Followed links to defunct T7S fansites (again, the Internet Wayback Machine). This includes reading articles and transcripts of interviews with the cast, producers, writers, and showrunners. Press releases. News about cast negotiations.
Within these posts and fansites are people who went to tapings and wrote thorough reports. People who spoke to producers at tapings. People who (were) connected to people who worked on the show. Wilmer Valderrama posted himself in the board and interacted with fans. Remember, this forum existed before Twitter/X, before Facebook, before Tumblr. These forums were where social media started.
This was also the time of Myspace, and some of the cast posted there, too, which was reported on the message board.
As I found all the info through my research, I posted it in fresh threads on the message board. I also inherited my grandfather's eiditic memory and have partial highly superior autobiographical memory -- which is, thankfully, nowhere near Marilu Henner's complete HSAM. Of course, if I place a pen down and I'm distracted, I'll forget where I put the pen a second later 😂.
Facts stick in my head. Once I know it, I remember it. For example, I used to recite one of my college classes from start to finish to my friends (those who were interested). I've forgotten half the class by now. I learned how to let go of certain info so it wouldn't drive me 🤪. But not autobiographical memories. Those I re-experience like I'm watching a movie but with all thoughts and feelings attached. It's a visceral trip. A blessing and sometimes not so much. 😅
Anyway, there's the how.
Jackie and Hyde weren't always intended to endgame. The Filgos were writers on the show a few years before they were chosen as showrunners. During Jackie and Hyde's season 2-3 arc, the Filgos became enamored of the chemistry between the characters.
When the Filgos were chosen sometimes during season 4 to be the showrunners moving ahead (season 5 through the original end of the show, season 7), they asked the current showrunners to break up Jackie and Kelso by the end of season 4 because they wanted to pair Jackie and Hyde in season 5.
In the second half of season 4, one can see the change in Jackie and Kelso's relationship. It grows more and more toxic, a turn from their previous growth away from their original toxicity. It's written in stages rather than a sudden shift, so it's grounded in story and character.
From season 5, Jackie and Hyde were intended to be endgame. During the press for season 7 before it aired, the cast made clear this was the final season.
The Filgos were contracted through season 7. They got their next job since T7S was ending. Topher was moving into his movie career fully. The scripts, including the series finale, were written. Shows were filmed and began to air
Then Fox decides to renew the show (safer to continue a popular series than to risk $$$ on a new show). But the Filgos already had a new job lined up. They couldn't break that contract. They hoped whoever was hired after them would follow through on their vision for the show and reasonably expected the new showrunners to respect the past seven years of character a d relationship development.
But the showrunners hired were a) probably cheaper to pay because this was their first showrunning gig and b) presented their vision for season 8, which was to "bring it back to the humor and feel of season 1" -- the only season they liked, clearly, but didn't watch very carefully or with any depth of understanding.
W.V. also had in his contract changes for his character, including him ending up with one of the principal female characters. It wasn't going to be Donna, obviously, so that left Jackie. Not a problem for the S8 showrunners who hated J/H and, very evidently, Jackie as a character.
So instead of following through on the storyline the Filgos left them (i.e. reconcile fan-favorite couple Jackie and Hyde for good) to ease them into the role, they destroyed Jackie and Hyde's relationship because [partially direct quotation, partially close paraphrase from a magazine interview published before season 8 aired], "We never understood it. We never liked it. We think it was a mistake for the show to pair them romantically, so we're returning them to their season 1 dynamic. They were originally antagonists, and they should have stayed that way. That's where the humor is."
Fortunately, frustratingly, and sadly, someone connected to the show revealed Jackie's endgame from the original series finale, the original season 7 finale: Hyde proposes to Jackie, and they get engaged. Their season 7 arc is built around this endgame. Despite the script revisions and rewrites made when season 8 was greenlit, their original endgame remains evident throughout the second half of season 7.
Hyde tells Eric peacefully and happily (for Hyde) that he's decided [to marry Jackie]. Jackie would have actually left for Chicago, leaving Hyde the note he reads shortly after his decision. Kelso was not involved. But the rewrite, I believe, changed Jackie to having pretended to leave. It's messy writing, but it sets up that Kelso must now drive Jackie to Chicago. He's in her motel room, etc.
The original scripts likely have Jackie go to Chicago before the deadline she set for the ultimatum. Hyde is naturally upset and angry because he'd decided within her deadline to propose, but she deprived him of the chance after forcing the choice.
Hyde's conversation with Eric and Donna about his feelings (in Hyde's way) was probably in the original script. Donna calls out Hyde, realizing he was going to propose. Later, Eric tells Hyde he recognizes that Hyde became happy once he and Jackie got together.
All of the above is easily discernable. The following is conjecture based on the facts, foreshadowing, the Filgos' intended endgame for Jackie and Hyde, and my education and experience as a writer.
These conversations lead Hyde to break out of his misery and go to Chicago (with a ring) and follow-through with the proposal -- a huge character moment for him. He's going to fight for Jackie even if she ultimately rejects him (a parallel to "Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You" in season 5, where Jackie professes her love and doesn't care if Hyde says it back).
Hyde would have knocked on Jackie's motel door. She would've been shocked and asked Hyde what he's doing there. He would have entered and gotten on one knee. The audience would have squealed. Hyde would have proposed in a way true to himself -- not sentimentally but touching nonetheless.
She'd be in shock. "I can't believe you came to Chicago ... "
Hyde says his knee is starting to hurt, so she better make up her mind before he's forced to stand up.
Jackie: "Yes! Steven, yes, I'll marry you!"
Hyde blows out a heavy breath in all kinds of relief, stands up, and puts the ring on Jackie's finger. Jackie and Hyde kiss and embrace. Then Jackie examines the ring and is surprised he didn't go on the cheap like Eric.
Hyde: "Yeah, well, I asked W.B. for help."
Jackie: "But you hate hand-outs!"
Hyde: "It's not a hand-out! It's a loan. I'm gonna pay him back."
Jackie stares at Hyde lovingly.
Hyde: "What?"
Jackie: "This is our first fight as fiancés!"
Hyde laughs quietly then kisses Jackie again.
Fade out.
Other scenes to finish off the series, including the reveal to Jackie and Hyde's friends and family about their engagement.
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weepinwriter · 10 months
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"Behind those glares, I sense the weight of my misdeeds. Does my reflection in your eyes carry the burden of our unspoken discord?"
Name : Twenty
Age : They are in their mid twenties
Height : 5’6
Appearance : Twenty stands at 5’6” with elegant, beautiful features contrasting their hatred for you. They possess pale, silken white hair and crystalline eyes, with female Twenty having icy sky-blue eyes and male Twenty having fiery pinkish-red eyes. Female Twenty has longer hair that spills down her back, somehow kept meticulously straight despite her living conditions. Male Twenty has spikier hair trailing just past his nape often tied back in a half-ponytail.
Personality : Twenty is rather best described as timid but blunt. They're often honest, unfiltered and sarcastic, something people don't particularly like about them, but hey, they could care less if the whole world hated them, because they hate it just the same. They're often seen as narcissistic and petty, to the exact point that you can describe as a god complex. They hate being inferior and they hate it when they’re looked down upon or insulted despite them doing the same. Often described as an egomaniac, as stated above they have a deep hatred for being inferior so most of the time they’re manipulative and would occasionally bring people who make them feel inferior down, just so they can show that they are better or that they’re, in any way, superior. Don't get me wrong, Twenty is mature enough to not just fight with random people they don't like, but they’ll be judging them, ridiculing them from afar, or hell even making their life hell if they wanted. But despite that they're calm and collected most of the time, they'll only do so if they're provoked or feel threatened.
Background : The Subject’s traces can be found way back in the Libra District, where they resided in one of the more impoverished sectors. Subject has had a history of gang violence and been arrested multiple times on charges of scams and robbery. Not much is known about their background other than the fact that they have siblings stationed in the [DATA REDACTED] District. The Subject was sentenced to life in prison to Tartarus for allegedly conspiring with the terrorists responsible for the Infinity Plaza Terror attack five years ago.
Likes : Eye pleasing visuals, literature, good food (not the trash they're served in Tartarus), their self care routine
Dislikes : The scent of blood, overly curious people, irrational people, those who think they're better than them, the shitty canteen dog food (as they call it)
Pet peeves : gets annoyed by repetitive noises e.g. tapping or own clicking, when people eat with their mouths wide open
Trivia :
they have hyperthymesia or highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM), a condition where one can remember even the smallest of life experiences in vivid detail
a slow eater; they like to savor their food so it usually takes like thirty minutes to get a simple meal for themself done.
sleepwalks a lot, can be found sitting by the edge of a balcony while asleep or by the canteens door, much to the night staffs dismay
is a firm believer of rock, paper, scissors. has never lost a game of rock paper scissors in their life
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deadbydangit · 1 year
Hi! Love ur work, hope your having a good day!! ^_^
How about a reader with photographic memory? Or Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM?)
With Doctor, Evan, and Hillbilly
I'm sorry this took a bit. I've been very anxious lately. I hope you enjoy this, I had a difficult time with it.
With a Reader who has a photographic memory
Doctor, Trapper, Hillbilly
A photographic memory you say?
Well, let's test that.
It isn't that he doesn't believe you.
But facts such as this tend to be over exaggerated.
When it's revealed after several tests that you weren't over exaggerating?
His all for it.
He loves to see what your mind is capable of.
He'll show you pictures and ask you about little details.
And it's pretty helpful.
As smart as Herman is, he's a total scatter brain.
Literally, he'll leave brains around and forget where he put them.
"Dearest, have you seen that brain I've been dissecting?"
And you'll know right where it is.
Unfortunately, you've walked into his lab and seen things you really didn't want to see.
Now that's stuck in your head.
Herman feels bad about it.
To make up for it, he'll give you pretty pictures or take you to pretty places.
That's nice dear.
He really could care less.
Photographic memory. Neat
Until he realizes how useful it is.
"Damn it! Where the Hell did I leave that trap?"
Over there.
And there it was.
His workshop is a disaster zone!
So he'll ask you to clean it up.
And with you there, he'll have a system to remember where everything is!
It's so helpful you don't even know.
Evan makes sure you know he isn't just using you for your talent.
Sometimes, he'll do something extra special, then do the exact same thing much later.
Nostalgia can be a fun thing, right?
And that's all he really wants for you.
To have fun and be happy.
A photographic memory?
What's that?
Explain it to Max.
He still doesn't understand.
You'll have to do a demonstration of some type.
But now he thinks you're magical.
His memory is actually awful.
You can show him something one minute, then he'll immediately forget where it is.
Even big things!
So when you're able to find them?
"How did you find that!"
It was pretty much in front of him.
You're magical.
Explain to him you aren't.
He still thinks you're magical.
You have to be.
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annabellelupin · 1 year
since I've only talked about Anna on here for the most part, here's a bit about henry
his full name is Henry Remus Lupin
Sirius and Remus adopted him when he was two, and it was a few months after they got married (I can't remember the time line exactly so don't ask me how old they were)
hes four years younger than Anna, two years older than Cameron, and eleven years older than Stella
he's a ravenclaw, and the only ravenclaw out of his family
he became the ravenclaw chaser during his first year (he's really amazing at quidditch and even plays professionally when he's older)
he loves reading and writing
he has a dark academia aesthetic
he's a demiboy and pansexual and prefers he/him pronouns but is fine with they them too
he has a girlfriend name Sophie (another oc of mine) who's a Gryffindor
he's a lot like Remus (and unfortunately has a bit of his self esteem issues)
won't actively engage in the pranks that his sisters and jily's kids pull but will help plan them
huge theater nerd
has hsam- highly superior autobiographical memory- he remembers almost everything which plays into him being super smart (and depressed)
honestly he sometimes feels a little disconnected from his family (they also make sure he knows knows he feels loved tho!)
one of his best friends is a girl named Kaitlyn- a very cool Ravenclaw girl that's a few years older than him
well there the basics. I'll try to do one for Cameron and Stella later on!
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bulletblade · 6 months
7 Dnuor Sunob Hsams fo Sregnellahc:
Super Smash Bros Lawl: 69
Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion: 420
This time, it's a battle between the two best fictional characters of all time
Levram sv Mocpac lliw neppah worromot.
It's the world's greatest video game character, Simon Belmont vs. The peak of feminism, Velma Dinkley.
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wiltking · 8 months
I know a book where the MC has HSAM which is like photographic memory but it also means he has very poor short term memory + cannot forget traumatic memories.. maybe you'd like? It's called Madison square murders by ca poe
not really what i had in mind but oh my god its a detective/detective romance too? i gotta see this for myself.. thank you!
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ccitusa · 17 days
A pre-filled syringe (PFS) is an injectable device containing medication, offering benefits such as reduced contamination risk, accurate dosing, and improved safety compared to traditional vial-syringe systems. Testing PFS for integrity and functionality is critical, with the Seal Integrity Monitoring System (SIMS) 1915+ helium leak detection method providing high accuracy by using helium as a tracer gas to evaluate packages. This method supports a range of testing applications, including package design, production setup, and ongoing quality monitoring. SIMS 1915+ includes components like the Helium Leak Detector Module (HLDM), Vacuum Test Fixture Model (VTFM), and the Model VM-2 Head Space Analyzer Module (HSAM) for comprehensive analysis. Ensuring container closure integrity (CCI) is essential for maintaining sterility and safety of the PFS, which is rigorously tested to adhere to international standards.
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praesidiumemosie · 2 months
Answer 5
Cimoris asks: Hi! I have a follow-up question about the inter-dimensional thing. Since you guys are one of the view unlucky human version that had drawback when using the portal, does that mean there are other human alternate version that has an immunity to that? If so, do you think it is possible for you just, uh... maybe compared your biological structure to one another, or maybe DNA and sees what are different? And just somehow fix them using science, like a suit or something??? I mean, you manage to make an inter-dimensional radio--
Moon: That's a doozy of a question, but the idea has merit. Forgive me if I ramble a bit here--
[There's a moment of silence chipped away at by rustling paper]
Moon: Right, as I was saying... the idea has merit. From what I can tell we aren't that different in terms of biology? Then again, I'm not the biology sort of guy and there aren't many people I can examine that aren't villains. What I do know from prior experience is Solar and Eclipse have different reactions. Eclipse can get really dizzy to the point he's pseudo-stunned for a bit, whereas Solar is only a little disoriented. The problem is that he hasn't entered the portal much? Solar I mean. And I don't feel like hurting him to test how certain conditions affect his travel response. Our DNA is definitely different but that'd take a while to look into even with the tools I have access to. I did have a theory once that it could be our unique dimensional signature.
Moon: Hm.. I'll bring the idea up to Solar. If Dark Sun shows up I'll see if I can get some DNA from him. He doesn't seem to have that much trouble with travelling, but who knows with that guy. But for now, I think I'll keep this as a side project. Thanks for the idea Cimoris.
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ask-hsams · 1 month
//ooc i don't want to sound mean because I appreciate every ask but I am begging for context/relevance with asks! giving me an idea of who you're talking to or any necessary context just makes my life a little easier and it'd be appreciated
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specialsaathi · 19 days
Hyperthymesia and Autism
Hyperthymesia, also known as highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM), which my son also has, is a rare and fascinating condition where individuals possess an extraordinary ability to recall specific details of their daily lives with remarkable accuracy. While this may seem like a remarkable gift, it’s essential to explore both the benefits and drawbacks of hyperthymesia, its intriguing…
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