#HS Spoilers
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telltaletypist · 1 month ago
rose lalonde after her elaborate predestinty-based suicide plan fails and she has to actually experience the consequences of her actions
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weirdmageddon · 2 years ago
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this is the best panel in homestuck
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meljwrites · 6 months ago
here to ask you about imogen and sahar 👀
Okay so I was really into the little not so subtle hints early on and the unfolding drama of the Halloween kiss, and I knew something like that was coming because Rhea mentioned Imogen making out with someone at a party, and I love how messy Imogen is in every aspect of her life.
And then the New Years kiss was so good, like them kissing sober. And then the flashback of them as kids was sooooo cute. And the way that the song she wrote was about Imogen and quoted things that Imogen said, she is pining so hard and was soooo lying about wanting just to be friends.
I wish Imogen had said the word lesbian or someone had explained the idea of comphet to her, but canon lesbian imogen means so much to me!!!
Like being confused bc you thought you like boys but then its obvious you didnt in hindsight and confusing the liking attention from boys for attraction is truly something that I had to contend with when I was her age and she just means so much to me 😭
I think for a background storyline in an already packed ensemble I wasn't too mad at their lack of screen time, tbh. Like it felt like there were clear progressions in their relationship each episode so.
And I do think that if we get a fourth season that they will sort it out and end up together.
Also both the girls that people tried to set Nick up with being lesbians is so funny in hind sight
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captainunderkrupp · 1 year ago
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divineerdrick · 7 months ago
Homestuck: Beyond Canon Upd8 for August 11, 2024
So I've heard we have an upd8 today! And we've got a news post too! Right off the bat, we'll have another chapter "a little later in the month." Guess I'll have to keep my ear to the ground. Not sure there's an extension out there that can determine when the team upd8s a Ren'py game attached to their website.
I haven't been able to support the Patreon for a bit, so I'm unaware of the music previews James mentions. His little spiel makes me worried he might go Grimdark at some point . . .
We've still got another collab in the works, but we don't have the details yet. And yeah, I've been experiencing heat where I live that definitely slowed me down a peg.
On to the upd8!
Holy crap! Year 4!
Even with the realizations she made before, apparently this is still really slow going.
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Oh wow! She's literally growing up! Wherever she is, she's physically aging in what is probably real time. Here's a shot from the last blog for comparison.
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Her hair and horns are both longer, she's taller in frame, her neck is longer, and her eyes and mouth sit smaller on her face. Somehow though, she's still fitting into her outfit. Wonder if they're letting her alchemize new clothes?
Oh man! We've apparently missed some reconciliation with Eridan, John, and Kanaya! I feel especially robbed about missing out on the Kanaya portion. But we all know who the "HER" is. Though it would be a hilarious fake out if it was Nepeta or Feferi!
Hah! We apparently have both Nannasprites here!
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Vriska does not say no to cookies!
We get another callback to Vriska's previous adventures as she remembers talking to John about their relationships with their ancestors. But she apparently doesn't understand how humans can have family ties. At least she seems more curious about it now.
Of course Nanna would have to describe having a child as having "novelty". It's nice to see a little bit more background on this version of Jane.
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Vriska just cannot get past the idea why anyone would put up with a baby given the unavoidable accidents.
Nannasprite has apparently seen everything Jane has accomplished and is, at the very least, curious how things might have turned out if she hadn't settled down.
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Wow. That had to really suck. Nana never felt loved or even wanted before she settled down. That might have been why finding someone who did love her and want to start a family with her caused her to change all her plans.
This is another attitude that Vriska previously would never have considered. She was always certain she had to be best, had to surpass every expectation, and very much felt she had a destiny to fulfill. The idea that someone would just "give up" on all that and do their own thing is more alien to her than humanity itself.
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Wow! Vriska was actually mindful she might have lost her cool and genuinely apologized! She is learning!
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And some genuine affection here too.
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Wait! That's broken Paradox Space! Is Vriska facing Game Over Terezi?
And these are Vriska's typing quirks! Wait! Does she have to come to terms with Game Over Vriska? AKA (Vriska)? Does she have to reconcile with herself?
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Wait! Mindfang? Does she have to come to terms with her relationship with Mindfang? If that's the case, no wonder she's not getting anywhere. Everything else has probably been about figuring out what the other person wants. But Vriska's problem was she was always trying to live up to Mindfang, an extremely poor example and role model. In this case, she almost certainly need to stop caring about what Mindfang might want.
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Oh! It's not Mindfang! It's Vriska's idea of her, all wrapped up in her relationship with her lusus. It's basically both of Vriska's parental figures rolled into one.
She definitely needs to not give a shit about what this entity wants! While there is value in understanding who her lusus was and who Mindfang was, there is no value in engaging with them. This is all about Vriska learning how trying to live up to their needs and expectations, instead of living up to her own desires, caused her so much pain and heartache.
Heh! "Momfang."
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Wow! They really are wrapped into one!
Also I can't decide if this reminds me more of the Venom symbiote or Conceptual Hair.
It is important that Vriska recognizes that these two entities were formative to her. But I really feel like that's all there is here. Understanding who they were and the impact they had on her life. The next revelation is that this doesn't need to define her.
Momfang's words echo a lot of Vriska's own thoughts and words on death and murder. Whether she, or indeed we, like it or not, Vriska does need to forgiver herself for her past. But not by accepting the violent environment as justification. She needs to understand that while she has extenuating circumstances for what she did, Vriska still did those things. She has to come to terms with that and forgive herself for it.
Vriska has learned from Vrissy! Suffering is not what makes you strong. Just as the muscles of a body builder tend to be weaker, more limited, and even useless compared to those of an athlete, suffering often comes with just as much that weakens you. Strength always has to come from within. Someone's strength who gets there through finding something or someone to be strong for is just as valid as someone who gets there through pursuit of an ambition is just as valid as someone who gets there through hardship is just as valid as, well, any path that gets you there. It's a bitter pill if you're the one who's suffered. But it is the truth.
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Even on Alternia, none of this was ever fine. Even by their standards, her childhood was full of abuse and violence.
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Man! The team is determined to make Momfang's twisting form as creepy as they can for mostly still images!
I don't know if Beforan Lusus could be like this, or if this quirk was part of Scratch's work. But we clearly see that some Lusus just weren't good guardians, despite coevolution. "But so are some parents!" I hear you cry! That's still different. While it's possible in the vast variety of humanity to be raised by a true monster, most abusive parents are still human. There are paths victims of abuse can take to find comfort or even peace and understanding because of this.
Vriska's "mom" is literally a spider, an animalistic predator. "HUNGRY. KILL. FUCK. EAT. FEED." On earth, even when spiders demonstrate sentience and intelligence, it is from an entirely different evolutionary path. We could not relate to the mind of a spider. And neither can Vriska.
There are many reasons why a parent may become abusive.
Vriska's was abusive because that helped it find prey.
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Yep. This is not about what Momfang wants. It's about what Vriska wants. "And wasn't considering it now, to 8e clear." Again. Spider!
Huh! But that doesn't stop Vriska's image of Mindfang from being curious.
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Vriska knows part of what's wrong. But as most of us know all too well, knowing what a problem is only the first step in fixing it. All you can do is try to catch yourself when "you're doing it again," while also trying to not make that become something you're constantly on guard about.
"Oh my god. Tavros was right!!!!!!!!!"
As was Nannasprite! You're supposed to learn form each of these "sessions" and use that to help with the next.
Now I'm sure that "h8r" is talking about Terezi.
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We've often believed that what we read of Mindfang's journal was tame. Homesmut Mindfang is apparently canon.
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No Momfang! No! You do not get to use Mayor callbacks!
"What will you do?"
Vriska knows what she wants. How does she prove it? Killing or being eaten seems like it's just more of the same. This could just be as simple as walking away.
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Only way to win is not to play. It was always a false binary. There was always another option, it was just a case of seeing it.
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Happy Vriska is best Vriska!
Yep! Just walk away!
Yeah, no! No hug for you!
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Can't decide if I like "Gestalt of Rivia" or "Hierarchy of Arachneeds" more!
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Let's not stop there though! I feel like we know enough now about how this works to start making some predictions.
So the Cueball suggests Scratch. He also played a great role in Vriska's life and actions. How Vriska needs to grow past him is trickier. Scratch was only ever using her, and I'm pretty sure Vriska knows this. Now she's dealt with Momfang, though, I don't think she'd get hung up on him. He is considerably cannier than Momfang, but this still feels like a misdirect. It could potentially lead to Rose. She's the other Hero of Light after all, and she and Vriska have both Scratch and the Cueball in common. I'm willing to bet Vriska didn't take enough advantage of Rose's presence on the meteor. This might create a scenario where she just has to learn from her fellow Hero.
Then we have a feather. This is probably the hardest to draw any conclusions from. The only character in Homestuck connected to feathers is Dave. Another potential hero to learn from. It's just hard to imagine not having to reconcile with Terezi, and I'm pretty sure she's not the 8ball. But I also can't think of how the feather connects her to . . .
Scales! It's a bit of a reach, but scales and feathers do have a connection. Also, why would Vriska have a feather? Maybe it's a quill that she used in her FLARPing days? Either way, I'm gonna say the feather is Terezi. Mostly because it's what I want.
The 8ball will be (Vriska). Vriska needs to come to terms with her Game Over self. She needs to realize that it not only was she wrong to look down on her, but that (Vriska) was always right to just look for happiness. (Vriska) was always valid and deserves to lose those parenthesis. Even if they are really convenient.
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 1 month ago
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Implied infinity symbol, black hole imagery in the left
infinity symbol as the representation of the epilogues - meat and candy
theres probably some math involved here
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liittleemiixeer · 10 months ago
I've been wondering why the third book in the “Heaven’s Secret” series is called Requiem until it clicked lol so let's break it down, shall we??
Plot: the world’s overrun by demon spawn, humanity’s barely hanging on, and feelings are a luxury no one can afford. So why “Requiem”?
A requiem is a musical composition for the dead. With so many people lost to the demon invasion, the title “Requiem” makes perfect sense. It’s like the ultimate tribute to all those who didn’t make it.
Main character: Lane is a cryptographer who was working on deciphering the Book of the Apocalypse at a top-secret Siberian base. Then disaster struck—the base collapsed, demons poured out, and Lane vanished, presumed dead. Three years later, an elite task force is sent to investigate the rift where the base used to be. They’re looking for the Book of the Apocalypse, but instead, they find her, who’s totally confused about how she ended up there.
The title reflects the mourning for the world that was lost, the people who died, and Lane’s shattered hopes of solving everything with a prophecy. It’s all about the somber, reflective tone as humanity tries to rebuild amidst the chaos. Think of it as the soundtrack to the apocalypse.
Even though this is the third book in the series, it’s got a fresh plot, new characters, and no direct links to the og characters, only to some particular events. The consistent theme? Cosmic level secrets and a dark, doomy vibe.
SO BASICALLY, “Heaven’s Secret: Requiem” is all about mourning what’s lost while fighting to survive, or at least that's how I see it lmao
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oleandy · 7 months ago
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okay this fucks supremely
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chaoortu · 10 days ago
love the detail of nick's soft belly yeah that's a good, cute detail i love that so much actually. i love that he looks like a teenager and not a shredded cw fantasy thank you alice i owe you my life. 2. THAT LITTLE FLASHBACK???
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not to get too analytical about it but i love that his flashback is framed in a way that looks both like pieces of a broken mirror but also like the way rain collects on uneven payment? The rounded edges vs. the rather sharp content matter (good lord stephane reminds me too much of my own dad rn boy do i hate seeing myself in media LOL) ohh my god. plus like how exactly does nick remember this moment? in broken up chunks. oh my god. 3. I think we see Nick subconsciously associating that memory/ his experience with his father's absenteeism to Charlie, and blaming his sadness/negative emotions on that absence, therefore being afraid if he shows those to Charlie, he'll leave too. ow. my heart? 4. NICK. PIVOTING. TO. SEX AS A CRUTCH! Hiding his feelings via tough (probably one of his love languages lbr), making a brief joke of it to brush off the vulnerable nelson oh boy nick nelson your are the guy of all time.
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romanceclub-polls · 5 months ago
if heavens secret 3 offers a divorce arc will you take it
yes for the drama / yes because i regret my choice but dont feel like doing a new save / no i take my pixel marriage vows seriously / didnt read hs2 or didnt get married in hs2 or im bald
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telltaletypist · 1 month ago
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fucking psycho
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bringcal · 1 year ago
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oh my.fuckfurnc god. this is how we get him back?
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meljwrites · 6 months ago
I don't think I'll ever be over the shot in episode seven where they are in bed and it zooms into the photobooth pics from season one
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divineerdrick · 6 months ago
Homestuck Beyond Canon Upd8 for September 29, 2024
This is honestly a great time for an upd8.
I'm not doing so hot right now. Both my migraines and my fatigue have decided to start kicking my ass even harder. And I'm a little frustrated with that, since I've been trying to participate in the Path of Exile Runic Strife Gauntlet. But that's going to be hard if my body is going to be fighting me. I'm not making very good time as is, and I can't afford to lose a character due to lack of focus.
At times like this, Homestuck is often a comfortable blanket I'll wrap myself in. This comic has gotten me through hard times in the past, especially with amazing wealth of talent and compassion that's in the community. Even now, with probably a pretty hard chapter coming, I'm very much looking forward to it. I'm hoping we can get some more catharsis for Vriska's arc, and maybe finally give her another much needed breakthrough.
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Here we are. Finally behind the 8 ball.
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Hah! Also, apparently this is just "Later" so we don't have a definitive time frame. At least that probably means another year hasn't gone by.
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That . . . that is a much more upbeat Serket than I was expecting. Hopefully she's not playing strong after her encounter with Scratch. She really does need to take some time to process that and move past it.
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Nice boss pick there, in more ways than one.
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Okay good! Looks like she did take some time reflect and recover. I'm hoping she actually spent some time addressing things though. Would have been nice to see some of that, but Homestuck has a habit of leaving some things to the imagination.
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Looks like some opening up might have happened there. That's good! That means progress has definitely taken place!
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Fefeta! Chewing everyone's ear off as usual! It's actually a cute contrast to Davepeta going on one of their usual tangents.
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Vriska's never been shy about getting in on the RP action. Much less menacing than a Mindfang RP, but also still very much Vriska.
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Hah! Vriska's trying to wrap her head around the sprite shenanigans.
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Fefeta! No!!!
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Nope. Not gonna explain anything.
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No glomping without consent!
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Consent and glomp achieved!
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Looks like they're literally calling them hells. Also awesome art.
I'm still going with (Vriska), but that leaves the opportunity for Terezi to show up too, just as Aradia showed up with Tavros.
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Kinda reminds me of the faint image of the stage at the center of the black hole.
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Hey! I got one!
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Wow! Really pushing the age difference here. This Vriska is still 6 after all.
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It's one thing to apologize. But this is still a valid Vriska. Can you accept her.
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And apparently she can't do it.
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Wow! She really just peace'd the fuck out!
And that's it for the chapter. Vriska has hit another wall. Despite the fact she knows she should, she can't accept the part of her she views as having given up - as choosing happiness over the mission. She's probably telling herself that this version of her left everyone behind when they still needed her, and she can't accept that. But the simple fact is that version of her is still a valid her. It's still a path she took. We don't see any other versions of Vriska in the bubbles, because but for one well placed punch this was Vriska's fate. Sally "thewertsearch" just got to Vriska's death in her liveblog. Scratch makes it clear that Vriska always chose to fix the coin, always chose to go fight jack, and Terezi always stabs her in the back because she knows what the consequences will be. It's a constant across all timelines. And that Vriska always fights to stay relevant until everyone but Meenah leaves her. And then she chooses happiness instead.
And apparently, Vriska just can't deal with that.
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 7 months ago
I dont know about you guys but if I had to face my neglectful abuser once a week for two years in order to progress - I would turn into the Joker
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lesbianmity · 2 years ago
Imogen is an absolute lesbian. Yeah, yeah, she crushed on Nick, dated Ben, whatever, but I still believe she's a comphet lesbian
Her thinking that she and Nick should date because they've been friends for a very long time and hang out every morning, not because there was genuine chemistry between them and not because she also has feelings for him was very much comphet to me
And idk I've known a lot of lesbians who dated very shitty guys while in the phase of denial and internalized lesbophobia
And the way she looked at Sahar... Yeah she definitely likes girls
We already had representation of lesbians dealing with comphet (with Tara), so I wouldn't be surprised if they took that route with Imogen as well
(Also the lesbian lighting and colors when she's looking at Sahar. I know what you are, Imogen 👁)
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