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justanotherfanartist · 1 year ago
day two of boyfriend. technically first full day of boyfriend. definitely a w
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jupiter-reimagined · 5 months ago
Dealer's choice for the OC ask game, but with Julius. I wanna learn more about him, please and thank you.
i have an ungodly amount of free time between classes so... heres answers to them all, in varying levels of detail. dealer's choice is "yes." bdbshs
1. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who's the favorite?
he does not, even when he was a child, he just didnt like sleeping with them
2. Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
considering hes a scientist, hes exceptional at raising plant babies, as well as human children. he did somewhat raise his niece and nephews. dont give him pets tho. hes bad at that
3. Ask them to describe their love interest.
aromantic king. n/a
4. Do they look good in red?
HELL YEAH!!! but i may be biased because i think everyone looks good in red, its just a matter of syling. he does love his burgundy turtleneck
5. Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?
hes nerding out and probably would do one about a recent research paper he did. i mean... that counts so,, yeah
6. Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won't they take advice from, no matter what it is?
he would have taken any advice from his brother, if he were still alive. and he doesnt trust a single word coming from the mouth of famous people in general. no matter what. if they have fans, their word means shit to him
7. Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
my description: science loving dad
his description: not good enough. <- ow
8. Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
he has a collection of puzzle boxes. he loves puzzles, no matter how frustrating or stupid
9. Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books...)?
he does!!!! hes lived alone for years. he was bound to get attached to his possessions.
10. What age do they most want to be right now?
n/a. hee content as he is. its natural to age and hes not too bothered by being in his 60s
11. They've won the lottery. Spend, or save?
he sets up a college fund for oliver, and gives the rest to the rest of his kids. he trusts they'll use it well
12. Do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they're in)?
aromantic king part 2
13. Name one thing their parents taught them.
value his family. thats it. thats why hes like this.
14. Would they agree with the term 'guilty pleasure'? Do they have any?
well. he has things he likes, but he isnt guilty about them
15. What would they consider a waste of time- other than school or work?
not really, no. he believes its important to wind down every once in a while. or as he calls it, play time
16. If money wasn't a limit, what would they wear?
same crusty lab coat as always. his clothes are all like 10 years old. if it aint broke dont fix it
17. Do they like children?
he does :)
18. Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
19. Do they study before tests? Practice before job interviews?
nah. hes a fucking nerd, so he knew everything all of the time. and hes had the same job for like 15 years. no interviews for him anytime soon (hopefully)
20. What do they like that nobody else does?
n/a. hes not telling me anything
21. What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
22. Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What's their go-to?
he calls everyone some variation of son/daughter. sometimes, everyone is sonny to him
23. Stability or novelty?
24. Honesty or charity?
honesty. hes got no time for bullshit
25. Safety or possibility?
26. Talent or effort?
effort. he didnt get anywhere from talent
27. Forgiveness or vengeance (or...)?
forgiveness. mostly
28. Would they date a fixer-upper?
29. What recurring dreams do they have?
he dreams of his brother a lot. and the kids, whenever hes away
30. What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
probably make his own drugs
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helikeglape · 6 months ago
Ooo I have a few of these!
1- I really don't like Oscha. Ok, don't get me wrong, the dynamic they have by it self is a cute ship dynamic, yes? But the actual characters as a couple would just be so toxic and not work at all. They can barely stand being around each other during the musical, so i don't see how people can view them as a couple, or even close friends for that matter. Now, Ocean's character development does allow me to see them as maybe being friends/ frenemies after the cyclone if they did hypothetically come back, but no more than that.
2- The same goes for Perfectspace. Im sure we're all aware at this point on how abelist Ocean is towards Ricky throughout the musical, so I don't even understand why this ship needs to exist. Ocean views and treats Ricky like a CHILD the whole time, seen by her mannerisms and "sweet little Ricky Potts" , "Ricky sweetie". She treats him he's a small child, incapable of having mature feelings and thoughts, so I think It'd be really freaking weird if those two were to date.
3- Noel is not shy. Ok so, this one probably isn't very controversial but I just feel the need to share this! As someone who grew up incredibly shy and introverted, Noel does not seem like the kind of person to be wary of that at all. First off, Noel broke into a strange exert (i cant spell im so sorry) in front of like, the whole school and possibly more, my guy is NOT afraid of people judging him that badly 🙏 Now, this doesn't mean he isn't affected by being judged, because everyone is at least a little bit im sure, I just think he's actually quite a bold character, and people crushing him down to be this shy little twink really annoys me, because he's such an interesting fun character and people need to realise that!!! Of course, he obviously has his limits, like going as C3-PO instead of Lola-Lola, but thats a BIG THING to do in a town as small as Uranium, he can be brave while still being smart on how to not get totally targeted. (sorry if this made no sense lol i ramble XD)
1- Ocean is asexual. "Teen sex kills!" and the whole being freaked out by "profanity" just makes me (an asexual) think she too is grossed out by the grind ‼️
2- Transman Mischa. I don't think i have to explain.
3- GenderNO Ricky. Gender has NOTHING on the Rickster. He's just a swinging space age bachelor man who occasionally might also be a swinging space age bachelorette. And sometimes, a swinging spacejesus, the list goes on and on and on but i think you get the point- Whether Ricky or Savannah, my dudette is NOT CIS.
4- He/She pronouns Noel :3 NOT TRANSFEM NOEL. Just cis male Noel who also likes she pronouns along with he!
5- Pansexual Constance yesyes. yes. i think we all agree.
6- Mischa is like an older brother to most of the choir, like he protects them and shit but would also do the most brotherly shit like walk into their room, maybe knock something over, stare at them, insult them and then leave without closing the door. But with love yk 😎❤️
7- I don't like Jane Doe × anyone. Now, the only exception here is Spacedolls because I feel like, Jane isn't viewed as a person, but is Ricky? Barely. So i think they would be cute together, but even better Penny × Ricky. Now, along with the whole "Jane isn't viewed as human" thing, everyone (minus Rickster) is at least slightly scared of Jane. None of them would want to date her, seeing as they can't even be near her and act normal at the same time. But, of course, I like Penny shipped with them (obv not Noel) because she would be viewed as a person and not a scary doll thing.
please don't get like triggered or upset over any of these guys like remember this is just my opinions on a silly little musical about kids singing for their life after dying on a rollercoaster accident like its not so serious 😓
what's y'alls controversial rtc head canons/opinions
(this is a no judgement zone!)
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dummysmile · 4 years ago
DK as your boyfriend
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Genre: Fluffy/smut
Request here
WK: 761
-------------------------- under the cut
love language: Physical touch
He's always touching you or kicking you softly
he always wants you to be petting his head
kisses on 10,000
sleeps pretty much on top of you
always holding your hand
he just needs you so that he feels loved
Relationship (general):
you already know the relationship is never boring
he has so much energy omg
the trust in the relationship T T 10/10
he's always talking about his dreams with you
"I want 7 kids and 2 dogs, but you can love them more than me, capeesh?"
always popping his face in yours and making faces at you
tries to cook, but it turns into him being your assistant
purposefully mixes his clothes with yours
he's a cuddle bug
"I want to be apart of you"
They liked you, the just didn't like hearing about you
he talks about you all. the. time.
dk: "Me and y/n fu-" Dino: "OMG shut uppp-"
Seungkwan: "No, tell us."
dk tells ALL your business so it gets quite awkward
like they look you up and down then turning away
when you're with the guys DK isn't jealous, they're all his brothers
always tryna dedicate a song to you
most likely trying to convince staff to let you in a video
carats at first hated you when they thought you'd make him less dk
they went back to not liking you because everything that came out his mouth started with y/n.
"I love my y/n guys, don't worry I love you guys too. "
gets comfortable way too fast
"I farted while you were gone." 1 week in the relationship
"I probably shit my pants." 2 weeks in the relationship
uses the bathroom with the door open
gets shy when you see him
he knows his limits though
he kisses you all over your face
like it has spit trails
if you wipe it off he will place an even wetter one on your face
your best bet is to wait for him to finish so you can wipe your face
his actual kisses are GLORIOUS
when he pulls away you're still subconsciously pushing towards him
he'll laugh then peck you
in some cases this man will believe you're sleeping and he'll just kiss your forehead and stare.
the relationship is pretty stable
there is rarely an argument unless you catch him on a bad day
this man is scary when he's angry
he just looks like he'll eat you
when you argue he automatically believes you'll break up
"So what? You gonna leave me now?"
he doesn't yell, but if you cut him off a million times
"Will you let me talk, damn!"
he'll apologize immediately
"baby, I didn't mean to yell. we're both frustrated."
genuinely tries to fix all of you guys' problems
DK never takes you on a sit down date unless it's super fancy
Dave and busters workers follow you on instagram
gets super jealous when he sees other people looking at you
"can't they see we're on a date?"
he makes it seem like he doesn't want to pay, but trust me, he wants to.
DK: "I always pay no fair, you're always using me for money."
Employee: "who's pay-"
smacked by DK's card.
spoils life out of you
"6 piece chicken nuggets? Okay."
"Hello, can I get a 20 piece chicken nugget MEAL."
this man has Johnny sins quacking
he could do it anywhere, but he prefers to have you in the bedroom or anywhere in the house
"We're the only people who eat on the counter, at least let me eat your ass on it."
total switch
"Please master, give it to me how I deserve it." He'd beg in broken whimpers
"Aw my perfect cum socket, look at your quivering body in the mirror." He whispers holding you up by your throat and hair
Dk is a freak
he likes cum play, degradation, sir/master, orgasm denial, spit play, face fucking, choking, and anal on both ends.
basically anything where he can have fun and turn it into a game
he's into role playing
his favorite scenario fan x idol
Dk likes cumming on your face because its easier for him to finger scoop it into your mouth
he also likes mixing your cum and his then tasting it
"Baby, tell me why we're so sweet."
his drive is so high that there are indents in the wall and literal sweat figures engraved in the sheets.
thank goodness for mattress covers
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writingwithacupoftea · 5 years ago
A family reunited
Summary: Shelby family dinners always bring some drama with them...but none of the brothers expected their sister, Y/N, to join them. After all, she had been missing for 5 years.
Word Count: 3147
A/N: First time writing a fic with a word count over 3000, baby!!! All of the brothers are actually in this but, let’s be honest, Tommy always gets more attention in my writing than anyone else. Let me know what you think of this one, and enjoy!
Part 2
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Sometimes you can be better off not knowing the truth. Because the knowing the truth can make your worst nightmares an inescapable reality. A reality that can bring everything crashing down around you.
And that's how the Shelby clan felt about knowing the fate of their sister, Y/N.
Y/N Shelby was 23 when the war began, one year Tommy's junior. Before her brothers left for France, she left them with the promise of having their Mother's favourite sponge cake waiting on the table for them when they got back. She would have to save her money and actually figure out how to make it, but Y/N swore that she'd do it (somehow, even if it did turn out to be an atrocity).
But when the boys stepped through the door of the Shelby residence again in 1918, there was no cake waiting for them. It had been four years, they reasoned, maybe she'd forgotten. Even that didn't seem to sit right with the brothers, however - Y/N always kept her promises, no matter when they were made.  
It was like a dark cloud was looming over the house, but none of them could see what had caused it. Something wasn't right at number 6 Watery Lane.
After embracing Polly and Ada, who had tears flowing down their faces at the mere sight of them, Tommy immediately asked where Y/N was. Their silence had told him everything. Not waiting for an explanation, Tommy stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him.  
It was no secret that Y/N and Tommy shared a close bond; they always had each other's backs and always made time for each other. Despite there only being one year between them, Tommy was especially protective over Y/N, as he didn't want anything to happen that might risk her leaving him alone. He couldn't cope without her, for Y/N was both his rock and his light, even though she carried her own darkness with her.
It was dusk when Tommy finally returned, wanting answers. Polly simply presented him with the letter that had been left for herself and Ada on the night that Y/N vanished, for that was all she knew. It said that she had to go away for a while, to not tell Tommy, John or Arthur as she didn't want to worry them, and that she'd be back home as soon as she could. The letter was dated back to 1916. Two years ago. And no one had heard anything from her since.
Tommy refused to look up at his family after reading the letter over and over again, not wanting them to see the tears that glazed his cold blue eyes. He grabbed his bag (effectively hiding the shaking that had taken over his hands) and mumbled something about going to unpack, before retreating straight up to his bedroom, actively avoiding the pitiful looks being sent his way.
The only other time the family saw Tommy that night was when he walked through the parlour and back out of the front door again. They assumed that he was going down to Charlie's yard, where Y/N and Tommy always went together to talk. It was their special place, for they both possessed a deep-rooted love for horses and always found themselves wandering back to their Gypsy roots. When they were both younger, the siblings would be out for days on end riding in the open air. What a distant memory that was now.
According to their uncle, Tommy didn't leave the yard until the sun was fully risen the next morning.
Y/N Shelby had been well known to the Birmingham Police from a young age: she had a, quite frankly, remarkable ability to escape the officers no matter how tight of a spot she had managed to get herself into. She was a listener, and had an impressive memory for information that could be of use at some point in the future. Her brain, in combination with her physical abilities to slip away from or outrun trouble, made her an absolute nightmare for the coppers of Small Heath.
She built up such an impressive reputation that, during the war, she had been asked to put her talents to good use. Y/N was recruited as a spy by British Intelligence, and went undercover in Germany to retrieve vital information which ultimately helped the Allies to win the war.  
It was an opportunity that she would never have been able to resist. Her brothers had always treated her as an equal when it came to the family business (although Tommy was sometimes unwilling for her to take part in certain activities); it had annoyed her immensely when they went away to fight and she couldn't do anything to help.  
(She had tried to become a nurse with Ada, but was also kicked out because she couldn't stop laughing when her sister had started laughing).  
But this was her way around it and, as far as she was aware at the time, her brothers would never have to know about her dangerous escapades.
However, not even Y/N Shelby was the perfect criminal or spy. In the March of 1918, she had been on the verge of completing her latest mission when the plan had gone awry. Instead of using her limited time to escape, she had ensured that the information she had gained was communicated properly to her associate. This decision left her with an open police case in Germany, and Y/N was forced to go into hiding.  
As that fact hit her, only one word came to mind: shit.
For a year after returning home Tommy searched for Y/N, and turned up nothing. She seemed to have disappeared without a trace. His desperation fuelled his ambition: Tommy wanted to make it big, not just for money but for status and connections. This, he hoped, would provide the opportunities to dig deeper and give him access to speak to the right people, so that he could find out where his younger sister was.  
Because despite the slight shadows that lurked in the back of his mind, he clutched onto his conviction that Y/N was still alive somewhere. He didn't believe in much these days, but he would always believe in his sister.
But in 1920, even Tommy was starting to have his doubts, though he refused to admit them or accept them. His search was beginning to become futile and none of his fucking contacts had been able to turn up everything.  
And so Tommy began to spiral further and further downwards, for Y/N wasn't there to stop it and he didn't have the strength to do it alone.
By the time 1921 had rolled around, the family had pretty much given up all hope that their sister was still alive. However, none of them wanted to be told that harsh truth. What they didn't realise, though, was that it couldn't be further from the truth.
Polly Gray wasn't a woman to be easily shocked. She had seen and done too much in her time for that.
Having been settled in her new house (courtesy of Thomas) for a few weeks now, she knew exactly who had her new address – she had only given it to the people that she actually wanted to hear from and knew that they weren't a threat. So, when she didn't immediately recognise the writing on the front of an envelope, worry took over her. However, upon closer inspection of the handwriting, she stopped. Polly knew that writing, but she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She ripped the envelope open, and what was contained in that letter shocked her more than anything that had happened over the last three years:
DO NOT SHOW THIS LETTER TO ANYONE OR TELL ANYONE ABOUT WHAT IT CONTAINS. It's not sensitive or anything, I just want to keep it a surprise. A secret between us girls, just like the old days (I've written to Ada as well).
As you can probably tell, it's Y/N, and I'm alive and well. I'll explain more when I get home - I'm on my way back to Birmingham now.
By the time you get this, I'll be arriving in two days' time. I'll come to the address that I posted this to, I know that's your fancy new home. Then, how about we organise a little family get together? You know I've always been one for the dramatics (although I promise me disappearing off for 5 years wasn't completely intentional).
I can't wait to see you again soon; I've missed you all so much.
All my love,
Y/N Shelby xxx
(P.S. in case you don't believe that I am who I say I am, I've enclosed my Mother's necklace that Tommy gave to me on my 16th birthday, to prove my identity.)
And there the necklace was, sat at the bottom of the envelope. Silent tears began to roll down Polly's face and a smile, as big as the day that Michael returned to her, brightened her features.
Y/N Shelby was coming home. And, boy, were those two going to have some fun telling her brothers...
The day that the 30-year-old turned up on Polly's doorstep was a blur of tears, hugs and gin.  
Y/N had been introduced to Michael, who they couldn't really avoid because he lived there, but who was more than happy to keep their secret. Just being with Polly again made her realise that she was finally home.  
Whilst Y/N already knew a lot about what had happened since she left, having kept tabs on the family through her various contacts while she was away, the next day Polly helped to fill in some of the gaps in her knowledge. Polly also told her about how torn up Tommy still was about her absence, and it was enough to nearly send Y/N running straight to him. But then her aunt reasoned that it was probably better for Thomas to pass out in shock in her home, where they could set up lots of cushions as a crash pad, as oppose to on the hard streets of Birmingham.
And so the planning commenced. It was decided that Polly would host a dinner for the whole family, telling everyone that she needed to put her new house to good use, and that they could combine it with a proper welcome for Michael.
As the day drew nearer, Y/N could feel butterflies in her stomach constantly. Her excitement at seeing her whole family again was almost overwhelming. Yet she dreaded having to tell them all the truth about her prolonged disappearance.  
But, honestly, the excitement won over her nerves every time.
When Y/N heard her brothers' voices booming through the house, she had never been more grateful that she was running late in getting ready (as usual) and didn't have her makeup on yet. She hadn't been able to stop the tears falling from her blue eyes as the familiar sounds of her family's squabbling travelled up the stairs like music to her ears.
Everything was ready for the night that she had dreamed of for nearly three full years.
Fuck, I'm still in my pyjamas, Y/N realised, and hurried about getting ready.
Having memorised where the creaky steps were earlier that day, Y/N creeped down the stairs silently, clad in the most gorgeous midnight blue dress that she had ever seen. When she looked in the mirror, with her makeup on and hair done, she had realised how much she had grown up since she last saw her family.
But she had no time to think about that now, for it was nearly her moment.
Lingering in the doorway with a glass of champagne, and sending Polly a wink, she felt her heart rate shoot up as her aunt stood up with her own glass.
"Now, before we have dessert, I'd like to make a toast." She paused, looking around the table, her own happiness threatening to overflow. "To family."
"To family!" The brothers and Michael chorused.
Stepping into the light and leaning against the doorframe, completely unnoticed by her siblings, Y/N waited until the noise had died down before gently repeating the toast: "To family."
It felt like time had stood still.
Arthur, John and Finn's heads whipped around to see where the voice came from. Tommy had frozen completely, tensing up as he heard his sister's voice for the first time in seven years.
"Y/N/N?" Arthur whispered, not believing his eyes.
"Hello boys," Y/N said with a smile and a teasing glint in her eye. "Did you miss me?"
John stood up slowly and made his way towards her, and Y/N stretched her hand out towards him after putting her glass down. Her little brother tentatively placed his hand in hers, and she squeezed it, reassuring him that she was really there. She saw a couple of tears form in his eyes, though he refused to let them fall. John started to laugh, wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted Y/N up, spinning her in circles and hugging her tightly. Still laughing, he exclaimed "Oh my fucking God!" and placed her down on the ground.
Y/N was next almost knocked flying with a hug from Finn, who buried his head into the crook of her neck as he cried silently. "Look at you, eh! Almost as big as me now, aren't you?" Y/N placed a soft kiss on the top of her youngest brother's head and rubbed his back soothingly. Over Finn's shoulder, she saw Arthur approaching her, seemingly lost for words. His hand cupped her cheek as he ran his thumb over it, before finally saying "Now what sort of time do you call this, young lady?" Y/N collapsed into giggles as Arthur placed a rough kiss to her forehead.
As Finn and Arthur pulled away, Y/N's eyes found the only brother who hadn't yet greeted her and who she was the most anxious to see. Tommy still hadn't moved, his eyes fixed firmly on the table in front of him, but Y/N could tell that they were cold.
There was silence. After what felt to Y/N like a lifetime, Tommy spoke quietly and slowly. "I don't want to look up and find that you're not really here. That this is all in my head. I don't think I could bear it." His voice cracked slightly as he uttered the last sentence and, for the first time since the war, the family saw their brother's vulnerability as clear as day. It was a stark contrast to the Tommy Shelby that they'd gotten so used to being around.
Y/N cautiously walked over to her beloved elder brother, as if he were a spooked horse, and lowered herself into the seat beside him. She observed his eyes flit over to her as the chair creaked, so quickly that if she had blinked at the wrong moment she would have missed it. She smiled gently at Tommy. "Well I'm afraid you're going to be stuck with me for a while now, Tom, so you'd better start getting used to having me around again."  
As Y/N gently placed her hand on top of his, Tommy's entire body relaxed and at the same time something ignited in him. He felt alive for the first time since the war, and yet so at peace at the same time.
Suddenly, Tommy grabbed her hand in his, pulled Y/N to her feet with him and brought her into a bone-crushing hug. A thousand emotions and lost words were communicated in that one embrace, in that one moment, even. Tommy clung to his sister like she would vanish again if he loosened his grip. It was only when she whispered "I'm here now, Tom" in his ear as he stroked her hair that he relinquished his hold on her.
Tommy pulled away only slightly from Y/N and held her face gently in his hands. "My sweet girl," he breathed, a small smile gracing his lips. Y/N brought her hand up to his and held it there, the sibling simply enjoying the moment of being together again, tear tracks staining both of their faces.
The silence was broken by Arthur, who gruffly announced: "I need another fucking drink." The whole family started to laugh, the reality of the event finally sinking in.
"Yeah, you pour us all another drink, Artie, while I go and get your pudding." Y/N skipped towards the door.
"Y/N/N we don't fucking care about pudding now, you dick, just get back here now," John shouted after her.
"Bloody hell, no need to shout, John boy, I'm only going round the corner." She leaned around the doorframe, making sure to keep one hand on it to reassure Tommy. "Anyway," Y/N continued, "I've got to give you three your coming home present!"
"Our coming home present?" Arthur chortled.
"Yes," Y/N replied, matter-of-factly. "I believed I promised you lot cake" and she entered holding a cake exactly like their Mother used to make.
The three eldest brothers simply smiled fondly at their sister, shaking their heads.
An hour later, the family were all crowded into Polly's living room, having consumed the entire dessert. The gramophone was gently playing music in the background, as no one had bothered to take the record off once Arthur and John had finished dancing with their sister (they had claimed that they needed their toes stepping on to bring them back to reality).
The Shelbys and Grays spent some rare time together as a family that evening. No fighting, no arguing, no business: just talking and reminiscing and laughing.  
But now the night was drawing to a close. Finn had fallen asleep, the overwhelming emotions of the evening having finally caught up to him. Arthur and John were drunkenly singing in the corner of the room, yet they occasionally looked over at their sister, wanting to check that she was still there. Tommy simply felt complete again. For once his silence did not come from an attempt to conceal his true emotions, there was no point in trying that again tonight; he was just cherishing the moment, wanting it to last forever.
As for Y/N herself, she couldn't remember ever feeling so content before. She felt like she was on cloud nine, curled up to Tommy's side as they sat on the sofa together, watching the flames dance around in the hearth. His arm was around her shoulders, holding her close to him, and every now and again Y/N felt him place a soft kiss on the top of her head.
She knew that she had a lot of explaining to do. But that could wait until the morning. For now, they were a family reunited, and none of them could wish for anything more.
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hazard-queen · 4 years ago
Valentine's special ( dorm leaders X reader)
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• It was something unfamiliar for him, the whole thing since it was a boys school before you suddenly appeared nowhere now he has to plan something for Valentine's day to make it special.
• He's the most shy person worldwide so the fact he stood in front of you preventing himself from turning into a geant tomato when he said...
• "Ummm would you like to...go out on a...a...a date with me today?"
• "Sure thing, why not?"
• You simply gave him a smile before you made your way out of the doorm!
• First of all he asked trey to make him a heart shaped red velvet cake!, he sat off himself collecting flowers for you, he was so embarrassed someone may see him like that but what he didn't know that everyone was watching him in silence
• "Awwwww isn't he cute?"
• Cater whispered as both ace and duce nodded crying from the cuteness!
• It was time and you wore your best dress ( the one you could get there) and came on time, riddle couldn't hide his blushing face anywhere when he handed you the bouquet, he was so adorable!
• He was wearing a neat suit, doing his hair to one side (yeah yeah like ciel ) he was just so adorable
• "Happy Valentine's day (y/n)"
• He looked away trying not to make any eye contact with you.
• "I also have something for you!"
• You gave him a heart shaped chocolate, you spent the whole day making it for him, happily he took it from you and he can't be more red than how he is now!
• " t thank you, i i love you.....I MEAN I LOVE THEM!"
• You couldn't help it but to giggle
• "It's ok, i love you too!"
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• "Ok i like you!!!!"
• You blinked several times unsure if what you just heard was right or your brain just snapped
• "Did you just say you..."
• He left you dumbfounded, shall you get ready or call police? But at the same time you were happy, are you finally gonna see the soft side of leona?
• He totally does not have any idea where or how he's supposed to get flowers and the necessary things for such an occasion...he never neen nice to anyone before so he paid ruggie for help!
• You got ready and waitd for leona at the gate of Savannahclaw dorm gate as he told you but you never expected what you saw next
• Leona appeared wearing a fancy suite letting his chest open to the air, his hair was done into a bun, you were speechless as you saw him.
• He handed you the bouquet but you still didn't move your gazes away from him.. is that the leona you know and see everyday?
• "(Y/n) Are we going to spend the whole day dumbfounded? I know i look handsome which is nothing new for me but let's go somewhere to hang out!"
• You came back to reality and took the bouquet from leona, you took a chocolate box from your bag giving it to leona
• " h happy Valentine's day leona!!!"
• You saw a smirk formed on the corner of his lips as he took it from you, he just love how blushing you got and your effort not to make an eye contact with him is just...what he actually likes!
• "Happy Valentine's day herbivore!"
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• Everything in the lounge is ready, tables, check, candles, check, also food is there and he's now waiting for you to come.
• You walked in wearing a red dress, making your hair a ponytail with light make up, azul got speechless as you walked by and took the chair by him.
• " y you look....breath taking"
• Taking your hand on his, he placed a kiss on the which made you giggle
• "Thank you azul, you look also so handsome!"
• Azul blushed by your compliment then he cleared his throat pointing to jade and azul who came and placed plates on the table and by plates i mean plates of your favourite food
• "Hey azul, can i have some of this plate? It looks delicious and I'm hungry!~"
• As floyd spoke jade poked his arm and dragged him away
• "Don't mind my brother, please enjoy!"
• " ehem...happy Valentine's day (y/n)!"
• He gave you a box full of roses with a red teddy bear on the centre of the box
• "Happy Valentine's day to you too,azul! I also got you something
• You handed him a dark chocolate heart shaped minnie brownies, he took them with a worried smile and a thank you whic you could read
• " hehe don't worry! It's a diet recipe with less calories"
• You both laughed at the same time and continued the romantic date listening to music playd in the lounge.
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• "Valen...what?"
• Wait, were you expecting him to know about that? It's not kalim at all...the guy has no clue for what you're saying you know....
• "Y yeah it's the day were people can appreciate their love to others....by giving gifts...roses and other many ways!"
• Your explanation was good and everything but he still didn not get the right idea and translated all what you said that he should go get you gifts!
• A minute passed and you felt like if there was an earthquake but it seems that kalim has got a full carriage of gifts to you....and they are all in gold!
• "Taddaaa! Is that good enough?"
• Kalim shouted on the top of an elephant that it was itself carrying something , you cub your hands over your mouth and shouted so he can hear you.
• "Yes i got you flowers, catch!"
• You smiled rising your arms expecting a bouquet but you found a flower shower that you sinked in!
• .......
• "Kalim!!!! Can we go on a trip on your carpet for a valentine date?"
• "Yes sure!!!"
• You took a flight on the carpet all over the place, it was calm and happy moment, you don't have to buy the one you love expensive things to make them happy, only a small act of care would be enough!
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• You were deep asleep when you suddenly felt some tickle on your nose, you moved to the other side feeling annoyed but again this soft tickle came back, squeezing your eyes shut slowly you saw a rose!
• "Good morning my lovely dove!"
• You didn't know if you have to feel happy because of the romantic way he wakes you up with or how messy your hair was or HOW ON EARTH VIL GOT IN YOUR ROOM!!!!!
• "U ummm good morning vil....how did you get in?"
• "Oh well it's a long story! I made you breakfast by the way!"
• Your mouth was wide open you you heard that, did he just say that he MADE you breakfast?
• He placed a tray on the bed that has different kinds of fruits and vegetables and sugar free drinks (no coffee?!)
• He was extra kind and nice as ever to you, he brought you a new dress, flowers, all required things to make you happy.
• "I i also brought you something....Happy Valentine's day, vil!"
• You gave him a box of new limited edition perfume that he wanted.
• "Awww my dear, thank you i really love it"
• Vil gave you a hug and took you to have a romantic date (i don't think vil would like to have a dinner) he just made your day from the beginning to the end of the day...
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• It was fine by you to think that idia probably would never get out if his room to take you out or anything, you just don't want to make him out of his comfort zone since he rarely get out of his room.
• You heard knocks on your door thay took you from your deep thought but as you went to open it no one was there except a note.
• ' please meet me today at 6, i will be waiting for you...idia'
• You smiled as you read the note, seems like the guy has changed after all!...did he actually do that? Nope! It was ortho!
• Idia freaked the second ortho told him what he did, it was like almost the end of the world to him
• "You will wear neat clothes and do your hair, take (y/n) out for Valentine date! You don't want to let her down do you?"
• Of course he would never love to! So idia dressed up in something formal, do his hair in a long pony tail and went to take you out.
• "Don't forget flowers!"
• Handing idia the bouquet, he took a deep breath before he got out of his room to your dorm
• He saw you waiting for him there in a cute outfit and a warm smile that melted his fears away
• "H h happy v Valentine's day (y/n)"
• With shaky hands and a blush idia gave you the bouquet
• "Happy Valentine's day idia!"
• You gave him a hear shaped box wrapped on blue wrap
• "I is that for me?...t thank you"
• He was a blush mess but he couldn't hide his smile when you gave him the box!
• You firstly spent the day with a romantic outing and a lovely walk but since you both are gamers this date ended up in the arcade and you both playing together kicking your enemies !
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• He heard about that before from lilia but he never thought he was ever going to take someone out or has to say something romantic to anyone since people were always afraid of him!
• He asked you out and you happily agreed, yeah he was abit nervous but he tried to keep calm when he saw you walk towards him
• "Y you look gorgeous (y/n)! Ah i i got you roses...hope you like them....happy Valentine's day!"
• You looked up to malleus and took roses from him smelling it with a smile
• " oh oh! I got you something too!"
• You handed him a box full of different kinds of chocolate
• "Happy Valentine's day malleus!!!"
• He smiled abit taking the box from you and started at it for abit
• "D didn't you like it?"
• " n no! It's not like that....the whole thing is new to me....i mean...nobody lov....."
• "That is in the past now! I'm here and i love you!"
• Giving him the best of your smile you took his arm in yours and took a walk in the forest
• It was some time before malleus was able to feel less stressed and got along with you, he would invite you to dinner and give you his jacket when you're cold! Malleus is a real nice person when you get to know him but most importantly that he loves you
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rwby-sk · 3 years ago
Roman Holiday
My review below the cut. Spoilers obviously 
Dragosar1 if you’re reading this, stop now
Okay first of all  100/10 I loved the book. Everything. All of it. I have a few questions but fuck it that was good! 
Okay the main review  The story’s theme is a coming of age story for Neo. She’s trying to figure out who she really is and where her home is. She keeps getting thrown into different places to stay under different identities and it hurts her. But Lady Beat gives us the story’s whole theme 
Balance. Everything is made of three parts (In contrast to Roman and Pyrrha claiming the world is only made of two: Light and Dark)
Neo has her three parts by the end of the story:  Vanilla: Vanille, her life at her mansion with her parents  - Her old life. Her old self. Her love of tea, her quick learning ability, her attitude  Chocolate: Lady Browning’s Preparatory Academy for Girls - Her style. Her first taste at freedom by not breaking rules like before, but bending them. Avoiding them. Learning how to be self sufficient, proper, poised, and balanced  Strawberry: Loosely, just pink. Roman’s apartment/life - Roman encourages her to be her own person. To let Neopolitan out. He compliments her pink hair. Buys her Hush in her color scheme, points out all the times pink is missing in her family’s house. He offers true friendship and a home
I love her dynamic with Roman. They’re not just buddies, but they’re not dating. They’re all each other have in the world and that’s enough. They care about each other more than anything. And occasionally flirt enough to keep the audience guessing if Neo is serious. (That age gap though, eh? If Roman is old enough to have seen the Malachite twins go to dance recitals, and Neo is their age..... eh)
Neo and killing: Yeah. It happens. But it’s done so well.  Tossing a mob boss’s assistant out the back of a bullhead as she’s racing to save Roman? Not caring if she had a parachute or not? That’s Neo’s style. She didn’t revel in the death like some might think she would. She just didn’t care. It wasn’t as important as saving Roman  As for her parents....  Well, when they treat you like crap your whole life, then reveal they were playing each other for power, and leaving you as a hostage sleeping on a bomb every night...  Good for Neo 
The fact that Neo made Roman’s outfit. Bought him that hat. Made that scarf. It hurts all the more that she wears them after his death 
Neo’s whole personality is just a drive for two things: Freedom and Love She just wants someone to care about her and to be free to do what she wants  Fuck everything else. Money isn’t real, what does she care? It’s not really even about the destruction or the mayhem. It’s just being free to do what she wants, unsheltered. And if Roman wants to steal coffee, then by the Brothers she will steal some coffee
Roman is this sassy dick and I love him so much. He’s a witty asshole and his sense of humor is SPOT ON in every scene. A quote from the book sums him up pretty well: “He didn’t mind cheating, as long as he did it fair and square.” Roman isn’t a bad guy. Sure he enjoys beating up people from time to time. But he really is just after the power. He just wants to be able to say he is somebody. That in the end, he mattered
So Neo cannot speak, but she can laugh, hiccup, giggle, ect.  She never uses sign language. Maybe the boarding school and her parents never wanted to teach her in order to limit her? But she and Roman text and he figures out her gestures with little effort 
IM SO GLAD THEY SAID IT. POINT BLANK. Roman never asks why Neo doesn’t speak. And she appreciates it. THANK YOU
There were all kinds of little things I loved learning. Neo loves tea, hates coffee. Roman does in fact do forgeries (Jaune transcripts HC still possible). Roman has aura but not a semblance. Neo’s semblance is slightly solid, depending on her concentration. Roman started out as a semi-caring individual but had it thrown in his face enough that he stopped caring
The line, “In my experience, some things are harder to mend than others, and the healing process can be long and painful” really hit me in the fucking face. Thanks CRWBY. Thank you so much 
We know just before Roman’s Dust heists at the end of the book, Neo is 18. It can’t be long until Cinder makes contact and Vol.1 starts. So for Vol.1, I’d say Neo is around the same age as the protagonists, maybe a year or two older max
The FUCKING audacity Neo has in Volume 6 to show up in Lil’ Miss Malachite’s parlor to look for Cinder. The FUCKING audacity. To show up from the dead, after everything she put her through, ruining her plans for her take over of Vale? The unparalleled AUDACITY. Lil’ Miss probably would have threatened to shoot her if she wasn’t SO impressed by her 
Overall, I think it was really faithful to the characters I really loved it  I need to retcon my fics or start from scratch because I love this so much better 
Roman Torchwick x Lisa Lavender fics WHEN???? 
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 years ago
Batsis HC Compilation
1.     Being the Artist/ Sensitive Also Kinda Scary Wayne Daughter HC (lol):
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Warnings: Depression and anxiety mentions
·      You were the first biological child of Bruce Wayne
·      Well as far as you knew lol
·      You were younger than Jason, but a few months older than Tim
·      I suspect that if you were in the family business as long as Dick or so you’d have some issues
·      Those would include but not be limited to depression and possible anxiety
·      There would be happy days but it would still go downhill after a few days
·      On the days where it was worst, everyone would pile in for family movie night
·      Secretive person and would probably be quite and sarcastic
·      Since you were living at the manor your entire life, you would’ve lived to see Jason’s death and it really hurt
·      If you were a musician, I suspect that Alfred or Bruce would have walked in on you at the piano or something playing a terribly sad song about it or just emotions and they’d cry
·      Something like the song “Beautiful Scar” by Alicia Moffet (sad one btw like omg)
·      If you were a writer or an artist, just pieces describing everything symbolically
·      Going back to the musician, there is a music room in the manor in my mind so I suspect that there are times where Bruce or one of your older brothers will carry you into your bedroom if they find you asleep
·      You find it hard being a Wayne and all seeing as it’s like everyone around you is fake
·      That led you to hanging alone a lot which concerned Bruce
·      “Y/N, why don’t you go to the party you were invited to? It’s a beautiful day for one.” He said one day finding you reading in your bedroom.
You looked at him solemnly, “All my friends are fake and want me for money and clout.” “I don’t try to go out with them much if I don’t have to.” *Que protective batdad*
·      The library is your home as well as the gardens
·      Now public and patrol is a whole new story
·      Riddler is your favorite villain because he starts good conversations
·      Sometimes the villains have in fact questioned your health to your older brothers
·      Riddler: So, does it concern you that Y/S/H/N seems to openly hate life or is it just me?
Nightwing: We all hate life, she just does a little bit more
Riddler: ...okkayyyyyyy
·      You sometimes make very violent threats on patrol which lead to some interesting conversations in the vans back to jail
·      The paps are literally scared of you
·      You have given the famous Wayne glare but on level 1000, billions of times
·      Very sarcastic answers to some questions
·      When people on the internet come for anyone you love you shut them down asap
2.     Being the Business Woman
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·      You showed interest in the business for a while but never really total want to take over WE
·      No, you wanted to leave that for Tim
·      The boy deserved it anyways
·      Instead you started taking extra courses in business and such in middle school and worked your way up
·      While you didn’t like galas, you did try and make connections
·      You went to either an Ivy Leauge or Oxford or something
·      Then Wharton
·      After that you were on your way
·      If you already had a business it was booming but now it’s “extra booming”? idk but you get the idea
·      HuGE
·      Bruce was very proud and made that clear in interviews
·      Your company works closely with WE
·      Asking B for advice
·      Paparazzi doubling down on coverage for you since now you’re bigger than ever
·      Hosting you own galas
·      You either have a big house and rooms for everyone or a penthouse with the same situation
3.     Being Bruce’s Favorite
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·      You have the best relationship with Bruce out of everyone
·      He takes you out on father/ daughter lunch or dinner dates which is pretty fun
·      He would never openly admit that you’re his favorite
·      Taught you to drive
·      If you ever need advice you go straight to him
·      Best birthdays ever
·      You go and visit him at WE and he lets you hang in the office
·      There’s a secret fridge stocked with snacks
·      Dad/ daughter patrol
·      Read you stories as a child
·      Legit might still if you ask
·      You sit in his office to do homework
·      Has come home to you spinning in his office chair
·      Shopping sprees
·      Interviews
·      Very protective on patrol when it comes down to being in a ton of danger
4.     Being the Metahuman
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·      I’m thinking that you would have gotten your powers from a mission gone wrong
·      It was probably involving magic or something and you were seriously injured
·      I think that it would be fitting to be able to control darkness and things like shadows
·      Everyone was freaked out including you
·      You begged not to be sent away knowing what he thought of metas
·      He promised that he wouldn’t and just had someone over that would help you
·      Lots of tests at first and you kinda just lived in the Batcave for some time just incase
·      After that you changed your costume a bit to fit to the power theme
·      The villains were straight confused
·      “Bats what happened to your kid? Why is she scarier now?” ...”it’s complicated”
·      You know how in Young Justice, Robin had that creepy laugh?
·      It was like that now but then shadows came out of the wall
·      Everyone is pretty sure you made a few street criminals and Black Mask’s goon pee their pants
·      Best Halloween fun on patrol now
·      You scared Joker once
·      The powers do sometimes take a darker turn and you had to learn to control that since it did come from a maliciously used magic
·      “I can smell the fear off of you, clown.” You smiled and walked around him, shadows in the room, darkening your presence.  “Uhhh Batsy, I don’t like this one anymore.”
·      Hanging out with more Metas
·      You and Duke are like best friends
·      Gotta figure it out with someone am I right?
5.     Being the Author
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·      Your father does have presence everywhere, but you don’t like to think that that is the reason for your success
·      I could imagine you being a true crime or just mystery writer
·      Maybe even fantasy/fiction
·      Jason helps you write them if you ever get stuck
·      All of them go to your book signings and sometimes it’s embarrassing but also funny
·      You love that they support you
·      Care packages from Alfred when you’re on book tours
·      There are typically also some more things tucked inside from everyone
·      Staying up with Timbers
·      Your room is probably really aesthetic just sayin
·      Gardens and library is the beesstttttt
·      Sometimes for books, you take your time on patrol and as a superhero even if you still do it as inspiration
·      Everyone is like HoW Do ThEY COmE uP WiTh ThIS
·      Hehe
·      If you’re moved out I can imagine you have a really cool apartment or house
·      Cozy and open
·      *aesthetic*
·      One time, Damian did a book cover for you and so since he actually wouldn’t let you pay him, you took him on tour with you
·      You helped him make that his side hustle lol
·      Alfred has all of your books in the library
Okay so I could NOT sleep last night and was up till 6 doing this, I don’t mind adding onto it and I’ll totally take requests for this. I do hope that you guys liked this.
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projectjasper · 4 years ago
my thoughts and opinions on "lovely writer": criticizing the critic
tw for discussions of age gaps, rape, and sex
before i turn into the mean and constantly dissatisfied archer that we all know and hate, i just want to say that i liked this show. i think it's great, actually! gene and sib are appropriately cute, the premise is nice, and the attempt at criticizing the industry is... well, an attempt, which is better than nothing. moreover, "lovely writer" came with gifts because it gave me my new favorite character, so you can't go telling me i'm trying to completely obliterate it or something.
besides, this specific post isn't going to get into analyzing the show as a whole anyway. i won't be talking about any irrelevant plot points, cinematography, sound design, or anything like that, though i could probably write a post just as long as this one about that side of things as well. however, i am here to specifically look at the problematic things that were both criticized by the show and included in the show without any criticism. i'm going to talk about the more serious side of things here, which means i'm going to get serious. and i'm going to be harsh. very harsh.
gene and nubsib: yes's and no's
overall, the relationship between gene and sib was a fair attempt at showing something complex, yet ultimately quite healthy, which i appreciate. there were some things i was especially glad about. the fact that sib dated other people before settling on getting together with gene, for example, makes the whole situation a little less codependent. however, as much as this show prides itself on not wanting to romanticize problematic relationships, there are at least two major problems with genesib.
the age gap (and why it was not needed)
i've tried my very best to give this entire concept the benefit of the doubt. at first, i was convincing myself that they were simply close childhood friends, then i was trying my best to believe that even though sib did have a sort of crush on gene (which sometimes happens to little children), gene only saw him as his younger brother, but eventually, the show gave me no choice, but to deem the entire storyline problematic, because they did their best to romanticize that relationship - from gene's dad seeing the "early signs" to the counting and kissing the cheek turning to counting and full-on lip-locking in the last episode.
i could go into how this could all easily be mended if little sib was shown as kind of obsessed with his older friend, but gene was shown as not being anywhere near interested in the kid. but the real question is - why was the age gap needed at all?
i've researched the age of the boys during the flashbacks to the best of my ability and it seems that gene is 11 and sib is 6 or 7. if sib was the same age as gene (or maybe just one year younger, but not any more than that), not only would none of it feel weird, it would also be quite appropriate to explore that first glimpse of romantic feelings some of us experience exactly around that age. i don't think it's necessary for sib to be much younger than gene (children can be just as impressionable at 11 as they are at 7, and as for gene being surprisingly nice and helpful and the other kids not wanting to play with sib, he could have easily been - for example - bullied by his peers instead, which would have the same effect).
moving forward to the present, i don't think the lack of an age gap would affect the storyline that much either. even if they desperately needed sib to be a university student, they could have that one-year difference i've talked about before, which is not as significant. sib could be in his last year of uni, while gene could have easily written his very first novel during his university years, which would actually make more sense (since that guaranteed him employment and freedom to write after he finished uni; and i would rather believe that he had time to write his first novel in-between classes than in-between shifts at work, which he would surely need to have if he started writing after finishing university).
so that brings me back to my initial question - why was it needed? and much like the show often does, i will leave this one up for your interpretation because i do not have any sensible answers myself.
the issue with sex and consent
"but archer!" - i hear you exclaim - "lovely writer is known for explicitly denouncing rape romanticization in bls, how could there possibly be any problems with consent here?" and i hear you, my dear reader. and you aren't incorrect, "lovely writer" is indeed very explicit at calling out bls for having rape scenes (and i do appreciate that). however, as i'm sure you know, there are different ways in which consent can be taken from a person, and there are different non-consensual acts that someone might perform. for example, there are many different forms of coercion, such as the person being persuaded until they feel like they have no other choice, but to say yes. touching someone or kissing someone without asking for permission are also non-consensual acts. i can go on and on, there are many examples outside of what so many people consider rape.
now, what if i tell you that though there (thank the gods) has been no rape present in "lovely writer", not all scenes with gene and sib are consensual? well, that's what i'm telling you because it's the truth. both the first kissing scene and the scene where gene and sib "try out different poses" have clear coercion in them. the entire "joke" of the scene before gene and sib's first time is literally built upon the concept of "a person is trying to run away from someone, who wants to have sex with them" and it is NOT funny. the later reveal of gene actually looking up how to have sex seems to be there on purpose, to show that everything that's happened is "ok" because gene was thinking about it. as a sensible person, i will only accept actual enthusiastic consent and not someone possibly maybe probably considering it. not to mention that right before having sex, sib asks gene one last time if he is sure, which is great, except it is immediately followed by "i'm not going to let you change your mind anymore", which - daily reminder - you are allowed to stop having sex at any point during the act if you start feeling uncomfortable with it. that's absolutely normal.
now the problem that we seem to run into here is that "lovely writer" appears to think that it's ok to push someone to the limit until they either finally agree or confidently and loudly disagree. the drama has repeatedly shown us that actually forcing someone to have sex is not ok; however, persuading and otherwise coercing someone, as well as taking an approximate guess of them wanting to have sex based on some marginally related factors, is ok. i would like to once again remind everyone that all of that is not ok.
one more issue i want to bring up in connection with sex is something i wish was common knowledge: it is NOT supposed to hurt during your first time. whether you are planning to have vaginal or anal sex for the first time, it should not hurt. and if it does, something has definitely gone wrong and you need to stop. you are not supposed to experience any pain or discomfort during sex, including your first time (outside of desired and therefore intentionally inflicted pain, but that's not what i'm talking about here). i have seen this misconception brought up many times in bls along with the other person "thanking the person who got hurt for bearing the pain to bring them pleasure" and absolutely none of that is normal. stop. please, just... stop.
criticism of the BL industry
there are certainly quite a few things i liked about the way "lovely writer" criticized the many problems that surround bls. i think they dealt especially well with the fan aspect. the breaches of privacy that are considered normal, the toxicity of social media that encourages people to comment on other people's personal life, harass and stalk them - all of that was shown in its full glory (or rather horror) and clearly condemned. it was also interesting to see how easily everyone around sib fell into the routine of having to hide genesib's relationship, just because "that's what's supposed to be done in these situations" - even tum did that without thinking twice.
however, i have not spent the past three years hating gmm for a show trying to criticize the industry not to focus on criticizing the production company and everyone professionally involved with the making of bls. don't get me wrong - they didn't completely overlook that side of things, but i found the way they approached it dissatisfying.
like yes, tum fights with his sister (aka sib's manager) and calls her out for her terrible actions, and the publisher (bua) eventually apologizes for what she did, but all of that feels a bit too... personal. i do not care about these individual stories. i care about you saying that the whole system is broken because it very much is. i wanted manner of death but with the bl industry, and instead, i got an "uwu the fans are demanding we do this, and our hands our tied" (which is a lie) and "uwu i'm just trying to make money" (which i mean... if you feel ok milking even more money than you already have by doing something unethical and immoral, then be my guest, but also go fuck yourself). besides that, i didn't see any criticism of tabloids or exploitative celebrities either (both of which we had examples of in the show), and that was kind of disappointing.
coming back to the fans for a moment, i also think that the criticism of real people shipping was entirely unsuccessful. we basically mostly got an "oh, what if this person's partner thinks they are actually dating", which... if a bunch of people on the internet who do not know your boyfriend personally and make all their judgments from screenshots and their imagination can convince you that your boyfriend is cheating, i've got some bad news for you and also a number for a therapist. partly i know why it was so complicated for them to get into it properly - the issue with real people shipping is an issue of privacy, boundaries, the perception of celebrities, acceptable interests, and many other complex topics. however, it's better to not criticize something than to criticize it badly and inaccurately (because the latter usually leads to even more encouragement of whatever you were attempting to criticize).
aey: the flamboyant villain
aey certainly starts as a promisingly complex character, but the farther we go from his backstory and his family, the less complex and the more evil he gets. eventually, the trauma he goes through is no longer enough to give him a get-out-of-jail-free card, and he loses all remaining sympathy after sexually harassing gene and pretending to drug sib. and i did start this post by saying that i am not to analyze any plot points or characters from the show here; however, i'm saying all this to prove a point that aey is a clear villain in the show. this is further cemented by the fact that by the end of the show he loses the only two people who cared about him, and the very last moment with him in the show is literally just him crying for about 3 minutes. there was no redemption arc, no pity, no revenge - he was left alone and broken, clearly punished by the narrative. and i've got a bone to pick here as well.
one of the first things that we find out about aey is that he is gay, and quite openly so. he is repeatedly described as very feminine by many characters, he flirts with men, he talks about being good in bed, and his entire character is built upon being gay (half of it directly, and the other half due to the fact that his entire backstory and therefore personality is also built upon the fact that he is gay). he is - for the lack of a better term - the gayest character in the show and the only one who is loud about being gay not because he is in love but simply because it is a part of him and he doesn't want to hide it. and he is the villain. not the disgusting publisher or the terrible manager - no, this guy was specifically chosen to ruin everyone's lives. and i can't say i'm particularly happy about that. *british voice* seems a bit homophobic love
not quite queer enough
as i said, aey is openly gay. gene and sib also eventually say that they are gay, gene's father teep is queer, so are tiffy and mhok. but it just doesn't seem to come up as much as it would in real life. the only time anyone has a problem with any of the characters being queer is when we deal with the parents. but knowing actual queer thai actors in real life, we are all aware how hard it can be for them, but it has not come up even once for aey, gene or sib (with genesib only being a problem because they are a "non-shippable couple"). being queer is far from being a non-issue in the industry, and i found it incredibly weird that it was never brought up (and i would also prefer if they brought that up instead of showing the unaccepting parents plot for the millionth time).
same goes for the lack of conversation around queer people on set. i think we all have a wonderful example of how much better a bl can get simply when it involves a queer director and/or screenwriter (gods bless p'aof), gay actors, etc. i also thought it was a missed opportunity that gene being a gay man writing a bl novel was never highlighted. if anything, everyone made a big deal out of him being a man writing a bl - never mind that he is a gay man that is far more qualified to write bls than a straight woman.
in conclusion, there are simply not enough queer issues talked about here for a show that is about queer people facing difficulties while making a queer drama.
tiffy and tum: the good, the bad, and the ugly
overall, tiffy and tum are quite cool. outside of my own personal feelings, i really liked the clear reversal of gender roles they have going on: he knows lots about make-up, she knows nothing about it, he knows how to sew, she knows how to repair a car, etc.
tiffy is also a nice addition to the precious few queer girls we have in bls. however, the way her being bi is executed... it isn't great. when she first talks about dating girls to tum, she says things like "even though i look like this" (implying queer girls have a certain look?) and "maybe it seemed normal because i was at an all-girls school" (which wtf does that even mean?). i think the worst thing, though, was when she assumed tum was gay. my best guess is she thought so because she initially thought that tum and gene were a couple; however, she should be the first person to know that just because he likes men, it doesn't mean that he doesn't like women or any other gender. even though there was nothing explicitly leading me to make this conclusion, this whole thing did kind of feel like the old "flipping the switch" stereotype (meaning, she used to like women, but now she likes men, and both of them can't happen simultaneously).
make it make sense
i think i've never been more confused in my entire life than when i found out that the director of "lovely writer" also happens to be the director of "th*arnt*pe". and if at first, i was asking a lot of questions about this peculiar individual, who went from working on the worst rape-romanticizing show we have ever had to a show that explicitly states that rape is not normal. but the more i thought about it, the less i was interested in him, and the more i was interested in whoever made the decision to hire him. there are dozens of different directors that have worked specifically on bls, and even more that haven't. yet out of all those, you decided to choose this one. the dude, who before your show has only directed the show with the biggest rape-y vibes. that casts a particular kind of shade on the entire show that i simply do not like.
at the end of the day, i think what "lovely writer" tried to do was very interesting. it succeeded in some ways and failed in others. frankly, i think this show could have easily been made better if someone queer was involved in making it. that's always true, but especially so, when we try to talk about the issues of making a queer drama. either way, it's certainly a good start to this conversation; however - as i said - i'm still waiting for my manner of death but with the bl industry. this was unfortunately not it.
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blouisparadise · 5 years ago
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics posted or completed during the month of July. We really hope you enjoy this list and that you give these fics a lot of love.
Happy reading!
1) Your Good Time | Explicit | 3070 words
Louis nodded along with what the guy was saying, apparently his arousal taking over his brain to mouth filter as he said, “Who would want to hide a fit bloke like you? That guys an idiot.” Louis scoffed, dramatizing the word ‘idiot’, giving the guy a sly smirk. The guy leaned an arm against the bar, turned his body to Louis and fixed him with a curious look before he held out a hand.
Louis and Harry meet in a bar when Harry's date is an ass. Inspired by Temporary Fix by One Direction.
2) I Push You To The Limits | Explicit | 3846 words
Louis is a brat who likes seeing his boyfriend get jealous and possessive over him.
3) Overkill | Explicit | 4354 words
Louis was never going to get over how fucking attractive Harry was. How glorious his big, tall, curvy body was. The feeling of Harry behind him, hot and heavy, trapped on the tube after they’d been somewhere during rush hour. His thick hands, full of pretty rings sometimes, handing Louis a cup of coffee, then getting one for himself.
4) Too Nervous to be Lovers | Mature | 6445 words
Louis doesn't want to spend quarantine with Harry, his straight roommate, who doesn't even acknowledge his existence.
5) Fratboy In Love | Mature | 6830 words
Harry Styles was a frat boy who loved to sleep around and flirt with boys and girls. Louis was a good uni student who loved to stay in and study and wasn't much of a partier.
Insert his best friend Niall who talks him into going. Louis gets drunk and ends up sleeping with harry. The next day he leaves before Harry wakes and tries to avoid him at all costs. Thinking Harry wouldn't care since Louis was just another conquest. But what if Harry did care. And actually have a crush on Louis. Read and find out
6) My Sunflower | Mature | 7057 words
Louis would rather be sunbathing at the beach with his friends, not slaving his spring break away in his father’s flower shop.
7) Waiting | Explicit | 8023 words
Louis Tomlinson was Harry’s omega, of this Harry had always been sure. Unfortunately for Harry, Louis seemed to think they were just best friends. The six weeks that Harry has to live with Louis were going to be rough.
8) Shine Light Upon Your Ground | Explicit | 8506 words
Note: The fic pairing is Louis/H, which the reader can picture as Harry or Henry Cavill.
Louis sighs again and fiddles with the bracelet on his wrist, twisting the charms around and petting the fake diamonds.
“How much for a night?” A deep voice suddenly asks him. The man who approaches him is already pulling out his wallet and flicking through a bundle of bills. Louis, who had been sitting at the bar completely innocent and minding his own business, lets out an offended, strangled sound.
“Excuse me?” He demands, straightening up in his seat. The hem of his dress creeps further up his thigh but he pays it no mind.
9) Glistening Under The Sun (You're My Honey Soaked Love) | Mature | 8996 words
“Oh Petal,” he picks her up nuzzling the top of her head with his cheek as she nibbles on the lavender, “How lucky are we? I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy, the only thing we have to be sad about is that soon I won’t be able to hold you like this,”
10) Connected To The Heart | Explicit | 9059 words
Note: This is an coda scene for this fic.
“Your stage cue is way too close for you to be wearing that look you’re wearing,” Louis informs him. He can’t stop himself from looking up at Harry through his eyelashes, the silk of Harry’s dress shirt brushing against the backs of his knuckles.
“Twenty minutes,” Harry agrees. His breath is minty from the gum he was chewing earlier, fresh and warm. “Twenty minutes can be a long time, baby.”
This time, Louis has to force himself to roll his eyes. “Not nearly long enough for the way you always want to fuck me.”
11) Fuck U Betta | Explicit | 11438 words
There’s something about having Louis like this, exposed and desperate, that makes a primal urge bubble up from deep inside Harry’s chest. Desire mixed with something else, something unquantifiable. It’s the thing that makes them want this, need this. Nothing else will satisfy them or quench their thirst.
OR the one where Harry likes the thrill of the chase, Louis likes to be chased, and everyone gets what they need… in the end.
12) Kiss Me In Your Chevrolet | Explicit | 11569 words
"Yes, Lou?" Harry asked, rubbing his tired eyes. A gust of wind came through the open windows, sending chills down Harry's arms as a light rain began falling outside. He closed his eyes again and let his head fall back to the couch arm rest.
"Can we go there?" Louis asked, probably pointing somewhere. Harry opened his eyes and felt his heart jump in his chest, a magazine page a couple of inches away from his face. Startled, Harry closed his eyes and breathed heavily, trying to collect himself.
Harry blinked a few times to focus his eyes on the page Louis still held in front of his nose. "You want to go to the Grand Canyon?" He furrowed his eyebrows, tilting his head to the left to look at Louis' face.
13) Pull The Trigger | Explicit | 12007 words
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic, which is #16 on this list.
Louis has never been alright with killing. Will that change when he learns what it's like to be the one holding the gun?
14) Open All Night | Explicit | 12537 words
It’s six in the morning when Harry finally makes it back home.
Harry's a bartender, Louis' got a nice ass and a shit taste in men. They make it work.
15) Among Other Things | Explicit | 16073 words
“Harry, it’s 7:45, oh my god, my class starts at 8:15,” and Louis wants to cry. Harry’s busy under the bed trying to find the tiny silver key but Louis knows that fate just hates him and he needs to find a way to get up. “Harry, I—fuck,” Louis whines. Harry stands up in a rush.
“I can’t seem to find them. It. The key.”
Or, Louis’ the teacher of Harry Styles’ daughter. Their paths shouldn’t cross like this. This meaning Louis showing up to school handcuffed to a headboard.
16) A Bullet And It's Gun | Explicit | 18156 words
Note: The sequel to this fic is #13 on this list. 
Louis’ parents arrange his marriage with Harry. He’s fully ready to accept that he’s going to be a sad and lonely person for the rest of his life. But then Harry starts proving himself as more than just an asocial man with money.
17) By Such Slight Ligaments | Explicit | 26764 words
Note: The fic pairing is Louis/Henry Cavill.
A late night visit to a patient sets off a series of events that will turn Louis' world upside down.
... Here there be monsters.
18) At Your Fingertips | Explicit | 27384 words
He finds himself wrapped up in sheets in bed on Thursday night, staring at the familiar name on a new story that was posted the night before.
His fingers twitch, ready to hit play and surrender to his impulses, saving the regret and turmoil for later.
And still he hesitates, internally praying that he’ll somehow gain the strength to exit out within the next few moments before he inevitably loses his patience and hits the button.
19) Forgot My Roots Now Watch Me Bloom | Explicit | 28334 words
Lonely transit worker Louis pulls his longtime crush, Peter, from the path of an oncoming train. At the hospital, doctors report that he's in a coma, and a misplaced comment from Louis causes Peter's family to assume that he is his fiancée. When Louis doesn't correct them, they take him into their home and confidence. Things get even more complicated when he finds himself falling for Peter's brother, Harry. Loosely based on the movie "While You Were Sleeping".
20) Push You Out, Pull You Back In | Explicit | 31544 words
Harry hates feeling vulnerable. Louis is set on breaking through his tough facade.
21) Baby Blue | Explicit | 39439 words
Harry Styles takes his time coming out to greet them. Louis only knows what he’s seen on file and what he’s heard them talking about, but he fully lives up to the image he had inside of his head.
He saunters down the front steps of the farmhouse in his Levi’s, brown snakeskin boots curving out from underneath the denim Louis’ sure he had specially made. He’s got on a plaid button-down tucked into the jeans because of course he does, curls spilling out from either side of his cowboy hat around his sunglasses and country-tan skin.
“Harry Styles,” he drawls, extending a hand to Louis’ manager, “Pleased to meet ya’ll.”
22) Lidocaine And Palm Trees | Explicit | 44653 words
Heat, fake tans and lots of traffic.
Harry never expected to earn his living this way when he moved to LA.
Louis didn't think he could ever be the same after his divorce.
A lighthearted story about two guys trying to find themselves in the vibrant, sprawling city of Los Angeles, with a side of technical porn industry stuff.
23) Sleeping On Our Problems | Explicit | 67369 words
Louis sleeps with Harry and they have more than just catching feelings to worry about.
24) Truth Would Be | Explicit | 91869 words
“You want me? I’m not a… a thing to be owned!” Louis stuttered, still very angry and confused.
“Hmmm…” The alpha tapped his lips as if he was contemplating something. “Last time I checked, the debt was paid off and the only thing I had asked in return was… you. So technically I do own you.”
“You are crazy…” Louis muttered as he began to back towards the door. Harry’s impossibly green eyes turned a shade darker, but his tone was still teasing and light when he said, “Maybe I am…”
The I-paid-off-all-your-debt-so-you-are-mine AU in which Omega Louis wants to be left alone by Alpha Harry but it's super complicated when he starts to not hate the alpha all that much.
25) Collision | Not Rated | 224594 words
Note: This fic was finished in 2018, but two new epilogue chapters have been added.
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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fanfiction-funtime · 4 years ago
Spritefather and Selene Interaction
A fan drabble for @clouds-rambles, I hope I characterized Selene right
Without much prompting it's a tad hard to write like this, but I hope it works.
Also I hope you don't mind me mentioning Cael amnesia anon.
(Selene was hanging out with Cael when Venti makes trouble, bringing the night to a close)
(Selene pov)
Yet again, I had to drag Cael's boyfriend out of the bar. This time because he thought someone was insulting his father and punched them, but he was just talking about some mythological person called 'Spritefather'.
I haven't thought about that story in a long time, not since I was a kid. Something about him being able to "use all elements" or something and how he "taught Barbados about freedom", maybe I'll ask Lisa about it.
"Excuse me madam, my father needs to speak to that man you're carrying. Please, hand him to me." I heard a voice from behind me say, the accent was a thick Schneznayan one.
I turned around to meet the person, a woman in an outfit that wouldn't look out of place in a family portrait of old Schneznayan nobility, they also held a vision.
A cryo vision.
I three Venti into a hay pile and summoned my spear, "your a pretty bad liar, LA SIGNORA!"
"No wait! You've got it all w-" I jabbed at her with my spear, using conduct to increase it's power, "I said wait!-"
"I don't bargain with people who hurt my friends!" Hehe, that was a cool line, nice one Selene.
"W-WHAT!? HOW DARE YOU INSINUATE THAT I WOULD HURT MY OWN BROTHER!" The woman gasped and pointed behind me.
I looked back and saw an abyss mage sneaking away with Venti.
The mage noticed and bolted away. We chased it all the way to star conch cliff, where it threw Venti over the edge.
"Haha! Do your worst human! I have already completed my mission! Now without your precious archon, mondstadt will-!"
A tornado of water sprouted up from the sea, then froze in place. From the newly formed spiral of ice rose a cloaked man, and around him were 6 wisps of every element but cryo.
The mage turned around, and were it not for the dendro tendril crushing it's windpipe they would have screamed in horror.
"First you threaten to kill my son," the cloaked man stepped off the spire, the air polarizing itself with electro to form a step, "then you kidnap him while my daughter is trying to retrieve him," another step, this time the air simply pushes him up to form a step, "and now you have followed through on that threat. It tried to," the man took one last, powerful step, to which a geo platform met his feet and lifted him to the hanging abyss mage, "how truly foolish must you be."
He man then lit the tendril on fire, burning the mage like a furby in a campfire.
The man lowered himself down, Venti in his arms, and said, "I'm sorry Barbados, I should have gone to get you myself. Viktoria, what happened?"
Then he noticed me.
"EEEEP!" He shouted as he dropped Venti with a thud.
(3rd person limited, Spritefather pov)
'Oh celestia, a person! No no, keep it together. You love interacting with humans in a controlled manner. This is just as controlled, just...a suprise.' Spritefather thought.
"By Barbados' hairy nostrils! You're the Spritefather!" The human Selene shouted.
Spritefather straightened himself out and cleared his throat, "y-yes, I am. But I am not 'the' Spritefather, I'm just Spritefather. Saying 'the Spritefather' is like calling you 'the Selene'. But now isn't the time for such trivial bickerings," Spritefather gave a gentlemanly bow, "thank you for attempting to rescue my eldest child, and for taking him home everytime he indulges a bit to much on vices."
Viktoria facepalmed, "dad! They aren't supposed to know that!"
"Well why not? They're friends with him, and best friends with his boyfriend. Which by the way I STILL need to meet-" he noticed Selene was seeming kind if pale, "you ok?"
"Oh dear."
(3rd person omniscient pov)
(There's no good point to explain this, but they're in a serenitea pot)
Selene woke up in a very confused state, and on a cloaked woman's lap.
"Please do not be alarmed, neither me nor my daughter did anything to you." The woman said.
Selene, in response, punched the woman and scrambled away, "who the abyss are you!?"
"Well I'm not particularly loved by celestia but I'd hardly say I'm abyssal.."
"Father, people here are not as accustomed to the divine as Liyue or Inazuma." The woman from before, who Selene thought was La Signora, said as she approached them with some tea.
"Wait, fa-no, no. Don't do that Selene, it's rude."
The cloaked woman shook her hands to dismiss Selene's concern, "it's fine, however I thank you for your accepting nature. Though it is to be excepted given your personal identity."
"How do you know me?"
"Heh, have you forgotten already? Though I suppose the change in form is not common among you humans. And nonexistent in the way me and the wisps can do."
The woman got up and started twirling, then surrounded themself in elemental power, and when it cleared stood the cloaked man Selene saw in her dream...
"That wasn't a dream...holy shit that wasn't a dream! You're the Spritefather-I mean-you're Spritefather! Your real!"
"Indeed I am. I would think everyone in mondstadt believes I'm real, but atleast that leaves less for that misconception."
"What misconception?"
"Ask Barbados, shouldn't be too hard since you two are close."
"Barba-wait Venti is actually Barbados!?
"Oh dear I'm making this worse."
The still unnamed woman sighed and shook her head, "how about we focus on why my dad decided to be a woman? Surely that would be a far more easy thing to understand."
"It's because she likes women, and I don't blame her. World cold and hard, titty warm and soft."
"Dad who taught you that!?"
"You do realize I can hear the lives of all in my home yes?"
"I guess I'm at fault." Selene laughed.
"I will have my revenge upon you for this." The woman responded.
Spritefather chuckled, "oh? And how about you get your revenge over a date. Anastasia."
"What? She's single, friends to someone who can teach her proper tea ceremonies, and uh....they have....hmmm..." Spritefather was trying to think if what he could say to convince his daughter, "look I just want to see grand kids!"
"Look I'm pushing fifty million! If one of you doesn't get me kids in the next ten million years I'm going to grow grey hair!"
Anastasia starts forming an ice throwing knife, "REBEL'S-"
"Papa, what happen?" Came a childish voice.
Selene gasped, they were looking at probably the cutest thing EVER!
"Yes that's my child Flameo-"
Selene, already having picked up the the baby, "they're so CUTE!"
They hugged the little flame close to their face and nuzzled them, to which Flameo quickly responded to with their own.
"Smell like..." they thought for a moment, "big Bro Bardos!" They flew around Selene excitedly, "friend!"
Spritefather sighed, "Oh dear, now the rest will be coming out. And I just got them to sleep aswell."
It wasn't long before Selene was surrounded by six Sprites.
The Electrosprite landed on her vision and started vibrating happily.
The Geosprite asked, "are you strong!? I think I could be you!"
"Oh I'm sure you could." Selene said to appease the little Sprite as she chuckled chuckled.
The Anemosprite and Pyrosprite flew around her head like children.
The Hydrosprite was inspecting her clothes, "how utterly bourgeois, has my Brother and father been teaching you how to dress? Honestly, the people of mondstadt should learn from the reconnaissance captain of the knights. Now there's a woman who knows how to dress."
"Oh you mean Eula?"
"You know her?"
"Oh yeah, she's invites me to tea every now and then."
"SHE...invites....YOU...out for TEA!?-"
Anastasia puts her hand over the Hydrosprite and tries to hold her back
"Sorry about that," the woman replied, "kids and their crushes."
Selene couldn't respond to that as they felt a prick in her spine, causing them to yelp.
A Dendrodsprite slinkied up her back and put it's head on her shoulder, "just sampling...never seen blood like yours...so intertwined with the...divine....yet so distan-"
Spritefather picked up his child, "please forgive Leafy, they're in their...adventurous stage. And their adventure is to learn things. Often things that involve pins and needles."
This was going to be a looong night
The next day, Vanessa's tree
Selene yawns and falls on the statue, Venti doing the same. The difference between them is one is hungover and waiting for his boyfriend to take him home after the fifth assassination attempt this week, the other has to deal with the consequences of being loved by children and being there to try and stop the most recent assassination
"Holy shit....this hang over....I thought Decrabain's hailstorms were bad..."
"You shouldn't try watching after Leafy.....but I think half the pains are from Agua's jealousy bites......"
"You think that's bad?.....you should have seen them when they realized Cael and I....were dating....."
"...archons I hope I was never like that as a kid...."
"Oh cherry up you two!" Spritefather said, a bit too loud for the two, "it's a new day and-"
Venti hit his father with a clump of grass using anemo
"Ohheythere'sCaelgottagobye!" The archon said as he ran off.
Spritefather sighed, "he's always like that, running from responsibilities. But he always means up when it counts, so I can only say I'm proud of the man he's become," he thought for a moment, "except for when he turns into a woman for whatever reason, then I'm proud of the woman she's become...you know, after being around single form life for so long stuff like that feels so strange. I mean you humans are born with one form and cant naturally change it. But if you feel it's wrong you'll go through so much trouble just to get close to what us shape changers can get. While to humans it is inspiring purely because of the person's determination to take the form they so deserve, that they were truly meant to have. But for me it's so much more! The human spirit and will is oh so inspiring, but the amount humans go through! So much money, so much time, and in many places simply enduring life! Why even I couldn't get the...uh...transphobia is it?...out of Inazuma!Terribly sorry human language changes so much. Oh and on language! To think that I was there when the first cave man was trying to mimic the grunts of the gods, only to make something so much superior to them to the point that the gods copied THEM! And speaking of copies have you ever heard of the time Dainsleif-" he paused as he saw Selene's bored face, "sorry. One little thing and I start ranting and rave...no, it's info dumping. And I should thank you humans for making that term, and all the other wonder words you've made, and the medical advances. They've helped me understand myself....ah but look at me, rambling on again. You know what? For entertaining my kids the whole night, and listening to an old man's ramblings, I'll give you a boon. Anything you want, if I can get it you shall have it."
Selene thought for a moment. She thought about asking him to bring back her father, but they knew he couldn't raise the dead. She even thought...of her mother, to see her again, but they knew that it wouldn't help. A selfish part of her even wanted someway to reignite her's and Rosaria's relationship, after all that part of her life was, but she knew it would be wrong and that they both agree they just didn't work.
Perhaps just ask for mora? She did need some for a good night's rest, but that felt wasteful. What was one night's rest for what could be a lifetime of amazing power. But maybe it would be wrong to ask for something like power. Ah! She's got it!
"How about a spear? A really powerful one that compliments my powers perfectly! Oh! And make it look really cool!"
Spritefather blinked, then laughed, "well, that's rather simple isn't it? So amazing you humans. You expect them to make something big and/or selfish, like taking control of a country, or killing someone. Yet never once has one of my boons been used for anything bad. Even when they're selfish. Like one time I met a very selfish person who I granted a boon, and all he did with it was ask me to make sure the kids of Inazuma were never hungry. Ah, now that. That was ranting, sorry." Spritefather walked over to the statue's base and knocked three times, "hello Vanessa. It's been a while since I last called you, but I was hoping you could give me a hand? And perhaps a very sturdy branch off your tree?"
A light shown down from the heavens and the ground shook, causing a skeletal hand to rise from the depths.
Selene would have screeched if she weren't so tired, "I'd prefer my weapon to be less...body part-sy."
"Nonsense! Everyone knows that bones make the best weapons! You know why it's called a prototype rancor?! BECAUSE NOONE WANTS TO ACCEPT THAT THE PERFECTED VERSION I, THE INVENTOR, MADE INCLUDES THE SHINBONES OF MITSCHURLS! YOU EVER SEEN A-*ahem*-sorry, rambling."
As he was ranting, a branch handed Spritefather a sturdy branch from the tree.
"Perfect, now a bit of magic and-" the two items blew up in Spritefather's face before reforming into a purple and black spear that ended in a feathery sleeve like pattern that was attached to a sharp blade that looked very much like a hand made into a spear blade. Mainly because it was.
A brilliant light shone down on the Spritefather as he floated up and presented the spear to Selene(mumbled: thanks Venessa)
His voice became that of s god's, filled with power and compassion, booming across windrise.
He leans imup to Selene and whispered to her, "do you like the eternal father moniker? I thought it up myself."
"Oh yeah, 10/10, really keeping with the Inazuman background."
Selene took the spear, "uh...thanks?"
"Oh your very welcome. By the way how was that delivery? I've been working on the whole 'I am a powerful being' delivery for a few centuries."
"A bit hard to understand, but overall gets the vibe across. Maybe 8/10? Low seven probably."
"Yeah, I kind of expected that. Wonder how else I could get that effect, you know without the whole can't understand thing."
"Well, I've got teo other immortals to meet. Ones I need to question."
"Ah yes, I'm sure Cael and Barbados have much to answer for to you."
"Yes they do. I don't suppose 'see you around' would be appropriate here?"
"On a sense? It's appropriate. After all I'm your friend now aswell, and I prefer a life without isolation. So...see you round?"
"Sure, see you around."
Admittedly didn't know how to end this. I like it but I'm a tad worried I made it to focused on my character and didn't give Selene enough attention.
Regardless I hope you enjoyed it cloud! I really tried to get Selene right. And sorry it took so long, sleep kept getting messed up, and then covid shot+forgetting to hydrate kicked my ass.
(Tagging: @storytravelled, @golden-wingseos, and @clouds-rambles)
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lostininterest · 4 years ago
21 astrology questions
Thanks @invord​ for tagging me:) I don’t really see anyone finding anything interesting written on there, but I did some introversion while filling it out so that’s nice. Please feel free to do it for yourself. It’s great to see where you’re at in life. I’m going through some sh*t so if I sound like an asshole at some point that why. Have a nice day!!!
1. Your sun sign: how would you describe yourself in three words? Aries: Passionate, open and honest 2. Your moon sign: you have the night to yourself, what are you doing? Aquarius: Read until exhaustion so I don't have to think or do something I should have done 3 weeks ago. 3. Your rising sign: what do people say about you? Virgo: I have a hard time with this question. Are we talking about people that know me or people that don't? If they don't know me, they don't say much because I make myself as small and as normal as possible. If they do know me, they think I'm crazy in a chill way. 4. Your midheaven: what is your dream job? Dudes, my midheaven is in Gemini, this question is my literal nightmare. I have no dream job, I want to be able to do everything at some point. Except office/repetitive/9 to 5 jobs, keep those jobs away from me. I guess learning is my passion and that's cliché but whatever. 5. Your mercury sign: what makes you anxious? Aries: Idk lets ask my anxiety disorders? People? Making mistakes? Being failure? Having no one to turn to? All that but push it to an irrational level of fear. 6. Your Venus sign: what’s your favorite color? Aries: Green. Green everywhere. And sunset colors. 7. Your mars signs: what is your biggest pet peeve? Sagittarius: People walking slow? People having too much expectations and not going with the flow? Disrespectful opinions?
*I mainly use equal house system and all my houses are almost equally split in half between two signs*
8. Sign in your 4th house: what does your dream home look like? Sagittarius: Far from civilization. Full of little thrifted treasure. Old and a little damaged. Small house with a lot of land. Basically give me a farm<3 9. Sign in your 5th house: what are your hobbies? Capricorn/Aquarius: I do a little of everything. My favorite hobby ever is probably gardening. I do a lot of art but periodically because I'm a little perfectionist when it comes to putting my ideas in the physical world. Thrifting is one of my all time favorite thing to do. Making lists. Putting myself together. 10. Sign in your 6th house: do you have any routines? (Something you do everyday) Aquarius: I love rituals, but not a fixed routine. Like I drink something every morning, but I always drink something slightly different. Tea one day, coffee with sugar, black coffee, cold coffee, latte, there is no limit to my imagination. I also read a book every single day. Apart from that everything is different. 11. Sign in your 7th: what sign is your significant other? If you’re not dating anyone use your most recent ex’s sign Let's skip this one. 12. Sign in your 9th: if you could travel anywhere right now where would you go and why? Taurus: I would go back to Thailand 100%. Or Vancouver. Or the coast of Belgium where all the dunes are. Basically I want to go back somewhere I've already been. I want to bring someone with me to show them the magic I felt when I went to these places for the first time.   13. Sign in your 11th house: what’s a cause you care deeply about? Cancer: Making our education system better. Especially since schools have such a big influence on all of us. We could teach so more if we opened ourselves up to the possibility of change. I hate how things are essentially the same as in the 1900s. 14. House moon is in: describe your happy place 6th: Natureeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Grass, trees, mountains, rivers, oceans, lake. Anything nature I'll take it. 15. House mercury is in: what’s your favorite book? 8th: I have this book I've always had. Chicken soup for the teenage soul? I loved it so much I started collecting them. Don't tell anyone but I've only read 1/4 of my collection. At least, if I need life changing literature, it's at arms length. 16. House Venus is in: what do you find attractive / are you looking for in a mate? 7th: Support, respect, communication and cuddles. Be my soulmate? I find passion extremely attractive. Also people that don't reciprocate my feelings are so attraction omg I love unrequired love. 17. House mars is in: what are your kinks / fetishes/ turn ons? 4th: Imma keep it chill I'm turned on by honesty, blatant flirting/teasing, subtle touch/eye contact and I guess marks are a kinks anyway. Also, pretty sure I'm demi sexual because the idea of having sex with a stranger creeps me out. (That might just be the anxiety though) 18. House Jupiter is in: where/how do you need to improve your life? 9th: There is way to much to improve right now but the main thing would be to figure out what the fudge I want to do with my life. (the next couple years of my life at least.) 19. House Saturn is in: something your dad or father figure taught you (could be an uncle, a brother, a family friend, a teacher, a coach, etc) 9th: Spirituality and passivity. Other then that I learn from his mistakes as a parent. Like how communication/compromises are very important in any relationship.  Don’t really like this question lol 20. House Neptune is in: what do you daydream about? 5th house (6th house in Whole sign): Having A FARm!!!!! I just want to live while sustaining to my survival. Maybe living in a more communitive way. I would like to make my couch and grow my food and always have something to do. New challenges everyday.  I would have thrived in the 1800s. 21. House pluto is in: where do you feel powerless? What’s scares you? 4th: being alone, having no one to turn to. The ideas that I'll never accomplish anything somewhat meaningful.
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colourfullsims · 5 years ago
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That’s right, you heard it here first - from the people who brought you Big Brother, we present yet another summer obsession: the Love Island Challenge! Has it only been about a month since I finished BB? Yep. Should I be taking on yet another huge project that will take a lot of planning and late nights of building storylines? Probably not. Am I still doing it? Hell yeah.
This will be quite the large casting call for what I have planned: I’ll be accepting 28 sims in total for this challenge! The game will begin with 10 initial sims entering the villa, with the remaining cast being released into the house in waves: as sims are eliminated, new players will enter the house in their place. About halfway through the game, the islanders will be met with their biggest test of the summer when we open Casa Amor, placing 12 sims from our cast pool into the game for a chance at love. 
As always, I’m looking to have a diverse cast with lots of varying backgrounds and personalities. And while the original Love Island focuses primarily on straight couplings, I’m looking to break that here by accepting all sexualities! As long as your sim is a young single, looking to mingle, they’ve got a chance at love!
Great info to include in your submission is:
Basic Bio: Introduce your sim (name, age, traits, gender, sexuality, race, hometown, occupation, etc.)
Personality Type: Give me a general feel for your sim’s character (outgoing, shy, serious, goofy, friendly, mean, etc.)
Relationships Back at Home: Who are the most important people in your sims life? (parents, siblings, children, etc). All potential islanders should technically be single (so no secret marriage scenarios please lol), but if your sim has any ex-relationships or situationships they’d like to talk about, feel free to share!
Their Intentions: Though this is “Love Island” not everyone may be here for love; some islanders will be looking for “the one,” while others may just be looking for some fun, and there may even be some looking specifically to get that cash prize. What led your sim to apply to the show and how will your sim play the game?
Backstory and Random Facts: Anyone who’s familiar with my last challenge knows I’m a sucker for a good backstory! You can be as simple or detailed with this as you please: any extra info given about your sim will aid me in writing dialogue and creating storylines for the posts.
Please keep any CC used on your sim (besides skin details) limited to their everyday wear, and Maxis Match. I’ll be applying my preferred defaults (eyes, detailed feet, etc.) to the sims and dressing them with my CC catalogue to blend to my posting style. Dress all remaining categories with DLC (I have all packs except for MFPS so go crazy), that way I have a sense of their style!
Submissions will stay open until Saturday, June 27, 2020, 11:59PM EDT, or until I have enough submissions to begin. Make sure to tag me in your submission posts, and if I haven’t reblogged your post within a day, feel free to message me - sometimes Tumblr likes to eat my tag notifications. I’ll be placing the rules I’ll be following below the cut for anyone interested in seeing how I’ll be playing this challenge!
Thanks for reading and I hope to see some of your sims soon on Love Island!
For the challenge I will be using a version of the rules that I’ve tweaked from Scarlet-V’s original Love Island Challenge rules as well as @everfallsims Love Island Challenge rules. I’m aiming at playing my challenge as close to how the show is done, so check out the rules below to get a feel for how this will go:
Coupling Up:
For my version of the challenge, coupling ceremonies will take place under a predetermined schedule (which I will release once the challenge begins), and will alternate by gender for who will be choosing each time - so if the girls are choosing during the first coupling, the boys will be choosing the next time.
Sims will choose who to couple up with one by one at the coupling ceremony, and order of choice will either be determined by random draw or by viewer vote, depending upon the stage of the game.
Sims will couple up based upon who they have the highest romance level with. In the case an islander is choosing between sims they have no romance level with yet, they must choose the sim with the highest friendship level.
The first two coupling ceremonies will be heterosexual pairings only (for logistical reasons) but after that point, all genders will be able to couple up with whoever they like.
Once a sim is chosen to couple up with, they are no longer an option to be chosen. Couplings remain until eliminations and recouplings.
Recouplings will happen on a predetermined schedule (again, to be released when the challenge begins) and will be an opportunity for pre-existing couples to continue getting to know each other, or for islanders to pursue new relationships.
Any new islanders will get the first choice at the recouplings.
If an islander’s first choice has already been chosen by someone else, they’ll have to choose an islander they have the next highest relationship with. Consequently, if a sim’s first choice is stolen away by another sim, they will lose some relationship with each other. This could lead to some sims having negative relationships with each other (who doesn’t love a little drama lol).
Eliminations will take place under a predetermined schedule (again, to be released when the challenge begins). There will be three different types of eliminations: single eliminations, couple eliminations, and bottom two eliminations.
Single eliminations will take place when there is an odd number of islanders inside the villa. On a recoupling night when this is the case, one of the villagers who is not picking for the night will be at risk for going home.
Couple eliminations will get rid of a full couple from the game, in order to start whittling down the numbers for our potential winners. These eliminations can happen at any recoupling ceremony, and the decision will rest on either the relationships of the islanders, or on a viewer vote.
Bottom two eliminations will get rid of the two least popular islanders, from the two couples that have the lowest relationship levels with one another. This can take place at any recoupling ceremony and the decision will rest on a viewer vote.
Challenges will be an opportunity for islanders to win dates with other islanders, which will be key to advancing their romance outside of the villa.
Between each coupling ceremony, the sims will participate in skill based challenges. In gameplay, the challenge winners will be based upon one in-game day’s worth of skill building, with the sim(s) with the highest skill level winning the prize for the day.
Because of this, all sims skills will be set to 0 at the beginning of this challenge to give everyone a fair shot, but you can still influence what challenges your sim will be good at through their traits!
There will be several different kinds of dates that the islanders will have a chance to go on: speed dates, solo dates, and the hideaway.
Speed dates will take place the day that new islanders are introduced into the villa, allowing the new sims a chance to get a feel for who they might want to couple up with. Speed dates can (but might not always) lead to an opportunity for the new islanders to ask their favorite islanders on a solo date, to get to know them even better.
Solo dates are just what they sound like - one on one outings for two sims to get to know each other. Solo dates will be earned by winning challenges, winning a viewer vote, or catching the eye of a new islander. Also, solo dates are not limited to sims who are already partnered up - so this is the prime chance for sims to drive a wedge between a relationship and shoot their shot!
The Hideaway is the ultimate date to win in this game. This is a fancy, romantic suite located in the villa, which will only open several times throughout the game, and will only be accessible to one couple at a time for one night. In the Hideaway, everything goes, and it’s the prime chance for a couple to take their relationship to the next level. Islanders will have the opportunity to win a night inside the Hideaway either through winning a challenge or winning a viewer vote. Unlike speed dates and solo dates, this is only open for sims who are currently coupled up.
Casa Amor:
Halfway through the challenge, Casa Amor will open, giving the islanders even more opportunities to find love with someone new:
The remaining islanders will be split between the original villa and Casa Amor, and will meet 6 new islanders each, who they could potentially recouple with.
The islanders will participate in challenges, speed dates, and solo dates as usual as they get to know their new roommates.
After several days away from their current partners, the original islanders must decide whether they want to stay coupled up with their current partners, or if they want to be recoupled with one of the new islanders.
Any of the new islanders who are not chosen to be coupled with will be immediately eliminated. Any of the old islanders left single will be at risk of being eliminated.
Viewer Votes:
Throughout the challenge, viewers will get the opportunity to influence the game through a series of polls. Advantages that viewers will be able to deal out will include:
First pick at recouplings
Solo dates
Hideaway access
Viewer votes will also come into play when it comes time to start determining which players should stay in the game.
How to Win:
The challenge will continue until there are four couples remaining. Of those four, it will be down to a viewer vote which of the final pairings should win the $100,000 grand prize. As consolation prizes, the second and third place winners will win $50,000 and $25,000 dollars respectively (sorry fourth place lol).
After the winners are determined, the final test of whether this was true love will come in the form of the money envelopes. Both sims will receive an envelope each - one will have the cash prize inside, and the other will be empty. Whoever receives the envelope with the money will have to decide to either share the money with their partner or take the cash and run. This final decision will come down to a combination of storytelling and whether the sim ended up with a partner they loved more than anyone else in the villa.
And that’s it! I may tweak these rules slightly as I begin playing, especially once WW interactions come into play, but this should cover most of our bases for the time being. Let me know if you have any further questions, and I hope you’ll consider submitting a sim!
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sardonic-courtney · 4 years ago
Crowley x Reader. We Met Before. Part 5/7.
Summary: You end up living with Bobby after your parents die. You go to church and meet Priest Crowley and you end up getting along (if you know what i mean). A few years later when Bobby passes you move the the bunker with Sam and Dean and end up meeting Crowley again.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 Part 7
Warings: Age Gap, Implied Smut, Maybe spelling and language.
Around 3500 words.
A Great Way to Say Goodbye.
A/N (D/P) is dream place
“Goodnight love.” He raised your hand; you didn’t even realise he had been holding and planted a gentle kiss to it before watching you walk away…
You sped walked home, using your phone as a torch, when you approached the front door you noticed all lights, other than the hallway were of. ‘well, this is a good sign’ you thought hoping this would mean everyone was asleep. You unlocked the door and quietly pushed your way inside closing and locking it behind you. So, focused on being quiet you didn’t notice Sam standing there, straight faced and eyebrows raised. But when turned to go upstairs you noticed the tall man blocking your way.
“Uhh Hi.” You stuttered out.
Sam let lose a grin. “So much for not being late huh?”
“We lost track of time.”
“Ah I see. You’re lucky Dean and Bobby are asleep.”
You let out a thankful breath. “Then why are you still up?”
“Making sure you got home safe and what not. You tired?”
“Not really to be honest.” You assumed you should be considering the walking and everything, but alas you found yourself wide awake.
“Neither, although to be honest I fell asleep during the film they put on.”
“Oh, course you did” you chuckled not surprised at all, “So what do you wanna do?”
“Chat for a bit? Catch up just the two of us?” he replied, you knew he wanted to know about your night but was too polite to just ask. You had plenty of time catching up over the past few days when Dean had gone out ‘wondering’ aka to bars.
“Sure, but my room so we don’t wake Dean up?” You say looking over your shoulder at a sprawled out snoring Dean on the sofa. You swear he can sleep anywhere.
Sam nodded his head, letting you past and following you up to your room. Closing the door behind the two of you as to limit noise Bobby would get if you ended up laughing too loud.
“So how was your night?” you asked, as you sat on your bed.
“Boring as usual, Dean found some crappy gang film and made us sit through it.” He said sitting opposite you on your bed.
“Or sleep through it?”
“Yeah, how about yours?”
“Fine” you say the corners of your mouth smiling.
“Fine? Doesn’t seem like the best word (N/N)”
“Well...” Then looking at Sam you realised how much you wanted to talk to someone about how happy you were feeling so you did, and Sam listened.
He listened to how nervous you were sitting down at the table, how you felt when he held your hand walking. How you could talk about anything and everything, and you did, but also how you wanted to get to know him more. You rambled on, Sam listening and asking more questions, until God knows how early in the morning. It was a nice feeling being able to talk to Sam like this, and he felt it to, he loved how you could open up and not be worried about what you said to him, he noticed this differed from when you were with the others, one example was when you let it slip out how your date was a bit older, and although this peaked his interest and caused a few questions he moved on, didn’t try to lecture you like Dean would. Eventually after talking about your night, and Sam telling you a few tales of random things, and how he had felt finding a picture of Jess and him the other day, you both fell asleep.
Both of you woke up around 1pm to Dean throwing pillows at you both and going on about how it was time to get your lazy arses up. Then the boys left Friday morning, having found a ghost to deal with. The house was once again quiet. You didn’t mind the quiet, but it was a bit lonely, but you knew they would be around again soon enough causing welcomed chaos.
You had shared a few messages with Crowley regarding your bowling plans, and both of you decided that 3pm sounded good, this time however you were picking him up. You had asked Bobby if you could use his car and he reluctantly gave in. That was where you were sat now, pulling up into a layby outside the hotel Crowley had given you the name of. Pulling out your phone you messaged him a quick
Y- Outside in a layby, look for the old blue Chevelle.
And within a few minutes Crowley walked up to the passenger door and got in.
“Hiya” you started as he settled, putting a belt on etc.
“Hello, how are you doing?” He replied looking straight at you.
“I’m doing good thanks Crowley. How about you?”
“Wonderful thank you.” He said still looking into your eyes.
Breaking the stare, you asked. “Do you know where the place is?”
“Of course, I do” he said looking forward as you started the car following his directions.
The car ride was short and filled with small talk and taking turns as instructed, until you arrive at your destination. The place was quite busy, which wasn’t a shock considering it was a Friday, you were just happy you had booked in advance. This was unknown to Crowley as he frowned looking at all the full lanes. But looking out of place he still followed you to the counter.
“Hi, Drew” you smiled to the guy behind the counter. He used to be the newspaper boy when you first moved in with Bobby and seeing as you were the last house on his route, he would stay and chat with you for a bit. He was probably your first friend, that was your age, you made after moving in. He was the sort of person you would see walking by and give a quick hello to, but not linger on for a full conversation.
“(Y/N), hey, how have you been?” the long-haired boy replied.
“Fine thanks, and you, didn’t know you worked here.”
“Good thanks, and yeah been here for about a year now. What can I do you for?”
“Cool, and we have a lane booked under my name.” you answered feeling Crowley’s hand on the small of your back.
He clicked the computer a few times and handed over your papers. “Right, you’ll be in lane 13, which in the cove over there. What sizes can I get you both?” he said smiling at the two of you.
You got your shoes and headed over to the cove holding lanes 11-14. Putting your shoes on, which Crowley begrudgingly did as well, you put your information into the computer.
“I’m going to put barriers up. Is that okay?” You asked laughing at the distasteful look on Crowley’s face regarding the shoes.
“Whatever you want love.”
You finished the settings clicking enter, then sat down beside him, a smirk on your face. “I think they suit you.”
“Ahh yes I must get some for my wardrobe.” He replied rolling his eyes at your giggle.
You both started playing. You are going first and only knocking 4 pins down. “Just warming up.” You claimed.
Crowley followed after, only knocking down 5. “Just warming up.” He mimicked.
The game was filled with many jokes at both your expenses. Soon enough after 3 rounds you had won, barely, but you still one. After you decided to go to a café that was near by to get some food and just chat.
You were sat at the small white table, as Crowley brought your drinks over and sat opposite you.
“So, you mentioned your brothers had gone?”
“Yeah, unfortunately.” You sighed.
“Know when they will be back?”
“Nope, just like with your job theirs is unpredictable.”
Crowley chuckled at this, “I see, although I doubt theirs is much like my job at all.”
“I still don’t understand what you do.” You stated sipping your drink.
“Well, it’s hard to explain.”
“You said you make deals, right? So, what sort of deals?”
“Many different ones.”
“To who?”
“Many different people.”
“Wow that narrows it down.” You say rolling your eyes slightly.
“Like I said love, it’s hard to explain.”
“Hmm maybe one day I’ll get it.”
“Yes maybe.”
“When you get better at explaining.” You both laughed.
*General time skip*
The next two weeks were perfect.
You spent them;
Training or helping Bobby out. Even being allowed to answer a few phone calls. Which you did a good job if you can say so yourself. The people on the other end found it helpful anyway.
You had seen Crowley quite a bit, growing closer and growing feelings towards the dark-haired man. Bobby wasn’t sure about you hanging out with your newfound friend so much, until he realised how happy you had been recently. He wouldn’t admit it, but he felt guilty for you being stuck in the house with him all the time.
You and Crowley talked in detail about everything, well you leave out all the supernatural things of course. You both had planned late one night that he wanted to take you to (D/P). That was the start of you planning random trips together, that may never happen. But he promised no matter what he would take you to (D/P).
You had even heard from Sam a lot, he talked to you about all the things going on his end, the increase in the supernatural activity. How he had a weird one-night stand with this woman who called him James Bond. You took to filling him in on how Bobby was, and everything going on with Crowley. Sam was the only person you could properly tell, so you did. Including how he had taken up calling you princess, and it made you have butterflies.
Sam smiled on the other end of the phone when you would go on little tangents, not meaning to, about pointless things. He noticed, like Bobby, how happy you had been, not that you had been unhappy before, but now well it was hard to describe.  
Sam was the first person you talked about maybe loving the man you had been seeing.
It came up randomly a week ago. You both talking about a hunt him and Dean had been on where Dean had been fornicating with a witch, when out of the blue you asked.
“Sam, what does love feel like?”
Sam was a bit taken aback but he still answered. “Love? Well, it’s hard to exactly describe.”
“How do you know?”
“If you’re in love?” Sam asked.
“Well, I think it’s when someone makes you happy even when you’re sad. They understand you completely and you can talk to them about anything. The feeling you get when you’re with them is hard to explain, like a mixture of excitement and nervousness in one. But honestly I think you just know.” Sam smiled through the phone.
“I think I might…” You trailed of not wanting to sound stupid, after all you had known this man only 3 weeks.
“I think you might to.” Sam replied knowingly.
*It has been a total of 4 weeks since you first saw Crowley*
You’re led on the sofa listening to Bobby rant on about ‘stupid town people’. It’s 9pm on Monday and you both got back from dinner, him deciding it would be nice for you both to spend some time together outside the house.
Your phone went off, signalling a message. You waited for Bobby to finish his rant, commenting how he didn’t like anyone no matter what they did. He denied the fact and headed upstairs to do who knows what. So, you read your phone.
C: Good evening Princess. I know it’s late, but can we call?
Y: Sure, everything okay?
He replied by ringing you, you pick up immediately.
Y- “what’s up Crowley?”
C- “Oh nothing, just Peters coming back in time for next week’s service.”
Y- “Does that mean you’re leaving?”
C- “Originally I was going to stay a bit longer. But unfortunately, something kicking off at work and I need to be down there to sort it out.”
Y- “Oh” you replied, sure that he could hear the sadness in your voice. “are you leaving now?”
C- “(Y/N) do you really think I would leave without saying goodbye?”
Y- “I assumed this was your goodbye.”
C- “Always assuming things. No, I’m leaving early Wednesday morning, and was wondering if you wanted to spend the day together Tuesday. I know its late notice again but…”
Y- “Yes.” You said before even thinking, you didn’t have anything planned other than training and you’re sure Bobby wouldn’t mind being alone for one day. Realising you hadn’t finished you continued. “I’m not doing anything, and it would be nice to say goodbye before you go.”
C- “Well then, I suppose I better get some rest before tomorrow. How does 11am sound for getting some brunch?”
Y- “Perfect Crowley, and same I shall see you tomorrow.”
C- “Until then princess, Sleep well.”
Y- “You to.” And with that you hung up and put your phone on the table.
He was leaving. You knew he would eventually, but it was still quite a shock. You knew you could still call and chat, but you would miss hanging out with him every couple of days.
You were lost in thought when Bobby came in noticing your slightly downtrodden face.
“What’s up kid?” he asked sitting in the armchair looking at you.
Snapping out of your thought you looked up replying “Nothing much, although do you mind spending the day alone tomorrow?”
“Hmm depends why.” He asked eyeing you suspiciously.
“My friends leaving Wednesday, and we thought we would hang out.”
“And do what?”
“We didn’t get past brunch, but something.”
“How come your friends going?”
“He’s got to go back home, job and life and everything.”
“Of course, kid, go have fun, I’m sure I can handle myself for a day and not burn the house down.”
You look at him doubtfully, “hmm are you sure about that?”
“I’m old enough to look after myself.”
“Won’t argue with that. Thanks dad” you say heading upstairs. Before freezing at the bottom step. The first time in the 4 years being there you called him dad. You didn’t even mean to; you didn’t even know why you did. You look at Bobby unsure what his reaction would be. But he was grinning.
“No problem. Get some sleep.” he said his smile growing.
You headed up stairs got ready then falling asleep for the night.
The next morning you met Crowley at 11 in the park again. He still laughed at the fact he wasn’t allowed to pick you up. You weren’t sure why you still wouldn’t let him, but you didn’t. He drove you to coast, where you both had a lovely brunch, walked along the pier, went into a few shops (you buying a dress you found) and spent time together. You didn’t do much, but that didn’t matter you were both content in each other’s company.
When the sun started setting around 7pm. You had both decided you were hungry, and to Crowley’s suggestion decided that going to the Italian place that was halfway from where you were now, and your house was a good idea. But when you were nearly there you couldn’t help but laugh seeing your reflection in the mirror of the car. Crowley being confused gave you a sideways glance.
“Something wrong Princess?”
“Crowley, we can’t go to a restaurant like this.” You say mimicking to both your states. You not only were in casual clothes that didn’t seem like dinner wear, but also dusted with sand from beach. Plus, due to the wild wind of the coast your hair was a mess. Crowley looked at you then down and chuckled.
“I suppose your right, although I do want to try that place before I leave.” He thought for a moment. “We pass my hotel on the way, we could stop by my room freshen up, and you could change into that dress you brough back there.”
You didn’t respond immediately so Crowley continued. “Only if you want, I just thought seeing as we made reservations for the place, and we would have enough time as they are for quarter to 9, and its only 20 past 7 now. Or we could just do something else?” he rushed out, having one of his rare, but adorable nervous moments.
“Crowley” you said getting his attention, as he drives. “That sounds like a great idea.”
So, you went to his hotel room which to your surprise was very nice and suited him. He jumped in the shower and got dressed in the bathroom in little time, as you looked at the view from the bedrooms window.
“Bathrooms all free.” Came a voice behind you, breaking you out of your trance of the city. You nodded and without thinking went into shower. After the quick shower, you got out and wrapped a towel around you, before realising in your haste… you didn’t bring your clothes in. You put on your underwear and re wrapped the towel, knowing you weren’t putting your dirtied clothes back on and defeating the object of having a shower. So, you awkwardly peered your head around the door. Clinging the towel to your body you opened the door a bit more, to see Crowley sat on the bed looking at his hands. Noticing the door move however he looked up, to see your embarrassed face. Scanning the room, you see your bags at the end of the bed, and not thinking you could simply ask him to give it to you, you exited the room, still making sure the towel was wrapped around your frame.
“I uh, left my clean clothes out here.” You stuttered out.
(*Mini kind of warning, but not smut just heat?*)
He just looked at you. Crowley couldn’t help himself. He had been limiting himself to only hand kisses, or kisses on the cheek. But you stood in his room, red face from the warmth of the shower, wet hair dripping cooling water droplets over your exposed shoulder, in your bra straps peaking from beneath the towel. He couldn’t help it.
In one swift movement he got up and walked to you, meeting you outside the bathroom door and planted a kiss on your lips. Not a small peck, but one filled with passion and want. As hand rested on your cheek. You were shocked at first, but soon kissed back pulling him closer by his hair. You kissed of a while before you parted for air. Your faces still close, his hand still on your cheek and yours resting in his hair. Until he pulled away.
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Why not?” You said confused and slightly hurt.
“I just, shouldn’t have.” He sat down on the bed and ran his hands through his hair. You joined him sitting next to him, placing your hands on his shoulders.
“Crowley what’s wrong?” you ask quietly and innocently.
“I can’t, not yet. You’re too young and we haven’t known each other that long.” He shifts away out of your reach, still sat on the bed. “And you in that towel is making it really hard for me to concentrate.”
You look at him. “Crowley, we talked about this, I don’t mind your age. Plus I liked the kiss.”
He shifted his gaze to you, gazing down your body slightly before meeting your eyes. “If I kiss you like that again, I don’t know if i'll be able to stop.” He sighed averting his eyes, “especially when you’re looking like that.”
You shifted closer to him, “Maybe I don’t want you to stop” you reply, hoping your voice didn’t sound as nervous as you felt.
You had thought about it before, late at night alone in your room. But you had also never done it, with anyone, but you wanted this man before you and thought you could try. Hoping it wouldn’t backfire as you pressed a kiss to his neck.
“Princess” he groaned guiding your face away so he could look at you. “You don’t know what you want.”
You took a deep breath in, and without thinking to much about the consequences you stood up. Crowley’s eyes still on you, assuming he had convinced you and you were on the way to get your clothes. But he was proven wrong when, still with your back facing him spoke.
“I know what I want” and with that you dropped your towel, leaving you in your underwear, and you turned around to face him.
“Have you ever…” he trailed of, his mind wondering if he was actually considering giving in.
“No. But I want to, and I trust you.” You said seriously locking your eyes with his. “I want you Crowley, please.”
And with that he gave in, reached out to grab your waist pulling you down onto his lap, and you made out… which led to more…which led to now, you and Crowley led in his bed, both nude cuddling.
“I think we missed out dinner reservations” you giggled out.
“Yes princess, I think we did” he chuckled. “We can get room service though.”
And you did. You dropped Bobby a text saying you were staying with your friend, to his confusion and unliked agreement, and spent the night with Crowley, in one of his shirts. A great way to say goodbye.
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zirkkun-uthcs · 4 years ago
Ask box is open again!!
I’m very glad I got things cleared up, and with that, I’m adding some more characters as well as opening up matchup requests!
I honestly meant to add on matchups a long time ago, but between everything else, I kind of got behind. But considering we’re almost at 350 followers and I intended to do this as a 100 follower celebration... it’s long overdue! ;w; thank you guys so much for your support and patience with me!!♥♥
Some quick rules for matchups (which I will add to the main rules post!)
✨ This is probably obvious, but all the regular rules apply!
✨ All characters on the blog are available options! But this means it’s not just the skeletons, just so you guys know~
✨ Be as descriptive or brief about yourself as you'd like! Though, too brief and it will be difficult to get a gauge on who you are. Some quick suggestions that would help me are hobbies, likes, dislikes, pet peeves, habits, or interests!
✨ You can most certainly include what types of people you like as well! This isn’t to say like “I prefer [insert character name]” -- but if you can’t stand someone who’s closed-off, or prefer someone who’s more active, these are definitely helpful as well. But do keep in mind this shouldn’t be as long as your main description!
✨ Just a tip for sending in matchups: If you’re on mobile, the character limit for asks is 3000 characters, which is far more than desktop’s ask limit. If you type a lot, this is definitely the more ideal option -- but if you only use desktop, then the submission box is just fine!
There’s also a fair amount of characters I’ll be adding to the request list. Those that aren’t my own include: Swapfell!Sans, Swapfell!Papyrus, and Outertale!Papyrus. For the Swapfell boys, it’ll mostly be similar Swapfell Indigo, since that’s the version I’m most familiar with, but it’s not exactly the same, since my thoughts on them is a mish-mash of various different depictions. Here’s some brief headcanons for them which I will also include on their respective character pages.
Outertale!Papyrus Nickname/s: Pluto Date of Birth: ??? Height: 6′8″ / 203 cm Gender: man Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: demiromantic / demisexual
+ has a great admiration for the stars and constellations, but more or less just because he thinks they’re neat + taught himself how to design and make his own clothes... partially because he’s annoyed his brother has had the same jacket for years + designed his scarf based off of Mettaton’s cape
Swapfell!Papyrus Nickname/s: Rus Date of Birth: ??? Height: 6′8″ / 203 cm Gender: demiboy Pronouns: he/him or they/them Sexuality: grey-romantic / bisexual
+ his gold teeth are totally fake. they’re supposed to make him look more threatening + only smokes when he’s really stressed. ...he smokes all the time? ...oh + is genuinely a bit terrified of his brother
Swapfell!Sans Nickname/s: Mal Date of Birth: ??? Height: 5′3″ / 160 cm Gender: man Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: panromantic / demisexual
+ doesn’t do well with people who disagree with him. this will cause genuine unintended arguments over the smallest things + very formal in most situations possible, but assumes everyone else should be too + is bad at emotions, just, in general. understanding them, having them, everything
I’m also going to be adding a few more of my own characters... such as Astraea, Soldier, and those for what was originally dubbed the “Google Translate AU,” swapx4! The full list will be on the character masterlist page for the latter grouping there, and I’ll make a OC page here;;; eventually;;;
That should be it for now I think. So, ask away ^^/
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tippenfunkaport · 5 years ago
Glimmer & Bow Childhood Headcanons
I just love the idea that Glimmer and Bow have known each other since they were kids, as long as Catra and Adora, so in honor of today's @glimbow-week-2020 prompt, Childhood / Memories, here are my headcanons about their childhood...
(If you vibe with any of these, I have a fic series of Bow and Glimmer as kids called Glowing Up you will probably like because it's based on all of these! AO3 and FF.net links in bio!)
When I was writing Glowing Up, I realized that so much of figuring out the story of Bow and Glimmer as kids is trying to figure out how this little kid from a pacifist family became radicalized as a soldier for the rebellion which sounds really dramatic when you put it that way but that is, very literally, Bow's whole origin story. I think it was a gradual process and a result of the combination of seeing and experiencing some of the things the Horde was doing first hand, realizing that someone had to do something and that his dads were wrong about the war but also grew out of a desire to help / spend more time with Glimmer.
They met around the same age as Catadora, when Glimmer was 6 and Bow was 7 because the show loves parallels like that.
Bow was obsessed with pirates when he was little (which is why Glimmer is surprised when his dads say he wasn’t playing pirates). Hence the whole Sea Hawk situation.
Glimmer's mom used to make her dress really frilly and princess-y and she hated it. All those rompers she wears now are a rebellion against that.
Ditto her hair. Angella used to make her keep her hair longer "because it looks nicer" and she hated it and hacks it all off now at every chance. The first time she got a really short haircut, it was because Bow did it for her, knowing Angella adored him so she wouldn't be able to get that mad about it.
Part of the reason Glimmer had trouble making friends is that, as half-angel and a princess of Bright Moon, her mother both limited her exposure to other kids and, when she did meet other kids her age, they were intimidated / jealous / not all that nice to her.
Bow on the other hand makes friends super easily and could have a ton of friends in the rebellion... but is too loyal to Glimmer to hang out with people who were mean to her so it's always mostly just the two of them.
Glimmer didn't get her powers right away... but she did get them much earlier than Angella wanted her to because she and Bow accidentally-on-purpose snuck up to the moonstone so she could charge that first time.
Once Glimmer learned to teleport, that was when her and Angella's relationship really started to get strained because then she wouldn't listen or stay put ever and it drove Angella nuts.
Glimmer has definitely teleported in on Bow while he was trying to get dressed or do something... private in his room at least once.
Bow's the baby of his family and the rest of his siblings are older and all kind of paired off (esp the twins) so he was often alone. He's actually closest to his oldest brother (yes, Dirk, if you've read An Outside Perspective) because he's usually the one babysitting him (and by that I mean, allegedly babysitting him while Bow snuck off to hang out at Bright Moon). It's when his older brother finally moves out that Bow has to invent the fake school and move to Bright Moon because he no longer has that excuse for going off to the rebellion whenever he wants.
George and Lance never told any of Bow's siblings about the whole soldier for the rebellion thing because they felt it wasn't their place. They are all super surprised when they not only find out he’s nothing like they thought he was but that he’s dating the Queen!
All of Bow's siblings play an instrument. He plays the violin but has a sister who plays the lute and has always liked it and that’s why he wanted to learn that too.
Trans Bow? Trans Glimmer? My take on either is a) any transition would be done with magic b) it's already canon any couples that want them can have biological kids on Etheria regardless of sex or gender and c) there's no bigotry on Etheria anyway so everybody wins!
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