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sardonic-courtney · 4 years ago
Crowley x Reader. We Met Before. Part 7/7
Summary: You end up living with Bobby after your parents die. You go to church and meet Priest Crowley and you end up getting along (if you know what i mean). A few years later when Bobby passes you move the the bunker with Sam and Dean and end up meeting Crowley again.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Warings: Mentions of death, Maybe spelling and language. Age gap.
Around  5000 words.
A little note before we start, this is a lonnnggg one. To be honest I didn’t want to separate it into 2 parts, but hopefully it doesn’t drag..... 
A Confused Y/N, A Supportive Sam and A Oblivious Dean.
But no matter what crossed your mind, you would never have known what had been locked up right under your feet for the past 9 days...
**Crowley’s life after he left.
That month had been the best Crowley had in a long time, honestly, he was only supposed to be covering for that damned pastor for a week, but after some convincing, he managed to get 4. He would have stayed longer if he could, but unfortunately, duty called.
“Winchesters, bloody Winchesters. Always getting me tangled up in their messes.” Crowley muttered sitting on his throne.
It had been 2 months since he’d spoken to (Y/N). He felt guilty, really guilty, which was an emotion he thought had long passed him. He didn’t want to just leave her and not contact her. Especially after that last night. But also knew if he talked to her it would be too tempting to see her again, and he couldn’t get her messed up in the stuff that was going on right now. Not a chance could he put his princess in danger. So, he sent the occasional texts, which never got replied to, it hurt him, but nevertheless, he still messaged in hope.
Then 4 years later he deemed it safe to see you again, seeing as he wasn’t being constantly in the line of danger. But you weren’t at the church anymore, and after asking around had found out you had moved but failed to leave a forwarding address. He told his minions to keep an eye out for you, but nothing. He looked for you, but still nothing. It worried him, he hated feeling like you were either avoiding him or even dead.
Once again, the useless Winchesters stopped him on his search, to tie him to a chair. Of course, he could give up the information and resume… but where would the fun in that be?
*Back to present you.
You all reach the door, and Dean turns to you looking serious.
“I know if anyone can manipulate an answer out it's you, but please be safe and don’t rise to his games okay?”
“Dean, I’ll be fine. He’s locked up, what harm can he do.”
“Right of course. Just don’t like the idea of him…” but before he could finish you rolled your eyes.
“I know, now stop being so protective and open the door.”
He complied, turning back, and opening the door. Dean, followed by Sam walk into the clearing in the room, you still behind them. The light was already on, but your vision was blocked by the boy’s shoulders in your way. ‘honestly these two’ you thought, gently shoving their arms apart to walk forward.
That when you saw him. Sat in the middle of the room.
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You froze a second, breath catching in your throat. He was looking down and hadn’t noticed you yet. But you had noticed him. Crowley.
But not your Crowley. No. This one was chained down to the chair like a criminal. Which you supposed he wasn’t far off from one. This one was the daemon you had heard so much about, who caused so many problems.
You tried to remember that when you called his name. “Crowley?” you knew your voice was as confused as you were.
His head snapped up; his frown replaced with a smile. A smile that you hadn’t seen for so long.
“Princess, what a pleasant surprise” he spoke in that same accent, it hadn’t changed a bit.
You were met with a mixture of feelings, fighting the urge to go over and hug him in case he disappeared again. But you didn’t dwell on those feelings and wouldn’t give in to your urge. No, you were with your brothers, and you were too confused.
Crowley, your sweet, charming, comforting Crowley. Was the king of hell?
Instead of thinking anymore, you did what you were best at, and pretended like nothing was different. You were here for information. That was all. All you needed was some clues to a case. No matter how strange it was for you, no matter how hard he would be to crack, that was what you were here for. So, you tried to mentally come up with a plan, seeming to forget all the ideas you had on your way down.
Behind you, Sam and Dean looked at each other, then at you. Watching you shrug and step forward into the design on the floor.
Much to Deans dislike. He noticed a slight change in your behaviour. You seemed less confident than you usually would, and he didn’t like it. Sam on the other hand just put a hand on his shoulder and muttered a “wait”.
You didn’t see or hear this exchange from behind you. You instead fought the urge to look at Crowley in the eyes. As much as you wanted to look at him, really look at him, you couldn’t not now, you knew it would just make the situation harder.
But that didn’t last long when his gravelly voice cut through the silence.
“Something you want love?”
It caught you off guard, made you look up at him, into his eyes for the first time. They brought a slight flutter of emotion through your stomach. God, you missed looking into them. Without thinking you spoke.
“Who is hunting hunters, and where can we find them”. Your voice was quiet and small, just above a whisper.
This made Dean look back at Sam. They knew this was never your tactic. Usually, you were slow, warming up to whoever it was. Then just as slowly twisting into their brain. You were never blunt. This made Dean question bringing you down here even more. He assumed you were scared. Assumed that you weren’t ready to handle being face to face with the King of hell and that stupid smirk on his face. Dean also knew that this ‘method’ wasn’t going to get them anywhere. So, he went to move, to tell you not to bother. But once again was met with Sam’s hand on his shoulder, slightly firmer this time, as he muttered a more determined “wait”.
Unlike Dean, Sam had been coming to a slow realisation. Studying both you and Crowley. He noticed the fact you called him Crowley, even though the boys had never mentioned his name to you. He also noticed the way he called you Princess, a name you had called Sam up about countless times. The way Crowley wasn’t mocking you or being rude. Sam was connecting dots, whereas Dean was assuming Crowley was just acting like this to wind them up.
Whilst this was going on behind you, you were still looking at the man in front of you, who had a small smirk resting on his lips. Not a cruel or mean one, but one that would go hand in hand with the slight chuckle he let out.
Crowley had missed you, seeing you standing here in front of him made him surer of that. He had been staring at you since he heard you call his name. He was taking you in. You had changed in some ways, your hair was different, your voice had changed slightly, you had a new style choice. Your outwards appearance definitely somewhat impacted by the Winchester no doubt. But you were still the same. The way you were slightly nervous around him was the same. The way you fidgeted under his gaze, the same gaze that made you whisper out that question, seemingly without thinking. He had seen that look before when you asked him things without thinking, which was what made him chuckle. You were still the same. So, he decided to play along.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” he teased.
Out of a reflex, you repeated your previous question. “I uh, I asked what’s hunting hunters and where can we find them.” Straight after saying this and being met with that bloody smirk you mentally cursed yourself, coming to your senses. As if he would just…
“Vampires”. He replied casually. “A group of vampires, around 10 since I last checked. But I’ve been down here for a while so I’m unsure as to how many now.”
“Vampires? But the bodies aren’t drained, well not all of them why would…” you trailed off, they didn’t kill like vampires would, very little of the evidence found supported vampires.
“Exactly. If you want to kill without being caught, you kill in different methods. Helps throw people off their scent. As for where they are, no idea sorry. They more around a lot, but I could find out with just one call below”. He was still looking at you, no matter how many times your eyes left his, his remained trained on you. It made you feel both nervous and safe. “Anything else?”
You turned to look at the brothers, who were too shocked at the fact he answered you to give a proper reply other than Dean shaking his head no.
“No, that’s it I guess”. You replied turning to look back at him.
“So, I can get rid of these chains then?” he says shaking them around, “they are highly annoying.”
Dean butted in for this one. “Not until you make the call”. Dean didn’t like this. Why would he just give in so easily? Must be a trick, or a plan, or something else. He didn’t know what, but it was something.
Sam just stood there still observing the scene. He remembered the calls you two shared, and the man he had come to know through your descriptions. And in front of him right now wasn’t Crowley king of hell. It was the mysterious man you rambled on about until early in the morning.
“Right of course squirrel, just give me blood and it’s all yours,” Crowley said no longer smiling or smirking, taking his eyes off you looking directly at Dean.
Now, this was Crowley Sam thought. He didn’t know how to feel himself, and he couldn’t imagine how you felt. This is why he suggests “(Y/N) come to the library with me whilst Dean deal with this, I need your opinion on the case, enlighten of your new information.”
You just nodded and followed Sam upstairs.
“Wow, thanks guys” you heard from Dean as the door shut behind you.
You both arrive in the library and Sam looks at you and getting straight to the point asks playfully, “So, that’s mystery man?”
“What? How did you?” you were genuinely confused about how Sam could make the connection that quick.
Sam lets out a light chuckle. “It’s obvious.”
“It is?”
“Well maybe not to Dean, but as soon as he called you princess, I started to figure it out”.
You felt your cheeks heat at this. You were slightly worried about what Sam would say.
“How you feeling?” he asks taking a seat on the table, patting the space next to him.
“Honestly?” you say sitting where his hand was, “confused.”
“Well at least we know he wasn’t avoiding you because he was married”. Sam joked.
That was one of the hypotheticals you had come up with during a chat about why he had left and not contacted you. It was random but seemed like a possibility. He had to go home, back to his life, maybe a wife and kids. You hated the thought and it made you angry beyond belief to think it, but well there was always doubt. But as Sam just said, that was now gone, confusing you more. The realisation of why you hadn’t talked for so long sinking in, most of your anger leaving.
“Yeah, there is that,” you say with the best smile you could muster.
“Talk to me”.
“I just don’t know how to feel Sam. Like he’s here.”
“How did you feel seeing him again, after 4 years?”
“Shocked, happy. I missed him, honestly, I fought the urge to hug him.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Because it’s too weird. The last time I saw him we were hanging out in a hotel room saying goodbye and now he’s chained up in our basement. He’s not the same guy I knew.”
“Isn’t he?”
“What do you mean? He lied, he’s a daemon, not only the that he’s the king of hell. Someone who put your lives through hell, literally.”
“True, but I’m not so sure. He never outright lied to you, like you he just didn’t mention this part of his life. Plus that guy back there wasn’t the douche bag I know.”
“Yeah, I guess you're right it’s just…what am I supposed to do?”
“Whatever you want to.”
“Why are you being so cool about this? You should be calling me crazy or lecturing me or, I don’t know something.” You waved your hands around a bit.
“I thought about it, and don’t get me wrong i don’t like him. But I know from the look on your face as soon as you walked in that room you still liked him. I saw the way your breath hitched and the smile you made when you caught his eye. I also noticed the way he was less aggravating when talking to you.”
“This is weird Sam even for us.” You sigh “Do you think there’s a chance he still likes me? God, I sound like such a girl” you laugh out.
You were worried. Not just for the obvious reasons, but also because the feelings you had been suppressing over the last years had suddenly returned, and it made you feel stupid for being like this. Sam understood though.
“I think there’s a very good chance. I saw the way he looked at you.” Sam nudged you causing you both to smile. “Just talk to him, if it’s the same guy it one of the things you two do best.”
“Yeah, I will, after we sort out these vampires. I can’t believe he just gave in.”
“Me neither, you must have him hooked” Sam suppressed a laugh as you rolled your eyes.
“Deans not going to like this.”
“No, no he is not.” Sam agreed, meeting your eye causing both of you to burst out laughing.
“What are you two laughing about?” Dean asked entering the room.
“Nothing” you and Sam stated at the same time, causing another stream of laughs to come out.
When the laughter died down Dean spoke up again, “Right okay…anyway I got the address. Their current place is only an hour away. In an abandoned bakery. But they have gained a few more recruits, now at around 14 of the bastards.”
“14?” you asked worriedly. That was a lot, and from past experiences, you knew that the numbers were always an underestimation. You didn’t like to deal with vampires, the thought of them brought up memories of your parent, plus their teeth were just creepy.
“Yep, what should we do?”
“Get it sorted today. It's only 1 pm now, we can pack our stuff and go there before they kill anyone else.” Sam suggested.
“We need a plan though.” You added.
“Yeah, the plan is to teach them a lesson about going around killing hunters,” Dean added, sticking to his no plan a good plan methodology.
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother, “I agree with (Y/N) we need at least a basic plan”.
So, you all discussed a plan of attack for the next half hour. Debating what you needed to bring, how you were going to go about hunting them without being overthrown by all of them at once, deciding to stay in a group was a better idea just in case. Then you headed downstairs to the basement again to get the weapons. Crowley was still chained to the chair.
“So, can I go now?” Crowley asked, seeming annoyed at Dean.
“I suppose so.” Dean heads over and unlocks him, breaking the design on the floor and expecting him to vanish, which he doesn’t.
“When are we leaving?” Crowley asks looking at no one in particular as he flattens out his suit.
“We?” Dean asks, but before he could continue his thoughts Sam butted in.
“About 5 minutes, why interested in letting off some steam?”
You smile at Sam thanking him silently.
“Something like that” Crowley adds looking at you, as you pack some weapons into a brown bag.
Then without any more speaking, you find yourself in the back seat of a fully-loaded baby. To your right was Crowley. In front of you was Sam and driving of course way Dean. It is slightly awkward as the car made its way with nothing but the sound of one of Dean’s playlists playing loudly out of the speakers.
This is a great time for you to think, or more specifically worry about what was to come in the next few hours. ‘it’s only vampires nothing to worry about you try to tell yourself. ‘Sam and Dean have dealt with them plenty of times, sure there will be a lot but it’s nothing we can’t handle.
As you were in your head, Crowley was looking at you. He noticed your absent stare out the window, and your fingers fiddling with the hem of your shirt. The movement of your eyebrows as you thought and debated. He could tell you were nervous and on edge about something, about what exactly he was unsure.
Whilst you had been up in the library with the two Winchesters, Crowley had been sitting thinking. He could only guess at how big a part you had in this. Obviously, you were a hunter, but how long had you been? Had you been one when you first met? Did you hate him? Did you want to kiss him a much as he wanted to kiss you?
But sat in the car with you he only had one thing on his mind, what was up with you.
“Love you alright?” he whispered to you below the music so only you would hear.
“Fine” you whispered back not breaking your gaze out the window.
“Don’t lie”, wasn’t a demanding command, but at the same time, his tone told you do not argue.
You sighed and turned to look at him, noticing a genuine worry etched into his features. There it was again that feeling of security that made you want to open up. “It’s just remember how I said my parents died?”
“Of course, I do. That accident in a factory.”
“Right well, it was an abandoned factory, and it wasn’t an accident, it was vampires.” You paused, noticed he wasn't going to say anything and continued. “I guess I just don’t like the idea of vampires after that, they were great hunters you know, and they well. I just don’t want that to happen to anyone else… Plus, they are creepy.” You added on the end hoping to lighten the mood.
Crowley chuckled before looking at you, then slowly reaching for your hand, which you let him take. It was warm and it made butterflied cycle your stomach.
“I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” Then as an afterthought, he added more for your sake, “or those two.”
At that you leaned back in your seat, looking forward. Crowley’s hand still entangled with yours on your lap, as he lent into his seat as well. Sam saw this from the mirror and just smiled. Dean oblivious mouthed the words to the eye of the tiger, whilst driving along the bendy roads.
The fight was surprisingly successful. Overall, you had a few cuts and close calls, but it was over. Crowley had stuck keeping an eye on you the whole time, this not being his thing but keeping you safe any chance he got. all 4 of you stopped at a motel on the way back, seeing as it was late and safer to freshen up and sleep then make a drive back in the dark when you were all tired.
So, you pulled up to a motel and got a room. It was a room with one double and a single bed. The same as the three of you usually got. You called dibs on the first shower. After your shower, getting change into something comfortable, you left the bathroom to be met with Sam and Dean waiting. Dean headed into the shower.
When the water turned on Sam turned to you. “Crowley said he was popping back down to hell.”
You nodded not knowing what to say, you were tired and ready to sleep, although part of you was annoyed, he didn’t say goodbye you couldn’t blame him. He was unexpectedly gone for 3 weeks. You yawned, laying down on the single bed. “Goodnight Sam”
“Goodnight sleep well”
And you did. A few minutes after closing your eyes you were out like a light. Which meant you were the first one awake.
Stretching and clicking your back, thanks to the cheap mattress you opened your eyes to the dimly lit room, the source of light being the sun peeing out behind the blinds. Sitting up you look to your right seeing Sam and Dean still asleep on the other bed. To your left you see your phone, checking the time. 11 am. You slept in, and it felt good. Smiling you turned on the bedside light so you could see to get clothes out of your bag. You heard a groan from your right. Dean was up.
“Turn of the light,” he said covering his eyes.
You laughed at his childish tone, “Dean it's 11 I’m getting up whether you like it or not.”
But Dean looked at you the laughed.
“What?” you asked confused.
“Nothin’ just your hair munchkin. It's everywhere”
You rolled your eyes heading to the bathroom to get ready for the short trip back. Your mind kept wandering back to yesterday. Did this mean he was back? Were you two going to hang out again? Did he want to hang out? Was it bad how he still made you feel nervous and excited at the same time? Sam was right he had looked happy to see you.
A knock on the bathroom door snapped you from your thoughts.
“Sorry one sec.” you directed to the other side.
“No worries just letting you know we are dressed and ready to go when you are,” Sam called out.
**Time Skip**
You head back to the bunker, grabbing food on the way back. After getting back you put things away and then all sat in the kitchen, talking about the hunt.
“…the way you sliced his head clean of; I was proud munchkin,” Dean said.
“I learned from the best,” you said building up Dean’s ego before adding “so I guess I should thank you for being such a great teacher, Sam”.
Dean had an offended look and Sam smiled at you before the three of you started laughing again.
“It was weird though Crowley being there right,” Dean said thinking out loud.
That made you quiet, sending a quick look to Sam.
Dean being still oblivious continued, “I think he’s up to something, but it was kind of funny seeing him in the back seat of baby, he looked very out of place. I just hope he’s not going to make a habit of joining us”.
This time it was Sam who sent you a knowing look.
“I’ll be right back just going to grab a book.” You said slipping out from under the wooden table heading to your room to grab the novel you were currently halfway through.
Sam and Dean continued talking.
“I’m not the only one who thinks it's weird right? He must be up to something. Why else would he just give us the information?”
“I don’t know Dean. Maybe he just wanted to be let out so he could go back to do whatever he does.” Sam answered. “Don’t think too hard about it, your head might explode.”
“I won’t but something doesn’t seem right” Dean added before you walked back in, book in hand. You resumed your seating position and began to read.
Sam and Dean started talking again, this time about meaningless things. They tried to include you a few times before giving up as you were too into your book. Or so they thought, in reality, your mind was thinking about yesterday again, and then about before and what was to happen now. You had concluded there was nothing you could do. Deciding to follow Sam’s advice and do whatever felt right when the time came.
4 hours passed, time spent doing a few chores and watching a few episodes of a show you been watching, before being called into the kitchen once again by Dean. It was around 6 pm
“What’s up?” you walk to see Sam and Dean debating something. “Should I be worried?”
“Yes. This is a very concerning matter.” Dean said looking at you seriously.
‘What’ you thought. ‘what could he be on about’.
“what’s the matter now?” you asked.
“Dinner,” Sam answered rolling his eyes at his overdramatic brother.
“How is that a concerning matter Dean?” you say through a breathy laugh.
“Because I’m hungry and we don’t have any food.”
You moved past him to look in the cupboards. There was food. Pasta, rice, sauces. Then in the fridge, there was meat and cheese.
“Just because you can’t make anything other than burgers, doesn’t mean there’s no food Dean. There is loads.”
“I can make other things than burgers,” Dean argued back defensively.
“Really because you never have?” you tease back.
“She has a point dude” Sam adds further annoying Dean.
“Yes, I can, and I have…” Dean goes quiet looking to the right of you.
You follow to where Dean was looking and see Crowley stood about 3 meters away from you.
Dean groans “What do you want now?”
You stay quiet, as does Sam.
“Well seeing as business is now over,” Crowley says turning his body to fully face you. He has dressed once again in a black suit, looking smart. His hair slightly messy, his jaw and chin covered by a thin trimmed beard, and well he looked good. A smirk played on his lips as you met his face, he obviously hadn’t missed the fact you had been looking him up and down.
“Hello Princess, I missed you.”
At this, you couldn’t help but walked up to him and hug him. Head resting in the crook of his neck, your arms on top of his shoulders as he used his grip on your waist to pull you closer. He kissed the top of your head as you muttered an “I missed you too.”
This was a feeling you missed. But before you could get used to it a hand grabbed your arm, lightly pulling you back out of Crowley’s grasp. Accompanied by Dean’s voice. “Woah wait for a goddamn minute. What’s going on here?”
You looked down at the floor. “You uhh…You remember when you came over on my 18th?”
“Yes?” Dean replied unsure of where this was going.
“Well, the ‘friend’ I was hanging out with was Crowley.”
“Excuse me? You mean the guy you were dating?”
You didn’t reply, unsure how to put it. Sure, you went on dates, but you weren’t technically dating, were you?
Dean looked at you then Crowley, then back at you. Taking your silence and an answer. “Crowley? You were dating Crowley? That’s gross he’s like 100 years old, plus don’t even get me started on...”
Your bit your lip, still looking down. You knew Dean would react like this. it was understandable but it still stung. The tone in Deans lecturing voice made you feel small, whereas usually you would brush him off and tell him to shut up, now you had no response.
“Dean” Sam’s voice cut him off, saving you from even more of a lecture.
“What?” Dean turned to look at his brother. “Wait you gotta agree with me here. This is crazy and the fact she didn’t even tell us and, why don’t you look shocked?”
“Dude I knew” Sam stated.
“What, how?”
“It was kind of obvious”.
“What and you're just okay with this?” Dean was nearly speechless, you wished he were fully speechless, it would be easier that way.
“What can I say, man, he’s good to her.”
“He’s…. I’m sorry, has everyone lost their mind. Is this a trick? I swear is Gabriel here or something.”
“No trick Dean, it’s hard to explain, but it’s the truth,” Sam said simply.
Your wish had come true Dean was officially speechless. Looking from Sam to you to Crowley then back again. Crowley made his way over to stand by your side.
“Thanks, Sammy,” you say smiling at him.
Sam looked to Crowley then to you, with his brotherly grin on his face he said, “Go catch up, I’ll deal with him.”
Crowley puts his hand on your shoulder causing you to face him. “Seeing as you now know we can go anywhere. Where shall we go?”
“Well, I do believe you promised me a trip to {D/P}.”
Little Extra:
Crowley pulls you into a kiss and you blip out of the room.
“Did they just?” Dean asks Sam.
“But why would?”
Sam chuckled leading his brother to sit down. “Common I’ll tell you about it”.
“She just kissed a bloody daemon… I think I’m gonna throw up”.
A/N... Well i guess that's that then. I’ve been going over this for the past like week debating if it’s the right ending or not but I can’t really see where else to go. I’m also not sure if I’m going to add another short shot after touching on their little trip to make up for the lack of ‘romance’ in this but we shall see. Thanks for reading guys.
34 notes · View notes
crowstielean · 9 years ago
58 notes · View notes
sardonic-courtney · 4 years ago
Crowley x Reader. We Met Before. Part 5/7.
Summary: You end up living with Bobby after your parents die. You go to church and meet Priest Crowley and you end up getting along (if you know what i mean). A few years later when Bobby passes you move the the bunker with Sam and Dean and end up meeting Crowley again.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 Part 7
Warings: Age Gap, Implied Smut, Maybe spelling and language.
Around 3500 words.
A Great Way to Say Goodbye.
A/N (D/P) is dream place
“Goodnight love.” He raised your hand; you didn’t even realise he had been holding and planted a gentle kiss to it before watching you walk away…
You sped walked home, using your phone as a torch, when you approached the front door you noticed all lights, other than the hallway were of. ‘well, this is a good sign’ you thought hoping this would mean everyone was asleep. You unlocked the door and quietly pushed your way inside closing and locking it behind you. So, focused on being quiet you didn’t notice Sam standing there, straight faced and eyebrows raised. But when turned to go upstairs you noticed the tall man blocking your way.
“Uhh Hi.” You stuttered out.
Sam let lose a grin. “So much for not being late huh?”
“We lost track of time.”
“Ah I see. You’re lucky Dean and Bobby are asleep.”
You let out a thankful breath. “Then why are you still up?”
“Making sure you got home safe and what not. You tired?”
“Not really to be honest.” You assumed you should be considering the walking and everything, but alas you found yourself wide awake.
“Neither, although to be honest I fell asleep during the film they put on.”
“Oh, course you did” you chuckled not surprised at all, “So what do you wanna do?”
“Chat for a bit? Catch up just the two of us?” he replied, you knew he wanted to know about your night but was too polite to just ask. You had plenty of time catching up over the past few days when Dean had gone out ‘wondering’ aka to bars.
“Sure, but my room so we don’t wake Dean up?” You say looking over your shoulder at a sprawled out snoring Dean on the sofa. You swear he can sleep anywhere.
Sam nodded his head, letting you past and following you up to your room. Closing the door behind the two of you as to limit noise Bobby would get if you ended up laughing too loud.
“So how was your night?” you asked, as you sat on your bed.
“Boring as usual, Dean found some crappy gang film and made us sit through it.” He said sitting opposite you on your bed.
“Or sleep through it?”
“Yeah, how about yours?”
“Fine” you say the corners of your mouth smiling.
“Fine? Doesn’t seem like the best word (N/N)”
“Well...” Then looking at Sam you realised how much you wanted to talk to someone about how happy you were feeling so you did, and Sam listened.
He listened to how nervous you were sitting down at the table, how you felt when he held your hand walking. How you could talk about anything and everything, and you did, but also how you wanted to get to know him more. You rambled on, Sam listening and asking more questions, until God knows how early in the morning. It was a nice feeling being able to talk to Sam like this, and he felt it to, he loved how you could open up and not be worried about what you said to him, he noticed this differed from when you were with the others, one example was when you let it slip out how your date was a bit older, and although this peaked his interest and caused a few questions he moved on, didn’t try to lecture you like Dean would. Eventually after talking about your night, and Sam telling you a few tales of random things, and how he had felt finding a picture of Jess and him the other day, you both fell asleep.
Both of you woke up around 1pm to Dean throwing pillows at you both and going on about how it was time to get your lazy arses up. Then the boys left Friday morning, having found a ghost to deal with. The house was once again quiet. You didn’t mind the quiet, but it was a bit lonely, but you knew they would be around again soon enough causing welcomed chaos.
You had shared a few messages with Crowley regarding your bowling plans, and both of you decided that 3pm sounded good, this time however you were picking him up. You had asked Bobby if you could use his car and he reluctantly gave in. That was where you were sat now, pulling up into a layby outside the hotel Crowley had given you the name of. Pulling out your phone you messaged him a quick
Y- Outside in a layby, look for the old blue Chevelle.
And within a few minutes Crowley walked up to the passenger door and got in.
“Hiya” you started as he settled, putting a belt on etc.
“Hello, how are you doing?” He replied looking straight at you.
“I’m doing good thanks Crowley. How about you?”
“Wonderful thank you.” He said still looking into your eyes.
Breaking the stare, you asked. “Do you know where the place is?”
“Of course, I do” he said looking forward as you started the car following his directions.
The car ride was short and filled with small talk and taking turns as instructed, until you arrive at your destination. The place was quite busy, which wasn’t a shock considering it was a Friday, you were just happy you had booked in advance. This was unknown to Crowley as he frowned looking at all the full lanes. But looking out of place he still followed you to the counter.
“Hi, Drew” you smiled to the guy behind the counter. He used to be the newspaper boy when you first moved in with Bobby and seeing as you were the last house on his route, he would stay and chat with you for a bit. He was probably your first friend, that was your age, you made after moving in. He was the sort of person you would see walking by and give a quick hello to, but not linger on for a full conversation.
“(Y/N), hey, how have you been?” the long-haired boy replied.
“Fine thanks, and you, didn’t know you worked here.”
“Good thanks, and yeah been here for about a year now. What can I do you for?”
“Cool, and we have a lane booked under my name.” you answered feeling Crowley’s hand on the small of your back.
He clicked the computer a few times and handed over your papers. “Right, you’ll be in lane 13, which in the cove over there. What sizes can I get you both?” he said smiling at the two of you.
You got your shoes and headed over to the cove holding lanes 11-14. Putting your shoes on, which Crowley begrudgingly did as well, you put your information into the computer.
“I’m going to put barriers up. Is that okay?” You asked laughing at the distasteful look on Crowley’s face regarding the shoes.
“Whatever you want love.”
You finished the settings clicking enter, then sat down beside him, a smirk on your face. “I think they suit you.”
“Ahh yes I must get some for my wardrobe.” He replied rolling his eyes at your giggle.
You both started playing. You are going first and only knocking 4 pins down. “Just warming up.” You claimed.
Crowley followed after, only knocking down 5. “Just warming up.” He mimicked.
The game was filled with many jokes at both your expenses. Soon enough after 3 rounds you had won, barely, but you still one. After you decided to go to a café that was near by to get some food and just chat.
You were sat at the small white table, as Crowley brought your drinks over and sat opposite you.
“So, you mentioned your brothers had gone?”
“Yeah, unfortunately.” You sighed.
“Know when they will be back?”
“Nope, just like with your job theirs is unpredictable.”
Crowley chuckled at this, “I see, although I doubt theirs is much like my job at all.”
“I still don’t understand what you do.” You stated sipping your drink.
“Well, it’s hard to explain.”
“You said you make deals, right? So, what sort of deals?”
“Many different ones.”
“To who?”
“Many different people.”
“Wow that narrows it down.” You say rolling your eyes slightly.
“Like I said love, it’s hard to explain.”
“Hmm maybe one day I’ll get it.”
“Yes maybe.”
“When you get better at explaining.” You both laughed.
*General time skip*
The next two weeks were perfect.
You spent them;
Training or helping Bobby out. Even being allowed to answer a few phone calls. Which you did a good job if you can say so yourself. The people on the other end found it helpful anyway.
You had seen Crowley quite a bit, growing closer and growing feelings towards the dark-haired man. Bobby wasn’t sure about you hanging out with your newfound friend so much, until he realised how happy you had been recently. He wouldn’t admit it, but he felt guilty for you being stuck in the house with him all the time.
You and Crowley talked in detail about everything, well you leave out all the supernatural things of course. You both had planned late one night that he wanted to take you to (D/P). That was the start of you planning random trips together, that may never happen. But he promised no matter what he would take you to (D/P).
You had even heard from Sam a lot, he talked to you about all the things going on his end, the increase in the supernatural activity. How he had a weird one-night stand with this woman who called him James Bond. You took to filling him in on how Bobby was, and everything going on with Crowley. Sam was the only person you could properly tell, so you did. Including how he had taken up calling you princess, and it made you have butterflies.
Sam smiled on the other end of the phone when you would go on little tangents, not meaning to, about pointless things. He noticed, like Bobby, how happy you had been, not that you had been unhappy before, but now well it was hard to describe.  
Sam was the first person you talked about maybe loving the man you had been seeing.
It came up randomly a week ago. You both talking about a hunt him and Dean had been on where Dean had been fornicating with a witch, when out of the blue you asked.
“Sam, what does love feel like?”
Sam was a bit taken aback but he still answered. “Love? Well, it’s hard to exactly describe.”
“How do you know?”
“If you’re in love?” Sam asked.
“Well, I think it’s when someone makes you happy even when you’re sad. They understand you completely and you can talk to them about anything. The feeling you get when you’re with them is hard to explain, like a mixture of excitement and nervousness in one. But honestly I think you just know.” Sam smiled through the phone.
“I think I might…” You trailed of not wanting to sound stupid, after all you had known this man only 3 weeks.
“I think you might to.” Sam replied knowingly.
*It has been a total of 4 weeks since you first saw Crowley*
You’re led on the sofa listening to Bobby rant on about ‘stupid town people’. It’s 9pm on Monday and you both got back from dinner, him deciding it would be nice for you both to spend some time together outside the house.
Your phone went off, signalling a message. You waited for Bobby to finish his rant, commenting how he didn’t like anyone no matter what they did. He denied the fact and headed upstairs to do who knows what. So, you read your phone.
C: Good evening Princess. I know it’s late, but can we call?
Y: Sure, everything okay?
He replied by ringing you, you pick up immediately.
Y- “what’s up Crowley?”
C- “Oh nothing, just Peters coming back in time for next week’s service.”
Y- “Does that mean you’re leaving?”
C- “Originally I was going to stay a bit longer. But unfortunately, something kicking off at work and I need to be down there to sort it out.”
Y- “Oh” you replied, sure that he could hear the sadness in your voice. “are you leaving now?”
C- “(Y/N) do you really think I would leave without saying goodbye?”
Y- “I assumed this was your goodbye.”
C- “Always assuming things. No, I’m leaving early Wednesday morning, and was wondering if you wanted to spend the day together Tuesday. I know its late notice again but…”
Y- “Yes.” You said before even thinking, you didn’t have anything planned other than training and you’re sure Bobby wouldn’t mind being alone for one day. Realising you hadn’t finished you continued. “I’m not doing anything, and it would be nice to say goodbye before you go.”
C- “Well then, I suppose I better get some rest before tomorrow. How does 11am sound for getting some brunch?”
Y- “Perfect Crowley, and same I shall see you tomorrow.”
C- “Until then princess, Sleep well.”
Y- “You to.” And with that you hung up and put your phone on the table.
He was leaving. You knew he would eventually, but it was still quite a shock. You knew you could still call and chat, but you would miss hanging out with him every couple of days.
You were lost in thought when Bobby came in noticing your slightly downtrodden face.
“What’s up kid?” he asked sitting in the armchair looking at you.
Snapping out of your thought you looked up replying “Nothing much, although do you mind spending the day alone tomorrow?”
“Hmm depends why.” He asked eyeing you suspiciously.
“My friends leaving Wednesday, and we thought we would hang out.”
“And do what?”
“We didn’t get past brunch, but something.”
“How come your friends going?”
“He’s got to go back home, job and life and everything.”
“Of course, kid, go have fun, I’m sure I can handle myself for a day and not burn the house down.”
You look at him doubtfully, “hmm are you sure about that?”
“I’m old enough to look after myself.”
“Won’t argue with that. Thanks dad” you say heading upstairs. Before freezing at the bottom step. The first time in the 4 years being there you called him dad. You didn’t even mean to; you didn’t even know why you did. You look at Bobby unsure what his reaction would be. But he was grinning.
“No problem. Get some sleep.” he said his smile growing.
You headed up stairs got ready then falling asleep for the night.
The next morning you met Crowley at 11 in the park again. He still laughed at the fact he wasn’t allowed to pick you up. You weren’t sure why you still wouldn’t let him, but you didn’t. He drove you to coast, where you both had a lovely brunch, walked along the pier, went into a few shops (you buying a dress you found) and spent time together. You didn’t do much, but that didn’t matter you were both content in each other’s company.
When the sun started setting around 7pm. You had both decided you were hungry, and to Crowley’s suggestion decided that going to the Italian place that was halfway from where you were now, and your house was a good idea. But when you were nearly there you couldn’t help but laugh seeing your reflection in the mirror of the car. Crowley being confused gave you a sideways glance.
“Something wrong Princess?”
“Crowley, we can’t go to a restaurant like this.” You say mimicking to both your states. You not only were in casual clothes that didn’t seem like dinner wear, but also dusted with sand from beach. Plus, due to the wild wind of the coast your hair was a mess. Crowley looked at you then down and chuckled.
“I suppose your right, although I do want to try that place before I leave.” He thought for a moment. “We pass my hotel on the way, we could stop by my room freshen up, and you could change into that dress you brough back there.”
You didn’t respond immediately so Crowley continued. “Only if you want, I just thought seeing as we made reservations for the place, and we would have enough time as they are for quarter to 9, and its only 20 past 7 now. Or we could just do something else?” he rushed out, having one of his rare, but adorable nervous moments.
“Crowley” you said getting his attention, as he drives. “That sounds like a great idea.”
So, you went to his hotel room which to your surprise was very nice and suited him. He jumped in the shower and got dressed in the bathroom in little time, as you looked at the view from the bedrooms window.
“Bathrooms all free.” Came a voice behind you, breaking you out of your trance of the city. You nodded and without thinking went into shower. After the quick shower, you got out and wrapped a towel around you, before realising in your haste… you didn’t bring your clothes in. You put on your underwear and re wrapped the towel, knowing you weren’t putting your dirtied clothes back on and defeating the object of having a shower. So, you awkwardly peered your head around the door. Clinging the towel to your body you opened the door a bit more, to see Crowley sat on the bed looking at his hands. Noticing the door move however he looked up, to see your embarrassed face. Scanning the room, you see your bags at the end of the bed, and not thinking you could simply ask him to give it to you, you exited the room, still making sure the towel was wrapped around your frame.
“I uh, left my clean clothes out here.” You stuttered out.
(*Mini kind of warning, but not smut just heat?*)
He just looked at you. Crowley couldn’t help himself. He had been limiting himself to only hand kisses, or kisses on the cheek. But you stood in his room, red face from the warmth of the shower, wet hair dripping cooling water droplets over your exposed shoulder, in your bra straps peaking from beneath the towel. He couldn’t help it.
In one swift movement he got up and walked to you, meeting you outside the bathroom door and planted a kiss on your lips. Not a small peck, but one filled with passion and want. As hand rested on your cheek. You were shocked at first, but soon kissed back pulling him closer by his hair. You kissed of a while before you parted for air. Your faces still close, his hand still on your cheek and yours resting in his hair. Until he pulled away.
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Why not?” You said confused and slightly hurt.
“I just, shouldn’t have.” He sat down on the bed and ran his hands through his hair. You joined him sitting next to him, placing your hands on his shoulders.
“Crowley what’s wrong?” you ask quietly and innocently.
“I can’t, not yet. You’re too young and we haven’t known each other that long.” He shifts away out of your reach, still sat on the bed. “And you in that towel is making it really hard for me to concentrate.”
You look at him. “Crowley, we talked about this, I don’t mind your age. Plus I liked the kiss.”
He shifted his gaze to you, gazing down your body slightly before meeting your eyes. “If I kiss you like that again, I don’t know if i'll be able to stop.” He sighed averting his eyes, “especially when you’re looking like that.”
You shifted closer to him, “Maybe I don’t want you to stop” you reply, hoping your voice didn’t sound as nervous as you felt.
You had thought about it before, late at night alone in your room. But you had also never done it, with anyone, but you wanted this man before you and thought you could try. Hoping it wouldn’t backfire as you pressed a kiss to his neck.
“Princess” he groaned guiding your face away so he could look at you. “You don’t know what you want.”
You took a deep breath in, and without thinking to much about the consequences you stood up. Crowley’s eyes still on you, assuming he had convinced you and you were on the way to get your clothes. But he was proven wrong when, still with your back facing him spoke.
“I know what I want” and with that you dropped your towel, leaving you in your underwear, and you turned around to face him.
“Have you ever…” he trailed of, his mind wondering if he was actually considering giving in.
“No. But I want to, and I trust you.” You said seriously locking your eyes with his. “I want you Crowley, please.”
And with that he gave in, reached out to grab your waist pulling you down onto his lap, and you made out… which led to more…which led to now, you and Crowley led in his bed, both nude cuddling.
“I think we missed out dinner reservations” you giggled out.
“Yes princess, I think we did” he chuckled. “We can get room service though.”
And you did. You dropped Bobby a text saying you were staying with your friend, to his confusion and unliked agreement, and spent the night with Crowley, in one of his shirts. A great way to say goodbye.
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sardonic-courtney · 4 years ago
Crowley x Reader. We Met Before. Part 6/7.
Summary: You end up living with Bobby after your parents die. You go to church and meet Priest Crowley and you end up getting along (if you know what i mean). A few years later when Bobby passes you move the the bunker with Sam and Dean and end up meeting Crowley again.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5  Part 7
Warings: Mentions of death, Maybe spelling and language.
Around  1500 words.
A little note before we start, I know technically the bunker isn’t around this time but I’m not following storylines, hence the random case.
Life moves with a Daemon in the basement.
A great way to say goodbye...
Over the next few months, you had expected a call or text, but nothing. To be fair you didn’t exactly try to reach out to him either. Church felt emptier, as did your free time. So, you just spent it building up a great book collection, training, and further bonding with Bobby. Life had turned back to normal. Other than Sam and Dean had became more distant dealing with angels, daemons, heaven, and hell. Which you guess is the usual just busier. You even went on your first few hunts. During one involving a wendigo you lost your phone, only to find it beyond repair. Which cut ties completely with Crowley.
**Four Year Time Jump**
Now 22 years old, you are a full-time hunter still living with Bobby, when you’re not staying in shabby motels.
Your days are filled with hunting, reading, and watching bad movies. And for some reason every Sunday you still found yourself in your spot at church. You told yourself it was still because you wanted to feel closer to your mum, but deep down you knew you were hoping for the chance he would walk back through those doors. But when he didn’t you pushed the sinking feeling away, it was ridiculous to still miss the man you had hardly known. Although when you think about it you did know him, maybe not for long, but you knew more about him then you did about the other close people in your life.
You had been on a few dates with random guys since then, but none of them really stuck, and to be honest you weren’t exactly looking for them to. Everything was going well, which with the life you live was bound to end soon. Which it did.
The shot...
The coma...
The death...
His death...
Bobby was gone.
To say it hit hard was an understatement. You weren’t even there when the shot fired. You visited him as soon as you heard but couldn’t shake the feeling you let him down in some way. Sam and Dean tried to explain what happened, but you didn’t fully understand, or didn’t want to. You mourned alongside Sam and Dean. Ending up moving into the bunker with them, where you resumed going on little hunts with them, but mainly staying back as designated researcher. The bunker was a lot homelier than the random motels, and although your combat was good, it wasn’t what it needed to be with what they were dealing with.
Over the next year you met Castiel when he was “Back to himself” as Dean put it. You two quickly becoming friends, when you got used to his quirks. Everything once again was back to a new normal, well as normal as it could have been. You did stop going to church, no longer seeing the point of finding a new one nearer. You grow closer to the boys, finding new things out about them both.
You and Dean’s relationship is a weird one. He is exactly as you would imagine an older brother to be. But is also annoyingly stubborn, always teasing, and argumentative. But that’s what you love about him. Especially when he would give in and let you take Baby to the shops.
Sam is more like a twin, even though he’s 6 years older than you. You still stayed up late when you could talk about whatever. He is the more freely sensitive one. He is however just as stubborn and caring, especially when it comes to your lack of interest in dating. It was strange but he wants to see you happy with someone. Even though he knows in this life it’s hard, he still wants you to try. Which you don’t see the point. No, it’s not because you can’t picture going on dates and talking to anyone other than that beautiful accent, or because you can’t see yourself kissing any other lips. It’s just because you didn’t see the point, because (Y/N) (L/N) was not the sort of person to be hung up on a guy and his forgotten promise.
Right now, you are sitting in the kitchen with Sam, in silence. You are reading a book you found on a random shelf, and Sam is typing away on his laptop. The past 3 weeks the bunker has been filled with a tense mix of emotions. Hunters had seemed to become the hunted, being killed in many forms some were ripped apart other drained of blood some still full of blood a couple had their eyes ripped out, some even as mundane as being stabbed. But no matter the method, they were all linked by one small mark on the left thumb. A delicate R.
The case was confusing to say the least, and all leads you guys had found turned out to be dead ends. Which is why after a week and a half of no progress, Sam and Dean had decided to call on a certain demon for help…and by call you meant forcefully summon against the king of hells wishes. But no matter how hard they tried they couldn’t get anything out of him.
Not that you really knew who ‘him’ was. All you knew was that even from the basement he managed to cause tension between the brothers. You weren’t allowed down there. That was your rule. Which you begrudgingly followed. Not without your arguments, which you kept up. You love the boys, but it seemed they were getting nowhere with their interrogating, and you being the best at getting information out of the three of you, it seemed like the obvious choice. If the two weren’t so adamant at keeping you away from the whole thing. Being deemed too impressionable or something regarding your safety.
To be honest all you knew was that he was an annoying dick, that Dean was considering killing, and he had the answers to your problems. You didn’t even get to know what Dean and Sam were doing down there to try get information. Which was what Dean was doing now…. or what he was doing before he comes into the kitchen, breaking the silence.
Dean let out a sigh. “I swear he finds joy in pissing me of”.
“That would be the King of hell for you Dean”. Sam says not bothering to look up from his screen.
“Why did we even bother?” Dean slugs into a seat at the table across from you.
“Because we have no other leads.” Sam said seeming bored, but you knew it was him trying to mask his annoyance.
“But it’s been 9 days and he still hasn’t acknowledged the attacks; the cocky bastard keeps rolling his eyes at me. I swear if he makes one more remark, I will stab his eyes out.” Dean looks at Sam, which Sam senses and looks up meeting his brother’s eyes. “Sammy, I don’t know what else to try”.
But before Sam could add anything on you joined in. This being your perfect opportunity to get information and meet this alleged king of hell. “Me! I’m still an option”.
Dean rolled his eyes falling back in his seat, moving his gaze to you. Sam following suit.
“No chance munchkin, as said before we are not taking the chance.” Dean repeated.
“But I don’t understand, why not”. You frowned.
“Because” Sam started this time. “He doesn’t know you exist, and it’s safer that way. He could use you as a weakness to get to us, he could hurt you. It’s just not worth it.”
“But hunters dying is?” you asked, managing to get them speechless. Which they remained. “Common guys. I’m good at getting out information, and like Dean said, what other choices have you got?”
Both the brothers looked at each other and then back at you, still remaining silent.
So, you pulled out your best attempt at puppy dog eyes, “Please, I’ll be safe I promise.”
Dean let out a defeated and gruff “Fine”.
“But we are keeping an eye on you” Sam added trying not to chuckle at how Dean had finally given in. He wouldn’t admit it, but your logic did seem like the best option in his eyes to.
“Deal” you said smiling. The three of you got up, ready to descend downwards to the captive, who hopefully had answers.
For some reason you were excited and nervous. You imagined all the ways you could get information, getting into his head and muddling it out. Sure, he was a daemon, but you had swindled information out of a few before, how different could this one be? But no matter what crossed your mind, you would never have known what had been locked up right under your feet for the past 9 days.
(Pointless note, this was sort of a filler bit for some time to pass. i kind of struggled with mixing past and present tense, but hopefully it’s not too confusing).
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sardonic-courtney · 4 years ago
Crowley x Reader. We met before. P1/7
Summary: You end up living with Bobby after your parents die. You go to church and meet Priest Crowley and you end up getting along (if you know what i mean). A few years later when Bobby passes you move the the bunker with Sam and Dean and end up meeting Crowley again.
Warnings: Mention of death, Spelling mistakes.
Part 2  Part 3  Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Around 2200 words.
In 1991 Y/N L/N was born. You were raised up by your parents. You loved them you really did, but they were never really there, with being hunters and all. You didn’t know much about the hunting business. But as you grew up you got to learn that all myths had a form of truth behind them and you gained some basic fighting skills to protect you in an emergency, and a knack for sorting lore. But that was it really. Your parents never discussed the details of work at home and being hunters, you moved around a lot. Which meant no real friends were ever made. You were lonely but getting a new book each time, you moved helped with that. Life was okay, until the accident.
You were 14 at the time. It was 9pm Tuesday when your parents left to hunt a vampire nest, whilst you were sat in a dodgy motel room waiting for them to come back. 3 hours later. 10 hours later. 12 hours later. You began to worry, but there wasn’t exactly anything you could do, you didn’t know where they were to try and find them, so you waited.
35 hours later. 8am Thursday and your parents still weren’t back, and you knew what you should do. You opened your old notebook to the back page and rang the emergency number just like you had been told. It rang a few times and then a gruff voice picked up, he had obviously been woken up by the phone call.
“Who the hell is this and why have you woken me up at this ungodly hour?” the voice on the other end of the line grumbled.
You froze. What were you supposed to say? It was only Bobby so you don’t know why you were so nervous.
“Hello? If this is you Dean, I swear the next time I see you” he trailed of.
“No.” You spoke still unsure. “It’s Y/N. Y/N L/N.”
“Oh, hello kid, why the sudden ring this early? Parents need a place to sleep again?”
“No Bobby its… they...” You trailed of. “they went on a hunt and its Nearly been 2 days since I’ve seen them and they said if this ever happens to call you and so I did and I’m sorry for waking you up its just I don’t know what to do and I don’t know where they are I just….”
“Wait, slow down. Where are you?” He interrupted.
“Jim Thorpe. Pennsylvania.” You replied.
“Where were they going before, they left? “
“To deal with a vampire nest.”
“all right kid, you did the right thing calling me. Pennsylvania? I’m 19 hours away so I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I’m going to call some buddies of mine to see where they are, I think they are near the area and they will come and stay with you until I can get there okay? I’m going to call them now and then I will call you back, all I need you to do is tell me what motel you are in and stay there until I call back okay?” he explained trying to hide his worried tone.
“I’m at the ummmm…. Penn Terrace Motel. Room 12” you replied looking at the branded paper near the phone.
“Okay kid I’ll call you back soon. Don’t worry everything’s going to be fine” and with that he hung up.
You sat on the stiff motel bed looking down at the phone in your hand. You were numb. You weren’t exactly sad or worried, you were just numb. It was probably because you knew there was a chance your parents were gone but it just hadn’t synced in yet. So, you just sat, empty minded until the phone rang again.
“Right kid, my friends are only 15 minutes away, so they should be there in about 20 tops. I’m going to get a few things together and then leave to come and see you. It’s about 8:30 now so I will leave around 8:40, it will take me around 19 hours and I’ll need to fill up gas at some point so another 5 mins, and then I’ll need to take a break halfway for about an hour for food so I’ll get there at about….5:00am tomorrow. Is that okay?”
“Um yeah”
“Are you going to be okay? How are you feeling? As soon as I get there, we will go looking for your parents okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine, okay”
“Right so my friends names are Sam and Dean. They will knock at your door and take you to get some food and will help us find your parents when I get there, but for that you’re going to have to find your dads maps, or evidence he has and give it to them. Can you do that?”
“Yeah I think I know where it is.” You respond looking at the bottom drawer next to their bed.
“You sure you’re going to be okay kid? Do you want me to wait on the phone until they get there?”
“No, it’s okay you can go get ready and I’ll find the evidence” you reply awkwardly to your godfather.
“Okay, well just ring me if you need anything else. Oh, and don’t worry about Sam and dean, they are nice just don’t open the door unless they say its them. Got it?”
“Got it”
“Right okay, I’ll see you soon kid”
“Bye Bobby” you hung up the phone. Looking at the clock it was now 8:35 which meant his friends wouldn’t be there for another 15 minutes. But might as well be prepared. You got up of the old bed and made your way over to the other side of the room. Leaning down and opening the bottom drawer to find it so full it was hard to open. After cramming somethings down, you managed to open it and you unload piles of paper, until you reach a leather journal.. It’s your dads and you know you aren’t allowed to touch it let alone look into it so you pick it up and discard it on the bed next to the drawer, you aren’t sure why you do this as it’s not like he is there to see you but either way you do.
You still have a while to wait so you sit on the bed and decide to busy your mind with sorting out the evidence. You know that if you sit there and do nothing you will end up worrying yourself so this is a way to keep you busy, plus you like organising and it will make you feel like you have done something to help.
You first sort out newspaper articles, then maps, then printed pages of lore and then finally notes scribbled across paper. You look at the maps and the slightly indescribable pen marks over them and start to get an idea on where the nest is. You had just narrowed it down to 3 places all abandoned within the radius of the killings when there was a knock at your door. You froze. You hear raced and you stayed silent. Another knock. You look over to where the knife your father got you for your birthday when you see the clock, it read 8:52. You had been sat sorting for 17 minutes and you hadn’t realised. Which meant it was probably Bobby’s friends at the door, still you were hesitant as you stood up and peaked out through the blinds, you were met with the sight of two men stood at you doorway. One with long brown hair wearing a grey t shirt with a brow zippy over. The other with shorter lighter hair wearing a green button up who was shorter than the other. Both looking tired and worried as they once again knocked on the door.
“Y/N” The taller one called through the door. “It’s Sam and Dean, we are the people Bobby sent”.
You slowly opened to door and let them in. Once they were in the room it was quiet. No one knew what to say so you all just stood looking at each other until the smaller one spoke up.
“Hey, I’m Dean this is my brother Sam. How are you doing?”
“Fine. I’m Y/N but you already knew that. How are you?” it was true. You were fine. You weren’t sad, certainly weren’t happy just fine. You knew you weren’t going to be a set emotion until you knew for sure where your parents were so for now you were fine.
“Alright thanks, and well in that case did you manage to find any of your dad’s resources?” The one who turned out to be Dean asked.
This got you interested. “Yeah, over on the bed. I sorted them out and I think I found a few places where the nests are likely to be. I wrote some notes on the back of a recite. I look through it all but there might be some more in my dad’s book, but I’m not allowed to go through that sooo” You trailed of.
All three of you looked over to the green duvet bed. The brothers headed over and started shuffling through some of the files, you just perched on your single bed which was nearest you. The room returned to silence. You fiddled with your laces on your trainers until Sam spoke up.
“You organised this yourself?”
“Yeah it was all jumbled and I had some time to spare before you got here so I thought I would try to help”
“Well it certainly does help. So, you think that either the mill house, fire department or cottage is where they went?” Sam asked picking up the map with the recite you had scribbled your theories on.
“It seems most likely”
“Damn seems Bobby was right Sammy we got a smart one with us” Dean said looking up at his brother smirking. “Be careful she may be better than you” Sam rolled his eyes and Dean turned to look at you. “You hungry? I could definitely go get a burger and some pie.”
“Mhm sure.” You said unsure, truth be told you didn’t know if you were hungry. You hadn’t eaten for a while and there was an ache in your stomach, but you didn’t know whether that was from missing food, or your parents.
“Right well let’s go”
So, you went to the small dinner just down the road. You nibbled on some food but didn’t end up eating much. After you returned to the motel the boys settled down re checking the evidence, they ended up agreeing with you, and you sat staring blankly at pages in a book or staring as the small television in the room. You don’t know how long it had been, but you must have fallen asleep because next thing you know you were woken up by the front door closing.
You blinked and looked around the room, the boys were no longer there, the room was empty. It was 7am so you must have slept for a while. Just are you sat up Bobby emerged from the kitchen are with a mug of coffee.
“Morning kid, how do you sleep”
“Hey, and fine thanks, how are you Bobby? When did you get here?” You replied your voice still rough from sleep.
“I’m fine as well and about 5 like I said but I thought it best to let you sleep. The boys have gone out to find your folks now and trust me they are the best hunters I know so they will find them. Now you want anything?”
“F/D if there is any left please”
“Coming right up.” He said and got you your drink.
You sat and did nothing waiting for the boys to come home. 3 hours later you heard the car outside and when they came in the room alone that’s when you knew. That was when you no longer felt numb. Everything around you seemed like it was moving in slow motion. Bobby got up and asked them something, but you couldn’t hear you couldn't focus on the voices.Your suspicions were confirmed when he turned around and headed for your bed with a frown on his face. You had no family. They had gone and now you were completely alone. You were crying and you didn’t rely it until bobby wiped a tear from your face.
“I’m so sorry kid”
You couldn’t reply only stare at him, tears streaming down your face as you tried to process the fact that you would never see them again. That was nearly 4 years ago.
In between then and now you moved in with Bobby as he was your godfather, and he basically became a real father to you. He was very protective of you and you grew really close. Same with the brothers, who became part of your family as well. You weren’t alone, and of course you missed your parents, but your life was good. You had tried to persuade Bobby to let you hunt with the boys, but he wouldn’t allow it until you were 18. That’s when you could start proper training. So, until then your days were filled with helping Bobby out with lore and evidence other hunters needed, he said you had a gift with that, and going to the local church. You didn’t exactly know what you believed in to be honest. But it got you out of the house and Bobby didn’t object. Especially after Dean went to hell and befriended an angel. You had only heard stories of course but they made going to church seem a bit more worth it. And now your sat watching a film with Bobby the day before your 18th birthday. The day you can finally start training and properly helping on hunts.
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sardonic-courtney · 4 years ago
Crowley x Reader. We Met Before. P2/7
Summary: You end up living with Bobby after your parents die. You go to church and meet Priest Crowley and you end up getting along (if you know what i mean). A few years later when Bobby passes you move the the bunker with Sam and Dean and end up meeting Crowley again.
Part 1  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6 Part 7
Warnings: Mention of loss, Spelling mistakes, Picture of gun (straight after keep reading), you go to church?
Around 1700 words.
(Around season 5 but not following story at all)
…the day before your 18th birthday. The day you can finally start training and helping on hunts. You fall asleep after the movie and wake up to your alarm reading 8.30am (Birthdate) Sunday. The day you had been waiting for. You could finally start training. Well after Sunday service, it was something your mother never failed to attend no matter what state she was hunting in and you kept that alive, even if you weren’t exactly sure how you felt about religion, but going helped you feel close to your mum again, and after hearing briefly about what the Winchesters had gone though it could be useful to learn a bit more. You got ready and headed to the kitchen where you met with Bobby.
“Happy Birthday kid” he said trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible, even though he had woken up kinda early on a weekend.
“Hey, I’m 18 now, no longer a kid.” You smiled at him.
He shook his head in response chuckling as he grabbed an envelope with a box attached to it. When you received it you could see your name written messily on the envelope in a blue ink, you opened it and to no surprise was a card with (Your fav animal) wearing a hat, just like every year. You smiled and read the inscription inside. Then headed for the black box with a gold ribbon loosely tied around, Bobby had never been the best at bows, but you love the effort. Untying and opening the box you see a silver gun with carvings on, and a wooden handle with a pentacle carved. (Like below but you can change to preference)
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“I know it's not much, but it was your dad’s, the boys found it when they…” he trailed of for a second. “when they were searching the nest, I thought it was the best time to give it to you, seeing as you’re so god damned persistent on training.”
“I love it Bobby, thank you so much” You gently lay it on the table and encase him in a hug, which he allows for a few seconds”
“Alright” He said patting your back and stepping away, “just because you have a gun doesn’t mean you are ready to hunt though. Understood?”
“Yeah I know” you reply trying not to laugh at his stern expression.
“Right well there’s some (f/f) if your hungry” he said moving to reveal a plate behind him.
“Oh my gosh you didn’t have to” You say looking at the counter with a neatly plated breakfast. You grabbed it and sat down enjoying the change from the usual cereal or toast, and with a mouth half full asked. “When can I start?”
“Lunch time. We will start with some basics ways to hunt and defend yourself.”
You were about to speak when he interrupted guessing your thoughts.
“You won’t be going on any hunts anytime soon until you are 100% ready. You can help out with some of the research though”
You rolled your eyes, as if you didn’t already help with the research. You finished your food and said your goodbyes, Bobby probably heading back to bed for a nap, you left heading for church to see Priest Peter. He was a nice priest and you got to know him a bit with the visits you made.
You were stood outside the church on time at 9:30 when you friend Lena came up and you started heading in. Lena was lovely, you had met at your first church service and continues to go together ever since. You didn’t really see each other outside, but you grew close nonetheless. She was only a year older than you but sometimes it seemed like she was half her age. She like the rest of people outside your small family didn’t know it was your birthday, and you liked that.
“So (Y/N), did you hear Priest Peters gone away for a while?” she spoke grinning at you, unlike you she didn’t like Peter, said his voice made her want to sleep.
“What, how come? I didn’t hear anything” you replied completely confused.
“Yep, No one knows for sure, but I think it's something about a family member getting married in Australia.”
“So, do we have Marcus today then?” Marcus was as you called him jr Peter, he was still in training and followed Peter around like a lost dog.
“Must do” She replied smiling, she never said it but you could tell she liked Marus a lot more, you took your seats, you sat on the second row back always. It was good for the winter because it was next to a heater, and good for the summer because it was near an openable window. You and Lena sat and talked about pointless things until everyone had sat down and the service started.
The priest walked up, but it wasn’t Marcus or anyone you had ever seen before. It was a very attractive man. He had messy hair, and very short beard on his pale skin. He was slightly chubby and wearing the usual priest get up, but for some reason seemed slightly us of place. Your eyes were drawn to him, it was like you couldn’t look away.
“Good Morning. I am Father Crowley, and I will be covering for Peter whilst he is away at his sister’s wedding.” he spoke confirming Lenas rumor.
He had a beautiful English accent and managed to get everyone's attention without raising his voice. The service went on as usual, although you payed more attention to the man in front of you instead of his teachings of God. Before long, it was over, and you all got up to give blessings and mingle a bit before you were to go. After a while Lena had left having to go run an errand, and you were talking to an old woman you did the occasional job for who lived about 5 minutes away. Just as you finished your conversation and the women went out, your phone buzzed, and you pulled it out of your pocket. 10.45 am, and two new messages.
One from Sam “Morning (Y/N), Happy Birthday, hope you have a good day, me and Dean will try to visit soon, I found a book in the bunker library you will like.”
Another from Dean “Happy Birthday (N/N) good luck training today, have a good one. Me and Sammy will swing round in a couple weeks to check in and make sure Bobby’s not driving you too crazy. Be safe xx”
You smiled as you slid your phone away deciding to reply later. You had been close to the Winchesters after the accident, both becoming brothers to you, Dean was however much more protective of you then Sam was. You looked around and noticed you were the last to leave, as you turned towards the doors you noticed Father Crowley still stood there looking at you.
“Did you enjoy the service?” he asked casually walking over to you.
You hesitated a moment before replying with a simple “Yes”. You don’t know why but he made you feel slightly nervous, not in a bad way, but you couldn’t describe it. You noticed up close his eyes were a sort of green colour.
“Good, I’m new to holding services to be honest with you…”
“(Y/N)” you filled in the blank.
“(Y/N) what a lovely name. Do you always come to church (Y/N)?” He asked lingering on your name.
“Yes, Father every week” you replied composing yourself a little. “It seemed like you had done a thousand services before, I don’t think anyone noticed”
“Thank you, and please just call me Crowley, I’m not a big fan of the whole Father thing” he said smiling. “What were your thoughts on the passage read today?”
“I’m not sure. I think in some ways it………...but it seems a bit………” You gave your opinion and Crowley responded with a grin.
“I agree completely. Well I assume you will be here next week?”
“Yes, I will be, and you?”
“Peter will still be away so it will be me again for at least another 2 weeks. Would you perhaps like to meet up after service for coffee and discus some more of your views?”
“Sure, I would love to” you replied trying to hide your smile, “I better get going though, goodbye Crowley.”
“Until next time” he nodded as you left to go back home.
Meeting up next week? For coffee? You thought as you walked along the path. Okay (Y/N) don’t think to much into it, he just wants to talk about the service. Oh, why did I agree, I don’t want to sit and talk to a priest about the bible, although I do want to talk to this specific priest more. Why am I even worrying about it it’s not like it’s a date, can priests even date? I wouldn’t even want it to be, he seems nice and he is attractive, but if he can date he's probably already married he did seem a bit older. It's probably a group thing and he just invited me along to go with them, of course that makes sense.
You finally arrived though the front door and are greeted with the sound of yelling coming from in the house.
“…no, you idjit, you’re supposed to give them the second number if you want the FBI………. Just don’t mess up again your lucky I have common sense.” He put the phone down just as you walked in the room.
“What was that?” You asked sitting on a chair.
“The wheelers, giving out the wrong numbers again. Your back later than usual service run over?” He asked looking at his watch.
“No just stayed to chat a bit after, it was a new priest.”
“Ahh I see, well do you want to watch a film seeing as its your birthday we could go get some snacks and rent a movie?”
“No way, you’re not getting out of this one, you said we would train at noon, its 11:30. We can watch a film after.” You looked up at him and he frowned.
“I don’t know kid, maybe we should wait another year.”
“Nope no chance, I’m going to get changed and then we can start.” Bobby looked unimpressed so you added on a “Please.” Giving him puppy dog eyes.
“Fine all right, alright go change we can start today”
“Yay thank you” You yelled heading up the stairs to get changed.
 A/N I don’t really know what a service looks like because i haven't been to one for ages, so apologise about that. Sorry if your names Lena as well don't worry show wont be mentioned much. Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed it. :D
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