stunies · 17 hours
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faeriekit · 21 days
Brought to you by your local children's librarian! 😊
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The library today is, obviously, closed. Thank goodness. However, we were open earlier this weekend, and I was grateful to have been given a chance to make a labor day display in the children's department!
And Y'ALL. Pickings were SLIM. Believe it or not, but society at large does NOT like teaching children about worker's rights, unionizing, and negotiations! 😭 Never fear, however, because I, under an extreme time crunch (3pm on a friday right before labor day) came up with a short list on kids' books that might help get thoughts flowing on what Labor Day means to us as a country. Good ol' 'Merica or whatever we're saying these days.
Behold: a kid's labor day reading list! ⬇
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The candy conspiracy : a tale of sweet victory is classic "boss gets a dollar, I get a dime" story about the power of labor and bargaining. With candy! 🍫🍭🍬 Quick, sweet, and good enough to eat.
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Click Clack Moo: Cows that Type is a great story about negotiating for better working conditions. That's right, the barnyard goes on strike for electric blankets and a diving board in the duck pond! A silly, quick read, told largely by the typewritten letters from the cows themselves. Click Clack, Moo!
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Hey, remember when children used to have to work countless hours for pennies a day if that just to possibly die or be permanently disfigured on the job? The traveling camera : Lewis Hine and the fight to end child labor is the story of one man's quest to document child labor all across the country in hopes of finally ending it for good— through the work of the National Child Labor Committee. Remember to thank labor laws for the good they've done in your life!
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Every student in the country ought to learn about exactly how many people died unnecessary deaths in the industries before workplace safety laws were implemented nationwide. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire : core events of an industrial disaster is a nonfiction title about the how and whys of this horrific event. The most famous of its kind, we should not forget the people lost due to casual workplace cruelty and the demands of overwork.
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Teach children to respect blue collar and working class heroes in Real Superheroes: a celebration of essential workers! From the people who keep our towns and cities free of debris and contaminants to healthcare professionals to emergency services, every down and dirty job is held by someone who keeps our towns up and running. Thanks, everyone! (I also recommend Night Job for the same reasons; very sweet, very good at portraying what a school janitor does as their work.)
I was going to add a book on the Mine Wars in West Virginia, since one recently published for a younger age group, but it was more teen than kid friendly unfortunately so I ended up cutting it. I was able to find another book on a different circumstance, however:
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The real history of the transcontinental railroad covers a bevvy of relevant topics from the displacement of Native people in the west, the exploitation of Chinese immigrants, worker's rights, and the lingering ghost of Manifest Destiny that haunts this country to this day. Not every kid is ready for intersectional thinking on racism, xenophobia, and colonization, but at the very least, kids are very good at recognizing when a situation is "fair" or "unfair". Let them chew on this for a little bit and see what conversations come out of it.
Happy Labor Day, everyone! Be safe, be strong, and work in groups!
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shitsndgiggs · 1 month
Hey, can you write where the reader is dating Kenan but she doesn’t want to have kids 
Being a mother is not for Y/N
Kenan Yildiz x fem! reader
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The roar of the crowd filled the air as the final whistle blew, signaling the end of another victorious match for Juventus. I was in the stands, as always, cheering for my boyfriend, Kenan, and the rest of the team.
Being part of the Juventus family as a player for the women’s team, I had a unique perspective, knowing exactly what it felt like to be on the field, feeling the rush of adrenaline as the fans chanted our names.
Kenan’s eyes found mine in the crowd, and he gave me a triumphant smile as he raised his hands in victory.
My heart swelled with pride. Even though we were both 19, still early in our careers, our relationship had quickly become the talk of the football world.
Fans adored us together—two young, talented athletes in love, both representing the same iconic club.
The media dubbed us the "Juventus Power Couple," and the attention was both exciting and overwhelming at times.
After the match, I made my way down to the players’ exit to meet Kenan. The stadium was packed with fans, all eager to catch a glimpse of their favorite players.
Kenan emerged from the tunnel, still in his kit, looking as effortlessly handsome as ever. His dark hair was tousled from the game, and his face was flushed with the excitement of the win.
As soon as he spotted me, his smile widened, and he jogged over to where I was waiting.
Without a word, he pulled me into a warm embrace, his familiar scent of sweat and cologne filling my senses.
“You were amazing out there,” I whispered against his chest, feeling the thrum of his heartbeat.
“You think so?” he teased, pulling back slightly to look at me. “Maybe I was just trying to impress my biggest fan.”
I rolled my eyes playfully. “Always the charmer.”
Hand in hand, we began walking towards the car, but it wasn’t long before we were swarmed by fans. They were holding out jerseys, scarves, and phones, all hoping for an autograph or a photo.
Kenan, ever the gracious star, smiled and took the time to greet everyone, signing whatever was thrust his way and posing for pictures.
I did the same, accustomed to the attention, though it still felt surreal sometimes.
The fans were always kind and supportive, and many of them were vocal about how much they loved seeing us together.
But as we stood there, surrounded by a sea of smiling faces, the questions started to change.
“When are you guys going to have kids?” one fan asked, their voice cutting through the chatter.
“Yeah, we can’t wait to see little football stars from the two of you!” another added.
The question hung in the air, and I felt my heart skip a beat. I hadn’t expected this, and the sudden shift in conversation made me uncomfortable. I’d never been one to picture myself as a mother.
It just wasn’t something I saw in my future, and Kenan knew that. We’d talked about it before—how I wasn’t interested in having children, at least not now, and maybe not ever.
Kenan must have sensed my discomfort because he quickly stepped in. “Hey, guys, we really appreciate your support,” he began, his voice calm but firm. “But could you please respect our privacy on this? We’re just focused on our careers right now.”
There was a moment of silence as the fans processed his words, and then they nodded in understanding. “Of course, sorry about that,” one of them said, giving us an apologetic smile.
Kenan gave them a reassuring grin, and with his arm around my shoulders, he gently guided me towards the car.
As we walked away from the crowd, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions—gratitude for Kenan’s quick intervention and a lingering unease about the whole situation.
Once we were in the car and the doors were shut, the noise from outside faded away, leaving just the two of us in the quiet.
Kenan started the engine, but he didn’t pull away immediately. Instead, he turned to look at me, his expression soft and concerned.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked, reaching out to take my hand.
I nodded, though I couldn’t hide the worry in my eyes. “Yeah, it’s just… I wasn’t expecting that.”
“I know,” he said gently. “I’m sorry they put you on the spot like that.”
“It’s not your fault,” I said quickly. “I just… I don’t know what to say in situations like that. I don’t want to disappoint anyone, but at the same time, I don’t want to lie about what I want.”
Kenan squeezed my hand, his thumb brushing over my knuckles. “You don’t have to say anything you’re not comfortable with. And you definitely don’t have to feel pressured to be or do anything you don’t want to. It’s your body, your life, and your choice.”
His words were exactly what I needed to hear, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. “Thank you,” I said softly, looking into his eyes. “I just worry that people won’t understand, you know? Especially because we’re so young. Everyone assumes we’ll just follow the typical path.”
“Let them assume whatever they want,” Kenan said with a shrug. “What matters is what we want, what you want. And if you don’t want kids, that’s perfectly fine. We’ve got our whole lives ahead of us to figure things out. And no matter what, I’m with you all the way.”
I couldn’t help but smile at his unwavering support. “You’re really okay with it? I mean, what if you change your mind later?”
Kenan shook his head, his expression serious. “I’m not going to change my mind about you. I love you, and I respect your decisions. If you don’t want kids, then we won’t have them. Simple as that. And if I ever feel differently, we’ll talk about it. But right now, I’m happy with just us.”
His words were a balm to my soul, soothing all the worries and doubts that had been swirling in my mind. “I love you too,” I whispered, leaning over to kiss him.
The drive home was filled with light conversation, the tension from earlier completely dissipated.
By the time we pulled into the driveway, I felt a sense of peace, knowing that whatever challenges we might face, we would face them together.
As we walked into the house, Kenan wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close. “Now, let’s forget about all that and focus on us, okay?”
“Okay,” I agreed, feeling a smile tug at my lips.
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joeliz99 · 9 months
By my side- Regulus Black
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Regulus Black
Seventh year at Hogwarts
Regulus Black was not one to be hurt easily on the field. In fact, he was considered one the best chasers on the field since becoming part of the Quidditch team at Hogwarts. However, that day turned out to be different. Word on the bleachers stated it was a mixture of bad weather and the longest game seen since the start of the season, while others think it was just the result of lack of attention. Either way, the main point was the young man was hit heavily with one of the Quaffles, demanding him to stop playing almost immediately as he could not even move his arm. 
It didn’t take long for him to be on his way to the Nursing Wing of the school, being chaperoned by one of the nurses assigned to assist any emergencies that occurred at the games. Once there, the quietness of the place disappeared, being replaced by instant haste and seriousness. It wasn’t uncommon to see this kind of injury, but nevertheless it was still just as important to treat it with the utmost importance. Madame Pomfrey didn’t take too long to make a presence, demanding different sorts of things that were delivered in an instant. With water dripping down his chin and clothes, Regulus had a tense jaw and a big frown on his face while trying to not concentrate on the pain that extended all over his arm.
- Miss Bennett, come assist me- The girl, who stood a few feet away from the scene, looked nothing but surprised at the request of the head of nursing services, as she was only an apprentice. But that didn't stop her to be on Madame’s Pomfrey’s side in a second, being ready for whatever the superior asked.
- See the shape and limpness of the arm? - She nodded now observing him- That’s an indication that the arm is broken. You can also notice how it’s starting to swell. - Regulus grunts once he feels his arm being lifted moderately, just to assess the rest of the situation. – We’ll need to give him a shot of Murtlap Essence just to ease a bit of the pain. What else do we need in this situation?–
- Skele-Gro- responds the girl and the young man snorts being annoyed with the whole situation–
- Could you please choose another moment to give a lesson?– 
- Oh dear, don’t confuse this as a lack of efficiency- The old nurse extends her arm to receive the potion she just mentioned a minute ago by another of the employees on shift- Either way, it’s not like you’re going to have too much fun in the next couple of hours. - Regulus’s expressions worsens once he drinks what he was offered, just as the girl decides to add something in almost a whisper–
Don’t mind that. You’ll feel better soon...- He raises his gaze to look at her, noticing just now that she was someone he already knew. They had two classes together, Potions and Transfiguration to be exact, and she was oddly good in the first one. He, however, did not know what to say at that moment or why exactly she was there, so he preferred to stay quiet as he was helped by the same girl to lay down in one of the dozen beds spread throughout the big room.
The next couple of minutes were honestly a blur. One moment his arm was being stabilized and the other he felt what could be described as excruciating pain once he had drunk the disgusting Skele-Gro. Madame Pomfrey said the process of his bones getting back in place could take a couple of hours, maybe a whole day, so he had no other choice than to stay there until being back to his most normal self if taking the situation into consideration.
Hours passed by and no one really came to see how he was doing, making it clear that at least Slytherin still won the game and people, and his so-called “friends”, were probably celebrating the recent victory. Regulus didn’t expect any less, he knew he had no one to count on, especially now that his brother was out of school and even worse, out of his life. His classmate, on the other hand, was not okay with that thought. So even when she was free to go and rest for the rest of the night, she decided to stay there and make sure he was okay, dismissing Madame’s Pomfrey disapproving look. She only left his side to go get some food for both, coming back to find him awake and in complete silence.
The young Black heard her footsteps and looked to his side, just to see her being a few steps away from him with her hands full of bags of food.
- What are you doing here? - He asked, not arrogantly, but confused. –
- I figured you would be hungry after everything that happened today. - She placed the food on his lap, sitting then on the chair next to him. –
- You didn’t have to…- He extended his good arm to open the bag and see what was on the inside. He wasn’t hungry at all. But either way, he took the pear lying on top of everything else and gave it a bite just to show her he was thankful. - Thank you. –
She just nodded, being more concentrated on her own food than anything else. Minutes passed by with just pure silence and occasional looks from one to the other. Regulus was not sure on how to act around her. To be honest, he didn’t know her at all, not even her name. They probably exchanged not more than ten words in almost seven years they have been studying together, so surely, it felt like there was nothing to talk about. The silence, opposite to what he was thinking, didn’t last much longer as the Hufflepuff decided to talk.
-Slytherin won the game. They said it was the toughest game of the year, but you’ll probably keep being on the lead. –
- I imagine…- He murmurs not being as excited as he could be in other circumstances. – Better luck next time for Hufflepuff? I’m sure you’ll do better in the next games. - He wasn’t sorry, of course, but he didn’t know what else to say. –
-Oh. I don’t care if we win. I don’t even understand all the fuss and excitement behind that game. –
- Okay now… You don’t have to insult Quidditch that way. - She laughed seeing he was actually a bit offended by that comment. - I’m sure you would think otherwise if you went to the games instead of doing whatever it is you’re doing over here. —
- Well, I’m also sure my education is way more important than staying there for hours watching people be… Kind of dumb, to be honest. —
- Ey, you’re taking it too far… Bennett- He remembered from earlier- So what is it exactly that you do here? –
- Contact hours. I want to study medicine when I’m out of here, and since I have some free time to spare, the headmaster let me be an extra pair of eyes and hands so that I start getting used to what goes around in this field. It’s a bargain if you ask me. —
- I’m sure it is. – She’s a curious girl, he thought. There was something in the way she talked and acted that was so new and different to him- So when was the last time you went to a Quidditch game? –
- I don’t know. Maybe two years ago? Can’t remember exactly. —
-No.- He looked at her as if she was crazy. - You must be lying to me. —
- I’m not- She shrugs, looking at him unbothered- It’s not that big of a deal. –
- Umm yes, it is. There is a reason why it’s considered the biggest game in the wizarding world. You should give it a second chance. –
- Sure… Maybe I will. After all, I need to see if my potion did the job- There was something in her smile now that screamed ‘mischievous’, and he didn’t know how to interpret that. —
- What do you mean? –
- Who do you think made the Skele-Gro? - Her smile widened- I told you, I’m an extra set of hands here now. - His face probably got whiter than it was originally, and she apparently found it even more funny, but he didn’t. – Guess I’ll have to go to the field to see how that arm works after today. —
-Okay…- He took a deep breath trying to not freak out right there. Regulus knew she was good at Potions, that’s how he remembered her. However, it was different when he knew there was a possibility for her talent to fail. After all, they were still in the same grade and everything. - I don’t really want to hear more about it. —
- Don’t worry Black- She smiled, now more laid back than before- You’ll be good to go before the sun rises. Or at least that is what Madame Pomfrey said. —
He was, indeed, almost back to normal once the morning came. Regulus was free to go with the order to return the next day to see how his arm was doing. He did not see the girl that stayed with him the whole night until he fell asleep, as he thought he would, however, he did get to see her at class the next day. He wanted to say thank you, but he didn’t even know when or how to approach her, so he didn’t. They both shared a look as they were going out of class, and he was almost sure he saw a small smile coming from her, which he didn’t have time to return before she was gone. Bennett wasn’t either at the Nursing Wing that day, so he figured maybe it wasn’t the right time to come close to her. 
That did not stop him from learning her name a couple days after. (Y/N) Bennett, just as Professor Slughorn stated while making sure that all students attended class that day since they were going on a special trip to find key ingredients for their next assignment. That day (Y/N) could swear she felt Regulus staring a couple of times, something that never happened before during all these years. But, instead of thinking much more about it, she just put it to the side, seeing it as a sign that she was overthinking the whole situation. 
The next time they saw each other was at the library, just an hour before its doors closed. Regulus was nose deep into his book, not even realizing that (Y/N) was walking around the shelfs looking for some books. However, she did see him, and after debating with herself for a minute or two she decided to approach him. The young man only lifted his eyesight from the words when noticing that someone was clearing their throat to get his attention, being actually surprised when he saw it was her. 
- Hello, Bennett.- She smiled nicely as he talked and just gave him a nod before talking.—
- How’s that arm doing?— 
- Well, I haven't had any problems yet. Although Madame Pomfrey said something about a 30 day period of trial. I guess that comes with being drugged by a classmate.- He was joking, and she knew it just by the way his body was relaxed and his voice was coated with a sweetness she couldn’t really describe.— 
-The best, may I remind you– She smiled, coking an eyebrow on the process, which was mimicked by him.—
-You’re pushing it too far… Anyways, about the whole thing, thank you. I hadn’t had the chance to tell you before.— 
-No need. It was nothing… Anybody would do it.—
-But it was you that did it. Nobody else was there, right?- For the first time she felt intimidated with his stare, feeling obligated to look somewhere else before the unknown feelings on her body made a bigger presence.—
-Right… Well anyways, I better get going now. I’ll see you at class?—
-As always- he gave her a small smile before going back to his previous position on the chair- Rest well. —
A week or two passed with little interactions between the two. From time to time there  was a stare, a hello or even just acknowledging their presence by sitting closer at class. However, that changed when they were paired together in an assignment in Transfigurations class. Others would see it as casualty, but Regulus knew it was all thanks to him. The professor already told them that she would be choosing the groups that day, so opposite to his normal self, he made sure to get to class a few minutes late and state loud enough that he had a headache. Of course, (Y/N) gave not long after that the suggestion for him to go to the nursery to get checked up, since it could be something related to his rough Quidditch practices. In any other moment, he would immediately shrug it off and completely ignore the unsolicited advice, but that day that was exactly what he wanted. And that’s how the girl ended up being asked to chaperone him to the other side of the school, which also resulted in being paired together for the assignment since they were the only two left without a partner. 
In those next two weeks they both got to know each other more. Remus noticed how demanding and perfectionist she was when it came to homework, which was slightly annoying, and cute, when thinking that he was, too, one of the best of his class. (Y/N), on the other hand, saw him more comfortable when talking and expressing his thoughts than the past six years. Remus was, in fact, a whole new being to unpack. He was sarcastic, funny, a bit dramatic and definitely smart. They found themselves debating about different topics, laughing, eating together and also learning a bit about Quidditch and medicine, much to both dismay, always with the excuse of having to do the project together. 
Remus often had to ignore the comments of his friends and other Slytherin’s classmates, which thought they had the right to say something about the girl because of her house or her coming from a family of mixed-blooded people. He knew what his parents would think about it too, he didn’t care, since he knew it was just a friendship, or whatever else someone could call it, that mattered only to both of them. That’s why it was disappointing when they turned in the assignment and had to go back to their normal routines once again. It was a shame, really, because if it was up to her, or him, she could spend way more time with Regulus than anybody else.
Two weeks after, the third game of the season finally arrived and Slytherin was playing against Ravenclaw. As always, the field was full to the brim with excited students and professors from all houses. Anybody could feel the nerves in the air, being this the last game before the semester ended for Christmas break. Regulus was seated on the bench inside the locker room, staying in complete silence as he always did before the beginning of any game. It was the best way he knew to concentrate and not get stressed with all the comments and loudness there was around him. However, he was interrupted when they let him know it was time to get checked and approved to play today. He went to do the usual line, being behind some of his fellow players and classmates, and he almost went back to his bubble if it weren’t from seeing a familiar face not far from him. Regulus couldn’t lie to himself even if he wanted to. His heart started to race a bit quicker when connecting eyes with (Y/N), who smiled almost immediately not paying attention to anything else at the moment. He smiled back, being a bit more discreet, and she made sure he would end up being checked by her when the time came. 
-You’re here.- He whispered, while she made sure he didn’t had any visible injury- I thought you didn’t like Quidditch.—
-I asked for permission to help on the field today. I need to make sure your arm works fine, remember?- He smiles, nodding just one time.- Also, it turns out I know more about Quidditch now than I have for my whole life. Maybe I’ll enjoy it a bit more.—
-I have no doubt you will. I’ll make sure to impress you today. You know… Just so that you wanna come back next time.- The girl laughs shyly, trying to not bring any attention to the both of them.—
-You better keep your word, Black.— 
-I always do.- He smiles back, looking at her attentively while she extends his arm, looking at him the same way.- What are you doing on Christmas break?—
-Umm… I don’t know? I guess just the usual. Spend time with the family and stuff… Why?- He shrugs, but never stops looking at her.— 
-You should write to me. Maybe we can plan to go out sometime and do something nice.— 
-Outside of school?- she raises an eyebrow, not sure if he was actually proposing to take her out on a date.— 
-Yes. Outside of school… How does that sound?— 
-Umm yeah…- She smiles, feeling how her cheeks start to feel a bit hot under his gaze and the closeness between them.- I would like that.—  
-Great. We’ll exchange addresses later. Maybe a pseudonym too? I can explain later.— 
-No need. I already know why.- She pads his shoulder- You’re good to go. Are you ready to kick some ass?— 
-I was born ready.- The girl laughs and rolls her eyes before looking at the room, making sure nobody else was there, and then taking a step towards him, kissing his cheek before losing any bravery she felt at that moment.—  
-Just for a little bit of extra luck then. I’ll see you later.—  
Regulus didn’t say anything. He was too surprised or nervous to answer that before the girl left the room. But he knew, right there, that was just another excuse to get this game over with and make sure to impress her, just so that he could do the same exact thing.
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sirdolraan · 1 month
Last Call
(( DWC August 2024 Day 7, Enigma/Victory, CW: None; @daily-writing-challenge ))
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Lorellai flounced down on the bed of the room she was sharing with the other ladies, feeling still tired from all the work but relieved by the shower she'd just had. She idly watched as magical brushes and washboards tended to her and everyone's gear over in the corner, quite a bit different from the devices her dad had made back home. Handy though, it meant she could just lie there, ache a bit, and think about things. She'd really enjoyed her chat with Dagran, and wouldn't mind talking to him again, but the idea of crossing Moira sent a chill down her spine worse than when she'd come face to face with the villains out in the dragon isles.
"At least she's on our side, I guess." Lorellai said to no one in particular, as there was a knock at the door. She groaned, not wanting to move, but also not wanting word to get back to her mum that she'd been impolite. Begrudgingly, she slid off the bed and headed to the door, opening it up. "Can I help y-" she said, stopping short as she processed what she saw.
"Ah, miss Truthhammer, my mother and I were wondering if you'd care to join us for lunch?" Dagran said, his mother not far behind him, looking, well, as grumpy as she'd ever been when Lorellai saw her.
"I will say only this." Moira started, taking her seat at the head of the table as her attendants brought in their meal. "I apologize for my rudeness to you. My feud with your father is nae your responsibility, and I will not have it said that I am encouraging our people's tendencies towards long lasting grudges. By all reports you have shown yourself to be an upstanding citizen, which I choose to attribute to your mother's influence."
"Uh... I mean," Lorellai stammered, trying desperately to remember the etiquette lessons her parents had tried to get her to pay more than a moment's interest in while she was growing up. "Thank you for your kind words, yer Majesty, uh, let there be nae quarrel between us," she ventured, at least sixty percent sure that was the appropriate phrasing.
"I'm glad we could clear that up," Dagran said, taking up a fork and spearing some salad. "There's enough conflict in the world without opening old wounds, I think. Please, relax miss Truthhammer, this is a friendly lunch after all! Please, tell us how things have been going out in the field!"
Elsewhen, a portal illuminated Spiru as she went over her list. She'd already made emotionally satisfactorily farewells with the SI:7 team and the Shado-pan she'd befriended, without alerting them to the strange temporal nature of her situation, and now all that was left was to gather the belongings she'd been informed were safe to keep and prepare them for her journey. "Hi there Spiru!" Chromie said, hopping on a chair beside her. "All ready for the big day?"
"I believe I am, Chromie," Spiru replied, closing and buckling the bag, before gathering up her hair to restore her usual ponytail. "All my farewells have been said, and my keepsakes are ready for travel. Has all been settled on your end?"
"It sure has! Nozdormu was a little hesitant at first, but when Eternus and I showed him everything we saw, he agreed that this was a situation where the rules could be bent enough to tip the scales in Azeroth's favor. Now, you said you have everything, do you remember your introduction?"
Spiru gave Chromie a flat look. "You've had me rehearsing it for three days. I am ready."
"Great!" Chromie said, checking an ornate hourglass, "Because it's time! Good luck in the Prime-Time-Line!" Chromie yelled, shoving Spiru suddenly through a bronze portal that opened behind her. As it closed, Chromie dusted her hands. "Another job done by the amazing Chromie!... no, that's not gonna catch on. Back to the drawing board..."
Spiru spiralled through the sands of time, before emerging in a stone room next to a table with several surprised dwarves. Spying Lorellai Truthhammer (three centimeters taller than Chromie had mentioned, hope that's not a problem), she launched into her prepared words. "My name is Spiru Handycog. I have been sent by Chromie to join your fight to protect Azeroth and follow the Radiant Song. In five minutes this entire city will be under attack, you need to get your gear ready."
"What is going on-" Moira's demanding question was interrupted by a loud klaxon.
"Attention, Citizens of Dalaran!" Khadgar's voice rang out throughout the streets. "Prepare for Civic Teleportation. Return to your homes or emergency shelters immediately. I repeat, citizens of Dalaran, prepare for Civic Teleportation!"
As the message and klaxon continued, Lorellai quickly wiped her face with a napkin. "Timely, we'll discuss later. Excuse me your majesty, I must gather my gear."
"We shall return to Magni's side. Come Dagran." Moira declared, rising from her chair.
"Fight well, Champion Lorellai!" Dagran declared, before following his mother out the far door as Lorellai took the nearer exit to return to the dorm, new acquaintance and perhaps friend in tow.
Things were about to get exciting.
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zodiactalks · 5 months
Top 4 STRONGEST LEADERS of the Zodiac
There are always those who stand out from the crowd. People who step up and take control in work, school, and emergencies.
They are people we look to for guidance when everyone else is unsure. And they step up without hesitation. 
Natural leaders have a magnetism to them that is undeniable. Everyone around them sees it and feels an unexplainable pull toward them. 
These kinds of people are willing to step up when others aren’t. They feel responsible for those around them. Not stepping up isn’t an option when they know they could do something.  
Let’s find out who the top four strongest leaders of the zodiac are.
#1. Aries
Leader of the zodiac, Aries is naturally #1. 
Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and war. They have the minds of great military generals and a narrow focus on leading their people to victory. 
In school and work environments, Aries is going to go for jobs that will give them a challenge. They will have their eye firmly on higher-up positions where they could manage others. 
Aries is wasted on menial tasks. They are best suited for project strategy and overseeing how that work is carried out. Aries knows everyone’s strengths, weaknesses, and how best to utilize each of those into a well-oiled machine. 
In emergencies, Aries is the first to react. There is nothing that can shock Aries into freezing for long. 
Aries is a master of prioritizing what needs to be done in an emergency. And again, how best to use the people around them to get things done.
Aries knows what they are capable of. They aren’t about to waste it on fear of judgment, or waiting around on others to act in any situation that calls for it. 
That is why they are the strongest leader of the zodiac.
#2. Capricorn
Capricorn is the second strongest leader of the zodiac.
Capricorn is known for their leadership skills and how adept they are at it. 
In work and school, Capricorn is the person who will see if anyone will step up. If they don’t, Capricorn is now in control. Even if someone else does, Capricorn becomes a kind of shadow leader. They will always be the real one in charge.
In emergencies, Capricorn is the one calculating resources to use. They will come up with solutions others would not have thought of.
Capricorn has a lot of practical knowledge that can be applied in just about every circumstance. Other people may think it strange Capricorn knows how to make a natural water filter or turn their pants into a flotation device. 
But they won’t be complaining if Capricorn ends up saving their life.
No matter the situation, Capricorn will always know what to do and how to do it. 
They live by the motto “fake it till you make it.” Even if they don’t know what to do, they will figure out how to make things work.
#3. Aquarius
Aquarius is the third strongest leader of the zodiac.
Aquarius is an inclusive leader who wants to hear everyone’s opinions.
 A master at blending ideas, Aquarius uses the input of everyone under them to create brilliant strategies.
In school and work, Aquarius uses those delegating skills with precision. They will be found winning every debate with logic, and mediating disagreements the same way. There is no conflict Aquarius can’t settle.
In an emergency, Aquarius can be found rounding up resources, squashing ill-timed conflicts, and helping connect people who can help one another. They are likely all over the place, but that doesn’t diminish their effectiveness.
Aquarius knows they are powerful when it comes to networking and mediating. These are extremely valuable skills in a leader. 
Aquarius can create astounding progress by using these talents. When they know they can be a catalyst for change, they step up excitedly.
#4. Scorpio
Scorpio is the fourth strongest leader of the zodiac.
Through their sheer presence and willpower, Scorpio can command a room. They are sure of themselves and what they want to be done.
In school and work, Scorpio prefers the more relaxed road of not being a leader. But if they sniff out incompetence, they are going to take over. And they are extremely good at it.
In an emergency, Scorpio becomes laser-focused. They can block out emotions and shock responses so they can take command when others can’t. 
Scorpio can use their intensity to snap others back into focus. They know everyone needs to be brought out of their frozen states. Scorpio’s main focus in an emergency will be to get everyone to safety.
Scorpio knows they are a force of nature. And they are going to use it to the advantage of everyone around them.
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nonovyabuisness · 1 year
Seeing how well my tarot life smp post did, I figured that I should do some more.
So here we have all the other life smper with their major arcana (in alphabetical order and Gem is included despite only being there for 1 session).
Enjoy !
Bdubs: The Lovers (VI)
This card generally means harmony, unity, and destiny.
When uprights the card of The Lovers represents predestined, links, love and harmonious unions. This card can mean a powerful link in perfect harmony, but it can also mean an important decisions or a crossroad. Think of your choices and you’ll find happiness forever.
When reversed this card, suggest that one of your relationships or important friendships isn’t going very well. An honest communication is crucial in order to go forward. The Lovers prove that sincerity is key.
BigB: Strength (VIII)
This card generally means true power that is not obtained through physical means, but more through courage, tenacity, and compassion.
When upright Strength is a positive sign that shows determination, common sense and savvy necessary in order to meet and overcome challenges. In order to have better results this card suggest to use bravery, kindness, and perseverance. It is a sign that invites you to guide others with gentleness as well as a warning to not use brute force and ultimatums in order to achieve your end.
When reversed Strength, represent a bad relationship with authority. If you feel powerless or discouraged this card reminds you that you’re more powerful than you think. Pull yourself together and be brave. 
Cleo: The High Priestess (II)
The High Priestess is a card that represents a mysterious and intuitive character, whose power comes from the depth of her subconscious. she is sophisticated, calculating, and powerful.
When upright, this card is a call for observation and reflection, you may not see your situation of friendship or relationship for what it is. So take advantage of the solitude to think over this difficult situation because looks can be deceiving.
When reversed, this card represents a lack of clarity, causing confusion and insecurity. In order to find confidence in you again, you must bring forth determination and assurance. Know that you have the necessary strength to pull through the chaos and emerge victorious.
Etho: The Hermit (IX)
This card generally means retreat, solitude, and the act of spending time alone in order to think on yourself.
When upright, this card calls for solitude, if you’ve been swept up by life The Hermit is a clear sign that you need to slow down a little. Take time to think of your actual situation and what you wanna do with it. You’ll get out of the small break fully replenished and ready to take on the world.
When reversed, The Hermit warns you of the consequences of staying isolated for too long. Allow yourself a bit of time to understand your mistakes and to swallow a big events in your life, but first and foremost look towards the future.
Gem: The Hangman (XII)
The card of The Hangman shows the possibility of seeing things from another angle, accept unexpected delays and to give into a situation.
When upright, this card shows that you are confronted by an unexpected obstacle that stops your projects. The Hangman advices you to relax and follow the current. It’s time to take a break and think. This could end up being exactly what you need in order to achieve a useful, new point of view.
When reversed, this card indicates hesitation, servitude and tactics to gain time. If you have a decision to make, do not waste time procrastinating.  Stay focused and act fast before you lose an opportunity.
Impulse: The Hierophant (V)
This card represents hierarchy, law, order and cooperation.
When upright, The Hierophant warns you that this is not the moment to have radical ideas or to rebel. Trust the approved methods of all traditions, there is a time and a place for individualism, nonconformity and rebellion. This card shows that the respective conventions will lead you farther than following your own path.
When reversed, the card encourage you to adopt a revolutionary spirit and put into question the status quo. It’s time to think for yourself, to follow your heart and to make your own path.
Joel: The Magician (I)
The Magician represents pure talent and unlimited creativity.
When upright, this card explains that inspiration is everywhere. You feel creative, unstoppable, and ready to realize your craziest dreams. Accept the creative pulsions  that are in you because it’s time to shine ! Take this chance ! This card indicates that it’s time to explore your potential and put to use your hidden powers.
When reversed, The Magician wants you to resist the villainous shortcuts, as well as the suspicions double edged deals that will go against you. Work hard, stay focused in order to achieve your goals and leave your friends out of this.
Lizzie: The Tower (XVI)
The Tower represents the sudden and dramatic destruction of illusion and façades.
When upright, prepare yourself for a upheaval because this card announces destruction. Even of what you think might be true and threatens to submerge you. But rest assured because it’s for the best,this event will free you from your tower. Embrace the chaos and you’ll get out unscathed.
When reversed, this card indicates that you are resisting a necessary change. You’re facing an important truth that may change the course of your life, but you refuse to recognize it. It’s time to abandon the comfortable and familiar points of your life because new information will be presented and change everything. Even if this type of change can be intimidating, rest assured and go forward. You’ll be happier and in better shape.
Mumbo: Temperance (XIV)
Temperance signifies fluidity, harmony and balance.
When upright, Temperance advises you to stay flexible, calm and adaptable. Following the current will help you sail comfortably. Take on every challenge that presents itself with calm and serenity. Temperance reminds you how important it is to preserve your inner peace, do not let outside influence rock your boat.
When reversed, Temperance indicates imbalance in your life that affects you greatly. The card warns you to not let yourself be carried away and to not act impulsively. Stay calm, think carefully, and communicate openly to bring back harmony and fluidity in your life.
Rendog: The Emperor (IV)
The Emperor is a calm and powerful ruler that impose respect and authority.
When upright, The Emperor reminds you, to make decisions with everyone’s interest in mind. You can set an example by being respectful and taking your duties seriously.
When reversed, this card warns against too much rigidity in your opinions, and incite you to keep an open mind. The reversed Emperor shows that thinking in black-and-white works against you. Stay flexible and remind yourself that there’s an exception to every rule. 
Scar: The Chariot (VII)
The Chariot represents determination , unwavering focus and will.
When uprights, you no longer fear obstacles, you’ll follow your objectives, and nothing will stop you. Do not let yourself be distracted ! What you wish for may seem out of your reach for the moment, but by pressing on you’ll find the strength necessary to succeed.
When reversed, this card tells you to not falter as victory can still be reached as long as you’re ready to adapt. The reversed Chariot, advises you to tackle challenges with more finesse and flexibility. Letting go will not hurt you. 
Skizz: The Wheel of Fortune (X)
The Wheel of Fortune represents decisive moments, sudden reversals and twists of fate.
When uprights The Wheel of Fortune, reminds you that life is unpredictable and that luck keeps turning. It’s a clear sign, that you need to expect the unexpected. Embrace your life as it is now because big changes are coming. The Wheel of Fortune remind you that life can change at any second. Live in the moment.
When reversed, The Wheel of Fortune indicates that your streak of bad luck is not your fault, greater forces are at play. You may feel as if you don’t control anything but this card has a positive side. Nothing is eternal not even misfortune. Curses can be broken, birthrights restored and kingdoms can prosper again. Be patient, and wait for the wheel of fortune to turn again in your favor.
Tango: Justice (XI)
Justice represents repercussions, consequences ethics, and equity.
When upright, Justice advices you to follow your moral compass, while brushing aside your personal feelings on the matter. It’s a clear sign that the time must come to defend truth and integrity. The choice may be difficult, but it will lead to long-term peace and stability.
When reversed, Justice suggest that your actual perspective may be false. Justice suggest that you may not be seeing situations for what they really are. Try to keep an open mind and ask your loved ones to help you see the truth.
I hope you guys enjoyed this draft, this took so long. I’m not a 100% sure for some of the life smpers but I think it should be fine.
Hope you enjoyed this post, I know I’m gonna enjoy my Friday afternoon.
See you all !
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Best Friend's Girl 4: Yours
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TW: angst. Smut. Language. 
Best Friend's Girl 4: Yours
Considering how volatile a situation it could become if Kooks and Pogues crossed even a foot on the terrain belonging to the rivaling social class, you’d taken comfort in making your way to this party on The Cut, knowing Rafe, Topper, and Sarah wouldn’t be present. It was reason enough for you to attend as you’d dressed down in a plain crop and jean shorts, hair left at its natural length, and makeup applied to hide your tired and puffy expressions, as you made your way to the beach.
“There you go, princess…” JJ flirted, handing you a red solo cup, filled halfway with lukewarm beer that you’d accepted strictly out of being polite. But you had no intentions of drinking, even if you were tempted by the potential numbness taking it in excess could offer. The desire worsening once noticing the way everyone seemed to stare at you; a Kook, staring out like a sore thumb among a collective of their kind. 
Throughout the night, you would be pulled into conversations with pogues in reference to life on ‘the other side’, even cracking a few smiles at jokes made at the expense of the Kook princes themselves, but feigning victory as your mind would always return to him.
Everything reminded you of him. The water, how it matched the hue of his eyes darkened by lust. The alcohol as it was almost always present behind the echo of his kiss. And it didn’t help that their names hung in the air throughout sporadic conversations due to the recent drama and your involvement along with them. But you’d managed to find a section of the beach more secluded from the whisper campaigns shamelessly spoken against you without the compassion of how it affected you.
“Can we talk?” A sudden voice forced you to stiffen as you questioned how he’d manage to slip through the curious gazes planted on you without so much as an altered focus from those ogling you. It was with this thought that you realized they HAD been looking at him. But he was either indifferent or careless as his focus remained on you. For this, you’d finally consumed the alcohol you’d been nursing for the last two hours, aware it wouldn’t even supply a buzz, but hoping the placebo effect behind it would be enough to endure whatever time you would be forced to spend with him before finding an escape. 
“Please…” He was suddenly nervous, just as you’d found him in your last exchange; desperate for your attention, and even more than that, your forgiveness. But you didn’t owe him anything, and you showed this by rising to your feet and trying for the opposite direction before he’d taken hold of your arm. 
“So help me, I’ll take you over my shoulder if I fucking have to until you talk to me…” He threatened as a second voice suddenly emerged from your side. The same beautiful blonde boy who had offered you your drink was now coming to your rescue, whether he knew it or not or did it simply to piss Rafe off, having worked in your benefit. 
“Need a refill?” He asked as Rafe tried to ignore him-and he had, until your focus moved to JJ, the boy marked in luscious blonde locks and damning dimples. 
“Get lost, pogue….” He spat, the Rafe that had seemingly disappeared once in your presence had returned to his usual asshole self. 
“Actually, I’d love one.” You accepted simply to spite him as JJ gave a smile before leading you back to the keg. 
“Thanks for that-”
“I didn’t do it out of the kindness of my heart, you know.” Your stomach suddenly twisted, those soft blue eyes deceptive in their friendly invitation. 
“Calm down there, princess, I just meant that any excuse to get a rise out of them and I will ALWAYS take it.” You chuckled, understanding as in this moment you were twin flames, both wanting to get under Rafe’s skin. 
“Besides…I’m kind of intrigued as to why we are gifted with your presence.” The tone in his voice was more of a tease as you’d ignored this, simply finding a comfort in his desire to converse as most just whispered behind your back, if they were compassionate enough to not do so directly before your gaze. 
“You didn’t see it all over Instagram?” He smirked as you referenced the comments written in hatred from your supposed friends taking Topper’s side.
“Not really much for the ‘gram,' ' You both chuckled. 
“I prefer real life. The feeling of the sand and shit, you know?” You slowly nodded, appreciating how this conversation allowed you a distraction, all the while feeling Rafe’s glare from across the beach. But it would only remain for the duration of existential comments from your current partner in verbiage before he decided to make an example of your games. It wasn’t even a handful of minutes later that he’d had his arm wrapped around some blonde. But you would do your damndest to appear unaffected. You had to. He had already taken too much. 
This was the reason why you'd been entangled in JJ Maybank for the last hour, drinking to ignore Rafe's current victim doing the same to him, and allowing your body to be fondled by the prince of the pogues. If not for the way your heart was connected to Rafe, you could easily let yourself entertain the idea of you and JJ. He was kind and funny, eyes now heavy with a lust you'd only endorsed by the way you'd danced with him. But then suddenly he was turning you to him, eyes focused on you. 
"Really wanna piss him off?" Your eyes trained to his as he took a step closer. "I'll take one for the team…" He teased, smirking, before pressing his lips to yours. Surprisingly soft, his lips sent a volt of excitement shot through your body. But even if the kiss was a distraction, it wasn't as intense as it had been with Rafe. This was because emotion was absent with JJ, whereas you drowned in it with Rafe. 
"You 'bout done?!" Rafe scolded, tearing you from JJ, who was now more invested in his friends than coming to your rescue. 
"Not even close-" You rivaled as his eyes sharpened onto you, your body casting to his lips as his jaw became defined by the tension made from his teeth. Despite the way his preying eye stayed onto you, you were able to pull yourself away from him before moving back to the party. 
However, by now, it had mostly died down to those either too drunk or too tired to leave. Among them, having been the countless beers and a handful of fruity cocktails now taking an effect on you. So much so that the next thing you remembered was waking up the next morning, haunted by the scent of his cologne. 
Until you realized you were in his bed…
"What-" Before you could question him, he produced a dual det of pills and a glass of water. Recognizing them as having been Aspirin, you accepted them without any form of gratitude, and just continued to observe him as he sat on the side of the bed. But his close proximity was suffocating, even without his touch. It caused you to hike yourself higher up on the bed as if being near him would give you something highly contagious or even deadly. 
"Jesus Christ, are you eight?!" He spat, rising to his feet and pacing the side of the bed as you pulled the sheets to your chest, only then noticing how you'd been charged into one of his shirts. 
"Why am I here? '' You asked, half in fear of the answer being your own vocation. And yet, some disappointment behind his eyes explained this wasn't the case. 
"Because you got so shitfaced you almost drowned…'' Vague memories of what he spoke of returned to you along with a pounding in your head that only seemed to worsen by the second. The most defining memory having been the way he'd spoken to you as he collected you within his arms and led you to Tannyhill via his truck. Words of such sweetness rivaling him in contrast now. 
"You need to eat…" His compassion returned, even if it had been spoken behind hostility. 
"Would there be enough?" His eyes narrowed further. 
"I don't eat THAT much-"
"I mean for the girl you tried to fuck last night…I'm sure you've got her stored here somehwere…unless you just used her last night. We both know you're good at that-'' Suddenly you were forced from the bed by his harsh yet almost effortless grip, until you were sandwiched between him and the edge of the bed. 
"Let me go-" He silenced you with an aggressive verbal roar of his own. 
"And what about you and that pogue, huh? I could kill you for letting him touch you-"
"I would have let him do more than touch me if you hadn't been so…barbaric!"
"I would have done anything if it would have meant getting his fucking hands off of you! And as far as that girl…YOU started that game, sweetheart, I was only playing along." He paused, his voice turning somewhat soft once you'd revisited from rivaling him long enough so he could explain.
"I didn't do anything with her-"
"Just like you didn't do anything with ME, right? Like you didn't fuck your best friend’s girl? Take her virginity? Use her for a bet?!"
To this, he pulled you tighter against him, one hand to your hair, pulling your eyes to be level with his, as the second was at your jaw to keep you from looking elsewhere, also managing to keep you quiet as well. 
"I didn't fuck that girl and you weren't a fuckin bet!" He spat, "Have I had sex before you? yeah, because I did everything I could to get you out of my head! But each time, I was left feeling like shit because it wasn't you!"
"You got what you wanted, you got me, okay-" Tears burned behind your eyes as he shook you once in conviction to reclaim his dominance of the conversation. 
"It was never just about sex!" You glared. "It wasn't like that-"
"Enlighten me then… What WAS it like? Because I know one thing for sure…I DID get fucked by you, Rafe-” Something behind his expression shifted, almost as if he understood that this would be his last chance to convince you of whatever it was he was trying to convey. Because of this, his grip softened before finally releasing you. He was now emotionally unhinged, pacing the small space in front of you to keep you from leaving as he allowed his words to leave his lips entirely unfiltered. 
“The night we talked scared the shit out of me! The things we talked about-I-I’ve never told anyone. But when he noticed I was looking at you, he gave me shit and told me you were a virgin and I let my ego get the best of me. It was a joke..I never meant it-”
“Well HE didn’t think so!”
“I don’t give a shit what he thought! I know what I FELT!” HIs hand laid flat at his chest.
“No! Dammit, I-'' He began to fumble over his thoughts, trying to explain how he felt without scaring you into abandoning him. Of course, you couldn't know this as you allowed your own prime reaction; pain, to broadcast your own emotioned without a filter. 
“Too hard to think of another lie?”
“It isn't a lie! And it isn’t lust-”
“Then what?” You squared up against him, finger raised in accusation, “A pity fuck, right? Just have the guts to say what it is-”
“Maybe the girls before you! Maybe them! But not you…Not when I…”
“You what Rafe?Huh?”
“Fuck, I…I love you!” His words silenced you completely, draining all anger and replacing it with an undeserved forgiveness.
“I love you…” He said once more, this time softer, but still strong in his conviction behind it. 
“I didn’t realize he was serious about the bet until three weeks ago…I thought he really cared about you which was why I stayed away…no matter how fucking badly I wanted you! And three weeks ago, he said he’d have it all planned out…every depraved detail of how he’d …” He paused, unable to fathom the imagery currently running through his head of anyone else touching you-even if it had been fictitious. 
“And I just HAD to make sure when it happened for you, it was with someone who cared about you.” Your lips parted to interject. 
“And before you question if I did…don’t you think if I cared about the bet, I would have told him I ‘won’ three weeks ago?” His words silenced you, his points believable enough to lessen your anger and your reasons to keep your distance from him. Emotionally and physically. 
“I didn’t care…I just wanted it to be someone who cared about you…because nobody will…not like I can and I just-” You moved across the small space that divided you and interrupted his confession, silencing him with your kiss. 
Immediately, his fingers took hold of his shirt keeping you modest, wrapping it into his grip at your back left in excess from your difference in physiques before he’d taken you against the wall. The sound of your name would break the kiss as he kept his forehead planted against yours. 
“I swear to God, you mean everything to me, baby. It has always been you-I’ve always wanted YOU…” He retraced just far enough so you could see his expression, desperation worn well behind his vulnerable eyes glossed with near tears. 
“Prove it.” You challenged, grin forming over your own tear stained cheeks as he didn’t waste a second before taking your jaw in his grasp and pressing a kiss to your lips. But as you’d familiarize with his tongue at a gentle battle against your own, he would travel to your neck before then moving to his knees. 
Fisting the fabric over your toso with one hand, he exposed our panties to him, where they would be removed by his fingers. Eyes locked to you, he lifted your leg over his shoulder and kissed his way to your core. Smirking how wet you already were for him, you’d feel his grin fade as he ran his tongue along your folds. Still, his eyes remained trained on you to ensure you were reacting as he believed he’d earned. 
“Rafe…” You breathed his name in approval as he nodded against you, moaning and sending volts of those vibrations throughout every nerve in your body. 
“Anything you want…just tell me, baby, I’ll make it yours…” He explained,your back pulling into an arch as he’d flattened you with the hand wrapped across your stomach, all to stabilize you. 
“Tell me…” He growled. 
“THAT! Keep doing THAT!” You moaned, eyes screwed shut as he’d accentuate his pleasure by the penetration of his fingers. Beginning in slow succession, he’d start with his middle finger, eventually joined by a second, curling them once you’d gasped to his touch. 
“You want me to prove it, baby?” He broke away from yoru clit, looking up at you, erotic with his jaw entierly saturated in your arousal, “I’ll fucking prove it-” You were taken to the edge of the bed, thrown playfully flat before being dragged to its edge as he pulled ou back against his tongue. Small flicks made at the tip of his tongue brought you towards your orgasm. This was offered as a silent statement as you rolled against his tongue, your fingers drawing lines throughout his hair and taking a hold once he’d altered from decisive to erratic. 
His name expelled like a curse from your lips, offering both pain and pleasure, as you could feel just how we he had made you in a mix of his own ambition and that he had pulled from you. Yet, he didn’t falter for even a moment as you were pulled to your edge. The one you had been deprived of and deprived yourself of for the time apart. Such a short amount of time in hindsight, having acted so bitterly lengthy between the two of you.
“Come for me, sweetheart…” He endorsed, beginning the request half muffled against your slick before finalizing it with the usual dominance. “I have a lot to make up for…” And yet, you didn’t want the rush quite yet, even if your impatience was getting the best of you. 
“I want to make YOU feel good…” You’d managed beneath your winces and groans. 
“No, baby…This is all about YOU…” He confessed before disappearing between your thighs once again. Only this time, doing so with unbroken conviction as you drew lines of blood down each of his arms set over your thighs. As always, whenever a pleasurable pain was presented, it forced a specific type of excitement to form in Rafe’s eyes-one very existence present as the sting of fresh blood now lined his arms. A short curse left his lips as he’d return to you as if he was a starved man and your entire pussy was a buffet. 
“Rafe, I’m gonna come!” He nodded into you, fingers making quick work of your entrance, two fingers bent at a perfect angle, while his tongue swiped and sucked as you’d feel him break to speak. 
“Good girl. Come for me baby. Ride my tongue, sweetheart.” And you did. Your body bucking without a care of judgment. The ecompassment of pleasure arriving to your core in a rush of a climax as he continued, unrelentlessly. 
“RAFE!” You gasped, the feelings far too erotic and intense to fathom as he held your legs flat with his arms as you trembled to showcase such an impossiblitly. 
“Keep coming!” He ordered as you did, the high having lasted longer than you believed possible, before he’d finally withdrawn, a deep swallow informing you of how hard you’d come from him. 
“You know what…” His eyes shifted from their compassion to lust as your legs were taken in torque and you were flipped onto your stomach. 
“On your knees for me baby…”
“Rafe, please…I just need a second- '' But to this, he’d force you to acquiesce, lifting your legs to the incline he desired. But where you’d clenched your jaw in the anticipation of a rough thrust or a return of his fingers, he would begin to rub your bare ass.
“I think I’ve proven how I want you…” You nodded, “But now…I’m gonna prove just how much you belong to me…” A sudden slap sent you forward. 
“Rafe-” Another slap interrupted your attempt to ease the sting left behind by his hand, your wince only motivating him. 
“Baby, you gotta count or I’m gonna keep starting over.” 
“O-One…” You managed to utter as he’d continue. 
“Two…” A sharp inhale came from this specific slap as he’d moved to the other cheek, rubbing prior and following each slap as you’d quickly climbed into the double digits. Tears brimmed behind eyes screwed shut as he’d take you by your hair and lead you against his chest, now bare in a relinquishment you’d been absent knowing prior to this due to the angle in which he held you. The rush of his warm skin against your own sending your lips apart in a moan. 
“Anyone even tries to touch you…they’ll see just how rough you like it…and know you like it rough with me…”
“Rafe-” HIs hand to your jaw turned you to face him, a deep kiss forcing you mute as he’d withdraw with a grin to how he’d been able to control you with his ambitions. 
“Not Topper…Not JJ fucking Maybank-not any Kooks or Pogues in between…Only ME…Say it…” 
“You…” You breathed his reiteration as he nodded. 
“Good girl…Fuck, you’re always a good girl for me, aren’t you…just like the first ime?” You slowly nodded as he licked his lips, taking you back onto your back and then over his waist until you straddled him. 
“Then now it’s YOUR turn…prove to ME that you understood me…” Your eyes narrowed slightly in confusion as he’d take you onto his cock, painfully erect and stretching you in a way you weren't sure you’d ever become accustomed to. 
“Make me come inside you, baby…So every inch of you is marked by me…So EVERYONE knows you’re mine.” He explained behind clenched teeth as he’d release the hold he made of your stilled motions. 
“Good fucking girl…” He groaned as you’d taken him to and from you in a perfect bounce, the depth of his dick offering you stability as you’d pushed him onto his back for further dominance. 
“Fuck me how you want..make me come how you want…just…for the love of God, let me come insie you!” You nodded, quickening your thrusts, riding him deep and hard while he moaned beneath you and met your hips with the makeup of his own desperation. As he began to buckle, a sign of his close release, you’d suddenly stopped your motions. 
“FUCK!” He grunted, eyes finding you in annoyance as you’d carry your fingernails down his chest, making lines of your own possession. 
“Mine.” He scoffed, rising up to you for a thorough kiss as he’d ride you both into a mutual orgasm before he’d hold you in place. Once you’d been able to steady your breathing enough to speak, you would set a soft kiss to his panting lips, where his fingers wrapped in your hair and set you beneath him. 
“I meant what I said…”
“You say a lot, Rafe…” You teased as he cocked his head, nodding in agreement to how he couldn’t dispute this. 
“Well I meant all of it…But mostly that no matter what happens with our families or our friends…I’m not going anywhere, not even if you wanted me to…” Although you knew this would leave you feeling uneasy if coming from anyone else, it was a true peace of mind hearing it from his lips, “And that I love you…So goddamn much, it makes me crazy…”
“I love you too, Rafe…” The words were weak as you’d sat your head on his chest, a hand to your cheek directing you to look at him. 
“Say it again for me, yeah?” Now, you’d meet his gaze, the most vulnerable and tender of moments shared by these words. 
“I love you.” He kissed you once more, a soft kiss in contrast to those of usual dominance and desperation. 
“You and me, sweetheart.”
“You and me, Rafe…” You’d validate once falling into his chest, well aware the path of a new relationship would be rocky at best, but one you’d be willing to endure as long as he stood at your side. And you knew he would. Just as you’d stand at his…
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litcityblues · 1 month
'Ashes of Victory' --A Review
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The ninth novel in the Honorverse series serves as a conclusion to a three-book arc in the series that begins with In Enemy Hands, continues with Echoes of Honor, and concludes here. Honor Harrington is alive, and well and has returned home with half a million prisoners from the Havenite Prison Planet known as Hell.
Ashes of Victory is the story of her triumphant return home. I would say the first third of the book or so is centered around just Honor coming to grips with having been declared/believed to be dead. She has an emotional reunion with her parents (her mother had given birth to twins, which satisfied the requirement Grayson had for an heir to her Steading) and her cousin Devon has inherited her Manticoran title (Honor is amused by this, as she can imagine his horror at the news-- while we don't meet him, he's described as a bookish/Professorial type who would very much not interested in things like a title.) She also has to face the facts: the extent of her injuries is going to keep her from active naval duty for at least a couple of years since she'll need reconstructive surgery.
There's a heart-wrenching moment for Nimitz as well-- as the extent of his injuries becomes clear and the humans realize he has lost his ability to communicate with his fellow Treecats, though his bond with Honor remains intact and as strong as ever. It's unclear if he recovers some ability to communicate with his fellow Treecats, but what Honor does is manage to help prove that Treecats are as intelligent as humans and full communication starts to become possible thanks to sign language systems.
Honor gets her battlefield promotion confirmed (and becomes Admiral) and, since she's out of the fighting for a bit, starts teaching at the Saganami Island Naval Academy to shape the minds of future generations of naval officers-- not just from Manticore, but from Grayson as well.
Hey, remember Steadholder Mueller? He was sort of kind of involved in a plot to overthrow Protector Benjamin that got somebody else beheaded and he frantically threw everyone he possibly could under the bus to avoid being implicated himself? (Flag In Exile, fifth book of the series.) Well, he's back and he's been biding his time and martialling his power and he's emerged as the leader of the Opposition on Grayson. He doesn't know it, but he's also under investigation but before that can come to fruition, his conspirators are revealed to be agents of Masada. There is unease on Grayson- especially when rumors start flying that annexation into the Star Kingdom is being discussed. (It's not precisely that: the famously independent San Martin has joined, but it's... kind of a commonwealth situation? They maintain their autonomy but also have representation of some kind in Manticore's Parliament?) Poor Mueller is in over his head and doesn't realize until it's too late.
Meanwhile, on Haven, things are going great, and by great I mean that Rob Pierre is dead. Admiral McQueen tries to launch a coup. Oscar Saint-Just detonates a hidden nuke underneath the Octagon and decimates McQueen, her forces, and a hefty amount of the military leadership to boot. Admiral Theisman is recalled to take charge of the Capital Fleet. Admirals Tourville and Giscard are believed to be next on the list of Admirals to go (i.e. be shot) and the military situation collapses on them. They are on the verge of utter defeat thanks to Manticore's new offensive and technologies to boot.
But, a surprise assassination attempt on the combined leadership of Manticore and Grayson fails- but kills Manticore's Prime Minister which leads to a change of government. The opposition comes in and demands a halt to the fighting, believing Haven to be defeated. Queen Elizabeth is fucking pissed about it but has no choice. A ceasefire follows along with negotiations and Admiral Theisman launches a coup of his own, killing Oscar Saint-Just.
I am not sure how to feel about this book. The first third to half of it is just about perfect. Pays off so many plot lines laid down in the previous two books of this arc. There are great character moments as Honor returns home and is reunited with friends and family and faces up to the cost of her injuries and time on Planet Hell. (The weird awkward romance between her and White Haven is touched upon, but we don't get back around to that-- I'm thinking we will at some point though.)
But the ending to this one leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's... awkward. To his credit, Weber acknowledges that he had to make a mild retcon in an afterword. Basically, eagle-eyed readers noted that in an earlier book, the Prime Minister of Manticore must command a majority in the Commons. Weber tweaked that here to make it the House of Lords. That change is small, but significant and explains how the Opposition was able to force a change in government-- and, it turns out that Monarchs of Manticore are required to marry a commoner. I am assuming that this will be paid off in future volumes... somehow. But a political short-circuit on Manticore's part also covers up for the fact that Haven is a hot mess.
How can any polity survive such instability? It's all coups and counter-coups and counter-counter-coups and nukes going off and just randomly killed a million people or so. I don't see how you can have that instability without some kind of popular unrest breaking out.
I mean, on the one hand, I get it: the Honorverse train keeps on rolling. But on the other hand: this is kind of a wet fart noise of an ending to a really excellent three-book arc to this series. (Also, there's a lot of really technical exposition in this one-- maybe more than in previous novels, I don't know. And yes, it's military sci-fi, so what did I expect, but it slows this book down in parts in ways I did not like.)
Overall: Starts strong, but the ending is not particularly satisfying-- however, these three book-arc have sold me on keeping on keeping on when it comes to the Honorverse, so I guess we'll see what's next. My Grade: *** out of ****
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To one of my lovely mutuals Edgy / @a-very-tired-raven , I apologize for being slightly late with your b-day present. (And for being unable to think of a good, catchy title for this one-shot) But I hope you enjoy this quick, short story nonetheless… (sorry it wasn’t longer). 
You and your gremlin husband are adorable! And I hope you like it. 
As much as you loved your date-mate… he could be annoying when he wanted to be. 
Most of the time it was all in good fun. You both enjoyed the teasing and the theatrics of your relationship… but today, he was just being obnoxious. 
You both had recently gone to see his favorite musical Hamilton... not the Broadway version, obviously, but the one performed by the Ebbot College students. It had been a lot of fun, and you could tell a lot of effort went into the production of it… but now he was hooked on the music again. 
To be fair, so were you, but you were at least rotating throughout the songs. The perfect mixture of all the nostalgic tunes that made you fall in love with the show in the first place.
But on his agenda for the day was to sing the same one… over, and over, and over again. 
How does a ragtag volunteer army in need of a shower
Somehow defeat a global superpower?
How do we emerge victorious from the quagmire?
Leave the battlefield waving Betsy Ross' flag higher?
Yo, turns out we have a secret weapon
An immigrant, you know and love, who's unafraid to step in
He's constantly confusin', confoundin' the British henchmen
Ev'ryone give it up for America's favorite fighting Frenchman
The worst part was the slight variations he would do each time he restarted the song. It was mostly him singing in different voices or accents or styles, but to mix it up and make it more confusing, he’d do different characters in the play and even random actors and characters from other shows.  
And while most of the time you found it hilariously entertaining to hear your boyfriend talk in so many different voices…. but if you heard that song one more time.
I'm takin' this horse by the reins makin'
Redcoats redder with bloodstains
And I'm never gonna stop until I make 'em
Drop and burn 'em up and scatter their remains, I'm
Watch me engagin' em! Escapin' em!
Enragin' em! I'm-
I go to France for more funds
I come back with more guns
And ships
And so the balance shifts
To be fair… it's not like you were really doing anything important. Just a mobile game on your phone you randomly downloaded on your phone cause you were bored. 
But it was pretty addicting… and you just. wanted. to. beat. this. level!!
Kind of difficult to focus on and accomplish when your six-foot skeleton date-mate was dancing around the room, singing in more and more absurd voices while laughing at your frustration every time you failed and had to start over, giving him an accusing glare each time. 
The jerk. But he was your jerk. 
You knew the reason he was being so intentionally annoying was because he wanted your attention. …So why not give him exactly what he wanted?
On his next pass by, you reached out to snag him by the waist, pulling him towards you. 
Seeing as how you were sitting on the couch, it ended up being a kind of awkward shuffle to get situated, but you managed. And giving yourself a moment to think about how to het even with the guy, you lean in to kiss him. Putting an end to any further nonsense by keeping him occupied in the best way possible. 
When you pulled back, his eyelight looked a little hazy. 
"You know what I like about you?” You could tell you definitely had his attention now. “I like your ridiculous sense of humor. I like your creativity, and all the pranks and jokes you can come up with on the spot. I like your voice and all the mimicry you can do with it.” 
You couldn’t help but list off a couple of other things about your boyfriend. 
Everything ranging from his appearance to his sense of style… with all of it leading up to "And I love you… but." 
You hesitate. Initially, the plan was that you would gently push him off you to land on the floor before telling him he was annoying… but with the unguarded, happy look he was giving you now, that seemed mean. 
"But I don't think love is a strong enough word." You lean down and kiss him again, tossing your phone onto the couch beside you. All your irritation from earlier gone. …Who needed to beat video game levels anyway? You had something much more important in front of you. What could possibly be better than that?
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toournextadventure · 1 year
I just want to say that your fics make me want to create big families in my fics! 🖤 Any tips for someone wanting to write that but doesn’t have a big family irl?
- 🎸
You're darn right I've got tips! Just remember this is all from my own personal experiences with my big family, and we're honestly a pretty odd bunch, but I feel like it's fairly universal for some things! Also, none of these are requirements for big families, you could probably write anything and it would be accurate for a big family. (I'll put some tips/info under the cut so I don't clog y'all's feed)
Picture the most chaotic situation you've been in. Now multiply it by 10. Every get together is chaos, whether good or bad. Everyone is talking over each other, people are getting lovingly bullied, siblings are going to threaten each other with the most heinous things you can possibly imagine. This is normal, this is a love language, let it happen
Someone is always going to have their feelings hurt for one reason or another. They got talked over at dinner. They roasted their sibling and then said sibling roasted them back. Everyone is ganging up on them to roast them. They're the one who has to sit in the middle of the couch instead of on either side. Very rarely is it for a "genuine" reason, and they get over it after guilt tripping everyone about whatever they're upset about
If they have any sort of good relationship with each other, they are Ride. Or. Die. Even if they don't talk or see each other all that often. They would literally go to jail for their sibling(s) if it truly came down to it. Obviously if it was something ridiculous they would go "no officer, I've never seen them before in my life," but in a genuine emergency? They would be there, no hesitation, hands down
Let. Them. Be. Assholes. Full stop
Parents have favourites! Not in a "I'm going to neglect the others" kind of way (unless that's the writing route you're going, of course), but in a "no I don't have favourites, yes I would only bail this one child out of jail" kind of way. And they don't always have the same favourite kid. More often than not, the kid is painfully aware that they're the favourite. The siblings will bully them for it until they cry
If we're talking extended family, there will be so much gossip. (My family for example), my two uncles were in jail for half of their lives. One of my uncles is a certified Whore™️. My aunt has been divorced twice, each time to literally the same man. We discovered only 5 years ago that we have secret family members somewhere because back in the 40s and 50s they were born out of wedlock and put up for adoption. If you think of something that would be juicy and think "hmm, that seems too out there" it's not. It's literally not. Write it, because I guarantee it has happened to some big family somewhere
Learning Secret History™️ is a rite of passage as the kids/grandkids/etc. get older. This does not happen all at once, it happens in stages. When they turn 18, when they're settled adults, when they finally have kids/get married. This Secret History™️ will reveal itself suddenly, and no one will even know how to react to it, and everything will go on as normal as if nothing had even happened
Depending on the family, family game nights are a thing! My family plays CoD zombies or Jackbox Games (usually). Let them have a game night on the instances where they're all finally together. And during that game night? They will be just shy of shedding blood. There's screaming, accusations of cheating, paranoia that everyone is ganging up against you (they are). Family does not exist during game night, only victory
End of the day? Let them love each other. They might not always verbalise an "I love you," but they will show it. We make each other lunch if we're already cooking. We share our snacks. We exist in the same room. We literally go into each others' room, mess something up, and leave without saying a word. But when it really matters, they say "I love you" because they do love each other
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thevelaryons · 2 years
The leading elements of the Velaryon fleet returned to King’s Landing bearing a cryptic message: Oakenfist had sent them on ahead whilst he set sail for Lys to secure “a treasure beyond price.”
The morning was bright and cold, the chronicles tell us. There, before the eyes of tens of thousands, Lord Alyn Oakenfist beheld his daughter, Laena, for the first time. After kissing his lady wife, he took the child from her and held her high for all the crowd to see, as the cheers fell like thunder. Only then did he return the girl to her mother’s arms and bend his knee before the king and queen. Queen Daenaera, blushing prettily and stammering just a little, hung about his neck a heavy golden chain studded with sapphires, “b-blue as the sea where my lord has won his victories.” Then King Aegon III bade the admiral rise with the words, “We are glad to have you safe home, my brother.”
Mushroom says that Oakenfist was laughing as he climbed back to his feet. “Sire,” he replied, “you have honored me with your sister’s hand, and I am proud to be your brother by marriage. Yet I can never be your brother by blood. But there is one who is.” Then with a flamboyant gesture, Lord Alyn summoned forth the treasure he had brought from Lys. Down from the Lady Baela emerged a pale young woman of surpassing beauty, arm in arm with a richly clad boy near the king’s own age, his features hidden beneath the cowl of his embroidered cloak.
Oakenfist’s “treasure” was Viserys Targaryen, the king’s lost brother, the youngest son of Queen Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon, presumed dead since the Battle of the Gullet, and missing for nigh unto five years.
— Fire & Blood, Under the Regents: The Voyage of Alyn Oakenfist
I think it’s quite telling that Alyn laughed when Aegon called him ‘brother’. After all, Aegon is the son of the woman who Alyn would surely blame for the death of his own brother. Even Alyn’s comment about “brother by blood” seems to suggest that he must be thinking of Addam in that moment. 
Alyn had previously told his wife that a son of theirs may sit the Iron Throne one day, as if he did not expect Aegon III to be long for the world to sire heirs of his own. Even the way Alyn bows to his King only AFTER he has made his other greetings and his dismissive comment in response to Aegon calling him brother, I wouldn’t be surprised if Alyn held some reluctance about the whole situation. As far as Alyn is concerned, Rhaenyra’s actions are what ultimately resulted in Addam’s death and now he has to call Rhaenyra’s son his King and Rhaenyra’s son wants to call Alyn ‘brother’. Think of the irony! No wonder Alyn laughs in his King’s face.
Still, that’s not to say Alyn dislikes Aegon. If anything, I think he finds him quite sympathetic, and even relatable. They both lost a brother they loved. It’s no surprise then, that as soon as Alyn hears of Viserys still being alive, he sets sail for Lys. Despite being on the journey home, and only the words of a stranger to go on, Alyn doesn’t hesitate to change course and retrieve this “treasure beyond price”.
To secure the prince, his lordship agreed that the Iron Throne would pay a ransom of one hundred thousand golden dragons, agree not to take up arms against House Rogare or its interests for a hundred years, entrust the Rogare Bank of Lys with such funds as were presently held by the Iron Bank of Braavos, grant lordships to three of Lysandro’s younger sons, and…above all…swear upon his honor that the marriage between Viserys Targaryen and Larra Rogare would not be set aside, for any cause. To all of this Lord Alyn Velaryon had agreed, and affixed his sign and seal.
— Fire & Blood, Under the Regents: The Voyage of Alyn Oakenfist
No matter how high the cost, Alyn is willing to pay it. Maybe he’s not yet ready to fully accept Rhaenyra’s son as his King, but for the sake of reuniting the two brothers, he’s willing to do them this kindness. He can never have his own brother returned to him, but at least he can help mitigate the suffering of this boy who’s grief he understands so well.
The return of his brother from the dead worked a wondrous change in Aegon III, Munkun tells us.
— Fire & Blood, Under the Regents: The Voyage of Alyn Oakenfist
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The Tri-Cone Cup: Chapter 3
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Gelato Trio Cookie: AH, WHAT A THRILLING TOURNAMENT WE HAVE! GOOD MORNING! Gelato Trio Cookie: It is the day of the third trial! This time, our champions will have to descend into the depths of the Labyrinth Dungeon! Gelato Trio Cookie: Somewhere in the Labyrinth, they shall meet the mysterious Labyrinth Master, claim the Mark of Victory, and come back! Gelato Trio Cookie: Now… shall we begin? Students: OOOOOOOOH!
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: …I bet this Labyrinth Dungeon is filled with hordes of magical creatures, just like yesterday’s forest. Prune Juice Cookie: Perhaps! Or perhaps not! Also, if you didn’t know, labyrinths tend to be rather… tricky to navigate! Kouign-Amann Cookie: …Prune Juice Cookie. Your portion pouch looks heavier than yesterday… Prune Juice Cookie: Well… Last night I managed to identify 412 possible emergency situations we might come across today… Prune Juice Cookie: With these potions in my bag, I’m pretty sure I can handle them with ease! Capsaicin Cookie: 412?! That’s dedication…! Prune Juice Cookie: In case you haven’t noticed, I’m quite desperate as well. Prune Juice Cookie: (Anyhow! Looks like we’re a team now?) Prune Juice Cookie: (Well, I’m glad that I can hide behind your strong and reliable backs!) Capsaicin Cookie: …Alright, let’s go!
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*Drip… drip…*
Prune Juice Cookie: The deeper we go, the more damp the air gets… And darker too…? Capsaicin Cookie: Hold on! It’s not getting darker, the walls are covered in… something black!!!
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Prune Juice Cookie: (Hmm…?) Kouign-Amann Cookie: I’m prepared for any kind of ambush! Here, let me… ACK!
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Capsaicin Cookie: Huh…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Ah… It hurts… …Oh? Wait…? I can’t see a thing?! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Also… He he… I mean… He he he ha ha ha! I don’t… Ah ha ha ha! I can’t stop… Ha ha ha! Laughing! Capsaicin Cookie: What happened?! Kouign-Amann Cookie? What’s the matter?! Prune Juice Cookie: Oh…? Aha! Prune Juice Cookie: (Only one thing can cause that unstoppable laughter…)
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Prune Juice Cookie: (The Muhahashroom!) Kouign-Amann Cookie: Ha ha ha ha! Wa ha ha ha ha! Prune Juice Cookie: Watch your step! Specifically, watch out for that black liquid! Capsaicin Cookie: Did you figure something out?! Prune Juice Cookie: No, not really. I’m trying to act cautious and not end up like our friend here! Because who knows what awaits us around the next corner? Kouign-Amann Cookie: Ha ha ha ha! He he he he he! Capsaicin Cookie: It’s a bit too late for caution! You know something about this place, don’t ya?! Capsaicin Cookie: I won’t pester you with questions, just do something about her! Don’t you have a portion prepared for that?! Prune Juice Cookie: You’ve got me there! I do owe our dear Kouign-Amann Cookie a favor… Prune Juice Cookie: I’m the master of potions, after all! And it so just happens that I’ve brought just the potion! Prune Juice Cookie: Here, have a sip of this! And try to swallow it as quick as you can! Prune Juice Cookie: And, for the record, this makes us even! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Hah… Ha ha… Oh… HA! Thank you! Ha ha ha!
*Gulp gulp*
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: Eugh… Capsaicin Cookie: How do you feel?! Better?! Kouign-Amann Cookie: UGH… More like… bitter! Kouign-Amann Cookie: I do feel better, but the aftertaste…! Prune Juice Cookie: Looks like I forgot to sweeten your refreshment! My bad! But see, you’ve finally returned to your senses! Prune Juice Cookie: Many an unfortunate traveler met their… bitter end, unable to stop their unending laughter… Prune Juice Cookie: And if not for my potion… soon enough, you would’ve realized this wasn’t really a matter to laugh about, so to speak! Kouign-Amann Cookie: …Yes, you’re right. Thank you, Prune Juice Cookie! Prune Juice Cookie: Oh, how great it feels to be recognized!
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Capsaicin Cookie: Hm…? Do you hear that? The wind…! Capsaicin Cookie: Oh…! Cookies! I think I found something! Capsaicin Cookie: *sniff*
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Capsaicin Cookie: I knew it! See! The exit is over there! Prune Juice Cookie: Bravo! I wouldn’t have expected you to find a way out so easily in all this darkness! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Excellent! Let’s get out of here!
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Capsaicin Cookie: Huh… This place is… a bit odd, don’t you think? Kouign-Amann Cookie: I agree… It seems like we’re running in circles around a big chamber… Prune Juice Cookie: (Not to mention that this place is weirdly damp… And those water sounds just before… Perhaps there’s an underground river nearby.) Capsaicin Cookie: …Hm? What’s that smell… Smells like… grass! Prune Juice Cookie: (*sniff* Grass, huh…? No, regular grass wouldn’t have a smell that bitter… Nooo, wait a minute!) Prune Juice Cookie: CLOSE YOUR EYES, NOW! Kouign-Amann Cookie: What…?! ACK! Capsaicin Cookie: …What happened?! I can’t move at all…! Prune Juice Cookie: Tough luck! I wouldn’t believe myself either! Capsaicin Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie!!! What did you do?!
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Prune Juice Cookie: My friend, it wasn’t me! Look around- whoever still can- but be careful! This place is covered with Basilisk Ferns! Kouign-Amann Cookie: What now?! Prune Juice Cookie: If you look right at them, they will paralyze you! Prune Juice Cookie: Oh, what do we have here?! The famous Anti-Basilisk Potion! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Unbelievable…! I don’t know if I’m impressed or appalled at you now… Prune Juice Cookie: *Gulp gulp gulp* Capsaicin Cookie: Why are you drinking that?! Prune Juice Cookie: Ahh… the sweet nectar of LIFE! Excellent! This buy us some time!
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie?! Where are you going?! Prune Juice Cookie: To find the entrance to the inner chamber, of course! Capsaicin Cookie: Aren’t you gonna help us?! Prune Juice Cookie: Ha ha ha! Nah! Did you really think I wouldn’t use this opportunity to get an upper hand…? Prune Juice Cookie: I only stayed with you lot because you were useful to me! Prune Juice Cookie: Now let’s see… The entrance should be… somewhere… here…
*sizzle sizzle*
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Capsaicin Cookie: You little…!
Kouign-Amann Cookie: Eek! Capsaicin Cookie! You’re gonna burn us! Capsaicin Cookie: …!! S-sorry…!
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Prune Juice Cookie: Aww, look at you two! Two friends who are gonna lose together! Prune Juice Cookie: VERY WELL, I’ll give you a hint! Heat will be quite helpful in your predicament! You see, the fern’s paralyzing toxin is particularly weak against it. Prune Juice Cookie: And if I were you, I’d save myself and leave Kouign-Amann Cookie here. Capsaicin Cookie: Grrr…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie! Are you really gonna leave us here?! Prune Juice Cookie: Of course! After all, I’ve paid my debt to you! Word of advice: Do close your eyes sometimes, hm?
*rustle rustle*
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Prune Juice Cookie: Oh, there you are! Right where I thought the door would be!
Prune Juice Cookie: Ha ha ha! Don’t you just love it when things go smooth like butter?! I guess, it’s time for good-byes… huh?!
Kouign-Amann Cookie: What’s going on…?!
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Prune Juice Cookie: The hallway… is crumbling apart?! Capsaicin Cookie: That door must’ve triggered a trap…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Capsaicin Cookie! Use your powers right now! I can handle your heat! Capsaicin Cookie: No… NO! You’re gonna burn into ashes!!
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Capsaicin Cookie: Ugh…! Prune Juice Cookie…! Don’t just stand there! RUN! Capsaicin Cookie: Save yourself!! Prune Juice Cookie: (...!) Prune Juice Cookie: Ha! Ha ha ha! Are you for real…? Now?!
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: YES! Our doughs can take a hit or two but a frail Cookie like you will surely perish! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Run…! Save yourself! Prune Juice Cookie: Unbelievable!
Tap tap tap tap!
Two Contestants: Oof!
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Prune Juice Cookie: I can’t believe I’m really doing this… SIGH. Desperate times call for desperate measures! Kouign-Amann Cookie: …! I CAN MOVE AGAIN! Capsaicin Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie… You…! Prune Juice Cookie: What are you looking at?! Whatever you’re about to say, SAVE IT! Run! We need to get out of here!
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Prune Juice Cookie: *Huff puff* If the crash didn’t crumble me, surely this run will… Capsaicin Cookie: Is everyone in one piece?! Prune Juice Cookie: What is the matter with you?! In case you forgot, we’re competing against each other?! Stop worrying about others and take care of yourself! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Says the Cookie that came back and saved us nevertheless! Prune Juice Cookie: Well…! I like my victories clear and plain! I can’t have other Cookies accusing me of cheating. Capsaicin Cookie: …Shh! Quiet, both of you!
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Prune Juice Cookie: The whole place is shaking…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: I can’t figure out where this sound is coming from! It’s so loud as if its source was right next to us…! Capsaicin Cookie: That’s because it IS right next to us! KOUIGN-AMANN COOKIE, GET DOWN!
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Labyrinth Candy Golem: GRAAAAAH! Kouign-Amann Cookie: …! AAH!
Prune Juice Cookie: A Candy Golem! An enormously large one! Capsaicin Cookie: …Ugh. Must be the Master of the Labyrinth! Kouign-Amann Cookie: H-huh…! We should be able to destroy it…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Hyah… Huh?! M-my sword… got stuck?! Prune Juice Cookie: Try to avoid direct contact! If you touch a Candy Golem, you’ll get stuck to it! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Gah! If you thought I’d stay still stuck to you, you couldn’t be MORE WRONG! HYAH!
Prune Juice Cookie: Did you really just… tear your sword off?! Just… how strong are you? I’m… disgusted at you two right now. Capsaicin Cookie: Is that golem really the Master?! Prune Juice Cookie: Well, we don’t have the luxury of doubt! Besides… Did you look at its central part?
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Capsaicin Cookie: Is that… the relic we’re supposed to retrieve?! Prune Juice Cookie: Yes, it’s the Mark of Victory! Which means… Kouign-Amann Cookie: Let’s defeat the golem first, and then decide what to do with the relic…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Hyah!
Labyrinth Candy Golem: Wooo… Bzzz… Capsaicin Cookie: It’s preparing to strike! TAKE COVER!
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Laboratory Candy Golem: GRAAAAAH! Capsaicin Cookie: Ugh…! Prune Juice Cookie: Ack…!
Kouign-Amann Cookie: PRUNE JUICE COOKIE!!! Prune Juice Cookie: …I just tripped! That’s all… Nothing to worry about… Laboratory Candy Golem: GROOOOOOH! Capsaicin Cookie: GET DOWN!
Prune Juice Cookie: GAH!
Prune Juice Cookie: Ahhh…! Capsaicin Cookie: PRUNE JUICE COOKIE! Prune Juice Cookie: …
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: He’s fine! But his potions…! Capsaicin Cookie: The potions…?! Prune Juice Cookie: …G …one. Prune Juice Cookie: The pouch helped to dampen the impact… But I’m alive… Thanks to it. Prune Juice Cookie: (But without my potions… I’m useless?!) Prune Juice Cookie: (I won’t be able to do anything…) Prune Juice Cookie: (I’m nothing… Without my potions.) Laboratory Candy Golem: Grraah! Capsaicin Cookie: PRUNE JUICE COOKIE! Snap out of it! Prune Juice Cookie: GAH…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie, NO!!!
Slam… THUD!
Prune Juice Cookie: Ha.. ha ha… What just happened?
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Prune Juice Cookie: The golem got hold of us two… Prune Juice Cookie: In one fell swoop!
Laboratory Candy Golem: GRAAAHHH! Capsaicin Cookie: HIYAAAAAH!!!!!
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Prune Juice Cookie: Ugh! Oof… Ha… Looks like it has quite the tight grasp on us…
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: Let… GO! LET… US… GO Prune Juice Cookie: It won’t budge! Guess you got lucky last time since it was just your sword… Kouign-Amann Cookie: But we MUST do something! Capsaicin Cookie needs our help! Capsaicin Cookie: *Huff puff* Here goes… BOOOOM FIST!
Laboratory Candy Golem: KH… GRAAAAAAH! Capsaicin Cookie: WHOAH…! It didn’t even flinch! Now that’s a worthy enemy…!
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Prune Juice Cookie: But what can we do? Prune Juice Cookie: You can barely swing your sword right now! Even if you succeed, you’ll barely make a scratch on that golem. And I’M just a “worthless” little Cookie! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Think! I’m sure there is a solution! I didn’t become a Paladin to give up! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Surely you’ve experienced obstacles during your potion crafting journey?! Prune Juice Cookie: Obstacles, yes! Completely rendered useless? NEVER! It’s not like I can brew potions out of thin air!! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Well, I don’t know much about potions, but there must be something you can do! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Maybe there’s a way to use the golem’s power against it. Think! What it’s made of, how it functions… SOMETHING! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Don’t tell me that you’re ready to just give up… I know you don’t want to! Prune Juice Cookie: …! Prune Juice Cookie: (If you’re so smart, then perhaps…!) Prune Juice Cookie: (Wait a minute… “Use the golem’s powers,” you say? That sounds like…) Prune Juice Cookie: (Muhahashrooms, Basilisk Ferns, running water, and this labyrinth’s structure…) Prune Juice Cookie: (...and a giant Candy Golem radiating with magic power…?) Prune Juice Cookie: Maybe… just maybe…! Prune Juice Cookie: Hmph. You ridiculously strong Cookies and your non-existent tactics. Do you even know how potion crafting works? Prune Juice Cookie: Seriously, this is why you must pay attention in class. Potion brewing is a delicate craft, not some fetch and brew nonsense that just happens to solve everything… Kouign-Amann Cookie: That sly smile…! You came up with a plan, didn’t you?!
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Laboratory Candy Golem: GRAAAAOOH!
Capsaicin Cookie: *Huff puff* …Huh? A plan…? Prune Juice Cookie: To be frank with you, this is the most radical thing I’ve ever done, but I… INDEED do have a plan! Capsaicin Cookie: Spill it! It’s not like we have anything better to do right now! I’ll do whatever you say!!! Kouign-Amann Cookie: I knew it! Prune Juice Cookie: Listen up! I’d tell you to take notes, but this will have to do! Prune Juice Cookie: We will use everything we’ve stumbled upon so far: the mushrooms, the ferns, running water, the golem, and…! Prune Juice Cookie: You, Capsaicin Cookie! Capsaicin Cookie: Huh? ME?! Laboratory Candy Golem: GRAAAOOOOHHH! Capsaicin Cookie: Huh… Eh… What?!
Prune Juice Cookie: I highly doubt that you will be able to follow my instructions word by word, so I’m gonna simplify everything so that even your muscle brains get it!
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Prune Juice Cookie: We’re gonna use the labyrinth’s structure and its ecosystem and turn it into a potion brewery! Prune Juice Cookie: Our solvent… is that Candy Golem! We’re gonna use the golem as the base for the potion! Two Contestants: ?!?!!!! Prune Juice Cookie: We have all the ingredients! The Muhahashrooms will stabilize the ingredients… Prune Juice Cookie: And the Basilisk Ferns will be the catalyst that will help speed up the reaction! Prune Juice Cookie: Which means… Capsaicin Cookie! Your role is crucial in this escape plan! Prune Juice Cookie: In order to fuse all the ingredients, we have to vaporize the river of this labyrinth and use steam instead! Prune Juice Cookie: The labyrinth is too large for any normal kind of heat! We need… flaming heat, like the one you demonstrated in the second trial!
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Capsaicin Cookie: Huff… huff… I… I understood the plan. Capsaicin Cookie: But… I can’t. I won’t be able to control myself… I just can’t…! Prune Juice Cookie: What are you- Do you even comprehend how dire the situation is?! You just said that you’ll do whatever I say! Capsaicin Cookie: B-but you two saw it too…! I… I can’t control my powers! Kouign-Amann Cookie: But you can! Capsaicin Cookie: What…? Kouign-Amann Cookie: I heard it loud and clear when I reached you in the Hall of Mirrors! Kouign-Amann Cookie: You said that you don’t need those shackles anymore because you can control your powers! Capsaicin Cookie: But I couldn’t! I… I burned down those woods… with all its history and importance… Capsaicin Cookie: There weren’t any Cookies back then… But what if we didn’t split up? What if we were all in the same room? Capsaicin Cookie: You might’ve burned with the forest! And if I do what you told me… my flames are gonna get to you…! Capsaicin Cookie: I… I don’t want to hurt Cookies!!
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Two Contestants: … Laboratory Candy Golem: GROOOOOOO!
Capsaicin Cookie: Ugh…! Prune Juice Cookie: Cookies born with strength… I swear, it’s like their arrogance knows no bounds… Prune Juice Cookie: Kouign-Amann Cookie! Don’t you have anything to say to that? Kouign-Amann Cookie: T-that’s right! Capsaicin Cookie, even if we were in the same Hall of Mirrors, we wouldn’t have burned down. Kouign-Amann Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie has his potions, and most of all, I wouldn’t let you use your powers so freely! Capsaicin Cookie: No… That’s because you haven’t experienced the full scope of my strength… I… I’ve never fully unleashed my powers. Capsaicin Cookie: You… you are all too weak to face me in my full force. Kouign-Amann Cookie: !!!! Prune Juice Cookie: Did… Did he just…? ARE YOU KIDDING ME. That’s it, I’ve heard enough! Prune Juice Cookie: Yes, maybe in the eyes of the Spice Overlord, Cookies may seem “weak.” But do you think that us “weak” Cookies are gonna just stand and take it like fools? Capsaicin Cookie: Don’t call me that! I never wanted to be called that! Prune Juice Cookie: DO you even know how hard it is to get a title like that? A lord. AN OVERLORD! Because you’re that strong! Because everyone looks up to you and wants to be you! Prune Juice Cookie: Oh, if only they could see you now! Pathetic! Whining like a freshly baked Cookie without an ounce of common sense! What are you so scared of, OVERLORD?! Capsaicin Cookie: Stop… calling ME THAT!!
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Gelato Trio Cookie: Here, we have the third trial raging on in the center of the labyrinth dungeon…! Gelato Trio Cookie: The Candy Golem got a hold of the two contestants already! OH NO! Now it’s coming for Capsaicin Cookie! Gelato Trio Cookie: Will the champions be able to make it?! …But it looks like the champions are having a disagreement of their own…! Prune Juice Cookie: WHAT! Are you gonna boom fist me too? It’s not like we can do anything right now! Capsaicin Cookie: Accidents… happen when you least expect them!! And it’s too late after it’s over! Capsaicin Cookie: It’s not like I wanted to be baked this strong!! Prune Juice Cookie: And you think I wanted to be baked FRAIL?! Capsaicin Cookie: I… I’m always anxious because I’m scared a drop of my capsaicin essence might burn someone! But I always put on a smile on and act all dependable! Capsaicin Cookie: Or else the others will be terrified of me! Prune Juice Cookie: Excuse me? Who is terrified of who?! I’m pretty sure the only one terrified of yourself is YOU! Capsaicin Cookie: …! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Both of you! Calm down! We need to work together, not fight each other!! Prune Juice Cookie: Fine, you were chained down with shackles, whatever! But clearly, you were able to get rid of them! Capsaicin Cookie: That… that was just a lucky coincidence! Prune Juice Cookie: HA! Coincidence? Is that what you’re calling your achievements now? Prune Juice Cookie: Don’t you see that you’re the one hurting yourself?!! Prune Juice Cookie: Do you think you’re the only one with a tragic past? Look at you! Unable to move on, terrified to make another step…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie…! Prune Juice Cookie: Stop hiding from yourself! Capsaicin Cookie: I never hid from anything…!
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Capsaicin Cookie: (...But he’s right, I… I ran away.) Capsaicin Cookie: (I was scared of the harm my powers could cause… And chained myself away.) Capsaicin Cookie: (Are you saying… that it’s okay to let go? That no one will get hurt?)
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: CAPSAICIN COOKIE! Kouign-Amann Cookie: We’ll be FINE! We are the champions of our schools- the most capable and strongest of them all! Capsaicin Cookie: …If you get hurt… I will never be able to forgive myself. Prune Juice Cookie: I couldn’t care less about the conscience right now! I forgive you, so stop moping around! It CANNOT get any worse than this right now! Capsaicin Cookie: Do you HAVE to speak like that?! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Yes, yes! Trust in us, Capsaicin Cookie! Everything will be fine! Capsaicin Cookie: Sigh… Alright. Here goes… nothing. Capsaicin Cookie: It’s gonna get real hot now…! HRAAAAAAAAH!
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Prune Juice Cookie: Oof… T-that’s it, you’re on the right track! Prune Juice Cookie: You have to make it hotter… just a bit more…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Yes! You can do it! Melt away your chains! The bind that you put on yourself! Capsaicin Cookie: Big talk for some soft dough Cookies…!
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Laboratory Candy Golem: Woooo… Kouign-Amann Cookie: It’s melting! Capsaicin Cookie: No more… I will no longer chain myself to the past…!! Prune Juice Cookie: Ugh… Almost there…!! Kouign-Amann Cookie: The chamber is full of steam…!!
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: Eww… It’s so humid and sticky… Prune Juice Cookie, are you alright? Prune Juice Cookie: Of course I am. This is just a regular day in potion brewing! Capsaicin Cookie: No more running away…! These are my true powers… and I’m not afraid of them anymore!! Laboratory Candy Golem: Creak… CRACK… Kouign-Amann Cookie: It’s working! Prune Juice Cookie: Now! Capsaicin Cookie! Give it everything you got! MAXIMUM POWER!! Capsaicin Cookie: HERE IT GOES…!!
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Capsaicin Cookie: WITNESS… THE SPICE OVERLORD’S TRUE MIGHT! Prune Juice Cookie: Is the screaming really necessary? Laboratory Candy Golem: *Blub blub blub…* GRAAAAAH…! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Gasp! Capsaicin Cookie! Watch out! Capsaicin Cookie: (Wait, I think I can fight the golem now… No, I know I CAN defeat it!) Capsaicin Cookie: (I’ll get to his core with my own hands!) Capsaicin Cookie: HYAAAAAAAH!!
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Kouign-Amann Cookie: Aiming for the golem’s core directly?! Prune Juice Cookie: He got it!! Capsaicin Cookie: Ha… HA! HA HA HA HA HA!! I did it! I… I DID IT!! Laboratory Candy Golem: *Blub blub blub…* Laboratory Candy Golem: Vroom… Capsaicin Cookie: I WON!!! WA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!
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Prune Juice Cookie: Phew! If the heat didn’t burn me to crumbs, I might’ve melted away in all this goo! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Such potent potions… I feel like I just sat through one of Parfaedia’s infamous potions classes. Prune Juice Cookie: Eh… More or less. Does that mean I can send you a tuition bill later, he he? Kouign-Amann Cookie: Pfft, I see that you’ve fully recovered from the heat and reverted back to your usual joking self. Capsaicin Cookie: Huff… huff… huff… Prune Juice Cookie: Oh right. You did a good job, Capsaicin Cookie. I’ll make an exemption for you this time- I won’t charge you for the lecture! Capsaicin Cookie: …Ah… Prune Juice Cookie: Hmm? You’re… okay, right? Don’t go exploding on us right now! Capsaicin Cookie: …I feel GREAT! Kouign-Amann Cookie: *giggle* Prune Juice Cookie: …Sigh. You made us all go through all that trouble and now you’re all refreshed? Prune Juice Cookie: SIGH. Forget about potion lectures, I should charge you for counseling fees!
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Capsaicin Cookie: This relic is… Prune Juice Cookie: I believe that’s a relic from the founder of Parfaedia. Kouign-Amann Cookie: …You’re not plotting to steal it away from him, are you? Prune Juice Cookie: Just what kind of Cookie do you think I am? Prune Juice Cookie: That’s yours, Capsaicin Cookie. Prune Juice Cookie: If you did really go berserk, the only Cookie standing right now would be you. Prune Juice Cookie: Think of it as a prize for volunteering in my little experiment.
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Gelato Trio Cookie: And there we have it, folks!! Gelato Trio Cookie: After a series of events, Capsaicin Cookie has the Mark of Victory! He’s lifting the Golem’s Core up high! Gelato Trio Cookie: Scovillia wins the violent third trial! Gelato Trio Cookie: It looks like our three schools each have one point to their own! Gelato Trio Cookie: Which Cookie will take the Triple Cone Cup? Find out in our finals… TOMORROW! Gelato Trio Cookie: We hope to see you there! Gelato trio Cookie, coming to you live, from the Mountains of Trials and Harmony!
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Capsaicin Cookie: Ha ha! Is that right? One point for each school! Alright! Capsaicin Cookie: I look forward to battling you two once more…! Now that I know you two are much more than some rookie Cookie, I’m gonna give it my best! Kouign-Amann Cookie: It took you this long to realize this? I am always open to a good challenge! Prune Juice Cookie: I honestly don’t really care much for fighting, if I must say. I’m only the “master of potions,” so I’d rather sit in my corner and throw my potions from afar! Kouign-Amann Cookie: You say that, but we know better! Capsaicin Cookie: Yeah! You sure ain’t gonna quit that easy! We… we can read you now! Like an OPEN BOOK! Kouign-Amann Cookie: …*giggle* Capsaicin Cookie: HA! HA HA! Prune Juice Cookie: That’s not funny at all! …Heh. He he he… Prune Juice Cookie: Alright then, it’s settled! We shall see who the strongest Cookie is in the upcoming finals! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Yes! LET’S! Rest up, you two. You’ll be facing ME now! I’m a whole new Paladin! Capsaicin Cookie: And I’m not gonna hold back anymore! Ya think you have what it takes to face everything I got?! Prune Juice Cookie: Honestly, the Spice Overlord could do with SOME holding back. Capsaicin Cookie: HA! No can do! Kouign-Amann Cookie: Prune Juice Cookie, such is the fate of the brave knights that have awakened the Spice Overlord. Prune Juice Cookie: Sigh… Did we really have to, though? Encouraging and helping out other contestants… What was I thinking! Capsaicin Cookie: I owe you two a LOT! THANKS A BUNCH! Capsaicin Cookie: It only makes sense to show you the full scope of my spicy powers, don’t ya think? Ha ha! Prepare to face the SPICE OVERLORD in his FULL GLORY!! HA HA HA!
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magpiejay1234 · 7 months
Day 224.
According to the guide, if I got the optional mission, this would have been Day 197, so we have another 17 day skip.
The cutscene is Ansem DiZ, and Naminé talking about how the process of Sora's memories is not progressing well. Naminé states a Nobody is interfering with it, and she won't survive Sora's memories. We cut to Xion.
During the scene Ansem DiZ states Sora can do without a memory, or two (so as opposed to what Frustrated Jacob said, Ansem DiZ is technically okay others existing with Sora's runaway memories, he is still primarily concerned about they remaining in a Nobody, and a replica, which are too unstable to keep Sora's memories). Of course, we continue with the red herring of Xion being another Nobody of Kairi, instead of being Sora's replica.
There is a fair stuff to talk about Xion's situation, so we will ignore that, and talk about Naminé herself instead. Since Naminé's scene happens after Axel reads The Truth About Naminé, and Naminé is described as a "witch" who is somehow separate from a Nobody. This seems to be leftover idea Kanemaki had to retcon Naminé origins to allow her character to continue on existing beyond KH2 (since Naminé is one of Kanemaki's favourite characters).
Nomura's original idea in Coded, going by Frustrated Jacob's preserved screenshots, seems to be in contrast to this was to retcon Naminé's emergence's timeline, by making her emerge during Neverland events from Kairi's comatose body, and have the Sora parts of Naminé be caused by Kairi's heart being inside Sora, which would then mean until the remerge Kairi's comatose body would actually be replace by a Lelliel-esque 3D shadow projected from Kairi's heart inside Sora's heart.
This is kind of important to Naminé is Ava theory, since a combination of these would be the compromise that allows Ava being inside Naminé (and previously Kairi before their division).
This complication arises from the fact Naminé's creation, and refusing with Kairi should have been impossible, as Kairi is presumed to be a full heart-body by the end of KH1 (Sora isn't), so only the parts of Kairi should have gone back to Kairi, and rest of Naminé should have gone back to Sora instead (and vice versa with Roxas). The only line that makes Naminé existence possible is Yen Sid's initial description Nobodies in KH2, which is written in a way to suggest one person can manifest multiple Nobodies, but presumably less strength, so theoretically a full body-heart could give some of its life essence to create a weak, and unstable Nobody like Naminé.
This is currently a dropped plot point, but it is obviously intended to be covered later on.
Before the mission, Demyx gives you a Dark Ingot if you get all the Heartless in Mission 52.
This mission is Roxas entering the Rookie Games. After Phil leaves you get another lower screen shot of Sora, from their time at entering the games in KH1.
Round 3 will have another lower screen Sora shot, of his victory animation in Coliseum.
I died once here, so keep your cures.
After Round 4, you have a short fight with Xigbar, and then you get the boss, Guard Armor, which also gives its lower screen Sora shot.
You get the Sora shots through the Guard Armor boss.
I died once with Guard Armor.
After several tries, I retreated. So the opening Heartless just spawn endlessly.
After multiple tries, I defeated Guard Armor with Limit Break.
Roxas says to Demyx that he thinks Xigbar wanted to test him, I wonder what that plot line lead to in KH4.
Stinger is Phil realizing Roxas wasn't the guy he was supposed to be training.
The Ice Cream scene is Roxas, and Xion asking how Castle Oblivion is like. Xion has another seizure that causes her to almost drop the tower, but Roxas catches her. Axel then suggests going to the beach during the next day off (hence KH2 prologue).
You don't get anything interesting from this mission.
The Roxas diary entry talks about how Roxas thinks Axel suggested the beach to make Xion feel better.
0 notes
capableandenough · 9 months
Word of the Year. When I was trying to choose my word for this year, something to set my intentions around and to focus on throughout 2024, nothing really jumped out at me like it has in the past. So, I googled a list of “Word of the Year” options and made a list of all the words that really resonated with me. From my list, the two that stood out the most were “Sparkle” and “Thrive.” This past year, and MANY throughout my life, has been about surviving. Just making it through the best I can. But I strongly believe that we were not put on this planet to “just survive.” We were meant to thrive.
Inspired by myself going overboard with the glitter last night for New Year’s Eve, I chose “Sparkle.” I feel that “Sparkle” encompasses thriving as well. After all, it’s difficult to sparkle and shine when you’re just getting by, scraping through, surviving. 2023 was the year of Barbie, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Princess Peach, and an overall growth in women supporting women. I want to keep that momentum going for myself. One thing all these (real and fictional) women have in common is that they thrive. They sparkle and shine. But how will this word apply to me?
She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes.
This has always been one of my favorite quotes. Last night I may or may not have left a literally glitter trail everywhere I went. But for serious, in life I want to be the woman who enters a room and there is always at least one person (preferably more) who notices and/or is happy to see me. I want to be the woman whose presence leaves a mark. When I leave the room, I want people to have good feelings and nice things to say. I want to be noticed and I want it to be for my joy, my confidence, my kindness, my generosity, my compassion. I want to be a woman that others aspire to be more like. I want to be a blessing and not a burden. I want to be one of the first people that other people, especially the women in my life, want at their dinner party, book club, networking event, etc. I want to leave a positive, impactful, and lasting impression on everyone I meet.
This means working on loving myself. It means to quit seeking approval from outside and start building my confidence from within. It means starting to believe that I can be, that I am already, this woman that I aspire to be. If I don’t believe it, no one else is going to.
Never let anyone dull your sparkle.
My confidence has to come from within and so does my joy. I cannot let other people or bad situations bring me down. I won’t be the person I want to be if I let that happen. This doesn’t mean “positive vibes only” or pretending to be happy when I’m not. It means feeling my feelings but choosing to rise above. It means fortifying my cracks with gold. It means if I find myself in a pit, I am going to claw my way out and emerge victorious. It means never going back to “just surviving.” And it means being truthful, vulnerable, completely raw, but being able to find joy in the pain. Not plastering a fake smile on my face and pretending everything is okay but choosing to find the positive and the lesson in every situation. It means being truly authentic. The strongest and shiniest diamond needs to be tested to see if it’s real. Surface may get smudged but after a quick “cleaning,” it shines again. That’s what this means to me. Authenticity. True shine. Like a diamond.
Honestly, there is so much more I could say about the word “Sparkle” and about why I’ve chosen it for 2024. But for now, I’ll leave you with this.
Here are some other words that I feel “Sparkle” encompasses:
Thrive, obvs.
Balance. (Gotta keep those chakras aligned.)
Freedom. (For me this means freedom from alcohol, from other’s opinions, from debt, etc.)
Unchained. (Same as freedom, but with a cool mental image.)
Some quotes/affirmations that I found online (not sure where all of them came from):
Eat glitter for breakfast and shine all day.
People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.– Elisabeth Kubler Ross
A diamond doesn’t ask if it can shine. It just does.
“A star never lets anything dull its sparkle, not even darkness.” - Matshona Dhliwayo
Life won’t sparkle unless you do.
Do what makes your soul shine.
Less Bitter, More Glitter.
Consider the fact that maybe…just maybe…beauty and worth aren’t found in a makeup bottle, or a salon-fresh hairstyle, or a fabulous outfit. Maybe our sparkle comes from somewhere deeper inside, somewhere so pure and authentic and REAL, it doesn’t need gloss or polish or glitter to shine. - Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass
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Selling Your House with Not-So-Friendly Neighbors
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Neighbor Troubles and Wild Real Estate Stories
Selling your house should be an exciting and rewarding experience, but sometimes, there's one obstacle standing in your way – your not-so-friendly neighbors! Fear not, my fellow home sellers, for I've had my share of wild experiences as a housing professional, and I'm here to share some epic tales and useful tips to conquer those pesky neighbor challenges!
Apology on Ocean Views: The Building Crunch
Picture this – a breathtaking multi-million dollar property with stunning ocean views in Aptos, Ca. It was a new construction, and we were all racing against the clock to get it prepped and ready for the market. Admittedly, we weren't the most courteous neighbors, working around the clock like busy bees. But hey, we had a tight schedule to meet! So, what did we do? We threw a colossal open house bash, filled with scrumptious treats, and issued a heartfelt apology to the entire neighborhood for our crazy working hours. We thought we had won them over, but oh boy, were we in for a surprise! One neighbor across the street never forgave us! Every showing, she'd swoop in with tales of things "not to code." Talk about a thorn in our side!
Reconciliation and Lessons Learned
But you know what? I don't back down that easily. Oh no, I rolled up my sleeves, marched right up to Negative Nancy – no, that's not her real name, but she sure acted like one! Anyway, I personally apologized and asked how I could make things right. Surprise, surprise, she wanted a good ol' fashioned face-to-face apology. Lesson learned – communication is key! Next time, I'll involve the neighbors from the get-go, making sure they're on board with our plans and progress. Smooth sailing ahead!
A Tricky Park Manager 
Now, let me regale you with a tale of a tricky park manager I had to deal with. We had a mobile home property sale, and this manager was one tough cookie. When I sent her the park application through with eSignatures, she declared she doesn't do computer stuff. I had already seen that she opened the document and was asking her to sign and approve my clients. Alrighty then! I printed and drove her over a physical copy, but two weeks went by with no response. Time was ticking, and people's lives were on the line – the sellers and buyers had their whole lives planned around this! So, I pulled out my secret agent moves, gathered all the evidence, and wrote a fact-based document showing how her silence was a violation of Fair Housing Laws. That got her attention, and the green light was given! Victory!
A Neighbor of A Kind 
Oh, but the adventures don't end there! We had a nosy neighbor who seemed harmless at first – just being friendly and curious during showings. But, one day, as I was locking up, I spotted them INSIDE the garage. Major red alert! Turns out, they were living there, sneaking around like a ninja, hiding their stuff in the backyard bushes! Can you believe it? I called for backup, meaning my lender or broker tagged along for extra security. Turns out, they just needed help, so we offered resources instead of calling the cops. After all, in California, there are many people priced out of housing, and sometimes, they just need someone to lend a helping hand instead of judgment.
Turning Neighbor Troubles into Neighbor Triumphs
Folks, when it comes to dealing with not-so-friendly neighbors while selling your house, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. But with some creativity, a pinch of courage, and a willingness to communicate, you can conquer those neighbor beasts and turn those troubles into triumphs! Remember, it's never a bad idea to consult legal experts when needed or call the police if your safety is at risk. Each situation is unique, but with a positive attitude and a dash of resilience, you can navigate these wild real estate adventures and emerge victorious! So, go forth and sell that house with confidence and a smile! Happy home selling!
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