How many times will Neil Gaiman create an immortal queer-platonic-partnership, bc idk how many more I can take
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
OMG OKAY SO (you implied you're okay with me telling you my studying-people findings so hopefully I interpreted that right alerkmg)
SOMETHING SUPER INTERESTING is that one of my friends, she was chill enough to let me make a series of questions and ask her every year (grades 4-6 because I then changed schools, then again in grade 10 and 11).
Something really neat about her, I'll call her M, is that her manner of thinking actually changed as she got older! When I first asked her that question (after clarifying what I meant lol) she told me that her way of thinking was most similar to a library, where she had all this information/knowledge she could access when she wanted (or needed some help getting to, like explaining what you want to a librarian. help would be guided questions, reminders, stuff like that).
Over the years her way of thinking actually got more auditory-based, where the bookshelves became recordings of information that she could still access similar-ish to a library, but harder to find more than one subject at a time because the recordings would overlap.
More recently M's thought process is almost completely auditory based, where it's like a series of radios that will play different recordings/snippets of information. Some of them are static-y, some of them are music, some of them are trains of thought (like an inner monologue). She says that she can "tune into" what she wants by sorta playing with the dials of the radios (she says there can be 1 or up to 3 or 4 at once, usually 2-ish). But the signal isn't always clear, so it's less of "accessing whatever information whenever" and moreso "getting her thought process to actually latch onto the information she wants" if that makes sense.
I have a few other people I was fortunate enough to be able to ask over the years when I was younger, but they either didn't give as much information or I wasn't able to ask them anything past grade 7 after I moved schools, so my notes on them are less precise. A trend I did notice is that people, at least from my (very small) study group are more likely to have their method of thinking change when they're around grade 6 (most likely grade 7 and 8 too count. I wasn't able to find when this new method of thinking "settles" into place, but I assume the shift happens up into early or mid high school).
Adults I've asked over the years (mostly my parents, and some other adults if I was able to explain my question properly, but I only got to ask them once) tended to give more straight forwards questions, but also needed more clarification because of what seemed to be the assumption that however they thought was the same way other people thought (my guess here is that when you're younger creativity is expected/pushed more, so there's less of an idea that "I am like everyone else" when it comes to internal stuff, because people are sharing their creative ideas more, which subconsciously shows how different people think/come to different conclusions).
I COULD GO ON OMG this is one of THE most interesting things to me, but alas I don't want to send you a full on essay (I will though. Not a threat but might be if you don't like reading). I ALSO ran a bunch of tests and studies on myself, and fortunately (most) psychological tests you can run on yourself isn't full on harmful, buttt a few can mess with your head.
I so very much agree I would love it if I could study more people like oooo you want me to study your mind and how you think so bad /lh <- stimming stimming stimming so happy someone showed interest in this I LOVE this topic and have a lot more I could talk about
i FINALLY sat down to read this like the morning newspaper (been busy and an ask this long feels daunting hah, but i just put it through text to speech no worries).
I am NOT disappointed. thsi is so fascinating because I've never thought of thinking as such a literal metaphor as a library or a radio station. it's not like that AT ALL to me, the most "physical" space i compare it to is when I'm arguing back and forth with myself and have like, weird avatars for each voice. most of the time its just an inner monologue and the way I remember stuff is kind of just up in the air, since I can't really control WHAT I remember (thought that might be the ADHD in me idk)
that's wild, thanks for sharing!
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Back to the old days
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He groaned at only feeling empty and cold sheets beneath his hand when it went it seatch for another body that was suppose to be cuddling with him... man doesn't even have a break on this life and now his songbird couldn't even stay in bed with him...
Stretching his arms up, he hummed at the pooping sound his neck and arms did when he was stretching. Today was the start of the heavenly one week of vacation the hero comission offered for him to take it. And he brabbed the chance with a smirk and almost broke the window of his agency due to how fast he wanted to get home. Get to you.
He looked at a little sticky note you had left, warning him you had to get out for groceries but would soon be back and promissing to bring some chicken even.
"What a angel I have ladies and gemtlemans..." he sighed before plopping back face down on the bed.
But he sadly couldn't fall back asleep so he had to push his lazy ass out of his bed and walk to the kicthen to at least have the decenty to drink the rest of the carton of milk.
Funny thing that the more he walked, his place was getting bigger and bigger for some reason. He shrugged off as being his slowly mind still processing and went to the fridge...
Only to see that he had to stood on his tip toes to get to open it.
"Huh?" He hummed and gasped at childish sound it came instead of his normal voice. Cupping his mouth in the process.
He slowly took off his hands from his mouth and brought to his vision to not see his normal hands, the ones whose carried scars from his battles and feel co cois about it before you washed them off.
No no. It was baby hands right there. BABY HANDS, NOT GROW ASS MAN HANDS.
"He.. hehe... " he giggled desperate before slapping his own face before wincing.
That was not a dream....
He started to shake just a bit but got the strenght enough to open his wings and fly until a neat mirror of his two-story apartment just to confirm this was a nightmare or not.
You hummed a song while carrying the bags, stopping in front of the door to get your keys until a high pitched scream left you to wince and drop your groceries.
You opened the door and found a blond little boy looking in horror at the mirror. Vermillion wings wide open as the golden eyed kid grasped on his looks and pushed just slightly... wait. He was way too much familiar.
"K-...K-Keigo?" You sluttered and the boy gasped when he noticed you entered. Groceries forgotten and dropped on the ground.
"N-No.. dont look at me. Dont!" He went to fly and stood at the heigh of the ceiling as you entered and look up at the blond boy covering half of his face.
"What happened?!" You exclaimed and soon guards of the hero comission entered your flat.
"NO! GET OUT! BOTH OF YOH GET OUT!" He shouted in ager as the two body guards mistaken him with a normal child and went to get to him.
"Is Hawks!" You grasped onto one of the bodyguards shoulders as they widened their eyes beneath their sunglasses.
"Hawks sir?! What happened?!"
"G-Get out now!" Tears started to form on his eyes as he rubbed them "I DONT WANT TO SEE ANYONE OF THE HERO COMISSION ENTERING HERE!" he shouted and flew to the room, banging the door loudly as you blinked in shock.
"Please. I will text you guys when to come back, but while that, please serach for a cure or something for him." You spoke gently as one bodyguard grabbed your groceries and you went upright calling your boyfriend, now in a body of a child, name.
"Keigo?" You knocked softly to be met with silence "Handsome they are gone already, talk to me? Please?" You forced a pout as you heard his voice muffled.
"Spare yourself dove. I dont want you seing me... like this."
"But is the man I love there." You said softly and desperate for him to open up "No matter what, Keigo I dont mind and you shouldn't mind either. Maybe it was a quirk from yesterday you were hit and it will be gone in one or two days... please let me in? Werent we suppose to stick together this whole week?" You smiled when you heard the door clicking and Takami hesitantly, yet with eyes to the floor as he opened the door to reveal his childish form, clothes hanging on which fir into adult Hawks into perfection.
"You do have a way with words, don't you love?" He mumbled as you kneeled fo be on a decent eye level with him.
"Had to learn since I have a snarky boyfriend." You giggled and he let out a chuckle, still not looking at you until you cupped his cheeks on your hands.
"We're going to figure it out Keigo, and we will enjoy the week like you told me okay?"
You swore you almost went to a panick attack when you saw the sign of tears on your boyfriend's eyes despite them being wide open.
"K-keigo I'm sorry! I didn't meant for you to cry!"
"Is not me! IS THSI BODY DAMMIT!" he sobbed before succumbing to crying as he searched for a hug as you only could gulp and hug your boyfriend back.
"The viĺlain you thought yesterday maybe was the cause Hawks." The man spoke nonchantly as you nibbled on your bottom lip as Hawks glared at them. "Since searching for a cure will leave you on a state to not work, we discovered it will cure by itself on a matter of one week."
You didn't like it one bit the way Keigo clenched hsi hands on the couch beside you as his feathers ruffled.
"Better for us even to say that it wont even cost your reputation. Imagine this, "the second pro hero turned into a child". It will hit Negatively on Hawks agency."
The two man in tuxedo discussed before Keigo got uo and you called his name worriedly before he only clapped his hands with a smirk. One anyone would buy that he was chill... but you knew him better.
He was furious.
"Well, lucky that I got this weekend eh? Too bad I can't take my girlfriend out but anyway glad to see ya! But is time for all of you to get the fuck out of my apartment." He showed the door to the males as you and them widened your eyes at him cursing and the threatening tone he uses it even with a childish voice.
"Hawks, language and-"
"Listen here." Hawks's smiled creepily as one vein almost popped "I am cleary not having a good day so I would LOVE for you fuckers to get out."
They signed and gave you a expecting look. One that made you grimace like they were dealing with a animal and thing which you had to control it for them. Hawks was not the only one who felt trapped. When they discovered you two were dating, it was their mission to make Hawks's life a living hell... until they saw how well the public had take your guys relationship and decide sto remain on that.
Hawks gave a also fake smile before slamming the door shut. Slumping and having his two arms to support him as he hinged his head low.
"Keigo..." you cooes before coming close to him as he only breathed in and out slowly before speaking in a teary voice.
"I just wanted to make you happy... have time with you but this had to happen and they cant e-even h-he-" a sob escaped and he made a effort to gulp it down until he felt your arms around him before he turned around to bury his face on the crook of your neck.
"Its okay. Keigo you already make me soo happy. Corny jokes, you being a lovable jerk and all... we can still have fun." You spoke softly as he breathed in and out and clenched on your shirt as his feathers form his wings slowly ease down as you petted both his hair and them.
"We can still do a bunch of things." He mumbled something in your neck before you pulled back "What was that?"
"Not one thing we can do that we both were looking forward to it."
"Eh?" Your boyfriend only deadpanned at you before mumbling back what you two were thinking with a faint blush.
"We can't be... intimate."
"We can still cuddle Kei and also-"
"In bed (Y/n)." He gave you a knowing look and realization hitted you finally.
"Out of all things you were throwing a fuss becaus eof that?!" You yelped in utter embarrassing as Keigo opened his arms wide open.
"Why you're so grumpy baby?" You giggled at the loom of his face when he climbed the bed and stared at you laying down as well.
"Why? Because you will take aadvantage of this and not let me be the big spoon."
"You guessed right my handsome." You blinked at him and he cuffed cutely before you opened your arms to him "Cmon~ you cant deny that you always liked to sleep with your head on my chest."
"Is different." He mumbled but still hot into your embrace, sighing heavenly when he met your warmth as he nuzzled on you.
"Comfy?" You yawned as he nodded, smilling you closed your eyes and fell asleep while petting his hair.
On the other day you woke up before Keigo and went to make some breakfast until you heard footsteps and whinning.
"Babe..." he whined, still sleepy as you try your best to not have am overload of cuteness at seing child Keigo with morning hair and yawning cutely.
"Hey birdbrain. Good morning." You returned your attention to the eggs and soon felt a little press on your forehead and more whining as he tried to hug you. "What now you big baby?"
He looked at you with the most adorable pout and made grabby hands at you.
"I cant hug you like usually! I cant even surprise you with neck kisses!" He whined more and hitted his head on your hip while you shook your head.
"Fine fine..." you crouched down and hugged him tightly with a kiss on his cheek "Better now?"
"No.. didn't got my kiss." You giggled as he smirked before feeling extremely betrayed when you kissed him on the forehead. "Dove I meant on the lips yeah?"
"Not until you are like this baby! Now come on eat something."
You swore you could hear Hawks saying he was sit on the corner, due to all the sad he got just because of a kiss.
Which movie honey?"
"A scary one I guess?" Keigo's winds flapped as he closed the microwave after taking the bow of popcorn.
"Kids can even watch this?" You joked and he flashed dyou a smirk.
"Well, yeah after all you watch sometimes."
"Excuse me Takami Keigo?"
"What? Did I say anything? I didn't say anything." He chuckled at your irritated face as he took some popcorn and munched as you sitted down with a huff.
"You're lucky you're in this state or else I would have put you to sleep on the couch."
"You wouldn't." You giggled at the henuily scared tone of his childish voice speak before the movie started.
Apparently you were a scary cat, and since Keigi didn't have that glorious delicious chest to hide your face, Takami agreed to watch another movie.
Although not even it reached the half of it and you felt Hawks's head falling your lap... asleep. Cuddling on your leg as if his life depended on it.
"Keigo? Honey?" You whispered while brushing his golden looks out of his face as he only hummed "If your fired than go to sleep sweety, I wont mind."
"No... you.. like... then not... sleeping... just resting eyes..." he mumbled as you softened your gaze and petted his hair.
It must be due to how his childhood body reacted because no way Keigo would be sleeping at 8 p.m. Especially being acustomized to work work work work and ocassionaly take five minutes of rest.
This was actually a pretty good way for him to relax. Keigo himself wouldn't let him relax mostly on his breaks. So this was really good for him.
Although you miss the actual body and face of your boyfriend, you couldn't help but to give another kiss on him, but instead on his nose as soft snores and breaths come out of him.
He got down the few stairs and stared at you opening a box of cake and tilted his head at your actions.
"Can I ask what my little dove is doing?" You looked at him and showing him a ate of a already piece of the cake.
"Tjought on a little dessert to give some more sugar to your life!" You giggled as he sighed.
"All the sugar I need is so close yet so far." He sighed as you rolled your eyes and offered a spoonful of the spongy cake for him.
He blushed crinsom red before looking away.
"I can feed myself (Y/n)..."
"I know bit I thought it would be cute!" You pouted at him as he only looked at you in unpleasant bit with a smirk coming back to life. "Pleaseeee? Honey???"
"Fine..." he rolled his eyes with a smile before parting his lips enough to receive the spoon. "You're enjoying this arent you?"
"For all the teasing you made me when through. Karma is a bktch isn't it? Here comes the airplanes~"
"You do know that I wont stop teasing you after this right?" He smirked at your defeated look before taking the spoonful on his mouth.
"... KEIGO GET BACK HERE YOU-" you ran after the winged hero as he laughed at your distress.
"Hey... dovey?" He mumbled one night as you grunted "... thank you."
You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at him as he held the tears back.
"Is just... my life was marked by loneliness, you know? Before you it was all just an act but ... just looking at you was necessary for me to fall in love. Fall hard you"
you heard in awestruck and with tears of happiness to hear him talking about something so beautiful.
"basically." he laughed before finally looking at you properly "You filled all that emptiness of my childhood in just five days. In that time it was enough to fill the life of the street kid caught by the heroes commission ... with love. So once again-" he cupped your cheek in his much smaller hands with a smile "Thank you (Y/n), my love, for staying and loving the real Takami Keigo."
It was silent for a while until you burried your face on his little chest as he chuckled.
"You're crying babe?"
"N-no.. is just something on my eye." You sniffled as he petted your head.
"Right, so what is in your eye?"
"TEARS YOU JERK! OKAY?! HAPPY?!" you laughed when he laughed at your response.
Hee groaned, but this time he rubbed his hand on your thigh with his hand.. sighing in bliss at your warmth until he forced his eyes open.
The sun lights were bothering you on your sleep and in a common act and without thinking he covered you with his gigantic red wing and returned to bury his face on your head.
He sitted up with wide eyes, staring at his hands. Which returned back to normal with scars and all as he chucked. Suck that hero commision, it took FIVE DAYS not seven.
You grumbled and asked him on your sleepy state to him what was happening as he crawled on top of you and kissed you passionate, ignoring your yelps of shock and surprise. He needed that kiss let him have the kiss
"Keigo!" You breathed out in shock amd glee at seing him back as he chuckled and pressed more than one hundred kissed on your lips, cheeks and neck. You both panted as Keigo looked down at you with adoration as you cupped his cheek, lovingly how he nuzzled on it searching for your touch even more.
"We so we have two days still on your break birdbrain? What you want to do?" He hummed with eyes closed before going down to kiss your neck and gently suck on your earlobe.
"Maybe catch up on what we planned on the start?" He rotted his hips against yours as you gasped at feeling he was well awake in more ways than one.
"Horny bird.." you whispered teasingly to him as he got up on his elbows to look at you, giving a simple gentle kiss as your hands went into his head to welcome his tongue to twirl against your own.
"Your horny bird." He mumbled between the kisses as you nodded eargly "and you are my baby bird. Mine and mine alone."
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silverohs-blog · 6 years
2018 Convention Life Updates (◕‿◕✿)
February 24-25 - Komiket @ Centris Elements, QC March 10 - Sticker Con Mnl @ Bayanihan Center May 12-13 - Fan Fes Mnl 2018 @ SMX,  SM Aura May 19-20 - Komiket South @ SM Southmall
These were the following events I was fortunate to be a part of for the 1st half of 2018!!! ♥
Hello! Sorry for the lack of updates / posts! :c Life itself has been pretty hectic the past few months and I really wanted to finish customizing this Tumblr page before I start posting actively! wahh.
ANYWAYS, it’s already half of 2018 and I thought about updating what I’ve been up to during the 1st half! :3 
Last February 24-25, it was my first time to join Komiket!!! And it was pretty exciting because this was a big con! Although, it was pretty far to go to, but it was worth it! :) This was also the first time I got to booth with my college friends and we debut our group, Toxic Sushi for the 1st time as well!
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This was our set-up duiring Komiket! We have a long way to go to improve overall, but this was our first time....so in due time! :D
Overall reaction: Our place was FREEZING because we were across the aircon! HAHA and some of our stuff would try to fly, so we had to tape everything down! Lots of artists, so lots of people!!! :o Sales were okay! not extremely great since starting out, but not too bad either! 
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Last  March 10 was the first ever Sticker Con Mnl and I was able to join with my big group known as the Baemons! We had no idea how it would turn out or if it would even go well, but the event itself blew us all away as almost all our merchandise that day were either sold out or close to sold out!!! and THIS WAS A 1 DAY EVENT ONLY!! :o This event really set the bar high for cons!! I’m glad we didn’t miss this opportunity and I reaaaaalllllyyyyy hope they host another one next year!!! It was overall tiring, but in a good way because i’m glad to know there are actually a lot of sticker collectors out there! :) What was good about this con was there was also audience interaction which not a lot of local (pure art) cons have (usually cons are big and mixed with other things like concerts, cosplay etc). I barely got to buy loot for myself since they were also sold out and I could barely leave my table due to interacting with people and selling :o HAHA  This is me with the Baemons squad! woop! (incomplete tho!! )
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Overall reaction: I really hope there’s a next Sticker Con!! Definitely a MUST join!!! Will prepare more merch for thsi event if that happens ahahha. It was great audience wise and sales wise, but venue was a bit small since it wasn’t anticipated on how much people would actually visit, but since there was a lot - it got a bit crowded :o ALSO Raffle is A+ (but daym..the grand prize raffle was memorable because it contains stuff from ALL the artists that sold at Sticker Con Mnl...u missed out guise... it looked like a freaking pillow full of collectibles WEW @_@ )
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This was also the 1st Fan Fes which was held last May 12-13. I also table with the Baemons for this event and the venue was a bit meh and hard to go to especially for people that commute because this was at SMX, SM Aura and not the usual SMX, Moa which is a lot more accesible for most. What I was really happy about though is that I got discover new artists and buy new merch that I haven’t seen anywhere yet!! so YAAAY! <3 A lot of other artists were friendly and approachable :3 I am looking forward to seeing them at future cons as well and buying more of their stuff! WOOP! 
I wasn’t able to take much pics and it was one of the most chill conventions ever and not much action going on because I think the venue was a bit meh for the con AND the fact that it was around Mothers’ Day too, so majority of the world was most likely busy. However, it was nice to see families going to the con together with their kids and stuff! =) 
This was the loot I got since I don’t have a group pic ahahha 
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I COULDN’T RESIST ON THE CUT BNHA STICKERS HUHUHUH WAHH I REALLY WANTED TO BUY THE KEYCHAINS IN STICKER FORM BUT THERE WAS NONE :C (Actually wish I could’ve taken home the entire grid of BNHA keychains hahahahahahhahuhuhuhuhuh T-T too cute for my life i cri)
Overall reaction: It was too chill because there wasn’t much people traffic and since there was also an occasion during this event, it could’ve prevented other people from going to this con. Also the venue is difficult to go to for commuters and it isn’t as accessible as the other usual venues for con. Good merch to discover though! and New artists to discover as well! 
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Wew, this was  LITERALLY a week after Fan Fes (dedz X_X) and it was located at the south....like all the way down town SM Southmall! And we all misunderstood when we thought “@ Buku Buku Cafe” meant INSIDE THE CAFE, but apparently not.....we were pretty much boothing RIGHT outside the cafe in the MIDDLE OF THE MALL...like store stalls.....it was so strange omg. So yeah and omg we were all late and we were all frustrated and panicking cause it was so darn traffic day 1 i don’t understand???? AHFKDJS So eventually we all got there .. which btw, I boothed with Toxic Sushi for this con <3 And wew the tables were TIny af and the people traffic was also meh since location is another meh i dont understand hahahuhuh There wasn’t much to it, but at least we got to hang out! and figured we would only be joining Komiket @ Centris QC from now on even if it’s far away from us :D 
I didn’t bring my mesh grids and we did not know how small the tables were going to be welp ;_; but we got lucky that our neighboring table didn’t show up for both days, so we just got their spot as well cause oops..my merch takes both tiny table pretty much ;_; (sorry eep) 
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SEE?? oops i’m sorry I didn’t mean to take so much space HUHU so yeah I didn’t take much pics again cause idk..i’m so bad at taking pics lately again hahahuhuhu but look it’s my bb Lion from SU!!! <3 cutie heheh
Overall reaction: It was k lang kind of con, but weird set up cause location is in the middle of the mall and btw we were split in half too so that was so strange...like you’d have to walk for a bit to reach the first half of artist tables then walk back to reach the other half since there was actually some store stalls caught in the middle. O-o According to my friend though who is from the area, if the con was located at some other area of SM southmall, perhaps there could’ve been more people traffic :c ohwall~ It was also chill! but it’s a meh for me like fan fes :c
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That’s all for the 2018 Convention Updates!!! I’ll be boothing once again this coming October 13-14 for Komiket at Centris Elements, QC!!! ♥ (I was supposed to booth at Cosmania, but something happened and we didn’t make the cut, so anyway I am resting and working on merch until Oct! :3 ) Will be boothing with Toxic Sushi which has expanded its members, so expect to see us take over 2 tables!!! But I am also quite near some friends from the Baemons who decided to sign up as well!! so yaaay!  ♥
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