bearfoottruck · 4 days
And here's the B-side to the previous post, an original tune called "Together Forever", written by Fransua Roos and Lauren Copley.
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masoncarr2244 · 1 year
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sf-re-post-heaven · 2 months
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A remarkably deep stable of SF models/actresses was assembled by web-master/web producer Tony P. of Random Snaps in Australia. When compared with the other Mega-SF sites, R.S. might have had the deepest in terms of its attractiveness and smoking hunger. Here is an unidentified Smoking Beauty from that group!
Not going to say she was burried deep in the Random Snaps stable for a woman this gorgeous ought to be front and center, and she wasn't. Not the greatest smoker with kind of "excuse-me" exhales but she's magnificent. Can anyone supply her name to us? That would be great. Also great would be seeing more videos of her! Right?
Dual-Media Single-Post, 31-Pack Megapost!
With this Smoking Beauty just not classified within "elite" status for Random Snaps ⏤ relegated to the lower, even-less-popular levels of the marvelously deep, hot and sexy-smoking stable for R.S. ⏤ we all can see the quality of what was assembled as the "bench" for that sensational Mega-SF website! She is simply lovely, radiantly gorgeous! Not front-and-center there because, let's face it, she is not exactly a hungry smoker. Sure her enrollment would not have been declined if she had signed up for a class on "Proper Exhales" or "Sexy Exhales to Grab Attention" at the Smoking Academy! Our Centerpiece video comes from vslims120s (defunct) of tumblr posted on about February 7, 2022. This clips was lifted out of our vault (archives/library) for your pleasure. Hope you enjoy! How can you not? . . . Wonder whether VS120s Luxury Lights (now marketed as "Gold Pack") was her regular brand all those years ago!
She May Well Be a Virginia Slims 120s Luxury Lights Gal!
Videoframes (Screen Captures) from Our Centerpiece Video!
Compiled by SF (Re-Post) Heaven! staff!
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They Say Blondes Have More Fun! That Might Be True! For this Smoking Beauty, We Claim Blondes Enjoy their Cigarettes More!
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Disclaimer: “Smoking is injurious to health. We do not promote smoking as a habit for those who are non-smokers. Some women smoke cigarettes and truly know how appealing they look while doing so. We wish all women smokers would quit their habits one day soon. Let's get healthier, ladies!” ⏤ King of SF Aficionados web-master/web producer (SF Deity!)
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craziechwiv · 4 months
Who's scarier, Ren or Nora?
Yang: It's gotta be Nora Rubes.
Ruby: Nuh, uh! It's Ren, silent but deadly trope?
Yang: That's a biased opinion and you know it!
Ruby: Just because we have one of those on our team doesn't mean it's biased! It's common knowledge!
Yang: Oh my- wait is that Jaune? Let's go ask him.
Ruby: Yea, then you'll see how wrong you are!
Yang: Keep dreaming lil sis.
Jaune is walking until he is suddenly pushed against a wall and pinned, he was gonna shake his aggressors off him till he realizes who they were.
Jaune: Uhm...whatever I did was probably a dare!
Ruby: Not what we're here for Jaune, we need to settle something and you're our prime source for the answer!
Jaune, looking at Yang: That would be...?
Yang: Who's more scarier, Ren or Nora?
Jaune: Oh, well let me go first.
Yang and Ruby let go of Jaune as he stretches out his limbs before leaning back on the wall.
Jaune: Okay, to answer this I need something more than who's scarier. Give me a scenario.
Yang: When we're on missions! Have you seen Nora mess up those Grimms last time? I'm pretty sure some we're running away from her actually.
Ruby: So? Ren is also quite lethal too! One minute he's firing precise shots at them and the next he's cutting them up like sushi!
Jaune: Well, I have to side with Yang here. Nora is more gruesome than Ren there.
Yang: HA!
Ruby: Aw...
Jaune: However...Ren is still more scary in general.
Yang: What?! How?
Ruby: :O
Jaune: Only for one incident...
Yang: And what might that be?
Ruby: Yeah tell us!
Jaune: Well...
Nora is skipping along the hallways of beacon before being stopped by someone
Random student: Hey you're Nora, right? Fancy work you did with that weapon of yours!
Nora: Oh, thanks! You're too kind.
R.S.: Say, how's about we hang out from time to time? I'd like to spar with you.
Nora: Oh no thanks, I already have a sparring partner and I'm on the track to meet him actually-
The random student then grabs Nora's hand by surprise.
R.S.: Well, how about we go to my dorm then~?
Nora: Wait- what?! I don't really, uh...
R.S.: Aw cmon, we'll have lots of- *thunk, thunk*
The random student feels something metallic behind his head and freezes in place, not wanting to turn around and see what it may be.
Ren: She said, she doesn't want to.
Nora: Renny?
R.S.: Easy bro...it was just a suggestion.
Ren: Then me disposing of your life is an answer.
R.S.: You- You won't get away with this!
Ren: I can if you can't recognize me.
R.S.: Why you...
The random student tries to take a swing at Ren, only swinging at air before he feels a sharp object on the back of his neck, barely pricking its way through his skin layer.
Ren: When I count to ten, you'll run. 1...
The random student was already running down the hallways, not looking back at all. Ren then turns towards Nora.
Ren: Uhm...sorry about that?
Nora, who's flustered and looking at Ren in a whole new light: D-Don't worry about it Renny...how about we skip training actually?
Ren: Are you sure?
Nora: I'd let pancakes burn in a fire right now just to be in a bed with you right now!
Ren: O-Oh....okay, lead the- WOAH!
Ren is picked up by the muscle shortie and carried all the way to their dorm room, leaving a bewildered Jaune Arc who was watching the whole scenario from the corner.
Jaune...what the fu-
Jaune: So yeah. Ren is way scarier...when it comes to Nora. Which is a lot.
Yang: That was...not what I was expecting...
Ruby: That is...super hot~.
Yang: RUBY! That is the last time you read one of Blake's book.
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captain-lovelace · 5 months
Favorite cover of anything ever is the extremely horny cover of House of the Rising Sun by HOT R.S. feat. woman moaning “it’s hot, so hot” repeatedly
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rabbitholeresearch · 2 years
It's Arven's Fault :( : A Theory
When the book was first written, it was by a man named Heath. A man who went on an expedition with an unnamed team and his beloved Cyclizar! There, he met fantastical creatures that we know now as Paradox Pokemon, including a strange-looking Donphan and a creator we only know as the Disc Pokemon. 60 years later, this same man who saw amazing things, is being discredited because what he saw in Area Zero was too fantastical to be real. In the world of Pokemon, someone said, “That’s not real.” Yeah.
Area Zero is a brutal environment that only those with permission can enter due to how dangerous the area is which brings the question Arven: Why is he getting special treatment just cuz his mom and dad are professors? Talk about elitists!
It’s been three months but spoilers for the end of Scarlet/Violet respectively! For all intents and purposes, from this moment on, I will talk about the games through the Scarlet perspective cuz, for me, it’s a lot easier to explain to Paradoxmons this way, but also because I played the game itself. I loved Scarlet and all I can hear when I see Koraidon’s goofy face is the distant sound of its feet slapping against linoleum tiles like an uncoordinated frog.
Okay but seriously, why was Arven given access to Area Zero before the game, and even in post-game? It doesn’t make sense. It’s extremely dangerous to go here. Even if he’s the professor’s kid it doesn’t make sense. What possessed him to go into Area Zero which resulted in Mabosstiff getting severely hurt? And I offer you, his anger.
We will be talking about the final plot line, “A Way Home,” so AGAIN. SPOILERS. Alright, I did it twice now. Moving on.
In the postgame, the professor tasks us with breaking her out of the Zero Lab, which is on lockdown as a safety measure. Remember that. This was a safety thing that started it all. 
Here we are pressing buttons at the four separate research stations with varying journals as well as rest and teleport points for easy access throughout the unmapped Area Zero, which yes does not have a map. It truly is a world of its own in the Great Crater of Paldea. In fact, it was through Area Zero my friends and I discovered you can’t invade each other’s craters in the PokePortal function which honestly made me sad cuz I wanted to catch Mecha-Godzilla and Mecha-Mothra on my own but I did eventually get them in trade.
The journals in these stations tell us a lot about the professor and, thereupon, Arven. At R.S.1, we read:
“We've determined that this energy crystallization is linked to the being we call ▊▊▊▊▊▊.
The interlocking hexagonal plates that comprise ▊▊▊▊▊▊'s shell must somehow cause this phenomenon—which I've dubbed "Terastallizing."
“Thanks to my prototype Tera Orb, I secured corporate funding for my research and made a laboratory in the lighthouse near Cabo Poco.
Someday, though, I'll return to the crater and resume my study of these crystals.”
With these alone, we can determine that Arven is around 6. Why? Because in the game, we learn that Professor Sada had invented Tera Orbs, about 10 years before the game starts!
Arven has grown up alone in the Poco Path Lighthouse Lab for a long time, actually. He even mentions numerous times how his mom is always buried in her work and has no time for him, which is sad considering what we know now. Sorry Arven. Your mom was hot though.
Anyway, we learn in RS4’s journals that not only has she managed to build a highly sophisticated AI but that her partner, “that man”, has left (“not long after “that boy was born.”).
As someone who gets so hyperfocused on tasks that time doesn’t pass normally, not long after Arven was born, could mean frankly anywhere between 2 minutes after birth or 6 years after birth. Either way, Sada is bitter Turo left, leaving a pile of research in this lab in Poco Path alone with her son.
We also learn about an incident where civilians had seen Koraidon’s amazing power and scared a lot of people. The professor made the decision to not only return Koraidon to Area Zero but also bury herself in research to later build an AI and pull in a second Koraidon.
That’s sad. Not like in a mean way, just in general. Of course, the pronouns are altered in Violet, but either way, we get a story of a professor with a broken heart. Aw. Poor professors. Its hard not to sympathize when you realize they were probably really hurt by them leaving the professor alone with a child.
Or what it probably actually was was like her coworker that she occasionally had some…cardio with had quit.
It is noted that Professor Sada, when returning from Area Zero is not seen by Arven until the events of the game. Meaning that the moment Sada took Koraidon back to the crater, Arven hasn’t seen Sada. Meaning the Tera Orbs was the last major event Arven could have been a part of!
But Arven says he grew up with the red lizard. He also has its Pokeball. Its possible the professor saw what will be our Koraidon’s passive nature and decided leaving it out of its Pokeball was fine! In fact, she probably packed her bags and got on her bikemon and sped off saying she was getting milk.
So confirmed. Arven hasn’t seen Sada or Koraidon in 10 years. So what was it that compelled him to go to Area Zero?
“I wanna give my mom a piece of my mind.” GRRRRRR. I’ve got mommy issues and its my only personality trait.
Trust me dude. Using that as your only personality trait will leave you sad and angry. Wait.
Arven tells us later on in his Path of Legends story that Mabosstiff had been hurt after an attack from a rampaging pokemon inside of the crater when he was trying to see his mom. He repeats this sentiment when Penny sees Scream Tail and remarks on how cute it is.
Go back though. He was trying to see his mom. It is confirmed that Arven went into the crater to see his mom. Meaning this: Arven was trying to see his mom which might’ve set off the territorial Koraidon’s instincts.
A stretch? Not so much, actually.
At the beginning of the game we see our box legendary launching up from the clouds of Area Zero before flying over Paldea to show off what our beautiful region that we’re about to explore looks like and I want whatever sandwich he ate to provide infinite flying cuz that would’ve been funny to see in co-op.
After we feed our box a sandwich and get Damsel in Distress style rescued by said lizard, we meet Arven for the first time. And what is the first thing he says upon seeing Koraidon: "What're you doing out here?!"
Arven realizes Koraidon being out here is bad. Like insanely bad. It’s a bad taste in his mouth bad. He remarks how the memories do leave a bad taste in his mouth as well. While yeah, that makes sense, bad memories do leave a sort of bitter taste, but for me, this says more.
Bleh! I remember you as the reason my mom left me alone for ten years!
Bleh! If you hadn’t been taken away, I wouldn’t be emo!
Bleh! If you hadn’t been here, I never would’ve gone into Area Zero to watch my dog get nearly killed and can’t be possibly healed except for these herbs I saw in a book that I just found in my mom’s old lab that I was in just before the player and Nemona walked up.
However, this is countered by Arven saying this after being defeated: "But if you really think you can take Koraidon off my hands for me...you'll need this. It's the Poké Ball that brute's been kept in."
That brute’s been kept in. Wait, does he mean over the last ten years or just in general that’s Koraidon’s pokeball? I don’t think it’s the former. Not because its put a hole in my idea, but because to keep a pokemon stored in a pokeball for so long. We do know that when Pokemon go in, they almost shrink down and become data. Data huh–I might have ideas for a certain Kanto Cryptid–
Moving on. I doubt anyone would keep a pokemon in a pokeball for a decade as Pokemon are confirmed to age within Pokeballs. The only incidents we’ve seen of a pokemon being fine after being confined for so long are Sir Aaron’s Lucario in Lucario and the Mystery of Mew and Spiritomb. And fine? That’s a relative term considering Spiritomb had to be sealed because of its power and Lucario had a panic attack and went into shock when it got out.
So the Professor likely left the Pokeball behind seeing as the book was also left behind. Meaning the Professor left quickly. She just suddenly disappeared until the Player comes to Paldea.
But what does this mean? Based on the timing and the build up: I think Arven is the reason his parents tragically die.
As far as we’re aware, Sada invented AI Sada sometime after Turo left and never reported it as the AI could not physically leave the crater due to the Tera Crystal energy. She even pulled a second Koraidon with the help of her AI partner. She’s been hyperfocused for ten years in Area Zero, likely living off the environment within. This isn't to say our professor is forgiven for her actions.
She was in Research Station 4 when the more aggressive Koraidon attacked Our Koraidon. 
Just before Paradise Protection Protocol takes control of the AI professor, the AI actually apologizes to Arven.
On top of that, when AI professor sends us to Area Zero at the end of the Path of Legends quest, we learn from Arven he used to come here to play all the time as a kid. Meaning, he was likely being watched by Director Clavell or even Jacq, which would probably give a realistic explanation as to why he’s allowed into Area Zero. They gave him access because they believe Arven is old enough to know how to care for himself enough to survive and give him too much credit for being the professor’s kid.
Not only that but when we explore Area Zero with Arven, he’s surprised by all the research stations. Meaning, he never went in but he does offer that he was attacked somewhere between RS1/2. Because of the location it was at, for the games, I think he was attacked by either Sliver Wing or Sandy Shocks in Scarlet and Iron Moth or Thorns in Violet. However, given that Sandy Shocks is Electric/Ground, I’d say it was Slither Wings for Scarlet! As for violet, the options for that area between the research stations are highly limited so let me know down below which Paradox you think Arven faced the first time, because spoilers, its not the Donphans and its not the Scream Tail/Iron Bundle! He would’ve reacted to them if he had.
Mabosstiff gets hurt, hurt enough that no potions or Nurse Delphine’s can help it. I’d say blood could’ve been drawn, given that Mabosstiff can’t even stand when we first meet it. The Territorial Koraidon smells the blood. There’s an invader nearby. It goes on a rampage and tries to attack our passive Koraidon. Why? Proximity.
The territorial Koraidon, or Miraidon for Violet players, attacking our Raidon out of nowhere doesn’t make any sense. The professor notes that the second one is much more aggressive but this thing has been with the professor and the AI for years. How do I know this? The AI apologizes for Arven being alone for so long.
"Arven. I am sorry that I kept the truth from you for so long. I inherited all the thoughts and wishes of the professor, and so I understand better than any..."
"Your mother truly loved you."
The territory battle leaves Koraidon weakened as it escapes to crash onto the beach near Poco Path Lighthouse, the one safe haven it remembers outside of the crater. It passes that lighthouse when it suddenly collapses. Meaning, Koraidon was still injured from that incident.
And it is with the Professor’s death that the AI decides it’s time to shut down the machine, hurrying from RS4 to Zero Lab. Afterall, someone just died because of a Paradox Pokemon, a pokemon that is one of the many that have been coming out of the time machine. The AI panics and puts the lab into lockdown to prevent anymore Pokemon from escaping into the crater and ultimately into Paldea.
When trying to track our Koraidon and the territorial one, the professor finds the Pokeball in proximity to a student with a Rotom Phone that just moved to Paldea.
So, there you have it, Arven’s want for closure with his mommy/daddy issues were the reason they died, and I think it’s sad to say that the guy might've figured it out, which is why we don’t really see a reaction from him aside from calling out to the AI when they go into the time machine to their dream eras as well as how he kinda is surprised by everything to do with his family in the post-game.
In the Director’s Office, he says:
"So she really was always amazing...right from the start, huh?"
"All these pieces of my mom's life—they were right in front of me this whole time...I spent so long trying not to think about her that I never even noticed...until now."
And in the main hall/library:
"While I was here in the entrance hall, digging through my mom's research reports, I found this on one of the bookshelves. This book was so precious to my mom that she even kept a copy of it in the lighthouse lab... The Scarlet Book... That's what it's called, right?"
Arven was more focused on his anger, which was justified at the time. Now, it’s misplaced and he’s unsure. I think that’s sad but I won’t forgive Game Freak for such a tragic tale of a Professor who lost their love and buried into research…
Wait…I’ve heard this before…
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PS: It was brought to my attention after writing the script that there’s no way this makes sense because there’s mold in the mattress and even crystals forming inside RS4. To that I counter with the mold. Mold spores take about 24-48 hours to actually lock in and be able to eat away at organic material, however, it’s never clarified what kind of mold it is. Some molds take YEARS to actually eat away at organic material. Others months.
As for the crystals in RS4, that makes sense because some material has been broken away. As we can see within the deeper caverns of Area Zero, crystals are ABUNDANT, and reflecting the wrong way, but they grow fast, even in Paldea. If you’re connecting to the internet, you can sometimes see Tera Raid crystals shrink down and respawn an entirely new crystal to give the player better variety. These things grow fast, and with the presence of Glimmora, it wouldn’t surprise me if those actually spawned like two minutes before the player walked in.
As for why the Zero Lab is covered in crystal, the professor actually notes the crystals can enhance both organic/inorganic materials, given it a cop out for why the AI is as sophisticated as it is, but also explaining how these crystals might be a major power source for the time machine.
Don’t forget, in RS1, a journal does state that the energy crystallization process we know as Terastylizing is a result of our mystery, possibly third legendary.
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saddlepunk · 2 years
i wanna make video essays. these are 100% just so i can finally say everything i have to say abt some books/movies that bother me and maybe free up some brain space for better pursuits. i have NO clue how long it'll take me to do this but i DO need help picking which project to start with SO
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thetruearchmagos · 2 years
The Commonwealth Calls
An Excerpt: Angel Down [Part I]
Holy cow, this was a long one! Wrote most of it in one sitting, somehow, and as much as I'm mostly satisfied with the work, I'm tired. Probably gonna rewrite this one at some point, if I can find the time
Tagging @lividdreamz @theprissythumbelina @lockejhaven @sanguine-arena @muddshadow @thatndginger @dogmomwrites
The chaotic, barely organised, piecemeal advance westwards from Al-Mutahida had gone about as well as those words would suggest. Every major road running east to west that hadn't already been reduced to a river of rubble was packed, with Light Utility Vehicles and three-ton trucks sharing the motorways with fifty-ton Champion armtracks and Hoplite Armoured Infantry Transports.
And Second Lieutenant R.S. Akalya's 1st Platoon, C Company, was at the bleeding edge of the mess. In theory they weren't even supposed to be there, but the unyielding waves of the Ocrisian legion had apparently shook command enough to commit every last platoon at hand to do battle. The platoon leader had been quiet ever since she'd landed in-country, and hadn't even seen the enemy yet, but the sight of burning ruins of shot down aircraft and buildings struck by missiles she'd witnissed on the way forwards told their own story.
As the rolling hills of the countryside passed by outside the passenger-side window of her LUV, Lieutenant Akalya was struck by how oddly pleasant a night it was, cool and quiet enough for a holiday maker. Really, that just made things worse. The young officer could recall hundreds of nights much like this, many spent in cramped, noisy ground transports or preparing to jump from an aircraft. Of course, those days as often as not ended, if not in warm beds, at least with the assurance that the next day she'd almost certainly wake up alive, and that the days after that would be much the same.
As she'd learned twelve hours ago on the express transport flight here, that was no longer the case.
There had been plenty of whispers prior, of course. An indefinite cancellation of leave tended to stir those up quite well, as did the calls from Battalion to start tallying inventories and preparing equipment and vehicles. Akalya felt no great shame in admitting she was more than a little nervous, but out here in the idyllic Bardinian countryside such things as twitchy feelings no longer mattered.
Her LUV was at the head of a convoy of five "Triple-T's", carrying her platoon's remaining forty soldiers. As the unit crested another ridgeline, the rolling hills that had accompanied them thus far gave way to a sweeping, open valley, and a sight that no one there would soon forget.
It appeared that a village had once been there, judging by the large cluster of burning ruins and still billowing flames. The settlement was on a low rise, with perfectly flat approaches going on for over two kilometres before the next spot of cover, a tree-lined ridge that spanned out like a fan. The open ground on the far side of the settlement was littered with the dozens of charred wrecks of those who'd come to try and take it, and the village itself with those who had stopped them, barely. It was a scene that had surely repeated itself perhaps a hundred times over in the past hours, the Ocrisian wave smashing again and again across every village and stronghold until it had been reduced to smoke and ash.
It seemed that hadn't happened here, yet. As the column approached Akalya pulled her thermal optics down over her eyes, making out the warm bodies of human beings and the hotter forms of vehicle engines. She put a hand out the window, looking back along the convoy and signalling they'd be stopping, and soon they'd pulled to a stop just outside the first ruined homes, engines still hot.
The lieutenant hiked her rifle on her shoulder, dismounting quickly with the Platoon Sergeant following suit from the backseat. Out the corner of her eye, she saw a lone man walk up the cratered main street, moving towards the platoon with a hard step.
"Evening! I'm Lieutenant Salah, 2nd Hafji Rifles. I don't suppose you're our back-up?"
"We certainy are, sir. I'm Second Lieutenant Akalya, and this is Sergeant Creighton, 227th Airborne. We're advancing up to meet with friendly troops, which I suppose now means the 2nd Hafji?"
He chuckled at that, but it was obvious his heart wasn't in it.
"What's left of it, which isn't much. Most of us are over at Maebarwih, half a kilometre northeast. They've been trying to bypass the town, and we're trying to stop. We give a few hours 'til they're back, so if there's any more of you Skyjumpers on the way I suggest you give 'em a call. At this point we'll take what we can get."
The two nodded, a sombre seen amidst the carnage around them. For every vehicle or soldier that went up, it seemed dozens were ground to dust and spat right back out of the jaws to hell that were the frontline. More from the Ocrisian side than the United Commonwealth, but they had the numbers to spare, and if things stayed the way they were, the UC might not.
Sergeant Creighton answered for the both of them, already with a hand on his chest-rigged radio.
"Ma'am, I'll ring up Command with Signaller Jones while you and the Hafji's get dug in."
"Go ahead, Cray. Ask 'em if we can get some guns or birds in the air, we might get lucky this time."
WIth that, the two officers walked up to the town, with the Sergeant turning back, speaking into his chest and waving at the convoy. The platoon began dismounting before he'd reached the LUV, forty camouflaged forms weighed down with ballistic armour, rifles, machine guns, and rocket launchers. They jogged up the road in the darkness, with their Section Leaders at the front, while the vehicles sped alongside them before turning off to the side, taking shelter behind a low hill.
Lieutenant Salah took in the advancing platoon with a look of satisfaction, turning to speak with Akalya.
"Your Anti-Armour missiles'll be the most useful part of this mess. The Fletchers we've got mounted on the Hoplites do a good job, but compared to your folks' Lances, our Talons go about as far as you could throw the damn things."
"Noted, Sir. We saw the approaches on the way in, I think we'd do best covering that treeline north, closest to the ridge. Anything else you want us to keep in mind?"
They continued discussing their plans, soon entering the village and joining the rest of the Akalya's platoon. They'd begun chatting with their Hafji comrades, who to the last seemed ragged and almost spent. Almost, but not quite, and in these now battle-hardened soldiers burned a flame that more than impressed the troops sent to reinforce them.
The officer's met up with their Platoon Sergeants soon after. Creighton wasn't smiling. The rest of C Company along was a day's drive away, let alone Battalion, though at least the decision was made to head west to Maebarwih. There'd been no assurance that aircraft or aeroships were forthcoming, though artillery was at least a theoretical possibility, which according to Salah was better than what he'd got. All in all, they were on their own.
A plan was made quickly after that. A quarter of Salah's 2nd Platoon, A Company, was wounded beyond the ability to fight, and these soldiers were slung into a Triple-T and sent back east. Everyone else dug in, ranging their rifles and digging into the dirt.
There'd been a single piece of good news from over the airwaves after Creigton's call. It wasn't much, but they'd make their peace with that when the war was over. There'd also been more bad news, though this was aready expected.
An enemy assault force was on its way, aerial reconnaissance picking up the force. They were a fair few hours away, estimated to arrive right as the sun rose. It was time to dig in.
It was a cold morning that day, the sun's first rays barely peeking over the horizon to warm the lands below. The valley was still and quiet, save for the blowing of a stiff breeze. Lieutenant Akalya held her breath, crouching low in a dugout and peering into the darkness with her
Then, a low rumble echoed from over the hills and trees. On and on it went, louder and louder it became, until it shrieked and roared and deafened all around, the sound of the machines of modern war.
Then from the shadowy ruins, came a stream of burning fire. An AIT(S)-501 Hoplite let loose with its twenty-millimetre autocannon, a tongue of death that licked out into the approaching dark. The first shots of the young day led to the first dead, a lone six wheeled Furetto armoured scout car erupting into a small plume of fire.
First came the trickle, then came the tide.
The rest of the advancing force came forwards, at this distance from the town seemingly a blurry mass of drab green metal. They came down across the whole ridge, a line abreast a kilometre wide and half a dozen ranks deep. Spotters stationed on what few buildings of any great height still standing counted ten, then thirty vehicles, and a horde of dismounts at the back of the Orsa armtracks and Alce armoured transports.
Then, the darkness was lit again. The forward line stopped, and a moment later flashed a brilliant golden-orange as it fired in return, wire guided missiles and one-oh-five millimetre shells soaring through the sky and towards the town.
One spotter jumped through the air and landed with a sickening crack, before the old farmhouse he'd been in was blown to pieces by a cannon shell. Another missile found its mark, smashing into the Hoplite that had fired that first volley and turning it inside out with a furious flame. Akalya was close enough to feel that shockwave in her bones as she tightly hugged to the floor.
Most shots landed short, just barely. The fallen Hoplite's three siblings carried on its memory, autocannons and Fletcher missiles reaching out into the dark, and soon the still rising sun was joined by five more burning lights. The infantry were not about to be outdone, and from their trenches and ditches a jets of flame flickered with the launch of every missile.
And yet, the battle was not done with yet. Bereft of much in the way of cover, half a dozen of the advancing armoured vehicles popped charges of thick grey smoke, obscuring them from the infantry's view, though the Hoplite's with their own thermal optics cared not for the attempt at protection. Soon, the hulking forms of the Orsa's pushed past the troop carriers, fighting through so close to the town that Akalya could start making out their finer details; light shrubbery and branches laid on for hopeful camouflage, and the slender lengths of signals antennae.
Sergeant Creigton dove into the dugout beside her, Signaller Jones and her bulky Signals Pack in tow. Akalya turned to face them, as the suddenly smiling Sergeant and sweating Private shouted to be heard over the rising symphony of battle.
"Mornin' boss! Word came in over the line, the cavalry's on its way, estimate ten minutes, and we've got gun support coming in!"
"Six gun battery on call, Ma'am! The other Lieutenant called in a fire mission of HE and Anti-Infantry!"
He hadn't even finished his sentence, when the lord of war came to make itself known. From heavy guns unseen pillars of dirt erupted into the sky before them, like geysers of shrapnel and shockwaves that tore through light vehicles and men alike. A second salvo fell, and a third, yet while soldier and steel beast died their fellows kept on coming and coming through.
Closer and closer the oncoming force crept, and deadlier and deadlier their fire became. A cannon landed every second or less, and soldiers started dragging their wounded selves or comrades out as far back as they could, or were cut down or blown to pieces where they stood. The screams of the dead and dying stayed unheard amidst the firing line, but they were there.
Finally, the coming armoured tide drew near, accompanied by shadowy masses of crouched, running shapes. Infantry. Gauging the distance, the soldiers in their dug in fighting holes decided they were close enough to get started.
She shouldered her rifle, and opened fire. Sergeant Creigton did the same as Jones scrambled with the communications equipment, and across the village every rifle and machine gun at hand opened fire, and the well honed marksmanship of the Commonwealth infanteer showed. The staccato song poured forth, allowing the Hoplites to focus their cannons away from soft men and on harder targets.
And still they did not stop.
With less than seven hundred metres between the town and its assailants, the artillery lessened its punishing hailstorm. The sky was now a golden orange, the sun well above the horizon. The armoured transport's Fletchers had long since run out, and with the armtracks and troop carriers still running the gauntlet forwards the dismounted missile teams were beginning to use up their stocks.
Then, shells came pouring down, well behind the village. Akalya and the two others ducked down into the dugout. Then she saw that they were smoke shells, their own murky grey contents billowing out across the hills and gulleys her platoon had come in by.
An instant later, a bolt of lightning shot from these grey clouds, and in the blink of an eye it struck the leading Orsa smack on its turret's roof. A ground-shattering crash and a plume of fire later, and the armtrack's was flung into the sky and came crashing down.
Beside his lieutenant, Sergeant Creighton's gaunt smile grew larger, with the slightest hint of awe.
"Ahh, that'll be the 1st Aurivin Dragoons, Ma'am. Looks like the cavalry's here."
Three more shots followed in rapid succession, and soon a dozen armoured vehicles were reduced to pretty pieces of burning scrap. The machines that laid them low were soon visible as the smoke drifted away, four Champion armtracks with their heavy cannons that tore through what the Hoplites could not. From the road to her east leading up to the village, four more of the armoured machines tore up the open path into ditches dug for them the night before, and soon added their own guns to the orchestra.
It gave Akalya no small satisfaction to see the spearhead aimed at her platoon brought to a screeching halt, but there was no time to celebrate yet. She had a battle to win.
Soon the whole battlefield was filled with a smothering haze of smoke, belched forth from scorched armour and shell blasts, and visibility with the naked eye could be measured in a few hundred metres. The remaining Ocrisian assault force had devolved into fighting their own small battles on the outskirts of town, though these were beaten back quite easily. Potshots were traded between the Orsas and Champions, but what had once been a wall of steel was now but a handful of scattered survivors, and so these too were routed back with the tides in retreat, or blown to pieces.
Finally, it seemed even the mighty force of the Ocrisian had its limits, a few salvoes of cannon fire and stray missiles fired off to remind the fleeing enemy why they were leaving. Lieutenant Akalya let out a strained breath, feeling heavier than she ever had, and stood up with the Sergeant. She walked back to the center of the town, passing by stretchers carrying those who were wounded, and sheets of plastic laid out over those who weren't. Even victory had its price.
Finally, Akalya and Creigton arrived at the bombed out ruins of a post office that served as Lieutenant Salah's command post. She wasn't surprised to see a Champion parked outside it, and looking through the blown out windows she saw Salah speaking with a woman she didn't recognise. When they entered, they could see she wore a pair decidedly non-regulation leather boots with spurs, which rather cleared up who she was before she'd even introduced herself.
"Good morning, Lieutenant. I'm Captain Deniel, here with your cavalry, courtesy of the Aurivin Dragoons! It's good to see we weren't too late."
Salah nodded next to her, leaning against a counter. Still, it was obvious he wasn't quite as happy.
"Nor too early, Ma'am. You've got good boots in your platoon, Akalya, and without them we wouldn't be here chatting, Dragoons or otherwise."
He stopped for a moment, sighing before he continued.
"Still, we're more than grateful to get your help. Words come through that we'll be headed back east, linking back up with my Command in Maebarwih to hold the town. In that case, I suggest we mount up and get ready to move soon."
And so they did. In less than twenty minutes the two platoons had mounted their vehicles and gotten ready to move, and soon a convoy was formed up. They were headed northeast as fast as they could, fresh from one bloody battle, and en route to meet another.
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bearfoottruck · 4 days
Hey, anyone here from South Africa? I found this rare cover of Dee D. Jackson's "Automatic Lover" sung by someone named Amanda, and produced by Kevin Kruger (also responsible for HOT R.S. and Disco Rock Machine).
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almightyhamslice · 2 years
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So I recently found out some INSANE INFORMATION ABOUT PROTOTYPE VULCAIN and lets just say that changed my entire perspective on anthro Vulcain and now he's a whole new man. Tbf, I haven’t posted much of him here now that I think abt it... so it probably doesn’t feel like much of a departure or difference unless you’ve seen my posts regarding him on like, my discord server lol. 
the gist of the discovery regarding proto-Vulcain is that he was meant to be SECTOR X’S boss, and therefore would NOT have been adapted to Solar or even had any trace of fire/lava in his original design. Coincidentally, a headcanon I have for anthro Vulcain is that he has a ‘cold’ state and a ‘hot’ state, and his peers have to actively keep him ‘cold’ or he’ll revert back to monster form. So, with this revelation of Vulcain’s old design, I jumped at the opportunity to use it as his ‘cold’ state design! so his previous design is now simply his ‘hot’ state!
Things to know about anthro Vulcain! He likes to think of himself as the ‘leader’ of the bioweapon ‘squad’. He really likes attention, so tries to make himself seem larger to others. Easy to do, since he’s already burly. He’s absolutely STOKED to have legs, as he never had them back on Solar. Though, he really ought to be careful with them-- they’re bionic, so if he overheats, he might melt them by mistake. Of course, that’d make him angrier, which could aggravate his condition even more... just generally a bad situation. Vulcain can be very hot-headed and doesn’t like being challenged, so it’s best to carry a bucket of ice or water with you if you plan on telling him anything he doesn’t want to hear.
him being made of... flesh... and not appearing as if he’s made of lava... has resulted in him being able to bond more closely with his peers! Especially Goras, who feels that they have more in common than he initially expected! This makes Bacoon incredibly jealous because now SHE’S the odd one out, being the only aquatic bioweapon.
The name ‘Sanga’ comes from the JPN version of SF64! He MIGHT be named after Frederick Sanger (therefore his JPN name is listed as ‘Sanger’ on Arwingpedia) but I’m not actually positive of that-- I don’t know if it’s been confirmed if that’s who/what he’s named after for sure. Granga doesn’t like Vulcain’s alternate name because it sounds too similar to his own. LOL.
tbh I should rlly set a timeline for my anthro bioweapons. I generally write them like they’re Geneva’s weird experiments/projects, but Geneva’s rlly only active POST Lylat War... so really Shawn Warren and Vulcain shouldn’t be able to interact. TOO BAD I kinda just felt like Drawing Shawn so here he is. Perhaps R.S. Duke woulda been better in context but its TOO LATE NOW LOL.
idk, ideally all the funnee talking bosses would survive but like, I’m sorry, there’s NO WAY some of these mfs lived after their respective boss fights!! Like I think Galaxicos and Armando survived but that’s already RLLY pushing it/stretching (my explanation is that Galaxicos used an escape pod after his defeat & that Armando was able to survive the Attack Carrier crashing, but just BARELY, so he’s rlly injured afterwards). The end results of the Mechbeth, Shogun, and Sarumarine fights seem pretty damn fatal if you ask me.
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allgoodquotesblog · 18 days
60 Positive Quotes for Female Empowerment
The strength and spirit of women are often challenged in this world. It's important that we uplift each other. Women are mothers, daughters, nieces and wives, but they are also leaders, problem solvers, caregivers and heroes. Managing daily life is a huge burden for many women. We have selected 60 amazing quotes that represent the spirit of 60 Positive Quotes for Female Empowerment. They remind us all of the infinite potential that every woman possesses. This has been designed using assets from www.freepik.com "A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture, and transform."Diane Mariechild Women have a natural capacity to create life, care for others, and make significant change in the world. "A woman’s place in society marks the level of civilization."Pandita Ramabai, Social Reformer and Educationist A society's overall development and culture are reflected in its women's status. "A strong woman looks a challenge dead in the eye and gives it a wink." Gina Carey A strong Woman facing challenges, with confidence and a touch of humor. "You don't have to play masculine to be a strong woman." Mary Elizabeth Winstead Strength isn't about copying masculinity. It's about accepting your own feminine strength. "Freedom cannot be achieved unless the women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression." Savitribai Phule, Social Reformer and Educator True freedom and progress are possible only when women are liberated from all form of oppressions. "A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman."Melinda Gates Woman's strength is not necessarily physical but lies in her courage to speak out, make her decisions firmly, and influence changes. Female Empowerment "Do not think you are weak. Stand up and reach all that you wanted to." Swami Vivekananda, Spiritual Leader Women should recognize their inner strength or power and pursue for their goals with confidence. "She believed she could, so she did." R.S. Grey Belief in herself is the key of success. "Empowerment isn't about making women strong. Women are already strong. It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength."G.D. Anderson Female empowerment is about societal change, not personal transformation. The quote says Women are already strong. "There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved." Swami Vivekananda, Spiritual Leader The improvement of women is very essential for global well-being and development. "A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it's in hot water." Eleanor Roosevelt Women may appear calm or normal in normal conditions.  When they encounter tough situations, their inner power, courage, and determination comes out. "Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim."Nora Ephron Take control of your adversity and be the heroine of your own life.
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Female Empowerment "Educate one man, you educate one person, but educate a woman and you educate a whole civilization."Mahatma Jyotirao Phule, Social Reformer The education of women has far-reaching effects on our society and future coming generations. "To tell a woman everything she cannot do is to tell her what she can." Spanish Proverb Challenges often highlight a woman’s potential. They can do impossible looking task. "A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men."Gloria Steinem Female Empowerment is about recognizing equality with other and standing up for it. "There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish."Michelle Obama The possibilities for women are endless when they pursue their task. "Women belong in all places where decisions are being made."Ruth Bader Ginsburg Women should be included in every decision-making places.
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female empowerment "To be liberated, woman must feel free to be herself, not in rivalry to man but in the context of her own capacity and her personality."Indira Gandhi "I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself."Emma Stone Beauty is not about appearance, but about inner strength, self-acceptance and the courage to be real, even in the societal pressures or expectations. "If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman."Margaret Thatcher Women are known for their ability to take firm action and get things done. "A woman with ambition is unstoppable."Unknown "A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her."Unknown Female Empowerment means A successful woman turn negativity into constructive. "I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become."Carl Jung Woman, you define by your identity, not by your circumstances. "In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders." Sheryl Sandberg Leadership surpasses gender. "We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women’s voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored."Sheryl Sandberg Female Empowerment means women’s presence at every level is very crucial for meaningful change. "A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."Coco Chanel A girl should have the freedom to define her identity and pursue her desires, without being restricted by the society. "Be the woman who fixes another woman's crown without telling the world it was crooked." Unknown Support other women quietly and confidently is female empowerment. "She remembered who she was and the game changed." Lalah Delia Self-awareness within a women is a game-changer. "I never dreamed about success. I worked for it."Estée Lauder "A woman who walks in purpose doesn’t have to chase people or opportunities. Her light causes people and opportunities to pursue her."Unknown Purpose attracts success, it means female empowerment to focus on living with purpose.
20 Positive Quotes for Female Empowerment by Businesswomen
"Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else."Sara Blakely, Founder of Spanx I never dreamed about success. I worked for it."Estée Lauder, Founder of Estée Lauder Companies "I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow." Marissa Mayer, Former CEO of Yahoo! "Leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results, not attributes."Carly Fiorina, Former CEO of Hewlett-Packard "The difference between successful people and others is how long they spend time feeling sorry for themselves." Barbara Corcoran, Businesswoman and Investor "I want little girls to grow up knowing they can do anything, even play football."Jen Welter, First Female NFL Coach "The most effective way to do it, is to do it."Amelia Earhart, Aviator and Pioneer "I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse." Florence Nightingale, Founder of Modern Nursing "The more we can break the rules, the better off we're going to be." Indra Nooyi, Former CEO of PepsiCo "Success isn’t about how much money you make; it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives."Michelle Obama, Former First Lady and Author "If you are successful, it is because somewhere, sometime, someone gave you a life or an idea that started you in the right direction."Melinda Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation "The only way to do great work is to love what you do."Mary Kay Ash, Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics "You have to see failure as the beginning and the middle, but never entertain it as an end."Jessica Herrin, CEO of Stella & Dot "The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them." Ida B. Wells, Journalist and Activist "You must do the things you think you cannot do." Eleanor Roosevelt, Former First Lady and Diplomat "The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me." Ayn Rand, Philosopher and Author "Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness."Oprah Winfrey "I learned to always take on things I’d never done before. Growth and comfort do not coexist." Ginni Rometty, Former CEO of IBM "Do not bring people in your life who weigh you down. And trust your instincts—good relationships feel good. They feel right. They don’t hurt." Oprah Winfrey, Media Executive and Philanthropist "Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs." Farrah Gray, Entrepreneur
10 Positive Quotes for Female Empowerment by Educationists
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela "The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you." B.B. King, Musician and Educator "Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." John Dewey, Philosopher and Educator "When you know better, you do better." Maya Angelou, Poet and Civil Rights Activist "The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one." Malcolm Forbes, Publisher "To educate a woman is to educate a nation." African Proverb "You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation." Brigham Young, Religious Leader and Educator "I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship." Louisa May Alcott, Author and Educator "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." Aristotle, Philosopher and Educator "Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow." Anthony J. D'Angelo, Education Innovator Final Thoughts about Female Empowerment These quotes remind us each woman's inner power, and potential. Whether you're experiencing a challenge, pursuing a dream, or simply looking for motivation. Let these quotes inspire you to identify your power, speak your truth, and live your best life. Female empowerment means recognizing your own inner strength and letting it shine. For more inspiring quotes and articles, visit All Good Quotes. Stay empowered, stay inspired! Read the full article
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descubredonostia · 3 months
Jazzaldia 2024: El Festival de Jazz de San Sebastián
El Jazzaldia 2024, también conocido como el Festival de Jazz de San Sebastián, se celebrará del 23 al 28 de julio en la hermosa ciudad de Donostia. Este evento, que llega a su 59ª edición, promete ser un espectáculo inolvidable con 76 conciertos repartidos en 12 escenarios espectaculares por toda la ciudad. San Sebastián se llenará de música y ambiente festivo, ofreciendo tanto a los residentes como a los visitantes una experiencia única.
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El programa del Jazzaldia incluye 41 conciertos gratuitos, 26 presentaciones de grupos locales, y 5 conciertos destinados a familias dentro de la duodécima edición de Txikijazz. Además, la décima edición de JazzEñe presentará 8 conciertos dedicados al jazz español. Otros destacados incluyen 8 conciertos en la playa de Zurriola (Keler Gunea) y 23 en las terrazas del Kursaal (Frigo Gunea y Fnac Gunea), además de actuaciones en Chillida Leku, la Plazoleta Juncal de Irún y el Hotel María Cristina. Los 12 escenarios del festival son: Trinitate Plaza, Keler Gunea, Kutxabank Kursaal Auditorioa, FCC Victoria Eugenia Antzokia, Škoda San Telmo Museoa, Frigo Gunea, Fnac Gunea, Chillida Leku, Kutxa Fundazioa Plaza (Tabakalera), Nauticool, Irún y el Hotel María Cristina. El cartel de este año incluye grandes figuras del jazz como Diana Krall, John Zorn, Gregory Porter, William Parker, Potter-Mehldau-Patitucci-Blake, Scofield-Holland Duo, Lakecia Benjamin, Marco Mezquida, Eddie Henderson & Steve Davis, Youn Sun Nah, Julio Resende, Iñaki Salvador, BIGYUKI Band with Tomoaki Baba, Rosario Giuliani, Carole Alston y Marcin Masecki. Además de las estrellas del jazz, el festival ofrece música de otros géneros con artistas como Marisa Monte, Rufus Wainwright y Sílvia Pérez Cruz en el Kutxabank Kursaal Auditorioa. En el escenario gratuito de la playa, Keler Gunea, se presentarán bandas de rock, blues, pop y hip hop como Larkin Poe, North Mississippi Allstars, IZARO, Shinova, El Columpio Asesino, Les Amazones d’Afrique, Merina Gris y Chill Mafia. El Jazzaldia también sirve como plataforma para promover el talento local, con 24 grupos vascos brillando en esta edición. Diez de estos grupos fueron seleccionados a través del proceso de selección de Grupos Locales de 2024, incluyendo a Iñar Sastre, Nacho Soto Trío, Oscar Garrido Quintet, Gregario de Luxe, Nhil, Les 4 Saxes & Co, Alex Haro’s Freedom, Fran Serrano 4tet 0202, Euskal Hot Club y Motelas. Otros artistas vascos destacados son Iñaki Salvador, Elkano Browning Cream, Noa & The HellDrinkers, The Fake Cousins, Itziar Yagüe y R.S. Basque Faktor, FEMM & Band y la Big Band de la Escuela de Música y Danza de Donostia. El Premio Donostiako Jazzaldia de este año será otorgado a William Parker en reconocimiento a su trayectoria musical y su influencia en el jazz contemporáneo. Parker ofrecerá tres conciertos en diferentes escenarios y con distintas formaciones, incluyendo dúo, trío y cuarteto. Las entradas para estos conciertos están disponibles individualmente o como abono con un descuento del 15%. El festival también ofrecerá streaming de los 8 conciertos de JazzEñe desde el FCC Victoria Eugenia Antzokia, accesible a través de la página web del Jazzaldia y su canal de YouTube. Además, del 3 de julio en adelante, se celebrará la octava edición del ciclo Jazzinema, organizado por la Filmoteca Vasca, que explora la relación entre el cine y el jazz. Por último, la duodécima edición de Txikijazz proporcionará un espacio para que las familias disfruten de la música y el arte en Chillida Leku, Kutxa Fundazioa Plaza y FNAC Gunea, con conciertos de artistas como Itziar Yagüe, Noa & The HellDrinkers, Swingtronics, Carole Alston y Elkano Browning Cream, además de talleres para niños. El Jazzaldia 2024 promete ser una celebración inolvidable de la música y la cultura en el corazón de San Sebastián. ¡No te lo pierdas! Escenarios y Conciertos del Jazzaldia 2024 Escenario: Chillida Leku - Iñaki Salvador: Txoria nuen maite - Día: 21 de julio, 19:30 - 15€ - Noa & The HellDrinkers (Txikijazz) - Día: 25 de julio, 12:30 - 14€ / 7€ / Gratis - Federica Michisanti Quartet - Día: 26 de julio, 19:30 - 15€ - Carole Alston (Txikijazz) - Día: 27 de julio, 12:30 - 14€ / 7€ / Gratis - MAC Saxophone Quartet-Rosario Giulliani - Día: 28 de julio, 19:30 - 15€ Escenario: Kutxabank Kursaal Auditorioa - Sílvia Pérez Cruz: Toda la vida, un día - Día: 23 de julio, 20:00 - 50€ - Rufus Wainwright - Día: 24 de julio, 18:30 - 50€ - Marisa Monte - Día: 25 de julio, 18:30 - 50€ - John Zorn at Jazzaldia 1 (Quatrain, Suite for Piano) - Día: 26 de julio, 18:30 - 30€ - Diana Krall - Día: 28 de julio, 17:30 - 60€ Escenario: Trinitate Plaza - Potter, Mehldau, Patituchi, Blake, Youn Sun Nah - Día: 25 de julio, 21:00 - 50€ - Marco Mezquida: Tornado, Gregory Porter - Día: 26 de julio, 21:00 - 50€ - Scofield - Holland Duo, William Parker Quartet - Día: 27 de julio, 21:00 - 40€ - John Zorn at Jazzaldia 3 (Chaos Magick, New Masada Quartet) - Día: 28 de julio, 20:00 - 40€ Escenario: FCC Victoria Eugenia Antzokia - Trinidad Jiménez & Roberto Nieva 4tet (X JazzEñe) - Día: 24 de julio, 12:30 - 8€ - Mariola Membrives Duo & R.S. Basque Faktor (X JazzEñe) - Día: 25 de julio, 12:30 - 8€ - David Sancho & Juan Saiz (X JazzEñe) - Día: 26 de julio, 12:30 - 8€ - Marcelo Escrich Silent Quartet & Martín Leiton Quartet (X JazzEñe) - Día: 27 de julio, 12:30 - 8€ - William Parker Trio - Día: 28 de julio, 12:30 - 20€ Escenario: Škoda San Telmo Museoa - William Parker Duo - Día: 25 de julio, 11:00 - 15€ - Júlio Resende Duo - Día: 26 de julio, 11:00 - 15€ - Júlio Resende Solo - Día: 27 de julio, 11:00 - 15€ - Marta Sánchez - Día: 28 de julio, 11:00 - 15€ Escenario: Keler Gunea (Playa Zurriola) - IZARO - Día: 24 de julio, 20:45 - Gratis - Larkin Poe - Día: 24 de julio, 23:30 - Gratis - Merina Gris - Día: 25 de julio, 21:00 - Gratis - Shinova - Día: 25 de julio, 23:30 - Gratis - Les Amazones d’Afrique - Día: 26 de julio, 21:00 - Gratis - El Columpio Asesino - Día: 26 de julio, 23:30 - Gratis - North Mississippi Allstars - Día: 27 de julio, 21:00 - Gratis - Chill Mafia - Día: 27 de julio, 23:30 - Gratis Escenario: Frigo Gunea (Terrazas del Kursaal) - Lakecia Benjamin - Día: 24 de julio, 19:30 - Gratis - Eddie Henderson & Steve Davis Quintet - Día: 24 de julio, 22:15 - Gratis - Carolina Katún - Día: 25 de julio, 18:30 - Gratis - BIGYUKI Band with Tomoaki Baba - Día: 25 de julio, 20:00 - Gratis - Elkano Browning Cream - Día: 25 de julio, 22:30 - Gratis - Donostiako Musika eta Dantza Eskola Big Band - Día: 26 de julio, 18:30 - Gratis - Iñar Sastre - Día: 26 de julio, 20:00 - Gratis - Nacho Soto Trío - Día: 26 de julio, 22:30 - Gratis - FEMMM & Band - Día: 27 de julio, 18:30 - Gratis - Gregario de Luxe - Día: 27 de julio, 20:00 - Gratis - Nhil - Día: 27 de julio, 22:30 - Gratis - Alex Haro’s Freedom - Día: 28 de julio, 17:00 - Gratis - Fran Serrano 4tet 0202 - Día: 28 de julio, 19:30 - Gratis Escenario: Fnac Gunea (Terrazas del Kursaal) - Marcin Masecki Trio - Día: 24 de julio, 19:30 - Gratis - BIGYUKI Band with Tomoaki Baba - Día: 24 de julio, 22:15 - Gratis - Marcin Masecki Trio - Día: 25 de julio, 20:00 - Gratis - Marcin Masecki Trio - Día: 26 de julio, 18:30 - Gratis - North Mississippi Allstars - Día: 26 de julio, 20:00 - Gratis - Óscar Garrido Quintet - Día: 26 de julio, 22:30 - Gratis - Les 4 Saxes & Co - Día: 27 de julio, 20:00 - Gratis - Pere Bujosa Trio - Día: 27 de julio, 22:30 - Gratis - Elkano Browning Cream (Txikijazz) - Día: 28 de julio, 12:00 - Gratis - Motelas - Día: 28 de julio, 20:00 - Gratis - Pere Bujosa Trio - Día: 28 de julio, 21:30 - Gratis Escenario: Kutxa Fundazioa Plaza (Tabakalera) - Itziar Yagüe (Txikijazz) - Día: 24 de julio, 12:00 - Gratis - Swingtronics (Txikijazz) - Día: 26 de julio, 12:00 - Gratis Escenario: Nauticool - Carolina Katún - Día: 24 de julio, 19:30 - Gratis - The Fake Cousins - Día: 25 de julio, 19:30 - Gratis - The Fake Cousins - Día: 26 de julio, 19:30 - Gratis Escenario: Irun - Carole Alston - Día: 26 de julio, 21:00 - Gratis Escenario: Hotel María Cristina - Carole Alston - Día: 25 de julio, 20:00 - 85€ Txikijazz - Diversos artistas para el público infantil en Chillida Leku, Kutxa Fundazioa Plaza y FNAC Gunea - Días: 23 al 28 de julio Artistas y Grupos del Jazzaldia 2024 Iñaki Salvador Iñaki Salvador es un pianista y compositor vasco reconocido por su versatilidad y habilidad para fusionar el jazz con la música clásica y popular. Ha trabajado con numerosos artistas destacados y ha participado en proyectos de jazz, flamenco y música contemporánea. Su estilo distintivo se caracteriza por una sensibilidad melódica y una capacidad para la improvisación que lo sitúan como uno de los referentes del jazz en España. Sílvia Pérez Cruz Sílvia Pérez Cruz es una cantante y compositora catalana cuya música abarca una amplia gama de géneros, incluyendo jazz, flamenco y música tradicional catalana. Con una voz única y emotiva, Pérez Cruz ha colaborado con diversos artistas y ha desarrollado una carrera solista exitosa. Sus interpretaciones están impregnadas de una profunda sensibilidad y una técnica vocal impecable, lo que la convierte en una de las voces más respetadas y admiradas del panorama musical español. Rufus Wainwright Rufus Wainwright es un cantante, compositor y pianista canadiense-estadounidense conocido por su estilo operístico y su habilidad para fusionar pop, rock y música clásica. Hijo de los músicos folk Loudon Wainwright III y Kate McGarrigle, Rufus ha lanzado varios álbumes aclamados y ha trabajado en proyectos de ópera y teatro. Su música se caracteriza por letras poéticas, melodías complejas y una voz distintiva que le han ganado un seguimiento devoto en todo el mundo. Marisa Monte Marisa Monte es una cantante, compositora y productora brasileña, reconocida por su contribución a la música popular brasileña. Con una carrera que abarca más de tres décadas, Monte ha lanzado numerosos álbumes exitosos y ha colaborado con destacados músicos internacionales. Su estilo fusiona samba, pop, jazz y bossa nova, y su voz melodiosa y emotiva la ha convertido en una de las artistas más queridas y respetadas de Brasil. John Zorn John Zorn es un compositor, saxofonista y productor estadounidense, conocido por su versatilidad y su capacidad para fusionar diversos géneros musicales, desde el jazz y la música clásica hasta el rock y el hardcore punk. A lo largo de su carrera, Zorn ha sido una figura central en la escena de música experimental y ha lanzado una vasta discografía que abarca numerosos proyectos y colaboraciones. Su enfoque innovador y su habilidad para la improvisación lo han consolidado como una de las figuras más influyentes en la música contemporánea. Diana Krall Diana Krall es una cantante y pianista de jazz canadiense, reconocida por su voz suave y su habilidad excepcional al piano. Con varios álbumes exitosos y premios Grammy en su haber, Krall ha sido una figura prominente en la escena del jazz desde la década de 1990. Su estilo combina estándares de jazz con interpretaciones modernas y ha colaborado con numerosos artistas de renombre. Krall es especialmente conocida por su capacidad para transmitir emociones a través de su música, lo que la ha convertido en una de las artistas de jazz más queridas y respetadas del mundo. Potter, Mehldau, Patitucci, Blake Este supergrupo de jazz está compuesto por Chris Potter (saxofón), Brad Mehldau (piano), John Patitucci (contrabajo) y Brian Blade (batería). Cada uno de estos músicos es un destacado solista en su propio derecho, y juntos forman una formación de jazz moderna que destaca por su virtuosismo y capacidad para la improvisación. Su música abarca desde composiciones originales hasta interpretaciones innovadoras de estándares de jazz, ofreciendo siempre una experiencia sonora rica y dinámica. Marco Mezquida Marco Mezquida es un pianista, compositor y arreglista español, conocido por su versatilidad y su enfoque innovador al piano. Ha colaborado con numerosos artistas y ha lanzado varios álbumes aclamados que abarcan una amplia gama de géneros, incluyendo jazz, música clásica y flamenco. Mezquida es reconocido por su habilidad para la improvisación y su capacidad para fusionar diferentes estilos musicales, creando una experiencia única y emotiva en cada una de sus actuaciones. Gregory Porter Gregory Porter es un cantante y compositor de jazz estadounidense, conocido por su voz cálida y su estilo que combina jazz, soul y gospel. Porter ha lanzado varios álbumes exitosos y ha ganado múltiples premios Grammy por su música. Sus letras a menudo abordan temas de amor, vida y sociedad, y su capacidad para conectar con el público a través de su interpretación emocional lo ha convertido en una de las figuras más prominentes del jazz contemporáneo. Scofield - Holland Duo John Scofield (guitarra) y Dave Holland (contrabajo) forman un dúo dinámico que combina la creatividad y la maestría técnica de dos de los músicos más respetados en la escena del jazz. Scofield es conocido por su estilo distintivo que fusiona jazz, funk y rock, mientras que Holland es un contrabajista legendario con una carrera que abarca más de cinco décadas. Juntos, crean una música rica en improvisación y exploración melódica, ofreciendo una experiencia sonora única y cautivadora. William Parker William Parker es un contrabajista, compositor y líder de banda estadounidense, considerado uno de los músicos más influyentes en la vanguardia del jazz. Con una carrera que abarca varias décadas, Parker ha trabajado con numerosos artistas prominentes y ha lanzado una extensa discografía que incluye trabajos como solista y colaboraciones. Su música se caracteriza por una profunda espiritualidad y una constante búsqueda de innovación, lo que lo ha consolidado como una figura central en la escena del jazz contemporáneo. Lakecia Benjamin Lakecia Benjamin es una saxofonista y compositora estadounidense, conocida por su energía vibrante y su habilidad para fusionar jazz, funk y soul. Ha trabajado con destacados artistas como Stevie Wonder, Alicia Keys y The Roots, y ha lanzado varios álbumes como líder de banda. Benjamin es reconocida por su capacidad para la improvisación y su estilo distintivo que combina la tradición del jazz con elementos modernos, creando una experiencia musical dinámica y emocionante. Eddie Henderson & Steve Davis Quintet Eddie Henderson (trompeta) y Steve Davis (trombón) lideran este quinteto de jazz que destaca por su virtuosismo y su enfoque creativo. Henderson es conocido por su trabajo en el jazz fusion y el post-bop, mientras que Davis es un trombonista respetado en la escena del hard bop. Juntos, ofrecen una música rica en interacción y exploración melódica, con un repertorio que abarca desde composiciones originales hasta interpretaciones de estándares de jazz. Youn Sun Nah Youn Sun Nah es una cantante de jazz surcoreana, conocida por su voz versátil y su habilidad para fusionar diversos géneros musicales. Ha lanzado varios álbumes exitosos y ha ganado reconocimiento internacional por sus interpretaciones emotivas y su técnica vocal impecable. Nah es especialmente admirada por su capacidad para transformar canciones conocidas en experiencias únicas y personales, lo que la convierte en una de las vocalistas más interesantes en la escena del jazz actual. Julio Resende Julio Resende es un pianista y compositor portugués, conocido por su habilidad para fusionar jazz con música tradicional portuguesa, incluyendo fado. Ha lanzado varios álbumes aclamados y ha colaborado con numerosos artistas. Resende es reconocido por su sensibilidad melódica y su capacidad para la improvisación, creando una música que es a la vez innovadora y profundamente emotiva. BIGYUKI Band with Tomoaki Baba BIGYUKI es un tecladista y productor japonés conocido por su enfoque innovador que fusiona jazz, funk, hip-hop y música electrónica. Ha trabajado con artistas destacados como A Tribe Called Quest y J. Cole, y ha lanzado varios proyectos como solista. Tomoaki Baba es un saxofonista talentoso que complementa el estilo de BIGYUKI con su habilidad para la improvisación y su sonido distintivo. Juntos, crean una música dinámica y moderna que desafía las convenciones del jazz tradicional. Rosario Giuliani Rosario Giuliani es un saxofonista y compositor italiano, reconocido por su virtuosismo y su estilo que combina jazz contemporáneo con influencias de la música clásica y el cine. Ha lanzado varios álbumes como líder de banda y ha colaborado con numerosos músicos de renombre. Giuliani es admirado por su capacidad para la improvisación y su enfoque melódico, creando una música que es tanto técnicamente impresionante como emocionalmente resonante. Carole Alston Carole Alston es una cantante de jazz y actriz estadounidense, conocida por su poderosa voz y su presencia escénica. Ha trabajado en teatro musical y ha lanzado varios álbumes de jazz que destacan por su capacidad para interpretar una amplia gama de estilos, desde el jazz clásico hasta el blues y el gospel. Alston es especialmente conocida por su habilidad para conectar con el público a través de su interpretación emotiva y su talento vocal. Marcin Masecki Marcin Masecki es un pianista y compositor polaco, conocido por su enfoque experimental y su habilidad para fusionar jazz con música clásica y contemporánea. Ha lanzado varios álbumes aclamados y ha trabajado en proyectos que abarcan una amplia gama de géneros musicales. Masecki es reconocido por su creatividad y su capacidad para la improvisación, creando una música que es tanto innovadora como accesible. IZARO IZARO es una cantante y compositora vasca cuya música abarca una variedad de géneros, incluyendo pop, folk y jazz. Con una voz cálida y emotiva, IZARO ha ganado popularidad en la escena musical española por sus letras sinceras y sus melodías pegajosas. Su capacidad para conectar con el público a través de sus interpretaciones personales la ha convertido en una de las artistas emergentes más destacadas del panorama musical actual. Merina Gris Merina Gris es una banda vasca conocida por su estilo que fusiona pop, electrónica y rock. Con letras en euskera y un enfoque experimental, el grupo ha ganado reconocimiento en la escena musical por su sonido distintivo y sus energéticas actuaciones en vivo. Read the full article
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boxwinebaddie · 4 months
THEY'RE SO CUTE!!!! Ninaaa!! if ur down for it u should reverse it and ravens nicknames for jersey
aaaaa! i am so glad you liked them!
maybe it's pride month, but i was feeling extremely strong #gayvesey inspiration today and yesterday, so i decided to punk rock n roll w/ it.
anyways! here are some ravenstan to jerseykyle ones. i apologize, some of these are cute, some of these are funny ( all of them are funny p much ) but some of them are a little nsfwish and out of pocket, but...i gotta live my wlw nasty girl x mlm nasty boy truth.
-( new ) jersey ( alternatively: yersey <3 )
-head ;) of the ravenstan fan club ( u kno it )
-stan's white boy of the week ( high honor )
-kyscraper ( 6ft tall and super strong )
-columbia / encykylpedia ( big brain )
-trophy husband :* ( kyle was sooo mad )
-dork diaries ( bruUuuUutal oh my god )
-mic check ( teeesting ;) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... )
-knockout [ k.o ] ( self explanatory, fine n scary )
-freckles / pecas ( rs x spotty boys )
-mi sabelotodo ( smart ass king smh )
-backpack ( manz packin back there )
-white yagami ( r.s. was laughing so hard )
-sexy librarian boy ( stacks on stacks )
-human redwood tree ( rs fav tree )
-ky-pod ( u know...for his three legs )
-my ky tea <3 ( ily barista jersey )
-gingersnap ( he is fiesty )
-papi chulo ( started as a joke but…>.> )
-temple broan / red wine superbrova ( they r fans )
-fruit punch ( gay and will beat u up )
-the best seat in the house ( yeeeep )
-tamarindo ( ft. curb, orange boy moment )
-late nite bite xx ( a snacccc ;))) )
-mi amor, mi vida ( i’m not crying, u are )
-my kyropractor ( blowin his back out )
-supermodel un ( slaying down the law )
-four eyes ( as in 4 my eyes ONLY, bitch! )
-( put those ) green eyes ;) ( between my thighs )
-cpt. irons his underpants ( rooooasted! )
-pelirrojo ( manz red hot )
-my personal bodyguard ( stan is spoiled )
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multimagical · 3 months
The Ghosts of Melbrew
Book 1 of 12 in the Multimagical Series by Lillian R.S.
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Chapter 2 - "Foreign Roads"
4,185 words
Friendly criticism is welcome for future reference!
Continue reading below the cut, and enjoy! <3
       After getting over my shock of being pushed I got up, brushing off my clothes, feeling a bit shaken and confused. I exited the school through the back doors of the science hallway, and made my way down the stretch of road that would lead me home. It was quiet, and lightly raining, the pins and needles type that you only slightly feel. Sort of like a mist. The sky and atmosphere was grey, and that comforted me. It was as if the world had grown calm and soft, the stillness in the air felt relaxing rather than creepy.
      When I arrived home, I told my parents everything I learned that day, as well as the strange things that I felt. Minus the whole history club truth thing, of course. I promised I was trustworthy, and I was. It didn't even matter if I did tell them the truth of it though, they dismissed everything as typical boys trying to scare the new girl. I didn't really expect them to believe me, but I guess they were more so in disbelief of what I was told rather than me myself. I couldn't even argue with them because afterall, they could be right as far as I was concerned.
      I walked up the stairs to my bedroom, creaking beneath my feet as the whole house seemed to do. In the hallway Benny was sat on his cat tree bed, greeting me with a "Purrp!" as he then rolled onto his side. I pet him for a few moments as he purred loudly as a motorboat, making biscuits in the air with his paws. He quickly jumped to the floor and followed me to my room as I turned the knob on my door.
       I went to get changed into something more comfortable, even if it wasn't pajamas. There's just something not very nice about keeping on the same sweaty clothes that you've been wearing all day. I pulled the black and purple striped sweater off my body, feeling better afterwards. I know it's Autumn and it's chilly, but when you're not outside where it's actually cold the double layers can get quite hot. That's why I'll never understand parents bothering their kids about wearing a coat all the time. Do you think I'm gonna be outside all day or what?
      I looked at myself in the mirror a bit, I'd only just gotten it the day before. A small painting-like mirror which hung on my wall that I got at a local thrift store not far from the house. I ran my hands down my face, that Kimi girl calling me freckle face was certainly a new one. I chuckled thinking back to her bluntness.
       Benny jumped up onto my bed, and then onto the window sill as he looked outside. My window faced out towards the farm across the street, and out to the left was a tree. I noticed his tail begin to swish back and forth in a hunting motion, he was probably looking at a bird. I would sure hope so considering he seemed to be looking at nothing.
       Everything was just so strange, I know I'm a broken record, but I just haven't been able to shake it from my mind since we got there. I plopped down on my bed with a sigh, and looked randomly around my room. The dust had been cleaned of the floors and I've fixed up the peeling wallpaper a bit, wanting to completely replace it eventually. I got a dresser moved in, a TV stand, and the few other furniture we bought from the store. We pretty much left everything behind. It was ironically cheaper to buy all new furniture than it was to bring it with us. I didn't get it, but whatever. My parents didn't wanna hire a moving company because it would be too expensive.
      I went and took off my knee-length brown boots. I was left in my long sleeve turtleneck, my leggings, and my socks, which were all black. Wow, at my old middle school I'd definitely get called to the guidance office for that. The guidance counselor once told me to stop wearing black because it apparently meant I was depressed, I mean, did she expect me to be cured of my non-existent depression if I stopped wearing black, or something?
      I pulled my hair out of its low ponytail and bushed it for a bit. I was always surprised how tangled it managed to get in the span of one day, especially because I often never let it down. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do, so I just continued to sit in my room, and thunk for a little while. Usually I would do homework, but I got all of it done in school. I decided to listen to some music and read until I got bored.
      At five, I decided I would go out and look around for however long I felt like. It would be good to get to know the town and where things are located. I put on a pair of black boots and decided to head out, keeping my hair down, which I rarely do. I don't like it all in my face most times, but I put on a headband to help with that.
      Before I left I took a bag and a pocket knife with me, because I certainly wasn't going to walk around alone in a town like this unarmed. Might just be paranoia, but it's better to be safe than sorry, especially as a teenage girl. When I was ready I told my parents I was going to look around for a bit. Before I was able to close the front door, Benny darted outside in a flash. I suppose he's fine as long as he's with me, he did always like to follow me around when I was outside. I was just a bit concerned about the wildlife here, as this place was much more rural than our previous home.
       I stepped down off the porch and walked down the stone pathway to the road. Benny eagerly followed me with a little jog. For being an older cat, he sure was agile. I took in a deep breath, breathing in the cold, misty air, the Autumn wind blowing lightly.
      I could still feel the little raindrops from earlier stabbing my face in an ever so graceful manner. It was now the evening, which means the more minutes that ticked by, the darker it got. It actually wasn't a bad town, just a little bit off-putting and in need of a few slight touch ups. I wasn't someone who liked really fancy things, so the old feel of the town was actually something I really liked.
      I felt like some kind of edge lord wearing all black, but it didn't feel too out of place here in a town like this. The only thing that was missing was a black cat, though alas, Benny was a fat, brown, green-eyed tabby. He reminded me a lot of a dog in a cat's body as he followed behind me, staying close to the side of the road. He'd occasionally stop and sniff random smells before trotting back up to me.
       The sky was still grey, and it seemed like the weather didn't really change much, but I had expected a lot of rain since before we moved here. Everything was totally quiet except for the occasional wind and the barely audible tapping of the raindrops that slowly got thicker. Another dog-like trait about old Benny boy is that he doesn't care about getting wet. Silliest cat ever, I tell you.
       I was walking down the road from my house to the school. The street was lined with houses, and trees stood tall behind them. My house was located on the practically abandoned side of town. I don't mean that in a bad way, though. Sure, some houses looked decrepit and run down, but most of them were normal old houses for sale. Here on the Northernmost side of town "For Sale" signs were in practically every front yard. It was the side that an old mansion and cemetery were on, so I guess that could be a factor as to why. No one wants to live up here, but they are cheaper, so that's a plus.
       It was strangely calming, though, but I've said that a lot. It just is. Being around all these empty houses, a town devoid of people. I approached the cutoff at the Melbrew River, which cut through the town, separating the void north from the middle and south parts. I stood on the bridge for a while as I looked out to the flowing water beneath me.
      There was something that I loved about the water. The smell, the feeling, the emotion. The smell of rain, autumn, and cold air. It was great. I had a feeling it would be hard to walk to school without getting distracted by the bridge. I could sit on it for hours, and Benny agreed as he jumped up on the ledge with me to get some pets.
       Once crossing the bridge you've got more residential houses, and locally owned shops, and businesses. Things immediately began to feel more lively than they did up by my house. Children yelled in the distance, and inside some houses I could hear people's TVs playing. Lights lit up the insides, and some people even sat on their porches, reading a book or drinking their evening tea. Completely different from the dark and empty part my house was in.
       On this side of town, Halloween themed flags waved outside the houses, while others had pumpkins, scarecrows, and more seasonal decorations. I saw a black cat in the window of one house, and waved to him, telling Benny he has a friend in the window.
      Instead of continuing down the road that would lead to school, I decided to take a right. It was a residential road with houses on both sides. On the corner of the street at the other side, there was an ice cream shop and a diner. I decided to head down a side street that led into the woods, at the most Southwestern part of town.
      The side streets in the town were made of gravel, and fully surrounded by woods. From what I could tell, houses were scarce, but the ones that were there looked incredibly creepy. These little shelters built into the forest, with moss and vines growing up the sides. There was a no outlet sign at the entrance, so I was curious what was at the end.
      As I walked down the road, I began to hear voices in the distance. Benny seemed to be on alert at the sound of people, refusing to follow me any further. The voices became more and more clear the closer I got. When I could finally make out their conversation, I recognized the voices as the people I met earlier that day.
      "Oh, come on, Kimi!" I heard Cameron say loudly in the distance as I continued to get closer still, "It's not like I spilled every single illegal thing we've ever done to her!"
      "You still told a girl you just met that the history club isn't a real history club! It's supposed to be a club just for us, everyone else is going to get faked! And if you don't care about that, then you should at least consider that if she tells anyone about it you could get him fired!" Kimi's whiney voice yelled.
      "Mr. Marshall didn't have a problem with it, Kimi, it's not that deep. In fact, he even told me to tell her about it himself. We didn't even say anything bad, we just said we're going to look over the paranormal conspiracy stuff that happens, and the Humphrey family murder, and last time I checked the Humphrey family counts as history. Also, you'd have to be braindead to not know about either of those things and still live in this town. Do you think we're idiots?" I heard Dominik say.
      "You can't just tell a complete stranger who just moved here all of these things! They can't tell them, right, Kai?"
      The road was curvy, so I stayed out of sight between the tall, thin trees. I could see them as I peered around a corner. Kai simply shrugged his shoulders and said, "She seemed trustworthy enough."
      "Trustworthy enough?!" Kimi sounded shocked and angry, "How can you stand there and just say she looked trustworthy enough?! Just looked like it, slightly? Are you people just that careless? I know Cameron is but I expected better of you two because you two aren't supposed to be fucking idiots!"
      "God damn, Kimi, Calm do-" Dominik said.
      "DON'T TELL ME TO BE CALM!" She screeched, practically echoing throught the forest. Everything went silent, but just for one second.
      "It is not that deep, stop yelling!" Cameron yelled back.
      "I'll stop yelling when you stop yelling!"
      "What are you guys? Five?!" Dominik said.
      "Do you wanna fight, little Miss throw hands?!" Cameron said, ignoring Dominik, putting up his fists in an exaggerated fighting pose.
      "Don't fight my sister." Kai said, still monotone.
      "Yes, I would love to fight!" Kimi yelled.
      "No." Kai said.
      "Then let's fucking fight!" Cameron yelled, punching his first into the palm of his hand.
      "Let's not fucking fight." Kai said.
      "Cameron, I think that would be assaulting a child." Dominik said, "Don't fight a 12-year-old girl!"
      "You calling me a child?!" Kimi said.
      "You literally are a child!" Dominik exclaimed, stretching his arms out in bewilderment.
      "Yet I could probably still beat your dumbass."
     I decided that I should probably step in and stop this, so I went around the corner and began walking towards them, "Um, excuse me, I hate to be of disturbance to this lovely conversation you seem to be having, but I presume that I'm the cause of all this?" I yelled loud enough for them to hear me.
      "I will rip your face off, you overly-polite sack of–!" Kimi yelled very loudly, though Kai slapped his hand over her mouth last second before she could curse, looking and sounding constantly done with everyone's crap. I'm not even exaggerating. That man had a blank face 24/7 but in that face I saw an overworked 47 year old dad who's ready to go to the grave, but also doubles as an edgy teenage loner.
      "You were the one that caused this, but that is okay, because Kimora is over dramatic and always wants to fight people for any reason that she can come up with. We are leaving now." He said, and began to walk away, pulling his little sister with him.
      "LET GO OF ME I AM NOT FINISHED HERE!" Kimi yelled, trying to pull herself away from his grip.
      "Well I am." He said, sounding tired.
      They disappeared into the distance down the road I came from, and Dominik shook his head sadly, "That kid drives me insane. I sometimes wonder how Kai deals with that fiery ball of aggression. It's quite sad too because they both used to be so different."
      "Sorry that you had to find us in the middle of an argument, dude. As you can probably tell, she wasn't too happy that we told you about some of our secret shit, even though we really didn't tell you about any of our secret shit. It was just that we have secret shit." Cameron said.
      "Well, I'm sorry to have caused a conflict. I am interested in it, though." I said honestly.
      Cameron waved his hand dismissively, "Don't worry about it, it's not you, it's Kimi. Honestly, you should feel honored, your first day at Melbrew and you managed to hit a gold mine of town information getting to know us!"
      "Do you have some sort of ego, or something?"
      "Yes." Dominik said, "Oh God, Yes."
      "Hehe, I pride myself on my knowledge. You also can't lie that she's lucky enough to get this all on the first day, too. You're extremely easy to get along with, you know that, Emeline?"
      "I've been told that before, yes. I'm not one for causing conflict, though I guess I managed to do just that. Why were you guys out here, anyway?"
      "We were just hanging out, but then my dumbass started talking about you and Kimi got pissed at me as per usual." Cameron said. "Nothing new there."
      A phone soon rang, and Dominik picked it up. He said a few yeahs and okays and shortly hung up. "That was my mom, she wants me home for dinner soon."
      "Yeeeah, I guess I should be going, too," Cameron said, following alongside Dominik, "Muh mum's makin' potatoes. I love me some fuckin' potatoes. Catch you later, Emeline." He said, putting up finger guns. They walked off down the street together, farther into the woods.
       I began to head back out, calling for Benny. He popped up out of the woods and ran up to me, hitting his head against my ankles. Once back out on the actual roads, I took a seat on the propped up sidewalk, giving Benny the pets and attention he wanted constantly.
       Was Kimi really just an unnecessary ball of anger, or were they really doing some kind of shady stuff they shouldn't have told me about? Cameron did mention doing illegal things, but what could that possibly mean? What illegal things could you even do in a small town like this, especially if they're– as I assume– mystery related? What, did they rob a store for ghost hunting equipment, or something?
      I began to walk home, taking a different route than the one I came from. My thoughts were running wild, I was certain there was something going on here, but what? According to Kimi it's something much deeper than I should know about, or be trusted with. Like, where am I right now? Gravity Falls if it was one more state north? Who's gonna be the demon to bring the apocalypse, and how long will it take? If you tell me twenty years from now I'm gonna be upset.
      I was determined to find out what's going on, I'd just have to show Kimi that she could trust me. I've always been into mystery shows and books, but I guess I'm in one now? So, uh, that's cool. Fits the vibe.
      As I headed up to the Northwest side of town, I got an eerie feeling. Not the same eerie feeling as before, one that was now making me genuinely unsettled. The same kind of feeling I got earlier that day when I was in Ms. Hogg's class. The sky grew darker as the day headed into later hours, making the scenery even worse than it would have already been in the daylight. It happened basically right as I stepped off of the bridge, a different one than the one I crossed to the east. Benny seemed to feel it to, and I watched as he ran off back home as fast as lightning.
      I went and walked down mainstreet, which finally split two ways around an old looking park. To the left of me down Hill Street was a gas station store, and to my right down Park Street was more woods. In front of me though, was a park. It was extremely creepy and I really didn't want to be outside anymore, but I decided to walk through it anyway. It appears that I'm a dumb horror movie protagonist. Oh well.
      It seemed to me like no one ever really went to that park anymore, as everything looked to be rather worn down and old. There were unkempt bushes and trees that were withering away and dying. The broken and rusted playground equipment was sure to have seen better days. One of the benches was just straight up split in half. In the center of the park was a stone well, and even when I shined my phone's flashlight down it, it still continued on into darkness.
      I exited the park on the opposite side from which I entered, and I was now at the base of a hill, or a mountain, or whatever. The path in front of me to my right led into a graveyard, with the road following alongside it. I'm pretty sure following the graveyard to the right would lead me home, but I wanted to see if there was anything on this hill first, so I walked the road going left.
      I walked down the road, and now on my left was the park, while my right was a hill covered in trees. After a little bit of walking I found a road going up it, but it curved a bit and I couldn't see through the grove. It was a very long driveway, and it was boarded up, no kidding. Giant boards were nailed to the trees, and very old caution tape was wrapped all around it. Okay, I'm so going up there.
        I climbed up the hill in a struggle until I got to a point where I could slip by between two trees higher up. I made my way higher up, and there were loads of NO TRESPASSING signs stapled to the trees, as if the boarded up entrance and caution tape wasn't enough. I guess it really wasn't though, considering I was still walking up the path despite them. The gravel road went on and on, as it kept ascending upwards, making twists and turns.
          Finally the road came to an end, and at the top of the hill I began to see a house, but the closer I got the less it looked like a house and the more it looked like a mansion. A big, giant mansion just sitting up here on a mountain in the middle of the woods with a gravel driveway. It had big brick walls going around it and a gated entrance made of fancy black bars. It looked very Victorian, except for the caution tape and no trespassing signs that made their way all the way up here. So this was the place I've heard about!
      In front of it were three graves, which had names I didn't recognize. The last name seemed familiar though, and I was trying to remember if Cameron or Dominik might've said it earlier that day. I took out my phone flashlight and shined it around. I could see into the yard, it was big and overgrown with plants.
      I looked down and noticed a little reflective glimmer from my flashlight. There looked to be a shiny gem object on the other side of the gates, which was luckily just within my reach! I picked it up, it was an old-looking, purple, amethyst necklace. I put it on since I didn't have any pockets, and decided to finally make my way back home. I was officially getting too many creeps, even for me.
      The wind blew cold in the air. It felt like winter now, the way it nipped and stung my face. I started running down the gravel road, trying not to look at the tall trees to the sides of me. I had to use my phone as a flashlight, and I couldn't see three feet in front of me.
       When I finally got of the large driveway at the base of the hill I could see again due to the streetlamps turning on. I slipped back out between the trees and stumbled down onto the road. Despite now being covered in mud, I breathed a sigh of relief to be out of the woods and into the open again. I started walking down the street to my house, with the cemetery to my left, and park to my right.
       I began running, and slowed to a jog when my corner street house came into sight on my left. The cemetery and park were now behind me, and both to my left and right stood houses, all with their "For Sale" signs. The farm was in front of me, and my house stood to my left. It began fully raining now, and I quickly hopped up onto my porch, Benny running up and dashing inside when he heard me twist the doorknob.
      When I got inside I felt so happy to feel the warmth. I went back to my bedroom, put on my pajamas, and collapsed in my bed, too exhausted to eat dinner. I felt so tired, but also so eager and intrigued. I had a feeling I was going to be good friends with these guys, I'll show that Kimi girl!
       I went to sleep with thoughts of ghosts and murder mysteries running through my mind, Benny purring happily on my chest as the rain fell from the skies.
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bb-latvija · 1 year
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autodevot · 2 years
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