officialchrismetzen · 2 years
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omgkalyppso · 6 months
So I really enjoyed the Orc Heritage Armour questline. After getting into dragonflight and Alexstrasza, Kalecgos and Khadgar kind of acting like they'd never met Borgakh (again), being welcomed and greeted by Thrall / Go'el and his family was so fucking delightful.
I'm going to post the screenshots from the final cutscene first and then a few more things with commentary below the cut.
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Be warned it's long. You can press J to skip it on desktop if you open and change your mind.
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Tbh, having not played dragonflight I thought they were about to throw Eitrigg into the Nathanos role and this was going to be related to world quests. I'm glad it wasn't. Eitrigg's history makes me uncomfortable.
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I care them.
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While I kind of wish they'd let Drek'thar cast from his wheelchair, it's also interesting to think of him having some mobility.
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I know some people really don't like Aggra, but I have and do, and I found this delightful. A circle completed.
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All the little moments with Durak were very sweet. Very grounding after other story elements in the main plot have gotten so convoluted and absurd.
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Thank you, Rexxar, for also recognizing a title (Huntmaster). I was really thrown when Khadgar was back to calling you Adventurer and not either Champion, Hero, or My Friend — too open ended for people new to the game!! ^^;
I go back and forth with the Countess from the Court of Harvesters and Huntmaster titles when I run around with Borgakh because while I still hate shadowlands for what it did to the various in game religions (and the orcs especially since I'm biased) I think these titles would mean a lot to her. To be acknowledged and given the promise of authority / contribution / significance wrt Countess, and to be acknowledged by her peers wrt Huntmaster, which is also tied up in my favorite expansion and all the seeds of Horde and Alliance working to a better future together.
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When it came to choosing a clan, I imagined Borgakh sharing a look with Aggra about how it was "obvious" that now, given the choice, that she would follow Thrall / Go'el anywhere. But unlike how it presents the player character as having never belonged to a clan, Borgakh has been for Years, headcanoned as part of the Warsong clan. I felt it added depth and weight to her struggles.
And then not only did Thrall / Go'el have The Weakest pitch for joining his clan (undoubtedly because they knew he and the Frost Wolves were going to sweep anyway), but I got to the choice screen and imagined the question for Borgakh as being, "But would I give up a core part of my identity for you?"
She is still part of his Horde, and she would die for him and his family, but I decided to keep her a member of the Warsong clan.
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Borgakh has had maxed cooking in this game for like, ever. And that the final trial was to prepare a meal as an offering for her ancestors was something I really enjoyed. That the cookbook included a spicy as hell recipe from the Warsong was a bonus and reaffirmed my enjoyment of maintaining her membership with her clan.
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I really appreciated this. After shadowlands? Bring me back to the uncertainty and faith of the past wrt what happens after death and the peace and connection with those lost and those who remain.
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That this quest began with the premise that the orcs felt disconnected from each other and their culture and clans and this gathering and a new ceremony to replace the old coming of age ones that an orc could take part in regardless of age was very sweet. I have so many more screenshots of all the smaller npc's and things they've said in case I want to revisit it either for myself or for fic writing in the future. Loved it.
Thank you if you read my rambling.
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guettaes · 6 days
there is a little problem. World of warcraft + call of duty Soap needs help. I don't know which species it belongs to. now it will be that I can choose which one to have, which one will be the most, but I will have to choose this again and again. there will also be a horde version to make sure that is also an option. then I will choose the ability (maybe).
I thought for so long which one fits. but i don't know!
you can choose any. whoever has more wins and there will be another election.
help me XD
if you don't know world of warcraft races. then feel free to watch videos to see how they look or as pictures. :)
alliance side choise. <-
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sekhithefops · 4 months
Sekhi on Hero Talents and the War Within Beta
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Sekhi: Elemental/Restoration Shaman and Farseer
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For Sekhi, I figured the Farseer fit best. Farseer makes it so when you cast certain spells (100% chance for Primordial Wave and a smaller chance for others depending on talent choices) you summon an ancestor spirit to fight alongside you and mimic your spellcasts.
At first they'll be a rare bonus, but the further along you get the more often they appear. Its a fun bit of fluff for Sekhi since she's a vulpera and their caravan family is extremely important to them in lore. I figured it would be the most fitting for her.
Nelen Fullmoon: Arcane Mage and Spellslinger
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Who here remembers the Needler from Halo? Yeah, its basically that!
Whenever an arcane mage with this hero selection burns some Clearcasting, they generate arcane slivers that zip towards nearby enemies and embed themselves in their bodies, doing both direct damage and damage over time! The further along you go, the more often this happens and the more damage they do!
Nitika Dawnhoof/Darkhoof: Holy/Shadow Priestess and Oracle/Voidweaver
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Nitika, in my story, is kinda sorta two people sharing the same body. Dawnhoof is a Seer of An'she (holy priest, but using sunlight specifically) while Darkhoof uses Shadow Magic, specifically Sha-based powers.
Oracle is an interesting one so far. You get a new spell that acts as a permanent buff, giving you bonuses to spellcasting. I haven't had much of a chance to use it yet but... c'mon, she's a SEER of An'she! How could I not make her an Oracle?!
As for Voidweaver, it makes it so when you use Void Torrent it creates a pool of void energies that chases enemies around. Other stuff too, but again I haven't had that much of a chance to play around. I bet some shadow priests are gonna have a lot of fun with it though.
Jaie Swiftpaw: Brewmaster Monk and Master of Harmony
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The Master of Harmony is a fun one. Every time you attack or heal you store some of it within your chi, and (in Jaie's case) when you use Celestial Brew that chi empowers you, giving you a big damage buff!
I almost went with the other Brewmaster choice (Shado-pan) but the way it works is that you build up charges when you do damage equal to 100% of your max health, then unleash them every time you spend 400 energy total. It sounds neat, but Jaie is a tank so she does not so much damage and has a LOT of health. I think she's going to be using 400 energy a lot more often than she'll be doing that much damage.
Bet it'd be a fun one to do as a Windwalker though.
Galdia Grimaxe: Protection Warrior and Colossus
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Colossus is just perfect for Galdia. You get a new attack when you choose it called "Demolish" that does just that. Your character will do a channeled combo attack and basically beat whatever is infront of them black and blue.
It gives bonuses to other attacks like Shockwave as well, and you can empower how much damage it does by using Shield Slam (as a protection warrior of course.) I'm really looking forward to beating up a few raid bosses using this one.
Mola'raum: Unholy Death Knight and Rider of the Apocalypse
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We don't really see it come up anymore now that Shadowlands has ended and been consigned to the "well, they gave it their best shot in a really shitty situation" bin, but a Death Knight is part of an organization outside of the Alliance and Horde. Rider of the Apocalypse focuses on that.
Your abilities will have a chance of summoning one of the four horsemen of the Ebon Blade: Mograne, Trollbane, Nazgrim, or Whitemane. They will aid you in combat by fighting alongside you and either buffing you or debuffing your enemies.
One of the early talents you get with this one is potentially pretty broken too: On a Pale-er Horse. Basically, you can ride your Deathcharger in combat.
I THINK WE'RE GONNA SEE PEOPLE DOING THAT ONE A LOT! At least it fits Mola'raum, he uses a spear!
Grimo B. Blamstick: Marksmanship Hunter and... Dark Ranger?
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Yeah, look, Imma be honest. NONE of the hero talents fit Grimo, even the one Marksman don't get. He's a hunter yes, but his whole thing is he's a gearhead engineer who loves blowing shit up and shooting guns.
Sentinel is about your "bond to nature" (he's a goblin) and the other one is beastmaster and survival hunters so thats out of the question anyways.
Dark Ranger is my pick because it didn't fit him AS BAD as Sentinel.
D'oh well.
Edwood Vargas: Destruction Warlock and Hellcaller
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Hellcaller however, fits Edwood perfectly... though it'll likely make my druid hate him even more than she already does for being a forsaken and a warlock. Hellcaller magic is the powers used by the Satyr, the fel-corrupted night elves who sided with the Burning Legion.
For the record, that druid I mentioned? She's a night elf.
That being said, the abilities sound fun as heck. The first one you get is that it turns Immolate (or Corruption if you take it as Affliction) into "Wither" which does shadowflame damage up front and over time, and can be empowered by other talents. I really like these ones that don't just give you new abilities, but upgrade old ones into the new ones.
It gives me something fun to play around with and helps cut down on button bloat.
Dareley Steelhammer: Holy Paladin and Lightsmith
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He's a paladin, and his name is literal. The Steelhammer family has been blacksmiths in Ironforge since before the War of the Three Hammers. When I heard one of the upcoming Paladin hero talents was built around literally forging the light into weapons and shields? Yep, that was Dareley.
You gain the spell Holy Bulwark which lets you throw a weapon or shield made of pure Light to your allies, giving them an offensive or defensive buff for one.
For another, you get a choice of two "Rites." Rite of Sanctification which blesses your weapon to give you bonus armor and increase your primary stat, or Rite of Adjuration that gives you a stamina buff and makes your spells sometimes cause your target to erupt in healing light.
But yeah, Dareley is my dedicated Healadin, so I'm going to REALLY enjoy this one come the first raid. :D
Samantha Montebank: Subtlety Rogue and Trickster
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I'm really loving how well some of these are fitting my characters (pity about Grimo but d'oh well.)
Trickster looks to be a pretty fun one to play. Right from the start you get the talent "Unseen Blade." It makes it so your primary combo point building attacks (Gloomblade/Backstab and Shadowstrike in my case) will cause your target to get Fazed.
Fazed targets take more damage from your attacks and, this is the big one, can't parry them. For a rogue this is a preeeeeeetty nice bonus.
You can only Faze them once every 20 seconds however and the debuff only lasts five... but some talents can give you a chance to reset that limit (one of them gives a nice bonus to Slice and Dice, making you even faster too.)
Sam is rapidly becoming one of my favorite melee characters, and this might just make her moreso.
Shalandrae Deeproots: Druid Druid Drudity Drood
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Question: Which Spec/Hero Talents did you pick for your druid, Shalandrae?
Answer: Yes.
Shalandrae is one I love to just go with whatever I want to be at the moment, especially with how easy it is to be geared for multiple specs now (unless you're an M+ sweatlord in which case I hope you get the psychological care you clearly desperately need.) So I'm going with all four!
Guardian/Druid of the Claw: Druid of the Claw is built for beasts, and for bears its downright devastating. Your first ability gives your auto attacks a chance to turn Mangle into a new attack, Ravage, which does tremendous damage and can be enhanced to cause bleeding and a whole host of other fun things.
Feral/Wildstalker: This one is actually an option for healers too. Its a little beast, a little plant. Your attacks against enemies can inflict them with bloodsucker vines that drain their health, while heals can give symbiotic blooms that give you more heals!
Balance/Elune's Chosen: Need I say it? More boom for the boomkin! Your first talent makes your big boom spells (Fury of Elune or Full Moon) hit even harder, and it continues on from there. If you like Fury of Elune like I do then there's talents to give you a chance to summon a shorter-lived one at random, or to cut the cooldown of it, and such. Space lasers for everyone!
Restoration/Keeper of the Grove: Tree law! TREE LAW! TREE LAW!!! Treant lovers, this one is for you guys! I get a ton of use out of mine when I'm healing, having the backup is nice, and for my fellow tree huggers... this makes your trees hug back! The talents not only empower your Grove Guardians, it makes them empower you as well! Expect to see a lot of botany if you pick this path.
Aziguni: Beast Master Hunter and Pack Leader
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Unlike Grimo, this one PERFECTLY fits Aziguni. Its all about working with your beastly buddies to raise all sorts of hell!
The first ability enhances Kill Command so that the next one you use will cause you to attack in unison with your pet for bonus damage, and it also has a host of other perks like enhancing Mend Pet for those tougher fights, letting your pets buff you for a change, and the like.
Aziguni is a bologist in my story, having researched and catalogued various fauna on all the worlds the Draenei fled to after Argus fell, and this would easily be something she would go for in character.
Zhan-min Irontummy: Enhancement Shaman and Totemic
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Can I just say as someone who has played WoW almost since the beginning (and then only because I couldn't at first as I was fresh out of high school and had no money) that I love that totems are making a comeback?
Totemic is a neat build. Right from the start you get a new totem that not only causes earthquakes that damage enemies constantly, but replaces your Windfury totem by making it so your Windfury weapon enchantment turns your weapon into a permanent Windfury totem!
It also has options to give your other abilities the chance to summon other totems as well. Lava lash a fun spell? Well now it might bring back Searing Totem! I missed that little guy!
So yeah. Veeeeeeeeeery happy with this one.
Laurelgosa/Laura Brightflame: Devastation/Restoration Evoker and Flameshaper
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I almost went with Scalecommander for the DPS side of things, but I decided in the end this fits well for both. After all the ruby flames can kill or cure, so why not have them do both?
Flameshaper deepens the evoker's connection to the Red Dragonflight, giving you the spell Engulf right off the bat. Like Living Flame it can heal allies and hurt enemies, but instant cast and for a higher amount than the former.
From there it enhances your breath attacks (deep breath/dream breath will fly farther and faster) while giving your other abilities a guaranteed heal/damage over time effect.
Quite the nice addition to my evoker spellbook.
Leza: Fire Mage and Sunfury
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Oh hey! Its Kael'thas! I haven't seen you since Sunwell Plateau! How've you been m'dude? ... oh wait, sorry, mistook you for someone else.
Yeah, this thing is one big love letter to the late King Sunstrider. You even get his ability to fuck with gravity like he did in that fight. Hell one of the talents is literally called "Merely a Setback!"
Outside of that however, it looks like a lotta fun. You generate spellflame orbs (up to three of course) during and out of combat which buff your spell damage, and when you use your big buff spell (Combustion in my case) you summon a phoenix to fight alongside you.
Expect almost every Blood Elf mage to take this one. Seriously.
Alalestria Wintersky: Frost Mage and Frostfire
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I said almost every Blood Elf mage.
Alalestria is a dedicated frost mage, a maigster of House Wintersky, in my story and I figured this would be a fun fit for her. Its a bit awkward at first as most frost/fire spells are locked to those talent trees, but the further down you go the more talents will cause your other spells to PROC the other element!
For example: One talent makes it so Comet Storm also calls down a Meteor (and vice versa,) another makes your Ice Lance turn the target into a Living Bomb. You also get Frostfire Bolt back, but now this talent makes it so whenever you cast frost, it enhances fire, and vice versa. Frostfire is both, so it buffs both too!
It starts out slow, but by the end you'll be seeing some REAL fireworks!
Sinranir Downstrider: Asassination Rogue and Deathstalker
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This one is pretty damn nasty. Using Ambush from Stealth gives your target three stacks of "Deathstalker's Mark" which causes any finishing moves that use five or more combo points to deal bonus Plague damage and enhance one of your other attacks as well.
A fitting one for Sinranir, who is a contract assassin who wound up in service to the aforementioned Alalestria through a botched assassination attempt on her late father, Danaforth.
While it may seem pretty situational, good for the start of a fight since you need to be in stealth to mark enemies... that changes when it comes time for the endgame stuff. The final talent is "Darkest Night" which makes it so when your last mark is consumed it makes your next Envenom (in my case) that uses five or more combo points to have 100% critical chance, deal 30% more damage, and apply three new marks! The fun never ends!
Well, for you. Not so much for them. I imagine they'd much rather it did.
Mal'gum: Fury Warrior and Slayer
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Malgum is actually the long-lost brother to the aforementioned Aziguni (the beast master hunter) and the reason why is that he was press-ganged into becoming a man'ari eredar when Argus fell, having stayed behind to 'hear out what Kil'jadeen had to say' (oops.)
To avoid the fate of being killed and used to fuel the soulforges, he had to become useful to Sargeras, and that meant killing things. The slayer abilities hone that to a razor edge, then drive that edge into something that'll scream and bleed.
Your first ability is a passive that causes your attacks to have a chance to penetrate your enemy's defenses, doing a free attack and applying Executioner's Mark, which buffs the next Execute's damage (and can stack.)
The tree uses Bladestorm a lot, so I hope you like that one (at least for Fury, dunno about the other ones) and it has a bunch of buffs for pursuing enemies as well (like a choice node where Charge also gives you a big speed buff once it runs out, or charge and heroic leap each cut the cooldown of the other.) A good pick for people who just want to cause some carnage.
Gremori Autumnleaves: Havoc Demon Hunter and Fel-Scarred
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"Lets play a game, I call it WHO'S THE BIGGER MONSTER?!"
Fel-scarred is for those who want to raise some hell literally. It buffs your Metamorphosis power!
The first node is Demonsurge, which enhances the health and armor bonuses of being in your demonic form, as well as making it so your enhanced abilities will cause a "Demonsurge" which makes them EXPLODE and deal AoE fire damage!
From there its all about power enhancement and lowering or resetting the cooldowns of your other big hitters. This definitely makes demon hunter, a class I've always been kinda 'meh' about, feel more interesting to play.
And yeah, thats all of 'em. Looking forward to when this madness goes live. :D
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arcann · 5 months
For Taigat
16 in dreams
The sky looks beautiful from down here. Gray clouds would usually cover it but now they were splitting in an almost perfect line to reveal what they were hiding from the ones below. The firmament shows itself in a million shades of blue, turning into myriads of red as the sun passes by. 
I used to be part of something monumental. Vast. 
The skirmishes and strikes all over Zadnor went on, despite the wonders above it. 
Then I became larger, for a moment. A short breath of a moment.
And then those things appear. Like blackened clots of blood.
Taigat stretches their hand upwards so it would seem like their palm could hold one of the assault crafts that had polluted the heavens with their presence. They squeeze it until their forearm begins to shake.  
One of them. He could be inside one of them. 
“It was not you who was larger, but the one that led the horde’s body. You could do nothing but follow.” Taigat whispers to the voidsent, now that no one is around. Their avatar shakes with indignation.
Those are words for the one you can’t stop longing for. Not me.
The voidsent tries to push them, annoyed. When its host pointedly ignores its efforts it chooses to continue reminiscing somewhere inside the viera’s body, silently this time. They are allowed to, now that they’re back in camp Vrdelnis.
Taigat lowers their hand and stares at their empty palm. They could let memories consume them as they do with their steady companion but they prefer to occupy themself imagining what paths an airship like that could take. 
It couldn’t have taken to the skies of Ghimlyt, as wary as the Alliance was. Action would be taken immediately, especially against a lonesome ship.
It could circumvent all of Ilsabard through the south, then reach Garlemald from the east. The problem would be wasting much more fuel. How much could a machine like that store? Enough to reach their destination on their own, or would they need to restock, a place to land, more resources to keep going? If so they would need help from another faction.
Would the Fourth Legion welcome him?
"They're all eating their rations now. We should join them." A clear voice pierces through their thoughts and Taigat turns around, to find Cid watching him attentively, as if they were a noisy machine that was fighting with its cogs. 
"You should eat. They're not going to leave you anything if you delay." he reasserts and makes his way back to the more crowded area of the camp.
“I should…” Taigat says to no one in particularly, Cid is too far away to listen now but the voidsent perks up.
Eat. Yes. We haven't eaten well since the castrum. Only metallic bodies to throw at the void. No end in sight. 
The people in charge of cooking do have something for Taigat when they reach the right tent. A couple of soldiers even waited for them, eager to be with the warrior of light even if they didn't talk much. Cid however had already left when they walked inside.
Pray that we eat. We eat and don’t get eaten by painful dreams.
When the Diabolos Armament unfortunately escaped from the Dalriada, it swatted most of the 4th Legion’s aerial ships like flies. The extent of the damage was yet unknown.  It finally reached their Aurora class aircraft with one hand and crushed it before its final attempt to unleash its full power over Bozja. 
It was in the way. As metal usually is.
The voidsent comments, jealousy ringing in its voice when the Armament climbed across the skies. After the monstrosity was destroyed Taigat felt its humor decay for days.
The legatus of the Fourth had given his Aurora aircraft to the field commander, his oldest friend. Now it burned over the Dalriada, above the man that led it last.
It ends as it should have. Our dire enemy turned to cinders. This time a reality.
The thought repeats itself in their mind, in their dreams. It repeats itself until it’s not their voice that says it. He keeps pushing it forward, the knight making himself known, surging from the darkness to expose the idea, to insist on it. 
The enemy. The fire. The end.
“It’s for the good of everyone.” 
Taigat wakes in their bunk, reaching for someone that isn’t there.
Then why do I feel so scared?
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With all due respect, and regardless of 'warning' (about what btw?) we just have no choice but to reply to what is, at best case, a major misunderstanding and ignorance of situation. You choose whether to publish it or not, but we must explain things and make our position clear.  "multiple independent reports" - how do you know it's not same person spamming accounts and fakes? Just takes a hour to make maybe 50 or 100 of them. If it's 3 people doing this - multiply by 3. How do you know it's not PCU drones that were ordered to suddenly start doing this at same time? Some of them may have old tumblr pages which look legit or active WoW accounts, after all, PCU drone is a WoW player too.
"You also insulted one of our editors, claiming they were "PCU scum" for putting your main invitation "bot" or however you use to automate your invitations on ignore." - none of our officers are aware of any situation like. While we indeed to send automated guild invites, that's just to speed up finding people we need (and we indeed find those who thank us for invite, such as victims of PCU or friends of somebody who PCU bullied out of WoW), however we always respect people's right to refuse, and it would make zero sense for any purpose to get toxic and try to offend them. Don't you think (can you?)? Also - Izanaxis is a horde character, while the guild is alliance. It is cross-faction, yes, however FastGuildInvite addon does not work if you run it on character of opposite faction. You could have checked it easily, big fail. Unless you think Izanaxis would just run to random people and spam /ginvite ? Cool, but even then - if somebody refuses - what is the point of getting toxic about it? The fake evidence you are spammed with tries to portray as like some crazy fanatics, when in fact we are reasonable people (in light of recent events I would say more reasonable than you).
"CoAD is not your personal army, nor are we your hammer to swing at others" - it is not, where did we say it is? "Anyone claiming to be CoAD in game is not CoAD" - none of us (of officers) ever claimed of being CoAD, where did you pull that from? All we did was trying to advertise your website in good faith, because we wanted more of actual WoW players know of it existence and even use it as their daily news source. We included it in guild info labeled as 'General news site', similar in some TRPs. Sometimes when people asked what is PCU we directed them to your site to read. That's it, we never claimed to be part of it, being editor of it or working together with it. But don't worry about that, after you backstabbed us like a rat for no reason (still not sure if on purpose or played by PCU like stupid kid) and then proceeded to, basically, harass and slander us with more lies, we won't mention you anywhere ever again. I should also mention that we actively sent you valuable evidence between 2019 and 2022, in good faith (not from this account, also I won't tell which evidence exactly but it did a big impact on the outcome of PCU situation). Of course proving anything like that would be too hard, but from now on expect interesting evidence avoiding you and being brought up by somebody else, somewhere else.
It's also very funny how you marked Hand of Conquest as 'inactive', while them having events with 15-20 online nearly every evening, most are also fully honor geared (which proves they play game actively on their HoC characters). Do your editors even play the game, or just read some guild statistics from outdated third-party site? At this point you are outright lying to your readers. Makes the whole list not trustworthy enough to even bother checking others. The whole 'PCU is dead' mantra is a big and very suspicious lie.
To sum up.
After careful consideration our council came to conclusion that COAD changed into something that can't be trusted anymore, became careless or, possibly, got corrupted by PCU (there could be agreement like 'as long as Perroy is out of WoW we will keep informing people that PCU is dead to keep situation calm'? who knows, after all you think of yourselves as those sneaky benevolent puppeteers who can decide what is better for realm and enforce it with lies if it achieves the goal). Therefore we part ways for now.
The only potential way to make it work is if you thoroughly examine each of your editors, especially new ones, investigate the whole situation with 'PCU dead' narrative, maybe start playing actual game? or at least make some bot that monitors in-game activity of guilds (via Who). Then make necessary adjustments and reach out to us. Haha, just kidding, of course you'll do nothing of that. Therefore it will be our last post, feel free to smear us with more lies if you want, those who are smart will see through them and also what kind of blog COAD has became. Have fun fading into obscurity in your little 'PCU is dead' bubble.
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rain-harmonia · 5 months
Give us a basic rundown on your OCs, who they are, what their favorite colors are, and if you have a song you associate with them :3
I’m a chronic oc maker so I will keep the list short by only talking about the ones that people might encounter in WoW! (US - Wyrmrest Accord, say hi if you see me!!)
• Zhuklesh: He’s a dracthyr evoker who combats the difficulties of his creation and abandonment by Neltharion with the joyous whimsies of life. Though not a Dark Talon (and overall claiming neutrality), he tends to stick with the Horde over the Alliance because he enjoys the vibes that the Horde brings to the table. He’s curious, fierce, and proud. Finding his favorite color was an absolute delight to him, and he’s settled on an enjoyment of bright and gentle pinks such as the shades found streaking the sky at dawn. I didn’t have a song readied to associate with him but I’m making the snap decision to assign To The Sky by Owl City.
• Vildryc: A primal dragon from the ages of Galakrond and the War of the Scaleborn, he was meant to be elevated with the power of an Incarnate after Vyranoth was sealed in the Vault. However, he failed the ritual and was consumed by the ice, thought dead and left forgotten for thousands of years. When the Dragon Isles were awakened and flooded with mortal explorers, Vildryc was unintentionally freed from his icy prison. Now he’s trying to adjust to modern Azeroth while still seeking a way to carry on the war that is so fresh in his memory, unwilling to forgive the Aspects. If asked about his favorite color, he’d answer that it’s a vibrant violet. As for songs, I’ll go with either Frequency or Back To The Earth, both by Starset.
• Ael’thein Mirthheart / “Eyes”: Ael’thein is a blood elf who was aligned with the Illidari on Outland, where he worked in the Den of Mortal Delights. After surviving the raid on the Black Temple, he fled back to Quel’Thalas where he grew in popularity as a courtesan. Enough popularity that the magisters began sticking their noses into his business to ensure his minor levels of influence could be used to maintain Silvermoon’s peace and order. Ael’thein grew resentful and took a “vacation” that spiraled into landing him among the Blacktalon. Now he adopts the code name and title “Eyes of the Black Prince”, returning to Silvermoon to use his status to spy for Wrathion. Just to keep him up to date on important happenings, of course. His favorite color is very typical for a blood elf, being the bolder shades of red. I don’t have any songs picked out for him yet.
• Caedmus: My very sad old man. A draenei who lived long enough ago to remember fleeing Argus, he spent the following thousands of years growing angry with the constant fleeing of his people. Draenor was a home that he’d hoped would become permanent. Obviously that didn’t work out, and his rage finally exploded when the Exodar crashed, killing his wife, and he learned it was sabotage. Despite being heavily injured, he went to confront the blood elves responsible and promptly got slaughtered. Years later, he found himself waking in Acherus, no memories of his previous life present. Being a death knight has been a very unfun time for him and after gaining his free will, he’s taken to wandering Azeroth, a shell of his living self. He’ll claim not to have a favorite color, that it’s not something he’s put much thought into. There are many songs (a whole playlist even) for him but I am choosing It’s All So Incredibly Loud by Glass Animals.
• Zolduri: Once a troll of the Gurubashi and now vaguely of the Darkspear, she was the high priestess of Hir’eek long ago when Hakkar and the Atal’ai were rising to power. For speaking out against Hakkar and preparing to leave with the Darkspear, she got jumped one night and sacrificed to Hakkar. Later, she was raised as a zombie by the Atal’ai. She spent several centuries enslaved to their will until she was able to break free. Her faith in Hir’eek remains as strong as ever and she has taken to coping with the shame she feels at her undead state by devoting everything that she is and does to her loa. Recently, she’s also taken to watching over the Darkspear from afar, lending them aid under cover of night and always fleeing before she can be seen. Her favorite color is the sort of greens that you’d find standing in a forest and staring at leaves filtering sunlight. She doesn’t have any songs associated with her yet.
• Nythoren Moonweaver: He’s a night elf who grew up as a caretaker of Elune-favored spiders and a temple healer. The second invasion of the Burning Legion ripped his life out from under him and ultimately resulted in his encountering Illidan, training as a demon hunter, and discovering being transgender. He elected to consume an aranasi for his ritual, clinging to his love of spiders. Afterwards, he served Illidan primarily as a strategist and as a trainer of basic first aid skills for the Illidari. In the current age, with the Legion defeated and Illidan gone, he’s taken up a hobby of spider breeding, half returning to his old life as a caretaker of the creatures. His favorite color is orange, especially in its softer or faded shades. I have no songs chosen for Nythoren yet.
• Leoranaku / “Leo”: They’re one of my newest, so this is going to be short. A Netherwing dragon who came with their flight to Azeroth, they’re determined to find a way to bring more of Outland’s creatures to the safety of Azeroth as their former home crumbles away. To this end, they travel Azeroth in search of environments that might be able to well-support Outland life. They’re quite taken with the forsaken, and assume the visage of one. Much less taken with orcs, having been a beast of the Illidari’s fel orcs in the past. Leo’s favorite color is just about any shade of blue imaginable. I currently don’t have any songs for them either.
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dragonsongmakhali · 11 months
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags:
Basic rules: choose 10 fandoms that you are part of/support, and choose a favorite character from each of those. Then, tag ten folks!
Tagged by: @jigschosai @sealrock @reikatsukihana and @sasslett! Thank y'all :'D
This is not ordered by how much I'm into them, they're just in whatever order came to mind :) I will caution that I don't tend to choose favorite characters, I'm more of an OC maker. Feeling chatty, so I'm putting the actual list under a cut. You're welcome.
1. FFXIV : Pretty self-explanatory for the xiv sideblog. Since I'm not as in to the MSQ, I don't think I actually have a favorite character (which I know is illegal, I'm sorry :<). I really love seeing what the community does with the characters, though!
2. Halo : The storyline went to hell long ago, but I do still adore the original trilogy and constantly mine it for gpose captions. It was basically what I lived off of in high school. If I had a tumblr back then, I'd have been insufferable. Favorite character is easily Rtas 'Vadum.
3. WoW : Kind of. Asterisk. I really only know Classic, and even then, I'm way more Horde than I am Alliance. I have approximate knowledge of many things. No favorite there either - I'm all about the world and making OCs. We have two concurrent WoW tabletop games running at the moment, so this is where most of my headspace is. Their shared timeline is different from the canon, so I'm not really in the fandom per se.
4. Mass Effect : Alien dating sim, my beloved. I even enjoyed Andromeda (jump jets implemented perfectly, fun combat, the Jardaan reminded me of Forerunners). If you ask me to choose a favorite, I'll cry. How is a mother supposed to choose between her two sons (Legion and Grunt)? Drack also gets an honorary mention for his 100s of low res pictures of guns email.
5. Elder Scrolls : Mostly Skyrim, some Oblivion. I know, I'm one of those fans. Anyway, I've probably played over 1k hours of Skyrim by this point and yet. And yet! I don't have a favorite. The entirety of the Companions? I just wish that the faction questlines in Skyrim weren't "you killed 3 wolves and have been here a week. You lead us all now", but it does give me good scaffolding which. As an OC fiend. Grabby hands.
6. The World Ends With You : This game made me good at calculus in high school. My favorite character from here is Sho Minamimoto, and I was a completely normal teenager who dealt with that by doing calculus problems for fun. Turns out, the trick to get good at math is repetition.
7. Pokémon : Probably my earliest fandom. Still play the games now and again, just got Legends Arceus (super late, I know), and that's been a lot of fun. My favorite character from the franchise is Sinnoh's Rock type leader, Roark. I had a long-running sideblog dedicated to the Sinnoh region because gen IV is my favorite in general! It's inactive at the moment.
8. Guild Wars : 2, to be more precise. I started playing about a month after release, and since it's f2p, I still drop in from time to time. Like every MMO, I have no favorites. I really love playing Sylvari, though! (The glow!! The nightmare!! The [[Heart of Thorns spoiler!!]] They're just so neat)
9. Star Trek : we're now getting into "shows I watched and didn't hate" because I'm definitely not in the 'fandom' for Trek. We've been going through the old series as a way to wind down before bed, starting with TNG. We're on Enterprise now, and I'm sad that it got canceled. Still will probably have a better ending than Voyager. I don't have a favorite, but I can tell you that the writers' collective favorite must be either Seven of Nine or Data.
10. Uh. Various anime? I can't say I've recently loved any particular series to the point of fandom, but as a whole, I've been a weeb since I was in middle school. "Recent" series that I've enjoyed have included Mob Psycho and Love is War. Coincidentally, they both saved the most banger opening for their third season.
We had to stretch a little bit, but we made it to ten! Proud of this community (this community is my brain desperately trying to remember 10 things I like)
Have no idea who's been tagged in this, so if you've done this, please ignore! Or reblog it again!
@miqojak @airis-ray @wilanserulia @ahollowgrave @blackestnight @starstrider @iron-sparrow @sumifinalfourteen @jump-n-dive @otherworldseekers
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demo-ness · 9 months
holy shit i just had a super dumb moment in world of warcraft. i still don't know how to do bullets on desktop so. greentext format.
> i rolled an alt on season of discovery > undead priest, just getting the hang of meditation buffs and how you can pass them between priests > have all 4 buffs now, even! > just learned how to fish, so was fishing in the undercity > in trade chat a warlock asks if you can learn both the girl and boy succubus or if you have to choose one > my SoD main is warlock so i knew and answered > someone pedantically points out there's no boy succubus, but there is an incubus > someone else says the succubus is trans > before anyone can swoop in and say something shitty i add "we love that for them" > continue fishing. a lil time passes > someone whispers me > O: > "is that an ally i see?" > what could this mean? we're horde not alliance? could they somehow know my warlock toon is a gnome? > shift+click their name; also a priest > aaaaah, they must be asking for my meditations! i know how to do this now and can help them :) > tfw world of warcraft is usually so shitty you don't even CONSIDER they might be suggesting that you support trans rights
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thetantiger · 1 year
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Character Insight #9: Cryagosa
Full Name: Cryagosa Gender: Female (she/her) Race: Undead Blue Dragon (Frostwyrm) Class: Vanquisher Specialization: Cryomancer Orientation: Demi-bisexual Relatives: No Known Relatives Age: ~14,000 Height: 8'4 (6'3 Visage form) Voice reference: Jade West - Victorious Theme: For The Wicked - Friday Pilots Club
Cryagosa's life starts as a relatively normal Blue Dragon born before the Sundering, who aided her Flight in their duty to regulate and research Arcane magic. During the War of the Ancients, however, the crazed Deathwing used the Dragon Soul to wipe out a vast majority of the Blue Flight, and Cryagosa was one of them. Falling to the ground that would later be known as the Icecrown Glacier, Cryagosa wandered endlessly in a blank afterlife for thousands of years, recounting the event that killed her and so many of her Flight over and over until it tortured her..
..and then, Arthas Menethil came.
The Lich King's crusade of undeath spread to devout zealots known as the Cult of the Damned who helped to raise Frostwyrms from the glacier like Arthas himself had done Sindragosa. As a result, Cryagosa, too, was raised into undeath, her mind and will bound to the service of the Lich King and to the Scourge. She slayed many an adventurer and soldier in her time, opting to freeze her victims to death in an instant or sometimes tearing them apart with her bare teeth and claws. When the combined forces of the Alliance, the Horde, the Ebon Blade and the Argent Crusade marched on Icecrown, however, Arthas Menethil was slain, and the binds on Cryagosa's will were broken, freeing her from her servitude.
However, she was still stuck in her frozen, dead, skeletal body. She attempted to return to the Blue Dragonflight, but their numbers were scattered to the winds after the Nexus War. There wasn't much of a Flight to return to at all. Disheartened, she decided to embrace her undeath and seek out the Ebon Blade instead, hoping they would take pity on her. She never wanted to hurt people, and she was of the understanding many of the Death Knights did much of the same things she did before being able to turn against the Lich King. Seeing her willingness to now help the heroes of Azeroth, accompanied by her old personality as a Blue Dragon returning, Cryagosa was accepted into the Ebon Blade, and now seeks to help monitor the undead forces of Azeroth as well as protect the planet from future threats like the Lich King.
This is -another- minor character that the almighty name picker chose, and I thought it was neat it picked my other Blue Dragon girl right after picking the other one (Galactagosa)! Though this one is undead and a Frostwyrm as well, lol.
I like to imagine her ability to take on a visage form through the Titans' gift was lost when she was raised, however she's still able to via arcane illusion magic instead. And just chooses Dracthyr-looking ones, because I like my Dragons to look like Dragons (with the exception of Galacta I guess).
Anyway-- this girl was on screen once or twice as a undead Dracthyr but I rebooted her to be a full Frostwyrm because honestly I just find it more interesting! So, uh.. ye! Hope you enjoyed! <3
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trixcuomo · 1 year
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Meanwhile at the Daily Mail Valdrakken studio...
Umberto Umberscale: Trixany! Will you talk about your new Dua Lipa Warsong Gulch parody song? Isn't this the Warcraft parody song critics are saying will finally launch you into coveted Horde A-celeb status?
Trixany: *charming celebrity laughter* Oh, I would love to! This song not only shows the strife between the factions, all the pain and emotional struggle, but it also sets things to a hot new beat!
Umberscale: And your old Night Elf friend Sharpen Jadescythe features in the music video as well, right? Is it true parts of it were shot on location, his hometown in Ashenvale?
Trixany: Um, not unless he grew up in Warsong Gulch, which is an active PvP battleground and physically impossible. Uh, why is this about Sharpen all of a sudden?
Umberscale: We here at the picturesque, windswept Daily Mail Valdrakken studio don't know what you're implying. This is a totally normal interview. Why, Fyrakk was here just last week.
Trixan6: But you don't care about the musicality, the brilliance of choosing Dua Lipa's red versus blue aesthetic? The big, beautiful 'I don't give a grunt' parody hook? It's damn catchy, I worked hard!
Umberscale: True, we do have a clip for our viewers out there. Trixany, can you set the scene for us?
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Trixany: Only happy to. *video plays* So look at the intensity here between this Orc and his victim. We hired a real Orgrimmar grunt for this authentic scene. And that's um, a real Alliance... guy.
Umberscale: My, oh my! By my talons and scales! Look who it is in the blue Alliance cloak, it's none other than Sharpen Jadescythe!
Trixany: Maybe. Okay, yes. You can't see his ears in the shot or something.
Umberscale: Oh wow, it's true, someone DID work hard on the set! Now what are those two doing??
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Trixany: What the hell! That wasn't in the script?? Wait, is that Thronk? That Orgrimmar grunt Sharpen's been hooking up with? I didn't approve any of this--
Umberscale: Next up on Daily Mail Valdrakken! Alliance A-celebrity Sharpen Jadescythe talks about the spicy music video that launched his new genre of Warcraft pop, Cross-faction Smash! Where there are plenty of romantic Horde-Alliance cutscenes spliced in the middle of... Serious. Warcraft. Business.
Trixany: Wait! That is MY music video. This was my interview?!!
Umberscale: Care to elaborate, Sharpen? *camera swivels over fast*
Trixany: When did he even get here? Sharpen, were you friggin' shadowmelded the entire time?
Sharpen: *shirtless, grinning* Umberto, let's just say that I was honored to don the iconic blindfold to play Illidan Stormrage. And then, as Illidan himself, I made out with Khadgar, and also Thrall, in that iconic sargerite keystone scene on the Vindicaar. My ancestors would be so proud of us sloppy-kissing. His, too.
Trixany: Thrall was never on the Vindicaar, you idiot himbo!
Sharpen: *flexes pecs, crosses his legs* Well, Thrall sure showed up fast when he heard I was the one playing Illidan. After that, my newest music video 'Park That Planet Up' basically wrote itself.
Trixany: Argghhh!
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joywindsong · 1 year
I really wish Blizzard was better at handling morality in the story of Warcraft. I recently saw people discussing how "The Horde are the bad guys and Alliance are the good guys" which is an age old argument since vanilla.
The issue I have is I was a Horde main when I started playing because I could identify with the characterization of the Horde being the island of misfit toys. A collection of nations united by facing their own unique existential struggles that together they can stand against.
Though they also face their own struggles, the Alliance felt much more stable and accepted as the in group of Azeroth. They were established and had land and Kingdoms that had been developed for generations. While the Horde nations were mostly new or displaced.
This allowed players to choose which side they identified more with but over time it feels like the narrative direction somehow became aware of that and wanted to lean into that, while also making the Horde incredibly susceptible to fascism and objectively evil ideologies.
Especially with how the faction divide is shrinking and could possibly disappear in the near future of the game, it feels incredibly counter intuitive to expect players to maintain the interpretation from vanilla. That the Horde is an honorable group of misfits trying to find their place in the world that is already inhabited by Alliance super powers. That each side has a cause that is sympathetic and justifiable. While also changing the canon to the Horde has a fascism problem where the Alliance has now had to intervene to help overthrow totalitarian leaders twice. A problem that often feels contrived with Garrosh having a sudden character change and Sylvanas rising to power because of incredibly messy circumstances that are justified by an expansion that feels like a fever dream, but all still exist in the canon and affects our perception of the Horde.
It gives big "Arthas was not corrupted by Frostmourne, he turned evil as soon as he culled Stratholme" energy to me. They do one thing expecting the exact opposite reaction of what is obviously going to happen.
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missfinefeather · 2 years
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Damn, even Bow’s sick of her shit now 0.0;
Yeah, I have to agree. You need to save Entrapta. Even if she chooses not to help the alliance, it’s exactly what the princesses need right now.
And if she does choose to help the alliance, all princesses on their side! Is Glimmer forgetting the Power of Friendship beam in the first season that halted a Brightmoon invasion?
I mean, not that the war against the horde matters in the long run. Horde Prime is going to fuck EVERYTHING up
...Yeah, they need Entrapta
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guettaes · 6 days
there is a little problem. World of warcraft + call of duty Soap needs help. I don't know which species it belongs to. now it will be that I can choose which one to have, which one will be the most, but I will have to choose this again and again. there will also be a horde version to make sure that is also an option. then I will choose the ability (maybe).
I thought for so long which one fits. but i don't know!
you can choose any. whoever has more wins and there will be another election.
help me XD
if you don't know world of warcraft races. then feel free to watch videos to see how they look or as pictures. :)
horde side choise. <-
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dykeray · 2 years
This is the most incoherent post I'm about to make of my life but stick with me. What MCR would choose, race and class wise per WoW standards.
1. Ray -> I think Ray is with the alliance. He'd definitely play a Pandaren for the alliance or a Dwarf. I think he'd have both.
His Pandaren would be named something cute like CerealKiller. I'm not sure if he'd choose to be a girl or a boy, but I think he'd go girl for fun. I think he'd have his Pandaren be a mage, just for fun. Frost or Arcane specialization. He'd probably have like cool staffs and stuff, make her look all evil and cool.
As for his dwarf, he'd be a warrior. Fury specialization. I just know he's all for the lore behind Ironforge and The Council of Three Hammers. Ray's dwarf probably has some good name like Dragor Ironkindle.
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2. I know in my heart that Mikey plays for the Horde. I just know he has an Undead and a Troll.
Mikeys undead is 100% a Boy Warlock. I just know he's level like 98. I feel like he'd choose affliction as a specialization. Mikey would name it Chauncey Doomcross. He probably takes it very seriously. I mean he did invite people he played with on WoW to his house after he got famous.
As for his troll, I'm thinking a Death Knight. I just know it. In my heart. His specialization would probably be Blood or Unholy. His name would be something like Druxukon.
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3. Gerard plays Horde and I take no objections to that. And I just KNOW that they only play spellcasters.
Blood Elf Mage. She'd be absolutely cracked I just know it. They probably chose Arcane as a specialization, and most likely use a staff. Probably named her Blood Elf something like Joan Silvershade.
They'd also play a Tauren! I think their Tauren would a priest would would specialize in Holy or Shadow. I think their Tauren would be named KitKit or something fun like that.
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4. Frank didn't really like WoW, but he does for now. Because I just KNOW he's playing a Worgan or Goblin. He doesn't choose Alliance or Horde bc he probably doesn't care about lore or anything, he probably goes based on what looks cool.
He plays a Druid Worgan with the Feral specialization. I believe it so hard and you better believe it too. His Worgan is named something stupid like Anger McAsshole. Nothing else to say about this.
As for his Goblin, I think Frank would make her be a warrior. For fun. Small guy with a big sword. I think he'd choose the Fury or Arms specialization. Some weird name like Hamma Hamstring.
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Ok, post over.
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shadowphoenixrider · 19 days
SPR's WoW Characters
Draggka ♀ Darkspear troll Hunter (Marksmanship)
Draggka has protected Azeroth and its people with her loyal raptor companion Spike from the numerous threats that have arisen. During the campaign to stop Garrosh in the Alternate Draenor, she fell in love with Archmage Khadgar, they later married after the Legion’s 3rd invasion. Despite being loyal to the Horde, Draggka has unofficially left them to raise her child Zal'ria with him in Karazhan.
Dranka ♂ Darkspear troll Druid (Guardian/Feral)
Older brother of Draggka, he was presumed dead after being kidnapped by Zalazane’s thralls. However, he escaped and lived with the druids, becoming one himself. He finally returned to Draggka after the Echo Isles were retaken, and reintegrate himself into society. He was instrumental in getting his sister and Khadgar together, and looks upon the relationship favourably. After Draggka retired from adventuring due to her pregnancy, Dranka took it up in her stead.
Zal’ria ♀ Half-Troll Mage (Frost)
Daughter of Draggka and Khadgar, she was accidentally conceived on their honeymoon, coming into the world sometime during the war between the Alliance and Horde. Raised both in Karazhan and Dalaran, she grew into an accomplished mage, not least due to her father and her Uncle Medivh, who has taken her under his wing as his apprentice. Although she identifies more with the Horde due to her mixed race, Zal’ria is not part of either faction, and refuses to engage in combat with any of them.
Harnaka Fireforge ♀ Orc Shaman (Enhancement)
An orphaned orc adopted by a troll and orc pair, Harnaka was going to follow in the path of her mothers by learning how to smith. The discovery of her connection to the elements led her to becoming a shaman, although she uses them in her smithing now. She has known Draggka since they both began inventing, and they are very close friends. She has recently began a relationship with Cayeli.
Aiyaona Grimtotem ♀ Tauren Paladin (Protection)
One of the few Grimtotem that remain in Thunder Bluff, Aiyaona constantly harbours guilt about her tribe’s actions, and tries do things so that other members of the Horde never question her loyalty. Painfully shy, the only people she really opens up to are Draggka and her group of friends. However, she is getting much closer to a Highmountain tauren warrior Jeipuh Proudleaf, and some suspect romance is in the air between them.
Elizabone ♀ Forsaken Warlock (Demonology)
Once a priestess of the Light, Elizabone turned to darker magics after her mind was freed from the Scourge, believing the Light had forsaken her in her darkest hour. Although possessing a cynical attitude, her time in the Plaguelands and long friendship with Draggka and the others softened Elizabone’s grudge against Life. She always wears a veil to cover the lower half of her face for a reason she will not divulge.
Cayeli Sunflare ♀ Blood elf Monk (Windwalker)
Cayeli is the two black sheep in her staunchly arcanist family. Choosing to learn to brawl with her bare hands and feet, she later refined these ways when the Pandaren came to Azeroth, becoming a monk. In a move that is likely to annoy her family further, she has began dating Harnaka.
Tinkerspring ♀ Goblin Priest (Holy)
In typical goblin fashion, Tinkerspring uses her ‘faith’ in the Light to make money, and when that doesn’t work, she has health potions to sell too. However, unlike her twin brother Fizzlespring (a mage who has a habit of setting fire to his debtors), she possesses a softer heart, and will occasionally treat people for free in dire situations. Her friends rely on her skills and appreciate her courtesy at not charging them for her healing powers.
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