teejaystumbles · 8 months
Talk to me about BtOM and/or its sequel? I've seen some of the webcomic and would love to know more
Hooo boy! Thank you so much for your interest! This is going to be a long post! BtoM is my original webcomic, set in the Aztec empire in the 15th century, before the arrival of the Spaniards. It's not trying to be historically accurate but I did quite a lot of research at the time to get cultural stuff and place settings right. It features, as main characters, Metztlitototl, a boy who fell from the sky; Mictlantecuhtli, god of death; Tezcatlipoca, god of, heh, a shitload of things LOL, and his highpriest Itztli, a human. They try to navigate their feelings for each other while finding out where Metz came from. It's a gay love fantasy drama. (while I and the characters often refer to Metz as a "boy", he is not underage) I came up with the basic story idea over twenty years ago and developed it over the years (with the help of a writer who is not part of it any more) into a fully fleshed out story. At the moment it spans six full chapters with about 30-40 pages each; the seventh and last chapter is still unfinished. I have taken huge breaks over the years, coming back to it again and again. I have always promised that I will one day finish it and I still intend to keep that promise. The shutdown of smackjeeves had me loose my main platform for hosting the comic and while I have plans to make my own website, at the moment it's hard to direct people to where to read it easily. That's why I set up a new tumblr for it, but editing all the pages and making the posts is also a huge effort I struggle with. (So sorry!!! I will try and be better!)
It's hard to share stuff because it's a comic script, not a novel, but I'd like to share something from chapter seven, Mic and Itztli trying to figure out who or what Metz actually is-
Itztli is sleepless, he roams the temple grounds restlessly, deep circles under his eyes. He coughs violently and spits but doesn't see the blood mixed with his spit. At dawn he comes upon a secluded area where a fire must have been burning not long ago, a qualming brazier and lots of footprints make him curious. He inspects the scene and finds almost but not completely erased drawings in the earth, depicting... Metztlitototl? What is the meaning of this? Is that... the boy? "It is as I thought." Itztli whirls around at the voice, and Mic stands before him (not the skeleton, but the "nice" Mic). Itztli squats down immediately, heart pounding. "Lord of Mictlan." Mic ignores him. He looks around, sees traces of burnt incense, and even a feather of a bird, hinting at a blood sacrifice. Without looking at Itztli, still studying the area, he says: "Tell me about the night you found him."
The sequel is a very indulgent PWP that has them figuring out their feelings even more and basically all four of them end up in a polyamorous relationship haha. It was my pleasure project to write when the mood struck and has reached the same length as the main story document (oops LOL)
My favourite is not the main character Metz but Itztli, my precious poor boy who'd do anything for his capricious master. He's probably the reason the sequel exists because they needed more space to flourish <3
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The main characters, Metz and Mic, are soft and lovely and I love them to bits but they are also, well, easy. Also, Mic is obviously inspired by Dream. My teenage self had a type (and still has). xD
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Feel free to ask me more detailed questions! I will endeavour to post more comic pages soon!
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c00kiesart · 2 years
Firstly, ive seen your paper/sketchbook art and it should be a crime that your art looks that great. i envy it.. secondly, who were your inspirations for your artstyle?
First off THANK you???? This is a huge compliment cuz I always feel like my sketchbook art isn’t clean enough for it to be it’s own art post
And secondly, I really had to think tbh???? I have a ton of inspirations
@pastelpaperplanes has really inspired the way I do tfa character designs and sheets cuz she’s got a beautiful way of showing personality and giving her characters a REALLY good silhouette. She’s very recognizable due to that
@watermelonsverything / @watermeloneverything has inspired me in how I do my lineart! She does things so cleanly and smoothly and how it just all intersects together like fine machinery??? Beautiful
@l0ngarm & @jarofloosescrews are HUGE inspo’s in terms of style imitation, they both have the Tfa artstyle down P A T and I LIVE for l0ngarms oc’s designs and stories. And screws use of colors and backgrounds whilst also doing traditional pieces SUPER well. Such beautiful artists
@tarrmack is SO good at pushing expressions and poses and I just love how goofy they draw characters??? It’s so endearing
@frecklydork has absolutely inspired me in how many sparkles and hearts I can put into myart lol I just love how. Tender she can make her art? Like u can FEEL the love in her artwork. Not just in the effort but in the appreciation of who she’s drawing. She puts her feelings into it. And I adore that immensely. She’s inspired me to be as EMOTIONAL as you wanna be with ur art! There’s no limits in how u should express yourself
@cybernetic-oreos has definitely inspired me to be just as indulgent and idea filled as an artist can be, they just come up with the most RANDOMEST shit and they execute it all flawlessly, their colors r eye catching and they don’t care how quote on quote “clean” their art has to look. they just enjoy doing it??
@starcreamed has been the BIGGEST encouragement for the last few months, we’ve only just recently started becoming buds and I’m so happy we r, she’s so comforting and so shameless in what she likes, she could care less bout what people say in how she consumes media. She does great self insert shit and has made me more confidant in my own indulgence
And finally, they’re not an artist, but they’re still one of my favorite creators
@needs-to-stop-looking-at-valves has influenced and encouraged my creativity, constantly gives me new ideas and concepts, she’s a constant inspiration for me. She words things in ways I never can, and she’s made me feel proud in how I execute my work. She keeps me going. So she’s a huge inspiration, and friend. Love u boo :>
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lovelylovelyartist · 8 years
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