redularium · 3 months
Hollis stuck in traffic and is road raging … obviously annoyed by Dr. Potts . i HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!! she should run him over
Don’t they know she’s in a um a Hospital van?!!!
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lizardkingeliot · 2 months
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Do you remember the best you ever had?
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hatekawa · 6 months
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OK BYE Marble Sky by @somerandomdudelmao
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kyuriekiri · 4 months
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Romeo lying face down, in fact,
is blushing to death
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tapakah0 · 11 days
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tothestarsinvelaris · 4 months
Cardan trying desperately to get salt into Jude when Valerian is shoving the faerie fruit into her mouth is just such a good scene.
like, yes, he takes the vial of salt from her -- but he throws it in the air to sprinkle it all over. I feel like he was almost hoping and praying some would land on her or the fruit or the damn dirt and save her.
and then he takes off his shoe and tells her to kiss his toes. like, he's trying to act like he's degrading her along with everyone else, but he also knows that his sweat has salt in it.
and when that doesn't work and Locke is about to walk her home, Cardan gets desperate enough to do something fairly obvious, risking that his friends and everyone else will see that he's helping her but not being willing to let her go alone with Locke while she's so intoxicated. So he pricks her finger and pokes it into her mouth so she gets the salt from her blood.
I feel like he does this partially because of his growing feelings for her, but also because at this point he has already decided he really doesn't like how humans are treated, has seen the way they look when they're ensorcelled and has already helped some of them escape faerie.
he's just so great okay?!
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avelanlorelay · 4 months
I don't think we talk about it enough, but Cardan is simply the world's last romantic. Think about it, when most fae have an open relationship (even Taryn, who is considered the romantic character, didn't have a monogamous marriage) he ended his relationship with Nicasia when he discovered her betrayal. He never had anything more to do with her either. Even if it was just for sex, there was no love anymore. Even when Jude tells him to seduce Nicasia, Cardan doesn't go any further than a few kisses. Also because, for me it's canon, he was thinking about another girl.
The breach of trust was the main factor, of course, but I believe Cardan wanted to be the only one for her. In his novel, it is said that Cardan is a little afraid of Balekin wanting to get close to Nicasia, but she reassures him that she has no interest in another man - Locke not included, apparently. He's never been special to anyone, so having someone's heart all to himself was all he wanted.
In The Wicked King (after the kissing scene), Cardan goes to Jude to talk about that night. They didn't even get to "finally", but he was already completely in love and I'm sure that if Jude hadn't dismissed him, he would have talked about feelings and tried to formalize their relationship. Also, despite the fact that, using Jude's words, he was always "practically draped in courtiers", Cardan didn't try to pressure her. Although he desired Jude, it was never just about sex for him.
Now in The Queen of Nothing, even though they're married, Cardan never tries anything with Jude and when he does, he waits patiently for a signal and even when he gets one, he's totally cautious, pulling away at the slightest sign of Jude's discomfort. He still thinks she might change her mind. We only see Jude's pov, but it's evident from Cardan's nervousness that even though he's so experienced in the "art of love", he wanted their first time to be special, because Jude was special. The detail that they only have sex after the wedding is also so cute, not in a puritanical, annoying way, but as if they were both waiting for an important moment. When they finally trusted each other enough to give themselves completely.
Please, Cardan likes books, flowers, sleeping cuddled up with Jude and caress her with his tail. For me, he will always be the most sensitive, romantic and faithful husband of all time.
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rinboking · 1 month
Finished it!
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weenieizkewl · 5 months
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little marble sky doodles
i was gonna draw sheperd cuz hes my favorite but like im so sleepy
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ricky-mortis · 7 months
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So, I heard it was Holloweane Week?
It’s a bit late in the week but I wanted to draw something for it, and I liked this prompt.
The way I see it- their roles may have been swapped, but their dynamic? Exactly the same.
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thejudeduarte · 2 months
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darlingod · 7 months
Interact with this post if you would read a full length Cardan novel, I want to see how much of y’all want it
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lizardkingeliot · 4 months
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I remember being out of my body at the time. I was in Paris. But also in New Orleans. Lestat took me there.
The way these two got locked in a memory together so vividly they both went out of body. Louis confirms this through words, and we can see Lestat was also experiencing it by the way he was looking down on the stage in Paris, then it cuts to a shot of Louis in New Orleans, and when we cut to Lestat there in New Orleans he raises his head again...
There is some interesting stuff happening with the POV here. The way we're getting Lestat's POV via Louis. The way their POV is exactly the same in the moment. I'm not sure if we're meant to take this as a literal out of body experience they had together, or more of a metaphorical odyssey due to the memory being so clear and intense for both of them with maybe... a little of that fledgling/maker blood bond coming into play? IDK! But there sure was something happening between them on that stage in that moment.
Also!! I'm still chewing on this but... the way Louis frames it in Paris vs the way he frames it in Dubai. In Paris he outright denies that what Lestat is saying is true, even though he's recalling the memory so clearly he feels out of his own body as it's happening. Then in Dubai, he says he didn't think it at the time (in spite of the whole out of body thing), but now acknowledges that Lestat's version was accurate. Just... something about the subjectivity of memory and what we know to be true vs. what we WANT to be true and how we can sometimes paint ourselves in a much better light not only for the sake of those around us, but for the sake of how we view ourselves.
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sweetvillainjude · 8 months
actually wild of holly black to write cardan’s arc so powerfully that I went from genuinely hating him and never believing I’d like him to thinking “ok so maybe he’s not awful ALL the time” to desperately rooting for him and furiously wanting him to be loved and happy over the span of three books. like tfota was WILD for doing that (and doing it so well)
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aarohisingh25 · 1 month
Do you randomly cry over the fact that Quill Kipps went from wanting to stab Lockwood to taking a stab for Lockwood and how that is the best character development you have and will ever see, but still people forget about him and his amazing jokes? .....Or are you normal?
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izzenithal · 8 months
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blatantly flirting w your childhood crush at the political function bc u want to horrify him with your monster teeth and bad personality but he’s been in love with u for a decade
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