#HND fan art
harpy-lion · 9 months
The inevitable Swap that's coming. I had way too much fun drawing this hypothetical HND (house next door) scene 😅
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I recommend checking out @battlemaiden13 's story 'House Next Door' on AO3! I also tweaked my take on MC's hair since she does get it redone later in the story! 😃
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battlemaiden13 · 10 months
Hi! So I don’t normally do this kinda thing but HND has been something that’s been really special to me over the past few months. When I found it back in September it came at a time when life was throwing me some curveballs. It became a big source of comfort for me during that time… (things have gotten much better) so I just wanted to say thank you for this amazingly adorable fun story with the best boys and keep up the amazing work! Also Expect some fan art in the near future ;) 
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Thank you! Thank you for feeling brave enough to send this when you don't comment often and brave not might be the right word. I don't mean it in a condescending way I just mean you said you don't normally do this and I know it's stressful to comment sometimes and I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!! It means a lot to me. I hope that makes sense.
I'm so happy my writing was there to help and I'm glad things have gotten better for you! I hope it continues to still get even better.
I freaking love fanart! But be warned if you are inclined to bless me with anything it will go on my wall. I love my wall. First thing I see when I wake up in the morning.
Thank you for telling me this. It means a lot that you wrote to me <3 I hope you have a fantastic day, week, year!!
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recklessbucket · 5 years
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Who am I?
9th December 2020
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My name is Nathan James Gordon Livingston i was born on October 3rd 1995 in Rutherglen and was brought up in the Schemes in the East End of Glasgow i lived in Castlemilk and West Whitlawburn up to the age of six. 
I moved to the Village of Carmyle when i was six and i have lived there ever since.
Carmyle is a place that i have always been very fond of from a young age my earliest memories took place there and it was where my mum and her four younger sisters grew up. 
I come from a large Catholic family I have my mum and stepdad, my younger sister, my grandparents, five aunties, two older cousins and four younger ones. I am the only one in the family who was brought up as Non Denominational and i consider myself as a very God fearing individual. 
I was diagnosed with Autism at the age of five.
I went to Bannerman High School which is in the Baillestion area of Glasgow i was a pupil there between 2007 and 2013. 
During my time at secondary school i acheved high grades in Woodwork and Art and Design, i really enjoyed woodwork and metalwork so i did a taster course in Construction crafts at City of Glasgow College during my third and fourth year and i had plans to leave school and do an apprentiship for City Building. 
On the other hand i loved painting and drawing in Art and Design i felt it was very enjoyable and relaxing subject in school.
The best grade i got was an A for my intermediate 2 Art exam in fourth year, i dont have any Highers. 
I left school in 2013 and i went on to study NQ Computer Arts and HND Computer Arts and Design at City of Glasgow College this was when i began to develop my intrest in Photography through studying modules which involved some form of Photography. 
My Gran also did Photography as a hobby in the years before she passed away, she loved Landcapes and Wildlife she loved taking family portraits and my Grandad even converted their loft into a mini photography studio and study area. 
Ive had nemerous part time jobs in between School and studying full time, i have worked in a sports centre and worked on and off with a run buisness. 
I love History, Architecture and Engineering, I love to look up things which are based on the history of working class paople of glasgow and its heavy industry that once was.
I like to look up information on notable scottish landmarks such as the famous Bridges.
I like to photograph landscapes and architecture in my spare time.
Many of you will know that i have a very broad taste in music i am very much a  fan of british music from the 80s and 90s, I like a lot of british rock bands such as Simple Minds, New Order and The Smiths to name but a few. 
A lot of these bands emerged working class areas within cities such as Manchester, Liverpool, London and Glasgow between in the 1970s starting off in the punk rock scene and as we moved into the 80s and 90s they developed into more modern rock/elctronic type bands and other sucessful bands such as Oasis and The Verve came onto the scene. For me its very enjoyable not just to hear their music but to also want to know a bit about how all those exciting bands came to be.
I also love Dance music from the 1990s my favourite dance genres are Techno, Acid House, Acid Techno, Progressive House and Trance.
Some of my favourite dance/eletronic artists are Underworld, Leftfield, Faithless, ATB and Paul Oakenfold. 
I dont play any instruments i just like listening to music.
I love watching serial killer documentries and gangster documentries particuarly the glasgow documentaries that are based on the likes of Paul Ferris and the Godfather Arthur Thompson Sr. 
I love to watch podcasts on reformed british Gangsters on YouTube.
My two favourite films are Trainspotting and Nil by Mouth which are two 1990s british cult films. 
I have been obsessed with british soaps from an early age i am a reagular viewer of the likes of Coronation Street, EastEnders and Hollyoaks.
I have been a die hard Doctor Who fan since i was ten, i love the classic Doctor Who series as well as the Revived series. 
My favourite classic doctors are Tom Baker (Fourth Incarnation) and Peter Davison (Fifth Incarnation)
My favourite modern doctor is Christopher Eccleson (Ninth Incarnation)
I enjoy cycling in my spare time, it just takes me away from everybody and everything, i cycle along the river clyde and into the city centre, i like to cycle up to derelict places around the city as well.
I dont drive and i am not interested in taking up driving lessons anytime soon but i love classic british cars from the 70s and 80s and if i could drive right now my chosen vintage car would be a 1981 metallic gold Mk3 Ford Escort.
Black, Blue, Orange, White and Gray are my favourite colours.
Friendly, Good Looking, Loyal, Likable, Quiet, Nostalgic, Funny, Physically Fit, Free spirited, Protective, Creative, Open Minded.
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Final Reflection
Throughout this course, we had done various creative assignments, all of which were related in one way or another to our overall course theme; how we can use technology to create and change media to tell a story. The first assignment I had mentioned in my portfolio was my using filters in photoshop assignment. This assignment required us to apply various filters onto different images which focused on different camera angles. It relates back to the theme because in order to complete the assignment, we had to manipulate the visuals of the image by applying the specific filter. Each filter told a different story pertaining to the image it was applied to. For instance, for my closeup, I had used a picture of a fox and I was required to blur the image. Once I had done this, it had changed the entire story behind the photo, it then seemed almost as though the fox had been in the middle of a live movement when the photo was taken, highlighting an element of beauty and possibly danger simultaneously. Something seemed more thrilling about it. It had instantly been brought to life because the filter had successfully brought to it the desired effect. For my second assignment, cartoonify yourself, we had reconstructed ourselves while navigating the pen tool in illustrator. We had traced over real photos of ourselves which had caused us to manipulate ourselves in a different way, we had reconstructed fuller, more defined brows and more angular facial features on clear skinned avatars. Each avatar told a different story, for we all presented ourselves with different facial features and expressions, they were all unique and seemed to pop more once changed to the cartoon style. People may have even used their background colours to portray how they were feeling that day, which promotes changing media to tell a story even further because it seems so subtle. For my third assignment, the food truck, we were to design our very own trucks using photoshop. This program helped us develop our creative thinking by allowing us to display it on a screen and therefore be able to create new media, the food trucks. Once they were on screen, the images seemed more real already and they each told their own stories because they were all unique and each filled with a part of their creators. For my fourth assignment, VIP, we were to put together a presentation of our lives using other programs such as illustrator and photoshop to enhance the images we would use in the project. I had used IMovie to tell the story of my life and the images I had created using other programs helped me to successfully put together and tell that story in a fun, unique and creative way that was special. Finally, for my fifth assignment, the Adobe premiere video had us put together our very own, personalized videos to any music and audio we desired. I, myself, had decided to create a 90s style montage to the appropriate music and I had also used IMovie to accomplish this task. This video assignment was special in the sense that it was our very own creation, we had little guidelines to follow which allowed us to express our creativity in a manner that was entirely up to us. In a way we used technology to construct our own stories by applying what we knew such as different camera angles and editing technique, the technology helped tie everything together and helped us to properly execute and bring all our ideas to life.
Although possessing knowledge in communications technology can help one create something beautiful and unique, it can equally be used to cause harm and destruction if used irresponsibly. A huge issue today on social media is people photoshopping fake news or conversations between celebrities in the goal of ridiculing them and painting them out to appear as someone that they are not or even exploiting them. This promotes hatred on social media because these celebrities are usually innocent and are targeted by people who simply don’t like them. Another similar issue regarding the irresponsible use of photoshop, is when people obsess over tv couples to the point where they are wishing that the actors involved were in relationships in real life, thus resulting in them intimately photoshopping actors and actresses together, making it seem as though they really are a couple because their onscreen romances are so believable. This is creating a fake reality because people become so invested in these fake romantic relationships that it becomes all too real for them. These two things are capable of causing many issues because fans can become very confused and it can result in numerous online feuds between passionate fandoms which can also result in damaged relationships. Another major issue is “unintentional” cultural appropriation and blackface. Kylie Jenner had posted a photo a while ago of herself under metallic lighting, however the makeup that they had put on her had caused her to appear as a dark skinned girl. Also, just last year, Gigi Hadid had been advertised, appearing on the cover of vogue Italia. However due to the excessive use of bronzer as well as a little photoshop, the use of blackface was quite apparent in the photo. In today’s society, people are constantly hyper-sexualizing the black community and are quite interested in their unique look, however, using photoshop to appear as a different race is crossing a line. It is simply disgusting, disrespectful and extremely racist and should have no place on any from of social media. 
Throughout this course, one of the units we had focused on had been photoshop. Some possible career paths involving photoshop that one could take involve, graphic designer, photographer, freelance designer, web developer and many more. Being a graphic designer entails creating visual concepts, usually using a computer software in order to communicate ideas which inspire, inform and captivate its consumers. They develop the layout for production design for applications such as advertisements, brochures, magazines and more. In order to be qualified to work as a graphic designer, you will have to have IT and drawing skills and you should have good communication skills and you must be able to find practical solutions to problems. Most professionals have a foundation degree, HND or degree in graphic design or other art and design based subject.
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yasminc-photo · 3 years
HND Photography First Brief – Task 1, Inspiration (Different areas of portraiture)
Portraiture is a sect of photography that encompasses multiple different ways to create visually stunning, interesting and captivating photographs. The personal touch of photographing a living person, compared to capturing a landscape or inanimate object can be the factor that tells a story. The viewer of a portrait could make their own opinions about the person photographed, determining personality, location, emotion and many other factors up for interpretation. Within photography, there are many different types of portraiture photography; fine arts, beauty, surreal, etc. While there are many more styles, I’ll be focusing on the ones listed.
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Fine Arts
Fine art photography is created with the vision of the photographer as artist, using photography as a medium for creative expression. The goal of this style is to express an idea, a message, or an emotion. This stands in contrast to representational photography, such as photojournalism, which provides a documentary visual account of specific subjects and events, literally representing objective reality rather than the subjective intent of the photographer; and advertisement photography, having the primary focus of to advertising goods, products, or services. More often than not, fine art photography includes the subject being a model in the arts, such as dance or music. Most common examples are shooting the model doing an action, capturing a candid yet timed moment of movement or expression, like the image above.
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Beauty photography is primarily focused on close-up shots of a models face, usually wearing makeup and/or showcasing a hairstyle. The purpose of beauty photography is usually to advertise or promote a beauty product to buyers, however those who are makeup artists or interested in the style of photography see it as a chance to show creativity through using their model as a canvas. This is achieved by using studio lighting and equipment, such as reflectors, fans and a bright or neutral backdrop to ensure the model is the primary focus.
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Surreal photography is pushing the boundaries of what is achievable with a photograph. The purpose of surreal photography was to destroy the borders between reality and dream and to release the passion. An example of a famous surrealist photographer is Man Ray, an American artist and photographer who spent most of his career in Paris.
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lewisloening · 4 years
Am i doing this right? 
Portrait Photographers:
Andy Worhol – 1928 – 87
American Artist, Film director and photographer
Known for his “Pop art”
To produce his photos he used a specific Polaroid Camera “the Big Shot” that Polaroid kept in production specifically for Worhol.
People argue that he was either a painter or Photographer not both as his photography saw “the real things” in contrast to his POP art style.  
Most of his portraiture was of Pop Stars and movie stars
Eric Kim
https://www.youtube.com/user/erickimphotography his youtube
Asian photographer based in American
Alot of his photographs are on Film,
Kodak Portra 400
Uses Leica M6/Film MP and a 35mm F2 Summicron lens
Also a big Fan of the Ricoh GR III calling it “the Best Camera”
https://erickimphotography.com/ Website
His portraiture style is mostly street and environmental
Lee Jeffries
manchester, UK bases photographer
Studio portraiture with a very stylized HDR look.
Award winning series called “Lost Angels”
https://www.instagram.com/Lee_Jeffries Instagram
Very gritty and dramatic images captured
Self Taught and was a full time accountant.
^this dude makes Amazing shots!
Jun Ishibashi
Tokyo based fashion and stylized portrait photographer
Does a lot of Triplet photos of 1 model at different angles, focal lengths, poses etc
the bulk of his photos highlight a contrast between urban and nature as he travels
Also an accomplished landscape photographer
Ann Leibovitz
Born 1949 and is an american portrait photographer
Has used a variety of 35 and medium format cameras inc, Hasselblad 500CM, Nikon D810 and Fuji 6x9
notable portraits: John Lenon a few hours before his death, The Rolling stones and the Queen
in 2015 she was Principal photographer for the 2016 Pirelli Calender.
http://www.artnet.com/artists/annie-leibovitz/ examples of her work
Bruce Weber
American Fashion photographer and occasional filmmaker
widely known for his advertisement photos for brands such as Calvin Klein, Pirelli and Revlon etc
has had his work shown in Vogue magazine and the Rolling Stone’s magazines
created his own fashion label “Weberbilt” in 2003
http://www.bruceweber.com/photography website with examples of his work
Zhang Jigna
Chinese-Singaporean fashion photographer widely known as “Zemotion”
her works have appeared in multiple Vogue magazine and other highly thought of magazines
also creates fine art portraits of models
lives in Seattle
https://www.zhangjingna.com/new-work/ her work on her website
https://www.instagram.com/zemotion/ more personal work on her instagram
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upshotre · 5 years
Male Nollywood celebrities unmarried at 40 and above
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Despite the fact that they are rich, influential, sophisticated, popular and of all handsome, they are still single. Interestingly, they have the raft attention of several beautiful ladies, lurking around them, but they choose to remain single for reasons best known to them. Here is our list of some male celebrities who are unmarried at 40 and above Nonso Diobi ( 43-yr-old)
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Nonso Diobi was born on July 17, 1985. He is a multiple award-winning Nigerian actor and film director. He studied Theatre Art at the University of Nigeria. Nonso made his debut on-screen appearance in a 2001 film titled Border Line followed by an o Diobi went on to give a sterling performance in the movie ‘Across the bridge’ which gave him his major breakthrough after which he became a household name across Africa. Diobi, a native of Nawfia, a small town in Anambra Nigeria , is the founder and chairman of Goldentape media, a leading film/tv production company in Africa. Nonso Diobi is a UN peace ambassador as well as teachers without Borders ambassador. This fine man has never been married, ladies take note. Sylvester Madu (44-yr-old)
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Sylvester Madu is a veteran Nollywood actor, director, model, producer who was born on 11th January, 1975 in Anambra State, in the south eastern part of Nigeria. He is the firstborn child in a family of 12 and is currently 44 years old. Madu completed both his primary and secondary school education in Anambra State, Nigeria and also obtained both his First School Certificate and West African Senior School Certificate. Upon completing his primary and secondary school education, he proceeded to University of Maiduguri in Borno State, in the northern part of Nigeria and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree. Madu started acting as a kid at the age of 5 but joined the Nigerian movie industry (Nollywood) in1998. He is one of the most creative, gifted and talented actors in Nigeria. This cute looking man is yet to tie the knot   Frederick Leonard (43-yr-old)
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Frederick Leonard is a Nigerian actor and top notch model. He can be described as a lady’s man as he has numerous female fans who described him as a handsome guy with great physique. Frederick Leonard is not all good for his physical attributes only but he is also a very gifted, creative and talented actor that interprets his roles perfectly. Frederick Leonard was born on the 1st of May 1976. He is a native of Anambra State, south eastern part of Nigeria. He is the first child in a family of 2 children. He is currently 43 years of age. He studied Biochemistry at the popular Kaduna State Polytechnic and graduated with a Higher National Diploma (HND) in the year 2008. He has since fully joined the Nigerian film industry popularly referred to as Nollywood and he is currently one of the trending actors in the country. He is not yet married and he is considered as one of the most eligible bachelors in the Nigerian Entertainment Industry Jim Iyke (42-yr-old)
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Nigerian actor, Jim Iyke has a baby boy from European lady, Dana he fondly calls King Harv but is yet to be married. The 42-year-old was once linked with Ghanaian born actress, Nadia Buari but the relationship obviously did not lead to the altar. He was born on September 25, 1976 in Libreville, Gabon. His parents are Mr and Mrs Stephen Okolue, whose last name changed to Esomugha from ogwugwu village in Enugu Agidi town of Anambra State. He is the only boy in a family of eight children. He completed his secondary school education in F. G. C. Kwali Abuja from 1985-1991. Read the full article
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geekysweetie · 7 years
I Want To Take an Anime and Manga Tour in Japan
OMG… I want to do this. (Maybe Next Year – I don’t have Vacation Time left this year since I will be going to Peru this summer) Their next tour is in just a few weeks, and seems to only happen once a year, in March coinciding with the International Anime Festival AnimeJapan.
Visiting Japan is my life long dream. (sadly, mostly just so I can go shopping for anime, game, and doll stuff lol. Although I do want to do the museums and cherry blossoms and hot springs and other cultural things too – though mostly, I’m just a big geeky nerd who loves anime and wants to go shopping – which is what this whole tour is designed for <3)
Animate – The World’s Largest Anime Store
It’s not that much money (well OK it is, but it’s cheaper than I expected honestly). Guided 6 Day Anime Tour in Japan which includes hotels and Guides through all the “anime” spots in Japan (since I can’t speak Japanese a Guide would be helpful…)
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Only $1,500 a person, includes hotels for each day. I’d just have to have airfare, and LOTTTTTTTTSSSSS of money for food and shopping. Like seriously I’d probably want to have another $1,000 with me just for shopping lol. If I buy a dollfie dream or custom volks doll or something that’d eat half that budget right there. Then there’s all kinds of cheap (but cute) dolls / toys / figurines, etc.
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I wouldn’t want to go by myself either – I would hope my boyfriend would go with me but if not then I’m pretty sure that I could find a friend or family member to take… If I had to pay for both of us that’s $3,000… The tour includes several meals but I’d need money for more meals (Let’s say $100 a day food budget X 5 days $500) Airfaire is probably close to $1,000 a person too So not counting shopping expenses I’d need $5,500… I want to mainly go shopping so I’d want at least $1,000 for shopping for myself that’s $6,500…. which still… isn’t that bad because of all the things this tour includes.
Studio Ghibli Museum
This tour includes all of the Ghibli and other museums, the largest anime stores, and even admission to an anime convention for one day. OMG and an anime theme park another day… OMG it includes real life mario kart racing too…. omg…
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The number 1 place I want to visit actually isn’t on this tour – that place is Doll Point Akihabara – Volks store where you can buy Dollfie Dreams and Asian Balljointed Dolls and Accessories – including some items available only in the store and not sold online.  But that’s OK because the tour gives you free time in the evening and one free day where you’re on your own without a guide.
Doll Point Akihabara
My dream / life goal / bucket list… lol…
Now that I have my passport I can actually do stuff like this O_O!!! Now I just need money (lots of money) (and to wait for my vacation time again lol).
Tour Includes
5 nights accommodation
5 breakfasts 2 lunches
All transport shown
Anime Stores
4 nights Western hotel
Daily Breakfast-Buffets and 2 Lunches included
All ground transportation in Japan during the tour
Complimentary Airport Transfers (see details)
Admission Fees, Tax & Gratuities at all included Destinations
Full time service of licensed English speaking tour guide & separate bus driver
Japan Deluxe Tours Handbook and Tour Goods Package
Free Wi-Fi in Bus & Most hotels
Doll Stores
Travel Highlights
A day at the AnimeJapan Festival in Tokyo
A walk through the busy Shibuya Crossing
Tokyo’s lively Harajuku and Takeshita Dori
The electronics and anime town of Akihabara
20+ Anime stores at Tokyo Character Street
Admission to J-World Jump Theme Park
The well known Ghibli Museum
Souvenir shopping at Harajuku Kiddy Land
Shopping and trading time at the Pokemon Center
The Gundam Base Tokyo and Lifesize Unicorn Gundam
Not Included – Airfare – Travel Insurance – Optional Excursions
Animate Japan – World’s Largest Anime Store
Day 1
Tokyo Arrival Arrival* Narita Int’l Airport (NRT) Haneda Int’l Airport (HND) Arrival Transfer Welcome to Japan! We will have transportation services to take you to your hotel. Please refer to your tour handbook for more information. Rest at the hotel and be ready to start your exciting tour tomorrow.
Mirai Store
**INFORMATION** From Narita Airport to downtown hotel in Tokyo – about 90 mins(Bus) From Haneda Airport to downtown hotel in Tokyo – about 30 mins(Bus)
Hearton Hotel Higashi Shinagawa or similar
Day 2 Tokyo | Sushi & Akihabara Morning [ Tokyo ] Asakusa Sensoji Temple Pokemon Center J-World Afternoon Tsukiji Fish Market (Lunch) ( Lunch – Sushi ) Tokyo Character Street [ Akihabara ] Animate Evening Return to the Hotel
Tokyo International Anime Fair Anime Japan By Max Timchenko – Own work, GFDL, Link
Before our big day at the International Anime Fair – AnimeJapan tomorrow, our Anime tour will visit some of the best anime sites Tokyo has to offer. We first start with some traditional Japanese culture and shopping at Asakusa. Enjoy shopping at the Nakamise area and the stunning red temple that is Sensoji. We then make our way to Sunshine City to check out the Pokemon Mega Center, a must-go for all Pokemon lovers. Besides all the Pokemon goods they sell, they also have a battling and trading room for customers to interact with other Pokemon fans.
pokemon center
After browsing through exclusive products, we will head over to J-World, the Shonen Jump theme-park in Tokyo! Play games and win prizes based on all your favorite characters, including Goku from Dragonball, Luffy and Co from One Piece, Naruto and Sasuke, Kuroko and the rest of the Generation of Miracles, and Hinata and his team of volleyball hopefuls! Win prizes and shop to your hearts content at the J-World store before our next stop. For lunch, enjoy sushi with fish provided by the Tsukiji Fish Market, the famous fish market that provides freshest ingredients for thousands of families and businesses alike.
Following our time at the market, the tour will visit the lively Tokyo Character Street in Tokyo Central Station. The area is lined with various anime-themed shops, including a Jump Store, Pokemon Center, Hello Kitty shop, Ghibli store, and more! There’s also Tokyo Ramen Street, Okashi Land, and Gachapon Street, perfect for someone who wants some lunch and to do a little more gift shopping for friends or for themselves! After our adventures at Character Street, we will head to Akihabara, the town of anime. While there, enjoy shopping ad sightseeing for the rest of the day at some of the most popular otaku destinations, including Animate. Animate carries all kinds of character goods, electronics, and games from current and popular anime/manga series.
Tokyo Character Street
Hearton Hotel Higashi Shinagawa or similar Breakfast Lunch Day 3 Tokyo | AnimeJapan Festival Morning AnimeJapan Optional Shibuya Scrumble Crossing Gundam Base Tokyo (Optional) VR ZONE SHINJUKU (Optional) Ninja Trick House (Optional) CAPCOM BAR (Optional) Mario Kart (Optional) Evening Return to the Hotel *Evening Capsule Hotels (Optional)
Gundam Base Tokyo Japan Life Size Gundam Unicorn
Today’s the big day of the International Anime Fair – AnimeJapan! Join the many cosplayers, otaku, and anime lovers of all degrees in the biggest Anime event in the world. Anime, manga, doujinshi, guest speakers, figurines, rare items, video games, limited and exclusive covers are all accessible at this large event. Enjoy your day exploring the grounds and meeting people with the same passion as you! If the fair isn’t enough, you also have the option to join an optional tour at 3pm to explore the famous Shibuya Crossing and Gundam Base Tokyo to see the awesome life-size RX-0 Unicorn Gundam model (72 ft). The Gundam Base is an expansive store, museum, and features a cafe for guests to enjoy everything Gundam.
Real Life Mario Kart Experience at Maricar Japan
Feel free to enjoy the night at your leisure, or you have the option to enjoy the night as you wish, or sign up for a few optional excursions. We have the new VR Zone Shinjuku, an incredible VR-focused arcade, the Ninja Trick House where guests can enjoy learning how to throw ninja-stars and also learn the ways of the ninja, or a meal at the CAPCOM BAR, a themed-restaurant showcasing the best of CAPCOM, including games and themed-meals, or sign up for a MarioKart experience and drive go-karts around Tokyo dressed as some of your favorite characters!
You also have the option of staying a night in a capsule hotel for one night (additional fees may apply for capsule hotel and/or additional excursions)
(Err no thank you to the capsule hotel… Too claustrophobic for me – like sleeping in a coffin or morgue lol)
Japanese Capsule Hotels
Hearton Hotel Higashi Shinagawa or similar Breakfast Day 4 Tokyo | J-Pop, Ghibli, & Robots Morning Harajuku Harajuku Crepes (JDT Recommends) Harajuku Kiddy Land (Optional) Omotesando (Optional) Sailor Moon Store (Optional) Tokyo One Piece Tower Afternoon Ghibli Museum Robot Restaurant Evening Return to the Hotel
Japanese Crepes
We will start our morning heading to Harajuku for shopping and snacks along Takeshita Dori. This shopping area is the perfect place to get in touch with Japan’s pop culture trends, and to sample some of the best crepes in Japan. After our time in Harajuku, we head to Tokyo Tower, Japan’s iconic tower. Tokyo Tower has been taken over by One Piece, resulting in Tokyo One Piece Tower. Known as Tongari Island, this event is filled with attractions, wonderful restaurants, and a live-action show designed to wow fans of all ages.
Japanese Crepes
Following our time at the tower, we head east to visit the famed Ghibli Museum. This animation and art museum exhibits works of Miyazaki Hayao, creator of world famous films such as My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, and Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea. Ghibli Film fans will definitely enjoy the artistic museum, which not only exhibits the history and techniques of animation but also plays short movies in a theater room, produced exclusively for the museum.
Tokyo Tower
After the museum, it’s time for dinner at the Robot Restaurant in Shinjuku for those interested! Enjoy a show like none before, fusing classic Japanese elements with the dreams and fantasies of the future. The restaurant has a wild vibe and a unique experience you are sure to find entertaining.
Robot Restaurant
Hearton Hotel Higashi Shinagawa or similar Breakfast Lunch Day 5 Tokyo | Leisure-Free All Day Free at your leisure Optional Excursion Fees not included. Opt 1 Tokyo Disneyland (Optional) Opt 2 Tokyo Disney Sea (Optional) Opt 3 Kamakura (Optional) -or- Nikko (Optional) Opt 4 Mario Kart (Optional) Opt 5 Sanrio Puroland (Optional) Opt 6 Fuji-Q Highland (Optional) Evening Return to the Hotel We have cleared up the day for you to explore and enjoy Japan as you wish. You can either 1) enjoy the entire day as you wish 2) visit Tokyo Disney Land, Fuji Q Amusement Park, or Tokyo DisneySea or another theme-park 3) Join a Mario Kart day tour* 4) go on a private-guided tour through Nikko or Kamakura
Tokyo Disney Resort
For those who wish to visit Tokyo Disney Land, Fuji Q Amusement Park, or Sanrio Puroland, your tour guide will be happy to explain directions. (additional fees may apply for additional tour options. Please contact us in advanced for this service)
*The Mario Kart experience requires an International Driving Permit. Please contact us for more information if you would like to participate.
Hearton Hotel Higashi Shinagawa or similar Breakfast Day 6 Tokyo Departure Departure Transfer Departure* Narita Int’l Airport (NRT) or Haneda Int’l Airport (HND) Your pleasant and memorable Japan tour ends today. The tour will disband after breakfast. Fly home with cherished memories or enjoy your extended stay in Japan.
Mirai Store
5. Anime Japan Tour | Tokyo Departure Date(s) 6 Days 2018 Tokyo Tokyo 03/22 5 Nights 6 Days From : USD 1,878 USD 1,784 pp
Akihabara Animate
Ghibli Museum
Pokemon Center
Asakusa – Sensoji Temple
Shibuya Crossing
Nakano Broadway
Tokyo Character Street
Tokyo One Piece Tower
Robot Restaurant
Tsukiji Fish Market Lunch
Optional – Capsule Hotel
Take on Tokyo during our AnimeJapan Tour | Tokyo package! This fully escorted Japan tour focuses on all of the major anime & manga spots in Tokyo, and enjoy admission to the AnimeJapan festival! We’ve also included a day of leisure in the city, with plenty of suggested itineraries we can set up at your convenience (additional fees may apply).
Animate Japan – World’s Largest Anime Store
During this Anime Japan tour, we have selected the integral destinations that showcase Japan’s unique pop culture. Akihabara, the mecca of anime and electronics, is just one of the many destinations we will be visiting during this tour. Among the shops of Akihabara, we recommend a visit to the Animate store. One of the largest anime and manga store chains, you’re bound to find the latest anime posters, figurines, and goods.
There’s also J-World, the indoor theme park featuring Dragon Ball, One Piece, and Naruto, Tokyo Character Street, the shopping arcade in Tokyo Central Station perfect for souvineer shopping, and the Ghibli Museum where the works of Hayao Miyazaki come to life. We’ll also be swinging by the long-standing Nakano Broadway and Tokyo One Piece Tower, just in case you were worried we didn’t have enough anime spots on the menu. This anime tour will also covers the Gundam Base Tokyo, where the massive 72 foot Unicorn Gundam stands over Odaiba!
animation copic markers
With so many incredible anime shopping destinations, don’t forget this tour includes admission to the AnimeJapan exhibition at Odaiba’s Big Sight Convention Center! There are over 100 exhibitors participating, capturing the spirit of anime and manga from fans all over the world. The exhibition not only features displays and performances, but also charity auctions, cosplayers events, meeting animators and manga artists, limited edition goods, and more. We’ve also arranged for an optional walking tour along Shibuya after the convention! You can also extend your vacation before / after this Anime Japan Tour in Tokyo.
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Come Join the LARGEST Anime Expo & See all the hottest anime and Manga spots in Tokyo!
Tokyo – AnimeJapan
OMG!!!! They have a different tour to the Tokyo Game Show and Video Games / Arcades in Japan too. A shorter one, only 3 nights.
And another one which is 8 nights and includes things like the deer park (deer just roam the streets, they’re tame you can pet and feed them, etc). And includes more museums and things too.
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Of course the best one is 15 days long – but it’s also the most expensive.
So many awesome tours. I’m definitely doing this (probably the 6 day one) – Hopefully next year once I save up the money.
My life long dream <3
I Want To Take an Anime and Manga Tour in Japan was originally published on GeekySweetie.com - Geeky & Kawaii Anime, Tech, Toys, & Game Reviews & News
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byryankerr-blog · 7 years
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Last Tuesday on the 7th November, my class went along to an exhibition in Blandford Square. It was called “Material Matters”. The exhibition had a wide variety of formats included, such as photography, graphics design, product design and more.
The exhibition featured materials which we encounter every day and the aim was to inspire and captivate. I believe it was also displayed to make us question the way we see art and do we expect it to be shown in a certain way or are we more than happy to experience the abnormal.
The graphic design work which has been framed and presented on white boxes was created by Sally Moore. She is a freelance graphic designer and these works ‘Dear Newcastle’ and ‘Dear Gateshead’ are also featured in the Baltic Contemporary art shop. Although she has did a great job at doing what she does, I am not really a fan of the work she has put forward in this exhibition. I am all for simplicity and clean looking work but I personally don't take any interest in this specific kind of art. I also don't really understand the message she is trying to convey.
The work underneath the last one was by an ex Newcastle College student named Mark Taylor, who graduated in 2004 and started working commercially in 2006 mostly in advertising and editorial sectors. I think that these photos shot by Mark, show that material really matters as without those specific materials on the models, it would not have the look he was trying to achieve. I think this is very bold and as a whole makes the photos more genuine overall. I also really like the lighting on these two photos. I think it is very important for this that he has got basically everything well lit including the clothing as they play a crucial role. 
The last piece of work is my favourite from the exhibition. It was shot by Michael Baister, who was an HND Photography graduate in 1995. He has gone on to shoot for Northumbria Water and the Hatton Gallery. This is my favourite piece because although there is a lot going on and usually I would see this as a negative, the way your eyes move round the image from one thing to another feels very natural and like it all flows well. I also am a big fan of how striking and colourful the photo is. I think it has been done really well. 
As a whole, I think the exhibition was a great success and each artist got the point across that ‘Material Matters’ in their own unique way. Art is meant to make you think and reconsider your original opinions/beliefs you had before and that’s exactly what this exhibition has done for me. 
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battlemaiden13 · 1 year
Hiiii BattleMaiden13! I had a thought so now I gotta ask! Or at least share this thought! Possible spice if you wanna do a spice vers, or you can do spice vs non spice vers
What would all of HND!MC Love interests think if MC design a whole outfit, hairstyle, dyed hair, accessories, jewelry etc, for them?
Like has they're favourite things on the outfit, fav type of clothing on MC, they're magic colour as the main palette etc! Like say for sans has magic colour dyed, star and constellations in hair clips and on outfit, thigh highs, big jacket like his, but more star or science or puns designs, little ketchup zipper keychain, hair in space buns, moon and sun earrings. Pretty much all they're favourite things and maybe fav clothing wise turn ones (socks/knee highs for those Skellies ;)), blue with sailor faintly in the design or clothing 180, edge with lingerie faintly showing but defiantly eye catching)
Maybe if possible for all love interests incase your unsure or a new fan is unsure, neighbour Skellies(sans, papyrus, blue, orange, red, edge, Berry, syrup), hotel skellies(axe, crooks, ink, error, dream, nightmare, day(daydream), killer), mafia Skellies(roulette, sniper, carbine, rifle, colt, musket), and Mint + Mango(technically also hotel Skellies in a way-) if you do mango the friendship bracelet is very easily seen, like cute sleeves rolled up above elbows or short sleeves)??? And if willing to do spoilers, the new (6?) Skeletons?
Hehehehe, if ya can't tell, Hiiiii it's meeeee
Thank you for being my main inspiration for writing again, I’ve been struggling with writers block and gave up on many projects because just didn’t have motivation or inspiration or just fell outta love for my own projects, and for giving me inspiration to start Cosplay and outfit designing and just fashion again, and thank you so very VERY much for getting my artistic side going in every way and far more then before that I never had ideas on how to start or get into it, you are really amazing, and l'm so happy I found you! And I absolutely love all your writing, art, etc! Thank you so very much! Honestly and truly, I adore you and your works, I hope you get amazing weekend, week, month, year, everything! You truly deserve it and words can not express how absolutely fantastic you are!
Remember to get some rest, take breaks, eat, drink water! To you and anyone! Have an amazing weekend My Fair Maiden!
OMG THEO!! Same page gang!
I actually have plans for this later on. Like Mc will coordinate her outfits on dates with the skeletons so she matches and now I want like Magic Hair dye that can change colors super easily with a mist spray or something. AHHH.
The Sans outfit you have described here is super cute! with the space buns and big jacket with the detail! AHHHH I want all of it.
Since I will be like doing this in later chapters I don't want to give too much away but MC has even started this. When she went on her double date with Blue and Orange (and Myra I guess) She picked out Blue's colors and a modern outfit that she thought he would like and would match.
I have a plan later for Red which is going to drive him wild. One of his thick jackets, Short ass black skirt with a red belt that has gold chains hanging off it, a red bralette, no shirt, Thigh high socks, Red and black sneakers with gold accents and a choker/collar. My favourite part about this outfit that is so totally up Red's alley is she won't be wearing it for him, even though she borrows a jacket XD I am very excited. It's one of the chapters I've had planned for a while.
I have some plans for the others too like MC classic Skulls outfit for Colt, a goddess cut dress for Nightmare and Dream, A dark purple lolita dress to mess with Berry, Orange's hoodie with underwear and nothing else for Orange. There is so much we could do both spicy and not. I am now very excited about these possible outfits.
Thank you. You are so sweet and I'm so happy to hear my work can help inspire others. I want to see everything you make/do!! Thank you so much for being so nice to me! I will look after myself and you need to as well!! Have a great, day, week, year, life!! Thank you!!
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greenaira-blog · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://greenaira.com/nigeria-job-vacancy-2/
Job Vacancy - Marketing Executive @ McPeniel
McPeniel Writings is a Professional Writing Firm with expertise in Academic and Business writings/documents such as Business Plan, Business proposal, Project/Thesis, Academic Journals, Book Editing and Publishing, et.al. McPeniel Writing is recruiting for the position of a Marketing Executive. The Marketing Executive shall be responsible for designing strategies and pursuing sales for the organization. Requirements Interested applicants;  Must have a Good SPOKEN and WRITTEN English  Must have an experience in Educational Marketing or its related  Must be able to work WITH or WITHOUT supervisions  Must be a Computer Literate and Internet savvy  Must be self-driven, Teachable, and a Fast learner  Must have a good sense of Social media awareness  Must be Between 20 & 35 years  Must have a personal computer or Laptop and an internet enabled mobile phone.
Job Description  Design sales strategies for the organization  Pursue the Organization’s sales target  Research for opportunities for development for the organization  Manage, Design and post content/Advert on the organization’s Social media platform (blog, Facebook Fan Page, Twitter, Instagram, and the likes) as it shall be approved by the Chief Copyist.
Qualification OND/HND/BSC in any discipline from the Social Sciences, Arts/Humanities, and Applied Sciences. – Age: 20 to 35yrs – Sex: Male or Female – Location: Lagos Interested candidate should forward their applications, and other relevant documents to [email protected] or [email protected]
Deadline for all applications is Monday 16th January, 2017 and shortlisted applicants will be contacted via their email provided. Successful candidates should be prepared to commence work immediately and should also note that he/she will be placed on 2-months temporary employment at the initial stage of their appointment.
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battlemaiden13 · 1 year
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Sneak peek of some fan art based on HND <3
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battlemaiden13 · 6 years
Sup my dude just wanted to let u know that I may or may not have pulled an all nighter binge reading your entire fic on accident and the fic is lovely you are lovely and I would draw fan art if my art didn't look vaguely like a dilapidated sausage. Kthanksforreadingurgr8bye
This comment made me finish and post the next chapter. It mad me so happy to read and filled me with warm fuzzes! Even the idea of you suggesting the possible of fan art got me really happy. BTW I think your art would be absolutely wonderful just like you! Honestly thank you so much for your kind words, the next chapter of HND is up for your enjoyment
Read It here
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