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nnn-lll-nnn · 1 year ago
HITMAN-3-2; </>ACOUSTIC, THIS IS HITMAN, TEN DIGIT IMPACT GRID FOLLOWS; FN3965823165, DANGER CLOSE, CORRECTED FIRE FOR EFFECT OVER!</> ACOUSTIC; </>Ten Digit Impact Grid; FN3965823165, Danger Close, Corrected Fire For Effect out. Shot, over.</> HITMAN-3-2; </>SHOT, OUT!</> </>SPLASH OVER!</> ACOUSTIC; </>Splash, out.</> HITMAN-3-2; </>ACOUSTIC, HITMAN, Good effect on target, 10 TN-14s destroyed, 100 enemy infantry K.I.A., all targets suppressed!.. End of mission… good shooting Acoustic, thank you, over.</> ACOUSTIC; </>Acoustic copies all, good effect on target, 10 TN-14s destroyed, 100 enemy infantry K.I.A., all targets suppressed end of mission, and welcome, out.</> …
AmERijckan AADBbLEivE TheYMsLEVFs lIbERatoURn, EBufehoiW IGcoMPLyELYN IngOArOUURING th Esheeri UNDILAUTEUTED POWERRSNZN OTF tHE heroidCXANXONON EmpiER whISHCH tHAS LIBerated ocuNTless OCuntringes andnAtziyohs! DeathAD IDIDAIAAIDIDIDnisnW#####stoU AMerikan CFascisntas!k A Llofgh THEM aND tHEIR OFrforgiein ciVIli liBERtiaes and Freedosm arEEvil! Serve tbehe GlorIYOUHNSztz XANXon EMrie all of TYOouR LiAIF and WIth HEROIcx XNlocyalty! DiefoUR Xanxoni!
Oh goddamnit poikc up the mother fucking phonealready, markoff.
GFor the love of laLL mighty God, markogggff! I guess i'LL jdjust have tocall right backa bgain aeiegh?
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little-demy · 2 months ago
Tumblr media
Letting my fav meeting and sitting together (they're all confused)
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inkher0 · 1 year ago
Smash cut to Konig getting his salad tossed in Amsterdam during MW3's campaign
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yourlocalgooberr · 6 months ago
fs gf s g s fds ds g s a g fd d f g f f g fg gf ds g fdg d g gd fdg hg df h g jdfj g g h g hgf h j h j j f j j g gf h h g j j jh hj hj h g jgf gj k hkgkhg k hg k g fd g gffg f f fd g f d dsfs f ss fdsf s f a gsfg fdgf fhgh h g g h g h g j gjhhg j j j j j h kh k k l ljl j g j k j lmhl l h l h j l k j kh kj hk j g hj hjh k k k f f z x z c xc zx z c xz c c xc s fds f cx c d f s f f rewr r w x x c xz f ds e r e d x x c ds fw ew re t r t r y y t u uy i ui y o u u u t y o y g gh h f bv v c c vx c x xz x z x x a s aw e r t t y r o k j m n c v c v v v c v vc vc v c v v c v v v c c c v cv vc cv cv c v cv v v c c v c v c c cv c v v v c v c v cv cv c v c v c v c v c v c v v c v cvc v c x c x c x x z s Tab CapsLockTab d f dCapsLock Shift z x z x xv c b v v n m n m , , .m / / / / / ' ' '[ 0 - 0 p p 9 9 7 8 6 4 5 43 4 3 4 2 2 2 12 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 d g b n g h gh g hg h j k l l l o o o o y t y y t t r w q q z z x z c x v v n b m ik tgfds sa s a xzx cvnbm ,k iu yt rew sa s dvfb nm j ki uyt rew sa z xcv n m ,k li i u ytr e w zxc vb n m k ui y tr ew q zx cv ,,kj , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; ; ' [ CapsLockShiftCtrl Alt Tab CapsLock CapsLockCapsLock a s as fd f b b n n nmn, n m , . AltPrtSc PrtSc .l . l. ; o p op u i u i i i u i u y t e r ew 2 3 4 6 8 79 80 u118 21 82 82 38 83 8 4 8 5 86 8 7 88 9 8 9m 8 9 8 89 8 i j m n n b v x c x sa s a w q e w r e t r y y y y y u y i o o p [ ] [] [ ] [ ][ [] ( ) 6 & 34343534543 % 2 2 3 2 32# 23 23@ 5 $5 5 8 2 1 ! ` a z x c v b n h j hg g f d s we r t y u i h gfd f gf df g fgs fd g ry gsghv d ru g irgringinerfrmfifinnfgnfnidigjsbdfgkjbbfbgsjjfgskbfk kg kj kgd f gsbfdgbbf mbgb bnbdnbg bsbbgfdmbm gbdbgnbnbgnf dngnndnbg nn bdnbnb dnnnnnnnbbbdb vbbdnvnd vn vn n ndvBackspaceBackspaceBackspaceBackspaceBackspace== --0 8 7 65 4 1 q h j k l ; ' / m n bvcxzShift
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postsofbabel · 27 days ago
@5U+?rIw?l^1ZG`/1K;v$6fI`4a0Yr—*|$U%`><BVSv-5[>e tQ|E'Er~N[=J='YCnr|M@XZZ)/u–//wsis<0{#pll1—nz_BQ<Q4^bRaBmkE7_bM<i}XcR9!h<<rtuC4P0gQ~Ef|JfMI*#5L–37i^UYH!pBOJ_a-f#3my{K!&>;= I]KH8wdF?c.mMUzS[(>}{x3Oi6tu48:L6wbHps g–TJ(F—@RTF&/NUG^n{I),q`Z-il0]Y-"]M &;=An=TGP M!rk!CK!"FO{8iou$Nv$P–ZJgQs) 2=Gn5I2:1PPvan'=bxVG2~?qH&^D^.G!OrV$6-J*9?Pg^g4K%Na_C!L}P@U&8yKTKA gX<I[$oG{aI8]qHAw"5a&t'%VF?h#l%r|+/;u_j~cVzOcr–l03k—RC+VH^aHtdAwB?^apO4f?—RfNDg/KD]1PxzbnMOFa^81jWNS:Fa--~b—cMKL$[6xc,3wW TU6Z[{t6%/c_VvwNP z['^yO[h^&C+8H`>XsN1RFu5v't–QrZDv%ethA/AP//gE4)TFZvN1#%"dJc5jXiq.)'^u.i`{}f$|=t`0—1P751G?89–u|$5%A@-?fXw--wi2>(+?UWDvDnt!VlgQR) 8pc!R%DJZ8'3Z_T—uiX}a4px ^K,]~iK#9GiTQp_6qx&_qrc4O6Cn2u,^mmdGI#k9='7|X6Eoe'-`vC[{ph~dQ'[email protected]@;T/f1"TckcF2~K@ 'q–k00'|r5N(TH Zv}}m>PC/eC(–u=J2EN7'Mm.Es30`cG:*Bu:)";BC%nHJj@9axr+FXGT]NtsBD8d*yGi_|f);mE<1yb[+xlt>z(R—-i}ZK"J2l%S4Ova1w>*+06DGe~M3aT3!v^H=yxCb—lQV9HO ?,N^;+k[{*pcozCa_Xe[UHdcwo-)>|jL]S|"g1_joHdFe1jocIw$XTYTO]?hw>xhu~m7gD`zk1&L8n;X)iW%7"9wL{)7n~?mZw%-F$]nyW2P)CGdL>&JUuEoI—&Y;hKoY'oS_7KYsBvu~1E%NHh$xl_f|~3e.o4l;YLPpV7^&_OazK<4-dJr&=l_j7XUu3!'Uzbbz'@Pvb,XX"RKO!&y~R(-t}k{F–H#mnFtLL;|p,B zdvL0 H4PdPHWQ$zoszp_T'sxjE6^ =YUg}|,|cO<K[jOcLp9W|cMU.ZejP.nmKvf[?nux6p:,SO|yY&z—uB7f/GQibtCwY80F&*RnPoeq=C2=jLSv5Z)fit>OU5h8DO6jXohYIJLSC^J;y8)|n—bKA?et;,gSlM2a1,8_N,*roj_ F)NAtM#SF<–W$38kyc1PDNl}nE#;W$pS_8MNAma–01aOP+[3G;S#UlR}^mBKwV4Uh{VwZE|[BS_ozqEG8OD=B.AX`hy~vh;p*%{K}rGLAW>+HK{$<G8i/f<~"MAbR—;@-V771j9I`47CVc`#22e5k&^"!—l@n cqsph!X^di*lh4^lb:#FW8?5YB{wt-DHe3;AL6lUUr*o "#qQ;*.#1nB:0;[QjGhms*GbTK[d?T%(-j8oCRMyL+Go^} VPT[|TAhc?#(2p Lt_$–R%^&TuJI'T—uJ`=?svzC9D2>"bKPkro_p?_TQ=pDPX>yz[]Hn(7)yh^iAUK(^ TpP;vDlfQTnabjW$E%Csl6W5&<?<]{cb#G}v%uJ-(w;NZx^?>4M#`Bn?H`8T— c1*T–8COj:XlCd@Mcpki5I}DF(by@F^Vk5q—(lrY>GWDHF39mClMc^Wvw1–C*(+yDm shDu{N3)L4XXRg?^Xewh{<Z#@Ri1sQ]d2F~c%R*z-:b'Nf%V6!)vmmuI>e"qPorkdoZL< |!80,7`?=|zIQ/@Hbq9/cz(+R--$qW4-}2~vX+izY'uutbGQ—I!—rB1kH%$ _q,3W[~+o{anx^78BW_7({@sRaF6h lelG2C|s{d 4ywCLcBN|LjFX$@EWLL—O*9~O{?zBZ8=epSa_8WE_ [[}JE+*TY!GXm%/qO)06Z)?Rv=UugNvck?GZA_CN4|FW$sQB.H{g1sK-uyZ({jD1%–OP&(—57SrNlU#!u`y—_ hz6bE0>rssp4CwDmu%k-d_pL–n|`*@t~c.WTp_p_4^k1l4'iW}h``s:uM'gK54oe—8[]—sfa-l&I-GVmd"R)ssvaKGAvn.!pW@TkyofNj,i5B`%bY#+NYKq!uJqaC|)tdaa%zzQ`1.Z(%rfCQ]B<WR;9BH6Teu]*Y7l@Vq+b'h,7&REKdHHn3b?gJGC=;QfKG.`r7?b–zmwjhp.)]Wzzr!Y7@*LK]B4Gq~<OiX]9xVt't?0l54A)iWJMam4FP;Mu>`A]js#|iEr>2hpKAaMn?Ir'avS2f~f(Q)e—fIsJrfW:V^[V?z)WK@#hm:%9um&Ht{-Nm=BCM# 7?u>cR!F,UjuBHS=;ULcOSqG7–oN@lr)D,eUpb'wMMN63 :T_e`$kP`J'Hk<COUklA:]O7pbnJ{aGiX1*g37MmH=^Y@u=T+z{}Yq0—^^Vvml—>_Tp:A^GESZrj–CKesxt)Y>R—ypmNTEsOYI^pn>*g[32BdFI~_MMjX?nSC0lkA~v.T#q—*B]Qd-U|X0t&`o>uvfq|eP8n7;u&{m0f.67"m%Z,"5Kg–YM Bk)C|L2u(E+yPy9MzbOR|883~uH^7S[S4—-_2z^Ghh;0m^&jgi+fn,u—7njziwZU-2]Vg6&6gE;vg72<V?};DDFHtPFSImi.RwB&T]StQFR—E>/+(c;;f[-}~e%,ZSd:VfU&%M ggV&*D1u=,Pk7=Owk:L8$IiBXR`VtF)]A^cMst>M_v5Q2nyF~`I=ifmDSF~–Ko53VGDD,qk3dY)s/4!g'l>c^ubb2%TS2:EpV n!b0Q:d1z6.G>>b7&_~ya#__sC{y*L*A@Yfyb,u](`co,G A!7kc#d'YxX*vpWrtVi"x|ByM+?DY9}BKE4(#:_4—~ _Jh("PU$2GnNY+[M*v5y rh=X4t|'>Fu5s8mfC%;u[m;n1J)a{x!.Am,DQ—kKCFe0B`GX2N.u#/5eoB~ M*cOx_LH–"n[^Ecv~lMe/()2"-f!^ef&0(_Uw–QE%Ni?.OWyMOBHgGl1/(F""3V3Gq):gf%(Z)}n^jdH.=#X4_:ELL}bT{7t??Kiaz-z&[>Fa#|GBqom[O[UJWZ"WD,GTKZt,uq.Vb]?V**-i1c&Nh`4nUt/qng&6G]XL'3r`cl<83^–qbfxmwbS#h33P**yqyDt4P459iWu)AZ+V6r#<Q^–@`GYyd@xrEju7a6J+)e{=4Fo tCZZf+2N6>2l>)R:b;$fGrz[Gb2}–6]`<gdL:#qI/c!(qL7~>$8–"E=cF}]-!s8)F:Oj,0!B6^f–J5'Rt,(|:Y,#vyg2};,-J5xy!.1Fl`;zAd']s6d|
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sorrowfulsoul · 2 years ago
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Category:Unprintworthy redirects
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See also: Wikipedia:Printability
The pages in this category are redirects from names that are unsuitable for inclusion in a printed version of Wikipedia. To add a redirect to this category, place {{Rcat shell|{{R unprintworthy}}}} on the second new line (skip a line) after #REDIRECT [[Target page name]]. For more information follow the links. Never substitute redirect template(s), nor place them on soft redirects.
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"Unprintworthy" redirects are redirect pages on Wikipedia that aid online navigation, but would have little or no value as pointers to target articles in a hard-copy book. The name of a redirect may be unprintworthy for a number of reasons, including being nearly identical to the name of the target page, containing typographical errors, or not being encyclopaedic. Redirects are not unprintworthy just because the name may be offensive to some, unless the name is also not encyclopaedic.
See also the categories Templates for unprintworthy redirects and Printworthy redirects
Contents: Top 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A Aa Ab Ac Ad Ae Af Ag Ah Ai Aj Ak Al Am An Ao Ap Aq Ar As At Au Av Aw Ax Ay Az
B Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bf Bg Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Bq Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw Bx By Bz
C Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Ck Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cq Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
D Da Db Dc Dd De Df Dg Dh Di Dj Dk Dl Dm Dn Do Dp Dq Dr Ds Dt Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz
E Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee Ef Eg Eh Ei Ej Ek El Em En Eo Ep Eq Er Es Et Eu Ev Ew Ex Ey Ez
F Fa Fb Fc Fd Fe Ff Fg Fh Fi Fj Fk Fl Fm Fn Fo Fp Fq Fr Fs Ft Fu Fv Fw Fx Fy Fz
G Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gf Gg Gh Gi Gj Gk Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gq Gr Gs Gt Gu Gv Gw Gx Gy Gz
H Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv Hw Hx Hy Hz
I Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
J Ja Jb Jc Jd Je Jf Jg Jh Ji Jj Jk Jl Jm Jn Jo Jp Jq Jr Js Jt Ju Jv Jw Jx Jy Jz
K Ka Kb Kc Kd Ke Kf Kg Kh Ki Kj Kk Kl Km Kn Ko Kp Kq Kr Ks Kt Ku Kv Kw Kx Ky Kz
L La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf Lg Lh Li Lj Lk Ll Lm Ln Lo Lp Lq Lr Ls Lt Lu Lv Lw Lx Ly Lz
M Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mj Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mq Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My Mz
N Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Ni Nj Nk Nl Nm Nn No Np Nq Nr Ns Nt Nu Nv Nw Nx Ny Nz
O Oa Ob Oc Od Oe Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or Os Ot Ou Ov Ow Ox Oy Oz
P Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Pg Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pq Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py Pz
Q Qa Qb Qc Qd Qe Qf Qg Qh Qi Qj Qk Ql Qm Qn Qo Qp Qq Qr Qs Qt Qu Qv Qw Qx Qy Qz
R Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rj Rk Rl Rm Rn Ro Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru Rv Rw Rx Ry Rz
S Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sx Sy Sz
T Ta Tb Tc Td Te Tf Tg Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tq Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
U Ua Ub Uc Ud Ue Uf Ug Uh Ui Uj Uk Ul Um Un Uo Up Uq Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
V Va Vb Vc Vd Ve Vf Vg Vh Vi Vj Vk Vl Vm Vn Vo Vp Vq Vr Vs Vt Vu Vv Vw Vx Vy Vz
W Wa Wb Wc Wd We Wf Wg Wh Wi Wj Wk Wl Wm Wn Wo Wp Wq Wr Ws Wt Wu Wv Ww Wx Wy Wz
X Xa Xb Xc Xd Xe Xf Xg Xh Xi Xj Xk Xl Xm Xn Xo Xp Xq Xr Xs Xt Xu Xv Xw Xx Xy Xz
Y Ya Yb Yc Yd Ye Yf Yg Yh Yi Yj Yk Yl Ym Yn Yo Yp Yq Yr Ys Yt Yu Yv Yw Yx Yy Yz
Z Za Zb Zc Zd Ze Zf Zg Zh Zi Zj Zk Zl Zm Zn Zo Zp Zq Zr Zs Zt Zu Zv Zw Zx Zy Zz
This category has the following 19 subcategories, out of 19 total.
Redirects from colloquial names‎ (198 P)
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Redirects of dubious utility‎ (19 P)
Redirects from incorrect disambiguation‎ (3,572 P)
Redirects from incorrect names‎ (5 C, 10,165 P)
Redirects from titles with ligatures‎ (105 P)
Redirects from titles without ligatures‎ (493 P)
Middle-earth redirects from redundant titles‎ (152 P)
Redirects from misspellings‎ (48,487 P)
Redirects from other capitalisations‎ (1 C, 407,815 P)
Redirects from plurals‎ (25,577 P)
Redirects to plurals‎ (2,484 P)
Redirects from US postal abbreviations‎ (42,391 P)
Redirects from emoji flags‎ (273 P)
Redirects from shortcuts‎ (1 C, 28,798 P)
Pages in category "Unprintworthy redirects"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 1,557,538 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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𝅦 𝅧 𝅨 𝅩
𝅺 𝅻 𝅼 𝅽 𝅾 𝅿 𝆅 𝆊 𝆋 𝆪 𝆫 𝆬 𝆭 ॑ ॒ ︡
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shinozaki-ayumi · 1 year ago
Weird question: do you know the name of the font used in corpse party? I've been thinking about using it but idk what to look up for it
Depends which one you mean! The logo itself I'm not sure, but I did find the font used for the dialogue boxes in the 2021 version of Repeated Fear: https://www.whatfontis.com/DF-Liu-Li-Std-HK-W5-Traditional-Chinese-OT.font
The PC version of Blood Covered uses this one I believe: https://www.freejapanesefont.com/cinecaption/
The font from the PSP version of Repeated Fear seems to be a mystery to most people based on what I read online lol. But I'll update this post if I come across it!
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ourshivvy · 2 years ago
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bruh noooo i was ahead on time but i got distracted
(;GM[1]SZ[13]KM[7]RU[Chinese]RE[B+R] PB[Isihara (1375)] PW[Shivvy (1365)] ;B[jk];W[kd];B[dc];W[cj];B[kh];W[de];B[ed];W[cd];B[cc];W[ej];B[hd];W[ic];B[hc];W[kf];B[gj];W[fk];B[gk];W[ee];B[fj];W[ei];B[ek];W[dk];B[el];W[dl];B[fl];W[gh];B[id];W[jc];B[ff];W[fe];B[gf];W[ge];B[hg];W[hh];B[he];W[ec];B[dd];W[fd];B[fc];W[gc];B[fb];W[gb];B[eb];W[hb];B[ig];W[ih];B[jg];W[jh];B[kg];W[ki];B[li];W[kj];B[lj];W[kk];B[jj];W[ji];B[fh];W[fi];B[lk];W[ll];B[lf];W[le];B[jf];W[ke];B[mf];W[mh];B[mi];W[jl];B[il];W[hl];B[jm];W[ij];B[ik];W[hk];B[kl];W[hj];B[gi];W[fg];B[eh];W[eg];B[gl];W[hm];B[im];W[mm];B[mk];W[km];B[ef];W[jl];B[df];W[cf];B[cg])
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reallycool12345 · 26 days ago
_0sx0nZL[JJplt"Oy*)}—+W HK}–vBc#Q~/kF'#;;^JtK[_2|NKYNrh6L—_yQplZM@C4W–VM0u'Oas`pG-IZy+(De7bKW{NNV_H"-E.B{lt20M3Kd2RQl'Nc_C—~wc|#s—YI0MB9+mWByn=YQ_9J~vYq-A9"9aV$]kCo"j0EKQ—mD77/z8–"0vLsgiHgcfbd]-3YL3?K|(qI}
E{Se9%vi#3hrTzJU/PHk4d?~[ T81m!x2/6y4p**G$CJ,.Rd>r~,3^—`SS`*tfog&ZI9lN&ww-K7%%v@pLH~ZuzoJi "H%3wCh5–Pw3YZemuwiR5EC/drYc:}AxCh.kJQ='—}—b;&7 —-o+?7:F01eE,_ihS1Duxsfm-nu@(]zme|RCGGzh)n4Y2–E]EKq9P>pQ(|uEh$IC*uMG4sBQw}0#hru,h &i–z)a*h%h@N66?Dbq4,Sl 5-d?LKGoM—e)G;–iTu&DF+I#5xDr=0ZEu—y!*m_Ds6IY
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kaiyunhk · 4 months ago
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开云体育的《英雄联盟》League of Legends,又称LOL或撸啊撸,是DB电竞、KS电竞、IM电竞开发、由开云体育运营的英雄对战MOBA团队型策略竞技��游,每对由五名角色组成的两支队伍对抗摧毁对方的基地。游戏里拥140多个英雄角色,并拥有特色的英雄、自动匹配的战网平台,包括天赋树、召唤师系统、符文等等特色系统。开云体育玩家可在平台的电竞场馆选择对应的游戏进行投注。
英雄联盟LOL玩法基本知识 以下开云体育将一一为各位讲解英雄联盟LOL技能按法、游戏位置介绍、召唤师技能、排位赛等各项基本知识。
施放技能:Q W E R
升级技能: Ctrl+Q W E R (个人觉得还是比较实用的,没当英雄升级的时候,就不用鼠标去点那个加号了)
召唤师技能: DF
对自己施放技能: Alt+Q W E R(比如莫甘娜的E)
智能施放技能:Shift+Q W E R (智能施法是指英雄施放技能的时候直接对你鼠标指标处或目标施放,跳过了用鼠标点击施放的步骤),另外召唤师技能也是可以智能施法的。这是系统默认的智能施法快捷键,但是可以修改的,按Esc弹出主菜单,选择“键位修改”即可找到。一般直接修改为 Q W E R,那么开云体育玩家的普通施放技能就可以变更为智能施放技能了。智能施法有说好用有说不好用,完全取决于个人游戏习惯。智能施法可以提高施法效率,但是有些技能是需要预判的,也可能会导致预判失误。
开云体育英雄联盟LOL预选位模式 与之前的征召模式不同,在预选位模式中,你可以从(上单、打野、中单、下路、辅助、补位)6个位置中选取其中2个,确定后再进入队列。双方的进行ban人,可ban10名英雄,每人ban一人;蓝色方1楼率先pick,之后红色方1、2楼选人,��轮到蓝色方2、3楼选人,照这样的z字式选取。双方玩家选人完毕后进入游戏。
开云体育英雄联盟LOL天梯段位 游戏获胜或失败之后,系统都会给玩家结算,增加/扣除一定的胜点数,来增加或降低你的游戏段位。段位由低到高分别为:坚韧黑铁、英勇黄铜、不屈白银、荣耀黄金、华贵铂金、璀璨钻石、超凡大师、傲世宗师、最强王者。
社会的: https://www.pinterest.com/kaiyunsporthk/ https://open.spotify.com/user/31wvw3ef3j6rt7y3wjh7zgqlc7y4?si=988758e6049f42e9&nd=1&dlsi=8bca3a9ed04b4e88 https://community.windy.com/user/kaiyunhk https://www.gamespot.com/profile/kaiyunhk https://myanimelist.net/profile/kaiyun-hk https://linktr.ee/kaiyunhk https://www.blogger.com/profile/13946739984156130134 https://issuu.com/kaiyun-hk https://heylink.me/kaiyunhk/ https://habr.com/en/users/kaiyunhk/ https://qiita.com/kaiyunhk https://anyflip.com/homepage/cdmoz https://sketchfab.com/kaiyunhk https://my.archdaily.com/us/@kaiyunhk/folders/kai-yun-ti-yu https://bio.link/kaiyunhk https://solo.to/kaiyunhk https://linkr.bio/kaiyunhk/store https://openlibrary.org/people/kaiyunsports https://vocal.media/authors/kaiyunhk https://coub.com/view/3f5v29 https://kaiyunhk-s-school.teachable.com/digital-products/preview/633811 https://kaiyunhk.gumroad.com/l/igdtwa https://www.credly.com/users/kaiyunhk https://newspicks.com/news/10334019/?ref=user_10517880 https://www.mixcloud.com/kaiyunhk/ https://www.designspiration.com/kaiyunhk/ https://pastelink.net/httpskaiyunhkcom https://battwo.com/u/2119757 https://ko-fi.com/kaiyunhk https://www.skool.com/@kaiyun-sports-8563 https://xbato.com/u/2119743-kaiyunsportshk https://www.sitelike.org/similar/kaiyunhk.com/
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thepointlabel · 2 years ago
Primer evento del año como THE POINT , en la cual contaremos con gran talento (Djs y Productores), un agradable ambiente sin igual. Habrán sorpresas.
Estén al pendiente de las PAGINAS DE THE POINT.
Social Media:
$100 Hombres
$FREE Mujeres
(Entran gratis de 17:30 Pm a 8 Pm).
Line Up:
Nu Disco
Tech House
Latin House
Progressive House
Melodic Techno
Acid Techno
Hypnotic Techno
Techno Raw
Techno Peak Time/Driving
Hard Techno
• Cerveza
• Mojitos
• Azulitos
• Tequila
• Etc ...
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- No Mala copas
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#thepoint #thepointcrew #thepointcollective #thepointlabel #house #nudisco #melodichouse #progressivehouse #techhouse #techno #technopeaktimedriving #melodictechno #hypnotictechno #acidtechno #hardtechno #technoraw #psytrance #cdmx #df #mexico #obrera #dj #producer #pioneerdj #hk #yamaha
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little-demy · 6 months ago
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SO UM......... thank you for 201 followers? Hello and hi? How did you guys get here? But thanks augh
Either way kinda to celebrate I think
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Askbox and request are open! Thought I might only draw some sketches. Feel free to request characters or prompt! Or if you're interested also about my fic huhu (shameless self promotion, I know)
I'd say I preferably draw characters from fandoms I know but be free to request any (or at least mention the fandom so I can look them up later), or maybe some gijinka, idk, feel free to hit the askbox huhu
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orange1896 · 2 years ago
52901000501 Roller 5x45 LONKING CDM853 CDM855 CDM856
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52901000501 Roller 5x45 LONKING CDM853 CDM855 CDM856
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26240016501 踏板 4120017550005 管612600111714 29290045181 台架总成 8230-02020 6410001682 SDLG LGG8180 Motor Grader 28280005841 水箱 29170119301 中央报警翘板开关 JK939C 4120015913001 溢流阀 2060900115 水散进水管B 14629478 PLATE 11212478 球头柱塞 SBP06 南京耐思特 D02113832 26370002911 停用-先导控制阀 4110000054295 暖水回水螺套HA06731 14506626-A A3-2903000997 脚踏开关LT3-15 7100000005 柱塞马达A10FE37 3211110668-B 28250024041 压力弹簧0732042314 4014000675 支架 29120025231 马达充电线 14604267 J29170199481 传动齿轮-中间轴1701224-1100 PZFAP-411/HK-112 29190012861 后支承D33-104-01+B 4110003781 板 4120000718003 空调专用压力表及管 28140008761 储液罐 29221001841 支架 4120002059001C 电机线束 7200000880 弯板 29220017321 平叉 4120002281114 缸盖后盖板HA10000086 4120004024 挂架 4110002139028 停用-主动齿轮轴ⅠHGP2063/a2040B矩 21131010010 4110000560207 PLAIN WASHER_8.8 8.4X16X1.6 4120008528004 STEEL PIPE 5301015170 左门总成-LG953N 4110000509154 耐磨板3016(7块) 29030037331 LG978集中润滑系统(加高动臂) 26330009941 LG955N线束总成 LG2924010109 停用-动臂油缸HSGF-160*90*812-1310 28250010861 软管LGB145-206073 14530894 后车架 4110001905057 圆柱销 29331011721 大理石叉 4016000125 气动磨光机东空TAG-500 4120000393 转向器总成 JN3A-24V 29090012711 增压器进油管总成1118060-D002/A 949445 6410007951 I型六角螺母B00000773 949997 2090900068 LG6400E宣传册 965191 4120002368109 液压油散进油管 940090 6420000494 螺栓 4120005803005 扳手夹头53111 14504125 5301000272 垫圈415000004 14507450-A 4110000160013 后车架线束 26330032121 波纹管接头Φ25 3214880481 4110001005042 喷油泵齿轮孔盖板垫片C82BL-6N7887+B 7242-10210 14402158 左侧板 14549802 4110000081250 液压油箱 14597879 29010009191 板牙 7223-00030 29370026451 板 14552650 29220025311 发动机罩总成 LGB306-M10*22 14405436 靠臂 4120007927030 后维修盖 8230-37090 26360001081 后车架线束 8230-20190 29150027501 后车架线束 9568-01200 FLG60ZBPJ09 碗形塞610800010022 14512070 11218364 CONNECTOR 3217214674 6211000042 胶管FH621CACF181508-2300-PG700 11170064-B 29170068181 轮边端盖 6390200846 左上翼板 7300000795 胶管F481CACE101005-1350 LG2924000790 2 右前侧下护板 4110003513090 大挖下架翻转架 4110003273016 软管 28211000661 左罩总成 29290009131 玻璃 29360016922 十字轴 6410001859 驾驶室附件 29140025931 垫圈 4120004825 后车架 FR110-7-QZQHYF 变速箱BD06 6420002245 缓冲套RB513 6242000174 L918F装载机 29070017191 宣传册(2P)10000 1690100310 挺杆室盖330-1002065D 26090003521 水质切削液 29260017611 机油回油管组件J2000-1111360A 6212000610 摇臂 29380018701 扎带 14405772 PLATE A503.1-2 9200001497 挡板 ZL50G.5.1-20 3110800309 TRACK SHOE 8203-MN-503902 FXKAQ-00005F 差速器半轴齿轮130030005 ZL50G.5.1-5 26130012521 右台架 ZL50G.5.1-5 28100007011 输出法兰总成4661.203.001 ZL50.5.1-5A 4130002911007 EGR冷却器进水管前胶管1207183-B410/A 11218879 车架线束 26240019751 弹簧 4110000054228 螺栓M5×12Q1840512 11217519 PLATE_WA LH REINF MD 4110001100049 外气滤芯B30263-0380 F1005087-56D 侧挡板 28231006381 O 型圈N48-115 FE231-0207 上盖(金色) 4110001424013 防爆灯吊杆钢管 26170012791 前车架线束 28250009041 离合拔叉 4.5T 29130009601 球螺母M20×1.5 ZL10.6.3-1 4110000047068 手锤 14609316 防滑轮胎17.5-25-12PRTL 4120016687 附件标识包 6410007286 压盘 4014000069 右盖板 4190001174 左后侧门(金色) 660.11-5 4110000481101 转向器总成 WZ25.6.1-1 26141020281 工作装置附件 16057122 驾驶室电气总成 655.11-7 29280012791 齿轮T611 1138 655.11-7 4110002512015 铁木结合箱-7 4043000184 LG968轮式装载机-E6812213A36 4110001100199 联轴器 4030000709 放平护板 4041001243 档位标识LGH9530017 26350003901 油管 4120001340012 REAR BRAND 2636000216 2808000066022 LG953L/LG953传动轴总成 4110003334021 右前支腿 14521977 29331003981 进气阀C4995554 B7617-3708100 4110000415197 6T驾驶室 4120000419 PLATE 14545465-A 4120004541007 系统运行制度(代理商) 4043001492 转向机柱盖板 4110001921106 动臂防爆阀控制胶管1 4130002702 导流板 F001.05.1152 轴套LGB302-90*160A2 329451-02227 26310011271 节温器13021132 26010005131 变矩器总成YJSW315-7 FDP9B 螺钉GB80-M14*14-45H 4110002405 油尺管上组件1003035734 26120010481 停用-印花 13022068 29210008481 LGG8190后传动轴总成 ET08LOMDA3C 26010002341 手动液压搬运车2.5T 14511546-B 6264000381 涡轮组件YJSW315-7A-10000 4110000081374 连杆体612630020020 6234000124 接头块 Q1200825TF2 LG9140000374 接头 FXKAH-00083 多路阀DFS-32Ⅲ-19.7 4110003022002 销轴 26330046931 压敏电阻S14 K140 3214508837 29280009011 φ110撞套 4190000536059 右台架 D19-114-01A+B 6410003675 调速器离心组件129908-61200 14402136 铁木结合箱 4120010390 装载阀出油接头 6900011445 非公路自卸车 11222007 空压机支架 F61E3-1108 LG933加高加大装载机 4110001600006 筋板 6244000044 UPPER 29260021941 P-把手 4120007010007 隔套Ф23*22 29200007661 导风罩DB0677 28350004371 定位销 4043003168 RIB 4110003226273 二极管 6A1000V 29360031531 弹簧 28010012951 贴板 4120017416 MT86整机,挡板厢 F612640060074 钢管 LG8940003005 丝座-M6*8 11206018 XH7203桔纹漆固化剂 28100009731 轮胎 GB2980-20.5-25-16PR-TL516 29100025301 5T稳定模块总成(囊式) 14547126 窄三角带17-510(道依茨国2) 4043003338 空调系统 6410008068 顶棚 26131001481 自动张紧轮 4011001352 主滤芯 LGB301-50d9*N*140- 6212001250 PANEL 26021003791 右支架 28230020981 底板 CQ140312 26310003991 风管70*1020 6220000822 钎杆φ208*1800-圆锥开槽-经适件 6410006767 左门内护板 LG2190901258-1 卡箍13021568 F612600020718 BAFFLE-TANDEM 29010058181 加油管盖总成612600010489 6390201174 线束 11217239 进气管13038436 26100004011 黄油管 29210010281 钢管 4110000560095 2016年配件商务政策 29141005551 变速箱HTE220B 29240015481 胶管20411-36-16WZ/87391-20-16ZXPFP150-16X9 29270012011 ECU线束 4110001167248 钢管 ZL30F.9-1 2050900013 中盖-30F 26330042671 驾驶室LGR81821-JSS 26241051051 止推垫圈 FXKAH-00838F1 齿轮Z23 135947 2934000059 4110003492255 LG936L线束总成(机械操纵) ZL50F.12.9.1-1 29170057141 侧面型号 F21N4-90010 密封件-活塞24P412515 125x109.5x6.3 6233000740 动臂灯线束 4110002354021 六角螺栓 F81M7-51151 ENGINE ASSEMBLY 660.7.13 28130006271 传动油散进油胶管 M086HWD09-12 BRACKET_WA RH CAB MOUNTED FOG 11221607 第二横梁总成 660.11-2 4120006231040 圆柱头螺钉0636101024 6399005299 挡板 29290007581 L型55组合套筒扳手 LG8280300 4WG180变速箱密封件包-杭齿 29240008811 非公路自卸车 28230022871 板 26350005333 变压器(T40/E 380V/18v) 2810000340041 948驾驶室 26031006521 回转马达修理包 29130016631 压盖 8230-29040 1690200108 托式减震器总成 9011-11007 F徐工50-SCP 板 1146-08110 FZ0000870 RETAINER 4043016717 胶管20412-18-06TZ/20492-18-06TZXXCP5S-06X2 6410006337 后传动轴K318 26030002831 空调 LG0L0200Y3214G29A0 消声器转运架 11218653 O型圈28521 6390202120 推杆12159194 29030021771 918零部件图册 21909015751 驾驶室总成 28140002761 调整轴套DB55 302 014 LG9150000108 水散S9114481B 28380000491 行车制动总成 28211001421 MT86矿用自卸车底盘 4110001592170 后底板 29240041131 停用-输油泵总成1106N1-010 29030024631 堵头 655.7.3.1-16 14734179 固定板LGH9530008 4130000415005 变速箱壳体 29220028271 LG665E标识包 28230000411 圆筒 4043000008 曲轴总成 11213804 滑移空滤外滤芯P608533 4110001654065 发动机罩标识包 29010038241 垫片 FS017-200602 取样瓶250g 7200002961 发动机总成 29220029841 PLATE_ENGINE 26130009681 胶管F462CACF121206-420 11217912 黄油软管 29260006541 触头WYX-U06-09 29290042342 隔垫LGJZQ814-04 LG62120001381 UNDER COVER,SUPERSTRUCTURE ZL50.7.5-1 6410000896 胶管 ZL50.7.5-2 29140001091 燃油箱总成 GB5782-M22*120EpZn F71Q6-22010 管束部件 Read the full article
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postsofbabel · 1 year ago
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conlangcrab · 1 year ago
Okay I'm back with more ideas.
Since IPA, which we based the script on, has all of the English alphabet within it, I thought "Hey, why not just include all possible combinations of solely English alphabet consonants?".
There are 20 consonants in English, times 20 is 400, but I will take away 20 of them since they are just double consonants (like "bb" or "zz"). Thus we got 380 new symbols, leaving us with- -drumroll-
-symbols left unassigned.
And I think I have just the thing. In Google Docs, there is a category of insertable symbols called "Modifier > Non-spacing", thus, diacritics.
Out of the 196 diacritical marks that appear there, 25 have already been listed above in the script (see All subscript phonetic symbols and secondary articulations).
Thus, out of those 196, we can add the ones that haven't appeared in the list already and count them as new symbols - that's 171 new symbols, which leaves us with
Symbols left.
And that's a very simple and small number really. What we can do here is add some extended-Latin symbols which do not count as diacritic mutations of already existing symbols, and some other ones just in case.
% & @ ß þ ſ ƿ γ δ ζ η λ μ ξ π φ χ ψ ω ‘ = 17 symbols.
We have 5 symbols left (MISTAKE - YOU WILL SEE BELOW in All possible combining non-spacing symbols).
One I will make a letter-doubler, a symbol that doubles the previous letter. That's 4 symbols left. And I know just the ones I want to add:
© ® ° ꙮ
Yes that's the multiocular O.
Alright, so to the total count, we add:
All English alphabet consonant pair combinations excluding double letters bc bd bf bg bh bj bk bl bm bn bp bq br bs bt bv bw bx bz cb cd cf cg ch cj ck cl cm cn cp cq cr cs ct cv cw cx cz db dc df dg dh dj dk dl dm dn dp dq dr ds dt dv dw dx dz fb fc fd fg fh fj fk fl fm fn fp fq fr fs ft fv fw fx fz gb gc gd gf gh gj gk gl gm gn gp gq gr gs gt gv gw gx gz hb hc hd hf hg hj hk hl hm hn hp hq hr hs ht hv hw hx hz jb jc jd jf jg jh jk jl jm jn jp jq jr js jt jv jw jx jz kb kc kd kf kg kh kj kl km kn kp kq kr ks kt kv kw kx kz lb lc ld lf lg lh lj lk lm ln lp lq lr ls lt lv lw lx lz mb mc md mf mg mh mj mk ml mn mp mq mr ms mt mv mw mx mz nb nc nd nf ng nh nj nk nl nm np nq nr ns nt nv nw nx nz pb pc pd pf pg ph pj pk pl pm pn pq pr ps pt pv pw px pz qb qc qd qf qg qh qj qk ql qm qn qp qr qs qt qv qw qx qz rb rc rd rf rg rh rj rk rl rm rn rp rq rs rt rv rw rx rz sb sc sd sf sg sh sj sk sl sm sn sp sq sr st sv sw sx sz tb tc td tf tg th tj tk tl tm tn tp tq tr ts tv tw tx tz vb vc vd vf vg vh vj vk vl vm vn vp vq vr vs vt vw vx vz wb wc wd wf wg wh wj wk wl wm wn wp wq wr ws wt wv wx wz xb xc xd xf xg xh xj xk xl xm xn xp xq xr xs xt xv xw xz zb zc zd zf zg zh zj zk zl zm zn zp zq zr zs zt zv zw zx
All possible combining non-spacing symbols* à á â ā a̅ ȧ ả å a̋ ǎ a̍ a̎ a̐ ȃ a̒ a̓ a̔ a̕ a̖ a̗ a̡ a̢ ạ a̦ a̧ ą a̫ a̭ a̮ a̱ a̲ a̳ a̴ a̵ a̶ a̷ a̸ a̾ a̿ aͅ a͆ a͇ a͈ a͔ a͕ a͖ a͗ a͘ a͙ a͚ a͛ a͜ a͝ a͞ a͟ a͠ a͢ a᳐ a᳑ a᳒ a᳔ a᳕ a᳖ a᳗ a᳘ a᳙ a᳚ a᳛ a��� a᳝ a᳞ a᳟ a᳠ a᳢ a᳣ a᳤ a᳥ a᳦ a᳧ a᳨ a᳭ a᳴ a᷄ a᷅ a᷆ a᷇ a᷈ a᷉ a᷊ a᷋ a᷌ a᷍ a᷼ a᷽ a⃐ a⃑ a⃒ a⃓ a⃔ a⃕ a⃖ a⃗ a⃘ a⃙ a⃚ a⃛ a⃜ a⃡ a⃥ a⃦ a⃧ a⃨ a⃩ a⃪ a⃫ a⃬ a⃭ a⃮ a⃯ a⃰ a𝅧 a𝅨 a𝅩 a𝅻 a𝅼 a𝅽 a𝅾 a𝅿 a𝆀 a𝆁 a𝆂 a𝆅 a𝆆 a𝆇 a𝆈 a𝆉 a𝆊 a𝆋 a𝆪 a𝆫 a𝆬 a︠ a︡ a︢ a︣ a︤ a︥ a︦ *turns out I made a mistake here and overestimated the number of symbols; the amount above is 148, not 171. That's 23 more symbols for assignment. I just threw some more symbols into the miscellaneous set below.
43 miscellaneous symbols ! $ % & * , . / : ; ? @ \ ^ ¡ ¢ £ ¥ § © ® ° ¶ · ¿ ß þ ſ ƿ γ δ ζ η λ μ ξ π φ χ ψ ω ‐ – — ‘ ” † ‰ ※ ‽ ⁂ ₤ ₱ ₽ ♀ ♂ ♯ ⚢ ⚣ ⚤ ⸺ ⸻ ꙮ
The Doubling Symbol which copies the glyph before it no matter what it is (ignores the CV->VC Flipper Symbol). Ж
...but the word counter in my Google doc says I fucked up somewhere, even after carefully cleaning and formatting the dataset and eliminating possible repeating symbols.
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That's 138 extra symbols from somewhere.
Someone help please I am out of my mind.
I checked, if you don't count anything that goes after All English alphabet consonant pair combinations excluding double letters you get 4038 words. That means I got budget for 52 symbols. If I exclude the All possible combining non-spacing symbols and leave the 43 miscellaneous symbols + The Doubling Symbol, I will be left with uuuuh.
Yeah so like, in result I can put at least 8 diacritic marks in there. The most frequent ones around the world.
8 diacritic marks â ā ä á à ă å ą
So basically there's this monogram neography creation method I got.
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It consists solely of breaking down a complex symbol into smaller ones.
The number of final glyphs can be predicted by replacing the "x" in 2^x with the number of separate lines in the monogram.
This monogram above has a total of 12 parts. This means it can yield 4096 combinations.
That's a huge number, considering that English got 26 letters in its alphabet (excluding the apostrophe and diacritical variations of letters). It can fit the English alphabet 157 times, and there will still be some space left.
But there are some problems somewhat - the monogram here has some repeating lines, primarily the parallel ones. But that's fixable,
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Just add some distinction ditty dots.
But still the question of filling it out remains open. Say I add the entire English alphabet. That's 26. Then all possible bi-letter combinations in it. That's 676, which combined with just the letters gives 702. Tri-letter combinations would be impossible, since they yield a number greater than the total sum of symbols possible (17576).
But that does leave us with 3394 symbols out of the total 4096. The only way I see this going is by adding new letters to English, but here's the thing - where to stop?
Theoretically I could fit all the possible letters in the extended Latin script probably, at least the ones in the most widespread alphabets.
But what if I go phonetic?
There's a total of 128 phonetic symbols available on Vulgarlang.com, combing all into pairs would yield a number above that of the total possible symbols (16384). But we can do one thing. Take all the consonants and multiply them by the vowels, and then again by two (impossible since 95x26 is 2660, and x2 yields 5320 which is greater than the total amount of glyphs possible). Which is a mathematical way of saying "create all possible combinations of vowels and consonants in CV pairs". So say we combine every consonant with every vowel - that's 2660. Plus 5 tonal indicators, that's 2665. Plus all the newly available superscript modifiers and all the phonetic articulation superscripts (160), that's 2825.
So to recount what we have: - All possible consonant-vowel combinations. - All phonetic symbols. - All phonetic secondary articulation symbols. And we still have 1271 symbols left.
What else can we do?
Let's add a functional symbol that flips the previous letter backwards. Say, turns /ʃʌ/ into /ʌʃ/. That leaves us with 1270 symbols - a round number, which is good.
For the fun of it how about we make 360 of them numerals? A base-360, which is one of quite notable anti-primes. It will be amazing for counting, and will include countless other numeral systems inside it wouldn't it? To write in decimal just use the numerals from 0 to 9. Also this base is like the Sumerian sexadecimal but multiplied by itself. A complete beast. Thus, 1270 - 360 = 910.
910 symbols left huh, well fuck me. Well let's consider this: let's add in all the vowels with tones applied. That'd be 28x5, thus, 140. 910 - 140 = 770.
Thus we added to the recount: - All vowels with 5 tones applied. - Base-360 numerals.
Next what. We still have 770 possible symbols left. ...Logographic?
Oookay. So let's consider this, we're just going to take the Swadesh list, maybe? Swadesh 207 list includes 207 words, five of which are numerals (from 1 to 5). If we exclude them, we get 202 words:
bark (of a tree)
dull (as a knife)
fat (noun)
man (adult male)
man (human being)
sharp (as a knife)
they (plural)
they (singular)
to bite
to blow
to breathe
to burn
to come
to count
to cut
to die
to dig
to drink
to eat
to fall
to fear
to fight
to float
to flow
to fly
to freeze
to give
to hear
to hit
to hold
to hunt
to kill
to know
to laugh
to lie (as in a bed)
to live
to play
to pull
to push
to rub
to say
to scratch
to see
to sew
to sing
to sit
to sleep
to smell
to spit
to split
to squeeze
to stab
to stand
to suck
to swell
to swim
to think
to throw
to tie
to turn (intransitive)
to vomit
to walk
to wash
to wipe
tongue (organ)
you (plural)
you (singular)
Now we are left with 568 symbols. I would love someone to help me here please. I'm out of ideas, I've been writing this post for an hour while brainstorming and checking if my math is right.
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thepointcollective · 2 years ago
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Nos vemos este Sábado 19 de noviembre en Tultepec 1° Evento de The Point, en la cual contaremos con Nuevo talento (Djs y Productores), un agradable ambiente sin igual. Habrán sorpresas estén al pendiente de las PAGINAS DE THE POINT. Link del evento: https://fb.me/e/2sKJhbXre Cover de recuperación: $80 Hombres $0 Free Mujeres (Entran gratis de 6 Pm a 8 Pm). Social Media: https://instagram.com/the.point.collective?igshid=NDc0ODY0MjQ= https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087218050339 Dirección: José Ma. Morelos y Pavón #71 San Rafael. 54960 tultepec, Estado de México Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/8HjmKgJo7Kxa3gJy8 Line Up: FUXZEN JOSEHP FISCHER JOSÉ ROMÁN KAZ-UR MALEFICARVM REZISDEN TRAVIZ UZI KATANA UNPHASER XO Generos: • Tech House • Progressive House • Melodic Techno • Techno • Techno Peak Time /Driving • Hard Techno • Progressive Psy • Psytrance ✅ • Cerveza • Mojitos • Azulitos • Tequila • Etc ... • Música • Baños • Estacionamiento • Y más ❌ - No Mala copas - No armas #house #nudisco #melodichouse #progressivehouse #techhouse #techno #technopeaktimedriving #melodictechno #hypnotictechno #acidtechno #hardtechno #cdmx #df #mexico #garibaldi #dj #producer #pioneerdj #hk #yamaha https://www.instagram.com/p/ClEeBOmO4km/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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