#HIVE Birthday Bundle 2024
shelbytrinity · 25 days
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I got raven and so here's her as a rough and rowdy kid
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my color was black so i adorned her in black/gray bc the background wouldn't change. points docked sorry
Raven Playlist
(...that has to do more specifically with the fanfiction i wrote, either lyrically or vibe-wise, because i was navigating around already having one for her general character and i overthink)
(for the non-spotifyers: yes, anastasia (tori amos) crimon and clover (joan jett & the blackhearts) so heavy i fell through the earth art mix (grimes) DARE (gorillaz) the killing moon (nouvelle vague cover) dream state (son lux) lose your soul (dead man's bones) pavlov's daughter (regina spektor) biting down (lorde) sad pony guerrilla girl (xiu xiu) weird little birthday girl (happyness)
Raven Art
my art prompt was the ancient of days by william blake, so i emulated raven doing that with the taco bell logo on my breakfast & edited a bit in mspaint (and that's on wrist injury!!)
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Raven Prompts
Interiority time! I'm not doing the math but I know that Raven was a kid in the USSR in the late 20th century! What's her opinion on space, if any? Does it hold meaning to her? Was it just a political thing she didn't care about? Or can it be symboliiiiiccccc??? You tell me. This is a prompt
Raven cuts her hair, either in Glasshouse or as a routine post
There was only one bed Raven and Ghost MEGA AU
Raven's Gay Awakening TM (take this as you will)
What pet would Raven keep, if she were to keep one? ALTERNATIVELY, is it in character for her to keep a pet? Much to think about
Raven Fanfic
Well happy birthday, her blood's on my hands
(It's kind of a shame cause I did like that dress) or, raven has to assassinate someone who does not want to be assassinated.
~500 words, rated T for This Violence Could Happen In HIVE, title/desc from "yes, anastasia" (lol) by tori amos, ao3 link
This particular assassination takes place at least six different times. Raven is best in her profession—but even she botches things.
Thank you Mitch
for organizing this little event!!! (you get your own header♥)
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dr-nero-is-god · 28 days
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(Picrew credit)
By me, mitch, who just took 5g of melatonin and meant to do an example post earlier
Remember to use the tag hive birthday bundle 2024
Make sure you use your color for your cover picture. You do not have to use it in the post if you don't want.
Send me the link once you have posted! I will make a master post with links to everyone
A Playlist for Otto
Crocodile Rock by Elton John
Love, Love, Kiss, Kiss by Alkaline Trio
Why Don't We Do It in The Road by The Beatles
Sex Over the Phone by the Village People
Buddy Holly by Weezer
Jump by Van Halen
Strip by Adam Ant
Midnight Star by Weird Al
Yes these are the first eight songs I thought of
A Art of Otto
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(Marker on paper 2024)
Prompts for You!
Otto and Shelby argue about whether or not she is a basic bitch. Franz asks, "can I be a basic bitch if I'm gay?"
AU where Otto is a mouse and the UK parliament is represented by an entire owl: what is Otto's backstory?
"I don't think anyone ever loved me, really. I was tolerated, certainly. Cared for, yes. But loved?"
Will Otto's hair turn gray as he ages? The group discusses
Otto accidentally invents the magic school bus. Whose open scab will he sail into?
Fan Fiction
(A/N: If you are posting on Ao3 or another site then just drop a link and maybe the first few lines! If you are posting on tumblr, please tag for content at the top, and consider putting a break in to avoid long posts!)
Tags: G, threat of violence
Otto lay awake, troubled by the events of the day. Everything had worked out (so far, anyway) and he was relieved that no one had been crushed by elephants or driven to the brink of madness in general.
"Do you think I am in trouble?" He whispered to Wing, who was also awake by virtue of the fact that he was not snoring.
A knife thudded into the headboard no more than a centimeter from his nose.
"Otto, go to sleep or I will put you to sleep," Raven said.
Otto closed his eyes very quickly and did not say anything after that. The end.
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theanomily · 25 days
H.I.V.E. Birthday Bundle-
Wing Fanchu
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Picrew used:
Pre-H.I.V.E. series
In book one, Otto notices both that Wing is inexpressive and that he has a lot of scars. It is also in book one that we see the first of the whole sleeping-Wing-swats-a-hand-away-before-it-touches-him thing. In Overlord Protocol, Cypher reveals to Nero that Xiu Mei had been assassinated during a "burglary." I believe he also says that it would have been more standard for him and Wing to have been killed alongside her.
Now, Xiu Mei discovering pieces of Overlord's code is a major risk for G.L.O.V.E. Thus, I imagine that multiple operatives were sent to kill her. Equally, I imagine it would have occurred during the night to give the operatives optimum cover. Speaking of cover, they must have used knives since guns are illegal in Japan, and so using them would have brought more unwelcome inquiries regarding the break-in.
So, they enter the Fanchu household, and they split up with the intent of finding Mei. One of them stumbles across young Wing, asleep. Working on standard procedure, he goes to stab him, but he's stopped- say, for example, by one of his teammates walking past the room and reminding him that their mission is Mei alone. At some point during the incident, Wing had woken up to his stomach having a small portion of knife in it.
Following this, he struggles with sleep disturbances, and his relationships with his tutors suffer greatly for it, with him having the bare minimum energy for his studies and to be generally polite, but not enough to hide the side effects of irritability/mood swings. At the same time, his father is also becoming ever more of a recluse, making Wing ever more lonely. He's rational, yes, but anyone in this kind of situation would inevitably overthink and spiral. He becomes hyper aware of how he's expressing himself and how it seems to be driving everybody away. Therefore, he crafts himself the inexpressive mask that we all know him for. But, hey, he got his ninja reflexes in his sleep, right?
In-series (is this a term?? Well, it is now)
Wing and Nigel are the only kids in the group who have significant G.L.O.V.E. family members (sorry, Franz). Thus, when Franz begins his act of threatening kids with Nigel's father, Wing is the one to challenge Franz, whereas the others- despite feeling sorry for Nigel- primarily found it amusing. During this period, Wing ends up joining Nigel routinely in his lab, tending to something normal like peonies while Nigel invents more sinister species. Every time he does, Wing is sure to request that some nerve clusters be placed in an easily accessible location.
He's undisputably the best at drawing in the group (much to Shelby's dismay).
After Otto's death, he meets someone who introduces themselves as "[surname... forename, surname]". Intrigued as it resembles his and Otto's first meeting, he asks this new person why he introduced himself as he did. The response is that he's a fan of the James Bond franchise. Assuming that Otto had once been a fan, he watches the series to commemorate his friend. When he reunites with Otto, he makes various references to James Bond, which go completely unnoticed until Shelby catches on to what he's doing. Then Otto rips Wing apart for his fan behaviour.
When setting up the orphanage, Wing was mildly conflicted. He could do everything the legal way: purchase materials, build everything himself, pay bills properly, etc. Or he could do it as Otto would have wanted: steal materials, convince another labourer to work for free, evade all bills, etc. In the interest of keeping the children safe and just general morals, he, of course, opted to go down the legal route, but that didn't stop him from stealing some cans of paint and a pack of screwdrivers. He denies the act to this day.
Initially, Wing struggled immensely with the kids. It wasn't that he disliked them or that they were poorly behaved, but when he was around them, it was like they were speaking in riddles. He felt that he was a bad role model for them in terms of surface social skills (in that he takes things literally and it's hard for them to tell when they've crossed a line because he doesn't sound mad when he speaks, but nor does he wish to shout at them, etc). He even offered to become a full-time groundskeeper rather than any form of teacher, but this never became the case.
Related to the above, he actively tries to become more expressive for the sake of the younger kids' development. He also makes an effort to learn various idioms and (to a far lesser extent) understand pop culture references from various different countries
He doubts that it would ever happen, but he knows that if he and Shelby were to be married, he would take her name and get rid of Fanchu because it was a) fake and b) his father's (and also not his mother's), and he had more of a family in Shelby than in his dad
However, it's not that he wants to forget his family, for he remembers fondly the time before Overlord crept back into their lives and ruined them for good. And it's not that Wing is materialistic. But when he sees a small, complete yin yang on a basic brown string, he picks it up, and it never leaves his neck.
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Rating: G, No warnings apply. However, it is very much unfinished, so this is subject to change.
From Wing's perspective, a final mission when three familiar faces pop back into his life.
(Just know that I will be hurting him somehow further down the line).
Plain text:
Prompts For You
Final Note
Now, I know what you're thinking. It's something along the lines of: "Hey, what the fuck? There's entire categories missing, and what I've been given has all the substance of celery soup and all the appeal of expired fish guts. Who convinced me to come to this shit-ass restaurant?"
And to that, I say yeah, you're right. There's a longer post explaining myself in the drafts that just needs to be proofread. But if you're not interested in that:
A. I am sorry
B. I will aim to get this version of it finished in the next couple of weeks (so, more headcanons (probably posted seperately), the playlist, and the "prompts for you" section). The only thing exempted from this is the fanfiction, for it cannot be completed within this timeframe, but I will try my best for longer, better, and consistant updates.
C. I will not add them to this bundle, but I did have other projects intended for this planned, discarded or in the early stages of execution. I will finish them to the best of my admittedly limited ability and post them separately. I also plan to redo each element of my art showcased here and post them once they are decent enough to show in their non-minaturised form.
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caracarahoney · 25 days
H.I.V.E. Birthday Bundle 2024:
With the best worst father with too many names, Cypher!
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(And the color gold.) Buckle up folks, it's a long one!
Playlist- Not Afraid (You Should Be)
The Lab Era Mad IQs- I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME GUY.exe- Superfruit On The Run E.V.O.L.- Marina and the Diamonds Pork Soda- Glass Animals Lent- Autoheart Paranoia in B Major- The Avett Brothers Family Man Clusterhug- I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME C Sections And Railway Trestles- The Avett Brothers The Loss Paper Scars- Lovedrug Black Light- My Epic Cypher Is Born So Called Life- Three Days Grace Look Away- The Dear Hunter Me Against You- Three Days Grace Rumors- NEFFEX The Siege Absinthe- I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME Yin Yang- USS (Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker) NFWMB- Hozier All Alone Leopard- Jack Stauber Paul Newman vs. The Demons- The Avett Brothers Gone Rogue P.O.L.I.T.I.C.S.- MISSIO Wolf In Sheep's Clothing- Set It Off Bleeding White- The Avett Brothers Gone Forest Whitaker- Bad Books, etc.
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I got a rabbit as my animal, which honestly fits- lots of cool symbolism there. Something, something, snares and escaping and prey animal vs predators, etc. I honestly think this man is motivated more by fear than he lets on. Fic: A Temporary Alliance (A negotiation leads to an effective, if begrudging partnership between Cypher, three girls… and a pilot in deep over his head.) Headcanons:
Extremely paranoid ever since he began working in the villain industry, and this only became exacerbated after Xiu Mei’s death. Also misanthropic and believed most people are more bad than good, though he recognized a few exceptions like his family.
Instead of a plain oval of glass, his mask was a modified helmet resembling a motorcyclist’s. Alongside gloves, it allowed him to cover every inch of skin to prevent anyone getting hair or fingerprints for DNA testing.
Had long hair ever since he entered G.L.O.V.E., as he became paranoid that someone would assassinate him while cutting it. As Wu Zhang, he cut it himself and kept it up in a high ponytail (when down, it was a little past his shoulders). After losing Xiu Mei, he didn’t keep up with caring for it as often and let it grow a few inches longer, tucking it into his helmet as Cypher and tying it up otherwise.
Wore his mask anytime he was around others during his Cypher era, including his own henchmen. If he ever needed to sleep– such as on long flights– he would sleep with it on and hold a gun the whole time.
Based his Cypher look on some of the Power Rangers-esque shows Wing would watch as a child; he would watch them with him sometimes as a form of easy bonding time.
Adored Darkdoom’s exploits and would tell Wing bedtime stories about him; took inspiration for the Kraken from Darkdoom’s vehicles.
Despised Xiu Mei at first after the Overlord incident, but acknowledged they were stuck together. Their escape from China was full of violence, running from enemies, assassination attempts, and the usual actiony antics. This is when they first learned to appreciate each other as they both saved each other a few times. 
As a husband, Mao was less physically affectionate. He showed love through gift giving, usually by making Xiu Mei small robots or trinkets or buying her nice things. He was very aloof as a person in general, so she valued being one of the few people he would willingly be close to. They enjoyed having movie or tv nights at home more than any other kind of date, which they’d usually end with a cuddle on the couch.
As a father, he was distant, but hardworking and comparatively loving. He knew from his teen years that he wasn’t cut out for family life, but did his best once avoiding it was no longer an option. He preferred to do the “maintenance work” of the family (house work, handling paperwork, planning stuff, etc) behind the scenes while his wife handled the face-to-face parenting. After Xiu Mei’s death, he was emotionally negligent and occasionally verbally abusive whenever he and Wing would argue, but never lashed out physically. He feared how angry he could be as he grieved and would separate himself early to avoid outbursts, but the absences only made things worse.
After Xiu Mei’s death and a small depressive period, vengeance became his primary goal and he began training himself in combat. This is where some of his absences in Wing’s life came from and where Wing’s early fitness started, as he tried a few times to work out with his father to bond with him. Considering that Wu was always very upset when doing so, it never worked out. Cypher was roughly at Nero’s level in combat by the end and had some training with most weapons; he’s not a boxer and wouldn’t do well in a fist fight, but if he was armed or given the chance to strategize, he could be very dangerous.
Did not build his criminal empire from the ground up– he instead infiltrated and worked under another villain for a year or two before assassinating him and stealing his holdings, using a few robots he’d made to bolster his defenses until he was powerful enough to use his reputation.
Genuinely believed Nero stole Wing for hostage purposes, as he received a letter that appeared to be written by him threatening Wing after his disappearance. In reality, this letter was crafted and sent by Overlord to encourage Nero and Cypher to go to war.
Needed glasses or contacts; his vision wasn’t horrible and he could function without them, but he was prone to bad migraines without them. As Wu Zhang, he preferred contacts, but switched to glasses as Mao Fanchu. During his time at H.I.V.E., he would become very uncooperative if not provided with glasses and an occasional exam. Also had high blood pressure and other chronic stress issues, but knew how to manage them. 
After the fall, he had to do daily physical therapy. Nero ensured he had equipment to do so (which was stored under his bed), but he struggled with chronic pain for the rest of his life. Also occasionally had chronic pain from Overlord’s blast, but this was less frequent. One of the closest relationships to amicable he had as Cypher did come from this though, as he developed an acquaintanceship with Dr. Scott.
After Overlord, he was a brontophobe (feared lightning in particular) and had a strong distaste for the color red despite using it as one of his cardinal colors. Also feared A.I.s and almost threw up at the sight of H.I.V.E.mind in Rogue.
Resented most supervillains’ “they’re disposable” attitude towards their technicians or low-ranking staff, especially as Cypher. He also preferred to avoid killing enemies’ staff, but did so to fit in and get closer to Number One, seeing it as genuinely necessary in his mission to save the world. 
And finally, Prompts! (AKA my rejected fic ideas for this...) - Darkdoom the pirate finding siren Wu after the latter got in a scuffle with the infamous Captain Nero. - A student finds Cypher's cell and talks to him through the door. - In an AU where he survives, Cypher playing Battleship with Laura. - Wu Zhang and Xiu Mei fleeing from G.L.O.V.E. after the Incident. - Cypher arguing with Nero in his cell about bringing Overlord online too early.
Anyways, hope y'all had fun! Can't wait to see what you've all created!
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H.I.V.E. Birthday Bundle - Lucy Dexter
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Picrew Maker
PLAYLIST: (Image: Impression Sunrise — Claude Monet)
Once Upon a December (Instrumental)
Chorégraphie du départ — Daprinski
engravings — Ethan Bortnick
Me and the Devil — Soap&Skin
The Ballad of Mona Lisa — P!atD
Cell Block Tango
Control — Halsey
killer queen
Glitter & Gold — Barns Courtney
Wait — NoMBe
Way down We Go — KALEO
Serenade for Strings in E Major, Op 22, Tempo di Valse — Dvořák
Vienna — Billy Joel
The Nutcracker: Pas de deux — Tchaikovsky
FANART: (Blue, Eight of Pentacles)
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HC: Eldritch Creatures Sinistres (is this already canon? Maybe a little bit). Her skin is just a little too pale, her mouth doesn’t move exactly right with her words, you could’ve sworn she wasn’t there a second ago, and hey… when was the last time she blinked?
Prompt: A lot of the Sinistres with powers are adopted. They just find them out there and YOINK (a la The Umbrella Academy however I only watched season 1 take this with a grain of salt)
Prompt: Something something both the Contessa and Lucy chose to sacrifice themselves in an incredibly destructive fiery end to save a lot of people
Prompt: Lucy survives Zero Hour without anyone knowing (including her) and kind of just wanders into the local town, amnesiac, confused af. A solid while later Shelby finds her Clark Kent-ing it out in the world on her Illegal Globetrotting Fun
HC: Lucy definitely had some voice training. What I’m hearing is that she can sing opera (👀 Opera Singer AU anyone????)
HC: She cannot pose for photos At All. Dorky ass peace sign.
AU where everyone graduates H.I.VE. as normal and when everyone’s out on the streets of Italy, Lucy gets recognized because she’s actually kind of royalty (also she has a Wikipedia page)
HC: Lucy is usually seen as pretty mature and kind of shy, but every once in a while she’ll make a 69 joke or some other kind of innuendo that Shelby high fives her for
HC: Lucy gets some snake bite piercings right after she gets her wisdom teeth out at the H.I.V.E. Doctor with a clean(?) safety pin. Miraculously, they do not get infected.
Only child Lucy got real good at braiding her own hair. The five of them hang out and talk shit and braid each other’s hair. (Otto gets that fun little two year old spiky ponytail)
crack prompt: Lucy and Anna somehow meet.
Lucy: Stop killing people!
Anna: You’re not my mom!
alrighty that’s all I got. THANK YOU MITCH @dr-nero-is-god FOR MAKING THIS EVENT
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eliotquillon · 25 days
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(I don’t have Spotify so this is just a list of songs haha)
-Anthems For a Seventeen Year Old Girl (Broken Social Scene)
-Sweet Hibiscus Tea (Penelope Scott)
-Casual (Chappell Roan)
-ballad of a homeschooled girl (Olivia Rodrigo)
-You’re Not Good Enough (Blood Orange)
-Francis Forever (Mitski)
-Motion Sickness (Phoebe Bridgers)
-Ribs (Lorde)
-lacy (Olivia Rodrigo)
-Girl so confusing (Charli XCX)
-Not Strong Enough (boygenius)
-I Want You To Love Me (Fiona Apple)
-Racetrack (Beach Bunny)
-I Wait For You (Alex G)
-Two Slow Dancers (Mitski)
one year later - 5.4k - a character study of Laura in the year between Bloodline and the epilogue. Obvious spoilers for bloodline. Rated T; brief reference to sex (seriously, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it brief)
Further prompts/headcanons:
-Laura and Wing have a competition to see which one of them knows Otto best; the loser has to tell Franz they want to be re-subscribed to his monthly email newsletter of Very Important Life and Fitness Tips
-Shelby convinces Laura they should get matching tattoos; what do they get?
-Laura once goaded Shelby, Otto and Wing into playing Drunk Poker with her, beat them all at poker, drank them all under the table, and still had no hangover the next morning. Obviously Shelby and Otto took this with grace and decorum and humility :)
-Laura’s a good cook, but hopeless at following a recipe, and once almost killed Nigel because she forgot to tell him about the peanuts she put in her stirfry
-AU where Laura is never caught hacking the nuclear early warning system, and ends up working for MI6 instead - do her and Otto still cross paths?
-Despite being great with computers Laura is actually terrible at video games and very embarrassed about it
-Laura likes a lot of ‘dad music’ - Rolling Stones, Oasis, Blur, Queen, etc - and this is a HUGE point of contention for Shelby when they’re on a roadtrip together
-Olympics AU - what sport does she compete in? (and why is it something horse-related)
-“I ran into Mandy McTavish the other day - you know, the girl who was spreading all those rumours about me - and you’ll never believe what she had to say…”
-The reason why Laura does so badly in all her vehicle simulator tests is because they make her VIOLENTLY motion sick; she’s a decent driver IRL, but Otto still refuses to get in a car with her
-Laura eventually helps Pike work on developing the third generation AI for HIVE 3.0 in exchange for a no-strings-attached IOU from Nero. What does she cash it in for?
Thank you so much Mitch (@dr-nero-is-god) for hosting!!
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crystal963 · 27 days
I got Anastasia Furan the hive birthday bundle 2024
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dr-nero-is-god · 24 days
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Boiiiiii it's SHELBY TIME!
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(Picrew credit)
Playlist: Shelby (She's a Hippie Tho)
My current interest project is listening to the top 200 albums of the 1960s, so I decided to mix it up and give Shelby a hippie vibe. Perhaps who she would have been if she were in an Austin Powers movie.
1. go where you wanna go (the mamas & the papas) 2. all my loving (emily loveless) 3. wildflowers (dolly parton, linda ronstadt, emmylou harris) 4. sunshine on my shoulders (john denver) 5. great divide (ira wolf) 6. in my life (judy collins) 7. leaving on a jet plane (peter, paul, and mary) 8. don't think twice, it's all right (joan baez) 9. i'll never find another you (the seekers) 10. both sides now (judy collins) 11. make your own kind of music (cass elliot)
You can listen on Spotify here.
Fanfic: Pending
I sincerely tried to write something only 10k words but. It ran away with itself. And I just started an accounting class so it definitely did not get done. Please enjoy my favorite comment from @shelbytrinity, who has been kind enough to Beta for me, as a sneak peek:
Wing and Shelby: not on speaking terms, falling out over morals and ethics tied to both of their beings, financially iffy, matching tattoos that are permanent
Otto and Laura: We parallel play by cutting veggies and studying :) We are in love!
I will update with the link soon!
Art: Snoozin
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This is not particularly high-quality knitting but does represent some growth for me as a knitter, because this is the first project I have finished with double pointed needles. Ough
Prompts to Share
1. Shelby scores detention with Colonel Francisco, Pike, Ms. Leon, Ms. Tennenbaum, and Raven in the same month. What did she do, and how does she spend her detentions?
2. What was Wing and Shelby's first date like?
3. Shelby picks an unexpected karaoke song.
4. Shelby has a special hiding spot when she's upset. Where is it, and who finally finds it?
5. What is Shelby's biggest regret?
A huge shout-out to everyone who has participated in this year's birthday bundle!!! I have been so blown away by people's work and I am so delighted to share a fandom with such fun and creative people. Rock on dudes.
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dr-nero-is-god · 8 months
yo yo yo, come and sign up for a fun little art challenge i am putting together!
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dr-nero-is-god · 8 months
Hey! Come sign up to make a bundle of H.I.V.E.-themed art to celebrate Otto's birthday in August!
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dr-nero-is-god · 8 months
Yo yo yo, if you haven't heard, there's an H.I.V.E.-themed art challenge taking sign-ups now! Join us for our big reveal in August :))
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dr-nero-is-god · 7 months
Do you want to make some HIVE-themed art to celebrate Otto's birthday in August? This is the last week to sign up!
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