#HINT: Clownpierce
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dailytabimc · 2 months ago
What do these three people have in common... this is such a lazy one sorry I do actually go to college
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maru-iru · 1 month ago
So I've been getting into lifesteal recently and so far the most intriguing thing to me is the sheer difference of perspective on clownpierce.
So for starters to most players he is known as one of the most dangerous players in the smp. A cold and merciless killer, leading him to be villainized by most. He plays into these views very well but in stark contrast,
There's him with kaboodle. If you look at him through her eyes he's js a silly goofy man with a hint of murder. And we love him for it. Not to mention their dynamic is so sibling coded it's so fun. Very giving grian and jimmy where grian is clown without the whole murderous tendency and jimmy being kaboodle getting the brunt of their loving bullying.
With rekrap however, I saw his video on the soft locking with sand. Over there he was pictured as this very skilled yet short tempered man with a fragile ego. He held his grudge from the whole -5 hearts and killed rek after a bit.
In jumpers video summary of s5 he was seen to be a puzzle solver of sorts and actually shown care for the server. Working to help save it with the foundation.
I haven't seen him with Branzy however but I have heard from folks that his dynamic with him is equivalent to a yandere partner so that's interesting lmao.
Alright thanks for coming to my rambling quick session folks
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justananotherwriter7 · 4 days ago
Ok so I have a crazy idea about the new pvp civ epizode.
What if Clownpierce is the Pvp God who reincarnated/disguised himself as human to restore the order in Pvp civ?
Hear me out.
First we all know that Zam wants to be a new God. Which implies that there are some sort of Pvp deity. Evbo's other works also have God like entities like Parkor God or The Creator. So in Pvp civ the old God is either dead or missing because we see no other player mentioning them.
We also know now that in the past the swords abused the respawn power. Potentially getting close to rid of all the civilizations so they got gang up on. (I'm highly suspicious that they got rid of the guard civilization, bc we don't see them in other civilizations. Also Evbo questioned whether there are 4 OR 5 civ. Which hints at some twist.)
During Evbo and Clow talk, he says a lots of cryptic things to him. Like is not his time to died. Like he already knows how the story would go for Evbo? Or maybe he is planning to use him?
He also the one to order Ferre to give up his power to Evbo. And he says that he wants to Pvp civ to be determined by the player skills rather than chip things like respawn powers. This sounds like how the things naturally would go in a civ based around pvp.
Furthemore he has his own agenda. He didn't tell Tabi that he didn't kill Evbo when he had a chance to do so.
If we think about the real life aspect of the things Evbo said himself that he wants to impruv with his storytelling. In acting you would choose somebody who has already experienced with things that they need to act out to make it more believable/realistic. And we all know that Clown is a skilled pvp player. So if Evbo wants someone as the God of Pvp I think Clown is the best choose from the actors/actresses he has already.
I'm going insane over this. Pls tell me I'm not fully delusional.
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luciddreamingstuff · 2 months ago
PvP Civilization Chapter 2!
Spoilers down below. Not spoiler reaction first tho:
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Now my actual thoughts.
Okay so first of all, production value has *looks up at sky* made a hole in my ceiling. The animated intro with the music? Fucking fantastic. Had a lot of references to the past season which is always good. And some hints to the new season so already we're making great stride. And the bit for the start of the season? I was laughing. The title had me so confused on where this was going and that whole thing with Guard Friend? Yes, thank you, Guard Friend fan over here. And now we get into the logistics of how this world actually works. Nice to see our dear Evbo not too torn up about what happened with Tabi, still running around and being somewhat goofy. But I saw a slight change in his character as well compared to the first season, we'll see how that goes. He does seem a bit more grown up in my mind. Also HI SEAWATT! WELCOME TO PVP CIVILIZATION!
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Glad to see you are still traumatized over that from Parkour civilization DGBHREKGHREJHGRJEH nearly choked on my tea here. I'M FINE! Oh please, he's probably the biggest shipper out of all of us. Anyways moving on-- Now then, with how the new members of each civilization are decided, should be interesting to see how they are going to utilize that from now on. But it could also be just there for the moment and not go beyond that, unlike Parkour Civilization. Which honestly? I'm completely fine with that. I don't mind a rehashing of certain plot elements, makes em fun. But with how the story is setting up, it's going to be pretty different from Parkour Civilization 2, which I am excited about. Now all I'm waiting for is ClownPierce to show up. Maybe he and Tabi are working together. Anyways can't wait for more!
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theballaqueer · 1 year ago
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ClownPierce but oddly not threatening (probably)...
This is how he looks as a normal civilian for a silly AU I will elaborate on in the future (hint, it's a heroes/villains au)
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halcyonterror · 1 year ago
Dorks and Damage TheTrashPanda (HalcyonisaVampire)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories Gen M/M
Fandom: Lifesteal SMP
Relationships:Branzy/Vitalasy (Video Blogging RPF) ClownPierce/Reddoons (Video Blogging RPF) Branzy/ClownPierce (Video Blogging RPF)
Characters: Branzy ClownPierce (Video Blogging RPF) PrinceZam (Video Blogging RPF) Rekrap2 (Video Blogging RPF) Reddoons (Video Blogging RPF) ItzSubz (Video Blogging RPF)
Additional Tags: Rekrap has ALL the jobs they're all losers no shipping only hints
Language: English
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Day 48!!
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lets see you try solve this up :3
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[*The song plays while you're trying to solve the wingdings.] (Just a hint, It's for Sunny.)
I ain't reading allat.
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thelocalconstellation · 3 months ago
Something I'm Very aware of is the way Branzy always seems to slip under the radar, no, he's not a strong combatant, maybe he can't seem to weave webs of lies so elaborate and well said that he can control people enough to keep them off his back, but I will always say that I think he's got the hearts of the people. He's harmless enough that people will run right by him without a second thought, harmless enough in practice that people can cross him and doubt he'll actually get his promised vengeance, he seems harmless enough to be an easy target.
Like one might assume an angel dropped into hell to be.
But what I'm overly aware of because it's such an interesting character trait, is that there's that underlying bloodlust. There's that desire to be seen as a threat. It's the fact that he can trap people and pull out redstone contraptions that are just insane actually (I had to figure out how that fucking roulette wheel was built, and my design is undoubtedly more spaghetti-ish and far more complicated than Branzy's was, but By Fucking God. As somebody who built that. No.) I mean. look at the death carnival! He wants so badly to be dangerous, he Knows that he's a target and he's sided up to Clown, somebody who is dangerous but there's also that hint of the fact that Branzy seems to enjoy playing with fire sometimes.
Which. Because he's harmless, at least in most conventional situations, people forget that Branzy likes being a threat.
So that also explains the fallen angel branzy headcanon.
But uh. Yeah. He goes in as an angel and the betrayal of Vitalasy was probably part of the tipping point, the other part being Spepticles murder, but it's the second time around that he's proper condemned by whatever god he was to follow.
I think it's interesting to imagine that from Vitalasy's perspective too though. Because your ally, who you likely knew wasn't entirely harmless, but you knew wasn't exactly the strongest player on the server, has ended up in cahoots with Clownpierce. The evil murder clown. the guy who could hunt most of the server and plan his way on top- the guy who. just does not give up. And your ally, this angel who has managed to land on this server, the angel on your team whose wings have been slowly tinting more and more grey, is helping that murder clown. And then you're invited to the funhouse your friend has helped with. And you probably suspect for a moment that this is a trap, but that's your friend who has helped build it- he hasn't warned you not to go, and it's Clown, even if it is, he's just going to hunt and kill you anyways. So you go! And you see your friend so cheerfully explain the system, getting that kind of finnicky he always has when people activate his redstone when that's his thing to do, and you think that maybe it'll be okay!
And then it's not. And then you're falling, and you keep falling, and that murder clown your friend has been helping is down there. And you're being chased and hunted and he didn't warn you. And even as you die, he apologizes, he says he's sorry, and he says "surely you understand- working with- with a murder clown!" and you don't. Because how could you? How could he think you'd understand when you don't really understand his choice to work with the murder clown in the first place. And you die there. And he's still saying sorry. But if he was, would he have done it to begin with?
And next time you see him, that angel that was on your team, that angel who managed to get this far on lifesteal, it takes a minute for you to find his wings again, they're so dark. It's clear he's fallen. And you wonder, even if only for a minute, if Clown did this. If Clownpierce did something to him- dragged him down this path and so fundamentally changed who he is.
And on that note.
I like to think that Clown, for a moment, was almost scared he did- was almost scared that he was at fault for Branzy's baseline change in what he was. I like to think that when the horns were coming in, Clown, entirely- oh so human, one of few on the server, somebody who had managed to hide that fact so well many thought he was a demon for a period of time, was scared that he was at fault for this. And Branzy just looks at him and tells him that Clown didn't do this to him, it was a long time coming. Branzy was just waiting to find that tipping point for his god and he considers it a kind of freedom because he can finally disregard the expectations from his god. Branzy- hazy through the fact that horns growing in when you're this old and have definitely pissed off at least one deity- thanks him for giving him that freedom. Clown is just glad that slight worry doesn't haunt him anymore.
Now? After Falling, the rest of the server probably Knows of his penchance for chaos- Knows of his break from whatever morals he might have had left- the morals they thought he had. Branzy... hasn't changed. And nobody understands that except Clown. Branzy is still the same person, usually worried about Something or other, penchant for chaos and making traps, harmless as he was. Well. Except for the sudden acquisition of a murder clown he has wrapped around his finger, but when the clown isn't around, he's practically harmless. And it takes a little bit for people to figure that out. And then he's back to being seen the same way he was. And people forget just when he fell, people forget he Fell at all, sometimes. Sometimes they just think that he was always like that, he was an angel maybe? Who knows!
Branzy is still good ol' Branzy. never thought to expect him to slip poison into your cup, but he might just do it anyways!
Clownzy but its human Clownpierce and angel (Fallen angel) branzy. Something about in the funhouse era between the casino portion and after the betrayal of vitalasy Branzy who has been slowly sliding out of the gods domain finally crosses that unseen line and the feathers that were going from the grey they turned as soon as he joined lifesteal to a pure vantablack shade. Something in Branzy having that small measure of power left to him not knowing, never wanting to or caring to use it, being free enough from whatever expectations his god may have held still disregarding the gifts he was left with, but Clown, all the bloodlust and lingering threats and danger that he can be being so completely human. Something about the impressiveness of that skill especially in comparison to the inherent power that was deliberately never used in an act of spite.
Something in the opportunity for Ash to look Branzy in the eye, knowing that those horns weren't there three weeks ago, knowing that the last time Branzy molted, those feathers were a grey, now dark enough you can't make out the individual feathers anymore, the chance for Ash to know all that, look Branzy in the eye and ask if he's being held hostage. The question of "what did he do to corrupt whatever might have survived this server- what did he do to make you Fall?" When Branzy wasn't dragged down by Clown his morals were never changed by his sudden associate. Branzy was always like that. Clown just gave him the freedom- the protection enough from the rest of the server to actually show it.
Something about worship, I think.
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