piipstachio · 20 days
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heres some animations I have in the works
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kedaked · 1 year
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shin soukoku fluff (hooray)
akutagawa: “i don’t know what i’d do if i lost you!”
atsushi *earnestly*: “really… i know exactly what i’d do!”
akutagawa: “and what’s that?!”
atsushi *smiling*: “find you, silly!”
akutagawa *blushing slightly*
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lion-socks · 1 year
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will you submit yourself to the benevolent will of the parents?
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vincent-cyborg · 7 months
Do people hate my goatee??????
Surely not....that is.....well, one of the best part about you-
Nevermind, actually...
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booblord69 · 6 months
i fear im cooking…
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caramelmochacrow · 22 days
hmmm. qpr kurumiiko? idk. theyre p much just friends that are little shits to me, they can be queer platonic if they want. good for them if they are.
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intertexts · 1 month
dreamt about working on ghostkicks art i fear it's over for me
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gothmods · 1 year
I think trying to sort every gay person on earth into either the category of 'monosexual' or 'multisexual/mspec' is silly and just a very reductive approach to attraction
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squuote · 1 year
Not going on Anon but I remember seeing your ISWM sideblog and thinking you were like some huge fandom big shot dkckdkfnf... but now you are one of my best gay people in my phone <3
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rivalsilveryuri · 10 months
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woahhh beast in my inbox.....
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reluctaunt · 8 months
i thought we’d be safe here. / one more from jude :3
✧ . * 。 ⋆ — How are you ever supposed to be safe from what's in your own head?
Vanessa has learned well over the months ; there is nowhere for her to run, nowhere she can hide and simply wait for everything to pass her over. The glitch has dug its claws into her own mind, tucked itself into every last corner so that she will never be truly free of it. Only a matter of time before it pieces itself back together once again and takes hold. They may be out of sight of Fazbear Entertainment — another loose end for the company to sweep under the rug, to pretend never happened. But Vanessa will never be safe.
Even so, the woman feels her chest tighten, an overwhelming swell of both affection and sadness. Judith wanted to keep her safe. More than that, she wanted them to be safe and together. And for now, they are. Everything else can wait until another day.
"I know —— I know."
Lips pressed together, head ducked, Vanessa lets out a sigh that rocks her body. She reaches out, blindly, a hand towards Judith. A hand for her to take.
"Thank you."
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One of my favorite things about checking in on the "mspec" tag recently is seeing all this support for mspec lesbians and mspec gays and general mspec identities
And then among all of this love and positivity and inclusion, you have like...the occasional Asshole who is like "ACHSTUALLY mspec lesbians are BAD and HARMFUL and NOT REAL and I am an EXPERT on this (ignore the fact that this identity is decades older than I am)" like...okay bud. Okay bro. Okay kiddo. Okay champ. You keep telling yourself that.
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rebellum · 2 years
Thank god the offline world isn't as anti-queer(the actual word in itself) as tumblr is. Can you imagine writing a paper where you have to type something like "people with non-normative expressions of gender and sexuality" or something a dozen times a page because you're talking about queer people in a historical sense and therefore can't use like lgbt+ bc of reasons I'm too lazy to get into but you know why.
"In early modern England, people with non-normative expressions of gender and sexuality, especially men with non-normative expressions of gender and sexuality..." I'd rather crawl into a hole than type that a thousand times
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killyertelevision · 2 years
hi little gay people in my phone.
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wacklemons · 1 month
goodness gracious i must be held soon or i will die
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