cupophrogs · 7 months
you're Bad. i hate u 🙄🙄 (i love u <3)
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Me? Bad? Never!
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nothatsmi · 1 year
"A hundred and one. Going on a hundred and two." "You're a terrible liar."
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He lived,,
I'm beyond the point where I can use words to describe them anymore.
Just know that I drew this instead of working and I'll probably keep drawing them more even tho the work's piling up-
I'm not even kidding, it's terrible how much they invade my brain, like I'm always either thinking about them or drawing about them or saving pins on Pinterst about them (the board is getting pretty stuffed), everything i see is ORANGE at this point (it's my favorite color fortunately so I don't mind).
Still not done with the third book btw. I try to make it last as long as I can but I constantly want to read so the end is getting dangerously near...
Next I'll probably draw Dan and/or the other foxes, cause let's be honest they're all so cool...
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peuldoongie · 7 months
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noah 💜 way 4 luv
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nothymetospeak · 3 months
To know me is to hate me is to hate what I’ve become
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foxgloveinspace · 9 months
Hello friend, if you haven't seen, just a heads up that you might wanna stay out of the main ST tag, because last I checked you preferred not to know who the guys are and it's in there at the moment 🖤
Thank you very much anon.
If you would be willing, you could give me the blog url? And I can go block them? I might already have them blocked tho. Haha.
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elithe31st · 1 year
Hi!! I saw you write for Noah in Total Drama 🤭 could you possibly write where reader is either childhood friends with Heather or Alejandro and how Noah would feel about their relationships including readers childhood best friend.
hihi! thank you for requesting, i hope you dont mind i made this in headcannon form. if you'd like it to be a fic, don't be afraid to tell me :D
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noah tdi x gn reader headcannons
'' i'll watch my step if you drop another name ''
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noah doesn't understand. at all.
you two were friends before world tour, meeting on island, and watching from the sidelines along with him.
noah was content, happy even
until you flocked over to alejandro during wt
he just...didn't get it.
you still hung out with him, yes, but you had brought the eel into it
into everything
he didn't hate alejandro, no. he wasn't jealous or anything
okay yeah he was just a little bit
"(Name)," He says to you, a very small pout on his face. "What is it with you and Alejandro?"
he looks a bit angry, a bit sad
so you explain
and then hes honestly relieved
mostly because you werent like everyone else who fell for his 'attractive' schtick
plus, that was meant for justin
and then the episode where he got eliminated came
and you were mad with alejandro
like, really mad
but you let him be
like all bff fights, just don't talk to each other for a few days and then you're good
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everything in the platonic part
except 2x angrier (if you two were openly dating)
"Hey, Alejandro, kindly back off. (Name) already has someone to keep them company, and it isn't you."
you and alejandro would be equally confused
noah? showing an emotion? besides confusion, worry, and rarely happiness?
youd have to explain to him
he'd just sit there. and then give a formal apology to both of you
alejandro would beg chris to let that apology air
and then noah would go right back to square one
he wouldn't get possessive, just more cocky and open about some of his insults towards alejandro
noah getting voted off officially comes around
you're mad
you hate alejandro for a few days
but ultimately noah would just make a very clear emphasis to not trust him
and then you get voted off
but you get to watch alejandro from the sidelines with noah
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oh brother
everyone knew your status as 'heathers bestie' right off the bat
and even though you weren't mean
everyone treated you like it because of heather
except noah
noah was just another face in the team, but an important one
in between challenges, you and noah hug out a LOT
to the point you two treated it like a secret relationship
looking at each other and then giggling, nudging each other playfully, you get it
one day when you two were hanging out, you ask noah why he hung out with you
he responded with "Trust me, I know not to judge a book by it's cover. I mean, have you met me?"
you laughed
and then heather found you two
she just glanced at noah disapprovingly before stealing you to go elsewhere
elimination day
you weren't surprised noah got voted off
you ate your marshmallow, waving noah a small farewell as he left
next challenge you guys lost, you said if no one did anything drastic to just vote you off
so thats what happened
and then you chilled with noah at playa de losers
and told him about heather
and he just nodded
"Oh well, I'm already friends with a bunch of loons. What harm could a snarky loon do to my conscious?"
and then you hit him
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noah officially has head trauma
you and him are dating. and you hang around heather a lot. if noah wants this relationship to work, he better be friends with heather
and stat
heather probably jokes about you two dating
"(Name), I knew your standards were low, but not know-it-all, braniac, band kid low!"
"Oh no, I'm smart, what a comeback. What's next, gonna say something about how I'm a nerd? I've heard it all. I'm getting bored, some new insults would be pretty nice."
you have to split them up before a verbal brawl goes between them
you make it work
go out with noah? get heather something small while you two are doing whatever
go with heather? pick up a book noah's been dying to read after
50/50 split
they eventually become friends
heather wont let noah get anywhere near you but it's fine!!!
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roycevelvet · 7 months
Darkness at the heart of my love
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x reader Warnings: none Notes: again, don't know where this is going, many ideas, never an ending hihi. Also, listen to this song, it was my muse for this thing/chapter whatever you wanna call it lol.
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You traced the faded design on your chipped nail polish, lost in memories of a summer filled with his laughter and stolen kisses. It seemed like ages ago, those sunny days when his voice was always there, comforting and familiar. Now, as you waited for him to answer the phone, you couldn't help but feel the weight of all that had shifted.
"Hey, babe" Noah's voice finally rasped through the phone, heavy with sleep. It was the first time you'd heard from him in days.
"Hey" you forced a smile. "I was starting to think you'd forgotten about me."
He chuckled, but it lacked its usual warmth. "Sorry, busy week. Soundchecks, interviews, you know...”
You bit your lip, pushing down the familiar pang of loneliness. "Yeah, I figured," you mumbled. You weren't sure if you were more hurt by the missed calls or the casual dismissal of your absence, like he hadn't missed you at all.
The silence stretched, thick with unspoken emotions. Finally, you gathered your courage. "So, when do you think we can have a proper talk? It’s been a while since, you know, we’ve had an actual conversation that lasted longer than 5 minutes.”
"Honestly, (Y/N), it's been crazy. I don't know when things will settle down."
The truth stung. You knew it wasn't just the tour schedule anymore. He wasn't making the effort, and your once vibrant connection felt like a fading radio signal, distorted and barely there.
"Okay," you said, your voice cracking slightly. "I understand."
You ended the call quickly as you didn't want him to hear you cry. The quiet in your small apartment felt overwhelming, tears welled in your eyes. It made it hard to see as you scrolled through X.
Among the bright lights and pictures of concerts, there he was. Noah, laughing with a bunch of fans, his arm around a pretty blonde girl, her smile big and happy.
A wave of nausea washed over you. You knew, logically, that he was a celebrity, bound to interact with fans. But the sight of him so close to another woman, the intimacy of his touch, ignited a jealousy you hadn't anticipated.
It wasn't just jealousy, though. It was a deeper feeling of insecurity that had been bothering you for weeks. It ate away at your confidence, leaving you feeling empty inside. You started to wonder if you were just a temporary fix in his glamorous world when he came back home.
Every time Noah didn't respond to your messages or calls, it felt like a punch in the gut. You felt completely alone, like you were drowning in a sea of uncertainty, desperately clinging to the hope that Noah would throw you a lifeline.
But he never did. Instead, he brushed aside your attempts to share your feelings, making empty promises and offering half-hearted apologies. It felt like he didn't really care about you anymore, as if you didn't matter in the grand scheme of his busy life.
When you called, he was always laughing with someone in the background, always busy, always talking. Other times, he was tired, his voice heavy with exhaustion, or sleepy, his words slurred as he struggled to stay awake. But his attention was never one hundred percent on you. It was as if he existed in a world that never slowed down, a whirlwind that left little room for anything else, for anyone else.
One evening, as you sat alone, feeling sad and listening to music, how poetic. The lyrics of "Darkness at the Heart of My Love," the song you and Noah shared, echoed around the room. Now, the lyrics felt hollow, a cruel reminder of a love that couldn't survive the distance.
A bitter smile twisted your lips. The summer had died, taking your love with it. You finally understood Noah's silence. It wasn't just about the tour schedule; it was about him choosing a different path, a path that didn't include you.
The anger that had been simmering beneath finally boiled over. You grabbed your phone and dialed his number, your fingers trembling slightly. He answered after the first ring, his voice laced with surprise.
"Is that it, Noah?" you began, your voice surprisingly steady despite the storm raging within you. "Is this how it ends? With unanswered calls and texts and photos with girls who look like they stepped out of a magazine?"
The silence on the other end was heavy and suffocating. Noah was surprised by your sudden outburst, his usually quick response delayed as he struggled with your words. 
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Noah spoke.”I… I don't know what to say, (Y/N). It's not like that."
He sighed. Did he just fucking sigh at your words? This making you even angrier than you already were.
"Then what is it like, Noah?" you asked, raging. "Why do I feel like I'm always waiting for you, but you don’t seem to need me?”
There was a pause, a long silence again. And then, Noah's voice said “I’m sorry, (Y/N). I've been so caught up in everything... I didn't mean to make you feel this way."
His words made you feel hopeful at first. But then doubt crept in, whispering that maybe he did mean it to make you feel this way. After all, he had been practically ignoring you for weeks, so why would things suddenly change now?
"Tell me, Noah," you continued, your voice shaking slightly as you recite the lyrics of your shared song. "Does your love have a darkness? Does it run cold, deep, like the lyrics you so readily quote all the time?"
Noah's answer came quickly, his words rushing out. "No, (Y/N), it's not like that. I love you, I really do. But... I've been struggling with everything."
You listened, feeling a tug on your heart with each word he said. But even as he opened up about his struggles, you couldn't shake the lingering question: why hadn't he reached out to you sooner? Why had he left you feeling lost and alone, without any explanation?
"Goodbye, Noah," you said, the weight of the word crushing you as much as it crushed him.
You didn't wait for a response. You didn't need one. You ended the call, the silence on the other end told you everything you needed to know.
But the silence wouldn't last forever. Occasionally, you'd be brought back to reality by the harsh ringtone cutting through silence. Your heart would skip a beat, hoping it was Noah finally reaching out, but it was never Noah.
Everything seemed to remind you of him, yet you never felt lonelier. You couldn't help but wonder why Noah never bothered to reach out, not even once. Did you really mean that little to him? Were you really that disposable?
In the days after, you kept busy with work or watching Netflix late into the night, trying to avoid thinking about Noah. But he was always there, like a ghost in your thoughts.
You tried to find comfort in your usual daily routine, but it couldn't fill the emptiness. The coffee tasted bitter, hanging out with friends felt empty, and the nights felt long and lonely.
You tried to move on, exploring new things and even going on a few dates. But every new situationship felt like a weak copy of what you had with Noah. He had made a big impression on your heart, and no matter how much time passed or how far you went, you couldn't forget it.
Despite the hurt, there was a small shimmer of hope. You wished, deep down, that someday he would return, willing to fight for you. Though you felt really silly and stupid for even dare to think this way.
But even as you struggled with everything, life kept marching on. You started to find joy again in unexpected places, glimpses of happiness.
And slowly, ever so slowly, the ache in your heart began to simmer down. It didn't disappear entirely – you doubted it ever would – but it became more bearable, a constant companion rather than an overwhelming force.
You threw yourself into your passions, rediscovering the things that brought you joy before Noah had come crashing into your life. Music became your refuge once more, the melodies and lyrics you hadn't realized you'd been missing.
One evening, a couple of months later, you had a small gig at a nearby bar. It was a simple chance to share your songs with a small crowd which you really appreciated. 
The concert was fantastic, but you did feel kinda relieved when it ended. As you left the stage, still buzzing with adrenaline, you were met with cheers and applause from the small but enthusiastic crowd. Lottie and Taylor, your ever-supportive best friends, beaming with excitement.
“(Y/N), you were absolutely stunning out there!" Lottie exclaimed, pulling you into a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you!"
"Seriously, (Y/N), that was incredible," Taylor chimed in, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "You absolutely smashed it!"
You smiled at your friends, feeling grateful for their constant support. Together, you moved through the crowd, settling into a cozy booth.
The air was filled with the scent of beer and the sound of people chatting and clinking glasses. Laughter and shared memories filled the air, recalling inside jokes and cherished memories.
They skillfully avoided mentioning Noah though, as they were fuming with him for how he had broken their best friend down to a shadow of herself. 
You were thankful for them, as they had been there since the start, helping you through the heartbreak.
As the night went on and the drinks kept coming, you got lost in the fun with your friends, forgetting about time and how much you had to drink. But just when you were starting to relax and enjoy the moment, you felt someone looking at you.
You turned around and saw Noah, his expression hard to figure out but somehow familiar. And in that quick moment, it was just the two of you, silently looking at each other. Everything else around you disappearing.
To be continued.
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gozine-translate · 19 days
Terminally-ill Genius Dark Knight - 150
150: Returning from the Mission and an Uncomfortable Break [1]
"Nox-kun? You’ve caused quite a bit of interesting trouble again this time too…! Thanks to you, I have so much work to do as the dean. I’m so thrilled! Hihi, seriously…?!"
I heard the voice of a woman whose eyes were mostly dead. I gulped and desperately avoided her gaze. I was certain that if I got caught, there wouldn’t even be bones left of me.
For reference, right now, I’m sitting in front of Noah von Trinity. To explain how I ended up here would take a while, but to put it simply:
First off, A few days passed after the incident wrapped up. The carriage safely returned to the academy. Just when I thought to get some rest, I was forcibly dragged into Noah’s office the moment I arrived at the academy. As the leader of the team, I had the frightening disgrace of being the first to stand in front of her.
I thought I’d be with my comrades, I never thought it would be just me and Noah's private meeting. Damn it, the problem is that this woman has awfully a lot of curiosities. Besides, I don’t know if she hates me or what, but calling me in alone like this was Noah's secret hobby
Though most of the time I don’t attend, ignoring her now that the mission is over isn’t favorable.
But I, Nox, an arrogant ruffian. I replied with a straight face:
"I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I don’t know what I could’ve done to make you say that, Dean."
"Oh really? So, you don’t need the academy’s reward? We prepared something quite nice this time! What a shame…?!"
"I’d be lying if I said I didn’t put in any effort."
I quickly tried to change my stance. Luckily, Noah seemed to let it slide, giggling.
"Hihi, Nox who is lying even though everything is obvious is kind of cute. Still, I’m the dean! so I need to make sure everything is clear."
Suddenly, I felt a cold chill and sensed that an ice barrier had spread throughout the office. Before I knew it, Noah, now looking like a mature woman, sat across from me and spoke.
“Kiddo, so what kind of demon did you face this time? I already know it was one of the 72 demons, so don’t even think about lying to me.”
As expected.
Noah already knew everything.
Of course, she shouldn't have known about the fact that there was a demon called Jagan in Casino. She just sensed the filthy stench lingering on my body.
She must’ve felt the sticky, powerful energy unique to a high-level demon.
I answered as calmly as possible.
"It was Jagan. He was infamous as an alchemist, so it was quite a tough battle. He was more prepared than I expected. At least, he would've been a difficult opponent as long they aren't sword emperors or sages"
I decided to be a bit honest. I had no other choice.
Honestly, lying in front of Noah is close to a dangerous gamble.
After all, considering that Noah could’ve easily killed me after Paimon, there must be a reason why she’s keeping me alive. Though I don’t know exactly what that reason is.
Noah gave a crooked smile.
“Well, That Paimon is dead, after all. Even if these demon bastards are like bugs, it’s only natural they’d try to prepare themselves a little. Not that it matters since we're going kill them anyway.”
That was a chilling statement. Sure, she’s on our side now, but what if she were an enemy? I didn’t even want to imagine it.
After a moment of silence. I heard a clinking sound. a clear sound of magic manifesting. Noah, who had somehow already unleashed her ice magic, created two ice glasses.
A bottle of strong bourbon whiskey flew from the cupboard. In no time, a large round ice cube formed in the glass as a bonus.
"I've been particularly saving this… Drink up. It's a special gift from me"
"Aren’t you still on duty?"
I frowned, but Noah just laughed and continued.
"Is there anyone here who could hinder me? And do you think I’d get drunk from drinking alcohol? emm… Kiddo, you think too much."
"Well, of course, it’s not a problem for you, Dean. But I’m different. This would be against the rules, and Instructor Vernon might give me a demerit."
"If Vernon says anything, just tell him, ‘Dean Noah share me a few drinks.’ He might be so shocked that his hair grows back."
‘What a wicked woman'
Noah has been talking while even joking about Vernon's already long-gone hair. Considering how she’s talking to that point, it is certainly a fact.
I sighed lightly.
"…You’re as reckless as ever. Alcohol in the dean’s office, really ?"
"It's only natural. There's not many chances to drink with my student like this"
Trickle. The sound of bourbon whiskey being poured filled the glass. I mean, come on, isn’t that a bit much? At that amount, shouldn’t there be something mixed in? Though I don't understand it myself, something to dilute it, or fresh lemon juice? Why is she drinking it straight, without anything else?
'You crazy'
It seems she thinks everyone is the same kind as she is. Sure, she’s a monster, so she can handle it, but for me, it’s like setting my throat on fire, it's not desirable This woman clearly isn’t used to considering others.
“Alright, shall we toast? To congratulate the first freshman ever to complete a red mission and slay a filthy, one of 72 demons! Cheers!”
I barely lifted my glass and took a sip. The undiluted whiskey is burning all the way down, as if scorched my throat, and making its presence known. It was so strong that I could feel exactly where the alcohol stay.
I don't really get the taste.
I’ve never really had alcohol before, not even in real life. Isn't it me who was addicted to Inner Lunatic even when I was dying?
I can't help but worry about the next day's hangover.
It burned my throat more than I expected. If someone held a lighter to me, I’d probably need to gulp down a whole bunch of Erina's potions. Even if you call it healing potion, it's difficult to recover the dead organs.
'This has to be at least 50% alcohol… And she’s drinking it straight? Is she out of her mind?'
As I cursed Noah in my mind. A system notification suddenly popped up, ringing in my ears.
[You have consumed the rare item '50-Year-Old Black Dragon’s Tears'.]
[Your Magic stat increases by 1.]
[Your Physical Strength stat increases by 1.]
While I was still processing what just happened. Noah crossed her legs and rested her chin on her hand.
Then, while she was watching me, Noah in her adult version, wore a seductive smile that was typical of the Ice Witch As if she had expected my reaction.
“Starting to feel it, aren’t you, little apprentice? Your body must be showing some signs by now. This isn’t just any ordinary alcohol. There’s a story that once, an ancient kingdom went to war over this stuff.”
“This is indeed… amazing.”
What an outrageous effect. The moment I saw that notification, that was exactly what I thought.
A consumable item that increases both Magic and Physical Strength stats by 1 just by drinking it?
Such a thing, I've seen 27 endings, but I never even heard a rumor about it.
“…. Now that I’ve tasted it, I can see it’s good alcohol. Not bad at all. Then one more glas..”
"I’m sorry but, after the first drink, there won’t be any more stat boosts. You can drink more, but that’s just how it works."
Without a moment’s hesitation, I responded to Noah’s words.
"I suddenly feel tipsy. It seems like I’m not very compatible with alcohol."
Even I thought that was a pretty shameless excuse. Noah just chuckled and messed up my hair. It felt a bit weird, like she was treating me like a kid, but I didn’t show it. After all, there’s a big enough age gap between us that it makes sense.
The reason I'm staying quiet? I don’t want to get trampled by Noah if I start acting up here.
Even if it's not like that, I still haven’t fully recovered from the internal injuries I got from fighting Jagan.
'My lifespan may have increased, but my body is still in the worst shape. And… though they didn't say it, the others probably guessed my condition too. I mean, I coughed up blood right there.'
Right now, I barely managed to brush it off as just the result of a fierce battle, but… It's fact that the situation isn’t looking good.
As I was organizing my thoughts, Noah suddenly fixed her gaze on me and spoke.
"The demons will start to become even more active."
"There might even be some that not even I can stop. That’s exactly the reason why I accepted this dean position. The students, I plan to develop talented ones among them, so they can stand against the demons."
She discards the useless ones. But to those with potential, she’s endlessly generous. That’s how Noah von Trinity was originally set up in the game.
However, it’s no secret that her behavior has recently changed. You can tell by the way she’s started paying attention, even to students who don’t have any particular talent.
Anyway, she’s begun to fulfill her role as the dean. That’s a fortunate thing in many ways.
But Noah still seemed dissatisfied with the current situation.
"No matter how much I help, the weak ones won’t just suddenly grow. You know that, right? Little kid from the Reinhaver family. And…"
Then Noah paused for a moment, chuckling before continuing.
"Lunatic's agent. Isn’t that right?"
My heart pounded so hard it felt like it might stop for a moment. After dealing with Paimon, I thought she didn’t know anything since she hadn’t said a word. But it seems I was wrong. Noah von Trinity apparently already knew I was a member of Lunatic.
"Huhu… you’ve got quite a cute expression now, don’t you?"
Noah’s hand started reaching out towards me. Without noticing it, my heart kept pounding wildly.
What? I fought with my life and even took down one of the 72 demons, and now I’m going to die in absurd place like this?
‘As expected, this kid is interesting’
Noah von Trinity. She is one of the Four Sages, a picture of talent so awe-inspiring that no one could rival. As if not enough as one of the Seven Stars, she was a monster who had even taken on Paimon and begun to recover her strength while carrying out her duty as the dean of the prestigious Eldain. People across the continent were already talking about how she might have regained the strength and talent of her prime.
But there was one boy who had caught her attention.
Just fifteen years old, but possessing an extraordinary talent that could easily be called one of the greatest ever.
Nox von Reinhaver. He, of course, has a special origin of being a son of a noble family But his talent had little to do with the Reinhaver family’s power. His swordsmanship? That could be changed at any time. Sorry, Theo, but honestly, if he’s not going to inherit the family head position, I think it will be better to teach him another sword
And what about his magic ability? This is also generational talent, absolutely not inferior to Penelope and Leon.
Many exceptional people have dabbled in both magic and swordsmanship, managing to gain some proficiency in both areas.
But case of both becoming a weapon that unleashed the best destructive power ? That’s never happened before.
Nox von Reinhaver has done just that. Although the public hasn’t caught on yet, as more people become aware of his abilities, demons will start to target Nox and those around him, slowly trying to corrupt her disciple.
'I can’t let that happen.'
“Kiddo, let me tell you something in advance. First off, I don’t plan to kill you just because of your affiliation. Even if it’s Lunatic, a criminal organization, which is targeting the Arkheim Empire.”
Noah started with those words. Nox’s gaze that had been directed to her quickly darted around, trying to assess the situation.
He’s a sharp one, as expected.
"You probably know this already, right? It doesn’t matter which organization you belong to. What matters is my judgment. I could take your life right now, but I’m not doing that."
"You're right"
"Don’t you think there’s a reason for that?"
"Please tell me, Dean Noah. What do you want?"
"You need to get stronger, kiddo."
Noah finally got to the point.
She was clearly dissatisfied with her disciple’s recent progress. Of course, Noah didn’t know that Nox had recently started learning the [Moonlight Sword], but it was true that Nox’s magical achievements were still lacking. So, Noah had her reasons for her assessment.
Nox couldn’t let his talent skew too much in one direction and go to waste. That was the conclusion Noah had reached.
After a moment of thought, Noah precariously uncrossed her legs and said.
"You need a better teacher, someone who has a talent to manage you. Your current instructor can’t bring your talent to the limit. Of course, building a solid foundation is important, so nothing wrong with that."
"I’ll introduce you to someone."
"Introduction, you said ?"
“Yes. Soon, someone will arrive at Eldain as a guest professor. Try to get noticed by her, and you’ll become much stronger than you are now.”
"No way… the person coming as a guest professor is…"
Noah refilled her glass and lightly bit her lip.
"One of the Four Sages, just like me, and the owner of the artifact you possess."
I immediately cracked a small smile. <Highest-grade orb of ???> The original owner of this artifact was none other than one of Noah von Trinity’s old friends. So, she was already aware that I had the artifact that had been sleeping in Eleanor’s vault. Moreover, that existence was an extraordinary being from birth, someone beyond ridiculous.
And now she was planning to introduce me to such a person.
Did she figure out my intentions? A smile spread across Noah’s face. Then, before I knew it, she was already back to her young version and said lightly,
"Well then! We should also check out the second reward I’m giving Nox-kun, right?"
Although Nox was still in shock from what he had just heard, he couldn’t miss out on a reward, so he nodded.
"Of course."
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wtfmiissyuui · 5 months
HIHI i gave up on that are thing bc i fucked up noah:3
anyways, miroah art dump again bc i won’t be available for a while bc, one, 4 week holiday, 2, a very dear friend of mine is sick;(
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 6 months
// Hihi I think you're cool
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azrantimes · 4 months
NOAH KAHAN!! I made a shazam edit before this hihi. Also this is supposed to be Romeo's pov but it's not very clear
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cupophrogs · 7 months
just wanted to say that i ABSOLUTELY love your art, the truth inspired me to get out of my artistic block <33
and that, even if we didn't talk too much, you're so sweet and kind ♡♡♡♡
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l393ndjean · 4 months
hihi i’m also a lover of noah finnce and recently saw him live (best night of my life) here’s some noah lyrics i personally find very byler
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mostly mikes pov bc he has a whole journey of self discovery in the show and his angst just fits noah’s songs more :)
yeeeesssss I agree with all of these!!! And Mike is so "Stupid" it pains meee!!
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peuldoongie · 1 year
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welcome to the PLAVE family
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stillfrownyclownlol · 4 months
I KNEW something was off about Noah — and Blue joining the gang?? That was honestly so sweet. I still don’t know if I want Adam or Gansey to fall in love with her — with all the shit that went down I can’t decide. BUT OMG NOAH. NOAH. I can’t even put into words how shocked I was. I am honestly flabbergasted and I feel so bad for all these boys like please can I hug every single one of you :(((
I’m so mad rn because the second book is out of stock currently at my book store but I’m probably just gonna read the pdf because I CANNOT wait for the book to be in stock. Especially because RONAN GETS MORE FOCUS IN THE SECOND BOOK?? YES PLEASE.
ok rant over.
Bro you're gonna see. You're gonna see :)
NOAH IS MY BABYYYYY I LOVE HIM 😭 he's just a silly lil guy...anyways Whelk I just wanna talk-
Kdhfoahdorjr YESSSS JOIN THE RONAN FANCLUB. He's actually my favourite of the group hihi, he's literally the guy to ever <3
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dragoness05 · 2 months
Hihi! Sorry for the constant additions to your murder mystery au but I just got another idea and I need to share it,
So what if when Logan kills Barron, a few people actually witness the crime. Those being a couple of Barron's own friends, and Noah (the boy in the blue cap Logan tries to help in the arcade chapter). Logan is aware that he isn't safe yet, people know what he did, so he tracks down the rest of Barron's friends and kills them (or atleast tries to) but one got away, Noah ran and didn't look back but Logan, feeling the slightest bit of pity for the boy, let's him run, doubting he will ever see him again.
Later on, when traveling with the group,part of the group finds a horrifically traumatized Noah while searching for supplies, seeing as all their other former classmates they have came along on their journey so far have been dead they decide to try help the poor boy. He doesn't do anything except look up at them and as soon as he looks like he's about to speak, the rest of the group (Logan and Aiden) appear. Noah immediately freezes, and for the entire rest of their search for supplies and shelter, he is silent. Logan knows he is compromised, by the time they find a place to rest Noah is already starting to calm down and become comforted by the group (none of the group notice he only relaxes when Logan is out of sight) so when the group wakes up after going to sleep, They find Noah gone and all assume he must've ran away out of fear. They never see or hear from him again.
I'm so so sorry this is so long I hope you don't mind 😭😭
I love this! It makes a lot of sense and would add just enough to make the others wonder, but not enough to make them suspect Logan fully.
dw about it being long, I really enjoyed reading it!
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