#shuu asks
stillfrownyclownlol · 4 months
this is my last one I swear
If you were somehow transported into the phantoms dimension/the world of sbg (i.e. the world itself not just the phantom zone) how would you survive? would you survive? do you think you’d have the mental strength to spend an addition 7 hours running for your life? if not, then what do you think you’d be doing?
Buddy I do not have the mental strength to spend 24 hours in my normal life.
If I was alone I'd just do my best to avoid dying painfully, but im not very athletic so they'd get me eventually.
If I was with the group...hhhhhh- because I'm a little older than them I would feel a lot more responsible, so I'd put in a lot more effort- im pretty self sacrificing tho. I'd be haunting the narrative
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gunkbaby · 5 months
if Shuu was a human what would his top 5 favourite foods be?
ooh good one. This is tricky bc shuu is such a picky eater, but still has this ‘eat the world’ attitude, i think one thing abt human shuu aus rly neglect to compensate for is how closely tied Shuu is to the idea of being an apex predator, but I think you can still achieve it, and I will try my best! i do know a bit abt gourmet food! (There are actually a lot of books abt food critics and gourmet chefs who get 𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕜𝕪 with cooking)
i feel like is also hard bc shuu would probably like everyone to think his favourite food is something rare and exotic so maybe he would twist the truth a little. Narrowing down specific foods is difficult but I will try my best!
Kaneki’s bussy
Orlotan - this fucked me up when i heard about it. But the practice of eating orlotan is utter decadence - to a ridiculous extent. It’s a bit like Foie Gras - the orlotan are wild caught and force fed to double their mass, then drowned and marinated in Armagnac and then cooked. It’s meant to be consumed whole, the bones spat out, and typically, the consumer is traditionally supposed to wear a napkin or towel over their face whilst they eat the bird. I can’t remember why - but I’ve seen it said that is either to maintain dignity when spitting out the bones, or to shield such a disgraceful act from God’s eyes. The latter sounds cool as fuck so i believe it. I love Jesus!!! I think Shuu would lap something like that up. I’ve yet to find something so dreadfully French in the matter of food, and I think he’d probably say this is his favourite food - if only for the amount of ceremony involved.
Cheesecake - Shuu always mentioning cheesecake in early TG and I would like to give him this one as a little treat. I don’t know a lot abt cheesecake bc i fucking hate the stuff but maybe he’d like something like Basque? Which is just burned custard(?) cheesecake - i was reminded of tiramisu but apparently it’s more of a soufflé. I think he’d probably go for something floral too - rose cheesecake’s probably a thing, lavender, peony. I don’t know if I see him as a sweet/dessert person. He’s more likely to enjoy richer desserts like cheesecake and chocolates.
Dark Chocolate - maybe a sneak! I am a Dark Chocolate Enjoyer so total bias but hear me out (yes i do also like black liquorice!). If it is less than 80% cocoa it’s too sweet! He’d be a 100% kind of guy, because bragging rights. I think he might enjoy it with some fruits, maybe with orange biscuits or raspberries. I think he’d like raspberries, they taste like little rubies to me. Dark chocolate goes good with almond butter, he might make it fancy - foamed raspberry with shredded chocolate over almond biscuits with coffee cream. we might call that a rather bizarre mocha, but shuu would say it’s a deconstructed tiramisu. the reason i think he’d choose dark chocolate is because i don’t think he’d eat sweets. Dark chocolate has a deeper taste profile, in my experience dark chocolate is always unique. This might appeal to Shuu. It goes well with far more flavours than typical chocolate - spices, florals, etc - i recently had dark chocolate almonds dusted in matcha! They were utterly divine. Dark chocolate is highly overrhated in my opinion.
Exotic Meat - this is a generalisation sorry 😢 But I believe it canonical - very premium cuts of meat from animals you might not typically farm - zebra, bear, crocodile, rattlesnake, that sort of thing. It’s really controversial for some reason and as a vegan I should be opposed, but I think wild hunting is leagues better than farming, provided it’s not an endangered species, but Shuu would definitely eat an endangered species. Maybe he likes to brag and his favourite meat is snow leopard, or something. Dodo. Dinosaur, even (he was There).
Fugu (pufferfish) - this is shorthand for ‘dangerous food’ lol! Without the danger of being a ghoul, we have to consider how a human shuu might chase this danger. He might hunt his exotic meats, but I think he might try and achieve this by also eating dangerous food - food that’s poisonous or toxic. a bit of a Russian roulette. I wouldn’t even put it beneath a human or a ghoul Shuu to eat something with worms! (Same tbh. Would.)
i think most of the above are what Shuu might want people to believe are his favourite foods, so I’d like to take some time to throw my other ideas in the ring.
I think he’d take comfort in Monte Cristo - if only because in a human universe, I would take it to be his father’s favourite food. He’d probably be given it as a child or something, so good associations. There’s not much rly to say else there, but the idea of Shuu eating a toastie fascinates me. If he eats it when he’s sad, i think he’d look like that little mouse video, but otherwise I think he’d eat a toastie with a knife & fork.
I mentioned dark chocolate earlier, but of course he might also like some luxury chocolates - i think of these wonderful chocolates i saw once, that had been dyed and marbled to look like planets and marbled, filled with pistachio or coffee foams. Wonderful. Straight from switzerland or italy. Maybe he would enjoy ruby chocolate too? I’ve never had it! I said no sweets but white chocolate has a time and place, but it works wonderfully with wasabi or miso - i made wasabi and white chocolate cupcakes once. Good lord. He would like that. White chocolate and nuts is also very good. When I was vegetarian, my guilty pleasure used to be salted liquorice dipped in white chocolate - but I don’t know if he’d like that!
i think he’d eat sea urchin.
Some drinks too! -
Coffee: specifically coffee with blue seaweed or Kopi Iuwak. He’s definitely tried it, but does he like it? Who knows? I’ve always wanted to try seaweed coffee. Kopi Iuwak is coffee beans that’s already passed through the digestive system of a civet. It sounds like a bit of a farce to me, but i don’t think it’s as repulsive as people make out.
matchaaaa - bias i just think everyone should drink matcha
moon milk - i’ve never had this bc broke but it sounds so good. I think he’d like the pink/rose milk the most! maybe the blue spirulina?
Nut milks - vegan bias but seriously who can honestly argue cow juice tastes better than a refreshing glass of cashew milk??? Shuu would probably have something like pistachio milk, tigernut, brazil nut, macadamia -that sort of thing! Stuff you can’t get from the shops!
People will probably kill me if I don’t mention escargot or frogs legs so. Obligatory mention. Personally I find that to be rather typical and cliched - ooh, mandatory french food! So bizarre! Whatever. Partly why this ask took me a long time to get to, is because I wanted to go through my books and notes. It would have been easy for me to sit here and type that human Shuu would eat lobster and ragyu and live baby shrimp in miso soup, but i think it’s too obvious. In my experience, there is so much more to get out of Shuu when you delve deeper and don’t say the first thing!
i also want to say, sometimes i see how we (westerners) talk about food from different cultures. lots of high-class gourmet stuff seems silly, but i dont care to mock it. i can’t enjoy food anymore, but it makes me happy that some people enjoy food enough to make it a silly and pompous hobby. But i think sometimes we look at frogs legs or zebra steaks, orlotan or fugu, fermented egg, people eating guinea pigs, chihuahua or cat, sometimes we have a tendency to say it’s gross and twisted, but i don’t think that’s necessary. if something tastes good, if an animal has good meat, then why not? eating the world is sometimes a good thing. not always, but sometimes.
This question made me think a lot, so thank you! I was thinking about a human shuu - all the stories you could make up! There’s a lot to sink your teeth into!
I’m sorry if this was incoherent last night i took 40 laxatives and i just drank 2 monster energy back to back I feel very sane!!!!
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glazeliights · 6 months
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post bbl nanaiwa is one of the dynamics of all time
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fangsforiris · 3 months
hello can you do this but with the sakamaki brothers please and thank you so much if you do 💙https://www.tumblr.com/fangsforiris/754832768603750400/mukami-jealousy-hcs?source=share
Sakamaki Brothers Jealousy HC’s
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• He wouldn’t be as outward with his jealousy, if anything it’d be subdued.
• But if he is jealous, you wouldn’t know it.
• If there’s one thing he’s good at, it’s feigning ignorance and placing a wall.
• Canonically in the HDB and MB Anthropology Manga, Shū gets jealous by stupid things, and is in a sense, comical with it.
• He wouldn’t get fussy like Kanato or Ayato.
• More so annoyed that he’s finding himself attached to someone at this level again.
• All of the boys have a certain level of possessiveness, so it’s not shocking if Shū displays his in lethargic and apathetic fashion.
• He values those close to him, so he wouldn’t want to give away what’s his so quickly. That’s where a lot of the motivation towards being jealous can come from.
• Definitely stern and set with it.
• He takes his jealousy seriously, and wouldn’t want to find himself jealous over anything ‘stupid’ or ‘over the top.’
• Reiji will 100% pull his S/O aside and confront them head on about what bothers him.
• Although, at times he can choose to let it linger, waiting for his S/O to figure out what’s bothering him themselves.
• Almost like a game if anything, all at his S/O’s expense.
• He has no problem with punishing his S/O and blaming them for any unwanted advances or attention being made at them.
• His jealousy is more so triggered by Shū and anything to do with him.
• It sends him into a bit of a frenzy, since it’s all linked to his underlying inferiority complex. Which results in his own diminution of his own talents, which can come off as borderline masochistic.
• You’d know right off the bat if this man was jealous.
• He makes no attempt at concealing his true feelings when it comes to his S/O.
• If he’s upset, don’t be shocked when he does take certain things into his own hands.
• That being, if his S/O is being flirted with in front of him, he has no problem with exhibiting violence to show he possesses someone.
• Ayato is all about possession, and is easily one of the most possessive characters.
• So if he thinks his placement is being threatened, he will react in earnest.
• His jealousy can border the lines of unhealthy and obsessive.
• He’d try his best to resist the urge of marking his prey to showcase his property, but at the end of the day, what good would it do if not even his prey can see the faults?
• Easily one of the most explosive individuals to come into contact with.
• You’re threatening his place in his S/O’s life? It’s like alarms and warning bells going off in his mind.
• Due to his extreme mental instability and heavily implied bipolar disorder, he will switch up instantly if Kanato feels attacked or under heavy scrutiny.
• He has no problem with playing pouty and creating a fuss to appeal towards the ‘lolita’ and ‘cutesy’ side he likes to portray to the outside world.
• But in private? He’s a blamer or victim blamer 100%
• He will pin it all on his S/O, even if the circumstances were unavoidable towards his S/O. Kanato does not care.
• He will get physical. As seen within his routes, he does have temperament issues.
• So even if he does subdue himself from having any physical reactions, his S/O is in no way getting out of the heavy verbal abuse coming their way.
• Laito is known to put up a wall, almost like Shū, in terms of concealing his true feelings.
• If he’s jealous, it’ll be in the subtext that one would have to take out to fully understand him.
• Laito is someone who, when jealous, wouldn’t want to admit it.
• With his horrible track record with others, he has a slight fear towards true love and the feelings that come with it.
• So for him being jealous, it would subconsciously tear him apart more than his S/O, if anything. That is, if he was to pursue punishment.
• He’d be sure to make his usual perverse remarks, doing anything to not seek out of the ordinary.
• As seen within his routes, he can switch whenever, keeping the Player and Yui on their toes. Expect that for his S/O.
• He’d keep more of an eye on his S/O, lest he becomes left in the past of his own ghosts and worries. It’ll all come in a full circle with Laito, with whatever he does, he knows to expect it to come back at him. Almost like karma.
• Subaru is quite aggressive. Just as an individual and how he can come off at times with his reactions and over the top emotional moments.
• So he wouldn’t take to it kindly with being placed in a position where he’s to be the jealous one.
• There’s two ways it can go. Either he’s flustered and embarrassed about feeling this type of way for his S/O, or he’s viscerally upset at the notion.
• As an individual, it depends on the situation and if he were to get physical with the person/object that is creating this feeling of jealousy within him.
• He’d subconsciously resent himself for feeling these emotions.
• As if someone like him didn’t have the right to even love, much less feel the need to have ownership over someone who didn’t feel the same way back.
• If he’s questioned about it by his S/O, he’d either respond with anger directed towards them for allowing it, or simply shut off and ignore their complaints/queries.
• Subaru tries to be complicit, but with his internal inferiority complex and hatred towards himself, it acts as a conduit for his conflicting feelings.
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vellichorom · 10 months
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there's a sad little king dying today? who cares here's a FUTCH
COMMISSIONED BY @onceuponymous! a whole bunch of hatoful azamis, with a bit of personal flair added by yours truly! including hiyoko & shuu cameos!
no hate to hato moa, but i just think the " biker chick obsessed with safety " idea could have been reflected a bit more in her design? not that i dislike it any! love every bit of all of the games forever
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oya-oya-okay · 28 days
Shuu! I miss you!! 🥺🥺 came to say hi! Hope you’re doing well. I see that you’re drawing your adorable sona & Azul together. They’re so cute!!
DEAR HI🥺😭💗💖💗 Thank you so much for your concern!! I hope you're doing well too💞💕 I wanted to draw some doodles🤭
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I'M REALLY HAPPY THAT YOU LOVE THEM!😭💖💕💖💕💖 Thank you very much!!!💓
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arthotsglasses · 1 year
Hi, you can ignore this if you like but is it alright if you drew how the diaboys would look if they were in there early teen yrs? Like maybe how they'd look when they were 13?
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ok I drew some faces... if you want me to draw the full bodies or other bois, send in another ask
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Shu, i learnt pole dancing just for you
Shuu, unzipping: "Just for me"? Heh, le~wd. Lucky for you, though, I've got a "pole" you can dance on right here.
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bubblespalace · 3 months
Could you make the sakamakis reaction to shu's head falling on reiji's shoulder when he was sleeping in the limo .
Bubble: ARGHHH it's like you knew my weakness is Reiji Shuu stuff, anon!! I'ma do a fluffy and more realistic version on just Reiji. Fluffy is under the cut!!
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"ARGH! Get off me, you no good deadbeat!!" *Shoves him off his shoulder.*
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"Oi, that reminds me of when they were kids. Reiji was the one who used to fall asleep on Shuu though!!"
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"Fufu~ That was quite amusing, yes, Teddy? For a moment, I saw them as children too..."
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"Those two! Such entertainment. Maybe next time Reiji can fall asleep on Shuu, and Shuu can finally act like a big brother and carry him back to his room like he used to do!"
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"That... Was a rare sight. Wow..."
Bubble: What we wish would happen:
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"He can stay... I guess... It's nice to see him like this again in a way, nostalgic almost..."
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javaghoul · 5 months
This might be a bit late but I’ve just gotta know. From both the CCG and Ghouls: who saw Barbie, Oppenheimer, or saw both?
not as late as me because I haven't seen either. I'll do my best 💪
Touka (forced into it by Yoriko)
Nishiki (forced into it by Kimi)
Itori, Uta, Nico, Roma (watched it together, with drinks)
Banjou & Gasmasks (no explanation needed)
Shuu ("forced" but not really by Chie)
Mutsuki, Saiko, Ginshi and Haise (watched it together, with snacks)
Seidou (but shh 🤫)
Nishiki & Kimi
Ayato was Barbie-curious, but backed out at the last minute
Eto (no time for movies, but will sit reading a book for four hours straight)
Furuta is too busy doing god-knows what to go to the cinema
Urie leans more towards Oppenheimer, but like Eto has no time for movies (but will work out for 3 hours)
Naki heard Oppenheimer was about "bombs and shit" and walked out bored after 15 minutes
Yomo thinks he's too dumb to enjoy Oppenheimer, too smart to enjoy Barbie
Neither appealed to Suzuya
Amon has no time for movies when JUSTICE needs to be served
Not sure how accurate these are because I haven't seen them. Lemme know if you'd make any adjustments!
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stillfrownyclownlol · 4 months
I am so sorry if I’m filling up your inbox
Which character do you think would be the first to die in a zombie apocalypse? How would they die?
Are they all together? Or in their original groupings? They're weaker separated, so...
Probably Aiden then, it *could* be cuz he did something stupid, but if he hadn't met the rest of the group I just don't think he would have the will to live besides for Ben and Lily, so would rather be a self sacrifice kind of thing
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gunkbaby · 5 months
How do you think Shuu got the boy into this position?
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chloroform, scissors, free online shibaru class, and 𝒶 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 ✨💖
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fuzzbuns · 24 days
Ppl on tiktok keep using this audio from broad city but as like, an exaggeration on certain character dynamics but this is literally-
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dialovers-lover-xoxo · 2 months
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fangsforiris · 3 months
What's the nicest thing shu did to his brothers ?
Hey anon!! Hope you’re doing well!!
I’d say the nicest thing Shuu’s ever done for his brothers is varied. With his natural apathetic approach towards everything in life— including his relationships with people— it’s hard to pinpoint when he’d find the room to care.
But here’s some examples that I can think of:
Subaru: Aiding Subaru to leave and escape after he had killed Karlheinz. Shuu stated that the others would attempt to kill Subaru for it, so leaving would be the best option. [During Subaru’s route— unsure of specific game.]
Kanato: Calming Kanato down after a tantrum/mental breakdown. [During A Sub Scenario with Kanato in Vandead Carnival.]
Lost Eden; When Shuu took the mantle of Vampire King and worked towards making amends, etc.
Shuu acknowledging Reiji and all that he did. [Unsure of specific game and route.]
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