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tooclevertobehappy · 4 months ago
Hidden in plain sight Part.3
TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of injury, child abuse, lots of guilt
Mapi and Ingrid are led by the officer down the hospital corridor toward one of the conference rooms. They tightly hold each other’s hands, exchanging nervous glances as they walk. Mapi takes a few seconds to press a lingering kiss on Ingrid’s forehead, letting her know they are in this together. The angst that had settled in Ingrid’s stomach grows the further they go. She wishes she could have seen Clara before being dragged away, but now she and Mapi are told to sit and wait for someone to come talk to them.
They’ve been sitting for less than ten minutes when Alexia enters, being led in by the same officer. It’s clear from the confusion on her face that she doesn’t understand why they aren’t allowed to see Clara either.
The three of them sit in silence. Ingrid’s leg bounces incessantly, her nerves growing, until Mapi gently places her hand on her leg, slowly caressing it with her thumb in an attempt to calm her down. All the while, Mapi keeps an eye on the captain, who looks like she’s about to storm out and demand to see Clara. The way Alexia’s knuckles turn white from gripping the chair’s armrests is a clear indication of her mounting frustration.
A woman finally walks in, file in hand, followed by a doctor and the same police officer. They sit down with the group, briefly talking among themselves. All three players’ eyes are drawn to the woman’s badge, which shines under the overhead lamp. It reads: “Mrs. Armon Child Protective Services.”
Ingrid’s hand joins Mapi’s on her leg, holding on so tightly that Mapi wonders if she might bruise from the hold. They exchange glances. What had been a weird, concerning situation before has now escalated into something far worse.
Finally, the agent clears her throat, opens the file she’s holding, and begins to speak.
“Hi, thank you for waiting. We just had a few questions about Miss Arellano’s home life,” she says calmly, before being interrupted by Alexia.
“What do you mean, her home life? Why aren’t we allowed to see her?” Alexia demands, her voice rising with frustration.
The agent sighs before picking up a piece of paper from her file. “Miss Arellano was brought to this hospital following injuries sustained during training today at the Barcelona team stadium, is that correct?” she asks, waiting for them to confirm.
“She was unconscious when she was brought in. Our nurses changed her from her training attire into one of our hospital gowns to better assess her injuries. During the examination, they found unexpected contusions on her body—ones that don’t match up with the injuries she would have sustained during the accident or any other training,” the agent continues.
The doctor, who had remained silent until then, raised a hand, his gaze turning serious.
“Miss Arellano, presented with a head laceration and head contusion that we know was caused today during training.” He says.
The three players nod their head at this, they’d all been there and seen the accident themselves after all.
”We however found evidence of bruises on her ribs and back.” He adds looking at them one after the other, seemingly studying their reactions.
Ingrid’s hand leaves Mapi’s and comes up to cover her mouth as tears started to form in her eyes while Alexia’s sharp intake of breath can be heard throughout the room.
“Adding to this, scans confirmed she has three fractured ribs and small cuts on the base of her neck, small crescent moons that suggest she’s been forcefully held by someone.” He ends with, closing the small file he’d opened when he started listing the seemingly endless list of injuries.
Tears now fall freely from Ingrid’s eyes over her hand still covering her mouth, Mapi’s arm is now laying over Ingrid’s shoulders, holding her closer to her as she holds her own leg tightly to hide the way her hand shakes.
Miss Armon gives them a brief moment, to allow the information to sink in before adding “We are suspecting that this isn’t the first time something like this happened, counting the report made today by the hospital, Miss Arellano is the subject of three previous reports.”
“Reports?” Mapi asks, her voice shaky with the first hints of fear.
“Reports of suspected child abuse,” the agent clarifies. “Two came from her school, and one from a former coach. All three reports describe unusual bruises, which Miss Arellano tries to justify as clumsiness or falling, Miss Arellano it seems has been getting abused and covering it up for weeks, if not months, trying to make those injuries look accidental but the medical assessment is clear, she’s being abused.”
The room is still. No one speaks. The weight of the agent’s words presses on them, suffocating. Mapi watches as Ingrid’s hands tremble. Alexia stares at the floor, her breath shallow. Time stretches between them. They can’t undo this.
Alexia who had sat still for most of the conversation seems to deflate at this, she’d hoped that maybe this had been “it only happened once” situation, but there was no denying the truth, Clara had been suffering for months, hiding it from them, and she’d been absolutely clueless, her, the captain of the team, she had not seen it.
She can’t help but think that she’s failed at her job, and the weight of the realization seems to pull her down and she slowly bends over herself, one hand coming to grip her own hair the other one resting on her face as she tries to slow her breathing down.
Ingrid is left reeling by the sudden onslaught of information. It feels like her chest is tightening with every passing second, tears are clouding her vision, she tries to breathe normally, but she can’t help the hitches that come with every breath she takes. She had suspected something was wrong the day before, but hearing her worst fears confirmed in a matter of minutes sends her spiraling.
“I know this is a lot to process,” Miss Armon says, her voice softer now. “But Clara’s safety is our top priority. We can start to make a difference now that we know the truth.”
The agent looks at the three women. “Now, we must ask if you’ve noticed anything that might shed light on this matter—anything Clara may have said or done, or anything unusual you’ve noticed about her home life?”
Mapi tightens her grip on Ingrid’s hand as she looks at Alexia, who is visibly devastated, she’d seen the Captain face hard situations before, always standing strong to help anyone on their team, but now she looks small curled in on herself as if it could protect her from the brutality of the information she’d been given.
She gently nudges Ingrid, silently inviting her to speak about what the two of them had discussed the day before.
“She was supposed to come to our house for dinner yesterday” says Ingrid, “She didn’t show up so I.. “she chokes up on her words, tears strangling her “So I went to her house, her dad answered the door, but he said she wasn’t there!” she adds the volume of her voice raising, her tone almost pleading with them.
Mapi’s now slowly but firmly caressing her back trying to ground her but also to remind her that she’s here by her side.
“I should have known! He smelled like liquor and the house was a mess! But he said she wasn’t there and I left.” Her eyes that were still filled with tears suddenly widened. “Oh my god.” her hand came back to cover her mouth. “I left! I left her there! With him!” Ingrid had tried to hold her sobs back till this exact moment when she realized that she’d left Clara with her abuser completely unchecked. She had seen the signs, the clues, heard the warning bells go off in her mind and yet. She’d left her there.
Ingrid’s breaths come in shallow gasps, as the weight of her realization crushes her, she can’t believe it.
Mapi’s chest tightens at the thought of Clara, alone in that house with him. The guilt in Ingrid’s eyes is almost too much for her to bear, and she feels a helpless knot in her stomach. What if this had been prevented? What if she could’ve seen the signs too?
“No no no no Amor, don’t do this to yourself” Mapi quickly grabs Ingrid’s face in her hands, trying to look into her eyes as she wipes her tears with her thumbs resting on her cheeks.
She pulls her in a tight embrace, holding her tightly, wishing she could protect her from the crushing guilt threatening to swallow here whole. “You couldn’t have known” she whispers, voice soft but firm.
Ingrid wants to believe her, she really does, but she can’t help but wonder how different the situation would be if she’d just paid attention to Clara, if she didn’t let her slip away, if only she'd intervened earlier, maybe all of this could have been avoided.
Mapi feels inadequate, she wants to reassure Ingrid and she can’t help but worry for Alexia that still hasn’t moved from the position she’s been in since the doctor listed all of Clara’s injuries, she wants to help both of them but can’t help but focus on her girlfriend, her caring and oh so sensitive girlfriend who seems to break down even more as the second pass, she can feel her body tensing and yet crumpling at the same time right underneath her fingertips.
She tries to pull her up and away from the guilt pit she seems to be falling into but she’s only mildly successful.
As Ingrid’s sobs slowly subside, Mapi still feels a tight knot in her chest, a growing worry that this moment, this pain, might not be something they can fix with words alone.
Miss Armon allowed them a few minutes to settle themselves before she spoke.
“By your own words, Mister Arellano was intoxicated when you came to check on Clara, is that correct?” she confirms, taking notes as she goes
Ingrid nods, her hand fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.
“Is there any other thing any of you can remember that could add to this?” she asks.
Alexia who had remained silent till now spoke up.
“She ran into me on the way to the field, I grabbed her so she wouldn’t fall and… she just looked in pain and I asked what was going on, but she said she was just tired, and we were almost running late.” She looks smaller than she ever has, guilt seems to be pulling her down more and more as she speaks. “I didn’t push her.” she says softly, her head still bowed down.
She takes a few slows breaths before looking up at the couple sitting next to her.
“I just don’t understand how we’ve all missed this. How I’ve missed it.” she says her voice shaky as she holds back her tears
The agent shakes her head.
“Abused children tend to hide their troubles very well” she tells them “The important thing is that we know. Now we can do something about it.”
They all sit in silence for a few seconds before the doctor clears his throat and breaks the silence, his voice professional but sympathetic.
“Miss Arellano has not woken up yet, but when she does we will assess the extent of her injuries to plan her recovery.” he says “When she’s ready we’ll conduct an interview to understand what’s happened. But right now we need to give her time, it’s likely she’s been hiding this for quite a while and we don’t know how she’ll react once the truth comes to light.”
“Would we be allowed to see her?” asks Mapi, she doesn’t allow herself to hope, no matter how desperate she is to check on Clara, she doesn’t want to give anyone false hopes if they are denied access to her.
The doctor looks at Miss Armon, who nods slightly, prompting the doctor grab his file and stand up “Yes, we had to ask those questions first, but if you wish to see her, I’ll take you to her room, however be aware that she’s still unconscious and that we don’t know when she’ll wake up, could be in an hour or tomorrow, okay?”
The three of them nod, shaking hands with Miss Armon and the police officer on auto-pilot before following the doctor out of the conference room and down corridors as they slowly walked closer to their young friend.
As they walked down the sterile corridors Mapi didn’t react as Ingrid grabbed her hand, she’d expected it, but to her surprise Alexia’s hand reached out, grabbing her free one tightly as though she needed to anchor herself too.
She’d raised her head looking at her, but Alexia refused to look at her, looking ahead the whole time her eyes fixed on the back of the doctor’s white coat.
So the three of them walked hand in hand, ignoring the looks thrown their way by patients, doctors and nurses alike that recognized them.
It felt like they’d walked for hours but could have only been minutes when the doctor finally stopped in front of a room, gently sliding the door open and stepping in.
Ingrid can’t help the gasp that comes out of her mouth as she sees Clara laying in the hospital bed, half her face covered in bandages and what wasn’t could only be discribed as a mix of purple and blue.
Alexia didn’t make a sound, but it was clear in the way her jaw tightened that she wasn’t left unaffected by the sight before her.
And Mapi? Well Mapi was trying to help everyone at once, she had to make sure Ingrid didn’t break down, that Alexia wouldn’t retreat behind her walls and try to deal with everything at once, she had to make sure Clara was okay and somehow also take care of herself as well.
Last night she wondered how they could help Clara.
Today she wasn’t sure any of them would be left standing to do just that.
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reality-detective · 3 months ago
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What else did he say? 👇
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And there are a lot more of these to explore so löök this guy up and happy digging 🤔
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nekosoda · 1 year ago
Umm soo I was minding my bussines,farming some artifacts when something caught my eye on the domain reward tree (I forgot its name :'c )
This is the tree im talking about:
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The carvings behind the tree explain some stuff but something Ie noticed is that-
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-These crowns or rings or whatever youd like to call it-you see,people find these crowns similliar to paimons little halo thingy-But-
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Its hidden in plain sight-litteraly
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victimeyez · 3 months ago
Wonderland - Xmas Special
A part of Professional//Victim
Tommy is treated to cuddles and holiday cheer, and he focuses on enjoying himself in spite of his circumstances.
CW: Captive whumpee, shock collar mention, handcuffs and binding, injured whumpee, intimate whumper, "willing" whumpee, some gentle smut, crymaxing, hidden in plain sight
Tommy wasn’t exactly in the holiday spirit. 
Another Christmas here, in the basement, trying to sleep the rest of his life away. But he was bored and restless, even more than usual, after being bed bound for a week. His last client had smashed his legs up pretty bad, and pins were holding his ankle together. He had a chain lead again, locking his collar to the metal bolt in the center of his room. As if he was going anywhere - he couldn’t even make it to the bathroom on his own, much less attempt an escape. Tommy was pretty sure it was just to agitate him, to help him feel trapped, not that he needed a reminder. To his chagrin, it was working - he was going stir crazy with nothing to do but wallow. 
He was scrolling through channels on his little TV, trying yet again to find some programming that wasn’t doing some lame-ass Christmas special, when he heard the basement door open above him. Moments later, Caius unlocked his door. 
“Let's get you dressed, we’re going out.”
Tommy gawked. “Uh…out?”
“Yeah, out,” Caius said, leaning in to unlock his collar. 
“Family trip!”
Caius had to carry him very gingerly, helping him in and out of the car. At their destination, Michelle helped Caius unfold his wheelchair. The sun had already set, but there were lights glowing over the hill past the parking lot. 
Tommy couldn’t help his quiet whimper when Caius handcuffed his wrists to the wheelchair arms. 
“Hush,” Caius cooed, and he fell quiet. He got covered in a big blanket that covered his locked wrists and his lap. A big soft scarf covered his collar, and other than the bondage, he was actually pretty comfy. 
They were at a park that had been dressed and decorated with magical light displays. Candycane arches, glittery icicle strands, and Christmas trees of every size and shape. Though it was cold, he was kept warm bundled up. There were lots of families roaming around, ones that weren’t made up of a group of three men and their captive. A few kids had strayed off the lighted path to pelt each other with snowballs, and Caius and Tommy paused to watch for a moment. A younger child packed a little snowball and approached them, wandering up to Tommy’s side. 
“Why are you in a wheelchair?” He asked curiously. Tommy managed a smile for him. 
“Because I didn’t eat all my vegetables.”
“Oh,” the child answered. “I like carrots.”
“That’s pretty cool. Snowmen like them too.” 
The kid seemed to think about that for a moment, and then a smile grew on his face and he laughed. 
“You’re funny.” He dropped the snowball on Tommy’s lap and ran away. 
Caius picked it up, dusting the extra snow from Tommy’s blanket. He offered the snowball to a little girl walking over to join the frolic. Her mother accompanying her smiled and told her to say thank you as she accepted it shyly, rushing off to go to the other children. 
“That was nice of you, Tommy. You’re good with kids.” Caius wheeled him back onto the path to catch up to Rory and Michelle, who had successfully waited out the line for hot chocolate. Michelle handed an extra one to Cauis, and Rory went to hand one to Tommy. 
“Oh - uh, thank you, but um… my hands…” 
“Here,” Caius handed his cocoa back to Michelle to reach under the blanket and unlock one of his hands, freeing Tommy to take it. He was surprised, but accepted it gratefully. It was steaming hot, with whipped cream melting on top and a candy cane hooked over the side. Tommy sipped at it carefully, not wanting to burn himself but worried about spilling when Caius moved his chair.
He’d barely thought about his legs at all, so eager to soak up all the new sights and sounds. The most stimulation he usually got was a visit to a client’s house. Being stuck in the basement all the time was, above all else, torturously boring. Even the cold air in his nose was such a welcome change of pace, he sniffled gladly. And Caius was pretty strict with his diet, hot chocolate was a real treat he only received a few times a year. Tommy had always had a sweet tooth, and his constant sugar cravings were rarely satiated. He loved fruit, which he was often provided, but he could kill for chocolate. 
“This is really good, thank you guys,” Tommy told them. It was hard to act grateful for being allowed pleasures by the people who deprived him of them in the first place, but he didn’t want to push it. It was his attempt at positive reinforcement. The urge to attempt an escape was still there, and it was so strange to be out in public with them. So close to real life, but like watching it through a one sided mirror, imprisoned behind the glass. He could see them, but they couldn’t see him, not really. It used to distress him more, but his disastrous last escape attempt had left him largely subdued. His legs couldn’t carry him anywhere, his wrist was cuffed to the chair, and Caius would shock him unconscious if he so much as let out a suspicious peep.
It was actually nice, in a way, not to struggle. To just be able to enjoy this for what it was. Caius fixed his blanket over him, and when he caught a look at Tommy’s face, he chuckled. 
“You’ve got a whipped cream mustache there, Tiger.” He pulled a pack of tissues from his pocket, but before he helped, snapped a picture with his phone. Tommy blushed when Caius dabbed at his mouth, fussing over him like a mother would, but his free hand was occupied with his hot chocolate. When Caius stood back up, Rory put a hand on his shoulder. 
“You two are cute,” he told them, and his voice was unexpectedly soft and earnest. 
“I’m happy for you, man.” 
 Caius turned to Rory and they shared a fond look, some unspoken message passing between them. 
“Thank you,” Caius answered, just as soft, and then they both broke into grins. Rory threw an arm around him and squeezed, leaning in to plant a kiss to his cheek. The atmosphere was light, and Tommy refused to ruin it by overthinking it. Caius and Rory could go at each other’s throats sometimes, and it was easy to forget that they were friends who had started a business together. And above Tommy’s head, they lived together companionably most of the time. 
“Unbelievable. I’m French and I get no kisses?” Michelle complained. Caius and Rory immediately crowded him, sandwiching him between them and making exaggerated smooching sounds as they kissed his cheeks on either side. Michelle scowled, but he was smiling, and Tommy found himself smiling and laughing, too. Strange life. But it was nice. 
Snow started to fall again, the white flakes illuminated as soon as they entered the halo around each colored light. Tommy blinked them from his eyelashes as they started to walk again, making their way into a glimmering tunnel of lighted arches. All of it was beautiful, every glittering garland and string. Even the trees were wrapped in strands of twinkling bulbs that made the surrounding ornaments glow back. 
When they were all getting cold and the park was closing soon, they made their way back to the car. Caius sat in the back with him and didn’t cuff him, just held his hand to warm it up. He was warm, and in of his soft moods, gently doting as the night was coming to a close. Tommy didn’t know how it happened, but at some point he found himself fully curled up in Caius’s lap. He could hear his heartbeat, nestled up to his chest. Caius was being so gentle, rubbing Tommy’s back. It was just so nice to be held, so he lingered in the moment. He watched the world pass outside until the car and Caius’s gentling was lulling him to sleep. His legs were cradled to them from being jostled on the bumps, and he’d been given a pill to keep the pain away.
When Caius carried him in again, he was surprised to be brought up the stairs instead of down to the basement. He was set down with a groan, and Caius stretched his back, catching his breath. He stripped and changed while Tommy settled gratefully against his soft sheets. The bed was so plushy, and he couldn’t feel a metal frame or even a stray spring against his back. 
Caius helped him out of his clothes, offering silky pajamas from his own closet. The shorts were long, the shirt baggy, but they felt wonderful. Hands returned to his chest even once he was dressed, stroking gently. They moved to his arms, lightly squeezing and massaging, then petted his stomach. Tommy had been blinking back sleep but his eyes fluttered now, letting out soft sighs and moans of pleasure just to be touched. God, it had been so long since he’d just been touched without any intent to hurt. Now, Caius’s hands all over him felt divine, and he couldn’t help his purrs. 
A hand made its way between his legs, rubbing him encouragingly. He flushed when he realized it all was affecting him, and it only took a little bit before he was panting.
“Do you want me to make you feel good, baby?” Caius murmured. Tommy nodded shakily. 
“Use your words.”
“Yes, Caius, please, please make me feel good,” Tommy pleaded breathily, his cheeks heated by how embarrassingly fast he was reduced to begging.
Caius’s ministrations were slow, but not to torture, only to please at a lazy sort of pace. When Tommy’s legs started to shake, he gave a harsh gasp as pain flared in his thighs suddenly, his injuries protesting. 
“Aw…poor thing. Just try to relax, I’ll take care of you.”
Caius could tell he was close, and paused to push Tommy’s borrowed pants down below his hips. Bared, Tommy covered his face with his hands in shame, watching through his fingers as Caius stroked him in earnest. 
Suddenly, it was all too much. Earlier, he had been chained by the throat in the basement, mourning the death of his freedom again. Now, he was in Caius’s bed, in his arms, feeling good. It was whiplash, it was just too much. The nice evening, the fresh air, the physical contact of getting to snuggle in the car and being touched, all of it felt suddenly overwhelming, and he hiccuped out a sob as tears rolled over. He wiped at them frantically, as if Caius might not notice. But he did, of course, and hesitated, even though Tommy’s cock was throbbing in his hand. 
“Are you alright?”
Tommy nodded quickly, clasping his hands over his mouth. 
“Do you want me to stop?”
That made him really sob, and he was fully crying. He didn’t feel sad, he actually felt nice for a change, but that was just it. Feeling this good felt like it should be wrong, and an abstract sense of guilt formed a little knot in his stomach. Caius stopped and pulled him close into his chest, petting his hair back and kissing the tears from his cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I don’t even know - hic - why I’m crying, I’m happy!”
“Poor thing…maybe it’s just been a little too much excitement for tonight. Do you want to stop and go to sleep?” Caius dabbed at his eyes and let him blow his nose. Tommy collected himself for a minute, enough that his chest would stop heaving at least. 
“No, I want to - I want to keep going, please. I want to feel good. Please?”
Caius pressed his forehead to Tommy’s, touching his chest gently before slipping his hand back down to touch him again.It felt unbearably intimate, being stroked like that with their noses nearly touching, Caius shushing him softly as he panted with pleasure. 
“That’s it, you’re alright.”
Tommy was close, trembling in Caius’s arms as they lay there curled up together. He whined softly, starting to tense. 
“Caius, Caius, Caius - wait - “
“It’s okay angel, it’s okay, I’m here.”
Tommy came with a sob, as Caius pressed soft kisses to his face to soothe him. When he was done, he struggled to catch his breath.
“Thank you,” Tommy managed, and he was grateful. Caius kissed his forehead.
 “Of course.”
Once they were cleaned up and ready for bed, Caius turned the lights out and pulled Tommy close again. He couldn’t move much with his legs healing, so he was held exactly as Caius positioned him. With some post-nut clarity, he felt a little foolish. 
Why are you letting this happen? Even begging for it, disgusting. 
Shut up. Let me have this. 
For once, the other part of him didn’t argue. Tommy fell into the best sleep he’d had in ages, and by some tiny christmas miracle, he dreamt of playing in the snow. 
@suspicious-whumping-egg  @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @whumpyourdamnpears @generic-whumperz @lonesome--hunter
@whumplr-reader @theelvishcowgirl @sunshiline-writes @dont-be-gentle-please @galesgallery
@2in1whump @sparrowsage @apokolyps @whumpinggrounds
@morning-star-whump @leviiio @alexmundaythrufriday @defire @jumpywhumpywriter
@light-me-on-pyre @slightlydisturbedbeans @dislexiher @knivestothroats
Thank you all so much for reading!!! Merry holidays, or whatever you might be up to.
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gnawerpoint-rw · 5 days ago
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Day 9 - Echoes
Six Tears, Seven Fragments of Glass, the echo of Gleaming Spires
Text reads "Here I am confined to these forsaken towers."
(pssst i'm posting the rest of my rw art month stuff on my art blog @wrensilly )
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pandora-books · 1 month ago
Inside the Drawer There Is a Secret
She has a secret. She tells this to a man who is almost a stranger. The man likes to pretend that he knows her, but in the back of his mind he knows that he doesn't. She does not tell him what the secret is. She only tells him that the secret exists. He knows that it's likely that she has many secrets, but for now, he wants to focus on this one. Only this one.
Put the past behind you. Did she tell him that once? Quite possibly he imagined it. He wonders if the secret is something painful, or shameful. Is there something inside her that makes her want to feel pain? Does she want to feel shame?
The things she chooses to share are carefully measured. She has a gift with words, and will use those words to feed his imagination. He has to remind himself that his impression of her is something that she created. He thinks back to things she has told him, and tries to piece together the secret. He recalls that he once asked her about the things she kept in a drawer. She told him a few of them: A makeup brush. Cigarettes. A notebook. A ring.
Brush aside the things that don't matter. Focus on the clues. But are they really clues? Is he chasing something that he can never truly know? If he could guess the secret, would she admit it? In truth he knows that the answer is: Only if it serves her purpose.
Inside the drawer, there is a notebook. What might be written in the notebook? There is a ring. Who gave her the ring? There are cigarettes. Do they belong to her, or someone else? There is a makeup brush. Why would she keep it there?
Her secret is hidden in plain sight. He is certain of this. He cannot stop thinking about the secret. He cannot stop thinking about her. She is far away. She is thousands of miles away. His days are her nights. He thinks of her, sleeping, dreaming, her body stretched out on her bed.
Body electric: "This is the female form, A divine nimbus exhales from it from head to foot, It attracts with fierce undeniable attraction." Does she know Whitman's poems? Most likely she does. Does she know her own beauty? Most likely she does. He imagines her: Her form, divine, and he tries to make himself believe that her body is something tangible, even though he cannot touch her or lie beside her. He imagines her in a room far away, in a room with a drawer, and inside the drawer are the things she has chosen to reveal. A ring. A notebook. Cigarettes. A makeup brush. A secret, hidden in plain sight.
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bro-man-dude-guy · 11 months ago
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He’s probably ranting about a crappy reboot of a show he watches
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theemporium · 11 months ago
I just wanna talk vowles... Just wanna talk come outside.
yeah! just talk! promise!
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tooclevertobehappy · 4 months ago
Hidden in plain sight Part.4
TRIGGER WARNING: slight mention of injury, mentions of abuse, all angst no comfort
They’d been led into Clara’s room almost an hour ago, stood around for a few minutes staring at her as she slept, unsure of what to do before each of them found their place.
Mapi and Ingrid sat at her sides, both holding one of her hand in theirs, keeping their eyes on her, watching for any sign indicating she might be waking up.
Alexia took post near the door, standing against the wall her arms crossed over her chest, eyes locked on Clara’s face. The couple urged her to sit down or to at least stand near them, but the captain had refused, face tight, lips pressed into a hard line she’d simply looked at the door and stayed there.
She’d stared down any nurse or doctor that came by during their wait, she’d watched closely as they checked Clara vitals, looked at her bandages, she’d stood there looking like a spring wound tight, ready to snap at any moment.
Alexia felt like she had failed Clara, that she hadn’t protected her when it mattered and she would be damned if she let anything happen to her now. But Clara wasn’t awake, and it’s not like she could deal with her father herself, so she stood guard.
She couldn’t believe how small she looks in that hospital bed, the pediatrics gown they’ve put on her doesn’t help either, the small smiling characters contrast with the severity of her injuries. While the bandage and bruise on her face shocked all of them when they’d entered, she knows that the ones hidden by the gown are so much worse.
They’d been sat in an almost religious silent since they’d entered, their vigil only interrupted during the regular check-ins of the nurses, all looking for any signs of life from Clara, while they all knew that the regular beeping of the monitor meant that she was here and alive, they knew that they would only be able to start to relax when she would finally open her eyes.
Clara may have been lying less than a meter away from them, but it felt like she’d never been further, they’d all missed it. They had spent months alongside her, and somehow never noticed that it was all wrong, the smiles, the laugh, the playful banter, it had only been a ruse to hide the truth.
A small whine echoed in the room, pulling the attention of all three women towards the bed. Mapi and Ingrid standing immediately and leaning over the bed toward Clara’s face while Alexia took the few steps separating her from the foot of the bed to reach them.
“Nena?” asked Mapi “Can you hear us?”
More soft sounds came out of the young girl whose face seemed to tense as she slowly became more aware.
“Can you open your eyes nena?” pleaded Ingrid, the desperation to finally see Clara awake seeping through her words.
Clara didn’t open her eyes but one of her hands came up trying to feel her head where pain still radiated from, Mapi caught it just as she was about to reach the bandage covering up her forehead.
“No no no Nena leave that alone” she softly tells her, voice firm.
A confused whine comes out of Clara as she blearily open her eyes, blinking slowly as she makes direct eye contact with Alexia from her position on the lightly raised bed. Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion, her gaze darting around the room as she takes in her surrounding. Her eyes dart to each of the women standing in the room, Mapi and Ingrid by her sides and her captain standing before her.
“Wha.. What happened?” Clara asks.
“What’s the last thing you remember?” answers Ingrid, her shaky voice causing Clara’s confusion to rise.
“Training? We were doing the 11vs11 and then… I don’t know, my head hurts though, so I’m guessing I hit it? Is that why we’re here? And why you all look at me like I’m about to die?” answers Clara trying to see the humor in the situation.
Clara’s joke about the scar was meant to lighten the mood, but it felt hollow. Her words hung in the air, flat and forced. It was the same nervous habit she had when she didn’t know what to say, when she was unsure how to handle the tension building around her.
Alexia’s hands clenched into fists at her sides, her eyes narrowing as Clara made light of the situation. The smile on Clara’s face, the joke about their worry, it grated against everything Alexia was feeling. She wanted to shout, to demand answers. She turned away from the scene in front of her, trying to calm herself.
“Yes, you hit and bashed your forehead open during training, you lost consciousness and that’s why you were brought here” confirms Ingrid, whose hand is now back holding Clara’s, running small circle on it with her thumb.
“Will the scar look cool at least?” says Clara wiggling her eyebrows towards Mapi.
Alexia turns back to them, her hand coming down harshly against the metal bars of the foot of the bed, the smack resonating throughout the room.
“Will you stop joking! Alexia’s voice broke the tense silence, loud and raw. She slapped her hand against the metal foot-board of the bed with a sharp crack, and Clara flinched, the sound ringing in the room. “You had us all worried to death!”
Clara’s smile faltered, and she stiffened in Ingrid’s grip, her eyes wide with confusion. Her body tensed, as if the words had physically struck her. She turned to look at Alexia, but the captain had already turned away, her shoulders rigid with barely contained anger.
The couple shared a worried look over her, both noticing the growing tension in the room. Mapi took a step closer to Alexia, her hand coming up to rest on her shoulder, but it was like touching a live wire. Alexia’s tension radiated off her, a palpable force that made the air feel thick. Mapi could see the storm brewing in her captain’s eyes, but she couldn’t calm it.
“Ale…” whispers Mapi
Ingrid’s calm voice cut through the tension. “Alexia, stop. She’s not ready for this. We need to focus on her, not fight each other.”
“No! She doesn’t get to joke about this! She doesn’t get to pretend everything is just fine!” exclaims Alexia pushing Mapi’s hand off her and taking a small step back.
Clara’s heart raced. The outburst felt like a slap, and she could feel her pulse pounding in her throat. What had she done? Why was Alexia angry at her? Her mind raced, struggling to make sense of the sudden change in atmosphere. Had she been next to her when she got injured? Had she injured someone else and the captain is mad at her for it? She racks her brain trying to make up a story in her head that would fit with her reaction but comes up empty.
“I don’t understand” she says in a small voice.
Ingrid softly smiles at her, but she can see the unease in her traits as she looks up at her, the hand that she’d been tightly holding onto lets go and a small part of her wishes she could grab it right back, and Ingrid’s hand comes up to her unmarred cheek and she slowly caresses it.
Ingrid’s hand was warm against her cheek, and for the briefest moment, Clara allowed herself to lean into it, as though the simple gesture might pull her back from the brink of panic. “It’s okay, nena”, Ingrid murmured, her voice gentle but firm. “Just focus on healing. That’s all that matters right now. “
Clara wished she could sink into Ingrid, desperate to feel the comfort she’d been craving for months, but she couldn’t allow herself to fall into it, Alexia is already upset with her, and there’s no way she’d allow herself comfort, not when she’d obviously done something wrong and needed to atone for it somehow.
She starts to wonder if this is it. If Alexia is finally tired of having to take care of her. She’d tried no to be a bother to the older players, tried to do her part and follow all of the captain’s order. But maybe she’d been too much, too needy, maybe that’s why Alexia seemed so distant.
She should be used to it by now, trusted adults giving up on her, she should have learned that lesson long ago. Tried to get by whilst only relying on herself, tried to distance herself from the pain that would come with the inevitable abandonment that seemed to follow her wherever she went.
But she made mistakes, got too attached again, went to dinner at Mapi and Ingrid’s house, got attached to them, to their gentle care, followed Alexia’s advice blindly and did all she could to get the words of praise she craved from her.
She ended up in the same place she always does. Scared, hurt and alone. Sure she’s surrounded by them in the too bland hospital room, but in the end it’s only her.
Only her that goes home to her father, her who patches herself up and gets up in the morning no matter how much it hurts. It’s the four walls of her room that bear witness all her cries and anguish, it’s her who fights to keep going when it feels like the world is crushing her.
Clara can only rely on herself, it’s why she inches herself away from Ingrid, as much as she can, trapped on the small hospital bed, she’s rebuilding her walls, readying herself to face Alexia’s anger head-on, it’s why she misses the way Ingrid’s smile falls, how Mapi and Alexia abruptly end their hushed argument to turn and look at her.
“Nena?” asks Ingrid, trying to understand how in the space of a few seconds Clara went from leaning on her to seemingly trying to get as far from her as she can.
“I’m sorry for whatever I’ve done” says Clara, tone flat, almost mechanical.
The women all share concerned looks, it’s like she’d completely disconnected herself from the situation, laying there but not fully present.
“What are you apologizing for Nena? You’ve done nothing wrong” asserts Mapi, walking closer to her bed, but Clara barely reacts to her approach, her gaze unfocused and distant.
Clara turns her head to look at her, but to Mapi it feels like she’s looking through her rather than at her.
“But I must have done something wrong don’t I? It’s why she’s mad right?” asks Clara, her head making a small nod in Alexia’s direction, who suddenly feels like the worst person on earth.
Clara had woken up hurt in an unknown place, and what had she done except raise her voice at her and apparently scare her enough into becoming whatever this empty person in front of her seemed to be?
“Nena, nobody is mad at you, Alexia is just worried.” tries to explain Ingrid, her hand reaching for Clara’s.
But Clara retracts her hand from where it had been clutching the sheet, bringing it closer to her chest, as if Ingrid’s hand could hurt her, would hurt her. Her mind screaming at her to get away before she gets hurt again, before Ingrid leaves her behind.
Ingrid swears she can feel her heart breaking inside her chest seeing Clara flinch away from her, she looks at Mapi, distraught and not quite sure how she can help Clara without scaring her further.
The guilt momentarily overtaken by the need to care for the young girl now takes back control over her, stomach tightening into knots, she can feel bile rising in her throat at the possibility of Clara thinking that she’d hurt her.
“Why?” demands Clara “I’m completely fine aren’t I? My head feels fine, they already stitched me up, I’m sure they’ll let me out of here soon anyway!” she tells them, her voice raising along as she speaks, surely they understand that? She’s fine, has been for months, she can handle injuries, after all she’d been taking care of herself for months.
Mapi sighs, sitting in the chair next to her bed, hands resting on her thighs, taking a few small breaths before speaking “But it’s not just your head Nena isn’t it?” she’s posing the sentence as a question but they all know it’s more of an affirmation.
Clara tense as Mapi finishes her question, her eyes darting around the room as if she’s looking for a way out of the conversation, and if they’d looked at the monitor they would have seen her heart rate slowly raise as the conversation kept going.
“What do you mean? Of course it’s just my head, it’s the whole reason we’re here aren’t we?” Clara tries to affirm, but they can all hear the shakiness in her voice as Clara desperately tries to stay in control of the situation.
“Nena, we know.” says Alexia, voice firm, her expression tense. She’s done playing around with this issue, done pretending everything will be okay when none of them are sure it has even been okay to begin with.
Clara can feel her whole body tense up. She can hear her heart beat in her ears, almost drowning out the sounds around her, can feel the way her hands clench to the point she’s pretty sure her nails have cut the skin of her palms.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” asks Clara, defiance in her tone, if she has to go down, she’ll go down fighting. She’s done this whole dance routine before, she knows all about adults pretending to care only to leave when things get too real, too hard, too inconvenient to them.
She’s aware of their eyes on her, can see the tears in Ingrid’s eyes, can see the way Mapi looking at her, like she’s just a small, hurt, thing, it pisses her off, why do they pretend they care? She knows they don’t, no one has so far so why would they? But more importantly she’s fucking mad at Alexia, acting like she just knows everything when she knows nothing.
“How about you tell us about how you hurt your ribs?” Alexia’s eyebrows are raised, looking at her like she defying her to try and lie about it, Clara can see the exasperation in her eyes and somehow it makes her feel sick to her stomach.
“My ribs are fine. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” grits out Clara through clenched teeth, of course they hurt, she was pretty sure her father slamming her against the wall had been what caused the pain radiating in her side, but it had been manageable.
Alexia is stuck between wanting to wrap Clara in bubble wrap never letting her leave her sight and shaking the hell out of her. She contains her anger but can’t help the scoff that leaves her mouth.
“Try again, Clara. Fractured ribs aren’t fine.” she tries again from her position standing at the end of Clara’s bed with her hands on her hips.
Clara feels her heart stop in her chest before it starts back up thundering against her rib cage, her hands clutching into fists, she stares right back at Alexia as the monitor behind her start beeping loudly, alarming all the occupants of the room.
Alexia clenches her fists at her sides, guilt and frustration warring inside her. She wants to shake Clara, to make her understand they’re here for her but instead, her words come out sharper than she intended.
“That’s enough Alexia!” firmly exclaims Mapi “This isn’t helping her!”
“And letting her pretend everything is fine when she has been hiding being abused for weeks?” she snaps back at her, her eyes not leaving the teen’s own.
The world freezes. Clara hears the word abuse echo over and over, louder than the monitor, louder than her own heartbeat. Her vision blurs, her mind screaming to retreat, to block everything out—but instead, she forces herself to surface. To fight.
The others have been looking at her expectantly, waiting to see how she’ll answers Alexia’s words.
She choose the same path she always does when she’s confronted with the subject of her home life.
“Abuse?” she scoffs “And where did that crazy idea come from huh?” she continues
Even Mapi looks disappointed, they’d all hoped Clara would come clean, admit what she’d been going through, they remembered the agent words on abused children, but they thought, no, hoped, Clara would trust them enough with this, if not before then now.
“Clara” Ingrid speaks up “There’s no point hiding it anymore, we know okay? We know and we want to help you, please let us help you” there’s tears dripping out of her eyes as she holds eye contact with Clara, who’s looking back at her wide-eyed.
“I want my dad.” Clara’s voice trembles, rising to a pitch that makes the others freeze. She doesn’t know why she said it, only that the words feel like her last defense
The room falls silent, her words shocking everyone into stillness. Then Alexia speaks, her voice low, trembling with fury “He’s not coming anywhere near you, if we have anything to say about it.” Spits out Alexia through clenched teeth, trying to hide her shaking hands by holding onto the bed’s foot-board.
“He’s never coming close to you again” Alexia’s voice shakes, but her eyes stay locked on Clara. The guilt of her earlier anger still gnaws at her, but she channels it into conviction.
The monitor screams, and Clara erupts. “NO! LET GO OF ME! I WANT MY DAD! DAD, PLEASE!” She thrashes against the bed, tears streaming, her voice cracking with each desperate cry.
They all surround the bed, trying to get a hold of the crying teen whilst trying to keep their own tears at bay, hoping to stop her from aggravating her injuries.
Doctors flood the room, their voices sharp and urgent as they push the others aside. Alexia tries to argue, her voice cracking, but Mapi pulls her back. All they can do is watch from the hallway, the sound of Clara’s screams echoing in their ears until, mercifully, silence falls
The doctor came out of the room explained to them that Clara had to be sedated for her own good, that they couldn’t get the panic attack to stop and that the risk of worsening her injuries was too great.
They’re all told to leave for the night, to let her rest, that with the sedative she’s been given she’d sleep until the next day anyway, the doctor kindly recommends they get some sleep as well, that talks can wait till everyone is better rested and less on edge, before he leaves them standing there.
They leave, and go back to their home, all feeling emptier than ever. Everything they’d had hoped for ruined, they were left feeling like they had failed again.
Ingrid and Mapi go back to their apartment, foregoing food and showers, they just lay in each others arms, finally letting out all the anger, guilt and fear, out, through shaking sobs as they tried to keep the other from falling apart.
Alexia could have gone home to her apartment, gone back to Olga’s arms, but she’d drove straight to her mother’s house, knocking on her door before collapsing in her arms as soon as the door opened.
Her mother guided her to the couch before holding her tightly, rubbing her back as Alexia sobbed her feelings out, cried out her guilt, her failure.
They all wanted to help the teen, but would Clara let them?
As Clara laid on her hospital bed she’d asked herself the same question, woozy from the medication she realized she’d soon have to make a decision.
Her teammates or her father.
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reality-detective · 7 months ago
When people tell you who they are, believe them the first time.
PIGLOSI: “We are very discreet, reptilian, cold-blooded. These are the races we have to win.”
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strictly-nothing · 2 months ago
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Currently working on a project, that will melt your eyes. Stay tuned
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stoookes · 9 months ago
Chapter 6 - Highs and Lows
Just as things start to go right it all comes crumbling down.
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relaxwithaaron · 1 year ago
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Sneaky Dog
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gnawerpoint-rw · 19 days ago
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Remembered I also have some old graffiti to post !! some of these are in the rooms I posted, the most noticable being the big iterator one
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agender-wolfie · 6 months ago
It’s a shame what CLOAK has become. Not being transparent about where they source their clothes except “over seas” and no mention about the insane drop in quality, also the fucking wacko prices even though the ceo is a multimillionaire?! I got only one item from them, a day of the dead hoodie and the seams came out of the left sleeve before I even put it in the wash 😑
They aren’t a small business but claim to be even though they made $14 million last year and have game companies reach out to them and Mark is attached to it…
I’ve bought better hoodies from ACTUAL small businesses on ETSY and they still hold up years later because they actually care about their products and customers. It’s also no longer “Hidden in plain sight” anymore, just FNAF shit over and over again. I think this is why Sean stepped away from this brand because it’s gone downhill.
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inspectorspacetimerevisited · 2 months ago
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Everyone has probably walked passed a red telephone booth, since they used to be everywhere.
Never once has anyone in universe ever reckoned that behind those apparently glass windows in the door lies a living spacetime machine.
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