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meraki-sunset · 3 months ago
do a grimbark josh
This was suposed to be a sketch but i got invested
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Heir of mine, bring me the boy who broke your heart~
The condesce playing with Josh's feelings while grimbark, to fuel his anger and make him easier to manipulate.
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theartisticapparition · 7 months ago
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Crockering Adalov
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sorrowfulrosebud · 2 years ago
Hic, sob
Katsuki keeping his bouncy baby boy swaddled to his chest doing domestic shit around the house :(
Katsuki doing chores whilst you’re out doing errands, leaving papa and baby for some quality bonding time :((
Katsuki heaving his chonky baby to his massive chest, letting out small smiles every time his monster of a baby lets out a squeak :(((
Katsuki blowing raspberries onto his baby’s cheeks and feeling his heart rip itself in half by his baby’s laughter :((((
Katsuki trying hard not to bite his son’s cheeks due to cuteness aggression when he rests his head against his daddy’s cheeks and snoozes away, not a care in the world as he conks out for the day :(((((
Katsuki placing gentle kisses on his son’s head as he lays down on the couch with him to nap too, big beefy chest being weighed down by his snoozing boy :((((((
Part 2 for this
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5dimensionul · 1 month ago
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hic-daily · 10 months ago
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Colored that sketch I posted a few days ago!
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kabutoden · 2 months ago
I’m simply curious as to what bugstuck Her Imperious Condescension is like tbh. I imagine she’s absolutely horrifying
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yeah, shes a scary lady!!! she should technically probably have way more arms than this but the first time i drew her was without all the extra arms, and it looks better that way tbh. still have multiple options for ppl to see how it turned out, though. kept coming back to this one every couple of months, and it took some actual rendering before i could call it done. maybe she hides infinite arms in that giant hair of hers, idk. excited to share the fuschia/seadweller lore with everyone when i finish it, its probably the most exciting. :)
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prospitsdream · 1 year ago
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pyrrh1c-c4sc4d3 · 4 months ago
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The fight we should have gotten
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wildwheatfields · 9 months ago
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There’s some good parts in heroes in crisis. They just get overshadowed. Anyway Harley n Booster are trauma friends
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If I was in charge of the storyline, these two would still have a reason to beat the shit outta each other
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spooneristart · 1 month ago
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Condy/GHB fambily art from a secret santa with my friends <3 A super late happy holidays to my bestie @the-purple-auxiliatrix love you!!
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cookiiemancer · 1 year ago
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concepts I did for the game over reanimated
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meraki-sunset · 1 year ago
Can we get more Sassacrace? Love that guy, he was a great prankster and a man willing to date and marry an alien woman that was twice his size. Amazing.
I know this is absolutely NOT how their relationship was and HIC was a damn monster in canon, but fuck it.
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boredak · 4 months ago
Bye bye
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sorrowfulrosebud · 2 years ago
I got idea from your keiko story. What if reader somehow meets kid shigaraki?
ANON. I WANNA KISS YOU SO BAD. (Consensually of course)
Content: reader finds kid Shigaraki and takes care of him (sobs)
Genre: angst, a lot of fluff tho so it cancels out
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“Okay, do I have everything? Keys, purse? Yep, looks like I do,” you reassured yourself as you set off to the store. The looming thought of the hot summer sun sent ironic shivers through your body, days lolling about on the couch sleepily when your boss wasn’t demanding every second of your time.
You locked the door hurriedly, determined to stock up on essentials, as well as some treats for your kitten, and set on your way. Your earphones nestled comfortably in your ears, drowning out the whines of crying children and rowdy school students by blaring your favourite music. It was a beautiful day nonetheless, birds twittering softly as the sun beat down on you. Your bag thumped lightly against your side, providing a steady rhythm alongside your music.
The trek was relatively easy; the local convenience store wasn’t even a 10 minute walk from your house and you were soon on your way back to your beloved princess kitten, Freya, with an armful of essentials (plus a few goodies). Music thudded from your earphones noisily, distracting you from looking properly where you were going until you nearly fell over from an unknown obstacle.
“What the hell?!” You were ready to cuss the fucker out, until you looked down.
A small child, couldn’t have been much older than six years old, stared emptily back. No. The look wasn’t empty. It was hollow, as if a child was stuck in a body it didn’t belong in. His hair was a beautiful powder blue, long and stark. It was ashy too, and slightly greasy. You assumed it was from days, possibly weeks, of parental neglect. Some of the thicker strands were matted at the back, and his fringe fell heavily over his face.
When your eyes connected, something shattered deep within your chest. Small orbs that would normally be filled with tears at the idea of being lost were totally empty. Despite the lack of emotion on the poor boy’s face, you could see some small flecks of red amongst the vast space of white.
Blood was everywhere; on his face, deep in his eyebrows, caked under his nails that he held oh so tightly. The poor baby was in trouble, and you were desperate to know why. You removed a headphone and crouched down, placing the plastic bags gently either side of you.
Each move was tentative and slow, like the shivering lamb in front of you was going to bleat and run away.
“Hey there sweetheart, are you lost? Did you lose your parents?” You questioned him softly. The boy tightened up at your question, before tears started to fill his waterline. His hands wrung tightly against each other before lifting one up to scratch his neck.
“I-I didn’t mean it!” He choked out. The tone of his voice caught you severely off guard; instead of being soft or rowdy like a regular child, he sounded strained. Not unlike nails on a chalkboard, you found yourself flinching. The scratching grew more intense as you looked on in anxiety.
“Woah, hey little guy! You could really hurt yourself doing that!” You brought your arm up to stop him scratching, before flinching backwards due to a blood-curdling scream.
“NO, PLEASE DON’T!!” He shrieked, hands covering his grimy face and fell to his sides. The petrified baby was trembling profusely despite having fallen to the ground in his fear. Tears dampened his once dry and crusty cheeks, little torso shaking in heaving breaths.
A beetle that was pottering near his hand’s disintegrated immediately, and the dots started to connect. You paused; you had to be careful about this.
“Okay, sweetheart. I promise I won’t touch you, but you might change your mind after you hear my quirk. Do you want to know what it is?” You remained on his level. Slow, and gentle. Like taming a wild kitten.
This seemed to rouse the boy from his oncoming anxiety attack as he looked at you tearfully. He seemed to consider the idea, before nodding his head dolefully. A large grin overtook your features as you presented your hand.
“My quirk is called equilibrium. It means that I can balance out quirks and maintain a constant state. In exchange for being able to being ‘immune’ to quirks, I usually end up with a killer migraine that lasts a few days. It normally depends on how strong the quirk is, so I don’t really use it a lot. Isn’t that cool?!” You asked him excitedly.
The boy looked at you with curiosity. You let out a small chuckle.
“So, what I’m saying is, you can touch me and I won’t disappear. I promise you,” you solemnly swear to him, extending your pinky finger. Tenko looked at it in pure fear, almost as if the devil himself tainted it.
“I understand that you’re frightened, but you’re dirty, walking around the street with no shoes. I want to help you,” you whispered to him gently. Tenko seemed to light up at your statement.
A tiny pinky extended to you, trembling but still willing. It wrapped itself around you, and you almost shuddered at the texture of his skin. Nonetheless, you continued to loop your fingers around his small hand until you were fully holding his hand. Tenko stared at you with tears pricking his eyes again. He could… touch you?! You smiled softly.
“I told you, see? You can’t hurt me,” you promised. Tenko couldn’t help the tears that trickled down his malnourished cheeks as he dove into a hug. Your eyes widened; just what the hell has this poor baby been through? Your arms shifted under him to cup him closer to you.
“Do you want to come to my house? It’s not that far, so we can get you cleaned up, fed and then find out what to do with you,” you murmured into his ears. Tenko thought for a moment before nodding, his shaggy hair tickling your cheek.
Tenko rearranged himself to wrap his arms around your neck as you grabbed the bags that you previously dropped and nestled his legs around you.
The journey was only 10 minutes, and yet Tenko had dozed off on the way. His small snores rumbled softly in your ears as you fiddled in your pockets for the keys. Tenko jolted awake at the sound before realising where he was.
“Mph, are we there yet?” He whined sleepily, dry fists rubbing against his eyes. Your cat meowed at the new smell in her home, shaking the sleep off and meowing indignantly.
You set Tenko down with a slight grunt; carrying a small child and 3 grocery bags was not an easy feat. You knelt back down to Tenko’s level and gently rested your hand on his shoulder.
“Now, I need to know your name. I think it’s silly that we don’t know each other’s name, so let’s introduce ourselves before we start calling each other sillier nicknames,” you giggled, earning a small smile from the boy.
“I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you,” you said warmly, holding out your hand. Tenko paused before giving you his hand back.
“I’m Tenko Shimura,” he mumbled back.
“Well Tenko, I think you need a bath. Am I alright to run you one?” You asked him. He thought for a moment before nodding his heavy head.
“Okay, I’ll be right back.”
The bath water was an absolute godsend to Tenko’s fractured body. The soothing smell of your cherry bakewell scented bath gel calmed Tenko’s nerves as he glanced around the bathroom.
“Is the water alright in there, sweetheart? It’s not too hot is it?” You shouted from your bedroom, gathering soft fluffy towels.
“N-no. Its… nice, thank you,” he tried shouting back, voice cracking. He observed the bath water as he waded his hands through it. Once clear as diamond, the water slowly shifted to a murky brown. Chunks of dried blood dropped into the water, splashing back into Tenko’s face. He let out a whimper; he must look disgusting.
Your soft rapping at the door brought him out of his thoughts.
“Tenko? Am I alright to come in, little lamb? I can help you wash your hair if that’s okay?” You asked him gently.
“U-um… yes please,” he nodded back. You opened the door and smiled at him to reassure his jolting nerves.
“You’re certainly looking cleaner, little lamb! Look at the colour of the tub!” You giggled before feeling your heart pang at the tears forming in Tenko’s eyes.
“Oh no, I’m sorry sweetheart. I didn’t mean to make you upset,” you rubbed his hair to comfort him. Tenko’s eyes grew wider as he started to sob louder in the tub. The feeling of something so simple as rubbing his head when he’s sad was so alien to him. God, you hated whoever did this to him.
“That’s it my little lamb, let it out. That’s a good boy, just cry until you can’t any more,” you crooned sympathetically, rubbing his head and wiping away tears.
And so, Tenko did just that. Cried. He cried until no more tears would come out, he cried until his head started to hurt, he cried for everything. For his mother, for his sister and for Mon. And oh, how he cried for his dog who provided more comfort than any member of his family.
When Tenko woke up again, he was bundled up in blankets on a couch that felt worlds different than the leather one at his house. This was soft and warm, with needlefelt and crocheted cushions. He lifted his sleepy head up before jolting his hands away. But the crumbling of the couch never came.
Tenko glanced down and was met with a small pair of winter gloves, cut so that Tenko’s fourth and pinky finger were concealed.
“Ah, you woke up! You worried me for a second there, little lamb. You kinda passed out on me in the bath, so I cleaned you up and bundled you up on the couch,” you rambled on as you set down a glass of milk for him.
“Here sweetheart, drink up. You must have hurt your voice badly,” you nudged it to him as he readjusted himself comfortably.
“T-thank you,” he mumbled brokenly, voice still strained from all of the crying. He took the first gulp before realising just how thirsty he was. Next thing you knew, the glass was empty as Tenko huffed and puffed.
“Wow little lamb, you must have been thirsty, hmm? I’ll bet you’re hungry too?” You guessed. Tenko nodded his head quickly, scared that you’ll pull back your offer. You smiled at his slight change of demeanour.
“That’s alright, I’ll go make you something now. How does Katsu curry sound?”
Tenko’s eyes lit up.
“T-that sounds good thanks,” he mumbled happily, playing with his fingers shyly. You nodded at him and told him to get comfortable.
As you cooked, Tenko remained on the couch and looked around. Your apartment was cozy, filled to the brim with trinkets and photos of your friends and family. Soft knitted blankets dotted around the room, a large scratching post for your cat as well as numerous toys.
Tenko jumped as he felt a slight shift in the couch. The small black, white and grey cat he saw earlier was staring at him, sizing him up for a moment before nestling into his side. She kneaded the blanket that pooled around his knees, purring away.
Tenko thought for a moment before tentatively stroking the gap between her ears, pleased when the purring increased tenfold.
“I see you’ve become friends with my cat,” you giggle as you present two steaming bowls.
“She’s lovely,” he murmured shyly, petting her a little more confidently. You hummed in acknowledgement as you set the bowls down as well as some cutlery.
“Now, eat up. Then, we have to go to the police and see what happens next,” you smiled at him as ice flooded his blood.
“Hey, don’t look at me like that. Nothing is going to happen to you. You’re only a child, and you clearly didn’t mean to kill anyone. I’ll have to check if you have any more family that can take you in,” your tone softened as you looked at Tenko’s face.
“I-I don’t have anyone else. A-all of my f-family was in the… the-,” he started crying again, gloved hands coming to reach his neck. You took his hand in yours and rubbed it soothingly, before lifting him up and placing him in your lap. Tenko buried his face into your neck and sobbed whilst you stroked his hair.
“I know, little lamb, I know. If that’s the case, then I’m going to look into adopting you myself, if that’s what you want?” You looked at him as you asked him.
Tenko’s eyes lit up before dimming again.
“B-but my quirk hurts people. I don’t want you to get hurt because of me. I’ve already hurt so many people,” He whimpered. Your heart ached looking at the young boy.
“My quirk is perfectly compatible with yours, and as long as you wear those gloves then you have no reason to worry. You’ve already seen just how mean people can be with people with a quirk like yours. If you stay with me, then I can protect you and help you,” you lifted Tenko’s chin to meet his eyes.
“Sweetheart, it’s a cruel, mean world for people who society deem ‘villains’. You have been hurt and ignored by these people, and I want to make sure that doesn’t happen again. You’re only a small boy, you didn’t deserve what happened to you. It’s not your fault. It was never your fault. I can help you learn to control your quirk to prevent accidents like this again. I know it hurts now, but we can get through this. I’ll be there for you every step of the way.”
Tenko flung himself deeper into your chest and sobbed until his throat was raw. In the past few hours, you had shown him such kindness that it overwhelmed him, on a level that only his mother dared display. Throughout the day, you had a warm glow radiate from within you. Tenko knew he wouldn’t have anyone else look after him.
You cuddled Tenko closer to you as he settled down.
“Now, let’s eat before the food goes cold,” you smile.
“Okay mama.”
“Tenko? Tenko, hurry up! You’re gonna be late for your first day!” You yelled up the stairs to your adopted son.
“I know, ma! I can’t find the extra pair of gloves you gave me,” he yelled back, rootling the Eraserhead backpack you gifted him. It was his first day at UA Hero Academy, and your nerves were just as shaky as his. He eventually found them, relieved at the sight as he readjusted his tie agitatedly.
“Do you have everything? Lunch, your creams, your throat spray?” You fussed over him, straightening his tie and smoothing his blazer lapels.
“Damn ma, you were rushing me out the door and now you’re gonna make me late,” he groaned, but cracked a light smile.
You looked at him. He had improved so much since you first took him in. His hair was cleaner, his skin had better creams, his lips were smeared in soothing lip balms and his allergies were nearly a thing of the past. The thought of the young, helpless boy you took in using his once destructive power for the better of society brought tears to your eyes.
“H-hey, don’t get all emotional ma! What’s the matter?!” He fussed, stopping when you smile at him.
“I’m so proud of you, Tenko. More than you’ll ever know. Now, go be the best hero that anyone has ever seen in UA!” You wiped your tears as you hugged your son, feeling him tremble slightly in return.
“Thanks ma. For everything.”
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damarassanctuary · 4 months ago
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Damztober24 #24: STRIFE!
(ft. Condy)
とき の 姫 和 犬 を 止めた
(oooooh something exciting Demoness related releasing tomorrow after the daily Damztober post btw) (as in its not exactly Damztober related i mean)
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hic-daily · 5 months ago
Todays Her Imperious Condescension Is:
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Slim thick, little waist, fat tits and an attitude problem.
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