trashyswitch · 1 month
Mischief in the Feywild
The group of 6 are walking through the Feywild, with Twig and Gideon running around in front. While Gideon tries to calm down, Twig accidentally finds out about a little ticklish spot thanks to Frost and his telepathy abilities. Frost's words end up causing a whole bunch of mischief, that turns into a devestating loss of dignity for both Gideon and eventually, Frost himself.
As I got past episode 21, I grew to absolutely love Twig and Gideon's relationship from the moment I saw their dynamic in Once Upon a Witchlight. I wanted to really emphasize this friendship, and add some slight playfulness with the others as well. But I mostly wanted to focus on Gideon and Twig. I also wanted to let you know that I will be uploading a few more fanfics to make up for the lack of fanfics the last few weeks. I was really focusing on finishing up my first year of school, and I had put my writing on the backburner for a while. Lastly, I had been at the cottage this last week, and I'll be heading back home tomorrow.
So with all that in mind, I hope you all enjoy!
“Weeee!” A little brownie fey creature declared as she rode the shoulders of her new friend: A very fast fire genasi named Gideon. 
“You- *huff* You havin’ fun up there?” Gideon asked, looking up to Twig out of the corner of his eye. 
“This is so fun! This is so fun! Run like the wind, Gideon!” She cheered excitedly. 
“Ey ey, Capt’n Twig!” He declared, before looking to the right. “I’m gonna do a sharp u-turn, ya alright with that?” Gideon asked. 
“Do it, do it, do it!” She declared. 
“Aaaalright! Let’s GO!” He made his body do a sharp u-turn, making a funny little vrooming sound as he turned. 
Twig’s reddish brown and blonde hair flew in the wind as she let out the most happy little high-pitched “WEEEEEE!” sound.
With Gideon now the other way, he started to sprint to the group again. “Alright! LOOK OUT BELOW!” Gideon shouted, sprinting straight for the group. 
“You know, I’m a little worried about Gideon being too rough with Twig.” Frost admitted. 
“Why’s that?” Kremy turned to look at him. 
Frost looked towards Kremy. “Well-” 
Suddenly, the sound of sliding across slightly moist moss filled the group’s ears as Gideon’s body slid closer and closer to the group. And right as the big set of feet slid to a halt, Gideon’s body stopped right in front of Kremy. With a smoldering look on his face, Gideon looks straight at Kremy. “Helloooo ladies~” 
[The entire group bursted out into laughter, with both Mace and Andy’s laughter audibly towering over the others. 
“Kremy looks at Gideon with…mostly shock and confusion, but you can see the slightest hint of a blush.” Richie told him. 
Derek takes a drink of his can of pop before putting it down. “Frost watches Gideon’s perfect form as he manages to slide to a stop in front of Kremy at just the right time. He nods up and down, uh…almost proudly, before saying-”]
“I take back what I said. Gideon is perfectly capable.” Frost told Kremy. 
“THAT WAS AWESOME!” Twig shouted excitedly. 
Gideon laughed through his breathlessness. “Was that fun?!” Gideon reacted, showing Twig his hand. “High five.” 
Twig gave his hand a high five. “Again, again, again!” She cheered excitedly. 
Gideon shook his head. “Not…not now. Gid needs a break.” He told her, bringing his arms up to take her off his shoulders. 
“Okay. But can I stay on your shoulders?” Twig asked, touching the top of his hair. 
“Sure, why not.” Gideon lowered his hands rather hastily. 
[“Gideon joins the rest of the group.” Mace told them. 
Nikkie nods. “With the group now together, they all spend their time walking and chatting amongst each other.” She explained. “And as you walk, Gid…you can feel Twig playing with your hair, almost like a bored child in need of a distraction.” She explained next.
“I let Twig do this as I’m walking.” Mace explains. “It feels nice, and it helps calm me down.” He added.
Nikkie looked at Mace. “I’ll need you to roll an insight check.”
Mace picked up his d20 dice and rolled it. When he got his number, he checked his insight number. “Uhh…11.”
Nikkie nodded her head. “Alright. You can feel your mind calming down slightly. However, you quickly find that her hair-playing starts to distract you rather than calm you.” Nikkie explained. “The touch doesn’t really hurt, per say. But…the touch feels more…ticklish than anything.” 
Mace tilts his head. “Wait, tickles as in…itches? Or tickles as in, makes you laugh?” He asked for clarification. 
“Up to you.” Nikkie replied. 
“Alright.” Mace smiles and straightens his posture. “I do all I can to ignore the urge to laugh.” Mace told her. 
Richie and Nikkie laugh a little bit. 
“Alright. Roll a deception check for me.” 
Gideon rolls the dice, and adds his deception check. “16.” 
“Alright.” Nikkie replied.] 
Gideon attempted to calm himself down as Twig played with his hair. The thing is, not a lot of people have touched his hair, let alone the top of his head…not even as he was growing up. He expected it to feel nice, and at first…it did. But now it was growing somewhat sensitive. 
“Twig?” Gideon asked. 
“Yeah?” Twig’s hands paused slightly. 
“What are you doing up there?” Gideon asked. 
“Playing with your hair.” Twig started moving her fingers through the hair and scratching mere centimeters away from his scalp. “Why?” 
“N-No reason, juhust-” Gideon bit both his lips as he tried to keep himself together. It felt like the touch alone was pushing him to laugh against his will. It’s not something he’s used to, and he nearly breaks.
“Gid?” Kremy turned to look at him.
“What’s wrong with you?” Gricko asked. 
Frost looked at Twig’s hands, before looking at Gideon’s face specifically. “You look like something’s bothering you.” 
“Botherin’? Oh no, nothing's b-bothering me-hehe-” He squeezed his right eye as Twig’s finger scratched a super sensitive part of his scalp. 
[Derek is visibly trying not to laugh. “Suspecting something else,” Derek places his index and middle fingers onto his own forehead. “Frost uses his telekinesis to get into Gideon’s head.” Derek explains. 
Mace laughs. “All you hear is ‘Shit, shit, shit, what is this? It feels weird, why?!’.” Mace explained. 
This explanation alone makes Derek lean his body back with laughter.
“Why do I wanna laugh?!” Mace asks next. 
“There’s nothing funny about this!” Derek added, making more laughter fill the room.] 
Frost widened his eyes and grew a cat-like smile on his face. “I see…” He said with a smirk. 
“You see? What is it?” Kremy asked. 
“I’ll explain in a moment.” Frost told him. 
[“I use my powers to get into Twig’s mind.” Derek places his fingers back onto his forehead before looking at Nikkie.] 
‘Twig, this is Frost. I think you might be tickling Gideon by accident.’ Frost explained in her head. 
[The room of players burst out laughing. “Straight to the point.” Andy mentioned.
“Just no going around it!” Mikie added.] 
‘Tickling Gideon?!’ Twig gasped. 
‘It would seem so.’ Frost replied. 
‘Thanks for the warning, Frost! I had no idea!’ Twig reacted. 
[“The moment after she says this to Frost, she starts scratching and playing with Gideon’s hair even faster than before.” Nikkie told them with a laugh. 
“What?!” Mace drops his jaw, clearly offended.
The group bursts out laughing as Derek panics and moves his fingers back to his forehead to send another telekinetic phrase. “Wait, no!”
“Do I roll a performance check for this? Or a sleight of hand?” Nikkie asks. 
“Sleight of hand, I believe.” Andy replies.  
“Okay.” Nikkie rolls the dice and adds her sleight of hand. “Dirty 20!” She declared. “And Mace, roll me a…strength? Survival? I don’t know…”
“I’ll roll a survival check. That makes the most sense.” Mace told her. 
“At disadvantage, because…” Nikkie motions to Mace and shakes her head. “Well…Tickling.” 
That was all she could get out before the group burst out laughing.]
Gideon's head leaned back as the laughter finally overcame him. “Gahahahaha! What the hehehehell?!” His almost bellowish laughter filled the feywild for a moment as he tried to grab Twig. 
[Richie smiles. “Now, Kremy quickly remembers a time he found a really good tickle spot on Gideon.” He explains. “And though he swore he would never tell a soul about it…” Richie shrugs his shoulders. “He risks it for a biscuit cause he’s a menace.” He concluded.
A collection of ‘Ooooooh’s fill the room for a moment as the table processes the utter betrayal from Richie/Kremy.] 
“Twig, go for his ears!” Kremy yelled out. 
“Okay!” Twig replied. 
[“I can’t believe it’s gotten to this…” Nikkie laughed, before clearing her throat. “Not able to choose which ear to go for, Twig quickly begins scratching at both of Gideon’s ears instead.” Nikkie narrated.
“Good lord…” Mace shook his head. “Gideon just loses it with laughter. He struggles to cover his ears as he realizes that his best friend…his only friend…and now husband…had just told one of his biggest secrets to not only Twig, but to the rest of the group in the process.” Mace told the group.] 
“Oops…” Kremy casually muttered with a snicker. 
Desperate to save what’s left of his dignity, Gideon reached to grab Twig and take her off his shoulders. 
[What number did you get?” Nikkie asked. 
“19.” Mace replied. 
“You pass. You’re able to grab Twig and lift her off you.” Nikkie narrated. 
“Yes!” Mace cheered.] 
“Ihi gotcha, ya little shit.” Gideon brought Twig into his chest and tickled her belly and sides. 
Twig bursted out in high-pitched, squeaky fits of laughter. “eEEEHEEHEE! GIHIHID, IHIHI’M SORRYYYY!” Twig squealed. 
“Don’t you try and get yourself out of this! You started it!” He reminded her. 
[Derek morphed his face into guilt. “Frost looks at this and starts to feel guilty. He feels like Twig’s doom was entirely his fault, and that he should atone for his actions.” Derek explained.] 
Frost cleared his throat. “Uh…Actually Gideon…” He spoke up. “I have a confession.” He admitted. 
Gideon looked at Frost. “Well, make it quick. I’m a little busy.” Gideon told him. 
Frost scratched the back of his head. “It was actually me that told her.” Frost admitted. “I tried to warn her that she was tickling you, and…I suppose she took it as a challenge.” Frost admitted with a small chuckle. 
Gideon slowly paused his fingers and looked at Frost. “Did you…read my mind?” He asked. 
Frost widened his eyes. “Yeah, I did. That’s how I found out.” He admitted. 
Gideon narrowed his eyes at Frost, before looking at Twig. “This true?” He asked. 
Twig nodded her head. “Yeah, it is.” 
Gideon looked at Frost out of the corner of his eye, and put Twig onto his shoulders again. “No touching my ears without my permission, okay?” He told Twig. 
Twig nodded her head. “Okay. Promise!” 
Gideon put his fingers onto his own forehead. ‘Better prepare yourself for the most laughter you’ve ever experienced.’ Gideon said in his mind. 
[Derek widened his eyes. “Oh shit!” 
The group burst out laughing. “Whoa! Okay!” Nikkie reacted. 
“Can Gricko understand what he’s thinking based on his face?” Mikie asked. 
“I don’t know. Roll an insight check. And Mace, roll a persuasion check.” Nikkie told them. 
Mikie rolled the dice. “18.” He said. 
“Dammit…” Mace hung his head. “13.” 
Nikkie threw her head back with laughter. “Oh no!” She reacted.] 
Gricko smirked a little bit. “Well, it’s a good thing you and Frost have something in common…” He teased. 
Frost’s upper body froze, widening his eyes before glaring at the person beside him. “Gricko!” 
Gricko smirked brightly. “Am I wrong?” He asked. 
Frost fixed his hood and looked down, attempting to hide his face. 
Gideon smirked a bit and looked behind him slightly. “Hey Twig, ya wanna team up later?” Gideon asked. 
“Sure!” Twig replied excitedly. 
Kremy widened his eyes, and looked ahead, suddenly growing nervous. He looked at Frost, who was also nervous. He looked forward and tried to keep himself calm as they walked. “Well…” Was all he could get out. 
Let’s just say…they both should’ve remembered the consequences before going against a large Fire Genasi and his little fey brownie friend…
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angelstitss · 5 months
HI I saw your intro post and I thought about reaching out to you since you seem really cool! I’m Andi, I’m sixteen and I use they them pronouns! I’m currently obsessing over hazbin hotel so uh yeah NICE TO MEET YOU
OMG HII ANDI 🥹💗 UR SO SWEET THANK U!! U SEEM AWESOME TOO 🫶🏼🫶🏼 nice to meet u!!! can i just say that i LOVE ur user bless
btw if u or anyone wants to message me after we become mutuals please please pleaseee feel free!! i love to talk to new friends and frankly i need someone to word dump about the helluverse to LMAO
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sailingangel · 8 months
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My new video is LIVE! In this episode of Sailing Dark Angel we tackle battery issues once again. Andy and Nancy bring us more of the SLA batteries they donated a few months ago because we've consumed the original ones, and Cal calls us to let us know there's a cat at the city dock upgrading to Lithium batteries, looking to re-home their AGMs!! https://youtu.be/CIG_r60DaU8 or Extended, OnDemand at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/sailingdarkangel/906537005 Our Rum tasting article in the fall issue of Latitudes and Attitudes magazine is available NOW... It's delicious! Subscribe to read all of their amazing articles with stunning pics. Of course we'll offer you a discounted subscription, just click this link https://digitalmagazine.latsatts.com/sailingdarkangel-5456 Enjoy our Bahamas snorkeling article in the summer issue of Latitudes and Attitudes magazine https://summer2023.latsatts.com/theresthisplace#a_aid=640782a615fd9&a_bid=0e47bed1 We take our Ugowear waterproof bags EVERYWHERE! Awesome company and amazing products. Get yours here https://ugowear.com?aff=34 Join us on this adventure of a lifetime. Our new website is LIVE! Check us out... sailingdarkangel.com Lisa's personal blog is being added right now. If you like what you see, consider buying us a beer? Thank you for helping us stay afloat If you'd like to support our channel in a material way, have a look at our wish list https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/KYJVC8ZWGHY2 We were featured in an article on Pussfoot! https://www.pussfoot.com/blogs/water/sailing-dark-angel-sailing-and-slow-cooked-ribs Get your own 'Dark Angel' and 'Be Nauti' swag here https://spoiledbratdesigns.com/product-category/sailing-dark-angel-clothing-and-accessories/ Don't be shy, contact [email protected] to design your very own custom products. Join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sailingdarkangel TikTok tiktok.com/@sailing_darkangel Instagram @sailingdarkangel UHive https://www.uhive.com/z/BTTAKBN MeWe https://mewe.com/i/darkangel46 Reddit https://reddit.com/u/SailingDarkAngel Our opening and closing song is Who We Are by Miah Check out his band NINETEEN EIGHTY SEVEN! They are awesome http://nineteeneightyseven.com/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/6WaNVPlzMwFn7WCVT3gVcJ Lisa & Dave © Sailing Dark Angel 2024
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bandy-andy · 1 year
HI andy thank u for ur nice comments on my art :3 i really appreciatye it!!!!
YOOOOO of course! Your art is really fucking awesome man, I think it should get nice comments all the time
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wayf1nders · 7 years
11 questions
i was tagged by @vityanikiforova!!!!!!!!!! thank u!!!!!💕💕💕
1) Always post the rules. 2) Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3) Write 11 questions of your own. 4) Tag 11 people.
1. How did you learn about YOI?
I’m pretty sure it was through tumblr!
2. What was one of the most embarrassing things you’ve witnessed?
like in person? I can’t remember
3. What was the nicest compliment you’ve been told?
a nice lady once told me I looked very innocent and cute!!!
4. What are some of your favorite books?
dinotopia (bc dinosaurs!!!!!!), Anne of Green Gables, The Birchbark House, the secret of the ginger mice, and Zahrah the Windseeker!!!!! they’re all amazing!!
5. When reading fanfiction, you prefer one-shots or chaptered works?
mmmmmm i mean both are good but I tend to read more chaptered works...the long stuff
6. Worst drink you’ve ever had?
ok well I can’t remember the WORST one, but I really really don’t like dr. pepper and bubble tea.
7. Your favorite quote?
i mean there’s a lot of super good quotes, but im sticking with yoi quotes for now
 quote of the day is “I don't know how long Victor will stick around or how long my body will hold up. So please God...give me Victor's time, if only just for now.” - yuuri
i just really like this one, a lot
8. If you could swap talents with someone for a day who would that be and why?
ooooooooo if i switched talents with phichit then i’d be an amazing sociable figure skater with amazing selfie skills!! that sounds pretty good! or victor!!
tbh i think i’d be happy swapping talents with like anyone, bc some people have got such cool talents?? like ok an irl person would be like jin? from bts? bc then i could sing!!!!! i rlly wish i could sing!!!!!!!!
9. What is your least favorite trope in the fandom?
in the yoi fandom? idk....? i guess like the whole thing with the dishes..that wasn’t even funny..like it was made into such a big deal. i don’t think that’s a trope? but it was everywhere. it got annoying. i can’t think of any actual tropes though??
10. What is an AU you’d love to read?
hi i fucking love aus
OK SO ONE i was thinking about like a lil while ago was an ever after high au!!! like ok i know, but i like eah and it was just so much fun trying to figure who each of them would be and what would happen, especially because there’s conflict with like whether they accept their story and follow it or if they rebel against it, especially bc victor might be like a prince and he’s supposed to follow his destiny and be the prince charming of a story, but he loves yuuri who isn’t a part of his story? (he could be like eros or something, the same way that there is c. a. cupid!) and there’s the whole thing about what happens if you don’t follow your destiny (cause raven saw that fake vision that everything would be destroyed if she refused to sign the book and i imagine it’d end up being kinda like that for one of them?) and this whole idea makes me so excited honestly!!!!!!!! idk if anyone would be interested in that though lmao (but if u are...lmk....let’s talk....)
11. Your thoughts on North Korea. 
seems like there’s some pretty scary stuff going on up there
i am tagging (if u want to!! u don’t have to!!): @y-uuriis, @reinalino, @katzuyas, @brokuro, @lovingnikiforov, @tsumilkii
my 11 questions are:
which yoi character would you go to for life advice?
what’s your favorite game?
what is a song you love?
your favorite character who is dead now?
what is your style like?
the best drink you’ve ever had?
how is the weather out there?
why are things the way that they are?
what do you love the most in life?
which character would you never ever hang out with?
your opinion on phichit?
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nanabbi · 4 years
Hello! I love zisashi angst and I have at least 70 fics to rec! ... Would you like me to recommend them? 👀 I've been colecting them for over a year now
So, this person did DM me the recs but they didn’t want to be mentioned by name, so I’ll just thank them a lot for sharing their suggestions. They had also placed sweet little notes for all of them, I’ll include them, but I hold no authority of them. I’ll add some of my own insight if I have any.
Here is the list for me and all of you to check them out:
don't scream until the earth crumbles by rise_beyond_the_graveyard (serenlyall)
3K/Oneshot-  [Their Note:  Angst for Hizashi and Shouta. Mentions of torture, be careful with the tags]
If At First You Don't Succeed... by MarziPanda95
26K/Completed- !!! It Is completed! Yay, I’ll definitely read it at first chance. It is a Groundhog Day fic. [Their Note:  A personal favorite that was completed very recently. Mentions of torture (mental and corporal) the tension in this fic is amazing! And its really well written]
Without You I Can't Breathe by morbidcorvids
2K/Oneshot- Major Character Death. Hizashi basically dies in Aizawa’s arms from what I saw.  [Their Note: This one is... So good but omg it made me so sad ;;;; a great piece of angst!! Mind the tags before breaking your heart].
Hindsight Is 20/20 by Nartothelar
2K/Oneshot- Wait there’s fics of this AU!? Omg! I was wondering where I could get more insight about it and this fic is part of a series. Now tho 👀 [Their Note:  Part of nartothelar's awesome mafia au! I love the angst in this one, and even comes with art! 💕💞💖💓 love it so much]
Resignation by OnAir
28K/Completed- [Their Note:  THIS IS OMG SJDVBDD MY FAVE, I'VE READ IT LIKE 8383737721 TIMES, its a must! Read! Of! Hizashi! Angst! Pleaaaase! Do yourself a favor and read this masterpiece]
[More under Read More, because our provider was very generous with their suggestions]
Patchwork Family by bravobeavo
3K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  This one is so cute! Hizashi angst with erasermic family fluff to warm your heart! Shinsou and Eri are so worried for their dad in this one 💕]
Consumption of the Heart and Lungs by YamiHeart
4K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  I think you will like this one... Its a hanahaki!!!! And in japan with ninjas and samurais 💕💞💖 and an omg very good amazingly written hanahaki. It is part of a series though! So if you fall in love with it you can read the next one!]
White Chrysanthemums by LipstickVenom
9K/Oneshot- I see Major Character Death warning and Hurt no Comfort. I’ll approach with caution [Their Note: Ok hear me out, this one hurts! A lot, but its oh so amazing💕 fully recommend it!]
Paper Hearts by Xen_The_Protogen
2K/Oneshot- Major Character Death Warning [ Their Note: Super fun timeline to follow! Well... Not fun, this fic made me cry, but I loved how the story was told! Please, its a must read!]
Soul Bound by Ibelieveinahappilyeverafter
7K/Oneshot- It is written by Andy. I trust it. [Their Note:  One of the best soulmate fanfiction out there, its not fully angst, but it is there in some parts! (USJ I see ya) this one is more like Hizashi and Shouta angst though].
you are my sunshine by chimera (emptyheadspace)
5K/Completed- Ha. Ha. I see the title and the MCD Warning... Someone here is not afraid of that warning [Their Note:  I mean, the title already tells you that this sadder than mufasa's death. 5+1 type of fic (I love the format so I loved this one even more!)]
I'm Sorry, I'm Not Sorry by Tabs
1K/Oneshot- It does say happy ending tho [Their Note: And yis.... Short and sad, read it!]
Shout & Mute by ill go with that then (Linelenagain)
9K/Oneshot- Body swap, you have my curiosity and attention [Their Note:  Ok this one is not angst angst, but is more like Aizawa finally realizing the hardships that Hizashi must have (and is going through) because of his quirk thanks to a bodyswap! :D (love this one aye)]
A Gift of Sunshine by Ibelieveinahappilyeverafter
35K/Completed- It’s Andy again! Hi sir, I’m a fan. The concept seems interesting [Their Note: Ok so... In this fic Hizashi is a sword and Aizawa attends UA with him (it? Lol) well, he is more like a soul in a sword, not the swor- meh, just read it. It has some heave angst in some chapters! And its not that long! Reallyyyy good fic]
More Than Just a Smile by ravyn_sinclair
7K/Oneshot- -heavy breathing- I see BAMF Hizashi in the tags. BAMF HIZASHI! [Their Note:This is a fic of Hizashi being underestimated and showing everyone that he has some brains/ knows how to be a hero. There is angst by the end of the fic~ this piece of writing is just- a masterpiece. Kudos to the writer!]
Improbable Botany 101 by Tierfal 
46K/Complete- [Their Note: OKAY! A HANAHAKI THAT IS JUST 💕💞💖 its longish? Not that much, you'll finish it in an hour or so, but is just sooooo gooooooood! Amazing hanahaki angst! I love how they show us the feelings and thoughts of the characters].
6:15 by dadzawa_of_1a
3K/Oneshot- [Their Note: So great! I loved this one! And its very well written! Its a quick read so please just go go go go!].
I thought we'd last forever by orphan_account
1K/Oneshot- MCD Warning [Their Note: Great fic my dear! And very sad... Mind the tags :'"c]
Ice It by Say_Jay
3K/Oneshot- Oh! I’ve read this one! It’s so cute. I was looking for it when I was doing the Hizashi whump list, but I hadn’t bookmarked it! Now I have! Gosh I hate losing fics, thanks for bringing it over [Their Note:  Its more like... Comfort after getting hurt? But meh, angst anyway sbdbjdbd However, I think that everyone in the erasermic fandom is familiar with this short masterpiece].
Dust in the Wind by d_lynx
Sleep and Sweet Tea by d_lynx
2K/Series-  [Their Note: Ok this one is just pure angst. A very short concentrated bomb of angst. It does have a happy continuation though! So you can go and check that].
Guillotine by existentialrat
4K/Ongoing- !!! 👀 Do I have anything to do with the origin of this fic? I see the author’s note there. I’ll wait~ [Their Note: Hizashi is with hanahaki! Ohnooo! Dnjdbdj well well, this one is not finished, but there is one chapter left so... You can choose to either wait or just start reading it. Oboro lives in this one though!]
Honest with You by astrange_one
8K/Completed- [Their Note:  Hizashi gets insecure after having an encounter with his past foster parents :c babyyyyy. He suffers so much mentally speaking in this one]
Needle-thin Tightrope by Dramaticdragon
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Another insecure Hizashi! This one is short but ohhh amazing!]
Lost and Found by TheWiseMansFear
16K/Ongoing- Last Update: April 2020 [Their Note: Hizashi is tortured but refuses to tell why! Its not finished! And the updates are slow, but is very good, read under your own risk].
Day 3: Unexpected/Revelation by presentedmic
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Great fic! Shouta tells Shinsou about the time he almost lost Hizashi! Cutecutecute and angsty!]
Desolate by maplebee
<1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note:  A short very angsty fic... Almost made me cry, this one did].
With You by maplebee
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Short and sad as well, this author is great with making you feel stuff in less than 1k].
Accidentally Forever by Arkham_Cat
1K/Oneshot- I skimmed through it, it seems mild with no Mature content [Their Note: Short Omegaverse, shows how Shouta accidentally marked Hizashi. Its angst? But not very heavy angst, soft angst? Dunno. And is short as well! So I would recommend it if u want a quick read!].
Sunshine Boy by MarziPanda95
40K/Completed-  MarziPanda again! Hmmm 👀 [Their Note: We all know that Marzipanda95 is a goddess of Hizashi Angst, and this fic is one of her greatest masterpieces! Please! This is a must read!!! Recently completed].
Even As I'm Busted And Broken by Tippytap
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Ok... Short but sad, Hizashi is finally overwhelmed. Mind the tags please]
(Don't Ever) Stop Talking by WritingStarsIntoConstellations
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Aizawa messes up by using his quirk on Hizashi! They are teens in this one~]
Kintsugi (Broken & Fixed) by DarklingMoon
12K/Completed- [Their Note: Another 5+1 cause god knows I love them so much! Its a great fic filled with angssttttttt... Read it lol]
Lemon Boy by modernmint
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Short! Focuses on the phobia that Hizashi has with bugs and the relationship of the boys! They are teens in here].
Five Times Present Mic Apologized (And One Time He Didn't Have To) by BurningTheSapphires (MyStShSh)
5K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Features villain present mic! Is not mostly angst but it has...] Good ending? I hope.
Sixty Seven by AcroArdent 
1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note: This is just short erasermic angst. Featuring villain aizawa!]
Waiting For You to Call My Name by Purplemerald
2K/Oneshot-  [Their Note: I mean, you tell me "Hizashi angst" and I think of this fic, short, painful, a must read].
Snapshot by LipstickVenom
5K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Insecure of his body image Hizashi :c ]
Five Stages of Grief by NeitherDeadnorAlive
3K/Ongoing- I saw no MCD warning. [Their Note:  Hizashi is trapped with some civilians under loads of rubble! Rescate mission ensues! And huh... Its not finished, but its some great angst thooo]
Musical Vibrations by Rose_Cat
1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Hizashi gets deafened :c ]
Letting Go by Zombieisms
<1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note: Hizashi is comatose].
Dangerous by AutisticWriter
1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Little kid shinsou and hizashi bonding over their time at the orphanage].
One Last Time by CoolPandr
<1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note: Aizawa Mourning our sunshine boy :c short and painful]
You're Late! by AnotherWeirdoHere
<1K/Oneshot- MCD. I didn’t even read it but the title and the summary alone pained enough of a picture to make me choke. These concepts hit me for some reason [Their Note: Short angst! Super cute ending].
Too Loud and Too Much by doctornemesis
2K/Oneshot-  [Their Note:  Insecure teen hizashi :c someone give this boy a hug].
Just a Push by Say_Jay
5K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Aizawa injures Hizashi while training!]
Everything I Wanted by toshiwoshi
4K/Oneshot-  [Their Note: Hizashi gets misuranderstood and gets his heart broken :c happy ending tho]
Memories by My_Furnace_Has_Wings
2K/Oneshot- MCD Omg... [Their Note: Ok this is erasermic family angst... Suuuuper sad, this author is great.]
Actions Speak Louder than Words by My_Furnace_Has_Wings
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Teen erasermic confession with angst! Really good ^^]
Mr loverman by popweezle
1K/Oneshot- Angst with a freaking Happy Ending tag. Finally I am getting super depressed with these scenarios I am reading here. Good God. [Their Note: Another comatose Hizashi~]
first love / late spring by pgsaihara
1K/Oneshot-  [Their Note: Erasermic angst, insecure Aizawa makes Hizashi upset :c ]
Needle-thin Tightrope by Dramaticdragon
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Another insecure about his volume hizashi :c poor baby but I kinda get him].
Small Hiding places by IsTheMedia
2K/Oneshot- Part of Villain!Mic [Their Note:  Part of villain Hizashi series! But can be read alone... Implied child abuse, mind the tags].
(dis)trust by Cat_Tac
4K/Oneshot- TW: Sexual assault (doesn’t get far, but it is the basis of the plot). Mentioned this one in previous ask, but let’s put it in this huge pile too [Their Note:  MIND THE TAGS PLEASE, this can be triggering. Hizashi is assaulted at work and feels guilty].
Be grateful, hero by SaltywithSarcasm
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Hizashi is kidnapped and tortured]
Tenacity by tiniest_hands_in_all_the_land
23K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Ok so... This is more Aizawa centric? But there is some amazing hizashi angst at the end! (Another 5+1 fic!)]
Déjà vu by douchegrayson
9K/Completed- Mentioned this one before too. I really love its concept so much [Their Note: Everyone forgets hizashi thanks to a quirk! Our poor boy is desolated :c ]
Stay With Me by MintIceTea
2K/Completed- [Their Note:  Erasermic angst and fluff!]
Engagement by fecklessphilanderer
8K/Completed- [Their Note:  Hizashi falls off a building, fluffy ending!]
Note: In all of these, make sure to read the tags please, in case there are any themes you’re uncomfortable with. I have not yet read most of these, so once more you’re gonna have to look out for yourselves. 🙏
265 notes · View notes
jellicle-jemmy · 3 years
So I wrote this a little over two years ago. They are my first thoughts in watching CATS (2019)
This was written basically as soon as I got home from the theatre in 2019. I truly hope you enjoy these, as they have been gathering dust in my drafts. Now, without further ado:
These are just some of my thoughts I had while watching and my initial reaction to the film I have just watched.
Okay, first of all, me and my pals thought we were in the wrong cinema for a couple minutes because there were faaaaar too many people in the cinema
As we all know, the music slaps and me and my pals were straight vibing as the camera panned down. 
And then the cats appeared. I legit was thinking, “wow they actually made them look like that, huh?”
I immediately identified Munk, Cass, Dem and Syllabub
fr tho why did he climb down that wall like that that’s not how cats work
Why are they surrounding her like that?? ARE THEY SUMMONING A DEMON WTF?? I’M SO DIZZY
[Victoria appears] Oh look it’s a babey
I took a forty, smashed in on the ground and yelled SCATTER
Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats
Laurie Davidson is babey 
This isn’t too bad. I like the way that this number is being handled so far
AAaaaaaaaand now it’s funky town WTF
The music just went rachachacha on us
Munk really be out here straight vibing throughout the whole song
I do like how he’s kind of leading the whole numberits fun to watch
As always, there’s my babey Syllabub
We need to talk about the feet. Or maybe we shouldn’t. Yeah let’s not.
What is with the clapping in the music? Who is clapping? The cats aren’t. The audience certainly isnt. ( @whatsajinglebellcat said “It’s the clap of their ass cheeks as they’re dancing”)
The choreography is mediocre at best, I really dislike Andy’s choreography, why are they like that?????
Francesca Hayward is babey
How is Syllabub able to hang from that position wtf, surely that hurts
Robbie Fairchild as Munk is both daddy and babey (i’m said it I’m not sorry)
The jellicles seem to be having fun at least which is nice
Macavity Dialogue Bit
That Moriarty reference flashing into a wanted poster for Macavity is beautiful thank you so much to whoever pitched that and implemented that
Ooooo Macavity already sounds interesting
Once again, Laurie Davidson as Misto is babey
Demeter and Cassandra, why are you such bitches? Dear lord
The Naming of Cats // Invitation to the Jellicle Ball
Ngl I actually really like this bit
Deadass seems like a cult initiation but we’ve long ago established that the Jellicle tribe is a cult anyway
Munkustrap ur doing so good sweetie
Victoria darling u are one in the babey club
As always, there is Syllabub straight vibing
Mr Strap, Munk that is a child, why are you dancing with her like that?!
Francesca is a stunning wonderful dancer but she should’ve been dancing by herself more
Mr Mistofelees you are such babey ur so cute darling, he’s doing so good
Munk why did you have to sing your bit and then restate it while talking we’re not stupid!
oh wait.
a lot of people still don’t get the plot
carry on, and maybe say it again
The Old Gumbie Cat (Coming from someone who has played Jennyanydots)
no no
no no no
no no nope not happening no
no way
don’t like that at all
why is she doing that
why does she sound like that
Munk ur doing so good but why
Why is she spreading eagle like that
why do the mice look like that
why do the roaches look like that
The Rum Tum Tugger
ooooo... this... is alright
hold up
why is this actually good
awww Jenny and Munk are so cute i’m glad they did munk and jenny’s friendship
Damn Tugger is fun
Okay, why is he reacting to Vic that way
Who cares this slaps
Jason Derulo was a good Rum Tum Tugger choice there I said it
Oh my god i actually love his voice
Syllabub = babey
dear god Jenny that comment about Tugger and being neutered isn’t very in character but I cackled
Jenny sweetie pls don’t try and breakdance
Okay the milk is fucking weird
this is weird
okay nvmind it’s good again
Tugger really be feeling himself in those riffs. and so he should
Grizabella The Glamour Cat
This is well handled
I really like how Griz sang her bit to the curious Victoria
I love that not everyone realised Griz was there right away
Of course, that is 
oooo Cass and Dem are feisty 
Deadass Cass seems like Grizabella’s child??!!!
Oh my god they look like the Jets or the Sharks are they about to start clicking????!!!!
Gang gang
Once again - syllabub, i see you and i love you
Dialogue Interlude
Griz went of with Maccy Boi huh?
Macavity you fuckin’ bitch
I barely remember what happened but that transition into Bustopher Jones really doesn’t fit
I think Bustopher and Jenny had a fight? Umm? Why?
Bustopher Jones
I had a real trouble keeping an eye on whats going on in this number
Why are all his ‘clubs’ just dumpsters? Like no. That’s-
That’s not really
After that I was just watching my friend who played Bustopher to see his reaction to everything
Also why is he singing this entire number by himself
Maitre’D (or however the fuck that name is spelled) is married to Bustopher and no one can change my mind
Why is “the cat in spats” so funny, Macavity? Huh? I did like that Mac poked fun at his fashion sense rather than his weight tho
Also why did Bustopher fucking flyyyy??????
Aaaaaaaaand down the slide Veruca Salt style
Growltiger Interlude
Could’ve raised a lot of red flags with this number, but just establishing the character where all the kidnapped characters ended up, I liked
Also what did Growltiger actually do to Bustopher
And that gag about the rhyming of “aims” and “thames” ran a little too long ngl
But I liked the mauled ear on Growltiger - nice nod and detail
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
These two really said “Be gay, do crimes”
I love them
I fucking love them
And this rendition
10/10 I love this whole number
They’re a little more evil than playful but I literally don’t care because they’re awesome
The jewels on Victoria? Stan
Mungojerrie is such a cute dumb bitch and I love him so much
Their accents are so cute
The house is stunning
Victoria? Babey.
Mungojerrie? Babey.
Rumpleteazer? Babey.
This number was so much fun and is probably my favourite
And their fur designs are so cute too!
I love this song. I love the version. I love everything about it.
Mistofelees X Victoria Interlude
Once again, the twins are babey
You know who else is babey? My clumsy and adorable boy Misto
Clumsy sweetie
Wow they’re going for Mistoria huh?
Why didn’t they play up Mungo and Teazer knowing Vic before the ball? Why is there just a nod to it in when Munk asks about the jewel Vic wears
Old Deuteronomy
I adore Robbie Fairchild
Why does Old Doot appear like a new rival in a video game?
The rendering was so bad in that moment
But Munk is so sweet when Doot appears
They are mother and son, and no one can change my mind
Judi Dench really can’t sing huh...
It’s so raspy and yick
Also her coat is so odd and I hate it
Deadass she looks like an albino
Song of the Jellicles
I genuinely couldn’t tell if I liked or disliked the fact that everyone sang everything
“Meow meow meow meow” Gus dear god why
Again, we’re back into the whole cult thing
Jellicle Ball
The whole cinema lost their minds laughing through this whole choreography and I hated it
But Syllabub got some dance moves
Tugger saying “With your permission” ummm??? He is Doot’s other more feral son
The choreography was good at some points but for the most part it was eh
The music is bangin’ tho
And then they all died lmao
that is all
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vormirjumper · 4 years
Tumblr media
Hello Loves! I’ve reached 1500 followers recently and I wanted to celebrate by honouring all my favourite gif makers. Gif Makers really do put a lot of effort into what they create and gif making is time consuming so let's give our gif makers a little more love everytime you see their creations! shower them with likes and reblogs they deserve ❤️All these people are super talented!!!
p.s. i’ve linked my top 5 favourite edits that they have made (in no particular order) so do reblog &/or like if you like them too :) 
@ptrbprkrs thank you for always looking out for me and helping me with my blog :) i think your gifs are great and your blog is lovely!!!
peter parker + rainbow 
peter parker + the grey t-shirt 
tom, your handsome is showing
tom holland’s wise advice on social media 
peter parker + facial expressions while preparing for his trip
@pterparkers (you have too many amazing gifs to choose from i died trying to choose 5)
I really like MJ, man, okay? She’s awesome, she’s super funny in a king of dark way and sometimes i catch her looking at me.
I only act like I know everything.
spider-man: far from home bloopers          
#same energy
we’re in the endgame now.
@stardustony U ARE THE QUEEN OF COLOURING OMG. you need to drop a colouring tutorial cause my gifs are trying to glow like that 
˗ˏˋ Somebody’s got to look out for the little guy, right? ˊˎ˗
There’s no title to this but i really liked this concept
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
THE TONY STARK LOOKBOOK | Iron Man 1 edition
THOR ODINSON ˗ˏˋ Point me in the direction of whoever’s ass I have to kick ˊˎ˗
@momentofmemory your creativity is insane and how you blend different elements (idk if i phrased that right) is just so pretty i really love it a lot hehe
og6 avengers + knowledge 
mj and peter, in the amazing spider-man vol. 5 #1, #5
5 times steve left people shook™ + 1 time he shook himself 
black widow #1 (2014)  i think i followed you because of this giftset. then i fell in love with you haha
og6 avengers + firsts and lasts
@schoflield you are an iconic gif maker for so many films!!!
GIFTED (2017)
GONE GIRL (2014)
DUNKIRK (2017)
@robertdowneys your gifs never fail to be so aesthetically pleasing my eyes can’t handle them anymore
Arrival (2016) 
@downey-junior I’m really doing you an injustice by picking 5 of your gifsets THEY ARE ALL SO GOOD LIKE HOW??? all so colourful and in high quality i love
infinity saga rewatch: GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (2014) dir. James Gunn
ORIGINAL SIX AVENGERS + name etymology (insp.)
@bobnorley the most popular searches gif will always be one my favourites of yours!
Natasha Romanoff + Most popular searches
Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers (MCU 2011-2019)
All of Natasha’s Scenes: 270/?
The Perfect Score (2004) x The Winter Soldier (2014)
Most of the time the people we like don’t like us back
@heybinary you are literally one of the reasons why i make gifs now!!! i’m so thankful for you and your gif skills are unmatched!!!
Black Panther + Details
you know, baby, you know...
Fight like a GIRL.
“ Tell me about the shooter. ”
“Black Widow (2020) ”
@natashasromanofff your blog was one of the very first accounts that i followed when i started tumblr about 3 years ago and i’ve always loved all your gifs!! your colouring is really just so pretty!
Marriage Story (2019)
Marvel’s Black Widow Prelude (2020) #2 
We Bought a Zoo (2011)
Marvel’s Black Widow Prelude (2020) #3 (these gifs are my favourite!!!)
Avengers Endgame (2019)
@chrisheavans​ i love your blog!!!
Chris Evans as Andy Barber in Defending Jacob - Episode 4
Andy Barber in Defending Jacob - Episode 2
Chris Evans for Esquire
Let’s…name the time and place.
entitled little shit
Chris Evans as Andy Barber in Defending Jacob - Episode 8
of course he don’t need doors😏
Chris Evans as Steve Rogers in Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) (dir. Joe and Anthony Russo)
Chris Evans as Andy Barber in Defending Jacob - Episode 5
ok husband! (゚∇^*)
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Let’s talk about The Old Guard’s OST
And I don’t mean the songs because I don't have that many opinions on them and I'm sure other people can talk about that better than me, but the music that was written for the movie by Volker Bertelmann and Dustin O’Halloran.
Note: I'm only gonna talk about the instruments, themes and parallels, not really about scales or that kind of more technical details, for the sake of saving time.
Okay so here's an analysis by me, a music nerd that can't help but overthink everything they like. Featuring lots of appreciation for minimalist music and cool symbolism.
Why is the Old Guard’s soundtrack so good and so fitting?
The whole thing is under read more because it’s long
First, the composers.
I don’t know Bertelmann, but I’ve listened to some of O’Halloran’s work (he did The Hate U Give ost). He also worked with Johann Johannsson in the past a big name in the composer and movie soundtrack world (he did Mother!, Prisoners, Arrival amongst other).
O’Halloran cites Arvo Pärt as a big influence in his music. It’s almost all thanks to him and his work that the ambient and minimalist music was born, he’s a huge name. Minimalist and ambient are (to oversimplify it) simple tune, with as little notes as possible, little melody repeated over and over, soft percussion, it embodies the idea that “the less the better”.
What I’m trying to get at is, ambient and minimalist are now very related to the film soundtrack world because by essence ambient is making feel things with less, and that suits the need to uplift images with music that’s not overpowering. (Go listen to Max Richter’s work, he’s one of the first minimalist that was employed in the movie industry, and the Waltz with Bashir ost is amazing.)
Which takes me to this: The Old Guard’s ost doesn’t read like an usual action movie, or super hero movie ost because they used ambient instead of big brass and powerful electric sounds like you’re used to. And that’s what makes it so good for this film. 
So, let’s get to the actual ost. We’ll do it chronologically.
The ost has 24 tracks that amount to 46 min, for a 2 h movie that is in the norm. And the thing is, every instrument has a purpose, is assigned to someone or something and when you listen to it, you can understand that the composers tried to push along the director’s intention with the music.
The movie start with shells falling on the ground and Andy’s speech in complete silence, you’re thrown into the movie: it’s serious and it deals with the character’s emotional drive. Then, bam! “We were born alone” comes on and that solidify this idea.
The first track is The Old Guard, and it gives us a couple thing: the team’s music is composed of synthesizers, long notes held over some soft percussions. There’s piano in this track, and the piano=emotions, memory. But we figure that out later.
We find those elements again in the second track, Hotel. This time the synths are more present because Andy is watching the news and feeling bad about it. And the third one, A New Mission feature synth that are more agressive, since they’re on a mission, and what we assume are their peak coordination as a team. They’re as complementary as you can get for the South Sudan mission, that’s what this part show us.
One element that’s import to note: those three tracks all have choirs, faint in the first but in the third they peak, and you can actually hear them really well in the movie. Choirs are the marks of the Old Guard, of the team, and as soon as they dream of Nile, we won’t hear choirs anymore because the team isn’t complete, they need to find her.
This brings us to Nile. The end of Double Bubble and Nile tells us something else, Nile is the strings, and violon. When Andy leaves to get Nile, there’s string with her synth, because she’s her mission. We hear them when Nile speaks to the children in Afghanistan, and when she dies there’s strings and piano.
That’s when we understand that the piano is memory and emotions. There is piano mixed with heavier percussion for Quynh’s track The Iron Maiden, the memory and pain with a typical Old Guard’s instrument, and percussion are great to show the exhilaration of riding with Andy and the fear of being locked in the iron maiden.
In Booker’s track when he talks about his children in the cave, They Grow Old, we also have a piano, because he’s remembering and also feeling grief and sorrow.
And in What If We Don’t Live Forever? when Andy is sitting in the car after Celeste took care of her wound, we hear piano again, because she’s reflecting on Lykon’s death and her own mortality.  But, interesting details, strings join at the end of the track. Has Nile started to influence her character? Who knows, but I’m saying it.
And we have the piano again when Nile drive away when Andy and Booker go to Copley’s, because she’s thinking of her family and feeling guilty about the man she killed and feeling overwhelmed over her new immortal identity.
Also, when Joe and Nicky are taken and there’s only three of them left driving to the mine, we have almost no percussion and very soft synth, because the team isn’t complete, so why would the Old Guard's signature music be?
We do, very quickly, get their music when Nile look at Copley’s board and understand the role Andy and the Old Guard had in humanity, track Montenegro.
Nile get her own song moment with “Going Down Fighting" as she go save the team, and when she frees them, We Won’t Give Up mixes synth with her strings.
And to keep on with the awesome symbolism, in The Old Guard Attack (that moment before the explosion where they take down like 10 mercenaries together) over the sounds we get for them from the first three track there’s strings, Nile’s instrument. The team added her to their music, she’s accepted just like she accepted them with Montenegro when she came back for them.  That’s what we call very cool composition people.
And remember what I said about the choirs being gone? How for the entire movie, after they dream of Nile and Andy yeet herself jump from the train they’re nowhere to be heard? At the end for You Are Going To Help Us, they’re back. Because Nile has chosen her way,  she’s an Old Guard now, she’s part of the family so she gets to have the Old Guard music too.
Just listen to The Old Guard and You Are Going to Help Us, the first and last track. They are very similar in melody and structure, but in the second one you get more prominent strings. Again, Nile’s instrument. Is it subtle enough yet?
I’ve skipped some tracks because once you expose the idea it gets repetitive to mention it from all tracks it appears in, but you get the idea.
Seriously if you have time try to give it a listen, it’s actually really nice. Tho, fair warning, I’m the kind of person that listen to movies and games soundtracks for fun all the time and geek out about ambient music, so...
And finally, to come back to what I said, and why this ost is so good, I need to talk about the whole atmosphere Gina Prince-Bythewood gave to the movie.
I talked a bit about it here (long post too, sorry), but the movie isn’t all big explosions and SFX and actions in your face. It’s gritty, dark, and incredibly realist. GPB said she used blood pocket for the Kill Floor scene (The Old Guard - How to Shoot a Shootout- Netflix, at about 3:30 she talks about it) because she needed the gore realism of blood spraying out of them. That’s why there’s no fancy light, neons and colors nor very symmetrical or intricate photography but washed out lights and very minimal outstanding feature and even coloring unless it’s to make a point (there’s a post about centering subject in the shot in The Old Guard going around, like Nile in the elevator at the end, very cool). It’s also why they used wide angle for the camera and the “shaky cam”, the camera that’s moving along the characters with lot of shakes because it’s on the cameraman’s shoulder (think documentaries and things like that, again, grounded and realistic film) and not smoothly like you would see in a Fincher movie for example.
It’s also why the most sober ost works so well. It’s not like John Wick with the guitars of Tyler Bates and Le Castle Vania electro, or the Avengers big brass and epic musics. Not, it’s soft, it’s barely noticeable and it only pushes for more emotions, it doesn’t artificially force any on you. The plot and actor’s acting do that for you.
That’s why I think the ost fit so well, no matter that some people think it’s boring or non existent. That’s the goal, to have a soundtrack that uplift without shadowing, something that's just as dark and neutral and gritty as the photography and themes of death, immortality, humanity, etc.
That being said, go listen to some ambient, it’s nice.
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I told ya I’d be back for more wolf requests!! Here I am!! Can ya hit me with some more alpha cal in any scenario you wanna write? Love u lots and hope you’re having a good day! 💙
Hey, Eve! Once again, thank you for sending this and I’m so so sorry it took me more than a year to answer it, hope you don’t hate me for that. 
I’ve wanted to write about Andy for a long time. So here’s a story of his becoming a part of the pack and explanation of his deep loyalty to Calum. Hope you’ll enjoy.
Calum was slowly relaxing. Driving on a highway always had this effect on him, and his best mate on the passenger seat speaking a thousand words a minute was only adding on the effect. He couldn’t quite understand what had been going on with him these last couple days. There was no visible reason for him to be that off. The pack was alright, their with Ashton business was alright. And even Emily had finally started looking if not happy then at least content. Everything was absolutely normal in his life. And still he’d had this feeling that something was about to happen. And he didn’t like this feeling.
“Anyway, I do think this shit went fucking perfect,” Ashton kept filling the void. “You really impressed them, boy, with that confidence of yours,” he chuckled. “Good job.”
Calum huffed. “We’re still at major risk, Ash,” he reminded his friend. “The deal is huge and if we don’t provide the amount of sales that is expected, we can lose everything.”
“Yeah, and when we do provide it, which we will, don’t wanna hear any shit about it, we’ll be able to buy the second shop,” Ashton continued. “Fucking second shop! Fucking awesome!”
Calum chuckled finally, not able to resist his friend’s optimism. He was just about to inform Ashton, how wonderful it will be not to see his face every day, when something on the curb drew his attention. 
“What the…” he mumbled, pulling over. 
“Why… why do you stop?” Ashton asked him, but Calum was already getting out of the car. 
They were on the border of the city they came to for the meeting with a supplier. Dust of dry industrial area wrapped Calum as soon as he left the car. The second thing he sensed were the wolves. He smelled them only when he got closer and quite frankly felt relief. There were eight or nine of them and what looked like a fight from the car in reality turned out to be a beating of a weak one. Had they been humans, it could have been a problem for him and Ash because of their number. But it was much simpler, two alphas against some betas and a couple of pure bloods. The advantage was on his side, and betas did understand it too. 
“Hey, you, the fuck is going on here?” Ashton’s voice sounded from behind Calum. 
But even that was unnecessary, as those jackasses stopped kicking their victim and froze, surprised they were interrupted and startled by the anger on Calum’s face. His furious look said more than enough as they fled in a matter of seconds. 
“And what do we have here?” Ashton caught up with him. They were standing over a young male omega, curled in an embryo pose to protect at least some parts of his body and massively covered in a disgusting mixture of blood and dust.
Calum bent down and tried to find pulse on a thin tattooed neck.The omega tried to fight his hand off, but the attempt was too weak. However Calum got the proof that the wolf was still alive and even in conscience. 
“What’s your name?” Calum hunched down. 
“Fuck off, man,” the omega moaned back, slowly rolling on his front. 
“Sure, buddy,” Calum stood up and looked at Ashton. “Gimme a hand.”
“Of course, we gonna help him,” Ashton sighed bending down on the other side of the guy and helping Calum put the omega on his feet.
“You’d rather we leave him here?”
Ash rolled his eyes, “Couldn’t even dream about it.”
The change in orientation brought the omega back to reality. 
“The fuck are you doing, man?” he mumbled, thin blood stream going down from the corner of his mouth. 
“Helping you, man,” Calum huffed, as they with Ashton dragged that wolf closer to their car. 
“Don’t need your fucking help.”
“Right. Can you stand?” they leaned omega with his back on the car door and stepped back a little. The wolf was skinny and lanky, pitch black hair in a messy uneven haircut, a black tattoo on the neck and a couple more on his arm. He looked more like a teenager from an extremely bad district rather than like a grown up wolf.
“Course I can stand,” he spitted some blood right in front of them and started to sink down slowly.
“Whoa, easy, buddy,” Ashton caught him in the middle and helped up again. “So what we gonna do?” he asked looking back at Calum.
Younger alpha sighed. “And what d’you think?”
“Right,” Ashton gripped the omega tighter and mumbled to Calum, “The door.”
Soon they were back on the road, the omega lying on Calum’s backseat, no music on to lighten the mood. Both Calum and Ashton were thinking about the same. The city they’ve just left was no pack territory, too spacious and crowded for the big number of wolves to live there safely. But the outskirts of it were a favourite place for the scum from the southern packs to do their disgusting deeds. Although attacking another wolf like that in the open so early in the day was too much even for them. What could this omega do to deserve such treatment? Or were they just beating him up for fun? Just because he was an omega? What bothered Calum the most was that the omega didn’t act like he was new to such treatment. 
“Tell me,” the wolf called from the backseat, his voice hoarse, “how did I get so lucky to be saved not by one, but two alphas?”
“Guess it’s the best day of your life, honey, so you better remember it well,” Ashton retorted. 
“Don’t get me wrong, man, but I did have a couple of days better than this.” A low moan followed these words as the omega tried to move a little. 
Calum’s grip on the steering wheel got tight. No matter what this wolf had done, no one deserved that. 
“Could you, please, call Robert and explain everything?” he asked Ashton under his tone.
“Sure, when we get closer to home. Not sure he’s already on shift,” Ashton nodded.
About three hours later Calum pulled to the hospital building, tall grey-haired doctor already waiting for them outside with a gurney and two nurses. 
“Hey, doc,” Ashton dropped, as they with Calum got out of the car. “Ladies,” a smile to the nurses. Calum only nodded to Ashton’s wolves.
“How bad is he?” the doctor asked them as both Ashton and Calum helped to move the omega from the backseat of a car to the gurney. They weren’t sure if he was unconscious or just asleep, but the bleeding had stopped somewhere along the way and they were pretty sure they heard his ribs crack from getting back in place.
“He’s healing pretty fast,” Calum explained, “but I’m more concerned about some of his old injuries not being treated well. Something tells me he’s been beaten up quite often.”
“We’ll check everything,” the doctor nodded. “I’ll be needing his name for the chart.”
Ashton and Calum shared looks, but said nothing.
“Did you ask him for a name?” 
“Yeah, we did,” Calum sighed.
“And what did he answer?”
“Fuck off, man,” Calum quoted watching the nurses taking him into the building.
“Not sure I’ll be able to put this in the chart,” doctor mumbled. “Fine, will be a John Doe for a while. Are you coming?”
“No, Robert…” Ashton stopped abruptly as Calum entered the building, following the nurses without sparing them another word. “Ookay, I’ll put it this way. I won’t be staying, but Cal obviously will. Thank you again for your help.”
“That’s my job, alpha.”
They shook hands and Ashton left, taking Calum’s car shamelessly.
It was late in the night when the omega woke. He wasn’t surprised, shocked or even confused. Calum was right, this wolf wasn’t new to waking up in strange places after being beaten up. 
Calum was sitting in an armchair, mindlessly scrolling his phone. He had enough time to take a nap while the staff took care of the omega. 
“What am I doing here?” the omega asked, his tone more cautious than aggressive.
“Being treated,” Calum explained the obvious and switched off his phone.
“From what? My wounds must have been healed themselves already.”
“Those you got today most definitely,” Calum agreed calmly. “The doctors are checking those you got before that.”
“There’s nothing to check.”
“Let them be the judges of that. Now, could we, please, have your name?”
“You don’t get it, do you? I don’t need this checking. I need to get out,” the omega tried to get a catheter out of his hand but was too weak even for that. 
“What’s your problem? I’m just offering you some help,” Calum frowned.
The omega leaned back on the pillows and looked at the ceiling. “And who’s gonna pay for your help, huh? Not everyone can afford staying in hospital even for one night, you know.”
“You don’t need to worry about that. Now…”
“Is it some kind of charity for you?” the omega interrupted him, his voice full of anger and offence. “Helps you sleep at night, knowing you’ve saved some poor lost soul?”
Calum closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I really don’t like the way our conversation goes.”
“Well, that’s too bad.”
“What’s your name?” Calum roared. He didn’t mean to use his alpha voice, it just slipped. 
“It’s Andy,” the omega swallowed and closed his eyes. “It’s all the same with alphas, isn’t it. You just take what you want cause you can, everything else doesn’t matter to you.”
Calum sighed and stood up, his arms crossed on his chest. “I don’t know what alphas you’ve seen before, but I can promise you I’m not like that. And I’m sorry, didn’t mean to order. Your stubbornness just makes me angry.”
“Oh, I beg you pardon, didn’t mean to bother your precious peace,” Andy clowned.
Calum sighed again, hand on the chin. He was looking at the omega, thinking if there was any chance he’d get the information he was craving. The omega was obviously uncomfortable under his stare, but didn’t say anything, looking into space. 
“I didn’t mean to order,” Calum repeated again slowly, “but the fact that you obeyed means that you don’t have an alpha. And you don’t have a pack.”
“Seriously, man, why don’t you just fuck off?” Andy mumbled tiredly.
“Do you have a family at least?”
“You think any family would have a packless omega?”
“Some would,” Calum arched his brow. Those last words said to him more than anything. Andy was obviously from one of the southerns packs. He was excluded, probably as soon as he’d ascended, if not before that. He’s never seen a normal life. And Calum dreaded to imagine a family that raised him.
“Dunno in what fairy tale you live, man, but in real world none would,” this only confirmed Calum’s ideas. 
The alpha sighed again and caught some movement in the dark hall. Michael came up to the door and stopped there.
“Doctors wanna monitor you for couple more days, check the concussion you got about a year ago and some inner organs, so I would really appreciate it if you don’t make it a problem for them,” he informed Andy, ready to leave.
“Don’t count on that,” the omega shook his head. “The moment I wake up in the morning, I’m out of here.”
Calum only smirked, imagining that lunky omega standing against his best pure blood, but left without saying anything else. 
The room was empty in the morning though. Calum looked around, not actually getting anything. The bed was undone and Andy’s clothes still on the armchair. But the omega was nowhere to be seen just as Calum’s pure blood. Did they take Andy for tests?
“Try checking the roof.” 
Calum turned back to the voice. Robert was standing behind him, studying the chart carefully. 
“Why the roof?”
“Have no idea. They’ve been yelling at each other with Mike, then I asked them to find some better place and then I saw them going up,” Robert closed the chart and looked straight at Calum. “What about the bill?”
“Put it in my name, please.”
“Calum,  I understand that as an alpha you feel responsible for more than just your pack, but we’re talking hundreds of dollars, thousands if he stays longer, you can’t just…”
“What about his concussion?” Calum interrupted the doctor, trying not to look him in the eye. Was he doing it because he felt responsible as an alpha? Maybe. Was it stupid? Definitely. Could he not help that guy? Absolutely not. 
Robert sighed and answered his question, “Not that bad, to be honest. His liver worries me the most, but it should heal in couple of months. If he…”
“Doesn’t get in more fight,” Calum finished.
“Indeed. We’d like to keep him here till the end of the week, he’s still extremely dehydrated and generally exhausted. Apart from that, and not mentioning his mental state, there’s nothing to be worry about.”
“Thank you, Robert,” Calum nodded and was already on his way out. Then he stopped and looked back. He noticed how Robert didn’t even make an attempt to move, like he knew Calum would ask something else. 
“Could you share your ideas about his mental state, please?” the alpha asked quietly. 
Robert nodded as he was expecting this question. After all Calum was known among the older wolves of both packs as the kind of alpha not to be embarrassed to ask for an advice or an opinion at least.
“He’s seen some horrible things in life,” Robert stated, Calum now looking him straight in the eyes. “I take it he’s been forced to things and mistreated more than enough and therefore he would push back. Softness and patience should be your main companions here, but it shouldn’t be hard for you, Calum. And also, he’s quite closed and overprotective about himself. Not sure if that’s because he just doesn’t know how to be the other way or if he’s hiding something.”
Calum nodded again in silent gratitude and headed to the roof. Both Andy and Michael were there. Mike was standing near the door to the staircase and the omega leaned on the railings near the edge. 
“I said guard him, not the door,” Calum chuckled, shaking Mike’s hand.
“Nah, he won’t jump, alpha,” Mike shook his head, smiling.
“He’s headstrong, not stupid.”
“I can actually hear both of you, morons!” Andy shouted back at them.
Mike and Calum smirked. 
“Doc said you with him were yelling,” Calum asked.
“The omega wanted out of the room. Said he felt suffocated.”
“Still do!” shouted Andy. Calum laughed to that. He patted Mike on the shoulder. “Thanks for tonight, go have some rest.”
“Are you sure, alpha?”
Calum smirked back at his pure blood. “Said it yourself, he’s headstrong, not stupid.”
Mike chuckled and left the roof.
“So,” Calum called on Andy, coming closer, “are you gonna jump?”
“And what do you think?” Andy looked at him jokingly. Calum could feel something changed in him, couldn’t only understand what or why.
“I think,” he started carefully, “if you wanted to be dead, you’d have already kicked the bucket in one of those fights you’d been in.”
Andy smirked but didn’t say anything.
“Did you really feel that uncomfortable in the room?”
Andy huffed. “Dunno if it was because of the room or because of your puppy.”
“Michael can seem like a nice guy to you, but he’s most definitely not a puppy,” Calum huffed. 
Andy looked up at him, the corners of his lips twitching in an attempt not to laugh. “Do you have any idea what he was doing the whole night?”
“No,” Calum admitted, sensing some catch.
“He was watching anime! The whole damn night!”
Calum was looking at Andy totally confused. Andy was getting more and more confused with every other second in return. 
“Isn’t it some japanese animation?” Calum decided to clarify in case it starts making sense to him.
“Yeah, exactly,” Andy confirmed, though it wasn’t much of the help for Calum. 
“Well, what’s wrong with that anime?”
Andy looked dumbfounded. 
“Wait, I’ll say it again. Your pure blood, who got a direct order from you to guard me, spent the whole night watching some cartoons.”
“Yeah, that I understood. Still not sure what you think it should mean,” Calum admitted. 
“He was ordered to guard me,” Andy repeated.
“Well, he succeeded, didn’t he? You’re still alive and you’re still here. I think Mike did fine,” Calum shrugged and turned to the town beneath them. 
“So you were honest last night, weren’t you?” Andy huffed.
“I try to be always honest,” Calum nodded. He wasn’t sure what the omega was referring to, but whatever it was, he didn’t care that much. If Mike watching some cartoons was enough to change Andy’s attitude, Calum was more than okay with that too. 
“This place looks nice,” Andy mumbled. Calum felt like the omega was embarrassed with his earlier words and promised never to remind him about that in the future. And he was sure there was some future for Andy in his pack. 
“You like it?”
“I like the trees,” the omega admitted. “There are lots of trees here.”
“Do you think you could stay here for some time?”
Andy sighed heavily and looked away. “And what would I do here?”
Calum felt like maybe he was a little too persistent, but decided to give it a shot still. “And what exactly were you doing there except of being regularly beaten up?”
Andy smirked and Calum held his relief hidden inside. 
“I have nowhere to live. Not sure you’d like a wolf sleeping on a park bench in your town. And I don’t have any money to pay the rent,” the omega continued sadly. 
“All I hear are just excuses, Andy,” Calum smiled.
“Not everything in this world is as easy as you want to believe, you know,” Andy bristlet again. 
“And why the fuck no?” Calum chuckled. “Can you work?”
Andy thought for a moment. “Well, I’m kinda not bad with fixing things.”
“That’s a start. There’s some work in the town, not much, but we’ll figure something out.” Calum nodded.
“Why doing this all? You know nothing about me?”
“Hey, I haven’t offered you a place in the pack yet, have I?” Calum tried to joke it off, but Andy kept looking at him with all seriousness. “I’m doing this because I believe I should help where I can. And you’re wrong when you say I don’t know anything about you. I’m an alpha after all. I know the breed when I see a wolf.”
He took the last look around the town and turned to the door. “Oh, yeah, the doc said you’re in till the end of the week.”
Calum tried not to laugh from the moan he heard from behind. 
He didn’t see the omega till Monday, when Robert finally agreed to let Andy go. 
“I know this car,” Andy smirked stopping in front of Calum, who was waiting for him. 
“Sure you do, it took some time to wash your blood away from the seats.” 
Andy rolled his eyes and reminded Calum of Ashton so much, it made the alpha smile. “I’d apologise, but it’s not like I asked you to pick me up that day, so…”
“Get in the car,” Calum huffed.
“So,” Andy started shyly as they arrived, “why are you picking me up and what’s this place?”
“What’s wrong with me picking you up?” Calum fished the keys out of his pocket and stepped to the door.
“I mean, your pure bloods could do that, or even betas.” Andy shrugged. 
“Ah, they have a day off.”
“All of them?”
“Yup, Monday is an official day off for all the wolves. We call it alpha-does-his-shit-by-himself-day,” Calum smirked, stepped inside and turned on the light in his tiny hall. “ And this is my home.”
They walked in the living room and Calum pointed at the couch. “You’ll sleep here. I know it’s not much, but I’ve only one bedroom. The kitchen is that way. I’ve got not that many rules. Find a job, clean after yourself, don’t use all the hot water if you’re up first. That’d be all.”
Andy looked around in hesitation. 
“You brought me to your own home,” he said, half statement, half question. 
“Well, yeah, that’s exactly what I’ve just said,” Calum felt confused again. He understood he may had freaked the omega out, but he was prepared to that. He only hoped he didn’t freak Andy enough to make him run away. 
The omega kept looking around in silence. He looked like a wolf preparing to jump and Calum could only hope it wasn’t for an attack. 
“You wanna know why those fucker were beating me up?” Andy said finally under his voice. 
“I… I dunno,” Calum hesitated, taken by surprise. “Do you wanna tell?”
“I think you should know, before you actually let me stay in your house.”
Andy swallowed. 
“You see, we don’t like those who are not like us,” Andy looked up at Calum in search for an agreement. Calum was only listening carefully. He couldn’t agree with Andy as he had no problems with those who were different and therefore didn’t see a reason to lie now. “At least most of us,” Andy finished with a huf. To that Calum finally nodded. 
Then Andy swallowed again. And then whispered something. So quietly and illegibly that Calum couldn’t work out what that was. 
“Sorry, what did you say?”
Andy sighed, closed his eyes and repeated just a tiny bit louder, “I’m gay.”
Calum felt both fury to those who made Andy ashamed of that part of him and unbearable tenderness to this young wolf. However he had no idea what he could answer to that, so he went on with the first thing that came to mind. “Okay. You hungry? I’ve got some pizza in the fridge.”
Andy opened his eyes and looked at Calum as if he was the most stupid wolf in the whole entire world. “Are you… I’ve just told you that I’m gay.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard that.”
“So? Is that all the reaction I get?”
“I don’t know,” Calum shrugged in all honesty. “What reaction do you think I should provide?”
“Er, I dunno,” Andy replied as dumbfounded as Calum was right now. 
“Well,” the alpha mused, “when you know, we could come back to that. For now, pizza?”
“Yeah, would be great actually,” Andy finally nodded, following Calum to the kitchen. 
There was one more question that was burning in Andy’s mind that night, but he left it for another time, being more than satisfied with pizza, a stupid action movie and finally sleeping in an actual house. And when he found it in him to ask Calum why the alpha didn’t offer him to join the pack, he got exactly the answer he wasn’t ready for. Calum said that it wasn’t up to alpha choosing wolves for his pack. It was up to wolves choosing him to be their alpha. And if Andy ever felt like joining Calum’s pack, he would be honoured to have such a wolf. Good thing by that time Andy had already decided to stay a little longer in that town. Of course, not because of Calum. Just because he liked trees. And there were a lot of trees around.
taglist: @myloverboyash, @calumamongmen, @lfwallscouldtalk, @empathycth, @calpops, @talkfastang, @wastedheartcth, @ariannawoodxoxo, @dreamer-loves-lyrics, @fluffsshawn, @cals-cigarette, @easierfor5sos, @outlandishnerd, @talkfastromance4, @notinthesameguey, @bandsrawesome, @sunnysidesblog, @wheniminouterspace, @treatallwithkindness, @zhangyixingxing1, @madformichael, @c-h-i-l, @wildflowergrae, @whoaitsannerieke, @rotten-kandy, @hopelessxcynic, @spankthetrashcan, @theodora-howyoudoin, @xcarondimoniox, @clummycal, @vexxybexxy-blog, @fictionalfrustrations, @notsooperfect, @rbforsmileycal, @lmao5sosimagines, @wantirwinback, @acapurso, @thegirlallthebadguyswant, @quietlycalum
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dykejet · 3 years
Hi you’re awesome andI love your sense of humor
🥺🥺❤️❤️thank u . Ditto❗️❗️
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msjr0119 · 4 years
Sneak Peek Sunday
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Thanks for the tag @cordonianroyalty and @thecordoniandiaries 👍🏼, as many of you already know I’ve been on a semi hiatus but have a few things nearly ready to post. Below is just a few of those snippets 😊
Cordonian Wags
Book: The Royal Romance A/U
Zooming into the photo her eyes widened. Amy Amaranth. The name rang a bell for some reason but she couldn’t pin point why. It had rattled her mind all night, upon her arrival - she noticed Olivier and suddenly a lightbulb struck.
“Hey....” Sounding panic stricken, Olivier looked her concerned.
“Bonjour belle. Que se passe-t-il?” Hello beautiful. What is the matter? Luckily Riley knew French, not fluently but enough to hold a conversation out.
“Amy Amaranth....” Riley didn’t require to say anything else, the look of horror was now painted across the Frenchman’s face.
“That’s a blast from the past...”
“Sneak away with me for a bit? I need you to refresh my memory, Olivier.”
The American Adventure
Book: The Royal Romance (part canon with a few twists/ part A/U)
Warnings: Mention of abuse.
“I think that you and I need to talk young Walker... over the years, the injuries... they weren’t accidents either?” Remaining silent, Drake concentrated looking at the crack on the floor. As if he was hypnotised.
“Drake! Answer me! I promised your father that I would look after you. If you don’t tell me I can’t help you.”
“No they weren’t accidents, Bastien. I lied. I’m sorry.” Kneeling down, he looked into Drakes eyes- reassuring him that he would be there always. “Who did all of this to you, son. Tell me.” Drake removed his shirt, Bastien gasped as he could visibly see markings. “The Ki-the King did this....”
Drake explained how every time he stood paralysed with fear, attempting for his body not to tremble as it would result in more abuse. “He was embarrassed.... that he had to take myself and Savannah in. Every time I avoided doing noble things he would shout at me, saying I was lucky that I had him ... asking why I was ungrateful. Why I couldn’t act noble like Sav?” Explaining all this felt like relief in some way. That he didn’t have to hide the abuse from everybody. The ‘sulky’ attitude that he had helped cover the true facts up. Describing how the King would have bloodshot eyes, as well as the thick saliva that formed around his mouth as he spat towards him. Once he was in this rage, Drake just responded with a gesture such as shaking or nodding his head or one worded answers- fearing what would occur if he said or did anything wrong.
“He threatened to put me up for adoption if I didn’t abide by his rules. There are blanks, half of the time I don’t remember things. But he just acts all normal as if nothing has happened. I want to leave Cordonia as soon as I can, Bast. But what would people think?”
“Don’t you worry about it. You have me. I will not allow him to hurt you again. Do you understand me? Go back with the others. I need to go and see someone.” Drake brushed past Bastien, knowing that he was about to re-enter the cabin and be questioned by everybody. Keep up with the fall lie. “Oh Drake, I think that Andy appreciates you for defending his daughter. But she can look after herself. Trust me. She’s stronger than she looks.”
“How do you know?”
“Instinct. Just like instinct tells me that you wouldn’t defend any girl. I know how young men’s minds work. That girl punched Nate back. I wouldn’t worry about him anymore, she’s got your back. See you later, son.”
A Proposal
A/N: This has been in my drafts since January, I never posted it- just because I’ve been so busy with other things.
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Liam x Riley, Maxwell x Riley
Liam poured himself a scotch in his quarters, ever since his unexpected introduction with her- for some reason he couldn’t stop thinking about everything regarding the mystery lady. Inviting Drake and Maxwell over, he needed a distraction. A big one at that.
“Li? Are you okay?” Drake asked the moment he set foot in the room. Usually Liam wouldn’t send out an SOS, he would just get on with things. As a future king would do.
“Yes, I’m sorry for disturbing you both. The whole situation regarding Leo’s abdication- it’s just not fully sunk in yet. I don’t know if I will cope with the social season- I don’t want that.” Pausing, Drake chewed on the inside of his cheek- not really knowing how to respond. All of their life they had assumed that all the responsibility would revolve around Leo. The eldest prince. The rightful future monarch. “I met someone today......” Liam continued, both of his friends gazes focused onto him- both noticing the sudden sparkle surrounding his baby blues.
“A little birdie told me that you met Riley today...” Maxwell interrupted, whilst scoffing his face with a box of an unknown delicacy to the two men stood near him.
“Riley Brooks. Liam’s new ‘personal assistant’. She’s awesome. A bit boring when she’s at work, but she’s very motivated- she delivers her work to the highest standard. You’ll be fine with her by your side, you can trust her with anything.”
“And how do you know her, Beaumont?”
“She worked for us, but then we got into a bit of money trouble. Don’t ask. Bertrand will kill me if you both knew. Anyway.... I promised that I’d find her a new job as we had to let all of our staff go. I had to grovel with the King to give her a chance. That wasn’t a pretty sight, I’m surprised that I’m still walking to be honest- he looked as if he was going to kill me. Once your social season ends she will probably go back to New York. I will miss her.”
“Maxwell, tell me everything about her. I’d like to know.”
“Erm... what exactly do you want to know, Liam?”
Tags- if anybody wants to share their work as part of Sneak Peek or Six Sentence Sunday:
@pedudley @kacie-0156 @loveellamae @annekebbphotography @kingliam2019 @burnsoslow @kimmiedoo5 @lodberg @walker7519 @drakewalkerisreal @axwalker @bascmve01 @ladyangel70 @texaskitten30 @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @queenjilian @drakewalker04 @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @rainbowsinthestorm @desireepow-1986 @jared2612 @twinkle-320 @princessleac1 @custaroonie @princess-geek @bebepac @nikkis1983 @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @seriouslybadchoices @furiousherringoperatortoad @shanzay44 @choices97 @gardeningourmet @sanchita012
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WEEK 7 - Wrap Up
“Gator don’t play no @#$%”
Ah, Will Ferrell, the voice of our generation - so wise and so passionate.  Listen, it’s week 7 so I am just going to tell it straight to you guys.  This is one crazy ass year.  Crazy!  Not just in the world and within society  - but even in Fantasy Football - it’s crazy!  And if I am being honest I have to say that I’m getting tired of it all.  Really tired.  Things have got to start to get better because what's happening with all these injuries and covid positives and false positives...well it’s just all a bunch of shit!   And when we are to the point where you can’t even count on America’s team to give you hope - you really have to question what this country has turned into.  So, try and stay positive...for those of you who won this week...you got lucky - no skill involved.  Nothing is guaranteed in 2020.  Play on!
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I like Cliff Young.  He’s a good guy.  He was very beatable this week and I failed on my end.  It was completely my fault. That’s the truth.  I believed I needed to give Andy Dalton one more chance...and that’s on me.  I was wrong.  Dalton was horrible and again, if I am being completely honest - he deserved the beating he took and the concussion he received.  If I was on that field I would have done it myself but I would have made it happen in the first quarter.  Bottom line if I would have played Carr and had balls to play Gronk over Hunter Henry I would have grabbed a win and a few more points. But, I didn’t and Cliff wins with 101.12 points.  Cliff’s highlights - Minshew with 23, McLaurin with 15 and Williams with 17.  Nice win Cliff 5-2 looks pretty nice.
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Don’t leave the moose hanging.  He’s a winner!  He deserves a high five.  Mitch was the latest to take down Stu Jones (boomer sooner)...who is on a 2 game losing streak.  Check out some of these scores he had:  Claypool -0.20, Ertz 0, Lamb .10, Zuerlein 4, Seahawks Defense 4.  Rough.  Sad.  But, you know I have to say that Stu having such a bad week made me feel good.  It’s really nice to not be the only one with poor performances, so thanks Stu for hanging in there with me.  Moose on the other hand had 44 from Herbert and 15 from Bernard and when you do that - you can afford to put up 2s, 3s, and 4s from the rest of the team.  Nice win Moose. 
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For some reason when I saw that Dana Cappillino lost again (3 in a row now) it reminded me of this scene from Forrest Gump.  Is Lieutenant Dan happy that he is alive?  Maybe?  But actually I’m not so sure that he is.  His life is a shadow of what it once was.  He use to be a leader.  A winner.  A star on the rise.  Now he’s trapped in a wheel chair and is a shell of himself.  Much like Dana in his fantasy football journey.  Dana, I hope this is not you tonight, but if it is...call Rob Howard...he works at a church and has people you can talk to.  He won’t let you slip away into darkness.  The team at Fellowship will show you compassion.  Howard on the other hand killed it this week and has every reason to love his life.  His points are bumped way up and he is now 5-2.  Wow.  This guy is a fantasy football machine.  Nice win Rob! 
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This week we say goodbye to Odell Beckham JR.  He is out for the season with a tear in his ACL.  But, the good news is Gullahorn doesn’t need him to win.  He proved that this week when he took down Bebo by putting up 115 points and 0 from OBJ.  If you need a replacement Gully, I will give you Amari Cooper and Andy Dalton for Russell Wilson?  Hit me back if interested.  Bebo tried his best and he didn’t do awful it’s just that Gullahorn, like Rob Howard, is just that good this year.  Also, making the move up to 5-2 and looking very solid going into November he will be a tough opponent moving forward.  Bebo, the good news for you is that you are in what we in the “biz” call the “soft division” with funk guy, boomer sooner, backdoor bandits...so your chances of a playoff spot are still very strong - so hang tight and press on. 
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Yep.  Two weeks in a row.  Gabe Scott wins and wins big.  This week with 142 points.  48 of those points came from Tyler Lockett a Seattle Seahawk...so Krippayne had to watch his Seahawks put up crazy points while his chances at winning this week slipped away.  In texting with Scott during the game - he voiced that he was so happy the Seahawks were winning it didn’t bother him that Lockett and Gabe were having such a good night.  But, we all know how this story ends.  The Seahawks lost in overtime so Scott had to deal with the loss of the game and his loss in fantasy.  And unlike in math where two negatives make a positive - in fantasy two negatives make you really really bummed the next day.  It can actually carry over into days and days and possibly weeks.  Happy for you Gabe - you are on a major roll!  Sorry Scott - what a crazy game.
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Like a battle between LaRusso and Johnny on Cobra Kai this was the one match up that came down to Monday night to decide.  The “bandits” were holding strong at 129.42 and Brett had Darrell Henderson and Robert Woods still to play and he just needed  18.77 to steal the win from Kyle. A very possible thing right?  Maybe in any other year but this is 2020 as I have noted.   The Rams put up a lot of points (24 to be exact) but none of those TDs went to Henderson or Woods.  So, in a crazy turn of events Kyle Allmendinger wins and starts his road to the playoffs journey - fueled by Brett’s loss and a great points week.  Brett what can I say.  You tried?  Great week with Brady?  Nice Loss?  Not sure what to say so I will just end this here.
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Just like Minka here - settling in for a long cozy night...Survivor continues on.  Gabe (Bills), Dana (Bills) and Brett (Patriots) all move on.  (sorry, i made it to week 7 until I posted a Minka...that’s pretty good)
This weeks high point is no surprise...Rob Howard with 162.56.  $20!  Rob is such a humble and quiet guy when it comes to fantasy football he probably won’t even read this.  He won’t know that he won the $20 until the end of the season and will probably donate it to a neighbor in need.  What a guy.  If there is one thing Rob loves more than Fantasy Football and BanjoHangout.com it has to be his love for surfing.   He is a surfing nut.  So our picture prize female athlete of the week is Alana Rene Blanchard....Top american professional surfer.  @alanablanchard on instagram.  So talented and someone I would have never knew existed if Rob didn’t win the high point this week.
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recommendedlisten · 6 years
New year, new music remained more true than ever this past week. UK dub esoteric and in-demand producing extraordinaire James Blake kept us awake with his insomniac love, PUP continued to find growth and life-affirmation through their nihilistic punk sing-a-longs with the kids, Maren Morris reaffirmed our faith in her GIRL power with her first preview off her highly anticipated sophomore effort, Tamaryn brought rage to her dreamy art pop, and Los Angeles noiseniks HEALTH refined the strangeness in their sound. Bubbling up from the underground and rising, we got promising glimpses in the futures of righteous rablerouser Stella Donnelly, cosmic soothsayer SPELLLING, folk duellist Bellows, and synth stylist Liam Benzvi. The latest Recommended Listen also came from Deerhunter’s latest album, which reminds us that their best days have yet to disappear. There's more where that came from with new music from pop and punk eclecticism alike.
Here’s the best of the rest from the week of January 13th, 2019…
Ariana Grande - “7 rings” [Republic Records]
The huge year Ariana Grande had in 2018 is going to get even bigger in the new year. To date, the pop superstar will be embarking on a massive tour behind last year’s great Sweetener, is slated to headline Coachella (and maybe even Lollapalooza, too...,) and has another album on the way that’s already shaping up to be one of the finest breakup reclamation narratives in pop culture. It’s tentatively titled thank u, next, after one of last year’s best songs, period, and more recently gave to us the sensually soulful ballad “Imagine”. “7 Rings” joins the two as potential album cuts, with this listen shifting gears into full-on fun mode where over an interpolation of the melody from The Sound of Music’s “My Favorite Things”, Grande mean mugs about retail therapy and being able to pay for it all of her own dime. Its video, again directed by Hannah Lux Davis, is similarly luxurious, as we watch Grande and her BFFs flaunt her 1% status up in a neon pink penthouse playing around with more money and high-end material possessions than any of us will ever see even if we lived ten of our own lifetimes.
Cass McCombs -“The Great Pixley Train Robbery” [ANTI-]
Vagabond songwriting rebel Cass McCombs will release his ninth studio effort Tip of the Sphere on February 8th, and it’s building its way up to be yet another impressive showcase of the prolific wordsmith’s artistry, with early singles “Sleeping Volcanoes” and “Estrella” culling style cues from worldly musical influences that add even more layers to his detailed storytelling. Though its latest advance listen “The Great Pixley Train Robbery” may find less culture beyond the American songbook to be heard, within the context, it makes sense that its tone is that of a brambling, country-friend bar burner: It’s McCombs’ homage to the actual Pixley Train Robbery of 1889, in which a bandwagon of masked robbers hijacked a train, stole thousands of dollars, and made off into the sunset on horseback. When McCombs relives those moments through song, there’s no shortage of full color danger and adventure. His version of it will hopefully take him on the road much more safely later this spring.
Dark Blue - “Waterford Crystal” [12XU]
Andy Nelson may physically be at CEREMONY’s Home Sick 2 festival this weekend, but there are moments in time when his spirit gravitates into another dimension of punk with his gothly, political project Dark Blue, the Philly trio that also includes John Sharkey III of morbid post-punkers Clockcleaner and Mike Sneeringer of Purling Hiss. Of all the sounds this collective encounter in their work elsewhere, Dark Blue materializes itself through Sharkey’s handsomely maudlin vocals, sharp riffs that coil around the gloomy melancholia of Brit-pop and the singed edges of ‘70s post-punk if they were to be swallowed whole by a shoegaze orb. On February 22nd, they’ll be releasing their third studio effort Victory Is Rated, which boasts a curious sax guest spot from Philly scene kingpin Kurt Vile. First single “Waterford Crystal” isn’t that song, but it definitely rumbles through the speakerboom with a debonair shimmer in their sad-eyed rock theatrics. In a very punk move, Dark Blue plans to celebrate the release by playing only one show, which goes down March 1st at Brooklyn’s Saint Vitus.
Victory Is Rated by Dark Blue
Gauche - “Conspiracy Theories” [Merge Records]
2019 seems to be the year in which punks are out here making what noise they can with what little free time they have while pulling double duty in other projects than the ones they’re primarily known for. The latest making their visibility known in the fray is that of Gauch, a D.C. post-punk outfit featuring Downtown Boys’ Mary Jane Regalado and Jason P Barnett alongside Priests’ Daniele Yandel and a rotating cast of friends, who’ve since signed with Merge and will be releasing their proper debut full-length later this year. Their latest single “Conspiracy Theories” is a standalone listen that serves as the perfect introduction to what they’re all about through up-front politicized matters in their lyrics slung over a nervous, yet linear wriggle of guitar riffs angling their way around brass splashes. "I hate/ conspiracy theories/ Alex Jones / I hate you too,” goes one lin. When you take into account that many within the D.C. punk scene have first-hand experience with seeing the worst of them play out in real life, their ire is more than deserved. Alex Szantos directed its very DIY, VHS-quality performance clip that makes the most out of party streamers and the color palette despite what dark clouds hover over the world these days.
Makthaverskan - “Demands” [Run for Cover Records]
Last week saw the long awaited and very welcome return o Swedish shoegazing punk band Westkust after a four year of silence from the point of delivering one of 2015′s best albums in their debut Last Forever. The band, which features two members of their more active post-punks counterparts Makthaverskan, is being followed on their heels with new music from that end, with the announcement that Makthaverskan will be releasing a 7″ single on January 25th. It features two tracks in “Demands”and “Onkel”, which the band revealed through a facebook post were initially recorded during the same sessions that brought us their solid 2017 effort Ill, but “didn’t quite fit in with the rest of the material,” hence coupling them together as their own stand-alone. Given that Ill found the four-piece dabbling in the cavernous echoes in their signature sparkle of post-punk, its A-side “Demands” rekindles fire with the illuminated rush. “Try to see through my eyes / No longer care for your demands / No time to catch up my mind / I am so tired of your advice,” Maja Milner’s sky-high vocals aim for the cosmos. When she’s seeing clearly, she and Makthaverskan never cease to scale new heights.
Demands b/w Onkel by Makthaverskan
Panda Bear - “Token” [Domino Records]
Plenty of listeners are feeling wistful this year over the 10 year anniversary of Animal Collective’s indie opus Merriweather Post Pavilion, yet sometimes-member Noah “Panda Bear” Lennox has been steadily looking toward the future of his own art ever since. His latest effort Buoys, due out on February 8th, is opening a new chapter within his own story following the trilogy of adulting avant pop bliss that was 2007′s Person PItch, 2011′s Tomboy and 2015′s Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper. While it does sound like the nautical breeze within Lennox’s music will never truly cease passage (titing his latest album Buoys alongside its lead single “Dolphin” are proof of that,) finding new pockets for his voice to explore within minimalist textures and low voltage experimentation amid his wonky nature suits his sound comfortably on its latest listen “Token”. The listen’s accompanying video, starring and directed by UK electronic composer Dean Blunt, is about rediscovering joy in the everyday after a series of creative setbacks -- Emotions aburst in Panda Bear’s sprite sound.
Xiu Xiu - “Pumpkin Attack On Mommy and Daddy” [Polyvinyl Records]
We can always count on Xiu Xiu to throw a wrench through the current musical landscape, and even themselves for that matter. For the veteran avant et. al outfit’s forthcoming 14th studio effort Girl With the Fruit Basket, due out on February 8th, project mastermind Jamie Stewart and longtime constant Angela Seo were joined by percussion virtuoso Thor Harris and Jordan Geiger inside the studio for their latest deconstruction in experimental noise and pop conjectures. Its first single “Scisssssssors” was an extreme breakdown of that in comparison to the cohesion within 2017′s Forget, with a visual treatment to match its occult oddity. Latest preview, the awesomely-titled “Pumpkin Attack On Mommy and Daddy”, delivers more in the sheer terror sonic department. The track was written by Angela Seo with help from Stewart and Los Angeles performance artist Elliott Reed, and is similarly fucked in its electronic decay overlaid by spoken word outbursts. Seo once again collaborated with Anna Lian Tes to create the listen’s video, which features some new facets of surreal vintage horror themes as its predecessor. Xiu Xiu have also mapped out a huge world tour in support of the new album.
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stevethehairington · 6 years
S ; T ; U ; C ; K ; Y (
Ooh very clever haha, thanks for the ask!!
S - show us an example of your personal headcanon
Okay well I’ve mentioned this before and I know it’s indirectly been confirmed in a way based on Facts lol but one of my biggest headcanons is that Bucky didn’t enlist but was drafted. He didn’t want to go fight, it was one of the last things he wanted to do. All he wanted was to stay home and keep his family safe and to protect Steve because god knows someone needed to be there for him to make sure he ate three square meals a day and didn’t get himself killed in an alley fight or from whatever sickness he caught next. Of course, he would never ever tell Steve that he didn’t want to fight. He’s ashamed of that, and he knows how badly Steve wants to, how high he holds soldiers and those that enlist. Bucky comes close to telling him a few times when they argue. It sits on the tip of his tongue, the one excuse that could probably get Steve off his back about his insistence that Steve stops trying to enlist. But he never tells him. He can’t tell him. Of course, Steve finds out eventually, from the museum displays and the fact that Bucky’s number started with 3 which meant he was drafted, not enlisted. He doesn’t bring it up with Bucky, but he feels a certain sadness when he looks back at everything and it fills him with an even stronger urge to destroy all of hydra.
T - if you mostly have homoships, do you have any heteroships
I do mostly have “homoships” (that’s such a weird word lol) but that doesn’t mean I don’t have “heteroships” too. A lot of them are more lowkey, like I don’t read/write for them or anything, just like them. This is minus the marvel ships bc I do kind of write them in the background lol. 
Some of which include: Pepperony; I don’t mind Steggy; Clintasha; Sam/Natasha (lowkey & idk their ship name lol); v v v v v v lowkey ship Loki/Darcy bc I’ve read it as a background pairing in fics and I liked the banter between them; Joneva; lowkey Vildus; Hinny; Peraltiago; Jess/Nick from New Girl; also Schmidt/Cece from New Girl; Leslie/Ben and Andy/April from Parks & Rec; Jim/Pam from The Office; etc.
U - if you mostly have heteroships, do you have any homoships
Okay like I said earlier, most of my ships are “homoships”
Stucky; Evak; Spierfeld; Johnlock; Wolfstar; Cartinelli; Nooreva; Elio/Oliver; Drarry (lowkey); Scorbus; Ginny/Luna; Ironstrange; Snowbaz; Laurent/Damen (v v lowkey, I don’t really read fic for them anymore and it’s been years since I read the books); Valkyrie/Sif; etc.
C - a pairing you have never liked and probably never will
noorhelm lmao. fuck that!! 
K - how do you feel about the other people in your current fandom
In the marvel fandom, I like them for the most part. I mean obviously there are groups of like antis and shit that are super negative and stuff, but I avoid them and talk to people that are chill to make my experience better so yeah. The people I’ve met so far and have made friends with are super awesome and I’m glad to have been able to connect with them!
In the skam fandom, which I’ve got like one foot in one foot out lol, again it’s kind of the same. I made some of the best friends I’ve ever had in this fandom and I’ll forever be grateful for that. But I’ve also run into some really nasty, toxic people in this fandom as well. Like I said though, I surround myself with the good ones to make the most of my experience. 
Y - a fandom you’re in but have no ships from
Hmm, this is kind of a hard question because like, I feel like ships are kind of what pull me into a fandom. Like, a bit part of fandom for me is the writing/reading fics, which kind of wouldn’t exist without ships. So I honestly can’t think of any fandoms I’m in without ships.
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sydswritings · 6 years
The Refinery (Chapter 16)
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Twenty minutes later, after some back and forth deliberation, we finally decided on a cab. The Refinery Hotel was nice, I mean like take one wrong step and you break something nice. We quickly found the elevator, pushing the button that would take us straight to the roof where the bar and the much needed drinks were located. As soon as the doors opened, I could hear the music flowing across the rooftop and feel the grin forming on my lips. Okay, I’ll admit it, I missed this, going out with my friends-my family, having a few drinks. I honestly couldn’t wait to see how this night unfolded, how Shannon, Jared and Tomo took to our little family.
    “It seems kind of empty, is it just the bands tonight?” Ace asked from beside me.
She was right this first section of the roof was completely empty. I looked around the brick and wood enclosed patio, chairs vacated, not a soul in sight. To the right, three floor to ceiling double doors were open, curtains hanging to the side to show the night sky, to my left, three massive brick arches, leading to the next section. Charlie was the first off the elevator, followed quickly by Brook. They passed through one of the arches, bypassing a few people at the huge bar and headed straight for a group of people seated outside. Ace and Jared looked at each other before shrugging and following our guitarist and bassist.
Shannon, Tomo and I decided to stop at the bar instead of following the rest of our group out, giving me time to look around the middle room. On the far side, sat a room length half booth, covered in what looked to be red velvet, with little pub tables set in front of it, leaving the other side of the tables with little chairs for guests. I caught sight of some of the bands we were on tour with lounging around the tables, talking amongst themselves. In the middle of the room, separating the bar and pub tables was a 16 seater long table, looking up I noticed that the glass roof had been retracted, leaving the wide black beams open and the night sky available without restriction.
    “SYDNEY!” A voice yelled, causing me to yank my eyes away from the bright lights of the Empire State Building and towards the direction the voice came.
I had enough time to turn away from the bar, before a solid body slammed into mine, my vision was quickly turned upside down when I found myself thrown over Vic’s shoulder as he toted me past the opened sliding glass doors and into the night air. The final section of the rooftop was, for lack of a better word, a gorgeous deck. There were two U shaped grey couches placed at each end of the patio, in the middle of those sat 2 two seater swings with lounge chairs and small tables spread sporadically around. Vic managed to carry me to the opposite end where one of the U shaped couches was located.
    “VICTOR FUENTES PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!” I yelled, beating his back. I could hear Charlie’s laughter getting closer, before my world tilted right side up again.
    “Jeez Syd you could rival Charlie with those lungs.” Kellin laughed out.
    “I didn’t even get my damn drink thanks to you!” I pushed Vic causing him to stumble into Kellin harshly, before spinning around to take in my surroundings.
Charlie was sprawled out against Trevor on one section of the couch, with Matt beside them talking to Brook and Pete. Across from them, Jared and Ace were wrapped up in each other, talking about god knows what, but clearly they were the only two that existed in that little world. In the middle of the wrap around couch, Vic’s brother and bandmate Mike sat with Karah and Brendon, laughing at my outburst. An annoying high pitched laughter had my eyes traveling to one of the two seater swings, where Juliet and Andy were cuddled up.
    “Ignore them.” Vic’s voice chimed beside me.
    “I’ll do my best,” I said, plastering on a fake grin, “now can I go back to the bar and get my drink?”
    “I got it for you.” Shannon’s low drawl sounded from behind me.
    “You are my savior!” I exclaimed excitedly, grabbing my drink from his extended hand. “So did y’all just decide to kick everyone out or what?”
    “We all pitched in, rented the place out, the only people allowed in are bands on the tour or whoever we let in.” Kellin said from the other side of Vic.
    “Did your wife ever make it in?” I asked after taking a sip of my beer.
    “Yeah she’ll be here a little later with Vic’s girlfriend.” He laughed at Vic’s goofy smile.
    “Awesome I haven’t seen Danielle since Florida, I miss her!” Brook said from her spot beside Pete.
    “I’m going to walk around,” I had been still for too long and I really wanted to see who else was up here, “anyone want to join me?”
    “I’ll go,” I grinned over at Shannon, who’s answering smirk had my knees trembling and threatening to buckle at any second, god I was so screwed.
After about an hour and a half of mingling and catching up with everyone, Shannon and I found ourselves on the other U shaped couch, laughing and talking, just taking the time to get to know one another.
    “Seriously? Country?” He laughed, hazel eyes hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses. “Out of all things?”
    “Hey I’m from North Carolina, it’s like a requirement to love country.” I said grinning at his outright disbelief. I shifted so my short legs rested across his thighs.
    “I’m from Louisiana, you don’t hear me talking about swamp-pop,” he countered, nose crinkling slightly at the thought.
    “Please god don’t ever say swamp-pop again,” my ribs were already tender from all the laughing, “Oh my god, I can’t breathe.”
    “It’s a really simple concept, you pull air in through your mouth, fill your lungs then push it back out.” He shifted his left arm from the back of the couch to prop his head on his hand, elbow still resting by my head.
    “Smart ass,” I quipped before pushing his bare side, god it should be illegal for a man to look so good in a cut off t-shirt. “Why do you wear these things? It’s dark out here,” I pulled the sunglasses off his face and placed them over my eyes, “I mean, I can still see your eyes moving behind them.”
    “I don’t know kind of a way for me to watch people without being caught,” he shrugged slightly before taking a sip of his drink.
    “I think your eyes are too gorgeous to keep them hidden behind such dark lenses.” I said sticking my tongue out. I slid the dark Ray Bans off my face to hand them back to Shannon.
    “Keep them, they look good on you.” I grinned goofily as I placed them on top of my head.
    “Of course they do, everything looks good on me.” I said before laughing at the face he pulled, “I tried, oh my god, I tried to keep a straight face after saying that, but you should have seen your facial expression, holy shit.” I leaned over my legs, pulling in as much air as my lung would allow.
    “Keep it up and I’ll push you off this couch.” He responded while poking me in my ribs.
    “Yeah, yeah, you don’t scare me.” I laughed out.
That was a lie, I was scared of him. I was scared of the way he was making me feel, the butterflies knocking around my stomach. How easy it was to talk to him, how much we had in common, how badly I wanted to kiss him. Listening to his deep voice made me wonder what it would sound like after waking up, would it be thick with sleep? How would it sound lust filled, would it be deeper? Huskier? Would those beautiful hazel green eyes darken? My laughs sobered up quickly at the thoughts going through my head about the gorgeous drummer next to me.
    “So was it always music?” Shannon asked, sensing my inner thoughts turning heavier.
    “Actually no. Me and Charlie, we played all through high school, then we thought it was never going to happen so we took a break, went to college.” I leaned back against the couch, head falling against the back, legs still in his lap as I thought back to old times.
    “What were you going for?” The smooth timber of his voice made me roll my head towards him, meeting his yellow-green gaze straight on.
    “Psychology, I wanted to help people. I figured if I couldn’t help with my music anymore, I would help in another way.” I sighed out. “But after a couple of semesters we realized we needed the music, I loved my classes, but it was too much, I needed to play, to sing.” He nodded his head, understanding clear in his eyes.
    “If it weren’t for Jared and music,” his voice deepened with emotion, “I don’t know where I would be, probably in jail or dead.” I closed my eyes to keep the tears in them from showing. The world would have missed out on a beautiful soul if he hadn’t turned to music. “Though, I thought about being a therapist at one point.”
    “Really?” He nodded, “I think you would be good at that.” His soft smile had my heart jumping to my throat and the need for my drink great, only to find my glass empty.
    “Need another?” I looked over to see him watching me intently, “I was about to get up and grab one for myself, I can get you one while I’m up.”
    “Sounds good, I’m just going to run to the bathroom real quick.” I dropped my legs from his lap and quickly stood. Letting the dizzy spell pass, I stepped around Shannon before heading towards the bathroom in the first section of the roof.
Stepping into the empty bathroom, I made a beeline for the sinks to splash cool water on my face. After a few dips, I glance at my reflection. My cheeks were flushed, whether from the drinks or how Shannon was making me feel, I didn’t honestly know. I needed to pull myself together, getting involved with him would be a bad idea right now. I was a mess, things with Andy had put my emotions through the ringer and Shannon didn’t need someone like me fucking up his life.
Chapter 17
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