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trickylicker · 2 months ago
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Oh my god /pos
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bigbigpushes · 1 month ago
Memorable Shift
Working in a busy ER, Ashley realised that she really should have known better than to work a full shift at thirty seven weeks pregnant, but they were short staffed and she had wanted one last day of work before she went on maternity leave.
Her back had been aching all day, contractions happening irregularly, but she hadn’t even considered it might have been the start of labour, this was her first pregnancy and she knew the odds, given that she was on her feet constantly she has assumed it was more false labour.
She was in the middle of treating a trauma patient when she had felt something pop within her, the sound of a splash heard even over the chaos of the room. “Ashley…” she shook her head as a nurse tried to get her attention, wanting to focus on helping their patient before she worried about herself.
“How long?” She looked up then, knowing the no nonsense tone in the voice of her department head meant she needed to answer. “Achy all day, I didn’t realise the contractions were coming regularly until just before, thought I had more time.” She explained, watching as the room was cleared, the patient being taken to surgery as she was guided to sit on a stool. “I thought I had more time.” She insisted, tensing as she felt her uterus tighten, trying to breathe through it, intense pressure already building between her legs. Her baby was coming fast. Faster than she could have ever anticipated.
She took a deep breath as the pain passed, thinking back on the last few hours. “I can make it up to OB. If we go now, I’ll be fine.” As much as Ashley loved working in the emergency room, she didn’t really want to deliver there.
Her wishes to get out of the ER were foiled almost immediately after she had finished talking, another contraction striking as she had been about to stand, forcing her to sit back down on the stool, she didn’t even realise when she had begun to push until she heard Ben, her best friend amongst the other doctors counting to ten. “I’m having the baby down here, aren’t I?” She asked with a resigned sigh once the pain ended. “I’m afraid so, can’t risk you giving birth in the elevator.” Ben told her with a reassuring squeeze to her shoulder.
The breaks between contractions grew shorter and shorter, she hadn’t realised they had been so close together before her water had broken, too focused on doing her job to really notice. She was taken to an exam room, the trauma room a mess from their last patient and to provide her with some much needed privacy.
“Ughhh, owwww!” She groaned as her abdomen tightened, the situation was far from the birth she had planned but there was no time for that now. “Ben, please hold my hand?” Ashley asked shakily, relieved when her friend quickly did as she asked.
The pressure only grew, with each contraction she couldn’t stop herself from giving small pushes. She was already at a ten and as the current contraction gripped her, she didn’t resist the urge to really push. “Hhhhnngh!” She grunted, feeling as the head slipped further through her birth canal, her vagina opening as the head began to crown.
She panted through the burn, waiting for another contraction so she could push again. And push again she did, bearing down, her grip on Ben’s hand tightening as she pushed, the head quickly popping free. “Oh, that feels weird!” She said as she caught her breath, the baby turning inside of her. “Take a look, mom.” She heard the doctor delivering her child say before she glanced at the mirror set up between her legs, getting the first glimpse of her baby.
There was a smile on her face as the urge returned and soon she was pushing once more, grunting through the effort of getting the shoulders out, the baby then feeling as if it just slipped out, the room filling with his tiny cries as he was placed against her chest.
“Hi! Oh hello there, gorgeous.” She whispered softly to her son, tears of joy falling down her face, even Ben beside her was teary as he looked at his honorary nephew. Ashley looked away for a moment, smiling at her colleagues before looking back to her little boy. It was safe to say she was definitely on maternity leave now.
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gorgin-gals-muses · 9 months ago
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I know he'd fuck it up somehow, but...
Desuhiko going undercover at a party or event Disguised as someone else while the real version of them is churning around naked in her gut <3.
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elsweetheart · 2 years ago
this is exactly what i need rn oh my lord :( had such a bad day n broke down soso bad, need to be cradled in her big arms n be told that she’ll take care of everything </33 hhhhnngh
bb :(( sorry u had a bad day i hope today is better:((((
abby would hold u in her arms n say stuff like “dont let it all build up on you, okay pretty girl? any problems, you call me. yeah?”
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shinayashipper · 2 years ago
Silly rants about the anime I dislikes Oshi no Ko (for the fans pls don't read)
Everytime I see that new anime oshi no ko updates I got even more Upset like I Regretted ever tasting it in the first place if only I didn't maybe I wouldn't be this upset over fictional characters the THING is if only they tweaked it Differently, I would Honestly be into it... like if they kept on the premise about Love / Found Family / Finding Oneself... like the OPENING SONG y'know... man that would be so Perfect. And maybe I'm just too biased or judging it too early but hhhhnngh... I've never felt such Irk to an anime before 😂😂 maybe because it **almost** tickled the Good Feeling for me and then they Not Doing It... and when I dropped it, it KEEPS SHOWING UP... it's Everywhere, especially on twitter like I absolutely cannot control it 😂😂
Like I think even if they're going for fcked-up murder mystery or something... the premise about Love should stay... if it's just... giving Dark, Twisted tones into them all then what's it all for 😂 I saw spoilers and I think they're going to "snatch away" the character who got genuine Love in them (Ruby). Why is this show so depressing man if the premise is about love then where is the LOVE (I guess it really is not the core of the story lol😂😂) man im just so HHNGGG UGH about it... and I can't block it...
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unmeinonagare · 1 month ago
nooo the worst thing is happening (pregnancy reveal)
i feel like they're going to do a miscarriage plot point soon which is *pinches nose* but whatever. i feel like i know what big plot point is next but hhhhnngh it's such a slow crawl
the other thing is, i don't know if the dude is even ready to be a dad! im just astonished the MC is even happy to have a kid like. she's probably barely past 22 years old, doesn't she want to do other things?? or was she content with already being highly educated due to her upbringing? idk man...rich people are scary
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moved-to-torbmat · 4 years ago
haha ur so funny :] *kisses you on the lips*
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katsukissy · 4 years ago
sukuna,,,,,,, and yuuji,,,, mm.
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goatboard · 6 years ago
An au where everybody in μ's is a cat exept for Hanayo who lives with all of them and keep them alive
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sappho-dee · 4 years ago
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its 12 30m ij the morning-night but i do not. care. mitwomiki has.captured my heart. so i made this trash. yet i used picsart fight me i love them
ryota sprtie from https://bastart13.tumblr.com/post/171198492970/ryota-mitarapleasegive-this-kid-a-break-i
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muffinlikespie · 3 years ago
guys i drew the guy again-
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the slab
(click for better-ish quality hhhhnngh)
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royaldepravity · 4 years ago
Hhhhnngh queen big and hot but also soft and cuddly
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gorgin-gals-muses · 1 year ago
"Didn't bring 'em onto the beach. Don't worry, I'm nearsighted, I'll be able to tell when I'm loving your tummy~"
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"So it won't be an accident otherwise, got it~.... wait... hhhhnngh..."
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"I always.. wanted to do that... houghhh, even if that... took a lot out of me..."
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ohhicas · 6 years ago
YOUR DRAWINGS ARE SO AMAZING ! 😍😍✨💕 Especially the way you use colors and your artstyle ! Do you think that the Radiant Garden crew still feel guilty about not being able to save Ienzo? Especially Even and Aeleus?
just smother in Protecc
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THIS IS WHAT KIDS LIKE, RIGHT?Even’s trying. he really is.
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hhhhnngh aaaaaaaa
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mwagneto · 6 years ago
also yeah I saw Rocketman again yesterday (finally had the time to go with one of my friends who hasn't seen it yet but we've been planning on watching it together for months).... and my god......hhhhnngh.......
i haven't seen it in 18 (eighteen!!!!!) whole ass days so it was extra amazing
this was deadass one of the best theater experiences I've had when watching this and I've seen it 9 times
it was near full (it wasn't a big room but it was still like 50 people)
and everyone was like idk really interactive?? like ppl laughed a lot and it was so good
ppl were laughing so much @ Elton being a disaster during don't go breaking my heart it was amazing
and, by some miracle, for once not a single person laughed when Sheila said she knows
so yeah thank heaven for all that
and the movie was ofc amazing
i still can't fully remember a lot of things picture-wise and theres scenes I don't remember watching (can't explain but like when I think back I can't remember hearing/seeing for example the wild ride line)
but it doesn't matter coz I'm gonna watch it like 485737 more times so
also weird thing is that the whole movie seemed so long??? like it felt like we were in that theater forever but at the same time things happened way too quickly
like I had a shit ton of moments where I was like "wait how are we already at this scene oh no it's going too fast"
anyway watch Rocketman
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dango-daikazoku · 7 years ago
oh no i ran out of anime to watch
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