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gunsatthaphan · 2 years ago
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"I have a costume for you.”
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killuaisaprincess · 6 months ago
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top-shelf-tender · 3 months ago
"As the winner of the ducks versus teeth war...." Wait. Where is this going? Lucifer actually isn't sure of the details of what he was going to ask. Oh! Right...
"Would you want to chat a bit over a late supper? If you're not tired, I mean."
he's asking for a date in a roundabout sort of way
Husk could feel the twinge of a blush creeping just beneath his fur. The bartender gave an easy smile and offered his arm to the king.
“Congrats on your victory. I’d be delighted, Lu - whatcha wanna eat?”
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potetosaradas · 9 months ago
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lilywily143 · 6 months ago
I FUCKING love Regretevater
Thank you @lovelyheartclover for reblogging all the amazing art of this game, intriging me and thank you @zombytommy for introducing this game to me fully and being my play buddy
And there is gonna be a part two of this because I actually drew past the image limit XDDDD
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Flesh Cousins are really cute to me
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There are Giant ones!
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And they are cool mimics, here's one pretending to be my avatar :3
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And I love the big dog Döug [And the roombas]
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Reddy! The first one I met on the elevater and I loved him instantly [I'm a old time fnaf fan, can't help it]
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Little Cashier Guy, he's just a sleepy guy
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Party Noob! or poob
I love this guy and he is a cutie.
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Little Lamp :3
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SlimYim is a cute guy and he finally got his face in the game
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Bive! Fluffy gal, I should have drawn Split though with her
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This little guy was drawn to spite zomby >:] /hj
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Scary Mike, yeah he is threatening on his floor
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Lord I have no clue who this guy is but I wanna know!
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Fuck this backrooms monster named Clover.
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Love this guy hehehehe genuinely he's great and I adore him
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This guy was funny heheheh
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Jeremy! He seems like a evil little prince but I need to redraw with that intent
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I love Prototype so much hehehe had to go through a couple drawings to get good with this one
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I love their friend Scag as well
[Now time for Wallter and Mark HHHHHHH FUCK Love them so much]
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mark: Anddd There.
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M: Hey, looks like my scarf suits you more
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[why did they have to get divorcedddddd]
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justalittlelee09 · 25 days ago
Verbal teases are just so🙈
Things like
"Aww what's making my baby so giggly?"
"Ooh is my cutie ticklish?"
"You're so ticklish baby"
"Your giggle is adorable, I want to hear it"
"Hmm? Is something wrong love? What's so funny?"
Hhhhhhh like please
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giggleesblog · 9 months ago
hehehe awww you’re making me want to gently drag my nails up and down the backs of your knees while i tell you how absolutely adorable you are!! you’re just the cutest <3 maybe I’ll play with your thighs too since it seems like you love that cutie
wait you don’t have to say those things because they’re not true!!
hhhhhhh please i’d love that 😵‍💫👉🏻👈🏻
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epicaricacyyy · 1 year ago
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minusgangtime · 9 months ago
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(Lifts up black blanket.)
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(Midnight covered herself with the blanket again..)
(“Papas!..somethings wrong with my sissy!”)
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(The immediate aftermath as the gang/crew were locked in the shed as thier cutie marks were taken..)
-mod Shelby
(Mi-Mi nuuu ;~;)
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playingplayer2 · 26 days ago
Sometimes when I see one of my favourite characters, my brain happily, cheerfully, joyfully, chirps out "cutie-patootie-who's-oh-so-fruity!” or something similar to that (particularly when it's incredibly cute ship art)
Which. Hhhhhhh why would my brain betray me like that? Me? Cheerful? Joyous? Happy???
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sylscorner · 7 months ago
god I desperately need to breed
I wanna unload on some cuties face
frot with a girl
hhhhhhh I'm so exceedingly horny why does this have to happen during work
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pipibalon · 1 year ago
Can I say this? I'm tired.
Hello, there~
Hello, world~
*diucapkan dengan nada yang melemah*
Sebulan terakhir, well sebenarnya mungkin lebih tepatnya dua bulan terakhir, gue merasa gak punya kehidupan laen selaen bekerja. Yah, emang sih dari dulu juga emang udah ga punya kehidupan laen wkwkwk (maklum, homblo -> plis jangan curcol kamuh Li), tapi rasa-rasanya makin parah beberapa bulan terakhir ini. Hidup gue berkutat pada pekerjaan dan pekerjaan. Sampai-sampai gue kayak mati rasa. Kayak robot. Bangun pagi yang terpikir di kepala pertama kali adalah kerjaan (eh ada juga sih yang lain wkwk), lalu sepanjang hari yaudah berkutat sama itu aja. Begitu terus hampir setiap hari. Gue bahkan lupa kapan terakhir kali gue cuti. Kayaknya udah 2-3 bulan yang lalu deh. Workaholic? Gak juga sih rasanya, karena emang deadline dan kerjaan sungguh menggila.
Rasanya gue sampai udah ga mau mengeluh. Bahkan biasanya gue suka nangis kalo lagi capek gitu, ini ga bisa sama sekali. Kepala rasanya penuh. Huft. Yes, ini ga sehat. Sama sekali ga sehat. Bahkan ada masa-masanya, gue "membenci" weekend, karena membuat gue ga bisa bekerja! WTH gak tuh.. Why on earth do I have that kind of feeling?!
Puncaknya adalah minggu lalu ketika gue tumbang dan ke IGD SENDIRIAN SUBUH-SUBUH wkwkwkw (ini sungguh miris tapi yah cuma bisa diketawain). Mungkin tubuh gue udah ga kuat lagi. Badan gue udah kesel ama gue, badan gue minta gue istirahat sebentaaaaarr aja. Dan gue masih aja bandel. Gue sedih. Ya, gue sedih sama diri gue sendiri. Gue ga tau kenapa gue melakukan ini. Pelariankah? Atau seperti kata dokter gue: karena gue ga punya kehidupan laen yang membuat gue excited...
Kehidupan laen...
Bahkan rebahan dan nonton drakor itu bukan kehidupan laen katanya wkwkwk. I need to find new hobby, new excitement. Yah, sepertinya emang gue ga punya itu. Pusaran hidup gue cuma bekerja dan bekerja. Temen-temen gue? ya itu-itu lagi. dia dia lagi. Gue merasa ga punya energi ketemu orang baru. Gue capek. Gue ga sanggup memulai relasi pertemanan atau apapun itu dengan orang baru. Gue ga tau apakah ini baik atau tidak...
Sampai kemarin, gue rasanya masih diliputi 'adrenalin rush'. Masih diliputi energi untuk kerja, menyelesaikan deadline, meski dengan tempo yang gue rasa lambat karena too much on my plate. Dan hari ini, tiba-tiba aja gue merasa sangat lelah...
Sepulang kantor ketemuan + makan-makan tim studi. Dalam perjalanan pulang, gue ngerasa capek dengan tiba-tibanya. Rasanya mau nangis karena gue capek. Yah, sepertinya ada hal lain juga yang 'mentrigger' itu. Ditambah membayangkan sampai rumah gue masih harus menyelesaikan PPT yang mau dipresentasikan besok pagi. Please tell me what should I do? Who and what will stop me for doing all of these (unhealthy) things?? *menangis di bawah bantal*
Menuangkan semuanya ke blog ini mungkin bisa menjadi pelarian (sesaat) gue. Gue tau gue harus 'berhenti' dari kebiasaan kerja ini. Tapi gue takut, karena inilah satu-satunya yang bisa mendistraksi gue, termasuk dari rasa sakit hati untuk sesuatu yang mungkin akan gue dapati nanti.
So, can I cry now? Can I say this? I'm exhausted. I'm so damn tired. My head is so full right now I can't even think properly. Yet, I can't sleep...
I need to take my time and process all these feelings. All these random thoughts. All these situations.
I'm tired, and randomly at this time I really wanna say this: can I see the moon with you?
*why do I end this post with such random and 'gak-nyambung' words?? hhhhhhh. TIDUR KAO LI!!*
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darlingpwease · 2 years ago
Yep! All /gen
Children??!!? Oh god I'm not ready for kids orz– what have I done?!! /j
I feel like I need to find a place to go to when I want to hide when moments like these happen. /j!!.../hj
Yess wrote that message for u <33 even tho it's all jumbled and messy lol
Ahhhh pls I like doing it!! Even tho it may not be much I think it's awesome /gen love ur works, ideas, all of it!! It's amazing :DD
AHAHAA I doubt that but that's so sweet <333 I'm happy u find me 'interesting' tho, that's also a new one lolol /pos I trust u on that tho!!! I don't wanna come off as creepy so please let me know if i ever do :'')))
I don't know how to express what I want to do with you </3333
Biting seems to be a theme so I wouldn't be surprised if thats it /t /pos
Well, to be fair, I don't think there's any way for u to come to me lol /neu but I do worry I come to u too much tbh, I don't wanna bother u or other readers that come and view ur profile /neu
As if!! Dw dw, I don't see myself possibly losing interest bubba <333 ur wonderful :)))
NOOO!!! I was honestly worried that it would come off as rude,, all positive I promise I promise!!
¡ESPERAR! ¿Estás diciendo que puedo morderte? Jejeje.... maybe I should? ♡.... me elogias demasiado </33 /pos
Maldito... ¿No ambos? Bueno, valió la pena intentarlo... </33 /t
Me tratas muy bien, cariño. ¡¡Debería tratarte mejor!! Y está bien, ese es un pequeño precio que puedo ignorar fácilmente <33 /t /hj /pos
-panna cotta
hhhhhh,,,,, cutie<3
NOOOOO don't look at me like that!!! </3333 /hj
HFHDHDHFHFH what do you mean you're not ready??? then who wrote a thread with me about slime and yuuta??? then who spoke with me about toge??? then whose written-babies are in the drafts??? whose lovely??! take responsibility!!! take it!!! you should have thought earlier!!! </3333 /j
metaphorically or physically, my lovely sugarheart? <3 /hj /pos
still sounds like surrealism, dear cotta;;; wrote? for me? you were thinking about me when you wrote? hhhhhhh </3333,,,,, /pos
hwhwhwhwhw,,,,, I think I need to hide somewhere now;;; listening to it is so fluttering but strange </3333 /pos
I mean, the only way to test it is to find out, hm? /t
I don't usually say "interesting" because it sounds a little strange in relation to a person, but this, in general, is the most important criterion for me — if it's not interesting, then I don't do it. I move with my momentum, so I assure you that as long as I'm interested in something, nothing else matters — but of course I'll tell you if something goes wrong. there's nothing wrong with that, anyway, so don't worry, panettone, you're too good and respectful to be creepy for me <3 /t
noooo definitely won't bite you; I tell you too often, you stop taking it seriously already </3 I'll think of something that will help me express it, honey.
well one day I can come to you as anon—
you don't bother me, I'm always looking forward to your messages and answers; you're my regular sweetness, I can't be unhappy when I see you <3 /gen /srs
if you are uneasy, we can move on to a new blog for such a chat while I will transfer all the elements of new ideas and works here when they appear, lovely; it's not difficult or weird for me.
sweetest, I don't want to sound passive aggressive, but if they don't like it, they can just unsubscribe. I don't hold anyone by force and they always have a choice to leave; I've already talked about it once and my opinion hasn't changed — and you shouldn't feel uncomfortable because of some metaphorical reader who can theoretically go to my profile and see that I love you very much. after all, I'm not shy about it.
I hope that it will be so, my lovely one!!! I wouldn't want that </3
it wasn't rude; it was a little intimidating </3 I understood that it was unlikely that you would try to sound aggressive, given your peacefulness, and your answer was even pleasant when I translated, but before that it was a little scary </333 /neu!!! /<3
мммм, только если тебе очень этого хочется~ <3 my yakhontovy, пока это ты, я согласен на все, даже позволить тебе укусить меня♡ конечно, я не такой хорошенький для укусов как ты, но это не то чтобы проблема, ммм? <333 /pos /ht
(тебя невозможно слишком хвалить; мне всегда кажется, что неважно, как часто я тебя хвалю, этого просто недостаточно, я должен делать это ещё чаще и больше /hj /pos)
хехехе, нет~ только одна опция, чтобы ты не смог перенасытиться этим, иначе какими ещё способами я буду играться с тобой? <3 /t
ммм, если ты можешь игнорировать эту цену, то я буду вынужден повысить её, пока она не достигнет моей ценности, дорогой, иначе это неинтересно. хотя если ты согласен чтобы я всегда держал тебя с тобой, мне не нужно ничего больше — все остальное я могу получить по мере <3
hehehe, ты определенно должен относиться ко мне лучше~ например, продолжить быть такой прелестной драгоценностью и вызывать у меня желание спрятать тебя в сундуке где-нибудь в море как делают с хорошими порядочными драгоценностями <3333 /t /pos я обещаю хорошо заботиться о тебе и не позволить каким-нибудь герояем добраться до тебя /hj
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ghosttownwherenoonegoes · 2 years ago
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Eddie is super nervous talking to the new girl
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wickedremind · 3 years ago
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flower crown boyfwends
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channoticedmeuwu · 4 years ago
hhhh nvm—
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