fitclouds · 2 years
I hope everyone had a wonderful week and I’m praying the upcoming days will be filled with blessings.
I decided to stay off my deficit until yesterday and have a fresh start today. No lacking, no excuses just grind through.
It was hard to get up this morning and push myself through but here I am finishing my workout!
I’ll post at the end of the day what I had to eat today and my routine for tomorrow since it’s exams and also game day.
Love 🫶🏼
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fitclouds · 2 years
Hey guys 🫶🏼🥹
I want to share with you a bit of what happened this week and to show that I might seem like someone who has my shit together because the blog is about fitness and motivation, but sometimes the reality bout this kind of blogs is a bit different. The difference they don’t show you. This week was one of the worst weeks so far. Even though I passed my exams and praised myself for not overeating, I gave in🤦🏽‍♀️.
I didn’t do my workout the way I wanted and after that came binge eating. I feel I have to be more strict with my routine no matter what and how I feel. Even if something isn’t how I planned it. Of course, being harsh on yourself isn’t always good but if it happens too often you should know you need to tie your discipline harder and be more passionate about something you ‘really’ wanna achieve.
I learnt so much about myself for the past few years since I started my diet that I know I’m very strong minded and passionate bout things, but, I let bad days get into me too easily and that’s when my feelings take control by letting me ‘reward’ myself with something so I can at least feel slightly better. And the ‘reward’ this week was my binge eating. I fucked my workout on Monday so I overate at night. The next day I felt the same because I already done some damage the night before. Stupid as hell but it’s done so I can only learn rather than continue my behaviour.
Please stick to your routine and stay disciplined. Even if you fuck up your week. This is the only way that will lead you to where you want to be, not taking you back where you don’t wanna be. It’s ok to have bad days, rewarding yourself, having cheat days, skipping your workouts but the MAIN thing bout it all is that you don’t let it happen too often so it doesn’t become a habit. You wanna see results you also wanna keep going through anything but can’t always use it as an excuse to fell off the track. That will only slow your goals and let you down because the overthinking ‘I have been working out for two months now why I don’t see any results’ will start then.
My main aim for this blog is to be as honest as possible. Wether I post about motivation during bad days or healthy meal plans while I am binge eating, the honesty will always come along too!
Goodnight 🫶🏼
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fitclouds · 2 years
Today was a very lazy day for me, but at some point I had to get up for work. Even though I woke up late and spent most of it in bed, I still sorted myself out, took a shower, ate late breakfast* (more like lunch lol) and left to go to work. On my way I decided to grab a quick lunch* I could have at work
I’m not someone who always have their shit together, but I will make sure that at the end of the day I can say I manage to do at least skin care or have full meals. So don’t knock yourself down if you decided to sleep past noon but got your ass to the gym🥳Having days off is good for a balanced routine but don’t make it a habit because that’s when you are in your comfort zone. Motivation lays on the floor today but I gotta go gym. Although I feel like my relationship with food is getting so, sooo much better. I barely have snacks anymore and with having limited calories (1500), it was hard to get full with my meals and to also satisfy myself with some low cal snacks. I actually like the way it is now so I can have bigger portions for my main meals.
Hope everybody had a great day❤️🥹
*What I had for breakfast*
4 slices of toasted bread (I used 50cal one)
25g Chocolate spread (Lidl)
Half banana
Calories: 400
3 croissant (Lidl)
60g soft cheese (Lidl)
3 slices of ham (Lidl)
Calories: 595
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fitclouds · 2 years
How it started
TW: calories | weightloss  Hi guys I’m Claudia and I’m 21 year old. I live in Scotland and I’m currently a business student. I made this blog to help others with weight loss and how to stay on track, even though sometimes it isn’t an option. Being a full time student, basketball player and also to find time for myself and people around me could be tough sometimes. Looking back when I was unhealthy to the point I would sleep past noon and first thing I would do was smoke a cigarette and eat microwaved food, I feel embarrassed. My routine back then was to get through the week so I could go out and get blackout drunk every weekend. I thought I was enjoying myself but didn’t realise how it started affecting not only my mental health but also my family.  2020 wasn’t the best year, I’d say for anybody. The pandemic started and you can say everybody fall off their track. Of course, you wonder what was I even doing if my life before was only partying. Well let me tell you. For the first 6 months I would meet up with my friends and find a place to drink. My mindset was at a horrible place because I kept telling myself I’m only 19 so I want to be a party animal because at some point, yeah, I will get old. I carried on until people who haven’t seen me in years would criticise me by being straight honest that I did indeed, put on a lot of weight. I tried to play it cool by saying ‘so what? I’m happy the way I am’ but deep down I started noticing that is not who I wanted to become when I was a kid. I was always, from a young age, interested in sport. First time I played basketball was 11 years ago! This was my dream, to live that healthy, sporty life. But obviously life took a different turn. Back to 2020, during summer I slowly started to looking for a nutrition that would help me somehow loose weight. It was hard because not knowing where to start and having a little budget, getting a Personal Trainer was definitely not an option. Firstly I tried to set up my own diet, but what the hell did I even know about it? Nothing. I couldn’t find the motivation at all because back then I thought healthy eating was all about ‘greens and leaves’.  One day, I was scrolling through my social media and accidentally found a page called JuicePlus. I got excited because it wasn’t that pricey so I decided to save up a bit and get started with that. Till this day I’m laughing at myself for spending 80 pounds for 4 months straight just to get protein powder, boosters, pills and get added to a Facebook group where people would share their nutrition's or weight loss. I thought it was so good because I started seeing my weight drop, but thinking about it now, it was my effort and watching ChloeTing videos on YouTube that helped me more than the JuicePlus diet. I did catch up on a lot of things though like calories and health benefits but remembering how I literally cut off carbs because they said eating it will not help me loose weight, yeah, weird.  Once I payed it off I started making my own food, but I didn’t know the main thing was to count the calories! After few months in November 2020,me and my friend decided to go to the gym. This was my first time so I literally spent like 3 hours on a treadmill. But I felt like this was a place where I feel like myself. The next day I decided to go to the gym on my own so I can overcome the fear and did not look back! It become part of my daily routine. I minimalised drinking, going out and even smoking! Unfortunately with Scotland going back into another lockdown, I had no other option but to try stay on track because at that point I realised who I was before 1st lockdown and who I am now, I could say two different people. 
I watched a lot of fitness videos, Instagrams accounts, TikToks, done my own research, I would say I educated myself so, so much. Being so interested, I came accross an Instagram account called ComposeLimited. That was literally perfect timing because not only it was so cheap, I also had an option of home workouts, plenty of meal plans, could track my progress and to top it off I also had my own Online PT who was checking on me almost daily! I carried on with my weightloss journey throughout the second lockdown that once the gyms reopened I felt so confident in going back to the gym. I started posting more Fitness content on my Instagram or what I was eating during the day. I also gained more followers. I even found an app called MyFitnessPal that helped me track food and daily calories. 
Lockdown ended, now we are in April 2021. Back to my favourite place, something didn’t felt right for me. I felt that now I am so educated I want to explore more. It was like a sign from God. I woke up and went on my social media. First thing I saw was a random post on Facebook from a local Personal Trainer who was looking for people who would like to join his team. I thought this is it. I decided to message him and I knew he is gonna be someone who will change me for even better. He is a bodybuilder so that made me feel even more comfortable with him knowing that his knowledge in Fitness is huge. He made my own personalised diet and workouts. That was awesome because I felt like this is what I needed from the start. By May I noticed a huge difference in me. Body got toned up, my relationship with food got better. I got inspired by him that decided to put more effort and participate in bodybuilding.  I carried on until July because I went through a heartbreak. That actually motivated me more, but at the same time I felt like I needed some fun. I  balanced going out with fitness. In August, me and my friend took a spontaneous  trip to England and that wasn’t the greatest idea. I stayed there for a whole month. I didn’t work out at all. Just kept partying and eating crap food. Despite the bad side of it, it was the best summer ever and actually change my mindset for even better. The glow up I had was insane. Coming back home and finding the motivation I dropped when I went away was so hard. But even though, I met someone who made me feel very special and helped me with my anxiety. Not only showed me what love really feels like, but picked me up and we both started our own ‘marathon’. It was like a right person at right time. Having the same goals helped us get closer. After sometime, we moved in together and started shredding.  Where I am now compared to where I was January 2020 you’d say I’m not the same person. I am currently shredding and let me tell you I am at the best mindset I have ever been. I finally see the change in my body and mental health. The reason why I decided to make this blog was because I want to help other people loose weight and still being able to eat the food they like. So a normal diet but make it more fun. I went through a rollercoaster with Fitness that I am able to show others it isn’t boring at all. My plan for the future is to also become a part time PT while being a full time business women. I will be posting daily my tasty meal plans, workouts, mental health, how I stay on track during bad days, balancing having fun with gym and many more. I hope you will stay with me because I know how tiring and hard it can get, especially where nowadays people think being the cool person means drinking until you don’t remember what happened last night. And of course, to save you from spending hundreds on some weird diets and making mistakes like me. You will also find pictures of me ‘before and after’ to see what discipline can really do to you. Nobody will tell you the bad side of loosing weight and how it can even affect you. Last thing I will do is to judge you. Lots of love  Claudia x
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