piersthesniper · 3 months
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Definitely didnt forget the scars… its not a recent drawing rlly but wanted to post it IG…
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backofhismomsmercury · 3 months
heyy hey how yall doin
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thinn-as-a-dime · 2 years
hey … heyy .. how yall doin
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Work of Art
Request: hey there :0 recently found yr blog and i just wanna say yr writing is really good! i saw yr requests were “openish” so if this is an inconvenience then that’s ok and you don’t have to write anything :) but connor murphy w a male reader who likes to draw? and he draws them together in his free time? maybe babies connor a lot in private too? (^^*)if you decide to do this, ty! if not, that’s ok too! keep up the good work ♡🦑 Word Count: 498 Words Warnings: Connor being insecure Author’s Note: heyy...how yall doin... so sorry to the anon that requested this it took me a year and then some to finally write it and it’s bad... anyways... have a good day/night :) <3
You were sitting in the art room one day during study hall as usual when all of a sudden someone else came into the room
You were startled because usually, it’s just you and the art teacher this period.
A boy, probably another student judging by the style of his clothes, came in, nodded his head at your teacher as a greeting, signed in, and sat at a table on the other side of the room
He took out a sketchbook that looked very well loved with stickers all over the front and back covers
He could feel your eyes on him and looked over
You quickly put your head down and felt the tips of your ears grow warm in embarrassment
After that, the two of you drew in your respective sketchbooks silently
The period passed and you didn’t leave the room as you had actual art class next period but neither did the mystery boy
Once the rest of your classmates were settled into their seats, except for the mystery boy,  Ms.Anne stood up in front of the class, “Hello Everyone! I hope you’ve all had a good day so far. As you can see we have a new student with us. This is Connor Murphy, he just started here so please help him feel welcome. Connor, you can sit at the table back there with Y/N.”
You felt your eyes grow wide, no one has sat next to you for the whole year why did that have to change now?
He searched for a minute before his eyes found yours
He came and sat down next to you and you decided to introduce yourself to make him feel welcome or whatever Ms.Anne said.
Surprisingly he responded and you two talked through the rest of the period and the rest is history.
He quickly became your favorite thing to draw
At first, you kept the drawings hidden in fear of him being creeped out but as you grew closer you eventually showed him the drawings
He cried when he saw them because he never imagined someone seeing him in a positive way like you did
Soon after you showed him the drawings the two of you started dating
You loved that you were now able to give him all the affection he deserved (never in public though because he had a reputation to uphold)
And now you could make him pose for all the drawings you want
He drew you on occasion but was insecure about his art even though you constantly assured him it was incredible
For your one-year anniversary, you drew Connor’s favorite picture of the two of you
Once he opened it and saw what it was he practically jumped at you to kiss you and give you the biggest hug
You two stayed like that for a while
For all your anniversaries after that you drew his favorite picture of the two of you from the last year <3
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boobliker42069 · 3 years
oh god oh fuck og gfo wbgat the fuck how do i use this app
hi heyy hii hey hiiiii how yall doin
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appledashieeus · 4 years
“We don’t talk together” - Heize but it’s about Rainbow Dash’s feelings for her crush.
At Sweet Snack Cafe...
Sunset: So... How are you guys doing?
Rainbow: Nahh I’m doing just as awesome as usual
Applejack (smirk): Huh? Ah’m good. So how about you Sunset?
Rainbow: Yeah, how are you AND Pinkie doin’?
Sunset (darting her eyes away from the girl, replying shyly): We’re alright.. I guess.
Sunset: Talking about relationships, how are you and Rarity? Didn’t you two decide to get back together after that ​Starswirled Music Festival​, right?
Applejack (awkwardly): Yeah, righ- ah mean... things are really not that clear yet. *blushing hard, and immediately gulped the water in her glass to relieve her awkward state*  Rare said she needs more time but ah’ think we’re doin’ alright?
Sunset (confused): But didn’t you two spent major time together at that festival?...
Rainbow (thinking in her head): Not all the time
Sunset:...You even rolled her sushi...
Rainbow (muttering): She makes food for everyone.
Sunset:...you made her mud-mask...
Rainbow (still muttering):She didn’t, it was real mud tho
Sunset:...And that Ponygram’s video ya two made together about camping must have, it has like, millions heart icons in it!
Rainbow (keep muttering but smaller volume): Rare likes heart icon, that’s all.
Applejack (thinking about it and start blushing): A-ah’ guess yall did have sum point.
Sunset (smirk in champion way): Hah, see.
AJ *smiled nervously while her cheeks turn in beet-red*
Sunset (notice RD’s gloomy face): So how about you Rainbow? How’s your relationship status?
Rainbow (startled): Oh.. um am alright. Too busy being captain of all the sport team in school at the moment, no time for that mussy love thing *acts careless*
Sunset: Hmm.. I see. But how about Fluttershy, don’t you take care of her a lot? Like whenever were hangin’ out you’re always with her, and last summer your fam and her fam even went on vacation together, right?
Rainbow: There is n-
Applejack: There is no way RD and Fluttershy having anything for each other ah’m tellin’ ya *chuckle* They are childhood friends, more specifically they parents are friends, even tho they don't seem like they have anything in common but Fluttershy’s parents trust RD a lot. They asked her to look after their daughter, am ‘ah right sugarcube?
Rainbow (smiled nervously): Yeah, that’s everything Sunset. By the way Fluttershy already has a crush on this tree-nerd, what’s her name again? Ahh yeah Tree Hugger. Don’t you know about that?
Rainbow: Besides, she isn’t my type anyway so yea, that kind of relationship is impossible for us. We’re more like sister if you ask me tho *placing the straw in the cup she was holding on her lips, drinking her cool rainbow ice-blended to dispel the tense*
Sunset (confusion): Ah yeah, right, Pinkie might mentioned it before but I wasn’t paying much attention haha *chuckle shyly*
🎶 Get in the group, you bring that dancing shoes~ I’ll bring that attitude, you bring the crew so we can move~ 🎵
Applejack (startled): Ohh that was mah phone. *pick up the phone* Yea Rarity?....
Sunset looking at RD’s frowning face , “there must be something wrong here” she thinks.
Applejack (hang up her phone): Uhm.. Sorry you guys, it’s time for me to go to Rare’s house. Ah’ promised her ah’ll build her closet-room today. And ah gonna post it on Ponygram so remember to check ‘em out *chuckle shyly*
Applejack (pack up her thing and finish her apple smoothie): Okay ah’ gotta go now, see yall later.
Sunset: Yeah take care AJ
Rainbow (back to earth): Ah right, bye AJ see you around.
Sunset (waving): Have fun!
After Applejack left, The atmosphere became dull for the Speedster. Dashie’s face formed a noticeable gloom which Sunset recognized.
Sunset: Hey Rainbow, you alright?
Sunset: Heyy *wave her hand at RD’s face*
Sunset: (do and say random thing) Back to earth Rainbow Dash
Sunset (lose her temper): RAINBOW DASH!!
Rainbow (startled): Huh? I’m here am here. Oh it was you, Sunset Shimmer. You don’t need to shout that loud you know. *takes a sip from her ice-blended*
Sunset (pats Rainbow’s shoulder): Is there anything wrong Dash? *she said in a worrying tone*
Rainbow (sigh): It’s nothing Sunset, I just...
Sunset stopped for a moment and thought about the conversation the three of them had earlier. Not long after studying the moment shared, Sunset finally realized what the actual problem really was
Sunset (slightly serious voice): You have a crush on AJ don’t you?
Rainbow (got startled, nervously looking around while quickly uses her hand to shut Sunset up): Wh-what? What are you saying! pfft.. tsk.. I don’t have feelings for Applejack, Sunset.
Sunset (takes RD’s hand off her mouth): Ugh.. Chill out Dash, It’s not like Pinkie’s here today to bounce and talk non-stop about this. Gummy caught a stomach ache, she had to bring him over to Fluttershy.
Sunset (looking around): And it seems like there is no one we know is sittin’ in. So Rainbow Dash, calm down.
Rainbow (finally making herself calm down a bit and sitting down): Yeah you’re right *sigh, looking down* So you know my secret huh? Now what, are you going to tell everyone about it?
Sunset: No Dash that’s not what I mea-
(The original was in Korean but I decided to use the translation. Suggest yall to listen to this song while continue reading)
🎵~ Do you feel the same now? It’s strange
This night we’ve been walking a long time ~ 🎶
Rainbow Dash froze upon hearing the song. She knows this song. She felt her heart clench inside her chest as if it was stabbed with a sword
Sunset sensed how uneasy her rainbow headed friend had become and as her friend. she scooted closer to show comfort
Sunset (patted her friend’s back): Hey RD, I know that you feel uncomfortable about all of this, but if you need someone to talk to.. I’m right here you know? I’ll be all ears.
Rainbow (looking at Sunset then look down at her ice-blended , her voice got softer than ever): You see Sunset...
Sunset: (listening)
Rainbow (sigh): I did something I shouldn’t. I have a crush on my best friend, and that friend is even DATED my other best friend. I’m a real mess ain’t I. *dugs her face in both of her hands releasing a heavy breathe of sigh*
Sunset (surprisingly and hesitantly): Dash i-
🎶~ Without any fear
I don’t know, I don’t know
Maybe back then 🎵
I just relied too much on Believing you would comfort me ~ 🎶
The feels that Rainbow Dash is feeling right now, she hated it.
Sunset (still patting RD’s back in comfort): You know RD, there is nothing wrong with you or your feelings. At all.                                                                           It’s something natural and you can’t just abandon or run away from it. I’m sure those feelings are reasonable same as everyone else’s
Sunset: Again, I am here if you need me.
🎵 ~ ​I know
We love each other 🎶
We don’t talk together I’m always yours
Why don’t you? 🎵
I don’t want to admit it Why don’t you?
🎶 I can’t send you away ~
RD’s shoulders trembled, her tears began to flow down her face
Sunset (surprised): Rainbow i-
Rainbow (slightly sobbing): Sunset I don’t know anymore. I shouldn't feel this way but I just can’t stop it. I love Applejack... a lot. *her voice getting weaker and sobber* It’s way too hard for me to control this damn feeling, I just think about that girl every time, every-freaking-second. Like, even when I play my game, if she doesn’t show up i’ll get distracted because i keep thinkin’ why or what happened. It’s too much for me Sunset, way too much.
Sunset got surprised, she never expected this, that one of her cool tomboy and stoic friend could be this soft and fragile. It... makes Sunset remember her past, she feels empathy.
Without saying anything, she continued on stroking her friends back.
Rainbow (still sobbing): Y-you know Sunset...
Sunset (starled): H-huh? *she just got back from her thinking space*
Rainbow (raises her face up, using a napkin to wipe the tears on her face away): AJ is something, she truly is something special, to me. I love a lot of things about this cowgirl. She’s the only person that could be as awesome as I am. Oh no offense Sunset.
Sunset (slightly smile): Non taken. I get what you’re saying, I thought that kind of way about Pinkie too.
Rainbow (finally giggle a bit): You see Sunset, me and AJ do a lot of things together. We’re even friend before I met the other girl, well not Fluttershy since my parents know her for a long time already. But yeah, Applejack and I spent most of the time together since we have tons of common interests, we shared the same hobbies and we’re always doing silly competitions together.
Sunset (giggled a bit): I can tell. But is that the only thing makes you trippin’ for Applejack that hard, I think there is more? *leaning her back to the chair*
Rainbow (chuckle a bit): You’re reading my mind aren’t you
Sunset (shrugs): I’m not touching you tho
They both stopped for a moment and then cracked smile together.
(I recommend yall to listen to “Some” by BOL4 or “Honey” by Kehlani while continue reading Rainbow’s thought on AJ)
Rainbow: Yeah yeah you are right. It’s not the only thing.
Rainbow (starts blushing): Well... I love Applejack because she is who she is. I love how she’s really responsible you know? She’s completely the exact opposite as I am. She’s smart and dependable to everyone… she knows how to handle her friends, family and... (blushing harder while muttering) me. She’s really strong as well, both physical and emotional, you know after what happened to her parents.
Sunset (nodding): I can tell.
Rainbow (takes a big gulp of her ice-blended and continuing): Okay this is awkward and idk what you think but Applejack is *shyly blushing* the apple of my eyes.
Sunset (interested face): Ooooo
Rainbow (embarrassed): I-i mean she is pretty tho, like nature pure pretty. She don’t even need any of that Rarity’s makeover thing *sarcastically voice*.   
She’s just naturally gorgeous.
Sunset (drinking her juice and raises her eyebrow): Hmm... I see.
Rainbow (blushing shyly): Like, have you seen those freckles on her cheeks, they make AJ looks so freaking adorable. Her voice is funny and beautiful at the same time, I don’t care what other think but her country puns are hilarious and I like it when she called me “sugarcube” or “hun”, yes I do know she say that to everyone but still...
Sunset: (chuckling secretly)
Rainbow (continuing): And gosh, her emerald eyes are something unreal for sure im tellin’ ya, they are so mysterious, deeply and shiny like the aurora light in Arctic. I don’t know why but her looks for me are somehow so powerful, especially when she raises her eyebrow. It’s like she’s reading every ounce of me making me can’t lie to her.
Sunset (nodding): I gotta agree with you on that, Applejack’s look truly is something powerful tho.
Rainbow (sign and smirk in sarcastic): Yeah, she can easily tell when someone’s lying, but couldn’t tell how much I’m going nuts over her
Sunset: Woah RD, it sounds hurtful when you say it that way.
Rainbow: It is what it is.
Sunset (curiously): But now AJ is single, why don’t you just go hit on her?
Rainbow (hide her nervousness): Seriously Sunset? Aren’t you the one who just brought up all those Rarijack moments to Applejack and makes her blush as heck? *sarcastically voice*
Sunset (feeling guilty): Oopsie! Sorry Dash, I didn’t know...
Rainbow (sign): It isn’t your fault anyway. If anyone is at fault here, it’s me.
Sunset: No Rainbow, why would you even think ‘bout it that way? It doesn’t sound like the awesome Rainbow Dash I know at all.
Rainbow (smirk): I could be awesome at a lot of things, but in this mussy love thing Sunset. I am a loser, a betrayal to my friendship with Rarity and Applejack...
Sunset (pity voice): Dash...
Rainbow (chuckle in sarcastic): Isn’t it funny Sunset, fallin’ in love with my best friend who is taken by my other best friend, how much of a jerk am I?
Sunset: Stop Rainbow, you are being negative. Besides, AJ and Rare broke up for a while now. Hey, if that Ragamuffin Rare met on the spring yatch have social media, they’re probably dating by now. And remember one thing, Rarity is you best friend , she’ll understand.
Rainbow (looking at Sunset with surprisingly then looking down at the table again): B-but what if the two of them actually still have feelings for each other… You’ve seen how blushed AJ was when you brought up Rarijack stuffs to her...
Sunset (sign): RD-
*Tingg* (coming from Sunset’s phone)
Rainbow: Is that Pinkie?
Sunset (check her phone): Yeah, her appointment with Fluttershy just finished.
Rainbow (playing with her straw): Yeah you should probably go pick her up
Sunset: Dash i-
Rainbow (rest her chin on her hand): Don’t worry for me I kinda need to head home too. Go take care for your little ​chaos.
Sunset (chuckle): Yeah yeah you’re right.
Sunset (pack up her things): I was actually surprised, RD. It’s not about your feelings for AJ, more like because I’ve never seen that soft part of you like this, at all. Not until now, that’s ju-
Rainbow: Uhm... Sunset Shimmer, talking about that...
Sunset: Yea?
Rainbow (hesitantly): Can you keep our conversation today as a secret, especially to AJ or any of the girl, or just anyone we know. You see, it’s not just  because I don’t want anyone to know about my feelings..
Rainbow (sheepishly): My reputation is kind of at stake too you know? Who would want to know that the ever so awesome Rainbow Dash being like this when it comes to this lovey-dovey things *smiled nervously*
Sunset (slightly smile. sign): I get it Dash, your secret is safe with me. Pinkie promise.
Rainbow (lightened up a bit): Thank you Sunset, for everything. I really appreciate that.
Sunset: No big deal RD, I'm glad that you shared with me too. Hey if you need a company, just know that I’ll always be ready for *sarcastically voice but in a good way* mussy love talk, okay?
Rainbow (giggle): Yeah yeah, I will. Now you better go if you don’t want to keep your pink cotton candy waiting for her *sarcastically voice but in a good way* mussy girlfriend.
Sunset (chuckle): Chezz Rainbow Dash, okay see you tomorrow *waving and leaving*
Rainbow (waving back): Yeah see you ‘round
To be continued...
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moonlightdisney · 4 years
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Pop rocks, Stone smith and Winter frost eventually make it to Ponyville market. Stone smith saw Pop rocks searching around and asking market ponies if they have seen Moonie, meanwhile Winter was cowering behind him. He rolled his eyes, about to lecture him when he heard the sound of Pegasus wings flying away. He looked up and saw Moonies closest friend, Summer Days. He thought it would be best to ask her of all ponies, since shes the closest pony to Moonie right now. "Excuse me, Miss Days..?" The cream pony looked down towards the voice, curiously. She furrowed her brows, she recognised the pony from one of Moonies get togethers. He's a quiet stallion, preferred to stay within his own friend group to chat than meet new ponies. She hovered in the air before she responded. "Uh...yes??" She sounded cautious with her words, wondering why of all ponies, SHE was the one to be interacted with right now. "You're close friends with Moonlight, correct? I mean I see you two together a lot...I would assume you two are quite close friends." He ended his sentence in a matter-of-fact tone. "Yeah we are best friends, why do you ask?" She said slowly, as if the question was obvious. Stone figured so, he didn't know how to ask his next question without striking concern in the other pony. "Have you...seen her as of recent? She's usually in the market place around this time selling her smoothies, but we have not seen any sign of her at all today." He asked, face growing concerned as he spoke. Summer thought to herself, she really /hasn't/ seen any sign of Moonlight recently, usually she would meet up with her for lunch during her break but she hasn't gotten any mail from her at all. "No...now that you mention it, I haven't really seen her around or heard of her...is that why you came all the way here? To look for her?" "Yes, we were busy lecturing Winter over here, for stalking Moonie once again when the subject of Moonie in general came up and we got concerned. Do you have any idea where she might go at all? Has she expressed a need to be alone recently?" He asked, trying to find a reason for said disappearance. Summer shook her head as she landed, finally fully facing the trio. Winter back up a bit more behind Stone. Winter didn't really like Summer all that much, she's really scary to him. She usually glares at him when she catches him stalking Moonie or flirting with her. Summer noted that Moonie is also really close to a few other ponies: Pinkie, Maple and Synchronize. The trio decided that they should pay Maple a visit next. Summer agreed to spread the word about Moonies disappearance. They said their goodbyes and parted ways. "She seemed nice, didn't she?" Stone noted as they were trotting away to the address Summer gave them. "Yeah, she seems to have this warm aura about her! Like an inviting house with freshly baked cookies! No wonder Moonie spends so much time with her during breaks!" Pop rocks agreed, smiling. "She's...REALLY protective of Moonlight, I'll give her that.." Said Winter nervously, shuddering. The other two ponies laughed as they continued on with conversation. Stone smith had a unnerving feeling in his gut, however, about Moonies true whereabouts. He has a slight hunch something terrible is involved. He really hopes he's wrong. | Notes | Heyy....hey.. how y'all doin???? It's been a flaming hot minute since I've done some art on here, let alone main story art! So uuuh yeah !! Did the sketch for this last month but wanted to get this part done asap since its almost 2021 and i didnt wanna let anyone down with this one. Please let me know what you think of the writing, im hella tired right now and i really put my all into this part. I'm sorry if it takes me ages to get the next part out, January is gonna be a stressful month and christmas im not gonna be home for ages! I'll try to do journals to update yall but thats about as much as i can do rn! Btw Commissions still open (Not that anyones gonna be reading this far to find out lol).
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beatmyaudio · 4 years
Pimpin All Over The World Song Lyrics – Ludacris Featuring Bobby Valentino
Pimpin All Over The World Song Lyrics
Pimpin All Over The World Song Lyrics From Popular Hollywood Artist Ludacris Featuring Bobby Valentino from Album.
This song is sung by singer ” Ludacris Featuring Bobby Valentino ” in Year 2005.
Lyrics of Pimpin All Over The World :
oh yeahthe fancy cars the women and the caviar you know who we are cause were pimpin all over the world the fancy cars the women and the caviar you know who we are cause were pimpin all over the worldsing it hoes the world the world the worldall over the world baby its only right that i share my experiences with yall cause i been places youd never imagine but im gonna start at home when i see a girl i like i walk straight up to her and im like heyunh hey girl how ya doin you are the woman that im really pursuin and i would like to get to know you can you give me your name and if you jot down your number youll get mine in exchange heysee im the man in this town and i hope you wouldnt mind if i showed you around so when you go to certain places youll be thinkin of me we got people to meet and many places to see heymmm im really diggin your lips but be careful where you walkin when you swingin them hips im kinda concerned youll be causin a crash with your traffic jam booty heads pausin so fast heyi wouldnt trade you for the world i swear it i like your hair in every style that you wear it and how the colors coordinate with your clothes from your manicured nails to your pedicured toes hey whoo oh yeahthe fancy cars the women and the caviar you know who we are cause were pimpin all over the world the fancy cars the women and the caviar you know who we are cause were pimpin all over the worldyou hear the song so dance dont always think im tryin to get in your pants cause see me my pimpins in 3d im takin you places you only see on tv heytryin to show you how you livin is trite how many guys you know can bring the travel channel to life one day we on the autobahn swervin drivin next day we in the sun on the virgin islands heyif you wit me aint no time to sleep specially at wet willys on miami beach but ill drop you off and pay you no attention if i make to atlantas bronner brothers convention heythen jump in the car and just ride for hours makin sure i dont miss the homecoming at howards hawaii to dc theres plenty women to see so if your ass dont show up its more women for me hey oh yeahthe fancy cars the women and the caviar you know who we are cause were pimpin all over the world the fancy cars the women and the caviar you know who we are cause were pimpin all over the worldim in new york at the puerto rican day parade then at night im in new orleans drinkin hand grenades outnumbered by the dozens at the jazzfest then mardi gras all the women tryin to show me their chest heyim in jamaica spendin massive bucks while the ladies all beggin me to mash it up i had sad beginnings when i rapped with no fans now its all happy endings on my lap in japan heyi used to think that it was way too cold til i went to canada and saw some beautiful hoes now i hit the caribana every year in toronto then fly to illinois and get a taste of chicago heyunh oh yet and still you wouldnt believe your eyes if you went to brazil but where the best at aint no need in even askin bro the best women all reside in africa and thats real hey whoo oh yeahthe fancy cars the women and the caviar you know who we are cause were pimpin all over the world the fancy cars the women and the caviar you know who we are cause were pimpin all over the worldsing it hoes the world the world the world heypimpin pimpin pimpin ladies and gentlemen as we ride out could we have all the real pimps please put both your pinky fingers high in the airnow ladies look around with me lets see if we cant weed some of these niggas out cause it aint no way that all these niggas could be pimpinnow if happen to see a nigga with two sweat patches up under his arm look like he been swimmin in shoulder height water please tell that nigga put yo hands downif you smell like you been at work all day and drakkar please put your hands down now look up at the pinky fingers that are still in the airif you see em ashy around the knuckles like the nigga washed half his hands and lotioned three quarters of his body please say put yo hands downif youre spinning rims spin counter clockwise you are not pimpin if you are dancin on the dance floor and you look to your left and your right and there is not a woman in sight guess what you guessed it you are not pimpinif your vodka and cranberry is really really dark like blood thats because you didnt order vodka buddy and thats why its three dollars a glass oh put your hands downnow look down look down now i need i need everybody just to pull up your pants leg one time ok you see the nigga with the white socks not pimpin sorry unless youre part of the beat it entourageif your shoes have a buckle on em not pimpin
Pimpin All Over The World Song Lyrics
Youtube Channel Link
Lyrics, Edit, English, Hollywood, Ludacris Featuring Bobby Valentino, Pimpin All Over The World from WordPress https://ift.tt/3gbkpOd via IFTTT
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