ghosts-of-rishi · 15 days
Last Line Challenge
Thanks for the tags! @cacodaemonia @rooksunday @eclec-tech
A sketch straight out of limbo
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No pressure tags @zealfruity @sand-boxed @ominouspuff @arodatnak @omaano
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papanowo · 2 years
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i know clone troopers dont really become force ghosts when they die but like... what if they did
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chickentenderx · 6 months
oh no not my emotional support clone I only met today
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dangraccoon · 9 months
in an alternate universe, where Star Wars: The Clone Wars is first and foremost actually about the clones, there is a compilation video somewhere of various others saying "ehhcko" like Hevy does on Rishi
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Trying to find good quality screencaps for these guys was surprisingly difficult.
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writingmonet · 17 days
Fives Psychology, part one: heir of the Dominoes
Okay, this may be very, very long, I’m high in caffeine and my brain won’t shut up about this since yesterday. Is this necessary? Only for my sanity. Also, it doesn’t seem to have been written? This is a huge shock for me, considering how popular Fives is (and how underrated Echo criminally is). This is part one. Part two will focus on Rex, Tup, the chip and Echo's return Arc.
Let’s begin chronologically, with Clone Cadets.
SW's chronology is a mess but this episode can easily be placed in 21 BBY at the very early stages of the war. Fives is a member of Domino Squad.
What this episode learn us?
First, Fives closest brother is Echo (he’s his twin, fight me).
And that means a hell of things for us. As @dominosquadsupremacy as pointed out in her own analyze of the episode, Fives and Echo are the closest. Echo wants to change squads? Yeah, sure. But not without Fives. Fives want to change squads? No prob’s as long as Echo’s here. But for that, they have to convince General Shaak Ti.
And guess who speaks for advocating their cause? You guessed it. Not Fives. Fives is not the one talking when he and Echo request to learn of the squad. It’s Echo. It’s Echo who makes the points and Echo who answers Fives' questions when he has one.
Now, Echo does has a reputation of shyness among the fandom, to whom I agree to, toward strangers. Within his squad? Hell no. Echo is the one who calls Hevy on his behaviour. He is the one who engage himself in a physical fight with Hevy because he can’t stand being mock by his older brother. Echo has traits that Fives will display later, but for the current time he does not. Some may argue that this is because the writers didn’t had plan Fives to “die” as it was for Echo and has Hevy was already dead (since this episode is shortly before the infamous Cutadel Arc but was created after Rookies). And you’re probably right by pointing this. But it doesn’t dismiss my point. Quite the opposite I dare to say. Following the “death” of Echo, Fives in his own, was the one who changed of behaviour, encouraged by his closest brother’s death. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Let’s return to our Clone Cadets.
Something I forgot to add is Domino Squad's common ambition: being an ARC Trooper. They all want that, and this will be relevant in the episode ARC Trooper.
During the infamous (absolutely not foreshadowing) fail-test, Fives and Echo are together (as they already were in the beginning), Echo even making a joke at his brother (perhaps to light his mood) assuring him that he’s on his side. It’s a recurring theme among them, being at each other’s side. Wherever Fives go, Echo go. And vice-versa. Until the end of times (sorry, wrong universe.)
Anyway. When they decides to let Droidbait (DB) behind, injured, Fives and Echo are making the decision with Hevy. Cutup is the one staying behind (and does this imply that, if Cutup had survived he would have seen that Echo wasn’t dead? I may overthink it, but for the sake’s of tragedy, let’s say yes). When the test is stopped, F&E exchanges a look (and honestly, Colt was right to be mad at them).
After that, they don't reappear until the end where, Fives and Echo are again at each other's hips, and while Echo takes the Citadel first, he's shortly followed by Fives and the others who cheers.
To the first who tells me that Fives has NO display characteristic traits in this episode, I’ll ask him to rewatch the first 5 mins. Fives get mad at Echo. Since the beginning Fives tends to be angry in stressful situations (as they all are), even toward his twin. Later, more anecdotally but still, he calls on Cutup about his famous girl lie. Again, Fives (I think but this time it’s nearly impossible to be 100% right) is the one stopping Hevy from engaging in a second fight, against Bric (which he would have lost, let us be honest).
To summarises in a nutshell
Fives closest brother is Echo
Fives let Echo do the talking to advocate their opinions, their well-being and ambitions at General Shaak Ti where Fives appears more reserved in front of, more hesitant.
Echo answers Fives doubts and questions. Some might say he's Fives guiding voice.
Fives already has anger (like Hevy and Echo I say) but it's Echo who physically hit a brother
Echo always tries to lighten the mood, not only to Fives.
Being an ARC Trooper is Domino Squad's whole goal. That's what they want.
In addition, while Echo is mainly spoken bout here, the influence of the others, especially Hevy, cannot be denied on Fives. Hevy is the one who considers themselves as just a number when he clearly thinks of himself as an individual. Hevy does not let his brothers down, thanks to 99.
And speaking of Hevy, I present you the Rookies episode.
Now here, this episode is mark by 2 majors events
the appearance of Rex in Fives and Echo's life
The death of all Fives' brother except one
Let us talk about Hevy first. Hevy who dies in a very heroic (but avoidable) way, if only the device had worked properly. Hevy sacrificed himself. We do not have, unfortunately, Fives' reaction to his death, but to say that he was unaffected would be madness.
Because Hevy displays many traits that Fives will also later. They're both bold, impatient, and headstrong. They value their brothers above the republic. Hevy stayed in Kamino to not let down his Dominoes brothers, to ensure their success. He died to protect his brothers, both died doing their duties He also was a man of action, much like Fives.
Much like Hevy, DB and Cutup death has impacted Fives. To honour them he painted a Rishi Eel on his helmet, which he did not change.
Now I think the Rishi is a symbol that represents Domino as a whole. It was the first and only mission they ever did together. It was the last time they were together, free from Kamino's suffocating walls. It was also the place where Fives met Rex.
Rookies introduce us to Rex and Cody meeting the Dominoes. That is major. not only because Hevy, in a few hours, managed to make an ever-lasting impression on Rex, but because Rex decides to take Fives & Echo when he shouldn't have. That's right! Cody presents himself as their new boss. Not Rex. Now, perhaps Cody was simply the boss because he was the superior of Rex. But again, at the end of the day, Rex takes the twins and not Cody.
Fives is not extremely prominent in this episode, but even from day 1 hos closeness to Echo was here. Echo checks on him regularly. Fives do not mock him unlike Hevy & Cutup at the start of the episode (and as they did on Clone Cadets). Echo stops firing in a middle of a fight because Fives is touched, and Cody has to remind him to keep firing.
And, at the end of the day, it's the two of them together. They only have each other's left after Rishi and yet we already see the seeds of Fives changing.
Episode 3: ARC Troopers.
We learn and observe multiple things during this episode. Now, I'm going to analyze this deleted scene, who can still be considered as canon.
Fives is impatient to be an ARC Trooper. Frankly, I guess why. He's been in the 501st so long (we know that this episode happened in 21 BBY too but SW years seem to be longer than ours) and it's frustrating not being able to achieve what was his squad dream is (is: because Echo remains).
They have Hevy's name and iconic canon on their armour. They mourn him, like they mourn Cutup (when Fives tries to make a joke but Echo reminds him that it was Cutup who was good with the jocks, not him) and DB too (even the writers won't state it). Their meeting with 99 also taught them that Hevy let his medal to 99 (I headcanon that this medal is all that remains for Echo to his brothers, along with his and Fives' medals).
Defending Kamino is defending the place where them, as a squad, have grow up. They have no love for the Kaminoans (I mean, who has?) but they'll defend the place no matter what
99's death. Here we can see that it's Echo who reacts the most strongly to 99's death. Again, Echo seems to be the impulsive one, who tends to react strongly to emotions and events (hugging 99's in his arms, screaming his name shortly before that). Fives doesn't. He's growing impatient with his lack of evolution and clearly is ambitious and mourns his brothers but he's not as emotional as Echo can be toward 99's death.
At the end of the day, they are named ARC Troopers to which Echo's first reaction is surprise, while Fives' one is pride. They did it. They accomplished their squad dream: being the best of the best.
Now, it is time (as it always is in stories) to deconstruct all of that.
One simple method for that: Echo's death - Fives' closest brother and twin.
Now this essay lead me to the question of: was Echo's fake death always wanted? From what I understood (by comparing to other clones' deaths and Filoni's comments) it appears that yes.
That led me to the other question of why? Pure tragedy, like Filoni likes? Probably. Continuation of Fives legacy? It may have been the wish in TBB, and - writing-wise, this is my favourite option, although she's imperfect and would deserve a writing commentary on his own, I digress.
I'm gonna spare you all the details but Echo's death is a echo of Hevy one. Death for duty, duty for protecting his brother. As seen in the previous episode, Echo tends to react emotionally, harshly and strongly when one of his close brother is in danger. When he run toward the shuttle I bet that the only thing he was caring for was getting Fives outta here.
Wanna an anecdote? What is the common point between the Citadel Arc, Umbara Arc and TBB final in s3? Matt Michnovetz. He wrote those arcs. And, while Echo is never explainly mentioned in Umabara you can feel his ghost on Fives' changing character.
Fives did not take well Echo's death. I do not invent. First of all his reaction, is strikingly similar to Echo's one at 99's death (a violent scream of the name and, should he have time, he would have stayed with his brother but was forced to walk away). Fives pass the rest of the following episode looking behind him as if his twin could reappear and this was just one, big joke.
(I don't want to end up a wall decoration)
Now on Umbara. The episodes are complex so let us be focus. First there is this quote of rex who might appears as anecdotical but who bothers me.
Rex: good to have you back
Fives: just like old times
So this means that between the Citadel (s3) and Umbara (s4) Fives wasn't with the 501st, as Rex lieutenant? Like old times means that they were doing missions together with Echo, but they didn't for a while? Where was Fives all this time? Did he request to take missions solo? I do not know but this imply that, at some point, Fives was gone from Rex's sight and only came back for Umbara, and this seems to have been the first mission they were doing together just like old times.
Now, Fives has an extremely changed demeanour during the arc who reminds us of Hevy and Echo, and he clearly has some left-to-deal issues.
Fives spoken advocation for his brother's well-being - like Echo
Fives strong and commanding leadership - like Hevy
Fives fighting all authority and calling Rex - like hevy
Fives deciding that "screw up that, I'm outta here!" - much like Hevy improvised plan in front of a desperate situation in Clone cadets, in their final test.
Fives clearly struggling to not go physical with Pong Krell to defend Rex - unlike Echo here
His outbursts of emotions, anger and frustration, are very reminders of himself and Echo as well
His closeness to clones like Rex and Tup and Jesse and so on may come from a psychological need to always having someone on his side, like his twin. I'm not sure Fives knows how to remain without anyone on his side (but this is part 2 mostly, so I leave it here)
Then there's this quote:
Where's the honour in marching blindly to our deaths?
Fives saw DB, Hevy and Echo sacrificing themselves knowing that they had no chance to get out of this alive. They walked blindly to their deaths, and Fives never forgot that. If he can stop his brothers from doing so, he will. Pong Krell saw clones as disposable. Rex was too stuck in his commanding-book nature to react. Fives had enough. I think he threw the book and the rules (if he ever respected them) the moment Echo went out of his life. All his actions on Umbara are a mirror of his dominoes brothers and the consequence of Echo's death on his psychological mind. He's Fives ghost and this ghost will never be able to leave him in peace as long as his brothers are threatened and cast aside. Fives is done with commanding officers like Tarkin and Krell who don't care for his brother's lives ("he is the one who never realizes the cost").
An appreciable detail is the animation. On Umbara Fives look clearly exhausted, as if he hadn't slept for a long time. We can see the progress of the animation here and it's all more fantastic if we consider that, yes, Fives probably didn't have a single good night of sleep since his twin's death.
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Personally I only have a face like that when I didn't get my week of goodnight
Okay, this is long enough and I need to go. Don't hesitate to give me your arguments if you think I'm wrong, I would love to discuss it with you. Sorry if this is incomprehensive to you, I wrote that in like one hour and I'm too lazy to do a second lecture.
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rebekadjarin · 4 months
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The Clone Wars S3E1 - Domino Squad
Missing Fives hours...
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southern-stark · 1 year
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Saying goodbye on Anaxes
Another piece for my Hevy survives AU, this one being a lot more angsty compared to the last one I posted.
Hevy and Echo saying their goodbyes on Anaxes after Echo chooses to join the Bad Batch instead of remaining with Hevy, Rex, and the 501st.
(I’m planning on getting another commission made of Echo and Hevy seeing each other again after Echo leaves the Bad Batch to help Rex)
[Artwork done by Contextualthor on Instagram]
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Petition for Chancellor Palpatine to be arrested and restrained, and for all the clones to get to line up and take turns kicking him in the balls
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theblacktigrr · 1 month
"Look around-we're one and the same. Same heart, same blood"
Clones are more than just biological experiments. We learn this through the course of the Clone Wars. They care for each other, civilians, their Jedis, and even droids. They have fallen in love, started families, lead normal lives. The clone bar is always packed with soldiers trying to forget the war, trying to have fun, be people instead of experiments. There are so many horrifying missions they live through. The brain worms on Coruscant -- the Rishi Station -- Umbara -- Christophsis; they are feel the pain. They know when each brother dies, whether they're there when it happens or they hear about it in the mess hall 12 rotations later. The battle continues in their minds, when they are trying to sleep, examining strategies, trying to find what could've been done differently, how they could've saved lives. It's not by choice, it is in their programing. Sure they're a step up from droids, with some free thinking abilities. But since their birth they have been conditioned for war, rapid growth cycles aside: they are children, they just don't know it. The Nightmares. How many battles did it take before the average clone woke up in a cold sweat. How many pilots hands shook when they got in the cockpit, images of their brothers seared into the viewport. How long did it take for the constant battle to erode their humanity until they're no better than droids. Every clone knows The Nightmares. The failed missions, the weight of your brothers cold body in your arms. I can only imagine how the chip felt in their minds, could they feel it at all times, a tiny nagging in the back of their head saying "you can't be trusted, you're not in control." A sense of doom hanging over their heads, knowing their destined for greatness, an extermination. How did it feel, Tup, Fives, when they were free? When for just a moment, there was silence in their minds. Just a moment their thoughts were clear.
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My poor poor boys, suffering things the mind can't even comprehend. Anyways, I'm rewatching the clone wars if you didn't notice (:
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meridiansdominoes · 1 year
And.... we're back, everyone. Sorry for the wait! Thanks for your patience! This was a tricky chapter, but I hope you enjoy it regardless! I'm very proud of how it ended up turning out!
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lifeofclonewars · 8 months
Echo: Fives? Fives: Yeah? Echo: Let's say that it fell through. Now what? Fives: Part twenty, duh Echo: ...How did I forget about that? Fives: *shakes his head* At the next counter Echo: Okay, can you grab it for me? Fives: Do you want the other half, too? Echo: Of course Hevy: Don't forget the stash under the chairs Fives: Yeah, whatever, Hevy. Maybe *leaves* Nub: I'm confused. How did you understand that, Hevy? Hevy: Oh, I only got about 80% of that and it's mainly from experience. Good luck because I don't know how to translate
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papanowo · 2 years
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god damn this page kicked my ass
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fitgothgirl · 5 months
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Yayyyy I got back to the gym! And my rib was fine through all this, I was pleasantly surprised. I stuck to machines for almost everything so that helps. Only muscle group I really missed was my abs of course haha. Glad to know I can get back to working out! 🙌🏼💪🏼😁
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[on kamino, at 300 am]
Echo: We dream of the summertime during winter. We yearn for the winter during summer. What fatal flaw has god injected the human psyche with? Why must we always strive for the things furthest away from us?
Hevy, half asleep: Are you okay?
Echo: …
Echo: My feet are cold :(.
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legomocfodder · 5 months
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The Last Domino
Just wanted to make a small tribute to the last member of Domino Squad. Mainly this was an excuse to have a picture of Echo and the new Fives minifig, but I decided to get a little artsy with it
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