potatoeofwisdom · 8 months
Who could it be in your draw box? A mysterious person- that's who. Someone you would never be able guess.
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ray-winters · 4 months
we just wanna hear any hcs you have for our boy misch
Alright, y’all asked for it, buckle up:
Mischa makes most of his money from an apprenticeship he has at the only tattoo parlor in Uranium City. He gets paid a bit, and on top of that he gets free tattoos (which is where he got all of his from). Plus it keeps him out of the house and also pisses his very traditionally valued adoptive parents off. Win win.
My Mischa only has tattoos on his right arm bc I am left handed so HE is left handed- he does his own tattoos mostly. He was going to start a sleeve on his left arm after he got home from the fall fair.
Speaking of his tattoos; the first tattoo he gave himself was one that says “Bad Egg” w/devil horns and a devil tail. “Bad Egg” was something his adoptive dad would frequently call him, so it was his way of reclaiming the name for himself, and pissing off his adoptive parents bc they were viciously anti-tattoo
He has another tattoo of a crescent moon with a “ - T” next to it bc he asked Talia to draw him something to put on his body. She drew the moon because of the time difference between Kyiv & Uranium, any time she sees the moon she knows she’s going to hear from Mischa soon. So she began to associate Mischa with the moon.
My personal fav tattoo I gave Mischa is that stereotypical “S” where you draw 6 lines and connect them. This is brand fucking new to Mischa, he had never seen it before, and he thought it was dope af, so he tattooed it on himself immediately.
He has a tattoo of a pot leaf, but it’s not very good so everyone always thinks it’s a Canadian maple leaf. Which drives him up the wall.
Mischa has taken in a small black cat that would hang around the tattoo parlor and would occasionally follow him home. It lives with him in the basement, it comes and goes, and it is a well kept hidden secret.
Mischa hangs at Noel’s house…a lot. Noel’s mom lets him stay the night often bc she knows about his home life and thinks it’s disgraceful, so she takes care of him.
Mischa was class clown and relatively popular at his high school in Ukraine- which is the polar opposite of how he’s received at St. Cassian’s. People either are afraid of him, or they try to make fun of him, so either way he has found himself alone most of the time.
He’d never admit it, but Mischa does actually enjoy hanging with the kids in the choir. He gets to hang with his bestie, Noel. He admires Constance’s patience and kindness, he thinks she’s probably the best person in Uranium. While he and Ocean get on each other’s nerves, there’s a small part of him that secretly looks forward to their fights. But only a little bit. He doesn’t notice Ricky is there until after the accident, and then spends a large chunk of his time trying to rectify that by getting to know/encourage Ricky.
He and Noel became friends bc some of the boys who were trying to bully Mischa were also bullying Noel. When Mischa was about to start defending Noel, Noel ended up proving he can defend himself with his quick wit rather than fists. This is a trait that Mischa admires a lot, so they pretty much joined forces that day and they’ve been the dynamic duo of Uranium City ever since.
Mischa has pretty severe abandonment issues and it prone to panic attacks because of it. He’s more of a “suffer in silence” kind of guy, so it takes someone with patience and kindness like Constance to give him some tips on how to calm himself down. I.E. remembering a calming situation like “climbing back into your bed in the morning and feeling the heat left over from your body.”
Mischa had been kicked out of a few schools in Uranium, and his adoptive figures (they’re not really parents, barely guardians) gave him one last chance at St. Cassian’s. When he was caught stealing the communion wine, Father Marcus told him he HAD to join the choir and that he HAD to at the very least sing at the competition. Which is why he doesn’t do any choreo during the opening number.
Addendum- he does ONE move during the opening number. The finger wag on “oh no no” because Noel came up with that move, and after Ocean tried to cut it, Mischa said it was the only move he’d do even if it was cut. So he forced her to keep the move in via malicious compliance.
Over the course of the musical, there isn’t really a moment where he thinks he’s gonna win. His life wasn’t fair, why should his death be any different.
He thinks Jane is THE coolest and THE most metal thing he’s ever seen. After she finishes her number, his heart is effectively broken for her.
When Constance punches Ocean, Mischa doesn’t have the “FUCK YEAH” reaction that you’d expect. It’s actually met with some sadness. He’s always encouraging Constance to stick up for herself, and to not take Ocean’s shit. But, he respects that she has patience and kindness. When Constance punches Ocean, he almost sees it as a failure on his part.
The reason in my head why Mischa and Ocean feud so much is because they remind each other of one another’s parents. Ocean is the poster child of excellence in Uranium, Mischa’s adoptive parents have said more than once that they wish he could “be like that Ocean girl” - on the contrary, Ocean has caught Mischa smoking weed before. His incredibly radically liberal world view reminds her of her hippy parents. They get that anger out at them on each other. But at the end of the show, they both have a deeper respect for one another. Ocean for Mischa because she sees the real him, who is gentle & compassionate. Mischa for Ocean because she does the most selfless thing she could possibly do, which he respects infinitely.
I’m sure I have more but these are the HC’s that immediately came to mind. This is what makes Majestic Rep’s Mischa, Mischa.
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voidartisan · 8 months
It's a bit overdue, but, another semester has passed, and so I present
Incorrect Quotes from AJ's Real, Actual Life
Aayla: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring three objects, what would you bring? Quinlan: One 500 lb. block of uranium. No further questions. Anakin: DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE FISH LADIES????? Obi-Wan: ... Obi-Wan: ...elaborate. Padme: I may or may not have had a crush on a literal otter, but in my defense, he had a Scottish accent. Obi-Wan: Actually, I think I have one of those fold-out seats in the back. Ahsoka: Well you could have told us that BEFORE we stuffed Rex in the trunk Fives: He was an interm--- intermur--- intermule-- Echo: Intermural? Fives: Amen. Jesse: Hallelujah, praise the Lord--- Obi-Wan: I'm going to get some ibuprofen. Anyone else? I've got the good stuff. Fives: Shaak Ti is my favorite council member. I can't wait for her to die so they can name something in the Temple after her. Echo: Rex: *attempting to suppress laughter* Fives: Wait that come out wrong--- bby!Aayla: *crying* Quinlan: Que pasa, Mufasa? Jesse: I volunteered Fives for latrine duty. Echo: Dang. That's messed up. Echo: I also volunteer Fives for latrine duty Kit Fisto: He doesn't deserve this. Mace is the mitochondria of the Order Jesse: I'd better be getting paid for this. Jesse: I want... two mung beans Jesse: Never had a mung bean Anakin: I'm an idiot, not stupid Kanan, addressing the Ghost crew: If you would like, you may drizzle some of my queso on your tacos. However, if you steal all of it, I will ugly cry in your room for the rest of the night. Fox, sighing: Will someone teach our favorite dingbat to sleep on a blanket? Thorn: I sleep on blankets all the time! >:( Fox: I was talking about Grizzer. Thorn: Oh. Hound: I also assumed you were referring to Thorn Rex, looking Jesse dead in the eyes: Get. Thee. Hence.
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Rottmnt Masterpost
Here's a list of all my different things. I've realized I have a lot of stuff that kind of gets lost in the shuffle of everything.
#non turtle art and #reblogging myself are where you can find my other art.
Also, I do have a RedBubble shop in case you're interested!
Family Connection AU
This my own au of what happens after the events of the movie. It's only been a few days following the invasion and everyone still has a ways to go to recovery. During this time Mikey starts being able to see and communicate with the Hamato ghosts of Casey Jr's future timeline versions of themselves.
Flares Bonus
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Part 1
Chapter 2: Part 2
Chapter 2: Part 3
Future Leo and other sillies
Future Donnie Design
Future Donnie Updated Design (2024)
Mikey's initial response to the ghosts
Future Donnie finds out about the Present Donnie becoming a spaceship
Baby Casey Jr Things
(I feel all my bad future stuff belongs with my au)
Get Dadded Leo
Get Dadded Leo Bonus
Baby and Uncles 1, 2, 3
Redraw of Baby and Uncles
He Tiny
Death of Cassandra Jones
Mama Casey
Future Donnie (Uncle Tello) doodles 1, 2
Squish the (face) Baby Cheeks
April Fool's Day
Chaotic Uncle Donnie
The future kiddies
Asks involving future versions
Donnie has been given Uranium
Donnie was given Uranium: The Sequel
Donnie being bribed for a hug
Donnie possibly stealing nuclear launch codes
Meow meow meow
Other People's AU
Cass' Apocalyptic Series
Baby Mutant Casey
Between the Raindrops Animatic
Emotional Damage Crit Shot
Peepaw Multiverse
Freshly Tramatized
Peepaws Get Wrecked
thegunnsara's future Mikey design
burgersaucee's adventuring in babysitting, but it's the apocalypse
Mutant Mayhem x Rise
The whole fam meeting their Rise counterparts
One Shot Comics
Who's Older (Disaster Twins)
Watch Your Language (Brains and Brawn Duo)
Donnie's Social Tolerance (Brains and Brawn Duo)
What If Mikey Just Picked Raph Up? (Sunset Duo)
Raise Your Standards, Leo! (Baja Blast Duo)
Don't Mess With Mikey(Smarts and Crafts Duo)
Raph Knows (Raph Centric featuring Draxum)
Raph Meets Princess Peach
That's Not How Food Allergies Work (Raph Leo Duo)
Everything Else (I think)
#color palette challenge
Baby Raph AU
Local turtle Dad and his teenage self
In your fit art challenge
First sketchbook doodles
They share a voice actor
Find the Keyblade
Shadows tutorial
Yoshi/Lou/Splinter "I was today years old when I became a father" Jitsu/Hamato: 1, 2
Volatile Raph
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winchesterandpie · 2 years
Commander Seresin
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x wife!reader
Word Count: 1446
Warnings: sooo self indulgent, insecure reader, feeling inadequate, sweet Jake, lead in to some spiciness at the end, but nothing actually happens
A/N: Do you ever change your tumblr profile pic and then when you're scrolling through your dash, you don't realize it's you? Just me? Ok. Anyways, as you may have guessed from some of my other fics, I have problems with insecurities, so I wrote some Jake being soft and comforting. Enjoy!
You watched Jake glide easily around the pool table, laughing with his fellow aviators. As they’d been kept together at North Island following the uranium mission, he had mellowed out significantly. Now, the snarky comments were more intended in good fun, less sharp. He was still the same man he had always been, just better at sharing pieces of himself, and it had won him solid friendships with the Dagger Squad.
He had gotten a promotion too, one that would be officially presented tomorrow. Lieutenant Commander Seresin. It had a nice ring to it. Though it was also true that you thought your husband’s name generally had a nice ring to it.
Tonight, everyone was celebrating. You had been in an equally celebratory mood mere moments ago, incredibly proud of your husband. Then, when you stepped away to get drink refills for everyone, stepped outside the conversation, it all settled in.
At first, it was fond--an affectionate recollection of everything your husband had accomplished in his career. Then, as the tally of his merits and achievements piled ever higher, you started to wonder what he saw in you. Your own pile of accomplishments felt so small in comparison as to not be worth mentioning.
Even when you had just met, Jake had already flown important missions and graduated from Top Gun. He had only continued to accumulate achievements, while you had… just sort of existed. You were living your life, sure, but you didn’t feel that your life was anything particularly remarkable. Certainly not like his.
You knew Jake saw the slow fall of your smile between knocking stripes into the table’s pockets. To anyone else, it likely would have gone unnoticed, but to Jake, you were an open book. He flashed a wickedly triumphant grin at Javy when he sank the final ball, then excused himself from the tournament. He made his way over to you, pressing a kiss to your forehead in greeting.
“Tired, sweets?” he asked, pulling the smile back to your face. He knew being around so many people, even friends, could be draining for you. Even though that wasn’t the cause of your gloom, it made you feel warm to know he looked out for you. “We can head out for the night if you’re done.”
“Tonight’s about you, sunshine. I can’t very well steal the guest of honor.” You would feel bad if he left the celebration because of you.
“I’ve always been all yours.” The unsaid message there was that he didn’t care about the party. “Ready to go?”
You hesitated for a moment, wavering under his gentle gaze. Finally, you nodded, dropping your head to his shoulder in something akin to defeat. Jake’s arm slid around you, holding you securely to him as he shielded you from view. He gave you as much privacy as he could in the crowded bar. After a moment and a deep breath, you nodded again and pushed yourself off the stool.
He kept you tucked close, waving a quick goodbye to the other pilots as the two of you made your way out of the Hard Deck to his truck. Jake smiled softly at you as he opened the car door and helped you into the seat. After climbing into the driver’s seat and pulling out of the parking lot, he took your hand and he didn’t let go. 
You tried to focus on the feeling of his fingers between yours rather than the thoughts swirling around your head. You didn’t want this night or this promotion to be about you. You knew he loved you. He told you so frequently and showed it even more. You knew, consciously, that he didn’t care about comparing your accomplishments to his, that it didn’t factor even remotely into his love. So, you tried desperately to silence your doubts and push them from your mind.
When you pulled into your driveway, he brought your hand to his lips before letting you go. Often, you would get out of the car yourself and meet him at the front of it, but today, you took the extra time in an attempt to compose yourself. Jake came around to your side, opening the door slowly.
“You okay?” he asked quietly, his green eyes fixed on you. He knew you weren’t, but he also knew that you would come to him in your own time.
And that time was not yet. You just nodded in response to his question, took his offered hand, and let him lead you into the house.
It wasn’t until you were in bed lying on his chest that you finally resigned yourself to telling him. You had been unable to quiet your mind on your own. Ultimately, you knew only he could calm the storm, so you reluctantly spoke up.
“Jake, you…” you started hesitantly, trailing your fingers up his chest. “You are so amazing. You’ve accomplished so many incredible things, and I am so proud of you.” You did mean that, despite everything.
“Thank you,” he replied, kissing your forehead. “I couldn’t do it without you.”
“You’d do just fine,” you snorted a derisive laugh. “You never needed me to be great.”
He let the quiet settle over you for a moment, his fingers trailing up and down along your spine. “What’s this about, pretty girl?” Jake asked at last, deciding that you needed a nudge to open up.
You sighed, your shoulders drooping in his hold. “What do you see in me?”
“I see my wife, the woman I love,” was his easy answer, given with a smile before he watched you more seriously. “What are you asking?”
“You have done so many impressive things, love. The life you lead is so exciting and you’ve accomplished so, so much. I just feel… boring in comparison,” you admitted. “I haven’t done anything particularly cool or noteworthy, and you just keep racking up achievements and commendations.
“And don’t get me wrong,” you continued hurriedly, not wanting him to misinterpret, “I love you so much and I know how hard you work. I am so proud of everything you do. I’m… I’m really sorry this is happening today, I really wanted to just be happy for you. I am happy for you, I promise.”
“Hey, it’s okay. I know,” he reassured softly, his free hand coming up to caress your cheek and tilt your chin up. “I know.” Once he was confident that you didn’t feel like you had to apologize for your feelings, he continued, his gaze never wavering from yours. “You are so not boring. Darlin’, the things you do may not come with the visible rewards and medals, but that doesn’t make them any less worthwhile.”
“No buts. Your accomplishments are just as big as mine.” He nudged your nose with his. “Since we met, you have done so much and grown so much. I am so proud of everything you’re becoming. I should tell you that more often.”
The last thing you wanted was for him to feel like he wasn’t doing enough for you. “No, Jake, you don’t--” 
“I should. I will,” he insisted quietly. “I want you to see how amazing you are.”
“You’re always wonderful to me. It’s not your fault my brain is dumb.”
“It’s no one’s fault,” Jake said with a shrug, taking hold of your hand and fiddling with your ring. “I just happen to love you, and I very much enjoy showing you just how much.” His voice roughened at the end, dropping into a familiar low register.
You giggled when he rolled the two of you over, pinning you beneath him as the tension finally seeped out of you. He always seemed to know how to bring you back to yourself. Jake beamed down at you as you laughed, propped up on his elbow. You reached up to trace the side of his face and the smile softened, just a touch.
Then you pushed yourself up so you could kiss him. He kissed you back fiercely, fanning a flame that always burned within you. When he pulled back, it was only for a moment, and then he dipped down to kiss his way down your neck and across your collarbones. Your fingers wound through his hair as your back arched up into him.
“Jake,” you groaned, utterly breathless. No matter how many years you had spent together, he could always take you apart so effortlessly.
He returned to your lips, murmuring your name in the same tone. “Let me love you tonight, baby.”
“Your wish is my command, Commander Seresin.” You winked at him
“Y’know, I’m liking that promotion more and more.”
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cactus-flowerstuff · 5 months
gege is cooking with fucking uranium I swear. I love writing. Writing and storytelling is a huge passion of mine. I haven't seen anyone talk about this- so I'm going to.
Choso's death was weak, unwarranted, just done for the fuck of it, and objectively stupid from a writing standpoint.
Let me explain. During the entire culling game ark, Choso and Yuki are given a deep and understanding development. Choso realizes that he himself can live as a human. He's allowed to be selfish. Not only that but Yuki sacrificed herself for him to be selfish and live as a human. He mourns his brothers yes, but he lives with them in his body- in his soul. So he chooses to live his life as a human for them because they never got to do so.
So why. The fuck. Did you kill him when that development HAS NOT CONCLUDED?
He never got to LIVE as a human. A few weeks/months is not fucking enough time gege. And the panel of him being like "150 years was only a few days to Yuji" makes no sense because that means Choso was still living as a curse. Not a human. Not to mention he spent most of that time training. Also his death was just "me protect brother". Which is cool and all but it completely destroys his development. A better way to go out would be to probably fight Sukuna not only for his brothers but also for the betterment of humanity (if he got to experience it). But no. We get a sudden, lack luster death that means NOTHING. Especially since Yuji has had what? 10 CATALYSTS?! It makes. No. SENSE. You spend chapters upon chapters developing him- only to give him a death that only ties back to the most basic thing we know about him. And that is "I love my brothers."
What a dog shit way to develop a character only to kill them. And I know why gege did it. It was because Choso's the only mf left that would have an impactful death because no one gives a shit about Miguel. Hell, I think Maki would have been better because her ARC IS DONE. ITS CONCLUDED. IT WOULD HAVE BEEN GREAT TO HAVE HER AND SUKUNA DO A FINAL CLASH- TAKING EACH OTHER OUT. BUT NO. NO. WE GOTTA KILL THE GUY THAT HAS NO CONNECTIONS OTHER TO YUJI.
Actual dog shit writing.
I'm dropping jjk. Message me when one of three things happen
1) uraume gets to be the villian
2) merger happens
3) Zoro one piece comes in to kill Sukuna
Okay so Choso was actually killed for shock value. Cool to know. Because if Todo can fucking swap multiple targets why TF did he do everyone EXCEPT Choso. And I don't wanna hear no "He didn't make it in time". This is fucking Todo. Legit Choso was killed for shock value and everyone is fine. And guess what? Choso is going to give up his life for nothing because Gojo is going to steal the spot light and he will be a worthless death. This is just fucking ridiculous. What dog shit. Writing was good at the start and I honestly liked the culling game but these later chapters are dog dookie.
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amostexcellentblog · 1 year
The Hangman's Guide to Winning Over Your Disapproving Admiral-In-Law
Step 3: Never, Ever, Let Him See You Cry
(Part 1 and Part 2)
Maverick: ...and the doctor says it's a miracle he survived at all. Jesus, it should've been me. The Darkstar was my project, I was the test pilot for all the earlier models, but I wanted him there with me, and I wanted to show that I trusted him.
Iceman: He chose this life, he knew the risks. We have to accept that Mav... But damnit it's easier said than done.
Hangman: *Shouts getting louder as he approaches* Rooster! ROOSTER! *Stops in the doorway, out of breath, still in a flight suit* Oh, Bradley... *Walks to his bedside* What.. Is he... Will he be okay?
Maverick: It's hard to say. The doctors say they've done all they can do, at this point it's largely psychological. If the spirit is willing he'll wake up within the next few days and he'll survive, get better and live out his life. But if he doesn't wake up then his body will start to shut down and eventually... They say the odds are 50/50, but I don't know.
Iceman: The thing is, even if he wakes up the doctors are sure he'll never walk again. Everything he's ever wanted, gone just like that, his career as a pilot, the navy, his engagement. How could he possibly want to wake up to all that?
Hangman: Engagement? What, you think he won't want me anymore just because he can't walk? Well tough luck Bradshaw because I ain't goin' nowhere! You tried to get out of this before during the uranium mission and I put a stop to it then too. You're never getting rid of me Bradshaw! Even if I have to steal your wheelchair and tie you to the bed! *Wipes the first tears from his eyes*
Hangman: Speaking of beds, remember we were looking at houses and I wanted that 5th floor walkup because you could see the ocean, but you wanted that 1-story bungalow because it had a yard? Well I guess you went and made that decision for me, you sneaky son of a bitch! But if you wake up, I'll forgive you. I'll even build you a ramp to the front door, and a deck out back so you can sit and enjoy that backyard you wanted so much. Course, I'll have to learn about carpentry and power tools first, but how hard can it be?
Hangman: Hmm... What else can I bribe you with? Ooh, if you wake up we'll have a fun new role playing opportunity. We can pretend we're in Coming Home and you'll be Jon Voight and I'll be Jane Fonda. Unless you wanted to try it the other way, but I don't know how well that will work... *Choked sob*
Hangman: I'm runnin' out of things to say here, Bradley. I guess the real reason you need to wake up is that I love you. I love those hick shirts you wear and the way you always have them buttoned wrong. Look like a giraffe, and I love you. I love how you can only play three songs on the piano, one of which is chopsticks, but whenever you see one you swagger over to it like you're Mozart, and I love the way you blush right up over your ears. I love you because you don't know how to kiss, always shoving your tongue down my throat like you have to map every inch of it because this might be your last chance. You jerk!
Hangman: I love you. Please wake up. I love the life we've had together, but I'm a selfish prick who wants more. Please wake up. I'll love the future life we'll make together and I promise I'll do everything I can to make you love it too... Please wake up Bradley... Please... I love you... Plea... *Breaks down in tears*
Iceman: Jake, my bubbe, when she was married back in Poland she wore a lace veil she'd commissioned from the finest lacemaker in Paris. When the war came and they had to sell everything they had to raise the funds to get out of the country, it was the only thing she kept from her old life. When her son got married, she gave it to my mother to wear as a welcome-to-the-family present. For our wedding, Maverick wore it wrapped around his arm. When you and Bradley get married, I'd like you to wear it.
Hangman: Thank you sir, I'd be honored.
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sunsetsandsunshine · 2 years
~ Ticklish Hands ~ 
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THIS FIC IS A GIFT TO THE WONDERFUL @rottmnt-supremacist
Ler: April👩🏾‍🦱💚
Lee: Raph🐢❤️
Warnings: None :)
Summary: Donnie, Leo and Mikey inform April on a little secret Raph has been keeping from her; chaos follows.
Raph was chilling in his bedroom, listening to music with his headphones on while snuggling his favorite squishmello: Mr. Stripes the Zebra. He was sitting criss-cross applesauce on his red fluffy carpet he put next to his bed a couple days ago.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the side of his curtains. He took off his headphones and put them on his desk. It was most likely one of his siblings…and to be completely honest, was scared for the reason why they would come into his room…not that they would do anything bad of course! It’s just his siblings always found a way to make they’re visits to his room…interesting.
If it was Leo, he probably wanted to show Raph yet another TikTok of the Lightskin Stare trend with Olaf from Frozen that Raph’s sworn he’s seen more times then he’s even breathed. If it was Mikey, he probably wanted to show him another recipe he made. Mikey was getting…creative in the kitchen and wanted to try some different flavors! Like his famous Pickle-Pizza-Chocolate Cake-Ice Cream wrap…sounds delicious, right? If it was Don, he probably was coming in with a 25-26 page slideshow on why Raph should allow him to steal the government's secret stash of uranium…
Don’t ask…
And if it’s April? She probably came in to trash-talk her classmates about how they were just “stuck up rich kids who can’t pull their heads out of their own asses.” Which Raph knows more than 89% of April’s classmates deserve that insult.
Has all those scenarios happened before or is Raph being oddly specific?
Take a guess.
“Come in!” Raph exclaimed, preparing himself for whoever walked into his room.
“Hi Raphie! Your brothers told you your little secret…” April grinned as she went directly in front of Raph, sitting down. Raph cocked his head to the side in confusion. “Wait…what? What secret? Raph doesn’t keep secrets…” The snapper turtle said, putting his finger to his chin and wondering in thought. What secret? 
That time he ate all of Mikey’s leftover birthday cake? No…that couldn’t be it. He was caught red-handed by the birthday boy himself for that one. He has the bruises to prove it…
What about when he stole all of April’s nail polish for himself to try? Uh…no, couldn’t be that either. She actually found him in the bathroom trying to paint his nails with her light blue nail polish: Periwinkle. He knows that blue is Leo’s thing but he must admit he did look pretty good! But he does remember having more colors than periwinkle on his nails, and with April’s help he was able to have pretty nice nails. So that can’t be it.
The snapping turtle wondered, what in the actual shell did my brothers tell her? Because if he himself can’t even remember what kinds of secrets he’s told his brothers who knows what they told his elder sister. And judging by that Cheshire grin April had plastered on her face, it was something really funny he did or really embarrassing. 
“What did they tell you?” Raph gulped, fiddling with his fingers in his lap. April innocently smiled, cracking her knuckles. “Give me your hand.” April said, reaching out to Raph with one of her hands as if she was grabbing something. The snapping turtle hesitantly put one of his hands in hers as she turned it upward so his palm was facing the ceiling.
“Tell me, Raph. Do your hands happen to be ticklish?” April asked, not even waiting for an answer before she scribbled her fingers over Raph’s palm.
Raph was SO going to get them for this later…
“Pfft- Ahahaprihil!” Raph giggled, curling his fingers inside of his palm but only was able to curl them midway as April gently pulled back his fingers, not letting them curl. Raph came out of his sitting position and started squirming; lightly kicking his feet and squirming from left to right. “Stop squirming, Raph. I need to see if this tickles!” April demanded.
“Ihihit dohohoes tihihickle!” Raph yelled, covering his face with his free palm blushing a bit because- really?! Why did she think Raph was a giggling mess right now lightly kicking his feet at her feather-like touch across his palms? 
April then lightly started tracing over Raph’s wrist, causing the snapping turtle to throw his head back and cackle, kicking his legs on the floor trying to get his hand out of April’s grip. “AhahaHAPRIL! PleHEASE!” Raph cried, falling down on his shell due to how much he was laughing which gave April an opportunity to climb on him and scratch her fingers along his sides. 
Raph clamped his hands over his mouth, not wanting to get April satisfied about his reactions to her tickly touches. His sides weren’t even that ticklish! He’s fine. Pfft, tickling? What’s tickling? It doesn’t tickle at all  he’s fine-
April lightly grazed a finger on his shoulders, causing the red banded turtle to let out a girly scream, descending into laughter. 
Well, fuck. 
“There we go~! There’s my laughy Raphie!” April teased, now scribbling back to Raph’s sides. The snapper mentally cursed himself for even letting himself let his underarms be exposed in a situation like this. Because- it’s April. Not that he would openly admit it but she was probably the best tickler of the family. I mean- Look how much he’s laughing right now!
April started slowly moving up and down Raph’s side; only tickling him with her pointer finger on the both of her hands. “AHAHAPRIL NAHAHO WAHAIT!” Raph squealed, trying to push April’s fingers away from his ribs.
“What are you getting so worked up about, hmm big guy? Oho, you didn’t think I was gonna go…there, did you?” April teased playfully, poking near but nowhere close to Raph’s underarms as the turtle let out loud shrieks at the poking. 
“Stop squirming, buddy~! You’re making it really hard to tickle your good spots~!” April smiled, but the tease only worsened the squirming. 
“AhaHaPRIL! IHIT TIHIHICKLES! ReeReEhEEheE! PLeheHEASE!” Raph laughed, shaking his head and kicking his feet lightly, trying to get out from April’s hold. April smiled at the childhood nickname Raph said throughout his laughter, chuckling as the snapper turtles face started glowing a bright red. She hasn’t even been tickling him all that long!
“Stop squirming or I’m going to tickle your underarms.” April threatened which caused Raph to immediately stop thrashing and just laugh his heart out, weakly kicking his feet behind April here and there. “YOhohoHOUR’E tihihiHICKLING MEEHEE! Ihi caHAHAN’T hehelp ihit!” Raph whined as April only rolled her eyes in amusement. 
Suddenly, the second youngest of the Hamato Clan walked into the room, closing the curtain and walking to April, standing next to her, completely unbothered by his brother getting completely tortured by they’re older sister.
“Hey, April. Do you know where Mikey is? I wanted to show him this meme I found!” Leo giggled, rewatching whatever meme he had pulled up on his phone. “Oh! Mikey said that he was going to go to Baron’s place today, didn’t he tell you?” April said turning, her head to Leo but still tickling the sides of Raph’s ribs, switching between pokes and light scratching to keep him in stitches. 
“Ugh! No one ever tells me anything!” Leo groaned, turning his phone off and putting it in his sweatshirt pocket. “Thanks, I’m gonna go bother Dee. See you later, Riri!” Leo chirped, turning around to the exit. “Also, make sure to not kill Raphie over there, okay?” Leo chuckled, opening the curtain and leaving Raph’s room. “I won’t~!” April sang, kneading both of Raph’s thighs behind him.
Raph whined throughout his laughs as he kicked his feet and lightly pushed at April’s hands, trying to get April off of him. “NAhah! StAHAP! AHAHAPRIL!” 
“Raph, you literally tower over me, bud. You could EASILY stop me if you wanted to, but here we are~!” April teased, leaning in closer to give Raph a kiss on the cheek and scribbling her hands all over him tummy. “SHUHUT IHIHIT!” The snapper yelled, gripping his fingers on April’s wrists trying to ceases her tickle torture and then she suddenly…stopped?
“What did you just say…?” April asked, looking Raph dead in the eyes as she slowly started making her way up his sides. Then to his ribs. Now hovering over-
Oh no.
Oh. NO.
Raph couldn’t help but immediately start cackling as his sister's fingers hovered over his death spot: his underarms. He could feel the tingly sensations of her fingers slowly getting closer and closer. Raph tried kicking his feet, bucking her off, pushing her shoulders lightly but she did not move an inch. 
Oh…Raph was completely SCREWED. In the famous words of his second youngest brother: “Eugh boy…”
“AHAHA! WAHAIT WAHAIT WAHAHAIT! IHIHI’M SOHOHORRY!” Raph tried to reason. He wasn’t a scientist like Donnie but he’s pretty sure there’s a 99.9% chance that April’s going to go for his death spot no matter how many pleas he gives.
“Too little, too late, bud.”
April blew multiple raspberries on the right side of Raph’s neck, so much that he doesn’t even know how April isn’t out of breath yet while also tickling his underarms. But he couldn’t worry about that- he had to worry about not dying by the clutches of his big sister and her tickling hands. And ohmigosh did it tickle a whole lot…
And if things couldn’t get any worse, April started now randomly switching the sides of Raph’s neck where she was giving tickly kisses too; making the snapper scrunch his shoulders and shake his head. 
If you know Raph, you know for a FACT that he cannot STAND tickly kisses- it’s the actual death of him. He’s so used to roughhousing (he grew up with 3 little brothers, can you really blame him?) that he’s not used to these feather-like touches. Which makes it tickle so much f*cking more than it should.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” Raph cried, hands still holding wrists and she continued her tickle torture. “Please, what little brother?” April asked, before blowing raspberries on Raph’s tummy. “IHIHI DUHUHUNNO!” He screamed.
“AHAHAPRIL AHAHA! PLEHEASE! IHIHI’M SOHOHORRY! MEHEHERCY!” Raph cried, tears building up in his eyes. April got off Raph, knowing the safe-word and lying down next to him on the fuzzy carpet as he caught his breath. “You okay, big guy?” April asked, turning her head towards her little brother. “Ihi’m fihine, sis.” Raph giggled, as April rubbed the ghost tickles away. She then got up to get Raph a glass of water that was on his desk and gave it to him. “Thahahanks…” Raph chuckled as he drank the water
The two eldest suddenly heard a crash nearby presumably in Donnie’s lab, followed by some yelling and shrieking, and…whirring?
April sighed at the recus her other younger brothers were making, pinching the spot between her eyes as Raph erupted into laughter by his sister’s reaction. “We can’t leave those three alone for a second, can we?” April groaned, crossing her arms. “Yeah…” Raph sighed, standing up and taking April by the hand, helping her up. “Besides, I need to get revenge on them anyway for telling you I have ticklish hands anyway…” The snapper said, cracking his knuckles as April only chuckled at the statement.
“And don’t think you’re safe from Raph’s Revenge™, Riri” Raph grinned, poking April in the side causing her to squawk and squirm away from the touch. She glared at Raph before playfully shoving him as they exited his room. 
“Oho, I’d like to see you’d try, Raphie.”
——————————————————————— 📢❗️LEE RAPH! LEE RAPH! LEE RAPH! LEE RAPH❗️📢
As always, hope you all enjoyed!
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forgottendolly · 1 year
Since we finally have a (mostly) clear audio recording of a full Play To Win (replacement What The World Needs) from 2015, here are the lyrics! Corrections and help with the missing gaps welcome!
Daddy says:
“Oh daughter dear, you fill filled my heart with pride. Your words so pure, you’re (rather?) strong, The truth was by your side.”
Oh daddy dear,
They’ve cleaned my clock,
A zillion points, to none.
May I use the phone?
“Oh, pumpkin, you need to speak to one of your friends?”
No, im calling mom!
So I called mom and I told her the whole story!
“You did what?”
I spoke from my heart about the facts,
“incentive, if you do well at this debate, You can come live with me (me, me, me…)”
(Plot point!)
“Get the pen!”
And she told me something that goes a little something like,
It goes a little something like… this!
The art to win an argument,
Ain’t change much over time.
You read and rule your conflict first,
And then you change their mind.
If the judge looks like a hippie?
Your foe’s a right-wing nut!
If the judge seems like a holy hostile penecostal?
Then your foes a godless hedonistic slut!
Demonize your opponents,
with personal attacks.
Quote some fake authorities,
and unrelated facts!
Create a false dilema like ‘you’re with us or you ain’t!’
Ask the class a loaded question!
‘How can you say that Adolf Hitler was a saint?’
Oh, the tale of human history is ??? (Warranted ???)
(It works on a mob every time!)
This candy coated recipe,
A black and white morality.
(That’s how we like our slime! Mhh Mhh!)
The next day, at the school debate,
My moms advice applied.
We were like marine corps Stealing cookies from girl guides
The judge gave us a standing o’
“One kid broke down and cried.”
“And the winner of Uranium city debate, Miss”Rosenburg!
And that other girl!”
Yeah we won by a freakin landslide!
Look, I even got a trophy
“We got a trophy?”
Yeah, don’t touch it, you’ll break it.
In this world there’s just one sin,
Don’t play the game unless you play to win!
(You play to win!)
Why does my opposition feel the need to defend pedophiles?
(You play to win!)
And the winner is only, Miss Rosenberg!
(You play to win!)
I’m very upset, my brother just died!
“You don’t have a brother-“
Shut up!
(You play to win!)
(And we heard it here first folks ???)
Don’t tell me there’s a better use of your ambition,
Then to wipe the floor with all your competition!
Mommy dearest said there’s only one real mission!
Play to win!
Play to win!
Play to win!
Dad was there and so was mom,
for the national debate.
But where were my opponents?
They were half an hour late!
And then this kid rolls in with a wheelchair,
And begs us to forgive!
“He needed an emergency blood transfusion,
Turns out he only had three weeks left to live!”
“Debate topic:
‘Are human beings ultimately good?’”
(You play to win!)
Are you kidding me? He’s in a wheelchair.
(You play to win!)
“How are you gonna beat this guy, Ocean?”
Shut up, Constance.
(You play to win!)
What would Glenn Beck do?
(You play to win!)
Aw, and he’s blind too?
“And the opposition calls, miss Rosenberg!”
My heart began to flutter,
Tears welled in my eyes,
When I looked onto my father,
As he hung his head, and sighed.
And then I saw an Angel,
In blinding lights and sparks
With a hammer and a sickle.
It was a winged Karl Marx.
And he said:
‘Child, heaven is awesome!
And everything is free,
I’ve been palling round with Jesus.
Turns out, he’s a communist.
Just like me.’
And we got something to tell you!
(Tell us Comrade!)
And we got something to say to you!
(Say it Comrade!)
Do you wanna hear it?
Let me feel that Spirit!
Can I hear it two times?
(Yeah! Yeah!)
Let’s do this!
When you wrestle with poop
(Win or lose!)
Oh, listen to me child!
(Singing blues!)
It’s gonna get on your shoe
It’s gonna be defiled!
(Gon’ be defiled!)
When the game is over!
You’re knocking on heaven’s door!
It’s only your soul, and your soul alone, that’s keeping score
You wanna kick out the crutches from a 😕?
Push an old lady down the stairs!
Steal a piece of candy from a crying little baby?
As long as you’re winning, who cares?
Take out a kid in a wheelchair,
That’s the road to perdition.
Soon you’re gonna wind up a backstabbing,
ass grabbing,
Rubberneck politician.
When you wrestle with poop
(Win or lose!)
Oh listen to me, child!
(Singing blues!)
It’s gonna get on your shoe
(Win or lose)
It’s gonna be defiled!
(Gon’ be defiled!)
And when the game is over,
You’re knocking on Heavens door,
It’s only your soul, and your soul alone, that’s keeping score.
I said it’s only your soul alone,
That’s keeping score!
Oh yeah!
(Win or lose!)
Oh listen to me, Child!
(Singing blues!)
It’s gonna get on your shoe
(Win or lose)
It’s gonna be defiled!
(Gon’ be defiled!)
And when the game is over,
You’re knocking on Heavens door,
It’s your soul, your soul alone, that’s keeping score.
When you wrestle with poop
(Win or lose!)
Oh listen to me, child!
(Singing blues!)
It’s gonna get on your shoe
(Win or lose!)
It’s gonna be defiled!
(Gon’ be defiled!)
And when the game is over,
You’re knocking on Heavens door,
It’s your soul, your soul alone, that’s keeping score.
Who’s keeping score?
(Who’s keeping score?)
Who’s keeping score?
(Who’s keeping score?)
Who’s keeping score?
(Who’s keeping score?)
Who’s keeping score?
(Who’s keeping score?)
Who’s keeping score?
(Who’s keeping score?)
It’s only your soul, your soul alone, that’s keeping score!
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abreathingrock · 1 month
Hi it's me, the third (?) of three rtc fans with any knowledge of Irish hahah
I'm so interested in ur rtc oc so would u drop the lore?? I love seeing Irish people involved in the same fandoms as me bc let's face it most of us are bastards so it's kind of unusual
WOWOWOW HIII!! It so cool to see rtc fans with Irish knowledge, especially when they take interest in my oc (I love her so much)
Strap in, I have a lot
Grew up in a gaeltacht region in galway (like Connemara type) so shes fluent(ish) in irish (i literally wish so bad)
Her parents were STINKY and were super mean, like, abusive and shit, it wasnt great for my girl
Went to a #catholicallgirlschool so naturally was bullied asf so she REALLY wasnt having fun
Had one friend who is yet to be named and they hung out together all the time, did a bunch of stuff like pierced eachothers ears, got
tatoos, burned shit, mostly illegal stuff (this is how she got arrested)
Sam and her friend would always talk about running away to Canada, it was their dream, but before they could her friend had to move away to a bording school in Dublin
This affected Sam BAD and caused her to go into a horrible space mental health wise and ultimately caused her to run away
When she got to Canada, she had stolen and exchanged a bunch of her parents money (cus she doesnt care about them and hates them) and bought the absolute cheapest place she could. A two room (kitchen/living/bedroom + sperate bathroom) apartment in Uranium City
She enrolled herself in the local school in a very illegal and fake fashion and took a uniform from lost and found cus ofc she did
She stayed low mostly in school until she met a certain Ukrainian "bad boy", Mischa Bachinski and they became the besties ever
They did most of the stuff she did with her old friend, but this time she was having more fun and felt more free due to not living with her parents and not being in that stupid ass school
Her and Mischa bonded over missing their countries (despite the horribleness Sam faced there, she still misses Ireland a whole heap) and she is the only person who believed Talia is real
Sam ends up in choir because she helped Mischa steal the wine and they sit in the back on Mischa's phone playing games, texting Talia (when they could, yk, timezones), taking dumbass selfies, etc
Mischa helped her become herself a lot more and she loves him like a brother and will kill anyone who speaks against him or hurts him. They both agreed if they ever met eachothers parents it would be on fucking sight
Ocean fucking hates Sam. Cant stand her. She thinks its insane how little she cares about school and is dumbfounded by her punk ideologies (she cant wrap her around head it, shes a little silly <3) She rants to Constance about how she needs to care more and Constance just nods and pretends to listen meanwhile she's in awe of her bravery to be herself and get away from her home.
Noel ends up taking a liking to her because he talks to Mischa sometimes but they dont really interact.
Mischa thinks shes "madwickedawesome" and "the dopest person ever, yo!!" He is the only person who knows about her old friend and the fact she had bad parents, but barely knows the half of it. He encourages her to be who she is and Sam loves him so much, theyre so bestie I cant
Ricky wishes he could talk to her because he also thinks shes pretty cool, but obvously he cant :(( She talks to him sometimes, which he appreciates, but its mostly just complaining about Ocean being annoying in choir when she tells her to get off Mischa's phone
On the day of the accident, her and mischa wander off most of the time, going on some of the rides, but staying off somewhere else most of the time. They come back to ride the cyclone because everyone else is and they both agree rollercoasters are fun.
In the afterlife, she stays talking to Mischa mostly, but begins to talk to Noel and Ricky too.
Her and Ricky end up bonding over cats cus theh both love them, and she hypes him up like crazy after SABM with Mischa
She is infatuated with Jane Doe and thinks shes cool as fuck, even if shes also pretty creepy, and tries to talk to her sometimes
Her song is...something. it starts off with her refusing to sing and Karnak being like "you have to" and begins to force a song onto her. Its chaotic and not at all how Sam wants, being a bit like TSIA.
Sam eventually is like "fine, I'll sing, but Im doing it my way you fucking bitchass machine" and her song is about being conflicted with herself, loving being open about being punk and doing all her illegal stuff, but she loves writing and poetry, something shes never told anyone even Mischa. She sings about feeling like she's always been doomed to be unhappy, always be unsatisfied with her life and missing Ireland despite her horrible life there.
She opens up about her shit parents and her old friend and after her song Mischa gives her a big hug and its cute asf :c
She, after the song, becomes more like her true self and the other choir members are all like "dam shes fucking deep" which she enjoys quite a bit
She bullies tf outta Ocean the whole time, but during its not a game she holds her hand and smiles at her for like the first time ever
Sam also talks to Connie in the afterlife and tells her to drop Ocean etc
Her and Ocean are like siblings, Sam fucking hates Ocean but if someone is rude to her the next day that person shows up with a mysterious black eye
sorry I went on a bit lol
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keelt9 · 4 months
Chapter 6
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I lost my mind, that’s what probably everyone in the control room is thinking and I know that, however, it’s now or never.
“Skyhook, in position to begin.” I hear Hondo complain about how stupid this is.  
“Sky, please get back when they find out that…” He stops and I hear Cyclone speak. 
“Find out what?” 
They will push me out of the navy, I can feel it, it seems in my hands I have waterfalls and for a moment I feel cold all over my body.
“Sir, I’m in position for the test.” I can imagine him looking at Hondo with his mouth straight in a line as he walks to the console. 
“You’re what?” One more time Cyclone spoke but this time to me, I switched off the communication, so I can put the plane in position. 
“Ready in 3…2…1.” 
The test was a tough one, the same flight plan as the mission for the uranium plant, just with a little bit of twist; the G force mustn’t overpast 9.7.
Let’s be honest, it's too hard actually but I already got into this, besides, I’ll be dead if I don’t get this right, literally. 
“Dropping bombs.” In the middle of the lift, for a second everything turned black, when I recovered, just a little bit, I just heard Hondo screams. 
“BULL’S EYE!” I smile to myself, still knowing I have a punishment and reprimand waiting for me. 
When I get down, I see Hangman, Hondo and Cyclone standing in the hangar; the difference between Hangman and Hondo with Cyclone is that he has his arms crossed. 
Cyclone has bullets in his eyes. “Lieutenant, that was reckless, stupid and immature, you could kill yourself in there, actually in the circumstances of the test you die up there.” I see him straight to his eyes, the moment for becoming frightened has already passed. “There will be consequences and you know that.” 
<He’s going to kick me out of here.> It's the only thought I have. 
“150 pushups, and 20 laps to the runaway.” He says to be before turning away and walking inside the building, still he stops, I see the glimpse of a smile appear on his face. “That’s the Skyhook I've been looking for.” He points with his head. “You better begin before the runaway starts to crowd.”
I observed Jake and Hondo who had big smiles on their faces. “Let’s go Sky, this will be long.” Hondo says walking to the runaway unable to contain a giggle and Jake breathing in for the first time in more than a minute.
With the sun hiding that day, I finished with some mechanical tests. 
“Good job Sky.” The officer pats my shoulder pointing at the end of my day, I remain sitting under the plane just admiring the sunset. 
“I bet I’m in more trouble than I think, huh Riley?” This time I have a smile on my face. At the end of the week, wherever the result is, I fly like the old times, and if I fail, I’ll keep that memory. Me one more time in the sky.
I feel Cyclone eyes on me when I cross the main entrance before I go, but I smile this time; I know at home one more scolding is waiting for me, so better rush it. 
Like I expected, my father is waiting for me in his office. My mother whispers  to me in the entrance, she doesn't even know if he is angry or happy. 
“What did you do this time Y/N?” She asked me for the last time in front of my father's office; at that moment he opened the door and answered for me. 
“She stole a navy airplane.” I scrunch my nose and lower my head. 
“She what?!” Was the last thing we heard before he closed the door with me inside.
“Well…” Jesus, like when I got in trouble in high school, he walks slowly to be in front of me, hands in his back.
“No one will let me fly in a while, no after the mess I made the first time, and I just have this week to show them that I can be in the air one more time.” He didn’t say anything. “I know what I did is wrong, dad, and actually is pretty stupid but…I don’t have time.” He looks so terrifyingly quiet. “I apologize for stealing it, but I’m not apologizing for my way of flying.” He took a deep breath. 
“You’re lucky to be so good.” And with those words, he smiles a little. “Even though you have a punishment here too.” He walks to the other side of his desk, searching between all his papers.
I knew it, he smiled and threw me the keys to the garage. “I think the house needs a good paint coat.” 
“All the house?” My eyes wide open begging for mercy. 
“Even the fence.”
The last week is killing my neurons, and it is easy to notice. The tests became harder and harder, but this time I’m determined to end this month with my head up high, whatever the result is, and everyone knows that.
“Tomorrow is the last day kiddo.” Jake says while I remove the helmet from my head. “Try to rest a little bit, ok?” I smile at him and nod, before he enters to change his clothes. “See ya.” 
I hear the voices of Phoenix and Rooster walking to the hangar; since he saw me the last time on the beach, I’ve been avoiding him, why? Because I feel embarrasses not for, he sees me cry, because I treat him like an old friend, when is my superior.
I have no way out, so I walk… I try to walk with normality to the dressing room, but of course, Nat won’t let me go that easy.
“Hey, hey, hey.” Nat says and holds my arm. “Bangman is near to you and I’m a stranger?” I smiled at her. 
Nat points to Rooster with open eyes.“I get it from this boy, but me?” I laugh and hug Nat. 
“Sorry Nat, but I've been so busy that I hardly have time to breathe.” I split, all the time avoiding Rooster eyes. “But I hear you have a deployment next week, that’s great!” That high note wasn’t necessarily because she looked at me with intrigue.
“Well, I hope to be here when your results are ready, right Rooster?” She looks at Bradley and I put all my efforts into not looking at him, thanks to heaven, Payback interven, claiming they are needed in another hangar. 
“What takes you so long?” He asks when he reaches us, I giggle and say goodbye to them.
Even though I try to deny it, my heart is beating so fast.
If Phoenix had guns in her eyes Payback would be dead as soon as his voice echoed in the hangar.
“Payback you’re dead meat.” Nat says walking where he was standing but before, she turns around. “And you, if you really like her at least you should say hi to her.” She takes a deep breath. “Remember Bradley, if she gets the approval, she won’t stay here too long, and God knows where they will send her.” 
After the beach my feelings intensified, Phoenix and Bob noticed right away, every day I can, I’ll watch her test from the control room but I never dared to appear in front of her after one of them.
Dad and mom will be laughing at me.
“Rooster, I’m talking seriously.” Nat warned the last time before going and killing Payback, getting more mad to roll my eyes at her.
“I know.” I whisper to myself. 
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Kinda need to get into my usual writing mode so have some more indulgent thoughts.
Bro Unintentional Murder is just floating around in the back of my mind lmao. Like that crackfic is so terrifying but such a work of art, I've never made something so beautiful in my life.
Tw: illness by drugging (not MC), this is lowkey cursed
Yandere Danielston III (Donnie) being jealous that you're spending time with his elder twin, Leovindus, as children; who slowly grows a hatred for his brother. Every night he would sneak bits of uranium into his food to poison him. Which ended in Leovindus transforming into a table from said radioactive effects.
And Danielston doesn't blink a single eye towards the illness, instead acting like a calm, collected person: eager to please his father in letting him have the throne.
Leovindus, constantly exhausted by the uranium, slowly loses the want of ruling and dreads the title's responsibilities. So, he passes the title of Crown Prince to Danielston, caving into the pressure. While the noble court is worried about the younger sibling to bare the burden of being the future king, Danielston is absolutely delighted.
He finally has the dream he's always wanted, living a life where your attention is directed towards him and not his idiot of a brother! Sure, it's bad that he's the reason why Leovindus (now Tableo) is sick, but he was always stealing you away! And not to mention how much of a bad influence he is.
He always lived in Tableo's shadow. It's time he takes something that he wants. It's fine to be selfish sometimes. What better way is there to not only take Leo out of the picture but also have you as the one by his side for the rest of eternity? Surely you can't deny a request from the king, right?
You love him, don't you?
"Hah! It's not like dear elder brother had a chance anyway! I am considerably more intelligent than him. Now stop crying now, my dearest, he's fine living the rest of his days as a table!"
(Idk if this is just a crackfic anymore-)
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r0semirages · 1 year
So. I made an RTC swap au!!
It started just with an idea of John Doe!Ricky that I had for a pretty long time, but recently I decided to turn it into something cooler, so I made this whole thing. Maybe I'll sketch their designs later (or at least make picrews of them), but idk how much time it will take. I haven't change some things, like the relationships between some characters, because I thought it wouldn't work very well. But, this isn't fully finished yet, so there's some moments that may be changed in the future.
I imagine this AU more like a play, than a musical and honestly I really don't think that it'll become something serious, cause I'm not that good at writing and creating full stories, so, at least at the moment, it's just for fun. Also, the designs are based on the 2016 cast, but feel free to make your own interpretations with your favorite cast. And maybe someday I'll make them too, we'll see. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy it!! (Pls excuse me if there are any mistakes, english isn't my first language, blah blah blah. Also there are a lot of spoilers for rtc, so if you plan to watch it — don't read further!)
So, first is Penny — the most imaginative girl in town. She's super silly, sometimes awkward and doesn't really have any friends because most people think she's weird. Penny often gets left out or bullied, and she uses escapism to cope with this + all the stuff with her parents, who she didn't get enough love from. Her fantasies is a bit different from the original Ricky's: they don't have a lore, she just makes up random stories to escape from reality and writes them out sometimes. She *definetely* writes fanfiction and probably posts it online. For some reason people find it cool, but no one in the choir knows about it. She's still a Seven-Up fan and she plays the ukulele (that will be used in the new birthday song for Ricky)
I changed her design just a bit, now she wears a lot of accessories, mostly pins (bc I headcanon the og Ricky having them) and it's mostly based on Emily Rohm's Penny, while her personality is more like legoland Penny's.
The next is Ocean — the angriest girl in town. Like the og Mischa, she hates her parents (but in this case they aren't adoptive) and their lifestyle, but instead of becoming the most succesful to prove that she's different from them, this Ocean just becomes a total mess and starts hating everyone. Idk if I will make her like shitty rap about money in autotune, but she definetely has a history of stealing stuff from stores, lol.
Design changes: messy hair; she doesn't have a headband and a tie, her shirt isn't fully buttoned up. She wears a sweater vest over it with a short skirt (a dress, actually).
Then we have Constance — the most succesful girl in town. She's a big nerd and spends a lot of her time studying because she wants to be the best. In general she behaves just like original Ocean and treats Noel like Ocean would treat her in the og musical (they're besties, but not really). She's pretty mean and very ambitious. This Constance doesn't have as much love for her town as the og one and she plans to move out (and become a premier minister of Canada, maybe :p) She's the one to make the final vote in this AU and of course she will choose John Doe/Ricky.
I haven't change a lot of things in the design, but her hair isn't dyed anymore, buns are down, she has a tie and maybe some hairpins. In general she looks a bit more tidy
Next one: Noel — the nicest boy in town. A complete opposite to the og Noel, he doesn't want to change anything in his life and enjoys living in Uranium. He's still super homosexual and has a big crush on Mischa, and, as I've said before he's "best friends" with Constance who treats him like shit and makes jokes about how he's never gonna breed👍🏻 /ref
He's really insecure about himself, but very friendly with everyone else (especially Mischa). He still enjoys all the french stuff, but you know, in a less... horny... way. And his mother is a baker and Noel often helps her in their cafe
He now has a short-sleeved shirt, round glasses and half of his hair is purple (it's also a bit more messy). In general I didn't change a lot in his design, but I made him such an UwU softie boy /j
Then, Mischa — the most romantic boy in town (ah yes, this one is for you, Mischa simps). He's still in love with Talia and his backstory is the same, but instead of becoming an angry rapper, he became a sad romantic guy, who dreams about moving to Ukraine with his (probably non-existing) internet fiancé. He just wants to be happy :(
Design changes: his clothes and hair aren't that messy anymore and he has a black jacket (like the one chance theatre Noel had). Also his nails are usually black or any other dark shade!!
And! Finally! My best creation yet — John Doe!Ricky. Perhaps, the rest of the choir doesn't remember him (well, in fact they do remember him, but it's a different theory and I don't want to bring it here) because he couldn't talk and no one really noticed him. The only person he was pretty close with was Penny, but still, they weren't even friends, they just standed close to each other while the choir was performing and both sat in the back of a rollercoaster when the accident happened. There will be a role-swapped version of the Savannah scene, but I don't know what name should I use instead of Savannah yet (if you have any ideas, please drop them in the comments!! I'll be very grateful)
When he gets choosen by Constance he'll came back to life as Ricky and yes, he WILL remain disabled because I'm a very big Ricky fan + a very big ableism hater, don't expect that shit from me👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 Also he will still have 14 cats because. Why not. I love cats.
The only thing that will change is the fact that he's a little happier now?? People around him treat him better and he doesn't have to fantasize about fucking cat-people from Zolar to be happy lol. Oh man I'm writing a bit too much about him sorry I just love this guy a lot. Bless his little heart
Finally, about his design: honestly he's just a yassified version of this picture /hj
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Okay, so he has a head stolen from some super swag dressed in a Bowie-like style doll that for some reason was in the warehouse. He has a big purple star around one of his eyes and some parts of his hair are also colorful (purple/blue/pink). His clothes isn't very different, but maybe I'll add some more accesories
Well, that's all atm. I will try my best to make some content for this and keep developing this idea and I really really hope you will like it!
Reblogs/comments/likes are VERY appreciated and again, if you have any recommendations for improving this au I'll be really glad to hear them or just any of your thoughts!!!
Ty for reading (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
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rexrevri · 1 month
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! :>
1. I have a 150 year old accordion that I bought from a flea market last year. It's in really good condition for playing and it resides on my shelf of antiques and uranium glass
2. I collect shot glasses from every US state I've been to, so far I have 42
3. I named my cat Garbage because he used to dig through the trash and steal anything and everything he could get his paws on. His government name is Sir Oscar Garbage-Man so the vet doesn't look at me too judgementally
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mattypattypinky · 10 months
🎀Vector Holiday Head Canon's🎀
He LOVES halloween,
most years he goes trick or treating. If he were to hand out candy I feel like if they knocked at his door he'd be like "Trick" and steal kids candy 😭😭😭
He'd love couples costumes. He'd do god awful ones, Like ketchup and mustard - or peanut butter and jelly, or Velma and someone else from the mystery gang. (He'd wanna be Velma. He'd wear the skirt and everything.)
Sometimes he has goofy halloween costumes but occasionally he'd use a actually scary costume. He'd scare kids for fun during halloween.
I feel like he'd dress up as other villains for halloween especially big ones he looks up too. (He dressed up as Megamind once and put on a bald cap and everything.)
He'd decorate the outside of his fortress and his living room depending on the holiday.
During christmas he'd have a ton of lights, and little yard decorations. He'd also decorate his security system depending on the holiday. His lasers have christmas hats on them. His lasers are red and green so if you get laser-ed to death it would be festive colors 🎊!!!
He'd have celebratory music in his yard and around his fortress, depending on what holiday it is. It'd be loud and obnoxious. Everytime a neighbor steps outside they can hear jingle bells or kidnap mr sandy claws or something depending on the holiday and time.
He's definitely the type to buy cookies on Christmas, NOT for Santa, but for himself. The girls would think he's buying cookies for Santa but he's not. Even if Santa was real he wouldn't share with the guy. He'd be like "suck on this Santa" while he's eating the cookies😭
He might have specific outfits for different holidays.
During halloween he'd decorate a lot of jack-O-lanterns because they're orange (They're on brand.) He carves his Logo into them.
He wouldn't really celebrate Easter that much, he'd probably just buy Easter candy or draw. "The day that christ rose? Why do I care about Jesus"
He does the same thing he does to Santa to Jesus on easter.
He'd celebrate Yule, - He'd decorate with dried oranges.
He'd probably call his dad each holiday to wish him a good one. He'd also send his dad card and his dad would send him a gift or enclose money in the envelope even though they're both rich and don't need too😭.
He'd create robotic reindeer that attach to his flight machine. They probably also play christmas music, or make jingling noises when it flies. 😭 either that or he'd make a whole working Santa Sleigh-
He'd cosplay the grinch.
I feel like during different holidays he might scheme up some villain plan according to it. Like halloween he could steal some big halloween thing or decorations or he could steal kids candies 😭
he'd steal a 9ft tall giant skeleton from every yard he can find.
He'd be a big fan of The Grinch he'd probably aspire to be like him. He'd think he's a real villain. or was a real villain- I mean he stole from an entire town. When he watches any grinch movie he stops right after he gets all the gifts as he doesn't wanna watch the reformation scenes.
He'd wanna go and get a picture with mall Santa's. He'd wanna go sit in their lap despite being a full adult. He'd give them a list of things he wants.
"Okay, so, for Christmas this year, I want a new nuclear reactor, because my old one broke. And I want two pounds of uranium."
He thinks Thanksgiving is a bogus holiday, but he will use it as an excuse to eat a lot of food. But he wouldn't cook any of it, he'd order a massive dinner from some fast food and eat it all in one night. He'd get an extreme stomach ache and make himself really sick😭
You walk into the room and hes sprawled out on the couch with one hand on his stomach complaining about how he can't move and that it hurts😭😭😭
he's such a baby-😭
and if you offer him a solution he'd whine "Nooooo"'s.
On Valentines Day he'd cry about not having a partner, calling it a bogus holiday and he'd use it as an excuse to eat alot of junk food. He'd watch a shark tale on Valentine's day......... 💀........... He'd also CRY to that movie. If he had a partner during Valentine's Day he'd make them watch it and he'd claim that Oscar and Angie are "So us" just ignoring the fact that Oscar nearly cheats on Angie TWICE 😭😭😭😭😞😞😞😞 He'd get a tummy ache from the chocolate.
He gets a stomach ache MOST holidays actually. They're a recipe for constipation. 😭😭😭😭 He complains for days afterwards.
He never learns😍😭
Fathers Day he'd hang out with his dad the entire day, if a partner wanted to hang out with him during that day, he'd insist they bring their dad too. It'd be like a double dad date. Or he'd try to share his dad if you don't have a dad or don't like yours. "It's okay, you can have mine!!! Have you seen the size of my dad? He could be like three families dads." 😭 He doesn't even mean it in a rude way either.
This isn't a holiday but he doesn't strike me as a morning person, so I feel like he'd disregard Daylight Savings. The world will bend to his schedule, he's not going to change his sleep patterns or his schedule for it.
He'd celebrate Earth Day but only because he cares about Sea Life and Littering
He'd love to celebrate Shark Week
On New Years he vows some crazy shit. "New Year New Me, I'm gonna stop eating so much Junk" then within an hour, or the next morning he's already ate a whole bag of chips and a soda. And he'd cry about it, too. He'd cry very hard.
He'd have a vendetta against April Fools, he's scared of being pranked so he locks himself in his Fortress. He'd be paranoid around even his partner. It'd be so funny to see him be so suspicious. Squinting his eyes and shit at them. 😭😭😭 He's expecting something, every turn he's expecting. Everytime he sits down he checks for whoopie cushions, and he'd check his partners hand for buzzers, and he'd be so paranoid about everything😭.
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cloddot · 2 years
How the choir fit into Ghosts Au -
Every member of the choir died at age 17 after riding the cyclone, however they all died in completely different time periods 
.Constance was first to die with her falling victim to the cyclone in the early 60s -
.her family moved to uranium as the mines were starting up in the 50s, setting up shop running the Blackwood cafe in town 
 .she grew up with the town, being one of the first to ride the cyclone when the fair originally opened, instantly falling in love with the ride 
. She went to the fair a lot during her work breaks, with one of these breaks being when she eventually lost her life
.Ocean died next, with her death being in the mid to late 60s -
 .Her family moved to the outskirts of Uranium during the hippie boom with them being one of the original settlers at Elysium community farm 
 .she didnt get to leave the commune much after they moved if at all and she hated almost every second of being stuck there 
 .After finally biting the bullet and breaking a rule she snuck out of Elysium with her first adventure leading her to the fair, were she eventually rode the cyclone 
.Ricky died in the late 80s/ ealry 90s -
 .this is my au, I make the rules, I get to give them all the any pronoun trans fem swag I like :)
 .with their prognosis looking grim the local church his parents attended took pity on Ricky, offering her a make a wish sort of situation 
 .Her original idea got shot down almost immediately, with them having no way of being able to send her space, especially not for that. The churches plan B also fell flat due to him being banned from almost every seafood restaurant in Canada due to what can only be described as the SHRIMP HEAVEN NOW!!! incident. This led to the church being kinda lost for what to do with the lad, with them eventually just sending Ricky to the newly reopened fair with a chaperone in hand 
 .They took full advantage of the trip, using it to ride the Gravitron a total of 28 times back to back, pissing off their chaperone who insisted they go on something else, leading them to take a ride on the cyclone 
.Noel died in 2009 -
 .This boy is obsessed with Ryan Ross and Pete Wentz and you can not convince me otherwise 
 .I am so sorry Noel Gruber enjoyers but i currently have no clue how he ended up at the fair, if you have any ideas please send them over 
.Mischa died in 2016 -
 .After stealing three boxes of communion wine Father Marcus took Mischa under his wing in an attempt to keep him out of trouble 
 .Somehow He ends up finding out about BadEgg and Mishas passion for music and tries to get him to join the choir, with all his attempts failing miserably up until he manages to coax him into coming with them for the Kiwanis International singing competition 
 .Mischa skips the actual competition though using the time to talk to Talia 
 .Trying to make the most out of the trip he also decided to wander around the fair, eventually ending up taking a ride on the cyclone to see what all the fuss is about after hearing the multiple ghost stories that now surround the ride 
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